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LPN Deep Dives: Dune / Episode 3: The Baby Gods

2021-03-29 | 🔗

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In this episode, Henry and Holden continue down The Golden Path, as the story on Arrakis begins to unfold for Paul Atreides, who's "gifts" grant him the ability to see things from a whole new perspective, as he steps into the mantle of Muad'Dib.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Put your right hand in the box what's in the box stuff in the coming years, but you will die before his eyes and the boy you regarding our guide. We really do. We really command you ass. My fucking little drew the. You're, my guys. I've had what we're doing you're my place, to the right of your my sweet little rim, bumptious plaything that I say from a river today,
you know as I and a river because you were lost and you up in the middle of a river, and I had other. I tried to fjord However, this area not lost, namely a river oghee a little boy. I am Zog even exiles about river. My name's got emperor Franz Hermann useless pending told him. I really know Nora Unama useless appendage. Your might say I'm brained lizard turd, what a whole the Mcnally, that's a freshman girl. I've been caught a lot of things with words. I could never say on this by cutting its ends by us. Ten years say two things at all, but deserved each one statement the last time we left our heroes. They were being spit out of a storm into the desert. Now we're now covering essentially what is within dune. There are three books. We had a fun discussion and an actual total misunderstanding before the progress, because a couple,
a book three and then hold like war with our own children of due note up, but there are three books with in doing itself: there's nothin! Isn't that hilarious and fond everyone loves it took to buy what you just did that thing. One of my mom for doing where she describes things is funded, aren't fun always should we like? Oh that's, a fun. Pat or like that's a fun porch ornament, meanwhile, it's just, but it's a mermaid. It is normal that african states like what is the chicken is glass should ensure that I don't think you ve had fun in twenty years. Mom. I just wish your father would press me on one more rang, we realise that we are not alone labour that, while we are wise, does that area. Faggot old, Brito, prospectors I've made you swear. Tat was corporate lawyer, so book too
of doing is the Middle airy re, obviously metals between one and three, but we were seeing Europe because this oddly lines up with all of the awful reading I had to do for Alister Crowley for last. I guess not not awful, but I mean just mentally straining rate, very, very difficult, Riddick, yes at a part of what he talks about in labour for Lieber. Obviously he has this this statement, which I thought about it a number of times, which is everyone of the famous profit so like the two central profits of the biggest religions in the world's Mohammed Jesus, there's always a period of time where they talk about their boyhood and everybody knows they come from assert, type of boyhood like Mohammed was a prince Jesus whose fake was born in a manger like a story but humble beginnings: yes, but they always have a middle period where they go away and what you find out is that they go away. They come back the Buddha. The Buddha went off to be an aesthetic because he was also borne in royalty with everyone.
Revolvers monopolies in Ireland, israeli possessions to we can have that humble kind of, and then he found them in a way which is by the way bring a Buddhism is not out of seen here it s? Not a lot of rank Herbert Herbert Hip, there's element as they harbours can all spiders gloves. He was very inspired by ASEAN Buddhism, actually, which is the number one type of Buddhism that came to America. Naturally, my dad was really ASEAN is welcome. Light weaken Buddhism, not like a full shave. Your head go away Buddhism. Some people do that here and envy Buddhism. That is full of paradoxes, and I know this is your brown for bringing this up. early about, like the paradox is tantamount in do
cross ideas, things fighting against each other different versions of the same story, all playing against each other cunning all show you have all of these forces, all of them thinking they know. What's best for humankind, did I use the word tantamount correctly? I just realized. I don't even think I know what that means. I thought tantamount was a set of breast put on a wooden, I'm pretty sure. That's absurd book to is Paul in his trip of going away. You know, he's gonna go to the desert last time we found them. They made their way through this desert. Storm not the three day wore german. That watch on tv now I'm sorry diverse, desert storm, yes Desert Store, Yea operation does and then pull is now he made his way to what he said right before you went to the storm. Is it he had kind of like we thought you met with the gains saw all this shit in his mind, starting to understand, he's prescient. He goes into the desert storm. He shoots out of hasn't storm by writing a vortex up out of it as the firm and I've been doing some time. A more
the noise may, as you just got, really puts it simply is that when they land she said, oh, we actually just live the litany of fear. Like that's the purpose ability affair. We start to see it actually come to light, for she said they walked into the Bay something's. Really scared. They went all the way through it and when they turn around, the storm was gone now. We're here wherein look too and Paul the very beginning that I wanted to talk about this last episode, but I forgot Paul talks about two paths at the very beginning of book to allow is very interesting when even the word path is becomes much more important as the series absolutely, but he says there are two pats there's one where he joined up with Harkin's. He has his
in his head, where he's gonna go and give himself over the Harkin's join the families like that any generate always I want I am I do. I had been a gesture want yes, but then he also sees this other way, which is the way of the jihad, but he does not know what that means. Yet he sees this vision of the treaties flag, flying and an endless jihadi going, and he decides he realizes what he calls himself is a seat, and this is when we get the famous where he sits. There. He's like the sleeper has awoken because, he spoke in he's ready to go. He understands that seed is to use. Some of that again is getting pushed into the fuckin
that's none of it! Yes and he's going to form a theocracy. That's kind of one of the big think up a part of his scenarios that you're going to find out that is essentially going to create a fucking he's going to create a religious dictatorship with him at the very top of it. He sees it when he's a little kid first entering into the desert, because his jihad is very different in the Larry and Yod rank as if a leverage we had was a man verses, robots. We gotta get these robots out. It is I'm sick of globally could resist all these gonna fuck. My wife see one for oh, do just passed it. I abortion Bellegarde, bargain shit yeah, does even understand what it is, but now we know pulsing be setting for the first time so there in the desert, and he has no clue what to do the job. They are very little
as our training, but he somehow instinctively knows drew prescience. This is how we used to think of the thumb for beer stuck in a deep desert. The thumb per is this thing is sticking to stand and goes Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob and attracts sandworms so that you can then safely pass through the desert using the natural movements, real sidesteps upside step side steps as its light and ever do therefore kilometers as they watch this giant sandworms, and is he he has this moment when he sees it? Were he like IE feels instant fear but somewhere deep in his memory. He's like that's not a fearful. that is God, like that's a thing I'm supposed to honour, but he doesn't quite understand it, but he also now starting to see all these things also has something deeply connected to, despite he has even now at this point that the Freeman worship the worm, no clue
including the Freeman Worship, and also I want to connect, is really Gwig you're talking about him leading this jihad and all this kind of stuff. I just want to remind essentially our audience of the missionary, a protective at that perfectly set him up to become this chosen, one leader of this religion, because the been a gesture it implanted this idea of a neo coming to them at some point, and that was there with them doing that, setting up myths and legends in their community in order to pull the puppet strings like they ve try new and again Paul's going too, essentially use this against them and define them eventually by being able to just slide in his, Mr Neil, you say defy, but then you also see that they also found their points cos. Also, I was looking at the debate of jihad because they also took about win.
In his long that part of jihad is, there's also a internal struggle, there's an internal struggle to believe right. That is like one of these things are. What you're going to see is that the friend is it a blessing or curse to make every one of your beliefs come the life in Cumbria and also do you believe in life after law now shared it. The aren't. You keeps on keeping on the fog and slammed him down, I'm more Tito's sunny. Did she ever I watched it. I watched from out of her home. I rise on a big big windows, so they manage their stuck in the desert. Nay gotta make their way through just come. Easy immediately, get stuck in a big
an crevasse right. What should get stuck out, but you gotta meet. She goes into this like shouldn't gonna media like Coma, which might well be honestly, be nice yeah right now it is going even alma. She can drop in so he digs or out, but it's this. They they sit there and Jessica again is turning it scared of her son because there's, like he's very capable COS again? It's really reason why they have Timothy sham limiting downplaying of in the movie is, must be fifteen years old, like he's an actual child, yet so they make their way through the desert you have like like this is like a foreign action scenario here and there and finally, they guides. to describe when I read the bare- do people want to do that Zog action for echoes they d have to run away from the worm and he sees it for the first time the warm opens up to the cave hole that their enemy. Seize all the Chris knife teeth inside of it needs, I bet, provoke a goal, and so they, finally they stopped to rest for the night from their discovered by still guard now
Laurie met still Gar. They already know still guerrillas. These dudes creep up on these motherfuckers. So they are, they sleep they wake up. All of a sudden. You free in our everywhere is the first time we're really gonna see like big. While now we ve seen em blow up some motherfuckers, these guys, like wow just somewhere, but mean, does desert jet eyes slow ass, like I don't know how to describe, and these are like the old, timid, b team to ever exist and still Gar is very confident when he meets them because he's like. Obviously we got these essentially think we got these white people and if I can trap organ of gum We're just gonna take their water because we know Paul. Essentially they they sent a message out like a little back. That's all
Tell him. I forgot my last episodes. I went through fear how I was like hiding with a friend music. We must get the message out to the rest of the siege and he takes up like the subtle caps. You will take a little too, but you opens up and he pulls out a tiny back in the back and he's cause. I'm gonna go to England. Gonna like speaks of a good jobs at the back that foreign language shop Sky Island he throws out because Is that what we said that with unless best bet with about, but he was soaks- are you so emotionally connected to back the batteries? I love you and I did so, but this is so much better than rhythm works with its recitals, like our energy is due afore
tell it like his own version of demagogy or debt is more we're doing the back, came them and told them. You gotta, say Paul: paused, alights, the Duke sons alive, the duchy is still active on rackets and you guys gonna get older them, so they see Paul. But when they look at the mom and there, like honestly, discreet up is like the frame, and we know we don't do with you. We, I think we're gonna have to kill you. She immediately shows her worth. So she does this because I mean first of all the way described, Jessica, Frank Harpers, just so fuckin horny, you just saw another and she does the thing where she did. You try to use like I'm, not gonna use voice against him, because I want to take away his agency because eastward too much to be compromised, securities is like I can beat these people like. I don't know how they have this confidence, but they are very, very just rent and people on Caliban, just in the fund in general, are very, very competent and so cigar come down
all right? We're gonna go him here, because he is like moves right as the permanent, real fuck vast they don't fuck around, and so they are not like what I love about. The friend, though not the people bid expound dramatically about the things they can do and then tell you they just fucking stab you in the throat yeah. They take you out the kitchen, the Crosshairs Anti, the till you Jessica. He comes in fucking football around right. It's a fucking, who know. Do movie has done the same, correct right, no one's gonna correct, he comes Gus what can electrons just like now tat stood are because he's a cool mother, Fucker like all you see is what his mom soon, because, like the penny gesture it, they always put it this way. They could tell they do everything by going like, but just do a mouth prince at each other and, like my mother, told me to dodge to the right and then move quickly to the left. Knowing the genus Hugh can only attack for right like they say these like random, our shit yet so Jane.
so we're gonna meet hot head he's like we have to do. We have to take our water, and so Gmos comes right for Paul Paul. All ninety five pounds, soaking wet Timothy limiting he rules do think poem damn right above his dick and then scurries up the mountain Jessica has total control of still Garren. Meanwhile still guard, he should pop a bone for it. Because if I knew that was in the Weirding way. You would be worth times or wait and water, and so they go date. There have this moment we're like well, because now he's this term. The Weirding way, yes, which we ve never heard before the Weirding fighting style, though we like, and she just as also not hurt openings, will end and just get she thinks she's dislike she's got all the euro. Technique. She's got gotta, run falcons, oh yeah I'll, essentially- and that's what's gonna, be this beautiful merging this fuckin sacks between these two different fighting techniques. Gonna make you and stop perfect member rally.
stop Opel jihads? What makes a waiting way the weirding way- I don't know the many just have their style of what they call it. The problem been: do training s which is like nerve training and make they have high powers of observation, but also the or very physically disciplined. Yet they are trained to fight and do political maneuvers, the vintage S return. ITALY dangerous, but still Gar calls this thing. The Weirding way, which is just it seems like their site, which is why This law, which is always drawn around, but its essentially, what they say is that we can understand more about you, from users walkin around. Then you tell me anything about yourself and ended. Also, I think what the main thing about it, too, is that it essentially allows you with the Weirding way. It almost gives an impersonal impression that your tell importing through Space- yes, because you can essentially like know exactly where you're going to be at a certain point in your speeding, your movements so swiftly
but you're. That's how he's like right behind her before she could even realize it. Yeah she's flips slips around him and he immediately cease. Ok, first of all We know our legend says that boy caning is going to calm and be the dude that is going to speak here. Framing essentially beget. Do like Google Luba farther into this now, but the feminine they want dune for themselves. They want a racket, Selves and just got immediately knows you sleep well we'll do here. Is this guy won't kill you? I will cause, I could kill all you motherfuckers yeah, it's like, but I will kill you we're gonna blender tribes together, I'm in a cheat. You guys the Weirding way and then make you guys unstoppable, because the way the framework as at anybody who best the boss is the boss. You have to do all of these, like theirs alone the official rules and diamond society, which is interesting for a very free like mountain people, there's a lot of rules, and so one of them,
The rules are technically she's now the leader of his sketch, but because she didn't officially challenging she's, not but now everybody kind of seas. She can kill one of us if she wants to- and she saying I'm gonna give you these tools right. I think I will say I think I know why there's a lot of rules, because, more so than anything else, these people have a minute two minutes, evolution just so eyes. Why there's so much struck airy very that they are on a long term goal, but not Paul. So he's feeling really competent punch, Jamieson, Dick Minus, with this fuckin hot shot. Do that everybody was fuckin trying to suck beyond Rivah these guys. You is the hot me real nice on the framing group, but guess what? When scrolls upper thing? That's what he is spinning, there's no way. I would ever on how you hurt anyone heard my father o hurt anyone in my c edge and he looks up and what does he see this chick Janni Janni now is, let's just say: Janni. Is this some lick her,
Jain, peace, brow guide, I guess I'll and socially it's amazing, dial nine than nice, another nine, solid nine, so she Paul realises you could have killed me this whole time go. She was like a hidden above him anything and she had, but he also sees it and he sees the butt and he sees her face and he first goes. What are these feelings? I have never once had these protrusion, but then also at the same time he's like. Oh, I know that girl from my memories, like that's the first connection, was like oh I've seen all of this before I know her. I know these people and I kind and allow all of its gonna go down, but we also going to see Paul is starting to become a little bit of addiction because he does not like folks, because what happened is they relinquish the hostage situation like ok? We can go back to the siege and now we're going to begin Paul's actual, are or even, though, he's been trained. His whole life now
we're going to see where you could teach them how to be one of the desert. Why do they Brett bring them? And just because they see the potential in their strength, the Weirding way is gonna be taught they're gonna get that there can get Benny any just retraining and they made a problem. so: you're trade. Yes, basically, they said they were having Paul because again their kinder into the idea that he's the lease on our gave, the he is their version of the Quit Sahara. Yet they think that he's gonna, be that but they're not quite certain what some people are more hesitant and others. Guard just like the cut of Paul's fathers JEB. So much, and he saw the same thing, come out pause mouth supports already talk him like an adult man, and he has this how do you like your barely a child? Your more them, they say circle, no man child which gets really mad at risk. My name's pool and drilling or April
listen because all could be they all data. That is really. I still get God. Man, child, you aren't said absolutely. I was in Vienna last night. That's what I was doing, my dad, I'm a boy eggplant, so they will go back to the sketch the promise it geniuses really mad, because you got punch, by fifteen year old man, he is ass and so you're like fuck. It we're doing a dual them that they have to do these with Israel. one thing. Is I'm calling him out one of the tests space, we find out, there's like a bunch of tests, I guess they ve all been waiting for for this to happen that we will know the police on our guide is here. It is mother can pass the test and if he can it s, one of the first test at the mothers champion has to bear the champion of the friend and enjoy MRS I'd, say on call when it I'm pull the trigger. I need to fight they give you know if you're not gonna like the mother, I'm gonna fight your champion, which is your son. You brought him right so fifteen year old, bull, fuckin boy,
is all loincloth fit strip on down all the still their funds. Is me, MRS. You yea phenomenon that is making the guy's allow structural changes. many reading books or post my book, George Output, by Bush until he gets his Chris Knife, any old thing openly I'm honest even me to your reading. This music he's a little kid you engaged and kicks amass, but you know what can you do against these like rugged warriors, but just go looks at him and she sees him circle like way. The Chris knife swipe at all ran with General De Gaulle RE, which may from the tooth of a sandworms, it's very, very sacred. So the friend right because it falls apart without human contact, that it has to be up against your skin, were to stay together. and if the blood it right, it's pretty fuckin, sweet and so he's like Chinese already, given him inside information, even though I do know what she's immediately but he's got a negative legislate com. And all of you. I am likewise operate on the duke some she's, a yes
wow you're laugh so weird, I linger laughs like really. We operate stop talking about my love, and so they get into this fight. But just go has his like vision when she sat there watching him fight. She realizes, oh, my sons, a killing machine like, and we not only my son, a killing machine by whatever his talents are. We did this like. We made him this oh Paul. They fight to the death rate Paul, whose use to shield fighting. Why don't you fighting the whole thing. Is it you're supposed to defend fast but attack slow, because a knife has to be wielded slow to move its way through a shield stab somebody right and by so he's kind of off the all of Bremen Dollar, preventing too he's like toying with James because he keeps getting upperhand on him, but he won't do the killing. right. No one wants to believe that he has killed before so. Finally, he kills Jamieson ever
really mad, and so because they think that he was like Fuckin with James and James was like the next in line to be they headed sketch. But there's just like moment: Whereafter kills genus were Jessica she's, so scared of her son immediately again she's immediately, narrative being like, which is also a kind of makes me mad recipe like you do this, but she says this sentence. You basically says, as he kills you could well. How does it feel to be a killer now and Paul's immediately all fucked up, because Daily Kiev, basically come up, say: I've never killed anybody before and they're all like, oh wow, that's the crazy shit. We ve ever seen and we're just gonna hafta did I guess that two first test has been passed. That Paul is right, You got a that part in eighteen, teen, Wolf when he turns into the werewolf on the basque gas horse and there's this moment of silence, and then the rough inexplicably just goes,
Do they just start bland better now, literally revives ease it, everybody loves a guy can kill, and so they go back to sketch. It's like now. Second cause, there's not waste any time. Is the next fucking funny ass. You I in that fuckin diamond Jessica you'd better late than never fucking slam down a fifteen year olds we got on common, would never instil Gar. Keep like winking being like fucking thing gets point of these cave pain This to me most will need is a menu there's bought fuck there there's you could do any sort of these bunks I'm, so he had to go through another task immediately that this sitting
air and did their bear their treasury. They have to go to the funeral right to a funeral. They turn a genius into water because in the water Hasta belong to Paul, because anybody you kill somebody basically because the exerted so much sweat and fight. You then get the weight of that you, the weight of the water from the person you killed in order to sort of get your water back right, So each feels very awkward about it. He has no clue how to do it as there is in providing every single time they're trying to figure out what the French want, because they keep saying there's these tests, but then the country has had the figure and on their own, and so what happens to Jessica is she knows there waiting for some kind of sign bright, so she sits- and she has this moment where she's looking at still Gore and there's a thing called the adopt happens, which is this persistent memory?
that comes from the generations of being a member of the Benny gesture. It where you can see lines like in your brain, like it's kind of like inner bound memory, and she knows the missionary protect diva dropped. Hence into this society of what the hell it is that I'm supposed to do next and she just randomly just start kind of like trip and balls little bit, and she starts randomly saying this prayer that turns out to be one of the most sacred prayers that the Freeman ever habit. The. What she did. That's a prayer that the Betty gesture it wrote for them to say to the firm and later on, to find a safe place within the french guy she's hildred productivity. She starts to say this thing and there are like all like she's for, like oh, I fuckin cheese, the one it's gonna like I'm room, that's all
I'm a bad job. John Mamma. I know where I dont think about that roger- area. This is what you now you ever and now I have it unto them. It's fucking know the people listening our guy. Now they have Ado just got she sees this shit. She says: but he's impressed. Paul goes to the funeral. He's gotta figure out what to do with the funeral because they're all like, I guess they decided no one's gonna to tell you is the one thing about the Fremen that on eleven enough but day but want you guess we're running works like once, tell you just so. I know you're just like I get it. It's like this segment like just get how easily allowing turkey we submitted here. How do I fucking
my answer around this ceremony. Paul goes in. He looks at other people they're. All like saying like I was a friend of jobless you know saying something that they knew about him, but he did. Nobody saw ballast set their right, and so he knows about set for Gurney Halleck and then something happens. Regos I was afraid of jobs, his alarm. He understand, I knew I knew he taught me. What it was hill and I'll. Never forget like, like you say that, like cry, I feel like. I took the juice from John Powis and I I call it my job My job is just so he goes cry It's done. I apologize. He sees the key cries right and there are like water for the dead because nobody be crying and firm and cultural rights as the every single drop of
water is so important, but don't you realize tat? I am from a therapist standpoint, don't you feel it that's problematic? To a certain degree, I mean I mean shouldn't people be allowed to use a moat and ensure their emotions be accepted and in a culture of fuckin weak I get it, never cry, never cry. I don't have time for crime, only death, only rolling over everyone. Am I like many elsewhere. It am I right around. I apologize these bad. What are we to do? This is the shout so began
yes, but to everyone's again he figured out. Did these like so I'm unemployed about Lisette Peoples the Bell set, but what does he do dislike about at first by conveying says play an old love song to Johnny and Jessica is like. Why is this shared by? Which is interesting, because it's kind of like internalized, massage any unjust, important, even says it later on she's like Johnny? That's! No! That's! No! Wife of a Duke S, no wife of a ditch kicks pitched some framing rebels. I gotta do quite that duty. Why do you wise guy equally has arrived? She realizes mediately like oh, I did the same Chet. Everyone says I was never supposed to be there. I d, I am at a later only a pudding. I'm due
mommy psychology on this woman. I immediately she immediately aids Johnny, so they could do these tests and so they filing of Paul some food right glamour. Andy Foger food with thing about these Rehman, buried in pure ass spice and when they eat this up. It's like thing we just it was a rap leaf rap of re, some kind of grain wits vice just in it with some kind of bird me in writing, ate it and he searched torpid fucking balls and at his first interaction with this by this is the second second on delving into prescience, and this time he understands it. He starts to have more of can all a little bit more now than he did before re, starting to see a little bit more. How how we can navigate his way through prescience, but he has this moment where he keeps see in himself debt step
death like there's all these. He sees everything away like it. It's really very scary for him and he starts didn't. You know like we'll all heading towards this massive war and that that one of the war, the front of the dead tripe? Isn't a trade is flag tattered covered in blood right, we're gonna, be killing a lot of you. but again what I love about depreciate scenes into my mind. It's going to book five put to you, broke the parliamentary jihad. He seemed like a regulated shad. They had a second. You said that I started thinking of Paul in both three. You know they mean giants, trying to figure out what, when this, when that better, but this is a path he is trying to avoid this. Fourth radio is trying to get away from, but I ain't gonna, yeah ain't gonna, I do want to immediately to us a political or break from the middle sketch to the death of Lee Atkins so Leah Keynes. The ecologist key was the they basically
Lily? He fell in love with the trainees family and he helped Paul escape, but now they ve Harkin's have punished him. They ve dropped them off into his precious desert for his desert to consume him, and when you have as this the scene, where he's going to desert, he sees his father who his father was the ecologists before him for doing any reveals the whole plan that they realise that they all they have to do is something like three per cent of the plan that all we need new change, three percent of the planet and we will carry form the all of drafts and make it have active water and plants, and we will take it away from being a desert planet and we will create a separate area for where the spice can be created by the sandworms. But I find it interesting that there's all of these baby
odds in do really at Cannes had become sort of a pseudo God slash king to the French. They ve looked up to him because also Johnny's lately, s daughter, and so because he is fully in the lifestyle, but there's some about the long view that all of these other people have for rackets that don't came to the frame and or anybody else. It's like everybody's got an idea of what they want to happen to Iraq as or an idea of how to control its society. How to control, be the path of all humankind but None of them understand that this quit sack. Hatrack is gonna destroy everybody's plants, which I find what there's something about it. There was a really haunting to me. It's just that. I really don't think, all these mother Fucker think they know what's best yeah? They all do and eventually Paul will fall to the same, like
Well, that's all we bring your nose without I we bring about our reality right like is that not the case for all of your parents? for every by a united, and would you could say honestly those but Iraqis is gonna rackets and there's nothing. You can do to changes in the frame and understand that more than anybody else, all these other people have gained you gotta, give it up, which is why they Dave worship this. The San were met, maybe the most chaotic force. Everyone alive is what is being worshipped as a god by these people. Will you find out what is it? They have a very harmonious relationship so after the funeral their backing and they go into this big cavern that is just filled with water and cigars, like we have thousands of ease and one day mean won't, be our children or their children or their children. The grandfather of those children, but one day
water will change its entire planet and Paul was like theirs was up and that's the same thing honestly in modern day is like when the dad brings their sundown and chosen the beans and bins beanie babies. These like, of course today. These are all your own- mean nothing, a pertinent his comrades, are hot blooded? Twenty years you will millionaire with these daddy. Malta to me in Florida, you're, my parents garage with the giant, been lobbies ass being like the these, literally just field where rat shit. This is nothing now and you're. All of your work, you did means As regards look except princess die, there is useful british die, I'm shooting a hole through your television with a gun so that you can never go out of shopping downward general ever get killed. Me leave your photo gallery. Mom
but what am I gonna divisions that I thought was finally interesting. I looked up because he described it. Could Frank Herbert throws terms into the book that come to Paul that you know that are only like they're like earth terms. He now is working on that. You will know later on in the series that we do combat. Do the earth where, as we know as we talked about the you know, we existed but indian world, yet until he calls it the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is that's how we use to predict the future, though he basically it now that he started a trip Osborne irregularly. He such realistic every breath I take changes the future. Every movement
I do changes the future. Every single thing. I see it branch every little, literally every movement I do, and I we watch in you begging man misusing we believe, as you big is not a matter. Come back, go back that he himself movement also destroy must get to the to the big isa But that was a sample of course from others on with zeal. Reticent, are actually deluges, Ding falling do yeah raw tobacco yeah. Of course, data we're doing staying Brahman, wow three, he the iceberg. It's principle talks about this. It's a quantum physics idea where the idea that all
it's very difficult is a real. It's real is a real gets a real term, but it's about the idea that you it's very hard to pin down actual locations of things in quantum physics which is kind of we talked about how everything that is moving and moving and moving, but Paul's immediately bitter, because it's weird I get it because he did not choose to be too quick a cataract, and now he started to see ya fuck, I'm the only person can see the future because I'm honestly kind of a self important little prince boy. Now, I'm gonna take this burden. This terrible. purpose onto me. Now it's my it's me. I did this and there is a point where he looks at Jessica and he says you are my enemy like in his mind after being driven balls, because these things now Everson cause, it's Guess it must be sore like watching your child. Go through puberty account its becoming the profit
also, I would say it, there's always a point in a mushroom trip or you're hanging out with your body, and you look at them as the enemy anything. Should I get this guy you were tested, will listen. I had do we grapple. Can I own Wahid? Loser he's been like you did this to me, mother, you made me, you made me this weapon and she calls him a weapon as well, which I also think is interesting, because the two of them don't sound, like guess who Marian Harkin and who also called people weapons did, I know yet they do not yet know now, but I Jessica Cause is born of hearken Architects, like everything else, could I think Paul source can reflect litter uncas. You know I might, when my favorite quotes from him were useless like yours, we operatives beast Reuben Gratuitous, oh we're hungry in Oval, Greece. This which is again a Bree watching doing the movie, which I don't do right now. If you read in the books, don't work as it can be very disappointed, because it's just bear in our
in the movie floating to the ceiling going where in a book, how could it is like a very worthy adversary? the atrocities by we're gonna find out he ate shit when it comes down to being more deep, because now Paul We gotta get name yourself go, there is gonna, have new names and they killed JANUS because the person they look at me, like your name now, this suit the base of the pillar usual strength and he's like I want to choose the name of my own. Like oh, go, what's up like Mr Brown, it sounds like MR shit. That's not going to see MR blonde. Mr Blue couldn't turn dino. You should a directly do, but he ball. What's the name of the mouse that runs through the desert, which he knows is called more deep, but you wants to see them complete the circle where they collect more deep is most are we call him the tutor in future, and here was like
I would like to be called more deep but currents, my father, because now he knows in the profit we eat this first steps of like ok, I can control, I could control Faye here. I am to change? One thing I know they called me more deep, but here is in remembrance of my father. I want to be called Paul more deep, which weird, but at the same time, did he thought that this will be my first step to creating the future on my own, and still cars, like whatever Paul more de when they're all excited they do at all like because you know, and if this was nineteen, eighty seven did play like remembrance, in star wars, the canteen amusing broadband- and I have my own Anna, like it- would be like that. We're like people, big drums and like five cynical to do too little due to an old friend and play bade the ballast at YAP, which is wonder just like beaten. Another man,
Tom towers as they I think they played her knees, do yea comply more compact hundred. I've got a problem like decision on any time signature. This means- and this is bad music comes we got thrown celebration is like mumble rap calibration love these Rehman, but guess what man? That's the last? What can just can't get out of the fucking desert until you do a nother test for years? Rob competition, the forgetting old man, never let it go, never gonna stop and that, above all that I love you of what you said. Rhymed serves or good. I have to ask you to go back into the desert. Just can't go home, my grandma abuses made up so with faculty one less test right because they ve been calling just go. This whole time decided Dino which is their version of a Reverend mother, which is also was given to them by a Benny, Jesrad men.
millennia? Ok, can you I've been thinking about this? A lot? Can you explain to me how theirs Reverend mother in the frame and even though the Binny Gasser it or like trying to manipulate gesture it either way are trying to manipulate Ben, manipulate them. How does ever mother exists in the tribe of people that are at the hour. The issue connected to the village. for it or she how we have our own kind of government. Does she know about? Ok. Does she know about mission area of radioactive? We have she's in Chile, double age, and to be an ad explained. She is a part of a series of double agents that have been going on for millennia. Rehman. Don't understand these wonderful people that we look upon this reading. I have a lot less sympathy for Paul and way more sympathy for the frame and right, because the framers awoke brown blah
its neighbour, but the framing. They just been endlessly game dude and they don't know they don't know because this idea that they have is essentially Benny gesture it yeah and was placed in there long time ago, and they have to basically now prove that Jessica can become their sayin, because at the port of these lore right as that, the mother will become the new Sire Dena Paul will eventually rye is truly their armies, and so they do the ritual where they get the water of life area, which is essentially a poison fool, aspire right: the Old Reverend mother is brought out or no fuckin tray right. She's lay down there and she they see each other. They like do thou wink. The dual Benny Jesrad like this one little be factored thousands
The water of life is distinct from the just pure spice. It is the toxic liquid exhalation of drowning sandworms. They basically put a bunch of little baby sane worms in a pool and they die, and then they take that water and then they drink it until what a real say Edina can do is drink it and then Trans Mute, the poison inside of their bodies, to make it not a poison anymore. And then what happens? Is that the next reverend? Laughed Reverend mother! That is about to the goals, useless or replace the Reverend mother. When that Reverend mother dies that Reverend Mother, then, while your trip and balls passes, the memories on to you. So then you become interconnected to the memories of ever Reverend mother. That's ever been female! Only the well known in a match. Why there's acquits cataract late, but there's never been of male Benny gesture. It pulls the only male Benny, desperate that
this rightly so, but all these people are now also call him the lease on our guy, I'm the one who shortens the path. They're all say there. he's got like five, I don't see any isn't. Lisa is at least as it is by no means my brother foggy. So if he goes, she drink the water of life and, of course, normal. Secondly, because the one thing they also knew anything, we were viewless up so but she's pregnant with Paul sister and throw like oh no you're, not supposed to do this while you're pregnant. What happens is tat when you drink the water of life, you can't we go out of life, you're not allowed to eat sushi cause. You got into her ankles swell. I was on the list Jeeves. She got her only to you, I am siders their water of life clearly out there, but what happens is that with that does? Is it opens both you and your daughter? Did the inner baby inside a baby inside of you to precedence of
timelines, which we're gonna find out later on. Is the there very scared of this because it might cause? I e a phenomenon hold abomination, Asia, where the child now can possibly be open to all of these different path, lie, but we're not talking about when our last present was really popular. I was Obama nation that this is a bomb and now farmer, nation, but its various it so happens and she does it. She fuckin crushes it. She passes it and she we understood immediately. Oh, this is as a better just rats, pose no the mysteries of becoming a Reverend mother. You're not supposed to know it until that happens to you right where your toes and become a river mother at an inn, and then she did all of it. She's like I guess I am this. Was it and now I am in an official Reverend mother. I am connected to all things. it's fuckin wherever dude. I've already made all of these different ass decisions, that authority already rude everything and ours.
Deal with that we're going to within our reality, yard that pulses sister will. become an abomination, but guess what till he passes through everybody else gives a drink. The water of life now because she's changed it to not be poisoned right there all going ISA lease on Gaza as new name. Yet one of his eight new names he looked at his mother. She peered peacefully sleep in a sitting position her breathing even in deep a phrase out of the future that was his lonely pass, came into his mind. She sleeps in the waters of life, so he knows she's truck trip and balls keep all of us that he starts to see the deeper deeper into the future one side he sees the imperial because now he's the path. This is the last like little shop. That shows the Falcon path, hard core right, one side he could see the imperial hearken and called feed Ralph Flash towards him
ITALY blame, we know, fade out there by the way really doing right, yeah staying in who it was. There lies the boy evil. Do the beast were born? Is in charge of dune? Writes a beast or bond. Is baron organ and spoken most evil biggest fattest songwriter one it's coming is destroying everything and I love it is squeeze. I want you to squeeze them, and then they were his goal. Is he's can devastate Iraqis but then bring in fade As a liberal, I introduced baseball tab, somebody's made arduous guards management board. His nephew in a way that some appropriate. Yes, because you want to go downtown
Oh nothing, of course he's like every year likely said didn't. We say he was literally every network executive, studio executive. Yes, if there's not a little more than one way so fade rather flashed automaker delegate, the soldier call raging off the planet to spread programme on a racket and guild conniving and putting that any judgment with their scheme of selective breeding. They lay mast A thunder head on his arising, held back by no more than a remedy in them more deep, the sleeping giant Fremden poised for their wild crusade across their universe and he knows these at the very centre is at the very centre, and then he begins to cry begins to cry, because he knows that this is just one tiny moment of peace and their almost never be a heap. Gig realises this might be the last piece. However, experience that's what he says: there's no other place for peace, and so now he knows you're going to be in
war, dog, gout and they're going to be doing it fuckin for ever they're getting into the shit and by the way, what Henry's referring to is books of no peace in no rest very little rest in peace for anybody involved. And yes, you as far as the Chinese fully courted in now to she's an altogether locked in a book three government again through next week is Burgess, essentially the superhero ending Every dune book begins in every dune book begins with a hundred pages of action at an end, with a hundred pages of action, but in between we learn so much. You know always tell people, and I could be wrong in this situation. One people at first reading june- and I say there struggling with it or their intimidated by getting into it. I'm just like do- does give it like to
your pages or whatever. It is, but really when you, when I got to this part of it I'd, say the most page, Turner II, part of of the whole series, is kind of coming up here in our next step, as of one of the most because it really does follow actual just page Turner Boy becomes it actually moving the Atalanta actually we're gonna go they fight, scrap is a bunch of we're gonna happen I'll, even talk about Gurney Halleck in his trip. What the fuck am. I wish we, I want. I dont know if it is. I have to look this up by whether or not their their stories just about Gurney Alec, who is one of my favorite characters, now holds the whole book because he's just really, like, I don't know do. How is it one usual brow how it's already shows? I've tried to kill Jessica right, you yeah, if you want to spoil The idea is that one of the things that you that, because he has convinced he hasn't done there yet I'm I'm I'm my timelines will switched up. So he does that after they become like and super say and essentially.
He is going superseded right now, so he has gone to the desert and he has done his trap. Dern arms ass. He is now more de bright gurney use. Talk about, you basically find out that they think that Jessica. is the trader, which is what does your? How I also thought that the because you iii- the only people who knew you was the trader was Jessica, Paul, Duke Lido and hearken, and no one else. No so just a being the trader is now the word throughout the entire funding planet right, so Gurney technically is opposed to kill Jessica onsite. Yet when he sees her exact but yeah, that's scene with him with the smugglers, where he's like hanging out with the smugglers such a fun like very star wars. The kind of thing where it's like him, these out deeds were there like. Do you want no off world or do you want to stay here and you want to kill hearken ends with us and he says, like you, my so sweet because he knew they basically promise him come help us smuggle, shut off the planet.
I will give you as much hearken and blood- is you- can soak a hot dog bonnet rules about a jump two years right? Yes, in the time line. I think a lot of others a lot of interesting things about adopted there s an interesting things going on, but there's a lot there's it's like we jump two years and the tables begin to finally turn in the favour of our a treaties, tiny man- I don't know the we'll find out next week- I mean they definitely do I've read the book was absolutely winds in a certain manner of saying. Yes, keep reading the book native. You know damning because we're getting to it because remember doing one is just set up yet So we started getting these colossal philosophical got religious, really ray. I say the word philosophical,
really to be a very bad automatically be re. Read the we're the guy's everyone's look and due to explain the area will stop doing the come jokes about only do sort of high level. Thinking no no was bringing philosophy to the people with come. Jokes. That's called edge attainment. Yes, there yeah. That's what you're making a palatable by making dollop science, and I am also going to apologize for them all the points I made the second Benny Hill Sir? It was why, when we did, I was ready you the ball joke about its iron. As a doctor, I was gonna be like he went and went off to make. Bad movies are, even though that meat, but thank you for joining us this week, we'll be back next week with even more do. What, if we just do what we did like star wars? Next meeting people be like girls. This is the same and you're like no, its not do is actually more important than its our worst yeah I set it down. Is more
This hours, maybe not financially, for them massive entertainment companies separated but tat, no duties more and more. These are knocking on dunes door. Burst say at this point: they just as they are trying to make the movies, but the problem is that the books are to feel it's awful lot of thoughts I want. I do also want to mention two targeted, real, quick right: they they didn't remove. They change the word jihad right, they didn't say jihad in the trailer. No one we're thinking that we they that they will not be actually using. That word just be, of the way that I think in the condemnation of auditing the more modern connotation of that word. Right did they just say something like religious war. I don't like the idea. You honestly, I barely paid attention to the trailer cause. I don't like being spoiled right. I dont like trailers anymore gotcha, I try to stay. I dont like them anymore. I get it. I'm trailers abbess version. I know which is imply sad, or an icy. By the way like see literally Sesar favour part of going to the movies is the trail I do.
Train landmines. We can't lose me away, though, it's like what why I don't know what a backwards human being. I married you put a child and this will that's right and will I give her the spice who did make her? Do the agony? That's all I'm saying is there like? Oh, don't give a pregnant mother acid right or whatever, but I think maybe it abominable shown our rights. It wasn't all the other shows in the opium network. We have got less progress unless wizard, the bruise or page seven we ve got able, can stop, we ve got kind of fun No, don't heinous obeys all of em nice. When I get off in this position in the light of the problem I gotta puffs, when I got there, listen to a mere I'd, you didn't name all of a fighter size someplace, underneath we all go because now we have other shows we are brand new, show someplace, underneath this also there and also we got the nuisance and no doubt in space fraudsters that enough. He said fraudsters is this
this by the way, I'd like a thing about its massive, is at any rate, was literally Europe law. Either network is the path you're trying to seek out you're trying to find the golden path. For this wait till I fucking or by self and approaches and we're moving at big companies are with their exile. Scowl did well you just go if like he can jump I now and I guess: that's gotta get lucky visually varieties and I we gotta get out of here ass, the maker. Why bless the maker good work and now for a scene from doing theatre? we now Joe
The freeman see its leaders still guard and its first meeting with a brand manager up how meads names that and I'm here to look the script and your traffic, I'm gonna expand your. global reach and highlight the ball in Raymond swear. I asked the mutual the other day you give a good ever get down and granite, and he was like miss me without not- and I was like that is not trail. We friend and we live by the whims of the desert. Oh I love them where they occur. Cello with a playing the sand. Pellegrino TAT said Melick Green. No, we have to live in secrecy, the does we must move as the desert creatures do not gain the attention of Shiloh loot. Cat at home and followers does he have that shyer. Like labelling. Any man or woman who's ever felt? The rasp touch of the bled follows shy. Unmoved, ok, sir. I mean just crunch numbers
legal and illegal. It likely take it on the day. The games Mervyn, but embrasure that that makes em my grow red. All interstate influence. Sir, do you know bomb buzz socks? We could probably get a code for that, like the wind socks then connect water, so We may to reform the planet and maybe use these Oxted tariff on the planet. To see what you mean, I don't give a fuck what you do with those fucking socks might have. I been here blueberry. Any waste of water is an insult to our ancestors limb. How do you feel about House clap, review and squawk alot he's this thanks to ask parent and he's got fourteen billion people on Tik Tok and he makes light these sounds it's great
We all love it. Everyone loves it they're, lockstep, loving we can make this sounds at night in the safety of our homes, yet any other place it would be dangerous for we are sought by accidents at every turn. So you won't. Let me think Joe Biden. What will how about it? Unboxing video you can Show off these glowing? Nigh? No one can see the Chris Knife, which is a sequence of our people. So what am I doing here? I don't know, and I wish you would leave you have no still suit and our What did profusely? It is hot and ripen here, get the hell out. Here's a thumper to be careful with the sandworms cannot just over. You know he's the second cousin of my brother. Ober is chalk up, suffer, take a long time to get to know, I'm gonna go gimme a worm taxi come here. Also, here's where the spice comes from crazy motherfucker. You did it,
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Transcript generated on 2022-02-06.