« Last Podcast On The Left

Episode 532: La Llorona - The Legend of the Weeping Woman

2023-05-19 | 🔗

This week the boys break down the dark, mythical folktale of the Mexican "boogeywoman" La Llorona, the ghost of a "weeping" mother said to haunt the shorelines of bodies of water across multiple regions of South America. Is it just a parable to keep kids and drunk people away from water, or could it be something... spookier? Let's dive right into it...

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I am worried, are more and we are also the new rory mall podcast, where we keep you updated on everything in modern day culture. Do we really some days some days we keep people updated on or uninformed of modern day. I like keeping people. in. I think, there's too much information to give misinformation terrible perspectives everything. That's going on right now, right so come kick it with his twice a week. Listen now where were you Progress last bog on the left is brought to you by progressive most of you are just listening right now: you're driving cleaning and even exercise in. But what, if could be saving money by switching to progressive drivers who saved by switching save nearly seven hundred dollars on average and auto customers qualify for an average of seven discounts. Multi Malta task right now quote today. A progressive dotcom regret I casualty insurance company in affiliates national
twelve months saving of six hundred ninety eight dollars by new customer surveyed who saved with progressive between June twenty twenty one and may twenty twenty two Actual savings will vary, discounts not avail. All in all states and situations, There's no way to escape to this is the last time on the left. Cannibalism started so a lot of times. When we do share spray, we'll get you guys, know everything my brain really listening intently. Thank you. It's so nice that focus. was a bite over listen to you and he did not know you force that we are all europe. We are all forced to listen to each other guests, but no loomis
What did he we joke about these things? We get like we're off the coffee or we don't like to shop or too much prepared material comedy wise, operator to it, but normally about it. It's a case that has some Joe. You know you shall. I have been active in order not to draw this. Was this mark? A sister is my turn When we came up with this shit. We said this concept, I said the word and I'm never. How does it was weird like his clothes more what would to be had a sweet, wow tracksuit on was like where'd that come from, and I thought I saw he was wearing flip flops. Had two little dogs with him was like whoa. Where did he go because I said oh, we should do this topic. It's really a super soup compelling it's about law, your own la la Rona, yeah on it. Now you got it wrong. Ok, I'm working on it and then mark has said nah corona, dad dad dad dad.
That debt at at at at dead dead, like your own, I've got a job that he has just cause. It's worse it s. What I didn't realize afterwards, I've a better song parity, hop in my mind, I'll. I was your wanted you to know. You are very successful man yesterday he said he was gonna. Listen to this episode of this is that it is not being here china right, MR beg, you ready, Eureka s, you take your kids and you put them in their referred, which ahead now you make yourself equip avatar. God, I make the hope and shiver corona around eleven everywhere. You know it is our biggest to fair, because I might not the goddess Henry's had a week to think well, microwave your own. I wrote that don't last night it was very successful. Today were disgusted la la Rona, YA. Rona, your road allows the low road europa your road.
You ve been all this whole episode is about us. This whole year, honestly we're trying do more menacing other culture, how to be? How do we see how you guys see and how do we get into there, and this is a good spooky way into entering the latin american culture? Absolutely I'm super excited to get into this ally arona as a legendary creature of mexican descent, both urban legend and mythical boogeyman she's, a cartoony woman, yes is she's. A cautionary tale told to children, teenagers, drunks and amorous youngsters alike. in a variety of ways that all share the singular qualify air of a weeping woman, but there are thousands of
variations on the law, your own, a tale to the point where families can have their own versions of the creature that are passed down through the generations. Even separate villages in the same province will have different stories of lie. Your it follows different neighborhoods in these will have different law, your own interests, data eurotas, comes into duff, budgeted for fashion, that guy arctic fever yacht down and their cacti your own I evening on who doubt mountain rush lawyer lawyer, who agrees you're under my favorite new mountain, do cold sore of it, because each one has been lit by another person who may or may not have a cold, so in its simplest for what gold gold source look pretty hot to me. That's good pine sets a good part. That's a good one thing. What did I do to listen to this episode right off? Many other big thing. Remember any acquaintance acquainted ray
Where are your honor? I stop right. I do take me. Glades wordplay were ended. was form lawyer. Rona is a cautionary riverdale, that's supposed to keep kids from drowning. It's a lot like the scottish kelpie hundreds. Of water demons, exists throughout hundreds of cultures. Any culture that exists or develops near ray sir bodies of water has something like this is basically that version of lie around it tells you do not go down to the water by yourself, because there's a scary, lady down their wool, chill take your way shall repeat a shroud terrible clause or she's just she'd spoken each year, there, you disappear and the, but that is no simplified version of lawyer adapt. But do we really need these tales when alligators exist not like? Why does ever will need? I dont I'm scared of sea creatures already now only roman river creatures, kids, what like their fascinated with animals? I think that, like all, but you have to do as you gotta take a fuckin raw chicken, you had to go up.
reverie me like kids, you want to see. What's it wherever you want to go, even a chicken. I answer me like you, ready go back to the river. Yet it is actually is at the end of the day, if you're a kid you're told it there's a crocodile down there at her now, you're gonna go look at it. You start thinking, maybe that alligator could be my friend bomb Maybe I could rule that alligator to go eat the kids, who are beat me up at school every day, as it met me yet can't figure out how to assemble the eight hour fifteen. I need that crock out of the river into my classroom, as the doesn't advocate disney disney vacation, the desertification of school early alligator, not the anthem, more pie, anthem and democratization. This is not these long not give us a lack of will win. Story is more complicated. Lawyer Rona is a tale of a lover, scorned and what may become a betrayal most bitter. This is how that version of the story goes as recounted
in an article about lawyer, Rona published in an issue of the texas observer contexts, observers have big eyeball studio, also great publication. Now, in this adoration a beautiful young woman but guiles a rich man and this big shot. Consequently, wines and dines the beggarly beauty and then eventually they have kids together it all happened on the hush hush- keeps telling her don't why one of these days, you're gonna, be mrs bigshot hey. May they always works out like that, ladies shoot for the moon, because sometimes you and I'm on the deck of the producer, the queen, camilla yeah, oh yeah, that'd, be a perfect serious right, all the way to royalty and it'll loosely well. Eventually, though, the wealthy man gets bored stringing along his side piece and he abandons her and he abandons the children. He tells her. I'm never gonna. Take you as my wife. Are you fucking stupid, some kind of fool or somethin I never was. I was never going to do that
It's about to be haunted for the rest of his life know. Just pillow talk, baby c'mon that was driven insane by the casual cruelty of her love, that is, a rotation of a scorned. Woman ministers are browsing. The woman takes her children down to the river and drowns them one at a time, half fucking neil ass, much like Neil yon. Also, can we please have Keith morrison, just tell us about this stuff daylight are. Would you believe you? She took her children to the river one hunky leathery wallet, but when she sees the dead bodies of her toddlers floating down stream. She realizes what she's done and drowned sir
thereafter return. Your last question not gonna, get turkey trying to survive the knife of Sarah Palin. Her soul soon arrives at the pearly gate. She stand in front of saint peter and Saint Peter asks anyway, you children, young woman, miserable she lies We do not know why, I'm doing valori weight, but why didn't you? Kids go to the purely gates? Kids go to Heaven. She drowned turkey is, in god, sent them to EL, Linda, possibly purgatory. They may not have been baptize. He had the opportunity on only if you are drowned baptized
no matter what yeah? No, I would imagine the children are probably in purgatory or ST peter's. Just fuckin with her, the kids might be hiding in there yeah, the kids might be hiding behind ST peter, like omission, ST peter together. Just both sitting on shield arrays knees himself. Shield array is not in, but she we apologize at the very did. I know she's measure she's. She she says on, or they are so saint peter since her back to earth, pressing her to wander forever as a restless soul until she finds the bones of her children J. The woman's spirit then returns to earth as law your own eternally.
Weeping and wailing while wandering the river banks of mexico and texas in tell she finds those bones, but until that day comes little by little boy lawyer owner major settle for, I'm looking for a man is, though, that you know more than those also you dont have to buy your ghost mama house and then, if they become one eventually I wanna shit. There has been a lot of proof of la europa that has been captured over tat. People have really There is we way of doing this. Episode was because we were doing our serious exam call in shown ever got with this subject was but lie you Rona came up, was so I've, never really
this in our history of this small history have doing the colorado lives, words just blew up and a lot of people call didn't they had witnessed by your own up fernando or on producer believes he probably had some form of visitation by lawyer Rona, it's the same thing again and again you see. the woman by a body of water dressed all white often than not. She turns and looks at you. Where was a face is a black hole. I need emits a whale rang and mrs actual footage of aid the auditory footage of la europa. She make a noise. I'm telling you, though, cause we're compelling, Well, I guess trailing. None of the moon line running as a guilty bearers get hector's. Let's take a look in my room. It sounds like chewbacca before the sound mixture like mixed in the last animal. I get is all things probably built wards- lawyers
closer to further relatives, but there's that there's also this other picture of a blurry. Much that I have here, that's also very good, no, no other than life one example is that we cannot at the phantom, I agree and the one that is not all your own through every boiler room or now everybody synergy, and they all say to its. It gets the same two cents, a foreboding, you kind of long. Yes, a horrible way to spend eternity yeah, edging, basically honest answer. I didn't like it no, but they like these. They like the process after the edge but yeah just edge, who would be like all I want to do- is climb mount rushmore, bang off the nose, George Washington, but you only get to his chin forever. I feel it is more like I wanna go to a restaurant at booked needs like death. We your mogador game. now lawyer, Rona, isn't just a tale meant to keep kids from drowning and what my wife, and for
It's me as a culturally hispanic thing. Lawyer. Rona is also used by parents to punish excessive, crying. Oh sure, it's the worst version of you, wanna cry I'll, give you something to cry about and they always do. Yeah, oh yeah, because after all, Yonah translates to cry baby and kid tall, but if they cry too much, they will eventually invoke the spirit of the ultimate cry baby lie your own, whether you're, gonna, say Johnny Depp way, wonderful movie. Eighty pop high underrated nemo faces, my favorite Eric had to face wonderfully up everything outcry, he pops out in a moment. He is as well as the logic goes. If lawyer, own killed her own children when she was alive. Imagine what she'll do to you now that stan she's learned our lesson. She'll take care of them. Don't you know you realize hey? Maybe that was all a waste and our modest,
wailing and search for my lost children may be. I get these new children. It is time to start over looming in a way that I can growing change layer step by step. Advise you to have it now, your own eye, in the character of a TIM duffy's position. Yeah, I saw him de la you. Don't understand, actually have to grow up in order for myself, I might be in body and adult I need to be one appear as absolute guys used to go to a ghost therapist know what I'm not bore the remakes of films. Thirty remake White men can jump. It's fine watch the original rosy perez. You don't another one's kinda, crazy. They made the white men, be able to jump, isn't that stupid cause they got jumping boots on now. It's like the original super mario brothers movie, which is my super mario brothers movie, and that's where I'm staying and it takes place on mars or on the moon, where men can jump a little bit more, but you know what movie could be made. Those dead
I kind of me: how do I look located legacy with goes down complicated this ghost mob, exactly as it the way lawyer Rona is described as looking when she comes to get you. It can indeed be terrify. Oh, yes, in the version of this. Ray and which lie you Rona acts as a siren that lures drunk men to their water. Do once she starts is a beautiful weeping woman. Whose seemingly needs consoling and their nothin this had been a woman, cried next door I thought I was gonna country angle. Nothing's bore consoling than I hammered guy, we're done z, bree, absurd. Let me you know, I shouldn't be you, because your bride, James the bread last year, re baby was real upset, a good site sports bar console
lately, but when the drunk man offers to help the woman's it turns into either a bare skull, a bat, a metallic horses head or worst of all, a smooth lank. Nothing said I should that creeps yeah, so much scarier, because then it's like you put whatever image you want on it now, and it's always the scariest thing you can imagine. I no lips, no eyes, no nose, remember in toilets in the twilight zone movie when they cut to the girl that that one segment words, the boy that could wish like all of the shit. I love. That's my favorite bit in that movie, but cutting to the sister when they revealed that she had no mouth now is one of the scariest needs whorehouse, that's great! Yet one of the most horrifying sandman stories in the sand and comic book is, you know, just as one scene of a bunch of faceless knows this blank faced.
Ladys devouring a man slowly while he cannot move and then, of course, the opposite to be true of your member blank phase from dick Tracy and all the valuable ideas but dont like no phase bigger. Not this story, of course, teaches you another important lesson: I go down to the river at night when you're drunk got you even though it's super nice, it's really nice to go down to the river, feel it's the less that you're feeling, because you can in and drown ria easily gotta, not there's other a serial killer in austin right now or people are hidden, fucking, the rebel in Riyadh, real, easy to fall and drown in a river look at Jeff Buckley. I he wanted to if he did, he wasn't he wasn't drunk, but he's still, he is still drawn in a revert, revert to a strong undercurrent that it's unpredictable drew and I might just be a city boy I feel like river. are easy to avoid its. What what my air? You never just gonna like happening
wherever, but no you're gonna see your river. You can happen upon a river, but the point is that you shouldn't choose to go down to the river when you're drunk, because the rocks slippery you slip. You follow. You hate your head around, there's all sorts of bad things that can happen again. This is all like this. O neil young crime, but I know it, but this version of la europa also warns men against honey traps folia, for example, in years past and the city of Austin law, Europa came in the form of an urban legend called the donkey lady donkey. Today, I can say don t lay actually almost too easy. Yes, the donkey lady with lower you t, frat boys, down from six street to the red river all manner of awful things may occur while it might look through your phone tat would be the worst of all, but when it comes Two children are told lawyer owner looks like it said by some that the centuries of crying have marked law your own, his face with tools
scars that lay down from her I mean because her body has long since it did it fifteen years now, weeps blah blah blah girl. If your crime, blood ceuta the latter very scary, to see yourself, though, further or her. Hair is never stop growing. Since she killed her children, it is become entangled mess that wrapped around her boy, and likewise her nails have grown into clause so that she might more easily reach the muddy waters of streams, ditches and shores for them owns of her murdered children. Can I ask girt just go down. dream a little bit because you know you could people find bodies
Well, the time has come back from the dead zones of a match and you just going to go downtown to buy. Some may just find my children's children. I weep professionally. I know said you man Oh, I suppose, to mourn speciale. Have you looked near the dam? what can I do that, but I like new jamming around mountain, I'm just I want to help you get to have you want? What did you just sit and listen to me crime? and let me get it out. Instead of always fights to fix it. I'm gonna to myself now say I'm not a river rat by any to the imagination, but a term nobody has yet, but not with you always say things that no one's accused. Of being gay. I am glad you are river and now I'm here, but I say that as to say I am not an expert on taxes, rivers. However, I do no good. Thank you for it.
if I act as india river, add something that's if that is all I live lives the whole thing here and I'm not saying it's bad a course. I pray you good, Who are you going to upset you? Who are you to stop being around? We no point we now know pointed a bit like now. I don't want to disseminate. Tells you made up someone who's gonna be offended, Suddenly the you're about to save our river rhine lifestyle? That's what I'm saying Is it the rivers, a texas specifically like the browsers river, which I grew up on it? rather this river. The brightest river has many forks. It has branches israelis, everyone's tent, shut up there or lawyer, Rona would have a difficult time figure out which of these breaks, which these brochure guides of these four her children's bones? It lay dying, and maybe if she was mister europa, she configure it Is that what you're saying, because men naturally have or iron and their nose? You know what is
Firstly, and this is why, if you do drown your kids, like that one woman who, in the back of a car, andrea it's you know where they are are you gonna? Do I'm all together as one and then because? Yet what does she have forecasts It depends. I mean that it could be one. It can be to most attempts at least two shortly, as has so that's that is a different path as that's difficult to do: summer vacation season is around the corner. Can you hear Bikini snap- and Can you hear those hot dogs bursting into the throat of your family, but before you pack, your backs, be sure? secure your home with simply safe home security? with simply safe, you'll filled, knowing your home is monitored around the clock by trained agents ready to act, to defend against break ins, fires and other threats like existential threats. Like am I enough, I'd call simply safe, and I asked them all these sensitive questions of the usa. course, mrs arouse ski, your real you're, not a figure,
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years as a burning ball. The furious flame. I can do a quick run down of the various form. Sweat do yes, the traditional lie europa. Is you see that the women in white weeping by river, she turns around scares the shit out of you. You run away, and I've read several raised, there was one really interesting book. We got killed, are you rona encounters with the weeping woman, which is very it's talks about the cultural importance of la euro which we're about to get into, but a as Those were the one store I read where it's like. Guy was driving in right outside of santa FE, and this is back when sense. If he was a very small city and said that he saw an old woman on the edge of the street
same thing, he said normally easy. Now I knew something was differ because it was like a getting struck by lightning. I saw this old woman weeping and then, as I drove past, she turned to look at me and where was should be a face. It was a black hole and I just turn I just didn't pull you turn and just drove away from a regime living shut him up. That's one virtue! Ok is another version that back when las vegas wishes to small little town, like literally just gambling outpost me right. There is talk about, like guys, would go the guys working near them. Building las vegas. There was one story I gambling in this beautiful woman. He said, and he said how do we put. It is not normal woman. We see in this establishment, yeah right asia a sound. Higher, corrupts radio there comes in beautiful face, you know long brown, hair and she said to her dress and she searched gambling and run and everybody under the table and they're all like this guy sweat, like she's cool, he's great. She rarely do. We know what to do with her, and men are literally for
falling in love with her and she's. Saying like. Oh you guys in all come back with me until finally, one looks down. He felt the tapping on his foot basic, oh she's, flirt with me and you look down and should not possess a here when foot, but it was all my together like the guy, you rode up to date, data at it her own they freaked out. I think these guys are about, Leaving las vegas well did what's the interesting, but leaving las vegas was that he went there to die. Said Sakina, roth, isn't that's but then there's also a version of law, your own. That is a tumbling ball of flame. Is it a one story? A guy saw what looked like a white, the woman in white and then realized. It was morphing into this tumbling. Orb, like a bunch of flames, he was just like nah shit shit, what the fuck out of it. You see that bodies do not arrive in it, landed in front of them and then turned into a bundle of blankets and then the bond of blankets unfurled, and it was a bunch of babies with
razor sharp teeth? Oh my god! That's the worst one yet, and everyone else said that, like oh, they thought that, like they're like he was the most trustworthy man in the village like we didn't think he would lie in it in it. Today, all his days, these, like the little carnivorous children, satellites, nora cool. When it comes to the roots of lawyer Rona. The story is far more than a cautionary tale, like so many that spring up her own cultures. Developer on bodies of water. It's also far more than a story that keeps kids from running on their own and it certainly far more than a cautionary tale meant to keep frat boys from drowning in the river. Ok, lawyer. Rona is actually one of those rare legends that has its roots in both mythology and highly consequential historical events. It involves stories that involve beautiful women, terrifying creatures and according to some, opinions, the betrayal of an entire civilization
This is one of those stories when I typed in you know, I was going to buy research, and I just go to I go to like youtube and collect la around? No, no, I just got popped up right and then the first papa was this like very thick college level dissertation. Where was each two teachers were talking to zoom and they got really into too nature now mexico- and I was like all reject out of hand over to get all of this, so that part and actually contain information, not only one thing to which could say listen. This is right here bring no time in those states already guy I'm going to do our best break down a lot of very complex themes within mexican during absolutely and mexican culture. Its extraordinarily complex, arrogant, adore, absolutely do our best
you'd better than real may goes to doing. I think it's finally time for last pod guess on the left to explain mexico. Do you have anything besides mix can through mass ongoing those girls? Can we go drought or so I go now slow. Your rona is a terrifying mexican. Legend is only logical that her mythological roots lie in the most terrifying mezzo american mythology, that of the aztecs and since its dark tail. It's only for that, the roots of lawyer Rona are related to human sacrifice. Not did the aztecs practice human sacrifice. Most definitely media has practice it. They are real good at, but I had a nail. the approach pro, but was it a part of everyday life, as it is often claimed, I hope so unlikely, unlike probably not in that, was removed toward role we missed out and all the good ship, we should have been comedians ancient rome
yeah, I mean as to sacrifice its one of the most hotly debated subjects answer all of us, like academia, misery yet well, that's the thing. The vast majority of what we know about human sacrifice comes from the spaniards, who conquered and slaughtered them just like everything we know about. Druids comes from the romans who invaded the british isles. Here freeze written by the victors and I just like the romans? It was in the spaniards, best interests to paint the aztecs as pure barbarians, but when it comes to the crude asked not refuse written by spanish missionary, and they were actually usually pretty reliable when it came to the american indigenous people- and we just happy that no way does the american history of our land have a similar tail? No, no, no, no! Nothing that we're straight shooters, shooters, well, they're, usually pretty reliable, but the purposes of course dina yeah, but these crimes
most mezzo american tribal and cultural practices. These were guides for future missionaries to pervert existing cultural beliefs and turn them into christian beliefs. Because look at how fuck Well, it worked with christmas in eastern chad. Every brand was compliant like, for example, like when it comes to society's, like the aztecs, the missionaries can say like go fuck him love blood is spoken, big, bloody duties always and tortured his face is always a big fucking stab always bleeding get him a bed of fucking nails driven into his hands and feet, always fucking drink his blood once a week. It's awesome, you'll love it do it or die the selling point yeah, but I drank blood last week and I got motto from it: man isn't that nice, it's great, that you can love something you're full of
eyes lit the story of law europa. His is tied in to all of these mechanisms, where we too, who the stories of ancient groups, what do they serve at what purpose the writing serve for the people? using it for their own benefit and also how they got this information, because one of the acts sure origins of la your own, a delay could have talked about what I mistakenly said incorrectly on the stream. I the idea that they can kiss nor can they arrive your outnumbered by the aztecs and their sort of like it. This is fake, like that. It's is false. The idea that they were so we're whelm by their technology, that they just kind of gave up the ghost and also the thing about like them, believing that you know he was at her nando cartel was well. That's totally untrue. Only also what they did was that they work their way very similar to the cia has left their imprint around the united. You break your tail dreams of this again well, gay.
was there. How does it connect? I agree with, in reality a whole heartedly. Actually, it's a very good, analogous, ok, I've just name we ve just where they go and look at the geese doors would motivate the larger group of ass tax or their mood debate the people that were on the lower wrongs of society. Look at this time the society had already structured itself into away where there was a group of controlling class that ran everything and basically did women I'm going to write now where they are essentially like making sure that no one of the bottom got anything when did the confused or sprinkle crack everywhere is basically what they did to withdraw your own. You noticed rack, got kind of kind of dinosaurs and I agree with the idea that they would manipulate girl, lower class to rise up against the controlling classes to help them flip. The entire country and there is one woman who help them do that which will get to hear in a second who, but those chronicles that we were talking
Now with the missionaries, they also worked like a demon glossary, so the missionaries could properly recast previously revered gods as demons, who had been tricking, the indigenous people into worshipping them, century is: oh, my god. It's so lucky that we came along. You ve been worshipping a demon here as valuable as asia. You could tat, he does he be estate great. I can't you see this. Take anything! That's up! Oh my god. I love this missed piteousness protector snake. He come he prick. You make society, he help all of us but turned out he a demon. Well, the god really want the problem at the maybe the human sacrifice and things like that was an issue, but no functioning society ass. They were I to address a contested or sell. The aztecs were an extraordinary advanced society. All the muzzle american cultures were extraordinarily wifi, or can we say this everyone's like? Oh, there were so unbelievably extraordinarily technology. They had a clock immediately,
this is a cow and whether we are going through it, they also had cannot they had been here since they had a great about building have horses I dont dispense with exports span broad and say I should have a horse staring interlocutors that yeah I think they were confused about the horses when they saw men on horses. They did think like holy shit. That's a man! That's one creature, centaur yeah, a centaur yeah, but the the horses were a big deal, as were the guns that hat thought. The aztecs were also incredible warriors, but we'll get into the reasons later. Ok, why they were not able to overtake or even fight back against this yeah. It's all that well bred into it, but to the point of human sacrifice, write it down, but the point of human sacrifice and ask that culture being at least a part of the overall malone's. It partly survived in oral tradition, through law europa see just before this
annual arrived and we're going to get an asset mythology right now call sacrifices were given to the great mother calot lick way, and I'm going to do my best to that It is not too bad media. We were able to work your way through one hundred men. You prefer and caught look way was usually depicted wearing along dress made of tangled rivers. drowning man yeah in some regions of the esta creation met. She created the world now as technical, G is fuckin crazy violence weight, but so is greek mythology. More fuckin saturn ate his son alive, the titans all that it's incredibly violent, dominated. That's, certainly a good eat yeah, I guess not to mention again. The crucifixion of Jesus has been portrayed as extraordinarily violent. In other words, a lot of belief systems have violent roofs. I think, however, though I think all of them involve some got a blood planes, indian tribes usually done
Their creation. Myths are usually very peaceful. They have to do with the land coyotes stuff like that, yet those actually worry on sending it also and the do its creation myth. Is that wins true? boring lives it. Let there be light, cabal. Guided the friends of yours now, its recognition of nothingness does something yet genesis. Law and god said: let there be light and then that's a god created Heaven and earth tourist. I've got an executive should he'd say, and you know it actually nice. If there were some lightner. Then he makes everybody else. Goes courier otto make an app garden of Eden yeah. I bet you. They really enjoy that serious, called family pies
each other according to world incest. Babies, anthony pye are now all of human kind. Didn't s. Babies at some point of view, because we ve been getting caught in fucking washers and dryers gotta figure out how to clean these closed better ass. I went to things that lie uranos warning against these that are counted out. Rather, you comment, but do your naughty stem bother business? Whether I wonder if you did just leave a pilot dirty close if she wash it well below what some people argue that the aztecs or their mostly misunderstood? You know that they just loved violent stories has, as we know, just because people have violent interest, that does it mean their violent people, in fact, most the time, as our audience knows all too well, it's usually the
sat opposite everybody. No, who looked scary allotted time, is the most gentle loving person, the face everybody with face: tat, Jos and twenty twenty three is an incredibly is an incredibly now we live in a world where khakis and blue shirts or razor that fuck it does need to be target employee and now its neo nazi, but is one of the violent aspect. Let's go that are related to love ya, Rona, a goddess stain siwash colossal help, the god ketchup wattle, create. current human race by grinding up the bones of the people from the previous age, the icy I wrote using courts, cobbles blood, I swear, I get a ticket We want a lot here. This is a great isn't really really go to manage. Them was credible. One! We're really try it. I really giant, but let's see see, were caused by the way, was a poet lick ways, daughter, risking your merrily were even non existent she's fluids in spanish. This isn't spanish disaster. I don't know
She says: he's glinda and she's, also she's, not mexican she's. A colombian improvement chair, you pilot says I didn't like mexico, for canada can bind inflation. As my colleague dairy farmers, are the beautiful be ball out, everyone is beautiful. What looked way, meanwhile, was decapitated by her children on the orders of one of her daughters, the moon goddess, who, with shit aids of lawyer Rona was upset with her mother because her mother become pregnant by a man who is not the moon. Goddesses father was a bit of infidels he is a little bit of a tell him about the bare little bed. So, even if your god, you get you We are always women, be trifling. I guess so, but from the bloody next stump of clot look way sprung the fruit of that prohibition union the as tat god of war, we
si la pouch, dully cool, but seeing that his mother had been killed, wheat, scylla, pouch, duly dismembered hundreds his sibling, decapitated, the moon, gotta. These heathen threw her head into the sky and that head became oh, I thought they had. The coolest I make an met, it seems, is out of you seem to pay attention to me unless I'm full x y know. Now you always think in pictures o thou carried out no one love, you mom got us. Thank you fly. We know why you need, though, reason we love. You call. I speak you ever night move out held. My oh thank you, but just now, I cut all and god I love you Mamma moon. I love you. another lawyer, Rona connection, see what collado she the boat
grinding. She was also the patroness of mothers who die in childbirth because an asset culture, childbirth was compared to warfare and women who died in childbirth were honoured as fallen. Soldiers Really dangerous appetite is extremely dangerous to like nineteen. Sixty five the more like night, two thousand and five they're dangerously ill. These do in a terrifying twist, the Women became skull, face spirits known as the sea who at tale, who would hot crossroads at night, where they would do what else, but steel children why the fuck did the confused or changed this culture I would have been like one of them when I would it be like one of the invaders be like you know what you guys are really cool. I dont know why. Don't we arm yawl and be with you guys, hang out she and the whole god and then eventually will turn it around and go back and conquer europe do
What do you mean you're just a little bit of cool shit yeah, because when I want to say a lot of these people talk about you know, obviously that some of this is very symbolic of mexican american. Cold you're, like a kind of over the way we deal with each other. But this is really an anti spain broadcast we need to go for spain, adding that where a lot of anger needs to be directed towards because they started making a plate smaller, all these you guys do all they alone they take off all afternoon. There just sit ages to sleep, I gotta go to work like a boot? That's no less it'll know when it came to. Urban setting, it was said that sea, while Collado rome, the canals would be aztec capital of denotes deep, don wearing cradle board, on her back, we have the cradle bore, that's a girl back that for babies zappia. on that cradle board was not a child, but an obsidian flint knife,
the kind used in human sacrifice I reckon the aim of like a new jobs which thou movie complex, single, dad you so you ve got a baby carrier just like a fool: a gun, yeah. Well, I, like the idea of dissidents, cool knife ran, may fighting back. So yes, I will films. The other day we don t visas, everything so cool. By radically, though the story that power the inspired lawyer. Rona was not meant for kids. Instead, it seems like it was aimed more towards young parents. At least this is gonna. My interpretation of this tale, as I read it, and what sounds like a cautionary tale meant to discourage mothers from leaving their children unattended. A woman goes to the market, but leaves the child behind and crib. While she goes to shop and hang out with their friends admin don't worry about it is that they are innocent, but when she returns, the child is gone, replaced with an obsidian flint knife.
yeah, my daughter, is a nice few hours. So, most of the time when your kid is kidnapped, they don't leave anything near a ransom note or something. But what this signifies that see? What co odl has traded the knife for the child and the child has been taken away on the crib strapped to see what coladas back. Then I fairy my fair yeah. Well, what you can do is just say: they're gonna have a better life. That way now look at my new knife Look at this night school? When you look at bags dog you see pictures a bride, carrots juicy stakes and all that jasp. When I open it up trying to get that sweet savory meal for myself, because I'm the breadwinner of the home opened the bags of these birds, smelly pellets in for me, Tom food need some fresh data. That's why you my neighbors rate, you have figured out the farmers dot. It's real fresh, healthy food,
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gypsies in chapter three soda will launch adventure season in which gimme discovers a mysterious journal. That she'll need your help to decipher. Will you be up for the challenge challenge? What around the aztec, influence on lawyer Rona when it comes to mythology another line the inspiration for this cultural amalgamation is a creator creature known as the hungry woman s, this crate. a lot of times would allow it to him. I can say we use it to order food at a restaurant shall say: oh I'm not very hungry right now, but then, when you were beside ended, she take half or when you're sitting at home, you tryin to decide what to give delivery, she'll say but she's hungry, and yet every suggestion you make he says
No, this is not your body can be right. Sometimes I went out with those wandering the hungry woman. She is covered with dozens of mouths that cry out not for children, but for food is awesome. It said gore yeah. It said that the hungry woman, is quietly quae herself, the devouring mother, who contains both the womb and the gray documents is a gang bang. Gold right here, what is now also actually was everything bags. I feel like the hungry woman's a good new like that. You know chicken you ever get chicken pop, of showing hungry woman doing all that ever bounds. But there's a check is aiming for each one of mine and I actually let that idea and then I think you're get you in the get this gaming. It's not going to go the way you want it because the so many mouths are you going to see his deeds butts.
I hate that I think about it. Think about a you're only going to see dudes like oh fuck, I'm late, then you see like two guys that step ladder triangle on each other's backs- la rhonda is really just a pair about be linked to the gang. Far the hungry woman, I suppose more. The parable in that Yes, but while lawyer Rona obviously has roots and aztec mythology, she owes perhaps even more of her existence to the fifteen tina arrival at the spanish conky stood or at a nun, though court ass, he was their seeking. The three jeez GAD go, and glory of the power to reveal the gorilla. This is where it gets complicated. You know it's fascinating in this context. Is that ten years before cortez arrives, the aztecs begin witnessing a series of bad omens
believed were signalling the arrival of mysterious men who would wage war on the notch. Deep, John, laying some very strong groundwork. For the future legend of lawyer. Rona omen number six involve a native woman covered in chalk dressed all and white. According to accounts, she wandered the streets at than out deet lawn. was heard, crying and screaming throughout the night saying my children we now to live far away or my chair: where should I take you disneyland and not now. Supposedly this woman was the aforementioned guidest see wacko otto seven years after that, omen of famine began and sewage Collado again appeared in the sky, Its have denounced, dateline, crying and hunger. She would say Oh my children. We are about to be lost finally, to make all of this is horrible as possible.
all these omens were linked at the very end of the spanish conquest. When it was said, but the hungry woman ate a baby boy in his career, ah hungary indeed, but it extends. So this is really the kind of a bow like these. Would they learned was you could take these legends and you could flip em for their own like the competed conquistadors understood. If you got in and started understand how we speak bear language, they speak to each other, culturally, that's the best way to manipulate a people's europe, a baby your dear you cooked, add up. I mean that is not the worst. You know comes out The idea who does not the worst? No, when you say not the word and eat human flesh, I would assume a baby's flesh a slightly more tender, and I don't wanna talk about it. They were hurried on this and I will not actually, I know from accounts of cannibal said they say that those that have eaten baby meat is a bit it's very similar to fish that it actually falls apart. Jazz
I apologize. I do too. I was trying to bring some levity to it and I realized it was the opposite. It would be incredible in an aco now we're about to get into history. And it might be a little bit controversial and of some of our listeners might have some very strong opinions on this one way or another. Your correct now we ve learned as much as we could about this subject, but it, but for some people, just a line in here, rebook and for some people there's a lot of ideological stance is attached to this character in history. and thinking of things that reverberate to this very day relating to see, Artie bad does see. Archie grid raised their merry. We'll have kids. I try to talk to wendy about the racists beginnings of this country, cheek, kept, say she's in the pull on the ladder up doesn't care when anybody ops,
we made to this country abad know we don't need to get into the details of how cortez destroyed the aztec empire so quickly, but for the purposes of our story, we're going to discuss the controversial woman who helped him, do it her given name. Was money den, but the mexican people would come to know her as la Mullins J, a k, a the tongue. Oh did she and the dalai lama that, oh, my god here, kiss my dog dog that is such a fucking scared scared that tough, she was very tbt. Subaru controversy. Controversial net alleging goes that la money, J had been a member of aztec, nobility who'd been captured in laid by the mayans at the age of eight or nine, but as it turned out, she had a knack for languages and by the time court. as arrived from Spain. Many years later, la moline che was fluent in the languages of both the aztec
and my an empire love. Now wind cortez first arrived. He was given a large piece offering by the mayans, which included twenty enslaved amongst those women was la moline check. The enslaved aztec noble. She was baptized as a catholic and given the european name of marina seems like the peace offered actually, exceptionally violet, all very much yes, yes, yes, you thought. Let me lama, lynching was very interesting. You should have met Lop butter out as they but That is always you might like. Good luck. All of tat. She was nice very, very good. Now now, since While the nice thing is I am, she saw, someone had a grants lamb and they barely even hit the ball, but every one in the infield did so poorly. We're doing. Ok, that's all you gotta! Do it's! Nobody in the port, homerun run since level.
J was reportedly beautiful, she was given to a spanish nobleman, but when hernando cortez discovered how good she was with languages, he took her as his own personal slave and she thereafter quickly learned spanish as an interpreter and eventually ended. sir lama. Lynching participated in every major event associated with the spanish conquest of mexico, all the way to the fall of tonight's teat lawn in fifteen twenty one. She was like a mirror universe version of socket away, evil mexican border hans snap, nor reportedly cortez told one of his. and that next to god, lama, Lin CHE was the most important factor to his success. As soon after the aztecs were conquered la molina J gave birth to her nendo cortez. His son, martine martine, is therefore considered the first mestizo the first boy that was a mix of the spanish and indigenous people that now make up the nation of mexico. She
sometimes seen as the mother of the mexican people didn't calling baby tom. Did they not? I don't ever want to meet anybody. You were the nickname, baby time money and you got me baby till midnight earlier in the year for the yard, the interview where the language, what if you are out of date, everything is going greatness. Open there. Well, maybe too little dog I lost most of last most about tongue in the tongue, war. Thirteen. However, the people of mexico who have opinion on mumbling. J are usually split between one extreme or the other. Some see her as, as I said these Balikh mother of the new mexican people end in new mexico. She had this idea she's that they come back combination of culture that she has also seen as a woman who might have helped mitigate the suffering of her people from the inside someone who saw
there's no way we're going to beat the spanish there's, no way we're going to beat these guys. So let's try to bring an end to this as soon as possible. She probably said something like it's not selling, out its buying is buying, and other people say that, since she was enslaved, that meant that she had no choice but to collaborate, yes, and they also say that she is unfairly may escaped cause of that. Yet because, as you know, in the name of the king, culture like mexican culture can be very massage. Genetically tino culture can be very message in a stake in some. Latino feminist, see her as an unfairly maligned woman. Yet because again, You're, seeing is a guy who used her inside knowledge to help gain the trust of many people. I then use that you know depends what you think you are you happy, but not an end or cortez his actions. I do not know, but you know, but the biggest thing was that you know through her interpretation what he was able to interpret as Henry said earlier, like she was able to very quickly interpret hernando cortez. His intent
and to these lower classes of the aztec people, so he was able to form Basically, he was able to show up form an army and fuck people up really fast, okay, men, that's the thing through that! Other people seem a la molina J as a traitor of the highest order, who hastened the defeat of the aztecs when she really didn't have to. In other words, it's not her fuckin choice, to say who should live in who should die? That's why the law, your Rona story, is so that the way people talk about it, it's this mixture of rage and sadness and for lord nest, because its many think, since this idea of its a complicated boast, under this thing, where you dont know wearily where it's coming from like what? What were they in turn, actions of this of this if it was indeed a real force. It is symbolic of that. This ideal right or are we selling ourselves out like a mother who kills her own?
Children, its exists assembly, symbolic example of likes, quoting court selling at your country. Neff I mean that's. Why was constans great? They have a thing called a whole egg, which is just as being very literally users the thing that sits there. I don't think it only says: who'd like any gets home. They also eventually end. We call the whole votes just a big guy. What some of these people argue that you know because of lamine CHE, the aztecs didn't have enough time to adapt to the spanish ways of warfare that eventually, if they would have been able to just kind of bal them on their own, they would have figured out how to go against guns. They would have figured out how to kill horses like it wouldn't have been. They would have at least been able to five. There are some shit up for as long as they couldn't tell, of course, the smallpox set in and then, after that, their fought by and others say that you know she could have refused. Collaborate altogether. She could show their share you murdered during, but she could have chose death over the betrayal of four people and you that's the thing. Is it come option?
stop options. It's about a ghost story about somebody that damned by their choices, because also oh you're, a woman in society to kind of forced to do these things and then you're kind of punished for it by society. S shirt exactly and I might misinterpreting this, but from what I can tell like, moline che is still like a slang term. It's so used today. It's used by some people as a sort of like it's like an uncle tom pejorative Benedict arnold yeah. I actually move on. I don't know the story, but it's a whole thing. It's so it's more. It's it's actually much worse than Benedict Arnold, because this is like somebody who it's basically, someone who prefers eurocentric cultures to their own eyebrows, compared the fact that Delgado left the impractical, always divorce use force. You win the divorce or a prime example. as the prime recent example of this is the latino white supremacist, who killed eight people in dallas. What two weeks ago,
There are even do even remember. I was speaking this enabling its top hat and its daddy race, ethnicity, different things, Hey Riordan, obligated to very kind? It is a very good article in the atlantic this week about bringing about the atlantic have got them. Madam you saw this week, but no matter what the modern interpretation of levelling chase legacy may be, whether one way or the other we don't know at the time Fifteen hundreds she was definitely seen as a villain till the people of mexico when she was alive and as we shall soon see her actions and the subsequent consequences slowly began to intertwined with as tat mythology, thus helping to create lawyer Rona. Now, once the aztecs were conquered, the spaniards began to recast the aztec mythological heroes as villains. One spanish cleric said that the aztecs ancestors had aired in their worship of these gods.
specifically gods like see what Collado, who had terrified the aztec people throughout the night by her extensive wailing and crying. So why do you want to worship tat guy when you wrote have jeez yeah Jesus, never cried wants snow man, I manage Jesus fucking got caught, em murdered. I like my saviour, is not caused by savers, not count, but also, I think, Jesus there at all, but a shit where he was crying like a bunch when all put get seventy years trying to get I have ever. I, then there is also the concept of the sacrificial god. Like you happy you we're all was the sacrifice of, because we're not good enough have ain't right. We must kill some part of something that is belongs to us. An order can hold a good supper. The answer make sure that we live like a really shit, ass, boring life on this planet, and then we can go to the fun party again jeweled array, Michael Jackson,
I could kill or kill all these guys out there, but yeah, never forget Jeffrey Dahmer, gorgeous love and life and go with Epstein on that one blurred, while sure enough by fifteen. Fifty a few decades after the spanish defeat of the aztecs that gotta see what cowell had become a ghost white apparition of sobbing woman wandering the canals she was now named. lawyer owner the dental nervous, the lawyer Rona was indeed a cautionary tale, but it seems like the first lesson. Lawyer owner was meant to teach was don't fuck, conquistadores, ok, cause you labelling, jet you're not trying to be allowed moline J either. I wasn't that was the first, my own sorted out, dick, don't fucker, conky, stood or because basically was common for spaniards to promise and genius women, the moon, I'm going make you a noble woman, I'm gonna! Take you back to spain. I'm gonna, give you a better
I am all you, gotta do is fuck me and everything will be raised men, but as soon as the relationship became boring or inconvenient, the spaniards would ass, the women and whatever children they'd fathered aside and of murder, you told the story of like if you do this, if this happens to you Then you could lose your mind like lawyer owner, you might murder your children like law, your honor, your whole life you've created agriculture, debt you've, yet yeah, you've, traded out. Everything in your entire life will fall apart and you will wander attorney. You will wander the river. The canals for all eternity at lessons still holds true to this day, be careful who you have kids with because they got they might just end up going to trip and never come back. However, when it comes to
Melinda J, it's hard to say whether lawyer Rona was inspired by rumours concerning lemon and jay, or whether people apply the law, your own, a story to loma lin j after her death in order to make her death far more tragic than it really was, almost comes up yeah. I think it's a little half a half, a one, yeah half one, six of one half dozen of the other. Now it's thought that around a first appeared about a year before lomond ling, Chu died, but a story spread up around lama lynceus death- that was at the very least the first half of the lawyer on a tail. It was said that when Hernando cortez announced that he would be returning to spain with his mestizo son martine, but with out lama lean J, she took a sacrificial obsidian knife and plunged it into her sons heart in the manner of an as tax sacrifice. Then did the same to herself good storytelling
very good story. Tell ya know that of course, wasn't true at all after court has left la montaigne J married, a different spanish, no woman and died fat and happy as far as we know, just get all fat Thirdly, the christmas might to be some brands desserts, but it does say something that people wanted. to die a horrible that oh yeah. They wanted this to be real. They wanted be, they were very hopeful, but she was the phantom that was crying searching looking for their lost children, because that would you like a fate appropriate for the person that solve this out? That's it is. It is fifty fifty because it's Larry greatest revenges to live a happy life. You know like I'll leave outside Corey feldman good, for you know your, but but the is also So, what's it like a history, but it's like what, in fact, after the mexican revolution of eighteen, ten mexican nationalists gone to directly. Compare labelling che to lie your, although in their minds, lama, lynching was far worse after all la your own.
Had only drowned. Your own children also heard your allotted under new opportunities, but lemme lynching had, according to the opinions of these people, she had condemned her entire people by aiding and abetting the cruel con feasted on who had tried erasing the aztecan mine identities from ex go completely, not to mention how many people they fucking killed. So it's now modulation, oh yeah, who was in the areas of food distribution, gods, kind, I'd! That's why the ghost hold such a powerful cultural hold over many and it continues in evolves and the again it's just how many people have seen lying around how many people have talked about this style? And yes, the ban ki are in other cultures. Other goals that but remembering on major, shows us that the irish aren't graded investing properly. That's the problem there leprechauns, you not understand just it is nice to put it in a mutual farm burn alone, bucks, known
came to horror stories involving the conquistadores. Some went far beyond on mere consorting, but many of those stories still had sort of lawyer, Rona ending in one tell the conquistadores who first arrived in mexico, were so taken by the beauty of aztec children that they kidnapped the most beautiful kids and gave them to their spanish wives as gifts, kids, their rights say: women yeah fan there like yeah there like look, you outta jail. Just get out of here, anything else is older than we gotta get necklace you some years a scream and tariff I child, for you to take care of well. I thought that was gonna happen. So fast whoa. It comes up Elk ought to be a mom will win. This became is this? Just as you in your men and women who, in this became a trend, it was said that some aztec women
killed their children rather than give them up to the hated spanish and la europa was one such woman, but in an extra twist, this law. Europa kills whatever child she finds during her wandering, perhaps echoing the old sacrificial aztec beliefs, a child for a child child versus Jai, yeah how's it going it would be criminal not used where space to create your website whether you're selling lighted director tests or marketing your amateur detective club squares, bays, helps you created all in one platform to grow your business online through an engaging in aesthetically pleasing website. Where you can sell anything, you can get started the best in class customizable website, template mainly list you can collect email addresses through your website and send subscribers the information they care about like that news in your true crime investigation with the can Did social media accounts feature you can even this
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humiliated her in public and turned her away. She returned home and stabbed her twins to death with a dagger that the nobleman had given to her as a gift to thing is: how do you tell the chick that you're married, that you want to add one more such hard conversation. Yet, as you know, are you you know you need to start with some nice music. I was sentiments you know you show a big baby, you guys, like each other when she has to start again You guys, you gonna, do you make yourself the male cook pages below do would they do ye eyes like this yeah? Maybe they didn't liberation army conversation, it's a heartless. They look each other. It's a hard sell on the wedding night, well yeah, because that's all I didn't plan, for it would have it a boner point for every idea. It's all think we're having lost remind during the active murder, this one
and then wandered the streets and torn blood soaked clothing frying for her children. For some reason, I think it was because she used the dagger she was found guilty of both murder and sorcery, She was therefore hanged for her crime can be hanged. You the way but those cows and with high, surely on it in their make sure she's ass, dry, ass, gotcha, scylla, child murderer, got you or from there it was just a short jumped to turn her into a wandering spirit whose searches for her murder chill. And because the people of mexico needed a myth that cat kids away from water all these story, he's of wandering child murdering women. They were all combined with the trauma of a conky stood or conquests and at all, got mixed up to create lawyer owner. and you know it is an interesting compromise, getting rid of title forty two, but then putting the statue of la Rona is really intense debates. There's also something to the taboo of a mother killing her.
jones, oh yeah, that is scary. Some people are just not into it now I know, but it is it's. A very specific tastes in acquired tennessee tell your children, but it's weird because they are really, as pointed because you see how many stories I was just following the leticia stouts case. Which is another case of a woman killing or sought like I got really into this year for some reason about in watching a lot of work in order to allow oh yeah, I'm really getting into negligent child homicide. child child negligence. I was a homicidal child negligent way I figure hating into it. I would really like cocky a couple parents meet up a couple times a week, you talk about how to ignore best. Yeah in the and you as the non parent child. Do we torture, yeah and use the non parent you get to show up and think outside the box. That's the objective that I like to take a look at their kids and be like well cheer. She her legs or knock and make her good for any sports to emulate. That's the one we got us norville, that's great,
now I'll lawyer Rona certainly still lives on an oral tradition to this day back and nineteen. Eighty six, a woman in Houston, brought the legend of lawyer owner to life. twenty nine year old woman named one like the live action lion. King remain a twenty nine year old woman named wanna, Lee ha took her seven children on a bus to the buffet by you river, where the kids thought they were going to have picnic yeah, we're going to have a picnic and all your favorites are going to be there. Beethoven's gonna be there and it's going to be balanced is going to call you guys, love, Zsa, zsa, gabor, honestly, you just if prince and beethoven could rock and roll from one concert holy Hell then be nice Now that's all right. I just I don't know. I don't know you guys, you're mad rosewood, mad show their good. Paying idea paid. Did just you'll get all be like I work for solar
I know you actually me out. So we gotta do dignity. He likes to do A man does those rock and roll fantasies just beethoven and prints im. So sorry that collapsed, rack and ruin a damn man that the best Rock'N'Roll damn I ever heard of yeah, it's no spunk and the love dicks. Whatever the fuck listen you turn part or other. We are throwing light of our other. Now you is examples. Yes, yes, the lungs baker, grain or metal that do they. Brothers did industrial talking loudly either called the octopus burn. She nearly about shovels. Absolutely its proposal, and I love it. You know that's how I used to live made. How I must live. Your right will indeed, once this woman and her children arrived at buffalo, around
I can't say buffalo by you, but he was. I keep same buffalo by yeah it's because of their still such things by you in buffalo ass. Well, but when they arrived at buffalo by you park located justice, I d downtown used, and none of us is right. In the middle you sell out, wanna took her kids to the banks of the river and just started tottenham into the water one by one hair, a ball and export numb glad they cut it out right her eldest, how over and eleven year old, escaped and ran to get help a passer by named Chris sweet meanwhile heard screaming and turned to see, on a struggling to throw the last remaining child into the water, but by the time sweet ran to help fight Four already in the water and two were already floating face down after sweet jumped in is joined by a security guard named gilbert job, as and together they were able to save three kids, but
Five year old and the six year old, the six year old, named jude, rather than in tat lady, never heard in your name in their kid Judas. I dont think that she wanted him to live here. Your yes, your name is Judas. I mean if I actually kind of like that. I like this To this end, I believe, all nay, about twenty zero to hear my limit per trail, yeah right when he died, for being rushed to the hospital, no police. are viewed wanna after the murder. She said that she had been worn down by a life of poverty and domestic abuse, or noting that her husband had recently beaten her so badly that she couldn't each. She was here. Voices always later discover that she was by a poor somewhat like child poorer andrea gates, coincidentally also from Houston weird wanna, said that she wanted to kill her kids because she didn't want them to live in this. Quoting quote bad world any more for and cheap plan on, jumping in after the kids were dead and that's why we're here to talk about social safety nets and whether needed programs like snap for it
apple. Let's discuss the debt ceiling, the I love a good cspan conversation. What was the years this was the city six, eighty six, that is so horror, but I do find the difference between female family annihilator is a male family. Annihilator school a lot of times comes down to an emotional quotient and moms seem to be a lot sadder about killing everybody. But the dads are just super excited to move. Jersey. Is this your version of women drive like this club yeah? This is mine. You me here. A chuckle he's got some of the best murder comparison stories. Oh yeah k the moms like to drown their kids. I guess they want to go to the pool at that mostly barium in a field. I guess every father wants to be a gardener. I love this bit what with women, what it seems like from what you know. Few child murderers. I have us studied a lot of space
like family annihilate, her child murderers. When it comes to women like it's about mercy, it's about, I want these kids do not have to suffer on earth anymore. Therefore, I'm going to drown. The dating from all that always comes up. Online comes a blind with men. It's usually like a save you from my embarrassments, yeah, we'll get old man and sees that I just to our guy here. Actually, I'm just a good I just or to talk in cheese. Twenty eight and she's got different knockers than my personal, this wiping I am. I I'm just there all kind of away down the end. If I, if re faggot the divorce, how can I change my status on facebook? Oh yeah wired for me every by and so therefore put him in the ground- reminds me that dear zack, your reduction- If you want to cry reportedly, though when one of the eight hour was interviewed by a mexican folklore us the same year. She killed her kids. It was said that Looked him in the eye and said I am lie
oh, but of course she was highly she's very mentally illinois. Actually, Texas gave her a very fair sentence was surprising, you'd think they would have centered the fucking chair yeah. She got like deferred adjudication and they made sure that she got mental health health help, you know yeah, they should have been without its leather. Now is it. You got a couple of me things and the things we've got to go home. I think there's probably a lot to that story that they they can handle that there's a lot going on yeah and to this The lawyer, Rona legend spreads and continues to evolve, while she still most active in mexico and the american southwest. He has specifically taxes the legend, made it as far away as Gary indiana words been blended, The legend of the phantom hitchhiker, a woman in white, has been we're drifting around a suburban community named today. He which was once populated with mexican americans, who work the steel mills and gary Indiana supposedly the ghost is said to have come
old, her illegitimate children who had been fathered by an evil factory owner, she drowned them and the calumet river. When she's picked up. She usually ask for a ride to call you at harbor, but just before she and her driver arrive, she disappears never to be seen again goddammit. I thought I was really good some action nearly not denied a series of Gary it lets you guys pants down, when his ankles as July disappears a bad goddammit. I have their bumpersticker says as grass cash don't drive for free. Honestly, I just I guess I am. Truly only interested in none available which caused where men and that lie around its very raised its really intense. I would like to look up this book. It's really interesting, to see how many different stories, how often like, because we're gonna tell some time.
it was a huge one is very similar, but I think that's what's interesting is the fact that the stories are very similar. People see it again and again, and if the, if the response from just our audience, having seen, why you Rona it was so crazy, I'm certain this must be. I mean it's just. It's very prevalent, unblotted latin american society, Oh, my goodness right everyone without he marries also got a whole. Very odd, did didn't tents, historic old, like pass to there's a lot as normal context. Her I never saw her. We did a multiple times I did the show don't remain over my landlord and say this was really early- it must have been I already know within which is due to your house. but we may have just under two thousand. We are a hammer hammered at lahti, Mary, like four five done, no recollection of that one of the lower house, where the original studio was bound to twenty eight and a half ballroom yeah yeah how's. That was when you walked in sober. You thought you were drunk, as was on a flat yet was yet
nay. I was little corner of how little house down. I still think about thousands wonderful place. You my magic of magical little dirt ball. Airily was amiss smokin inside yeah you can a slight upright my bra cool, my gave you pal. I everyone thank you so much for listening. That was very educational. An awesome We have a bunch of stuff, you know where to find easy or should check out a serious exit moreau with money and also check out our stream live in the patriarch, also springfield, coffee. You should try it out, or are we then do what are you hate exceed? I got some coming up in July, sixteenth I've been told I have to market it so
come on out. That's going to be well. Look at my look at my instagram I'll show you where it is are so bad at this I see my manager or our manager just yelling right now and I will pitch the brighter side. Live is happening nine pm at the pack theater tonight. This is coming up friday. So tonight the british lives have come check it out at the pack. Unless an awesome, yes- and I will be the current comedy club located somewhere and next thursday on may twenty fifth season. Three of no dogs in space is officially preparing. Yes, as spun season is also coming out. This we have new spun season or sand as well. We can't wait. see you next thursday. That's my job number wanted somebody with a smaller clubs, its clubs, because you see her next there thursday, eighteen and also giving hope we record on thursdays they face
in writing- and I see you every day I see everyone. All the times. In my dreams feebly its top you're. Damn right, everyone. Thank you for listening, don't go to the water Hale your health again, because relations. you're on your own bandits. They march the neck, the neck his show was made possible by listeners. Like you think, store, add sponsors you can support. Shows by supporting them for more show. like the one you just listen to go to last podcast network dotcom. This shows brought to you bob, help. Imagine you're looking at this scale with everything you do for other people on one side and everything you do for yourself. On the other side, if the scale is unbalanced baby, it's time to spend
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-20.