« The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

383. Education, Foreign Policy, Crime, and Collegiality: the Chris Christie plan

2023-09-14 | 🔗

Dr. Jordan Peterson and 2024 presidential candidate Chris Christie discuss the disproportional power of teachers unions, the seemingly perpetual state of the Ukraine/Russia war, the real impact of the Biden laptop scandal, and why Donald Trump might not be the right Republican candidate going forward.


Chris Christie is an American lawyer, politician, lobbyist, author, and former federal prosecutor who served as the 55th Governor of New Jersey (2010 to 2018).

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. Everyone I'm very pleased to announce dates for my forthcoming european tour. I will be visiting long with tammy belfast northern ireland october fifteenth lisbon, Portugal october eighty Stavanger Norway October twentieth, malmo, Sweden october twenty first madrid, Spain October twenty third amsterdam, netherlands,. October, twenty fifth vilnius, lithuania october, twenty sixth, riga, latvia october, twenty seventh tickets, are now available on my website. Jordan, be petersen, dot com,
hope to see you there. Hello, everyone watching and listening today, I'm pleased to speak lawyer federal prosecutor, Former new jersey, governor now running president chris Christy discuss the unfortunate and disproportionate power of teachers unions. The potentially perpetual state of the ukraine, russia, war, the imf the Biden, laptop scandal and my dad on trump, at least in Mr Christy's opinion might not be the right republican candidate going forward all right. Well, thank you for agreeing to talk to me today in and everyone whose listing and watching
quite an exciting development. As far as I'm concerned to see these long form dialogues take their place in the in political disk because it really allows people the opportunity to unfold division. Joy. I thought the first thing. I might ask you, because I think this is the question that foremost on my mind and should be on them. of people who are watching and listening is why do you think that you would be a good precedent? What what is it that makes you stand out from the other? They rested, I say on the republican side on the democrat side as well. Why should people be concentrating on your campaign A vice versa. Thanks round me on, and I look forward to this kind of long form conversation is well. I think it's much more informative for folks I'd say three things come to mind immediately. The first is that if we ve gotten in our country to small in terms of politics, Are you about what I think are relatively small things in the brain?
scheme of what our country should be working on where divide each other into smaller and smaller groups, where, hitting each other against each other anger seems to be the predominant emotion. I won't be president, because I want to do the big things this traffic has always been at its greatest. Where does big things and for me Some of those its examples of some of those things are educational system. the twelve, I think is failing our country and our friend These miserably when a third. Our kids can't read a grave level in this country. We need to have a radical change in the way we educate. Kids came to twelve and I never got some more detail on that. I hope will later in the conversation, but I want parents much more in charge of those things power them to do. It said and crime in this country has become up near epidemic problem in our cities and its effects.
In quality of life the ability of people to enjoy all the things that we have an american citys- and this is because prosecutors locally decided they don't want to prosecute. Party life crime and violent crime in the way they used to. I think, if you don't have a sense of the rule of law. And law and order in your country. Diminishes. Our responsibility to enjoy their lives had to make the most of them and so, as president, I would make sure we sent federal prosecutors into other cities have significant the problems of the law. Prosecutors will prosecute their violent crime. We will and make sure We clean up what's going on in our cities through I think that america is gonna continue to play a leading role in the world too much descent in our own party, which is fine to the argument, but I think the argument needs to be resolved before. Of america being a leader around the world and so that's why favours support in ukraine and wood
Hence it increase it because, I think, the proxy war. Right now between the states in the west in china, china, supplying the money for a russian across this war and these mansion that has always been apart. Of russian foreign policy is right on display and we need to All right where it is because free and secure europe? Is important to america's political and economic, future and, lastly, what I'd is that we do talk to each other and more in government are we. tweet at each other or whatever, it's called thou acts at each other, We use social media that stuff The reason I'm different is because I was republican governor free years, in a democratic state with it a crowd of state legislature, and I to figure out how to work. But the other side to account things that mattered and that
consistent with my principles. There's nobody else in the races had that experience, and at most, what it's like in washington d c, and we The present again, whose willing to spend his or her political capital on bills. Those relationships and trying things done, I've always operated jordan in my career in politics on the prince, that is harder to heat up close and the more that we get to know each other more, get to know each other's families, motivated thus giving the public life where priorities are what we really want to accomplish. the greater chance. We have to be able to get things done for the american people, and so I think that makes me a lot different than any candidate in this race and it will. Allow me to solve problems like immigration saw problems are entitled programmes and their impending bankruptcy. And the effect that would have on the american people so that.
people should be focusing on me- and I am I am- I campaign- kay so you outlined for basic categories: education, law and order, let's say foreign policy, America's role in the world, and then dialogue between republicans democrats, let's, let's start at the top of our list on their education side. I know that governor yu introduced a number of educational reforms? I was reading today that at least at them but there is no long term indication that they actually improved educational performance. That's surprising to me because it actually turns out to be quite difficult to to refer education in a way that actually makes a difference, and And maybe that's wrong. I haven't done laws delving into the direct consequences of your reforms. But I do have some specific questions on the education front, so and here's one. That's really perplexed me for a long period of time, so.
I worked at harvard and ninety two the ninety. Eight we spend a lot of time analyzing research, It was done in the departments. The faculties of education and Families of education, since the early sixties have abdicated their responsibility entirely. They general They generally train the least motivated students at you, kirsty, often ones with the worst grades, to develop teaching, because they can't figure out what else to do. quality of research that the faculties of education are produced to call appalling is barely to scrape the surface knave champ. in whole word reading. They ve champion self esteem, training, emotional, social learning more. bull intelligences like a whole, emotional intelligence, a whole panoply of, of course, concepts that have no scientific standing whatsoever and have done nothing but her kids and become their law
clearly among the most well disciplines the farthest left disciplines that have emerged. Within the university yet They have a hammer log on teachers, certification and that gives them access to fifty percent of american state budgets. So one of the things I'm curious, but also noticed it you had chaired the republican governors association I can I understand why the republican governors haven't take and teachers certification away from the factories vegetation, and why are they allowed to have a hammer law? Can teach your production there's no evidence whatsoever that their good doing their jobs and plenty of evidence to the contrary? So well, that's a specific, question I have, but I am also curious about what else here, devoted to on the educational reform front, and why you think it would work why you it would work. Well, let me so. I talking about your specific thing. It was the big fights that I had new jersey that I wound up not being able to win, because I needed legislative support to get it done, and
as hard as I tried to do it the teachers unions, as you know, are an enormous political force and why diminished alive of their influence. I couldn't get off the teacher certification front and I think put your finger on something that is extraordinarily important. If we want to reform our national education system is the idea that good teachers do not often come from departments of education. In our universities and colleges ants. That's one of the one. The france that we have to have a national conversation and arguments about more broadly, I do think that we need talk about the hammer lock on fifty percent of budgets, you're right and in some instances is even more. It serves. The amount of money is spent were spending about billion dollars nationwide year ok, the twelve education, and I
it's time to The federal government led the way and it states that are already providing educate, a choice and those that are not to move my shorts. Much more choice choice, model just for underprivileged folks, but for everybody, and that is Public schools will only get better if they have to compete and you have to compete in a meaningful way against other options. Private schools, parochial schools, but all so within the public system. Broader availability of charter schools and renaissance schools, which operate much differently. So when you look back and in jersey, one of the places where we had with our we still have a huge impact was in the city camden, where they had. Six of the ten law is performing schools. Individual schools in the entire state, and
we did was take over the board of education there and we encourage the development charter and renaissance schools in the city and authorize them to compete with the this public schools. You ve seen? Jordan is an enormous increase in the reading and math scores. If you get the last ten years in the city, a camden has been enormous increase in that in the end, kate, five range, and I think that that competition is leads to other reforms that are really necessary. For instance, you're having a longer school year We had some have to eleven months school year, rather school year. We do now I'm having longer school days. Kids need more time both every day throughout the year, I'm to be to create the right way, and especially kids, who
from our inner cities and may not necessarily have to support, is home to encourage paypal, learning that becomes holistic and so We need a reform this in every way we can provide we're choice and give parents, the financial resources they need to be able to actually that choice. So if you want to go to a public school, give a good cop public school in you in your time. Didn't you to go to it and your money it's a public school, but if you choose to send him to charge will a renaissance, school, private, school, parochial, school, you should have the resources in an account to The spend on your child's education rather than continuing to I turn now to the public, or teachers unions that as we saw most starkly during covert care. about what seeing the least of their members and not, in the main and educating our children so
I would like to deal with a bit more into. You said that when you try, two and form the hammer lock of, though teachers, unions say on tv on on on the provision of teaching in new jersey that you, you babbling standstill in that was partly because you were facing a democratic control. Legislate it's assembly, and so of course that makes it more difficult. But I'm I'm I'm still. I'm I'm curiosity on this front, isn't satiated yet because it looks to me like such a colossal failure on the republic inside both at the state level, local. stayed and national level. To allow, in a word them still the terrible culture war. It's not equally obvious that the even know classic liberals or the conservatives are winning it's clear
be the case that the radicals have got a hold of the education system. They are doing that through the faculties of education. I can't understand how it can be that the Republicans have essentially been blind to this for sixty years at sixty years now, given that. The long term, future of the political state rests upon the information that kids are receiving in schools with to their political education. Not now you but you have hands on experience with this, you tried to fight the fight, and it was very, very difficult for you to bring about any reform. Soaked show two questions there. Why exactly was it so difficult? What is it that the teachers unions manage Their access to these great wall thanks and financial resource, and also why do you think? Why are you convinced that the provision of choice among parents is the proper path
mary target in relationship to educational reform.
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First on on the the battle on certification, free with you by the way in in states where report his control, everything its astonishing to me that you wouldn't focus on teachers creation and taking that out the hands of the fashionable teachers, unions and and To me, it was one of the things that we focused on very early on sources of the we missed it. It gets to your second point, which is I give you since in enough in my state, we two hundred thousand members the teachers union in our state that create through jews, which, at the time I was governor, were seven hundred dollars a year, so the teacher union was collecting hundred forty million dollars a year and they didn't, nickel toward teacher salaries, teacher print. repeat: your health care,
and that money was just the slush fund to reward their friends and to punish them These that's a lot of money. Jordan. the state I went and ended indication of it is, if you, get to stay capital and threatened new jersey, When I would look out the front door of the state house beside the state has the second largest building answer street and threatened with the teachers union, building It was no mistake. They wanted send that message. Every time a legislator walked in the building that they're, bigger and stronger than any other interest group in the state. Now look campaigns against them and one twice state why its power? simple to win these things, but in the state legislature dominated by Democrats, they essentially by them jordan. I mean they by them both, a buying them with favour, but all buying them through fear and intimidation You know they went after the senate
democratic, set a precedent in my state because he would with me: ass, an educational reform issues, most ports, The pension reform offer features and health benefit reform for you're, so they have to pay more incidents systems, to make them more solvent they went after him? Three different actions and the guy, the president of the iron workers union in new jersey a fellow union member there, after three ties the third time they finally defeated him and he's out of the legislature? Now so they try to show persistence with their object, lessons and stay where you have a democratic legislature or democratic governor. You just saw this in pennsylvania. Josh, pure ran as a centrist democrat for governor promising Then he would provide educational choice, poverty legislature put the bill on his desk and he vetoed it under pressure from the teachers, unions and broke. His word that he gave during the campaign
and during the transition, and so it's another example of it. Lastly, yes, why focus on parental choice, because think, it's one of the hardest arguments to argue against that. if, in fact your education in your providing traditional public schools is so great that it parents would choose it, but they. If it isn't fair of the right to make their choice for their kids and it should be any parent guessed right to make the gets the right to make that choice. I do Jordan net are Our history has shown the carpet She does almost we bring improvement and so exposes weakness and that could be another way to get the teacher certification issue where because remember these charter schools, private schools broke your schools. Often operate under different rules, They don't have. Unions, in the main they have to deal with I can hire some different folks, and I think that that can help
by showing how successful they are to break The hammer luck that you rightly pointed out at the top of this conversation? I teacher certification services in our public schools. Right, so it allows for more experimentation with regards The provision of education for acts, highlights weaknesses and and four for the poor players to to be to be selected by the market rights. Experimentation issue, there seems key as well. It doesn't hurt as well, I suppose, to also devolved back to parents the responsibility to pay, attention to exactly how their children are being educated. What are you strategically. What do you think strategically might be done apart from focusing on until choice amongst republicans or more classically, liberal or conservatively oriented people too. back against the the the knee
monopoly that enjoyed by the teachers, unions and the teacher certification process. Where did you learn What did you learn strategically from the battle you engaged in and in new jersey? Well, with the successes that we had jordan? The way we got them was by point Now commonsensical problems with where the system operates. So, for instance, idea over a hundred town hall meetings on this issue across our state on the issues of of pension and health benefits. When I became governor, typical teacher, who would retire at twenty five years of service with a large pension seventy percent of salary of their high salary. They would have He would they would have used all the money they paid into the system after two, half years of retirement. and teachers never paid it nickel towards their health benefits in our states
while they were working and in retirement, the taxpayers paid. All of it. So to go to town hobbes say how many of you would like that deal. How many of you have that deal. and nobody would raise their hands and eyes. You're paying for that. When people came to recognize that they were for that type of extravagant retirement and health benefits system, the teachers union approval in our states as we pulled it Went from when I started these meetings in the midst seventies down to the mid thirty's people saw the union as selfish self consumed and abuse of the taxpayers. What that did George? Was it opened up the conversation on everything else? because once you show that the representatives of these teachers we're selfish and self consumed, and not this time, quality that was one problem too was: I went in order to try to break this monopoly
I went to some of the worst school districts in our state and pointed out to sea facts beside the under performance of the students. The first was that they turned out to be the most expensive school districts, Sophia In asbury park new jersey, we were paying thirty four thousand dollars a pupil to get off. What's in the city of new york, we had thirty six thousand dollars per pupil for awful performance in the city. A camp thirty eight thousand dollars per pupil I've got to any private school in america. At that time, for that number or less gotten significantly better education. Secondly, we then talk, The way the teachers union protects the war, of their members, so, for instance, in north over a hundred teachers who literally reported every day to what they called the rubber room where they not permitted to teach anymore, but the teacher
you prevented them from being fired, so the school district, made the decision. George, if you believe it that it would be better, off for the kids to pay. These teachers to do nothing that to have them in a classroom near yeah. When you pointed these things out to folks it open, the entire conversation. So, for instance, I able to negotiate with randy Weingarten believe it or not married pay for teachers in north for the first time we would actually reward the teachers who are showing greater results with greater pay, And take away this kind of a listing view that every teachers, the same every teacher, should be paid the same based pew, the upon experience, rather not performance that will never happen. Jordan, if I have brought their pull numbers down to the mid thirty, And they really worried that the legislature that they have bought be willing to sell them down the river. So
you know, these are the things that we need to do on a national level and by the way, the good thing about report, in governors in some of these states has been that they expanded choice significantly, they need to take them, steps and with it. General government that could condition educational. funding on taking those new steps, which is what the deuce president? You further, even more people, I think to be- do some of these reforms that have shown to be effective right. So why, Let's turn, let's turn to what strikes me as the second most crucial element on your list of of policy folk, I, and that would be foreign policy, especially in relationship to what's happening in ukraine and with russia and so that's obviously a terrible conundrum a terribly dangerous situation, and so the first
question, I guess I would have for you want. with regard to that issue, is how you think we got ourselves into this mess when we The chance in the ninety nineties. I believe too, pulled russia firmly into the sphere of the west and we seem to have bungled out somebody irredeemably and now of this terrible war in ukraine. That seems to be settling down for the long haul. As far as I can tell with the additional danger of an emboldened china and so and I don't see I haven't heard from anybody. I've interviewed a really anybody. I've talked to anything that due to a reasonable vision for four victor, your pay so to question. You know how in the world did we manage to get into something this idiotic and number to give that we are here, and We could have the best possible of all outcomes whatever. That would be. What would those outcomes looked like an how? How would you work towards them.
Ok? So how do we get here? I believe it was a series of mistakes and mrs evaluations, starting with the the Clinton administration and every president, since then has been guilty of this. So I think bill Clinton did I focus as he should ever be. George Bush. Forty one gave him opportunity you just spoke about by the Berlin wall coming down because of the efforts, I believe, of reagan and push forty one, The ending of the soviet union and the state Up of at least what was a nominally democratic russian federation other boris yeltsin Try to bring to the league of of of fair and and it just nations I don't think bill Clinton nearly spend the time focused on that that he should have become, of that because of his distract
focus on foreign policy and other places, I think he missed. opportunity with russia. Then I think bush forty three miss evaluated. Vladimir Putin, I think you might remember him saying you know I looked into his eyes and saw his soul. Well, he obviously didn't, or so he thought he saw. Wasn't there vanderpool from the beginning, in my view, was it former kgb operative who, was a czarist soviet type, a leader who intent on and he said that the make of the soviet union was the greatest tragedy, historic tragedy of his life, So how do you expect jordan that you're going to willingly have a guy like that, give up here, spanish sinnest aspirations, and so under george w bush, he was allowed to go back into george georgia. No
a underwear, a obama he was, to seize crimea, other parts of ukraine, no ramifications donald trump, continued to mass troops on the border, ukraine and a trump did not supply, as broad obama did not you, with the type of weapons that could deter russia. From wanting to invade And ultimately Joe Biden, given how bad he bought the withdraw from Afghanistan, sent a signal support and that he was up to fighting this fight putin made his move to do what it always wanted to do was bring ukraine back into the russian federation. And so the way we got into this mess, was a series of tenth of this miss evaluation and weakness. that was read by putin as permission.
Because what we didn't find em on georgia, and we didn't find him. I crimea. you could say is reasonable for putin to conclude that we might not find about taking all of ukraine. We had me ukraine, a part of nato, so he had every reason to believe that we wouldn't fight back on this. That's I think, be wound up here. I because of the chinese involvement in this remember before putin, went to war before we made the decision to go to war president, he came to moscow met with putin and said publicly. There are no limits to the french, it between china and russia will took that's a mean exactly what it meant, which that china would financially support russia to go in and take ukraine. so. We are now seeing a proxy war. The appropriate can use of the war is To have ukraine have ability
to drive russia out of, in my view, the newest parts of what they taken of ukraine and to negotiate the borders and to thereafter was the war ended to admit Ukraine to nato so that russia would now know that there was a pause to play. For their invasion, the barbarism of their invasion and that This is that now finland is a member of nato on their border. You ve got, and if you add ukraine this, is a much worse, resulting russia can ever expected on their board. But they brought in on themselves. I would say also that haven't just gotten back from ukraine ten days ago,. I can tell you that- The barbarism that's gone on there by the russian army is unspeakable the murder of civilians, burying them in shallow graves,
gouging out of eyes, while people are alive, cutting five years and in my if you Jordan. Worse than anything, many thousand children, you could. children to be kidnapped. By the russian army and and sent to russia to be reprogrammed to work against ukraine I met some of these mothers who had two children taken away from them data. Their children are dead or alive, whether being therefore our abused and whether the ever see them again these I put things a mere. It cannot permit an authoritarian regime to do too free country and to do so with impunity. And we need to send a message to the west as a whole needs to send a message with american leadership that that's not permissible because, if we don't putin will not stop there, remember. The russians have always wanted to poland, because is the way that they were invaded in both world wars.
I have one at that level of buffer and I saw I dont believe. If we permit this, they will stop at ukraine that'll Can you to try to reassemble as best it can? The also he in Seoul? concerns for me in that regard are twofold: You outlined a bit of what might constitute. Vision for victory let him in your putin called the: u s: dollars: droppin dominance, objective and irreversible. As Brazil, russia, india and china, and south Africa formally agreed a youth local currencies in trade. Instead of the. U s dollars as demand for the dollar weakens the buying power of the dollar weakens as well. That is, white birch gold is busier than ever. Investors and savers are looking to harness the power of physical gold, held an attack, sheltered irate and you can to you, can, take your irish or for one case by diversifying with gold from birch gold, as the EU
dollar continues to receive pressure from foreign countries, digital currency and central banks. Arm yourself with information on how to protect your savings, learn of gold is right for you to texture. into nine eight nine, eight nine eight in they'll, send you a free info get on gold with, plus rating with a better business bureau. Thousands of happy customers in countless five star reviews. I trust birch gold to help you diversify into gold. If a central bank digital currency becomes a reality, it would be nice to have some gold to depend on again texture. freedom to ninety nine? Eight, nine, eight. First issue is after world war. One Germany was severely punished for its expansionist proclivities and not resulted in a treaty of versailles, and that was done, and a permanently weaken germany, and that too to be that vindictive treaty turned out to be a very, very, very bad idea. So attempting
permanently weaken a powerful industrial economy. We have some historical precedent for assuming that that might breed exactly the opposite result, so I've two hawks on the american side, who think that the investment of tens of billions of dollars so far into ukraine is consequences. That was the weakening of russia's military. Might then was a small price to pay, but the treaty of versailles issue lurks in my mind as a counter example. Now we might hope for regime change in the in in russia as consequence of the difficulties, this war, but again, if look at russia historically by no means obvious that poland is the worst leader. The view that russia has ever had and plus its also strikes me- as risky to do stabilize the conventional forces of an extremely high
Lastly, armed nuclear enemy game that, once the normal courses of war for exhausted the conventional forces, the nuclear option is the only one last and so seems to me that we may be tempting russia in that direction and Finally, it's not obvious to me at all that the russians will give up these new. or territories you're. Speaking of the dawn bass, I believe in the end territories on the eastern side now I don't know ever when I'm reading reliable information from that area of the world, but my understanding is, there is some degree of support among them go population, especially the russian speakers, for the russian incursion into those territories, and so an Trying to justify that. That's that's not my point. I'm trying to lay out the complexities. My sense is that russia regards these as rightful territories of of their of their state.
And that there be very, very low to give up any territory it's hard for me to imagine that potent can do that is well without having to declare something like two feet which very unlikely, very unlikely thing for him to do. Given all the options he has in front of him so Why do you think it's realistic to assume that with sufficient pressure, the russians will give up those eastern territories, doin bass and What degree are you concerned that pushing in that direction will the russians towards well what option is obviously the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield and so I see my way more ways of this getting out of hand. Then I see ways of proceeding towards Something approximating a reasonable conclusion, soul while leave you with that mess of questions do to you as you say, a lot to unpack there so little. Start I believe, were you started, which is
I am not advocating for a treaty of versailles with russia and I'm not advocating for intentional destabilization of of russia. Or demilitarization which is an absolutely unrealistic goals. This is what happened to the germans in the near term. After this, We have rsi so not advocating for that at all, and I do think that a real concerns about advocating for regime change, because in russia, the devil you know maybe better than the devil you don't? and an hour, and we ve seen that through history. So advocating fry the one of those things I want to be clear that I'm not saying that victory would Like regime change in russia I am concerned about them as a nuclear power being destabilized and so I am not advocating for those things
what I am saying, though, is that we have not tested fully, much military pressure can be put on Putin too at him to concede some of those areas he's your sign, the dawn boss. We have not arm them enough. Let me give you an example: when I was in in in ukraine ten days ago, president. He told me that, on the average day in august, russia is a shooting fifty's, thousand artillery shells in to ukraine, Ukraine is responding with six thousand. Now There are almost eleven till one problem. Is giving ukraine what they need to be here, the prosecute the war. in the most effective way they can, and so I think Joe Biden has given them enough just enough not to lose
not enough to win and so part of what I think we need to do here to give the ukrainians the ability to prosecute the war in the way they see fit?. And then see how russia reacts, it may be once we ve arms ukraine sufficiently for them to meet all of their strategic goals. Militarily that russia still will not concede some of those areas. Well then, that's when you sit down and have a conversation with your ally about what's best deal. We can make here to bring this, the conclusion, but you can't convince them the ukraine. It's in their interest to do that when you given them the ability, as they see it, and I think, given the numbers their right to be able. rescued the war aggressive away as is being prosecuted against them. So if we're in we
Did you go all in from Hardware perspective The other reason do that. Of course, Jordan is the message. It says the china fees the taiwan in other areas in asia that they need to see that we are willing to stand up and in ally to have what they need to have two aggressively, ass, a cute their own, thence and China's watching very closely on this front. And we need to send a message both as a cunt and as an alliance, clearly to them and by the way, I believe we have done that early on in russia. We be in this circumstance with ukraine we should take that as a lesson for china and taiwan and other areas in asia. So I think, I think I tried to answer specifically I'm a number, the things that you laid out in your questions,
so are you to ask one more question with regard to foreign? elsie, especially in to ukraine so Cynical part of me thinks. In relation to the dangers of the military industrial complex, that eisenhower warned us about back in the nineteen sixties that the war of attrition the this war of attrition, it in afghanistan, came to a halt under Biden and that put the terry contractor types in a difficult position, because the endless market for their wares had dried up. We ve got a situation where We have a war in ukraine that settling down to be a very, very long drawn out battle and you said yourself that Biden has sent just enough enough to the ukrainians not to lose, but not enough to win that certainly makes thee
possibility of a long drawn out and hyper expensive war paramount. So one of the things I'm wondering about is doing I think that the president, with his relatively short term in power and the multitude of his potential responsibilities and division of attention as the case with Clinton. Do you actually think that the president can step in HU, a situation like this? A new precedent with enough or and credibility to stand up against- the continually active, its forces, you taking, for expensive war. He I think you natalie can you, but you must now look. the part of the reason is gonna be a longer. Wars is because, because obama, shrimp and buying,
have all failed to arm the ukrainians quickly me think about this jordan. I told you about sixteen training and saying It would take until next summer, to train ukrainian pilots, the fire sixteens This is absurd, and is the result of wanting to drag it out so take your suspicions in that regard, could be alleviated if we, acted more quickly, and I still think we can act quickly now the russians, are still on their heels, hear you have to believe the prudent believed that he able be find the russian flag over. eve by this point. He's not anywhere close to that end, we still have an opportunity by aggressively, arming them too. Worked in this conflict Continue to do we're doing you know what passed is prologue.
And if we continue to act it actually acting now and the war is not coming to an end but he's a stalemate. Well then, either have to act differently How are you gonna continued? I still me so you have to withdraw completely and allow the russians to completely take over ukraine, which is unacceptable to me or you. To ramp up, The hardware you give so that you could try to bring it to two a speedier conclusion. Now, if you try that it doesn't work The negotiation is gonna, be only way of ending this and we'll have a significant say on that matter, given that we have treated our allies fairly and appropriately. in giving them a chance to win the war. I say We gave you a chance with. much of what you asked for in yemen able to get it done. So we need the now step in and how
the negotiated conclusion to this- until we do that we are, absolutely. Consigning ourselves to a stand this situation here. So That's why I give you more aggressive You acquired the presidency what price Many would addressing this conflict become and then also given your strategy of sending additional terry aid to you, green how'd. You protect yourself in your country against the possibility of getting there sleeve caught in the terrible machine and being dragged in no completely because there is obviously well you can the complexity there. So you know how much of this? How much would this be a priority for your administration? And what did you do to stop the you in the west a whole, the rest of the world from
getting dragged into what could be a catastrophic conflict, oh in reverse, on your questions. First is my view the way to avoid getting dragged in is twofold, once to be very clear that there is not a circumstance under which I would send american soldiers or nato soldiers to ukraine but, secondly, to arm them sufficiently so that it would not be necessary is in action. It is Timidity that Yes, that's sleeve, caught into the machine of war and guess he dragged in not the aggression of saying we're gonna, give you, ukraine, every every resource you need, from a hardware perspective to pray.
cute, the war, you think, can be winnable short of forces now, on the flip side of that, you know in terms of priorities. It would be a three priority for a foreign policy perspective. You know the first priority, is our relationship with china obviously that's interwoven with ukraine. but we are many other issues that we need to deal with china. In terms of intellectual property in terms of our relationship with taiwan, it terms of, are our need. To make sure that the chinese are not owing discontent around the world cup issues with china, there's a lot of issues that we have with china that we have to deal with. That would be three priority. Secondly, I would also
looking to show or other alliances around the world, as well the parts of dealing with our chinese relationship We should have a better relationship with india and we should be working on that. We should make sure inside our own hemisphere there Your deal with some of the challenges that go on that Donald factors internationally, but domestically we live in the best neighbourhood, the world, Jordan, with back cohen, canada on our borders, but we need to strengthen that both he can quickly and she'll politically to make sure that we deal with some of the issues that we have set our own hemisphere. So be it three priority along with Strengthening alliances and deal very directly with china on the issue who's that are very. important to us and the chinese going forward The elder, the second largest economy in the world, where we come very interwoven and we to acknowledge that fact, and
can our own national interests to make sure The terms of that relationship are ones that give us the opportunity, to be as successful as we can be. So, let's We are somewhat type for time here. So, let's turn our attention. I'd like to talk to you about law and order and about dialogue between republicans democrats baby will leave that aside. For a moment, though, in and concentrate more on their republican, side of the race for the home. So as as I can tell the front, runners are cross. Try Obviously, and then dissenters round the swami Hayley you and TIM Scott. You guys like you're all possible genuine contenders, maybe somebody also pop up as we move forward the pause. I looked out indicate that trumps running out about forty eight fifty,
sent dissent as twelve to sixteen rambo swami. He varies a lot so between six and twelve years. pants and scott somewhere between three and seven and nicky hailing at about two to four now, There are a lot of very there's a lot of very ability in the polls, and I dont know how accurate those figures are, but you can try to identify. Maybe who, who are who's gonna be part of the actual slate. Now you were quite close with trump you who helped organise his campaigns. You headed his you have the contingent that established his presidency to begin with my understanding is that you became particularly skeptical of trump as a college. whence of his failure to fully accept the results of the un, twenty twenty election. So, let's delve into the trump issue a little bit. I think that's the right place to go next and then talk about the other republican contenders, then I'd like to just our attention,
we can do. The Biden scandal in the Biden presidency in general. It be a shame not to hip that. So maybe we could take about seven it's to address the trump issue, I want to ask this question you know, trump has been pushing this notion that the election was stolen and when I to my democrat informants, they tell me that the evidence for that from a legal perspective is kneel and its, difficult for me to evaluate that. But then I look at it from a broader perspective and I This is where trump is a genius and he's his finger on something, which is that there are what a terrible shenanigans, the democratic side of the universe during the asked election and I think the worst of those was the squelching of the hunter Biden, laptop story. That was really to call
that appalling, is to barely say anything at all, because that laptops quite the damn mass and god only knows what the violence have been up to an end, story was square very conveniently in ship to timing of the election, which was a very tight election, so trump might be wrong. The election was stolen in the least sense, but that doesn't mean he's wrong about it being stolen and moral sense, and so well so complicated in- and you worked very closely with trump, and so I'd, be more than happy to hear whatever you have to say on in relationship to those questions will look, I was saying at the time that the hunter Biden laptop should have been a story, but you know it: Jordan there are unsafe, unfair things prepared swayed by the media. Again. republican candidates. All the time. And we do have a media bias in our country.
there is a liberal media bias, there's no question about that and the problem, though, is when you republican you gonna be tough enough to deal with it not be a whining child and mine, with donald trump, is now all of a sudden the problem as well, because they suppress the hunter by my laptop, I lost her, but the fact that you that Monumentally botched certain elements of our response to cover it. How about the fact that your conduct while you were in office, absolutely poison the well. We millions of suburban women in this country who have voted for him and twenty. Sixteen at seem to be an absolutely unacceptable alternative in twenty twenty. I ain't. You know of what we're talking about here with self inflicted and having and is close to his I've been over all these years. I could you that there were many of us were telling him that
while he was in the midst of doing it He doesn't listen, Jordan, he does. take advice. Well, he is, incredibly self consumed and stubborn and Much of what happened to him and twenty twenty could have been avoided if he listened to? The good advice which was available to him and was being given to him and refused to accept it He has morphed this into. If his argument was the canopy, Was unfair. That's it argument with. I think a lot of us could buy into he doesn't say that if you look at a recent interview had on fox news with bread bear A bread asked about those suburban women. They lie. At twenty twenty, if he were the nominee, how are you gonna do in twenty twenty for his response it was, I didn't, lose in twenty twenty. So I know what you're talking about. So,
So how do you think you're going to lose those women his car, and the jordan here abrasive miss his his failures on the covert front and is here's to keep its promises. this is a guy city was gonna repealing, replace obamacare had a republic, haug receiving get. It done. This guy cities, in a balanced budget and for years, pastors is that promise was he still did much worse. He added its trillion dollars to the national debt in here's the worst fiscal record, enforced The present american history he said, he's gonna build a wall across the entire border of mexico in the united states and that mexico to pay for it and had he been fifty two miles of new wall for years, and we have got pay so for mexico. he said he was going to train the swamp jordan. and instead only there was rearrange the swamp and make for his own family
the commissioner and his daughter of vodka. Six months after these, the white house gets billion dollars from the saudis after you, made charity central part of negotiations in the middle east when he had two very capable it's: u secretaries of state. In rest, where's my palm pale. Why, in doing that It's all part of the drift. The griffin does to spend forty billion dollars of his own money that he raised from middle Last donors, but there were donated to him to help get like the president on legal fees as a billionaire. these. That's when his own money spending hundreds, donors money all of those things became apparent. His time in a lot of suburbia women just said sorry, gave you the benefit of the doubt and twenty sixteen, as we didn't like Hillary Clinton, and we thought you might actually drain the swamp and do the things you said, but you didn't do them.
process and not doing them. You also offended us in the way you doktor yourself as president on a personal level, and so they laughed and idle think any that will change jordan and twenty twenty four he's the nominee because, always doing is talking about the past year. Your time in the future still you still it again in the twenty twenty race. He does that in twenty twenty four, which is what has been done so far Joe Biden will get reelected and that will be a calamity for this country to have a income people. Eighty two year old president, going to eighty six with a complete. the incompetent vice president case so. Let's turn I'd like to do tromp a bit more, especially in relation to the abraham accords, but I I instead will turn our attention to bind, and so
grandma swami tweeted out a few days ago, something I thought was extremely ominous, which was his suspicions that the question of whether or not we're tangled up in the ukraine war as a consequence of the Biden, families, financial dealings has now be laid on the table As far as I can tell, there's been a these stunning series of revelations emerging out of the water out of it investigation into the Biden family that they have taken substantial amounts of money in a multitude it under the protection of animals. dude of different corporate entities from foreign actors. in ukraine and elsewhere, something proxy mating twenty million dollars is the story at the moment, and this is it's so shocking to me to see this unfold, that it says for me to believe that this is
mostly mud, throwing in mock raking on the republican inside now I I believe that it is, but I can certainly understand how it would be. Reassuring for people to believe that This is all smoke and no fire out if Biden himself has been tangled up in the bar. Family business dealings, which seems to be highly probable, given that I can't understand what other value hundred Biden himself would bring to the table, then We have a scandal, a proportion in the white house that should make what's happening to trump look like a sideshow, and yet that is not happening in so How are you reading these revelations about the Biden, family, financial dealings with foreign out curly with foreign actors and Do you think it entails? both of these families need to go. Jordan the term family and bind family who themselves in their own personal and pecuniary interests ahead of you,
the country, you know look Two billion dollars to Jared Kushner what exactly is stored. Neri investment, acumen. Yeah it s the same questions about hunter binding, what values he brings the table efforts relationship to his father? Now you think, the vague stuff about that's. Why we're involved in ukraine is laughable we were involved in ukraine? Well, before Joe Biden ever got to the white house don trump was sending weapons the ukrainians- I don't think anybody thinks that that was based upon some, peculiar interest. Donald trump had an hour. European allies are involved in this as well. So I thought This is vague. Just being him and throwing that out there the same he throughout that. You know. I think we know everything about nine eleven. In the common hasn't told us everything and then he had I significantly to give offer that post that he put it.
with one of the longest post, I've ever seen, train splain away and irresponsible common. Let's get to the real point here: both the trunk family and the Biden family have put their, pecuniary interests of their own families. I had the interest of this country and for buying hundred by now have access to get his father, while he was vice president united states on the phone. these business folks that's what he was selling. it wasn't the illusion of access. As some of the Democrats say it was. Access. He got on the phone to talk to these, fines and, as a result, these paid him significant amounts of money now, whether the the president. Now president Biden Some of that money or not. I think we should continue investigate and find out, but I point to you- is that when you've got don trump donald trump junior fiance giddy pace
two thousand dollars and campaign money to give a three minute speech on January. Sixth, when you have campaign money donated by regular americans, paying a hundred eight thousand dollars for below a trump stylists when you ve got it paid two hundred fifty thousand dollars to to. refurbished his plane. Various examples of rift in both of these families that are breathtaking and every bit of it should be investigated. That's why this point for a special council quite some time ago to investigating Our Biden issue I'm very disappear. That. They appointed the guy, who was obviously either completely carpeted, written the tag on the Joe Biden play so badly that a judge rejected the play but we should be investigating the Biden situation. Justice Sadly, as well. Best again the trump situation, and I'm tired of the what about ism. It does
make shrubs stuff not troubling his stuff. just is troubling as binding stuff, they both need to be got. That, in my view, is that both of these families are poor. their sell by date for life. The ship in this country, and we need. move on from both try and by and by the way, seventy five percent america people agree with that. They don't a trump I'd, grayson of ember, twenty four. So the boy, stuff, is serious and any needs to be examined, Every way, including with the president how do you vice president or during the period private citizen was profiting from One hundred Biden was up to. I know that when you were governor, I'd, be been thinking here. While you are talking about know why you might be credible on me,. anti family dynasty side of things. Let's say
You know, I don't know any details about your own family and about whether or not you might be some one less The bowl to that kind of pressure, but I do know that You ran why appeared to be a pretty effective anti corruption campaign, when you we're attorney in new jersey and so the EU could, maybe you could our people a little bit about that and then If you have anything to say in closing to some everything up that we ve been talking about it, you know what A final word to the people who are watching and listening we're gonna which, over the daily wire side for another half an hour for everyone watching and listening just so, you know talk about some of of of Mr Christy's autobiographical history, get to normal little bit better, but we're in a closed this one up relics quickly, so
did you do on the anti corruption front in new jersey? What did that teach you about conducting such investigations and what do you and then? What do you have to say in conclusion? x for bringing it up? I look. We person is gonna, be standing on the stages at any experience, deal With law and order and dealing with, the issue, in particular political corruption. It was it's probably new jersey. When I became u s attorney there in two thousand, and the two and I came the significant amount of resources to it. What were the results We brought a hundred and thirty in seven years, a hundred and thirty prosecutions for political corruption against both republicans and Democrats and the results, Jordan. We were in thirty no way. Not lose one case, not one case dismissed and reason for that to my overall philosophy on this. You approach the problems without fear.
favour or partisanship Fear how big the person is, is being examined. You I someone because there powerful, a rich and Can I ever allow partisanship get into the middle of it? Corruption, corruption, no matter who is performing it I remember the first case I did involved the front runner for united they sent it on the republic inside it, in two thousand to and a republican official call the friends of mine. When I brought the case and said what the hell he's doing I thought he was one of us: and my old law partner said to him. You know Chris He's not one of us he's gonna do what he thinks is right and- and I think taught me was that the only way to make law and order order efforts as regards seem fair and just is for them be fair and just and complete without fear or favour or partisan,
if so I became President Jordan- I'm little when the attorney general, with two instructions? One pursue every matter, that's appropriate to pursue without fear or favour. Partisanship and too don't and ask me anything about any criminal instigation that you're doing the prey it has no business being involved in it and when was governor by the way, even though I have lots of opinions about what my attorney general we're doing, are doing there. I'll tell you publicly that I never once picked up the phone, nor lay one on my behalf, cod ass. many things are urged them to do or not do anything, I'm in a criminal investigation. That's your way other, can have faith in it in the end, I think what we need as a president is will who actually knows how to get things done? Who actually has a record of being able to work with both sides and accomplish things who is on afraid to use
bali, pulpit in a way that is appropriate to move opinion both of them people that you represent and of their representatives to try to get things done, someone who believes That is harder to hate. Up close, what we all need to do is to work too, either to try to get things accomplished in his country. our countries set up jordan constitutionally, as you know, to be an argument, that's fine. As always, the argument leads to a result right now we're living in a world of small arguments about things that are spent to inflame and divide. A presidency is going to be about big things of consequence to make our country better two years from now Five minutes from now the next new cycle well served. seems like a good place to close I'm going to flip to the daily wire plus side of the.
Interview now for everyone watching and listening? So you can join us on the delaware plus platform if you would think very much for agreeing to talk to me today. If you inclined you know a few months down the road for months five months, six months down the road when you're more in the midst of presidential campaign and they'll be sort of new things to discuss, I'd be more than happy to, What do you again? We can see how this goes in and how people respond to it, but that offers open on very curious this, to be a real, arguably dramatic and interesting presidential election. I think we haven't seen the likes of this in our lifetimes. You and I were about the same age, and so it's going to be something to see and unfold. Thank you, for talking me today and for sharing your thoughts with my viewers and my, my listeners and to all of you who are in fact watching listening. Your attention is much appreciated, thanks to the daily, where folks, for making this possible, as they always do, and for making it work. also professionally uneasily easily
onto the daily wear, plus side, very nice. To talk to you, sir. Thank you looking forward to join The
Transcript generated on 2023-09-16.