« The Joe Rogan Experience

#874 - Scott Adams

2016-11-17 | 🔗
Scott Adams is creator of the Dilbert comic strip and the author of several nonfiction works of satire, commentary, business, and general speculation.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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b, o; U Q, S, dot, com and use the code word Joe. Okay, all right. My guest today, Scott Adams, Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, the comic Strip and he's very, very intelligent and interesting guy. I really enjoy talking to him. I met him many many many years ago on news radio. He was a guest for a day, guest star and he has, as of late taking a lot of heat for, were predicting that Trump is going to win the presidency. He also has been unfairly mischaracterized. I believe people think that he is a supporter mean, I think, you're gonna get a better sense of what he is. When you listen to this podcast, I don't to give away too many spoilers, but I think he's a very small, very interesting guy and
simply misunderstood, but I really enjoy talking to him great fella, so please give it up for Scott Adams, Joe Rogan experience join my Joe Rogan Scott Adams. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are hey. Joe could see again man good to see you again um, I met you decades ago. Do you remember that horrible story? I don't remember a horrible story, but it was ah Newsradio horrible story. Remember my humiliation that day know what happened so for those of you who weren't with us on that set um. I had a small line, just one line news: radio, because it was the episode that mentioned Dilbert, so right invited as a guest. And you were giving the line before my line so just came in and they said Joe is going say this Joe say your line and you turn to me and you said you lied and they said when he says
that you say your line and of course I'm panicked because I've, you know, I don't do this right right, not an actor, so the scene starts and it's one of these things that runs continuous from beginning to end. It's not like a movie where you cut it every ten seconds, so you have to do it right all the way through right and we get to my my line and you're turning the other direction. So the line I'm waiting to hear instead of bring it clearly like in practice. When you were facing me, I hear more work on wall. Oh no and I think to myself I don't know what his other lines are. So I don't. If that sounds like my line, or is that? Should I go? I said to myself five thousand and fifty chance. I either either ruin the scene by saying something the wrong time or I ruin the scene by being silent. When I should have been talking so I said, I'm going to go with silent and I just I just stood there in silence and everybody every we got really quiet. I don't know if you remember what you did but is burned in my mind
very nice that day, but you just sort of slow lily turned around and looked at me and meanwhile, all the other actors sort of slowly turned around. That look because I was, I was a source of the problem and then and but I have to admit impressed because that all the actors went back to you Square one and did the entire scene through again quickly. It is very impressive. If you're not an actor, to watch how many lines a bunch of professionals can do without screwing up any of them was it was. It was an awesome kind of an after well news. Radio is a very unusual show and that we did a lot. There was a lot of changing stuff on the fly like the writers come in and and re write a line like on the fly like the do one line that would do one take and then Paul SAM's job, actually guys we get together and okay. Ok, that's let's try this. Let's try! This will go back, but then, when Scott turns to you now to say this, and then we have
totally new line for the next scene, and so we have to like, like be standing over by the elevator. Go, no, that's not gonna work. No, that's not gonna work. We do like come up with a bunch of different ways to say it and then just run with it on the fly. People don't realize how hard that is. It's not that hard, honestly snot coal mining will you have to have the right kind of mind for your memory sort or like when a musician can do you know fifty songs from memory yeah? I'm thinking I could do seven notes. You know right and then I'm good like that's all. I can remember in a row and after that would be just be guessing. Well, I think about how many you just think about language itself, how many words you can access just instantaneously, just pull them up from your memory. You know um, it's just that's what you do all the time and if you all by the time, we're reading sitcom scripts, you just get used. Do that sort of flow on how things go? It's not it's not really that everything looks difficult. If you don't know how to do it, exactly
exactly people say that about my job as well as like. I know you do that yeah. Well, it happens to be the one to can. I can do well, and I can't do most things well, but one little thing I can do well. Well one thing that people have a hard time with the sitcom world, especially the old school sitcom world, is the audience like perform in front of the audience is a weird element. You know you feel that, well, you know I do tons of public speaking so in that environment I like the energean I like all of it, but usually, if I'm speaking, I know exactly what I'm going to say and you know, even if I mess it up, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be specific, but that was that was a frightening situation, so keep in mind also that most of the actors were stars. You know there there pretty big names, and so I was meeting everybody that so I was a little bit starstruck struck and I was completely out of my element and complete totally blew the scene. You know just me, it was like
me, there wasn't. Anybody else was just what it sounds. Like I fucked up sounds like I was looking in the wrong direction, which is totally possible. No, you were standing in line, so you had to be facing the way you were zero, so I was looking at you during the rehearsal or something in the set up was we were standing in line to get coffee, and so during the practice you turned to me. So you so, I would know exactly what you were saying, but in the actual thing we were in line so you're was talking to somebody right. I get it, I get it, I get it yeah man! I don't remember that at all. It's like it's so funny. How like one person, can remember something, and it's like a big moment and another purse there go like. I just erased that. Well I knew that I met you and I remember oh Scott Adams cool I like that cartoon and then all the sudden it's over it was that it was. You know, there's no other memories. In my database I had a totally different experience that day. Well, it's also, I did one hundred number, ninety eight or whatever the hell. We did.
I think, as you get older too, like others, memories that I just have scrubbed, I'm like no room for him. I got new data coming in. I gotta make some space. It's like cleaning out your garage, you know so there nothing scarier than getting together with your siblings after you haven't seen for years, and you start talking about your childhood and one of you I'll be telling the story like remember the time. I know it doesn't matter what it is. I jump zebra and I ran across the zoo and they yelled at me and the other sibling will say that wasn't you that was, I was the one on the zebra it'll. Be such like a a memory that you couldn't forget right. What you did you actually wrote yourself into a scene, you weren't. Even there, you were watching what you wrote yourself into the euro, see that does happen, people, human memories, really flawed. It's really flawed! Well, if you want a real, deep, real fast, you just gave me the good opening. I am a proponent of the we're all a software simulation view of reality.
That would also explain why memories are so screwed up and the explanation would be that the past doesn't exist until you need it. In other words, the past writes itself on demand, because, if we're software, you have everything in the universe Pre just in case you needed it, it would take too much resources. I might have to spark up a joint face, so you just want real, deep, real, quick. I was hoping I was hoping to go. That way. Do you want some? Do you smoke the weed? I could do it for the first time be willing to Jeffords. Well, I don't know if I want to give it to you for the first time I want you to freak out, you don't smoke pot at all. The truth is I've smoked pot once ever, it was in first day of college, but I never stopped.
So that's really just once. Oh, I understand so. You smoke pot all the time, so he did it once and you just kept going I'd be willing to try. The second time is what I'm saying I understand what you're saying. So what have like what has life been like for Scott Adams during the selection? You came into the while Europe obviously always well known for being a creator of dilbert, but. Um along selection cycle also sudden there was I had you know, people that I was in contact with. They were saying: L, Scott Adams, Trump supporter, and I was like what Scott Adams, the Dilbert guys a Trump supporter, because you know everyone assumes you meet someone and there are in the creative business. You know, you're in a creative write, a comic strip.
You would assume that you would be a left wing guy, like almost almost immediately well, I'm neither left nor right, I'm sort of all over the place. My my views didn't match. You know either the major candidates or anything so your free thinker, I like to think I'm right. Everybody else is wrong. I would like that too. No, I I'm actually my larger philosophical grounding is that is informed. My experiences hypnotist, I'm not sure. If you knew no, I didn't know you're a hypnotist. So in my twenties I went to hypnosis school and became an actual trained, certified hypnotist wow and one of things you learn as a hypnotist is that the world is backwards to the way people normally pursue. So normally you see the world as hey. You ninety percent of the and people, are rational and doing rational things right, but tempers of the time we just go nuts and we do stupid things and it's because something happened to spa right. That's the normal view of the world. The hip.
This view of the world is opposite. The hypnotist says ninety percent of the time were completely irrational and we're just making rationalizations for why we did things after the fact. Ten percent of the time were rational. That's only when there's no emotional content to the decision, you know you're, balancing a checkbook or some you know trying to pick up any of the best route to someplace. That's how that's how I see the world when so when I look at either the Trump supporters were the Clinton supporters to me from the hypnotist perspective and someone who's studied persuasion for decades. I use to do my writing. I see both sides as completely ridiculous. Both some are grounded in complete absurdities, they're just different yeah, but nobody knows either deciding the real reasons that people make decisions are fear identity. They have some
aspiration. They've they've got something you're trying to solve this other try to work out, but the reasons we give our usually completely false and the the Grammy for this is that if you think about evolution, I assume you believe we evolved. Yes,. There was no requirement in evolution that we ever understand our environment. The way we imagine we do here's an example that you can believe that you were a monk reincarnated from a tenth century monk like Steven Seagal. It is easy, yeah he's like a Buddha or something from an actual yeah like he actually got it bestowed upon him by some tibetan character. Alright, so let's use Steven Seagal, so Steven Seagal can be standing going to grocery store next to, let's say, a Muslim who believes that his prophet literally flew to Heaven on a winged horse. Those two people
don't live the same reality, but they both buy groceries. They both go, they cook it. They live, they survive. So it turns out that understanding your reality at an actual. You know, I really know what is objectively happening. I get it and I've got a mental model. That's quite accurate. We don't need did any of that, so it would be deeply unlikely that we evolved such a specific skill. That's completely unnecessary! As far as we tell you know, we do need to know that if, if you run into this wall, your head is going to hurt so there's some basic stuff, but we're probably all in even interpreting that experience differently. So there's no reason to think that the way I think of it is the way you think of it. So I see the world is as big a rational ball and I use the hypnotist persuaders skills to back up and try to deduce. You know what's really driving things and when people said it was a trump supporter what they meant was. They may have only seen part of what I was
talking about. I was writing about his skill as a persuader, and what I mean is that I noticed in him the skills that I've developed over decades for a persuasion, but I had a higher level than I've ever seen, meaning that he is most persuasive, living human I've ever experienced, and I mean that in terms of actual technique, you know he's he is full of technique in this. All the time give it give you some examples that first time I noticed it was the very first debate when Megan Kelly was asking him the question about the insults he had allegedly said to women not allegedly said them, and this is a setup that any other politician with this setup is totally trapped. ' 'cause you can either try to like deny they set said, and then somebody has a tape and that doesn't work or they can say. Oh I do
mean it, there's almost nothing. You can say you're just trapped and that would have been the end of his campaign. First debate should have been over and, if you remember, do you remember what he said? No, I don't she said. You said this is this about women and he smiled he sort of looked at the audience that look like or the camera said. Only Rosie, O'Donnell and the audience erupted in laughter, completely unexpected and a place, inappropriate, provocative and and what I notice was the Rosie O'Donnell is a visual image that everybody shares right. You got a picture of her, since I say the name and for his base that he was catering to it was an unpopular image and one it would just suck all the energy away from the question which was toxic and really you can't touch the question you just have to suck all the energy into another part of the room and wait for the time to run out and that's what he did and it became the headline global on you know:
yeah highlighted the things he said about women, maybe more than it would have, but the way he escaped that got my attention and I thought that doesn't look normal all right that that's uh that's operating at another level, and so I looked for more examples of it and you could see it everywhere and it was especially clear by the time you started saying. Well, the other visual things he does is, he says, build a wall and you can just imagine a wall when he says we're paying much ransom to IRAN for those soldiers. He says we paid, you know four hundred million or one of the numbers. He goes. Imagine that money piled up to be so twenty year would fill this room. We can't even imagine that big pile of money- he always goes for the visual, because we know that the the visual part of our brain is the dominant part in. If you can get it's a two mission and get it on your message, it talks the rest of your brain into anything. You wanted to. When he talks about ISIS he goes visual also, he doesn't say
they are bad people whose religions, you know, has been distorted to the type of thing you might from Hillary Clinton. He says they put you in cages and they drown you in the cage they chop your head off. I mean you can see that you're playing with my head, so everything he does gets more attention than everything everybody else does because he puts it into a provocative picture. So that was the first thing I noticed then, when he got to JEB Bush and he needed to defeat JEB because he was the strongest competitors. So if he couldn't get, I see him. There was no point and he went after her strong anyone after him fast and he went after him with the low energy kill shot. That's why I call these linguistic kill shots. It's not. Just in insult was not just a clever nickname on. We saw Clinton. Try to come up. Clever nicknames, had no no purchase whatsoever like dangerous Donald.
It just didn't work. Look at the look at low energy JEB hears that was engineered. It's engineered for confirmation, bias, meaning that you want the future to make this look like a better nickname every day and you wanted to match his physicality. So before I ever heard low energy JEB, I had a good impression of JEB Bush. I thought when you looked at him, JEB Bush, didn't you say to yourself: this guy looks like a cool character like if, if he looked like, he was, and in control calm, reasonable, exactly the person you'd want. If that, if the nuclear question came up, if there was some big decision, JEB Bush isn't going to get excited. He seemed like a competent ceo, competency, yeah, exactly and as soon as Trump said low energy. Did you see him any other way? He was low energy and he will always be low Energy lion TED. The lion TED Lion TED was beautiful, light had 'cause. You knew that because he's a politician
sometime in the next several months, he's going to say stuff, there you can say is a lie whether it is or not it doesn't have to. But more importantly, TED has a physicality about him that, unfortunately, he's got beady eyes and I've said this be or if you're going to cast a movie. You know we knew the guy who looks dishonest right. It would be his face right and unfortunately I mean I don't know. If he's actually dishonest, I'm not going to make a judgment. So I came up with the Zodiac killer thing. Was that Trump fan, or was it trump himself that started saying that TED was the Zodiac killer? I think that probably started with a fan, but so the other thing that was fucking harsh many be given speeches are so the Zodiac killer. People would scream it out. Like imagine having to deal with that. Did your father kill somebody yeah his father was maybe his dad was the Zodiac killer. Is that with the Zodiac killer was like
70s right, not be old enough, so crooked Hillary crocodilian same thing circuit billions, a brilliant one, so she wasn't physically. You know as limber as a young person, so you could imagine her sort of a little bit crooked physically, and you knew that there would be stories coming out in which people could say. Well. There's another example of that crookedness did you see, but you saw them that a physical sense like the way she looked all I thought about as corruption I heard crooked Hillary. I thought I saw her like with like a burglar's mask on try to sneak away with bags at dollar signs on them. Yeah, it's what I saw. You know you look at any one of these individually. His nicknames, you could say: well, it's sort of randomly just got lucky, but if you look at 'em all they have that physicality they all have the priming so that you'll come from asian bias, will kick in whatever you see after that would just fit the label because it's the first thing you think well he's a performer.
You know you can say. Donald Trump is a businessman he most certainly is it most certainly is a real estate investor, but he's been a public figure for decades and when your public you're a performer, he's performing all the time and he's also he likes to win, and so, when he's engaging in people, he makes it personal. So he's gotten very good at what's called playing the dozens. I know the dozens is tell us. It's ah insult thing like you can like one guy like guys in the the hood and the inner cities start out as a black term, but it's essentially like a version of a your mama contest. Some guys are way better at your momma jokes, their way better at playing the dozens are way better at shooting other people around them, and it's for the entertainment of each other. It's a huge thing amongst comedians. We shit on each other constantly left and right, but it's generally encouraged and we all enjoy it. You know, but when
a guy has decades and decades and decades of this, like Donald Trump at a very high level, because he's known to be a billionaire investor who puts his name on everything and he's got the wacky hair. It's almost like you have the wacky here to invite it in it's like the whole thing is very it's very clever in that way, and and he's really good at talking shit, you know he's really good at people saying something to him, deflecting whatever criticism and shitting on them. 'cause he's just had got a ton of practice, so he's also the master of what I call the talent stack. So I wrote a book called how to felt almost everything and still win big, which I talk about developing system for succeeding. One of the systems is to, and you do this to stack together what I would call ordinary skills. Your stack is different than anybody else is so in my case, I'm not a great artist. You know I didn't take any right writing courses,
but I'm pretty good at drawing and I'm pretty good at writing and I'm a little bit funny. So I put them together and I couldn't do a comic strip, because it's rare that you get some use, let's say in the top ten percent of three different things, but it's not hard to be in the top ten percent of things if you're, if you're going after them. So if you look at Trump, he wrote a book on negotiating. So he knows business, he knows negotiating, he knows public speaking. He has a sense of humor, a really good one. He's quick on his feet. Now knows politics: politics you from both the the and the he knows twitter. If Twitter, if I could probably go on- and you would say if you looked at any one of those things he's not the best you've ever seen, it was not the best public speaker, the funniest person etcetera, but there aren't many people who can do all of those things in the top ten sent you as a public speaker, I don't think he's nearly in the top ten percent. I think he's,
I'm just being honest. I think he has very poor efficiency of words like uses. He repeats himself when it's not really important and when we repeats itself what what I usually see is like someone searching for the next thing to say you like you say you know, I'm going to be honest, I'm gonna be honest with you, okay, I'm gonna be honest with you will do that in a way. That is not it's not sufficient. It's not efficient, but it's persuasive. That's sometimes, but it also repetition, repetition is sometimes sometimes and sometimes it's clunky yeah. I feel he I feel like there's a lot of times where it's his style to do that and he's done it before, but even like in delivering lines. You've got to know when did not talk like his brother example when he said that he called the President up the president of
text go up and they had the conversation about the wall and he said the wall just got ten foot higher he's like yeah. That's what I said. That is what I said like he repeats headset. He should have just let it hang, he should be set the wall just got ten feet higher, they would have went crazy and you going to walk back and forth and just sucked it in, but he kept talking. So that's not the best speaker, like Obama, I feel, is a way better. Public speaker, Waymo efficient with his words way. Better control of the sentence is that he speaks, but it's more professional. I think you're. Judging on a standard that I probably wouldn't use. So I took the Dale Carnegie Course: teaching you how to be a public speaker and their course taught you zero technique. Of course, I'm public speaking speaking, which they taught you nothing about technique, the things that you're saying he's doing now necessarily technique. Well, let me just finish this. What they tell you, they just confidence and and confidence.
We were happy and confident you would almost always do well, even if you make a mistake, you just correct. So he strikes me as the confident Dale Carnegie types, bigger the person, who's selling, an emotion. Alright, it's an experience, you're not going they're really to get information. It's not really! You know well crafted jokes you're looking for you're going there to feel something, and you can't you can't deny that thirty, some people in the state, the stadium with red hats on yeah, they were feeling something so in terms of delivering an emotion top ten percent. Interesting, I'm well. I think that for absolutely one thing you could say: is he no how to do the Donald Trump thing and the Donald something is very different than the rest of the politicians thing. The Donald Trump thing is not humble. The Donald Trump thing will tell you about his past successes and use to tell you how is going to be successful in the future. The Donald Trump thing confronted with certain things like the thing
you know him saying something about Hillary lacking stamina, and these are goes off about having a winning temperament. I have a winning ten there's, not a lot of people who could do that in that sort of a political form like if, if Mitt Romney was running for President start saying, I have a winning temperament, they'd be like home. It's gone, fucking crazy, right, remember how Howard Dean got knocked out of the race just for screaming screamed at a rally, and it was over. The wind came out of the balloon, but you know you know what Howard Dean did wrong. What the only screamed once it's all sold out contrast. Well, he also didn't make fun of it. You know he should it come on and he should have done something to make fun of it. You should have a speech where he talked about, so I got a little carried away. Folks, I know thank you, he did he hid from it. It feels like he could fix that. Yes yeah. I have that or at the time. Well, if it, but the problem was, it was contrary to what he was selling. You know he was selling this buttoned up package deal and in the middle of that package deals of program,
clean fans screaming from a suplex. You know you know like Hulk, Hogan Sue flexes the iron Sheik and that's what I was like mean: that's not the guy when you want to have the button. So if you heard of these studies- and I think this has been replicated it fairly- reliable that if you want to addict somebody to something- let's say this- your show, if you gave them a really good product every time it actually wouldn't be as addictive as if once in awhile, it wasn't good and they had to sort of like wait to say. Oh there's that good one again right so unpredictable rewards are far more addicting than predictable. So Hillary Clinton, who rewards you every time in it, but it's just about the same- is not going to be nearly as addicting as Donald Trump who disappoints the fuck out of do you, like God, I was just starting to like you. Why did you say that that way? And then two weeks later, he comes out with something you say shit. I love you again and you know so. It's got that
addictive pattern. Going well tell you what, once all that grab the pussy stuff got out of the way he was doing a lot of speeches in the run down the last few days, and I watched it, you have 'em on television 'cause. I almost felt like, even though I knew I was going to vote almost felt like some sort of a spectator like this is this can not possibly be real to speak to your software simulation idea in the beginning that a lot of people share by the way- it's not just easy, Scott Adams and me, but there's a lot of folks out there that think that we're living in a simulation right, but as he would if these speeches- and there was some of the speeches he gave where there was these moments, are you like, if some to tell that guy, to keep it at seven like where he right there and talk like that always and avoid all the crazy but man, the crazy shit, is what you get like. That's that's the thing about people like Trump or like any powerful super dominator type character like that. You have. Some flaw,
cause lot of of look what he kept saying all the time he was always saying he was the you guys, better yeah. I look at my crowds. The other one has no stamina. This one's, you know low energy. He knew the facts didn't matter. He knew the policy didn't matter and by the end, I think everybody agrees they didn't I mean, but by election day a lot of people were saying. Well, I sure, like that, Tpp piece and nothing like that was happening there, no issues, no issues, it issues just just came down to which one you hated the, but there was one issue, though that was real and that was amongst feminists. There was among women who were willing to exonerate Hillary on all the weird shit that she had ever done, involving women all this stuff she had done, involving involving deleted emails and and hurt people even say that people were giving her a hard time because she's, a woman on her health.
I was like you are out of your fucking mind if you believe that she's falling asleep when she standing up that is bad that so bad. If there was anyone close to me, anyone close to me I'd be like you're not going to be president. We gotta get you healthy, your blacking out, while you're standing up and it's not just once she fell down once in two thousand and twelve got a serious concussion and was fucked up for six months me as a purse, terrified of brain trauma that freaks me the out, because I know the repercussions of brain trauma. I know the impulsiveness that it did it. Did it bestows upon people, it's a horrible curse. That happens this. You know a lot of people. I know I knew there was this weird delusional thing where people didn't want to address the fact that her health is poor and then it was revealed in one of the Wikileaks emails that she had suffered from some sort of, ah not a stroke, but a seizure in two thousand and fifteen, like that's a fucking year ago, like what this is happening, you got it, but nobody
wanted to talk about that, and there was this strange air but she's not being treated fairly. I'm like here's treated fairly. She, he is a person who deleted thirty thousand emails after she got a subpoena she's, an older rich white woman. She was a forty year old black guy and she he deleted thirty thousand emails after a subpoena. They would just shoot you right just come over here and kick down your fucking door and, if you and drag you off to a cage somewhere. So how weird was my right where what's going on here? How weird is it that we went through the entire election cycle, and so many people like you and like like me, saying I'm not sure she looks healthy enough she's, definitely not healthy. Now she, of course metal the Standards Bass presidents, but what what person ever interviewed her and said? Look there are a lot of questions about your health and ask the question this way. Can you look the american public in the eye and tell us there's no major hell
the problems that you haven't disclosed. I would never ask her a question like that 'cause. I don't think so. Never give you a real answer, the same way with the FBI, but you could well by the way she evaded it, whether she was like she's, a wizard at that. So that's our shit. That's your shit! Man! That hey push the bull just goes flying by you know, you can always tell a liar light layers would say something like so so, if you said to me, Scott, you have you ever had any major health problems. I'd say I have met all the requirements of the presidency. I said. Oh no, I'm asking you a specific question: is there anything not disclosed, and then I say, Donna Trump hasn't disclosed anymore than I have disclosed. That Sopa is hiding something right. Otherwise they look it right in the eye and they go. I swear. I'm great, you know everything's good. I promise you nothing's going to come out later. When I'm president, you will not be disappointed in any way
was nobody can say that if they think they're going to get bitten in the ass in a year and a half when they collapse on the White House lawn? My point was in saying that is that if you, if you anyway described her health issues, that you would somehow be a sexist and that the idea of her gender and being the first female president, which obviously would be various torque huge issue, huge huge honor- that that that was a part of what they were voting for, it became a part. Her gender became a part of what they were voting for, that's been. So that was an issue. Let me give you the the the positive spin on the same topic, CNN, published two thousand four hundred explanations of why Trump won unexpectedly, twenty four different theories about? Why we didn't
the common in the top twenty four. None of them were she's a woman, so I could get you know, could get right, not in the top twenty four all right. So if we may pause for a moment from piling on Ms Clinton, I got to say that the whole breaking the glass ceiling thing she fucking did that that that's toast, there's there's no six year old born today, who says woman can be present, that's even in their worldview, because so not true I'll, find you five six year old, say it right to your face so that that I get a bunch of them together and it won't be president. I get some boys together, a given candy high. Five hundred, am you know, don't talk boys into anything for candy I mean, I know what you're saying, though I know what you're saying that she got as close, she won the popular vote right as far as current count right, but who are you seeing saying? Oh, if you know it was sexism that didn't get her elected feminists, feminist that I know
I mean there's a lot of people that actually believe that you know what man there's a whole spectrum of variables and, if someone's thinking about, if they're hovering over you know, if they're looking at Gary Johnson and Hillary Clinton, maybe that maybe there like never trump may be there. One of those people that, like one of these mother fuckers, going to get my vote, they might stop thinking man, I don't know. If I want a woman president, that's absolutely a factor. Have you heard anybody say that? Yes, yes, and what did they say did a friend of Mine yoga instructor is always a woman. She was bitches are crazy. I don't want a woman running this country. That's for real! That's a real statement. I mean that's a human being that who was just talking to me and we're friends and no one was around and do you think that she would vote on that? Yes, I think there's many people that would vote on that, but there's many people that will like fuck this man. I don't care what Hillary did. I don't care. Hillary's got a bunch of rape, victims buried in her backyard. That's a woman. She represents women and probably Donald's got more there's that attitude to there's a lot of people that would only
vote for a woman. If, given the chance, I don't know how you did edit out 'cause. I think it was a net positive three hundred million people in this country plus Mexicans. I don't think you really can net it down like that. I just think there's too much any of us, I don't think I think that's one of the things that we learn from this really important lesson when it comes to Kohl's they're, not real anymore they're, not real you're, not talking to me you're, not you're, not answering polls, Jamie doesn't answer a damn pole. Look at him! No one! No one! You know answers polls, it's a such a small sampling of people and the people that answer polls. They don't have nothing better to do than answer a fucking pole either that or not good is the jury duty yeah, it's exactly with the promise. So I think we learned that definitively these polls do not work well. If I could defend a nasal for for a moment until was over again, he does five thirty eight to a website. The best best statistician on politics was not his fault. He's worked with the data he has well, but he
also within two percent. I think wasn't yeah so at the end, but you know they always converge toward the end start out wildly ridiculous and then, when it's clear that is be one way or the other all the polls are coming toward the end 'cause they want to say well at the end, I was only two percent well Jamie and I were watching this video clip of the young Turks calling down election yesterday end of the beginning of it. They were one hundred percent, convinced that Hillary could not lose. You know, there's one guy was saying you know who Hillary can't lose like Shiki, like literally to mathematically and then by the end of the fucking screaming and swearing. I was like wow these numbers that people like count on like eighty four sensei, this fifteen percent. Okay, all of whom lose try to imagine my life. I don't know if you know this, but a year ago, home more than a year ago, I predicted the trump would win with a ninety eight percent certainty in a landslide when it all. I was one of the few people who said it early, and this is because of the way he was soap
so yeah just based on his talent, not, but this free, the Rosie O'Donnell thing it was a year ago. I think it was over the summer that was like August last year. Well, first debates were, I think, you right, but that was in the year ago right. There was a little bit more than a year ago, whatever we're splitting Harrison, okay, um! So back, then, when I predicted it, you can imagine the heat I took because it was such unlikely pick and how many people just wanted to date. So in my grave for being wrong and then the angry you an angry yes going to play, you know going over to Amazon, give me bad book reviews because they didn't like what I said, Donald Trump. So that moment, when I and out that I haven't wasted my whole year, because it would have been a terrible year to be so wrong for a year and then there's like pay payoff whatsoever, I was like that
the worst gamble ever write bad risk management, but then to have it come come through just the way I predicted it was this amazing amazing moment you only get a few of those new life. Well, he did really win win by a landslide so that you were off by the that's a small electoral, Landslide electoral yeah, so electorally, one by quite a few points right, but it wasn't, it was pretty close up until how many hours in since you started doesn't matter doesn't matter, doesn't matter, here's the thing that it's important to make a distinction, and this is what I recognized on you when I want some of your periscopes, you just weren't, making a moral judgment of him as a person and that's what people expected people expected a line in the sand to be drawn morally. Well, you doing was talking about all these traits, your com, pounding all of his positive traits and what he what he does well, and then
people got mad at you for bringing like you're you're analyzing it I say if you're a scientist and you take a plant, you find the Amazon e like well. What is this plan consist of? Let's break down the parts you were kind breaking down the parts of what he does, what is effective and it didn't seemed to mean that I'm like this doesn't seem like a guy who's like there's a few guys out there that, like rabid rod, rod trump supporters and some of them or it's super transparent, there's a few guys out there that I'm watching them- and I know what they're doing what they're doing is they're latching on to the Trump train there catching on, like really shamelessly, where they tweet about Trump all the time now, but they never give a fuck about him. Awhile ago, like over the last six months, they've jumped on this because they recognize is a tremendous amount of loyalty in momentum behind being a trump supporter. In a fan, because it's a tough stance to
big so guys that are already marginalized, already kind of like fringe and people think they're kind of maybe creepy, though like fuck, this I'm going to full cream and they jump right in and it's got it's real, transparent, interesting, you know, obviously that's just my pecan might actually be really trump supporters and they're super excited but sent some disingenuous behavior out there, careful careful, Trump train. You have some hobos on your fucking wagons. What's different about this election about Trump in particular, is that used to be we're electing a leader, someone who would be a role model and all that I think ether that all out the door and social media throws even more out the door? And what I mean is, I think the public is the leader. Now I mean I think no laws get passed and less the majority of the public wants it to get past. Anything that gets a little aniline social media just throws it back in line and
more than ever, I think we hired an employee rather than the leader I feel like I hired a plumber. You know someone, it was really good at a specific set of skills negotiating. You know maybe doing some with the budget, whatever needs to be done, secure the borders, but it's sort of like you know, picking a lawyer yeah. I don't care what he's doing in his personal life, not my role model and by the way which of our kids we're looking to seventy year old man as the role models. Anyway, I mean I don't know if that happens a lot, but I think I think he really is going to be the first sort of people's president. You see his policy changing in real time. In the example we talked about earlier, when um you know he had misspoken, he said women should be punished if they get an illegal abortion. It turns out that the law and both Republicans and Democrats think that's crazy because it would discourage you know who didn't incur.
Is that wrong behavior, and so only the doctor is punished, but you saw him change his opinion in twenty four hours, just by being a little more informed and hearing that the public was all on the same side. So interesting, so he he'll bend with the breeze and you're not going to call flip flopping, as we common political term is right in the in the political realm. It would be flip flopping, and you know he has no moral backbone, but you're saying it's receptive to the public's desires. He's a business person in the business realm is more like a b testing, which is your rapidly testing things. You see what the response it is and you adjust if you don't get the right, but that's also like one of the criticisms of him is that he talks off the cuff without really having research or thought deeply about these subjects and when you're talking about a guy was supposed to be the leader of the greater the world's ever known like that, guy should probably not do that. I'm to put it going to put a different filter on that. Okay from the persuasion
since facts and logic and policies and stuff, don't matter as much as you want. You see him ignoring things that you just think man, a reasonable person would not say that a reasonable person would not ignore that. He ignores things because they don't matter, you think, he's a during something very important and he would perform better if he did. What you imagine is the right way to act. I don't think so. You don't think it's important to not arrest women who get illegal abortions, and you know I'm saying, like that's an important thing, to pay attention to right. If you have an opinion on it. Well, what I say what I'm saying is that the things you would need to know to be a president? Okay, and let's say let's say Hillary Clinton- knows them all, let's, let's say she's a ten and the town of just knowledge. If he is it, but a six which probably is even Jenner
US, there probably isn't any decision that he won't have advisers were filling it. May I say it becomes informed as he needs to know exactly the way. A ceo would run something okay, so this is not really related to that one particular subject. No, that was just an example of him. I understand what you're saying is changing when he became or informed he didn't. He didn't stick to an old opinion, even as the fax changed right right and he's done, the same thing with Obama care as well right met with Obama and said: okay, maybe there's some things about Obamacare that we might want to keep so he does. We call pacing and leading in the in the hypnosis persuade not called bullshitting, no and here's how it's different. What he does is. He agrees with people emotionally. First, he gets you on your side emotionally. So if you're really concerned about immigration, for example, he doesn't say yeah, I'm I'm concerned about that too. That would be sort of a Hillary Clinton approach being less concerned that you are, but you know I got other priorities. He is way more concerned than you are, if you're a little bit worried about immigration he's where
about you know ISIS coming over here and putting people in cages and cutting off heads and my god there's a hordes coming over the border, so he's so on your side that when he changes toward the middle- and you knew we had to- because you have to do that when you get in the general election- that his side was not feeling betrayed, 'cause they're, saying well he's changing the specifics of his policy. It must be because they looked into it and that's what's playing it's interesting, that's what's practical! So there will to go with him if they feel there he's on their side emotionally. So he always sides with people emotionally closed. His biggest possible uses hyperbole. He says he does that and it gives them also gives some room to negotiate back to the middle, and everybody says my God, I'm happy now your negotiated back to the middle. While that's interesting, it's interesting, but why do I feel it's just getting lucky? I feel like he's doing really shitty competition. Hillary Clinton is
terrible example of someone who should be running the country in so many ways, and she beat him in the popular vote. You know I mean she's, like she's got a lot of dirt on her. She beat him in the contest they weren't having, but there was only one contest, it's true and he won that one, that's true with Soleil cases in two thousand and twelve, he was saying it was a rig system. Because of that contest you know I mean he was talking about the popular vote and no how what was it which, which year was it where it went to Al Gore. What year was it where Al Gore won the popular vote, but did Kerry? No Kerry, never won the popular vote right. It was just algae or Al Gore won the popular vote against Bush yeah bye, half a million yeah, so every year is going to be this conversation anytime. The voting rights close, but what you see is that Trump doesn't care about. Let's say the consistency or what somebody would say is
is being a hypocrite I've, but we did this recently that the least persuasive thing you could ever say in politics. If you're trying to change somebody's mind, is that person is a hypocrite in all in all of history. That's never changed anybody's mind. Nobody ever said: oh slap, my head. I really realize that about something mean about a politician, but a politician yeah yeah. Well, we accept a certain amount of bullshit, but we also accept they used to say one thing and now they say another and it just seems so normal it's in the baseline. Don't you think that the being president is an impossible job, it's impossible. It seems like anybody, could really do it. It's both in pool simple and the easiest job, in the sense that the office of the President and all the advisors and all the public opinion is going to force you down to just a few possible options and those two options will you will not have enough information to know which one's better so so
want anybody guessing among the last two options that they've never to down to there's a little bit of luck involved, I got to say in now, so what do you mean by this? Well, you have to it's the personality and the time right so right you. So you could have a a president who is just terrific in wartime but were much good in anything else. So they'd be. You know next in other, on Mount Rushmore, but you have a llama whose primary job was winding down two wars and basically cleaning up another bass, and you know keeping us from a larger private problem. You know the economy melting down,
so Obama is really the presidency of things he prevented. That could have been worse, but I will put them in the top twenty percent of presidents. So my view of him is very positive and I think even Obamacare is a genius persuasive move even in its failure, because he set it up that way and he said that publicly he said I'm going to watch it ugly, I'm paraphrasing! I didn't get exactly what I wanted in this long, but once it's out there it will be impossible for politicians to pull back coverage. They'll just have to fix it. Where are we today? Everybody saying Obama, total failure without Obama care 'cause we're going to keep the good parts keywords keep the good parts exactly as he fucking planned and said so publicly.
He said it. You said it publicly. You said I'm going to do this ugly, wrong and you're going to have to fix it. Cuz it's going to be the only choice you have and that's what that's what you was going to do he's going to fix it. So what is he going to fix? Probably going to keep the main parts and probably, if some money around from something you know, I'm not, I'm not sure that fix looks like a miracle fix. I don't know that. That's in our future and I'm no expert on Obamacare. Well, there's this weird thing that we've done now with Trump that I've never seen before. We've narrowed them down want a chance and slogans I podcast about. I was in New York City at time. Time of the protests. I was there for the UFC and we were walking from the gym to the hotel. We just got caught in this wave of people screaming with really fuck crazy signs man. There wasn't a whole lot of love and compassion on their signs. The
talked about this before the podcast are the left has become something very different. It's like this really be aggressive, salting, shaming and even the call for violence like there's people with rape Malony assigns it's like this is yeah, there's pictures of them online. So the big question is, since I have one foot in the alright world, because I sample everything over there, but I'm also watching CNN and regular media, and these these folks live in completely different realities because they have different information because they're looking at different sources. So, within the conservative side, things it is is understood universally understood that the protesters are professional and they're paid by you sorrows and by the way, I'm not saying this, I'm saying what the review is on the other side, people think it's a true grassroots movement, and so the view is completely
two different worlds. Well, there may very well be some people that have been paid to protest, but there is absolutely a bunch of people that are pro testing, because they're upset does your I mean is yeah. I might be fluffed up a little bit. I don't know, but there's definitely people that are just young people that are pissed off or old people that are pissed off. There's people that are just subset. The question was whether the protests would have lasted and spread in bed as well working all of a good protest. God Adams, it's fun, you feel like you're, doing something block and Wilshire fuck you people, you know this guy I mean I are saying about it: boiled down to a slogan like there's a bun have not my fucking president. You know like that kind of shit like Donald Trump kk like there's. They they want to like yell out things that they associate with him, which I've never seen before. Sir, is what a president yeah. So so I read about this extensively, so the best persuasion is fear
right. So in the beginning of the election, Trump had the best persuasion because he was saying the terrorists are coming in. You know I'll. Stop him. There's criminals coming across the border, who's talking, boring, Paula season, hey I'm experienced, so she didn't have a chance against. You know you're going to die tomorrow right by summer. She obviously had some professional help. Meaning somebody who is a cognitive scientist or a professional persuader and she started using the term dark all the time and all the circuits used it at the same time. It's dark, dark, dark. And she started coloring him as a huge racist dictators, dangerous to the world and the most dangerous thing in the world 'cause. If you're worried about terrorism, you really worried about somebody else getting killed because you're not really thinking you get killed but generous. You know, even if it's pretty bad, somebody else is getting killed, but Clinton painted a picture to make you afraid of of you know the nuclear holocaust created by Trump
eating something at three: a dot m and I don't hit in the button accidentally, and so that was the ultimate fear, so she really had that going so and when she lost she had all these people activated, who would have been instantly deactivated if Trump had lost, but there's no, the activation of the bomb that she created, the societally societal bomb. That is these protests in the way people feel they're. These people literally believe that Hitler was just elected. You know a version of Hitler who will will, I saw actually saw today a journalist talking about you, know concentration camps of this sort of thing. I believe nothing even remotely like that's going to happen, or you know I or I would obviously be on on the side of the protesters. So this is not their view of the world. Is that the Trump supporters?
No he's a racist and they installed them because they wanted to go. Do racist things, trump supporters know even within the ranks it's like about. Two percent people are are actual races and I've never met one like for the hard core kind and the the room at one. But we can introduce you to some people for just ask around I I I I think it would be hard to find yeah so bowed, not a very funny line. He said not all trump supporters are racists, but all races to trump supporters, so the so what we have here. This is
situation where the races are living in their own little world and they think they actually, you know, got their guy right, Mostro supporters, just like a less taxes. You know the the the thinking they like his personality, though just like something about him and the Clinton supporters think that that Hitler actually got elected so they're. Acting on that, so the m, so what's happened is that Clinton has someone accidentally because she thought she was going to win at which point this whole problem goes away. Someone accidentally created this gigantic societal bomb that there's there's no way to diffuse, but the number of people, including me, are trying to figure out how to literally d the ties people were in the solution that that World WAR three just started what it's. It was very disturbing me. One of the one of the big ones was when she was confronted about the d see hack and her emails and all that stuff, the hacked emails from server where she did
worded attention by saying that it was Russia that did this and that there would be re percussions and then she said even pop Sibley militarily, like that's the worst diffusion of responsibility ever like were talking about you deleting emails after subpoena and you're argument is that the Russians got those emails and we should bomb them. I mean that's literally what she saying that was crazy when she said there would be repercussions militarily to fucking Russia like what Russia talking about invading Puerto Rico. Russia he's going to be military invasions because someone stole your email that insecure I'm gonna defend her. Please d'oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna! Surprise you a little bit! Oh boy! Here we go, have a drink um! Do you drink
yeah, I don't anymore at anymore. Would you stop? It just gave me sinus problems so just stop several years ago. I feel much healthier. Alright, dude, no pressure. What was I talking about? You're gonna defend Hillary Clinton because I was saying that her saying that we're gonna attack Russia because of emails kind of crazy. So the way leaders talk with each other. Is you know this is my red line? Don't this is a serious? That's not the same as saying. If you got my email, I'm going to bomb you tomorrow, then right there there's a certain amount of seriousness which you must convey, which is separate from what he actually gonna do agree. So she was conveying um a tan and a ten maximum code red seriousness, if you, if you got my fucking emails and and and it changed the course of our you know- of our republic 'cause- that's where she was at the legends now I don't know. If anything, I did this happen and there are smart people who said maybe the Russians were in or some russian hackers were involved in
here's a problem. There's no evidence that the Russians did it not only that the FBI and the CIA don't think, there's Russians, don't think the Russians did it like it. Wasn't it wasn't something that there was any definitive proof. It was find out who Jamie you could pull this up, who believe that it was Russia and who didn't believe it was Russia, because there was some like very proud and security people that were hired to investigate zero, but it was Russia, so it was just a diff. Fusion is, and you could tell that it was planned diffusion because of that White House correspondents, press dinner. She made a joke book about riding a horse with with Putin like she may is russian joke. So there's this like theme- and it was a shit joke to whoever wrote- should be slapped whose terrible like the way it was set up was put. It was I, if somebody, if somebody pitched around the joke writers table you know like,
is it like? It was Tony Hinchcliffe and you know Jeff Ross or they'd, be like no, not that one is not going to do that. That's a terrible joke. It's just not a good joke, and she I know how to deliver it either, and it was just a clunky extra attempt to connect Putin and because people are scared of Russia, but it was so shitty and ham handed that it just didn't work. Everybody knows, there's no fucking evidence, I mean there's no evidence of Russia's doing anything. None. I think the Russia thing took her from you know: serious states person. You know the most experienced person who ever ran for president to a little bit ridiculous. Yes, she had desperate suppose a desperate move, so she didn't have any other options. She she went code red she started talking shit track, started, making things up back and connecting him to look. It was just the whole thing was so sorted to me. That was the most unfortunate thing about it. When you do see all the
stuff on tv. One thing that you can't deny might not affect you and it might not affect me, but there are certain people that follow all the tone of the leaders of this country and when you have have a guy who's, the president, who you know is going to say insulting, should call Jon Stewart a pussy in a tweet at one hundred and thirty in the morning like that sets the tone and for the country, and it's going to some people very happy, some people that love to talk shit, they loved insult people and the like fuck yeah, open season with describe that. I said political correctness took a missile to the dick. That's what it was like this is. This is the guy at the top of the totem pole and we we can relax our standards now and all the things that have been annoying you about people nitpicking about behaviors and insults, and you know safe words and safe spaces and all that stuff going on yeah. I I mean so it does affect the way people think and behave right. There's almost nobody who won't use the word pussy in public there.
Do you remember so many months ago, when that just wasn't a thing? That's so true, you couldn't say that so drew if he came like a constant like dinner people talk like people sit around talking, saying, grab the pussy yeah discovery from women. It's not it's not even not even bad. My girlfriend said it's true, it's so true. That is so true. That's interesting, yeah! Well, you know. I think that we go one way and we go the other, and I think that people get tired too much left. They want some right and I think that's why we went from Carter to Reagan. That's why we went from Bush to Clinton. I just think that's what we do, I think, is what we've always done and I think people are. I also believe- and I've said this publicly- I think the whole Caitlyn Jenner thing had a big effect, because people were like what in the what are we doing? That's the athlete of the year where this is woman of the year for Glamour magazine, and then you see her on the Ellen Show and she doesn't believe in gay marriage, and you like this is weird.
This is madness. We were accepting. Madness is being okay and I think, because of the like, we are so accepting and so sensitive that anything in having gender gets a fucking free pass on all of its ludicrous aspects like she's a ludicrous person, but we gave it a free pass issues to be a man. Then she became a woman and she will fuck. It doesn't believe in gay marriage, it's so crazy when, when Ellen asked her about it, she was like well chronicled traditionalist like what the fuck did. You even just say you're a traditional girl holy shit. This is crazy, but we're now it was the same thing. We're supposed to just accept it. With this people at home all cause, it's a country throwing their fucking beer cans in the kitchen just flat out fuck. Are we doing what are we doing and I think there's reaction when things go way too far left when there seventy eight different gender pronouns that you have to learn when you know political correctness, some crazy path where you remove the General Lee's confederate flag
bag from the roof and pulling it off tv land? We gotta get this fucking just like things. Go so far, left that there's an automatic slingshot effect and they start going right again, I'm okay with getting rid of the confederate flag. I think they could have well. You know it does represent bad things to people, but can't just like fuckin going there and C g. I that shit or something or is it okay to have it in there because it represents the past right like you could photo, you can go toe, watch Al Jolson, videos on Youtube. You can watch them yeah! Here's my take on that people, don't ask a lot from other people. But you so you have this confederate flag, bunch of people like it, because it's like! Oh it's passes the south, so you know you want to respect that people like what they like, but another big part. The public is just really really offended by it like in and not in a normal offensive way. Like you know, you said a bad word, but, like you know, the deepest pain
in the country has ever experience. You know the slavery, so if you can, if you can't allow your fellow citizen, you know that little bit of respect yeah, this is really inconvenient. I wish I could keep my confederate flag, whatever they're, not asking a lot. Alright, let's that's just not allowed that's true. Unless you own the dukes of Hazzard, you like where's, my fucking money. What the are you kidding me? We without played it for fifty years. What happened? Not just slavery, which is one of the most awful things that has ever had into human beings. The other awful thing is war represents a war civil war, so the two most awful things, slavery and war. It represents both of those represents a war between two people in the same two groups: people on the same landmass over slavery, so it's death on top of horrific
in capturing in and enslaving of people. It's like everything that I had to be insensitive, but they weren't the winning side. True, so they did lose. But what's interesting, is it just a few decades ago, whenever the dukes Duquesa hazards on tv, it didn't bother us at all. That's really fast sing to me that they were how to have it and it wasn't an issue, but I don't know yeah, maybe just be worth things about that way, but once you start thinking about it thing is that's fascinating that it wasn't an issue, but we were all aware of it. All of our issues are psychological. I mean you know once you got food and nobody shooting at you write your problems tend to be mental yeah yeah unless that, whatever that images is provoking violence right, you know like the Nazi flag you can have they lost to. You can have that one. We won't give you that one right, yeah and again is like don't ask yeah. That's just not a lot to ask
fascinating. Like the English came, we a war with England right for independence, killed a lot of Americans. You could have an english flag flying high. Nobody is a, I know it that ended. So politely, though, that it I I I think I think the British they lose territory better than anybody. Well, they don't give you their sword. Well, we conquered so much of the world. But okay, this one didn't work out. You put up a good fight good for you good for you. Thank you got your back. It is interesting, though, that there's some people that would argue for the confederate flag with almost no one would argue for the flag. Well, it was probably somebody does but yeah. I know what you're right I mean the Nazis. I mean it couldn't have been that everyone in Germany was repres and by the Nazis right there is never a group is never one hundred percent compliance and
group mindset of any fucking country is never existed right. It's just not how people are so we give the Germans pass 'cause. They were part of that whole nazi flag thing, but when we look at the confederate flag like if you're down with that you have to be, it has to be like the two core things one year at war with n and two you believe in slavery. That's it! You know it can't just be AMA Leonard Skynyrd fan, but you know images images, like I said in the very beginning, visual persuasion is the strongest it is you just want. I want to look at that thing yeah, if you're on the wrong side of that part of history. I was thinking not that one 'cause I went to Chicha Nizza the where the mayan pyramids are in the Yucatan and when we're driving it's like a long drive to get to the pyramids and as we're driving, I saw this giant Coca COLA billboard. I said how bizarre is that symbol like that symbol so etched in the consciousness of most people in the modern world, but to see
in the jungle was so strange. Just this giant thing that represent, I mean it: it's like instantaneous representation, was it new or was it left over from the mayan civilization that had it bad? It was more than that newer than that. But those are very strange. We we we accept them and they have become a normal part of our society. When you drive it down the road and you go the that and you see the bow tie on a chevy. These symbols, like the instantaneous recognizable symbols. If you notice how easily boys can recognize the model of a car, oh yeah, is there some kind of weird gender, specific skill? Don't think so, because Bryan Callen doesn't know jack shit about cars, Bryan Callen recognize like a Tesla and a car maybe he's own, maybe, but it would have to be in the last couple of years. He is no have never met a grown man like a manly guy. Who knows less cares less about cars, but still, if you said what
model car and it was private, had ca, Mustang thinks the Camaro. Okay, trust me like yes, just brutal I've had a conversation with them. I'm not! It's a fucking, sixty nine Mustang. You can't tell you look at that. That doesn't say that's a sixty nine Mustang to you turn in your God. Damn America card turn it in boy is sixty nine Camaro. You should fucking know what that is. You should no. As a man, I wouldn't know a sixty of who you should look at the headlights, the tail it's a different everything's different than sixty eight have the same boxy tail lights that the sixty seven had. The sixty nine is lengthened a little bit. Well, the sixty nine as the year here, the right to change my change, my name to no, you don't have to get. Maybe she knows a lot about cars. That was the other thing about the Caitlin on thing drove me, crazy. Somebody knocks someone in the traffic and knock some being a traffic issue. Wasn't paying attention. Lady went head on into traffic, someone slammed into her and kill the Hummer one of the
summers in America. Slam dinner and killed her and it never gets discussed. She goes does talk, shows and instead of talking about this horrific accent that cause some fellow human, their life talks about gender and nail polish yeah. Exactly I know about this, he didn't know not sent yeah, he didn't know. So that's a that's a big part of our ob. I I've been medicate Lynn since, since so she was Bruce because I happen to be on a flight one time across country and Bruce at the time was in the seat in front of me and and leaned his see it all the way back and I couldn't use my laptop for five. Yeah you're mad about that. But that's could you lean yours back? You have more room. It doesn't really work that way right. Can you put your laptop in your lap like a actual laptop files right next, you have to fix this whole thing. If only the grudge, the left, you, like, I'm glad he's a Rickie fucking ruin my typing this. This is,
it's called the laptop yeah. It's it's in your lap, but your balls get really warm and they say it kill sperm. It depends what you're trying to accomplish. You know for some people that be just no babies up all the time. It was a long flight. I might want to kill if you just just to take the pressure off his to relax. My friend, ARI Shapiro, always gets mad at that two people lean back because he's looks so big he's like sick days are like six three or something sixty four he's super tall. So he's got these goofy ass, stork clay, eggs. You can't fit him under the seat anyway, god I feel sorry for tall people anytime. They try to travel anywhere outside their own house. Even in cars, you know you get in someones car sometimes, and your legs are jammed up. I'm like I'm fucking, five, eight and my legs are jammed up. What is a giant person? Do yeah, I'm trying to think like what would be my equivalent like how small would a car have to be so. I can feel like Shaq feels like when he gets in the car. He has to take seats output, seats in seats in the back of your with what they do to cars for him.
Yeah he's had some custom made cars where they literally take the seat out of the front and install it in the back. It's not them look. You know you think, but he's seven feet tall, so that think about how much more length you're dealing with his arms his legs and then his the height like I bet they would have to lower the seat down. So you can see better out the windshield, otherwise has to kind of bend down. Everytime he's driving. It just says this vision of him with a Miata sitting in the trunk. I don't know with the trunk open. You know. Just something I bet he can drive a Miata. I bet he can't. I bet there's no way. That's he can get Father far enough back, just strap one to each foot skated well, he would he could do is just put the have a steering so rich. You have the steering. Will the middle then push everything back? No forget that idea, but I know for sure for sure they had one of those custom tv shows custom car shows where they do things for people
side. What is that one show West Coast West Coast, West Coast Customs, maybe that one famous company, so they dig her car and they put the seat in the back for him still Rex room the cells ice on the you do for tv, so yeah we got a. We got to put the seat back Jane B, because I I got a feeling. He drives a regular cars. Some may be there's probably some cars. He can't drive, though, like a windows, old porsches will tiny ones, probably most yeah, yeah anyway, point being where we oh, it's terrible to be a generally lean back and fucked up your day. The one bad from there you know and look there's nothing. I mean he's not terrible person. She's, not a terrible person is not with the worst human in the world. It's just like when this gets paraded out as being like this very important point. Well as soon as he gets paraded out and you make a big deal and you want to go in all these talk shows you want to talk about yourself, well,
examine you as an actual person and there's not just stop at gender. You know, I'm saying like you like, there's there's a lot of representatives like, for instance, the woman who created Sirius Satellite Radio and also, I believe she invented GPS. He was born a man and had a sex change, and I met with her and had an interview with her about her her. She made a robot she's super fucking smart, like crazy, smart and work on artificial intelligence and programming. This woman, this, like it's ahead of her wife Bina like she married her when she was a man and then became a woman. They stayed together and being is like this artificial intelligence thing that she's consistently updating as technology gets better. She updates it get more and more intense, like you want to focus on someone who is transgender person like. Maybe that would be a good example instead,
concentrating on a guy who used to be really good at running and in you know, and now lived with a bunch of materialists on a reality show not just running but a company. Yes, is your lunch wishes Lee Canada, which have no no purpose in real life? Yeah means no one's really into the decathlon. Sorry, I'm sure he's awesome, but nobody gives a fuck. That's why you don't any of those sports where there's no professional side of it like Prob. W reason for that I say that, but that's not true, because a wrestling I think wrestling is great sport. It doesn't have a professional venue, you know other than like fake wrestling. You ever think about how weird it is that people can get invested in like a team. Yes like, why do you care so much about your team? I think about that all the time. I'm constantly really. Yes, all the time we talk about it all the time. It's a tribal thing, people love being in a group like being on team trump. They like being on team Hillary. You know there's so I was watching so much tribal behavior,
leading down like arguments between people on Twitter. You guys are crazy. Like what are you doing your argument, people, you don't even know, and I look at the timeline- a look at the timeline when arguing for seven eight hours in a row, you can be doing so much improve your life instead of like insulting Hillary supporters are insulting Trump supporters. There all it says, weird natural thing: people join teams join tribe's. They have groups that they like, but it makes sense when you're looking as a your ethnicity, because, probably biologically were you know, were primed to to prefer it. Whatever looks like us right, you know just you just national prime for that. Do you think, that's true, explain black eyes an asian chicks, ready go, I'm done several tunes over Mount so far have been gentle.
I saw it but a good, so it makes sense if you look at like big boobs or a country or something, but the sports team is a random collection of rules that why you could be emotionally invested in that I tried because it seems like such cheap entertain. Well, I want to you: live a wonderful life: Scott Adams, you're, wealthy successful man and for some people there's not a whole to look forward to, and this is not obviously I'm not using a broad blanket to paint all sports fans. But I think that there's a lot of people out there that look to the success of their team and they get happiness or sadness from that and if you're in a team like if you're in Cleveland and they kick and then win the world title- and I mean they have the World Heavyweight Champ in the? U of C lives in Cleveland. To like you get some Cleveland pride, you know well. That almost works until you consider that there are like raiders fans, just
keep losing and losing raiders is a different thing then, and they got to be thinking. This will not make me feel good at the end of the year yeah, but raiders is like I'm. A bad raiders is a weird one's raiders is like rap music. I'm a thug. You know, I don't give a fuck, I'm a raiders fan it's a different raiders is that that's a whole different animal and then the cut fan cubs fans until this year were like the loyal, loyal, hey, I'm not really in it. For the winds. I just love the Cubs Cubs. Meanwhile, the cubs are new. Every year it's a different person, person yeah, that's crazy, so two totally different group of humans than the Cubs from five years ago. How could you love the cubs he's under the same people on then the team can just go to another town: it's nuts yeah, it's fucking nuts, like the l, a rams. How do we get the rams? What the fuck happened? What we doing here, you know like and then what's going to happen to the raiders going go to Vegas. Now, then there was the raiders fans going to follow him over to Vegas. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes people get mad teams leave and they get pissed off. Vegas seems like a good fit, though
yeah, but it was all created, because I mean all sports teams in this country essentially were a response to war being over and people thinking, with real good reason that man at least need war. They need some form of war, to develop character and to to build strong, like strong, definitive nations, most need to unite in bond with war and the con except was like well. If we can't do that, let's figure out some sort of a game that they can play and as we're football in. What do you think that was conscious or it's just was conscious? Yeah was yeah. I was actually discussed like it's been disc and there's been. A lot of historians have concentrated on leaders that have talked about the importance of conflict, the importance of war in the the bringing the country together and the support of
nationalism, the support of loyalty and honor and pride, like all that, a lot of it has to be connected with consequences and LOS yeah like that line of thinking. Well, there was a radio lab podcast about when they invented football that went into this and pretty in pretty much in depth. God damn it. I think it was radio lab, I'm pretty sure it was. It was either and also it could have been, but it went into it pretty the in depth about the creation of football and how was originally put together so that explain, wise sports that are just clearly dangerous are still legal and and popular. Is that a Jamie yeah? That's it American football yeah make that larger for a shitty eyes, scroll up there, yeah, okay, eighteen, seventy nine yeah! That's right was made in the Carlisle Indian School formed in one thousand, eight hundred and seventy nine to assimilate children. The grandchildren of native Americans who fought in the play means wars
feels the most american team of all yeah. This was about these American Indians that were fucking. I can has played football. There is another service another. When I was about the said, the ghost of football past that could be. Maybe this was the one that was about this american indian team. That was really interesting, so football was invented by native Americans. No, no, no, no, there's just one bad team team. Here it is right here and 18th century. The civil war was over, a frontier was dead. Young college men are anxious. Is it what great struggle will test their character? That allow then comes a new craze football? A brutally violent game? Were young men show a stadium full of fans just with their made of Harvard Yale Princeton Penn. The sons of the most powerful men in the country are literally knocking themselves out to win these gladiatorial battles. So that's when it came up, then the Carlisle Indian School they were beating the fuck out all the white dudes,
surprise yeah, I think, and then I forget, I think they all simulated. I forget a lot of the rules came because the Indians kept beating every yes, they said it make it a new rule and they do it right. We don't change the native Americans you to make a comeback, a lot of cool ideas. I think we fucked him over by giving him casinos. I mean all their towns Vegas, I've. I've got a small amount of native American in me to get money, not not a profit. Do you like sixteen percent to get money? You need like a certain amount and get some cash. I think it's even maybe less than that really or to qualify for whatever I'll have to look into that it might be. The worst thing could do to some people just how come away and this little patch of land isolate him from everybody else, and you know watching the rest of the world change around them. Some sort of
range way and they're Americans, but they're, not there in some of weird pretore that they have ultimate control over and they started having gambling there and doing whatever the fuck. They want very strange, but in some ways like one of the other, what were the other options at the time that they were giving them territory? Probably pretty ugly op yeah after it's dark? You really stop and think about the genocide of the native Americans in this country and how that how rarely that comes up and there's no flag, which is really interesting when you are obviously there are some pleasure, some nations, but I mean there's no, no one thing that represents our war with them. This note no offensive symbol other than like a few sports teams right, like the red skins, are the Braves or both my high school and college were both. The warriors warriors is not specific to a nationality or an old logo. City logo logo was, you, know, yeah, it's weird man, it's real weird that the fact
that it was only a couple of one hundred years ago is really weird. It's a blink of an eye. How long do you think people are gonna live now? It's good question, because I'm thinking I'm good for one hundred at least oh ok, but you personally yeah, I think you're, probably you look healthy, but a kid born today, one thousand years old going to be read minds. Well, it depends it also upon what a person becomes 'cause. I have a feeling they're going to come up with legs that are artificial. That worked way better in the real legs like I have a bunch of friends that have like fake hips or fake knees, or you know, they've had surgery and they had a bunch of stuff fixed. I know a lot of people that have that hip replacements, like maybe a dozen, so I've figured out that if I create enough public information about me, you know there's enough times, I'm Rico
or did like I'm being right now. Enough of my writing is in the public there's enough video of Maine that after I die, I could be recreated in software well, almost in full, because you would have my everything from my personality, my sense of humor, my choice of words. So some future program could just go to the internet, Google, my name and take all those sources and bring together an actual physical hologram that walks and talks like me, one hundred years after I'm dead, but Jamie, you were just telling me about some software that they've developed that you can take someone's one could say like. I could make a statement. Scott Adams is a really cool guy and I always love hanging out with them and they can move the words all over the place was it's a jumbled sentence that it doesn't make any sense and then change the inflection, and it sounds perfect. Listen to this we'll play some of it here, come on, don't be vocal, see if I can get this okay and-
and I kissed my wife and my dogs, the dogs. Okay, how can we let the dogs out have a great example of it? Does a terrible yeah? It's like a five minute video, where they should think he's call like photo shop for for audio, it's manipulating audio in a way that people aren't used to r I've even seen up until that just shows just kind of demonstration. So the point being, if you could automate this, if you could put this inside some sort of an artificial intelligence structure that knew when to inflect when and to have a question when into like, maybe maybe will be attacked you talkin up, speak, you know it up. Speak is I love up speak because it's so fuck it
it's! This weird thing that these tech dorks do with a sort of talk, and it's really weird unpredictable way, and they all do it and basically, it makes you seem like you're, sensitive and intelligent and on the ball, and it's a weird fucking little sneaky thing that some of these tech guys do. Where takes you a while to go? Oh you're, not smart at all your fucking Cray, but you talkin up speak. You know they've decided to take on the persona of a tech person, so it's really into, I believe Android Android the future, and they start they have this weird thing that they do with the end of each sentence. They go up, not sure that exists outside of oracal for Silicone Silicon Valley. It's huge in Silicon Valley. I think it's more. It's more prevalent in northern California, that is in southern California. It's almost like there halfway like an NPR sort of radio personality. Halfway that and halfway a Strip club dj. It's like they have
thing going on where it's a fake voice and they're. Talking about knowledge E. That's all I'm going to here now now now, I'm going to hear that so you'll hear it I'll, give you some audio of people, there's a bunch of p, so they speak and it isn't accent the same way in New York, accent or a Boston accent is like you can recognize. Oh that's a tech door like it's. A non original tech person is speaking in this weird. You want people understand your tech person to speaking in a it's, a literally attack accent about a week. I try that it's really fascinating women can do it too. It's super important, you know, there's almost a woman up speak that you'll see occasionally on daytime talk, shows where uh like a bunch of women will sit around and they'll be on a show and the woman or it's all audience the women's, the audiences, all women and there's always
on the panel and then they're, cooking or they're talking about clothes and what the Womans up speak is sentences. Don't end they just sort of stopped talking. Jeff knows somebody who didn't have anyway the end of story. Yes, and they would they would talk forever. They just keep going and then, during the time of early cell phones, when one person was talking, the other person couldn't talk to you didn't realize it all the time, but it really was one way. Communication and somebody would start them, and I would start you pulling into the phone. Stop stop talking bank. You know, let me in what I mean by sentences. Don't ever end, it's not that they don't stop talking, but that they don't have it like. If I said to you Scott, it's three, we should probably wrap this up in about an hour. Instead of that they would say, hey Scott, at three o'clock,
we should probably wrap this up in about an hour and then just keep going, and then someone else chimes in what about four hundred o'clock is four hundred o'clock a good time for clocks a good time. Five hundred o'clock is a good time. Six hundred o'clock is a good time. What about and can we do it at? Seven, seven is fine. We can definitely keep going and there's no end. There's no. This is my laptop. My laptop is black. Do they hear it themselves? They love it. They love to talk. Go to get together. Do you think, do you think that if you meet somebody who is heard this podcast- and they talk like that normally would they be unable to talk to you? That would be too self conscious now, they'd be fine, he's he's a deck and also know that when I didn't this is an example, I think that's what I think is a deck. I didn't give the best example of it either, but I think what it is that's how they enjoy talking. I think there had to edit their conversations. 'cause men get tired quicker, which is I want to talk about about certain stuff like like Jesus Christ. Get on this story finish it.
When is the story end, but women get together, they love it. They can just keep going a lot of 'em kennel. You reminding me of the worst advice. Anybody ever gave be be natural, be yourself what the hell does that mean? Who are you if I were myself I'd be like you know, sitting here, naked, masturbating and well, maybe not right here, but was a terrible example. Sometimes, let's go back here events, but that would be you sometimes that is yourself, but it's like yourself varies. Dip, hang up on your company depending upon the environment, depending upon the circumstances were all acting. All the time were adapt to every situation, yeah and you you also want to be different. Sometimes it's not even necessarily an act. It's you know, someone says: hey he's got show me, show me the crazy hands Danny. Do you like? I really does not me right now right now. They were always adapting this to the search
yeah, but there's women that are like men too. In that way, the women want other women is shut, the fuck up and they want men to shut the fuck up to like, like God, damn these people there long boring stories, it's not necessarily gender specific, but it seems to be like women on talk shows during the day that are cooking for people who can't tell when they've going on too long. Maybe me right there and you look at them and you think do they not know, I'm giving all the signals of stop yeah. You know in the in the corporate world you know you'd, always I have a pen in your hand. Somebody came into your cubicle. You want to leave. You wouldn't put the pen down s o, u turn toward them, but you keep the pen in your hand right to signal them that you were. You know there for them, you'd put it down and you turn toward them. But if you, if you turned with just the pen and I'd, be like dude, the pan
yeah, I do not see this pen still in my head. There's a weird thing that people do you. If you're on the phone will your on your cell phone, they will come up to you because you are the physical presence, trumps, whatever your whatever you got, going on digitally so, like you on the phone, you might be having a really important conversation, someone go: hey Man, Scott Adams, hey how you doing man and you like up in the phone. I tell you, I really love Dilbert, why you still talking you fuck, you know, I'm in the middle of another conversation, you've decided this person. Isn't here fuck them. You said your attention, I'm right in front of you. I can touch you. Scott Adams deal it's my hero. I love you hold your shoulder, but you know you you you you you get the you get the celebrity thing that I don't get because I'm invisible like your visual, your visual you're on periscope. I knew exactly what you look like to you in seven thousand people on earth it it's more. I think the shadow banning you. I like that term,
look found out. We were talking about that. The other day Hillary for prison. Remember we're saying: Rape Melania was actually a hashtag, but Hillary prison wasn't that's not. People are saying what people are saying. Is there shadow banning that Hillary for prison, hashtag, meaning if you put hashtag Hillary for prison, someone could search it and find it, but you put it wouldn't show up in other people's feeds. I don't know if that's true, though, has that been proven. I I'm having a real tough time with, what's proven, because lots of people are sending me my own stuff and saying here's proof that you have been shadowbanned 'cause. Look at this page compared to this page. I always look at them and I go I'm not really a lawyer. I I can't tell there might how you find out very simple reason: you're wealthy man, you have two laptops, you may second twitter account, don't use it various reasons. Don't get on start shitting on people under egg, fifty nine, whatever fuck, you call it, but you start a laptop. You follow you. You
follow a few other people just for a goof and then you sit there and you watch your timeline. Well, no, I do know that people are not getting buy stuff, but here's the thing you could find out yourself. You could tweet from another computer as Scott Adam says, so you do Scott Adam says you following you on another computer: that's in a different account! Anyways such but have you done that? No I'm saying that other people have done that and they send me the screenshot. So when I look at our crazy, they just want to talk to you, Scott, and I want to be your friend. They want to talk to you when you're on your cell phone, hey man, I love Gilbert, who you talking to you, don't fuck it I'm right here. Man. Why didn't you try yourself um? I guess it was the curious comma he talked about it. You have to be curious, I kind of like being shadowbanned, do you like being
out of and we like, the idea of you being shot a band. I like them to finish of proof that your shadow band, I like I like the thought that I might be so dangerous to the minds of America that there's a major corporation was actually making us a conscious decision so who the America America's at a little bit too much of this guy. Let's dialing back a little bit well kind of like if twitter didn't have a history of banning people. You know, like the Milo thing, Miley Annapolis, that was a big mistake. Wolf, big mistake, 'cause they did ban for anything that, like you, could like put your finger on the band, Amv influence and other people are saying mean things, but you looked at the stuff that he actually said man you can't ban. That's just not not fair! Well, certainly not compared to everything else. That's on twitter, not even compared to things that Leslie Jones wrote, you know mean the person that he was supposedly attacking and
was doing was. He was targeting a piece of art and he critiqued it very harshly. What he does he's very wise with his choice of words, is very snippy and bitchy, and that's his persona that he's put together is a lovely guy like I've had him on the podcast a couple times I enjoy his company he's a fun guy, but God damn to people get pissed off at him. It's kind of hilarious, and so when that whole thing went down with the Leslie Jones things they I I've absolutely didn't agree with all the people that were being mean insulting to Leslie. But that's, I know what happens if you put yourself out there with a piece of art right that people don't like, and all he did was say that they were all ugly. You know he was saying that it's a bad feminist film, because all the men are but spoons and all the women are saving the world and he's like it's proposed. Yes, it sucks, it's not good in the women are all gross and that's what he set an you know for that was at the last part, was all the trouble
well, it was. I mean the fact that you're saying there are unattractive. He was saying that not just to be bitchy, but also in a point is like he made a point he's like have decidedly picked people that were unattractive to make this sort of feminist point of these over wait. Women can save the world they're, the ones who are going to like they're targeting and that's why all the men are buffoons. It's sort of revenge like the idea being. If you wanted look at it broadly, the idea being that these are the type of women that the guy, like the authority, what's his name, the guy was in that movie the really handsome fellow play store Chris. What's the name? No Chris is super spy anomaly we have an American to see Liam Hemsworth. Is that what I'm source comes worth Chris Hemsworth right, it's one of my right or is it Chris, the guy who plays Captain America SAM's? This is calm, Thor, okay, doors impossibly beautiful, it's beautiful, mass super handsome, big fucking, perfect body, and course in this movie he's a fucking moron I mean he is the
almost guy that's ever walked. The face of the planet is preposterously dumb and then becomes the villain at the end. So here eh presents like this unattainable goal of having this gigantic beautiful and be attracted to you. So they've turned him and his complete retard like. If this was a woman in a movie, it would be one of the most offensive portrayals of a woman. Ever I'm sure it's been done, I'm sure it's been done right, especially like in the old days. Like I mean there was how many fucking the secretary roles were there in the world right, so he was that the caricature of that, but there's not a single other mail in the movie that wasn't a complete buffoon, every males of failure and ultimately gets killed and dies. Every woman saves the day- and this was my last point so in MO forms of entertainment, you need you know the dumb one and the smart one. You know it's going to be that contour and in earlier times there were other people you could poke fun at and society would say
yeah we make fun of that. In the you know, the the the wife was the dumb one, and you know the fifties, and now you a some of it is just what target? Can you get away with? So there's there's a little bit of that. It's, like you, know, who's. A soft target nobody's going to complain and men are the you know the current target. If you look at commercials, almost all the commercials are, the the woman is the smart one and and did something stupid that she had to fix every sitcom every second, but I mean even in the fifties, that was the case like the Honeymooners Ralph Kramden is a fucking moron. His wife is one of the ways: keep him calm right, so it to the moon Alice. You threaten to beat her right and his buddy. His body was this fucking idiot too, and Buddy's wife was keeping him in line yeah. That was true for the honeymooners yeah. I mean that the couple's sort of comedy the man is a buffoon married with
open, always want sex sex altus. All fucked up is trying to get away from he hates his life. Everything falls apart on him, his daughters, acting like a little hussy right, I mean that's the whole thing. This poor is last falling apart, the guys now, all those v's, the guy's, a buffoon, all those sitcoms, the guy's, a buffoon. That's what people like to see yeah, but you know I'm looking at Elvis right behind you. It's a different animal, maybe yeah. So there were a lot of movies where it was you Frank Sinatra: Charlie Bronson maybe have to go back further right, where the, where the man was the competent one and and the woman was always losing or high heel. Well, there's plenty of movies like that in sitcoms in the sitcom world in the comedy world, it's pretty much always the men's of man's buffoon. I think that's fair to say for a lot. You know, king of queens, there's another one Kevin James, always ridiculous wife always had to figure. Everything out is ridiculous, but how did you get this hot wife
on TV is on tv I mean this is uh. I mean we're going back to the twitter thing. This is the prob with censoring people. If you don't like what they stand for, you know you're not really like they were looking for the reason to pull the plug on him. It wasn't a good one, so he left people like what that, like that him saying that and then, when you pull up things that she is said about white people that she is said about other eh cities and some of the issues, like literally said, get someone like someone tweeted, something matter, she's telling people to get. That's like it's targeted harassment right like that is, like actual targeted harassment and the idea she's doing it in revenge. For someone coming after her, I understand, but in the position that she's at like she's, a huge celebrity for her to actively say, go get this person.
That is the clearest example you're going to see of targeted harassment. So if that doesn't get punished in any way shape or form, you got to say well. Why is it because she's female is because she's black? Is it accommodation? Those things is because she represents what you think is like liberal progressive of mindset, and then he represents this all right. That people are terrified of an hate. He represents the gamergate which gave birth to the alt right, like gate allowed people to realize, like hey, there's. Actually, some intelligent people that are tired of all bullshit, that these feminists are trying to push down our throats and intelligent they're coming together and go know. Laura Croft is not the fucking bane of civilization. It's fun to watch for run around with their tits jiggling shoot guns at things. It doesn't. I hate women, just doesn't you know, and women were playing that game too and saying the same thing and this portrayal of these people as being these ugly massages monsters. The backlash of that is what gave birth to gamergate and a lot of gamergate was harassment,
harassment of women, horrible stuff right, but, as you were saying when it was when you're talking about Trump supporters percentage of these trump supporters, that probably are racist does mean they all are like. What is the name? Where is it? Two percent is at four percent there's a certain percentage, probably absolute misogynists. What's that number, I don't know what the number is, but there's also some other people in there. There has to be that are reasonable, because if you look at the number of people that voted for obama- and you look at the number of people that voted for Trump, a lot of those people, the same people, well, actually, if you look at Romney's vote compared to Trump, I think Romney Trump did better in most ethnic groups. Yes, he did yes, the cross, the board, it interests of my dude and and what was it? What the problem with Romney you just didn't, have the policies they wanted. It right, I mean, was also the Mormon thing. Well yeah. It was also the Mormon thing, but the Mormon thing was pretty big. I think I mean he. He leaves one of the wackiest strains
Christiana me, which even called Christianity. Well, we don't know, we don't know which parts of it he believes literally well. We know that his dad was actually born in Mexico. Do you know the whole story about that? I don't want to school, you, Scott 'cause. This is why Underfell, please do Mitt Romney comes from a faction of the Mormons that was so hardcore core. When the United States banned polygamy, they won't will fuck this we're moving to Mexico, so they moved to Mexico, so Mitt Romney's dad never be the President United States. He was born in Mexico who a mess second citizen. They have these giant compounds and they have to fight off the drug Bartels and there's more than one gigantic compound owned by Mormons in Mexico. They we really have carved out their own, like camps down there and their armed, and they they did as vice piece on them where they interviewed them and went over there and talked about it, and that is the whole reason why Mitt Romney's dad's Mexican mean literally
skin, born in Mexico, mexican citizen. They look at that midrash. These mexican roots, his father, was born in Mexico and could choose choose dual citizenship. That is interesting yeah. How did I not know that? So how did you not know that I'm not sure matter same thing? Well, I'm I'm obsessed with Mormons. So that's how I found out about it not been obsessed for a long time. So did you do the deep dive and and look at all the stuff that believe it? Oh yeah yeah the seer stone like Joseph Smith. Eighteen twelve found magic tablets that were the lost work of g this and only he could read him 'cause. He had a magic rock and he was like fourteen at the time which is fucking hilarious. All this happened when he was fourteen. This is when he first concocted this goofy ass story and apparently, where he lived. It was fairly common for people to come up with this kind of con. Really I mean it was it wasn't like the only one doing this it was. I read that somewhere his just stuck
my sources. I read that somewhere and I miss remember it now so I'll say it in public, because that sounds pretty authoritative thing about Mormons, though they're really nice people, I like a lot of Mormons I'm friends with quite a few Mormons, no a bunch of 'em and like in general, they promote lot of camaraderie a lot of community they're. Very friendly, the people like in the Mormon Church, like the friends that I know that are more. They go to church on a regular basis and it's almost like this community gathering of super polite people that agree to be super polite. I've said the same thing and I don't know if it's, because they don't drink and don't have coffee or something but. I don't think I've ever met a Mormon. I didn't really like they're nice people. They just all seem great, like it's okay, to believe wacky shit. If it works for you, I've never met one. That really believes you know the deeper stuff. My friends were the underwear seriously.
They have to wear the underwear, but that's not a belief so much as a custom, wouldn't you say yeah well, there are little hypocrite all right, like you're not allowed to drink coffee. So this dude drinks, energy drinks, monsters, those fucking giant ones. He pounds those things and you know you're not supposed to do drugs, but you can get away with it. If the doctor prescribes prescribe xanax you're allowed to take that it's not any other books that didn't have his antics have acted answered. It xanax is a loophole. You just can't can't pound booze, so you just fucking pop pills and freak out all day. That's a good compromise! That's a good religions, flexible! Well, the nice peep they're. Really nice people like I'm a fan of the Mormon people like in general. I think what they believe is nonsense, but maybe they don't really believe that maybe you're right well, like I said that I've never talked to do. Who actually believes the the yeah I mean it could easily just be they enjoy the community aspect of it and the bonding of it and they believe in God, and maybe they
just let all that other stuff slide, that's totally possible. That feels like it. I mean, I don't know if they like it, you know if they die, they get their own planet. That is a perk. You get a whole planet. You know what I die. What I'd I'd? You know what I get. She do that's not true. I decompose I'm going to get you in tight with the Mormons and you're going get a planet 'cause. I like you if you're seeing the Osmond Brothers album where they they all have it's like named after the planet that you get what the fuck or the named after this this thing that they believe that makes you get all these planets. This place, that you go, you get your own planet, but in the Osmond album the Osmond family album of the fuck it is, they all have like their own little planets, and it's inside, like the the album jacket. Like you open it up, there's like planets is hilarious. It's really fun but again perfect exam, Donny, Osmond and Marie Osmond, very nice people I'm going to
shop around for a new religion because they all have different, afterlife's and- and I think after compare 'em do does the plan thing is, do sounds the appealing, while a may imagine if we go back to original idea that this is some sort of a software simulation and that's why your memories are so wacky and nothing sticks and imagine if you literally, are choosing, by virtue of your decision to join a certain religion. What you're after life will be like if you're your a video game and there's like a bunch of different doors, you have to figure out which ones the right door to go through and you go through that door. It's totally different adventure. What if we really are a software simulation and just like you say, the software allows you to pick it after life and you do actually guess what you're actually experience because of your software. That would be totally practical if we're software. That would be totally practical. That simulation theory thing is a mind fuck, because you don't know what we're talking. Here's the rub: the
is one day without a doubt: if we continue, if we don't hit by an asteroid, if we don't get swallow up in a super volcano or a tsunami or an earthquake or something crazy, human being things will reach a point where, if you look at the exponential growth of technology, we're going to be able to create an artificial reality that is indistinguishable from regular reality. If that's the case, how will we know if we're in it? We won't. So how do we know if we're not in it right now I'll take the math one step further who's by time? There's one of those. If it's a perfect simulation, the simulation will create another simulation and so on. So it's turtles all
way down. So then, so this is actually what the scientists and they say that the number of original species will be. You know one and the number of copies will eventually be gigantic. You know could be thousands millions really wow, so the odds that you're the original copy of the original might be one of the truly. If that's a real. That's the big if, but it's an f that, if not possible now or if not reality, will one day be. I can't tell where we are in that cycle. If we're a simulation, we don't know if there were hundreds of simulations before us. No, I don't know well, there's also the very slippery aspect of consciousness where we shut it off every night and then turn it back on in the morning, and we assume that our memories, when we wake up in the morning or all accurate, we assume that we really did you wake up
November, 17th two thousand and sixteen in our bed put our clothes on with his database of life. Experience is leading up to that point, but how the fuck do you know it didn't just start. He just woke up and you might have been installed with this goofy life memory that you in my star this life this morning. If you look into physics, we know when I say we, I mean people much smarter, who just know that things don't really exist until you observe them the does that mean that's a tricky thing that people say that's not necessarily true what they mean by that that when you observe something in the act of serving it, you change it now. That's that's a different concept right, but but knowing that something is true like that's, the tree falls in the forest right. Is that what you're saying the observation changes it so that the change thing? Maybe we are talking about the same right? The observation really only changes it when you measure it, that's what it
the measurement like you know they do those particle tests. Those are off you talk to a physicist about that. Observing is enough. You don't have to it doesn't have to technically be will have to you deserve it if you're not measuring well, just looking at it like working at what seeing it or seeing any sign of it right, but anything, that's an indication that it must have been is enough to solidify the past. Well, if you never observed it before, and then you are observing and how do you know, there's a difference between the two results? I don't we even know what I'm talking about. I have no idea the way it's been explained to me by a friend of mine, who's. Actually, a physicist. He said it's often there's a lot of a woo, that's tacked on to this, but when you're talking about these measures, common people say like that in the act of measuring something and looking at something you change. The result he's like that is much better interpreted by the measurement itself, the actual act of seeing something or recording something or
facing with it in some way to get a a reading changes. The result is like that's much more like what's going on, there's no real evidence that looking at something changes it because if you weren't looking at it before, how do you know if it was different wo? Well, that was good. It's crazy man! That's not the way. I understood it, but I'm also not a physicist or do I have a friend who's, a physicist who can explain it to me, get confused at these things because they're often repeated and they repeated by people who haven't looked into it and it gets me worried it's one of things. Like the wage gap thing. Do you know the way gap argument versus reality? I do I've looked into a deeply so crazy, one 'cause, really smart people will tell you. Women make zero dollars and seventy nine cents for every dollar a man makes, and that gives you impression that there working side by side in the same factory in the woman's make it dollars nine cents and the man's making a dollar. That's not what it means, what it means. Overall, men make
a dollar to hundred and seventy nine cents that women make because of career choices because of jobs, the different jobs that they choose. If you're going to make the argument that it's more difficult for women to get those jobs, that's a different argument and you might be right, but that's not when you're saying that the wage discrimination gap like when Obama says we have to change wage discrimination like what are you talking about like? Do you think that an engineer should get the same as a person who works? You know whatever fill in the blank, some typical female job, but comes to science and engineering and a lot of those stem sort of subjects meant sort of gravitate towards that men gravitate towards riskier jobs. Men are more likely to die on the job. Men choose different paths because of oster own and their gender and to die that seems kind of silly. But so, when they start talking about this gender gap, everybody throws around all Willy nilly with no research whatsoever. They re. We believe that you're talking, two lawyers working the same firm side by side, the man
to all the women make zero dollars and seventy nine cents. So that's not how many total statistics? How many times have you been in a conversation with somebody who believed in the seventy nine cent figure? And then you explained it to him and they said? Oh, no, I don't think that's the case. Then you showed him a link. You proved it beyond any doubt and it still can change their minds. Well, they won't accept the fact that could have been wrong about something 'cause. They would attach their identity to being correct. It's uh huh, which problem with anything gender related the gender thing is that the idea is that women have been suppressed and they have for sure. I mean women didn't get the right to vote until the 20th century right, that's kind of crazy. You know I mean we went through a lot long time. This country, women, couldn't even vote so absolutely been, suppress and absolutely there's a lot of things that brought him out of that. First of all, birth control, like the ability to choose whether not or not, they're going to the you know you, the the laws, changing discrimination laws, changing people's perceptions of what women are changing.
All those things are absolutely real, but that's you can't lie about numbers like as soon as you bullshit people. Then they have reason to disbelieve you but everything. So if you start bullshitting about the wage gap, this is not saying that it's not more difficult to be a woman. I think it is. I think it's more because I think men are pieces of and there's a lot of dangerous creepy man that probably want to rape you. I would hate to be a woman in that sort of scenario. So I'm denying that it's probably more difficult in our society because of a lot of shitty men, it's more well to be a woman. You can't lie about numbers soon, as students start pretending that women get paid less for the same job across the board. You ruin the whole argument because now we're not dealing in reality now we're doing the same thing where we're not looking at Caitlyn Jenner is like a human we're. Looking at as a gender identity hero, you know like well what about as a human, we were supposed to celebrate someone or not
as a human being as a total package. We're not doing that, and this is what treating the whole subject with blinders, because it pertains to gender. We can't look at the reality of it. I would generalize that to say that nobody's ever won an argument with data it. It just never happens, because the problem is that people just say well, your date is wrong so and that's the end of the conversation, but does that is not less and the king now than ever before is should be, should be I'm actively in conversations with people in which I can show them all the data that I want. It makes no difference you or twitter people, other people in the world in real life, but you know there's a broad spectrum of people in the world right these when you're talking about people that you respect your peers. Colleagues, fellow cartoonists, we talking about them, are you talking about regular? You know educate
did people I've, never seen anybody change their mind on that topic, that specific top that's a weird one, yeah, that's a weird one! Yeah I've seen people have some pretty heated discussions about it too and completely uninformed. If people don't have an emotional lock on the topic, then you can move them with data breach 'cause, they don't care. It's like. Oh this, better data, ok, but people are so dug in on that particular topic. It's very insidious. It's very insidious because I think it like we were talking about with the Hillary Clinton thing about lying about Russia as soon as you lie about that. As soon as you lie about something. Well, I'm going what the fuck! You know when you see I'm sure you've seen it the director Comi the video. Where compares what Comi said versus what Hillary's saying he said, and it's like holy shit like you're just lying, but you just keep lying like this is a crazy moment where you seeing this because it didn't didn't exist until recently. We had this huge tube phenomenon where you can watch and get millions of hits on these videos where it shows the reality versus what you're saying and
when you, when you soon as you throw a non reality into it. I know that you're dealing with it from a team perspective like you're, just trying to manipulate whatever the facts are or whatever the argument is to get your team and you don't really care. What's true, women get paid less period, you fucking piece get zero dollars and seventy nine cents to a dollar the facts. You can't even argue with you can't even bring it up, but that's everything all the time. If there's any emotional connection, we just think that you know logic and data, and you know arguments matter, but yeah they're, just so rare, and if you disagree also, you look so happy to be a man. You must be so happy to be a man. You think men are the only ones who could run this world. You think men don't discriminate. Can women every step of the way must be really nice to have that white male privilege, Scott Adams, sarcasm as a replacement for reason is probably the most annoying thing in the world and I've been.
The sarcasm has been raining on me for a year for writing about Trump but yeah. It's exactly what you says like so and then Trump will get elected and he'll just make everything good and then they will be just unicorns right, yeah! That's a weird argument that people of to put words in your mouth and force you to defend him huh. I I talk about the words so as a tell for that, whatever is going to come. Next is a hallucination. So so, if you say to say to me, doesn't matter he said uh, you know uh went to the store yesterday, so you and in your children. You know that whatever will just won't make any sense. Oh my god, this whole areas, that's really funny yeah! You can definitely do that. I mean that's the art of persuasion, right, that's hypnosis! So you're into you have a pocket watch! You have one of those! Now, that's not part of the process weirdly enough, but it isn't cartoons and movies. Yes,
it was it ever. I think there was one movie, so that's you know well known in the history that this one movie- I don't know what it was. It showed somebody doing using a a watch to having ties and that just became a thing, but it was never thing within the hypnotist world. Was there ever a moment during this whole campaign, where you know they're that it was getting really crazy and people were angry about so many different things like how about when all those women came out in mass right. There was this in MOSS and MOSS. It was at one time where all these women were coming out, saying Donald Trump try to grab my tits and Donald Trump, and some of them were like pretty innocuous, but it was all together like a coordinated effort with was moment ever moment where you like what the fuck did. I do like. Why did I mountain supported this guy, like what did I hate that I'm getting right now that that was the moment that I switched my endorsement to Gary Johnson?
Remember that on my reasoning was because Gary Johnson on Lee touches himself and that sums that I could respect in the leader no trouble there, but that was tongue in cheek. It was tongue in cheek, but I was also getting in the blessing right because remember, I was never supporting him based on policies right. I was just talking about his persuasion, but was there ever a time where you thought I should probably make a moral distinction, because I'm getting caught up in this wave of angry all white people and their misogyny and racism, and all the I mean that were the worst aspects right, the that the two percent we already discussed it and you get caught, dropping this association game that people are doing and they have this us versus them battle going on. Did you ever think like what the fuck man? What do I do not in those words, but I unfortunately in in a situation where I have what I call fuck you money and I can kind of take some risks that you wouldn't take earlier in your career
mmm and one of them is the risk to say whatever I think is useful and necessary, and I want to say and so um that is a huge risk to be associated with anybody unpleasant but a tte. The same time, I self identify with being ultra liberal, like liberal people seem little too conservative for me after them. That is interesting about you and I definitely wanted to get to that because you're, not a right wing guy. You know you very reasonable and that's what what I thought was so fascinating about this. I think and ACT makes sense. Now you say it. You have fuck you money. So why shouldn't you just speak about whatever attributes, positive or negative. You might see and we look at it almost like you're looking puzzle. You know, look at this piece here. This piece is going to go right there and see. There's an opening here is: there was a space for this of somebody who didn't have a team yeah and, as part of the reason I don't vote, I don't join a party. You didn't vote at all. No now,
isn't it ironic it would buy us me. Oh I see soon as you vote, you join a team, but like a klingon in this world, you just roaming through the streets and the people make the rules and used abide by him. How's that work this event in our democracy, Scott Adams, the Canadian, California, and so I didn't think it mattered that much who I voted for, but I also think that staying unbiased is important, so I'm just not joiner, but what about other things like? You could always write in a presidential candidate. If you want to do that, but like voting on things like legalizing marijuana things that are really important, I mean that's, you know notice. I go right to that. Forget get death penalty, but there's a lot of important issues. You could vote on right, yeah, but my take on that is that the people who think they understand those issues almost never do, and the few though I could understand well enough, like legalizing weed,
it was going the way I wanted it anyway. So, according to the polls that thought like, Hillary Clinton was going to win CL. These is the problem. The weed were were much more accurate, bigger gap there. The weed polls were more accurate. Well, they are for sure it it won by a landslide, but I thought it was important I felt like if I was going to vote, I mean the vote for freedom wherever it is wherever it's possible, especially freedoms, not you're, not hurting anybody in your removing the possibility of being locked up for something. It's not hurting anybody across the board, whether it's pot or whether it's wearing dresses. I'm for that I would be, is enthusia stick about a transgender law. If someone made it a law where uh and could become a woman, you know, and then we were fighting against that. I would be as enthusiastic as I am about almost almost as good as the pot thing to me is. It represents a freedom issue as much as
is anything else. I put this in a different frame, so you know it the birth of a nation. There was this debate about states, rights and you know, what's the federal government and the idea was that the more local the government, the better they understood the people and stuff like that, but fast forward today, with the internet and and more and the states are like little laboratories. So we can watch hey to go in Colorado so, but we don't have to argue on principle or morality, anymore, we're actually beyond that, because we can measure we can a b test with the with the states. So everything from abortion law to weed you can say: hey, let the states do it and, let's just make sure we made it make sure we have a. You know real, ah thing that matters that we can say if it reaches this level that weren't. If, if there's crime, it didn't um and I think that's the direction, we're going, which is insanely? How useful, because
does it takes all of the emotion out of it? It's like we don't have to wonder if it's our right to smoke, weed or anything, just see how it worked out. I I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I also think that it's that too, the morality and ethics play a part of it as well. I think it's really fretting for the first state, okay, but that you can just see what happened man, I don't know because that means in in the forty nine other states. You leave open the possibility people going to lock be locked up in jail for violent crimes that don't hurt anyone, and that seems to be a giant ethic temporarily. Even if it's ten really could ruin their life, you know be no money. I mean that the law, the logs temporal, is temporary, but it's still there yeah still there that's not optimal right, it's not optimal and the consequences are too grave, you're taking away people's freedom. So to me it becomes primary yeah freedom issue. The same would be if men wanted to wear dresses or
women want to wear combat boots. Also me so we can have that and more well. You you're giving two examples that I consider easy. You know the the weed and then you know the the gender thing. Those are easy. Those should be available to everybody. I go okay, so let's go with one, that's hard, which would be automated cars as I love that one yeah hello this one good example like when we get to a certain point in time: will we lose our freedom to be autonomous? Will we lose the freedom to be able to drive a car and be able to steer and trust you to hit the brakes when you're supposed to all of you? Autonomy is going away, it's going away, so so think about this. I blogged about this today. I suppose you have a fitness band and it was like the future not not long time of five or ten, and they can do everything from tell you when you should take a sip of water, 'cause, you're dehydrated. It knows what kind of food you should eat and when those when you should sleep- and it tells you how. In the in the beginning, you can say oh good suggestion I'll either do that or not, but if
actually you can see that their suggestion is better than whatever the hell you would have done on your own and you're just going to start following the app and eventually that that is going to be completely controlling your life. While you have sensation that you're deciding, maybe you did not me rebel, not there. I got to make my own choices, I'm to rip off that fitbit fuck, that fitbit running free, I'm gonna, run and when I feel tired, I'll stop or keep pushing, because that's what I do push harder, hashtag push harder um. I know what you're saying great. I think also people like when things become when you have less stuff to talk about or think about you know, and as soon as you get in your car in your car drives itself. Well now I don't have to think about that anymore. I was going to invest in alcohol companies, companies that produced and manufactured alcohol because you could be drunk in your car now, because self driving cars are coming right right and the day they do.
Eighty percent of the reason not to drink just goes away, which is how do you get home? That's good point: yeah. Do you think they'll have no steering wheel at all like what? If everything goes wrong, I think it have steering wheel 'cause. You know you have to get it like off the road and right. But then, if you get drunk you like, I could drive you want to drive, even though it's autonomous right, you'll be too drunk to program the address and you like a kind of drive and start driving. We don't have that problem with uber. You know no matter how drunk I am. I never try to come out in the back and yeah, but it's not right in front of you. Also with uber Youtube is trying to figure out whether the God driving use a serial killer. You need a little breathalyzer on there to get control of the steel. You need to be able to take a swab through machines fun. What kind of dna this fucking creep as everyone
through security lately, and they do the little swallow yeah the case and in the machine and I'm thinking what does it know about Maine? How much cannot figure out for Maine, because. From you know your order and you're out of dna or whatever the hell they're looking at, they could probably know a lot about me yeah. They definitely could if they well. That's a big argument about those fingerprint scanners cell phones- phones there slowly but surely accumulating a database of fingerprints of all the people in this country. Slowly, but surely the boundaries between people and data are eroding. So let me ask you this so in the news today I don't know who said it. It wasn't trump himself. I think, but the discussion of a muslim database did your them. The idea of collecting names, I think of only the people who are not
citizens coming into the country which raises you know every kind of nazi concentration Camp ALARM and should. But you think we don't already have that list question. Don't you think that, somewhere in our big data, which they can't tell the citizens- and in fact they can't even tell the politicians, because they're probably only a few people who know probably if you feel the government who know what we know about citizens now, but the idea that there's anybody coming into the country- and we don't have a really good idea of where they are at any time I mean if they have back doors into everything from you know the credit card processing companies. Do you know all the other big, the cell phone companies? They have a working profile on everybody if they want. In other words, I have to push the button to run the program, but if they wanted to know, if they want to know your religion, they would need to have you fill it out on a form because they could check your credit card and say that he buys gas next to the
you know, the synagogue are the mosque or whatever and his friends are they use 'cause. They do the same things. At the same time, big data already knows your religion. If someone wants to track down all that stuff, it's a thing as who is the someone? How many I have a friend. That's always worried the Gov, it's like looking into his email and following him, and I this is what I say like who's: how many people are they doing this to there's hundreds of millions of people? How many people work in the government? How are they doing that? Like here's, a good story? This is how people think the follow me. Man, listen to this story, the guy who broke in the White House. Do you know about the story? The guy who ran through the white? I add a bit about it in my last Netflix Special, because this is progressiveness goddess. Us is ridiculous idea that everybody's equal, they, the woman, guarding the door of the White House by herself. This is a true story. The guy hop the fence. He was crazy. Ptsd doubt out of his fucking mind, veteran rat
across the lawn, the guy who was in charge of monitoring the the Cassie area where this guy ran across, took it ear piece out and was on the phone with his girlfriend. So this guy is like having a conversation with his girlfriend guys running across the lawn. The guy gets the front door. The alarm system is down because it kept yup, so they just shut it off, so they left it girl by herself at the door with no alarm or a guy just ran across the lawn. Then you find out about the guy. Well, the it turns out was arrested just uh couple of months before this, with eight hundred fucking rounds of ammunition for like four right equals two handguns, a machete and acts arm to the it's with fucking map of wash in DC, with an x where the White House is, they weren't watch see that guy they weren't even watching him like
you're, dealing with way more incompetence than we would like to believe or that we to care to admit. So that was a case of a full investigation that the law enforcement people didn't coordinate. Right was both that and complete against and not having an alarm system on not having more than one person guarding the lawn not having more than one person at the door having a woman at the door by herself, with his fucking giant soldier, comes running through and knocks or to the ground and runs around the White House see. This is a perfect example. So since that never happened before like well in one hundred years, one thousand eight hundred and twelve was the last time it happened before that are nineteen, so you're never really ready for the thing that hasn't happened. I was think about. If, if nuclear war broke out like, let's say Russia and the United decide all right, it's on and we're going to launch, I don't think they'd would work, didn't bombs the bombs, because we've never done it before, like we've only test,
we've tested the bomb and we've tested the missile, but we haven't tested the Miss on the bomb in the chain of command and who puts the codes and sure we've tested all the parts. Imagine it was all fucking for gezi scheme and like there's nothing and those things I just taking that six dollars and using it for satanic rituals and flying on private jets everywhere. Did you read all that stuff that Podesta stuff that came out in the Wikileaks emails about the? Although the rituals they were going to the Spirit, cooking involved, Sperm Herman blood and what in the fuck are they doing like? I don't like to believe when, when Alex Jones goes onto its his crazy they're all statements, every one of them they're all worshipping Satan, you know you go with Alex Jones Crazy's going crazy. Obama is a devil, literally a devil in Hell, and you go Alex Jones out of his fucking mind, and then you see this Podesta thing where you know so they're doing Satan rituals like this,
it went to it went to watch something called Spirit cooking well, but you heard the explanation I did not. So the explanation was the woman who, I guess was the hostess says: oh yeah, it does mean those other things, but we've sort of you know cutely, just generalize that to whatever we're doing so so the Spirit care king but didn't mean any of that. I don't buy, that. I don't buy that first. Second, well, I'm not sure I buy that they were all getting together to eat blood sperm. Well, why they even talking about it, my friends and I we never get together and talk about blood in sperm will never comes out. They don't talk about it, but somebody did well the email just said: do you want to go to the Spirit cooking thing right, but then, when you find out what the Spirit cooking is, it involves blood in sperm right was one of the things. That means so does every good party by the way, it's not a party until somebody believes
so any bleeds, but so many comes. I didn't look into the explanation 'cause to me. It's one of those things that I don't want to know any further pat 'cause, it's too fun to think these wacky fox out there Jizz Nineveh in bucket of blood and drink it and throwing it on themselves. That's more fun to me than the rational explanation. I think the best moment of the whole year was related to that it was a MIKE seven of which was you know, but tweeting about it. The most- and I realize that you know I think it was. The Washington Post ran out like a piece by piece sort of explaining why it wasn't what it was, and I thought where we come to the point where bike sort of which makes the Washington Post defend how much sperm Podesta it's like. No, no, it was way less sperm than you think it was like. There is a couple of drops. That's all you need. That's all you need apple drops the symbolic thing.
This is totally unrelated, but did you see the real sports from this week with the Bikram Yoga Guy Brian? What's name Bryant Gumbel? Thank you. He did this real sports. You know one of his episode. You have this woman go and investigate, b, Crumb chuck noise. I think his name is he's the guy. It's the lead of Bikram Yoga and apparently, like he's allegedly banged a bunch of checks that worked there and you know sexually harassed. I'm allegedly allegedly allegedly keeps saying that, but he was they they were saying is like. Why would they do that when women will pay one dollar for one drop of mice? Burm Hussein, who send the pain, he's saying, there's thousands of women signing up to fuck him and that four of am committed suicide 'cause he wouldn't fuck them and that people are willing to pay one million dollars for a drop of his sperm. Well
air. Folks, that's a good argument. There's some crazy fucking no go out there. I would have defended myself differently. I would say: well the women who come here for yoga they're, very flexible, that some money laundering there someone's paying a million dollars for his sperm for one drop of sperm. That's I was selling drugs. Trying to get rid of cash is trying to move some money around. That's what he's doing! Well, I mean it's: it's the ultimate telecommuting job. It's like! I can't come to the office I'll be home today, like what is it gallon today? Well, one drop. I mean you got a lot of drops if you're, if you're healthy and if you eat eggs and drink milk, do you my point being that there's a lot of fucking crazy people in this world and this guy Podesta Guy being involved in this wacky spirit? Cooking thing, like I'm, not shocked, I'm not shocked this yoga guy, this guy, that you think of as being like peace and Nauman Nahma Stay and we're all going to flow together and realize we're all one he's like
J Pay, one million dollars for one drop of my spam. He suck is crazy and he, the head of this yoga organization, which we all think we immediately associate yoga with peace and love, open happiness and he's talk, king about all these women that accused them of being human, trash and pieces of shit, and it's like well, we think about how Trump responded to life allegations get hit against him versus how this show good guy responded way worse. He should have gone with a nickname. Lying yoga whole was what we call them, but my point is that there's some crazy people out there involved in all sorts of we stuff where you would never imagine. Well, it also get one thousand. I just tie that together. Pretending that point, but it kind of goes to the point- will never have a nice person who's. President
again, oh I don't because that's true! No! It's because the only reason you thought anybody was nice, as he didn't know enough about them, but as a true, this news, nice people right you're, a nice guy- wants to run for president right, I'm a nice guy, but if you were to dissect my entire past, I would look like you know, Satan Incarnate by the time they got done with me. Maybe now, but I think within next four years by the times, Trump is on a second term if he decides to run again and if he wins right, which would be crazy right, two term trump, who that's a shirt. I see it. I see a bumper sticker now to term trump, two term trump, two term trump like if you I start chanting that shit. I want credit. Okay, I came up with it, but I really could see that by that time it would be way more difficult to just of we we're going to have to acknowledge that you can't just edit little pieces of someone's life and make some sort of an absolute definitive statement on who they are based on out of context statements and things,
and also this idea that, like something you did in two thousand and one somehow finds you in two thousand and sixteen you're the same person right, isn't the point of life to improve. If you say Trump did X, terrible thing thirty years ago, right and I think, and and that was he doing his- you know trying to do things good for the country. Isn't that, like the Ark were all supposed to be on where you used to be kind of a you know, not a good person but you're getting better, but we would hope that used to be a really good person and now you're a God. That's what I'm looking for or know anybody like that. I want someone who is perfect in the 90s and is now transcended humanity and is ready to lead, because that's what we need we can have people leading anymore. We need like some real guru. You want to go to the full cult. Turn this nation into a cult. Well, we'll see we'll see what Donald even want the full. I just I think we haven't completely unrealistic expectation
are, is someone who would put it like JFK right, perfect example: everyone always uses if he was running today, he'd be picked apart Clinton. Another perfect example, if you look at him on paper, is for Pala policy, take out the Monica Lewinsky scandal and just look at like what he's done with economy was like during his time and make your arguments plus or minus that he you know how much of it was because of him, how much of it was in a lucky spot as far as being a president right, there's those arguments, but you look at him like that, and you go we'll hold he's this guy, who was a great guy, but then either Jennifer flowers in the Paula Jones and of this, and then that all these different, then you have a totally different idea of with this guy. Yes, the truth is probably somewhere in the Middle right yeah and
the technology for forming forming opinions that are incorrect about your opponent. This is better than it's ever been yes now they they can tell us that stuff in real time, yeah yeah they can put down several ads. You clicks on what and Chet test the persuasion, so so the best persuader of twenty five years ago was an amateur compared to the best persuader in two thousand, and sixteen I wonder about that, because I think that JFK was a fucking, magnificent persuader of you seeing JFK speech about secret societies. Uh no, but I I would agree he was great for television because he was great until it well. He had an incredible speech about secret societies and the importance of not having secret societies in government, and it was really like to this day it's one of those ones that conspiracy theorists, love to bring out and go this is they killed him bro? This is why they, because I mean it- may very well be that, but you know he was
talking about the importance of transparency amongst the government in amongst the people and how dangerous it is to hide secrets and have secret size and it's incredibly it's it's incredibly brilliant and it's it's amazing, because you couldn't imagine a press. It's saying that today it's like do you remember, I believe it was it Eisenhower that had the speech about the the Terrian cut industrial complex before he left office yeah, I was Eisenhower right. It's an amazing speech, but it was a speech that he gave one night that no one ever saw again until the internet came around like wasn't something you were played in school. It wasn't something you even aware about. Probably until Youtube came along and then you watch that thing on Youtube. Where Eisenhower saying we must be fearful
military industrial complex, you know he's basically saying there's a whole machine. I want to go to war they're looking for excuses to go to war and he named it. You know I called at this thing. That is, that is that you would never see that today you would never see that what Kennedy did and what Eisenhower did it's almost like they've, but down those holes they found out where those issues were in the difference. In the what the you know, what the people that are actually running the government want to to direct to project versus these mouthpieces. These guys, like Eisenhower, Kennedy now, it's sort of the military industrial mainstream media conglomerates 'cause they all seem to be on the same side right now, sort of but aren't are in different sides, like Fox, is different than CNN right, well, Fox's, sort sort of by itself. I was watching Fox and CNN back and forth before
or the like before. The the election was just like to watch Fox for like an hour, and then I switch over to CNN for an hour, and I was I was getting schizophrenics assume if you seen how reality is bifurcate it. So if you switch between Fox and CNN and Fox, the Trump transition team is doing a terrific job. Picking you know real adults, blah blah blah. You go over to CNN it's in chaos. It's just this big clusterfuck going over there and everything is following is part of the country is going to fall apart. They have access to the same information as far as I know, and those are two completely different views of reality. Yeah there's two completely different views of reality. Also, I've gone to some liberal sites, websites that are urging people to contact the Electoral College and Block Trump's rise to power like what is that even possible, and how isn't that
anti democratic like to have a few people contact the Electoral College, which is like you're talking about like representatives like the every state, picks a representative that representive is supposed to represent the state they almost always do, but they have it's sort of weird hidden power where they could kind of change the like if California voted for Clinton, but they said fuck that trump like. If someone actually did decide to do that, some crazy, delicate ESO, apparently that power is intentionally built in just to prevent a monster from being. You know, didn't want elected the hidden or didn't mark, but that's what people are saying like, let's quits, but that would be there would be a revolt in this country. They ever did that good Lord, if they think it's bad now the divisiveness in the the angst and this fucking weird line in the sand across I mean it's almost civil war style but Ryan between the right and the left right now. Well, some of that might be exaggerated by the media as well could be
sharks, intuited is, is it yeah, they're they're blowing on the fire it with the protesters be out there? If it wasn't on television, do you what do you? What is your on the protest? Do you think I mean I've seen ads where they said they had paid people. Thirty five bucks an hour to protest? Is that true, or is that bullshit um? I don't know I would, I would say, low credibility. I had heard that you ants Snopes things anymore, cuz Snopes Lee towards Hillary yeah. I hear that too. But where do you hear it, though Snopes I don't know or alt right forums, and so I would say that one is green assault, but there certainly are things that are subject to interpretation so sure, so you gotta figure, there's some bias everywhere. Yeah. I wonder if people are really getting paid to tok to protest. That seems like a good gig if you're broke fuck, it's just assumed to be true on the right course. They think that this is proven and lots of always well. While when I was in New York,
maybe there was thousand and thousands of Oscar winning actors wandering through the streets by honestly to me, it didn't seem like anybody was acting, it didn't seem like anybody was a paid performer. Well, they wouldn't um. Most of them could be naturals, but you need a core that gets everybody excited. You know, there's gotta be a core that shows up and then other people can or is it that the people that are willing to take that thirty five dollars an hour. They hated Trump anyway, and this gives some excuse to make some cash while they're hating Trump. What does it? No, someone wasn't paid three thousand five hundred dollars to protest Donald Trump, it's fake news created by Paul Horner, who post fake news in a variety of websites. Oh, how dare you he took credit for the fake news. Well, that makes sense, because his followers don't fat, check anything they'll, post, everything believe anything Horner said refer. Then Trump Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, Horner, said
campaign manager posted my story about a protest. Getting paid three thousand five hundred dollars is a fact like I made that up is in a fake ad on Craigslist here, screenshot the since deleted tweet, that's fine! So I'm glad I said low credibility before you showed that yeah. That makes a woman the amount of money that you have to have to pay of people. Thirty five bucks an hour. Well that supports the George Soros, is behind everything which pretty skeptical about yeah. What about that Peter Thiel Bill, her character that funded the lawsuit against Gawker is in some way shape or form a part of the team part of the transitions. Why I don't know if he's technically on the transition team? It's all very interesting. It's very well! There goes the anti gay thing. Where have you seen any evidence? It is anti gay, the tribes, Anti gay. I did I'm not sure what three looking at, except that the picked pens as as running mate in Penn, says yes office.
Yes, he does. He has some stuff that I tweeted the other day at Rachel. Maddow was highlighting that he was and instead of giving money to AIDS Research, you give money to educate gay people about the risks of behavioral yeah. So here's I is going to happen if you want, if you want to put this in the positive perspective,. The vice president will adopt the president's policies, at least in public by the time MIKE Pence you know, might run for president or something my guess is that it will be hard coded. In other words, this gives him an opportunity to evolve to where the country would find him more acceptable anyway, should he want to do that and it's sort of what I call the fake, because it gives them an excuse to do it without being a hypocrite, 'cause people say yeah. You had to do that. 'cause he's your president. Oh now, that's just your policy, so my guess is that Trump is moving a lot of people to the middle, because that's why?
Yes, that pants guys he's not very persuasive, I don't. I just really have a hard time seeing him as being in God's going to run for president some day. I think you might really yeah. I would I think, as a pick, but all all say that I'm I'm no fan of his history with the okay right stuff and I'm not up on that team, but as a personality on tv. Like he's really good at interviews, he's really sick point and they only had one thing he needed to do, which was in a debate against the other vice President TIM Kaine, which he did he's trying to hide his emails, though we all like to hide that we seen that, though, that was the latest thing right here now: yeah I'd like to want access to his email, he's like fuck that so you know we're waiting for that shoe to drop. Who knows, I mean it's going sometimes time when I think we're, probably all going to have access to all of our emails. I mean I think you're going to have to come to the conclusion
when you're and you should now really. You should think when you're sending an e mail, you should assume this is not really private. I kind of do already yeah, first of all, because someone on the other side who gets the Scott Adams Dick PIC, oh well check this out the just there's so many out there are downside. Well, hey man boring like own it, and I mean no. No, no liquid, Charlie Sheen dead create our own. It so I have a have a speculated that the perfect world would be no privacy. If everybody knew everything about everybody, the the worst world is worse. Most people are privacy, but a few people lose it because then they're just victim everybody yeah, but it's here any of it, but everybody knew everybody's yet suddenly you'd be like really you're terrible, I'm terrible too. I think it would. I think we would get used to each other so quickly. I think, would also force people to Volvo. I mean we all know our best friend stuff.
You know, and you know we know the failures and that we all have together collectively we still love each other, but it's just letting those other people in on it strangers in on the time that you did that bad things, but the reason you care is that they'll think poorly up, yes and that that will affect your life. But if you have mutually assured destruction, which is that everybody's bad, because you know everything about everybody, you know everybody's got something they're not proud of everybody just thinks. Well, I don't think I'll throw a stone because it's going come right back at my house. Well, I think, is step one in this complete and total assimilation losing privacy. I agree with you one hundred percent. I think it's inevitable, whether it's the three years from now or fifty years from now, I think, essentially everything you do from then on. It's going to, I think, there's going to come some form of technology. That is a leap. Much like the internet. Is this crazy leap right? The internet provides us with this instantaneous to all the answers to all the questions you've ever had, which is just
unprecedented in history, is never been a time we say well what did happen on the native american trail of tears like? Why is it called that you just fucking open your phone to sit down for a few hours, and then I came back to you. What would you a former Scott? You could tell me like exactly what the fuck went down. This is like unprecedented stuff. I think in that deep, which I think we're in the middle love. So it seems like it's not as big of a deal is it really is like there's going to be another leap, that's even more spectacular than that, and that leap is going to integrate all of our minds together, going to integrate our memories, it's going to integrate our ability to communicate and we literally are going to become a technologically technologically created Hivemind. I might have written a book that has something to say about that. God's debris um your, but was the
the idea behind the book. If I told you would ruin your book reading experience, but Intel spoiler alert as it can set that up, but I will say that I've had this: the sought using periscope when I'm using periscope, unlike the conscious mind of this gigantic brain, which is all the people watching me. So I can say things like hey. I think this this law might go into effect. No, I don't know the answer that somebody tell me what the law is and within three seconds on my screen in the periscope session will be somebody who knows the answer that and there's almost nothing. I can't throw out there that there isn't someone
at the end of the thousands of people who are live at that moment, as the life part this interesting, because you can you know the internet's kinda like one person's alive in the others you know looking is, is just date on the other side, when his life people, who are contributing to a thought and you're watching a forum in real time on periscope, it is like a new intelligence has been created by this technology. This temporal, you know as soon as I turn it off it. It's turns off, but it is a large fricking mind that multiplies whatever I have going on by the power of all the people watching. It's really is really it's really, but when it's spinning, how can you have so many people that are talking so often you get thousands of people on there? How can you pay attention all those comments? Well, I can't watch mall. So when someone has a good answer. Well, usually, if I try to ask a question, and then I look, but otherwise, if I'm talking I'm I'm focusing
what I'm saying, but when you're looking at their answer, do you can you click on that answer? Can you freeze your screen or something like that to like 'cause, it's like how it works like they did, give it dipped a bit of an edge. Usually what happens is something go back pass so quickly I'll, say I missed it. I missed it say that again and then I look forward and comes back. The reason why I ask, as we did something similar yesterday, we have this try that runs a video stream on Youtube that multi colored keyboard lit up Christmas light. Looking thing that fuck thing is crashed two days in a row on us in the middle of broadcast, where it never crashed before now, Jamie updated all the software and we're hoping it doesn't do it again, and this show has been fine, but I said if anybody knows a better solution, please let us know and brown the comma just filled on Instagram with all these, like really good solutions and a few of them few. The machines look pretty badass, so I mean who knows what will have to research find out what's the best, but that
one of you ever been able do that before an you know, some this bunch of dumb answers, but somewhere in there is probably the right answer on some purse and who's. An expert like if somebody add a quest and- and it was on an insert, ah an instagram forum or an Instagram picture, and it had something to do with being cartoonist. Well who better to ask than the guy who created Dilbert, you would be able to answer and give your expert opinion on how this works or that work. I think also our government is going to run that way, at least if Trump is a transparent sort of public president, like I think, will be, I think, there's gonna be a lot of policies that get created in this sort of collective brain. That is Trump leading the discussion and the entire public weighing in through social media, and you know, mainstream media and every the way. I think he can do that and probably will- and it's going to be like this thrilling experience of watching good thoughts, turn into better thought
boy, that is, the rose, colored glasses view of the Trump presidency. If I've ever heard one that would be the best case scenario also that he wants now that he's in office once he's no longer in contention now is the president. So fighting fighting with anybody the same way anymore, we're worried about is people that write things about him like. If people right for reviews of his presidency that they're going to be attacked, they're worried getting sued, they worry about being targeted to worry about the fact that he's in control of the nsa- and he can you know he could hire some Edward Snowden type character to fuck up your life. If you write an article about him for the Wall Street Journal or something you know, uh, oh well, um. I talked about this as well. If look at any individually thing, he does like a it's three a am and I'm tweeting about, but you know right. Miss universe is something so imagine with socks on in the lazy chair, right, yeah, boxer, shorts, with a boner,
angry, no shirt red face screaming and Milani's is doing something with the kids and better. Yet barefoot with yellow toenails doesn't take care of his feet, but what he does is he he praises and rewards people who are good right, good him, especially, and he attacks without without exception. You just never makes an exception. He will attack you if you go after. He doesn't start the fight, but he he likes to finish it. You know what I have to. I think Bill Burr's one is said that he would have those black socks on my level of my have co opted that thinking he might have said it were drunk doing the end of the world podcast. If you haven't heard that we did cast while the presidency was being call and bill, Burr was on fire, he was on. Fire is one of the funniest podcast ever it was all like watching it all go down and one time he got into an argument with another other comedian. Sarah could serotonin.
I was talking about how anybody supports Trump is racist and sexist, and then- and then you know, bill made fun of it, and it was just it was perfect. Was the perfect thing to see what it was all going down like like you were seeing in bill and her you're, seeing it like a physical form? People are choosing to frame this thing. I'll watch that yeah anyway, I was just saying Trump likes to leave the biggest gap between pleasing him and not pleasing him, and it has nothing. Do the thing is fighting about at the moment. It's about setting it up so that the next person who singing should I fuck with him right side didn't work for the last seven hundred people write, but if it had worked for some people to fuck with him in the past would be tempted you like well, sometimes people get away with. It is a different thing, though, once you, the president versus once you're, just some billionaire, you know really
tycoon 'cause there was. There was one guy that was writing about it where he had been sued by Trump and when 'cause he wrote an article and when they started examining the actual data it got like pretty ugly, pretty quick and then they abandoned the lawsuit, and this guy Trump end up getting him a seat for the fights he got him ticket and I think he flew out to Atlantic City and maybe someone with him as well for the fights, and that became like an issue like yeah well at that connect with the missing the string there, we'll just you know that he's just master manipulator like in the middle of this. He has his lawsuit thing with this guy. You know the guy calls me a shit head or whatever you call them and write this article about him. Trump get some tickets to some fight. Sues am
loses in court, you know or loses the you know when they are going through all the data they abandon, that lawsuit Trump get some tickets to the fight at the whole thing is just crazy. This is probably all part of boarding people and punishing people so that you, you feel there's a statement. Game of thrones type shit came throats, doesn't look like I. I was just like you than the weirdly, as I was doing something the other day. I was thinking that you can map all these family dynasties on to the the gay yeah you could in some way. I mean it this bizarre into the extreme that we've dealt with these fat family dynasties, like the Bush family, and we almost did it again with JEB. You know I mean who knows if it wasn't for Trump, if Trump wasn't around and he did can come up with that low energy JEB things that we call them low energy if he didn't and also jab just sucked. I mean when that when the pressure was on, he just wasn't good, just wasn't good and when all that's
I was going down or like Rick Perry like remember and Rick, Perry's and debates, you just don't know what the fuck he was talking about is like all right and what was I even saying e like that's it you're done, but if it wasn't for that happening with JEB Bush, he might have very well gotten the same position that Donald got into. When you look at all the other people, he least had that familiar name people might have been inclined. He didn't have any real crazy, like horrible stories in the past that got brought up immediately. He could very well. They would continue that family dynasty, the Clinton family Dynasties, another disturbing one. You know that's a weird dynasty, you know, is Chelsea next Obama. Next, oh yeah, I think she's. Definitely that's that's the question man! That's the big question. She would be excellent. She she's like a really good speaker, she's very Intel,
call she's, very articulate, she's, very measured and composed and stately, an and regular said in the fight. She has lots of attribute. She has a lot of attributes yeah I mean, and she carried herself extremely well for eight years in the White House under some incredible pressure. I mean I don't know what she. What are you know? Responsibilities were what are days looked like, but she never made a misstep is never ever been embarrassing interview, bored yeah, that's something much less controversial than Hillary Clinton. Much less you know is even before the like. She tried to run for president. There was always the whitewater thing that she was connected to it. The Vince Foster saying that she was connected to have you seen that meme. You know they're doing all these Joe Biden Memes. Have you seen recent Joe Biden mean the one with SIRI you find it. I think I retweeted it. I retweeted it yesterday somebody tweeted it to me.
It was job I in an Obama laughing about about Hillary having something in common with Monica Lewinsky now sequences up. So you can. I want to blow it check this look at this look Joe. Then it says Joe. Then I said Hillary now you and Monica have something else in common. You blew it and Obama and his laugh and throw his head back laugh and Obamas. Looking at him like with his eyebrows race- and it says you know she kills people right fucking great, do you think she's killed anybody that kid that got shot outside of his apartment at four o'clock in the morning or they didn't take his cell phone? They didn't take his wallet, they didn't take his money and he, according to Wikileaks, is the one that leaked all those documents about the Dnc and the Dnc favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Who knows
like I knew if that was the guy. If that is the case, I don't know, but it doesn't seem more likely that you, if they were murders because of some Hillary Clinton connection that she wouldn't know about. Perhaps just somebody who thought well, I'm going to change history, do a favor, perhaps perhaps, but this is also the woman who was attributed in an email whether or not is correct. She said about Julian Assange. Can't we is drone that guy this guy's some thumbing his nose in America can't we drone him all right. So I don't want to drone him because I think he's done a great service but from the love bites from the from the context of a government. Looking at the situation, if government secrets have been stolen and it's your job to make sure this doesn't happen in the end get justice, that's actually kind of a fair question. No, I wouldn't want,
because you say what are all our options: well could be off the cuff flippant statement. She didn't really take seriously can't we just drone him, but she said creepy shit, so she said about Gaddafi. You ever see that interview where she's talking about she goes. We came, we saw he died, ha ha ha ha ha yeah that was ah startling and shocking is after she hit her head. Oh really, yes, uh! I wouldn't explain that one one hundred percent yeah very irrational to think that way and very impulsive to say that out loud because you're dealing with the dissolving of a nation, Libya is incomplete, total turmoil and has become a breeding ground for ISIS, and a lot of that can be attributed to it being completely destabilized by the United States, helping out all the people that wound up killing Gaddafi. It doesn't mean Gaddafi, wasn't a huge piece of shit and the world. Is it better because he's dead probably is, but Libby is not better right now, like
Lydia became completely unstable after that, so that he can, we came, we saw he died, ha ha ha ha ha, that's like laughing in the face of these poor unfortunate people who just gotta shit, roll the dice and grew up and live yeah and now they're stuck there. And then you right is that a character from how skilled politician she, yes to say something? That's so clearly the wrong thing to say at the wrong time. When was the of Libya was at thirteen or fourteen when did find out when Gaddafi died, when Gaddafi was killed? What I'll never forget it I'll tell you that that video was fucking verifying the video of the rebels, capturing him sticking things up. His ass is two thousand and eleven. I believe the interview with her was in two thousand and twelve or thirteen see if you could find that out. If it's in
two thousand and twelve or thirteen it's entirely possible. This is directly post, concussion and severe you're bleeding, apparently on her brain like she had some serious problems, she's fucked up for like twelve months. I don't think people realize that that can permanently change your personality permanently. The average person doesn't think that's a thing, but I've seen it. You know I have as well I've seen it many many many times. 'cause, I'm in the head trauma business in a lot of ways because of my experience with the UFC, but I know people that have been hit in the head outside of you have seen have never been the same. That is one of the things that I've always said about. Sam Kinison, SAM Kinison had a great book written about him by his brother. It's called my br or SAM or Brother SAM. It's a great book, especially for me, and huge Kenison fan base. He says SAM was one person and then he got hit by a truck when he was a little and became a completely different person became reckless and wild
and it came out of a head injury, yeah. The lack of control didn't give fuck. Oh that's where it came from well yeah, like literally from brain trauma. What is it this? This video got a million in two thousand and eleven was uploaded the exact same day. It says he died, oh ok possible that she already interviewed and was recorded, but this was up. I mean it may be possible happen like that morning. One of that doesn't seem right to me see, especially if you say that this same day, maybe that's amazing, washes giddy, but if that is the case, well, don't you find out, because this is just one. This is one million five and forty two thousand CBS News Interview with Hillary Clinton. Their egos laughed about killing Gaddafi. Go to that. That's for two thousand and sixteen and LE see when it says it's his flashback.
Maybe it was like right after and she was so giddy, but if that's the case a link to that video, I just pulled up some cash. So if that's, what does it say in that article and that article that you're reading before you click on it, see flash butter yeah yeah? Does it say there, so he died in two thousand and eleven and she supposedly had the big head injury in two thousand and twelve. So can't even like blame it on that, then a look into it more. If that's the case, you can't really blame it on that 'cause. That means that she hit her head after this she's laughing, probably about Gaddafi die and she fell. Maybe when you laugh really hard and you're, not that healthy, she was drinking or or do you think she booze? Is it up that we saying Scott Adams? Well, you can't rule that out can't doesn't look too healthy,
she's, definitely not eating the best foods. You know. I was saying that, no matter how much she drinks if she is a social drinker- and you know what people were just social drinkers who had two drinks- let's say you don't want them driving right. So why isn't that disqualifying? For somebody was gonna, be in control of the nuclear arsenal who admits CS I'm a social drinker. Now in the past, you never had to ask that question because it was too social. Drink was running against each other, so you're gonna get a social drinker, no matter who got elected but drops the first time you had a non drinker, he doesn't drink it all. No, no! No! He hasn't had a sip of alcohol in his life reeling or a drug. He claims I'd like to get him drunk and high. How about that assist? She was being interviewed in Afghanistan on day and news hit. So that way, I guess that video was not being taped Nassor or wasn't it supposed to be taped, but it was like an off air kind of record yeah. It's definitely not fair, recording but show so that was like right when it happened, but she
who's laughing about it right when it happened, but that explains why she was out of character for her. Yes, that doesn't make sense. She was giddy resolved that they just killed this guy and she was off camera yeah. That makes sense. That's a lot more logical, I'm glad we solve this. We saw we should be detective. Scott Adams. We solved a lot of things today. I think I think we cleared up a lot of people misconceptions about you that not only did you not vote for Trump, you don't vote in your essentially just looking at this thing as a person who knows a lot about persuasion and knows a lot about public speaking and what you were looking at this and you going this is. Is you almost like watching the game you watching game play out and if you say, look
the raiders going to slaughter the dolphins, it doesn't mean you hate the dolphins, it means you're. Looking at the actual law, the defensive line, the offense the quarterback going. I see where this game is going to go. I thought when this whole thing started developing the Trump candidacy that would open a crack in the universe where I could talk about this persuasion, stuff and believed and in order to be believed, my technique for that was last year, I predicted so that you know when the day came. When I was right, I would have enough credibility to say ok, so the other things I said maybe should pay attention to them too. So it was sort of a long game. I was playing for credibility and I I thought that persuasion would be the most important. Very it's certainly a huge variable in this world, as is what we discussed earlier, the ability to speak publicly with confidence, not just persuasion but just to know, look rattled, you know, and if you're not persuaded like you, don't he's not getting defeated.
Even when he's losing and I'd see like these debates- and I would say, was she made some salient points? She seemed more articulate she seems smoother, whether worse, you see more stately, but he never felt like he lost. He didn't act like you lost, that's giant too yeah people, people or you know they pick up their feelings for other people. We just look at them and say: hey he's, happy, I'm happy. This is just picking that up people walk in the room and there downers and your energy goes down as soon as they enter wells. Watching someone super, uncomfortable or unsuccessful is very it's hard to do like someone bomb on stage very hard to do. One of one of my greats like moments when I started to understand the world. Better is the first time I smoked pot in college and for most of my college experience I foot. I found this weird pattern. The people were nicer to me, hey if I had just gotten high and it was years before I realized that I was causing them to be nice.
You are nicer to them. I was just relaxed and you were given a better vibe out given to hide, and I realize that I can. I can control how they act simply by my emotional state. We'll do definitely we control how people react to us based on what kind of and I've given up the wrong enerji before, and you see it in people in like one slash, two fuck, you know like maybe you're you caught up in what you're doing you don't want to be bothered or whatever it is, we've all been before, and then we've all been on the opposite, where maybe someone's like this guy's, a dick addicting like really. I just had a wonderful, pleasant conversation with them, because you interface with them in the perfect way at the right time with respect and then lowered his guard, and you know, and gave a little back to you and you gave more to him and everybody is good. I think we've all experienced both of those things and I think that's one of the problems with if one person accounts of any bad thing that went on like did some of this Trump stuff and I'm like man what what really did happen. What really did happen with the Clinton accusations? What was real,
we going down between these two people could one of them talking about and the other one is, and we don't know what the fuck. The answer is, and I think that that's often the case like the actual reaction that people have they want to think the other person was being a dick, but maybe you were being something negative two and their reacted to that. Then it compound it, but maybe is Scott Adams was talking to the guy and use the exact same words. None of the disagreement would have taken place in the first right. The messenger is always, you know the message when we're both we are more than one thing and when he open beings are interacting with each other, we're we're doing it's almost like we're putting on combined effort and where we're sing together a conversation and this car position station is a joint effort. It's like there's were both contributing to it and it might come out bearable, but it might not be your fault, it might be one hundred percent, my fault, or it might be one hundred percent, your fault, but the
what comes out is because the two of us together didn't sync up. You know and often times you say I met Scott Adams, he's a fucking piece of shit, but it's not really you. It might just be the way. I hear that a lot, but my feed the way this person talk to you like they might have start out right off the bat trying to look around and you know, said something rude or said something they thought was funny and you didn't or caught you at a bad time or you know, yeah try to be aware that I'm I'm causing people to be the way they are more often than you imagine. Why also got to think that being the it's got gotta, be I mean you want to look at yourself. The way the world looks at you, the harshness of the view of the people on the outside. Looking in there's no better way than to be the president, I mean he's: got people walk, king down will share blocking traffic screaming they fucking hate him like that's. If anything's is
cause you a narcissist clearly. Obviously the guy has a great love for himself, which is part of his success. Part of why put his name on the buildings, his a great love for himself that takes a hit when you see thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of fact wandering down the street with signs saying they hate you. I don't know so you think I'm not sure it does, because you probably have your critics as well and they're, not blocking traffic. Imagine if the fucking people that hated you were blocking traffic fuck Dilbert, and they just had this gigantic stream of people with chance, Donald Trump KKK racist get in a screaming. You know not just things are true. I just imagine myself and you know the oval office and I'm looking out the window and the president and I see the protesters and I'm thinking I'm not having a bad day yeah under president of the United States. So I think
he gets lost in the noise after you get elected civilization breaks that on there. But if you're talking about a guy that, if someone tweets something negative about it, he's gotta tweet back you're talking about a guy. If somebody writes an article about him in the Wall, Street journal he'll go on his twitter page and call that magazine or the newspaper piece of shit. The failed New York Times still won't stop lying about me. This is the guy was immune to the impact of criticism against him. So that criticize who is coming in the form of hundreds of thousands protests in the idea that he's going to suddenly become enlightened enough to ignore that totally. But but don't don't miss the pattern he he attacks professionals, so he he goes after people over in the cage, if you're not in the cage. You're cool, so those people on the street that are just screaming and what what is he said about the protesters? I think what he said is kind of interesting, because I think what he did say is that it's great they have these rights to protest and he likes the fact that they're all getting together and voice their opinion, but we're all going to work
together any likes or energy, or something like that, so that so that's that's my point yeah. If any, if there is the parade had been led by the reporter for the New York Times, he would have the Visser aid into the professional right and he wouldn't have touched anybody behind them, because they're they're, the citizens yeah. No, it's good point. You! You make a very convincing our argument for this all being a positive event, and I think one of the best arguments for being a positive event is, is the first time ever. We've had someone who has no no political back under aspirations and they're already in successful and they become the president. So we're going to see and a guy who wants to dismantle a system like one of the things he said about passing bills. When you pass a new bill, you get rid of two old ones,
right regulations, regulations use me, you know my my first reaction to that was all that is a stupid oversimplification, but I'll bet there are enough old laws that they want to get rid of anyway there for a long time, you could get rid of two for one yeah. There might be ridiculous ones that we could get rid of it's entirely possible. You can't do that rule forever. It for, of course, Korn deregulation when it comes to environmental efforts, is one thing that terrifies people and this climate denier concern. That's a real issue, that's something that could affect us. You want to talk about that sure. Please, 'cause people have been begging me, please to give any argument that doesn't make Donald Trump look like a science retarded. Ok, sorry, I shouldn't use that word. I probably use it doesn't have any bearing on science. It's not a medical term retarded people that are retarded there, they're slow to catch on.
I'm talking about mental illness, we're talking about retards all right, but I apologize. If anybody was, what are you going to do that? Don't you do it? So here's here's my best argument, let's say I'll just play lawyer for a second I'm going to defend Donald Trump's climate change position, which disagrees with all of science, was so you're, starting from a deep hole right. So you have knowledge that I've got a a tough task here to the right and what what's the state opinion for? What is his position first opinion is that we don't need to actively work on climate change. Rather he would rather work actively Ian Cleaning, the air and the water, and I think he thinks that gets us to the same place. Um and it might ah
here's my argument. I believe, and again I'm going to speculate a little bit here. So I don't want to put too many words into the president's mouth, but I think that he's separating the data collection, part of the science, which is you measure things and sure enough temperatures seems to be changing in historically significant ways and sure enough humans seem to be behind some part of that change. I think Trump accepts that part of it. The second part of it is not the data collection is the complicated models that predict what happens with all this data. I think the Trump things that those models are unreliable and a credible and probably bill should just like he thought the polls were inaccurate right. Remember you just watched him defy every expert in the world hundred percent a pollster said no Donald Trump. Look at our numbers. This could not be more clear. It's independent people. These are legitimate for professionals. There's no friggin way.
They you win with these numbers and Donald Trump said. I don't believe the polls- and it was right, double trouble- was right, but there's a big difference between poles and scientific measurements or car yeah. I would print no I'm not I'm not saying that the same thing, so I'm not gonna, make a leap and say case, closed base right under say that through our history, if, through trying to find the context, how many times have we built a complicated model on that scale and got it right? Alright, so there's nobody who's doing a good job of predicting where the economy will be next year. Those are very similar in the in the sense that there's lots of variables and different models and stuff that that turns out to be random, if, if yeah with the economy is largely based on confidence, is for there's a bunch of factors involved the economy. How much is involved in the atmosphere? I mean that if you can the model's figure out that there is a volcano over here. There's something happened in the ocean that you didn't expect some
so see, we've done in the evenings at home. Do you don't think they've account for that when they're talking about the models of the the earth being warmer every year? I I, the past decade in scientist being incredibly concerned. They've been studying this their whole lives. Seeing unprecedented, let rules of change. You don't think. That's. I think that here's where the analogy to the polling is similar, we all thought the pilot polling was reliable because it's sort of math and you know that the science seems to work. What you realize later is that there was a whole bunch of judgment that went into which variable to include and assumptions about who's going to show up on polling day, and nobody could have it any good idea. What was going to happen, so the most important part of the model was literally just people sitting room say I don't know, I think, would be like last time.
That's the case with science though, and look at climate change that doesn't make sense to me. I think that it seems likely and again this would be subject to smarter people correcting me, and I I could easily be corrected on this. I think that when you have big complicated models and lots of people working on it, there are probably places in which people are using judgment for exam, and this just is you be just to make the point there may be two sets of data could say: well, this one seems more reliable than that one because of whatever. So I would think that probably different scientists could get wildly different projections and all of them tapping the same source of data. Just like the pollsters got the wrong answers, but they're all looking at the same data. I see what you're saying kind of, but I really don't see the connection between that in the polls, because everybody knows the polls is based on a very small group of people. Where is the vast sorry? The problem of the population is largely uncounted.
We really weren't. We were guessing engaging but their opinion, but that wasn't the problem, because polling is scientific enough, that it can capture anyway, but there the conceit is. I mean you have to admit that there's is a percentage that we absolutely no we're, not measuring those people when you're talking about the temperature of the earth, you absolutely measuring so in you're, measuring the climate all over the globe, you're. Actually, member measuring the sheer hard numbers, no opinion based on this know the situation of opinion. I'm agreeing with you that the data collection is probably pretty solid because there's no,
I saw the interpretation of the data is what your was agreeing with by the time you put it into an economic model. There's almost certainly some a judgment. Call that somebody doesn't think is a judgment. Call mmhm, that's almost guaranteed to be part of the model building procedure. No, I would love for somebody to educate me on this, because I've never talked to somebody who whose job it is to build a climate model like I'd love, to sit in a room and say. Is there any part of this work to people who are both? Experts could have picked a different variables and I'm almost certain that's the case, because it's lot of variables and it's complicated and it's always going to be the case right, but when you have a mass consensus when it comes to scientists you're, not talking about politicians, you're, not talking about CNN versus Fox NEWS, you're talking about scientists right, we have a vast consensus. I believe that we have a real issue with our carbon footprint and that we re.
I need to slow down the amount of pollutants and I did the the particulates that we put into the air so that work for taking notes particles. What's the word what's, the word would like to that's the thing that people worry about lot of is not just the like the carbon in the air, but also the fucking Dirt, the dust, the actual pollution being so there's the third leg of my particulates yeah. I was right. Ok, thank you, love my defense. So true, this thing is clean. The water clean, the air good move, but it seems like that's going to get to the same place right right now. Let me give you another, maybe give me another really hot. No, let me give you another analogy:
put solar panels on my house when I built it nine years ago. Well, those solar panels have save me enough electricity, and I can predict forward that I'll definitely get my money back from putting on solar panels question. Was it a good economic idea to put those solar panels on knowing what you know that the the cost will more than be a made up in my in my savings were? Is that a good idea for me to do? It seems like it wrong. It was a terrible, terrible idea wrong and I knew it at the time, but by the way I have a background in economics. That's my degree uh m B, a from Berkeley. So why is a terrible idea? Because I knew- and this is what happened- the cost of solar cells dropped so quickly that if I'd simply waited three years and bought it, then I would have only lost you know three years of savings, but I would have gotten it is such a lower price that I would pay it back. Much
mister and then it be gravy from there on. If you only wanted to look at it that way, if you didn't take into consideration the variable of you affecting the carbon footprint of the earth by gathering up you electricity for three years due to conventionally, that's actually why I did it so I may have made it but economic decision right, because the what we call these stupid rich have to go. First wasn't a terrible idea. It just wasn't a good idea. Economically, it was a very good idea. It wasn't a good idea economically right, but the economically, so I'm sure you sure, consider all sorts of other variables all right. Well. Well, all analogies breakdown. Ultimately, so I but they're good for the good, explaining. Ok, if they're, not good, for proving a point that I like to say that so here's the analogy odds are that technology is going to save us from climate change, really yeah they're they're already. You know on the drawing board ideas for putting like a a giant hose into the upper atmosphere and in some help such
bad things that were going to suck all the clouds out we're going to fuck it up, but chances are chances are and again you might not want to take this risk. I'm not even saying you should, but chances are if you waited five or ten years and then got serious about it, you'd probably be in a better position, because we have better technology and and starting from point, we just be in a better place or no I'm not saying we should do that. Ok, I'm just saying that you can't know this. Starting now is the smart thing. 'cause like my solar panels, the technology is changing so fast that waiting a little bit until you really can get some purchased with some good technology and just go balls the wall and say all right. I can five hundred billion dollars going to spend now 'cause we got the solution. Maybe the is a convenient way that you're interfacing with the software simulation that we're all trapped in your choosing to take this path of success based on technological progg
question, rather than based on. Taking care of mother Earth well, doesn't doesn't every model assume that everything stays the same and there's just more of it right. So there's one thing I can guarantee or climate change model does not include okay to the for atmosphere, never thought about until you brought it up and isn't that going to be the biggest factor. It will be the technological change that happens between now and then in fact, that's the whole point of alarming us. So we'll work hard on the technological change. I thought they should make a skyscraper sized air filter that that's that's one of the plans. You know there is something like that and then they could actually take that carbon out of the atmosphere and user for fuel burn. It burn back. I've seen some amazing things in headlines recently, but I never trust any of them
totally makes sense that if we can clean air in your house, like you know, we have that right behind you right there for me. When people smoke cigarettes we have the air filter as pretty powerful it. Someone can sit in your seat and smoke. A cigarette and room will be bearable. Yeah. Can you can do that and that's a very simple portable unit, some building have very sophisticated units, so I think the technology for scrubbing the atmosphere already exists. It's just not implementing it on a large scale is not economical. Just like my solar panels. So the point is: if you started now and spend five hundred billion dollars, you might get a billion dollars worth of a benefit because you don't have the wrecked right technology. If you waited, they had the right technology and then put your right into it. You might get it for cheaper. Okay. We don't know that so that that's a risk, that's a risk. Everybody is, you know, got a cell that is much more comfortable than the idea of a climate change denier perspective like a
change optimist like yeah. I know it's kinda fucked up now, but we've got some stuff in the works. Don't worry folks, we look to the progressions we're going to be fine. Well, I think Trump is trying to have it both ways. You know you've got people he needs to satisfy in the right, but want to be a crazy man and left with the s to find some story. The bulls people can find some comfort in because this is you know, such a big issue. I think that middle ground is where he's trying he's sort of a b testing it. Now by saying, let's clean the air, you know you know clean the water. Is how do you do that? You can't you know you do all the same stuff, don't yeah, but you really can't do that yet clean all the water and clean all the air, we would have to write Wolf but well, but the technologies to get there right we're going to be at least overlapping with whatever you need to do with climate change. Hopefully, does you still want your electric car either way
it's just different way to get there. He also got to think that whatever by products that are are in and the atmosphere in the water, all that stuff could probably use for something I mean the the the whatever these yeah. I I think, I think, there's already, at least in the lab they've they've made it useful. That would be really fascinating if we figured out a way someday to get to a zero emission state. You know where everything we use gets recycled. We keep the you are, and we just figured out a way to be completely efficient and how we burn things or how we make things are how we recycle things in that. We all leave for me to seems like what I think, what you're saying economically once it becomes economically feasible, becomes like this big financial boom and take king, whatever the particulates in the carbon or whatever. It is out of the atmosphere, and you make mass amount of money from doing that. You know people figure out a way to get really rich doing it. Yeah
somebody's gotta figure out a way to get rich. Every solution has that in it right, yeah and then somebody found out a way to get rich okay problem solved is one of first podcast. You've done like this. I've done other podcasts, but you sort of prepared yourself for something like this. By doing periscopes like you're, really good at these, like long form things, if you ever about doing your own podcast, I have actually I'm curious about just tell people going to be mad at me right now. They get fucking mad. Every time I tell somebody do podcasts because, like dude, everybody should do a vocal podcast, but I think you should do a podcast. I really do like. I would be remiss if I did not bring it up. People have been asking me do it. I can't tell you how many people, just begged me, to come on your show. Really it's the single most requested thing of my ear. Wow holy shit, you specifically wow. Well, it was worth it
for me. I enjoyed it, they enjoy. I had a great time we do this again. This is a peak experience. Let's do it again, let's do it once a year, let's come back in here and we'll see how this fucking crazy plans working out I'll. Do that? Let's do it sure! Thank you. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much got Adam says on Twitter. Your blog is Dilbert just go to dilbert dot com or dot com. My my book had failed, almost everything still and look at my at when hub dot. What is the app the app when what is oh, it's a imagine that uber app without the uber car, where you and your friends can just see that your meeting going toward the oh. So if your friends his arm stuck in traffic, you like bitch having left you have Fucking House yet who I like it keep people response. Thank you very much. Scott really appreciate. I had a great time talking to you, like rice, hard folks will be back on Monday with Shannon the Cannon Briggs. Let's go to see you then.
Thanks everybody for tuning into the podcast and thank you to our sponsors. Thank you to caveman coffee, go to Caveman coffee, Cavemancoffeeco, dot, com use the code, Word Rogan and save yourself, ten percent off any of their awesome coffee. Thank you. U2 two go to books, dot, com and use the code word Joe, and you can get fifty mean dollars off your order of sixty bucks. So it's twenty five percent off at books, DOT Tom Bouq S, dot, com and use the order code, Joe awesome flowers and go check them, which is that ok, ok, um! Thank you too, on it, go to Onn. It use the code. Word Rogan, save ten percent off any and all supplements and thank you to Tang, go to Rogan dot, dot com and save twenty five bucks off of any device or service all rights. So much. Thank you. Everybody for tunein appreciate the
talk. How do you guys and we see next week? Okay,.
Transcript generated on 2019-09-13.