« The Joe Rogan Experience

#697 - Christopher Ryan

2015-09-17 | 🔗
Christopher Ryan, PhD is a psychologist, speaker, and author of New York Times best seller "Sex At Dawn"
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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any further do pre ease? Please work, my friend. Doktor, Chris Ryan. Will gain experience Chris right and I have decided that, for my and still run is easy. Who just did that he lied about working in the September, eleventh the twin towers. During the September. Eleven that we're just gonna lie all day, so this I cast is all bullshit everything. We say Michael logically, if this this is about is a tough one for me, because I really like Steve he's a good friend. I really like that, I see the communist or other time of some for years. I really like him, then, see this and I'm just like Jesus Christ. You know what what gets me What gets me when someone does something like this? Is I
imagine what it would be like to be them too, old, some sort of a crazy lie and got stuck telling it where Europe feeding it over and over again and then he s got its becomes like it's. It's locked as I, how do you erase it? How do you go back and lie away especially if you transition from like a regular guy who just bullshit with his friends to a public figure I guess this guy got famous down right. So then you ve got your lies that all your friends think are true, and now you do in interviews with a Fuckin Wall Street Journal or whatever, and if that comes up, would you you stick to your guns or you humiliate yourself. You know in yours private circle, You know cause you gotta, there's that the power he did humiliate himself in his private circle. He porn ARI and a few guys aside years ago,
and told them that it wasn't sure no shit yeah, that's interesting. Yeah me, I guess it s been fuckin with them forever. I was just you know. Good, for you is coming out of the closet, although he, pulled out of the closet pulled out by the New York Times linked in your times. Ganum they do their research and they found out that he in really work from Maryland- and I said
work from our wench like a year and a half dozen account manager didn't really work or Maryland you, as you say, before, the lights went out like what it. What a dumb ass lie. Like oh Marilla, Lynch Account manager wow. Let me suck your dick. I hope he is the only way to work for my eyes to Vienna count and very little like I like how lies for Chris Ryan immediately translate. Why else why so July? Nothing is worth it, I guess, to get a better job or something I don't want a job at my entire life has been about avoiding ever having a job as blowjob writing books. Even just let me just get is how the way I don't have a job. Do that don't ever want to write another for my life, even that I'm trying to get out of Larry S. What you're off their here you're listed abolitionist successful, Arthur, and you like, I want to do that. Did I wrote a book and
suddenly was running a business I never wanted to have a business, I'm not a business guy. What is the business Chris, Ryan Ink. You know what it's like give like you're in the papers. Suddenly, managers are calling you and lawyers, and you ve got account. You know you got the sort, a parasite infrastructure that gloves on deal like those things on the bottom, a boat tina- and it's like. I know of instant, any accountants who wore parasites. You know what I mean I mean, and in so doing you know Joe Rogan. Enterprises is a huge thing. You know, and you must demonstrate a lot of time, a lot of attention and so even in my you know, micro scale, it's just a giant pain in the ass. It certainly can be a force Only from me, I don't think of anything that I'm doing as like really work work stuff I'll enjoy. Doing that happens to be in patient rather than MA am
for you know it also, I mean what you're doing here at a level where you can afford to hire good people to help you, I'm not My wife is useless, he's a wonderful woman, Ogilvy run and she's good at certain things, but you know produced Papa gassed editing. But you know this kind of stuff. I need someone to do she. I mean have to answer her emails. You know she can't be bothered when you, when you hear guy, like this renovated story, when you hear Allied Gazette, does it free you and you know it, here's the thing that freaks me out and it freaks Matlock, even like the shared from subway thing or when I read something. Some guy was math tat. I forget what the Arctic was it, but I think that the articles about a guy who friends with a guy who turn out to be a murderer bout, a guy got math, Dublin and gotten involved some rough sex with some prostitutes.
Killed. Her then sought her up and left her fuckin body in bags and shed could have been an accident which, whenever I hear but anybody who just gone completely off the rails, like that. I owe you say, ok, if I has that guy. If I was born in his shoes. If I lived his life, what I've been that Fuckin guy, like how much of what we are is dead, As you know, how much of what we are is based on the events that took place at have their complete the outside of our control, about how much of it is how we were raised me. We ve all heard people tell like terrible stories about how their parents raise them terrible stories about the environment, their forced into any We wonder like how much of who each one of us is. It is based on a bus shit. It's completely outside of your control. In Heaven Of these events that take place where's, the Jared from Sir way saying or had my friend bear
criminals on who is this great media and a real? icon in Boston and Bobcat gold. Wait did a film on him about his horrific. Childhood, sexual abuse. He was raped when he was four years old by his babysitters boyfriend and was her horrific, horrific story. And you know this is something completely outside this guy's control and how much of whom he is now is based, and I will he's like in his fifty's and this is like still something is dealing with from when he was for you know it's just you What you are now is like this. Series of the series of events that have kind of, a lot of I'm just laid out in front of you without you having any control over it at all. Now here we are in, I see a guy that does something really crazy man. This is like mine, early crazy, we're not talk
on a horrific crime like a bill, Cosby thing or something like that. We're back to the committee and the other. Can we thought the chapter press law will mean the state run as easy. My friend, you know what would it What he did was just doesn't make any sense like you just wondering what it must be like pack, to be that guy who's done just like this thing, for no fuckin reason that doesn't make any sense and then has to stick with it just I mean that's my angle on these things. Instead of getting upset about me specially, this was a browser relocation which resigned you feel like if you may, if you were in the position he was in, you might have done something similar. I always worry that yeah I was. Whenever see someone do anything: crazily murderer, craziness or anything I would say well how much of who you are is because of your life expense. It's his feet with a mulatto them outside your control. Your genetics, your parents, the work
environment that you were raised up in the people. You came in contact with one. You are young: how much of that is who today in two thousand fifteen. I think it's god dammit. I think it's a lot, and so I see this guy. You know my friend and again, Stephen, his easy. What he did just dumb: it's not evil. It's not. Nobody got hurt, you know I mean he might have heard someone's feelings, people that actually were survive Nine eleven, that's pretend that's potentially possible, but you know romanian rape, Anybody'D in murder, anybody it's just fuck and what happened that has the brain get so sauce fuckin tweaked. So and of the lies he's been busted, for, though I was in the twin towers and nine eleven is the one that evidence focused on Renault and gives a fuck about lying about work from Maryland RE, whether I don't understand why you would write like you said and also lead, and also like you know-
I would argue that anyone who was a survivor of nine eleven it was actually there has bigger issues. About and security issues. So. I would argue he didn't really hurt anyone. Acceptance now that he's Dino Busted rational yeah, you re. So who gives a shit? You know. Everybody, everybody in public life is lying on some level right here. You ve got a persona and you have to be true to their persona, even but then I remember when I first I sat down with his producer. Dare to talk about doing a tv show and which also We never got made like most tv shows, but when we were like putting together the whole. How their summaries of the episodes and other sir, he said What's your your honor who you gonna be on the show and I said what do you mean it's like I'm just gonna, be me he's an hour. You gonna be like the funny guy, you gonna, be there really smart, perfect, professorial guy
It's your image, your persona gonna, be, I said, I'm just gonna, be me, he said, oh you you're gonna, be authentic therefore, whatever the authorities like no Do you know you can't be a really authentic you, the most you can be, as quote authentic, because you have to be the same, every fuckin episode, and come in one day and you're feeling pistol because you had a fight with your wife or you know you dire rio. Whatever that, whenever your issue is you can? express that you have to be the same guy. You were last week, but why is the consistency welt end without a medium medium is so limiting in that way that ie eight people expect that every week that's one of the cool things about a podcast is that they cannot do. Like when you do tangentially speaking, you can kind of like all. Thank you, be you nice yeah. I try to but, but still I am
conscious of the good the distinction between who I really am and who people are getting the impression I am, and I too to be like just it'll last episode I did in the Inter. I did a little thing about just book were writing to me saying like what's it like to go from like some, nobody in Barcelona to TED talks, and broken, show and other stuff right. What's that like? Did you like feel it happening? Did you expected? Did you Is it like being on a river and it was just flowing that way or were use women toward it? and so I tried to address it a little bit and What I said was in my very minuscule experience. Fame is like wine that tastes really good and can only get you drunk. Well, it's in your mouth so you swallow it quickly, I know it's not the best thing. The other metaphor, I thought it was like our care k, so
in your mouth? Gets you John, but if you swallow it, you know I'm fine right. Ok, so you I mean What I'm talking about? Someone comes up to you like they're, like nervous and like oh, my god, it's Joe Rogue and you're like yeah, I'm just just me, right I mean you know the truth here, just a guy but their region to do what they think you are, which is so much more than what you actually what anyone you know. That's the nature fame! It's this bullshit thing that only has the value that people apply to write and their applying more to it than you are because you're? U right and you know what it's like behind the curtain. So, but don't disrespect them either in you don't want in this respect what it is that they are experiencing in that moment, even though its complete bullshit bright right, I don't know what the fuck. Talk in a no no you're making sense Gazeta if it's very confusing to people who don't know it, but it's it's like a magic trick that if it tricks the magician he's
Like an idiot like you are mad. We bipolar dove out of my new Lou. Now there was no fuckin davenant doves in your sleeve ass, all you're hiding the dove. I see what you do and you know it you don't, but if you say I have this amazing ability to make doves you're out of nowhere and you really believe it will your moron. You have a magic trick and being on television or being on the radio or in movies or whatever. It is but whatever it is that people get attracted to you. By your work by your me by you Union, author. Whatever it is, they that thing makes you different. Then person instead of just like I appreciate talent, I very much so when I can kind of be like a star, struck. When I meet someone that I really appreciate that I really admire of their work, but I come to know what it is. It's like I've seen enough times that
Go hey, there's a guy that fuckin sings are awesome. Song hey! I love you shit man, it's like it's a good thing, but it's not I dont think of them is other than a human being, but one of the first time ever met a famous person First times I ever met famous heap, I couldn't believe I was seeing them realign wonder risk, as it ever met, I was in harvest in Cambridge only remember the Deuce name, but here a bunch of like television, dramatize learning and as like you're that guy from that show- and I, like you, tell me what the show is asking a question- you like one another with a t: stop was wicked catch public trust, data, he approached you know he does you just He asked a question asked. I don't know if I asked him if he was that guy first, if he asked me, but he didn't give a fuck is like a guy from that show. Did you guys know where this thing is? We told them where it was like, while we just saw that guy I still to this day. Don't fuck your lies at the very
and when I was little my uncle used to work for Howard marks advertising my uncle is an artist and he worked for the company that drew. The album covers four kiss So when I was like poor, I guess only eight or years old. Maybe I don't know how somewhere in that age, I met a freely. Who was the league Horace to kiss, and he always wore makeup and madame with no make up on and you know you combine a key. It was a great hustle than they were make up when thereon stage, but then offs age. No one knew who the fuck there yeah really were huge. Superstar sell, em out arena is wrong stars, but they were just complete incognito other, so this guy just walks into the office and my good new one Keziah friends, and these I go hey. What's he doing. Was so confused. I, like his hat, is how would he looks like
because you couldn't even see them like this. This is pre internet. But there was no photos of them available without their make out because, like maybe one photo like a hand in front of them, or something like that, we really couldn't see clearly, but to see in the flesh moving around a walking in talking or what the fuck. I thought about that for years. It's a pretty we'll thing because they I mean I don't know anything about kiss like if they were in masks from the beginning, like with the make up from your way out of Ireland, be clouds and stop so like where they anticipating like while, if we get famous, You know we don't want to be recognised that the whole foods like they say they should come in. They sought offered trading there. I don't think so. I think there was a style of. I think these two colleagues glam Rock, is over these cod with David Bowe in oh yeah. I think that's what it's called but, and I think it was just a hook, nothing there hook,
that they were going worse face paint on have the designs and a face like Paul Stanley was the STAR childhood star over his face and genes him, and was the demon nieces spit blood and blow fire on stage may have appeared? This was the cat and an ace freely use had he was like the space man and they have persona that they had. They had adopted legal character. And no one knew what they were and other names for fake, too and pretty sure so like who they were when they are on stage, and it was a sort of. Taken even further into fancy land by this make up and he's crazy costumes that they wore like they were boots. Jeanne Simmons booted teeth on the bottom of a like. You
this also nutty so bring it back to your buddy. Imagine you know your kiss in trying to pick up a woman in a bar, and you, like you, do I'm Jean Simmons is right. If I gotta hear it really work at Marrow fuckin alliance, I think they probably had so many girls coming up to them. They never went to a barn threatening to meet people, never went. I mean they're, Trout, poee, just trying to say, How many can I fuck in a day how many do have say. No to this is not going to work out, don't get if you do that, for you, probably they probably had like handlers, handlers, Wrangler I heard an interview the other day with room forget his name, but he's one of the main guise of iron maiden and which as a band, I don't know, but another huge, rare and he's Jack pilot when he fell. Commercial airlines for years
So he was like a nobody knew. It was me up there. You know I could just be fly in London. The new Yorker with airlines, busier pilot were reaching out, accusing how did it in any girl. They play a gig in New York, so here fly as a commercial air pilot and do a gig re. Mme bought a jet, the United Seven, forty, seven or somethin to fly the band around. So now he flies the ban to the Higgs. How far and strain? Didn't John Travolta fly commercially for quantities that, things about me. I know he's an accomplished. Pilot area dear friend of mine, went flying with Tom Cruise he's gotta go. One of those but biplanes, none Le Loup, the loop and she said man. I almost puke Donner, because she was in front in other pylon back and she was like. I was this close to two Ralph and
over Time Grosso, the pilot goes in back in the passengers in front and re? How strange those old plainsman? When you come, when you see what it is. This like wire frame with is like very the flat with handles, nor does it make you go up and down and more rudder and they fought with those things. Remember the king old King Kong, King Kong, one with the king Kong on top of the World Trade Center, those things remember the king, old king Kong. King Kong, one with King Kong, on top of the world trade with the World Trade Center of the empire, state Building bank lied about fucking liar these these climate of the empire state building in their shooting out what those planes old, Ricky World WAR, one pull, is pre world war to cause. King Kong, I believe, was the thirties, the origin can they thoroughly also thirty, three or something like that. It was a talky right yeah.
The timing, early talkies. We went over that yesterday that the first move- These were actually eighteen hundreds for silent movies, late Eighteen hundred with the horses, I want to show that the horses all the horses feet came off the ground at once now and on that story here that I think that was the first motion picture. I am french guy yea. There was a bat it's a long time since I may be foolish it here, but I'm sure people are googling at even as we speak, but there were tsar. I think, as the first motion picture was that they were to determine whether all of the horses feet came off the ground at once he set up. It was like a bunch of cameras in a bank that sequentially shot. They have available other really gone. Eighty, nine there you go yeah Second frame, you can see all the horses feeder off the ground. What was First movie ever made a first movie
Thomas Edison in eighteen, eighty, nine, oh really, Thomas Edison, so this saying too bad such a prick. Apparently he was right in store, Teslas ideas, it's hard to tell, though that could be like one, He said she said thing, but obviously test was a super gene. Is an Edison electrocuted, a fuckin elephant for fun weren't to show to scare people here against DC riches hilarious, while against a cdc against alternating current idea. Was what was the standard rate and eighty Deasey alternating current was what tussle had invented so that you could plugin all sorts. Different devices, their aid, less power. President Anderson already had a business thing. Yes, yes, didn't want it, and even the tassels idea was better. Yes more. Tests lose a weird, weird, weird guy man, but you cannot have to be to be that fuckin
modern and figure out their indifferent things better, so that this back a little bit worried talking about before. With the you know, the person I've I've got this idea that most of the People who rise to positions of prominence in western society are troubled in some way. So, like you know you try my geniuses like you. You have to be. A genius is a certain kind of distortion right right. I think Einstein said that the smart man, controls is minded geniuses controlled by it, Europe's there's, an obsessive quality to it right and I wonder if the extent which our euro this? This is the sole book. I'm writing this. It see was that if, if you say the underlying structure of civilization is essentially pathological, then it makes sense
the leaders. The people rise to prominent positions within that society will predominantly be pathological is that necessarily true, like Zuckerberg, like a girl, create something like Facebook Xilai path. Logical. Well, you know you would I would look at him and say I don't know the guy. Of course I saw the movie, that's as close as I too am, but does he seemed like a balanced, healthy character? to me. You know it seems like a lot of a lot of votes which created is created by sexually frustrated adolescent, men. Voice rang and he would probably fit into that area in right. I mean that wasn't the whole thing like a dating a way to meet chicks at Harvard was in that the That was able to observe, and I think it was a dating outgoing. Now remember: I was in the makes sense, though. Yeah
so anyway. We'd Freud talked about this in civilization, its discontents that you know, civilization is built on deflected sexual energy, and if we were all just getting late as much as we wanted, nobody would do anything. That's that, point, and also, if you really concentrate on what is healthy in quotes, was held. These friendship and fire none of those really stack up points, you know it's yours, like monetary, you know if you want, but you can, we can put you back what you can show as far as like your real estate holdings and right in all that look at I fancy stuff like that. That's really what people look to when they look for the gauge of success. The gauge of success is almost always attached money right and that's it, and if you get to the point where you see through money or fame or power these these Burton these metrics are socially accepted van.
You become, you know what the Jesus figure, the Buddha, the user to check out too. In turn. On drop I'll write you in your loser, eleven exit endured for influencing the direction society has weird like it's weird our ideas like knowing the temporary nature of life. It's weird that our idea of success is based almost entirely on the possession of things and that, of course, feeds into the powers that be right. The consumerist, change the change nature into plastic dinner, which seems to be what we're about by have a weird theory about this that have repeated before so in interest of saving the and the attention span of the people. It listen. I think that The reason why people are hooked materialism, the reason why so attractive is because ultimately, what its doings propelling technology and innovation and that the more
we become obsessed with acquiring new as late as great as things, the more it will put innovation. These newest laid his greatest things and the region for that is where ultimately creating an artificial life, and I think that we are technological caterpillar that becomes some artificial, intelligent butterflies and that what we are doing is creating a new life form. We just we're so we're so arrogant that were. We think that we are the only light This is the only life it's possible, but meanwhile will we're doing is wee wee wee have been born into these inefficient, these biology, Oh entities, these shells that how's our imagination and that eventually will escape them or create something that makes us obsolete more likely the ladder. Yeah, I'm I'm grapple
with these very issues right now, at the end of this book, Grier yeah? Have you ever read a cabin Kelly or heard of him now he's very deep thinker and in artificial intelligence and the internet, add all gonna start very interesting. Guy in and systems like how systems, self organized and, like you know like they take gum, high speed, film of flocks of birds. And they see that the individual birds are reacting to other birds. The flock is Reacting quicker than individual birds can can react theirs, there's what they call phase change? where you shift from a group of birds to a flock of birds are a bunch of fish to a school of fish where the, where everything starts functioning very differently right and like, for example, did you know that locusts and grasses
first are the same animal be. I did completely crazy. Reacts as a matter of going well yeah when, when it rains and So then there's a lot of food. They replicate. You know they reproduce really quickly. So now you ve got the population density, and then the food starts to dissipate because the waters going and now they get very tight poppy nation density and they become locus, which brains, change their legs change, the coloring changes their behaviour changes and they its warming so too, with ass food, this warm yeah when the while the food is restricted, so they get into you know like awaits us or something so they get into smaller areas, because the water from the big, the right first it right and so you get lots of them. Then the water starts to disappear right in evaporates of few days or whatever and the food is less and less so their concentrated and its when their pact tightly that they shift
into locusts and that's when they swarm and they go out. You know and wipe out anything they can find, but then they can shift back to grasshoppers again so I'm sort of arguing in this book that civilization is win. Our species shifted to locus, phase shift into a locust form and we swarmed been swarming ever since, but work to run out of material and you know like the fish stocks are down the waters gone like everything's, wherein the age of no more time to argue, was watching this document and the other day about the nineteen seventys. When they're talking about the nineteen. Seventy three hundred million less people in America in Amerika, the Erika and like the world population resilience. Yes, but that's stunning hundred million me think about if hundred million people died today in America would be a fucking enormous tragedy of epic proportions. But that was just the numbers a few decades
for decades ago. Whatever it was, you know whenever you know no pick a number. That's fucking crazy! That's crazy, two hundred million people is a lot to gather in inside of fifty years. That's that's, really remarkable and yet and we're still talking as if growth is the natural and Uruguay it's the weighted. That's the only way to be; rather, we need growth. We need growth there. There worry that reproduction levels are below zero in Japan in Spain and some other countries. Why? We worry that right. I mean short term, it's a problem because you know of young people to work and pay for the old people whatever but long term. Imagine how great the fucking Earthward If there were one billion people on earth That was something that came to Mckenna in a mushroom trip, hee hee
ass the mushroom how to save the human race, and they said every couple reproduce only with one child and the human race we saved. That's it. We have to do is significantly lower population, and you know with mortality and accidents in it now causes an audio the jazz take control? Actually, this is gonna, be historic. I am a little. I met and the book right where I, the prompt publisher, requires a prescriptive like what's next, you know what do we do with all this kind of chapter which I hate doing, but I'm definitely have to like having a solution take away their a phrase that they love is what's the takeover. Takeaway gonna have a final ass. Mister, I gotta yeah it is their guns been on the mantel piece through the whole play somebody's gotta, get ya can't and the movie like no country for old men, anxious I just wanders off and like the fuck. Nor is the resolution
but you know, I've been reading Kevin Kelly reading other stuff and I've come around you and Duncan, and I have always had this sort of three way: debate about the future: humanity and all that and ice ice. Three scenarios, one of which is the one you just outlined, where we are a transitional life form that gives birth, to take no intelligence and spreads out into the universe. In whatever and the another is sort of apocalyptic collapse and mad men, though not madman, mad mad mad, because advertising executive nearing radiography labelling lot of smoking and but the other one which I'm actually you know if I were a bedding man. I probably wouldn't put my money on this, but I'm I am encouraged to think about it. I read, but recently called future perfect,
do you remember the off Stephen Johnson? Is the author another internet tech, web guy, right, and he makes is a really strong case, which I've heard you make. You to me actually that the internet is first of all it very, very early days for the internet, and it opens up revolutionary possibilities like bs on anything that happened or species in the past, the fact you and I right now are talking to hundreds of thousands of people with no, sponsor telling don't say that don't say this and that I can do no. We can talk should about Monsanto. We can talk shit about the. U S, government we can do whatever we want that is really revolutionary and the effects of that or impossible for us to really predict and its international re. It doesn't respect national borders, it anyone anywhere its archived it you noted it functions,
critically and horizontally. That's really something, and you One of the examples he uses in his book is Kickstarter in two years after they launched. Starter was already spending more supporting artist than the national endowment for the arts in two years, and now it's like three times that that's amazing right who would that there were so many people who are like I'll give twenty bucks to that guy out. Support that and You know this just with this technology, you are able to do stuff. I was reading about his tribe in the Amazon the other day who are basically taken over defence of their land, because the governments useless and do so they ve got legally there completely justified, but the loggers keep come in and you know invading so they ve set up like gps. You it's all around and in motion controlled cameras- and
they're using technology to trying to defend their land and document in incursions and stuff. I was thinking like would it be cool to set up a crowd, funded thing where, You could send twenty bucks to this tribe in the Amazon to help them by a fuckin motion detect a camera tat boy drone. Why not? railing, you know about Kieva. Now, Cuba micro loans in it, just a website like Kickstarter, where you going Kieva, you put two hundred bucks in and you they ve got all these people who have applied for loans to pick a country, El Salvador, Ok, you go through you look at all the their pictures. Like ok, I need hundred fifty bucks to buy a goat, because I may go yogurt and sell it in the village. Ok, give twenty five bucks she phase of egg there. There repayment rate is over ninety nine percent because they ve got people country who verify that everything's cool- and this is a real Fang in whatever so
then the money gets paid back to your account after they, their golden ape sullen of yogurt, and then you can. Take your money out or you can recycling and I go to Ugandan. Let's find somebody in Uganda. We can help and put in a roof on the sharp rise in it completely you to them: and the company just you know is that it's like tinder anything else. It's it's just away to connect, really cool now in its your money, and if you don't want to do it anyway, take your money in your out, these new sort of non capitalistic ideas or one one of the most beautiful things about the internet like these sort of organs, created ideas like Kickstarter crowds, funding, ouch surfing yeah. You know like you how the sharing economy he calls it it's his term is pure progressive and so then, like what's gonna happen if,
you know we can get the oligarchs out of the way and make internet direct voting. That's ultimate, future right, internet direct voting where it's not no longer electoral college. We don't look at things in terms of states, but we look at her of the mass of the race or the mass of the human organism, what what benefit that is? It The problem is, there's been people urban candy FED they ve been baby FED for so long that it's almost like there. It's like taking person, who's, been in solitary confinement, locked up like a veal and forcing them to run an altar marathon. It's like, you just right, you not prepared for this you're, not condition for it. You don't have the resources to pull off. And informed version of the future in our yeah, but you know that
and again it's really weird that I'm the I'm arguing the hopeful side here, but with a fact we said this is gonna, be a bullshit address the fact that I believe that it is, One thing I would say about human nature is I get asked a lot what's human nature, you know, I think strong as they I can say about. Human nature is. Humans want to do what everyone else is doing that oh, who really good we're, not gonna, think it through. While I go everyone else's killings, as well as our Kelson Jews than everyone else, help hates black people than I had by people game just cool Boca Gay marriage is cool, like look. How fast that change I was gonna bring that up when you were talking about the birds like the birds,
moving in a flock in a way where they're moving in such harmony that they couldn't possibly react into. Each other is out what happens with mob mentality. I guess so yeah, and I think you know in humans, it's mom mentality, its fan Lang like that that hysteria beetles lady, that's what I was thinking like just insanity, yeah I mean with there. Is you know that greater than the sum of its parts right down that phenomenon like there's. No, you know in Greece, or a different thing, but most flocks of birds? Those starlings, you seen you in that thing, there's no less yeah right, there's nobody Saint area, let's go to the left now we're gonna, there's no clarity, aggravating mimics in half an hour. I sure fish in swarms of locusts and, in fact, in one of these books by Kevin Kelly talks about how they were doing the artificial, the guys who did them Batman, one of the Batman movies and their due.
Special effects on August. They were bats. There were flocks of that they needed to replicate on screen and they ve the to set up a logarithm where each bat would react, to the other bats near it in certain, according to certain variable calculate calculations and then they just set it loose and it formed a flock of buffer So it's like it doesn't even have to be alive. It just has to have certain consistent responses. Yeah What the fuck are we talking? What we're talking about human beings owing a mob integrity, or do you think they were ass? I think the evidence is there were super organism more than wherein in individual, yet we'll see. I did him in the book and and do you know, I hope this is making people want to read it when it comes out not like. I had heard all this shit, but
I did was I started by saying your individuality is itself an illusion cause ninety percent of your weight once get the water out. Is aid of no, no, not your way. Ninety percent of your dna of the dna that can constitute your body is not your dna. It's the dna of Micro organisms, that on, I mean you right So I got into the hold the the whole lumm because intestinal fauna and on our yeah and its so you couldn't exist without that. So each of us is a community right now so and then you go to the the higher level and it's just the same thing: the we each of us constitutes an organism right. Well, we are part of this thing that we can. Really see, because you know we're part of it. It's it's hard is like fish, don't think about
water Brien's not considered, because we always like to think of ourselves as individuals, but the evidence is there that we, insanely lonely war by ourselves, and we we built Eric and finally is the worst thing you can do to someone in jail means really crazy and if you think about human beings like being isolated and being lonely and then the increase but joy that they have when they find civilization or people, someone alone on a raft there? Nothing about well, I'm alive lay I'm just think about my life and that no they like got gotta find people have defined people again. If you have all the food in the world, if you're floating around a boat law did see you're. Incredibly sad like we have same intense need for each other too, to be a knighted bonded with each other and for not we're we're fucked. Now we're like Where was some strange sort of super organism? I mean a video when I had
two thousand and five Showtime special, and I did this video about four- hang over the earth, and then you fly in LOS Angeles and if you the earth as a host for life. And you know, our bodies you get We say that our bodies are host for life because of the organisms we just talked about the fact- is more equal in your body than there are people that have ever lived ever. Means. It's amazing and all that stuff is important for life, knew it, but we fly in LOS Angeles new flying over that just gigantic mass of cities like the earth is an organism or what it what our people. What's it looks like a growth. Like LOS Angeles, looks like a growth, it looks like a growth on the super organism like mould on a sandwich, and if you saw more than a sandwich, you dont. Think of individual pieces of mould with individual identities and personalities just c mon now, and I think that the same
thing could be said about human beings. There. We're just so close to it with see the forest for the trees and weed see ourselves objectively, we don't go worth were one thing or one big thing: that's making technology, mean that that's essentially what we are. One big thing is willing to sacrifice the very fucking air, the very air that we need to stay alive. What wooing willing to blacken that shit up in order to produce you know in industrial goods, yeah yeah. It's interesting. I hope that's not the way it's going, but it's sort. It feels that way. That's the trajectory were on at the moment when I'm hoping is that the the internet gambling. I look The gay marriage thing and a lot of stuff is big ugly that happens on the internet, but the idea that there is for first time ever the potential for an order, species. Mind yeah,
species level mind. What's the first thing conscious mind becomes aware of its own mortality. So me be maybe what's happening, is as These synopsis are connected for the first time ever and there's this super, and for a super organism becomes aware of what is what it's doing and suddenly it's like stop this crazy. This is crazy, we're killing ourselves. We can understand that at a species level, then We can change it right. I mean we, the passive technologies there. We all know how to figure out anal sex is better in our let's make anal sex the waiter. Now for reproduction. That's hugger, MECCA about this with a great deal with now. I know, there's that I know what you're saying you I, I think,
any idea non reproductive, say ass, yeah, yeah sodomy is where it that he sodomize words that big- teachers love this law protein income. Do you, then, that I only after each and by the way you where I saw your Rhonda rousing. Whenever you yeah and anymore, you ve, really funny. You said the good is it would lipstick. You know it's like right here. This is where the dick goes right and I was thinking you know. That is why and how lipstick was invent. Yeah egyptian hookers. You know that was hookers. Yes, egyptian hookers to advertise that they specialised in blowjobs why. So if you saw hooker with a red lips is like she's a cheese blowjob specialist. How do we know that was our written somewhere problems? I regret fix it. I trust that I read it in the history of sex by somebody or other. We lost so much of what Egypt was all about and they burn the library of Alexandria Us Sinclair Edible, because if you, if you see what they were able to accomplish with so much of what our key
just send historic and do when they go back and they look at what Egypt what they accomplish dislike, trying to figure out. Why, and how the fuck all this stuff was done. For all. We have is what's left on the walls so crazy all day have literally they have the Rosetta stone and they have the hieroglyphs and that they have the the architecture, and then they have to try to like back engineer and decipher does day. There's like a dozen dick. Theories about how they built at the pyramids. They didn't really just guesswork, son, alien suppose aliens. I don't think that's true, either. I think, is much more likely. The advice. Civilization rise and decline is much more likely and as we're learning more about geologic. Catastrophes as were learning more about asteroid impacts and things along those lines It's way more likely. That will you
looking at when you're. Looking at a lot of the ancient structures that existed, we can't totally explain was that something happened like a civilization and reach a very high level and then probably were hit by giant rocks from space, and very few people survived, but the people who did survive sort of re, figured out all the things over the course of a few thousand years. Just like we have, I mean you go back a thousand years ago, she's got a thousand years ago. Go back to one thousand: fifteen people, apes, you're, talking about like English cause, they're riding horses, no one's gonna car, the shoe arrows at each other. No one's got guns. I mean this you're talkin about craziness you're, talking about a crate, he parlor, where they have catapults and shit. That was what the world was two thousand years ago. So, in a thousand years we ve gone from Genghis Khan, too. Four Elon musk making Teslas gang
kind of eleven thousand year, are essentially a thousand years so magic in what we're talking. When new, like at Rand, Karlsson on my part, TAT was a fascinating guy who absolutely obsessed with asteroid packs and studied them is entire life and, as time has gone on more more of his work has been vindicated, especially by core samples. Here believes that there is enough proof that the stone that the Ice age ended because vast rural impacts- and he had thought this way before they had figured out stuff collar thing. It's called trite night, they found evidence of what they call nuclear glass all throughout Europe. In Asia and in all is around twelve thousand years ago? It's all around the same time. The ice age ended and he thinks it was the cat. List for the end of the ice age and probably wiped out a gigantic chunk of humanity. There was this massive asteroid impacts all over the planet and that they just fuckin, killed
most everybody or a huge percentage and everybody whose left sort I had a re figure out how to make buildings, we figure how to engineer society and then they were left with the skeletons. The architectural skeletons of the past year, they would look at stone, and look at it. Now go back tapie or these giant ancient structures and go through what the fuck was. What's this all about? Who did this? How they do this they would try to mimic yet or create their own, and that What you're? Looking out when you look at many, these ancient structures is just whatever would be left when a Jew. Chunk of civilizations, wipe down people to start all over again ever readable. Called the world without us I've heard about it, isn't right, it's a good book. It's it's basically taken that same thought pattern in applying it to now. So what would happen if people all disappear? right now and so He talked to engineers in New York, for example like so what would happen
right now. Nobody there, no people what would happen like while the pumps would stop. There pumps they keep water out of this the substructure of Manhattan right, so that fish up with water ok than how long's it take for the vote, anchors and skyscrapers to rot arrest away, and were you know corrode so this SK. I restart following its figures. All that out, like one animals, would go feral and survivors dogs or fuck that all dogs would be eaten like immediately. Cats would survive the railing I am but about Farrell Dogs idea. This populations affair dogs that exist even in America. Today, oh yeah, they killed some old couple, said bead night, I was that make sense better, predator you re a more pro active profits. They just don't let that yeah. I met a guy in Colorado that is April. Sessional Mount Mine Hunter and They get hired oftentimes like
whether or not you knew it. California, employees professional mountain line killers because they don't have it hunting season on mountain Colorado or Edna, California, rather in Colorado they do, and so they they they wildlife organization. They measure the population the calculated and they decide how many would be viable to take to keep the community of them healthy, but to protect the Elk popular asian and then dear population, and so then they again accordingly, only release, tags and Tags or with the hunters used to go out and legally kill these animals or carefully doesn't have that some California, they D, have. I think he said three different guys that kill. An indeterminate amount of Mount lines, a trouble mount lines they have all throughout California they. Travel round kill his fucking things, because if you don't than they
overpopulated, and then they become a problem with dogs and people and joggers and shit like that. But there's groups in cash, morning, particularly like extreme wildlife advocates that want that they want no more hunting. What they want to do is reintroduce wolves and grizzly bears to California, so that those Anna this control all the game populations to a sufficient level. Where, which is really like, is not very well thought out, because then no one controls their population, except assassins. They have to hire. Assassins to go out and kill. The grizzly bears that start encroach, into civilization and the wolves start moving on people's livestock. They have to hire people to kill them its is fascinating idea of, animal management that these people are like juggling back and forth with machine. People that are pro hunting in the people that are conservationist or the wildlife advocates really fascinating stuff.
Are you you remind me of something I just read recently about the cobra fact. It's called it refer as to the unintended consequences of trying to control. Wild animals and it started when the British were in India in New Delhi, the local authorities decided to deal with fact that there all these cobras living in the sewers- and you know the causing a big problem, so they instituted a price for each day cobra that you would bring in. They pay you about it right so that where to really well with arrogant, rid of a lotta cobras, then people started breeding them to make money. So suddenly there are we risk having an end. They realize their being play. So then there, like fact that they stop paying the bounty. So
the breeders have thousands of cobras. It outlines a just. Let him loose to say end up with a much bigger problem. Many thought you resolve. Austria has done that to Austria, had a problem with the US. Trillion didn't really have large mammals, or rather a New Zealand in really have large mammals, but Australia introduced certain predators to try to deal with introduced animals like rabbits, introduced, ravished Australia, but they didn't have natural predator, so they brought over foxes and then the foxes aid two shitload rabbits and then got the controls are leading ground, nesting, birds and decimating the population of groundless me. I can't tell you can't engineer a fox to only eat rabbits. But they never did get a hold of the rabbit population, the rat. They put up fences to try to stop the rabbit from moving into new areas, but they weren't quick enough and the rabbits got through the
answers as they are building the fences. The rabbits flocked their way through to the other side, offences and just fucked and made more and more rabbits are. Then they want to introduce a fox is over there. Then they wanted to bring in predators to kill off the foxes gets a clusterfuck of human beings. Trying to some are another manage nature in every time it gets away predators and pour especially things like like a rabbit that can just breed like crazy. In an environment where they now they ve did really didn't, have a natural enemy. There's a great documentary called Cain, toads about the same thing Australia, where they there is some guy. That was eating their destroying sugar cane and in Hawaii, their able to grow sugar and the grub is undercut. Because they have these big toads. They eat the grub, so they bought that, in toadstool, Australia and introduce them, and he's told your like that big third there
mean they're, like the size of sixteen out state, can other massive, what a fucking that's a frog and they're everywhere odor and they just like gone crazy and the movie is really funny cause. It's like me, people and their encounters with these Kane toads in there, strangely in southern just naturally funny I can eat them, no no, but they do have to fourteen it. If you like them, you can get really high. But if you dogfights wine, the ad heal your dog and yeah there so tat the it I don't know man it it makes. You think, like you know that super organism. Ideas were a little bigger than a state party right that is so big itself. Does it looks like I like a large bass movies so funny? It opens The scene it's like early morning and the FAO,
is sort of its foggy hillside in there's a road and you see Van coming down the road and serve swerving rare, rule swerving era and gradually realise that he's running over as many painters as he can and they're all over the road he thinks he's hid it mixed Kate. Maybe dogs about how, if you hit it, just right, we're like where facing the van and you seal its mouth it pops in whose this pics will arrive, so many of them that they just run over I'm in a row they're everywhere man- and they did the same thing- is you were talking about? They don't need that. Jobs. They eat everything else. They my stayed rats they'd I'll censorship and they have no natural predators and their boys a poisonous control. What the proposal to try manager. I don't know what they're doing now. I saw this movie like twenty years ago at the Margaret Mead Film Festival in New York and I've lost
track of the cane turn issues since then ensure. Do you know what happens with rabbits at every seven years, rabbits have a die off. Oh really are rabbits. Apparently, all like farmers and ranchers were tell you they go in these grey. Cycles these seven year cycles and writing the population in a lot areas. Very high warehousing colorado- did that this is where the guy was explain. You just their place two days ago, the guy who I was with he explained to me, but I had heard it from both a few people before that populations, get extremely high and then a disease comes along and wipes amount and its clockwork. It happens every seven years and then you find very few rabbits and then seven years later, it'll be a swarm again. It just takes a few years for them to rebuild back up and then thereby and then the same thing happens again: a new disease kicks along, maybe the same disease on it now, but this cycle of or die offs of great population growth in dialogues and
this guy was arguing that I was hanging out with in Colorado who sang ill. It's quite likely that what we're looking at is a natural cycle and that it could be applied to the human race as well. There's a beautiful book, which I have recommended many timescale: the short history of progress by Ronald Right, canadian scientists and its eight, looks at every civilization, its existed You know the Mayans, the Sumerians Roman Easter Island always different civilizations any shows that they all. Follow the same lifecycle. I know what you're saying that there is an organic rise and then there are certain conditions that happened just naturally one follows the next and then decline- and you know you see it happen again and again and again- yeah it's like the tide. Now its end, in its outright, it seems.
To be like a cycle that exists in almost everything in nature that there's theirs. Some sort of a balancing factor that occurs with any system where you get accumulation of one particular species or one particular thing, and then it dies off When it comes back- and I mean it could be argued that that's what the asteroid the fact is that at some sort of an inoculation from space will it also life apparently came from Astro yeah Dryad sales. Burma yeah got Adelaide airy that even the building blocks of life like simple life like them, you know ass its great at all. Those things came by stars and then, when you find out that I human being really essential is made out of start dust in order to have carbon based life, you have to have a star explode. You gonna start singing in too crazy man star the Swiss fuckin shit, only Mitchell, the others, a bunch of them.
By the way while we're talking about your failure like carbon yeah to get with regard to the guy Crosbie still yeahs who's. This it's on Woodstock, we Woodstock we go to Woodstock. We start us. We are golden. We are billion year old carbon out to get our way back to the garden beautiful it was. They were happy days. I love there ass a dirty feet, love one year with yeah, that's a good one! Do you like that? Has the theme song decides that I should like? You should get a c d with the book or something funny. I've met quite a few girls who read your book and when they do read your book is one of two reactions, one Action is thought that guide. The other reaction is it's time to be a whole Hundred is gonna, get your free god I'll start. There's comic a couple weeks ago and she was saying: if you read this book, US courts
Exit dawn echoed yeah, go to authorise a good friend of mine and she goes fuckin so right, it's so right in our meal of theirs she's, a freak like filing seventy gave her a freak licence exaggerated. Seventy came along with Phd next to his name said: it's What do you mean It's all right, I'll man, I've done so many beautiful emails from women, yeah again, some angry ones too, but some really beautiful lines from whether they say you know, like and even some of the most moving ones are the ones where they say. Like I get my mom now you know that's what really touches me like I get it I ride. She wasn't bad,
like to fuck. You know and funny in those days that was a big problem. Weird thing that we have such a conflicted relationship with on one hand we sell everything with sex. We use it to sell cars and fuckin houses and everything is so much so that a normal look for a woman normal in a business environment is exposed legs just think about it. What kind of a business environment would be of men walked around with thongs wooden exert heavy, and we await the fuck. Are you doing? Men had like little short skirts that they would work? We was just you can lift up the sure, The skirt your cock would be right. There dead, that's not acceptable, but we, we women are so desirable and said. Is so desirable that we, accepted this idea that a woman's attire could be like the
easiest possible thing to fuckin, like literally panties, just pulled it aside and Skirt Edith, lift up and it's on far high heels, which looks here. You know your entry in an uproar. What's a bra, you know I mean drought is about why here it is its, it shall take. Shelter is letting everybody. Now it's right here come and get it. Yet, on the other side, you another None of this is to say that women should buy into this if they don't want to or that the avowed objective eyeing I mean about Defying is a complicated thing is, I think we all objectify constantly right, but you know this guy there's a big controversy a week or so ago, some guy a woman Sat a lawyer in England, sent it tried to contact senior lawyer in this firm, through linked in to get job and he wrote back and said well
you know that we don't have a job right now, but I tell you your photos, stunning and I'm sure you'll have lots of success, and so then she calls them out for sexual exploitation because he said her photo was stunning. That was it! this a compliment. Is that only said Lego is not likely to have dinner. Nothing just like your photo site so became is deal. And guy, like you know, half the people are saying the guy's a creep out an attack creep, shaming is an interesting thing. You know if you are over fifty you should never be actual you shouldn't be sexual yeah. You a thirty year old girl. You piece of shit right, you're, pedophile, creep, she's, twenty two yeah. Why would you be attracted to her she's, a
a view, Woody Allen, Nudist. You disgust me with your sexual irish, no fuckin see Alice induced high authority of standing up for people. I really appreciated the article you wrote recently. I was men's men's lifer runaways about handsome maxim. That was really nicely done. Man thanks where seriously as a guy who's, not in great shape. I appreciate yeah the concept, what they wanted me to write something about the human body. But getting in shape or whatever, and it just occurred to me to make comparison to a human body and sand Castle, Vienna bodies like Sand Castle, that the reason why and causes are kind of cool is because you know that they're not gonna last yeah. I was really well done in annex I mean that it called you know them the Mandela. The idea of building something beautiful, there's gonna be away ass. He had done with it. I often think
life that way not physically so much but like. I feel I mean my mid fifties now. I feel like I'm starting to figure it out yet as part of the problem right by the time you realize the hustle, the foot game is almost like learning how to dance in their turn in the lights on Saddam. Probably also what contributed to all these fucked up civilizations is the people who live to be like thirty of your really lucky so you're, just constantly on momentum like running down hill, where you couldn't stop by and then the barbarian hordes cut your head off and then hopefully along the way you fucked and left behind some of your genes, and then they fought and people just died often these giant shocks when the rats came into your cities are carried fleas at him and then finally, we develop the ability to fight off diseases, collate ourselves from certain viruses?
the walls to keep out the barbarians build up stockpiles of foods. They we didn't have to constantly huh. And gather, and then everybody when I think you make something circular we can roll it call it a wheel and then, instead of pushing things long and then they set in the EU, could argue that that agriculture and that civilization was the downfall, but you could are also argue. It was the beginning of real thought, the beginning of relax thought because, had the opportunity to innovate. While you had the surplus of food that you could have people who thought for a living, yeah and then the machine slowly starting to plot our demise. They started with the get listless and could be a wheel man I can carry out putting on. I gave an easier for you, hey do you know if you just fuckin make a silo, you could put all your grain in the silo, yeah exactly have stockpiled. In next thing you know you get Steve Jobs, oh yeah, Lily,
I mean. I remember in the past, when the eighties, when my boss gave me a beeper puzzling, o cool, I get a beeper now and within two days is like You might as well put a fuckin leash around my shadow. It's like this isn't helping me. This is for you, you fuck about people that are required to answer emails over the weekend, yeah there's a lot of jobs that you required answer emails at night, the weekend. You have to constantly be aware. You have to have your fathers who certain companies that require people that are employees to have their phone with. No vacations- are turned on so that an emails come in through for the company instantly answer them. Even when you're not gonna, work, you're working, you you jobs, especially when it comes to Silicon Valley and these really very competitive tech industries. There's a lot of like debate as to when you should not have to answering email. When is it? Ok give boss, send you an email at seven o clock at night. You don't respond to six clock in the morning when you wake up Awayward, as you could get in trouble,
and therefore can drug testing you Petra. You know smoke we'd fuckin last, we can do. Come to work and to thank you for You're kidding me this is slavery, doubt ones not that S. Slaves were moving back to Spain, but indeed, oh are you oh yeah? Really I mean this was always a temporary visit. This was a slow nomadic trip through northeast Portland and then Spain. Well, he was, I mean first, there was Vancouver Right, Canada and then we're in Nicaragua for the winter. Then we went back to incur the we came to allay for the winters. When dinner, you and I Duncan started doing there parade and all that I was living in Topanga. But it's all right, like a slow move, and then we went to Portland for a year and a half and now we're gonna go back to Barcelona. What made you decide? back here. What we are always plan into go back and we we sort of flirted with may be staying for a while, but
I was a doctor and for her to get a licence in the. U S would mean like going back to medical school. Essentially, what she's not going to do right again She really likes Working Shazam worked in four years, while we ve been traveling so that's an issue like if she's gonna continue practicing but also just we really like Spain and I've lived in Spain most of my life by in Barcelona longer than I have lived anywhere else real about barcelona- that more appealing in America. You know when I first got to Spain felt. I I travelled a lot and I was actually on my way somewhere else, but I got robbed him united ended up hanging out. In The way spanish people see life is Much closer to the way I see life and So even though raised in America, I never felt like country, never really made sense to me how well like
we're just talking about legwork materialism, materialism Eve. You know, that's all about money, spanish people, that the expression is we work to live. We don't live to work, grey the other? Now like spanish cars, There's no cup holder. If you won't do you want during pull over in a cafe and get a drink there, no to go cups. You wanna call! DORA Cafe they really yeah. There's it's like so much to tell them about cups. It lives on a first round. Those helps crazy, civilized, even fuckin cave people set ups. You know, even though Spain is you know, officially a catholic country there's so much more chilled out about sex about, sex outside a marriage like whatever just don't tell me about it. That's the sort of normal way to deal with it. Women no, You look. I've lived in Spain twenty three years or something right. I get accustomed when I see a beautiful woman, I look at her.
And she knows I'm looking at her and she appreciates it and she smiles, and I smile and everybody's happy come to him take a look at a woman like that you're fuckin rapist right, you know I raping me. Have you heard that micro? In rations I mean fuck, your micro grazed enough? I don't want to hear it you're, not a fucking dwarf. I don't wanna hear about Gimme a break in this country's just knots, man and like it in feel bad because there there. I love people here, a great friends here there a lot of things I love about it, like you, know, work why It's the best place to be by life wise FARC. I love Spain. You got to lunch with a friend its problem Really gonna go till five or six o clock. There always hangs out yeah like restaurants, where I am sent in a restaurant, and we're talking the waiter first, while the waiters gonna come four times and ass. You know how is everything our you allow? The house you day going fuck you get away.
Turning to talk to my friend you around, there have them, those countries that are still working on that this work is fuckin lunch, but my work and on that get out a year drive me crazy, TAT S true, percent. I go to Portland, I Fuckin Bureau, by a crisis and a cup of coffee there's a big Tipp jar. I run my credit card did ten percent fifteen percent you just handed me, a fucking bag and our cup on supposed to give you fifteen percent extra. Would that's cause bosses to fucking cheap to pay you a decent wage? That is true. That is exactly what it is. I, like the Tipp thing, because I like being generous unlikely option to make someone happy by giving them a nice Tipp, but it is kind of fuck that, like waiters in wages, is don't even make minimum wage right. That's that's! True, anymore soldier asked her that's crazy to me that that seems rude. It seems evil. It seems illegal, it's humiliating! Now
because they have to like smile and give you his fate cheerfulness. There was an article that was written recently about that about the emotional toll of requiring people to be artificially happy and that its not productive, and that, like the artificially happy people, that answer phones and ask questions, and- and how are you today, Sir and how's- everything like requiring people to do that work for you not only is it not productive it it it where's the mouth and it makes him less productive at other things, that you probably need them too, because there's like I'm, there's a mental there's, an energy that you need do that that you could be doing and direct towards something: that's actually productive news like failings One thing you want to be rude, but just being efficient is if you dont, have to have this like fake sort of smiley bullshit, but that, fake smiley. Bullshit people require it like, especially people were customers
the customer is always right, like that kind of nonsense, like this relationship or the customer, has to be massaging catered two. Instead of appreciate, is a fellow human beings, there's like an established relationship between the customer and employ the ER employee is rude. Sir. I'm sorry is there any way we can make it up to you. I don't know I might be taken my business outlandish yeah. You tell me if that was about friendship. You Billy Curlew, go fuck off, make a new friend dickhead Spain that's the reaction, you'll get ass. Well, that's nice! You go into a shop BC, the in Spain. I bitch all the time to write so take. You will agree to sell, but you may each about Spain well, the way they can waiter the people a rude. If exactly that is true, that we want the obvious nine service is not as good it's not no, because they don't get paid tips and they don't give a fuck. We should probably give a fuck like this should be up there
middle ground there somewhere I think that is the middle ground dried. I think, like in Spain, you go into a shop to buy whatever and the woman's on the phone with her boyfriend. She gonna finish your conversation before she comes to help you right but I mean, for example, I went to Spain a few months ago to renew my residency paperwork and all that anyway, a typically spanish experience where this kind of thing in America. You would, you know, go online and fill out this thing and you call the IRS and be on hold, and then you get some grumpy asshole in Philadelphia and buddy. Would all had done pretty quickly in Spain. You go to this office and there, like any our Yonah, really friendly a nice at all, no its, not this office. You have to go to this other officer. Sorry, ok here the other. Is there really nice but ass, another right office? Either they misinformed you and but no got any like mileage, as they say in Spanish, which is like bad milk literally which, like bad intentions. So
it's three days and its kind of a pain in the ass, but it is, repainting ass, because you're having fun all the time. Everyone's nice array, the Roman, are beautiful. Sir NICE in Spain, they're nice guys you can go. A cop in Spain and be like hey man. You know are clear- and I remember literally turnip part, my motorcycle on the rumble lessened in its no parking, but there are motorists because everywhere and there's a cop stand and right there. So I go over and I'm like I'm a foreigner aid. Can I put my bike here or not and he says legally now, but nobody will say anything. But can you imagine american coms- and maybe this sixty when, when with that of ever be said in this country after a long time ago, and see that the legal system is Spain, it's a problem. If your bothering someone naughty. Breaking the law. If you're making a law and Nobody says
thing. The cops don't give a shit. In America, it's the law, its did. You break the law, are you growing we'd on your terror? we're flying helicopters with infrared detectors to catch you not. Did your neighbors complain, or did you shoot somebody right in Spain like I grew we'd all my tears for twenty years. Nobody said a fuckin word: nobody cared wisely legal and Spain like a lot of things in Spain, its kind not kind is tolerated, and this is a really important cognitive difference between Spain and the. U S is tall, it's for ambiguity like like in Spain, alternative like oh there's, a parcel Madrid Soccer game. Really big deal right starts at eight o clock. Turn on the tv at eight o clock and there is still some fuckin sitcom on What's going on well, I'm running late in the day start in ten minutes or
It's just! Can you here, were you know, there's a lot of acuity and no one really cares if it's not causing a problem, whatever tat, whatever so we'd for a long time, we'd was illegal. Officially bites the cops didn't care. So like, if you're smoking, a joint on a playground and a complex by he's probably gonna, say dude what the fuck us go somewhere else get away from the playground. Kids! Here, that's what would happen. That's it! That's it if you give him shit, then maybe right it old escalate by have quotas. No not have no quotas, no property seizures, there's none. That stuff? That's minimum mandatory sentencing property seizures of people know about it. That would mean that they ve lesson them considerably Those things are horrific and what they ve done. The people
In addition, they drag people into legal system oftentimes that completely innocent buddy seizures and not necessarily in many AIDS, even a result of them catching you with something illegal, it's catching them with too much cash. A lot of people have got caught some. States. Having was North Carolina or South Carolina some states We were really bad with it, they would catch people it would be say like say if you were going to buy a car, wiki colleagues on the phone, how much you out of the car ten grand? Ok, I got it so get your ten and you cash driving over this guy's house by the car, and you have this and Grand get pulled over the cobbler. What you do ten grand I'm gonna buy a car while we don't believe you will take that ten grand, and so they would take them ten grand. In one case, this police department had been a margherita machine with a ten grand that they stole from people that they thought were buying drugs, so
a claim to think or by laying did think we stop and think about that they took them a monetary that wish to buy a drug machine, which is what a margarita machine is. I mean margarita mixer like what the FUCK man DEC, of corruption. That kind of sneak Yes, where you write it down and you make it legal quotes. Well, it's on the books searching owes acid acid forfeiture beer for people that are suspicious Serbia suspected for selling drugs, you have more an x amount of dollars on you. We can pull you up for that and they have to see who's that over and over again that one law to rip off law. Binding citizens and then drag them through the legal system for years at their own expense. So even if they get their money back the amount of time, its cost them and no obvious that time a lot of it is you're. Gonna lose work because at that time, and then hiring lawyers, legal fees and if you lose they just they robbed. You have to I'm in the money. If you can't prove where that money came from, like maybe your
really shitty with your taxes. You don't pay taxes, work for cash and you been I work in our judgment. Hashish she saved up a bunch of money. You can't you can't prove that that came from illegal means, you're fucked. Will I Everything else in this country is set up to fuck the person who can afford to defend them, set up even a creep. Your way, that's anti the way these countries, plus we set up where your guilty until proven innocent or have to prove yourself innocent practised by having currency on you, I mean and its last then someone makes in a year like the idea that you had savings, get the fuck out of here. You don't save anything dummy ensure that in some kid who sellen we'd live in whose parents basement, if they bust him, they take the parents house, parents had an ado with they'll take your car. They pull you over yet your car, they sell your car mean. There's been a lot of that going on over the past few decades Harrison's Just say no shit. When we saw on television with Nancy Reagan that that began the
can hysteria of this stuff and then acid forfeitures is just legal? I stealing- and it's you now fuckin billion dollar industry in this country league stealing, many legalised. You know bribery in the political system. How can you know area But I lobbyists are the Sofia Soup. MAX, I mean the whole of the whole This country is collapsing right eye You can see it. If you start reading these books, we're talking about, you can see the phase that wherein where phase. Now, where there are all these different industries that are set up to extract the Commonwealth. Literally, the wealth of the community is being pulled in a war, the wars in the Middle EAST, what that serving nearly people who benefited from any of that word. You know back tell and great here on and Halliburton, yet these guys who do this for a living. And Eisenhower himself said, do you know the military industrial complex when you get people who
make a living, with bombs and they need to be making bombs. Welt they're gonna blow those bombs up. They find a reason to use, as, of course, TAT was one of their creepy speeches ever and the most fascinating thing about it is that it was, sure I mean it was. It was broadcast on television, but if you didn't listen to it that time it was gone. He said it then it was gone and it was years and years and years later before, people started actually watching that, like in the fog of war, wasn't in the fog of war, and that is that the the Mcnamara move? Yes, it might not have been in that, but but regardless its death We avail Bonn you together and I've watched disorder in the preparation of you seem to have held. Yes, a dance has a great doc, very good document as a creepy documentary when you realise that when they compare corporations psychopath and the idea of the infinite growth paradigm is usually make me like. If you make up billion dollars a year ago, while you're successful woody
next year olds can make a billion again. Will you fuckin loser? You have to make a billion one girl alien to row. Infinite growth like that is what the stock, It's all about right, consistent, infinite growth apple consists we make more money every year. They have to make more money. Google. Every year you know every fuckin company they have to make more money. You can't Chris Ryan enter. Rises. Is you have to conduct Lee being the black Chris. Why then bad news for my shareholder? We peak we decided to convert our dollar that whatever the fuck they haven't. Spain, with Spain money there in euros now used to be possessed, does so you do when you go over there. I sit back and let my fuckin wife work. I married and doktor dude. I thought I made
The doktor and, like I am said, I am said for life events. Are you were thinking the mariner while yet a little bit more elaborate obvious? Of course, I like there's also that added benefit the fact that she is in a good business. Well I mean the thing is: doctors in Europe. Don't make the kind of money factors make in the: U S right, but nor do they get oh go out, come out of college with two hundred grand and debt write so, but an This insurance is at all is now burden. Now I mean the whole thing is so apt up in the? U S, a good doctor like our normal sort of she's, a psychiatrist to psychiatry in Spain, gonna good. Variants whatever might make seventy grandeur year, some like that, like it since stable you, no good benefits everyone in Spain. Everyone in Europe gets at least a month off every year, that's cool paid the review you work in a shop you get a month off you what every day of the FAO
thirty days offered. They get like a week here. All thirty days use it when you wanna days in a row most and what you can do, if you want most people take August the month of August, like nothing, is happening. In Barcelona is empty real, month of August, yet it's amazing, but you don't like it The thing about spain- and I love- is that life is about pleasure the EP mean if we had a really boil it down there is no shame in pleasure and in a manner the pleasure, is shameful party thing that is why was it goes back to the puritan season? You know the original sort of influence, of the Puritans and that it got after up like we're talking about the war on drugs, in which I was a cobra factory in these unintended consequences. If you look It serve political ends to keep attacking. Outsiders who did have pleasure black people. Indians
again see another coming back again into fashion as the victims, you know, tat These brown, skins leisure supplies. You're, you know he'd interests because their their evil yeah? That's all evil. She put her dance. Nobody buys that should in Europe Footloose Spain anyway, this is done. We are in America, we made footloose again. He tried to remake footloose bugs that's interesting, though, with its also when you look it. America is so overwhelmingly infatuated with productivity. You know, I mean probing productive and get efficiency, yes sufficiency, and in our look at our workforce will work like there's a goddamn commercial. I think it's really shall I think it's the shell, commercial and there's an old ban and it's a weird, is fuckin commercial and its it. It's talking.
Out how hard this guy works, and this guy He's a farmer and he's like standing like a field of wheat and he's like you work hard, not because you have to, but because it's what you do some miles MIKE, what what are you saying that it's almost like you're trying to trick people into working hard, so they can tell people there. It is almost. This is the guy cook we play this. Despite this consensus, go full screen, so fuckin, bizarre one of the weirdest commercials man, I always weird I can cause, is they this commercial during hunting shows not because you have to now because some boss, but because that but you were born, did now access to get closer misguided? The best we can
a smiles. What you're born to do! Thank you. Thank you for working hard from the number one heavy duty engine oil in America. What the fuck kind of a commercial is that it's what you were born to do now. Here's! What kills me. The person who wrote those words doesn't work for Shell here for an advertising agency that they hired to that yeah. That old man he's a fucking actor yeahs the noble The who works for shall really had anything to do with that. You know so let the classic commercial we here Chevron, we believe that Lambro Black and then you see other people with clipboards and hard hats of various racial backwards. None of those people work for Fuckin chevron of I'm, the guy, you read, the words doesn't work, the guy he was reading. The words doesn't work. There is a note Chevron he's like isn't it. City? That's did that there is no they're they're right is it. Collection of people designed to collect money
and it's not even the people who matter because the all those people could quit tomorrow and shovel would still exist. They just tire more people, so chevrons like the whirlpool and the people are the water. You know, that's it That's part of this whole thing, I'm learning, but you know, did you see that commercial speaking of irritating american commercials there was one Nicholson Superbowl, even where there's like a dude. Walking through the house and he's like what I'll have the best of the best cause. That's what I am and that's what I do and he like high fines. Is kid Cadillac Commercial, under that it was the year design, it was so fuckin annoying glad I have the best, because that's what I said. I am what we work harder. We play harder, it is about America row
What happened to browse road use? You be cool, you know that goes into frat. I now bono bazooka someone brow used. We was eyebrow issue, Ok is to be like a black thing. In fact, it started out and white people ruined it like we re always like guys, ruin brow sub broke like that used to Ok, bravo You called me brow, I'm a brother, its short for brother, but now Bro is like to do this thing. Someone could call you he's or one of the things that people love to throw around is especially in fitness industry is Bro Science and saying when there's a lot like really wacky ideas when it comes to athletics in some some people that they have ideas it don't necessarily have any scientific background to them and they can Bro science is full of Bro Science, Burma, since Europe Roma,
but romances now you love a guy. That's like other guys. Awesome I gotta romance Rebecca and there's a guy is light as there's like this, someone was teaching me the. What is it a handshake shoulder one arm dedicate their varying yeah yeah. There's like a grip. I got and Manly thumb up grip and then the one and if you really do she give a couple slaps on yeah, there's for that too. That's like I'm, not gay, slapped advancing people slab each other, pretty goddamn hard doing that where that doesn't feel good. Here's another thing: I love about Spain, you kiss girls always on the mouth when you know when on the cheeks, when uranium pussy You mean a woman, you kiss kiss
Ok, then I'll come to American. It's like a hi. How are you write like keep four feet away from me? Maybe a rapist, your eye, raping the morality of radio and looking at them, you fucking crazy over fifty. Fifty look. Fuck is wrong with you. Don't you have grandchildren supple weight on when you think about about Donald Trump target about how hot his daughter is decent? Do you think you're? So, this became a big problem because he said he said no I'd. My daughter she's one of the hardest. You know most beautiful one alive and he said What if I were thirty years younger and not her dad The fact is that me, Jesus Crane one, if he's jerked off to his daughter to say, look just a thought no one's gettin heard here alone. My dear I made her
I don't know it's weird thing to say is the thing to say, but I think it's better to say it van to think it and give it power right. Right, I think saying shit. Again? You know back to the whole Spain? U s they in. Erica there is fought crime and Spain, you think you know, maybe I'm romanticizing Spinelli, there a long time, but The thing I really like about living in Spain is that I I speak the language well enough to. I I'm paying attention. I know what everyone saying, but if I'm not paying attention it I'll just becomes rhubarb rumbling around. In the background nice, like jazz, yeah sort, it led only going to get elevator music. When I was in high school, there was someone, wrote a paper fertile article, four, the local school paper and our member most things from ice.
So long ago, but I remember this one article this kid wrote about what they make you do, the boy scouts and it was bout the tenants of the boy scouts wherever they were, but one of em about keeping your thoughts pure and he wrote something that was really cause. You know I was here really smart kid. We should remember who it was, but he Why do I have to keep my thoughts pure because Things that I like about my thoughts that they're mine there and I can think, whatever I want is ongoing. Raising that harms anybody. Why? you care what my thoughts are in a reading now thy wow. That's so rightly. What what does that mean? Keep your thoughts pure! guys in jail now, probably maybe George Carling did a great thing on that in terms of Catholicism and how he said like this is like class clown way back re out. I remember I was a little kid. My dad got that record. I remember the one other bits in there was like you know.
Catholicism. If you think about sitting, you ve, already sent you think it over feeling up Sally at the weekend. Save your time, you're, you're already use in new, didn't it's done right. Impure thought, yea, impure thoughts at straight out and Christianity, while the also the confession confessionals, one of the most bizarre Nicholas ideas on the table. Any redress is it and it was invented to make sure that people weren't do anything wrong. I mean that the priest would immediately report to any higher ups of any illegal activity here, stealing or Reno adultery or fornication, whatever the fuck, it would be We re about the crazy shit where people were fuckin animals in the middle ages and they would have trials answer times the animals would be executed for being overly seductive. You know, I'm not you brought this up. I read something recently about this guy
now with the story was, but it was the animal trials it was about. Animal tried, it might have been a disease, are there we frat or anything could be I don't know I ever friend who just wrote a book. The boundaries of desire He's a historian whose focuses on now sexuality and his first book was sex and punishment and it was sort of like from the origins of civilization to the end of the nineteenth century and in bound desires a twentieth century, so he writes about crazy legal shit- and you know the Comstock laws they made it illegal to em in early twentyth century. America, too, were to even each sex education to women, like you couldn't even teach women how they get pregnant. That was illegal because of this crazy for awhile I've always wondered what it is about people that makes them like its oftentimes, like some
the earliest imprinting with pleasure that makes people attracted a certain isis work. Fetish is come from and I always wondered like like some people are like just oh the attracted to extremely overweight women like for whatever reason that just locks in to them that their thing and avoid Honor like what is about sexuality Sexual equality is like malleable, like you can kind, kind of adjusts to like what your earliest Prussians of I got her stories of guys who caught their mom. I'm putting on pantyhose wants when they were like really young, for the rest of their life became like fascinated with a fetish of women. Pantyhose, unlike don't jerk off on patios and pantyhose rubbed in their Dixon becomes is weird sort of a sexual imprinting thing right
yeah one of the interesting differences between male and female sexual development is that women don't seem to have that women appear. It's a goddamn, erotic, plasticity, women! our plastic throughout their lives. So it's easy. For them to adapt to different situations now, sometimes that works against them right because they fall in love with a mass, all abusive, asshole or whatever. But Men have a dog mental window generally from like five to nine years of age somewhere in there and jack. Please you described it if there is a particular experience that they have during that time. It can resonate with them for the rest of their lives in the once that window clauses. That's it it's done so. You know, as you say, it could be pantyhose. It could be read high heels, it could be, you know whatever it is they got that association and they can never not how
they'll have it for the rest of their lives. Some people argue that pedophilia is a result of the same sort of thing and I have argued not in writing, but I've. I've mentioned it on the podcast I think than theirs. Form a manifestation of homosexuality, of what we call homosexuality, which is really a fetish, there is more, is better described as a fetish, experienced by a straight ma, am and I'll. Tell you what I mean by that. Let's say you you're Bourns, there's there is definitely a genetic component to sexual orientation rights, guinea, back to where we started like how much is genetic, how much easier spiritual so just as a seven year old boy
it can have an experience with bs. Seeing someone with pantyhose- or you know, whatever is under the table and his moms friend comes and she's got red high, yield shoes and he's got a hard on and soda associates. The two what, if that even your boy has an experience with another boy or within a man or an adolescent or whatever right, so This guy taxes decker whatever it is. And so he's got this very deep association between have you, man sucking his dick and this incredible pleasure, even though, straight he's got that association, so for the rest of his life. He could have that association in the same way that another boy has association with pantyhose or tie you choose or whatever it's a fetish not his orientation, So then, what you ve got is a straight guy who, as a fetish for getting a blow job from a man, so
once in a while. He goes down to the truck stop and you know has this experience he gets caught Everyone says: oh you're, closeted gay man, and he's thinking. I don't think I am, but I dont know what the fuck I am all I know is I love my wife. I too have sex with my wife, I'd idea, I'm not. I could never fall in love with a man. I never think about having a relationship with a man but man. I love it when this guy, with a mustache suck my dick so I've never really wanted to write about this, and the reason is, I think, a could play into the hands of Christians who are arguing that you can pray the gay away? Yeah, you see right, right, because in a case like that, I think there could be a therapeutic solutions where solution or just a wreath therapeutic treatment. They could have some value, but
in my case I would never say that there's a sickness there. I would you say it's a fetish, like some people into latex year into that. Totally makes sense. I mean it's. There are weird things that people get sort of bonded too they have their sexuality gives bonded to always men year, almost never women You'll, never find a woman who can't com. You know she's not sniffing later that's a robber renders a dominatrix. I dared not she's more than it only she's a humiliate tricks. You may humiliate tricks that actually the next level she's specializes in due to get off on being humiliated, and I had her on the podcast she's? Really smart, really interesting, and it's not her thing. She
stumbled into such as to business for her. It's a business she's like shell oil of dick slapping. We hear it humiliated, we suck did not because we want to make as well where which never meets the dude sits. All internet one of the best things about it, is she's, got phone lines, dedicated to guys who get off on being ignored pondering you fix it up. Ok, I'll, be right. Back puts the fund Ngos per day and long in all areas, guys who get off and being ignored by another Greek ignored by a profound ignore she sells her socks, her panties, her old tennis shoes heard toenail clip
her hair, her select she away. She got into. It was she's living in Japan and she was like seventeen or something and she was corresponding with some guy online and like he was trying to pick her up and she wasn't into it. But he was funny says she corresponded with em, one point he said she said: I gotta go, take a piss and he said I don't throw them put it in a bottle. I buy it from you like John, come on. You foolish he's. No seriously trust me, I will ourselves dino, two hundred bucks or whatever so she puts she pieces in a bottle and she sends it and there's too, buck shows up in her couch like this is ensured that there must be, we're guys, let us out there so she's you know investigating, and she finds that the world is full of these duties seriously Sierra lent its
I'm a writer Nancy Wedding Day of check out of sight. She's beautiful. Where does she live? Lives in Portland see its, but she spoke C E. A are a Sierra Lynch yeah she's got guys but she's been on shoes on show on HBO recently, some section I was on it to you, profiled she's, you know she's a public figure, that's hilarious, Duncan used to no girl who would ashes How can you know a girl, humiliate tricks, extraordinaire, congratulations, young lady! He found an excellent niece nature as it were Duncan knew a girl who had the seller socks and she would wear them for days at a time to get him like really stinging, uninsured, seldom to deeds. And now I come here barks at a time so like that was her thinks you're. Just we weren't socks all time than sending him to people simply gig cats. Didn't
for doing what you do and everywhere. I guess I don't know something weird about the idea of being connected to these people that are so fucked up. They want your stinky socks yeah, although, as you know, as things go getting back to finishes yet Cyrillic really harmless This thing you know and the fact that Now people can engage these things in a more or less open way What worries me with her she'd, she was telling me like their guys, really get, often being blackmailed. So these guys would give her. Like other bank count, numbers passwords. And then they would send her photos of, like you know, like me with a dildo up my ass and now her job is to written to tell the wife
yeah, I'm gonna tell your wife. If you know my give me five hundred dollars and oh no, please don't tell my wife and you gotta, help me It's kind of crazy. You know it, but and I said to her like you know well, and she said, like I'd, never contact wives because they have an agreed to participate in this. I'm not gonna. Do the less well off of her nation has to be professional she's approach, but I said to her will like what about the banking house using. I would never I don't mind. That would be a crime, even if the guy gave it to me. I said you, but what? If your email attacked and she's like oh and thought of that, There are some russian kid that email, that's a lot of stuff there. Why that's an interesting thing. Well, maybe they you guys a separate humiliation bank account just hopes. Yeah I mean carbon, but to get a real rush. You'd have to give her you're real bank cavalier tat the real full like fire.
I could be ruining my life. I know another woman whose specializes in kicking deeds in the balls I've seen that girl step on them. They step on guys balls, high he'll shoes, stomp bottom, you lose a ball like that, the way, the supervising things down it so terrifying I'm so boring, I mean I spend time with all these. Like really kinky people, but, like I like acts, all sex acts they sick, Well, you know fucked up, that's sorry, but is it back to or saying about people being sexually malleable like what do you think that is it because people couldn't have like a very rigid or men rather couldn't have a rigid idea. What sexually tract of causes that they did if their standards are too high, then they wouldn't report and so, in times of demanding in a wet work like
John Margo Allegro, who is one of the young, led scholars. It was deciphering the dead sea squirrels. He wrote this book called the sacred mushroom in the cross, and it was said that is its great book and it was bought up by the catholic church actually and personally, I only find it in it for a while could only find it in used form, but now Yon Urban is republish technique and you can get it again. He wrote another one called christian sacred mushroom in the Christian Sacred Mushroom and cross and something debts. He said the christian myth and it's essentially about that. What the it's his after studying the disease fourteen years, it's his interpretation that what the what Christianity was really all about was the can option of psychedelic, mushrooms and fertility courts and that fertility back there
was extremely important as extreme important breed because we we didn't have this luxury that we have today of like people say sugar on the pill manage our pregnant fuck would ideally people wanting to get people pregnant because the human population was not guaranteed like there was a very real possibility that you would come into a village that was empty, exemplary died. They died of play. Or they were invaded or whatever the fuck it was. They didn't have enough people and now there's no one and your name doesn't pass on so that this was like a real possibility. So people is the idea of being sexually Malik malleable that people can adapt to almost any thing to become attracted to just make sure that they are attracted to something that common something and make a person whether its overweight women are skinny. Women are this or that that it can move around and that occasionally it gets imprinted at this. Like the thing that you really into and that in times of great access,
bore slovenly, unlike like today, like you like, idea that you goggins at a fetish of being blackmailed like what is that, let's go to my fuckin free time is clearly much money too much money to its free days are starving to death. That's gonna goes out their picking mushrooms, trying to find somebody edible to eat us. Guided like sitting around trying to figure out a way to occupy is fucked up mind because oh, it's too easy to just live like he does have real survival concern yeah. Well, we ve ratifies power which which ties into that I've read that one One source of clientele for a lot of these sorts of women is muslim. Deeds who won be forced to eat pork in an erotic, charge her legs
This makes sense right makes sense. I mean, I often think, like you know getting back to like my boring sexuality. Part of the reason that I am not kinky is that I'm not repressed right. You know and in a way it's light is like a steam engine. If you don't have that container and build the pressure, you don't get that explosive release? So if you, just kind of like you, whatever you know, I get laid, sometimes in my leg, women and like it's great but I mean I wonder if healthy is less. Exciting then crazy, what is crazy? Exciting to you, though, because crazies now exciting to me, I got five. The humility humiliate tricks. I absolutely believe her. I believe that she has like a series of guys at one or two shit in their face or whatever the hell it is, but to me silly I dont get it like. You know
Well, but are those guys haven't stronger orgasms than you and me could be binding? cost candidate steal your bank need is come like a lean. Maybe what I mean is that that fuckin, brief experience of coming You know I mean how much it would all you have to do. You want to come really hard, it's just not come for awhile right really need have soared. Kick you in the bows shit near ere. I think that you can do Do it just like go without water tastes, amazing when you daddy water. For while you know when you haven't had water for awhile guy the greatest thing in the world. But when you how time, because normally you want you want a diet, Coke knew, but if you're starving or dying of thirst. Rather you, you would just love.
Yet that water in your mouth, I think that's kind of same thing with sex, and that's where I think a lot of perverts fuck themselves over because it just jack off data yet blisters on their dick in and they have to find a new way to hold their deck, where it doesn't hurt as much and you you when you do come, It's your chasing. The dragon like doesn't feel good anymore, but if you can just take a few weeks off you would be so warning that when you did come into your ears would rang it built, but you can't hold it hold off long enough. Then you get to the promised land which counselor Dreams, oh yeah. I get those after three days seriously. Three days of no sex man you're, just a strong levels must be through the reported in their day. Hair sure than through the room I added. I should probably try that now that I know help I'm a creep with our creed, whence you reach creep age. What you need is t, what while the unilateral US, like us,
of shame. For some people do not want to admit that, like testosterone, replacement therapies like a shameful thing like people, Ask me, and then I told them I gotta take testosterone and they go like White and, like you tell pieces admitting it like? Might look it's it's a chemical component of your body, it's like your body was lacking in blood. You just simply add blood to an idea or better wooden. Wouldn't you do that, but for whatever you, testosterone is associated with being a man. I also have hypo thyroid ism, its Hush Motors Disease, its genetic, my mom has it and other my family of it. So I take the stuff called armor Roy, that is its formulated from pigs thyroid and its great makes me feel way better about heavens from your problem to forests. Taken I could these crazy headaches. At night, like my head, was pounding that, though, some really wrong with me out fall asleep like mine out, falsely buzz, I got shot with Tranquilizer darling. I get the
the day I saw so wiped out. I can figure out what it was and so our wows on fear factor. I had some real issue with it. Like my fuckin headaches would be crazy. You so tired. At the end of the day, and then I got my blood tests done, but I too, but that I take forward medication and nobody would bad. I, like. Oh, you replaced our hormonal, that's logical. You tell people that Europe place your testosterone now like war. What the fuck you didn't do you have to know deftly dont have to. If I take it, if I stop doing it, will have less testosterone that I have now, but I won't feels good than simple its. To you to not abuse it, though, because if you abuse it like their guys, especially as a member may, fighters have like tested like these hyper human levels that are not even safe, like they're, really the current dangerous, because the ideas that more is better and just keep going harder and harder, but you really shouldn't do that because it needed develop. Anxiety is alot. Different things have happened when you do illegal or age and stuff. I'm. U can definitely get right
age, you? U deftly get more upset at things more easily, but a lot of people they develop actual anxiety. You, you have anxiety, attacks from having an excess of test. Strong start getting paranoid and then get where did out about things. It's just a matter going to an ethical doctor that really understands what they're doing and then make sure you're you're not taking too much of it you're doing right. You just want to stay within like healthy, consistent standard. The old sphere your immune system or function better, but people don't like to talk about it because it like you, have to that somehow another you needed that you have to, with your aging, after eight years of shameful again it's it's amazing. They also you're taking it not to like you know, combating disease you're, taking it to feel better death, which is pleasure,
which is shameful pleasure during what are you gonna, feel good all the time with, along with my issue with marijuana too in I tell people lead people to avoid body need pot. It's not that I need it. Joy I enjoy it and it gives me more pleasure. It gives me no pleasure when I watch movies. It gives more pleasurable to eat food, and it gives me more pleasure have sex zone feels way better when you take marijuana but an embarrassing thing to admit for some people whatever, for whatever reason, I love how the word needs comes. How, and why do you need a brow I dont need. We too have fun, who the fuck anyone needed anything here. You now allow unevenly toothpaste, moralist. If I dont use toothpaste, my teeth will be less clean, but don't need. I think, it's weird oil were weird man, we're weird and also that we don't want it. We don't want a factor in our own mortality. We don't want to address it. We do not want to admit it. Saving that you'd going to mitigate. That is a weakness,
you doing to combat anti aging is just vanity in Alec, but I aren t you. I have more energy because of it again. I know I do. I know I feel better. I can get done. I get more things done in my body works more efficiently, especially someone like me than enjoys doing things there. Physically acted like martial arts, Jujitsu like without the test faster and without growth hormone and thyroid hormone and all these different hormones that are functioning at their optimum levels. You bought it it's not gonna work as well. It's like having a race car. Do you don't take care the spark plugs he d, you don't, you know, you don't replaced the oil is, let it dry until that fuckin engines seizes up and then you're done. That's nature. That's nature that, but that's not nature, because why we getting vaccinated, then you know why taking vitamins, then why am I going to the doctrine getting checkups? Why don't I just like cancer eat my body? Why get chemo? While you know ways just natural like that,
weird ideas of what you shoot in there. All those weird ideas are not based on critical thinking and objective analysis that is based standards at somehow another someone else's as set forth Chevron you were born. Where card did you learn to why we are you? The same thing would like these sex pills. I now the female Viagra and stuff like it's bad, near what it doesnt work. There because of what we're saying. No, because the because aware we're time earlier, the plasticity that women were. And sexuality isn't about blood flow right man, if you make your dick hard, your horny the as in eating, ridden engages nerve endings- and you know like that- might excited. I fuck some in Cleveland guys get like a p boner iguana, guys like that if women don't notice, when men have to urinate and your wake up in the morning and your your dick is high
It's not because your horny a lot of times it's because you have to pay morning would yeah and that's what morning would as, but you can use that morning would like you could use like any regular old boner knew so when a guy wakes up- and he has a boner Jill oftentimes like we're on our way that you know that it becomes a hammer that looks like this looks like a thing to use right here. Excellent work you have on average three erections per night if you eight hour really. So why are sleeping you're getting boner yeah? That's one of the ways they test to see if your raw impotence is psychological or physiological they'll put like a little pieces, paper tape on year on year, and in the morning if the tape is torn, and you had an erection at night said- means your body, your blood, for fine, it's ahead thing! Weird! You have done higher ribbon run you don t. They re routing, Sarah lonely in the middle of the night, for the hostages,
strange, but a strange thing x is where I mean you, you asked a question earlier about this. You know. What's the purpose of the finnish generation, you know module in the mail brain another ass thinking well too things whiny insects it on. We talked about animals cause. This appears to be not only human thing but com. Two male mammals as well of other species, there was one experiment where the sky things Scotland took all the head heard of a sheep and a herd of goats and when you're, he took all the baby's any put them with the other busy. So now all the baby goats are living with the sheep and other baby. Sheep are living with the goats and he let them live with that species till they reached sexual maturity point, they were having sex with the south
go to having sex with the sheep and the cheaper having sex with a gun. I then he takes them and puts them with their own species, ok and what happened was the females were like whatever, then they were now so now the female sheep are having sex with the male sheep right there were switch, back, but the males refused the man who came here who had been raised with the other species like now, I'm a goat, fucker, sorry, not interested because they had been imprinted. Why so the females just went with, but was there? The males are like Nana. That's not makes are ants really interest air. That's really interest in. It star strong. We also talked about that. I remember there were some interviews with thumb: a guy there is one there was a guy who had a disease where his body suddenly stopped making testosterone and he described, Juno. Eventually he was diagnosed and started taking supplements, but he does
How did he would anyone like all it wasn't, about sex. It was all pleasure stopped. He was like. I didn't give a shit about music. I don't give a shit about food I give a shit about relationships. I just was like glass, a about everything, and then there is another one where we quoted as someone who is going through a sex change from female to mail- and she talked up like when she was a woman. She was a lesbian and she lived in Manhattan and she was talking about like yeah. I'd be on the subway and I'd see and attractive woman, and I think I wonder what she's like, and nor can it food she's into which his reading in there and then when she was transitioning to male, she started taking testosterone and she's. At once. I started taking testosterone I'd be on the subway and I'd see the same kind of woman, and I just be like tat. Cunt
She said it really gave me insight and compassion for adolescent boys, Chow bono said that yeah. She said that when, while he said that when he transition from being female mail that he understands it back The longest time like never understood man and is just alien to him, and then once you start taken testosterone, usually guys so fuckin creepy. Is overwhelmed by this demon inside. We call testosterone that you require in order to be happy to enjoy anything in life I think that happens to men with terms brain injuries is that pituitary gland gets damage to stop producing testosterone, they get deeply depressed and one of them, ass ways mitigate that or supplementing them with testosterone. Cures, a lot of depression that a lot of these soldiers go through when they come back from a war is traumatic,
erratic brain injury, just disrupts opportunities ability to function. You know one of the weak when Sir typical situation get a guy, like my Dr Mid fifties, been married along time, monogamous typical mid, I've crisis has sexual his secretary and then suddenly it's like holy shit. You know I'm in love rain why you think, he's in love, because food tastes better colors are brighter everything's, more interesting why's that because his testosterone, levels of Ghana, one of the only things you can do without supplements to increase disaster is have sex with a new woman Your body responds to you having sex with a new woman with a spike in testosterone production. So He's got this t Ellen T levels he thinks he's in love, slot in love
just fuckin someone new for the first time in twenty years, so he divorces his wife because now he's in love with this woman, who seems to have the keys to the fucking universe that wears off a couple of years and now is how, even more funds anyone before what that's. Also the key to this whole mid life crisis thing we're guys by sports cars. You know resorts, while also sports cars like literally driving a sports car elevates or testosterone, especially when you're quota quote p, cocking. I shall have J Leno driving them out. Even tat was good episodes. I believe as go when you're driving around people, especially potential young mates females. They could see you re testosterone rises when you're in this car and even talking and flirting with, but essential young girls that you may one day have sex with just being around them. Raises your testosterone near just a possibility. I wonder getting
this year, I wonder if some of those guys were buying her panties if there I'm getting testosterone surges, probably they're, getting something's happening rioters, getting some kind of dopamine Honan. Some sort of a rush. Definitely panties have you ever heard fecal transplant, yes, yeah. That now I mean exhorted goes back to the word argument awry illogical to really interesting, what's fasting, how many things at cures and how many people have? I rarely thousand die from seed official in infestation every year and with Figel transplant Ninety, eight percent, recovery rate within hours, knots its crazed within hours, yeah yeah, the violence go organism the idea of the biological organism being an individual has been completely debunked like that's what probiotics are all about me. I am a big fan of probiotics I drink, whereas it brain must left in my car
drink computer. Every day I drink that shit like water, I drink two or three of them a day. I am a big fan, I mean I spent a lot of my younger years travelling in Central America and Asia and stuff. And When I'm in Amerika, I put on way no part of its that the food and drink beer. Bubbly, more beer that, sir, here you gotta beer, it's a pint, Spain! You get a beer, it's about half a pint real, yet come yet again, Spain is the different fibre servings of everything or smaller, air quality like really good and tasty, but small, so U, yours are allowed grass FED food too. Oh yeah, you don't get that corn federal deck and Monsanto Gmos. In that whole thing, they're they're kicked out of a lot of countries, but yeah in pesticides, a friend of mine in the wine importation business, and he deserves
need some organic wines and he said he was in honour of his Spain or France, and he is like I should get organ certified you know we can charge more and there like. What are you talking about like? We would never put pesticides on our grapes, You know like the rats crazy, like we don't need the say it like. Nobody would do that road tolls, it's a very different culture, but I think the, because the cheese is in the things are alive there ass neither can import the ham. Even you can import Spanish now they ve changed, that you can start, but yeah food is alive, so the micro rhythm microbiology is very different media. I gotTa India. I lose weight quickly, part of its cause. I have fuckin dysentery, Five is because you feel bags. Nobody else is arriving. There was an article recently about grey market foods in New York City.
And of get oh something I read on line and might have been from dig saving you find it on Digg thing it is from dig. So I get a lot of my interesting news stories, but they were talking. This one particular type of cheese that is very difficult to get. And it's it's cured with cheese, mites idea, these mites in if the miser of a certain number per cheese becomes a legal, too important to America like it's, a very sketchy like how you do it, but over in France, or where the fuck they grow. This cheese, where it's really popular it just gets Fuckin, lousy with might and that that's you get the real flavour of this cheese and it's like a naughty sort of a sweet taste to this cheese, and a lot of is attributed to the fact that, first of all they dont use. Marginalized pasteurized milk is raw milk and they make their choice. Which is the way to make the best cheese keeps the enzymes in it and then they're, not scare
of all these funky organisms. Yet this is it the grey market foods. Have you scroll down, you'll see that cheese, it's a sort of like a orange looking weird fuckin cheese. That's a regular dialogue, yeah that stuff, and if you make that about a large, so we can read it it's it's works really weird this guy was talking about how good it tasted They saw the unique way they alter the aging process, the presence of Mites FDA no the cheese out as a potential public health hazard how'd. He said me more. Let me Mallette has been banned and made illegal for sale in the. U S and indigenous indignant consumers staged protests, looks cool, Electra peace that definitely have the one thing we did on fear factor to make things more disgusting. Was we
he's, really expensive cheese. We mixed really expensive cheese and, with some of the stuff to give at this horrible fuckin rotting smell expensive cheese. What do they call a cheese place? name for one of those places, and I know it's called but had a cheese place in Beverly Hills, and so we descend these people work for fear, factor, to Beverly Hills is super expensive cheese place by this really expensive hard to get cheese and stuff like death, and we were poor that onto whatever the fuck they had to eat, they would make them more more report still have like french people on Ed Villa Boola, well, Filipinos, I've, I've bunch of friends or Filipino, and they would always be like if we serve people balloon and but is a chicken or a duck embryo like the folds? Will embryos inanity the and they were like? That's we love that like lemme. Get me I'll. Show you ever made
many were name on the show on this yeah yeah, that's cool, I'd, I'd love to meet him! Sometimes a great guy he's. Oh he's interesting care hill. It anyway well he's he's gotten like super into Jujitsu, The pencil arrays reads every day with Hansel Everyday, sometimes twice a day. And his wife and his kid who do a job as fifty years already started fifty eight now it just earned? His bluebell started recently Alec within a year ago. I thought years long term thing with no. No, it's really recent really is, and I urge you men like risking getting hurt when you starts on like that old. Well, depends on how you do it and depends on who you do with, but absolutely near now. You're you mean if you got bad training partners indefinite get her, but you can deafening get hurt even with good training. Partners is weird. Shit happens Now you roll over ankle. You, your blossom, tendons out. You need fuck up diskin your back. It's all potential its deftly, not it's not fuck and video games and adds its real life,
deafening dangerous, especially for guy who's. Fifty eight who has no background of athleticism. Da all starts at a very advanced. Age and becomes completely obsessed with it at school. Yet is cool his original show that no reservation show really got me into the idea of food as an art form. Could I just thought of food is being of s good foods good. This is good places good to eat at didn't. Think of it is like. Oh this guy's making art the you taste. I when someone a great meal like that, experts as essential experiences that pleasurable experiences art, it's like someone's art giving you pleasure, through your taste buds through smells and you know like whenever good mealy smell it, you eat it like there's an art too, that I never really considered it. That way until I want to show and again that's a very european approach to food in America, food is fuel
yeah shove that sandwich down your throat get back to work there Spain, man, that's their or France. Sorry, ITALY, for A body whose an athlete- and he just he ali- thinks about food as fuel use, unrequired tastes like those eat it just ask what food as few on my Wyatt silent. You heard about that. Well soiling, green era that movie they named. After that. I have what is its these guys in Silicon Valley who coding area, and there like, were I just wanna work twenty four hours and want to stop any that waste the time, and so they can they like develop this food. Worse, this good gossip, the aegis, squeeze out of a tube, and it's got everything you need and soil. There are a gay weren't. So it's yea, just like very M, be good for you to look at it nine bucks a month. A jeweler sway protein or that's gonna, make it rotates
vitamins and minerals anyway you're bored about it's weird where's. The pleasure. There's no pleasure that some nasty it's one thing. Fuck an astronaut Yoda surviving the space station with stuffy squirt your mouth, but this is like You have the abundance of the earth in you choose to escort paste in your mouth instead, we'll see. Maybe this is part you know this is this movement. You were talking about right because getting us to eat shit that doesn't up space, and we don't need clean air. We don't need healthy oceans, you know, that's too, That's in the interest of the technology right him. If, if you see that's where we're going. If you think that that's where we're going, then oh, how these things start to fall into place and make sense in a weird way, I mean, I read the other day that the tuna Dogs in the Pacific Ocean are down like forty percent in the last twenty years. That's incredible that
procedural dreams of sushi. You know I've got it on. Someone gave it to me. I haven't seen it by resisted for a long time, but can we would have tell me I wasn't like one or two Fuckin guy Macon sushi who grosch it, but it's good. It's really great, and one of the things that they show in this movie is when he was what what it would be like going to the fish market in Japan is fuckin stacks of tuna tuna was so abundant and then they overfishing is, made a massive impact on the fish supplies literally me. Look at how God big the ocean is the fact that we put it down in it at all, is shocking. More than a dense network of in three quarters of the fucking Earth said for that is lasting and size attacks is nothing is even bigger than that yeah and this kid is of developed off it's it's an act functional machine, but he's develops. Mr Rehder relies decline
the ocean dimmer kind of suck the plastic out. We gotta think plastic once it becomes valuable resource of summits, figures on how to take it out of the ocean. If it was gold floating around out there, we would have a meal. Ships are fighting over this to try to get an egg. If Russia and the United States found gold gold particles Circling around a billions trillions of dollars worth boy. They would can wait a planet flag and Emily Ocean to suck this goal, thou the water, because its plastic, like plastic radio, did need in plastic. That's why you need the government. Is the government can create those artificial incentives, pay for cobras now pay for plastic? I think that through the government being a solution, this it's a beautiful idea but is really work. Yeah, yeah, well,
nice of the government was completely altruistic and enlightened and new S. Here's the thing, ok gone back towards organ about earlier. If we had direct voting and Rick Taxation were can say. Like oh campaign, my taxes is here, it's twenty grand, I went grand a good education, five grander! You know helping poor, people five grand at whatever level, but nothing to the military if you could actually, You have some some way of registering what people want their money to go toward You know: you'd have a much more responsive representative government if they had and decayed decision making process you really new like why? What com a threat are we under how much military do we really need? Because if we need any military at all if there's no threat whatsoever, will then that would be an appropriate way,
respond by would if they couldn't tell us how much threat there really was in whatever people had this idealistic idea of how the rest of the world functions. But meanwhile there really is a need for the military. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle there. I do. I dont think that the world is a beautiful place that we need not worry about at all, and then we don't did he military that just doesn't? I watch those ISIS videos on Youtube. I just I'm not believe they're out there. This university is alot of people out there that are fucking crazy, there's a lot of nutty fuckin people that are killing people and we'd love to kill more there's just always going to be that way, and I think that, like what we're talking about, I think there's a there's. A push in a pool life and, I think, like you, know, we're talking about ties coming in, and tides going out populations dropping in an increasing I there is a need for resistance in some ways, There is almost a need for bad things in order
who inspire good things, which we have to see the evil of something like I says, or something I feel in the blanket Joseph Coney, those early in the Congo, taters and evil warlords we need to see things like Edie. I mean we d c horrific things like pol pot. We need, if we be aware that in order to almost promote the the opposite of it, but what I would argue, is that every one of those things that you mentioned is a response to something earlier, pol pot. Is a response to the Vietnam WAR, rounded destruction of Cambodia by Nixon in Kissinger and Coney is a response to the call having been exploited for ivory, and then you know boot. Minerals within our phones. Indianola is like
every one of these things arises out of a colonial exploitation so, You know we're saying POL Pot's evil well, but pol pot is response to evil that we're not often recognizes as evil, because it's coming from us coming from our side. So I, just feel like everybody, Who does something really nasty? They think they're doing good, You know what I mean like this guy's, an ISIS. They think they're good, bye, they're doing for Allah yeah or they're doing it. For you know in in revenge for all the bombing or right I mean it this process, so so I agree with you. I mean I'm not I'm not an anarchist and I'm not crazy, so I do feel like you know, you gotta be ready to fight to defend yourself, but on the other hand it ice agree with you know, dandies and in the Martin Luther king than that whole line. Civil disobedience, the rose great essay, that
The only way to really and violence is to just not participate in it. Because the minute you participate in it. Then it's the cycle and strong is unavoidable ends. Yet that mean sk sort of in arguable really right, but if you do not participate and your loved ones are slaughtered before your eyes. Then what I should you have acted to stop that from happening in it. A certain amount of violence did justify in order to promote a higher ethical and moral standard for the culture to eliminate people who don't abide by those things, but you would have to have very strict right interpretations of this, and you'd have to have very soon. Wrecked rules of engagement and we clearly don't have that Yeah- and I wonder if we ever did it feels like it was better- doesn't elegant talks a time of police in the? U S like yeah before the war on drugs, it seems like cops were cool, they weren't the enemy. I thought
two, but when you talk to cops like it seems like poverty and drugs and crime I'm the kind of always together getting desperate physics a document that I'm watcher right now called thing. It's called the seven five Nicht APOLLO told me about it. Actually talked about on irish fears, podcast and then I went and got it. What is it called? It's called yeah, it's called the seven five. And it some it's all about this- really corrupt precinct, and in New York City and the nineteen August things than nineteen seventeen but its fuck, that's it right. There fuckin incredible seal for it. So goddamn crazy. Sky, Michael Dowd, who I dont know his history, any two after the documentaries over I'm going to google him and find out what is history was but he's hilarious ace.
Now I guess, he's weren't civilian clothes is not a prisoner and he just he testified about all the corruption that is involved in Do you know all this shit? That is and then they they start reacting in talking about it in the documentary, along with facts and different people in different, years involving like just completely out of control, is a totally out of control, crime and corruption and drugs and been So this is pre war on drugs, nineteen seventies and it just a guess, com. Pre war on drugs, but Nixon sort of instituted, a war on drugs. They really is, The two did. A war on drugs, essentially one day passes, sweeping psychedelic acts of nineteen. Seventy four they made, essentially everything psychoactive illegal. All the different mushrooms, LSD, many people dont, even now that the pride and nineteen seventy all that stuff, it's legal. Now there was one the big issues with the term Tunisian turn out. You know
Timothy Larry's ideas was, it was legal and it was an effective- I mean LSD. One of my favorite fund Ex about LSD is that it was mostly used initially by psychiatrists, to get inside into what it was like to be psychotic. Well, it was called I caught her mimetic and in other, it mines, the effects of psychosis so sick I address, who doubt psychotic people, as my wife does, would take it d to like This is what it must be like to be them missus. What it's like to hear? Voices in D lose touch with reality and to have all this overwhelming input in and then would go back to their patients with a greater compassion and understanding because they were like I get it. I know what you mean and what you're going through, that fast which is what a showman does rang like in dramatic practice, is often it's the shopman who takes the drugs in order. To change his or her consciousness to help you with whatever you're dealing with that
two beautiful sort of noble approach to healing. I was driving yesterday and I drove past a short bus. No little Some were kids are troubled, And there was this little boy I looked like he was indian new figures prove. About nine or ten years old and how was staring at his hands and he was like movie his hands around and nodding, and going back and forth here, at first, I thought it was just playing in our thought. It was just in a boss who was bored and then, as I stuck there at the red light and looking in this way and he was making noises and Louis Face and he was moving his mouth around when the news to staring at his fingers. I realize, like this kid's kind of fucked up, there's something wrong with them, and then I started thinking males only for you know whatever it takes for a light to change. I was thinking like what what what is this guy seeing like what
c, is obviously not seeing things at normal people see or experiencing it in the same way that a quantum quote normal person would be was moving, is yours around and staring Ghana and bouncing back and forth my. What is this, trip like what is this light for him is. It does have some abnormal levels of neural chemicals at what is causing him to have this experience? What error in his circuitry like? What is it but it was it was was sad but fascinating. Same time. Need I dont know what he was suffering from. What is clearly something oh my Newcastle does hum she's. Really interesting. She she loves. Psychotic sets are favoured population work with which you know, psychotic are the people who have lost touch with reality so that it may have been having a psychotic breaker. Who knows what he's thing is, but the first time I went into her office when I first matter it was like
one flew over the cookies? Now straight, you know like that: the double doors, the locking doors, the great over the windows, high security people, just like you know completely out of it and she loves those people cause. She says they're honest there completely honest and they don't high when she me Some and I've seen this happen in the street and countless times at this point she laughs she just laughs and they because they know their crazy. There's part of M its observing I may know their acting ridiculous, and like shouting it, but you know something that they know isn't there, but they can't help it. So she laughs and is very friendly, open way and in they like, oh, like you get it than theirs. They have this week or it's a really beautiful thing. I've never seen happen before, but it's almost like a shambles, kind of connection she has with people.
You know she's. She sees kids like that she's. Just like I love those kids love how she not afraid of them and all she's afraid, a normal people, because we're all Lion she's, not good at it. Thing. Is a psychiatrist she's, not good at seeing through bullshit chicken? She smells it, but she she just like fleas. So shooters rather have it- were bullshit not even an option. So even now she wants honesty and like if that means your drooling imprisoned on your leg, that's fine She doesn't care about that lucky for me. Quite she outlier this she's, not gazers. You know ass possible way. I mean, I often think, like someone who works in Vietnam is psychologist. I spent a lot of time thinking about this stuff. Someone who works in mental health is like a lifeguard, you know, and ninety nine percent of us are the life He stands on the beach and, if you're in trouble the like throw, you are a ring and wish you luck,
she dives in she goes right into the water, which is really dangerous and very rare in one of the reasons honestly she's been on a break for a few years, because it was blowing her mind there for a while. Now so- to be able to fuck after a man. Yeah. I would imagine the burden of that. We pretty intense when I was fucking, my fucking off my way through college since its value I was really really do much fucking college, unfortunately, better I got it. I went to one you mass boss. And basically was wasting my time. There's only really going because I didn't want to be a loser. You now go there. I would tell me Oh no, new, Mass Boston wasting my time when I was trying to think of what would be a career that I would be interested in Psychology was the only thing that interest me, because I thought well at the very least,
At least I kind of understand how they manage my own mind because, as they had law allow troubles, he was alive going on there that I was trying to always wrestle with inside my head, and I felt like its if at least I do that. I will have a greater understanding of my own problems, but then I thought about an umbrella. I will be dealing with other peoples. Fuckin problems all the time, and I just one of the patients I use I admire people who do, but I'm not one of them. I just I, there is. I believe that that shit is contagious. Thing that negative energy laziness: slovenly behaviour, all that stuff where's on UK. I think we we take our atmosphere far more than we want to admit, and we become in sync with our atmosphere far more that we care admit and if you're around a lot of really positive, really healthy people, you tend to gravitate towards positive. Healthy behaviour
of your around people that are constantly self sabotaging you, you, that becomes a standard that becomes the norm. Your culture is yes, and it's not it's not good for you and very, very frustrating to me when I'm around people that are sabotage themselves, I get angry. I get one. This book and stop do your fuckin shit together, just which is not really a healthy way to approach them. Doesnt work, yellow zones. I get your shit together, but it's almost like impulsive, because I know that it's creeping into my brain, your spitting on me, fuck you're, sick sneezing, with your mouth Verma, your ear coughing in my face and that's what someone's doing when their fill their lower sabotaging the life in front of you can still we continually and they drag you into their world. Before can help me like now You are a groan person, help yourself, God damn it and you get sucked into it in our view, Kay I'll call you I'll call you later and you have to college- got bottom. There cry like what the fuck you take the like that when people
don't get their shit together. It becomes contagious and I worry about that when it comes psychology I work like, like people that are cut currently dealing with other p. These disasters and fuck ups that's your day. Is it every day, you're dealing with someone who can stop beating cake or they can stop jerking off or they can stop whatever it is it there hung up on whatever craziness I always feel like man, trying or even making attempt to help those people you're sort of giving a lot of your sovereignty when it comes to your own establish mental state. Yet which is why you noticed Is God extremely firm boundaries and when we were like the uniform hang out with someone be no potential friends or whatever people whatever. If she'd tax something that's not right, she's, just me. I'm gonna go home and she's out
she's not gonna, she's pitched. I think it's what you're describing she feels like if this in a clinical situation. Where I'm in charge, then I feel She feels contaminated by now, whereas I feel more like air, whatever yenoki everybody's got their weird shit. Then I find myself developing friendships with people and then a year or two down the road. It's like fuck. You know that they weird out on me and, like I didn't see that comin she'll, Sir, are you kidding? I saw them coming the day. He might that guy. I who Would you know I tried to warn you listen people that are undeniably toxic and by toxic, it doesn't necessarily even mean they're trying to harm you. They might be toxic just by the fact that their fuckin, so self indulgent and in their they're they're, always like there's a lot of people that constantly one talk about their own problems like their own problems, take precedence over everything is going on and its use. Constant examination of their own fault new and they now
we'll get better? Those fox those fucker? they. They, they constantly repeat the same problems, and I think that a lot of them they have even addictions and then addictions, whether its alcohol or drugs or whatever the fuck. It is those it actions they have, or almost like. It's like facilitates this need to talk. Bout themselves and on problems and create more problems. So their content we addressing their problems. Yet I hear that and that's why she prefers psychotic, because they're not doing that make sounds their crazy. They have new. I really just a pain in the ass but psychotic. They can't help it they're. Just like that. The boy in that way, while the rapid, our lab Chris rivalry? Second doing, but when it does, but coming out by the way, probably next summer, you almost done with it as the editorial process now and not yet, but within I thought I'd say within a month, I'm gonna I'll turn it in and then flee the country and when you turn it end as if a bunch of Fuckin b,
counters are gone over your shit and is deciding which way to go because you have to give up a lot bit of creative controlled in order published, rising works year I mean it depends where you are and that world you know, I mean it's probably the same, like with a comic gray. It's your first special producers are gonna, have a lot to say a sum like you, you can walk in and say no more to do it this way, I think it or leave it, but even then, like there is embeds that I, like calmly central, wouldn't put on my last special, like you can't do that on such as one we can but that one on the arm, yeah yeah go of em. I mean you could do a year and a position with your platform. Where you could you say I got many central you know what I'm gonna pay tapers myself in a small club and allay and then distribute it through my podcast cut. You guys out, you could do
the year of the earlier regime. The regime that they have now is really good, but they had an earlier regime in several years ago. I had a conversation with them over the phone, we're going over material in them the conversation went, stop, stop, stop we're done. We're not going to like they were saying, like you, ve gotta do this. Instead of that, you can't say that, to this end you're telling me as if, like we're gonna crew, some sitcom together, you know like in as good. This is like. No, you did. That part has to be an that's. The whole point. The whole point of bout telling the story of no and the art to an eight year old, retorted boy- you have to have an eight year. Eight Euro retired work because of the eight euro. Retarded boy goes water, the lot holes enough story and they were like. I can't do that. I'm cycle that it has to be dying. You can't tell me when I can again do that's the whole point. Are you saying that a euro retired boys don't exist or are they just? You can't ever discussed them, which one is it, because I'm not making
the eight Euro retarded boy, I'm saying the eight Euro retard boys too smart to buys a story of Noah and the art, and damn it was, as did. The vehicle is unacceptable. I go or done we're done here likeable like Why don't you have it like an order, so that other than that that that that no use That's because you want to save your gig and or gig is to accept a bill to somehow another justify what you put on the heir to the advertisers or where the fuck is above you another like that's. You can't do that with comedy. If you mean not, u homogenized comedy you just to develop unless it's your thing, like some people like that, are. They think which is fine, but they should be working comedy Molly. They could be like Jim gaff, again he's hilarious guy, but his comedy is very like anybody could laugh. Brain region is the same things hilarious, but that is ham. The others always gonna be pop music, and some pop music is really fuckin good, and this
It's gonna be just sit and dirty fuckin nasty like music for street, which is also really good. If that's, what you're into you turn around Doug stand hope talking about someone who discuss his. Test yeah he's free The idea that a letter back into the air he doesn't know you can tell them what to do. Just that, it's not it's never he doesn't care- is all Doug needs. Enough money to get by air has done me. He lives in this weird fuckin town, Bisbee, Arizona, seven miles in the border Mexico's is weird, are communities get a strangely painted house. He invites people over his house for Super Bowl Party, like literally the the internet? he'll like put out his address and people, come to his house. He said five hundred people of his house for Superbowl parties, no four hundred and Fifty nine of them mean these
that not a lot of being did his girlfriend completely out of your fucking mind, like legitimately crazy on pills, are names bingo, she said shaves or head, though here that's laugh, should put the blue pain on it. They fuckin glass house just where, like socks on our hands, he's nuts- and that is that's it that's in reality, these he wears ironic suits and he gets upset because now more people are wearing. These ironic suits he's afraid that he's gonna get lucky into these categories of these people that are like try to act as if their arctic laboring ridiculous suits, he's he's a bet he's a fucking national treasure. He really is hard for some, to go? road, so one hundred percent committed they come out. On the other hand, a dog Stanhope most the time somewhere along the line they sell out, you have but I mean, as far as the public publishing say I'm because the success of sex at dawn. I think I am in a position
the sort of you now I've got leverage. And the guy the editor who am who acquired the book is the guy who edited sex at dawn. It on site works. For a publisher. He quit and laughter he's with someone else, so he's cute, we know. We know each other for years, that's nice. When you develop a relationship I have heard of authors have relationships their editors instantly great now I had a book deal for awhile and it didn't go well, sustained things economy. Central thing I wrote sums and they're like where we wanted to be. Like your stand, we want you to write like I wrote stuff like that maxim p. Yeah? Well, it's not like stand up. It's just my thoughts on things and there are like we wanted to be illegal. Every minute, like that, the debt that we're done we're done so I gave him the running back gave advanced back my friend Stephen hours, writers. Like do you understand, that's like that, every writers dream to give them any backing, termagant fuck off,
Okay, I wouldn't give you the money back and tell him to go fuck off. I think what I'm going to do decide to sit down and finish it and just release it online. I think that might be the best way to do leave it as a body, a banal naughty about, but a pdf or released. As a book in a book here, more normal now may be fine. A public You know what I'm doing. I'm I'm- and I might begin a little head of myself here, but I've been talking to company called misfit, very cool, guys, interesting story there, based in Fargo Soil, we had one other at the guy was He quit his job. He is working on Wall Street J D. Here I can remember his name is but here We're gonna Wall Street, making a bunch of money, late twenties gonna marry his high school sweetheart. And they're gonna go to the Bahamas, there's something on their honeymoon and he goes India's target. His boss in his boss is all this by the way
Congratulations on the wedding this weekend, but you gotta be in here Monday as we got them. Some deals common, open and he's like my my Yemen is, I am sorry you to Austria, you workin for the big boys. Now and we're going to be a bonus. You know bump up here annual salary nodded to fifty. Instead, what our one, the eighty or whatever it was right. And so he goes back to his office and he's like. I just got a seventy thousand dollar rays, they can a quarter of a million dollars on twenty eight years old. I can't go to the Bahamas on my honeymoon fuck this. Then he says I gotta quit and it was December, twenty ninth and if he is till the end of the year. He would have had it and of your bonus, which is like fifty grand or something. But he said if I state More days I won't do it that moment you're on the edge either going to job, not anyone any said. Sorry, I'm out quit quit his job
you do balls? You do had no money saved because he was you now live in the high life and was actually in debt and he and so they couldn't go the Bahamas they got married and he and his sweetheart got on the train and went across Amerika on Amtrak, the train stopped in Fargo, and he was I love that movie. Let's, let's get off in a check this place, how and then to have spent in a few weeks there. It fell in love with it while and hard going, North Dakota Margo any said. It's a really cool town, and there are these great artists there and really creative people and its this, because there's nothing for hundreds of miles so, like all the interesting people like our in far go and He said it is great town, so they they opened his business where they serve. I do like the branding for cool companies are the only work with what they want to work with and anyway, I'm talking to them about putting together a book of exports.
Of some of the best episodes of my podcast that's a great and for people who don't listen to podcast and for people. Do us an apothecary to give us a gift right to their dad or their when a girlfriend or whatever you Jimmy you guys, can put together a fuckin in cycle. He D. But where are we like? Why not you ve got all these great interviews with really interesting people. You know why not make any Booker are physical, bugger, whatever you know in Santa that idea of people or into reading it, instead of listening to me and why not? in Vienna on there's some forms someplace listening to us not appropriate or not now not action on the toilet, but I do not think this is so many different ways again information out such a cool time. Mom so with between podcasting and blogging and people creating internet videos of their own, and in these these, you too,
content people like I have this guy Louis on yesterday from Unbox therapy, and he like reviews, technological things on boxes them is very educated on Gnomon will explains the ins and the outs and a really educates you're you're, buying options. Kazi gives you a lot of information. It's pretty unique These guys, like there, was no option like that. Before there's no like in depth consumer ports, it completely, uncensored without commercials for ten fifteen. Whenever minutes he chooses to upload the video completely up to him. Thing, is we are talking about the image the internet has what an amazing thing. It is because there's never been something like a podcast like this. It's going this progress can reach a million people, and it's got me in this, This one is gonna get downloaded by a million people plus and over the course of x amount of years. Who knows how many million it'll be because it's always up available? It's always free. Anybody can do loaded it's available in a bunch of different forms, so you can get it from
youtube and get it from video. You need a new stream. You can get it from two sticker, you can get it from Itunes, get as an mp3, the available, always even so. I just keep and he'd say whatever you want, and no one can stop you that that never existed before. There's never been something like that before. That's why I hope we're not fucked. I dont know if we're fucked, but I know This thing that we have right now is fucked like this set up you know that the Congress of Vienna Senate in the fuckin lobbyists in the primary and do you know Cooperations corporation driving the trick. The movement has been you think about the focus of power. Right, it's been from a hunter gathers, dispersed, egalitarian under gathers. Then you get DES boats that You know gathered the power in agricultural societies. Then the desperate get together. Inform institutions, primary the church first, then you ve got
political institutions. Then you ve got corporate instant economic institutions. What's next, there's gotta be a next year, so I'm a hope. That the next will be a return to the dispute. Seized power because of what we're talking about, because now we ve got direct connections to everyone. It seems entirely possible. It seems at least if it's not the only option, it'll be an option, it'll be like Daryl there'll, be a corporations that are set up that are more ethical. More connected to people and more grounded in their approach to trying to acquire money is opposed to it, We ve got now the infinite growth paradigm, which has carnatic control its. He can't it's not sustainable, it doesn't make any sense, but yet it's the norm, non sustainable idea is the one that everybody pursues, as opposed to hey everybody, isn't a billion dollars enough a year, we're good right, we're going right here. Let's, just you know I mean
it's a seems like these. Of discussions and discussions like this, whether its on social media or what have you and the biggest people's ability to google and actually get the raw data and kind of it advocates understanding and in it just changes. The way we view it viewing it as this is how it is and that's how you do and you don't work hard because you have do you do it, because that's what you were born to do and then his actor smiles who, by the way, is not fucking working hard, he's an actor Even talk remain bizarre, bizarre and ironic. It means what an easy job well, when we common and close MIKE get right here. I want you to smile, but not up not. I have smile, like rugged fuckin man with calloused hands smile wherein overalls- and me I think, we're worries
seeing the bullshit better than we ve ever seen it before and that's it least step. One that is my hope right. There look at you you're becoming becoming it's like I've, grandkids tat. I know why that's wrap it up. You still do intentionally speaking every week every week get it on Itunes everywhere, and your finer pod websites, Chris Ryan Phd Dakar, Chris Ryan Phd on Twitter asset, thanks brothers, leisure has always argued by everybody. See you next week because, like laughin, thank You everybody for Tunisia, podcast thanks to cave man, coffee, forgetten us through this bitch cave coffee c o dot com go. There check it out thanks to draft kings, dot com, gotta draft kings. Calm and enter. The code word Rogan for free entry for this.
It's a millionaire, major events, trappings dot com. Code, word Rogan or also brought to you. I Tang gotta Rogan dotting dot com to save twenty five bucks off of any device or service and last but not least, we are brought to each and every episode by on good, oh and an I t use the code word Rogan Save ten percent of any and all supplements arrive. Friends I do so much that's it for this week and will that next week will animal lot em all podcast, doktor heart will be here next week and other wonderful individuals. Until then
Transcript generated on 2020-03-15.