« The Joe Rogan Experience

#1203 - Eric Weinstein

2018-11-15 | 🔗
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician and economist, and he is also the managing director at Thiel Capital.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, folks, people or organisms that understand my words Those three new Netflix specials out. These should be aware of what number one Joey ideas as a Netflix special out right now. It's called the rats there's a series of them also are and Christina possessed Ski has one she has to special. She has that want to just one that she did. I think, like a year ago, less than a year ago, either called mother superior. I have one or two it's called strange times, and I think it's my best one they're all out right now on Netflix this episode, the podcast is brought, You buy the cash app. You might already know that, ash opposite number, one finance app on the app store
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I'll. Tell you right now we went into the weeds, he was expelled, meaning some physics stuff, that both being Jamie car stupid faces and Anne shook him back and forth and try to just tredah. Knox some sense in there, but we talked about a lot of other stuff Just about mean you probably smarter than me you'll be able to handle this physics, I was theirs several moments where I was lost, as is a copy We're gonna see alive the tunnel, but he's some. I really love em. I love talking to him. Please give it up the great and powerful Mr Eric wants it The job will gain. Experience will live up to the people out there I showed you found out the professional choice well, go on everything. It's all pretty weird
there is very weird out there. We were just talking about how we did. It is out there before the podcast about how it just seems like it's very difficult to keep together. During these times entered tat, keep a reasonable position and to hand though, all the pressure of all the people that get upset at anything, you do left off right in the middle centrist, you're to send There's two to laughter to write. You're unreasonable, you're too reasonable you're too nice in nice. Enough well said: I feel like I'm in a marriage doesn't seem like there it does. I think that this is why, despite the era for disagree, ability if you're not easily, swayed because you're somehow in sensitive enough? They just want to keep to first principles wherever it is that you believe that seems to be the best hedge against getting swept up in the madness of others. How so well,
I guess I wanna go met a cognitive. I look at my yearning for group belonging and then I also watch my inability to belong to groups that say crazy things, NEA and so those are. Those are two conflicting feelings. I think some thousand people look at me? They say while you're really contrary Can you have an easy time standing up to the end of the conventional wisdom? I don't think it's it's that true. I just think when those two things fight inside me, dialectically, the disagreeability, is so strong because it's protecting a comprehensive view of the world and so, since everything already kind of fits together fairly well, I would say I'm much it's much car sway, may because the number of things I would have to move cognitive early to accommodate a wrong idea is quite large it seems unnecessary, but are also seems like it. We should be able to. Disagree on things and you should be able to point out with reasonable kurdish
that there's something wrong with someone's idea and not become a big personal thing, but oftentimes us on the case? Well so, a lot of the things I think the word were exploring or what I would think of his heuristics, their sort of rules of thumb that worked fairly well within some demand of definition. and we ve gotten so many of these conflicting rules, The rules of thumb themselves, conflicts of, for example. He who hesitates is lost conflicts with them. Nothing had nothing gained or something like that note its by Africa, the other there's the cautionary aphorism and then there's the be bolder aphorism, and so we don't have a good way of sorting out conflicts that occurred the heuristic level, then you also have heuristics meant for social cohesion, conflicting with ground truth. So this white biology is always
commercial, because biology is a science that tells us many of the things that we wish were true or just not true. You know, I always think about Ben Shapiro's facts. Don't care about your feelings! Biology, cares about your feelings, it just laughs at them and stomps on them to make them. You don't feel very sad. also try to explain your feelings when right exactly, but you know, if you really understand biology the world is so dark and so interesting and beautiful and crazy that it's very hard to recover simple ideas about how people should be whence you really realise that are being has deep consequence. Yeah. I have a very minimal understanding of biology, but in that understanding I've come to accept things just about being a person that I never considered before. All the different things running your decision making like just war. Talking about like the need to be in a group, and all these are We evolutionary advantages to you know
stirring tribal behaviour, so you could work together and feed each other This is always pulling at you, and you know when, when people give me a hard time, but virtually signalling it is gross when someone virtue signals, but we understand what it is its gross, because we ve all done it right there, the gross things about it when someone is just like really trying hard to act like you now there disgusted by the way people behave because they would never behave like that, and this but you know I'm I'm above this type of behaviour what's most likely because they weren't, above that Kind of behavior at some point in their life or they're, not currently really above that type of behaviour, but they wish they were or the part of them. Speaking as the part, that's above that behaviour, but that's not the part- that's gonna be operative after eleven on again at a bar yeah three shots in our better
rails or off the wagons. I really don't. We don't see ourselves. We are permanently in our own blind spot because the part of us that is you, don't just and righteous and good seed. to know very little about the other part, what's also thing! This need to belong and need to be accepted like we work to be accepted. Instead of work to be someone that she would want to be a part of the group. Instead of being really honest about who you are and how you think and how you behave and how you operate in the world, instead of doing that, trying to prove on that, you try to project an image of this, then what is the question for us Why is vice signalling, so much more powerful than virtues vice signalling, like a person who admits their problems. Like an alcoholic steps up and says, I've got a real issue could be that way or could be sort of Dan Bulgarian I feel like you until I'm into how checks, weed and guns and a lot of my hands a tonne
money narrowing it off, while he's for honest right. it's one of the reasons and you he's bullet proof in that regard, but you can't fuck with them. Like you can't say look at you you're, just a playboy he'd like YAP Gala girls get works now what else Well, I'm nice, like he's nice guy talk down, bills, are in his friendly he's a bag. I know you know yet here this post, which he was, I think, offering a hand to a woman a stare and said come with me I'll ruin your life, but it'll be fun. It was just like it so disarming, and I think that this is also partially. You know a secret to your success, which is that Europe, a nice guy you're really into fighting your email. You hunt Elk your clear about which one you're, going to kill which ones you won't based on the reproductive cycle. Your ear promote all sorts of things. The people don't want to talk about to a fairly conscious level and its produced an incredible level.
Trust in an era where all of the virtues signalling gives way in em. If you scratch any person enough below the surface, you're gonna see that their early warning you about themselves, and so the people who are the most certain self critical. And then this is like in. I had brought this up recently on twitter about mega honesty where there was in the castor in San Francisco, there was a bar restaurant that was advertising free food, naked servers plus false added. Does. It was a splendid, a playful and, as a result, you know you had an instant desire to to eat their grasp them, yet so I think that in this world, of virtue, signalling vice signalling is really the growth industry and that's that's. What's working for good people, Because they are more in touch- and you know they are gonna- lie to you and they're going to do all the self interested things, but they're not going to surprise you, quite as
while in the case of Dan Bilzerian, Villa things like you, I don't think that's what he's doing think what he's doing is living like a guy who's got a hundred million dollars and happens to be thirty five years old and likes to bang hot checks and fly around and private jets and live in some would issue a fucking house that he's got it is bought some crazy. How unlike Bel AIR, I guess what that we'd money, cheese sees gets. It looks like you probably cost hundred million dollars. You somethin ridiculous, like that. It's a fucking insane house, but that's what he likes. You know the guy drugs, to drive around for our reason in but he's nice guy. So it's like we're with where what's what's wrong with this picture, what's wrong with his pictures he's doing things like this: this is this house. What enough holy fuck. Is that zero golf course, whereas roof? What is this a fuckin ridiculous house? Look at this fuckin place he gives us address out. Let us address is pretty hard to hide that day,
why the fuck would give us a dress, how breaks out they get their Tamil. Well look at this house. It's preposterous anyway! This is what he likes, but, Why is that bad meaning? Look? We only have a hundred years of everything goes perfect. What are you give a shit? What is a regulation, but they do give a shit. They give a shit a lot because for a lot of oaks, work and make it a good living making now fifty grand here, whatever does it clearly out of the realm of possibility. Leslie and your lifestyle wouldn't be sustainable. For them. I mean yeah cause he's taking real risk. There's no question about it: when you, get everybody stone, and then you take them the fire automatic weapon. The desert, oh yeah, that's real risk and also the gambling. He does a lot of like crazy gambling, but this is the thing about the the relationship with the unforgiving. This is partially why You have see an jujitsu life. Is that you have a relationship with the unforgiving? You can say that guy doesn't really know what he's doing, but then you're you're in the ring.
You know you're the man in the arena and and you find out very quickly whether or not the trash talking paid offered didn't, and I think that many people have no relationship with and forgiving I'm gonna take them out in a hike into another. Let's say the Trinity Wilderness and then two hours in the to sit down, and so I want to go home right thinking like ok, you're, you're, signalling something, but this there's no car service than theirs, but not calling helicopter You know it just now that there is this. If you live in the social layer, you're surprised by the existence of the unforgiving girl. Well a one on one hand, I want to support people's ability to do whatever the fuck they want. on one hand, I want to support someone's abilities in front of a computer and weather you're working, we are writing cold or your writing scrapped or Europe. Fuckin Playing video I want support your ability to do whatever you want to do. If you, if you have the means for not,
What you're families on starving is what you mean. By doing what do I care, but it as a pro in whose experienced a fair amount of adversity, especially self imposed adversity. I would, I would tell you that you would benefit from it. I have benefited from it and I think you'd benefit from it, So you don't want to be that guy, the two hours into the hike says I want to go home, you don't want to be that guy. You want to be that person just says. Well, this is what we're doing and in figure out how to do this, and I'm going show character and I'm gonna be proud of myself. At the end of this I mean I might have to walk for six hours and when it's all over, my legs might be shaky and it might have. sit down, but that gator it's gonna, take so good. It's gonna, be, the greatest gatorade of autocracy, jerk don't drink, enabling earn the shit out of this. You can feel it, and I think we ll in about ourselves through especially Southwell any kind of adversity. You know the gum coming off of being, accurate from the fires, which was
for me, not that difficult, I'm not poor. I gotta hotel about my family to the hotel. We got safe, got my dog to the to the podcast studio, nobody's all right you now, but for those fire fighters, I mean twelve hour shifts battling the blaze for people who lost their home. Some of them try to save it as a story about a guy in Malibu the climb, on top of the roof of the hose and tried to fight off the fire, and you got veer burns, needs in the hospital and mean it's raining ash and in an these chunks of fuckin fire. people easel embers their falling sky and this guy's trying to save his house. Manette guy literally went through the fires. He'll be a different person after this and no question we ve been in something of a reality: drought. The number of people who have. very little relationship to reality. I mean I used to live in Cambridge Massachusetts on you. You come in
From Boston and there would be the signs at fresh killed chicken like no bones about it- man fresh killed chicken, but like chicken mcnuggets. Nobody quite knows what part of the chicken is. A mcnugget ran it just the abstraction that comes to, and so I think we ve gotten very divorce. There are all these layers of interaction between us in the world and when a fire happens it's so overwhelming, and we were just choking on then the S S smoke in the Bay area, theirs it it's just you real after having been unreal for a very long time. Yeah, it's unavoidable. It makes you it makes you buck up. like you got to get out of there like we got evacuated Thursday at two hundred and thirty. In the morning we were looking up like we got to get the fuck out of here like don't give a shit what you behind just go: keep your body any girl everything else either it's either replaceable boy. You don't really need it that much anyway, just fucking get out of there and when you see
Fire raging over those hills and helicopters DR and water on it, and then another house explodes because the gaslight gets hit it You you. I saw that you see that you go oh there's designer, People in the world to save you does not in firefighters or cops, there's too many houses is too many people and bunch of these houses are gonna, go you gotta, get the fuck out of their and dumb, but there certain I was with a bunch of My friends from my neighborhood and my friend Senora in his wife, we all stays the same hotel red and we felt with. It was like tangible sense of community, for this is that I I love this point. Let's move, Can you go for a wedding and they house you with your third cousins people? You barely know if you're alive, enough that the sewage system breaks and like stuff is leaking out of the ceiling, and you guys all have to do heroic crazy stuff to save the house. You're going to be closer to your third cousin, then you are going to your uncle Brian and
This is very strange feature of the world that kind of a random arrival of diversity is very often what bonds, you to some particular human being, and if you avoid adversity in groups your whole life, you probably don't realize that you're never fully activated as a human being are particularly you know. If, if men, I think, don't form groups that in some sense fight or battle that can test together. So there's this very weird fact that apparently humans are the only species that organize contest in teams This is an intrinsic feature of being human contests. The other animals have any contests well, just as they sponsorships will will have these incredible rating parties. very methodical and ill, though attack somebody else, but I don't think that they practice. It is like ok, you're, red team, Champ
right I'm chip what were the only ones that do stuff like that? That can Anna Kate Wright like Dolphins- can communicate, but they don't do stuff like that right or you have individual sparring like you ought to bears learning to play with each other, because it's safer to play with your brother in childhood than it is to just suddenly show up against them Yes, Baron have to compete for theme. I had William VON Hippo on a couple days ago and he's the author of the Social Leap, and we were actually talking about this about one of the things it made human being successful. As we came down, from the trees and started walking around the grasslands, is our ability to organize and to work and coordinate together. Yeah loudly but like african wild dogs are fairly good at this and yet you watch what they do in their spare time. Very often just take the piss out of each other so that they actually come to each other's aid aid at a very high level in times of need
but, like you know, you're just hang out around the fire hose firehouse, you you're really just given each other shit all the time right, and so there is some thing about the way in which we play being kind of divergent from the way in which we behave when we actually just need each other Thank you. You need to be on that line and I would say of throwing burlap bags and I just need you to do that thing and we were both facing something together does no, it doesn't have to be fighting and in a militaristic sets situation, but I do think that this is what the weird things it's going on with all of this emphasis on care and feelings. Is that Often men need to give each other shit in order to form a very deep bonds right. If I can't tease you right and if I don't know where the line is like there is this line, which is, I did. That was way too far,
right? We all know that those lines exists to meet. We sometimes have to go up to them and subject experiment by going over them. But if somebody says I don't like the way you're talking a team, very sensitive, and my responses will you're gonna. Keep me from forming a deep bond that person you just don't know that. That's how we do it. The other shielding they're putting up the shield ran and often is: did you know to project a certain image to you? They knew they'd. They they want to be taken seriously. They want some respect they can't deal with Guph on them. That striven goofing can go wrong, but I think that one of the things that are- and fascinated buys. Where did all this madness come from? And I increasingly am wondering whether it comes from social and emotional learning that started to be taught in schools, random, emotional intelligence. So this whole idea of a cue, I think, had a lot to it, but not all the buds were worked out because a lot of things that kind of are in the neighbourhood of bullying
be actually intimacy building right, and so, if something turns into some super disgusting deadly hazing ritual, we also what the hell you people doing. But on the other hand, if it's sort of three clicks back from that line and its there was mild discomfort We camellia each other a little bit yeah now affair for life than the other fear hazing ritual gone wrong may actually stop people from ever actually making that really deep bonds to last life ways like everything else, some people good at things and some people sock added some people. being silly with their friends and some people go to farm in you, you, experience like of add friends who experience that where they do occur, gas and on the podcast they fuck with each other. I'll. Have someone come up to them that they don't even know right off the street and immediately say something like ruthlessly insulting to them? And I like what the fuc,
and you may do they- show you park us all times, like ok, you're doing it wrong? I don't know you we're, not friends when our bonding here you're walking up and saying something mean consummate fat, so radically yeah, that's like didn't just not good at it and oftentimes that's some sort of a sign of social intelligence, a lack of social intelligence, a lack of marine Who knows what's going on in their home? They might just be bad information from parents and their growing up in this environment of just very low level social skills and now what we're doing is masking that that your spot on. we're not going to try to readjust everyone around our weakest players right so now the ideas that, because that can be said in, horrible way we're not going to let anyone say anything remotely adjacent to it. Yeah. You can't do anything that would be a precursor to it. So you're just going to say well
see that little patch of bad cells over there were going to cut off your leg in order to stop that cancer and she's like can, we do something a little bit more well, then also there's some things that yours, The reason why we have, as instinct to mock thanks scares me we'll get out a lot and then they demand too much goddamn attention and they from a problem- and this is I think I believe this goes back to hunting parties and hunter Gatherer or the one person who wanted to much attention. You you're fucking enough for this group effort and that's kind of happens socially, when people claim the Very ridiculous. Victim status is right. You know, and others Picture that I put up a mainstream a couple weeks ago of this guy, he had it's crazy make up on any had ridiculous description of himself like non binary. Queer that also identifies is a Muslim. Any was talking about quantum physics, a quantum physics got to help appreciate is queerness
that is our ok, maybe or maybe you just can crying out for attention- and I wrote was makes sense deathly- doesn't seem crazy and people mad at me. For that for something so obvious. I looked. I just peered into the fuckin deep dungeon. That is the common section for a moment, and I saw people like you would think. Tat people that are most susceptible to suicide. You'd leave them alone, but your cruelty is your Supposing your cruelty, like listen, that's silly, deck, unease, better friends, your friends, your you and tell you your silly crazy makeup. Ivory scenes got. Firstly, this bridge, Iraq, a gay non binary and also identifies Muslim. Listen you need to, goddamn attention. That's all I'm saying, and I say you're bad person should kill yourself. You shouldn't be queer, be whatever you want a big, but if you're going that hard, that hard to define yourselves, that is, media shit? That's
king, and in a way that your point, your point is that you have to tie trade, the negative feedback. Yes right, so what you did was you give me a small dose and say look court. You might want a course correct a little bit about the idea that there is. Recourse correction that you're not sitting there celebrating this right. Well, that's! That's! yeah yeah. I was celebrated, I'm supposed to say right, so many things yeah. Well, you know what you celebrated that's. Ok, but you shouldn't get mad. If I go, that might be a little nuts because its obvious little nuts. It's a little nuts to paint your face with glitter, it's a little nuts, its lots of that was just a regular person like high work, a J penny, my name, Wendy, and this is what I like to wear my face like what is a crazy bitch. Look at Wendy go! Look at one! Look at her face when she do. I don't know man sheriff Gunnar and our hairs. Fifteen different colors
a man not around me, ok, live little. It look at it this way. I have this weird thing, which sometimes is called Mc Killop phobia the fear of cosmetics, brilliant man, whips. What can I shall like smoking is more urgent. No, ok guileless with is the thing is that sometimes it looks somewhat normal and then suddenly doesn't in a great and the person just looks like the concrete Is he stuff stuck to their head? Yeah he's like you, ve gets crazy stuff stuck to your well. That's how I perceive it now. Here's the question I can't be in touch: it can't be got a problem with macular folks. Don't I've never heard that words. Freaked me out. stealing, albeit yet it has to be Eric. Can't accept people who wear maker- and my question would be from- principles. How do you tell who to have sympathy with? Because this has been somewhat debilitating for me really So it's been a real issue like you, ve struggled with a strong, we
We struggled with the feeling or struggle the fact you have that everybody actually experience if you remember Tammy, Faye Baker yeah, so she was famous for freaking people out because she had no concept of how much hanging is too much is too much now What if somebody looks normal and then you turn around and suddenly there Tammy Faye Baker, and you never can predict when that's going to happen. That's like an interest question about. Do we accept the person who I dont know why I have this just that some things my mind well, because your logical person and you're. Looking at this war paint the Pieper Pudding, and you don't understand the desire to do this. But do understand you do, but you don't understand actually doing. I dont know stand why it looks normal, like I have the feeling that two other people it looks very different than the way it looks to me right will they have just accepted it may
b, but sometimes I accepted and then suddenly unites shaker. It's it's like your shaken out of them. we, like you, see, a movie where the suddenly the MIKE is visible from talk it's a move is a movie and in that, but anyway we all have these weird quirks. The question is with whom should we be sympathetic and with Do we do we say well, you're being judgmental with me its womens shoes that have gigantic heels, though. So let us take a barely walk and no doubt freaks me out a phrase. As I see women walking and unlike this, is so crazy that, as is a choice that you're I mean I can't imagine on paranoid, I guess maybe a scene too much physical conflict. I can't imagine wearing something that would physically compromise me to the point, where literally can't run away Could you can't run away in those things in Europe like still arrows like these little things,
walk around in your feet or else mush Daniel you basically doing tiptoes everywhere you go and fuck ache. If you have to be killing you by the right, you know your way, there's a wolf chasing you or some shit, there's something down you're, not you're, not get away. It's just it's a weird, like the desire to lengthen your legs and to give this graceful appear. Let's called low doses, behaviour large doses, low doses, I'm learning so much to the hookah, so high heels were richly developed for men to any pure tall not sure was to pure taller only or for it was for writing, Remercie, maybe Filipino no cowboy boots The reason why they slip on like that is when the the horse box and takes off your boots fall off their supposed. Do I didn't ya,
That's the whole idea behind the reason you slip on slip off and they have that he'll. Ok, there's that wouldn't hear that he'll slips into the stirrups. So when you get when the horse, bucks you don't want to get drags on you on that just fly opera and then you're on your back or their oars go then you go pick up. because they fallen off fuckin horses gone, but at least you're alive. Oh, that third expression. He died with his boots view of you, while not real, I think that sucker gunfight tub deal, but I think of you. Your immediate dragged horses, gonna run over rocks and shit you're done travel die all the time that are weighing regular shoes that shoved their feet. stirrups and then you're stuck that's. Why, our boots come off like that yeah remember: ionized resources we have the guy right leading the trail would like take us up to a gallop and suddenly say emerge
z, dismount was really terrifying and you know you have to do it at speed very, very quickly, but I think that high heels got taken over by women, because a lot of the things that we claim that we like about heels, that is the I do for height where it makes the leg look, probably secondary to the curvature of the back and the way in which that is typically, associate associated with the sexual receptivity. Yet I was that particular posture, the now he'll connotes and so the way I read it is that the cost of the heel as part of the communication- in other words, I am willing to do something that is clearly not comfortable or for my benefit in any other way, so much so that you can tell that. I must be it. Listed in sending a signal, a hundred percent, so the bomb, but you have to deny the signal to a part of the signalling is too
these are actually my most comfortable shoes. They always say that grocer hilarious per so comfortable. These are so comfortable, right, like how's I'd, even possible doesnt, Crocs, yes, but that the deception has to be part of a now. Unlike picturing crux that was really weird. While the deception has to be. You have two eggs. You have to decide that you're, not ridiculous now there that shared deception, yes, because then then, as well as the guy, I have to say so interest. Yeah, but that's a lie, but we're all lie. But mutually understood as a year, but when the girls are set on girls could say you're so comfortable because they're not killing them, because, accepted a higher level of pain, tolerance with footwear than men, I guess I had just jam my feet into.
than pointy some point as spanish dancer type shoe. It would hurt. Afterwork everywhere tie, I hope I hate those things you ok, so that some kind of uncomfortable, What we do to ourselves as men yeah. I guess I'll have to wear one when I drove limos, I think well have definite worn once since then, but very rarely airy resign could kill you pretty easily with a sigh I give summit as a tie on, and I grab a whole their time. Yes boy, unless you're a lot bigger than me, I might kill you gotta will your tie ties a hard thing to shake loose? It's really strong, like you, could you a good tie? is not a rip. someone gets hold your tie at the not yet just twists and holds, do you always do hold onto you grab an arm and just go. wrap their legs around you and hold onto that tie. You're a dead man, you don't you giving them a weapon here. Will you, the time are you convinced me no more time? I just grab that and just
Fuckin twist, you don't have much time men, you, you don't have much time to get this arm off. Your net is just such a you. If you're gonna have to figure out it's a jujitsu spin, because you have seen on we're close, but their debts. with a grab a hold of someone's clothing like like a person, with a leather jacket. If you're talking shit and you have a leather jack and on your with a guy knows Judo, you are beyond fucked. You dont this. This might as well have cannons coming out of his body, like you're, you're doomed of your hundred percent doom he's gonna grab, it other jacket and bases handles he's gonna, throw you up in the air and he's gonna hit you with the world the whole world. Is below drive you into the world, and yours fucked, and you don't even realize it show how often you end up in fistfight. Never now man- I don't know- I don't- have nothing to do with that. I just get away
would never want to get into fistfight line no answered. The danger is fastened into me about the sort of the world he is always talking about fighting and with care. Happen not in our world. There's like most none of this in relatively boring white guy middle you ever go on World STAR, Hiphop shit all day every day. Has plenty of videos. more than ever most time, nothing happens right, but the one time when she does happen, if you don't know how to defend yourself, you're really fucked. This is this is true, But the thing is that in all the practising that you do you're also exposing yourself to the potential for injury. Oh you, So there is a question as to whether you're safer. If you spend all of your time in this kind of war, what if something happens? I wanna be prepared, but the preparation for it is itself patent.
fairly hazardous- that's unquestionable, but is not just like the guy who sits on the couch, never goes into the woods cause he doesn't want get tired. I know it's crazy. His like. Here we are I'm fifty one years old in all works tat. So, even though I've been injured, I'm right here, everything works I have a yours. I got shit fixed well what? If the USA thing was like bold and in this thing, when you were young guy, do you think you would have? I would have on a percent done it and I probably would have a man. harder time, Heavens conversations right for sure, yeah donating they give it the sweet spot. Got the skills you been in training idiom. You really know what you're talking about and you're getting front row, but not actually having to have your brain particular take the pounding There is no getting away from that it. That is the unfortunate reality that every fighter accepts. There is no getting away from that. There's there's an apple new possibility, and it's not just your head. It's also your joints, a big part as you
in your neck. I know many guys the neck impinge, and discriminations and fused neck risks and then nerve, pinched, the weather. Nerves are impinged to the point where they have atrophy in their arms. I know several guys who have that were they have one arm that smaller than the other arm and severe, impedes their ability to move and days to be world champions, two guys it about to show boss route and pat relative to the greatest of all time. Both gas a small one, small arm and one regular size arm because of the neck and pin judgments, for their nerves are literally pinched down by other swelling in scar, tissue and damaged discs. Since we became friends, I started casually looking at this world and its utterly fast in this there's nothing like it. Well did the Jitsu world. I think you would there's there's two different worlds: right, there's the Emma may world, which incorporates all the different martial arts and then there's do you get to world ended.
You two world. I think you would like out yes, I love it because it's basically but to call it chess is not quite fair because it's more complex than chess is more going always afraid freedom were so high, but it's also easier to win if someone's better than tasks like you, even if someone is fairly competent, chisel, take a few moves to beat him and Jujitsu if someone's fairly competent in the other. One is a master product crush you very quickly, but the when you were to really high level guys trying to set each other up? It's crazy, rolling exercise and leverage and position and unless the knowledge of moves that Eddie Bravo Verses, grace crazy, ass, hard, even know. What's going on, it's crazy, if you dont know it's one of my more difficult challenges of being and commentator is when the fight goes to the ground
splaining, two people watching and home. What you want to do right now get his right leg over his arm and assuming does that now that arm its stock he's in trouble right now, and I would like to try to explain that to people so they could far longer. I see I see he's gonna grab that get arches back and he tapped and you're in people go and it gets people really excited about Jujitsu, because I see that you go oh this is. Really complicated. Like he's got, there's like a dance he's doing the other guys trend resisted. Would the I saw the Gracie breakdown of particular fights where they ve committed to memory? Every yeah like replay outrage games of like more, humble by chess, and you just thinking. Well, that's, ok, there's the evergreen gave there's the moral game and that that to me as well stay? But it's actually more interesting to me in the? U s c arena because of the fact that that's only component and that its the ashes. What I didn't understand was how much we could get close to unrestricted fighting and still have people
fairly dependable, survive with minimal obvious disfigure. This there is, even when there are some we can even be safer if we eliminate wake, cutting the weight, cutting is the number one health issue in the sport. In my opinion, number two is the brain damage and the impact- and you know broken bones things along those lines, but the numbers on his way, cutting because it so unnecessary. It such as an issue that needs to be addressed. These guys want to compete at the highest wait possible. So you know how it works. Now. Ok, say you were going to compete in the one hundred and seventy pound division, but you actually weighed one hundred and ninety. What you do is you would wait until you follow pretty strict diet. keep your body weight in your fat a certain level and then, when it comes to a few days before you would be hard. Yourself pretty radically and then re hydrate yourselves scientifically. Using the credit, is a bunch of guys, like George lock heart guys, were experts in this and that they give it a go.
a great amount of nutrients. Rwanda, potassium and zinc knew what to replenish all of your electric lights and get you in a perfect balance, but you're still compromised and if you don't have a guy like a George law card or someone is a real expert in nutrition and understands biology and can get you back into their position. Your most We gonna compete compromised, but you can accept that signal the compromising because you're gonna be a bigger person. Then the person you're fighting, but they also like in boxing and take the vast majority of deaths of occurred in the lighter wait, divisions and a lot of it is not just because of the head trauma, because its had tremendous somebody's dehydrated cycle So it's it's socks and it's it's contrary to what martial arts is supposed to be about Marshall, it's supposed to be about skilfully. Sensible, but cheating and that the cheating things like you dehydrating yourself, it's exception, cheating, you're, saying euro hunters, seventy pounds you feel, like you say that
the one hundred seventy pounds champion in June scale is one only three votes. One on this isn't a hunt. Seventy two, how frustrating? If I want to meet you in a different class, I wanted to fight you my whole life, but were we're really separate what you can wait, the right way look of Sunday, wants to compete at a hundred seventy pounds. In my humble opinion, they should actually way a hundred seventy bounds. My campaigns is a ultra marathon runner and one of them Did he does when it gets ready for ultra marathons? Is he loses body way, but he has now many body weight to lose so hill he'll be three thousand calories and eat two thousand towers and that's how he loses way. He lets body itself we get down to the one sixties and that's when he runs these gigantic long races like two hundred forty miles, but it I know he's done this. You can do this, you don't have to dehydrate yourself. Somebody chooses dehydrate themselves because replenishing than they get much bigger, went against the octagon when he's once
Five is actually one sixty five, that's just what he ways and that's the best way to run two hundred forty miles. So he does it through discipline, but these guys that are doing it in its not their fault, because it's already been established its apart, the sports in there for years and years and years and its sanction, cheating and everybody. Does it and it's the worst part of the sport, because it's really damaging to your kidneys, terrible for your organs. Here, your body starts to shut down. When you do it too oft anybody doesn't want to lose weight anymore. So it starts to really hold onto that water and guys, sleep and pass out Bangor heads off walls and fights get cancelled. Like proof like championship level, fights could cancelled because guys black out and crack her head off the wall, and this is this- happen in the in the USA before its IST super super Unnecessary and unfortunate and part of it is because there's not enough weight classes dislike. You know, there's one fifty five than this one. Seventy the difference you money
eighty five one hundred and seventy is not just fifteen lb cuz? You actually weigh one hundred and fifty five at his guys dropping on the one. Seventy that mother Fucker could be one. Ninety plus he's just figured out a way to cut, wait to get down there and then happens all the time so you're dealing with you now me could be twenty five thirty pounds difference between you, two guys, if you're, if you actually way with the way classes, when you get into the octagon, so people are forced to drop way, there's forced to go low they want to compete at a world class level, are forced to take this extra risk and it could be mitigated it kinda good, I'll be stopped by migration, test that you are seeking step in all the athletic commissions. Step in and say enough is enough you're gonna fight what u way and will give you more weight classes, so you can figure out. What's the wait for you to be best at, and I hope it and take someone dying before figure this out, because its work those things that people have done like circumcision, they ve done it for ever so they just keep doing it, but if they just started
when it tomorrow, people like why'd, you cut their babies, Dick fucking crazy, while I've always cut babies to type in cutting babies. Dick spheres like this is right. It's only wherever you get used to it, while not just yet I'm catholic, my dick, are cut its like practised. cross the board, under the guise of bourbon sanitary, its prevention of AIDS, only stupid reasons to cut dicks it's just a tradition that doesn't make any goddamn sense now send the best analogy to wait, cutting their focus undercutting dicks I'll. Do what I had to pick up on an analogy which tourism
So when you try to describe the ground game yeah its super tough for allay audience, because of this, that the picture doesn't necessarily match what you're, seeing because that that layer of expertise makes a bunch of random arm movements and had movements and hit movements yeah into something else. We have the same problem and like math and physics where everybody wants to know. What's going on that thing, and then, when you, I have been listening to like the physicists on your programme to give many mathematicians, but it's so conferred using and figure out how to talk to the world about things. People everybody wants to know about, and I was just curious, is if you saw a parallel in those two things are certainly very I art forms yeah Sean Carol is done. A really good job of turn explained explain things near the grass Thyssen's than really good job. Try to explain things less. I saw it. Explanation of gauge symmetry. Lord
grouse year on your show, which is like from to my way thing when the most important principles in the world have still have no idea what the fuck he says exactly like I've read his book and after I read a book. Tat was the number one question I had. I said: ok, I needed explain to me: what is gauge symmetry? What does it mean? It's so weird that he didn't. I don t. expected me just busted out yeah I don't think so, but I think that it so hard to. Hey here's one of my I will. I will get back to jail cemetery, maybe that, like the people say, the universe is expanding right what does that mean. They nevertheless hardware every smart purse into what right you know like. It's the universe. What does it expanding into right and where's gone right? Could it doesn't make any sense the linguistic of the universe is expanding, isn't really with them, but so the matter in the universe is moving outwards. Bizarre,
the universe is expanding, know what it means is the end universe is getting more infinite, her, no, so the professed vows that they they took. Did you yeah I consider drawing Vassili City was kicking in here. So, if you think about this bottle, ok right. It's the slices of the bottle that are expanding, but if you think of the bottle is the universe, the bought the bottle and expanding its just the cross sections. That are expanding, and so that's what they really mean, what they really mean, something like the space time trick on space like cross sections, has volume form an integrated as is hire. Somebody like that some some mathematical statement, but the universes Spending is not helpful to me like. If I wasn't able to read the math, I would say I dont get it. Why don't you
anything quite honestly and not being self deprecating. I dont get the Big bang yeah I'll get it at all. Well, ok, here's what somebody should tell you! Ok, there are two kinds of singularity is when you try to solve Einstein Field equations for gravity, so gravity is a thing. Einstein tells us pretty much. What we think gravity is the curvature space and time and when we try to solve his equations, we get these black singularity which called sorts chilled sing clarity is well. Let me get this initial singularity, which we associate back to the big Bang with the Friedman Walker Robertson model in some sense the singularity are indications to. That we're not at the end of physics and that Einstein's equations, Arthur, aren't the real story, and so on other than sort of saying, they're, pretty good model up until this point in them kind of really don't know what happened then we have
survey, tional thing that we would mapped the Big bang in that we have the model thing that we would mapped the Big Bang and, to be honest with you, pretty sure that our seas models don't make sense, past appoint and now we're having this conversation passed. The point were pretty sure they don't make sense. That would be much more honest to me, but because we have this desire to to blow people's minds gratuitously and everybody wants what had everything cannon and where I mean who are we and we want to sort of answer more of that, then we probably should
An interesting way put that makes sense that let me give you an alternate spin on quantum mechanics. So typically people say you have my boy came a quantum mechanics is at its probable list and that is packed kind of mine blogging. But if you actually say differently, you say: look in classical mechanics like Newton stuff that we feel more comfortable with. You have good questions and bad question like if you and I go hang out the beach- and I say to you: hey where's, that wave Concentrated at what point does that with the wave live? You look at me and say it's a wave. It's not concentrated at a point. That's all along the shore. So as a classical physicists you to say, that's not a good question Eric and when I ask you a good question like how fast is the wave front moving in
This trajectory something you can give me an answer and definite. So as long as you ask a good question in classical mechanics, you get definite answers when you got a quantum mechanics and you ask a good question technically that means that the state vector Izard observable of thee, her mission operator representing the question nevermind funny thing happens. You get deterministic answers, there's no probability involved whatsoever. So if I ask a good question in quantum mechanics, they have the same property that I I do. When I ask a question and classical mechanics, I get a definite answer. There's no probability when I ask a bad question: Quantum mechanics of like classical mechanics says you know screw off? I'm not answering that! That's ridiculous! It's a bad question. Quantum mechanics, as you really want, asked me a bad question. I I'll give you my
be this answer, and maybe that answer and here's the probability distribution that are actually give you either those two answers, and what's more, I leaving kick it into the state that I that you asked about so, for example, if you ask, whereas that wave concentrated so like, let's eight this, my coffee cup and I drop a little dry, in the center of it. That creates a circular way that radiates out- and I say where is the wave concentrated well at one? Second, it hits the coffee mug that says a big coffee cup and it one second, after that, it's concentrated again in the sun. So that becomes a good question only when the wave becomes we concentrated in the center of the cup. But if that wave were quantum wave, I could ask, whereas the wave concentrated and with equal probability suddenly, the wave will concentrate at some point along the circle. That represents the way. So what would your answer? We then, what.
Would be little concentrated. One of these points around the circle at random, with equal weight with equal probability, and suddenly the wave will concentrate randomly when it when it's a quantum questions This is why quantum mechanics is so confusing. Quantum physics is so confusing to people work as they hit the hit the here that Nego, okay, this is that is used in views when, in my head, like Jello. Well, that's the thing, but the point of if I, if I have a wave and slow it down, I can look at a wave and coffee bug right and I can see that ask, whereas the wave concentrated you would say, it's concentrated at like half an inch out from the centre of the CUP News say no, no, not what ring is concentrated. What exact point that concentrated exact point, but that wave in quantum mechanics, which is not concentrated at an exact point, behave differently when I ask a bad question so that the point that I'm trying to get across is good questions have exactly the same properties in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. There's no introduction of probability. Theory,
The weird question is: why is quantum mechanics answering bad quest? More or maybe even weird question is not just by is, is quantum mechanics in an adolescent state of understanding. I mean it is part of the problem that they don't know enough yet and there trying to like it. Blame what they do know what they can prove on paper and for a person like me. Well, what do you know and the like? Well, we oh probabilities, we know this. We know that in a person like me does nobody's studying in it just goes well. What is I mean? What's that great select. Let's say we were having a conversation about genetics and we were only at the dna we didn't see. Epigenetic fry in terms of like revelation patterns, then you'd you'd, shove, everything onto DNA, and maybe you had no concept of like development and the
the model would work up to a point. Would explain why you have blue eyes or brown eyes, but it wouldn't explain all sorts of other things, and so now, then you over over develop that model. So I I think that what you are saying is really Einstein's intuition witches, I'm I'm not saying Einstein not saying that this is wrong. I'm saying this is incomplete and then, when we finally get the answer, we're gonna say: oh, that's why we used to think of it in those crazy terms, so back to gauge theory, gauge symmetry. What that was that are well here's the cares, the craziest thing, there is a very confusing visual image of the fund The mental unit that you need to appreciate what gauge symmetry is all about and had Jamie loaded up under the tap called planet and this is great, Show Piazza, HTTP F, what the fuck am. I Look if you are looking at the most important object in the universe
Why. that looks like some trippy screen saver, my laptop taken other puff my friend worth it. This is what you're looking at is a principle fight, her bundle in itself. It is the earth, those are the car tonight's Althea! That's the cool part about it, which is this is very confusing to figure out what you're looking at but its finite. In other words, if we stay at an hour or two on this, and we actually answer all your questions. You will actually know what a principle bundle is, and you will know the arena in which gauge theory exists for folks at home, there just listening and they were what the fuck do. These guys talk about what is the name? this. Video Jamie sought a video small file on a page I typed in playing to opt in others the first and shut up on math but Toronto dot. Eighty, you ok, so extended thing: planet h, o p.
F. If anybody wants to look at this, if you're just listening and you have idea why I'm freaking out on this? This was done by friend of my name drawer, Barn, a time I actually coded the same thing up strangely enough didn't do is brilliant job of colouring influx amazing. So, ok, what you're? Looking at is a two dimensional sphere. That is the surface of the earth, where an extra circle is included at every point. On the surface of that sphere, which you now visualizing and that extra circle
it would be called the fibre when you take the totality of all of those circles together, one for each point. On the surface of the sphere, they create something called a three sphere. That is all the points that are one unit of distance away from the origin and for dimensional space so that three dimensional sphere is the analogue of a too mentioning spheres sitting in three dimensional space, so think about a camel apple. You ve ever make Carmel apples you get a disk of. Normal and you wrap it around the sphere. That is the apple surface right. So this is the three dimensional version of carnal wrapped around the three dimensional sphere, sitting in four dimensional space. do you understand me. This Jamie I've tried what to do that? I totally trippy ray we're, not gonna, get it completely. During this session,
by laughing. I lack the tools. I don't think so. If we lack the time so the first Is you are finding out that one of your friends thinks this is the most important object in the universe and you ve never even heard of it right now. less know that there's one visual example what the fuck, it's happening now exactly it does look fuckin crazy! Well, ok! This is What was discovered in the mid nineteen seventies as the connection between mathematics, indifferent, where we call differential geometry and the discipline of particle through so two guys Jim sign, the words now, the world's most successful hedge fund manager and C N Yang, a person who might Ard arguably be the world's first or second greatest living theoretical for
assist, had a lunch seminar, and this is why don't we figure out? How do we talk to each other and what they found out? They both had developed a version of this picture and then independently. So was the result of stone that least a revolution. So in law crass was talking to you about gauge theory. He you saying things but boards and color, white and colored black Superman choosing to me. I would rather, your people be confused about an actual example of the object. On which we do gauge theory that you can visually see right now. If I started to tell you, what gauge theory is pretty simple, so here's an here's a description. I never hear anyone say when you doing differential calculus enough. You remember different calculus, try to forget the slopes of law.
he's not instantaneous rise over the run, so that always makes sense to peep, ok figure. How fast is going up? First, half ass, it's gonna cross border, question arises, which is where do you measure the rise from so, for example, if I say at what is the height of Mount Everest Jamie? say? Thirty was thirty? Five thousand some crazy, like he's got thousands save base. Where would you get an internet connection? Let's guess we think, as I can remember, Palisades thirty. Five thousand, would you think those twenty nine point? Nine tonight what's the highest was the highest? One is a key to get his second
ties to locate soak ever so. Twenty nine. Would you say, twenty nine between I know tonight, but tonight above what sea level locate, whereas manner dislocated them away what is it what's see no ocean, surprise like we snuck in its above sea level and there's no ocean. So we stop from the centre of the earth. We have. This structure called the Joyed, which is the interpretation of sea level as if see love is if the earth was only ocean and there was no time right and as if there is some sort of we snuck in the reference level. That's my point is that we teach these kids to repeat flights. Twenty ninth thousand and change above sea level and there's no see why, so that reference level is the magic of gauge there right, which that we measure the rise over the run based on it, custom level so
add a level that we all agree upon. Suffer example: let's imagine that you and I are in some countries experiencing hyperinflation right and I'm your boss and you say dude. I need a raise. I so well. Look I've told you. I would hire you for in a ten thousand dinars a month and you say yeah as well. You, your salary, is constant. I took the derivative of it. I've paid you ten thousand last month, ten thousand this month. You're getting the same amount. Derivative equals zero, constant salary. Now you have come back at me in calculus. You say no! I don't like your notion of driven, because what you are doing is your measuring the absolute number of diners that you're paying me. But what I want to do. As I want a measured and purchasing power, because I'm losing money every month that you don't increase my salary. So I now come up with a version of the calculus.
In which MIKE salaries, not constant, because its being measured relative to purchasing power or rather than absolute units, that's gauged is that you bringing in a reference level that does the differentiate and so you, your measuring rise, overrun by custom rising the problem. So these were two different applications of the calculus cheating, employer, says I want to go with constant diners. The gifted employee says not so fast I know gauge theory. I want to use a custom reference level which is purchasing power right. So it's like sneaking the G8 in Tibet to measure Everest. I've got my custom level. Mrs makes us do yes, it makes sense right, but now explain it say what he said. Well, we would need a new reference of what we want to measure. What would I knew conversation to have a rather like a flat level right right? I guess it would.
really difficult for me Recall day from now, maybe we'd now so black now, but we might have pop a mushroom gap. See what's up. It's still in reference to quantum physics like how you would you gauge symmetry well, but now you would think its workforce that ok, the visual cortex because the thing that we can do visually should inform what we can do linguistically. So he should push everything into the visual realm that you can What you mean by that like why ashore? do the hop vibration, which is the only in some sense, the only mature picture, I can show you of a principle: vibration and geometry or physics. That is honest and has the full complexity. It's got a certain kind of nodded menace to it. It's got something that we would call
richer and it is visualize apple, and so it would be better that we spent a day or two on this most important object, which we think reality is based around and that you visually got comfortable with it, and then you said: okay now, Tommy again we gave symmetry is and then instead of Lawrence talking about this chess board and the colors and all this stuff by analogy you'd, we'd be seeing gauge theory visually. I could programme a computer and have done so to show you visually, what a gauge theory is and I'll take some time to sort of understand what the trippy pictures are, but if let's bring up the Escher staircase. and Jimmy has a nice wrinkle on this that instead of use empty Escher. Staircase he's got this animated. Guy just keeps going down our I now. What's going on with the stairs
Now the stairs are sort of an optical illusion, because obviously it can't just keep going down, but then you build these sis system, like rock paper scissors. What's the best thing to throw in rock papers while depends on what you throw well, but we should be able to Ray that rock is better than scissors. Rock is balances papers better than rock rights eagerly That thing now point is that you get too like rock, is much better than rock. Rain, the that seems crazy. Now then concept would be what we would call HOLLAND me, the weird sentence: rock is better than rock because of that going arise. Why rock is better than rock? I don't get it rather than scissors, is better than paper right papers better than rock, so my transitive, eighty rock, is therefore better than rock He went around the loop and came back to rock like a math yeah reflect if your check, if you're changing currencies- and you don't spend any everybody keep you lose using a credit card by the time you come
we had more money than when you left, because the exchange rates did some things so that when you changed into each currency, you somehow got sure, but by Saint Brok, is better than brought your denying. The fact are exactly the same, but note that not you not addressing it. I just want to that. Italy is leading the throne linguistic fellas right. So the idea that this system here so those stairs in engaged theory would be these reference levels for the derivative and you can have situations where the reference levels dont knit flatly together right and so By virtue of that, we would say that the system has curvature. Curvature is the Sternness of of these, better than transitive statements vulgar looking at folks for people? Just listening, we're looking at you never seen as Escher is the sketches there very strange because what their eyes a bunch of staircases that appear to always
be going down hill, even if one of them is above the other one. It's very strange, very strange, and this one were watching animated guy roll down the staircase constantly, even though it really looks like somehow or another, it must go up somewhere, but you don't ever see it going up, but it's also a factor of the illusion of perspective and how its drawn and and playing with lines exactly, but if You do this very weird experiment which we didn't know back to the late. Fifty is called the aeronaut foam experiment. If you run a electric current through a wire, that's insulated its. It appears not to have any electro magnetic field outside
of the installation. However, if you do some sort of quantum interference experiment, you can tell that there's current going through because it affects the fates phase shift, let's say, of an electron orbiting that insulated electromagnetic system. So nobody thought that was going to happen because they thought well, it insulator would keep the we thought. The electromagnetic fields is what determines the shift in the electron but its insulated. So there is no electromagnetic fields worry about. It turned out that it wasn't the electromagnetic fields alone. It was some previous geometric concept, which is called the electromagnetic potential that determine something about the fish shift So this issue, staircase in the case of electromagnetism, it's like the photons, are the annulled- of those steps there partially would deter, and the derivative operators, does reference levels and again and in our discussion of the in my paying you the right amount and a hyper inflationary economy.
So all of these things you're transfigure. Well, that's an optical illusion, but that affect actually occurs in some systems, not as an optical illusion. Yes right, so this weirdness Rick wires, Fairmount in terms of either study of math or learning visualization, but there's no way to achieve it. In my experience with linguistic communication, like all the stuff that said about the universe is expanding or let me tell you what it gauge theory is and what The reason is confusing asks. It doesn't make any sense right. I see what you say sort of, but so this is this is like would find. Men said, if you think you know, Quantum x, you dont know quantum physics, others there, some of that, like any others, you know one of the most important thing
in the world is this thing called spinner like the electrons and the protons correspond to things called spinners. An average person has no idea that spinners exist. What's more, winners have a property that, when I tell tee linguistically won't make any sense ATLAS do this with coffee, and we want to look at certain swore yeah. Thanks are perfect. The here's the problem hold your cut up from the bottom and here's. The first challenge without spilling it. I want you and without readjusting your grip on the bottom of your cup. I want you to turn your cup three hundred and sixty degrees. No, no sorry turn your finger should not change on the cup turn the cup three hundred and sixty degrees without spilling it and try to take set.
Ok that didn't work now now without coming back. How would you take us up if I got all the way around that when Mr Jujitsu would have to have to help us? Yet? No, no, I'm gonna! Do it here we go on you're gonna go around three hundred and sixty aka. Now I'm screwed, if I don't bring it back underneath say so that system required seven hundred and twenty degrees of rotation unexpectedly use keep going right now the idea that there are objects that don't come back to themselves under three hundred sixty degrees rotation
but require seven. Twenty is probably something you ve never thought about before new life right, but without that you wouldn't have the Polly exclusion principle. You wouldn't have stability of matter, and this thing is called the philippine wine dance Jimmy you wanna, that's not very seductive. It seems like some very odd ethnic dance yeah, but like maybe you could do 11th planet Jiu Jitsu, and we go so this spinner. is one of the cruellest. Most important objects anywhere, and it was discovered to be wouldn't physics by gaining Paul D, rock right. It's fun ok, so the seven hundred and twenty theory is entirely responsible for the world that we live in. This is a bizarre Nelson animation, and nobody knows about like unless you're hanging out with physicists, they dont tell you that
de magnetism has to do with the fact that there is a secret circle at every point in space and time, that's invisible to you. They don't tell you that there's stuff that require seven hundred twenty degrees irritation, they just say my blowing stuff about wow, so what is happening in the seven hundred and twenty degrees of rotation in the quantum world. There is an object that is requiring this. Just that the cup arm system requires seven hundred and twenty degrees of one object is called spinner and that spinner is how we model the electron neutrino corks. All is spin oral matter. Sir, that's good long pause like it. Yeah end wait? Where does this fit in in our model of the universe? What is the function of this wise there? What is it? How do we know it's there? What we know it's there because
is when Dereck. So there was this problem with like the shredding her equation. Shooting equation takes one derivative in terms of the direction of time and to derivatives in the direction of all the spatial directions, but because Einstein told us that space and time are woven together for the theory, relativistic the same number of derivatives of time as of space, the space time, a sort of one kind of semi unified out all right. That means you either have to boost the number of derivatives of time up to two to match the to derivatives in the direction of space or have to knock. The two direct derivatives in the special directions down to wonder if it is to get it to be equal one direction, get you something called the Klein Gordon equation with the rock did. Is he took a square root of the Klein, Gordon equation, to get these spinners? So we had these numbers. He didn't understand at first that he was going to get kicked into this world of spinner.
He came up with a square root equation, in which a times be thought to be numbers was not equal to be times. I was like equal to the negative, a betimes, so unlike what too numbers when you multiply them matter in which order? There wasn't numbers? It was matrices. Sis was one of the great insight. it's a rival, Tine Stein. In terms of the depth of what it told us about the universe. Most of us haven't really heard of Paul to rock. We don't realize that he has one of the three most important equations and physics now in when you say through most important important in how its applicable to everyday life or import. In how its in us and understanding in quantum physics or important, Oh it's understand it. It's it's understandings is significant. Quantum physics matter we're talking about Bedrock Rio.
like you and I are having a conversation in your matrix fan and what we might call the concept. What is the construct made of made so the way I do it is, I think, of it as a newspaper story, there's wherein, when did it happen? There was who and what was involved and there's how and why so, where and when the space and time. Clearly the who and the what to me. Let's say the who is the spin oriole stuff, like electrons protons neutrons, the stuff that were made of, and then you and I only able to see each other because we're passing photons back and forth, which are forced particles, they're, not spend or they they come back to themselves after three hundred sixty degrees. It requires
seven hundred and twenty that's. So this is sort of the you know. If you were going to go to a play, it have the dramatic personality the play given to you at the beginning. So this is what this universe is. It's a story about space and time where and where and when about what is in that? You know like who the player when equipment are they using that's like bovines and firm yards and then there's the? How and why, which is the equations and milligram genes that govern the rules of play in us? For example, if you and I you know, start go to the beach, and we got a ball in the net and you think we're going to play volleyball and we actually sent me says not over to place. Tpac Tuckborough, which is like volleyball played with the feet in the martial arts, style sauce yeah. We showed a video in that recently, slaves from Thailand or by air there. There really good at amazing
amazing, it's like ballet martial arts, sonorous five all happening one that we should. We should do this as a nation. That's a different set of rules for a ball and a net in two teams that you could have done it one way as volleyball. You could have done it another way, see packed up. Where were you using a feat in your hands, so those that sort of the breakdown of what a physics theory? Is you gotta tell me where and when he had tell me what's in the game, you got him what the rules are and that's what this places it's, a theoretical physics is the most interesting of all these fields to me, not because it speaks to us about our daily lives because it speaks to us about will. Where are we wear it? Where is this thing taking place? So it seems to me that there's a small number of people like that are studying the stuff that are there get past biology, they're getting past?
gravity climate age, all those different variables that were constantly doing and they're they're, getting to the very things that make Everything and what is it under the wiring lift, lift up the board what's going on in here, rights are getting too computer down to the zero and one logic gates right yeah, so that thing we ve got three or four equations. We ve got three or four different kinds of objects in the system. We seem to be an people in it, not like what I am about to say but screw them. We seem to be almost at the end. Like these patients are so beautiful there so tight that it's almost most mysterious, because it feels like this thing, like a movie that ended prematurely. How so well
when we found the Higgs particle at the El Hc there wasn't any thing left that needed too To close to explain the system, we know that there's dark matter out there that we don't understand. We know that there is dark energy out there, that we don't understand because of astronomical observations, but all the stuff that we know about when you look at it and collided at high energies and figure what mutates into what there's nothing missing anymore. So it's like think You ve got this odd thing where everything are very, very simple, very unified and felt like we were getting at one or two more giant unification. The whole thing would be tied up with a bow and right now Now we just don't have anything that is needed to close the system. So, for example, when you have radioactive carbon decay
what you see is that one of the neutrons flips into being a proton and its spits at an electron when it does that sound like a Trans nucleon it it shifts what it is. Ok, that electron doesn't carry off enough energy, to explain how energy would be conserved, there's something missing. So this guy Wolfgang Pauli said I bet, there's a particle that is neutral, so we can't see it that we won't leave a track in a cloud chamber. It won't have any effect, that we can see Electra, but its carrying away some of the energy, because I'm not gonna, give up and elect and conservation of energy. Just because this particular process doesn't seem to conserve and sure enough. There was the sneaky particle. That was spiriting away. Some of the energy of the system. It couldn't be seen because it didn't interact. Electromagnetic Molly did not interact corner the strong force. The only thing you could use to trap it would be the weak force in that weak force was so weak that
very hard to see it. Ok! Well, there's no neutrino that I no of left, to find. There's no thing, that's missing! In our standard model- and I'm just not satisfied, nobody satisfied that the play is over I would the play be over just because we ve discovered all the neutrinos well know. What's that we had an easy job. When there was stuff that was missing, then you just hype. the site. I bet there's some invisible thing that scaring away some stuff- let's go look for something that's hard to see, so they find it so the violent Higgs they find the Hague they. Finally neutrinos they find torque glue on plasma islands go go there, but I was gonna stay that they found like the generations of matter. So you and I are made out of the first generation of matter, but there could be like alternate Joe Rogan, Meda.
second generation matter or third generation. We don't know of any generations beyond these to hold up. Why dynamo so like the electron? Ok has it has a relative called them? You on that behaves exactly like the electron, accept its heavier and the up down the up and down corks that make a protons neutrons have relative cults, strange quirks and charmed corks, so there's like a second copy of Lego that has all the same properties as the first copy Lego, except it's a different mass level denser, but it's almost identical copied. Nobody wanted this thing. So the famous jokes: there is this guy: is a door. Robbie was like a kind of an ethnic Jew in in New York and when they found second generation of matter. He responded as if it was a group of people at a Delhi, and he said who ordered that that's a joke and fanatics who ordered. That but he knew there was a second generation and then like, then they hit us
over the head, you know there's a third one to everybody's. Just think what why, where these things coming from said, the fact that you dont know this- what a profound disconnect that you're having all these physicists on the show- and these are the basic secrets that word where these are rock solid, these out. This isn't speculative multiverse string theory whoosh running cat stuff in this is like this is ground truth, and we don't know it
we don't know it because nobody will show you a picture of the Hopf fibration. What is a concept called the group, which is how we think about symmetry, that no mathematician and physicist? Can you not go a day without talking about groups almost and we act as if it doesn't need to be taught in high school like it's too? It's a little blow your mind. We're not going to teach you. The groups even exist, so we built the professional version of the the subject around objects that we don't even tell you exist when you're studying in school if you think about the portal story in child: there's the story about either it's a rabbit, hole or Looking glass or wardrobe or platform, nine, and one slash two or whatever these things are. I don't know what the Harry Potter version of his butt. How do I get from the world that I'm in
To this new amazing world and even find out that it's there and that's what I think theoretical physics is failed to do, it hasn't build a portal for most people to even understand what the issues are. What are the objects? What is the game? How close are we to understanding what existence itself is that I think we're very, very close and the square root this was, I was going to say before bed to rock the most profound object in mathematics to me- and the reason is that when I ask you, what is the square root of negative one, that is a question that can be posed entirely within the familiar, so the real the real numbers, you're comfortable enough? You owe money, you have money, so I need plus, plus one minus one square root, understand what what what times itself equals my number
and when you say what's the square it of negative one, there's no answer inside of the real line, but there is inside of this extension, called the complex numbers, and so like your in flatland and you're, trying to figure out is there anything beyond flatland? So the great thing about the square root is it's a question you can ask in flatland that gets you out of flatland tease should confuse the shit you with us I understood that part of it yeah. I guess so that party complex numbers thing got weird went ok, algebra, so when I was there when I'm taking like rotations of the coffee cup, where my arm isn't involved right, ok, Sir square root of that rotation was that mean did well. Now I put my into the system in my arm. Plus coffee cup gives you spinners
dude? I did not even know that spinners were here. I did not know that any object required seven hundred twenty degrees of rotation, so the cup armed system we just exhibited it. You don't need to learn Clifford, algebra or all of the extra jazz. That would get you to spinners mathematically, but you need to figure out. How do I discover the word? The hidden world, I think, This, from the perspective of like I lost somebody takes, I was good and they have no idea that their brain is capable of this alternate state or Ellis D or five m Yoda empty. All of these things are like panic rooms in the mind where, if you lived in a house for twenty years,
You think you know your house and then one day you pull an old musty book off the shelf and suddenly the bookshelf swings open. You know like wholly crap, there's like a second home inside of my home. Well, that's a lot of what psychedelic of my psychedelics are like square routes in that their portals. They can get you from the place that you know into a place that you never imagined could exist. Do you think that the teaching of groups and a lot of these concepts in high school would facilitate a better understanding of it from the general public the dull hunting in the girl S, failure and it would woody the resistance to this is too complex are not applicable to jobs. You know that the idea behind it is not something that you use in everyday life. So that is just too weird to think about the fact that there is sends to the electron that a fan
than this bodybuilder cousin to the air. We want a boy go, get it made out of strange works. One of your cousins is made out a lead. Now I think it's much worse than this. I think that, first, while people are terrified of just how smart children are and the differences between children have to be buried, so some children, a graded abstraction and a lot of kids, were created. Abstraction are learning disabled according to the teaching system. Now I personally think that most learning disabilities of particular type are actually teaching disabilities, I don't know how to teach the smartest kids and groups in things. You're gonna lose some people because of the level of abstraction, but you're gonna get other people who have never been able to buy a base. Hidden mathematics suddenly start over performing. So the problem is that when you teach this stuff, it's very disruptive to notion.
Of the hierarchy, have you thought about what are the causes of these different levels of perception? Is it education is genetics? Is it environmental is some sort of chemical bounds of the mind like what? What do you think causes people to be more perceptive to some of these concepts, but a good questions of the thing. I just showed you with the planet in a way that you ve never seen it before. I know of only two people who ever created that image MA I'm one of them drawer, Barnett on as the other. Maybe there many more, but I've never heard of or met them. The number of people first of all know what the hop vibration is. I would guess is really deeply. No, it is a few thousand people in the world, so none of those people are if did at trying to visualize another care now them programme computers, the number of people who could present that to the world
is so small. It's such a tiny, priestly class that your odds, of getting anyone figuring out how to make this understandable are very small, so we're talking about a very small priesthood, most of whom are too busy trying to do new research to want a care to communicate, many of whom not gifted communicators. Many of us realise that we don't fully understand these things I can. I can show you spinners mathematically on a page, but if you ask me in my darkest moments, do I believe that man really knows what spinners are? I don't think so. This site is all the stuff that to me looks like the monolith two thousand and one it just to freaky comes out of nowhere and is at the core of reality. If you really want to blow your mind, look a tiny number, tiny collection of these objects- principle, vibrations, spinners, exceptionally, groups. This eight two hundred and forty eight dimensional monster this. What is that
There is a two hundred and forty eight dimensional set of cemeteries, which seems to live only to be the symmetry is of itself where everything else seems to live to some try something else and no on us might have to spark that joint back up again. Let's do this with your there's. This thing called the tits forbidden fall magic square. After this guy named shock, teeth and These guys figured out how to generate these sets of cemeteries of dimension. Fifty to seventy eight hundred and thirty, three and two hundred and forty we don't know why there there they, like the platter, pie and kidnappers of the mathematical world there just different. They don't seem to relate to anything else that we know we know yet and that's what
fascinating about them, and these are discovered by people that are trying to figure out the nature reality they discovered by people trying to find more or of these bizarre equation. Oh, but our whose whose discovering these, and what's that impetus like what? What is when you ask very natural questions, like you, VE, probably seen you replied, dungeons and dragons as a kid. Luckily, now, ok, Well, you were being people, a pie was now being starboard. I've seen one video anyway, yet these die right yet, like the cube derived. the tetrahedron die, but is achieving better, be space time. This is my eight d surface presence might arch nemesis when I was telling the story last time more sober October, yet Garret Lisi Bobby took me into the jungle to meet this sort of differentiation metric warlord lives in the north of Maui in the jungle mowing yeah. I remember this. I do now yea
get off my story, man, I'm so, let's go for here. We are again with a beggar, so well well. This is this is based on the eight dimensional. I'm almost certain can be based on the eight dimensional root system. So inside of the two hundred and forty eight dimensions, there's an eight dimensional donut called a tourist like an eight tourists and generally this pattern and that pattern in some sense in codes, the instructions for building the two hundred and forty eight dimensional object. So somebody probably pushed in eight dimensional thing into two dimensions for your viewing pleasure in disease. Accurate look when you're looking at this, this image that were saying does it make sense to you I mean I could make it can related things that make sense to me. If the ideas can I look, yet at the way I look at a bark arise, I owe tied and sent it no. I have no idea, but
but this is an accurate representation if you're looking at two dimensions yeah. So what what What I'm trying to say is. You don't even know to worry about this pattern ran because you ve never heard that these things exist, and this is like the closest that we come to your genuine mysticism where we have these objects. If there are aliens they know about IE, eight with the aid or the aliens it is the early yeah I've been coming up. we'll go to this later on when Iraq, your story again that I have an idea. So what I'm trying to get at is this? Is the man Justine mystery of being a mathematic mathematicians, physicists these fine. So if I have to say but dungeons dragons you're, given these dice
where the normal dies always acute, but the Potomac solids you can have it knocked hatred, tetrahedron, dodecahedron, Akashi. All these things. There is an element of those five per tonne excellence in the next dimension up, so they could call convicts politics. So each one of those objects has an analog one dimension up, but was found out in the latent a teen hundreds that there's a new platonic, solid and dimensions, Or called the twenty fourth to bring up the twenty four cell and find an animated video somebody retain a thing like this is thing that Plato knew nothing about. We don't really understood, and what is doing there in four dimensions, these communications from the cosmos, like when Jody Foster, is on the move contact and they were getting them signals, but how to make the time Shane Baby are the portal machine yet, but this is on in a red this just now.
This doesn't come with an instruction manual, so part of it is you can prove that these things are there. and you dont know why either there and some of them touch every and some of them have yet to touch almost anything. And it's like a communication from pure design I know that there is so much beautiful structure and so much grace in the universe that we're just what the fuck is this doing, what is it right or what is everything right? What is the whole thing? Norman look if you accept three dimensional space say this ass right! If you accept this glass, I understand that a circle can spend the glass circle circles worth of symmetry is tells me what to do to spend less. If not, that can do right. Why is there something that the analogue of a circle where circle, I would call one dimensional me- he's got one degree of freedom. This thing is two hundred forty eight dimensions
and it doesn't seem to live to submit, tries in the jargon we would say it doesn't have a defining representation of lower dimension. So normally you have something of low dimension, and you say what are its summit? Raising the cemeteries are higher dimension. This thing seems like the first thing it wants to symmetry rises itself, so it's kind of self referential kind of honesty, so it's like a zero point of creation. That's pole, the language I would groove on that after eleven p M, but I wouldn't have to reckon with Skype. It's like. I was trying to pick somebody up the other point of creation right that's a sexy word. Yes, sexual education, but like if we were saying the Bay, Bang existed, it means some point in the history of the universe. It was this really tiny thing and decide for whatever reason something
and right and it became his enormous thing. possibly enormous thing had there had to be a point where it started right, but when allegedly so what I would say. is weakened, competently. Take that story back to a point, and then we have to say we don't we, I believe that we have any insight beyond that point, but people Go there anyway. We We know that it was tiny down. Small white girl smaller than the head of a pin. The whole thing, I'm ok, is uncomfortable, saying vibrant resettle ban likely you can, you can chat, I can send you can say a lot of stuff about very only very small and it could that could turn out to be wrong possibly long ago. Fourteen billion years ago in our minds. As far as I forgot you mathematics, you see it on number numbers on paper, it all computes. You see the numbers. Fourteen billion is a number that makes sense for, but conceptually fur dumb
like me, fourteen billion is like. If I really from being honest, do I really did you see? I've really have an accurate understanding. What fourteen billion end up, but nowhere Weinberg doesn't feel fourteen billion either right. You know we're hundred yards is you know. A hundred yards reveal that I see a hundred yards only does too far to shoot a bow like you, gotta get a little closer to be. You have simply. You have some kind of an intuition pump while you would know distances rational distances, see on a daily basis, a hundred yards along distance, a vile, gets a little weird Is that a mile away? How far is it smiles away, while I didn't think was therefore right. There's, there's weirdness in distance right, but when you get to a hundred and forty million miles I give up. But here too for the ten year, get fatigued by that it will get energized like yeah man. You have no idea along its humbling right, What, then, is the concept of infinite ain't like this?
things at cross said, or maybe we shall Carol had said to really not that we know that We can see fourteen billion years ago as like, but that's just as far back as were capable of seeing right now and even if we did go further. The light is actually moving slower Ike? You wouldn't be able to see it right right. Let's say you have this thing about with the space time metric, which sort of how things are feel like they're moving apart the distant Einstein said four degrees of freedom, plus rulers and pro tractors equal space time. In rights or space time, metric is a collection of rulers and pro tractors, so I can do lengthened angle, including lengthen the time direction, and that generates a derivative operator which we talk.
but before, which is rise over run relative to accustom reference level. The custom reference levels generate the Esther staircase that we did and that generates the curvature tensor, which generates gravity. So strangely, with all this kind of like Wu Wu stuff tat, we ve been doing, we just came to a much better description of what theoretical physics actually looks like it's four degrees of freedom of religion. Pro tractors gives you derivative operators were custom reference level, the custom reference levels dont knit together. That leads to an extra staircase. The degree of echelon us is the curvature tensor. The curvature generates the gravity which is what's keeping you and I our chair. I really appreciate your understood, explained this in a way that you hope that someone can understand one another problem, not a physicist but you're explaining it very well that the problem As for someone like me, I lack the tools to.
put it there? I don't have enough open slots for them. concepts like it's. Give you were explained to me complex arguments in French, but I didn't speak French, so you're saying you know: Bonjour means this and then explain all these other words and then thrown altogether. Unlike what and then its cultural references, then you have to deal with the fact that this sum store a precedent to certain types of behaviour that take into consideration because he's a french people that have lived in this way Well, ok, but look! That's nice send compared illegal trading. Let's drop some! So so you do this thing about like what for meat. Like me, why roughly a media stop at? I know me better than you know me. That's true but you also less honest than you think on this particular type is premature. Look when we hang out. We. Usually in a comedy club or somebody's house right. We don't like tat. we're gonna take the afternoon off. We're actually learned theoretical physics ran right,
When I went to it, I did stand up for the first time as I told you and areas that I myself there was insane. I was there for this crazy. You try and explain fucking corks to people maybe there be some real humor and that if you get boil it down yet three quirks Glinda Nuclear Heather Cycle do you know there's a way to do it? Ok, well, who's! The guy. Did it some guy was do everybody was praying calendar is doing quantum jokes. What was his hand de member forgot yet its words that he did very very quickly in a kind of time together like wait. What yeah that's
play Brian who eats a lot, but the clefable when I, when I had to do my ten minutes of stand up, man is that craft. It's it's deep, it's hard because you have to it's not just like telling jokes at a party. It's really have to measure the way the audience is. Laugh comes whether you're taking them along or going to divert all all sorts of things. I never thought about before. You know how you feel when you about the hop thing that it's a part of everything. It's one of the most important things, and yet very few people know what maybe a thousand people understand and on the whole world, what's audits, that number is probably identical the number of legitimate professional stand of commitments in the world and well, when I say, legitimate. I mean someone who can craft a our every two years does Netflix specials heads. it's all over. The country is small, good travel
all over the world and to stand up, isn't insanely small number of humans, and I that my guess is that the number of people that you think or at the very top of the craft like when I really think about who really knows theoretical physics right. It's time I got smaller than fifty yeah yeah. is it. I would pay to see, live or women that to see to see less than fifty of less than fifty and so part of our. Problem is that all of the stuff that humanity is developed is often resident in a tiny number of mines and I feel very vulnerable about the theoretical physics has been faking that it's in a healthy state for a long time We are so vulnerable on the doorstep of actually cracking this puzzle. In my opinion, that's why I comparisons since then cause pretty much. Anybody could stand up in front of time to have your silly if you figure out the craft, but would you guys you're doing is not just really rare
but also the the barrier for end free, like the cost of entry, is exceptionally high, like you have to spend, inordinate amount of time. Studying an understanding this stuff just to get to a base level of what You been able, explain, even explain Somebody really difficult concepts to the lay person that must have taking you, fuckin yawns, to learn and understand all year study of ass mattocks of geometry of all of them, but I'm an impostor also, while I'm not a physicist bread, but you understand me you don't practice physics, I don't understand well know it's they more audacious than that? Which is that when you see in it. ten thousand hours, only sign only those down there. Ten thousand hours can come in. My middle finger goes up like a best, not ten thousand hours work,
It is ten thousand hours I'm willing to get eighty percent, juice and that orange with, like ten percent of the effort rout the ten thousand hours thing to me, Is it's cute but a dozen factor, four feet arms it doesn't there's a lot of people that come into anything whatever. It is with some natural abilities that are pretty undeniable. You know that's a weird! That's a weird equation like it take take something very simple, like the harmonica Most people don't know that that sweet blues sound on a harmonica comes from not using at the way the manufacturer said, which is called straight harp and using it. Instead, the way African Americans figure it out, which is its much cooler to base it around a whole that nobody was expecting to draw rather than for blow- and that gives you a seventh cord that sounds like sweet blues music
if you start, gives us a hustler that was you? Gotta move was woods, traditional way of user. Would it's our that would be Carmen points. Boy, evil, music, worrying fact, white people goddammit why people carbons, but look not my point who knew when you get one of these things is a party favours a kid Somebody says: hey, don't do that thing. We put your mouth all right, you know, but who knew that
the court of auditors, the abbot, Larry Ideas, it there's something called tongue blocking, there's something called Cross harp and there's something called the one. Four five progress and with the scale that no music teacher ever taught you in grade school in piano are therefore secrets, now suddenly the world opens up, I mean when I open, Jordan, Peterson Dave, Rubin invited me, and I said you know why you play minute worth of harmonica at the Masonic Theater SF for two thousand five hundred people. I became Dave Rubin's talking harmonica monkey. so? I hope for Jordan. Peters, I sit in a rule. Number zero life is too short not to play the harmonica everyone should learn to play the harmonic or know why they're not doing it. There's this great thing in the cab Berkeley fights on will win. The game or know the reason why, if you don't play the harmonica, it's so nice, so simple so, you people. Do it there's so small number of secrets. Have to have a reason, because I can feed myself I can. I can get housing shelter. I can
people anywhere in the world. All I have to do is carry round peace, plastics metal on it or you could be annoying like a lot of like turn, that fuckin guy off wisest was plain that goddamn harmonica either put it back in your pocket. You next job dirty tainted in these people's estimation. Does attention whore out here among those, but what what's worse, a gaia brings a guitar start singing folk songs at a party the animal has beaten over the head with tar erratic shred he's gonna be fine, If you are looking to hear someone tread, that's that All these things are like options for an age ass. You can exercise them. Are you cannot exercise taxes, but me, there is an equal number of things that people would say that our like two harmonica, like you, should be able, do slam, poetry, everyone should be able do slammed poetry. If you can't do SAM poetry, I can feed myself. I can help. I can. I can do slam. Poetry show
at a party and everyone onto here, slammed poetry. Is that true? just trying to beat it's fast, turning to me! That's that harmonica, as are this little tiny thing, that people like there's, not other ones by does like things like these big all trumpet looking thing yeah, I get harmonic as this little thing. I can't many little things: do you blow or that the data that powerful in terms of like the kind of music tat, makes exactly where it is where there's no way balls ray it's was is that it shows that liberals canny bar looking thing, which is nothing no ball harmonic vizir anything comparable in terms of like music the instruments it is that little not it has, I kind of no that's what it's optimized for, but it's that weird yet again to buzz and there's other things at a similar, and then you get tilling trombones and trumpet
everything kind of make sense. Then you get this little fucking things. Canny bar thing ran off heart: a mouthful What's that other, when they buy, I known gnawing gnawing gnawing. These cities knows Jews or timey movies. Is that what is going now? This weird word, for it is of weird word for that thing. All harp jaw harp May I thinking of a complete? Ok, that's one like theirs another weird one could play the spoons yet once again, but that fuckin australian one with they blow at the big too, do the job that once the most were debt. That is like how hard those guys trip and when they came up with that sound you, while I read I keep hearing, that's like truth, tubing throats and Indonesia. Thank you of your and hate ash, berry and theirs do and he's got one dig reduce our fuckin, how you supposed to some money in there just that respect this guy brought a goddamn,
agreed due to the corner, where the coolest recent, it some noise from this motherfucker and ours. just give me a little bit. daddy's Dm T, music. I know if your trip and balls and somebody please that you little take it to a new dimension, so you ve never access before the pain, unfortunately less It should actually is quite interesting. The scent air Centre Dimas Churchyard around me, I was still has a lot of really interesting music. To listen to it. straight out of my mind, blowing well, there's also, there's aren't always that one or the something d gentle there's one of similar Christian based die, methyl trip to mean type churches that They sing songs about Jesus. They too. Balls and sing songs about Jesus and dumb what's really weird about Dm Tee in particular, and I Yes, you can say the same of of mushrooms but mushroom
apparently when its synthesizers, it's real, similar in chemical content to would diamond trip to mean as a matter fuck this up, but I think it's and die methyl trip. Demean is done of a trip to mean and then when its synthesize by the, but when the body processes. suicide, and I think it produces something called for fox forelocks, ie and and DIME Ethel Trip to me. I think it's real close. I might have fucked it up, but I think it's close that it's like their cousins. Ok, so there's something What about music and these things, and one of the best ways to get out of a trip if you're, if you're, really Tribune balls mushrooms, is sing your way out of it, you can sing your way out of a bad trip. You can actually control the trip with good music, and One of the things is really constant with DM tee. Is this Eco rose
these Sharm and will sing, and these egos with the eleventh symbols and like a little bit a drum and these like really rhythmic singing it. It makes the hallucination dance in, like a really are is tangible way, moves around itself and it changes in guides the trip with that's what my hypothesis has been it's sort of some sort of their yes, that's one right there This is one of personally experienced I've. I've actually tripped. listening to the song, and it was like these geometric. Patterns. These entities are seen to be conscious. There were alike moving around. This is a guy. This is the Iowa scarecrow. Does the Shopman blowing tobacco The support of the ritual they actually below tobacco on you. Why you? you do that. So this guy we're just this little rattle and singing, and
sometimes there's actual singing not just whistling but like in their language? Is beautiful, soft, rhythmic sort, a song- and hallucinations dance to this to the sound to this music like they're, supposed to dance to it like their part of like it's not just that you're having music. On top of this academic spare but that they merge emerge in the psychedelic experience Ex experiences a hundred percent affected by the? So it's not just that chemicals that are interacting with your brain you, we're doing something to by responding to that music and the music is doing something by enhancing the way. Your perception of this experience is and all that dancing together like they belong together fast. shit yeah me my ipod this issue has been that the music access oppress thesis too. the lock you in because the experience is so powerful and may maybe ok, I was a little bit weird you try,
Imagine some! He says you want a glass of scotch and a showman to go with it. you probably need one somewhat at a bar. That's like we're going drinkers drink your good intentions are known We grab in anybody's deck neurons what's going on that, and I know it's gettin rude here to be no wedges to be nothing, nothing, it will be said you won't, you will think for a good, solid fight. Seconds before any hasty moves like good slits its interest and I let it get benefit a kind of great benefit from this in terms of our ability to be loose. be silly entered too joy each other's company. But if a, and comes out during this time. You must the dresses demon personally on your own. Don't hold the demon out and throw it out the party right good stuff, that's, but that's what happened so mad drugs? The throne ideal nature that that thing where they figured out.
You put a worm in them a skull stuff. It would be a great marketing device north of the border yeah, as you just tell some story. So now we we're gonna have those that would. But that is the sort of thing or things a marketing, gimmick next and then, and then what we do is we found our own tequila company and we only do so exclusive that you can only buy it if you also Irish, a shawl and methods of yeah and if what, if the worm actually was psychedelic a good. If there was a waggling genetically engineer, a worm to be Intensely psychedelic, like the worm literally, is made out of I Alaska like we. Why do we a toad in Moscow will don't they do weird. Like that, where the little take tomatoes and though a goose, fuckin frog dna in the tomato to make it live longer than is, there's some weird shit there. Anything with cool stuff is the green fluorescent protein stuff. You can have Gloria dark, rabbits and fair. She makes these yes, yes, get some glow in the dark eyes that they can do that right. There is some
some of you have Jamie. You have glow in the dark rabbits now, but I do have the genetically modified potato with frog. Gene to resist pathogens, yeah. Why in the holy fuck? So how weird? Gm potato uses frog gene to resist pathogens like that's, that's real, committed onto a to G G. F, P, rabbits. So, but we on before this who is talking about how we get rabbits Hemingway tequila with our item So what if we'd engineer that little worm rent to be like a hundred percent Bianti hundreds? you weren't you get down to that worm and whoever chugs to the bottom and and choose on that worm. You and transport. What the fuck am. I watch- and these are these, glowing rabbits yet
So, where did but solely hover boards and archery stuff, we need rapid, Zuni glowing round. Here's a problem man, my kids, have ravaged their cuts, has ravaged oil assholes penalties if they don't give a fuck about each other give two of them is so rude this what happens to both males and fortunately here's what happens when you get two male bunnies and you put them in a gigantic chicken coop. They fuck each other up its You have see every day with these little assholes. All they do is take each other's ass. They chaser other around these. You can chew Cuban when they get a hold of each other. They bite each other in a kick each other. They fuck each other up because they're both boys and they don't want a boy to run and shit as these two bunnies fighting each other up do. This is what they do. Bunnies are flocking ruthless to each other. These two little assholes just chase each other all day long and beat the shit out of each other. That's all they do as you do come after I'm not gonna.
not can encourage service areas are Ballard Kilometer. One of was actually missing. So here what happened? We are chicken coop burnt down from the fire, but the chicken survived one of them got scorch. They all got fuckin PTSD, it's crazy, go near, but they're alive right, so we had a manoeuvre them and move it, but one bunnies missing on one bunny, one bunnies missing. So I think it's better for the one by that survived and the one by probably a jack by an eagle or some shit like that. That's wraps on you had a good life. He beat. The shit out of your friend For a year and a half solid, just kick in each other's ass is fuckin horrible. That is, the ears, are totally jacked ear. The shredded like like an old bag and death that you miss. I don't think so, because there's no body, I think, I think, a bunch got out and probably ran away or who knows the fuck happened, Coyote got it or some shit mean there's a lotta hawks, lotta hawks in my neighborhood, its most likely a hawk yeah, but whatever to swallow
eyes by himself now, the other ass, all the assholes to each other's one, good bunny, they just fine and each other like fuck, you imagine just that's all you do for years. Rats, that's bunny life. You get to they'll bunny together and everyday days. Fuck, you fuck, you fuck you. They run at each other, and one ones always trying to get away once a I e the other one job bottomest are buying them and kicking out of the other. One will do the same in their rotate. That's very funny. These last two options in Afghanistan both had lived in the synagogue. It was all had left. That's really only somebody time but went somebody went to go visit the last to choose in Afghanistan and said little wench. Aren't you guys friends, one of them said here I'll show you hey small want to have lunch in other cases, club dead. So you see what I'm working with its like the most jewish conversation between. less stooges. They kick, it allows they like the two rabbits than all the others, went away with
probably really horny and lonely and confused. I suppose yeah me what the fuck only two of them, then you get to Israel stat one of them died and then the last one is is this: despite was the last guy sometime Tom, I relic of its possible for you to get to Jerusalem. That's you! People they'll! Just you a party over their Everything'Ll be great jewish food. Everyone speed, in Hebrew, everyone's united. Well, like the less three Kara, was this young woman in two guys just that now neither one of you forget this thing. I know it's rough man, it's rough, it's crazy to think. There's a country with zero Jews like zero, yeah yeah. I know the whole cunt, free, like whoa whoa whoa at his kind, and as there is no melting pot here, Sir Zero. Zero melting was one ingredient pol pot, Sol Stew,
The Taliban actually really needed the jewish community because they wanted to be able to say we could create relations with Afghanistan. George merry that distance, it was two guys yet to do. and hate each other exact, very polarizing. I don't know how we got it: a glowing bunnies and not get any Fuckin bunnies man or animals. and if you get a guy in a girl together, you gonna fix a girl. Otherwise you can have a million bunnies and they're gonna be kicking. Each other's asses saw they do the bunny Apocalypse. What what's really fucked up is reading about animals that that fight like right out of the womb, how they they kill their part, they click. It symbolises air, put pullup, obligate civil side in Blue Inez. could boobies one of those within ass, a booby the relevant and ask a lines where these bullies boobies. Jamie humming who were hanging there were NASA movie ever so how'd. You spell that in
the CIA and then boobies the usual, I'm trying to remember what I was reading about where obligate symbols. when one animal comes out, the other one trust to kill the other one, almost immediately hassle, hyenas hyenas I, as there's been there's been evidence of hyenas attacking their sibling, while it's in the ambient sack and theirs when they come out the bigger one or the stronger, the one at whatever one's healthy were almost immediately start attacking it sibling and try to kill it, pull up that, that's true a pretty sure that's true, where possible I went into this. I went to this crazy rabbit whole about hyenas recently, what a bizarre animal that is, so this the false p there are false. Penis is just one aspect: everything everything of twenty percent of the women die. Ok here goes obligate simple
besides, when a sibling almost always ends up being killed fugitive, simple aside means the suicide for fact go to I get the choice. Verses evaded. Do facultative faculty tackled proactive fabricated. So the symbols, I'd means a suicide may or may not occur based on environmental conditions. Ok, so, its sometimes will happen if there's none of resources. So the idea is that I think the breeding cycle is disk, retires, see you there make it or you don't answer the door. Injure of laying one egg and having it not work out is very, this bird is fuckin. This is brother up and it has three run a mom and dad has one approved that your worthy. Well, then, insane bright, somali, look at his beating it to death. So this because there's not enough food, there's not enough food to do too so the first one Second one is a spare, and the first When perused proves that he's worthy by killing his sibling, the spare in front of the parents and says yeah you can invest in me, I got sudanese crush.
What kind of bird is us is probably ask her blue Fidel visas. My guess tat is saying that isn't saying it's hard to watch, for this is what I said about biology bout biology cares about your feelings and the mob doesn't give a fuck about our aim on the mom. Wants look the moms excited this one's dying out of Dublin moms like light is older. One knows what he's doing is viable Jesus Christ, natures, pretty brutal, pretty brutal Now it's it's bizarre, seeing this from I want you to think slowly died. It is bizarre, seeing from birds, but I think it's even more ruthless. The way lions yeah hi, hyenas killing their siblings that almost I think they were saying. It's pretty universal. That has been the first one comes out to try to kill the second one was, even if you know this thing about lying female lions, getting excited by the murder of their children, wow so new, when the new male takes over the pride in his first business, maybe let's not stop wasting risk.
MRS on the previous daddy's offspring air. So what happened? it is safe. I think the hyena gets out immediately starts killing it sibling. Their fight to the death right out the worm. Look at this fuckin man battle. As babies, legal, it's got stood at the sack on it and they just trying to kill each other. This is a particularly ruthless animal there? Would they were saying that sixty percent of hygiene die. As are trying to get the tube wow, what twenty percent of women, die whether females rather die when they're giving birth. That's because of our garrulity brain, the body rate and also a vivid, no female highness o of the giant dick surrender your about high rates of human knowledge. The female hyenas die twenty percent of the time when the giving birth current, because the baby doesn't come out right, like they have
crazy. You know they have a foe penis. That is actually a vagina, its an enormous huge engorge clitoris is far bigger than the males have to pull it backs. The male can populate with them, but then, when they give birth, it has to come out of that dick and then it does not come out right, so yeah, Google, that, because I might be wrong about the numbers, but some exorbitant number of baby die in a huge number of women does whim accuracy and women, female hyenas die? That's why fuck up, but there also weird net there. We bigger than the males in Leicester, because the males won't let the baby's eat so that this one of the things I think like. If something is our scavengers, the males are trying to push out everything smaller so because that the females have together, talk to get us to eat a universe, their kid it's cool. Sixty percent suffer on their way out. Yes, sixty percent of them die on the way out and I think it's twenty percent of the females.
I during childbirth is well pretty sure. That's what I read, which is fuckin bananas. I mean Sixty percent, though imagined sixty percent all kids die in a way out and then the one don't die. If you got two of em, one on kills: Yellow one, the rough neighbourhood, its major Arcos society, birthright, fake, peanut yeah. That's what I'm saying. No wonder what is the purpose of the fake peace? Let us take pains to dominate the men they get on time, the ban, and they go missing pitch sorts, gonna pay and they got a big ol strap on they peg them. And all male Hyaenas cooks they'll take its crew. it's crazy! That's where we're heading is education, diameter, really Jesus ouch types which states that creates a high death rate for first time, mothers, yeah, hi, deathrays and say how many, but I think it's twenty percent everything that the full human clearest.
Yes, I've seen one have you not the water, the full the full put now- and I M never seen it like a biological kitty, pull up the internal glitter internal glittering, it was only discovered. Is it not allowed? We shall have quickly think about that. Yeah yeah get trouble, you can pull it up, just don't show the world just show us if you think, if you put on Youtube, we'll be demonetized and possibly kicked off the networked. Google. It yourself, Google, it, weirdo and and be careful of the wrath of the gun. Enormous structure that I think we didn't fully and I don't understand how we could have missed it, but my understanding was we didn't fully understand the internal Clytius where there on the left below it looks exactly like this. space ships from war, the world's nineteen facade. Sorry, that's all that stuff. The outside the all you see on the outside- that shows we're going in bravo
They get mad at us, dissipation Mcnerney not our eyes, you afraid doesn't. It seems like an alien should surely these hugger, like that's the Ridley Scott Alien, the face, augur well yeah, who, while just that look it's very weird that we have just come to accept what the shape of the body is remedies very bizarre and then, if we were shaped, like sting raise, we saw a person we Billig. What in the holy fuck? Is that thing? Yet with his calculating fingers and look, its eyeballs rounds, sniffing things with nostrils like which is accept the fact that this shape is is normal, but it makes sense will this is why cephalopods from last time we're Talkin beheld a fair share. My I just of the new, which is that several are under consideration to be the next great model organism for biology. So
you think about how weird it is. It's some branch of the file genetic tree so far distant from us that these molluscs have such advanced minds and you their skin is the wonder of the world for sure yeah. Nobody, Quite how all of that. Not only do they have these chromatophores to get the camouflage right, but they also change the texture of their skin to mimic things like coral and all the stuff. Wouldn't it be cool if we made cephalopods the next great model organism and we started doing comparative like now, a anatomy but connect hummocks where we're trying to study how their brains, organize because they're so far away, they are probably the closest we will ever get to meeting aliens and said that the last year here and I'm really excited if that goes forward, will it really does seem like anything else. You know whether it's a cuttlefish or whether it's an octopus like Aleko, it's like kind of like a squid like yeah, a little bit like a person's like a monkey butt,
real deadline, the Nautilus craziest, maybe of thine the cuttlefish, the most interesting for sure they're, both back This is their throughout hygiene red blending. Regenerate as part of this bizarre yeah. What would be fun to do? I would imagine that newts and salamanders Anders in the Tetra POD category would be the best for us to study for regeneration. I like, they regenerate up to a point. It shows a young girl on our back tinkerer head back sorrowful, face as a rap yeah you know you lose your head nature, like you gave up the big piece he gave up the Queen Dover yeah our seas, have you lose your tail like debatable degree tail back? We could grow their tail back, you know, but they only grow like most of it didn't go the whole thing, but the It's a salamander seem to have this very I reject em, you can just get an arm off over and over again there is King Arthur had when you get there had reached
don't by major saying it's weird. You can't like Chobham in half from the waist down. They don't you up and grow new waste. That's it you can only get rid of limbs yet, but you can get rid of the limbs like nature, of all the strategy for dealing with predation just given the arm, given the Arctic, it pop. What do you think's often run? Had this successful head transplant in monkeys and like the early seventies, and then we one way from it probably would move otherwise takes it. Beverly hills it be getting. New bodies is going ahead. Current new realities get new heads. They are people with fear, it transplant. The brains, if once lived river matches, have an eight hundred. You're, old, brain and so Talk about your old motorcycle victim to a people can start doing. Well then, I guess it's. We walked. I thought it was kind of a weird move them succeeded that than say. Ok, too much can do you think that's what they did
oh, it was probably hard to get funding. People thought your playing God, the guy who did it if it was his name, is Robert White. Any was a devout Chris, Cancer is. It was good because the other is a lot of this reverence fur human form and if a religious person is doing it, we feel better than if somebody is a nest creating bright rice, some atheist scientists right does that there is no god I've been, is cutting heads of earlier touching them the monkeys yeah, that's! What's also like we think of in his light. Ok, it's one thing: trying out medicine on a monkey that might save babies, but it's nothing we just say what happens right cut this monkeys head off- Another monkey with
this crazy. If you ve ever seen this, the Russians had this film introduced by J B as Hell Day in great English. Biologists was also a communist and therefore very preserve it and there's. This experiment was experiments in the continuation of the brain after death and they hook up the head to an artificial circulatory system and they sort of continue to have interactions where they swab the head and they get the eyelash movement in that the tongue comes out to lick and eat things. It's quite interesting. I would recommend it How then is one of the greatest stir quotes none. Where's the universe queerer than you suppose, it's queer, then you can suppose what a great It was also the inordinate find this beetles inordinate. on this euros, but that the archbishop of Canterbury found himself acceded across from her
then and wanted to needle him, because he was a communist atheists. They said, you know, tell me well what What does your study of the biological would inform us about our great creator and how then shot it back? Is it that he has an inordinate fondness for beetles, because Beatles are so highly speciated? And what was his reaction that why? If it was a different era that sparked burned, but like a two hour to our way of thinking about the heart of a burn where we're really committed to the idea that all the stuff We can do monopoly. the planet re sending rockets into space that that's more Orton than one an ant us like we're really committed to this- that our significance, although its clearly, if we work together, we believe in a sense of community, it's more importantly, each either to us it is, but to the whole, it is certainly more important says you mean. If people didn't Just yet we were wiped off the planet by all the other. Animals would be ok, we really would be ok. May we will
the gain and lose more predators and we wouldn't be controlling the populations are. But if all the ants went away, Thou be Arap, there'd be a rap, we're done no more people. Lisbon wide decided that if we look all insect, we'll expressly all acts like a price probably would collapse all the ecosystems that we need to sustain human life, I have a feeling that those water bear Tartu grades would be like. Second however, the end well, we wouldn't be able to make it, but a lot of shit would make it a lot of others that is true, but the thing I think maybe you'd make it anyway, maybe they're wrong donors and human rights brings out. Maybe didn't read that, Find out that's true: if all ants died, human beings, we go extinct, just Google that I think I think I read
paper proposing that and they were explaining the critical role that ants play in all these different ecosystems and how the Bio mass of ants worldwide is equal to. are greater than the Bio Mass of human beings. I don't have any intuition around that yeah sounds reasonable, I'm pretty sure, that's true and so our ideas were more important. Well there cable. That's how I think we're more for GI. Dear forty, ok, maybe that's If I ever seventy and television I haven't, I watch must be more important. Stupid, fucking aunt was dirt house fucking, just piss on your house, Woggle jogging yeah more and more important thing. You yeah, don't my around half your people by passing on year, the obvious
play natures, one protect you, your house in the dirt, it's a whole on mound, I wanna, get serious but though the interesting thing about humans is that where the only species it understands what game were in and we can reject the game? Yes, every other species is playing the game. So you know you know my rather farewell very soon rising to me that my brother only wanted to have two kids and didn't one eye like spent all his time down at the Sperm Bank in making donations as your evolutionary theorist, you ever think it's kind of weird. They should not be playing this game very effectively. Any inertia me back there He said if you actually understand the game, why would you want to continue to play it? I thought that was really interesting, that somebody who sounds like his wife does want more kids, That's right
rationalizations, I get a brow vertically fences, all insects dying, not just ants axiomatic, fifty years for people to disappear, for that. According to this science explore find out the bio mass of ants, thus even tribute What I want want to get rid of this anti human thing does not DE, I now assume neutral non violence. Equally neutral. If I just looked at it objectively, we You don't think so. You think as a more significant because we're more significant to each other, but there's no significance in the whole game. If you just take a completely materials like what we require is one rock once back big deal right right. So the problem is: if you accept that as an answer, then you could have failed, just taking than nihilist way out:
to me that they have this annual question at the edge that organ and finally, guy got exhausted and one ask another one so finish. This quick here think I'm sorry, many went to ants dwell. Ants outweigh humans, individual workers way an average one to five milligrams accord to species when combined all ants in the world taken together way about as much as all human beings? That's such as yeah, that's what I'm Sanders! That's fucking bananas who did fifteen to twenty percent of the terrestrial animal biomass. and tropical regions will answer specially abundant they monopolized twenty five percent or more I'm an after I've, a buddy money. Brian Cowen counties. Do he when he was in college, he spent some time in the jungle he was. Thinking is going to be a biologist. There's gonna, stop
insect who's, gonna be in what is an act of war, and it was so they had to sleep in these elevated tents and they had to paint like some sort of like turpentine type chemical all over the posts, because if they didn't the ants would crawl the post and eat you in your sleep we literally climb in your ear and stuff. eating you and tell everybody, and you ll die that where people have died, elephants have been eaten by ants and he said you can hear them walking in the jungle like in the night you here you hear the footsteps of fun King ants, because her so many of you in the wrong place at the wrong time and is a path of these mother fucker.
moving your way and they send a signal that we got something here and they crawled up you. They just all start crawling up you and there's so many of you can avoid. Will because, because not really separate animals rather use social, I'm I'm an opera. Has this weird property of this habit deployed structures so that the females are highly related to each other and so in the same way that yourselves aren't individual animals. They are all conspired to create There is a sense in which, in there swirled of bees and Anson and wasps and things I'm I'm I'm an after the real entity is the colony it's, not the individual. So if I took a psychological of approach to you,
I just went set, sail, buy, sell, you know your ear, this collection of ten or fifty trillion separate entities and that's what makes ants so terrifying yet is that car park in the great anarchist sort of an amateur naturalist and he would look to natural systems and say why can't humans cooperate like this? The point is: we're not structure To cooperate in this you social fashion. The way they cooperate is so uncanny when those leave cutter design. Those intricate cities with they have places were things ferment, and work. Were gases are released through holes in the ground and it doesn't make any sense. Little tiny brain could figure out this enormous structure, but somehow another when combined and it's not just any brain bright, nodded one one version of this, but millions and millions of these designs appear all over the world and they see saving it.
On the video of they filled a leaf cutter ant colony they filled the home Martin Metal, was something like that when you call a greenery, I'm churches, yet I think they re flooded. It was concretely flooded, concrete in all the holes, dug out everything around it. So you could see the structure and then the splain. What there's this is really like. Well thought out like they have. Mortals now that this is happening the food and- and this is where they take the leaves, and they didn't they let them rotten. They turned to mulch, and this, like a guy, swimming you sister loosely coupled system. What makes it seem so amazing media it is utterly amazing, but if you think about it is indeed jewels, making decisions. The conspire to create these since these structures its lesson bits. that's more amazing than when it is which is its aid loosely coupled distributed system,
So that's how a beehive wool send out explorers them. Though report back and they'll do the dance and danced communicates the information, and you you get all these coordinated activities. In what other systems to suppress the fertility of females, because the related so high. This is gorgeous, yellow is the video we're talking about, and so this is it's really huge too, and they these, what looks like TAT systems, and then they lie to these big circular areas where, a really almost uniform and sizes is really strange way or similar in size they. So they have these half ways that go to these like rooms, the circular rooms and there's just This incredible network of these
tubes and circular rooms that they uncover emits fucking enormous. When you look at our big this thing, maybe you had it legally. How big is out was eighty feet across ninety feet across or something like that again. So their continuing to dig this up, and I've been done in this video here, but you see all the pipe should extend to the left and the right. So they d of some sort of complex civilization. Some we bizarre network of the passageways and and and rooms- and they do it just like this everywhere, so some pattern has emerged in their species that has set them up to act as this collective group and operate in a similar fashion, all over the world where, wherever they exist in that sort of with that kind of dirt, they can manipulate right that that's alone is one that is a massive mystery anyhow
little tiny thing with a brain almost imperceptibly small, its tiny little head. It is little head
the figure of a whole. How do you feel you know, tunnels that he's done millions or not, but I went up to working together. Okay, so few look at, for example, see elegans the nematode with thousands cells for the entire body plan, three hundred of which are neurons. We have a complete map not only of the cell lineage diagram, which is how this thing unfolds from a single fertilized eggs, but we also have a complete wiring diagram of its nervous system. So this is something that locomotor moves around it eats has sex and it's only a three hundred neurons. Each of those is extremely primitive machine and they send signals to each other, and we still don't know that have a thing really works, even though we ve got the entire thing mapped she's. His was the great inside of Sydney Brenner them. We would make the the worm the great model organism, because we could actually map
the thing about it right, and it is astounding me how little we ve learned. We ve learned a ton from it, but I had thought that we would ve gotten much farther and understanding the brain. Did you see this recent discovery of a twenty five foot, long see worm apparently, is now just one organism, is like me Any organisms together, combined no yeah. I got find out about that. Yeah. You gotta see this fuckin thing. It's insane and I think is a very recent discovery at least one this large, these guys are swimming around with this thing, it's impossible, it looks like they ve they landed on another planet experiencing this thing like this thing this whatever this is, I'm pretty sure
that what I read I read it really quickly is running out the door that it exists. Large eight mill meter worming, like sea creatures, Duns New Zealand, divers, so they're looking at this thing, but I think there's many, different organisms inside of it. I don't think it's one individual organism yeah. It's me up of hundreds of thousands of organisms. I've never seen yeah like why? What is it? What does that mean? who is this a weird tube for folks? It watching this or listening to this, rather we're we're looking at it these divers that are just trip and balls here, they're like what in the fuck is this, and it looks like again. Enormous tube jellyfish type creature it's in the water it almost like semi translucent right. Would you say in his dwarfing its enormous it's so big It's like the size and would move
who's in changes, but sometimes is larger than a human waste or human chest and dumb other times Israel skinny, but it's fuckin, huge but look at that. What is that? I'm stuck with a fact I gotta understand what they're saying that is made up of hundreds of thousands organisms like how is it made up of different stuff like what is it Have you ever heard of anything like this? Like the portuguese men of war, I think is five different organisms. Is it think that collaborate in effect, really, the Portuguese, Madame wars, number Flickr. One thing we can say that above the water, those fuckin, crazy, piracy, just whatever the ocean is like that they world which Randall
can a space where I wonder. If there's aliens out there, there were higher. No, the White Fuckin there like one of those cuttlefish octopus or this goddamn thing, wow pyro, so what the fuck that thing soda geometric pattern. That's a nice removed one like that. One upper right hand corner Jamie? What is that we're lookin fuck, and what is that thing? Sixty foot Long John powered Animal old guy, It's like a civilization like a ship of these things flying through the ocean. What have you ever seen this before? What the fuck is, that That is so weird look in. Come on man that looks like something from avatar. Doesn't it totally does right? Like something that comes up that tree of we put it in the new yeah tell called James Cameron. Look at this thing So this is what those things are, but the other one is very smooth or its low resolution and we can get a really good look at it.
but that's what it is. Is this collective group of hundreds of thousands of organisms that combined, gather and again Jack by that turtle. All you bitches, when a weird, weird organism tat. Look at this picture. If you start your arm and a leg, just dude, how bizarre is it that physique civilization of these things all combined? But what they are is individuals that operate as a giant tube. You never heard this before now, I'm so happy we found something you don't know about I remember that when it's a fucking, weird one man but the dead, the idea the ocean, is really an alien world yeah. I love the funniest parts when you, when you hear these guys withered remote submersibles and they find some new life for gas. Take me down three metres, wait what
That's why get really excited because it it's the ability to meet aliens there are new things they mean we with cannot sort o mapped out the biology last year or less is like a few weird things you via the jungle, weird bugs, whereas I it Vietnam can. I am surprised for us steer with fangs. It was. He knows, oh, the Sulawesi boards or other dear, really damp higher dear non about vampire He's he's looking thing ever its dear with fangs like crocodile look and fangs they come hanging down like this? This is some Jacqueline thing now, is that it's a weird little animal, it's on a big dear either. We'll do you know like that thing, vampire, dear That's a real animal Libya that how fuckin strange What is it? What was in this unhappy Jamie? Look at that thing. We therefore continue thing. It's problem.
Something akin to their antlers, they use it to defend themselves. Ok, that's not real area, that's a mule dear, so that one, now you just pick. That's that's some Photoshop bullshit, what's interesting is apparently Elk have these things called that people com ivories now but there were, they are, is one point on their tusks like a bore, a giant task: probably aided them in their fight and They eventually shrank and now they're, just this weird sorted I'll be thing actually have some here show too there in the after the Picassos empty, but the there this weird thing: that's not quite a tooth its ivory. They grow inside their head and it one One time it was some kind of a weapon. Just like their head is mean the antlers universe, though large just? What? How do we describe this? Was they did the quickest growing. thing in the animal world is the
antlers of an elk located. fucking hugely? Are they fall off every year and they grow back every year and it's all just for fighting and they used to grow back tucks to let these two have the answer to test for permanent, but these two just did just for Duke in. yeah. It's crazy weapon, sexual selection. Why you're, not really weird things done beetle the there's a served system whereby in some dung beetles the amount of weaponry. You have, as your antler is inversely proportional to the amount of popular tory apparatus, you have where it counts. And so, if you have really impressive weaponry, you're not able to do quite as much and that may be the engine of species actions, because the vagina and penis that system is a lock and key, and so, if something shrinks too much, then you can't nests early get get the jobs of a greedy dung beetles
and horns fox everybody up his genes, and pass on maybe there's a certain amount of cooperation is needed in the dung beetles world can have an oppressor Canada. this kind of the dung be world the patriarchy. In the end, the dung beetles. Look at this size. The antler on that guy year for girls make fun of programming. be the world. Why do we have the says it looks like the guy with the labour gaining exactly like? What's he doing over there were these giant Alex, I l antlers tiny little DEC. You want. You want two guys got little little like that, like that guy, probably probably huh like a roach ever hunting question. I started looking into this like primitive hunting. Tat was positively predisposed towards her.
doing? And I turn myself off of a maiden hunt, but I turn myself off of hunting by watching the effect of some of these people who were beating and killing bears in ways that it just doesn't feel to me like hyper, respectful and I wondered if there's like a deeper layer where, if I got even deeper into it, I would understand it or am I actually correct that there is something we about the effect of attracting some beautiful bear to a kind of easy place to kill it, and then just getting super excited about doing it in well your natural instincts, there's a reason for them and your most certainly correct. It's it's a weird feeling that the idea you're going to trick this bare and thinking is going there to eat, and then you kill him
Bear hunting is different than any other kind of hunting in the first ball does a lot of emotional attachment to because people of Teddy bears things on those lines but, there's are this idea that they're beautiful they definitely are now the definite also one of the more ruthless animals and animal kingdom and they're all cannibals. All of em. and the males don't just go after the Cubs, they eat them and they they go to them specifically to eat them? And then, when the males get chased off the female? What year on Cubs and as is universal There are also responsible for the death of at least fifty percent of undulate calves and Fons, whether its moose cows, so I don't have any these issues. So They also are really difficult to hunt and their populations by wildlife. Biologists are important to keep under control civic by all so in areas of extreme density. For
you will not kill them. Unless you debate, you will not so of you. Is of two things as too happy. They have to use dogs, which is what these to use a lot of these shoes. We call for an end to the nineteen nineties, the outlawed hound hunting and then the out baby around the same time with essentially did in northern cow in California. Is they outlawed bear hunting, but they didn't? You can still Pont Bear but it's extremely difficult, almost impossible with a bow or very, very unlikely. Like a rate of success of extreme, if you want to troll populations, if you like to eat moose, Andy here or you want to have them, keep healthy population or any dont want the bare encroaching these rural homes and these areas you have to control their populations, and this very few other ways to control their populations other than baiting them so soon that I was positively predisposed to hunting. I do think that their beautiful creatures, I think, their emotional creatures but I understand their all. There are beautiful, so I think I mean I
ITALY, that robs the beautiful the fascinating. It's the aspect that freedom it should it's it's weird form of trickery, and we don't think it's sporting right. The idea is that if you really want to throw their populations. You have to accept that this is a necessary evil summit summit. I grasped it still at the level. The thing that surprised me was that the affect wasn't the expected effect of the hunter with reverence in some sense sufficient reverie. for the kill yeah. That's what flip me? Well, there's people get excited and they get happy that their successful, because hunting is difficult. You take that context. You ve taken out of context and people happy, especially when they get happy they getting happy around people that have no problem with hunting see one of the problem, comes with respect is
That's assume that you only have that respect if you don't have happiness that goes along with that relate. I said that that there is some amount of sadness. Some amount happiness is a weird like I have a feeling of loss. It's there's a lot of weird stuff goes off surprise. In the reason I'm asking you is that I had expected that I would have the difficulty bears equals bears and hung it pass that keep both going round the whole thing and then, when I finally got to the end, it was just that there wasn't the right balance between sadness, ecstatic elation, it's hard! It's hard did it's hard if you they are experiencing. It is it's hard if you're not involved in this hunt for many many days and it gets very difficult and he put it and you dont know if its ever gonna happen, but the bare hunting in print regular, especially over bait, is way more problematic, psychologically. No! No, I think, there's a
really good argument, and I support this argument that you must keep bear populations in control if you want people and in all those other animals to live in harmony got because if you doubt there's nothing else if the populations and control by the other than bigger bears? Grizzly bears in is bears and they get out of hand are way. Scarier, that's a real. It's a real reliance, real giant problem in terms of our. Our anthropomorphic cessation of these animals. You know hatching these human attributes and these human thoughts and and thinking of them as our friends in the forest and then what they actually are to people that live out. They're, not my guesses, I went hunting with you. I would expect to see you elated after three days of frustration. Yes, on on a good hunt, I expect that you would use the kill responsibly, that you would forego certain kinds of kills. I don't have any
those issues. I think I think that, where the issue is that I wouldn't expect an unbalanced relation yeah, I understand we sang- and Specially an unbalanced elation when your hunting over bait right, foreign animal. That is not necessarily thought of in our culture. as being an animal you eat, which is bear allowed. Some people think that you don't eat them blackberries in particular. Actually, they taste very good. People do eat them when you deal with People like I have friends, my friend John and Jan Rivet, who live in Alberta and there they are hunting guides. It's a real necessity up there to hunt bears because there is nothing else, is keeping their populations in check and if you ever go up there, you see an extra ordinary amount of bears. You could see nineteen twenty bears in a day, they're everywhere in theirs. Density of them and they just decimate the do population they decimate the moose population and there's some?
from that learn that they get into garbage cans, then go to break into people's cars and destroy them. They ve killed a few people, but it's pretty rare most time. They realise that people are dangerous. They stay the fuck away, but it's not what would. I appreciate, is spot and stocking traditional pray animals. That's what I like to do the spawning stock dear and Elk, because I feel like first while there, the most delicious they make whether makes sense or not to make them more sense to me in terms of like a prey well, they're, the ones that I covered the most. What I wanna do is I want to go and get older, mature animals that are Angela threat, whether its dear. Are an elegant animal that spreads genetics. That is already. Is me no seven, eight years old, nine years old as animal that doesn't how much time left if you get it now, you're, probably getting it within a year of its death, whether its by natural causes
wolves, cold, starvation, you're you're doing it. Probably the most humane you're, giving it probably the most humane death its reasonably possible for this thing is, unless it falls off a cliff and even then the might survive that for a little while you, when you're shooting in animal with an arrow, it's dead in seconds You know you hidden in the heart and do they fight not an out this year? It literally walked for yards and tipped over it just step steps. bull, I'm very impressed with the skill of some of these yeah. I guess this is the print, primitive hunting, movement spears and see. That's, I think you should, I think, should be really care for About anything that you do, that's not that accurate, that's that's an issue yes, a giant issue out Barboza extremely accurate,
guys that can shoot a paper plate at a hundred twenty yards every single time. They could shoot a good little play like that. The old I'll bet their life they can drop an arrow into that at a hundred twenty yards every single time. You can get good at that. You can get. If you have good too, Megan, reasonable control of your emotions. In your anxiety, nature in the hall In the heat of the moment, you don't shoot anything, an hundred twenty yards down, you shooting and things thirty yards forty yards and the degree of successes very high with skilled hunters review there. ethical and shine the shot decisions. The primitive stuff is like Y Y, you throw in Spain there's like what it would you dont you trying to prove that you're better than people, he's a bow and arrow like this is not an accurate or effective thing I mean it kind of is, but you have to be like five yards ten yards like we going to be fifteen yards MAX, even though I think part of the thrill of it for them is putting themselves in danger. is a little bit of that. If you shoot and oh-
We go and after a bear here, seen some of these things filmed where the person looks like you know, they're up in there. I don't know what to call it there, a little tree stand treestand and that doesn't look like they're putting a lot of risk, but some of these people are clearly getting off on this. Is the primal hunt right and this is their going backwards into something where the animal could surprise them, and what I, what I wanted to do wanted to re, acquaint myself with you. Now that I can. I can watch somebody actually in that moment try to figure out what my ethics around hunting were, and I thought that I had prepared myself and as I thought, but when I was when I saw you find out where Joe is because I have no question knowing your ethics and how you think that you would have a very subtle perspective on all these different kinds of kills, which sorts of animals
Have you gets a spears you're in a weird place, like you say, I only spear wild pigs were trying to get rid of many way. Ok, but that's where, in a weird place, where nowhere place, because I ethically. I think you have two choices. Three choices: free choices are rifle which is number one ethically realistically, because If you shoot something with a rifle you, you can be really accurate out of a hundred yards. A hundred percent of the time like it's crazy, windy out or the some weird conditions altitude can affect ballistics, but not that much our two hundred yards, your fuckin deadly. If you have a really good control square We send a trigger you, not jerk, unerring, saying you not panicking, then boas, second, in our it requires waymore practice way, way more fine,
tuning of your motor skills, but it still possible. Can then you have crossbow, which is even more effective than a bow faster morphine percent faster feet per second, so that it travels at a flat line cause it's going quicker before it drops the I'll drop the same speed right let's and arrows all drop at the same speed they just don't get get. There seems to be some same amount of time, because I'm shooting something at a hundred yards with a bow I am aiming with with a site that is key calculating for the fact that the arrows gonna drop significantly in the time that it takes its goal The two hundred and eighty feet per second is like a normal speed for a good bow with a good heavy arrow. That's too an eighty people and it goes a hundred yards. Ok, a bullet gonna go a hundred yards far quicker, but in the same out of time. It takes that era. To get to that target. The bull is gonna drop, the same amount of the arrow, that's what most people don't understand so across
What is more ethical because it's more accurate, its does have we're moving parts. You could actually sit on arrest and just squeeze the trigger easier to manipulate and the the I was travelling faster, so it's called a bolt travel, faster subtle, drop less after that should get squarely after that's, like you throw spears. Ok, you got what that'll addle! Ok! Well, you can kill things with it and people have done it, but it gets to ugh how Accurate are you and what is what's your ethical brain right? I can ethical range for a really good hunter with a bow and arrows. Probably eighty yards. We admit that maybe it's a moose. Ninety yard something big, but with a spear like what do you got? You get ten yards, so you know why does the question I was doing it for meat? I do. Because is this your Mt Everest, you want to kill. A piglet spear
and are you saying that this pig is not worth as much say, should be able to kill with a spear? These are our weird I realise that where decisions and people make those with, ass. They make those decisions of black bears like people that live where they they consider them nuisances rent which they they kill them. The means to be used to allow them to shoot. You still out a hunt used to be allowed to hunt black years with a spear and Alberta until a big scan a couple years ago, where a guy filmed himself doing that, he shot a bury, killed a bare otherwise spear and was in Holler, n and people programme to hold a video? Does disgusting and protested, and people from under armor dropped his wife from there. You know that this sort of us, sponsorship deal with them and it a it ignited
caused a rift in the hunting community. Some people think and build a hot with Iraq or what you hunt with shrill hunt with anything and other people like ok, but What are we doing? Are we just going out to get meat or are we putting on a macho performance of our ability to. This is exactly what I wanted to get at which, if you know the depopulation ass to be controlled, and you want the meat. Then it makes sense to me that you have to open yourself up to some of the pleasure of the kill. That makes some sense, but when I saw just like flipped me out, because in it wasn't a silly. It was above and beyond as us, beer now and other things you. I was impressed by this the skill arms, impressive, the bravery, but lack like why, rather here, I M doing it to population control You're you doing it for the Middle EAST was a surprise to me. I got a kind of second by it does surprising. It's not surprising. you know I mean, I think, a futile. If you,
Were there you'd, probably even more conflicted actually were there in the presence of the think dying there. No watching a bare die, a video is one thing but being they're alive when they dies a completely different thing. It's it's! It's a very complicated thing, because we have these deep set. Emotional connections to certain animals that my friend Steve or is going to be actually on tomorrow, cause, charismatic megaphone idea that we have this different view of certain animals bears in particular, But if you use the animal or speckly respectfully and you kill it ethically and you do not have any problem with hunting bears and in fact I think it's actually a nest. It really is a necessary task. It is something that, even if you don't lie, to hunt bears. If you live
in a place like Alberta. You probably should hunt bears, because you should do your part, there's a lot of mount there and in one of the thing said, becomes an interesting relationships. Relationship between the moose hunters and dear Hunter in the bare hunters that they have kind of those small once have come to an understanding that, even if I dont want bear, I need those people out there doing it, but it's How do you do it and why are you doing it? I thank you. I've seen animals die very quickly with a bow and arrow they die quickly, I've never seen animal down with a spear, but dont think its nest, sir, but at all want to be the person that tells you you can't do it if you have an ethical range of five yards, You only hunt bear with a spear at five yards and you kill it immediately. You hit and kill it you're right, then Europe. It is not based on the method in Beijing What what are the ethical parameter around? I apprehend also, I would kind of b a hypocrite because even
like an ethically kill something at forty yards or for just figure out. The number is depending on the size of the animal it either No, I can do that. I could do it weighs or with a rifle. So why my using a bow and arrow? Why do I want to make it more difficult? Why am I making it more challenging why my requiring myself to practice that bs oral questions? Your very software is a very important question to ask because of those doing it just for the meat probably then there's a rifle right here. I think that that that that part of it has to do with the primal association with the kill, the key question is: how do you want to indulge that? What is set and setting blah blah blah? So that was that that was the thing I found shocking, as is that I had fought United did something about the need to control population. It's the effect which really killed me yeah. Well again, we're talking about bears. You know as this such as bears their animals as well yeah, I mean I saw one
focus more necessarily business? The question I had to ask you, because I sort of I was very surprised by my own reaction, while lot people are taking issue. My good friend Ben O Brien, whose a brilliant writer, whose actually also a hunter is advocating that people stop taking what he calls gripping grins with a grip and grin is like save you shot a beautiful dear you're, holding the dear up by the antlers in your smiling and he's advocating that those photos are problematic because people who don't hunt look at it like you're, some blue. thirsty, ass, all that super happy that something died and it's not, even though, that's not how the people feel when taking those photos with their eyes happy that something which is very difficult, which you know special using a bow. Most people go empty handed. It requires too much fitness physical fitness
going up and down. The mounds requires too much accuracy in training and technique in our tree. Most people fuck it up and then there's dealing with anxiety, multiple fuck it up, but act. it's all over. This is great feeling of elation right, you did it. I can't believe, came together while because it was probably not going to come together and people get happy. These are people again that already cept hunting now someone who is an animal rights activist or someone a deeply appreciates animals, and then you shown that photo. They have a completely an association with what that photo means without photo means as here's an asshole whose true. Four hundred shouted. Let me get I think I don't know any species that celebrates a kill for food with glee? Jobs do chose. Sorry, sorry, you right here kill monkey, they get pretty happy well that they do it socially than they they share it in a through altruism.
Scream and each other so that Ships are my least favoured speech there, wholesale terrifying, the worse, the terrifying, little fuckers, so we're Where do you think we are on the political front? We haven't even touch that I think the right the same, whereas bow hunting for spears and rifles its others, this worlds messy, you know. Things are messy. Do you see a way in which this political epoch comes to an end? The only hope that I have is through reasonable dialogue becoming an accepted and appreciated thank celebrated thing and then it is possible that people can realise. There's some stupidity to this team mentality that we have is right, verses left, which is almost all good percentage of it it is assumed identities right. These these predator
in patterns that get adopted in order to as we ve started talking about this in order to establish yourself as someone who's intergroup, bread, you, you get accepted by this group, and you see it left turn right I mean I don't want to name any names, but there's a bunch of people to do it blatantly. You see them that I've even seen him switched teams and he see them which teams and I dont by their rationalizations when it comes to ideology, but I think is what they're doing as their switching teams, because they realize there's an inn on this team drive and they could just say this is the problem of the team I used to be on those fuckin losers and there the real Benedict Arnold right, like like they probably have as much of an infinity to the ideas of one side. As do the other side, they just go all in on one side, to get acceptance from the group. It is no way people change their opinion that much over two years from like that, you know it's like They just decide this group It's more sense now and I've been attacked by people on the left, so I'm gonna go the right, or vice versa, and use We. What it is is meaning
If one, they say there been attacked like oh you, fuckin baby, there's three hundred million people just in this country alone, if you put something out there publicly and a thousand people attack, you don't act like be impaired. secure. Uk you have an idea, you ve Eve launch that idea out into the Zeit guys and people. a big shit on it. You know whether it people on the right of people on the left, you gotta be able to argue your point one way or the other, and not just immediately jumped ship. When someone who shares ideas with you decides that ideas, socks and maybe they're wrong, and maybe you're right, bigger, argue that through? But this idea of these partisan patterns that people just seem to automatically fall into their so detrimental to dialogue so detrimental to us under really understand each other and really having some sort of a sense of community right? This is a giant unity of three hundred million people that I had supposed vagueness and this
dear that it's. This group is trying to fuck it up and they're, trying to turn us all Muslims, and this one wants everybody to be gay. What what's everybody to fucking free food on this and is this is nonsense. This is nonsense. We need better you're standing and work in another word. Better education gets tossed around law, but it also means better social understanding right, better social education. I got creation of who we are and why we think the way we think calling out weasels on both sides of the pattern calling weasels on the right that are pandering that are just trying to get up of interest the jury repeating a lot of these like accepted, believe because they know that they can hit this frequency. a lot of people saying along or this The thing that people are doing on the left there doing on both sides. I think most reasonable people have election of ideas that they share from both the right and the left and most reasonable people are reasonably compassionate and I think that's one of things were missing some
a reasonable sense of not just ethics an appreciation for each other for all of us as a group, and it did this I think if we can celebrate reasonable conversations and celebrate and understanding of other people's perspectives relic be able to look into how you're looking at things have empathy. Let me see we come from with this ok money put myself in your shoes instead of just a me like fuck you, you cook and fuck. You you this and instead of thinking that way. If we just just tried to just everybody exercise a little bit more, were loaded more calm and come at from a rational place and try to like realized, like trades exclusion, been expecting the very dangerous idea which, as I keep hearing my chief inclusion officers- and I thought about a from it,
From Ecclesiastes easy, not every season, there's a purpose under Heaven, so there's inclusion. There also has to be exclusion bright and, like D platform, your unplanned forming somebody is an act of exclusion and very often three interesting that the people who are for inclusion or very focused on the need for de platform on which is an act of exclusion. So should we have chief exclusion officers that both monitor, who is being excluded, including some Elect James, do more at Google, I guess it ethical to exclude him or are there certain voices that need to not be at some tables in order for something to make progress? Because of you always have the voice that the most extreme that doesn't except the game, then it's very hard to move forward within the game. If your constantly being reminded. Yes, we guys rivers, series of situations in which
it seems like some perspective, that very few people hold terror rises. Majorities or you know people who sort of can more or less get along with each other and keeps pushing us into this very divided landscape. I was just curious. You not in terms of our group of people that we we talk and hang out with common. Where you see the high leverage is our beach. We ve just finished the mid term. We ve got this twenty twenty election looks to me like Hilary, is kind of I and whether she wants to get back in the game. This trump thing has completely you don't like it like. The dress, is it black and blue white fur click could be eight years right, and I just have you thought about how this ends well.
would never be so presumptuous. To think that I have any idea. How to sense I have I have proposed various scenarios to myself and like any of em. I don't like. It's gone because I wouldn't worry about- and this is also again hypocritical that because I think we should burned down and be rebuilt from the ruins we're not going to get such a clear. I like any clean. I know now this isn't very clean either though modestly doc, I once not clean having hit this. Is he loves Putin in others? clean. You know that thing is weird, it's other than the bankers having the amount of influence. They have the fact that there's two lobbyists, what is it? What's the number two lobbyists to every member of Congress or to lobbyists. Every senator for the farmers local industry, by the way, the number of
but that of influence over though the way our laws are shaped, its itself fucking bananas right now, right so so off the rails. So it is twelve, but I didn't I been specifically but there's twenty three registered lobbyists for every Amber. Now, I think, from the pharmaceutical industry. They were saying not twenty just. I think it's too, for every member of Congress in the pharmaceutical industry yet the question that you start out with like d platform in people think we're impatient think were where we really want to make sure that this vetting of ideas happens quickly, because We see the answer. We we see the solution. We see that this is incorrect and we see these people. The world is flatter idiots and we think that these people that this, I think this and think that We think there are wrong, and so we want to stop them from talking but doesn't work. It just works for now it did it
oftentimes feeds. Those ideas it also it. You have to question: like. Why are you so sure why you, so sure that you are correct that you want what you don't just want your son. to be heard exclusively. You wanna you wanna silence. These are the other people's ability to participate in this argument, even if their totally wrong. I think that's dangerous, because I think that the way to fight off ideas aren't good is the introduced ideas that are good and you're going to be going to have a bunch of people that agree with the ideas that are bad, but I think that that's a part of this whole thing things out like you need to have bad ideas floating around their depreciate, good ideas of all the ideas are good, but what do we do? Get it out against right? These are bad to have these bad ideas broadcast. What's bad
I'd. Have someone say hey? These are bad idea is ok, but we need to see the pitfalls of racism. We do you see the pitfalls of crime. We need to see the pitfalls of corruption. We need to see it in action. I think it's like stock market swindling. I think a lot of ways as important. We need to understand that this is a patent. The people fallen to continually over and over again when they have. Control over the money. They have control, whether we remove the numbers. Would I do this happen? If I tell you that he's gonna go down than you, invest the money and I put the money in your bank and we worked together. What makes me so people do? They just fucking! Do it over and over and over again. Should you punish him? Yes, absolutely, but I think it's kind of port, and to see some fucked up behaviour just too because we're not done we're still in some sort of emotional and psychological and even for, single evolution, we're in the middle of this thing, and I think that I ideas, facilitate comprehension. It is really shitty ideas that a lot of people have what they do. Is they Vassili
the comprehension of why we think dumb shit and something you. Dont know why people think dumps shit. Please see someone over and over again that thinks dumb shit and you get to see that, whether its Alex Jones or whether to fill in the black, what god you want deployment idols, ok, so here's my thing want a lot of our leading experts de platforms, ok, you're going deeper spray paint refund. Big, a on Tucker Carlson's driveway? Aren't we mean well, if I think about who the great danger is. Is it Alex Jones veers towards tinfoil hat land with some frequency, or the people who were selling a weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as a response to nine eleven or you know the people. Let's assume that you're, a reasonable person on immigration. You neither think that borders should be open nor closed. Then he said
hearing professors. Saying anything about immigration is, is that it has absolutely no costs and all of them are better than all of our people, because in other highly rain that highly motivated their young. He thinking like ok, what kind of thing has all benefit and no costs right. You're, not even entering into rational disk, we're on our hearing, like all these trade deals, the gut negotiated yeah. That kind of wasn't true, all those things that we were telling you that, if you, if you question these things, you are backward protectionist and you were just you were stuck in the old world. You couldn't embraced the new that was all bullshit. What I think is we have it, but a crisis and expertise. Institutional expertise is at an all time low. Nobody really trusts any of our institutions to be an authoritative source of ground truth.
say that everything that the institution say is wrong ravaging the experts say is wrong. Far from it is just that there are almost no experts are institutions that aren't willing to distort facts in order to pursue institutional goals that That's a giant issue right right, and so I dont actually wanted de platform these people, but I do have the very strong so you know when I, when you came on your show and Peter TEAL, my friend in boss, came one day, Reuben Show. I thought that was quite a moment where this alternate network of distribution, which is not under centralized control, started to be seen as comparably powerful and important, and I think some of the noises Tucker Karlsson just made to Dave Reuben about behave, you're doing the set of your garage and you have the freedom to do anything. I'm I'm beholden to the structure in which I live here,
word a very interesting place with respect to what is this thing? This alternate distribution network for Friday has that's unpoliced by the institutions, and you know I think I've been convinced in the last two days that I need advice that I got from you at the beginning and you need start a podcast. I think I need start a podcast. I think it is our podcast. Just keep going on about the hop Till people figure down right now we have to we have to return to see, kind of stable sanity that I'm positive, that the institutions can return us too, because the the institutional interests really have to do with the fact that certain kinds of growth on which their predicated their existence is predicated of evaporated So all of these institutions are extremely vulnerable to corruption at the moment, and
the real revolution is I'm seeing it is that high agency individuals are out competing traditional institutional structures in terms of mine share and some of those hygiene see. Individuals are irresponsible, you know they're like Milo types that are kind of training things up, and some of them are extremely responsible and some of them will do a few irresponsible things, but will self correct? and this new world that is being born is a huge check on the institutions, but it still largely separately my right, that you don't do a lot of network television doing there the more but I used- I mean that's kai- I became famous in the first place right now, but yeah don't do it anymore, but it's also because there's nothing fun out there like this. Like does no place for this, right other than this. This is the only place it could do this, but isn't it in
thing to you that we still have not like Jordan, had to be dealt with by the mainstream, because the book was too big has effect. Was too large, I think his effect on the internet is bigger than the book. I think the view Youtube videos and the debates that he has. The one and I'll tell you the recent one interview with Jake, you interested to really get the woman's very smart, but she gets trounced it's because he's been in the trenches with this for a long time. I mean he he's he's fighting a very strange fight of dialogue and of interpretation of discussion and and. the freedom of in the actual sovereignty? You know there's a lot people that want you to think a very certain way and use certain words and say certain things
It doesn't matter whether or not you are in fact racist or sexist or homophobic, or whatever it there's a weird battle of control. Going on that its heart it as much as it is a battle of inclusion and diversity and strengthening our overall programme, of mine said there's a little bit of that too. But this also, undeniable game. It's being played and people want to win Gore's there being score, does points on the board that throwing in new agents their teams going out and whenever Jordan goes on one of these conversations, this video interviews and is a feminist and George, Petersen Light- is a fucking game, going we're watching a soccer match or watch A wrestling match this is Jujitsu their deplore. Intellectual, Jujitsu and What is really going to happen? People he's really good they get past they keep set in a new checks. They said Kathy Newman Ladys. So what you are saying is that didn't work either she's got devastated sugar rocked and this
what's happening over and over and over again, because whether you appreciate what he sang or not, he as some facts that are undeniable. He has positions that are based on a rich understanding of history and of Marxism of Communism and of a lot of the problems with people with compelled thoughts if you're come. telling people to behave, assert way, compelling people talk a certain way and we're not about our compelling people too. commit crimes or violence. We're talking about weird things like compelled pronouns, and so I take if they take your analogy cause you brought it up that he's like do. digits gas. So in some previous era, I thought your description of the early days of Emma was fascinating, that we just didn't know what fighting was so he didn't know who would win or what systems worked and if you think about the mainstream media is like. I kiddo
yeah some system that maybe has some vow validity and some very rarefied context- and into general purpose. Fighting systems and it's it's dismantled very quickly. So now we have this weird situation that we ve got this new world of kind of rule Laden anything goes discussions more or less in them. in stream world doesn't want, like the acute He doesn't want to acknowledge that this weird, you have seen type thing is happening. How long does that go on it goes on for as long as it takes this is similar. Do I think that what's happening intellectually- and this is one of the reasons why I don't think you should stop people from expressing these I is one thing for stopping people to say: hey: we need to kill black people starving people, he kill. Why people we need to kill filling the black whatever the group is yeah. That's that's different. Your ear near complete clearly
helping outside of the realm of civilization and into war and violence, and we could all colors if we decide- and we should all collectively decide, we should have ethics together whether its rider laughter in the middle, we shall decide hey. You can't do that, because what you're doing this year, you're calling for violence against someone who's not committing any via. Can I thought you were there as it is a really interesting point? Ok let's assume that we know that that behaviour needs to be down regulated in some way. You can try to silence the purse where we just physically duct tape them, so they can't say anything right. You know we put them in jail, we won't don't give them access to the media, etc, etc, or we can shame them or we can Take them aside at what layer. This sort of communication stack to vary. the question. We should because I think one of the things that we haven't done this to positively say we agree with you that the speeches offensive and it is potentially dangerous.
But we think it should be down regulated differently than the DE platforms option. Well, the DE platform: option the real issue is: there's only a few different avenue for these people to express themselves publicly right and that the argument that's row strangest. Should these be regulated like utility or should they be thought of, as private businesses get to decide what's on their their channel? Essentially like it's almost like a prize NBC that everyone can broadcast out of its none of the above. What if the problem is we're trying to pretend? Is it like dinner parties at the public square? Is it a utility? And it's none of these things? I think these ideas without discussing that like this, is a reason why good ideas and bad idea it should go to war, is the same reason. Why, even though I kind of new that most kung fu was bullshit before them, you have seen. I want those guys to get in there and try. Oh, you got some desktop
hey come on in our introduce you to a guy, you know this is his came the last scares and are you going to try your death touch and he just gonna resolutely. The ground beat your fuckin brains in ok right, but that I can have, because you know, death touch, but it luck and you let him do it out, and that is the battle with the other ideas, but it is a little known. But but when you d plan people that's when it's not. I agree with you, but what I'm trying to get at is that it is a state I haven't really thought about it. The extent to which Jordan is the only one of us that they really gone after like this, while he's. First of all, he became famous from this right. This is The battle was why how he emerged, he emerged from this battle over, the use of compelled pronouns for
various genders like the one in eight of bread. Seventy eight different genders similar but now look. Ok, the differences breads position. He comes from a different place. the way they were going to him so much more unreasonable. They were set right away, that what he has to do is leave work because he's white, they were basically saying a racist thing and everyone universally acknowledged as racist, except for these super lefties, who thought that made sense, because They're mine, every white person is somehow or another guilty of at least at the very least using your privilege to advance in the world at the to the negative impact of people of color and and people of other ethnic. So they decided that they are going to have a day of exclusion and instead of this day of absence having black people and people of color,
or stay home they're are gonna. Kick why people out so became an aggressive act. Instead of an act of, appreciation became a act of punishment or an active exclusion and by people that are clearly out of their fucking mind. That was also The problem is that their arguments are incoherent. You would see that fuckin stupid, president of the university standing in front of those kids, and they told him to put his hands down because he was threatening through your. scaring us you're, making violent gestures with your hands, so he puts his hands down. They start laughing this is nonsense. Now, you're in little kids, yet little kids Ronnie get bore the flies on a grand scale in a state university, and it's all it means that public university right I mean they get funding right. This is ok nobody agrees. They got baseball bat, so game for him. If he's coming back to the school, the kids form these vigilante groups with weapons over what a goose
threatening you like what is happening here, the only weapon at the big story. There was the non reporting what he might well the New York Times, Washington Post. All of these major organs and PR did in reporting didn't want to touch the story, but this is what MRS Mine, my big theory here, is that every outfit that A grand narrative cannot report the news that goes counter narrative racism by blacks against whites, cannot be reported by any out. At that believes that racism is impossible by blacks against whites. Does preposterous position, the idea, Racism is exclusive to any group will but the red at all knowledge redefinition. The redefinition could soccer fat dick. It's a stupid redefinition. That's true! This idea that the only way you can be races as if you have power over that other group. That's nonsense! Every human beings act as individuals. They always have power over each other. You have power, intimidate. You have power to isolate
of power, if you more what kind of using about this is that there is no pretense of consistent I mean on their side of the Isle. It's like we're gonna, throw out the following seventeen, completely contradictory rules and then we'll tell you which rule is operative in any given moment so, and I was going to throw out this concept of the Hilbert problems for social justice. The one of them is. You cannot understand me because my your answers to different- and you must understand me by my- is so important right or we are all similar enough. That any deviation from fifty fifty shows you the amount of sexism in a workforce and We are also different that, once you include women in previous email occupations, you will see a great benefit because,
the diversity of opinion. What these are all these self contradictory couplets right that you have to agree to? Well, that's the weird thing is: who assume that I, just by all of your stuff, I think we ve made a terrible technical error. We fought these bad ideas rather than saying Maybe we should just accept all of your bad ideas and then show you what kind of weird weird world now. Yes, no no. No. No. You can't do that because they make sense, you can't say: oh yeah, they make some man. How do I know you're serious well, but that it might just let those through those things fail. But that's my point is that by showing the internal. This is in mathematics. We call this reductio ad absurdum that once you take on too many different points, you show the conflicts showing that those things cannot all be. there's no way in which, if I accept all of your ideas, I can run anything. So you take this thing about that
trans exclusion from Victoria secret rat, or even your mother, oh god. So the idea is that the victim Maria secret Luxury division head had to step down where there was a sky. on the background that somebody had said we don't actually want trans people walking the Victoria secret runway right and so very interesting of a company that is dedicated to the commercial exe. Limitation of humans. Sexual objects for the privilege of the male gaze and now you're angry that it doesn't include Trans into that exploded, class, so just without without getting into whether this makes like good economic sense or anything. There's just the issue of self contradiction, but that a reduction in view of what victorious it is, isn't it possible that a woman can feel empowered and sexy if she's, wherein laundry and it's not just to the explore of the male gaze that had just they, that
she appreciates looking attractive. Wonderful, so take that ok right exactly so. The idea is that you're both going to say that that's a pie. Native female empowerment issue and it's a terrible male exploitation, is at the same time is an intergovernmental exploitation issues like what if a guy legs would have we then decide universally. They like guys we're leopard skin, underwear and guy. STAR wherein leopard skin tidy Whitey underwear, whether the sexual slept, but it but yes, but breast. The difference between that and women wearing lingerie, if with women, were a luxury and they do it because they like to be.
James Dad and they like to be more true. That is what word to accentuate their attract. So there's a sexual self objectification is an interesting issue, yet that is that of empowerment, whereas an issue of oppression, it could certainly be well if a woman's healthy who take take that all on. Why does it have to be exploitation? That's the question, but what I'm trying to say is you ve hit? You write some point. You ve made too many arguments. There's this concept called the principle of explosion in mathematics. The principle of explosion says: if you can get one contradiction through here, port security. You can block the universe that as soon as you allow a single contradiction in the unity of knowledge, everything can be proven rats. we then becomes meaningless, so the game in some sense in mathematics is frequently to say. Well, let's take all of those beautiful things that you believe just enunciated some survive, enunciated, sombrero them mall it, instead of what's true and what isn't true, you say:
is compatible in these ideas are clearly incompatible. So, for example, one of the tricks that I use is to look at advertising for women to women and what phrases get used. So if you use the phrase turn heads the summer in quotes and put it into a search, engine you'll find all sorts of revealing outfits that are intended to court. The male gaze you so well, maybe that's not really they'll get when you put in a phrase like make him drool and that will be used to market to women, and so this issue about. Can we at least get to a point where we're talking about the internal contradictions of your position, like I don't even want to get into what my position as the first thing that scaring me is that you have said so many things so strongly, and so dogmatically in this doesn't have to be about gender. Be about race, could be about class. But whence once you ve said too many things, then I can say: look
I don't see any way of squaring all of your position is that it does not have to do with me right. I think that's where we haven't gone too, so you think letting them come up with as many preposterous things as possible and then once get to a position where they, the ideas, contradict each other expose that. Well, that's that's my point, which is once you ve, told me all of your principles. Okra then I'm gonna say great, I'm confused. Do you feel that, have to understand you or that I can't and you because I no, which has operated in this situation, Tommy the rule. How I decide which principle that you have stated governs this situation by ECHO Edith got what one last point about that I dont want to have to refer
who you were you say well, you'd put you bring me each individual situation and I will tell you which principles operative in which principles and operate that doesn't work. I want you to list your principle. And list your mechanisms for resolving the conflict within your principles and then once you ve done that, We can actually evaluate what you're saying, but at the moment Requires you as an Oracle, to tell me of your many contradict you seemingly contradictory positions is operative in every particular case, so, for example, which we did that one with the person who is the quantum Ex Muslim trans trans you know everything via which is operative. The person with Mc Killop phobia is a in extremely rare psychological condition or the person who appears to be deep into some self set some radical self actual zation Pryderi, even
The person who wears that crazy make up should be able to wear whatever they want is something wrong with it. You should build a dress like Paul Stanley from KISS, if, yes assume that that's true, but what? If, for example, is a heterosexual mail? You dont want to watch the crying game at the Victoria's secret runway Do you really think that wait a minute? Do you really think they Victoria Tories runway shows for the heterosexual mail some sense? Yes, what guys, who ever watchful Sorry, that's what the guides said. so that's what he's branding it save it. No! No. I mean that something between a fantasy of Victoria Secret, Your executive recently told vote that trend. Models. Don't belong in the fantasy of victory, secret fashioned show out. That's that's on him, where he went but just because he says does me is true, I get if you, if you lifted the graph mail,
the female of yours of Victoria secret. I have no idea. It would be like a few prepossessing boys and the vast majority of women, and maybe some gay guys, but that's it does it's gotta be who fuck is sitting around its on in our? What are you doing organs popcorn re for the Victoria secret fashion. Show dogs comin over MIKE organ drool to tv. The fuck out of here is, corn and then there's everything else. Everything else is for chicks. Ok, runway shit. I don't not a single guy out there watching one way, shit! It's like a member when Playboy had play girl now, sir. Dixie Gay deeds not for checks Dale, see that, and we always see runways when we, here? For one ways we aboard easy, but checks walkin around their underwear. I think you're calling it very. You may
right about who the audiences I have no idea on the demographics. I've never watched one of these in my life, but it is not the case that I believe that mail, the male gaze, is nowhere to be found here because it's over weird thing that the female is largely buying amplifier. First something that is supposed to excite email. But it's it's a little bit to me like the female. Is the magician buying magic supply at the store for the ADI Hussar right sure sure that's a good way of looking at it. I dont think is the male gay. Is absent. I just by his interpretation of that it's a fantasy for men. That's ruin with Trans men or Trans women. I don't I don't ever since I don't have a dog that fight seem silly seem selling sex. dont want transgender people to be in there. You just have to save it, can save ruins the fantasy. You d say I would willingly hiring people that have vaginas, I don't know, do whatever you want, you can there are certain jobs if you gonna chip and deals like
trans women shown up a trick trans men. Are they a chip and deals where there was down there because they don't have a dick and but there are act and they look like a man. Is this what women want to see and are they transphobia if they don't want to see that women go to it. You know one of those are male review shows and its Trans Man, their heterosexual and then not really into trans men. Are they all Jurassic phobic? Yes, That's what I'm trying to get at is there is a hierarchy like I'm not that interested in this in the particulars of Victoria secrets, profitability, what what their statements are right? What are more interested in is you even you've enunciated so many there so many different principles at work as to what should govern in a car. but that you won't tell me well, ok, when these thing as two beautiful things that you ve said actually lie in conflict, how you resolve the conflict and it seems too
Well, what are you consult us on every single one of these and will tell you in a case by case right that kid work, because what I want to know is, I dont want to appoint you as an Oracle. I want you to stay It's your positions. Are I want you to state how you harmonise them, and then we're having a conversation. But as long as I have to keep going to you and your crazy definition, and you're. But this is up. given on alternate tuesdays, then it doesn't work. I completely see your point. However, you can't give ground can't give grounded nonsense. Is that grounds never get back? You never getting impact. Have you them to establish certain ridiculous principles, rules that are contradictory to each other. They come up with a reason why they make sense Nemo you, don't you allow them to put it into the workforce. You say look before we put it into the workforce. Let's just just in the seventeen different thing, that you ve, said her absolutes. Will you be we do, and then what Jordan does in every single one of these debates here, letting people layer?
their idea, and then you shoot him down and decide what what's large go what's illogical and I think that's that's that you see of ideas right, and this is why it's important to let these shitty ideas into the matter is: why do we still have so much caught up in the eye, Kido League and the council? That is because it sounds good people like the idea. don't have to learn much. You just go away with a death touch factory, but they don't want to that all you have to practice for ten thousand hours you have did sprawl and work on your leg kicks in work mainly desirable and shaming, is death touch well debating these. I think honestly and I'm not trying to blow Jordan's horn anymore than only have, but I think what he does it is very important because he is one of the few that engages in these people in these very public forums in these long form debates where They go to war with ideas, and these are way better. Their conversations does exist,
fucking good. I love chopping down, picking you so much because some friendly I'm not. As is like I'm not as combat of this here. So I said I am also not a smart ass. He is, I am also not as I'm not. I don't have a residential and I'll have the credentials it he s like when he's the university approach Toronto, Professor Phd, when he's going to war with these people there, throwing out vow warriors to died his sword? What did you do it ass, an eminent watch with bread and Richard Dawkins, Togo appeared on stage for the first time, how repose each area really on religion. Oh, what is darkens now religious. None of the is staunchly in that a sort of new atheists driver aggressor as happening, because I know he had a stroke as you know this, and why I thought your brother was an atheist as well, but threat doesn't think that that religion is a virus This is not Paris. Citizens rights believes that religion is
actually an adaptation and the weird thing was his. He said. Look there's you darkens in theirs old darkens and young darkens came up with these two powerful idea. The idea that the mean the unit of radiation is is a gene like object. He also came up with the idea of the extended phenotypes. So when you talked about that aunt mound that your excavating that aunt Mount is in some sense part of the ant strategy at such a so deeply tied in that you have to since the ant Mount as part of the ant system, because it cannot exist without that complicated underground city, my right and so what he said was ok. If I use these two concepts, that means- are like genes, and the genes can throw a bad meme instantly. So genes me, have to ride on a gene and they can't Paris citizen too much and
you also have this inclusive fitness, which is that may be religions. Co, travel with us and allow us to out compete those who dont have them because they seem to be found everywhere. there's so prevalent right you have to. If you looked at it objectively, not looked at it in terms of how you feel about called like behaviour and peoples who susceptibility to influence. If you just look at it, directive, leaving from another dimension. You'd go will clearly. This is a part of being a successful personally about exactly so Breyer bred in Dawkins met, and I think Dawkins had this kind of reaction. Like oh rap, I'm meeting an Ultra Darwinism whose read my work taken it seriously and is feeding it back in and saying you you Richard Dawkins in your younger years, established ideas who When that, when those ideas, logical consequences are explored, it completely negates you're late life hatred for religion,
because it reveals it to be an adaptation rather than a Paris adaptation of the human species you owe them. real problem that I have always had with darkens in his take on religion is not that he is wrong. They're right it is. Anger that he has and he's talking to people that believe yeah he He sets. He sets up the kind of like heavy conflict that you know the way people interact with each other. Bread is very good, the reactions are very dependent upon the attitude that a person has when they go into this interaction. You know which, People meet on the street one person One person meets that person says the same words and they want a ing. Another person meets a person and has a fair fight. What what is it? What's the difference with his a lot of it is the way you approach people. The lot of as the way you accept the people's ideas, the way a community with them the way you allow them to fully express themselves of judgment, and he hasn't
by any that, he felt like there's a war going on and he's gotta shut down religion as quickly as possible, thus that he wanted to know so good. He wanted to fashion science into a cudgel that was maximally efficient, forbidding the crap out of Berlin. That's a great way to put an end. What bread did is to say. Actually, your scientific work goes in the exact opposite direction. The reason brought it up. Was it was one of these unexpected occurrences, that when you have a meeting of these things- and this is your point about you have see. Is that the Ex martial arts is here we don't know. What's gonna work, we don't know what's gonna know nobody knows anything yet and gradually we came to understand that there were certain systems that were hyper effective and that even those could get you know you are making the point earlier about brazilian Jujitsu, didn't it keep advancing
at the same level once we understood, stood the role of all of these different systems in advancing fighting. So the question I am having repeatedly is what kept Brett and Dawkins, for example, from having that meeting. Here. I think Dawkins probably didn't fully understand what he was getting into and he agreed to appear with an evolutionary theorist on stage, but he d you think that it is very common in his ideas, is very confident. Is intellectual capabilities has been doing these type of debates and shutting down these sex therapy or these these people than Earl demean from various religions. Right I mean from his he's, had these debates with people from Judaism from Christianity has been part of his career right. Yeah I mean didn't even know what the foxes name named. The indian fellow everybody make fun of what the fuck's his name, today. This is now the earlier than the wonder. This
quantum guy. It's always using your that guy, that guy that guy's, constant we using appropriate aunt em words, re throws quantum into fuck and vegetable soup and tries to make it to make sense. He he's use Word, salad, brain you know, and I mean I've seen him debate him to me is what it's about you you like these videos, the fake martial arts, guys here and they did they show up for the challenge because they ve actually bought it right. Sinuous dupe deeper Well, that's what I'm trying to get it. Isn't it interesting that in general, the people who say immigration is a pure good. There is no connection Islam and terror, the only people who oppose but free trader protection. As these people know enough not to want to trances because what they're saying is is is wrong right and their ex
enough to know that they are. They got a secret five point in exploiting part technique for something and then they know it's nonsense, and so they won't actual link they do well, then, why not an early they want! Why don't they want in? I dont think day. I don't think they necessarily do actually believe that they're wrong. I do think that some of these people that are like soup, regressive and very, very committed to some of these may be illogical. Positions on some of these ideas are afraid of conflict, though, and I think it's one of the reasons why they shy towards progressive ism towards socialism. I don't think they like. For some of them. No, no. They like to get together and scream at people who does what they like to get a get get together in large groups can say. We know why you sleep you fuckin ray. since you fucking piece of shit but one on one there cowards coca it like this. Is this the type of person that would think it's a good idea to to show
bang on someone's we weren't, you don't hear them in their home that type a purse it is not tat. Person there would in that looks forward, two on an even battlefield, engaging someone one one in just just open communication. it's not what they're doing with administrative silence, people scare people intimidate people their bully. Intellectual boys people are bullies, are almost always and secure. Their almost always scared. So this is why it has been very few people that are jumping forward to try to go intellectual war wit? Wouldn't it Rachel mad cow or Linda sorcerer, one in them in their pretty and those we do. You deal with two very different types of human beings or Rachel matters. One thing Linda's, our sores very, very seriously. Religious person who's got some. You know very deep believe, this is far as Islam. She wears the hijab receiving juices, took to totally too things are it back, but if I listed a group of people like the late night comedians, does this very weird thing that they all
to believe the same like there was a secret me. that they all agreed to a bunch of stuff that I want to see the conference proceedings like. What's how so? Well, that they all kind and know that the Republicans or are all horrible. The Democrats are basically good people that they They all know that climate sciences settled science. I mean there's some that they have these Britain pretty much open. Borders are great thing, and that everybody who doesn't believe in that it is only so is only not believing it because of xenophobia right whatever these set of beliefs. Are. I dont see these guys in open discussion, particularly your two hours long. Well, I don't think it's that could kill you get Stephen Colbert set Myers in here and have a discussion might really yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure, I'm sure they
and saw they're scared of having discussions. People but They always happy them in a very data to be very measured because they could lose their job. It's not it's not that simple, they make a tremendous amount of money, but if they can aim and said anything that could be misconstrued or misinterpreted, even not even actually being something actually trance. They are actually homophobic, gradually, xenophobia. if they said anything that could be taken out of context and put in a small clip and thence doubt and when it goes viral, where they are done, look at me Kelly. Maybe Kelly had a question about. Why can't you wear make up to look like Diana Ross? Why can't you? But there are good reasons why you can't some good racial history behind black face. However, why is it that she can't even ask a question without losing her job? I that's it pulled plug. Do we have to make a fuck it?
Statement that we are we a boar violence. What do you say what you said about about the whole kung fu thing that is only can exist in a protected context. Well, first of all, someone like Megan Kelly can only exists in a protected contest with all these people get predicted contest even call bears like gotta, be one of the fastest minds on the planet. Everybody. I knows smart has done his shows, as he just thinks faster than you'd. Luxuries smart guy, just because we care but but is also a Catholic devour yeah. Yes, Thus bother me bothers me: does modem is an organization of kid fuckers while welcome not speaking out against all those kids getting fucked, well that, if you're a Catholic, I was raised Catholic. I mean I'm not saying that he is on that same the people he knows are, but this is
a giant problem with that organization with, but that's not without bothering me, what's not bother with what did you want to make sure that we were talking with it, we're about to pass each other? So Andrea, back, ok, I think you just gave me an answer now. He can't appear in this kind of a context because that might come up and hit. He needs to be in a world with much more restrictive rules where someone canst AIDS and Organisation of Kid Fucker. That's right! Yeah That's not just more restricted world that that's the reason why that has been able survive. That's what I'm trainees enabled don't talk about other, but but is the idea that It is such a risk. Like you, your point about a Kido was, if you happen to be unarmed and attack by a man with a sword. This might have some value it would have some value of someone attacking a very specific way. I didn't understand either the ideas that that's a very risky.
did rule set on which to fight press. So maybe what you just said to me, which could open this whole thing up, is that all of these people can only eat ply their ability to have a back and forth of ideas if the rules are heavily restrict. I don't necessarily think that case. I think they could do it in other ways. All of them are operating under this rule system, because Israel systems how they get paid, but I think Seth Mars, very smart guy. No Jimmy Camel he's a very smart guy. They could do whatever they want. He could do a podcast, She could do anything he could operate in any and any genre. I believe I think we imagine the same with Colbert. I mean Think Jimmy found same thing, but when there are forced into that box, and this is a hundred million dollars your box. You know it feels good and ever since fuckin velvet walls and you get to drive Mercedes and live in Beverly Hills. To do you decide I stand our box write me.
Be their mind. Is in that box. Maybe they re on a regular basis. Maybe there's not any restriction for them at all, because this is how they operate all the time. So I did the show, with the Jordan and Ben Shapiro on Dave's, set right before Ben, went on real time with Delmar and Ben was kind of excited to Dubell MAR say I don't think he's gonna rough me up. I think be a gentleman, if think he's one of us and they win Ben sat down with bill. We saw this thing that was very. We were sort of hoping because bill This kind of the most towards US anybody in that kind of mainstream environment and what I saw which I had really appreciated was that bill was not doing this kind of open discussion thing. A lot of his tone was leading. Surely you are not going to say the done and you know it. Wasn't it purely thing. Are you saying that right? It was
of this emotional instruction. Yes- and it was clear that to me that. when I saw a ban on that in that context. That, though, a few hours separating the two appearances and that the characteristics of that environment and were bill. Show, is the most like. This show that it's just two different It's not really the same ecosystem and you couldn't have an open debate unless it cuts off after seven minutes and the hostess and control, will build? As now time that's well. This is part of the plan. on the terms of their a very restricted format. He was doing conversation with Steve, Bannon and here on SAM Harris's, podcast themes. Talking about it. You said that one of the problems was he got to this point or is like ours. I want to ask more stuff, but I ran out of time round, and I heard that also what the fuck kind of aid chintz system. Are you operate behaviour that you run out of time? Let's take, let's take him at his word. Moaning deftly did run
but a summit, that's true and Bill MAR said: hey guys, I want. I want the following situation. I want to continue to do real time in the same format that it's always been done, but I want to have a pot catholic Rogan where we take much time as we need, and I dont think those two things player. You owe their fine together it's, not you. It's together barrier that those that are not well here's the thing He went on SAM's, podcast and I've. I enjoyed him more than I enjoy him on a show. I know cause he had chapter didn't look the same way on Dave. Reuben show the you look totally different. How do I didn't say? Oh my god, you gotta see it. You know Tucker, you know I'm having my own weird issues where I used to you know. My previous position was that Fox NEWS is just propaganda in the Tucker was in that old. fire situation way back when Tucker was
opening up as a different person saying you have the freedom you're, the new, I'm still stuck in the old, why? He must really feel that in my own feel, like yes, MC look, that is what you have do? If you want to survive on Fox NEWS and again it's a velvet coffin you're in there beautiful, ass you're, getting paid shit loads of money, but you necessarily have the freedom to express first, but you don't have long form free right and you don't have the freedom to comply. The express yourself across the border? Like you, could you you can't look at the left's ideas and say you know what I really like the idea of universal health care right. I really like the idea of universal basic income. I really like the idea of paying for people school Joe. I think you- and actually have a really interesting difference of opinion. I think your opinion is there's nothing Vending you from staying in the velvet coffin and doing this style of podcast and my guess, I'm not saying that ok moisten, I would be more, I think, Tucker Cross and probably can't do that. I think of how crossing
loud Colbert? Yes, I think so. I think he could don't think he would, though, I think he out of all them, and I think he's brilliant, don't get me wrong and what our studies from an organization kid fuckers not him mean, but he's a part of the cap. We could do something my you could do any one of these people are all the rights they have. What you think is a big thing. I mean it's a big thing in terms of first of all, the actual reality of the organization and what they ve done to protect people, that of molested children's unprecedented. it's also something that I was raised, and I was I think I want to catholic school. I don't think that he wants to do that sort of wild country or been type
internet show, I think he enjoys wearing a tie and doing a straight up. Talk show like the Johnny, Carson Show or the J Leno shown, I think is a very, very good at announcing his anything wrong with that. I think a lot of people like that. I'm afrits and I understand that, but I think that's him. I might be wrong, I'm just assuming that as a minor could do different. I wonder what an action that, if you try to do both of these things, you would revealed, you'd be caught between two worlds wearing if, as you like actually think that a lot of these ideas would collapse just the way Kung FU collapsed. I think you're probably right. I think if you had to people having these conversations and long form instead of those CNN Three windows were laid his battle in and out for six minutes and then that they now everybody yellin over everybody, that is these single Boris way. To argue idea, I think there's no Gracie challenge theirs
not well. Jordan. Patient is kind of doing so. Great was the challenge that, because somebody on gender yeah he's the only one they want yes well, which is which I think a puzzle hoist crazy of the intellectual upon a square is his other Tappan wrestlers yeah I mean, I think, gum. Not legitimately yeah he's worked his way past the Kung FU people unease now onto like olympic wrestlers, throwing at him this this latest one was very good yeah. She is much better than Kathy Newman Lady. She didn't make any these Riddick the straw man arguments she she came at him with her positions in our points was interesting. I think what you are saying is true for everybody except Bill MAR. I think bill MAR would hold his positions in podcast form, and I think you would just have more expand on them and I base this on him being on SAM Harris Show, and I find it to be very good. It was the
anniversary of religious, and he was excellent on there. I think he could but I think he's also he can say fuck you. He got trouble for drop in and end bomb on a show in a joking, formally he's a different cat. The whole thing is very for with them is on each be. But when ice cube came to him and said you can't do that was painful me, because I'm is positive, that he had Carlin style attitude about that word. That's because in this environment again, that's where it makes us living here. What is his bread over at age beyond? If you wanted to have a long form conversation with that guy, even on upon chasm and didn't, have an HBO show, that's one thing, but if you do have an HBO show, you have never totally there. Attitude because one wrong you're walking look I've been a tightrope, but this is what I'm trying to get it is that we are too dangerous in some sense to play with because well with his ease ass to believe we have talked we'd be Bill and I, actually went back and forth in an email about something hearing. I drop the ball, but
he would do anybody's podcast? I don't think that's the case. He could do so podcast as well. I agree that here be the one most likely to be able to do both. He could do it. He could do it. I think of them could do I think so Mars. Could do it too? I think Jimmy Chemical probably do it as good or better than any of em. Jimmy absolutely could do it. I mean We think that holding him but he's a man of his ideas here. he's probably the least likely to author or manipulators ideas of anybody, that's ever done want those late night talk show host he's just rating inside a format. We don't swear and you have a certain amount of time and try to be funny any say, insightful stuff, but he's the very ethical guy anywhere else very, very smart guy and is also very rich, he's got a shitload of fuck, you money and, I think, Jimmy could do it easily. I think a lot of people could do it easily and I think they're gonna have to I think some some
point along the line taking to realise that the restrictions that their operating under unless they really enjoy that format think does formats are gonna. Be there that long. I think this that's a lot like sitcoms, their slowly starting to vanish, you know forever one Roseanne show that operators caught in the style, Jack and you know that runs into its own disaster- grant how many new sitcoms are there that everybody is aware of shipping used to be every time there is a new sitcom. Whether was friends or you know, fill in the blood Whatever the show Seinfeld there was. Everybody was talking about these new sitcoms right. Nobody fucking talks about sitcoms anymore. This is that the authors of the thing I took on this morning on Twitter, which was Dave Ruben and bright lights and myself were talking about this phenomena of very high follower. Hence with cycle lower engagement, oh yeah, that's fake, but those are fake followers. That's what that, while it may be, but
a lot of it, but it's very interesting that we're talking about getting rid of visible follower counts in getting of Likes Hussein that currently there is discussion about Jack, may have floated some trial balloon. The twitter is going to try to improve the level of conversation, by getting rid of follower, counts and removing likes Q mansion thinking you going to improve the level of conversation by getting rid of a heart tat he owns, went onto someone's idea are, for a heart is literally a heart, but its Phoebe clicking on art on Instagram and on Twitter, its heart, its alike, is able to heart. I love you can hear it. Love jack come on. Jack can get riddle of terrifying. You would be Why? What? What's terrifying about the work of? I am seeing you blowing kisses and my general direction, I'm remembering all the videos I watch where you attack some sort of a punching bag with vicious spinning elbow or something of the neck. Ok, us and you can't we talk about ideas here. You can't
Now I want to get out that's enough later, if you wanna by MID life crisis sick with with some instruction, for I think we have to end this tat, we ve done for hours in ten or he's writing. I say what they said. The onus is this couple: is there We ve been saying for a while. We are rethinking everything about the service to ensure we are incentivize, unhealthy conversation that includes the like button. We are the early stages of the work and have no plans to share right now- and this is a must. wants to telegraph. The telegraph saying twitter the like tool in a bid to improve the quality of debate. I think something really weird is going farming. What is the quality of debate and by whose definition and you're not gonna, deftly not going to change the way people interact with each other? It is not people interact with each other, because their anonymous Nev the incentive to talk shit, it's fun, okay, so the they are as it were, as we close this thing out live we could plug nano
my twitter, which is my main thing, but I'm trying to diversify and Instagram and Youtube. Should I get shut off Twitter Asha you worried about gettin shut off, I'm always worth you don't say anything inflammatory. Could you you're very logical and reasonable guy, it's so it's really go into that point, while yeah I'm. I'm actually worry that by being logical, unreasonable, I have more of a risk, because the thing that I'm saying they were also Recognize intellectual and very left wing you're, progressive, So why would they shut you off? I think, because much more worried about a progressive who says that the current progressive, MRS absolute stupidity, that's much more days, risk than some right winger, whose always against anything's progressive, interesting there's a war foot, you love that kind of stuff. You have that cloaking, dagger type! Shit, don't you one part of the ineffectual dork with coy watchers. I dont see. Ineffectual. Now knows that International Agnes right now we have tabled by work web. Does
Listen I have to. I can't call myself upon the dark web. Does it too ridiculous from Madame opposition. My position see at the you at the summer one that later thousand people that speak the humor. cross them the lands. Listen! This effort I can do no other than that. No ideas for hours, but flew by whose awesome apparently can I do Is it the than the names please do. I think I am really it's five ten cheese aircars and stay in on the american or Windsor Twitter. I'm Eric Weinstein's Phd, I think, on Instagram. and on my instagram.
Are linked to you on the instagram. Okay, so Eric our wine Senator Durham and I'm on Youtube Eric Weinstein's Phd yeah and if you can't find his instagram linked it on my US round Iraq, Joe thanks for having gave you my friend lots of fun. I buy you fucks, thank you everyone for turning into the pot cast and thank you to our sponsors. Thank you, too Everley. Well, no! More setting a weighty rooms waiting for hours. You can now complete these essential lab test. All from the camp of your own home and research the same. Accurate results you'd get from going to the lab head over to ever really well dot com and use the code, Joe Rogan. All one word to take this, ten percent off your first order again head over to every well dot com and use the Africa Joe Rogan for fifteen percent off your first order. Take control, of your health with every well and you also to the mother, fucking cash app! That's right! Folks!
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Transcript generated on 2020-10-06.