« Jocko Podcast

236: There Will Be Punishment. You Will Get Beat Down. The Projects, SEALS, and Martial Arts, with Jeff Higgs.

2020-07-01 | 🔗

0:00:00 - Opening

0:05:49 - Jeff Higgs.  The Projects, Military, and Martial Arts.

2:07:21 - Final thoughts and take-aways.

2:35:30 - How to stay on THE PATH.

2:50:40 - Closing Gratitude.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This- is Jocko podcast number two number, two, thirty six ECHO Charles and me doc, a willing good evening, echo good evening. When I went through, but Six you'll turning there were two people reckon eyes with an award at the end of training. The first award was for the honor man. Then the honor man is the guy in the class. I think it's for the best so, overall performance. Which is mostly physical, running swimming obstacle course up set ups or whatever, whatever other Physical events do life saving and not tying and buddy breathing in pool confidence in you kind of have to just do good at everything and not just good. You have to do really good at everything.
It seems like the honor man is gonna, be one of those people who do some kind, a athletics in in high school, maybe even college. They my class. The man was a complete bad ass. Busy was Keith Kimura, total stud He and I don't remember everything about boys, but I remember he one just about everything. Although there was one other guy that always right there with them? but somehow Keith Muster edged him out enough times to become the a man, I never was closed. To the front of the pact or new to know which of the two you guys want, but obviously it must have been Keith. Cause use just primmer, savaged everything and even after seal training? He pushed himself hard trucks.
Maintain that edge. And after his first tour at a team, he were backed a bug to be an instructor. And on January tenth. Ninety ninety seven if was practicing breath holds during Evolution with students and dive tower in the other instructors were what they were. Working with the students and they were running the evolution and they weren't tracking Keith? Who was down at the bottom, the fifty four tower holding his breath and at some point at some point he passed out. In it because he was just sitting down there, almost hidden, meditative way. No one really noticed that he had passed out.
He took on water by the time the other instructors recognised. What had happened. He was unconscious and any never He never regained consciousness and he ended up dying the next day January eleventh nineteen. Ninety seven. A better man than me. The other person, the other a war that gets given out at the end of buds is called the fire in the gut award. And I dont know. If there's some kind of official definition for this award, but It seems like the award was given to the
individual that had to dig the deepest to get through the training and who, in doing so also in spired and motivated the rest of the class and in my class class one seventy seven. There was another bad ass man, but guy by the name of Jeff Higgs. And his journey to but two basic. You'll training at through basics, you'll training is pretty incredible story, and because of that. You know where we're brothers, but we're brothers, Nano Because we want to buds together not only because we servitude team, one together, but also through Jujitsu, I'm
I'm I'm pretty sure we both started the Jujitsu journey. The The exact date. And we are connected through- are Jujitsu lineage, because Jeffrey eggs eventually got his black belt he gave the black belt to De Mr dean. Mr gave the black belt to me, and I guess we should include that there. Also connected lineage here to echo Charles, who then received his black belt from me and it's been awhile. But it's an honor. To have Jeff here with me today to share his experiences, his knowledge, his outlook and his lessons learned in life. Jeffrey the nature of the change of government always good.
Always good to see you to hear you. I heard you at some pretty. I heard your voice it's and pretty traumatic times in my life, so it's always good to does sit down you. Obviously we turn it on, but start at the beginning was started young Jeff Higgs we re born. I was born in rams, you're North Carolina itself, a town like almost smacked abbot. Middle of the state print rural area and what was the war was the situation there? What was your mom and dad doing there? What was the scenario at the time my parents were separated? So I was, you know, you know my mom had me there and move back to New York when I was about three so she was she a new Yorker, originally not my mom's from that that town- and where was your dad from my dad, was born in the Bronx, grew up in
the parlour, and so then. So they had, they moved down there together, or would they already split up and she took you down here? They were split up and I wasn't points always was borne down there. The rest, my family was born in in new. And then, and then you moved back to New York at what age three my mom moved back. So at this point I hadn't really met my father and my mom moved back to New York and then there's kind of a whole family issue thing that I wouldn't want to get into publicly. But my dad got cussed at me and ended up, throwing their with me And go into my mother's back and forth on weekends and then whereabouts in in New York, where you live it so I grew up one Staten Island in a place called West Brighton projects. So that's where I live with my father.
And my mom lives in another project called Park Hill projects, so lot of people familiar with that Stapleton Park at home or right next to each other, like the Wu Tang Clan's is from Stapleton from from West Brighton Markham HOMES area. There is like the Force MD's. There was some people who had to come out, Terry, that pet gotten fame and then, like God, I remember when I was a kid now take the train down to the city and we, we go buy. You know I'm coming, from New England from Connecticut You know worse in You know I grew up on a dirt road, and so we'd be on a train me, my bodies and you'd, be I went through the projects for its probably it seem like about Maybe twenty minutes of writing the train, where just Building Building building building. You can
oh, that their in rough shape and you know I rose to be sitting there on this train free, no common, from a really rural area and looking in their thinking that looks rough. Yet we all projects very much the same in the northeast area You know they're rough areas. So what does your dad do for a living? My dad walked with like a housing, so he didn't have too much education, but you know he did what he could and he worked in the housing department. So he worked in like for the projects for the city, like you know, I remember like as a kid he would take me into these before the rooms like we'd go down underneath the building, and you know for its winner in New York. You have these boy, thermostat heat the buildings and the the boys are huge, and you can see the fire in there and show me how, to you know, show me the gauge
all that had operated is pretty cool and it's you were. I know you have at least a sister else. You have four siblings. Have three all the brothers and two older sister. So on the youngest, the youngest we're all that were all of you call located in the same house with your dad. Yes, you know there are all kinds of The situation is not out there. So I'm not really afford you. My family is to learn a book or so but but so it was pretty much some kids that around some of the time you around sounds like you. At weekends, your mom, but the rest time with your dad and look for them sport, Maya, my brothers and sisters were with my father and I visit my mama weekends.
And then what were you doing like? What were your interests? What was going to school, like ok as a kid I was very thin and I had a like an an incident happened like I guess, liken second graver, so I got really sick. Like I got sick of file, a bunch of people in school, and I was just really embarrassed by it and I didn't want to get sick again, so I stopped eating a lot. So I was really thin, but besides that and that- and that went on for a long and I would he so much so great- was that the six second grid so you got you mean when you say you got to take you when you threw up in front of a bunch of people yeah. We were doing like this play like the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. So I've got- and I was just
told the teacher. I do not feel good and she just let me sad, sit there and an eye than outside they put out a bucket in front of me, this is New York, Eliza, Ladys, everybody's, really 70s early nine, and then it I just started you know going out fear and everyone in the class. You scattered in here like just like a point that me and who is just like. Is it I couldn't do anything you know. So I had no control and the body was just doing what it is doing and I was I wizard. I just cannot toned down my eating and I would eat like just a piece of bread in the day. But I mean besides that always you know really bookish read a lot of comic books, encyclopedias our just reading. All the time
pretty much like a pretty much a nerd. You know I would walk around in there. That's why I was at target in that kind of neighborhood you definitely going to be at target. You know I used to I used to carry this book in my pocket. Call the golden guide Garden Guide golden guy. You can still find him and even bought the book because you know just for on the stout you sick, but it's a little book of spiders of North America. So there? You know purely to combat the crisis. Biter may cause. I wouldn't I would come on Vietnam like this little kid like. Oh that's, electoral deck to smack tends in like saying all these species names of these arachnid did touch arthropods and people were like this kid, and I would call spiders and go down and get ants and put in the web is like twisted. Looking back on the book the dead gotta completely isolate you from like other kids, especially in them.
Objects, gonna words Percy, like my dad said, was creep you. Do you think that like when you are second from all those people in kind of got called out its? because we're sitting here laughing about that, but back Stuff leaves a mark on kids right, yet it leaves a mark on kids. Do you think left more? Do you think? That's what made you credit had come more into books because books couldn't laugh at you. I was I was into both before that by thinking, maybe more introverted. You know because now the spotlight on, but has not for some good everyone's laughing and pointing in like a lot of people is really discuss whose use is really stands out. My mind. So then what was it like you, know, you're reading books, you kind of a nerd,
what what about like as you get older as you get in a high school in time you know, like I said from me, especially in the eighties. You know like going down, but the city in the eightys there was made him down there. It was Total may him yet a dry Dealers, the the pimps prostitutes like I remember: we used to go out at night and you'd, see like prostitutes at around ten or eleven o clock at night, they'd be out on the streets. You know working and then we come back at three or four o clock and when we go to see a hard core shore would have. We come back later, be those girls they be out there. You know tat, and tricks they be lookin. Like they ve been turn and tricks all night. I mean how does a? How does a kid that's written about spiders through that without getting dragged into it all
I think one of the main reasons for my path in life was being the youngest in my family. I could see different mistakes, I'm even going say mistakes, but I guess just I'll say different choices that other people made and, unlike maybe we'll go this way. I think when you, the youngest, you may want to look to be distinctive cause. Europe, everyone's oil, telling you do this to do this. You want to think for yourself. So I think maybe that's that's a reason. We get any guidance from your older siblings that were saying hey, you might know induce because the other thing man this is such a negative way to look at human nature. So often you see people too. I and drag other people down, and I am This was in this. You'll teams This is where I know it from in the seal teams, where we'd have somebody that was trying to kind of move in the right direction. The other guys would kind up
drag him back down, you know like they wouldn't want people to succeed and, and that's not a blanket statement- but I'm just saying it happens and Anna He definitely see happening within families where no one simply does start source do somethin well and the other siblings kind of grammar dragon back now but I can also see sibling saying, don't make that mistake. Go in this direction. Did you see you to one of those who? Is it more just your perception of what to do and what not to do say my siblings. My brother and sister have always been really cool with me. You know I'm I'm kind of like I feel really blessed in that sense. You know they always steered me in the right direction in and the weird thing was around the neighborhood. You know I was known as like little pigs and other brothers, another age you know we're like you know that they will. I owe you know, look out for those guys, so I mean we would sometimes I'd be walking. The lobby in my building and the guys
drug dealers right there. I know a guy who's up on the floor. You know, did you know he sold drugs? You does this thing in a sub. Little figure. Just walk right by you know was never like her. I never really felt like. I wanted to get involved in that stuff, so I didn't really have too much of an issue, but I could see all these things going on around in this is like in the in the eighties in New York City, which is very different than it is now. You know was definitely Wofford time, Korea, with less than we were back in New York. Justice months ago. Is my brother. So I go visit my brother and you know he still live in Harlem- saw visit him. You know pretty much him when I'm coming back from overseas or sought might use stop over Yonder York is a completely utterly different place now than it was eight is never mind the seventies. I would never went down there in the seventies, but in the eighties for sure,
What about on? You know one of the things you Tell us stories me by mean unit would sit down and talk for a long time. We are going through training and you tell stories about some of the characters in the projects there was. I. Was a couple brothers seem to have. They seem to be. They seem to have their own like world. They Kind of brushed up into sometimes it is was this like them. I do not remember these stories. Bad, give us a little hint of those guys what was their deal, so these two brothers Mark and James Ages I don't even know what started it just stages had it out for me. Mostly James, and these guys with every time would see me, you know they were high. Some thin and they would make the salad and when I hear that serve outside and outs Darwin and I'm guessing like looking back the scene.
Kid with glasses, are looking at a spider book in the corner of a building and they're just like target. Then you know: that's that's how it started in this I used to be in the corn just given taken punch from. These guys in the it so it started with them to say right in and that's how you know that they were common forty, yet and any was also kind of signal, because in the projects you know each building is kind of like its own entity and, like maybe a guy, other building, it's like a single too to that person so you here like, then, why didn't you hear so we're doin or so the body they did. This is vast board a little bit, but you know God through seal trading Jeff
we would do that lay at moments of whatever like mill moments of chaos, will try to get us to quit. All the subdued here, so I ve it. It just needs to be said, though I was I told story to someone and that person just started saying it over and over and then it spread, so that everyone is saying is, I wasn't like you know, just randomly boys like someone started, advantages spread and then it's like blood as Tt The tubes so what so when you get a high school, is your attitude changes your attitude the same through high school, very different what I'm nice going. So when I was twelve, my dad was a football coach. You now is to light pop wanna football, and I was one of the worst on
sure, and you know my dad was always trying to encourage me. You know you gotta, try different thing, so try football. Try those try that- and you know my dad One day I came home alone, he was blown his nose and he pulled. The tissue aware is blood everywhere and, like you could see like chunks and stuff like like didn't look right at all like he knew some was wrong anyway, I can, I get it back, flew and we didn't really think anything of it and then finally, you know I guess he went to the doktor. Then we found out that he had leukemia so that in November and it just got progressively worse. So this is eighty three lay a three and then he ended up.
You know going to the hospital to get chemotherapy back then was way more harsh, and so you know from like November till like where he died in January. Fourth- and it was just only a couple of months of this, but you know after school I would come. That was just walk to this hospital that he was in on the way back home from the school and just watch I'll just watch my dad go from someone really big and strong and just watch him just shrivel. You know going through this treatment so between the leukemia, the chemotherapy, then he got pneumonia from the just being sitting in the bed and a habit, it is from blood transfusion. You just all bunch of things happen and then you know he died is. Are you said that that
things changed. Did that change your outlook on things? Did you did you started with the world in a totally different way. No doubt, say you know everyone has that that pivotal point in their life, where, like I guess you can say like innocence- is lost like it's not like. You know a fairy tale in life anymore. You know I've. Basically, death was introduced really quickly. You know early on in my life, since I just saw it and that change me cuz. I became even more introverted, more introverted yeah, so I would have maybe a friend or two at school. But you know, I will just be into my own my world pretty much and did that where you, where were you living now, I was doing, was Brighton projects, vision in my mom back and forth where's your order, siblings,
care of you, or so that's where it gets a little help from my family, dicey, but essentially out of step mom at that point, and I was going between my stepmom and my mom's on the weekends and it's you know getting involved in the you know I right after your father passed away and then you're going into quarts and all these dreams rooms with these people give me psychologically Val's. You know you okay, and do you want to stay with now? Your your your step, mom or your mom, and you know it's just really confusing to me Khan, overwhelm the colleague in a sense checked out, so warm now to it out, and so are you two? Are you still participating in school like actively Ok, I'm going graduate. Did you have some kind of plan or you are you studying at night? Anything like that I'm not the one thing
about my schoolwork, I'm not like the best student like going to school in Chino, getting grades and stuff like that more. I just been following my interest now in the school classes that I was interested in, I always did really well and other classes. I may not even care about the class, you know, but that's why I was I wouldn't say like studying, but I would just follow my interests, so your dad died when you were twelve, so you two been in like eighth grade seventh grade or great? Is that yes, seventh grade seventh grade said Alice, really pivotal, because you know you could taken out of school because your dad died and then, when you go back to school in the seventh grade, you're the kid whose dad died in I mean and everything on it, and you know it, you know, everybody else knows it and you just kind of like you know to yourself more sides and good
friends like I used to I was into like I hasn't nerd friends. You know Norway done using dragons. Stuff. You know, I would call a hang out with them, but it was only you know. One breaks at school is like that. Their mood, you do it like. What would you do the rest of the day? What would you do an afternoon? What would you do in the evening? What would you do on the weekend come home like that age after school come home watch like was it. Thundercats earlier, remember that, member that that we had to go pick pick pick like What was that Something to do with these prior yeah yeah yeah. That you had a phone in year. Someone had fallen in and call for fire by saying, pigs, Your honor local tv station, the ideal rubber that day, yet I don't think that was doubtless didn't. Have that academia and ability, I think you might be younger,
but it also think they had. That was a local tv thing. Yet they had like a little echo. The head like a little call for fire, so you'd be on the phone call in while you watching tv, and it was like a video game of some kind where you had a drop bombs or shoot something, but at a certain time as it was moving so when it moved Uti pigs thanks again was like a fire which was later, maybe the maybe channel. Like on tv housing, W L B and whatever is doubled. P. I acts or something you gotta say, picks banks that with no more so now, I restarted call way as well as the other forty thing about market James is they'd, see you, that's why that's why? day. Whenever I see you, I go Jeffrey and that's it's you and I called you out: did you ever reconcile some kind of relationship with those guys know because,
those guys are more, like you know, cool guys. In a sense you know they were popular people. When I wasn't, there is just really no connection, you know. In the end, it was really weird cuz in the projects, the atmosphere, you know it's like Rb Jazz, hip hop. What James was like into metal him there, like, maybe like just a fraction of people in there that that went to med He presented metal he'd. Have I made ensured Sean at odds? Dolphin she's become an act look, any Gibby you a corner and just head start punching away and then asked me: do you want the medicine or the treatment. And both were the same movie,
the I remember you tell me did like the you'd think you have, you think you would have made it pass them or whatever you be gone up the stairs in all this. You'd here yeah, There is another what he told me about something like you, a walk. It was dark in Europe. At your walking down the stairs and, as you came the stairs one of whichever one was lit, a match: ok, yeah yeah, so James to end this, essentially every now and then you get blackouts. You know the city we had to be blackmailed out back then and that's a problem because
Now the elevator might not be working. So if you live on the eighth floor, you have to walk up and there is some elderly people that live like seventh a floor until we're like you know, I hate you, don't get a knife and you could make a dollar or two walking people upstairs then so you know I was walking people I walked, maybe one or two go upstairs and then I was coming downstairs and all of a sudden, you Doubt married, you just lit a match and there was there was James and then more punishment it's about magic, wonder you take your breath a broadway plate. Ok, I'm goin on that. At that time. Ok!
that part? I never knew all I ever knew. All I remembered from buds was it's about magic. Wonder too I've ever had. I thought we'd just what those guys made out cycles- yeah just psycho this so these guys, never you never reconcile these guys, there's. No. Story of revenge. Will you went back? Not really I've always- and you know what back right. Now I wouldn't even you know. I don't really have anything for those guys. You know I'm just I wish everybody the best. So you know it's done
What music were you listening to back? Then? I only listen to what was there. So it's like lot of rap music. You know RB neighborhood, music and I got introduced to other forms in music by first at play, saxophone as a kid that played saxophone for like four years, so I was like got involved with like orchestra, like our dad set me up for summer program and I'll go and playing a symphonic orchestra for over the summer. Salad like take out a bus, and you don't- and you know it take my saxophone. The longest was pretty cool that and also my dad light jazz. So that was also another influence on my musical taste.
And then on the kids. Some of the kids are played donors and dragons with there were some groups, like one group like the Brewster Street crew, those guys, and then there was another group, and these guys they were all into like metal and stuff, because when you go to arm, school's over there kind of like zoned until they have people from different neighborhoods coming to the schools. So these these were all these kids were not from the projects and they listen to metal and like when we would play dungeons dragons. That music was and I was like it just became normal cells like Anna and and also I wanted to always wanted to try different things. You know and see you know what's that, like so it's kind of exploring and so I started list. Do you know any kind music. I wanted to listen to me. I was interested in it check it out now
I? What point did you start thinking about the military as an option? Ok, after my father passed away their resume. My father's good friend, the sky James, Harrison Mister Jimmy used to calm. He was on his son. Came back from the Navy, use a regular kind, the Navy and, on he told me about the seals cause. I think it's at sea at this point I'd seen for his blood- and I was like my u- I started finding out about the different military units. It's on, like My original plan was to go in the Greek go in the Rangers. Then he can. A green array and then I heard about where three kind in a month ago on the reins and become forgery Khan, and then once heard about seals, gone too heels and become a seal. I wanted to be all the special forces with this
You know on Jane his son, that guy really changed my life because he told me about the seals in and I was like. Well, wouldn't you know the navy with a speed boat drivers. I couldn't think of what in the Navy could be spec ops and then he started telling me about it, and I was like man. That's like I need to find out more about it until I went to the recruiter and at this point I'm like you know, mid teens and I ask the recruiter about the seals and he said, don't even think about it. Cuz you'll never make it, and that was like that's when I was like oh yeah, and then I started really focusing on trying to get into seal team. So Mr Jim was alone with my father. They would teach boxing to like the kids, like trouble used stuff, that these areas even had a heavy bag, and my dad was a
and yeah Mr Jim started training me. I said I wanted to go on to see holes and he's like hey. You know if you want to get into a condition, meet me down here on the park bench at four and it's like mid winter in New York, snow and stuff, like that, and you say, if you're not here at four on the dot. I know you're, not serious, you know we don't have to talk about it again and I'm like all right and There was the first time ever like woke up early life. That was four o clock in the morning. Yet oh he's an test I got out there and who would have failed before. I am out of inactivity, no problem,
Mr Dot, Jim yeah. He started training me and it was like push ups dips on the park bench and like when you go into the buildings in West Brighton. At least this, like this overhang, doing pull ups on that, and so you know, if you're going to be a father, you need to keep your hands out. That's the first rule of fighting, so you know we go out. There is this field across the way and he happy running laps around the football field with bricks in my hands and the goal was to learn how to keep your hands up, and you know you. The first few weeks is brick's not meet him like two or three times a week
and then on graduated to, like you know, milk jogs pour water him and then the milks joscelyn around, as you run around you know, and he religious teaches ruins still to me. You know, like you have to train. You know if you wanted you wanna get something's gonna have to work for it. So I am I work with and then not a certain point. I was seventeen at the time and I just chose to go live with my mom cuz. I was like you know. I I'm just really curious. You know there are a lot of things in my mind that you know I didn't really know my mom, like I think I should I should have, and so I wanted to know more about that I'm a family, so I went and moved with my mom is she
wanted me out of the projects until we move down to Florida, Daytona Beach, so my senior year of high school was in Daytona Beach Florida to the weird thing, because my high school, the first year high school, I went to art and design in Manhattan, so I had to take a bus, a boat and a train to and from school every day to take the three bus down the ferry. Take the Staten Island Ferry Cross. Take the four of the five up to 57Th and Washington GO to school, and you know how boys drawing stuff like that. So am I got into this article that went there for a year, but it did it. I didn't do what I was coming in late and it just wasn't a good fit and I ended up leaving that school and then I went to my zone
cool Susan Wagner for two years, so tent an eleventh and then one with my mom allowed move down to Daytona Beach, never to see breeze. Signor high school in Daytona Beach show my dolls, my senior, and when I was there, that's when I listed delayed entry programme and got into other navy. Did you play any sports in any these schools? Now? Did you it's weird. How you had that. It makes me think it runs deeper than I've even thought before. Like the idea of when you saw Rambo you, like you can identify with it, even though you were a nerd, plain dungeons and dragons and looking at spider book-
you, see, Rambo you're, like ok, cool, that's. What I'm gonna do is a deep seated thing. Man, I think, looking back on it Jane had a lot to do with more can change his like getting beat up like that at some point you just like you know you ve had enough, and then you cannot, I think, in a sense, in overcompensate, so I started learning about martial arts. Another really big part of you know. My story is my oldest brother was you know we had a big family incident, he was out side and it s a guy.
I end up this Washburn projects right near it is Markham homes and other pretty rough area, and my brother was there and this guy step them with a buck. Double o seven knife, that's a big blade to the hilt, and you know his heart was was eating. You know moving the knife, dunno Punctured is long and he was in the hospital for awhile and he got out. You know a good doctor, save his life and all you ve got a really big scar on his chest, but I mean I think he key got into kung fu from that I would say in ITALY when all we, You are being an instructor in that, but you know he would show me you don't care on on weekends. Sometimes I would go with him and trained in hung gar kung fu, and I was never really here. I've ever really got good
but it didn't stolen me, you know Marsh large sum. You want to learn and so on, and I had those things going for. I think between learning a little bit about martial arts, and you know the beings out. Taken at a certain point out, like you know, I can change it. If I want so, my thing was to become a seal. I thought that would be my answer so two. I won't see so you the Florida or is it going to school? Afford I mean see breeze too high, sounds, sounds nice sounds nice, but what was it? Was it nice or was it a damper year? Was cool it was more heat back than are being in New York I remembered distinctly at that time. Ted Bundy was in that area and the chaplain our school was, I think, Associated TED Bundy and I just remember he was
getting the electric chair in, and everyone in schools like make sure you boy, you're lecture components. Those they have enough juice, you talk to them. When you talk the recruiter Dixie Doktor, recruiter again in Florida right, you obviously ETA Changeover, whether a crusade. You did are all about again has made people in his path and that you will she come become aware. You look like a great candidate as well. Prize the first I told you, I didn't think you re making. Although J P d know they laughed at him, there after him? Maybe that's good test and Dakota Meyer, the guy said For the Marine Corps said you, we don't have what it takes anyway the go Meyer, my up the next day or whatever right as a good little reverse psychology, but they told you Oh yeah, you would like to be a great candidate for the seal teams there waiting for you here. We have the dye for a programme and die fear programme debate
something similar today, but you and lists for six years and die if you make it through, but training and Europe. Seal training, then view on seal team if you don't make it you still in the navy for six years, I did the die fair programs, you Do because we talk when it seem like six years. It's well that like an eight hour, a sorry, a third of your life at the time right, you're, eighteen years old and you're. Saying I'm sign on this thing for six years and you me are about you, I'm pretty sure you probably the same way no idea What's the Weber, what the daily life of a seal was as far as I'm concerned, I was like, what's got to be pretty similar to John Jay Rambo right, and it's got to be something like that. If we're going to be out just hunting people down and killing them back with him be happening at six, Course I me up, You have no idea what you're getting into, which is key
cool because. I pray. I can just about guarantee that anybody that had a night the cabinet thought about what they were getting into. You fall. It was gonna, be way more extreme did anything. That you could have the Israeli than it actually was. I mean I remember the stories of year when you and your training they bury worked up. Your neck in the sand, and let the tide come in and around you and then they resuscitate you and then ask you if you want to quit now again it like yeah, that's programme happens program you. What I remember is a guy that ended up He was actually ended up her class bonds, but I went to boot camp with him and he was Margaret went to college great guy and he's telling me he goes. Yeah seals have fifty percent casualty rate, like, like no one makes the retirement.
This is like that. You know I really just the Gulf WAR is about to happen, but there had been a worn a long time, and I think I think came originally from world war to win. Normandy the unity took heavy Kadijah like a fifty percent, gives you, but I thought It's just how I thought I was going in and sign up and I'm gonna get killed or wounded and approval How can I make it twenty years? Whatever same attitude? Oh The EU definitely heard that they drowned you you definitely did they drowned you and training you're gonna get drownded, people are going to drown? You doesn't scare happen you're like yeah, that's what I want, which is pretty crazy right yeah It seems like even that's a good kind of screening process. An initial screening process. Easy thing is so many people still quit. That's. What's you know what your signing up for you know what you're signing up for? At least you have some of your signing up to die? I mean I can say I was signing up to die.
Like him. I might also ok when I signed this paper My life is no longer is no longer a promise is no longer even a thing for you, I mean you are an adult, even though I'm very young adult, but you understand when you get into then you know the chances of getting killed or or hurt really badly or you know can happen anything else from childhood before jumping up before we get the earth it the boot camp. Now nothing No at this point you say finnish appreciate what training or you don't get ready put my backpack and sometimes I would run to school. I'm doing one incident I got saved at the beach.
So this eyes is this: tropical storms come in and you know people might I'm coming from the project in the sea. So swimming is not I'm not a good swimmer and light, while the best way to go as you know, is to go tropical storms. Now, just remember, git nodded get now and not looking at the beach can't you see in the water like froggy and stuff, and I wish to state this gulf I just ran in and basically I drowning victim. This guy came out water watered star at me and stuff like that too, then, I came home late, let you I told them. I wanna take swim lessons. So then the only place we can find ways the wide W c
and this this I gotta think she was like. Maybe a college student in I just would see the squirrel, some writing notes and stuff on the side of the textbook, but she was the guard there and she taught me how to swim. So I learned of Size Troke like basic size. Stroke not combat swimmer, stroll brush look call you like the technique of it, and while I was doing I I I got books on swimming work out how to swim. How do you know get on more hydro, dynamic this kind of thing. How much swimming did you do in the projects. Not really any I mean like in the summer, there's a pool right near it. The pause three feet and then have little baby pool so thousand earthy about Mark and Jane. When, when the one I will go to the pool, I mean I mean answer, We'll occasions I mean
change if you out to her list in the almost killed me a couple of times that, unlike any, he would you know, there's like a ladder. You walk out here, get me under their and stand army and hold me they're like trying to draw me And the worst feeling I ever had was late, just I'm in the water and like balancing like bobbing cause. It's too deep ideas here that I look over. I see him on his side. Come from and any jobs in income after them trying to get out trying to hop away, and then I look over and then it's mark, and then you know I would you know the lifeguards. Would you know have to get these guys away from me? so yeah I did. I was not at the swimming extent, was like close your eyes. Windmill until he can't hold your breath anymore then stand and hopefully there's a bottom to stand on
How did you were dude. How did you knock it? Freaking discouraged after you almost drown, you don't know how to swim, and you must be at least seen that the seal testing is what we have five hundred metres. Five hundred yards to like go to buds yet How did you not say maybe ending to look at the Rangers or maybe a need to look at this special forces are some. I was really banked on the seals and I thank you. Damn that was the one back then like now there's a lot of information on shooting, but back then you couldn't find anything and I remember you there are these books like I'd, get like the Ranger book and then you'd when it up and you'd, see like the green Breeze seals, forgery, Khan and then you look like when you try to find a suitable, no one had it and it was like the mystery cells. I do not think I wanna, I wanna go without
So you, I won't you the delayed entry programme for let's see I graduated high school on like that spring time, and I was in the Navy in August curses pretty quick yeah when in pretty much right after eyes, so that that have like, maybe a two month period of really swimming. That's what I was working on and you need to push option finding like the screening tests were not pull obsolete, sit option, all the basic you need for blood running. Then you should be shipped off the durable Gammon Orlando Right Orlando, How? What was that a shock to your system? I think the main shock was just the first like wake up, but then, after that you know, is pretty smooth. It wasn't really that big a deal. I was in a nuke
book in a thousand a neutral camp and he was like myself in the other guy's name with justice. We were both gone to the seals, and so we were like all those. It's your guys. Over there we didn't read your input camp. My swim was still not qualify, so they were like hey you. If you serious about this program, you get up at three hundred and thirty go over there to the pool and do your laps before you know the regular day of boot camp starts. So I was like I did that Albert Camus, and really improve my swimming, and there was you know they seal motivators working there and there was a seal Vietnam that you know wealth do there and he said he would cut it in o oversee the swimming. He would want
stuff and he would be sensitively you'll, never make it with their conniston. Just never make, and Had I had an issue with him because you know I I I swim was like just on the edge I failed. So I knew I could pass that is needed to be faster push through good set ups, but my pull ups were like on the edge you sure I remember like getting? I got seven and then I got eight was like right here nay, he just counted seven. And I tried again and unite with ups once you fail you not only, and I just state on the bar- and he said: oh I'd recruit, jump off the Boy an age I yelled out so
don't quit and he just he just laid into me screamin stuff. So I jumped off the bar Then I I knew I had to work on the polyps sad Jim there, and what I did was tat. I was during boot camp. All this happened. Yet I only remember meticulous screening tests at one time the I took it my think by two to three times so then the the because if you don't make it for Bud's, you know there was you kind of okay. Now you can go diver or EOD, so I ended up working on pull down machine and that's how I got my pull ups. So then, by by the by the end of boot camp, I passed the test and Ended up with oars would so when you get the buds regiment Second in the buds yeah. That's not think so.
When I was in boot cap and I get to you have back, then he had to go through your source reading. So I was an engineering said to go to great lakes and go through engine men. A school. This is like the tree that you're gonna get. If you make it through, she'll training, you're gonna work in their job in the regular navy, and so I went to great lakes To end a school and my vision didn't qualify for buds So this is kind I like going. Maybe you put me in a war with some people, but essentially I ended up passing the vision test through some nefarious method, how'd you do it. So essentially, without whose I had orders to you d training.
Because your vision wasn't good enough right for, but so everything well to is good enough, but my vision, you know you know glasses sold one of the one of the guys there that work in one of the diet, motivators, Steve Collins that another really pivotal person in my life. He was like, hey man. If you really interested in going to seal training, you know we can work on switching your orders and I don't have to work as a unit for us, the diameter motivator Shaq. I was like yeah course, and so I did it and I had to wait like it was like months like. Gonna say light at least six months, and I worked for these dive dive motorways. Distortion studying for your vision, test and here's the deal they have a medical was right near it and
vision test to have to take is right there on the wall, so day, I'm just looking at and memorizing. All of you know the letters in numbers, and I did a passing the test So you that's awesome and in this whole time, you're, obviously working out and getting in shape, and these guys are telling you what to do what to be prepared for an all that stuff. Yet another big deal like George White, Steve, Collins, instructor Roberts, these guys He made a difference because they were like hey. You know they more, like you know, show me everything, but they are like you have to do. This is gonna help you you need you need to do this and that was really bad was at a certain point. You know team guys working at dive. One of your show. They don't want to do it, and so the light Higgs he's a blue gold solidity, Judy Tee
some looking like a seal right, I got a blow gold. Did he trunks that the boots did everything in dive socks and they, like you, gonna, give the test so for six months. Can dive more varies and pretending to be a seal idea? Preparatory? Like hey, you know, hedge. What what's it like? A seal team in ITALY was not talk, would you have to worry about his skin through the screening tests itself out and won the day would do the runs. They would do the pushups all the stuff, our test them and just recorded. And six months to that, and don't I get the buds you got light. Dozens and dozens of guys like hey, that's the dive, motivator guy anxiously
all right, so you checking the buds. I don't want you know. What's weird is I don't really remember you, Some people have really good check it in the bud stories or whatever, like dig gate and they get immediately told to hit the surf and their dress. Whites or whatever food have risen. Men on relieving remember checking the buzz, I think was a weekend. I think no one cared. You know, and I the biggest thing for me. As I was kind of surprised you I expected to walk, the quarter, deck and just get ripped apart and start becoming a different. You know, No, like that James Bond Movie, ECHO Charles, you know the door opened and there's people training and are doing judo if there shoot God that was what was happening. What is that I opened the door and there's the two new to other guys are going through training in there sit there all scared. Looking in there's. No one around resident I can in the bud, like ok, Are you to sign this agreement on Monday, and I was kind of what
as various anticlimactic? Some people get a much, but how did you was anything over you? I think my shone upon the quarter deck and die. Some was gettin, Hammy dukes I showed up during the day during the week day in God's, getting hired and yelled at and instructors. Just look at me, like you know. You're like Yes? Yes, anything good, we see in your walk off in a minority legally so then, how long do you take me to class up was I went through? I don't know if they do this these days we add a fourth phase. I was in fourth phase and you just wait there and to close up so I originally classed up with botch class one. Seven four. How far did you make an one, seven for all the way to the day before how weak and then what happened so.
You have like a basically you going through first phase, like the conditioning phase of buds during lots of long run, swims, p, tease, or course all that stuff. Ended up doing this. One swim like a week before that last week and on the swim. My maya my face mask while the one of the ones is fell out and I get the waters a super choppy swims airy, every stroke might taken on water, and then I have no in all its. I can't really see much and it's making me go slower for my swim, buddy and everything and I just felt sick on the swim like nauseated and really weak and tired, like not normal, and when I got out of the water. You know we just got hammered cuz, we fill the swim and then,
go in and you know I do you didn t just Guinea hammered and so it was that was like on a Thursday in the weekend and then Tuesday comes along, and then we got to do the two miles from WEBS ocean swim and then on that swim. Coming back past the swim when I came out of the water I couldn't stand, I was just falling and I was crawling that would stand up and fall over again and instructions, just swarmed on me and just started trying to hurry and I'm trying to do push ups whatever, but I just couldn't, and then I start laughing like it was funny cuz, like my first experience of being inebriated, basically you'll find out later. I had hypothermia
So I got a ninety one degree court temperature and day. So they brought me. You know all too well the hypothetical me a chamber and are thus basically I turban get my arm body temperature back up and then it's like you know, you feel better yeah right. This is your training so, go get. When said you know right after coming back to normal, and then they like gum that night, I just remembers. You know mine in the rack and thinking like you learn medically I'm having some issues hip and how am I gonna get there's another swam and energies get longer no show up. I just remembered Tarzan Internal, then it
that everyone in the class was light. Trailer help me out, so I it'll back, then you gotta, take panasonic acid pills like this. Be vitamin that's supposed to increase thermal genesis. Make your body heat up and so on, and then you need lots of calories. So what we do on this one swam before it, everyone came in put Lastly, in all over them, my wits suit and then drink a bottle of olive oil for calories to help burn. During this. When an well. That's, not a good idea. Quite finished a pile of olive oil Boyd. I can tell you right now is not a good idea, so one You know it doing swim, inspection and instructors. Aren't you know, checking
five co2 cartridges and instructed looks, and they see the vaseline one end of the sleeve MIKE. What is this any? He pulls it up. Macy's, take you taking wetsuit off And then roll around in the sand and then put the wet back on and then do this and so on I did tell it's like this. You to my ocean swim, just like every you know at a certain point: it's just the same as just destroying your skin and everything and this is seal trading, yeah, so I came out, I had my put their me again and
not this time. It was a lot different cuz I was like you know. I was like my body is not working the way I wanted to. You know what I'm not quitting. It's like. I don't even have control the situation, and essentially, at that point there, like you know who you and continue the training you gonna killed. You know they had some one of your classes ahead who had died out in Sacramento. You know how to swim, a formal oceans, when I came out of the water hinges fell down in and he didn't make it like you know, and this guy's his body temperature is only a few degrees below mine. So on their like, you know, you medically dropped from training, and so I was dollars of on that Friday than the whole week starts for that classes that sunday- and I just remember being in my room like with the lights off and, like you do
feeling of crying you and the class was gone through how weak- and I guess I was in the loud and andor You know there was some you know when I when I was medically drop. I just started to do my land training, because I was in an almond activision, so I got the the Navy garb on the white hat, the donger. You don't get jams hungry, cool thing, and I do and watch the one inch dropped his came by its it s, I knew you'd quit sooner or later NASA adequate, so gay you did and I walked off and that you slight got me. Angry sounds like I'm gonna do my own training, so I started doing. I would join the class and run behind them being a part of Clyde doom cadence in everything, and I went when sandy and then on instructed I miss you remember him here,
he's pull me sign was late, it's over son, it's over any in that was it and so had orders to some ship in like Louisiana or something like that, but the instructors that saw me getting wet and standing there like a whole lot of those kids. You know- and there was an instructor named chief small- and he said if you want your ride, request, Captain's mast and I'll try to get you in training I'll put in a good word for you and get your back in the training, and I was like yeah, and so I would write the request, but now I'm an extra vision. So I'm working for that guy, Ballard this is a old Vietnam Vet rough guy. I mean it's hard for me to do just as well this guy, you know what this guy was like and he would just take my request and throw it in the garbage and you just kept in with it
He would just just yell at me: you'll never make it through this program so get the hell out of here and on the guy Chiefs I told them about it. He took it up to the CEO Unam, yet cabins mast and lieutenants Inky was, I think, part of that. And those guys they say we're going to give you another chance. Cuz I was explaining. You know I didn't quit the training. I got medically dropped like a if you can gain weight. Cuz, I'm like at that point. Six one, but a wait. I've looked at my medical record away like one fifty three, just not enough mass to get you through cold of being a fraud. Man there's just not gonna. It's gonna be tough
so they their La Hague was Christmas time their Christmas, you back in training, go get wet and I started up in our class one seven six like couple months later, so that that time I was that in between time of classing up, I just for dont gaining, we saw it was really strange for a lot of people. You can order pizza in like when everything's over you repeating ST in and so I would? I was like, and I have to gain weight so in all in time off. I got a big thing of that weight. Gain powder got a bunch of milk. Michael milk and I would order two for one dominoes pizza analogies, from drinking milk with waking out eating pizza before went to sleep.
With the waking and the milk sent my club- at three in the morning, any the other Peter. You notice it it got, disgusting now at a certain point like I'm, not a future fan anymore, but I ended up by the time I classed up. I was like, like one: seventy nine gained wait girl and I am I on then. I classed up in boys clause, one seven six and then in came to more difficulties with poor cop And then I got rolled into one seven: seven, your class. Can I wasn't import com, it was. It was on a white died, but without knowing already breathing or some the with Matt, ok if you guys get rolled for that. Yet Caesar. You did so you you didn't get rolled into our class until
our second varies yet I feel so. I went through Hell weaken one seven. Six. The heart is hell wheat that that ever really existed inputs. Let's see, six guys noticed So then you rolled in our class and yeah. The no one really told it now There was no heads up whatsoever about like the pool comp and all that's TAT S, something. No one really knows valid They know about it now, but back then they, that text Chainsaw Massacre poster in the medical area and it said it, but it's crossed out its crossed outer taxes, it said its poor Cobb massacre and have like a mask on one of those guys. It was get his head sawed off with a chainsaw and that's what copies You can go down there and you're gonna get get annihilated. I mean it's really hard to do a justice like. Basically it's not a matter of
pain. It's a matter of dealing with not being able to breathe like if an in compressed air. If you hold your breath in rocket to the surface, you gonna to and hurt you oh baby, you know, so you have to have that control and instructors are taking a mask of tying year your gear in knots, and you have to get the knots out. I mean, The other thing is zone that using the old regulators from the fifties. A jack, still ass. You can close it and you can't breathe so that they are taken this. Do it around it filled with water, and then you get it gotta turn your head to get the water out or blow it out the chinese seed, the not indeed you have to get it. I she's its horrific and at last a long time, its thirty minutes. Your first breath is water service. Because when they ripped that regulator out mouthed the hose filled with water, so when
put it in your mouth. You can't just know where your first breath is in you gonna like absorbed the warrant get out, and then you get a breath so your gear, four, mode trying to get the not untied. You finally get untied and now you're, just just dying for air and you put that thing in your mouth and you still have to clear that thing. It's it's really it or I failed. I failed poor comp, my first time and then I I were you with us in the deep tank because over, weekend myself and a few other guys that failed. Did you pass it? The first time when you went through with one seven seven did you passbook up so I did not go grab and what happened with You remember and some Davies yeah we got out on
we can cause. You know we had failed on the wall of shame and we went down to Mexico to do dived every yeah we were like arm what was so weird was in Mexico. The the beach all this life on it that you don't see here. You know what is essentially the same vision, further down, but we did oh, we Conaway worked and our for a bit and their non came back and just remember that that Sunday, night thinking of everyone's GIS tossing and turning in their back as you like, am I going to make it through this the next day you Know- and I was able to you- know how I did it. Yeah, we what we did- and I am not sure how you worked with us- but it was me in three or four other guys that fail poor comp on Friday and we went in the big, Diptych
and we straight up drowned each other. We were just murdering each other in their clearance dolphin me and I was so horrified of not making and I'm getting real. You know cuz. I didn't I didn't think about getting rolled as like. As far as I was concerned, if I got rolled that seem like it just deaf, you know like the worst thing ever, but we pool each other so hard all of us made it the first time on Monday morning, like it was no factor so extra little but a training, whether in Mexico or whether the diptych I also they'd. Let us do it like. Structures. Don't how we did it. What happened that we had? all the gear like we got four Scooby tanks with air and brought him into the deep tank and murdered each other. Oh, that's, not legal that's not! Ok, you can't do this deadly, like if you, if you Ici, try out there just like there's an open
Might there? If you take the opportunity good on you, if you don't so sorry, sorry yeah. So we end up, in our class at I actually thought you were did everything with us. I thought I thought you got rolled into one hundred and seventy seven. If I went through Hell Week with us, I didn't remember that whether you are old and in in a diverse cos yeah so than we did twenty island chewing tobacco. That's not a fond of them. Found courage and a lot of chewing tobacco out there and found. Somebody had smuggled a bunch out a bunch and so they made everyone in the class massive chunks, of chewing tobacco, and then we did a thousand, a cow body builders which is like an old school barbie and like me, I never to tobacco and never smoke. Cigarette and in all this,
I got a big mouth for this yeah I'd deep sense. That was one and only the rapporteur does it like jam. You like when you did and you haven't ever, does it like you feel, like actual effect? rate like waste, I wait legged gems, Europe can hardly dip yeah, that's tough, make you say I realise, as yet your sick earning in my mouth yeah. But you know how like ok, let's say you never swamped cigarette ever and then you straight up smoke a whole cigarette. You can be like buzzing, can hardcore it. Where you buzzing from the deep is whimsy entire knows ended. I shall bodied and pain and ass. They like this is horrible, but yeah like, like you said, the cured me I've ever wanting to do that, Well, I think it's important Norway. You know in speck, ops, The guys are gonna juice, dip chewing tobacco because of that region. It it's like a little bit of odd,
cattle is number. Would you met anything else from San Clemente Island. Besides good times and flights, I'm on fire requested to do a touch and go you. Do they still do that? Like the other fried Frog Hill into the Frog Hill, they still do flights to Savannah Flight Tower out there. He still do touch and goes whole nine yards yeah good times. Tough! So didn't you get! We, along with bugs you check in a sealed team, and so one it's ninety, ninety one. When we get to see your team one. Yet we need to many want? Do we got we gotta airborne school together with you get her airborne on for many years, so that's different to nowadays, but back then you went to Army job School before Benny Georgia and that's where
you'll get like a horrible. I guess kind of a horrible reputation does like your common out a buds back. You gotta airborne school, which airborne very convention school too, EC? Everyone is like a lot and not everyone, but a lot of people go to the golden army. Jumps go. So there's no soup high standard for physicality or anything. So when you get down here, rush out of seal training at you down there, feel like you can do anything and, of course the the black cats, which are the same, does down there. They they did. They give the call everyone Navy, if, like all every guy, that's not in the army, is call you may come on over here. Navy beat your boots thousand everything to make. You do squats a beat your boots. Many based gotta hit your boots, but brief on school, I'm good time yet They are always call and then on and in which I can assume team one and you
and what we went through s cutie together or as used to be called zeal tactical training. Yes, that was learning all the stuff that you actually where I wanted to actually learn. I'm sure we also want to learn how to shoot moving, communicate. Out a patrol explosives like this. When you start doing cooler staff besides could being wet and sandy yes, And then, from there we roll into our platoons you're, my sister Paul to Newport brother, pretend fair enough wonder where they caught sister potter. They do they never call it brother pull to me like stores those due to our sister store near like we never save on other store, even in the teams where there's no females, we say brother, what's up with that, I mean we say, sister Do you guys rid our brother but an apparently now who assisted. And we're doing work up. You know,
it's different environment. I remember you're Platoon Year, platoon had some less you say, pay Peter. Send it right because guys had some heavy hitters puts to you. More so than my first book do Greg guys my tune, but the guys that you had in Europe a tune were harder. Trade up, there's no real other, where put in it. They were harder on. You guys, for sure yeah I mean I'd lucky in the sense that I wasn't me. Target I mean I was targeted. I mean there is a situation we had down enough in Panama, like with the hazing that was really extreme. You know and end up in a symptom injuries happened. I got choked out at least five times that night, at least here and get beaten
you know it said it was that the opportune was pretty harcourt yeah. I've told a story on his part Gaskell Times about like when I got to the team, it now by the pull out due to work on the poor bar and this giant human like beer, the human cost lumbering out across the two hundred years, maybe even a hundred yards from like the team area to first lieutenant with engines are, and it's a guy from your platoon. You know it is the biggest guy you're petunia and carrying a gallon of milk with him injuries lumbering across this giant guy with this whole body, tattooed no shirt on any stops like at the fifty Mead remark. And drinks, a half a gallon of milk beneath put down, gives walking about. How am I going to survive in this environment because it was just It was a very hostile environment, back that no very hostile in the soup, tunes and- and you know what a lot but not a lot of it.
Let's just say some of it was wrong. Some of it like some of it, got taken to a point where it was not good for morale. It wasn't good for unity. There are some of the hazing got to a point where you like, that does not does not Okay, like that's wrong, some of it's good. You know some of it that cake. You know, welcome to the teams and it's a rough environment. If you screw up your going to pay, yeah some of it went overboard, but yeah you have you, have you uttered a hard core? well too. And when we are when we got overseas, we were- you know what I remember is on. An old master chief. We seem like all this guide ever seen in my life, which Steve Bailey probably like Seven years younger eight years, younger than I am right now, he's probably like forty body- seems so old and he's like one here want to learn how to fight, and unlike get me in I guess I'm we're together when that happened, but we ended up
in a coins in hot, with mats on the ground, the key new enough Jujitsu here a white built not out my recollections different. So the first deployment overseas that platoon them were just talking about we went to Guam, then flew straight to Thailand occur, and we, in Thailand, and that's where I met Steve Algonkin about and basically I got introduced to judge their them. We got back to Guam continue: the training, ok, it's kind of weird nineteen, ninety one and I got introduced to Jujitsu Brazilian Georgia to enter, Land in ninety one, then actual is mighty to retire and then come coming back to Guam started at the
yeah so so that must have happened, cause you What right away to Thailand yeah I'm is, when Guam you, everyone comes back from Thailand, including Steve, Bailey and then when he came back, he must have said hey who want to learn Jujitsu. I raised my hand, your he, I think he's who wants to fight cuz. I don't. I think him ask me who was large and yet you would have been the most. You know what I've been like always is a language is this when you know so as well, hey, what's neuron fight on like of course and then I just member him just joking us out, I mean and everything just. Bike with three or four different moves? You know what I call we knew it up, but maybe an arm lock and americana like to sit up sweep, didn't there wasn't a ton of different things in Europe. Go back, but it wasn't. This. It seemed like a lid limited number of moves that, It was, it was and as evolved? Does it as it is now for sure, where you already make the connection, I didn't even make the connection, I thought. Oh there's
In my mind, I thought you did was seven moves like you know, or what Maybe when you get advanced, there's twelve, you know I mean I just thought. Ok, there's Seven moves here. They are practices And then you know Jujitsu, I didn't I didn't make connection between vat what we were learning and this whole freakin, crazy sport all wool. My training with Steve was really pivotal time in my life. You know here introduce me to eat your jitsu. That's really changed life in a really awesome way, but also white garden. It was allotted
striking to we did a Kickboxing handout ion. That's what actually solidified my on my journey Jiu Jitsu, because you know he had a few black boats that had train on him other teen guys, and we would do we were doing sparring. At this point when we come back home and are now would go down there and like first to you, at least I trained three times a week there and it was well day striking and then the next day we do ground and I got and then like on Friday. We do like just sparring, so like seal team at all, you guys are black belts and, unlike the new guy- and it's just like the goal, was to knock the new guy out. You know and Adam. I got my jaw dislocated by
One of the guys I came in on a mini turn around spinning hook, kick right, my chin and I fell forward. He turned his back, no hooks or nothing. I just put the choke on and I, But then, after that I couldn't remember what day it was my my back teeth warrant touching at my might. My chin was you swore and I'd like wait around for a while. So I have like the wherewithal that get back home, but that was like kind of like pivotal because I was like you know. Even when I was hurt, did you who goes on fuel and sometimes when you don't have your senses, if you can just feel what's going on you, you have a chance, and so that big lesson for me and that's after we got home. Our home, you state. You were staying engaged in Jujitsu when I got home. I Didn'T- and I think It's because I just thought, like I said I thought well, I know the seven moves of Jiu Jitsu, so I'm good.
I was in another platoon, and so I'm just like okay cool. I know I know I might actually thought I knew Jiu Jitsu, like I'm good. I know I know everything No, it's like. I know the alphabet right. I know these words on good and then. But you kept training at what point? Did you find Fabio? right. So we it had been arm. I was getting out at that time, so we do, We both do another platoon right, I'm in an article two and saw him on a ship. You go back on a speck, ops deployment. Ter Guam did we so you gotTa Guam and your training the whole time. Yes,
and then you come home can t the training there. And at that point I was ok, you know what do they have like any kind of guy? You know, like any other places, I can train. You are well learn more and I'm thinking about you know getting out and eyes like war. You know Steve was like you know. We should em, maybe check out a torment and, unlike our yeah, ok and all the same way Think in Europe. At this point you're I note your kitchen and dumb. He wrote a letter to me. You are a letter, sealed it and he said when you get up there at the twenty minute. Give this letter to Hoist- and I went up there and I met hoisin- gave him the letter he opened it and he said, while you've been training with Steve for two years, your boobs, and so I got my Bobo from Boys Gracie and ever at train with him at all, but got my boobs out there
Do the tournament, because, like two years, you know go in the Buddha division, but I'd never train with glee, like when I got there, I was like everyone everyone had on. I was like we always done Nokia and my first opponent was correct cool Fabio. One known on here think it may be the worst. I might in a record for the worst of all, has a duty to get TAT Albert is like Just never been swept that may ties Keziah the key and I'd never seen those sweeps causes. I was always going Novi and- and it was literally. Like thirty nothin like just I was just getting thrown around and then I'm back them my defence for our walk when someone gets model was to put your arm up and when a Gulf WAR yeah you're over down as fast as possible and on he also.
Call me with the hammer, but when I'm I'm trying to get my arm out and then all the friends are on the side like Yellin break it, and I did school to and I was hardly including Fabio. If was there on the side, Fabio was rushing off Jack, you- don't work out you're. So then after that Sak, you know, is there a did that cave Fabio Santos is opening a school down in San Diego and that's where you can train if you want to go down and trained under our system, so I was like yeah, you know, I would definitely explore it and you know what I went back I told Steve would have
he's like a wolf. You know, expand your horizons, learn as much as you can, and so I started out with Fabio and I will train at Steve's and then out of certain point. I had gotten out at this point and I'm now getting ready to go into school, sad, the GI bill, and I started can night dog La Mesa like a local junior college. Was it like ninety, ninety, five, yes and so ninety by darted out far views in ninety five turned springtime hooker sounds like very. Very early Fabio is like those those in good time to. Yeah and then and then, when you got out what was your plan when you got out, I don't really have a plan in. I was just like I mean realise, coming from where I were. I did I haven't really seen much. I mean they have been in it.
And by me like, haven't you in, like I don't even School or anything after now, one in right after high school as a really curious about just exploring so they go to school. I'm gonna try anything! I can you know just looking at the world scene. Whatever things about you know, I think, are people who do come from areas light the projects in a sense you reconnaissance, western, sequestered and you're, not maybe seeing the big picture of things, and I will say that's something for everyone. You know you're here in your environment and no one ever sees the whole picture. Maybe we see most of the picture, but not the whole thing, and so I think at that point I wanted to just kind of explore life and at my my plan was, if I don't like it, can go back and a few, so so then many how many, how many hours a day, retraining jujitsu when you got out all what I did was
I wanted a waiting to be able to train alive so um I ended up. Ah working. Add phobias. Essentially, you know like cleaning the mats. Do an inch class running the student to RON in the morning and the night class, so I was just there all the open hours along with my roommate John, and we basically we're like Fabio's assistance there right now, at some point I guess it was in weight ninety five or early ninety six, you To my house you to my house and said, hey bro, you you to you and go train and I was like yeah. I like, of course, so we go across the street to the gratitude. Through the park across the street, from my house and corn, auto from my apartment and corn, otto- we go down there and yes, yes, you know you like what's wrong.
And so you know I attacked you or whatever you're just triangle arm lock me! No, whatever choke back you just annihilated, annihilated me and it's actually it's crazy right. It's like you had gotten so good. I just remember, saying our gimme. The address this place I'll be down. There is an open. Today could go down there today if it's open today and it was not today, then I'll be down there tomorrow, and down, and I went down and I said I remember talking to Fabio wife- and I said oh yeah, I'm here I want to sign up for unlimited classes. Like what you want to try it first, like no, that's what I'm saying for unlimited classes and she's like ok, so that was that, and then we then din. It was on with the old screw the old cool at five, which was a beast crew. Yeah you deem Lester Craig Cool, Jane, Nielsen right
some beasts in there. MAC ended up shown up along the way. Along the way, who else Doktor MIC grant Brent was their member Kim, yeah I see came at wrestling tournaments, sometimes he leaves a referee arrests, rustling, tournaments, LU, LU, LU, we Louis. The korean dude from our own Lucia hues because you said Udo Guy originally produced go hard yet especially like early when he showed up, he would be go hard. He was there to be there to win,
every time it's you know. I look at that now and high site. You know, having have some had some judo experiences. Well, judo, the the the way people attack is, I would say, they're trying to make you tap their they're. Not looking for you to tap like you know, I've I've, I've, even travel in certain areas in Asia. You can no one tap the chokes just saw. You called me to choke I'm going out. They just not going to tattoo a joke, so I think the Judo guys anyone who's a judoka when they get they go for their taps like if you stand up in the garden, the as you aren't going to try to break it to that. If the fight does continue that you have one arm. So if you don't tap they're still going to win cuz, you have one arm at what point
and I think Fabio used to say this here to say, you're the only person Jeff. That way from Jujitsu to cap. Aware, when did you start? It did a cap whether that was maybe a year. After I got out and this Actually, it's use like I've been saying. I want to explore and try to four things. You know I've never been the type of person that, Hey don't do this on my, why not you know ass? I was experimenting and loves is like is a good way to get good condition for Jujitsu you know a something different in that another thing, I remember is when you came to my house to fight me out like what would I would you are if we were gonna fight,
how would you what would you do like? How would you start it, and you did some Weird Tampa wedding, stuff yeah. I started doing kung fu and I was all confused on my calm and I don't even know what's happening. This is horrible and then I'm going to triangle tapping out we were competing a lot backed it like every opportunity we would get. We would go to compete and one of the most lots might be it's definitely the top, probably five that I've been live matches was we're. Neutral grounds, oh yeah, which was in the ghetto in in life, Inglewood or something I mean it is a nasty part of L. And it was. It was like back yard of some, Happy you know house and they had a cage there and theirs Regan rabid pit balls in the alley in everything and we roll in there and I what we all had matches, and they said- it wasn't a tournament. We just like one match and I got
think about those matches. There was so you have evolved, Dena match against the the armenian dude. That was like a grown man and he I thought dean. I, like you, liked the guy died of exhaustion or something in the ring, our view, member that one it was mayhem, in the armenian guys or cranking the Armenia music on boom boxes and stuff it was craigslist, there was not there and the cool thing is that's like the coral parisian crew, like that's them so like when coral prison was like all yeah. Dude is what like the old school guys. They had that that in they were all kind of linked, Judo Jean Labelle, so is just like really cool to be a part of that, but you had a match at neutral grounds path. In the day. Against a bow hirsch, Burger Who was this? He was here like Higgins far as I know, he was kind of Dixons premier purple Bout at the time and time like Papa was kind of
yeah, if you were like propelled, was eyes level that Americans had at this point right, and so you had this match against arm again? that guy, he was a great guy he's a great, better competed. All time would seem all time, but you, but he was a lot bigger than you a lot bigger than you. You he's probably like what you think to wonder, to twenty or something like that, big guy, and you guys, threw down in it. Jitsu match die. He was kind of on top and kind of Islam I can remember sorted dominating the match and then There came the triangle out of nowhere and dumb, kind of knots. Man you want that. There, video that anywhere, no video. I have a maybe a couple of pictures of it. You know what competition you know. I look at the
competitions or are? I think it's really good to test your skill against the other people in competition. Basically, you looking at someone who had the same skill level, but you don't know their game and it's up to you to try to negotiate and and have your Jiu Jitsu win the situation. So I let you know that ornaments
are good? I think, but you know because it's Steve because of where I grew up, my focus as far as Jiu Jitsu is self defense. That's my main focus. You know I look at the matches like this person won today, but then, if they repeat the match, what happens then repeated again and again and again that's how you find out who's the who's, the best you you found out who's the best right there you know so. I've had that kind of. I want to keep my you know my humility. I guess I would say, as far as like a fighting his cancer Anyone can lose at any time. So you know I'll make sure you techniques on point and beware: yeah, that's worth in tourist its The cool thing about you just seems like you can go so hard. You can go as hard as you can you don't like that's the wages works, but then there's The thing is: it is closed. Is to fight not even a real fight. Still not a real fight in
Then what do you have in those other arenas? Can you do? What can you how can you create really is what it boils down to there's a creativity aspect, that's the thing that you kind of excel at which you do jujitsu, as does the creative aspect of kind of creating moves and creating series that work really well together. How much to come out. You would probably like I remember it when I would see cause because eventually, your we weren't alternative Fabio anymore. We are trained in different places, and so, when I see you should always be like you'd be dead, yoga you be beeping a kettlebell 3bd for the bulgarian bag or you'd, be deep in the song. Humble you always going down these different paths. Two year to add to your repertoire of moves and movement and strengthened conditioning. Yes, he suggests
something that you're always doing. Yes, I mean are one thing that happened very pivotal thing. You know, when I was in school, the thing I focused on first was trying to get some type of work, so they had the. I'll send you community college fitness specialist I've they had that the first year I was in that first class, and so I did that to become a personal trainer with personal training set up You know if you work for like an organization like a system like that yours have to upgrade your your training, and so what I did was album,
I would go outside of a sand ceo. We know what's this like what's this like, and I saw this advertisement for circular strength, training and I went to Bellingham Washington and I did the CST course with us got sun in them. You know how it's. Why is that relevant? What we talkin about Scotts on in this, the guy who kind of coining the term the saddle and he's a sombo instructor, distinguished mattress port American? He basically develop that leg law came of the saddle, which everyone does today especially know. If you're in no gay, that's a big part of it, you just you and I'm think he gets the credit for it, but I haven't had a video that came out that
didn't really go over to. I guess like as far as like it is everyone knows now, but he doesn't get the credit for it. So I am. I did want to mention a trained with him with the clubs and did that arm certification. But then, afterwards, we went in train together. And on a lot of things about the basically. The thing I learned is. No, martial law, it has all the answers and if you understand the counters to marshal Lord. You can counter it if you are on time and you do the technique right. And I know from his end, saw both judo. I think he did a system as well. I don't really know too much about that, but I was concerned with low.
Sombo and he's like a you know. You can even though she'd like compete in samba, but you're going to have to get your throws together. Cuz I was just purely jiu Jitsu. And I was like all right yeah. I will want to get back home I'll. Do some judaai my towel do some judo for like two weeks and then I'll be ready for some bull and I've gotten to judo, and I learned judo. To own thing, and so I never even. I never really had much contact with Scots on and after that, but you know he for for him I probably know have never done judo. So then I started training at you to America and continued on injury to so I think important. If you are a you got, you definitely need to learn some type of stand up, fighting, whether it striking or throwing wrestle.
I learned something you can do stand up good if you cannot get to take down where you gonna, do block punches with your face so I want to do that. It's a where's all led to. Where does it mean to you? What do you do now? I was teaching Jujitsu wet studio, five, forty in doing a lot of privates and personal training, people probably know I now studio five. Weighty, formed, but dumb still continuing on without personal training, ensure Jitchu privates, and also why travel. So, at certain point you know mark
we are another mutual friend that started with us in on Jujitsu another team guy. He had a school and corn ATO and invited me to come in a train, their and teach there. So I started doing that and dumb or russian guy came in a Judy and these chairs curious about you do and started training with us and then he said, Hey, you know what we need to see. We want to see some Jiu Jitsu in Russia and he said every one of you guys want to come out. You know now and teach me and I'll set everything up and there were no takers. I was like yeah, I'm not doing anything I'll go, and so I ended up. And Lodi Bostock, and so I've go going narrow, like a you know, once a year, every two years and work with those guys
I had a guy that I up that I worked with in Germany Reimer he owns a potential to really great school Humbert Germany, so usually on this trip I'll go to Russia. Vladivostok vast arc fly away across to Moscow and then over to hamper of Germany, trimmed with those guys. Then I stop already your visit, my brother and then only back here. Were you ever. You learned any Russian in. The country has been in everyone's being was certainly head home incentive to really much. How long do you usually stay in Russia? For I usually two weeks, So your true you training in Russia with mostly Judo based, no guys, the sombre guys just fighters nice What Vladivostok team Jujitsu answers you jitterbugs yeah? Ok, I mean you is a worldwide,
Marshall, our rhinos everywhere. Why I thought that. Could you said when the guy came to your school? He was a judo guy, yet he was a judo guy in and basically in the digital world, all this Joe your teacher guy, you know, dear dear learning like if you go on ground you prying at tat doubt, and so he wanted to learn something a bit about be J, J and so on. Now. One end and the issue: there is their training with no instructed they're just goin off video, and there are some hard core, highly skilled guys over there can and women. I mean like this itself, I mean in this area where retraining before class, they have a sample and they have Jude. Men's and women's, you know in and everyone's going hard.
Wearing I think everyone needs to especially here Brazil get ready because in Russia there, like they're doing, I think the Russian Federation on brazilian Jujitsu but they allow the low blocks. You guys were highly skilled, sambo learning and if you were highly skilled at soundboard, if you are mattress, 4in sound, but you probably a master sporting judo or at least a black belt cuz. It's tiles are very, very similar except it's. You know some of course has it like locks, so you better be prepared because that you know over time their use to something that you and I used to indifference. When you sit there used to something I'm saying like to a key tournament. And all the locks or allowed or got caught up. There in ten years, what's gonna happen when those guys can Pierre
there and they're gonna have to at some point in America open up leg locks for the key. It's just it's silly right while? The issue is its sport and looking at a long term health of people in can tell you. When I'm in a sombre class like looking at the somber fires in Russia, I think Everyone has at least one leg rat everyone's hurry don't you it's a little bit too, like the culture over. There is a little bit different in terms of like russian culture is very different. Workers are getting not more often, like the guys are really good. You say you see one of the leg rap, meaning they kind of maybe have an injury or hurt legs. Yet leg locks and stop yeah. That's I was thinking to us. They wait built like we have, nobody has leg. Luxor saw
We don't have that much of that, but they know you say like Russian. They go hard. So Cedar Lake Leg is has been a complete part of the digital, your or sambo, and all this, but go hard. That's when you get to see that and also what is complete, I mean, if you look at You know having and in Judo now you're Connell's original vision was you have ass thou? We strike you can throw all you still moving on the ground I can submit. So it's I think, it's imperative whether you learn wrestling judo sambo. You need some type of stand apart. You know, that's the for complete system Yet tough to like the kid, that wrestle like if you, if you start Jiu Jitsu, I'm not saying you're not going to be able to pull this off, but if you start Jiu Jitsu at whatever you know twenty,
or or thirty one or whatever you start later in life to get there wraps in further. Take them game when Europe a bit more fragile and here too, a kid that wrestled. You know six years old, eight years old, ten years old through high school, had you know her creative tournaments, hundreds of hours in the on the matter. Doing take downs and by it like that's. What do you see so dominated by wrestlers because they are they have that. Thing just embedded better. They only to learn that that's imbedded in them. They know how to get it Take down. They ought to get out of down. They not a scramble, there's a huge part of that that rests, comes in and that's what we start taken out and you just make replace wrestling with sambo, and now you ve been doing that your whole life, which has take downs. Yes, it also has some missions. It also has new. And brought locks
wish that there was just something like unified grappling destiny, the vision. You know all tat was kind of happening at studio. Five, forty year, all different kinds of black belt from all over coming together to teach their jujitsu. Because but beyond that right, what you need is unified grappling where the whole world says these are the rules, like visa rules, the whole world, so we're in and there's no more judo Wrestling a freestyle wrestling Greco. It's like grapple. Unified grappling, If you few of you, are a like, if we're gonna get invaded by aliens that grapple. If we are to compete with them, we gotta unify, there's a unified this pretty quickly. Otherwise, they're gonna have a leg up because I ve been out there. You know in their plans.
And there they ve committed altogether. They got the unified grappling potential, this is what we do tat. We aliens Jeff, like you no reaping here what is it? No gettings, you don't know. Greetings from our position we can tell to an alien. They don't care. There's there there to win three unify. Grappling free the world. You know I am on that subject. Ah, this might a rubber too few people a long way, but I think when I look at you Jitsu one thing: I think that can really help is to make a rule set of that switched like, in other words, five pass. Your guard. That's three points. Make that an advantage and make actual submission. Like if you have to escape it. Those are the points we what finishes flights where you could actually have killed this person chokes, make those four points
And if I see I have the joke on and you are trying to escape and you get eyes four points, and then this way people or point after submissions more rather than cause, I added a Jude Oak, Judo body or Ross, and he would do Jujitsu toilets black ops division, he's a judo black belt and he would win some of these tournaments. You know fifty slash fifty I would assume, but basically he's like I'm going to throw and stay on top and stay out of submissions, and basically he could do that at will. Cuz he's like a legit judoka. And that's that problem here. How do you do it this way? That's just an advantage, but now you're forcing people to go for the submission more. Well. Maybe that's part of the unified grappling rules. President is jobs for points. Are
Lock, shoulda locks type stuff. Maybe three points be J J does, unlike her leg locks, you I make that two points here: here's the only here's, the only argument, I'll against that. If you're in a fight get across. Are you get past someone's guard? That's a real problem, but if we ve got a real fight, that's why I so advantageous. Well, that's why I think it's a big deal because they Oh, if you pass the guard, if you want to fight you I gotta, get a much much much worse situation than you were in a second ago right, so that and, if your mounted even worse, right, half a little bit but I think there is there a way and if you give up the back, obviously in a real fight, that's the that's the biggest problem, so you remove the striking, but if you added the striking in those positions, are you
in some ways, even more important, even more relevant to all animals leading philosophy. I didn't say the relevance of the of those positions or any less, I'm just saying for sport to get people to go more for submissions rather than zero. We ve seen it, but. You guys. I wrestled in high school. I gotta take down advantage I'll. Take this person down, go a little bit too, sure. The rest thinks I'm still doing something they stand aside by. Do it again and they want they never submitted anyone. And you re a region that has entered a submission yeah. You feel cheated you're on a lot into a guy the whole time and couldn't do anything cause you got stalled out. Installing- is a real thing. They can. Installing that's like a hard to undo it? I mean not strikes Then you have the strikes in yet,
different things you're talking about a centrally like with the philosophy of fighting there. You know little its can keep to that, but for the support you have your absolute right like even if they even stalling in general, like even if you're, just up by some points that you got from all you cool, take downs or whatever, and then take you down in your now they're only pent up there. Only the only thing they can do really is tat. You out cuz, maybe a minute left. They can't score fourteen points in a minute to not get tat doubt if zones is my whole thing, your mouth due to cite the joy and you just don't want to get get tapped out. That's hard for the guy. You it's hard to tell someone out like way harder to tap zones. When they're their whole thing is just not to get up yet can be like an issue for the sport. Wash philosophy do follow. You know you still get the same result of guy passing in positional dominance, because well look on arm locks. Are you doing when you're in someone's got there
I'm not gonna. Do a kimura to you have on your guard Is he still forced to? I mean those principles of also call me: does all positions right of pinning someone those who still and be important- I mean in Judo. You didn't know. Dear no point your guard pass. Pen this personally, I know. If I have you pinned file, want to act, Basher bash. I could go into submissions, so that the advantage for guard pass in or whatever isn't the points its cause. You're not your cross. I there's your advantage, so it's got sort of like so use. It then is that such you know, use it, but you're not getting points for that can stuff over. That's the Jeff Higgs.
And I must say you know about you know it's just a thought. You know maybe it's fun and nothing thought, but the idea is to keep the purity of going for submissions injured. You too, I mean, I think, with rules that were seeing in be J J Judas even worse, because it had a longer history of taking dangerous, moose out. That's what I see happening in be J J Rear. Why think? ultimate goal set for grappling is no striking That's it no time limit. No submissions are barred. Just you're not allowed to punch or strike the other person or kick them that you can get after it and you can go as long as it takes which people are gonna hafta, you know, can get up the yellow commodities face ebbing sport thing. You know you can't make the audience the IRA five well out an opium. Somebody Marty people do other sports that take a really long time
and they have managed to tell about baseball game takes many hours is right, so you would occasionally you'd get some weird match. That goes like nine hours before someone taps out from dehydration. That's what I want to see someone out from on high duration move. You know what I'm saying you know how to get a drink. You gotta go in hydrated. You gotta go into fuel in your system, so full of different things in baseball, but the echoes baseball you have like understood little breaks. Does We can hang right. That's why I can last long jujitsu on time limit Jujitsu tournament. There would be, I got limitation just by nature, the tourism by limiting emissions of humans for audience member. Then I'm gonna be happy about that, because at any moment the match good technically turn around gladly that energy from that for one. I am, I suppose that is you run three matches at the same time so too, matches are gonna at least one of those out a freeze, gonna be kind of exciting at some point run a free matches. You folks,
The television over there I got this soft I have a name for this was aiming at unifying happily no unify grappling yeah, but they just as I know no time limit deaf matches, basically because it you're, the only one is one way to win make the other person tat out the one where you in danger member the Hickson tournaments that we're like that. It was you, you could also win by fifteen points yeah. So Those are those those matches would not go along those I is, would not go on. You would win by fifteen points or some and those national be like seven minutes for minutes, tenant occasion, be some you'll. Twenty minute match yeah. Rarely with a greasy torn is similar. I mean they. They give you point for car pass mount back and for those only points and on you know, the rest is
continue until someone gets emitted or or fifty imports and effective work is fifteen points does show you no man. If you beat somebody by fifteen points that mean Positionally. If you weren't a real fight, you would have to destroy them. It's horrible. When you get, somebody gets really good, like position of economic May fighter to row with and in like this would Taylor. We are guided him Taylor, Johnson, in his savage wrestler, and disappointed everything, but you know he- It's a position on me and I'm just Can if he, if we were to fight right now, you just do you'd be just killing me he'll be back pointing in the head. Until I was dead reply, Thirdly like repeatedly dead, so If anybody wants to get a hold of you like Anyone who wants to get a samurai possess. Another thing you know you mentioned it self defence and how that's what you're focuses
it's really solid. Like you have your own little techniques in there you moves. I know you do weapon stuff, if somebody wants to get a hold you to get some kind of training, will what do they do? Who do they contact? I guess they could cut but how will they do so? This is an issue on Jocko sent me a texts last night and said: do you have instagram, and I said no, I don't have any social media and basically I can give you my email, you can call me, leave a message told skies Equally, our do you have like an email that could be open to the public, because you ought to be given out your email that you know you're you're, doing your normal person. Business onto a bunch of people. All right let me let me make one right now and then I'll set this email up right. So we will put that out in the future and are posted how to get in touch
Jim echo. You got anything else, that's it good good to see again and going to be here thanks for me on them at any other? Any other closing thoughts. Anything I miss LA think right now, it's over the important thing, we're looking at the time of the world situation right now and I think, is really important. You know all these things going on that we somehow get some cohesion, because I mean look at you, Jitchu she'll team, all these different ways over destruction. It's a lot easier to destroy than it is to create, and you know, as we have to start thinking on a species level. I don't really want to get preachy on people, but I mean just something I see: if we don't do it
Humans, in general, are getting so good at war and destruction that we're gonna end up, kill herself and really all around us. You know you have a universe. We there's a way. The court. Now the whole planet got caught off guard with the virus. Luckily, I mean there. A lot of people who have died from it put on the death rate is not like fifty percent or hire me what if a boy was as contagious as this virus, so we have to be small with what we're doing basically nature. Given us human species, a wake up, call on gotta, start being aware of. What's going on outside of our little bubble, the human bubble. That's a basically what I wanted to see. There's like her.
This is in a physicist. You familiar with Carter, show scale now saw a physicist was, trot, looking out into space, no with his equipment. And what do you look for in space for life? and so he started coming up with things that he would look up. Look for and he came up with these levels. Type, zero type, one type, you take three in humans right now, we're at type, zero of civilization, civilization, right type. One is when we actually have a really good control of the planetary systems and then type two is one. We have control of the energy of the sun and type three.
Alex he who has his all hypothetical. But the issue is you know with palm our capability at war it now you gotta be really cheerful, because if we don't we step type, one level where you know it will, at a certain point, we're gonna be able to give up. There's gonna be food, everything for everyone you see, I'm sand like overtime humans, make things easier and one is when the issues we have his own resources and stuff like that better if there in law supply here you have. That starts causing skirmishes and stuff like that, once is overtime time. Those problems are gonna be solved, but before we reach, I won at a certain point, weapons in and how to fight. That also starts to spread and then, at a certain point we can end up destroying ourselves
Well, you know reach type, one civilization and type one type one allows us to leave the planet at its yeah, of course, will be a point. Where are your we're? Not even Taiwan? Now we ve left the plant, Leave the plan and stay somewhere that not everyone is harness the energy our planet, like all the energy, not just like oil or whatever it's like, basically utilise one or two percent of the energy available from our planet. Whenever that is that observe thousand one we're not very closely How do you know this echo to ask you figured it out red and we hang out at the same spot. Say I'm getting at you know we don't want to get caught off guard and I see there's a lot of separation right now and of social unrest. We have to get through that. To a point where we start to unify is very, very tough,
to do? But hopefully can happen, what do you see as like when you see the the This unification like, What are you see as things to move in the right direction of becoming unified again. What think? One of the main reasons is not thinking on species level, and you know what I'm talking about this. I feel kind of funny, because it feels like I'm talking in the clouds or something like that, but I'm just being really genuine and sincere about the human species. Looking at itself as a species and not has so separate in or in my trial,
rules and then came from the project's came out to came here and became a seal and Aung San Diego my travels in Jujitsu learning their judo travelling around the world. I seen all kinds of different people, you know, and seal team, Southeast Asia, but not Central America. South America, Russia, and I see everyone really want the same thing: basics of life. You know and then, if you, if you're in the military go on the rushes kind of a big deal on a sense cuz, they were like the great enemy, and I see you like a family over there. Just like everybody else. Everyone is trying to live their life, the best they can and the separatism that we have is making a big problem we're going to end up killing ourselves before we reach
a level where everything can be better for everyone. That way I mean before I even can t you that's all I can, wacky law, you know what it is actually like. You make the point where its eye and people got a point this out like people like that. I mean that that's obviously good, that you say that people do say that everyone to, but there's a lot of them. Not what you hear. So when like what you are talking about is essentially, like you know, if you ve ever give kids right. Well, let's say you ought to know you have a goal to get somewhere. They do something really just a general goal as a family words like ok, origin, Parents is too and in this I sold make sure you there's a prepared for life when you grow up and when you do that, you're going to be successful in whatever way you wanna be, and then you can sorted do the same in around we go rain so kind of our way perpetuated by species. Exactly right, so you dinner while a smaller analogies like a family situation but curve we in our family, the whole world
in fighting and other brothers and sisters will fight, and if you like, hey, he took my thing. No hope! No, he hit me pull my hair, so you will you pull me, hear back even harder and now their fighting and then ok, don't yell, and then the wife is like. Ok, don't yell at her like that. You didn't have to set. You know so. Well, infighting were forgetting about like we're waiting for but I think we get distracted by June the little micro feeling or that the short term things that go on and we we start to forget about you? No progress may I just. I don't wanna come off sound and high minded, or anything like that. You know I'm just looking at the world per se and on what has just happened, not just our country, but all over the world, like this virus has come out in IRAN, got caught with their passed out. What kind of proof was made everywhere now,
what if that virus was more deadly than what we have to be smart? What would that would that you fi the world against a common enemy, or would it separate the world more and here's member had start guy named purity he's a doctor and he was a doctor in Nay in the trauma centre. In your doctor in Baltimore, and so I freely the statistics. He was dealing with something like eighteen puncture wounds day. So that shootings in stabbings, is Baltimore You know one the worst crime rates in its eyes, you wanna worse crime rates in the world. I don't off, you knew that is in the whole world is one of worst crime rates. So that's what to deal with, and what he said was when you have a family, come in that's gone through this kind of trauma, usually a loss of someone cause, he's puncture wounds or your stabbings not everyone says hey. Use the word. Not everyone's is lucky as your brother was taken up
seven inch knife to the chest and surviving right, most people going to die from that, and that's what happened so when he said. Was The family is tight. There tight, knit family me and this horrible event occurs. This pressure, we'll make them even tighter. However, Opposites also, true, There's fractures in the family. Those fractures under that pressure explode and it destroys the families so I think, what you see in right now and what you're talking about is: let's face it. In the world as a species. There's fractures right there's fractures with the countries there's fractures with different cultures and all of a sudden we just got put under pressure by the disease. And what we are seeing now is worse to see these fractures expand and
but I will, from my perspective,. The thing that we miss and I trying to say this in different ways, and maybe I mean I'll keep trying to say in a military. What you and doing. As you end up dehumanizing the enemy and its kind of a goal, kind of a goal to say you know what I mean go kill these people, that's what you told to do under, go, kill these people, so you know what I'm not a new com people, because there some party or subconscious that says hey, it's not ok, to kill people see no. What call me animals, almond column, savages and recall whatever column, crowds, right world war, two ominous column, goops in the green war. We're gonna, give em names, that's not people! So start to dehumanize them and now also Louisa makes that jobs will be easier to count Ok, so that's war! That's what happens there what happens when you start looking at the different culture and you
start doing the same thing as you like Y gotta, take care of the peat working, didn't pressured by this disease, we're getting pressured by it. And I'm gonna take care of the people. Were with me and what do I do? you had white headway, be mentally okay. With that not a good solution for whom an addition eyes, the other people, and now we get separated, and now we talk to them, and so, let's when you talk about Jeff when you go to these other countries- and you start talking to people, all of a sudden. They're not Russians, to you there whatever I've seen you know who they are a person with a family and it becomes they become humanised? Do you just like when they meet you and they go here? They have horrible vision of what Americans are like it. They meet you in your cool and guess what y'all do you did soon? You like for locks and it's like all of us becomes human, but we don't do that we don't humanize each other on a broad scale? which is very strange right now. We should have the ability to do that.
Better than any one right now right. We ve got all these communication system set up where we should be allowed to say: hey everybody, look, let's, let's be together, but instead we show each other the worst part of our of our, Else, and we place blame instead of taking ownership and that that's kind of how we do so, instead of us unifying, as you said, Jeff, this pressure It gets put on us by something like this virus all this and we become more fragmented and become fragmented. The ability, newgate with each other goes down, instead of up, and the possibility of someone actually saying hey hold on a minute Other human or other, thing weight, maybe you have some of the same. What it, whatever you just said, Jeff about, like hey Premium Got the same goals right leg you set. Like hey, I want my kids to have a better life than me. Oh, my kids, to do better than me. I want them to have a nice, be able to
have their own family and kind of repeat what we did here. That's kind We have a common theme and it's the same thing in Iraq and whenever I explain, on iraqi family do people. I say If you want to know what an iraqi families like, it's very For me to explain like an american family like if you have you, asking some iraqi dad what his goal is here: goal is to take care of his kids. You know build up the house, build the business or their kid. That's what they're goals are the same thing and you ask in american dad that same thing, sorts across the board. We get in situations, words that of where we're all like a mass dehumanization mode
war power, the relevance to you do too is. There is definitely a clannish aspect to all martial arts, a trained type, one dough, you train and boy tie. You know you nothin. You know this kind of attitude of war and, from my experience, going and learning a different martial arts starting from ground up, you see that the Marsh lords also all have the same goal of again to an obligation. I can take care of myself, you know so it's. I think. I'm learning this has has kind of a. It is changed me in a way where I'm trying to instead of compare and contrast and trying to see how are more similar rather than how we're more different, that's awaited to
said you and the other interesting thing about. Let's face it. If you if you know, did you two more tie boxing sling condo ninja it's. You can Paul you, if you know, if you know twenty seven different, martial arts right in Somebody introduces you just twenty ninth You have an open mind. You will learn something from that. Other thing right. It's like I mean back in the day, Jeff you and I lived through this. Where was a Jew. Get you move or was bullshit, it wasn't a boot if it wasn't a gypsy move like this is aid you move, then it's bullshit, right? That's it that's the old mentality like that is not a Jiu Jitsu move. So therefore it can't work and it shouldn't be part of the system. It shouldn't be part of the world. That's a bad attitude to have and it's the same attitude. If you look at another culture, you like,
Well, there's a lot of things it in that culture. That is, does makes sense to me what does make sense what. How do you open your mind to say? Ok well, at least if I don't want to be a part of that culture. What can I take it But what can I understand from it? How can I relate to it so makes me and my culture a little better a little bit more understanding have a grasp on on the world and we We don't do that. Just like the old school martial arts and specifically the old school Jiu Jitsu was, if it's Part of this, then it if not, you gets don't don't do it. Doesnt work, in its don't bring it in here and I swear me and I think you could say like Bruce Lee, you know he was kind of an early adopter and you know if it doesnt you here, great quote of which I can I can't think of any right now, but it somewhere which useful discard the very young. Thank you absorb. What's useful disk the rest. So that's the attitude to have an
What we like to do in martial arts and in life is discard everything else. When listening. I don't want to know what you know. What you know doesn't make sense to me, and I don't want a part of it. I hope you know I'm not and I know have any young miss sections like you know, we're all night behold enhancing and combine all the stuff, Zion anywhere I for one, don't hold hands with people their king.
By over basically what I'm saying is over time what people have now they did have a century ago. You know humans progress over time. They get better. All people do this and the same thing with you know our war and stuff like that, we gotta find answers or we're gonna end up, destroying ourselves or in the fight against ourselves. Somethin else gonna get us, and this is a warning sign from nature. You know, there's a whole universe out there I mean when you started, studying things in sites like straws, enemy and stuff like that and how really big an expansive you know. Reality really is really really little small space, and I know em, maybe to some religious people in size perspectives, not really that great. What dumb I'm trying to deal with what we know with some certainty. You know what I do
certainly is we're in this life right now. We want to make it the best you can before it's over, and so that's that's why I was. I wanted to put that point out on a on a on a personal level legacy like you're doing your best to kind of reach, the world and make that happen through through Jujitsu through martial arts yeah I have to say I am even seal team. I mean
getting in seal team coming out of the projects. I don't know anyone from the projects this ended. That was in the teams during that time. You know it was definitely a unique in that aspect, so I get introduced to all different people, and you know when you travel around the world same thing and are we going to keep doing what we're doing cuz? I think the path right now might not be the best one then again with humility, because I know when you start talking like this, like you, know, shadow shut, the fuck up whatever this. Whatever the case when you, when you look at that, is the the idea I think he's here's the crazy thing, the most simplistic thing that you ve said is the thing that we'll have such our time with, which is.
Looking at all humans as one species, that's why, when you put that video out last, a couple weeks saying about everyone being human. I was like you know. That was a cool thing that you know it's it's. You know especially right now in the state of the: U Dot s. What's going on, you know it's really important that we stay smart. You know, because there is still this
virus out there that we have to be aware of. I was you know what, in my studies, I have a book here on pandemics. When you look at the nineteen eighteen pandemic, you had three waves, some will say maybe in the fourth wave, if you do, the research for the first wave was regular flu that started at that believe March. Fourth, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and then or the next few months in the fall, the virus, mutated and then killed upwards of fifty million people. That's a possibility, so we have to be smart with what we're doing understand the social aspects that we're. Looking at two that's important,
at home. He ought to help for the planet. To is also really important. Gotta look out for each other gun, look out for each other. Through better. Good placed a wrap. This up a little bit I have a question like. I think you saw the video the Jackal made a few weeks ago. Where'd you see. I pity you too, he's events call you? Are you you're? One of those guys you have Social media Bureau is on private. But I stand corrected. He's a Nokia dig it. What is it you think you could make an instagram yeah. Or do you have no interest in it whatsoever? There has been main thought regarding, for media. I like just the idea of light. Let me take a picture and put our line and shortly body one I'm doing just have no really young.
No affinity do that. If I had a facebook page, I started I actually open it up and then I never I in I was having a weird conversation with my two daughters, the other day, sir, and on what they were they were basically saying they don't like Instagram, because and if you are you hear people say like: oh it's comparative, you know you compare you enough, compare yourself a lot people and goods. Honestly. I want you to know all you compare with us. You compare with that. You compare with your basically comparing your life. What the absolute best view, everyone else has of their own life. You know that their posing in front of the Lambeau or whatever in order look cool and an I'd. I gotta admit I don't really think of that. You and I mean I, don't really think like a monolithic, comparing Amy,
probably because, unlike almost fifty years old and urgent denotes gonna come as an old man who doesn't, but you know four, when you're younger you're like wait a second who is that person house that other person, that's my age or a little younger, a little older? Now they have this amazing situation going on and I'm over here you know with not an amazing situation here. So I'm not worried about you getting caught in the trap, Jeff. Similarly I'll be ok to issue grandmaster wages put up your integrity, you can puts you but words under it to Europe. You can film videos. The videos can be ten minutes long. Something called I d tv expert over here. So I'm feeling like pretty said right now Plainly source of funding for the really funny thing is when I got on this
path. You network, where I started social media, TIM Ferris, When I got done with the interview Tim various he's like do you have to have social media like no he's a casual like no and he has. You really need to get it. I said: Colic, ok, he's a are really smart guy and does really well with what he does mean. Amazingly successful guy end just call for our work. We, yes so he's telling me like you got guide, it's done what TIM done and unjust becoming a civilian kind of any garage. You need to get twitter use just get it And I said he said: show you how to use it. You never showed me anything like the good figures. What he knew that I didn't know is that you there's nothing to show like this is how you make it work. What little words in here and- and the thing that you find interesting. I guess it was used in the right way. I mean I've made all kinds of incredible connections through social media, all kinds I mean I would say fifty per,
and of the guests on this podcast and I've had some amazing guess: work through social media, they DM door they emailed or they contact your whatever Can I get in world war, two veterans on here and in Vietnam. That's a mean incredible people that it's an honor to be a black money laundering from social media so it's a great tool, it's a great way to communicate with other people and just like everything else in the world. If you do it go too far with it. It can absolutely turn into a negative yes and there's some pitfalls too. Like people will tell you the funds on social media that they would never tell to your face every day, almost smack talkers career? What exactly yeah! So there's that if you go in knowing that ok, that's a thing, then you then you might not hit hidden from the. Did you ever had and a hobby before You have never
spider billions of years Solon. So let's say your hobby is knitting right, You get home and you're like a camera, knit some yarns or whatever kind of your there's, people there hobby. What they do for fun is get on social media and touch trying to raise retire rise. Other people through trolling understand all of that stuff. You end up. It's just like. I just never felt like. I want to do that. Let me take a picture myself and then posted for every buying a world. Mckenna just seems like a good idea to me here. We are in that way. It is. It is what I see it's a change in society. It is kind of on almost takes away on anonymity. You everyone, The star, in a sense here he av, would only order our yeah, but I don't like if you have a business or something right in a hollow,
like. Ok, I want to go to this chicken restroom or something or maybe even the place where maybe the experience there is more significant. I come You are martial arts place or whatever, and you know you can get a yelp or an old Google yellow pages, whatever You have the number of how they re talking about yellow pages right now, you know they're like okay. Well now I got to drive down there to just to check it out, I'm not even committed to it. Also, if you have an instagram, for example, you know you can see pictures of the place. You can see descriptions. You can see comments. People that you don't may or may not like it or whatever. So you can. You know it is useful in a lot of different ways other than everyone trying to be a star, even though I think one of the more prevalent uses. For instance. Near by the way. You know it is the whole thing. Is you don't have to post a picture of yourself now decompose? the picture of a knife or a picture of a wall or a picture of a plant or you learn a star. We were long journey,
single single word or whatever you gonna. Do that PAMELA necessarily. You know just pose for pictures forever yourself with his shirt off flexing. I tell you get something we never to buy we're right, and that is true. But then again you know, If you posted this, what let listen, you're doing a seminar posts, one of the pulpit you're, the seminar whatever and then sounds like hey. You know you shoulders, look real solid. You ve been working on something so the next one. You might be a little bit more compelled to impose the pitcher with me, maybe like in some good lighting or something, and then the common start really easy terms, easy, the slippery slope in there's someone that says:
yeah, but he's got skinny wrists right and then all of a sudden you risk work me and then, of course, there goes now. Your enemy could he's talking drafted in also your now you're back and forth with him, and I gotta check to see what your friend said about there gazing footsore thing watch. Think. You were right. Rope. It is it's like in a sense, like public record, could, at a certain point, might do dead. But the real stuff is still there, it's like a record, maybe a hundred years from now there they can access. Who was this person? What was his person, my boy into slang, historical account of it visuals? There are no doubt about it or voluntary tier yeah. I got. Some friends that have died their social media pages, are there and I'm so happy that there are social media pages or their cause? It's I gotta go on still alive there still hang out a little bird. You know there is definitely a positive in that regard,
was that your question? According to my boy, you question had been re. Actually in all my question was key. Remember you were doing the eight pull up the pull up in your like. I got the eight like almost what's the qualifying paying for full up, so many of you have to get back. There was a guess. He added you. Forty two pushups fifty shoetops eight pull Then he had run a mile and a half in boots and long pants, for I think, twelve minutes and thirty seconds and then you run yeah, do swim. Use inside shrug brushed rope all five hundred metres. I think, in the same time, twelve minutes and thirty. Second, someone like that, and this is all in one go or is it like day when you do they see no like one of those who swims usually first then the cost and stuff, and then the run at the end. Got you hear that? Those does let that level of qualification is
so not because our year ban yeah like if you guys in their own, walk into a plank tandem dear totally wrong Natalia all, you get destroyed. If you take you eleven minutes and thirty seconds or whatever run a mile and a half, and you think you know, maybe you buddy you're, not even closer there, I mean back in the day and I'm surprised they haven't changed it and they have changed it. Now, like once you're in the pipeline, you compete against everyone else. So. The way it works now Jeff is what you get but buds in order to go into a class. They everyone in the class. A screening of physical screening tests, the top hundred sixty five people go. If you don't make it you don't the class and if you don't make it, I think two times, you're done so competition just in the class, see who gets them.
That's Corso, a pull ups and get you know where is it like the enhanced screening test? Cuz, I remember getting a blood. You got another screening test when I in seven slash four where everything was higher, Seventy five per year dialogues like twelve ports or something like that, no, it's a competition, so the max the minimum fluctuates because there's a in your class and you're not gonna pull up. So I go. Yes, are you not class sleek later heat. The crazy thing, is no matter. What did you do those standards? The same number of people quit it that way it thing. They meant cold water, definitely with cold water, the cold water, the lack of oxygen and sleep, the lack of sleep and then and then those are that right. There is ninety percent of the quitters. I think, then you have some people that you know whatever they got some weird they'll get in there. Psychologically in,
They were men, Yo. You gotta, recognise that they're gonna try and make you quit If they see some kind of weakness, they see? they can trip you up and they might here's the thing. Go up or you go down. You know they might be like hey, no one's going to want to have you on this beautiful to listen man. You seem like a good guy like a little eagle up. What? If Europe too, if you were a team, I wouldn't want to work with you. You don't look like even are your weight and like your action by Stayin here, the rest, your boat, procure crew, you're, putting at risk in the ceilings So even a bit like if you're, a good hearted personal, has good intentions here, your teammates, the best thing you can do to take your teammates right now, it's quaint, Jim, mentally So they're going to figure out a common at you and when- cold, wet and tired, That's another thing: you did you know people when you go What tired man does
This actually started people's health. And they start you know- maybe they worth thinking about it, but now there thinking. Well, I really don't want to let my teammates down and now cocoa looks good over gonna go get me some hot cocoa necessary had in our class Swiss, miss hot cocoa and crispy. Don't wait an electric blanket sitting on the beach, so you're sitting in fifty degree. Water Jack, hammering freezing cold and theirs some quitter up there with an extra blanket on a hot cup of cocoa. They're calling you up, I laughed at that. Craziness If it is so you serpent, I quit, he does just go he didn't leave us deal there. They may be very green. Make us a positive spectacle out of yeah. Well he's a thing though, and they treated like abroad to they don't harsher they're. Not! I do not like
you're quitter there, like it's, ok, yeah there D, Alsace that everybody to me, that's the worst Martin in their because, if you just like oh yeah, procure here's, although quitters on display, look at them in doing their hot poker. Candid creates this divide and rule, and I want to be that guy looks nice me there's a neck. I spec has actually youngest my guy. He made a decision. Yes, my group supported the decision is good decision for the teams. He really cares about team because he doesn't want to bring the teams down now. Are you trying to help see, I think, I'm standing a little bit more now little been again it Jack all right so on I guess, we're all probably start turn into deserve were not already, more broadly be swinging. Some kettlebells workin out trying to get better China humanize each other. Yes, where is moving in a positive direction. Yes, sir, would you
for psychological swell we're gonna keep ourselves in the game with what Jacko few supplements implementation imported in official bodies is falling apart. Right, ok, joint or for crude oil super crude joints today How will you join go out by you gonna be! Thank you! No one! You taking the crude oil and joint where we are no suffer girl. Superpower is causing. Krill is made with regular krill rang out or has not been screened supercool. They made through the draining. Yes, I am ready to hook you up, it makes sense to get you don't get regular girl. It is also a super, Yes, but also discipline, both kinds disciplined by the way, The supplement. Discipline. Ok for your brain, robotic, but you know all these things. I can keep you in the game bigger two or otherwise so Jeff covered before at the end up at the end of January, I went to out of New York San Francisco,
LOS Angeles Washington DC and Austin Texas, and in each one of those locations I shook hands with one to two thousand people and Bro hugged fifty percent of those people. I did not get over it Manufacture, never even like the it, never even got after my immune system. It'll. I got the test. I'm, not saying that it's like this genetic thing, It's now proving that if you're healthy, right, You work out. Yes, if you eat clean, yes, if you vitamin D. Also, this, went back to the discipline thing, we do have cans of discipline our tv cans stands for ready drink in the industry to Sir The good news, it I'd I'd, say actually in what Brown on both beyond city at the Cannes and
there's something really good about cracking up and a cold can strew p, guys, thanks for the refrigerator. By the way I mean you know, job his head is on it, which you know mixed emotions about the whole thing, but overall good big hit at my house by they sent me this refrigerator with jocose head face on the refrigerator Strange you wanna talk about whether one reinstated call with strange right. The world strange would get strange people run for president, when your head start showing up on your friends refrigerators. That's that's some strange time. Yes, it is. Gets a milk get some protein in you, proteins by the Euro for protein, which, by the way that have you tried the protein, I make Jeff because if you haven't tried it it's one percent guaranteed to stop spanish flu. It's not it's! The lab tested all my lords and you'll have to worry about it. I am one of those
What was it made of while this out on all the ingredients, but I will tell you this: it's clean protein in the form of a dessert. That's what I do. I don't know the ingredients enough. The country Brian willing what's evade out of I am one of those wacky regions ok, yeah united, getting because it Noakes has got a costume throughout the milk protein in it and protein to your just out across the board. You, have to work well, you'd have to eat something else we inciting equal. Then I wanted Canada's earlier you go out and style, yea and also T jock away yeah. What's on a little later, that's that I like that and yellow, since you are a vague in it,
not only vision, but it's also organic sort of certified organic. You see think I'm played around over here. I got you too, that I got to know about rigged. I've stopped me from cash in spanish flu, probably really prevent covert forget in your system. Annulment of protect your vision, rights right over here, yes, is, is this thing is being right, regular rights, didn't we can write a thing. I'd not that I know of, but maybe we could start a movement anyway, so we can write a thing, nothing no man to slink. Doesn't Kido rates, there's no other diet. As the last straw, man argument was astray and arguments knows that vision diet, in January the philosophy behind it for sure oil, a hundred percent, I dig too, but I don't think You can choose that kind of philosophy and then gain sorted into more rights,
or lose or for that matter. Well, I'm going to Kido right move. I'm then paleo rights over ran on straight up like us, are paleo. First, I think anyway, so you have a thing jujitsu right, my way, everything it we just talk about you know about you, can get our origin may dot com or you can get it at the vitamin shop, the vitamin shoppy. What was afoot? origin main dot com origin mean that Europe may like the state, The stated aim: origin Man, the advocates of your order. This is also an old. You mean that can't you do to gaze and rash guards. Ok, these geese and rescue me. Hundred percent in America reset even the cotton that they grow to form the material even that grown in America. Hundred percent represents a big deal, so yeah
we go back to digital? We need a new give. You'll have one already, even if you do have one common origin or that's why you know one thing about you: Digital wanted to say to for all those people who are like sweating about you know I haven't trained in a while you, I am had an injury From a military that just got worse doing injure due my neck got her really badly Salzburg to get fusion on our sea fly to see seven, and I was out for two years. I just didn't train. So when you come back, you know It has not gone away. So when you come back, you will get better all those techniques you work on that stuff cottages. Yes, deigning in your mind, mixing and matching in informing into new things, you'll be better. Once you get your conditioning back do not worry like a lot of people like I'm. Looking at these, I have been trained in a while yet, but the this new thing, there's gotta be a things much. If you like to go hard right, you're gonna, do
back in their China go hard in brown. You you're hear when you come back: Comebacks marges, nice, slow we see it that way, and I think it's also why you're not wholly doing conditioning. I know it is a lifestyle, ye right, train right, you got an air, your conditioning going on, so you should be doing that, in other words down the path and also you come back. You don't necessarily have to wrap it up. You can just go seventeen round. Death matches come and get it I oh yeah I get origin gave you were when you get back into it. You have already got back yeah less on there. You, may not our roots boots geez, I t shirts, all Our main America in the good old you ass of a strip also Jacqueline Store, called Jacko store merchandise super original, creative lack thereof, for whatever
but hey man? It works, Jackal, easy to remember, that's where you can get tee shirts disciplinable freedom, this one that I got on good represent. A lot of cool stuff on there haven't. I gotta Deaf were all day to the core of all day yes doctor account like something aim and get something. Also, if you want to deploy awesome support when you do. Amazon shopping is what you do, but a Jackal podcast outcome click through one of the books. I got an email the other day that all I was going to do the support thing, but the Amazon links. Not there he's a thing. You got quick through one of the books in the front page or in the section that has the books in in on the page books from the episodes. What it's called click through their basically, so you know, I say that bookmark that Amazon link save it as a book, to your bookmarks induce shopping through their maximum shop on Amazon. Good way to support good were also subscribe to this podcast you can scrapped or wherever you can leave review. We will laugh at your view if it's funny and if it's cool
it's not funny is not called, doesn't have any layers well we appreciate its cool still. We'll call would you like when you you can add, comment stuff. Stop you get a lotta. Do you get some negative stuff like forty five up on you for this podcast, almost none- is really Everyone super stoked on it as us, but yeah. You know some people give some feedback that might be considered negative, but get it with an open mind- and I say maybe the so adjustments I can make you do a better job. I've got the thread we're almost out with a new threat with a new name and all that stuff I'll. Let you know, grounded Bach ass. We talk about your jets, you or your kid park ass. We talk about being a warrior. Kid don't give. The word soap. Couldn't kill herself. I research I results. Ramp dot com or on the job. Was door website even get yourself some soap, so you and everyone that you know get
Ha ha ha ha, but that there is any other byline is is what is called the the standard operating procedure. As I do a little bit of a build up, and then I say stately and you just took my byline- So no way I would say so everyone, so you, everyone in you and your family can stay clean. An echo usually goes like this book in you. You took the glory I like you, said: gotta clean which is also the precursor to Spain, Greece, ITALY S for those of us who are not quite yet the Higgs down to work So here we gotta watch back ass. We go to Youtube Channel that you can subscribe to. If you want to see echoes, if you had seen as yet Jeff ECHO puts Nick you asleep crazy amounts of explosions and fire, and
terminator heads into his videos, cause he's all into you know whatever that Ddi. I lie just watch the terminating in. That was what I studied in water. What terminal, video terminate. I am ever future Millyard degree. Also my specialization was the animation, oh boy, ever Maya and light with and on digital video, so video editing, compositing inside humble rag way, I D get really he's kind of like on. You know that in listed guy that doesn't like the officers because they think they know what the talk from a cause. They went to college this. I eyes felt it whatever. I live in exude that, at all, like respect, you know, he's appear, we're peers! in that way more. Appears. Now
their degree you have done mean anything. There were fears, see how I like to instigate. Yes, there are legal acts as we go to Youtube generally: psychological warfare. We flip side, canvas dot com get visual representation. The path got a bunch of books. The code leadership charging TAT is where the work at one two three making the dragons despotic was freedom. The manual nor should the dichotomy leadership ashes front. My leadership, consultancy, F online dot com. If you want to talk to me, you hang out with me and hang out with every one of the Arslan Frontier gotTA ye have online dot com a calm and ask questions. We solve leaderships leadership problems. Does we do every day come and check it out we're on there. You have all mine dot com the muster come up, in Arizona September. Sixteen consent de the Dallas Texas December third and fourth extreme worship dot com for details. We do, we usually do an inn optional jujitsu. At those things sure what can be happening because of the current
covered environment, because you know what Jeff No, we do what we re trying be smart Torreon driving smart, and we may or may not do that yes, I've watched if you need people leaders at your team grief over ef dot com, where we take leaders understand the principles that we talk about this Miss Boncassen. They can take them, an empty organization. Also America's mighty warriors DOT, Org Molly, its mockeries mom and He has been on a mission on a mission since she lost her son and help service members, their families, gold, star families around the world. If you want to donate- or you want to get involved, go to America's mighty warriors dot org and if you haven't had enough of my plodding platitudes or you need more of echo's misplaced
mentions the new providers on the roads, on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook echoes adequate Charles. I am at Johns We like Jeff, is make some kind of social media of some kind We will tag him and he's gonna post a picture of his face yet in the afternoon of Youtube, if you wanna see what Jeff looks like on Youtube, come on here and check him out, reprogramming of ECHO Charles looks like it apparently echo Charles does not look like he always sounds you know. What's pretty funny about that is I do have a client that ideal private, with animal think he's ever seen. The huge you to child he just watches, just listen to the pocket. And he's like God. He he doesn't think he doesn't has no idea what you look like any slight. He thinks that I think he thinks you're kind of a small guy, my career for
for sure apparently echo Charles sounds like a skinny white boy, stir hipster hipsters, often because they like this now pretty happy but that does not surprise. I shed noise. I said Craig Man disguise pretty big guy. He asked we'll get that did you Social mediaeval figured out? Hopefully, if not we'll get you an email, if not, we will fight. Address that people can write you letters to You're gonna make people box and, if not we'd get smoke, signals go to Jeff Eggs Jeff. You gonna last words here, first and foremost
thanks round me on a really appreciate it, and I do want to say, see thanks to a family Fabio for show me Jujitsu teaching me or my train and partners and Steve O that either woven anonymous there, but big change my life from him and also James Harrison. Who was my father's friend and really cannot was a mentor to me. An odd gave me can instil discipline me on what it takes to were overcome your lives difficulties here, that's awesome and in order that just ignore it a great reminder that- when you're going through life. You make a little effort make a little for to help somebody out. You know
actually change. The trajectory of their entire life, and we are I have people like that that did those things along the way and clearly that's a great example so be called people help him out with that. Thanks Jeff for for criminal, thanks for your service, the team, obviously dedication to Jujitsu an arm for me my brother for the last thirty years and like, hopefully, we can squeeze out other thirty control There's no guarantees, as you once said to me this issue. Time will tell and to everyone else that has served or is serving beg you four key being the world safe for
freedom, and to the police and law enforcement out their fire fighters. Paramedics E M, tease, dispatchers correctional officers, border patrol secret service. Thanks to all of you, for holding the line. Despite low pay and high risk, despite the lack of appreciation, you receive. No that most of us are grateful for what you do to keep us safe and everyone else out there just remember that life is not easy at all. There's going to be challenges, you're going to get beat down. There will be punishment and you will fail sometimes, and that's: ok, that's ok! As long as you get back up and no matter what room
What my brother, Jeff Hague, says, simply do not quit an atomic Time is Jeff Higgs an echo conjugal out.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-01.