« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Neil deGrasse Tyson returns!

The amazing and brilliant Neil deGrasse Tyson returns to the Nerdist podcast! He enlightens us even more about current astronomy news and talks to Chris about the reality of Star Trek! Also, stay tuned for a special Halloween ghost story from Liam Lynch at the end! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the Nerdist Podcast. I am your host, your host wow, more m w a H this very special Halloween up, so the notice podcast, which is really only half Halloween. This is near the grass Tyson and we were this several months ago, when Neil was shooting episodes of star talk for the nurse channel, which premiered November first there's weekly, show STAR talk radio. Now a video show some of the shows, open studio some of the shows are live. The first one is a live show with astronaut MIKE Massimino answer. The Bell House in might be in Brooklyn, but also Kristen Schaal in the episode, and I believe who else Hodgman leave it on the episode too. So it's a amazing amazing episode so check it out Youtube dot, com, slash notice! Then click subscribe.
So you can see Doctor Tyson and Startalk talk every week because he's smart he's pretty dang, smart and he's a bad. So that is that business. Then what I'm tack on at the end of this episode that you have the option? Listen to or not is Liam Lynch was on the absurd. I was on the pike as few episodes ago, and he said he had this to me, Using ghost stories like I've got to come back and tell this coaster, and I said, ok will do it for Halloween. So that's what he's done Liam is TED, told this ghost story and sent us the files about twenty minutes long, so you have the option of listening to it. At the end, I want to celebrate the Halloween Spirit, which should cause it's great. Okay holiday ever and I'm I'm that it's over tomorrow, but I enjoy my Halloween burrito see. I want to take my own advice: they're, not just words at the end of the podcast pumpkin spice. Thank you Chloe. Yes, I'm going enjoy my pumpkin spice, burrito and all
insane, japanese kit, Kat flavors, that we've got ice perfect, but so many crazy, japanese kit, Kats, like blueberry cake and strawberry nut roll, and then I kind of made that one up but there's a lot of pumpkin pudding, is one green tea, that's Japan! You are so far beyond a second kit, Kat technology and so many other technologies. This good together, Mereka, please get it together: okay, over here from other countries and take a Kitcat jobs away from hard work and Morgan Burger. Sorry, I don't know what just happened. That's my Halloween costume! That's my Halloween costume this year. It's a guy that got it just says: it's an audio costume, I appreciate that what did you say last night we're the buckets here like I wasn't, even boy blah blah blah
yeah. I think I reference I reference. I don't know what that is, and then I looked it up and it turned out that movie was about two years before I was born. Okay, know what yeah Cody Room no Xbox for a week, but yeah I mean all gross close way out of bed, I'm going to hire every just to blow a whistle at comments like that. That is horrifying and the for Halloween creepy. We never creepy weighing. now entering Nerdist dot com,
it was really fun to watch you play with Q a minute ago outside a are you risking revealing this to people? No, not a fanatic when I was in graduate school when I really should have been studying for graduate exams. The Ruby cube would just showed up and I was committed to solve it and I didn't want to solve it through anybody's instructions, people buy books, so they can speed up faster. In fact, I've never read a book, but I ultimately solved it by four hundred hours later and the fastest I ever did. It was seventy six seconds. Oh, my God
in my day. Okay, we'll have our day sure. Surely you had a day when you do something in seventy six and I did yeah to the detriment of the young woman. I was with him so so iron, but now it just showed up. I mean I did it once on Jon Stewart and so now like people sending me Rubik Cube said it's not it's not a I'm, not fanatic, because there is- there's another Chris Hardwick in the world, and that guy is actually. This is true story he's actually a Rubik's cube champion and there are videos of other Chris Hardwick solving Black folded, solving Rubik's, cube with one hand you go to, website, and he has these like crazy, theoretical cubes that you have to solve with math or they're. Just like you know, x to the n cited Jews he's crossed over his grass. Here's where I don't boast about my my what I can do with a Ruby cube, because online there's a korean girl who is four
in a high chair solve the Rubik cube in four minutes. With Don yeah we've done. You can't follow that can't follow that. Just let no hand, pain, big enough to hold the cube and she solves it in four minutes. So I said this is just a hobby. Is there an other other people that can see the logic of the Cuban understand how to manipulate three dimensional space to do their bidding I guess there are, but most people I know who are really good at it. Just did a lot of reading. They said what good is that, I didn't really solve the puzzle you for on the recipe to solve the puzzle I
first time I saw that I had wedged all the pieces out and put them back. You can you can pull the mask and some people say we did some. I go it's a different kind of problem solving and- and I was hoping you wouldn't say, if you remove the stickers, if not well, I tried that once it was also a solution in principle: yeah yeah, that's not the intended ones, yeah that that's basically just the that's the superficial solution, which, unfortunately here's the problem we in our culture or breeding people who care more about the answer in the past, to the of course, so that we say solve this. They just pull out the stickers look. It is solved but they actually have no meaningful solution path to get there right. 'cause. We don't promote pathways, only the right answer and that this is a problem in deep, deep, deep, deep this shortcoming of it's a case because were impatience, we're impatient and we what we we call. We are addicted to convenience yeah I I'd rather not okay,
hey you're impatient, but the day you actually have to solve something. What do you do? You you're you're you're up, nothing? Dear dear dear your stuff, we need to do is when you're looking at a black hole, you just need to rearrange the stickers on it. That's the lesson is learned here. Ok, here's the part with these planets. You just need to move the stickers. I don't know here. It is no! No it's it's because we also were multiple choice. Society right- and I figure this out- my sister, I said Let's go out to lunch. Where do you want to go? You know reply was what are my choices invent something out of your head come up with something on your own, because we get multiple choices in it, you're about to fall into a black hole. What do you do our brain, a single. What are my choices when maybe the actual answer is up? halfway, not imagined by the person who gave you the just to begin With- maybe you're cleverer than they are interesting. So if you ever,
lifeboat and there's only food for four, but there six people do you eat the other two. Do you throw them overboard? Usually your gay a set of choices. My reply to that is, I'm cleverer than the person who set up those two I might find another way to create a net gather fish, so we don't have to eat the other two people on the lifeboat sure could be solutions. You haven't thought what if one of them looks delicious, had you thought about what I'd consider that fact yeah, I think, but there's also there's also a problem with having you know. People think they want choices, but then it's so when you have too many choices, yeah like just renovated not to choose the to choose the color paint for the walls? It's like this should not be that many choices you can have. Just right. That's practice, definitely coloring that successive nice. So it is a nice with a deep blue. It's that's a cool blue. It's a good blue artist! Blue! It's been all over the little dark for a room, though I think alright, so
outside of your target. You paint the doorway towards blue that would work and then, but then inside your laboratory, right yeah. So on the set of STAR talk right now the the video version of STAR talk, and I super excited. You you've, you been wrangling. Some great tell on the show as well will fade. I think it's you know, we've had Morgan Freeman Yep had would be Goldberg we've had was we had we had concerning Alan Rickman Alan Rickman Day we had doctor ruse yep. Yes, there are Ruth to. She must be enters in this chair yesterday. My god
yes, which she standing on it she's we she was standing or sitting she's, a tiny, little she's, actually quite candid about her height she's. Forty seven in case you were wondering yes, a few inches shorter than average, but she's she's a mighty MOE and it was great and we talked about what you think about it: space sex, I think she said that if she ever wanted to space- and I said you know- do you want to have like sex in zero g? She said yeah like why not and I said, okay, we can send you there and she said, oh plus, if you get permission from your wife I'll, take you with me Oh, my god, you were propositioned by John who I was so proposition by doctor, but I tell you. I think that sleeping with Doctor Ruth is not even like cheating like no one could get upset about that and we, like all, of course
I have to sleep with her. Is Doctor Ruth I mean she's, eighty four she's right I mean you might learn a few things. You might learn you especially from her. What have two people ever done with sex that she doesn't know about, so she's got the listen. All I'm saying is you both study black holes I another interesting. I don't know how I out of that. That was two one step to Philly, but Alan Man was on Alan Rickman. You, I assume you do not talk about Spacex's Alan Rickman. How how did you do you know Alan? You know I got people who know people and I know people so we got people but you have to. I have some people yeah, but I don't have Alan Rickman people around. I got I don't remember. I got people. What did you guys would? guys talk about well, so yeah I mean he's an actor and he has some interesting science fiction roles sure he was in in Galaxy Quest, so I wanted the best.
Wasn't it a crazy movie and the fact that it's a comedy and still one of the best Sci FI movies of all time, right right, so he's in there, and I got a sort of reaction to that going to chat a little bit about the magic of Harry Potter. He hadn't heard the the Arthur C Clarke edict about magic. We please I I don't know. If you do know, I don't know the. I will take away your credentials man men to see Clark on MAGIC, any sufficiently advanced technology, is indistinguishable from MAGIC, Matt. Yes, okay. I do know that. I do know that I originally sorry did I did know that at I did know that which I always is always an interesting point to me when you when then get crushed by the wall. Did anyone die very good with the rolling Hi. There was magic, we're just talking about magic, but
when you start getting into the idea of you know, g and religion and science and then go well? How do you explain? Is like well, maybe we just have to figure out how to explain it yet because it looks like magic now, exactly people always knew he didn't want the ready made explanation. I think most people are uncomfortable with ignorance or uncertainty, where you cannot be a research scientist unless you in fact embrace it, because in the end you learn to love the questions themselves. Not all not all answers are in arms reach. So do you feel like you either now or perhaps ever so? Do you feel like you do anything still? I am impressed with what I don't know a good way to Phillips me going every day I loved your quote about which I'm sure I I believe, on Reddit about credit on read it Reddit about stupid design, about embracing stupid, like
Well yeah I mean I I'm in few places commenting on it, but what I said was that science is a philosophy of discovery and in in intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance. It takes something we don't understand, and then you start saying well, there's a higher intelligence We didn't really explain it in you. What you're saying is, I don't understand it. So here's this ready made explanation worldwide. Every time I don't understand something right, and so I gave evidence of cases where all the world is not intelligent. I mean it's kind of really stupid, actually yeah. You know, like my favorite example, is like What's going on between our legs, you got this like sewage system, mixed with the entertainment complex. You know, it's like no engineer would have designed that at all so other.
Things. You know you get tsunamis, earthquakes and and and and hurricanes and tornadoes in the group wants to kill us yeah people notice is a haven for like no it's not no, no, no! Seventy percent of the places I drop you naked under your dead fifteen minutes. We create environments for us to thrive in. We adjust, adjust the thermostat as to three degree temperature and we say, isn't earth perfect for us, no, the ten thousand years, get to that so Ma'Am Thermostat, yet, and so so no earth is not a which is now that the universe is messed up and the total of the water of the cosmos yeah. Let the dinosaurs as they watch the the asteroid, hit him the other order of their death yeah they and seventy percent of all the species of life on earth. At that time, when extinct,
Well, I I just I love the idea, I I I don't. I've always said that the human body is a bad design that it's that it it's like, and This is a gross example, but I use like the fact that we have to wipe our asses is a bad design. Like that's a bad, that's inefficient. I have a worse, does okay, I don't mind wiping my ass. What I mind is I breathe eat. And drink the same hole in my body guaranteeing because this is a species property guaranteeing that some percent of humans will choke to death every single year right now, that's an easy problem to solve dolphins eat and breathe through two different holes in their body no dolphin ever chose. On a ham sandwich trying to breathe no
I don't know you can eat salad bar like a dolphin. You can't compete with them. This is the reading and eating. At the same time there it is never take one to like a sizzler it you will do, will go broke. That's so that's. I think that so that put we could die so some other things. So, for example, we live eighty years, but in eight weeks of no food you're dead in eight days of no water you're dead, eight minutes of no air you're dead yeah. We live eighty years. Yet all these things can kill us in just in the short period of time. So we set up the system, so that we don't die right. Just think about that. The whole system is so that we don't die so that you can try I live out at least most of these eighty years, yeah, I'm just saying to learn as much as we can in that amount of time to tell the next to Blake is
we figured out good luck and and what we've got so you don't die right. Right, here's how you guys cannot die. I'm not exactly will try to invent these pills, so you cannot die some more exactly now, talk about dying and connect to give you a spooky thought. Yes, go back to one thousand nine hundred and ask take a poll, everyone here we are back in one thousand. Nine hundred show looks great. What are you most afraid of dying from People gave a list. There was like famine, tuberculosis. What else jack the ripper, but yeah I mean so that list did not include killer asteroids. No, it didn't include viruses, it didn't. Clued, so many things today we would list that we fear a lot what we fear for our lives in, so that leaves you wondering in the year twenty one hundred. What with that list? Look like, oh god, what could be the cause of death in that century that we have yet to even dream and the look back and say: oh how point they were afraid of ask.
We just have a little defense system here, that's not even a problem. What they don't know about is this right, so I stay awake wondering what could kill me that I've yet to dream of that's so mine, bendy and that's mind, and horrifying at the same time, the best kind of mind been the kind of I stay awake at night and I wanted to stay awake to trying to resolve this. These, unknown unknowns, how important a obviously the Episode of the tv show that I'm going to put this in is all the ball about science. Science rocks science rocks I think anyone who listens to the show are watching. The show would would tend to agree with you to be scientifically. Literate is to empower yourself to know when someone else is full of right. The commission, yeah yeah. You can spend a lot time
It was someone else is full of do. Do you have an understanding of the properties of the laws of physics? So someone comes up to you and tries to sell you crystals and they say or rub these together and you will be healed, then you say what are they made of and how many people are there healed and what elements do they heal and what is the mechanism and how much they cost and where they're from The molecular structure person runs away in tears. 'cause the science literacy is not knowing the answer. You might know the answer, but that's not what's fundamental. Let's fundamental is the capacity to inquire about what is true and what is not in this world, and that is the empowerment, the power of inquiry. Do you feel
like we do. You feel like. We have to fully understand something to believe it, no dark matter. For example, we don't understand that worth a damn, but we measure it. We measure the effect. If you can measure it, it's a contender, okay, something you must reckon and there's a famous quote by Logan Clendening, who said no science, which she's maturity without first developing a system of measurement. Yes, I think about that. Look at how immature, for example, the field of psychology is especially clinical psychology. There's no system of measure. Yeah he going to measure someone's depression may be always with zero. To ten I mean it just never had the systems of measurement and so
the whole hospital filled with mental patients, so, with physics, has the benefit of many centuries of thinkers that have preceded modern day so yeah? Well, I can tell you within a second what time zone is going to rise tomorrow when you can have an eclipse and when you, when the the the the moon changes face and even the trajectory of that asteroid that could have our name on it. Have the power to do that. And so sciences, the the most the ones that have progressed the farthest or those that early established ways of measuring phenomena that they care, What was it that you told me earlier about the eclipse? You said it's, it's actually a mostly he it's a geeky thing yeah, but it's it's stupidly, gifts, it's a fun! The thing okay took a deep breath, it's because of the fine threshold under okay. Okay, because I said I said, look you just the clips. You know I I I I I made some compare. Listen to you eclipsing someone- and you said no
technically yeah, yeah yeah. So Eclipse is a one object. Passing to the shadow of another object. That's an eclipse! So a lunar eclipse is the moon. Moving into earth's shadow in space, we cast a huge conical shadow. It is always there, you don't know it's there until something lit up goes into it, and then it disappears so so that's an eclipse, whereas when the moon comes around to this side and passes between us and the sun, the sun is not being blocked by a shadow. The son is being blocked by an object, that's cold and a quotation. Officially, in our quotation, Mark quotation, so solar eclipse is not really an eclipse. Occupation. So, but I should one object, goes in front of the other, just as a technicality, and why not for anybody I mean it's not like Jim Cameron. When I got in this case about the wrong Scott right, it's not that bad! You will use it due to solar eclipses traditional, I'm, forty four. So this.
Long should have been total occultation of the heart, technically yeah think about it. Total occultation like it's really doesn't fit the meter that they, I think, occultation has a kind of rhythm to on the contagious so have had. They started with the word off to take different rhyme with a come out None of the light of Richie saw you guys were trying to figure. I don't know no. I won't even admit that we were trying to think I'm running Little Richie an hour. I think it was all night long, The is, I don't know it was. What was it that hello, hello? Is that how goes it yeah? Is it mean you're? Looking far as with the blind girl who makes my gosh is Adalina richest, wave one of the forgettable videos but we love each other, so much love each other. Is it me you're, looking for kind of meh
stuff to say, is it me your looking forward to a blind, let the old this was saying. I don't know who thought up that premise, not cool Lionel Richie. You look at that. He said now. I know why they don't play videos anymore. These are the examples of why they don't well people steps watching videos like that, like there was a period in in the early to mid 80s, where it was like Muse videos, you have to decline, and that's why I'm tv started putting on televisions like pro shows because people just got over music videos pretty quickly- and they just didn't watch them that much anymore, but you have the rest of all your channels to watch shows so still price tool. No, the music video shows the lowest rated shows on television at the time and that's where they start doing. Game shows and programming and and doll contests and stuff was because people just people actually stopped watching music videos in the in the mid eighties. It's weird that at some switch got turned to make that happen.
I guess it was. I guess when you first see that, like a place where music videos are aggregated, you go want an amazing idea and then, after a while you're like These are the same ten. Many times going to be so, you know and use a video, as did the completely change the natural edit links of what you're accustomed to seeing. If you look at videos at look in nineteen, eighty video yeah they're a long two minute cuts in that video one minute. Now it's three seconds at last. Second, more attention spans. If you think we could ever go back or do you think attention spans are just ruined five acres road forever? I think it. You know you can't look it's a because we're visually stimulated, that's what feeds a and so what do you do? Do you ever stared with the same thing for a minute? Now you looking around like this, so I I think it is. It is a property of the fact that you get all you a lot of information quickly in one glance and then I'm done. Let me get another glance.
This is the video version of that is, have a cut. The three second cut yeah Yeah, it's a! And how long do you have to look at Paula, Abdul's? But, okay, you get three second view you go on to the next chart: yeah we're Door Madonna, I mean. Is there I actually for me it's seventy six. Second, it's not yeah seven. Six seconds it is. It is much as you, as you kind of have you have to use that word, but in as much as an is. That is that when so far yeah, which recently about words that just have too many words in them in as much never, nevertheless, less nevertheless much yet there's a bunch of words like this, and what concerns me is the poor word a lot. That's two damn it come on. Let's do it but nevertheless is one word, but I can't glue together uh and lot. Sorry, that's the way it is. I don't know I don't buy that
a lot movement insofar as never the nevertheless as much. I guess that you you had before heretofore with her as well to don't. You feel sympathy for her downloads to the PLUTO of yeah. Well, we'll call it a dwarf phrase. It's a multi want to be, but I interrupted, I'm sure must be at least this tall to ride this word right. I guess it's just the idea that that that you, you have this quest to pro both science and there, and that that it is a difficult. It's surprisingly difficult question: twenty twelve, where you know we always had this vision of the future is like. Oh people be more enlightened and people will be more this and we'll all understand science lab better, and I feel like a lot of people just willfully rejected anyway.
Worse now than they were like twenty years ago. You know we have to do. We have to compel people to be embarrassed for not knowing about science yeah, and I think that's the only do it then they'll come to it on their own yeah. Otherwise you beat them over the head and you know it's no fun for either side no you have so you what you have you know like you. Have you have people who learn science. Yet you have science deniers and then also this like weird pseudo dance movement as well of people. That frame nonce nonsense in ways that sound scientific, but actually it's a facade for an empty house, I'm thinking of sixty four we're going to the moon. It was hard for someone to rise up with the strong pseudo science proctor back then, because science technology engineering was delivering to you in the pages of the daily papers, the fruits and benefits of being scientifically literate. You have no place to stand back yeah. It was written large on the headlines in
now what what headlined the signs have. One too, I guess there are you know the the particle accelerator in Europe is not here right right, so is or anything else, no we're it's bad economy headlines every day. So I said, let's go to Mars or go to ask dot that asteroid headed our way. Let's go hang out on the moon that that mining story about asteroids that to headlines. That has a very interesting the idea of the idea of basically of shifting to a culture of Space miners were locate all of these Astro. He we are killing each other, because you're you're, you're you're left cheek, is over a reservoir of oil or or some kind of remember for my body by the way that was there when I sat down, I just want to be clear about that. The iron drop deposit was that was already there. So you get to and what are we doing here? I'd be embarrassed if an alien landed, they say hey. How are you getting your resources? Well, we're killing you!
other over this line in the sand, because we dig get out of the earth, but how you getting here You would dig in that out of the earth to I'd, be embarrassed. I see alien. You know, give us another one hundred years, maybe we'll figure this one Don't you get it from the sun, how bout the minerals in the asteroids? How about that? You know insurance. You know why minerals, an asterisk, asterisk or fragments of planets that never stayed hole. They want to become a planet in the early solar system, there molten gashes, first and then perhaps molten when you're molten heavy things fall to the middle. Like things float, then you freeze the freeze it out: okay, freeze, meaning it solidifies, sir, so now it it already the filtering for you, it already did the sifting. So now, another body comes in smashes it and have chunks of asteroid that are here
zoom from the core of a planet that never made it, and it's got all the heaviest ingredients. You got your iron, which we got here in Plano, but all the rest of the heavy elements are concentrated. Their uridium plat gold osmium are tungsten All these precious metals that we use an industry in the military, so all their chunks are rocks sitting out there waiting to be yes that are flying by the earth flying by. And we're still excuse me. We're gonna pull this out of the ground. I can't I can't begin to tell you how primitive that activity, how far off do you think we are for from space mining zillion years. No, no, I you know I fifty years, maybe okay, I was there. The other day, and there was a guy. I in front of me in the security line, was the thing. I've ever heard security line where everyone is taking.
Tops out and then and he puts a bunch of stuff into the into the bin, and then he says the TSA Tsa officer. I just want- You guys know, I have a lot of tungsten here and I could and it was weird a that he pointed it out- be that he thought that they would think anything of it and see. Why does carry a lot of tungsten around? What is the purpose of of caring, tungsten around tungsten has very high melting point. So that's why it's the filament of choice in light bulbs? Okay, why would this guy have a bunch of tungsten doesn't rise to say? Oh all, right? She lives thanks in school. No, I'm I'm, which carried me right through security, and I thought should I declared in Advance- and I did this. Coincidentally, on the anniversary of September eleventh two thousand and two Dulles Airport outside Washington. I have a me right. I have a fifteen pound me right, it's in a box and what do I call in advance and prepare them
so that call too much attention to it? Then they get spooked. So I said I'll just go up there with the meeting right I mean it probably just looks like a rock that you bought it at a museum. You know like at a store right now. No, this is a metallic meteorite which would be opaque to x rays This is a blob thing that they cannot see through going through there. So I just put it there walk through, and I said, excuse me what's in this box, I said: oh, it's just right that one person recog, is the guy from the museum with the Space- and I said, yeah yeah, oh they all crowded around and looked at the meteorite, and they touched it, and so it was a little is scene, but I got it through when they all touches you go
but your mutants. Now you should put us in touch that is there any fear of of of space mining in bringing bringing any kind of particle, get anything back to earth that should be here, the Andromeda strain right, exactly the Andromeda strain, I'm not authorized David's, they could be. I mean they did this with the APOLLO astronauts. They came back from when they quarantine them and they study suitor, any moon bugs that came with them and that that was kind of cool? But I kept thinking wait a minute, the capsule the came from the moon splash down in our ocean yeah. Then you fish them out of the water. Now you in a court yeah exactly I drink yeah so, but are they found? No bugs nothing? You know no, no life, the moon and we would expect it to have a thriving organics right. So sharks petitions were fulfilled
It be pretty amazing too, I was. I was also this website. I nine I just recently had an article about how stuff about me shows up, every now and then maybe you pop up there a little bit every time it shows. I hey yeah, you're, very, very popular. I don't know if you know this or not, but you're going to think about it. I just try to do my thing. Yeah. But I nine had a story about yes, STAR Trek inspire a lot of things that became a reality in terms of communicators and what inspired generous real, but most of the most it was wrong and the first. The first example was space ships. We don't. Have we are not a spaceship culture? There's? No, we don't bill number is no way to travel from point a to distant point, be you know, just the logistics that involved, so that so you know that there are now this. There is like. No. If we, if we travel, if there is interest Ella Travel, it's basically like we're gonna
upload our personalities onto a cube and send it as fast as piece of hardware we've ever sent is in motion now to put up the first rule of scientific experiments. Are you get your results before you die? ok, so who was very far away at my colleagues at working on PLUTO, it's their whole suite of launch vehicles where it would get there in twenty thirty, two thousand and forty said no, we give me your biggest engines, but now you have to make the payload small. So the big engines propel something small. There was small craft, big engines, it past the moon. In like six hours I mean the thing
gosh, it was Poland and so it'll get to PLUTO Nick three years now, three years, three years from now, it was launched about five years ago yeah. What are some of the best images that we have a paludosa fumble telescope was getting. The best ones were, as this thing gets, closer it'll get better and better and better. So, but it's still this, it has very a big contrast between light and dark. So there still is still a mystery. I mean. Is it just so you know I'm on you among I'm. I'm I'm ahead of you. Don't at the end of their seats. Does that mean PLUTO should still be a planet? No, I wouldn't dare we covered this. Last time saying that cover this last time you were on, but is there anything as
get better at high resolution? Images of of you know, planets in our solar system or even or even data from distant stars? Are we are we still discovering shocking things about these bodies or is it sort of confirming or within the neighborhood of things, without having some expectations? Well, let me take the biggest shocker of of the more. We go. Look for planets that don't work our son, exoplanets yeah, and we say: okay, we have our solar system. We must be representative of all source systems. I mean why not it's actually called the Cooper Nikken principle, all right, sir,
noting that you're not special. That's what a great way to tell someone. There is not special he's a particular principle that sounds bad. Yes, your your chances are your average right. This is not the biggest through the small as planned. The sun is not the hottest is not. The cold is not the biggest, if not the smaller, the particle we're in a in a suburban arm in the galaxy in an ordinary galaxy yeah who's in it with nothing special okay. So we go to look for other sources to other star systems. What we find a big Jupiter's orbiting, really close to the host star. We come up with theories of the former tion of star systems that would sort of look like ours. Sure if we are at some metric of what is written in the cosmos, and so the planets would all places that we could not understand. We have to invent a whole new theory of of a star for of star formation and
system formation. To account, for that is exciting to it's, a group of scientists on the go holy crap get to come up with this whole news. We are so deuce by ignorance,. Because they're in are the places where new ideas can thrive. We're called to it and that what we need to be instilling into people is the idea of discovering new ideas. Instead of clinging to old. New ideas are rare. You have to have them embrace the quest. Ok, 'cause. That quest doesn't always land on a new idea, but the quest will always be interesting because you learn things. You learn ways to not do things sure is the famous quote from Thomas Edison, the I mess it up. If I try to get it exactly, but it was something like He tried all these different materials to figure out what he should use for the filament of his
some light bulbs finally lands on tungsten? Can I take a guess to make up for the Us Arthur C Clarke, one? It was something to the effect of I, fail. Ninety nine times I learned in ninety nine ways to not make a light bulb. Was it something like that it was that will give you be close, okay good. At least I can prove that I was. I was in the new year in the in the hood, okay. What was that again? Because it was the actual quote I was. It was close to that it was. It was what was the number yeah they said. Don't you feel bad all this time you wasted just to find tungsten and said. No, I don't want that. One: zero. Nine. Ninety! Nine ways to not yet I thought nine in not object to doing one, really, just I'm the only ninety nine elements that will not work in a light bulb. So that's slow. A to get to the result. Usually you need sort of a theory of understand sure that you can be spree. Selective yeah, you don't just randomly go through the lab. I mean I I I
I love. I love the idea of Edison too, and I just because I think some people have a sense of like he wasn't one guy working by him. Well, but, like he had team opal huge that were constantly each huge like an artist colony of scientists. Yes, yes exactly and then we go guidance and he had certain ideas any of the funding and he paid their salaries. So but yeah yeah, I mean maybe Steve jobs. Today it was like that I owe, I tried to make that comparison to Steve Jobs, to Edison someone like you're full of I'm like no. No, he didn't. He didn't design the Iphone. He hired the right people to carry out his vendor act cover. He had a vision. And he put the wire saying they don't. Like your analogy. I don't know they. Just I don't know 'cause some people slap him. I would move to the next person. Now
I took the time to slap everyone on line that I wanted to sleep. I would be in the slapping business and I would have to give up everything else that I do because there's no shortage of people. You want to slap online and I don't even know how someone in your position, who probably gets You know as much as you have supporters. You also probably have violence detractors who you want to tell you how wrong and awful of a person you are when you just say something very simply that you have
discovered, and I don't know how, how do you emotionally here's, how here's, how we get around that I hardly ever expressed an opinion. Oh oh, that's! Oh that's good! Don't think about that, and so I'll give you an example of perfect example. I am quoted as saying God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance. Ok, somebody put that on a t, shirt signed Neil Degrasse Tyson. It sounds audacious right just getting out there in the ring, but that's incomplete. That's not actually the full thing that I said. I said: if God is the frontier of what we yet understand in the universe to you, then God is an ever receding pocket of scientific inquiry. Okay, okay, there's
an opinion in that sentence. That isn't, if then statements, a conditional clock, conditional clause, and so, given that what's important there is, I'm! There are people who say what what they asked me. What was before the universe? I don't know I was gonna say they say what is dark matter. I don't know this is the Spirit of God. So the jumping into this sort of the god of the gaps, yeah mode- and I say, if that's what God is to you, then God is a ever receding pocket of scientific anger, and so, if you take only half a quote, it looks like I'm handing you my opinion right, but in fact with the. If then, because it is true, no matter what and it what it does is. You cannot then argue with me because that
that's, not a that's, not a me statement. It's it's! It's a logically constructed sentence and you might have issues with the scent was when you can't have issues with me. That's the point here yeah, so I hardly. Never express opinions. That's really interesting, I don't know another one. You know I have a book that just came out recently about space exploration. And people say I'm on a hobby horse trying to get people interested in space. No, I'm trying to get you to understand why, if you're not interested in space. It will undermine the stability of your economy and then I present that argument. So, at the end of the day, you take ownership of your understanding of the causes and effects of things, and it doesn't even ring reference back to me because it is an enlightened position that you now have. You didn't have before interesting. So that's why I'm people I don't get attacked. I really don't good. It sounds like you
attacked all the time constantly as an educator, it's not about me. It's never about me about the knowledge and wisdom of the natural world and how you your knowledge and wisdom of that can empower you to make decisions that you take ownership of so duty bound is a scientist and as an educator, to share this information with you, what you do with it after that in a free society. That's your business! I don't lobby Congress, I don't lead marches, I don't give speeches at rallies because that implies you want people to do what you do and to say what you say. I never care about that. All I want people to do is be. And then they vote for whatever the hell they want, yeah and in a free society. Will you have the right to do that? I don't talk to members,
I get invited in, but I don't? I don't seek to influence members of Congress because their duly elected from some base of voters Why should I do an end run on the wishes of the voters and then so suppose I even influence that member of Congress and. Two years later, they voted out someone else, because I had to go back in influence another one. Is it more efficient to enlighten of the electorate in the first place 'cause there there every two years, let's and so for Maine the goal is a smarter country. For me, the goal is people who can think for themselves. How do we achieve that's I guess if we knew that it wouldn't be a problem right. Well, you could you, please think for yourself, not by telling them what to think, but by training them, how to think sure yeah, we? Don't we certainly don't I mean if you look at
education system a lot of it doesn't really train kids. How to think necessarily it's like here at all. It's like here's, the lesson plan to learn it you tested on it there. It is- yeah, I mean I know that when I was younger and I'd be in, like English class worth they say well like, for instance, condition well. This is a conditional clause and I go ok. I guess that's a conditional clause and it wasn't until I went to school and studied Latin, that I went and I I really understood this is why these things are the way they are and that's what that means, and that's not all our ship of the moment yeah exactly and it's it's and you kind of feel like I oh, I get it now, rather than just I'm regurgitating a bunch of shit. I heard right. That's the difference between that's the different people, think you go to school so that they can fill your mind, but it really a proper training turns an empty mind into an open mind, but
as much as people are addicted to comfort and I think, holding on to old ideas. I think there's there's such a gamble to comfort. I like that they are to come. Do you think the contrast between the british and French appear here that one? No it's the British spend money on, but that same money when spent by the French is spent on pleasures? If you look at the two cultures there, it is yeah. You know the bridge. British he's got the cigar and the sherry in the comfort comfortable chair in France, wine, the food too. You know yep the debauchery yeah so yeah. So how he's your time yeah but also there's such a there's. Such a chemical reward for learning things and understanding things, and it's like how do I almost feel like you have to try people en masse with their own physiology,
of like here see this actually online good. The chemical ward reward concept, because that's how you felt whatever chemistry first in your body and your mind when you took latin infects figure out what that other thing meant something changed in you. It still good yeah, of course, So did you feel good feel good feel really good. So so that's the a ha moment and I think we all have that capacity and that power and so as the Edgecator. I try to see to instill an ha ha moment in whoever will listen, but sometimes you can create something that they are drawn to and then you don't have to beat them over the head. That's the kind of electric I want and that'll that electric will ensure that tomorrow is a more advanced state of the nation than today yeah. It will become their prime directive.
Well, you know in some states we're talking about. You know teaching like like intelligent miner, that what what education is local education is a local thing. Education is not stipulated in the in the constitution. Whatever's not stipulated. There is under control of the states, so states control education tax. The government cannot tell you what to teach in your school they can advise it, but they can't tell you they can't force it and they don't so so yeah some school districts will teach whatever they want and they don't teach what you want. People take, the kids out of school and home school, the largest growing sector of home schoolers are, is the religious community doesn't want their kids to learn about evolution? That's the largest growing, sector of home school, so so yeah you can go in there and try to argue it and scream. I'm just saying: let's just offer, what being scientifically literate can do for you in. Let people recognize that on their own. I think that's the that's the kinder gentler
Lucien, but I think in the end, it's the only solution that will actually work because a person has to be self motivated. I want to know what to want to learn it and want to be it. Yes, maybe maybe, rather than teaching knowledge, we need to be teaching people. How to be self mode, they did well yeah. That's the insight in part, insight, light a flame where they want to go. Learn more about that. Subject: yeah. I know the two I did I just on an answer today that Harvard and MIT released a bunch of the releasing of free courses online. Where you can actually get you, you can actually get a Harvard MIT Education through online courses. Yeah I mean, and you finance the same. Damn course you could got nothing This one hundred and one in Harvard is physics. One hundred and one in you know, Oshkosh Community College right, there's a whole there's a whole. You know most of what you do learn in college, our
Xander textbooks. So you know I think this is, but the league schools are overrated in what you can actually end up learning. We just have access to the same text books that they right yeah. I guess that really was the big dividing line in the old days, like you literally add to have the physical knowledge in in books in place and now it's like well, but I could. Learn about thermodynamics dynamics, my phone, exactly exactly that's the great scene in good, will hunting where he said where we he totally slap that kid down at the bar with bitch and yes yeah, I'm just a you know, I'm just the janitor happens to be super smash yeah. I would say I'm super sad, so what you spent one hundred thousand dollars a dollars, but you could have gotten a library card in late charges Psl, but I am also a math genius and you're, not a math genius, but there, but you could have otherwise. It's fine
bill Nye the other nights. Size, but he's my boy- oh my god he's so was I in fact he's coming to town this weekend. I'm gonna be chilling with him. Having dinner love Bill Nye, he came too weird, Channel launch Party in Bill night and I came- and there were other celebrity types there and Bill Nye was the guy that that got the most like I'm so as the people then rip them apart, like just trying to touch him and take pictures, and it was, it was really. It made me feel like we're doing the thing when we have a party to represent the that we're doing and working and caring about and Bill Nye, the guy that gets the most attention that that would that was a nice that was a nice guy walking down the street. Their legions of people following this are following him: yeah yeah yeah. Are you guys
going together on the way we collaborate? He's he's he's executive director of the planetary society, the society founded by Carl Sagan thirty two years ago and I'm on the board. So I have many occasions to have a board meeting in Washington on Monday, so he's coming through town we're going to hang out before then anything anything fun things coming up at the Hayden planetarium. Well, actually I want to kind of sabbatical now because these other projects, but the attendances gang busters, New York City, it's almost like a tourist renaissance, now good, the the tourism is at an all time, high in New York, actually international tourism as well, and they go to all the fun museums. And so we see him every time now, there's like accents and languages that never used to be there. When I was as a kid, so the city is doing well, the museums are doing well and at my book came out just exactly two months ago in space exploration, and it's got put some bugs out there just to get us back back on a frontier that I think we long lost sight of
So what we keep me off the streets, what you're very powerful voice in not just sign but also in in promoting science education, and I think it's very important. I'm th cannot tell you how excited I am. When I tell people that were doing star talk, is a video show on the Nerdist Channel like it was. I it at a show that I was doing a live show and I threw out a bunch of names and people clap and I said, and we're just type in the other breast Tyson and it turned into like death comedy jam like I'm not kidding. One guy jumped out of it was like holy shit like he and people went bananas. So I don't have to live up to that. You really do it's a lot of pressure, but but I can't think for for letting us put put start talking to Chan. I'm super excited about it, so it will to place. I mean and- and my hope is that not only nerds go there right, I mean you want to spread the letter
nerds already. We already know we are sure sure sure hang out with insure who'd recite decibels of pie too. You know so that the the real the real impact will be others recognizing that this is a cool place to be in a cool state of mind, in a cool outlook on life, universe and everything. Well, to that I say three point: one: four hundred and fifteen nine hundred and twenty six five hundred and thirty five, eight thousand nine hundred and seventy nine three two hundred and thirty, eight four hundred and sixty six four hundred and thirty, three eight thousand two hundred and twenty seven nine five hundred and two eight hundred and eighty four one thousand nine hundred and seventy one, six: nine hundred and thirty nine nine hundred and thirty, seven five thousand one hundred and five, eight hundred and twenty nine hundred and seventy four nine hundred and forty four five thousand nine hundred and twenty three seven hundred and eighty one six hundred and forty six hundred and twenty eight six thousand two hundred and eight nine thousand eight hundred and sixty two eight hundred and three four hundred and eighty two five thousand three hundred and forty one one hundred and seventy six hundred and seventy nine eight hundred and twenty one. Four hundred and eighty eight thousand six hundred and fifty two
that that's equivalent of just dropping a scientific wiener on the table light. Yes, that's exactly what injury burrito means. It means don't think about the future. Don't think about the fact past live in the moment and enjoy the process and enjoy enjoy the present I'll. Do that all right? Thank you. Thank you! So much, having me again- and you on my said here, I know I'm like I talking to him I'm I'm just bummed that I don't live in New York, so I can't come hang out at more of your tapings as well, but I know I'll be hidden away, often so I'm going to pop you know, gonna by on invited. Please please please,
please do as much as you want doing cosmos right. Yes, yes, because so yes, another promise. We got time to talk about, that's not coming until twenty fourteen okay. So we got time, okay, great, we'll scripting now and it's a very it's an honor and a privilege to fill those shoes were to occupy the shoes held by Carl Sagan. Yes, a cosmos into the future, the twenty first century, reboot of that landmark television series of thirteen episodes airing on Fox by the way people said fuck, but they're like a of science networks on Fox is the most common reaction. Again I say: well that's why it bones on how you this works. You know you know, but there is an interesting thing to say for you are you kind of like when you're preaching to your crowd is great, but that that's a that's a bolder stance of like no preach outside the crowd is that's where you're going to really pull people, it yeah all right cool. Thank you. Thank you. So,
okay, we're gonna, see as Chris for things. This is Lee Lynch, I'm recording line from my home studio with my good friend, Steve, Agee, Blue, so meaning, if you as a ghost yeah our I again it. If you heard me on the Nerdist Podcast, I had mentioned a sort of a ghost story: it's more like a this experience than a story with a beginning middle and end, but it's still freaky and I've always wanted to tell it. But I'm you know so I'm going go on celebrity ghost stories and tell this story, because you know I don't think they have the budget. To the re. Okay, so I'll just get right into it, because it's this is something that, over many years and and it can take awhile. I moved to England in two thousand or you know in
one thousand nine hundred and ninety four, and to study and all right, I went over there with my mom, the first time to find a place to live, and I moved into a a building, maybe for five months before school started the building had just been renovated, and there is an irish guy. That was a landlord and he just got it the whole building for it from if you're from Liverpool he good it. So he was a really nice guy from Ireland and I think, because you know I'm irish and my mom looks like a leprechaun. He was charmed and let me move in to be the first person moving into this building. The building you know was it was built in the mid. Nineteen hundred and it was above the building. If your Google, my
being looking straight down the building, is shaped like a letter, L and the short part of the was facing a street, and this was city center and and was at a place called the tea room, and it was a restaurant like a cafe that would close at two hundred pm. They serve breakfast and tea and stuff. Then they closed and then the long part of the l went back into an alley and it was three story building I was on the second floor, and so my apartment was a long hallway and it was this narrow super long hallway and all the rooms are on the right hand, side. There were just it look like a hotel hall with where is only on one side I moved into this building? I was the only person living in the building been renovated. I didn't know a lot about paranormal stuff in that when you renovate these old buildings. It stirs things up sometimes. So,
cool hadn't started. I was just trying to get acclimated to living in England and let alone a new school and going back to school, and finally, some students came from Japan to visit the school. They were going to be coming to the school and I think they were arriving to find their places to live and stuff, and so the school contest contacted me and said: hey some other students are coming. If you want to come up to the school, you can meet some of your fellow classmates since you've been waiting around like a year for school to start at five, so I went up there and they barely spoke English. I mean like no English, so we were walking back. I kind of motion like come to have tier you know and they all. Okay, yes and I I went I we while we were walking back, I got. I actually got a japanese English to Japanese
duration dictionary like a little book which didn't have all the words, but it helped. So we went back to my apartment and we're in that we're the in a room. That's at the very end of the hallway and we had our tea and I was like you know, Morty and like I, yes, and so we got our cups and we stood up to go into the kitchen. So as we get up, we step into the hallway- and I am not kidding in- I would take lie- detectors anything truth. Serums, I believed in ghosts
It's for. I think I believe in the idea of ghost, but I've never had an experience, and I didn't really really believe that that sort of thing could ever happen. We walked into the hallway, we all came around the corner and we all gasped and at the end of the hallway. This is these walls are white. The carpet is like gray. The door at the end is wipes like this bright long hallway at the end of the hallway near the first door, which would be like a closet door. There is a woman in that was solid black, but you could see it. She was standing and she was standing near the door just looking at the door and she had on a super tight wasted, dress that went down to her down to the terror the fee and she had little to do with heels and her data boost, like a
Is it a you know the thing? Not a bustier thing, also bustle on the back like where the but kinda go out, on the back of his shirt and like in a high collar and her hair up in a bun but solid standing shadow with detail that you could see clearly and want, and I'm Rosen with absolute terror and the japanese one, the japanese guys says woman and then, as I'm looking at it, it is just instantly gone like you're staring at something and then it just disappears and that's actually what scared me more than the fact this is a ghost or any. It was to see something that is in front of you disappear really actually is there and then is just not there or hard for your brain to deal with that and we got team and we sat down and
and we're all scared? And I was like you know, he's like woman. I was like I say, I'm like okay and I got paper that draw what you saw and we all drew. The exact same lady, and so now we're dealing with the dictionary trying to talk about holy shit. We just saw a ghost, so Les school starts months, go by I'm. This apartment was extremely cold and the there was no insulation and you can see your breath in the apartment at my door to my bedroom had about three or four inch gap between the bottom of the door and the floor, and so I get, take a little space heater and put in my bedroom, and I close the door and I shove a towel under the door and heat up the room for a few hours. Before I was going to go to bed and then I take the towel. I turn the heater off and go to bed. I went to bed one night,
and I'd leave the hallway light on an I'm. I'm sitting and just got in bed and I'm laying there and it's like that- quiet, weird about to fall asleep. And then I hear fuck, not my front door your bedroom, my bedroom door, fuck, and I open my eyes. I'm so scared, because I think that there's somebody breaking in then I realized the front door never opened and I'm on the floor and there's no way to get to my windows and the windows you couldn't get in in them from the outside and my number my front door, never okay and it, and in your your mind's, is racing and I hear again like a definite knuckle against the door door moving in the frame,
and I look and I'm like in bed and I leaned up and looked over the end of my bed and under the door, two black, like things breaking light of somebody standing right up against the door and I'm just quiet and I've, never I've never ever felt that level of terror. I think I was actually it was terror, so I lay there and- and I just like- I literally pulled the blankets over my head and curled up and I was weak. All night, with my head under the covers, like pull the covers open just a little bit, so I could get like breathe and I get some cool cool breasts of air and then I'm in that yeah I was for like did the knocking keep happening? No and then I looked up in the boots. Aren't there and I'm like Is this going to happen the rest of the time living here so maybe a month later, it happens again. The way this building
I'd go in a side door on the side of this cafe go down a long hall, there's a staircase. You go up the staircase at the end and there's a landing. You go up again, then there's a landing it's just the door to my apartment and no other people, and then you go up and up again into another landing, there was a door and then there is an apartment. Above and still the only person living there I got some. My friends from Norway. I brought them and said: hey, there's open apartments here, yes, really nice, you should move in so a friend of mine living upstairs in the apartment and some norwegian students living in the flat below mine. So this happened again with I went to bed couple knocks on my door feet standing there, I'm just standing there with the terror terror terrorized, I didn't say any anybody in the hallway
outside my door on this landing, there was sensor. So if I opened my door, the light sensor would come on 'cause. It was shine right down. My door was so any movement made the lights come on and then they would go off like in two minutes or something. So I'm I'm at my that seem like week. I get this really knocking on my front door and I'm thinking it's a one of my friends. So I I'm not coming coming, I'm like running down the hallway and I go to the door and the doors knocking as I'm approaching, and I feel it and I open the handle and I opened the handle up and it's just a dark stairwell, which means and by and I lean, my head out to look and the lights come on as soon as I lean my head out so
some there's nobody there to make the nobody there that it's impossible to step in that hallway, with those act being the lights, the knocking on the door happened numerous times and scared the hell out of me every time. So then I go down. So this is in one night hi. This happens with the ghost outside my door. I wake up. I'm super scared. I'd go over to my bedroom window and I looked down and if you ever like the building being shaped like an l and I'm down towards one- and I can I mean I can look at the back of the of the Faye and I can look through the windows of the cafe and I'd eat breakfast there. Every morning it was just like a little tiny little. You know cafe place so it's three in the morning I look out my back windows and the ladies that work at the
the you know the ladies that work on the counter. Are there and they're just sitting in the dark cafe reading what's at three in the morning and have a little tiny light. What the dude and I'm like that scared. You, because I just got scared by the ghost and then I look out my window and look down. An alley and I'm on the second floor and looking down to the first floor floor, catty corner to my building, ah The women are just sitting there in the middle of the night in a closed up cafe with all the lights off reading. So now I'm freaking out go down the next morning. I go down for breakfast and they're there, and and and and I do want to say this is really Bowman MIA, what what
Now, maybe you do. I know I don't know. I haven't heard the song okay, I just think I know where the story is, maybe not so so I'm playing off and then next month I see them again down sitting up all night. I can't figure it out. So then I go down there and I say: hey: do you ever have any weird things go on down here, like you know, go stuff, kind of look at each other and they they're like every night. We put the chairs up on all the tables and we, when we come in in the morning, the chairs all down in the corner in the corner, and she said
and then she said, and yesterday we were down the kitchen for this. Restaurant is in the basement. So yesterday we were both down in the kitchen getting ready and making food and a man walks through six Jan, and we thought he was a burglar, and so we ran after him said, Sir Sir, and he walked on the corner. I was walking behind him and he walked right through the wall. He was, right into the wall and she said a couple times. We've seen this man and he comes from like an area they're, just like a cooler or something, and he comes around the corner through the kitchen, makes a right goes out into the hallway and then there's a there's, a wall on the side, and he turns and goes right through into the wall. So Can I see where you wear it was to they take me down to the basement and when you
the basement you realize that this building from the seventeen hundreds it feels all feels old and show me this one like right here. He came on the red around here and and walked right through this wall. As I can only got so we're all freaking out about goes down today. In the months go by, I had I keep I'm having the knocking on my front door. I go down to breakfast and the guy the Irishman that I rent the Armand from he's the landlord comes in hello Liam. How are you doing and he sits down? He sits down with me and eats breakfast with me. So then I look him and I noticed he has on a Mason's ring and, like cases guys Jason he owns building as in Liverpool and stuff. Okay, that's interesting! You know you're he's like oh yeah, you know my father was and his father and so
so now, I'm wondering. Is there weird Mason stuff going on here? So I, initially asked. Ladies, you know this couple days later. You know I'm Chris up the middle. The night night looked out. I saw you guys were down here. I was like where you guys, while but we're still in you, were both sitting there reading it like three in the morning, and I will be there like well and then like there like kind of quite like are you know the man that owns a building has the masons meet here, It's amazing meeting place to meet in three in the morning. They have all night secret meetings in the basement of this building see I thought you were going to say that the window women weren't really there. Oh, they were there, they were, they were serving tea for all. Masons, but they're not allowed in the meeting so they're sitting
upstairs waiting in case those guys need any tear anything. So I'm like ok, that's weird! So then, I talked about the ghost and I find out that this building used to be a huge, usually famous in Liverpool for House and though, but not like you know, because it is a port town. It was the the richest port in all of England and the this was for a place that government officials, like sailors, going through this really really expensive, yeah dignitaries, like really beautiful, educated women. That would be with these these government officials and people that could afford them. So they, this woman bones the build
and you is like a woman owning a whole building in a city. She was really I'm just really like a Heidi Fleiss type of woman and she owned this place. And so then I started clicking in my head that this was her building. And what is she doing and seeing her outside doors knocking on doors? She was a madam, so she was probably making rounds where she's listen into rooms and not give a tap on doors to check in on her girls in the room. Do you know what I mean like an and the woman that we saw in the hallway looked like she was from that time, and she was standing outside the door listening, and so it was like these Knox. So my friends dying that lives upstairs started. You know This is really crazy guy and he was very loud and I would go up to his floor,
and we're in his hallway and there's a knock at the door. I I open the door, no one there again, just like in my apartment and he's like hanging These pictures, in the hallway and being really loud and one of the times were up. There were sitting there talking and all of a sudden. We hear this loud bang and the hammer which he had just set down. It was the sound of it landing in the going down the stairs and landing down on the landing of the staircase. Like the hammer, flew down the hallway and out the door and was down the hallway, then he would come into his apartment and take off his shoes and he was being Loudon playing music and stuff- and I actually went up to say: hey man, can you turn it down a little bit and and while I'm in his apartment, the door opens- and I hear all this sound and all of his shoes are out in the hall
like- and I imagine that I don't know this for a fact. But I imagine if they were kicking someone out, they probably grab the guys boots and throw him out in the hall 'cause. You have to go out to get your boots or something it just seemed really strange. So then, the the other layer to this story and all these paranormal things that are occurring is that one day breakfast down there, and these people from the college is a college across the street John Moores diversity and there's a graveyard across the street as well, and the people from John Moores came over and they're. Saying. Excuse me where we're starting the Williamson tunnels and we've been doing like seismic mapping of Liverpool and everything, and apparently there was a Mason and he privately fund
just miles and miles of secret underground tunnels through the entire city that the Masons would use and he they had carved out ballrooms. They had all the stuff under the city. He never asked anybody. He just did it and some of the entrances that this team had found and we're in the centre of train tunnels. You walk into a train tunnel really far. One stone on the side is lever balancing on a center point and if you turn it, it would rotate and you into a secret tunnel. One of the uh this they found within the graveyard across the street in one of the tombs you could go into the tomb and slide back the you know, the tomb lid and there were stairs going down. I mean it's like video game show, so he never like we, you know a lot. The tunnels are filled in with rubble and debris or the streets would collapse,
and the guy said one of the tunnels. We believe leads to your basement. Ann. We go down. I go down there with them book, it's the sp, not in the wall, where the dude, where the dudes, when it was that was where the entrance was it actually where they saw the ghost go right through. So it basically goes to masons still, and it was so that the masons, with being seen 'cause they're, all important men in the town without being seen go to the Whore house, so they're meeting in the basement of the Whore House, using secret tunnels, from all different areas of town secretly moving under the streets, come the whore house, having their meetings in the basement where they are, will having them today. An amazing blue, my blue, my brain out. So
so, if that's basically the story, but I mean anything that has ghost whores an secret tunnels that I'm in me too. It's amazing yeah. It was definitely crazy. What was really crazy was this sort of this story happening over time and unraveling with just constant getting getting the shit scared out of Maine by really paranormal things happening. I found I can remember the name, the woman's name right now, but I laid, but when I learned what her name was, she came to the door knocked on my boo indoor again. I actually talked to her and I said to her. I know this is your building. Thank you waiting, I'm just staying here. Like you know, I I
We know about you and I respect you like. I was like basically to saying what I would say if the woman was in front of me, don't knock on my door exactly, but I basically I talked to her and she could see her feet. She stayed outside my door, the entire time I spoke, so she now who said anything I never heard her voice, but she was visual. She could definitely move and interact with solid objects because throwing shoes in the hall she was knocking on doors an I don't know why she obviously came right through my front door without it needing to open. So no thanks. So that's all, looks good night. Think about think about ghosts. Sleep well now, leaving Nerdist dot com enjoy your burrito.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-17.