« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Max Landis

Screenwriter Max Landis sits down with Chris, Matt and Jonah to talk about the realms of sanity, the different stages of writing and pitching scripts, and they discuss how falling in love and having to use the bathroom can feel similar! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, are receiving this transmission. This is the hardest part. Gas number two. Eighty three welcome those new heart from video up right now on. To dot com, slasher distant artist, channel and it is a love song to the girl, sperms girl, you I say yourself because Zadig than me is several months old. Yes, you would be right, just so. You know we came up with the idea of several months ago, but it just took this long to get special guests in the video like most aroused from big very highly Williams, swedish chef, for instance, so we got a map it and it's a chef as freak out, so
so that's why it took so long to pull all that stuff together was coordinated, airports, ghettos, and now we were finally able to just put up the videos. That's over the nervous channel right now check that out. That's Epizootic MAX Landis MAX is one of Chloe's best friends and he's probably one of the most prolific young, scribes and entertainment business right now he wrote the mechanical hear of this thing in drafting a single definition. Superman on you too, which was fantastic, and I think, he's my soul, a movie at every studio right now, x is interesting because he's a fair polarizing figure anything part of the reason is it just doesn't give a shit? What people think which a kind of respect, because I feel like I give too much of a shit sometimes and
never really have the opportunity to sit down and talk to him and when we did, we really discovered this incredibly sensitive, sweet guy, who had kind of a rough go growing up and and seriously he so fuckin smart that it there was a part at the end you they took a couple for this pod cast to get put up and I think you'll you'll hear buncher references to guard them styled. Those were new record of had cast and the reason being we recorded the hour, long pot gas? We said Andrea, Brito, everyone's Colleen back in their chairs, and we started talking about the process of pity. Movies and MAX kind of laid out. This really gorgeous like there three ways to pitch movie and here's how you do it and I thought it was such a me. The information that we, but we haven't captured it cause. We ended the progress. We have come back, retail it and then we stitched onto the end for you create a veto.
So I really hope you enjoy this episode. It was, it was super lightning for us, and just such an interesting glare inside his brain is kind of a mad genius, though I hope you enjoy this there's podcast pod concepts that opportunity three with MAX Landis nor entering star com, you have a good uncle and then I think you would see your head for regret. Therefore, do the first one mine, I'm this one good, I don't care what Edwin whenever you lovelier headlines around, I love hearing me. I hate hearing,
with it tonight right now the rich, the rich timber of your voice. I actually feel your black coffee. You wanted tat, you can turn, up there. Has it hello? Oh shit? Ok, I know that ok, they are done? You done. We just did this for forty five minutes, we really would windpipe has to be a just tech yeah. Just what gives out. The rest of the year mayhem certificates, one is, are you never got the second, our deserted adjusting the microphones? That's gonna go get a loose points for that. That could even part do so. You're done pooping, you're, ok, the four now, ok, good. What happened Do it, I'm gonna talk about it good recording area, I think, I'd really like to be in love, and I don't. I don't know that I am right now and it's weird because I I was before I came here. I am thinking about the shit yeah, ok, no, so that we come to round to again so I
this we're day where I was writing all day and, like us, Happy- and I went to this cafe by my house- and I saw this guy- who I dont know what who's in other writer, but who we ve always sort of have like. Oh, I know you from afar. Such relationship like, like friend, sure I we're sitting room at each other, and I was possibly writing, but I too big stocker comics and he was mostly running soldiers. Reading my comics and we started talking and we began to have our first ever real conversation turns out. We really like each other and we're going back and forth and were laughing and talking about projects and differ We know that the industry is like this is nice, and I that he hangs out it somewhere. I hang out a lot and I am single right now and I thought you know my ex girlfriend one of my ex girlfriend like hangs out there. A lot like all you ever see her and he was like yeah, and I was like oh yeah. He was like I'm actually I've kind of seeing her for a while dear, and I was like I was like. Ok, ok,
I'm like it didn't hit me at all- didn't landed at all. So I'm sitting like cup of coffee after CUP of coffee and we're. Walking and he and he leaves I shouldn't I don't normally drink coffee, every drug I've ever done. I've done to impress a girl and then been like this was, ray and then gotten into afterwards. Coffee is the most recent one of those I've soldering coffee, which nightmarish girls a very impressed. By do they are there like, let's get coffee and then I always I didn't get it before, but now I get it so you have so you basically have a bit of the coffee and emotional shits wait for it. Ok, it lands this story, the stories and ending, as does the shit. So will the shit is the end. You just did spoilers and the less so so I'd sitting in. He leaves and I'm sitting there, I'm really my comics, but now I'm thinking about this girl and they're playing like dislike violent, music. The place and I'm sort of I'm sitting there. I fancy coffees, I'm sad. It's blue Jem CAFE and Meroz. Well, yeah, it's like a tasty and, unlike he leaves
No I'm just sitting there and freedom are coming and I so to get you know it's like never mind off someone like that Israel, they hit me they're, not playing it, but it's playing in my head and and I'm sitting and cause the coffee unfolding, and I'm sad and I'm farting that I can concentrate on my comment and then I had like big, emotional or four I was like. Why am I sad over this girl? This is a girl I broke up with because she was insane and I was like so I like all like girl, power and triumphant. Like all good. I'm ok and I made a new friend and I walked out No power means I go powers, something I can have. I tried. I try to measure my own levels of excitement, enthusiasm, sort of towards everything on the level of a fourteen year old white girl. I measure internal power, because I'm a you're, gonna hafta, so your feet, good God, I'm uncircumcised joke. No, no! Well it didn't. I guess it could be an uncircumcised joke, as well as a companies when joke, but so Youtube. You walk
blue JAM, which is a great cafe, and it all hit me and you hear it all like it all all of the big emotions, all the coffee At the same time, a been shooting for two hours while not stop him well stopping. I mean like I'm, not shooting. Now that you guys can see a real good when a tiny little we're in a tiny little room. Maybe you need to shit when it We think it we really great. If you could just shit your emotions out, if you like, I would love to not feel this for this relationship anymore, that I can't get over whatever. I wish I'd it's you, but I just can't condensed just take like a black like the kind of shit that you after you, eat Peppino Bismarck, and it's just like you think, you're dying, because it's like a charcoal black and other times shit where it feels like stuff. You need is coming out of your body, exactly like go get back in their liver or whatever you know it's coming out its am I do you like the idea of emotional shitting, outlying address it in
should a shooting with your eyes. Yes, it's it's shooting out, shooting out of your eyes, I think, is morally peeing. We think so, no because its weighty, its waiter, there's being as such, like a frivolous activity. It feels like there's, no emotional grew the way you do like on a goblin priority areas, like God you're going to govern stuff, you throw you throw em like I make sure I had one rankling before I start being difficult. Who here, who has been drunk and gotten a boner and super had to be so they did it and they had the most painful p of their life. It's hard, although even with your hands, then, oh god, it's worse thing Mr Herman, that's like that's like I always that's a real finance, the burn, Myra cancer. So sorry, but re okay. Now, if you're gonna on all over the place, man, I like last, like three weeks, I've just been like fluctuating between places of lake everything's, gray and then never getting bad, but then going to places of like everything, is ok and could be better. Everything could be better now is.
Can't you get. Each known should really be that content, though, because then, when you lose DR yes, but I'm like I'm a monster of commerce in Semi Collins, I'm a more monster, no matter what I get. I want more from everything else. If one of my friends makes like a minor accomplishment at work, I'm like I should ve gotten ocean at dairy queen. I like that, should have been me if, if two of my friends like moving together or like some kind of sorts dating someone or someone's having a baby or like anything like that, I'm jealous of that I do actually want it, but I still do I'm sure people can this that moment of like that, should be me, no matter how, stupid, it is well or may I, with your most things, except the baby present cost benefit some actually dont it still. It's like someone is getting some sort of a satisfaction out of life, and you want to experience that satisfaction is row. I want to take off my gloves and about or happiness out of them. Yeah, I don't know,
Let's talk about for a minute. Let's talk about for a minute. The that circumstances when I bet- come on the broadcasts. Oh yes, do you guys want here story please, so I COMECON em. It's I think Thursday combat International yeah. My favorite place comecon for me, is essentially Marty grow. I treat it like a sort of just a drinking festival and in this way. For me, for twelve years, and I didn't used to be able to go to open bar. So it was rough when I was you're, getting drunk in hotel rooms of cost players and then, like I, slowly got onto more and more hotel rooftops, which led to my behavior getting exe. Increasingly bad and and it's funny because, like a comecon, I just don't give a fuck. I walk around, like I walk around like fuckin. William the foe. I don't care what face I'm making I'm like a monster. I just in drinking going insane no shoes on at least three. I am in the gas lamp yelling at a stranger, so
here is not a of people from LOS Angelos are in COMECON. And they will come again do. Could you do that appear as well in Latvia that you should feel like it I don't know you guide, it is mostly LOS Angeles in San Diego. At that time it gets interesting, because I sort of I hope that COMECON is awash. I tend to make a lot of friends there, which is weird because sort of just in this manic hyperbolic sort of. I don't give a fuck about part of my sense of humor. Which is a giant part of my sense of humor, is occasionally org things in my head and I think that's a really funny do thing to say and I'll say it: Mental be very amused not really taking into that people who don't know me now assume I am associate, I am a spoiled socio. Babby irony only exists between for studies it in friends. Like I'm one of my colleagues, I say I got it wrong. She got around. She got around national
Andrews, and also so I I it's it's a second night night- just met Zack slavery for the first time and he's like commissioner, at age q, and I was like cool cause he's he might be my next: if I do another death return, a Superman thank achieves a fan of it. This isn't. It was great by the way that the return of Sudan was really found any do another desert has already covered and I will know I would do it death at one stage. The infinity got what the problem is, that I'd have to taught myself and I'm just too like I'm too busy right now to try to do which is really infuriating, as I want to do one anyway, so so that by its meeting this thing, nerd, H, Q? After all, the other parties are closed. We're getting tax from all of my friends saying like were ignored, H, Q. Unlike wait, I thought this was like a special thing, but I was invited to very excited about it turns out. No all of my friends who are not even in the Fillmore Complex industry are also they are so now, when you having a similar experience with your friends, you get angry, because if I was the one they experienced something and you
exactly known you and at one time it was by the way, the I will say that the that they actually getting an nurse who was awesome inside right. Everyone, every wonderful person than I adore, was there, and I was there ever the one I was I'm sorry worried, so you go next year, but there was. There was on the list, in situation. What wasn't I the second night was ridiculous, because that was the night. It was really bad right and I got in no problem that night and then the first night I show up, I am covered in response. I was invited to every party this year, except for the entertainment weekly party, and I and I was so happy and drunk every wristband represented like four roman coax and I get there. Ruins touching me like? Where are you and the woman from community is working the door of ethnic cobra? So I have a moment of lake freaking out like holy shit, you're so funny. I met only ok, I gotta come in and so she's.
As you know, are you on the list and they don't even have a less? No. There was not a loser, yes, I'd like yes, I'm supposed to be, and they were like. No someone, my friend Michael Tab and I was like I'm look at all my arms I like, and I threw like a alone ridiculous. Can I didn't get mad because I knew I was going to get in, but I put on the agenda everything I was like. Personally, I was like what we thought. We Robin fresh first wife club preference varies. I've ever known everyone's onawandah remit of momentum, stopper, nothing, nothing stops this train. This move this agreement, so that was that was this situation that it also we run about gas goes like there was a guy who's. Again into the thing I was I was on the street near by with some friends saying goodbye. When I hear the screaming from
buddy, I wasn't screaming and anger. I screaming sad for a strange Iraq. As my pride I heard, don't you know who I am, and you know how we set about this year, and this is ridiculous. Ask anybody here who I am I was doing for my friend Michael PATH. I also claimed to be Steven Spielberg son like I said you know I didn't a glimmer of hope that might have felt that I was going, though you did outwardly we're going through a thing did, and I saw I hear that, unlike I hear hear you say, don't you know who agent Mulder. I am. I turned my friends my who is that guy then they said Magdalen and I did it now and I would just say fuck I'm not a celebrity. No one knows who the fuck I as you, you didn't feel that way that I might do more than just having five. I know what I'm a fucking screenwriter. No one knows my face, and this is why goes back to what you are saying. Is that, like you, were doing this as a personal bit ten feet away?
you are the worst human and I haven't received by your affable you're, not the words of the road, but the point is, but if so Jody is a story about you want to hear you wanna hear cause it's worse than you know what it's worse than you now. Ok, ok, so I hear that that someone was mentioning me I'm an artist podcast. No, I have a very polarizing personality. People genuinely hate me like really hate me, I'm I'm a hated guy or they like me and I'm ok. You know what makes it seems it out of their number. Two is not, or not at all, only bad between right no one's ever said It's all right not about our threat has been that says, I'm great on end, and so I hear there like you guys, are saying something about me and my uncle. So I tweet like either For me, the nervous bergez par for the course because everyone always sort of makes Lindsays emerges, but like first of all to do this lesson to the left. Of ignorance. I allow myself to live in or we braced.
We're right number one. I dont know that at an artist. Is you? Oh really? No, I didn't know. I know that now, but when I tag at nervous, I thought it was like a company, a thing that you ran o gotcha, so I didn't know that it was your thing so level of ignorance number one Ignorance number! Two! I didn't listen to it. I was like whatever level of ignorance number three, and this is the part where we get like tragic, is Jonah is a guy who I know I wouldn't call him like a close friend he's in one of my movies. I hear that Jonah is there talking about me. I'm your desires, I'm like Jody Hill. We should talk to be other notice biogas, so I tax tell like we do have like just somebody level and immediately I am set upon by three different things: number one Chrysophora going. We were really funny you and me going. Oh wait. No, you probably weren't, like I'm just being sad number, two hundreds of like creepy internet people going he added neared is the air like light but like not,
supportive way like in a way that maybe like like this and then, of course, one of my best friends, fellow tall skinny, hyper person, Chloe, dykes. Asked me like. Why should you not my boy from what it was like? No other good impression, prisoner, you're talking its final Chloe Chloe adores, you, as you know, Chloe Chloe have fuckin shit. She absolutely adores you and so she you know I'd after this whole thing down, because No one said your name and if I could, he just started explaining and I was like. Oh, I think I know who that is, and you know it was it probably wasn't what you thought it was, and you know, and it was so there was never any Should Tommy was just a and it was just an identification of what happened, coarse and so independence and been people just assumed and did so. I texaco enough, like ah fuck MAX thinks we're talkin shit about it and if you really bad so I take it as I do we weren't you, we were not. Actually you should come on the pod casually, beyond that, you are,
doing a lot of other things that are relevant to the people who listen to this show. That means relegated to the outside. Of our lot, I mean not just my might consist in doing bag performed its it's it's and reform. It says about it. They ve been going on since two thousand. You know, I wonder if the first guys I said, do you know who I am we're doing performance art is well well. The thing is that no one knows who the fuck- I am so like it's I mean, there is one we all. Now, though I mean I mean people not like the one place, I'd get recognized as at COMECON, and I wouldn't get recognized trying to get into a party and lake. I know it and I'm not a celebrity. I like I have one thing that we can get into if you guys are interested about screenwriters in the level of celebrity they have, but that sort of a different thing well, but also, but you know you are more of a analysis than most screenwriters. I would I would say- and you you you re about to you just louder, because death everywhere that death as part of the return of Superman was was great by the way was really great, and I think one of the reasons it was made would have greatest. It was direct
really well and the storytelling was great but but also you were so passionate about it, really was your personality that drove drove that. That story I mean, I know. I know be depriving like all you know, because Eliza would within, but it really was your personality impassioned that drove that people to watch a fifteen minute yeah fifteen minute you two minute Youtube video madness. That really was funny, you know, and it so between that and you know and Chronicle, which was great, and you know I think I did it do do a lot of stuff that is relevant to the new community, which you have been in for a very long time through. I work nickel nap all You know I live, I'm sort of just I've been this forever. I hate I hate the word nerd though no one will change this. But this part can otherwise. I do it because I I know nerds, I know guys who I'm like you're a nerd. I do want to spend time with them, unlike when I'm late in Plenum Chillun out watch unlike biased year, like some like that, I hate the idea.
That I'm part of, and will you just call it bs do so there you are murdered while no no you're not understand what I'm saying, I'm someone who likes battle, Stark electric run. If that doesn't associate me with a guy who, When I use the word nerd, I use it as an insult really. I think that your personal turmoil and blew it is my personal take outward, but it's you know how the various on, but they don't hang out with. I think that's just an asshole, while its will listen, no one calls or don't know one in less there being negative. No one call sports culture, jock culture, like when I call someone a job, I'm generally, not being nice to them, I've implying this sort of a meat head, and you know how do I use the term is just like, like I'll say isogai he like he's into spores, you play sports. I dont use as I use it like nerd. For me, I work for me the word because when I was growing up, it was not a nice word to use because it was very derogatory and you kind of felt bad about it. A man s made a really was a movie like revenge of inertia came along. The floor will be like real genius. That's what made you feel like. Oh, like nerves, are ok
a few devoted her life to taking back the inward reunited aided him. I act. They say it's the other unworthy other lingered we're taking back because it was used in a way. I'm not saying it is. Has you can take attained by saying eleven around when you haven't told our last, where it does not want to fuck yourself. Aren't simple interesting as I don't. I don't agree with that, really either the taking back of the unwary I'd. I sort of I just you're, also younger, if I It's true. I grew up in a different generation and herbs, and I do it's true yours, easy you have it there's an empowerment to the word nerd. When I hear nerd, I think of me at a party with my friends and I ve been it is one of my friends was bad social skills and he's making everyone awkward, but that is a nerd Those were my friends. Let's go. Have we not another a lot of my friends too, but we all got along and it was fine, a nerd to me, isn't a permanent state of being there's nothing nerdy to me about star wars. It's like a really good.
Stories, one of the biggest nobody. But although further there's nothing nerdy to me about, like some shit, you know fanned a movie like equilibrium or the made in amenities, none of these things so as more or Highlander, Philip key Dick. None of these things strike me as nerd base it as much as we like blow. Asthma is kind of, I don't know I'd. I guess this isn't the place being nervous Pagano use. You listen, listen on this, so by think it. No, I think, is an interesting point of view to take, because you have a different perspective than we have and while I will say you know: asthma, affiliate, felucca, Dick, maybe they're, not particularly at the time when they were were written it there weren't. There was no such thing as like those of the new herds and those of the visit. You know, I think some people were a little more bookish than others, but I do tend to think that that people with what we classically, but we will we think of as like nerd brain people do tat. What is written, nerd brained person. I didn't think it someone who has and an almost mutant level of focus on
and I always say like I would say- that being a nerd isn't about what you like. It's how you like those things so would you say you'd say you would then the use like four guys who play fantasy football used the term sports nerds, would actually using that definition, because I feel, like a whit, undermines my definition of the word to nodding included ice. You like obsess over stats and like all the stuff of all the stats up, but I think it has to do with focusing on something to such granular and trying to understand more than any other living creature. I think that's what makes someone a nerd, not whether or not they read Asimov watch Bs G or you know how many episodes stargazing it's also it's up to the perspective of the person. Like last night, I was doing to show at the at pleasure chess and a girl like held up like its untie she's already my trying to sign. I guess you're just call me Doc African further and then she's, like ha as I just said, your precious hours actually like I'll nerdy reference. Six
sounds like an idiot. She is not like she's, like everywhere else, like somberly nerdy reference like she said, referencing movies is nerdy. Now we're the route, the route of workers- and I are different because he's defining the word differently than yes, you are describing nuance, focus and specialised intellectual is clear. Yes, I am describing something that has nothing to do with like nothing to do with brain power. Nothing to do with what you like. You're, dishonest I'm talking about a social thing. A nerd is someone who is unable to exist outside of their focus artistic. It is an Asperger syndrome. Are artistic person or someone in them. In that line of things you love star wars, Will you talk about a star wars? You are a nerd to me like this, is what I'm saying, and that is a good thing which I like people to be able to really to each other, and so I use the word nerd because I was I've- never been, I mean I'm sure
consider me a nerd now, but no one ever thought of me is in there. They just thought of me as a fucking weirdo, I'm like an eccentric sort of hyperbolic are again like what do. Let s get at, but do you feel like you really are, or is there and be honest? Do you feel if there's any part of you that wants to propagate that idea of you before I'm going out with you before and and your very sweet guy, that's he's doing with me, one on one, the more people around me, the more sort of anxious I get an. Or anxious. I get the more there is the propagated face of MAX Landis, which is not an intentional thing, so we have a social, it's a social change over and so you you're a nerd and no, I say that I have bad social skills like a nerd. No inert is someone who can exist. Have you been less getting today just outside of their entering the literally said a little while ago, a nerd as someone has bad social school and cause they can't exist outside of their interests. I have bad subtlety else, because I am antinous. I get her anxious
and then I act we're. I feel it in my hands. I feel the same way when I'm like a larger group. I tend to get bigger or like a party self I'd of a bit a bit, but it really depends on the level of drinking and I weirdly get. I weirdly have a little bit of soap anxiety in those type social situ. Every time I see you at a party you're, like you, you look always great. You're late, dress, great and you're like looking relic push. I don't feel comfortable ever it so funny to me. I can one on one. I can pretty much talked anybody. I can do staggered to stand up for twenty three and people on it. Wouldn't phase may cause theoretically or alone. Maybe I get so that, true and then, because you know it's really, you know stand up, is a relatively isolated kind of a lifestyle, but I will say that if I get into a situation where I'm going to party, I feel very uncomfortable it. You Chloe can tell you when we're at restaurant
cannot fucking deal if the cables are right next to each other. Now I got your hate, the apple right there. I can't you know, shall ask me questions as we like like it: it's not about Billy Jerkin hushed till I can. I can I just fucking implode when you include anxious in restaurants. That's perfect! will she doesn't care like nor she's normal that way? And but I I have such a I'm, so nodded party guy. In that way- and I'm so much like I just I was very impressed- I got to say I was very impressed. Chloe I just had the best party I've ever been to is, when I threw is my He's a birthday party which was two weeks ago, which was its like. It was insane, It was one word laser, Bertha August. Third, we do you didn't you, My dad really yeah. They were. They always always has failed for Metallica and then matzoh the fifth we'd. Better leave now
are we with the line. So now I I I had this birthday that was like. Like anybody I bet you know what it was like. It was a bacchanalia. There is just it was just a madness amid people from circus. My friend group is a bizarre group of people. It's the most varied group of people, I've that their extinction all know. Each other, like the x men and I sort of investment, should know each other. Will the evil they should, but they helpful you think Logan would be hanging out with Scott Summers if there were no. No, I do not think it is clear but like- and I remember Chris came in and I was impressed because, like he, we're looking around like he was on the surface of the moon. You are looking to people like what the fuck is this as well, for me for me any more minutes, they got back, it really was twelve minutes. No, it was he glided in here he collected Chloe who'd been going crazy. All night Imagine max MAX. I guess the mask amass kiss me on them. We kissed each other on the mouth for his purse,
I got. I got you Aunt Chloe and a hundred and seven other people to carry on the mouth for the for the birthday I don't have her parents doesn't sends out. I got I got tested on Tuesday. Well, just our meant it could be, it could be left arm and it can test after a week after week. You cannot You can never have a break out. Well, that's good! So that means none of us have Herpes, which is nice. That good, like is, have you guys, all kissed, each other, it's my party no or them seriously. No, you can't translate mouth genitals. The mouth translate Mount to Genoa. Doesn't it that those those viruses, those hearing on Irish? Just don't, don't don't transfer its mount the mouth and genitals genitals? Thank God yeah you can. Why asked to add, and why do people why? Why do occasionally? People want to wear condoms during blow job, because those are weird prostitutes, genuine? Well, you can still, you can still get other things is just how can you get well, you can you can contact you could contractor
I ve with the blow job, if have open source in the matter. If they move in source in the mouth and then somebody jaculation your mouth, I load, I guess, there's HIV in the come and then and if, if you have open source in your mouth there there you know, I don't know what else you get. Other stuff an irregular, it's not worth it basically, Chris. Why are you not next seriously toolbars tonight, because somebody, my party, you you had a note like you, you're you're awkward at in large group. Europe aren't once you start a bowling, your fine. What others are bombing of an academic old days. For me, it was drinking that loosen me up to be able to be like fun pie. You guys, like self medication, was absolutely self medication. It was suppressing. Anxiety was suppressing depression, which ball to millions of creating more depression, anxiety, which is just the loop though helpful. Now, though, I mean seriously, I never napped until two better I was really help my pizza eating at four o clock in the morning, and- and so you know, I guess, for the most part I was able to recover
lot of social skills and a lot of dealing with emotions in sobriety, and nine years, but for some reason, just being at a party surrounded by people when their loud and they're all drinking I just shut down. My party was also ape shit. It was like was really upset. I mean it really was beautiful. You rented a house where you could see the whole fuckin city from up there and it was. It was just that is where you there for the cocktail did see the cockatoo. There was a guy carrying a cocktail hour. Bunch of my friends are certainly solely environment. Bailey clowns and shit got weird shit. Weird man, my favorite for my fate, outfit of the night was I rainbow too too, and I was In brief. I had my Rambo to do my shirt. That said, probably not invited and Mickey mouse gloves and someone had give died a face painter. They give me a rabbit face, paint and then I jumped in the pool.
So my face was all smeared with black and pink. I look like. I just got out a norm like the weirdest diversion of non ever and I was a thorn around screaming like those by birthday me. Imagine that screaming happy birthday MAX, you lost your voice for coupled I lost my boy, a voice for almost a week, yeah yeah cause you yak zeros rather podcast last week and then Joan and of having. No, I couldn't internally that you couldn't you couldn't talk anyway. It's I'm so excited to go the bog, because I had no idea what this was so I was like I was going in. Only blind like this is gonna, be a ball. But then I didn't my voice and then it was cancelled and I was like heartbroken anything not about it? Now it's not as fun. How do you do you? How do you see? How do you see the world these sort of see the world is like the world is a playground that needs to be fought with, or do you just do you just it. Has the MAX land to show Do you mean? What's the other option, a playground needs to be fought with or or
I don't know I mean it's or or is just like. Oh, you know just sort of like a moment to moment sort of thing. I do have an overall plan and the horse. I have a plan what's what's, What are you? What do you want to do like? What is it? What do you want to unleash onto the world besides the the twelve monkeys virus? Oh, thank you! No fuck unleash fuck creative goals. You know it's, for I love being a writer I of my eye on some sort of I wanna go. Than J J rooms I want to. I want to have multiple films in projects based on my ideas in production. At the same time, and that's why I'm producing I am directing something- and it's like very stressful, but really my goal is to become the best possible me I can be. My entire life has been like. We talk about
you MAX's. What's it look at deep? Let's do it. I have a sort of a mood disorder that that fucked over my childhood in, like a really real way like I didn't, have any friends till I was fifteen or sixteen, and I am extremely volatile. It's called cycle of finding. It means you rat. Lee cycle through hype, romantic emotions and what that means is an organic. It just means that when you have normal emotions like, for instance, cited to be on the notice board greatest extra there there not just extra there to eleven. You get these it is visible. You can see like temperature changes in the brain almost there, so intense and overwhelming vat You know when I was young and I was on medicated. I was like fucking daffy doc, I was a nightmare. You know people have this theory of me as this sort of prince of Hollywood figure. You know It is when reality I was really like the hunchback invalid,
families basement. I didn't you know I was allowed to go out because chances were I'd, get mad and break something and, like you know they buy me a nintendo. Oh I got. M over? I smash my nintendo, no more nintendo, my entire childhood. You realize what you're doing the whatever did you can't you see red, and although this is this is what I was doing My my mindset until I was about fifteen was: why is everyone else, soap box, calm. Don't they see that this is the best worse most exciting, most boring day of their lives? Why is everybody else not reacting like me, and it was crazy because is out really personal story, told listeners which is that I got kicked out. I school and I ended up in this school for kids. Go too far into it, but I went to the school for care. This is like this is one of those beats in a friendship. Actually, you know how you have stories. You always have to tell him of friendship like this is who I am stories that of staff,
Of course, in the time I murder being sober it s eyes about your yes, absolutely, ok, so this is. This is one of my more personal ones. That is now the longer personal cause everyone's hearing at, which is that I got kicked I school and why not send a display gets your and in my entrance to that place I was fifteen and the My entrance exam was done by clinician, whose brilliant this woman, who had a giant picture of Reagan in her office, giant still. I mean like I guess it's proof that they're not all bad, because I mean like she's she's, a big influence in my life I was in there and like if you watch my tape now that of that entrance interview anyway, it's like fuck. Now it's that's for like. Data due to enhance. I like come off. We, like I come off like the heap ledger Joker like I'm, like scary, and I think back on that, unlike Jesus, but
everywhere, though we ve been waiting here. It's about time. You see what a middle ages I talk about anyway. So the the end of the story is she during that she said I it she was like. Why do you think you're here I was like everybody's, an asshole to me, I'm a scapegoat for everything, everyone's crazy. No one reacts properly to anything. Don't they understand that? Let you know people everyone's emotionally dead and I go off on this. Tiring num lock screaming at her, and she goes you. Isn't it possibly separate the dumbest thing she went. Isn't it possible if you think that everyone in the world is crazy? Isn't it possible at every one in the world, is crazy that the problem, or not problem Issue might be with you and it's funny, because even in the video you see me go like what you are about cowherd raising that I was like wait a minute, and I remember that but maybe more clearly than any memory and my life, because it was the first time I went oh
What know what the big so much sense and then I went on lithium and lake. I was with him for like five years and now I miss so as immense drug was, if you like, the best thing ever be, complain about lithium, because lithium is often given to you and if people are misdiagnosed Zachary on it on my pay. Now it's not some other girl, but I it's relieve. Him is often given to people wrongly, and then they get all sleepy. I if you want the dose Elysium on four years. You be asleep right now you just emotionally array much asleep, but for me it was like. I would like hey what's for dinner night sloppy Jos, and I think I don't like sloppy Jos and then I'd think and no big deal just eat savages, and then I was.
Wait some things not a big deal. What the fuck is going on, but was unable that had been a relief. It was the biggest relief ever and you know it's funny, because I I you know I have. I have flaws as a person. I am extremely selfish. I am it's, I'm a big time, egomaniac sort, a narcissist type guy, but separate from that. You talked about what my goals are. My goals are to become a sort of a guy who everybody likes. You know and an hoo hoo interactions with him make people happy and they think what a great guy and that that sort of my big goal for life and its it's funny, because I've had to build to that goal from a place of just being fucking, crazy, em. It's it's weird like look down back there,
employed even now that face because timeline to look like some of my statuses. From like two thousand seven. I never thought to do that. I never thought to do. That is just like a weird just a weird. All like an emotional diary. I done that with Myspace or have gone back to message of centre been sent in his fucking tripping. Oh, my god, I dont want to throw that. I don't remember yep archaeology of your life. You become you become a time traveller in your own world. You don't keep it Harry but maybe internet easier and about their dire. We all's Zaka graph, is whatever his name is, but these are he's. Are Brad Exec around back around his character and say, but like a rough wrath? I love that around the drugs now he's our Senegal and it's funny because like I know that my story, ideally as one of just massive personal growth that just continues onward for ever, but I'm still like their still These were like I get up and I'm extremely happy with my life
now, but I get up and I go in the shower and I like shower and then during the shower. I notice that, like I didn't feed my cat, and my cats, like standing by the food dish cry. I think manner, get out a shower. She seemed so sad and then I'm crying in the shower, because my cat needs food and what a terrible person I am, but I forgot and I'm having these ridiculous thoughts. Words like having thoughts like max you, the worst person in the world. How dare you neglect her and then I have to stop and think that makes no. Fucking sense man that thought makes no fucking will agree. I person would never stopped to do that. A crazy person would just role with those emotions tat. Oh, you do have the awareness you do have the away is that their stuff going on, and I think that makes you not crazy because you understand, as our man I'd really like that GMO stepped on our cat and then she's like she's. I almost stepped on that I would have heard it and then she just start bawling for the rest of the day, Rather, it was me
you are my room. I get to see again, Annie it's not something that was something that was beaten into me via this. Cool and be a medication. I sort of have this. You know about the watch. On the wall in my head, watching breathing. I do, and I still kind of one of the things that concerning is that I'm still kind of an asshole, and it always it's hard for me to find that line of. You know what can I excuse with ormolu emotional guy, look up in a huge dick to Chloe at different points in our friendship. Just because I was finally annoyed at something she gonna press gonna live
we oppose such a business you're about to reappoint. We made this package to have yours go for this moment. Let's do shit man, we would plan and we would play. May we laid the groundwork I bowed Chloe on Facebook. I figured out. I was proud of you. You know I met clearly in a gas station, a really she meets friends, and we have some rather lonely like I have to like, and I feel back as I feel it cause. I like call you gotta, be careful. You can't, because I dont think Chloe is aware of that. He's a very pretty girl. Oh no she's, not grass, and the boycott is totally not aware of that. When you saying come on man, I mean I've. In the way she dresses, I know what we as without guile, I'm just saying, she awry you she'll just start sort of a conversation with someone and then they'll they'll get a little
like you know like a little stockier. Some, like you, have to be careful because you're so friendly people will get creeping, they'll get be a new just and she's like private owners that wine like because it there's just a weird you just have to be very careful with whom Chloe closing its it's cool. The thing about Chloe that I like love, one of the things that are really like focused on in our friendship, is that she so much enjoys a big spotlight and then, whenever it hits She goes way We all know that and so, like that's exactly what you're describing she's like all talk to this person have a fun topic. You know, and it is personal creepy. You know what, though, but she doesn't she still forgives it in, the reason is because she felt an area analyzing might my girlfriend without right here to defend their girlfriends one of my best friends. She is an What is new and she and she in an end, but I think when she's gonna me right now, I don't know she is ass. I was making fun of her this morning. All why make fun of me. I love you I know, but I think that if you do, it hurts a feeling
where's, the fucking cobra. I don't think so, but but I will say that I think I think and she was younger. She felt sort of outcast socially, and so she is very much a caretaker like she is the type of person where it if it. If, if eight, if a dog without a dog, walk across the sidewalk, it doesn't matter. She be underweight, thriving. She chase that dog down and hugged and take it in until it until it found its owner and then be terrible disappointed when the ownership? What are the most you she's, one of those caring generous like just once, every one to feel ok about themselves. Like puts people over her own happiness
You know they let you like that of persuading governments themselves, God I wondered to egg yeah, but just like I look for my girlfriends, absolute Magnum ended in a flat just they. If the item, I look for the swedish journalist, most care and women's worry about me and I don't need to worry about bad one. One of the sweetest most generous people that you could you could ever hope to meet so anyway, so you guys men and a gas. They should see, I think was she did it was. It was like a Random Chloe meeting me she's that are you guys get? and we didn't actually get to know each other till. I tell me in my girlfriend built me. Super sad and like Chloe, it's so nice to me after that for like a year, and we became really good friends, and then she shepherded me through a couple, a weird relation and she was gone through weird stuff of her own and then she began talking all the time. Chris hardware is like citizens. And then he was in my movie deserters remain, and this is
longest conversation here I have ever had, but it's good conversation. It's good conversation by the way was really fun to do. Death return men because it what's in sing about watching you work is that it's almost you know. It's sort of reminds me how this is going to sound a sound overinflated night, and I apologise, but I dont know what I also think it too, but it sort of like when Sally areas describing how Mozart rights, but I'd say all they did it's the only parallel. I'm not seeing your Mozart wouldn't be amazing. If I then please, also Toby Sally area. If I'm gonna be amazing. If I then walked me stairs idea are distributed, broke my neck. That guy, although this was the word the last thing that was said about me but Gunnar is under way, but the way just describing the way that he was like when he was giving musical notes asian, when he was really ill, because I already been poisoning and basically and so he's taking dictation and he's like he just see, see
the whole orchestration and it's almost like he's taking dictation varies in your did the way that you directed that but I saw there was you didn't, have any notes in your head and you are like. Ok, you stand over there and you got a shot and you instantly seem to know how it is going to fit in, and I was literally what you see me and death return. A sermon was exactly how long I spent shooting at the return of Superman, but in your head, and it seems to happen relax dead stand over there. Ok hit yourself in the face are a great ok. You guys go over there like it really was pretty insane, but it seemed like in your head these. Hills were turning and all these computations were happening, and you knew exactly how everything was done. Was gonna play out. Can I take. Can I tell you something funny, because it's really impressive to me that you are able to pick them up not to compare myself amounts are but kindly funny about the way. My creator process works. I know the whole fucking thing writers, a lot of writers. I know go through this period, where they'll start scrapped in the right. Pages of it when they want to work goes. I have never done that
my seventy second feature screenplay. I know exactly what everything supposed to look like. I know exactly where everything supposed to be for me, and I M not saying for the best simple version of it. Just for I see it in my head and then to hear you describe it like that is flattering and it's interesting busy I'd, authoritarian Superman. I knew exactly what everything needed to be an and there was nothing official about it. It's just like we're we're in an alley right now. You guess it over there. Ok, you guys, you know, there's no plan, you run. You run this way at and somehow because it's not like it didn't seem like always get a lot of covered so have choices. You knew exactly where everything was supposed to go and how was all going to fit together and it was really like, I wish I knew because I don't. I don't write that way. I just sort of go. I want to start kind of know where I want to end up and then hopefully the answers will reveal themselves along the way, but I I I wish I had that sort of holistic vision of how things were going to play
It's not you know it's not a strategy, its that's the way stories come to me. I am like a depressing I'm, a sad thing because I'm an engine A lot has been. Orders are no are not like this, and this is not to say that their way of doing it is inferior to mine. But I come up with like six. I think pretty cool movie ideas a week and I'm at the point where I'm so backed up with stuff I've already sold and suffering that like have to work on. Then I can't do anything with these ideas and its in fury. Because it's like, I know all these movies and I want to share them with everybody. The reason I write scripts as fast as I do is designed to show them to my friends. You need a script adoption programme. Every Sunday someone can come to the writers guild. You haven't, creates all these scripts that people can come adopt southern something can happen with them. It's not even if they're, not even scripts. It's just like it say a movie. I had this idea had a really: we'll idea for a movie, and I can't do it.
You guys want to know my cool. I yes always helps those who was one of these courageous, ok because ready, yes, wait! Jungle, ok, my friend mackerel- and I was told him about it here, Ok! So, on that kind of smoke ass, may I love that Africa he's might use like my new friend you? Don't you meet a new friend and immediately it's like pomp bomb. I love you, my neighbour mccone, really, he is a terrific guy anyway, start interrupt good. Now, ok! So this as I do that I can't even do anything with her the idea. Okay. So it's seventeen ninety one right. Where were the sky? His name is John May. Whether may weather is formally of the british Navy, but he was in then? The Boston Tea Party he was involved in all of these sort of big defeats for the british Navy was some battles with french battles with Americans. Revolutionary war is over and he's completely fucked has basically been kicked out of.
Heavy also wall. He was it see his fucking son died and K, so he has. Nothing. Is wife left him his best friend his name is humble lash me he's a guy who we picked up in India during the revolt in India, and this guy basically comply supports him. He should be a prince in India, but he loves me whether so much and has so much faith in them. But let me just goes everywhere with them. A kind of funds and many Lakshmi comes to him, may weather living on the streets and watch me like hey. I got you. A job is like what is it there like it's a retrofitted pirate ship, it's actually one of the ships that you took down during their glory days in the british Navy, and all you have to do- is take this three use this three mashup across the ocean to America. It's just a big cargo hall and it's gonna be a good payday for you. It's gonna be fine, so many others like I don't know- if I'm confident now through it- lacks me, like you, gotta, do it man and then the british government comes to him and they say so. We we think you're taking this job and that's very good. Basically, the precursor to em
Six basically makes bologna. All british intelligence comes down, and they say this ships cargoes dreamily precious to us on board the ship. It will be a secret british agent and they're gone We're not in ITALY who that is, their goal is to get that cargo to America all costs. Also, or the ship we believe there will be a secret american agent trying to wreck the ship at all costs. Oh I'm just a bit you the first act, as once, you figure out where it's going. Ok, so he's like shit, ok and that activates that thing in him right, the John Maclean he's like yeah all captain this ship I'll take the job Lakshmi like fuck yeah got you have your fuckin stirrups man. He gets on the boat. They had out to sea everything's, going pretty good. It's real weird assortment of people on the boat you got, you know you got a freed slave who's got, who move to England, whose now going back to America to attempt to buy his family and his elder I'm causing it
you you have. You have an american family who clearly I don't want to go back to America, but have to go back in order to shut down their plantation, nor to fully move because plantations are sort of just getting really in the swing about. You have a couple of british people: hot british couple, hot british girls. You know like people like this all everyone's on about for a different reason. It's almost like the Orient Express its like where what's gonna go on high winds start up in middle of the Atlantic Ocean high winds, Windsor, locking up the sales they lose. One of the sales Lakshmi, like visibility, is down to zero You need to turn the chaperone go around. Maybe there's like your right and then one of the crewmen comes up. Time goes. I need to reveal to you something I am the british by this fucking cargo, pass to get to America, you go through the storm, I don't care and he goes ok. You know queen. You know he immediately. He has that british ire and gets up like we're. Gonna go through this in order that he figures out yeah what
not sure it wasn't so he's like he's like ok, I'm gonna do it. He goes out. She starts piling too. Norm, but then Lakshmi figures out the real A spy comes to women goes. Why are we going We have been around any realises Why? Who said he was the british by? Is the american spy he's trying directorship they flow of class? Five hurricane visibility is down to zero, but now they can get out. So maybe there's like it's. Ok I'll get us out he's such a bad us toys himself to the wheel of a ship. He ties himself to the ship. He steering issues visibility goes down to zero fog in waves. You get, it could see the ocean side of the ship. He notices that he is now
hanging off the wheel for a moment the clouds and missed and storm above him part, and he can see the ocean hundreds of feet. Just wasting he's got out. He wakens on the pirate ship. It's crashed into this code. The ship is nearly splittin half its inoperable everyone's knocked out and he's tied to this. We'll and there's something in the water, something big some little island, some Atlantic Island, but it seems kind of tropical and there's something moving in this. Hope? In my god, it's fucking huge. It's almost a dinosaur he's never seen anything like this. It's a fucking sea serpent Although the train, I will of course recognizes Sarka sockets a breed of crocodile but lived over three thousand years ago. That is still fear eyes course to exist. Sarka socket
so on the boat he manages to grant himself and the will to the lower birth. This thing comes crashing through the boat. He saves three people eventually corners. Him smashes him repeatedly into the upside of open now but get any undertaking the ship's point. You know those old choir, Yo Yo run underwater that run anywhere he's heading at me. I get his head and the clock by us at all. We're trades is missing. Is here leading to tap Lakshmi saves. It is that of a verdict. Go and yet I I I see I understand why you sell a lotta movies, amateur pattern guys, but it's from the point of view of captain hook. Will we re entail as this really intrepid guy? The end of the first act is being stranded Neverland, the second act and I dont pitch dark and greedy. I hate that everyone's trying didn't talk and gritty rebuilt. You don't have to be dark and gloomy. That's got to be good. Whatever
good? You don't so we basically the second act of the movie. Is him meeting Peter PAN the loss boys who are basically Lord of the flies, etc? They can fly flying Lord of the flies, he immediately identifies with Peter basically as a sun figure, because he misses his son and Peters Gonna help him get off the island and he's dealing with the spy intrigue for most of the second act and also Indians on the island and the Mermaids, and all that great neverland shit? You know and then the third act is Peters been fucking him over the whole time. He has these kids like fucking him over and taking all their food. Peter and lost boys intend to kill all the adults and Neverland and fight them
off the end of the movie is a huge confrontation with the lost boys who, by the way, have thirteen superpowers. It's fucking, terrifying defied the laws, but he manages to fight them off and an uneasy truce is established on the island because there are two strapped there. The second movie is Peter PAN. As we know it in which Wendy in the darlings come in and they basically get Stockholm Syndrome is may whether tries to save them and the third, b, is escape from Neverland. That's a trilogy, its Peter PAN. I can't do anything with that idea because I'm twelve movies it. Finally, I can't touch it. I can't do it. I can't write. Definitely I don't have time it's fucking
boiling, it might have another depict stock as I sell too much stuff, and then I put myself in this war were married now and that sounds party, but it's a bad place to be non and a whole every rights on piping. Simultaneously, it's like mad you're gonna, be able. So you know me before I was an rehab. It's at the end of the day. A scream writer is the engine of a car, and your script is that engine
But if you got a warehouse for engines and no cars, what are you die? You got a lorry implant. Throw me that's exactly what you have well, but so sorry you're, almost weirdly, imprisoned by success in a strange sort of way. I would say I would say, I'm not imprisoned, because I love my job right. It's a really hard job and there are parts of it that suck your job is to distort edit reformat and re, equip your passion and and your your sort of babies, the scripts tissue to perceive corporate and commercial need. That's what being screenwriters! It's not writing. Scripts. Anyone can rights groups being a screenwriters changing the scraps in order to try to get the maid, and that's
hard part of the job, but at the end of the day you don't work Mcdonald, so what're you complaining about yeah well and also especially of people like, oh, must be so hurt those, but if your main goal is to put all the suffering of the world than you have this, this basically unquenchable thirst to get your ideas out into the world, then it is almost a hit. It is almost a kind of merely torches really. I just want to make these things, and I can't make these things. Why won't these things make themselves, This is sheet you just hit. Chris is the problem is without a car, the engines, nothing, I can go home. I can paint a picture right now. I just did it. I could write a song or learn to play guitar. I did it, you know you do a stand up act, you did it. That was you, but I can't go make a movie, and I mean you can say all independent fell, not the type of shit. I write not with giant crocodiles in pirate ship, not with boys, thorn
so through the air in Seattle, not with Frankenstein standing on a platform of lightning crackles. All around me get do this alone and that's the worst part about being a screenwriters you, you need other people, you, like other people. I love other people, but I don't want them to touch my stuff. That's the problem, then your job is that you get paid you go here. Here is my stuff. Please like it. Please help me because they never. You know how much you does not have a screen rating process but notes or a book. I know well, I know it from the television side and I've seen it and we have all worked on shows where it's it's I, this is really happened, so much anymore, but but definitely will you because icon well, that's definitely true, but
but they, but you get these insane notes there like. Why does that? Why would I have to? How would that make any sense? Why would that person? Why would I need to do it? It's rough, but the thing you have to remember and here, if anyone's screenwriter out there, whose working or whose gotten note they don't like here's what you have to remember- and this is the only thing keeps me saying is that they are trying to make the movie to no one. Here is your enemy in that room? No one. There is giving you notes to fucker you they're, giving you know it's because that's what they need you to do, to move the move to the next level and as long as you can think of it, that way you will be excited for every right, it'll be rough, but once you get that for your head, you get a note that you hate and you, if you can separate your ego, you're pejorative ego telling you hey man. This is your. Are don't change it if you can separate from that and take your art and reshape it? That's the guy.
Being a scream, and then you get a million Amy and ultimately and ultimately you're right, because we are lucky that we get to do this very so silly. What we get to do for a job like. Oh, I get to do stuff that I love and get paid for. It right light someone's gotta figure out. That's not right for India, Mcdonald's. For a long time. You did and like an hour to stop and shop, I worked at a Halloween store. I just I sort of at the end of the day, I just feel really happy unlucky most of the time except for about girls with their it's up. To you know, relationships are tough to figure out, especially if you you know, especially if you do have a very strong point of view. It's it's. You know it's hard, it's hard, especially for me because I tend to bowl people over like girls. Will fall in love with me and then realize two months later, that I'm kind of a jerk and they'll be like wait. A minute and I'll be like oh yeah. I forgot to tell you I'm kind of a jerk and so on.
Again, part of my goal is to eventually for ten years, never be part. Yes, but after ten years are never never be kind of a jerk and easier to spread. The I think you're always never be kind of a junior, but I definitely think you know. I think, if I think Pretty quickly the nepotism question went away like when people started to see your work and their like Ok now. Actually he is a a guy and nepotism. That's a whole thing. I mean it's at my story of nepotism is very easily ended, which is how many movies has drawn land is made in the last ten years right. I saw him at the movies he is in us guy- and I love my dad, but my dad has never really been in a position. The best way citizens he's never been in a position to help me sell something, and I should add that studios, no matter what you might hear about- and I don't give a shit- they don't give a shit care about money figure about money. They
You're not gonna. Buy a script is a favour they might as well by your house. You know it's like I do. I see I see stuff like that, allows for people like hey how come this thing. Happen in your show. You like it things, don't work that way. There is a company and they want to make money up with, though in girls like came out on HBO, he owns like as a golf course they gotta show ago. Their parents are but the fuckin shows good nor the parents who are well. You know J J Abrams parents were television produce yeah you like very successful. Television produces no one knows that I didn't like so many people helps. Does you always have sort of afoot in somewhere? You always have you every one sort of hast at no someone, that's the first key and who you know could be an assistant, its yea. It could be someone your best friend. It could be a director you met, it could be anyone, but no one just walks in with a script and sells it as far as I- and I don't even think, like the head of a studio could just.
If their kid, a movie like they're too many I referred, are tyranny to any hillsides. Yes, there are too many factors involved together, people to sort of checking whether you use accounts, as you just can't give someone like I'll just give that country, like maybe old studio, Houston database, you definitely but not now, because because companies are run by mega corporations that are driven by over ticket sales and add dollars, and so that's that where the decisions are being made, and that's why I was so excited to hear people say like it's like a girl sucks, because it's like the other believed Rowena Lena Dunham. Her mom is a huge artists, Brine Williams, as one of the act like that, would get her mammy like I would get them in HBO show Bs Brian lives as their dead. Now that it has to have. It has done that the work has to stand stand on its own. It's one of the most interesting is how how much damage is bad and you're like how this happen
there's a thing going on, but you just hit on that is very important to me to get out. This is a good platform. We get it out if anyone still listening after my rant about the insane asylum, if anyone's to listen right now you should know the reason studios are making all these remakes in all of these reboots and all of this ip intellectual property. Pretending things has nothing to do with Hollywood being intellectually bankrupt or creatively bankrupt. All it has to do with is a bottom line of we need to make money with their plans. Great scripts Albert, it's not like it's that when, when people are at home like I'm to write a new idea, there are plenty a great scripts phone or no, it's the easiest and you know it guaranteed. It's the easiest way to get a consumers, the consumer's attention and a marketplace. Its overcrowded with content between
and television and movie I'm not saying I love it or agree with it, but in the end, in the mines, I think of the marketing people who are fragmented, as they say all right. We have two movies, one of them's, a beautiful film that as it has lovely moment, think out, but no one third of anyone in it and no one. No one really knows recognise anything enters its other thing. We're we're gonna remake me. No police academy Or will people have heard of police academy, so they're pulling the Paypal aerial I've heard thing latterly remain in the fourth one on fourteen April village reversal in origin story, not another person. You know everyone now again, oh my god, the honeys origins actually mahometans order in the first place again gotta go deeper man, you gotta go if I have not seen police academy in many years, but I always remember it being a fine movie yet is it still is for even thought? The third one
citizens on petrol and EVA stayed in every time it would have less of the original yank. The fifth one mission in Miami was the one without one from the first, now Amy. It wasn't. Miami army was Moscow. No doubt six, please. I know that there are like twelve land before tyres, a budget line before dams We also reality, though, straight to dvd movies, like a hundred. It's weird, those as my colleague be surely ensure that any video like really into abandoned and you're like out there so put our records as like five record, since I suppose they did just disappear. When I lost interest. The opposite thing happened to me. I, my favorite band, is a ban called the servant. I found out about them like fire weeks after they broke out. I was like, and I don't like I have the worst taste and music of anyone. I know right here is actively. What do you listened? I wasn't like one or two point. Seven kiss I found I'm seeing longer Katy Perry, honey, I've and authority through day Matthews gathered, crush me
now. Here's guy things you want to rush, not crash like Ever birder. Ok, you haven't. I love the ball. You you do what's what's those on whether fucking while the end of the year, old, when there, when we were alone in the world, then that's fucking, sexier, put that on during sex have weird sex for put on Nepal compelled remakes from major reloaded soundtrack laundress.
Ours is the sounds. I make my mouth while I am on my dab, dab, dab, merchandise. Now it's it's amazing to me that you can have always possibility what who can handle drugs. I love I'm gonna. I I should worried about my. Maybe maybe don't say it I do there. I do one drug and I do at a fair amount and I drew statement you do well and I think it's I think it's Philip S, drug, it's the only drunk I know of just even have heard of that completely not addictive upper downer. Neither it's? U Memorial does. A lot of those are great yeah. Did the drugs can be in love with a princess, haven't away the druggist called turtle crashing where you take it or leave it
mind. If I ask a question mark, I have to hit it with my head. That's really as decided at the side effects. It's it's weird because, like I it's another thing was to impress the girl, but I just I don't know I drugs are interesting to me because I hate I dont like that moment with a lot of drugs where you're like wait. What am I doing and like that's? Why I don't smoke? We'd all is just like slows down my thought process now and normal Monday in thought seem like they're, really profound and your like wow, that's the funniest thing old and then later you're like that, so stupid doesn't happen you on the other one nor the other one. I have real deep insights about myself and my personality. It only last for like three hours, its makes everything look end task. I act. They just turn up the color the brighter or everything looks like a fairy tale at its like. This is spectacular, I don't know
That's all right now, that's alright! I'll I enjoy noticed, I guess there's nobody could have reminding you do need to take drugs yeah! It's I live. Tweeted about its financing. Blue bloggers gave just as much money nay I enjoy them. But my, but like every time a moment I will have like long conversations about just the boring is of things but like but words talking so eloquently, no to know that you become this. This orator, you become this all of the words in your head or the tipsy offend, especially for me, and you can say these beautifully constructed, sat Jeff about nothing and they are beautiful. They are you, don't think they're beautiful like if you write them down, it's the cleanest, most beautiful.
Fluid cool chilled nomadic. I like the Trilateral Starbucks you like the one, and only after that, ideally a nurse or child is Van tassel. Will sweeter it takes me on a mental vacation? Hey guys, maybe sometimes I like to eat something that comes out of cash, it. Maybe that's, may live radio or making all kinds of other. That's just like that's! That's all thing is when you're an adult like some some months, you have sex and you're like matters grouse like they like the five year old, You just comes out for a second and set not happened. Anyone here ray of these guys looked at me, like known I honour, and I find like every time I was like no gun. You say yeah man mean this growing sector
like an hour and a half, that's lash out. One has a rash whenever I hear about anyone having sex for like more than thirty minutes the sex part of sadness, experts like for more than thirty minutes, unlike who or you spare you lay. Why are you not thinking about other thing, climax anymore? I'm sorry, you're, never gonna get to the point where she's, like just finish, you never want to get to the point. We are telling you to come repeatedly right. You never want like. If you go down on a girl, you dont want the head tap yeah, that's! Ok, I do a thing. I do a thing that recommend you guys all go down on a girl and then a meal. We go down on them again without initiating sex, and that gets back. It's a lot of apply without. The cook Encore young idea, but that's all idea like like a nome teasing right, not an oh, no, oh all the way to two till it's over. I learned men make out of them and I don't know
make out after that. I don't know he's right. I don't tease right. I just finger. Girls are putting our goal, you're a dab, dab, the wrong way. That's wrong! Lot of cosmic, you you're a sort of user poking at a girl's vagina going. It's weird I don't get it. It is on the internet right now raise as boys being boys at is male damsel. Why? Why why she naked of God He put his god. I was wondering about the two why a naked girl and because she so discussed Everything were thing needs to shower as quickly as possible if it up all the contaminated glance to just get this the stink off of everything they were saying the word about an hour after hour MAX Landis, and this was a delightful conversation and I hope you see. I hope you feel good about it, and I hope that I hope you go easy on yourself I know I be myself up to, but I knife, I sense that you buy yourself a lot and indeed only two. If your goal is real,
to put more goodness in the world that is a valiant go and you will you should achieve that and I'll tell you this. I was coming into this ready to hate you even after I saw you last night, I don't know I'm using that. I'm using that as part of this whole area is not now. I met like the whole process of you sorry I'm sorry start to get everyone read it. I was about to like a compliment you I guess without generating Asia, because I knew it was just that that is situation. I saw an you when we over and you made me, feel, happy and excited, and so, like you did a good job, you did exactly what you set out to do in life. Sorry go fairy, it's very good. Hard for me to say nice things. Please don't make it aren't. They asked olenin heiresses nice things. No but I wonder I am those delighted by this episode added says there s a ya think for coming on and then a bit like snow white in the huntsmen made a ton of money at an a wire Peter PAN, the unconscious,
I would really my work, not gonna bullshit, that they fired that is bullshit. They fire Kristen Stewart off the sequel, well, I'd like she cheated with the director that still on the matter, they fire them, but I think they may not be too. I think I dont know if there's still making it The article that I read was like in the future is uncertain for the sequel to I had a meeting with Robert Pattinson two weeks before it came out and was so taken aback by how charming and cool he was seems like a year and that really balmy out because then I would have had no stakes like Africa case. Do our paths that sex instead, I like I found out that news and I took it like I was like his are not as Fred, but I took it like ours is rather like men. That's socks like I really got up said. Oh I mean that is the you know, four four, especially he's a real like a really sweet guys, I'm cool, like really you gotta cheetah
and it has to be a thing that everyone in the world has to know about, and you know that you could hear the collective but boiling of bonus from all the gossip rags, like the second that came out here, moaning a movie right now, you will hear ass to go. I was very sweet on the daily sure I was a daily show clear. We re was ducking that ice cream hard. He added not yet well. Listen. First of all, you take into account that, but you know my experience with the Brits. Is that number one they do not like talking but themselves there very like no! No! No! No! No! I don't want you know like David. It's it's, it's very awkward for them to do that. So not only is in a position where he s arguments up his talk about himself, a bit about the most person thing that two people in a relationship can can go through nothin bone. Did you just quit now step out and had found out more about this issue? The movie I love. The situation is great tat. I M not about the situation
not about the other. Listen I enjoyed. No, I management service not about lower talkative. It isn't my head so we'll use a miser. Yours oh and then there might not be a sequel What's heading, I know, like I loved, watching a regular size. People play the war. Oh my god! That's you guys, but are there the comics factory made that in Georgia sick? I need more fan out my twitter page right out member. I talked up at up to my knees: yeah to render it now. The background is my friend: Austin did drawing. Who knows me? Ok, she she did a drawing of sort of the two different max's I'll be telling her to do. I was like it's really cool Do you have my back what I say now, but You look very seriously. Come back, you access, that's it! as I add up to my knees, it so you're working on. I was the reply we're here to signal the chronicle. I would imagine chronicle too I'm working on my man
Frankenstein and with good time gang, I'm apparently direct have a view which is really scary and exciting and producing a movie called the nefarious Google. I also have my movie piper foxen. Then I also have I'm free villains, a universal and then also embassy, which has been drafted by Run, Howard Universal and he has crept Rembrandt's idea. You know me before we have No, I just completed a new script that I'm really proud ever gonna see what happens with that one, and then I may I have a short I just finished. I you outside our party. I will know how many scripts who sold to Syria, and then I also Ed and then I also definitely receiver and got me a dream job. I'm writing a short story for these super. An annual comic, really shitting by bad? That's really go you We are shooting your pants because you have gone to the bath and for an hour circle we're congratulation, unlocked and Xbox live achievement. I just got energy
but the shit callback achievement, but what we'll take care, and you know you you, you will have you back on again and a little bit and checking onion make further promote mission. Come on. Let's talk like you, don't have the only thing we can do what you can just come out and talk just do without MIKE's. Here we can just talk like people hard seems hard to his now. I need the microphone gas just turned it on you had enough, you ve seen the cork admitted to die, for I have all she was onto something she was out of. Everyone enjoy your region? I do a mat dairy fund is done. Should you like us, the browser, its members? I noted that I certainly those trying to close up. I think the most expensive engineers the chair, something so
good and wonderful. For me, many so happy what was that? I don't get it. There was a jewel citizen thing. It sent a family. I was stopping by sent a family to annoying. Friends and then I was I was leaving. Jonah was going in. He was like Ivan Ecstasy and I went, and it was one of the most brilliant virus max. If you do a lot of things to annoy your friends you. Why is this? Is this like a fun thing for you? What I'm bored you know, I don't have a day. Jobs available only will be vital. To show up will be like reverting, maybe, like you do every day job you have to write like six scripts. That's not my day. Job! That's like might that's my life. Is that doesn't end? That's going on all the time. I got Niger. I wrote. I do you know it's so depressing, like I discovered the gun them style thing. Of course let earlier this week I M, like I was like hey everybody luck and then everyone. I know I've seen it a thousand times Chloe as a shirt. It's like I'll fuck. You guys Enzo like its invented, sir to diamonds.
Penetrates for MIKE it's firmly gathered so like saudi war, known August, like I was, is brutal and, like I I was due to funding today, which is my friend Dylan were writing in bourgeois pig, and I started doing and really suddenly and she, whom she just think. I was being weird turns. Course. She knew the whole dance better than I do is again between your legs. So no, we didn't you the elevator, although like after I saw the oven, the it's one of those things have you guys ever it's very unique brand of soil. Of greed is when you hear a song or see a movie and instead of liking it instead of liking product. You go damage created, that I wish that had been mine will comic. Do that with jokes, where we see a comic retrograde only like fuck. I wish I wrote that instead of Latvia's go, why didn't? I was right there. The whole time because, like the elevator thing for me is like I should have been doing that with my friends in two thousand seven. I should have created that
number of a music video. I should have been standing in the elevator thrusting because I thrust elevators so often already putting a guy between my legs is just the next logical, a feel, the same way, grown up. I all that wasted time of having just good friendships. They we could it just been making names you couldn't just been making. What do you mean friends when you can have internet infamy? The best were the best. The best follow up the vest like response video to that is at a korean baseball game. The cheerleaders are doing gang them style, and then they pull up a security guard, sitting right there right and he fucking does the Dan move for move and the crowd goes so fuckin crazy and you can't help but get chills because you this guy he's a security guard is clearly politically it is it. Is it like the homeless guy with a golden radio voted a kind of like the kind of his like that guy fuckin, males gang style and everyone goes bananas. I think associate haven't when the mockery was big
yeah. You do it out of all people dishonest climate, almost time for it to come back but later, but you have to keep in mind that, like done them style is of very involved dance. The moderator is like a dog eat. Dog is fun individually. Do it like Kate up in his study, the woman made, it is not a classic done, unlike Robert Mccartney, two to one, I don't know it just now. About a dog clear over the supremacy of you there, never just one. There is never just one dug its one to two to one of the two I say this to those two more things I wanted to squeeze out of you. Ok Wert, word wise. Is your there's tomb things I'd like to squeeze out of you as long as I'm, got, you hear man, I just wanna grip, your brain and milk out this pop. If that's all, it is first question: do
balls international heavy trend. When you put your balls in everything, you say you ve got it all in any way you put it and in her, but you put everything in the front in any way and you wait for twenty minutes and that sex we're just perfect what're you wouldn't want to. I don't gotta meet Chris, that that is done there. I thought it was gunned m style for like the first, like twenty minutes of me hearing it and it was so excited. Let me in its infancy, I wonder I see that you are going to sound now they. It looks like this. It's the horse horsey a member thing where he kicks the leg into at her we're. So not interesting. Right now, I feel like I'm listening to. I feel like I'm listening to myself talking in a car with my friends and we're all going somewhere, the power Ghana and we're like horizontal. I will have you knew where we were going. I won't let you until I guess: I'm just gonna drive around you gonna wanna. Jenny is ass. Parents house, like whose party we going to occur, and others in the name of there's no parking their fucked
I'm gonna go out. That's gotta juries, daily juries, Daily runs out conversation guy right now I want to. I want you to tell me you. You said you had a your jet Europe, James Bond movie your next year. If you could give me the next time, we know that. Well, if I, if I could do any James Bond movie like any James Bond movie ever like now with Daniel Craig, I think what I want is for it to start before the ban antenna. I wanted to start with Daniel Craig being debriefed by M being Debrief by Judy Dance. You know, and I my sex and- He is he's just come back from a mission he's a little beat up and then one by one. Inside of em six everything starts falling apart, like the place is being absolutely destroyed from the inside bombs are going off when he in an elevator engine, gets out right before robs all the elevators or destroyed. There's no way up to the surface about my sex every is blowing up. Cues whole area blows up introducing Q. This movies are be able to blow him out. Ok, everything's
destroy, work end up with two other double owes, and it's like impossible that this level of a super security You could have come from any one, but a double, oh right. So they end up going through this escape to that end up out on the end edge of the Thames, with guns on each other, for double, oh to double of seven and double like three they ve got guns on each other and yelling at each other. Like I know, what do I know you and then the two, double owes or machine gun right in front of us, because we sort of thing we're gonna, be the two like villains or companions for the moving other, both dead. He shot. Craggy shot like six times in the chest, falls into the town, floating in a pool of his own blood, and he looks up and its Timothy Dalton, who's. He has machine gun them. He thinks to the bottom. We find out that James Bond, the name James bond is actually just a code name given to whoever is double o seven at the time. So all of the previous, Miss bond movies or in the same continuity as the Dingle Craig James Bond, before they go rogue. So there too,
them Dalton and and have gone, rogue and killed. We don't necessarily see them but killed Roger more. And John Connery they're all dead because they killed them and they ve gone evil and they're, going to kill all of the double hulls and destroy my sex and then take over the world? and the reason are able to do. This is number one. They have security clearance, but number two. You turn it in. Continuity porn, which there's never really been in a James Bond movie, you have him in time her logs of stuff that happened in from us with love and moon, rigour and licence, to kill off of these movies are now continuity, except for when you show stuff from them it looks like New James Bond. It looks, right, so you see like file photos above all job and Jaws, except where they look fucking ass a mule wow. This doesn't look silly it all the moon, raker lasers are in the movie and you do a movie like that. Will you have James Bond on the run? No Emma Sex verses James
on and James Bond and, of course, those who are eventually gonna double cross each other to ah fuck and sweet? Where were you make that, because the broccoli family, I don't think would buy that, I think it whenever Think of something that so awesome. I I justified by saying that's pretty awesome I think thou The trailer for that movie. I think if that came on like before something ease, what was going on here, my fault, if my bad jokes Michael need, exploded, but anyway, so it like but you haven't idea like that. That's like! Why haven't they done this like? Why haven't they done Why didn't they do a shouted to the empire movie like? Why didn't? Why don't they use their properties more inventive Lee? I think the reason that never happens is because they don't want that, because I think no one remembers are always trying to re brand. I'm you think about it. We just remade Spiderman and all like ten minutes after the third one came out. We remain
because they're trying to re brand and make new new is almost always better than old. Very well you'll, see sequels, directly reference things that happened in privileges. I think with the new you can get more audience, they make you get the old audience and a new audience of exact new and they assume the old audience is gonna. Come anyway, why plate of them, except for if in a James, trailer licking the newest rooms Vondra learn Skyful, its should exploding. Well, I guess, Cool James Bond gets shot at the very cool James bond trailer. It looks very cool, but nothing about it. Like holy shit like if you saw Timothy Dogma appears Brosnan shooting Daniel Craig at the end of a trailer. That would be the biggest thing on the internet. Like what you're saying, because that would mean the trail over the due to his bond movie, has Emma six blowing up a James bond, surrounded by a bunch of coffins of british flags on the right, and then I'll be damned John, the Rainbow honorary they just put a pillow on space, and this
rather than the version of his in the trail. You can have a starring James Bond and Jane, by James and then show like, like someone going, The other than a dog went dead at at at at at at at at what I got the origin of the James Bond Detailed data, that is, that you're making me eight years. You do you do to do. I hope people like my idea, because you're slowly convincingly, that it's the worse than we are you. How do you can learn a lot, a lotta writers, but a lot of people? Creative types? Listen, I get. So how do you have told us tunnel movies. How do you pitch a movie What are you? What do you mean by pitch? I mean like how do you sell a movie where I live in a room? How do you set of interim, ok, something's, Just you, ve done a lot, so just think about what you did it on a five or six times, I've done pitching selling pitches, five or six or seven times
a sewing. Specks is harder. Selling speck is, of course, when you ve written a script on your own and you take it out and that's the way to being the big money getting an assignment is when you, when they had an idea like getting a James, maybe it would be an assignment getting an element of european assignment. You compete against other writers with pitches to get that assignment, not a good way to make big money. I have I've still actually never done this on its own, but I why one of them. I know you know what you think. You think I don't wanna write daredevil you're insane. So like your period like like the Peter PAN, like the Peter Peter, PAN thing would be a pitch. Ok thing I did earlier would be a pitch, except in the way I told you guys I sort of when you get into it. Pitching is sort of three things there. There are different ways to do it. You have to tailor them to the room urine and the way you tailored to the rear and, as you see how interested the person is if the person seems like there with it, you have to have really good listening and empathy skills, which I dont generally,
have outside of these rooms, but in the rooms I'm pretty good at it. You have to be able to take the temper or visually and socially of the person you're talking too, because if they are so about you and excited to meet you and want to hear it. You can go fucking nuts, you can talk for thirty minutes, but if they just our hearing it because they heard it was a good idea from some junior exec, you need to keep it to like ten to fifteen minutes. So when you talk about pitching you're, really talking about three different style thing. The first thing to do the first one and the one that I'd say do the least is actually pitching movie by be it's going from your outline and telling seen by seeing what happens from beginning to end a movie that is boring to listen to unless you're like a really good story, teller, if you're detailing every twist and every nook and cranny of the movie you're setting yourself up to fail, because the moment you allow the person to become board or disengage, and that's what I'm talking about with the the social thing is that you have to know one someone
slowly, disengaging from you can afford to be up your own ass. You have to really watch them at the moment. That happens. You lose the pitch. You came in Utah. For twenty minutes. You said every scene to mess. Ok, the way I generally do it like. What I did with Peter PAN is is more of a by beat thing, you don't actually say the whole movie, but you described the movie as though you already saw it so you want to sell your ran anything, you want to sell your friends on coming in seeing this movie with the right. So imagine you went saw a reservoir dogs. Ok, you wouldn't tell them the end in the holster of reservoir dogs, but you The shit out of that first act right. You explain everything and as long as you, Don't you know you don't get into dialogue, you don't get in. What do the character say you talk about the movie like you, ve seen it like others is great, seem wear them. This happens and you keep those things in order. You're still pitching the plot
but you're doing it loose and lose his good loose is good, always because it allows people who are listening to keep in mind. These people are creative people that God created exact. They consider themselves creative, whether or not their creative is hit her miss, but they do love story and they do no story and if you give them opportunities to veil fill in the ball, bellboy stuff you ve all and then it could be theirs and then it could be very careful of that. That's the hard won, because that's what happens in the third one but the thing is you don't want them to say anything to you during it, but if you skipped an element of the plot and they go and you eat, like me, let's say a character betrays their character and you didn't you, don't really explain why the motivations you just say it, but you ve mentioned the reasons for it earlier. Let them below Oh because earlier this happen and you go exactly Amigo Yet this story and you let them spell out the details of what the third way. The third way is the hardest way, and you can only do it with big ideas and
its insanely heart only when an executive go. So what's the big idea do at the moment of my house at midnight when you can do the third way if the executive says so, what's the big idea you fly you're lying in the thirties. You could, because all of these elements exist within each other. You should have them all at your fingertips. Look don't get me wrong. This is this is a unique thing to me that I think is really good and I've. I've been told a lot of other writers. Don't happen, something I'm proud of is when I talk about a movie. I can do any of these. I know that movie really fucking well and the ports I dont know or make up on the spot. And will be ready to make them. So you just have to know you just have to know exactly what you don't know the whole universe. You have to know the whole universe. You need to know what's happening from seeing the same, because if you seem like you, don't know what you're talking about you're, not gonna sell it. The way to do it is the second way. The way you heard where I really pitch the first act and then I know the details of what the second and third act are and it's like. We can talk about them, but you know I don't want to up too much of your time. You don't want it.
Was the third way. What was the hardway the hardest way and also the easiest way? If you have, the idea is by just talking about media talking about the central, a cool idea of something, if you can do that, and that's generally hast has a lot to do with the big idea and also your own sort of like I've. Only done it once your own sort of power within the industry and example inception their robbers who steel ideas in Dreams if inception, hadn't come out yet and even naughty. Christopher Nolan level guy had said that to an executive, it's like never fucking, seen that before the question What the plot is, maybe you can skirted a little bit? I mean the movie inception. Certainly did you just sort of away here comes the kick you guys know. Jonathan internet says the log line prince. Look it's the log line, but it has to. Impelling log line, and you need to be able to back it up with a few scenes, if you can see,
the movie like that good on you, because that generally means they trust you and selling a pitch, selling a script and getting an assignment? All of it is about trust. It's about trust in an individual is stack of paper. On unsolicited script means nothing. You have to build a reputation generals as being kind of cool guy, you get to be an asshole later. At least see people being an asshole. I haven't gone to the point. Where am cocky about my shit in meetings outside only getting into our I treat you know. I tweet like hashtag greatest. At or live just. I don't mention that the meetings in the meetings- I'm also oh yes, you know very good you that was an impression of an American It's it's funny, because all of these different things rely on two things: how much they trust you and how much you trust me
because as long as you're never lost four words in a pitch, you did good, let's go well. This is right. We ve taken up a lot of your time, but I am so you know again it sir. Oh my drinks in four, although your drinks are called on to my own banana jail, but I was not a comedy park as prepared. Although my coming to power that Morocco Chicken is under the table, but but thank you so much regulators really good to see you and you know it's. You know, as an outsider me like what is but that MAX land as he's what the fuck is up of that kind are all excellent, really nice to get to know you cause. You know: you're, you're, really sweet guy and an end, and also hyperkinetic, we brilliant with with your ideas. So thank you for sharing those ideas, because a lot of people. I and I know you won't expect this to happen, but we will really will be able to learn from the things that you ve said. Oh god I hope so. I know I really hope so. Otherwise, why say them? If you can help another writer, then why
you talk you. Why are you a writer who is in the public eye at all? Just talk about our great you are you have to help other people? That's what I've been a mighty sounder sucker talking to people wait am, I am. I am I what is it the alpha? Predator, the Super predator apex, prime, the apex, predatory expert, it s an ominous shut up, his podcast with my mind. Enjoyable Oh, I know now leading notice, dot com enjoy your worried.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-13.