« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Jenna Elfman

The lovely Jenna Elfman talks about having a trucker mouth, getting into acting and tweeting from the marital bed! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No, I mean merely star calm down when the night before the other microphone lawyer, the microphone now recording the podcast. I miss them like. Yet it's a perfect length for you to be away from the length distance distance is a measure of length. Welcome Jonathan, thank you Chris hug me, I'm so excited to have here you're never going to remember this years ago I audition first
oh, that you are doing, and you read with me and I was so not. I hope this isn't come off a creepy, but I was so like. Oh my god, you now opens really pretty and I couldn't I've fucked up the british rebate, I've fucked up so many additions, really understand, because because you asked me what your lasting impression, your awesome gonna knock your thank you I'll get it just it's like those. We have to find some success for us, a little bit, and I think that guy, but the audition process is so awful. An artificial and like there are very few like there are people who work that our job really good audition, as if the whole separate skill set its its own little universe and it's like I'm horrible at it had warble. How do you propose to prepare
there is the risk that helping them five is, if I hated more than anything in the whole world the words that I paid money. Yes, I'm really good its work as you did that whole other layer, job security, your hired yes you're not like, I wonder and who also thinking when you get a second take away. Their and you're all stressed out Otherwise the elder the testing contesting process is so horrible, like the way that they test you. Shell, like you, have to go to the studio and then you get a and then you are different for the studio people than they give it. They call you go get you made it to the network, and then you go to work and then you start doing the math in your head of how much you'd make. If the shock I picked up and then it tourist the comes in your head and likewise this happens. Oh wow, This happened Sally by live in a fake millionaire so many times
Well, you arrive at a cost of law, says I kind of like I dont have a christian mouth to innovation, If I had arranged entered known- and I know we have the horrible language, This is a comfortable good. Then you will be yeah my mouthwash tat. I might have a wonderful mom he's a great parents. With that, sir, the bar lying or have had revived soap in my mouth data, intellectually, do that I bet I referred to our spring. The yunkers hated you. I move so. What did you say that got the so called amount is defending myself against a neighborhood bully. Was this when you were a kid who recently? Now I was, young agenda you're never going to get the mouth fullest. So I was waiting to be using land like this, and no one around me use language like this. I'm gonna born with a truck or held nice,
I don't even know what he was doing. I think I was confused now that I think back, I think, at the root of my frustration was, I wasn't sure if it was a guy or girl, Mercosur and then they are giving me and I was like. Why are you giving me a hard time- and I don't even know if you're a guy or a girl- and I think all of that was just like fuck you asshole when in my mom happen, to walk out and grab me me me in like yeah goes around, I was like doubled over. That was a boy. And I think I think we know now that that doesn't work you anything but where, after it right, yeah doesn't get All of it more is don't wash away too, that it is almost as if the words came from the brain and not the actual mouths and their funding. Your brain of you listening at home, I think not gonna kill people I think it's just I think they're trying to do is like Clockwork Orange. You into not swearing that and it just doesn't go
and then did it work at all with no, when you realise that you were funny like when you realise that comedy was a thing that was sort of in Europe in your blood totally by strange accident action. There's a couple instances I think has always see now I liked attention, but I wasn't I had no. I did not get into acting with any plan of doing comedy at all any particular inclination whatsoever. It was just an actress, and I just wanted to entertain people, and I also loved having up security to kind of live, alternate lives as other people without having to commit to the full panoply of existence of that type of person.
And so I had one day I was somewhere under no, I was just a cafe was friends or someone said you should do stand accommodate this was long before I was active in television sums that you should stand up, and I turned and looked behind me to see you. They were talking about things like Y know. Y know y know, if you're so funny Why are you not any? Was Richard? Prior there was a man, I don't mean to sound like a cop. I almost wish is my point: is that was baffled by what they are talking about, because I was not funny. I was just person, and then I got my first pilot season. I got Tony's, which was the sick call with Lord Grim, Lord Grey, our member yeah and Molly Ring Wolden, and then I kind of got attention from my performance on that for being so funny. For then, I was kind of told from people that I was funny and for me I'll just acting, it was like when I was doing drama colors the same kind of procedure for me. So much
really happened in your dramas. You really funny none at all. Might it be washed mass mouth there are garbage breaks out there and then put just recently. I was like bacteria how I actually started, which is just as an actress you now and I've been working The average is with Glenn close. I know that's fucking, amazingly cool, and they did the season two finale of shameless, which just started airing playing a very surprising character, which I I tell you and I know how dammit yeah, but it's it'll be surprising, way getting on damages is like a fuckin badge of honor, like even just even just being anywhere near that show, is incredible. I have a Blu ray of the first these and I feel great. Either you watch
if you just now. I do not really want is of this thing, the average ethics of pictures, just kind of in the background, ass damage. I recall a meal. She loves definitely call now before the show, even existed type. I feel like I think, as I I just did research on Europe, on your credit, just to see everything you ve done and I I saw em from her. I wasn't clothes. Time is that awkward, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but I just love going. I am db with just like a jar locked. It made me enough to get that later on company This guy is so. You could see my tweets from last night with my husband.
Would you like littoral states unless we about blowjobs what what what happened to her? First of all, I beg of you, you'll figure it out. First of all, I love hearing the word husband and blow job in the same sentence that law together as one a year. That gives a lot of hope. That's no! How cool my amazement! I've studied women has been blowing after twenty years, that is to say over them just to say that about how could you are now I years now. I actually was complaining the whole time. We entered into between tiring, with one hand, was not very familiar guys, I'm listening afterwards cause Lock the right word braggart me dad Mobile Johnson, neither Jenny energy is ok, so we text constantly. So once I was done husband,
she'd ever on rampage in text about blowjobs and our husbands, which then started finding their way into Tweet George, but details details about our inclinations and report. Since, on the subject of Europe, you realize what we well and will not. Do you realize that kind of stuff makes the news right. You know. That's all! That's! Ok! Sound like a darwinian book on the subject of blood Also in itself is pretty hour the the Aristotelian. Calls on the nature of blowjobs, it is the philosophy of jobs. Can I proved that this blow job is happening unless we experience it. At the same time, there is you learn. Haulage verses, your whole jobs,
for twenty years. Do girls really do that thing like in the eighties movies, told us where they practice blowjobs on carriers have to say your husband has the greatest humble Rag of all time, which is my wife, is the only person on earth who can complain while giving blowjob you'd think that was impossible. Nope. It's a humming ran ivory treated with caution. You got hit hovel rakkeed, still kind of sky a blow job? Tell me I can do a lot more. I remember I had friend and in high school they tried to bring. This was totally a humble brag. He what he was. He was doing it too. He was telling us about it so that he could let us know but his girlfriend was giving him a blow job which, in high school, is kind of a big deal. And he was like yeah was terrible and we were like. No, it wasn't not in high school. No, tat manga marriage. So what what art? Listen? What inside
stated I interrupted what you were saying about, I m d b to talk about blowjob, I'm more interested in this conversation. The internet will be blowjob, says Hollywood, so what both of you appear to be? really, what are some dues and don't swear they. That's just sort of work is through a typical what worthy of what really know what what what what I'm kind of here is, what the complaint, were, and so what the what? What? What was the conversation with larger? Yes, you could tweeted general,
you can certainly if a lot harder say it out loud, isn't it he's in a room with poor guy? Now I'm happy to go into detail, but I kind of almost want us. It's too good, and I almost want to say that we have a show we want to do, and this is a day story. Ok, that, I don't ever want to give up. That is someone who has worked in tellers and for our dna story can be a b a blow. Job would get a whole story, but it is ok. I just I well I'll. Tell you something: Jenny, Johnson, high five and I were debating over. You know what is the maximum link? time that you will give a blow job for that before you're like what we gotta move honours, I mailed cheeses, fucking right right right right, because my jaws about break right and let's get going to do
is it something that you enjoy, or is it something that you're like will? I know he likes it. So I'll go ahead. You know that's where my joy comes here. I can't imagine there is no general. Ok are in my view, mighty. Casey has struck irreverently. Ok, my divorce me after this Mohammed you're still blowing erupted two years? He be a fool. Well, I agree with that. And you know I'm not the only girl, I think to say that no, unless your opponent porn star, but then I think it's just pure, no, I think the public relations? I think what I thought I'd. So I did a thing. Ok, I'd like to know now. I wish it funny as money. That's Millbrook said that I am so fascinated that just the idea of every ten years ago, this just would have been between
would you like the fact that you have twitter to sort of like a get people sort of bar on either side of the cause. You know it's like I. We are very not precious about our marriage and that's how we survive twenty years. Did you eat Burke, no sound avoided Did you try to get it right The situation is that twenty years of marriage and journals like near the thing That can happen. People do that's that's out of those men, rashes meeting where we have a really big sense of humour about our marriage. So I dont tweet everything about our marriage. You know your thing, but very there is a certain amount that is humorous right, that I don't mind like open about yeah. Well, what are you gonna? Do?
anyone on Twitter, like China. That is just entirely to what are you know. I hope you, seven followers and eighty two thousand I've. First, I lost one like he must not like complainers worry not long ago, and then I lost seven more, but that's ok gain I came like a hundred and something that next year I would about how dare you sell you, the name of a christian blow job on the internet? I think it's good, I think you know like whenever I tweet finding Bigfoot that's when I lose twenty followers but game. Seventy three! Really there is always constantly people like. I tell my warn them, I'm going to tweet finding Bigfoot how many friends dealers in this process, real friends, I think it's a register. It's just the internet, like you could tweet anything and then a percentage of people are going it even if you're talking about blowjobs and fine
did they weren't going to me they really onboard anyway. Actually, I just think it's me talking about it and I just like that about twitter that I'm in control of talking about what I want to be taught about you and you don't have to listen, I e on and external media visa to interpret for you or only play the part that they want to play or right the part that they want to play of what you said. You know it's like me talking as I wish, as though I'm responsible for what I say, and I know and I pick and choose. This- is kind of a stand up Jean may be coming out in you a little bit. Do you ever do Santa ninety writers? You think some yes, but you're. Just naturally like funny like you could, if you got up in front of people and workshops stuff like you could cobbled together are set oh my god, sound so exhausting hobbling, is when you re stalling issue, and then after the conference, then it's fine. Then it's fine gap. What your high above the glue films, have you
but you must have been you what you ve done it you, president, a million and a half award show where he had workers. We had to come out and that's written in it's never been terribly funny, what's been towards other kind. Accordingly, say that, above all when you're, like I'm gonna, have to get up in front of millions of people, and I'm gonna say things that I know I'm not gonna like it, but I just have to get through it. I did just temporary and, like I love getting up for millions of people ass, I most comfortable doing here. That's the little Hammond me. That's always been. As a kid I love like the more audience, the more comfortable I am, and then I just try to adjust what I'm saying and just if its can't be made funding, then I'm just trying to straight up classy and just keep it pretty simple. Given cause trying to be funny about you. I just don't see how
Lee when you of your hosting that's something different where you can really have enough time to get into set ups of scenarios and get some punchline going and all of that, but when you're just presenting your walking out, you know like three lines to say: unless you can be really offensive. Interests hit something between the eyes. If there's not much opportunity, terribly. Everything else is Webster's dictionary defines acting and what they can do like throw one horrible thing is fighting the blank it's like. The out of their shattered yeah. I just can't keep it simple, I think sincerity It is a good way to go in there in the wake of an yeah, but but but there's like award shows are such a losing prospect for the people host. In presenting no matter what you do, I feel like the press is ever going to say ever was trying to be funny or No one was funny enough or this didn't. We
Just like the wreckage abasing words, I was going to say, is gonna, be selfish of it. Wasn't a defence of many fucking complain that it wasn't. I just I just stay. I think about cause, I'm in the cotton. A kind of I do at some point. It's not crazy that I might hope is that really small award shows it just feels like a losing plus a perfect. We don't know people agree to do it yeah it's. I can't I've done at once and I hosted the Amis once in the ABC regularly hold. Areas. How what I wanted that? Why was it? What was I didn't realize what I got myself in too. I think I have like a kind of cultural Did I even today about me so they call you may go generates Eurasian its wherever giant agency you you're gonna holds the m easier, like that sounds like a thing sure yeah he's as putting people and entertain. That sounds fine, and I just think if I thought about the gravity of having to be funny, you know I think that it would have been worse
stout if we know anything about the audience that goes to the Mps, its they love to live they love there giving audience with a lot of warm to not if you're not be judged yeah, it's really easy either. Frankly, you just try and make it it's a long. It's a log shell. Those shows are long at the golden gloves, have a nice big bottle of champagne and a meal, because it's a bunch of round tables, but the Mps it's just in a theater using sitting there for hours and hours and hours so long. You shouldn't make it somewhat bearable for everyone in the audience. Really, I feel like it starts I mean all that shit just fuck that their head, though that mean cause you're. You probably see yourself as a person, I'm a person, and I do things and yet you but on clothes and you go somewhere and then it just gets dissected. Never ones like why this, and why would you and look at that and what about those shoes? I mean: how do you, how do you pilot
all that, without wanting to tear your fucking eyeballs out, I have things in my life that our way more meaningful than that good, that tempers all of the bull shit, but nothing with that that stuff is, is it's really? It's really important things for me. Are that I'm always trying to grow and improve as an artist and challenge myself performances and find a good material, and then you know raising children who are gonna be worth something in this world good, and you know talking about blowjobs on Twitter shit, important start, but really those blowjobs a twitter. It's really ever marry twenty years. Its accomplishment in this town I dont mean I'm really proud of it. It's it's an acknowledgement that you're still married and that still going on, but that that's an uncommon that that is like that's the Jimmy's on top of the whipped cream right. I think that was a bad now Jimmy there was a bad analogy butter, but I think it's really. I think it's really great
and it, and I think, also the people that don't get behind it on Twitter. It's like for how far can seriously do need to take the shit. You know we superseding only find not follow me exactly as you used to not follow me before. I was on twitter go back now you go back there. You go back to that as well. I just think twitters entertaining and fine, and you know I love it. You can. I love it's great, it's fun. I love it and it's also gotten it. I've eminent it's! It's me because you ve, we both been working the same about the same amount, I remember back before we were really that connected to people who were watching the things that we were doing in European. Obviously your stuff that popular than more popular mind, but it still more popular mind, but it still it's interesting to be able to connect, in a certain way. Whereas before and I was like out, I think people are brower- they think about any of this. Well, you know your democratic, you have many tutor ready
I mean I have one billionth of that, so nobody is culturally and pop culture and twitter and where Twitter falls into that it's all just random, Yonah Lang, it's like it so funny double, because when you go into like these, you no commercial meetings where you know you could get sort of those extra gigs Europe their life and how many twitter followers, who have it's weird or whole part of your raised me idea. City of how many have what's your presence on social media? What's your cloud score, like I'm going to write me. I mean I can pull up twitter. I could bring in my golden global war and robots. Want to know about which is important here and then there's a whole other aspect of what do you want this thing to be good, Do you get hire me? I know how to about the quality of work. I know how to do that. You should do a twig pick up, we're gonna go aboard right there were used, always be used, always be. You know, idly ear. You or people like in this way,
but lose jobs to just people who had been around a longer. You like you audition and you get really close there like they are. Tomorrow Lopez that pride in happen. You specifically, but it certainly got, certainly happen to me a number of times and and so now, there's a whole other metric, where the, where they sort of judge you just feels bit it so mathematical now just down number of followers on which social networks and it just weirder like a blade other guy that has given a popular show its I am slightly uncomfortable with I like it and like baseball breakdown, more statistics, the more nation? We have the better. We are judging whether I shall mention I don't want. This makes me feel weird, but there is also a you know. Funny people tell the people that have no presence on line and yet the fact that they can maybe loser job out, because only
less money lost how to because it more twitter followers is kind of disturbing, but then there people like right were recently just get year, get yourself out everywhere. Yo whore yourself to suffer media, but I just hate other is it is, if that's an aspect of the game that worryin, and so you just kind of if you wanna have, if you have no interest in having part in any of that than this Oh yeah, you do and that's not evil. You know hammer ceremony go a pearl jam on it. I don't want to use any more rigorous programme and pressure, so he bade yadda yadda aid. You just has like a black or cure you just as a pact for grenades once in a while just pull the pin on one in holding a lusty start a new twitter years, like I think it's like these. Barely nine thousand more everyone knows that, because he had all these followers and then he is alien had merely
and then he was promoting on Twitter, like a show, how do I add a little remit, Largo identity, which is hilarious? and I put my key tweeted about it is, as I guess now this parliament, a pack it out and no one showed up like like a few people, showed up in a couple, whereas for Emma he's a law. That was the point like fifty. If this is supposed to be some kind of tool to Promote- and he did nothing now was upon- haven't that he took it off you just one twitter and allows a gas station Steve's right then that I wanna do is. I was drunk and- got Hyaena. Horsetails exceeds a good identity, was like the next three days later and then you had to dejectedly crawl off your tall horse all they re Jonah day. Oh, I remember, arrive Jonah still, clever name, I think you re is I really did like the vanilla, Silverlake leg over excess really find all the eggs.
There really was a great video, so funny man, like where was that shows it stories. Bookstore accomplish open a park, nay, I live not terribly far less Phyllis. So he hath, I was in those fields too. Then I moved there was because of a break up, not because I don't love the area. The growing up here is that you can feel right now I was a hollow emails right up. There was right behind her words separate. If I can address Furthermore, we by voting for conditionally, do up the street from I Taylor Court. Dr Paisley, any masters in a new way of writing on eggs and then you go over is locking by those. Unlike other she goes. He still work really her near the term Jason, please old, old house up above US vetoes well, there's
when his house was there you cool, it's, not you ve ever done your life right there you bought the first of all that was Joan Rivers, and that is amazing. What you mean well, just amazing. Rivers, the singer, inter that he's here Right- generators braggart where there was she sits on the fifth floor. It takes you call it like a holiday wax museum. Of herself. But I would urge, looks better better large. If you'll be all, I want to run the show so bad she's. So what did you see her documentary? I'm done. Amazing a piece of work. It's fucking, amazingly aside, her head work. There really is rising so anyway, yes, oh yes, he I well, I think, still lives there? I don't know. I never really saw now three has ago. Think that's what you just that, but what we have to yeah. He it was it was. It was an interesting property. It was a kind of a small house, but a huge plot of land.
And then they like double fence, did- and you know I like that idea of how a small house in a huge piece of property, because feels like you're just kind of in the language it had like four rows of a vineyard. It was crazy enough. That's the house, I'm aware of It was beyond that. I never ever not that it's that important banana really curious was at the hall when was the last year. It was wrong where they meet its right, where they meet its up, what Bronson heiresses It's the lived in eleven you like about thereby put up my thought, a house affair, but it just makes grow from. Isn't it Last summer universal Eleven, the lifeline live in their life. We are worthy of man. I got good sound, just found, which you now it's good. It's good. I think it is healthy. Again there was a healthy businesses. It healthy, mature break, everything's, fine, everything's, fine
you guys cut cut legalised, like I feel like like they have a good combination of new books. End use books then very nicely laid out like us and death if you're into books. They're, not gonna, dig lately patchwork you were. I found out online on an episode of murder. She wrote and I When I hear about it, my boat, what a danger lines very smell like pieces of servers, I was that was when before I was acting and I was a dancer and they had, about some word or in a theater and valid answers, and I was one of the dancers oh wow Germany wants now. Did you did you get to meet Jessica Fletcher? I saw her past by force. If they don't really now. Yes, just like, I was never really did you. I didn't have a strong presence in that up. I was kind of like
and back road actually caught the bug. A book. Out now all we I actually always wanted to perfect. You know I just love entertaining that's all. I love entertaining and becoming characters, and I love dance. Some classically train ballerina, I'm still dancing, had do you still, as these will have the pointy toad shoes and actually do you have a pair of them in the Jim, and I was on the treadmill today and I was like I gotta get back and how do you feel your feet, a nose, and how do you not destroy your back and neck from having to
then, in a way that humans were meant to stand well, I was doing I had been wearing point you, since I was like twelve so courteous becomes part of your upbraiding figure when you're a serious train dad Serbia now that I have not done it for a while, I'm sure it will be tortuous, horrible and I, but I have to I- love it and build up I'm actually working on alive, the dance performance, peace really with a choreographer that I've always loved heat. I used to be dancers together, like without delay. I'm Shanklin yet moved and I and we all were dancers to also lives and Linux. I should say that I'm gonna cut that out academic and when a customary practice more people know where he lives hell. That's why I saw him at little. Dobbs that day you look good sound, o the italian wedding sips contest. I love it.
Bob's, it's good hips cup weight. Can we just talk about the result of all their those rice? Balls are ah yes, but about the little encrust Breakfas pizza things that that the french toast that comes in the pan, oh yeah, The rash yes and whipped cream bore the boar bacon. Yup. Have you tried the navigator? It's the the a big stick out why the alien thing hardtack when it is, you take a bite. Little bit of educational pledges on just another aspect, she's got a lot to do and your blame her. My gift man side has like five. I'm telling you that's what happens area news when you're in the lobby. It then this fuckin building, you're, bound
talk about little dams. Yes, so alive debts theatre that I've always wondered at the whole story, and I am going to start in it and I'm working on getting back into dance shape, so I can perform in it but alive in a theater like a real show that has filmed footage dancers and its do. You feel the prick like once cuz. I think we are as performers. We are going to have this idea. Like oh there's. This thing I want to achieve and I want to get to a certain place and of course you know I've course people to know who I am and what I do cause. That's part of the measure of how we succeed and we get to perform for people, but do is there any part of it that stressful? Once you kind of to a certain point. People know who you are re ago. Why now I do really matters because people are really going to their. The clause are out in oak. Can I want you to feel a little bit yeah, it's a whole different set of choices. You have to make that I find
I'm sure I was really good at like that drive when you're a nobody. You know you want to become the somebody we will take all the risks in the world. I didn't get any particular like you know: leg up or a free ride. Like I worked my ass off from I like, I was sitting in the little my husband and I were in this little apartment on Bronson. You know just behind Victor yup here that brick bill re sandwiches, a victory that I'm not kidding twenty for economic reasons, my very ambitious agenda, but you know I would like to send my head shy to get a list of all the castle directors in LOS Angeles and I'd get had shot and I'd like by, like you know, only those poor countries, we will be able to handle French and I get like hot pink envelopes so that they would stand out in the Bin and I'd send my headshot out all the castle treasures and I'd. Look at you know it's kind of a catch. Twenty two cars. You need like a real to try and get an agent
back, then that was not in fact, even though it seems like about their Longo those fuckin hard to do too, like have real cut.
There and put on a vhf tape, gives you to do work right to get a real right and it wasn't like all these, like everyone's a film director with their little internet web, can't you know right, you can just throw some together so that she was expensive, the elderly and not like everyone have little camera than you could just film. Whatever you know, it's like having a video camera. The other strugglers, like I happen to have a video camera lang around right, go shoot your old stuff. It was like a thing you know, so I would. I would look for student films that were advertise advertising like Backstage West or whatever they like EF. I student films, you ass, he stood films and I would go submit myself for those and try and get the footage and I couldn't get in Asia to save my life, like I walk into agencies and I just by some flowers on the way to sit in the lobby and just wait for like a sort of do some research on what agent might be able to represent me, and then I go sit in the lobby with flowers for them and wait and tell them I'm here for them in Lloyd, inevitable,
meant road and wait for that. They wouldn't come into the lobby that you now, and so I would leave after sitting over half hour, hoping that they would enter whenever I just like, leaving with a broad desk, unlike mope illegally, is at a word mostly. I go. That's unlikely ever form of remote and leave, and then I mean it is impossible to get an agent. Nice have managed to agents in. They were never coming back and was like you know. I through the whole thing the whole recommend ruler work I mean I didn't. I worked from the bottom up hard. I was there any sort of did anyone perceiving the my last name and go Merla buried me right yeah. You're, not using that at the time. While I got married in nineteen ninety five, in fact, in February ninety ninety five- and I decided I mean I was like I'll take on that name, and it is a famous neighbours like that.
Her ram had shot rolling, go boy. Gauvain has, I think you name and then, and then I got finally got an agent the summer of ninety five and have always stop working. Since that's amazing, so what I got an agent. I just need someone who believed in me put his poor little juice. My way, you know, in terms of like some support and phone calls and whatever and as soon as I was starting in the rooms, I was booking jobs. I need someone to support. You might get me the room. I just thought you I mean, I wonder how many people do the sitting in the flower with flowers thing I mean usually that doesnt work, because it just didn't it didn't work this time work, but you know still putting myself out there it let each choice led. Did me coming up with a solution or having to think of a different, clever idea, so is actually worth it. I did a horrible thing once, which I am so yeah, I'm a murdered this girl. Now I did a horrible thing why to get home to make?
I think you'll find the doors are locked, but I did it. I did something which, when I think back on it just makes me go because I had that same like young accuracy and performers have this very abies Logic like I will. If you are nice to the agent they it's like, it's all there mom ideas, their ideas, that very idealistic approach in I worked and when I was in college ideas there mom ideas. So, like your mom, play your mom's always say like that. Your mom won't let my mom would always say like. I know you should be on Frasier, I'm like that's a great idea. I'll tell them, and so I worked at a country club and I was knowledge and Sylvester alone was playing, and so I will- and I parked cars. So I had my mom began by those, my big in my head. You know like I've got to save you really understand you see them.
What? U real, what you learn when you and I'm not the equating myself with done as down that level of Stallone but like when people see that you are successful in some degree they think like. Oh, you must be an inn to that oral death and a lot of times you're, not really you're. Just tool in the machine the same as everyone else, but I saw I had my mom facts, my headshot to this conference. I was like nineteen I had a fax, my headshot and then I wrote a letter to him on the back and half of it was an italian because that was my language in college. I feel like I feel, like gird, like acid reflex, It represents a story, for you and now, and I I put it in an envelope. You know- and I just said you know I want to be a performer and I just any advice or blood, and I just put an envelope left it in his front seat, and I am I, I feel so stupid that I did it
but at the time I made sense view of what I have now that you'd, like even put yourself out there to do that and now you have success, and I just think that that's charming. I would love to think that, right now in a dark and mansion Stallone is listing of this going it all worked out, but that I think that I I I appreciate that people do it to me, because I get it right like I totally completely get it. What do you tell em when they're like journal? What can I do, or can you help me or can you remove? Completely get it, what do you tell em when they're like China? What can I do? What can you help me, or can you remove the most intervention? The scenario could sometimes it's like. I've been in the public, bathroom right and they're, asking me through the stall
her at a sort of like going adorable hours and times it's. You know: Visa Facebook, twitter or someone actually really try to contact me and mentor, and then all I am working on something odd them come watch. The satin come see what it's like. You know, one time I flew there's a girl. She was a teenager issues. Now a grown woman has a trial, but she was just like very persistent in writing. Me fan mail and I could just tell me something? She's very driven- and I really just could tell from Jones walking back I'm sorry June Rivers Jones very driven with her. I feel like does it feel like where it is.
Laboratory, zoo, eleven decade of reverse John Renault Impersonator though, for the vast majority of us just walk by stopped, waved both arms wildly at us and then kept watch that was your bad for Jonah raise joke, I can say, is that I think are starting Joan Rivers would make away worse joke about herself, so much that it does so and she has That's why I make that jokes about my business. I will get you a copy of a piece of work if you haven't seen it yet, I will get you a copy of a second ok so anyway, so you feel this girl out. Yes, why call her up on the phone game? Your number in her fan mail on and I called her up and she like couldn't even speak because she couldn't leave us calling her. She was cleaning up all the
nor pants for a minute. Visual rose story. The weird her dinner time and I flew housewives undermine rag and flew her normal amount, took her to Disneyland and brought her to the sad and took her out to dinner, and she was like didn't speak the entire time. That's so sweet she was mortified. She was so into office are often timid. Eighty eight are now over well right, but I started getting like are now you can have devoted doc. I fire ass out. Don't you asked me some question by brain? Get some advice. Slight united certain get like aren't. You know I like it was an entire day, dizzily tire meal. It should say what the fuck did you get the Kyoto the lines at the zoo into? Yes, we can see that
Ah, the definite perk availing abc, but then she ended up took a better or challenge she went upstairs. I mean cubic down had been on follow up with this like the most deep heartfelt letter that she would just if she had started talking me, she would have Start Bala cohesion, but she was so quiet or so with showed up and turning it J Leno said I'd show irrevocable and she started work. Do you went through college work, your way up, and then she, you know, move back to Texas and had a kid is changed your life a little bit but their school. We made friends and choose you now. That was just like a fun thing, but I appreciate people who put themselves out there and I think that, even if something does it come from your immediate gesture of putting some yourself out there just by doing so, you either. I don't know you proved yourself that you can. Then you just kind of like something good. If I five years ago- and I said through, occurs, Hardwicke or be able to comedy, unlike hey little body,
pull up those bootstraps in height, no suspenders, and let's get the fuck, get your don't even get your coat fucking, let's just get out of here and then ran away, we're going straight to the top body. You and me we're fine. Evidently, every jacket are blocked. At least you like the competence to put yourself, but the other thing to is that it's I'm sure, for you would also probably feels really good cause. You see yourself in that person where you get to go. I wish someone had done this for me. Sort of us reason for doing some yeah always wished to like it. I like sitting there happen to be discovered, whether she added a pay. You look like you, ve got some. We feel we have authority. My time here, you know who's the nicest guy on earth. Thomas gives them He really is he like room? bird. My name always came and talk to me getting elect, bringing up with anybody to railway staff and fix it, and you did it happily. There was a cool those guys
remember my name was it a fight that was that have experienced high grade was fantastic. I had a great time. It was like you, I just and counties which was like my second time ever going to network. Might you know like that was I have even had nation for years my first pilot season and then the final day filming counties. I had a development had immediate Twentyth century fox, where they want to give me a million dollar development deal the good old days, the leaden era, I never forget, is a line in the soprano is like the second season and he said, combined with clinic why, how said always this fuckin money or what's gonna ones, places bets yeah. That's it the television businesses not anymore. Now it's It has shown its always the same thing. This project is coming out of the economy.
Mental division- and this is this- is a pilot presentation really weight so but the pilot minute at its pilot presentation, that extra word means that will pay you a third of video. Thinking about just starting in is a web series and then see that gets a fractured and online, and if we can make it we're gonna make this a series of my kids phone and if he likes area, they will move it on a letter that give favoured nation they related, and I dont doesn't people listening. I wanna go acre com. It isn't like the right people, people who was in people s lives like hey, fuck, you with Your quotes a lot of money, but what you have to realise that when you get into these It always sounds like it's gonna be a lot of money, but it there's an exclusivity period where you cannot work for some so, if a minimum wage, or so you know what they would do, and this was fairly common. You know during this sort of this sit that the communist era
how many rumours in the eighties and these sit come cut. Stand up. Boom was in the nineties wherever was trying to Reno like redo Seinfeld and an improvement in whatever, and so they were, they would just throw out these development deals to comedians and it always sounded like a big number like yours hundred thousand eyes and they like, ok. Well, when you pay taxes on that money, you're not used to making that much money. So then you lose like thirty percent of it read. Then you lose another twenty twenty five percent of it up. We can because of agents and managers, and then- what you're left with is year. Fifty about knows what is actually the Langley less and you and you can't pursue other work, and so it destroyed. So many
people's careers for a few years, when that was happening, done this development deals and nothing ever came out of them, and I realize it feels like its sequential problem, because I think the writer has to be inspired to write something rather than just being squatted and tried to take a piece of talents and thus forced on them right and try to then come up with it. You know unless they are truly inspired by that peace, a town, that's what inspires them to write a story. That's gonna work for years on end, it's kind of a writer in my opinion should be inspired through whatever process. There is spot
by and write a piece of writing and then cast it. It's like good old fashion, sort of sequence. Do thought audition for us over. They did they give you stuff. Now. Are you so I dont really audition goodbye addition has then, in on you know what kind of fill that is something I got an offer the other day for a company. I didn't you dont have to addition but depends on you know. Some of them depends. Is it? Is it scarier when you can do when you have more choices, you always think that's gonna make things better, and then you get more choices in your life.
With its. If it's definitely I passed problem of navigating the choices once you have success, because that is you don't lose a matter so much more in you, don't know. What's gonna happen, starting off the something's gonna be successor, not right, but when you're starting out, then you just pounding the pavement just to get cast you don't care of it like gets, killed her cancelled you're, just like ok, I booked something. Ok now the next one's gonna be ok, but there was no success near like that. Did go dig and then it starts reflecting on your career. You know right, it is in there. So many factors that are out of your control right, even when you're have some Star power is still so much out of your control its, but I'm not complaining does. Of course anyone wants to rise up yeah, I mean you're right. It is. It is a bit like daunting because it is out of your control. It is a high class problem of queer actually right, but it's also, I mean you're still a person with a survival in
thanks who still wants to be relevant and work for as long as you can, and you don't wanna be you know like you, you just did don't wanna get that call where you were you realize like yeah. This is not the case. Then it just reminds you of you know like, though, there was a bearded time where I could use that like good get arrested. One way is night, his eye, I I know I had to work so hard to get where I am that I know how to start from square one again. I can do it all over again, because talent doesn't go way right. I met the illicit drugs yourself into a stupor re. Can access your talent tat would definitely destroy your ability to have your talent sure that is to tell him unto itself that is an inverse Jonah? Stop trying to justify you're drinking, I almost got us haven't, doesn't go away,
better than you do you're taking responsibility. What does anyone doesn't go away? So it's just you know. I know I you know it's whether things of it's nice that I didn't have any free ride cause. I know I got myself here by hard work and I can always do it again so, but this businesses is way should hear too women. We should hear an, but I always say too friends of mine who were women or comedians, and they go like known I have a window and then and then the business wont. Let me work in and I go you're funny. You will never not be funny. You will. You know, whites, ninety fucking years, all entire Betty Rights Day, which is doing in it I mean
all the more urgent everyone will cause. You got really Osborne telling us man get crazy about Peter autos. Thank you, get us a very shows very nice guy, or that he's got rates. She does a very, very misleading, porcelain, yeah porcelain, like slowing the power, I figure sold her computer Did you men, IRA takeover bid, me or by other members you how many thanks for so much for the union that guy that she was gonna marry the time over. The blonde do know, because I don't know who data whatever I'm with you sure she was with that guy get whatever ok, ok zone it anyway, I forgot. I thought we were on. We were taught her. We were talking about the oh, I said, Zog about women, visible, is being shared. Just saying, you know in the more dramatic side that they now, thank God for Male Street and Helen Mirren, and yes, they God for how a mirror
funding. Emails are amazing, thanking manner The less gives women who are starring in big companies that are making money that are obviously way past forty five jump, and I think that's I'm, I'm very grateful to them and to filmmakers that are opening those stores, because it doesn't have to be an origin news game only well. I think I think that's part of the sort, You know just mass digital culture that we live in now is that the exposure does depend on four studios right anymore? I it is, actually, you know, doesn't pay so good, it doesn't things, but you can be artificially satisfied and and still do good work and feel like some pride and integrity. Do just don't need. I mean it's not
you know, I guess, there's a certain comfort in being picked up by the studio system they go here is like there's, a million dollars are going to, but but ultimately, if you know, if, if one of us got any of those got a call, that said like the business said you can't work at any more. You could go well, fuck you I'll just go, make a thing and put it on mine and if people like it, then iced than I win absolutely and then, and in that you know any time you have power, and I have all the people who want you advertise and then they'll pay for that Young Belgium come to you. So with enough confidence and enough persistence- and you know you can serve, you do anything survival. Integrity and put yourself thirty. A lot because I know is that you can do anything about a hardened firm song about girls is about. The song is not about. I understand the song is not about girls, I'm sorry, I just out of the punchline. Yes, it's a stupid carbon
song and a friend of mine and I wrote, which is that not appropriate right now, I've got it is it's this I hope you're, not a proper. You can do. As you know, it's just a comedy saw larger instrument has been like about it's just that it's a you know maybe I'll play up I'll put the song on the end of this pact has put the song on the end of his pockets. Is just a dumb silly fake boy theme song that we made some up oil tankers that, but you just give with a twist. But the whole thing is a like it's. I gave way to his bank Esther, it's an awe inspiring song for everybody until the last. Yes, yes, yes, you egg complicity of no, I it she's gonna. When I listen to the show bag password, do isn't it
I've got you violence or anything. It wasn t easy. I just started and get into it more. You know with great filmmakers and stuff while I'm driving, so not just one was that in the future, what's the vehement or high, because there is a camera, the name of that it's out of it was meet the filmmakers or would meet the fog response sponsored by twentieth had refer. They might as well have one riveted rapidly to ensure that it is just a good anyway, think is just an interview thing, or is it just like this? Have you What about doing something like that? I think you be really good twitter podcast. You indebted chosen high five, I mean listen, you Eve seems like you have a lot to talk up like you, a lot of fun stuff to talk about, and it's a way for you to express the funny part of your brain without like doing stand up, but like you like that whole thing
Jenny couldn't it was, was a half hour passed episode of you guys, go back and forth, and not only that, but where does she live and tell us what it s? The girl well she's in no way radiations landed and we're going to be doing Santa Barbara together, shit. Look out Santa Barbara outfall. Bang A wave of our own raw we're going to Roger we're, gonna rock your fuckin retouch window tree right off your z, when will be broken by the time they leave. You know and then also brought about, and also you got a lot of fun. You got a lot of fun. Good did vote means that obviously you care about people and Performers and people who are trying to do the same thing. I just think. I just think that maybe there's the podcast that you could do you make me they might not really not really felt. Just for the fun of you heard what he had to give up. The wisdom does make em
these guys are not listen to applaud cast in two years that we have made this point as the ones and not on yellow ego. The ones I have added, I listen to so too. Two out of a hundred to one hundred and seven, but actually I could be doing something like that. You be great added, I think I think in and also just fun you know. Well anyway, we can talk about it. Offline, you listen to this. You know exactly because I'd I'd gone me feel bad. You know what I do is sometimes I do just to make sure down quality like ok and make sure that sounds. Ok, quality assurance! inspected by number six numbers: as no, I make you have boxes agree. I am a number, I'm not a number. I'm a free man, Josie the prisoner. Now that's a fun. Sixty serious you shouldn't, like you, get us that all this
people start lie. O Donnell believes was idle has never seen the prisoner had it. But I'm happy to have been here. This is this is like the prisoner of another. This was really great. I'm so glad that, because you know again, it is the power twitter that we sort of became acquaintance stunt on Twitter. It grows No, I wasn't grows dirty. It was very sweet. It was very sweet. It's like you, ve got some will you come I guess you're like sure, and here you are and then it and then it did. You hear from me for like a couple but I never how just fell out never like I hate bugging people that stuff so I've. Just like. Ok, we'll shoot you, no whatever it's fine. And then you, when you wrote back it was there was a nice surprise, and you know the whole thing where I, but I would. Let would go to dive little.
And get some rifles one of these days and and talk about passing in fun stuff, and we asked what to do then you wanna plug, promote really well. I will be seen in the fifth and final season of damages this year on Directv Excellent, that's been incredible, total dramatic turn very dramatic Rhine Filippi is also has a very prominent role in the season and an obvious working with rose burning. Glenn closes like awesome. How do you work of rose burn so amazing to great? But how do you walk onto a set with Glenn close and like do you migrate by the end of the day? That's rose and ask do. You feel inspired by that, like all my guy viral exciting sowed the first day, it was my first day it was the first day of the building and it was the Most intense sea like might higher life is like personal and business.
And I am like totally this mental state and it was with What Club Susan one of my heroes, I had the worst headache by the US, so in my head, going like, oh my god like what does she thinking she thinking? What was going to tell you now in this measure mannequin anyway, I had a headache but Glenn closely. Since such a professional or like she's she's, probably just like you, know, she's either present in the scene or just like it, airplane, like rightly the iron on like She'S- probably it's just so much a part of hurried down to which she decision you got to talk,
we're before now little so nodded diva, she's, so down to earth which thank God, you're, going to be like my noisy bream. If she would bid it even to a private, it would have just I don't know she was so cool a great sense of humour and do find that the most just because of veto just because a being me circles foresaw and you find them talented people, the people you respect the most tend to be the coolest or their a couple with me. I have to say that our couple warrior like White, that person have to be a dick, yet All of the above man. Doesn't you now you and your people sale, tab older? You know the great ones are the down to earth once ride like there's some cravens, our total assholes their legends, but Calhoun Grammar Kelsey Glory, I'm so happy for have. This is a side note tendencies he he got. This new show
yeah. I I'm just and every time he thought up on thirty rocket, I loved you Oh, I never even asked you about working on the George Carlin, true. That was one of my first gigs we and you have. I got that no, I was taking a tour. I think I somehow got all the water brothers Lot and was in the casting offices for olive oil, brothers, television and I just start making the rounds well, and I voted only I and I was using my husband had like he was where he worked more than I did at the time, and so I knew that he just done something on this. One show like having to go even say, I'm his. What his girlfriend strike up a conversation and have my headshot ready and I sent bodies girlfriend and, like oh dear,
I've been honestly. What like this do. Yeah I get my car. I have to go, get it to me and it was casting for like he had a dream. George Carlin, the sea was George Carlo, had a dream sequence of his master Pretoria, half of Europe, a girl. The golden front. Laugh in and of ninety fifties. Pinup girl- and so I was the gold I got cast- is the building. They rode all over your body. I had laid a long one way that was taped to my bibbs and then by pain, and I was in the dream sequence. That's like my first given that came from like I am bodies girlfriend and then another gig I got is my husband had booked
that you should see my wife for this than I audition and got it and I'm gonna go around thing. I'm bodies girlfriend yeah, that's what I'm going to stay yeah. Did you meet George Carl Imminent, but you know I was like a little. They player, you now say: listen, he wasn't. I mean. Luckily it wasn't hitting on me. Weird arose and awkward right and last but not least, I felt there is really going to be working with George Carlin. I love that I got the job the way I did get out because you really feel you earn it. Will you also sort of helps to justify like this isn't a complete waste of time? Yes, eggs, We sometimes that shit works out teeth off. You make your own luck, you say well, I am is been an no pleasure to have you here at genoa, often on the tweets, any other social networks here on the facebook too, I am I'm loving, Google plus a few or Google plus that
so a fun social networking done that, but I'm doing there's another one that I just sign up for Gambling is pulling out here, while you're doing that. My mom sent me an email today. My mother never sends like comedy emails, but she sent one today. Gambling is pulling up here. Why you're too that my mom sent me an email today. My mother never sends like comedy emails, but she sent one today that it must be an old. It must be an old web thing because it, it feels like all this must have been done a long time ago, but actually thought it was real.
Funny. Oh now, my thing: what book a year ago, it's a social media explained. So this is just what the indifference offer media twitter. I need to pee Facebook. I peed foursquare. This is where I p Cora. Why am I paying you to look at this p linked in I'm good at paying as like Goody meadow mom? Not bad, not bad mom, not bad. Now this that I, this app is called get glue, I'll get coo EE, oh yeah. Of course you just turn your earnings figured you haven't you can you can I mean for people and our industry? There is like the fact aspect where you can get this in our industry. You can expand your audience yeah I just more ways and when people are, senior staff they now as I get glue, I went yeah yeah, yeah yeah Nicholas Grain Vinnie, which is sort of like Instagram, prevent yeah exactly yeah yeah, it's. Like short, the fifteen seconds you can like big, make a black white there's little music choices. You can put over Jim. I you know. I, like many of my friends brought my friends Chris. Yes, yes,
We're gonna get a virus, whereas an ever increasing have an amber that we are talking, everyone in the very both at the normal, but I wanted to put a little very both at national level, but didn't happen. We have a well hasn't happened yet drugs. We have a full comedy theatre, space, Imelda Comics, and I wanted to build a tortoise from doktor who and make that I like a video confessional guph with with the video guys, for some reason we haven't done. Do a genuine European, and this was an absolute pleasure and I send you of many non creepy hugs feels okay. Indeed before you have to hold a growing creepy, how you have heard your podcast and it's not the first time with the check that you made some joke about, don't think I'm creepy when I say that right, you are the least creepy person, I've ever met while regime. I just want you to know what you don't even need to say that ok cause I'd I'd. I sort of that too Julie Bands and she was- and she was like, ok and like I,
like. Oh, no, I feel like she thinks that I I'd sovereign and airport once you're so genuinely. If he's ok, gray, lively and joyful. Ok, I appreciate of good idea. I really I really am there's nothing. They buy, you listen Let's don't know nothin to my right, I'm not! I don't know. I mean then I'm gonna bust. As I understand I get it back, that's not well. Now I mean I'm right by, but Europe, nice guy, you're lovable, yet great glasses. I seriously. I always want to say that to you well managed, and you have a baseball wallet, Madame la those men of baseball river food. I think about this with that, I government things that I own, I'm gonna get out of it. A watch there's another again. Not really about me
Finally, you make her the best how Ebay choices began. Stuff, no doubt the choices we're liners that have made me laughed at a very moderate. That's all she turned your arm learner, those whom you she laughed until you're. Ok, he remembers undermine that men back Myra, you remember, Jenna Elephant approved, I get to diversify as they get it right in June. Your burrito, everyone leaving noticed enjoy your alright
Transcript generated on 2020-07-15.