« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Duncan Jones Returns


Duncan Jones returns to the podcast! He talks to Chris and Jonah about how long it can take to make a movie, being a new father and Duncan talks about his love of making futuristic movies. He also talks about his experience making Warcraft, they talk about TV shows they are all watching and his new movie Mute on Netflix!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Moreover, the eighty twenty purchase number nine. Thirty six. I think we should just jump right into the community Court Board. We gotta rebels UK living here. We ve got to cool things and when we get so they are both runs for charity. Ok, so the first one is the enormous elephant ran now be taking place in Griffith Park and Allay Saturday marched tenth. Others me if I've K run a jog, a walk dogs and cats, are more than welcome. It's gonna be a fun relaxed run,
the money raised, will be going to that David sheltering wildlife, trust, which is one of my favorite charities. They help save elephants and other mammals and Africa. I expanse, or a little baby elephant called Marquis there. While I have no idea that has to it's a lot of fun, you have a baby over. They they ever like. Anyone can sponsor David Bunch and they send you updates. So the likes and pictures over and be like this is where she was sitting in. The Lord is helium noted her trunk, that's as high Katy. I wish they would make my life virtual runners are also welcome if you are able to make the actual race and so for more info or to register a visit. Enormous elephant run dot com. The second is the five caitive rebuild. What country. On Sunday March, eleventh at Napa Valley College, you can come run, walk or jog and after join in wine tasting in a family, friendly festival or if you dont, want to raising you just want wine. You can do that too, and virtual
There's our welcome. If you don't live in the area or can't make the race and still want to help all money raised will benefit habitat for humanity of Sonoma. We will help rebuild homes and provide aid to those who lost their houses during the fires, for more information or to register visit run to rebuild a wine country. Dot Org the court boards got the runs the area. This episode is Duncan Jones. Who is a pile mine? Who is just the sweetest kind? Such a great director he's great, and he has a new movie out called Mute, which is on Netflix. It is available now when we require the podcast, it was like a like a day or two away from coming out, but now mute is absolutely out. You should see it out and scars guard is in its has. A great great great casts a really great Paul rod.
Just throw it's fantastic, but the dog is a great guy, and maybe this is the third time on the planet s second, he wasn't. Another body was on three times but there is some way we can in no way of this is only a second time on the by gas. Lisa oh wow, you came up. I think he was YAP Cuba. He was all right for work racking now, ok, now his offer me anyway he's great. His her hand was at man made moon. He is because he did the movie moon with them, Rockwell, which is also great movie, so support him. I love him as I do. This episode also brought by square space.
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website or domain. Also, this episode has brought you by master class, which Katy I M very excited about my new master class membership. Yet I knew you, it is insane the people that did these master classes, so basically the it's. It's an online there's like an online course structure to it and has taught by the tops in the fields of any number of things that you want to learn. I mean I saw any Leibovitz Photography era sort in for writing, Steve Martin for come for comedy, which is the first one that I'm gonna get into cooking techniques from Thomas Keller, Martin Scores Aisy Helen Mere, and I mean it is insane. They have stuff critiquing you basket and then it s like there's a little community in their man, connect with other people, so
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thing in an because people haven't seen its bastard. I don't want them tomorrow, I'm sitting right here. We have a thing but people where we in this house we earlier on. We talk about something. If you will go, looking didn't get and so responding as anything it's gonna talk. We can talk,
okay but other movies, beginning with them. Propolis grapple with this good man? steel Man Hunter more craft, Mumford tried and sons nineties, any movie Mumford over the coming months, great, was the nineties. Yet it was a ninety nine. My we shit, guy's name, is just rapidly escaping our grasp. I'd say keeps on slipping slipping into the future. Ok, it's been a man Duncan jobs. Go back to the position? Third time on the bank eightieth touch meeting about your technically a cohort of urine you're more than meet your honour, its better more. Madam president, I know where that is right and cares. I'm sorry about your friend I've. No such it saying who cares
during Hooker girl, like you igniting the cavity guys had won. The bank has first started a year's yeah. It is tough. It has stuck to keep echoing fake hate to see if you can, about what happened to mad, send us and who cares the worst campaign? Who cares that those same who cares? People should care textbook met eight nine. Dont text, standard attacks. That might be a thing I don't take that might hurt. I do not remembering that. Does the hashtag into that procedure wait. What, by Roberta it's good to see you with very good to see you too, I did get to see me the other night. It's fair test. What's great about. It is first of all you gotta cars garden. There did you got a in there? I didn't recognize just throw, So like the open Wilson, wig yeah, like thirty,
It's illegal movie, my wife, I don't think that's just draw like. Oh my god, you're right. We actually called it the old Wilson, where it really like that that was when I was talking to her errand make up. I said I I look at this picture of owed Wilson, Merriwig that looks like that and then that's what they got suggested. But it looks like it looks good as it doesn't look wiki but you haven't seen we adjourn known us all be the barometer for the August ON has certainly starfleet uncomfortable scratch. My right atomic, what's really fascinating about the movie. Is that it's the it's not technically aside? I will be, however, it is necessary in a kind of a future. Yes
but there are thirty years in the future. Assuming that there was he said there was a great coil army by remember body, paraphrasing from Philip K, Dick about blade runaway. You first saw it for the first time and he said you haven't made a science fiction film. You made a futurists film right and that's kind of aid, always participants tickled in the back of my mind that there is a lot of science fiction films being made these days, but I kind of like the idea of of futurists films using the future almost as a location right, it's kind of a it's it's thriller. It's a north, rather it just happens to take place in this place, called the future of Berlin right, but it did, but the plot does not really have anything to do with the time period. It just is the setting. There are elements that affect it ratios of but then the nature of of the plot, but Nick you're right there's. No, there is no kind of technology,
which is required, which is kind of with, but the bases of the whole film is it's not that kind of movie? Ok, so just it with the without getting to spoil area just some contacts in your mind as that, as the man who created this world, what has happened in the world where it feels like such something? Very military has happened and some there's some type of something has happened. Thirty years in the future, our line is kind of its own thing and their Americans in Berlin, but it seems, like some people are trying to get out. Well, it's kind of where the world is right. Now That is unfortunate. Little further, I mean two thousand, I think fifteen. Sixteen Angela Merkel, the the leader of Germany, was criticised by a lot of Germans, especially those on the kind of right side of the politics for allowing many immigrants come to the country. In fact, one million immigrants came to the country in that year, and in my kind of future eyes
of Berlin, my idea was that there was a kind of quite a shift to the right off the back of that and dumb the politicians of the of the right wing basically said. We want to invite all those of any kind of germanic, Anders ancestry. Anyone who consider themselves to be pure war, true, Germans, too, back to the homeland, bring back your traditions, bring back. Do you know what makes you real, Germans and various communities, including some segments of the Amish community Ray come back to Europe, comes back to Switzerland into Germany into entered into in that part of Europe. I'm kind of now you and I with this amish community. That's that's back in Germany and that's kind of wet LEO. Our hero comes from yeah and again the it's. It's really fast Amy here that backs right, but it is not necessary. It's not part of the central plot, nor say it
It's just that it's just setting out its tax, I would say we are, and so I like to imagine, because our dinner scars Guard is mute in your film, as is the title mute that you still made him audition, and just made him walk around the room and pick things up, and I'm sure you didn't tell me that tell me a story from your childhood without were with zero worries and a lot of scribbling, but he was really grabbing, he's a peace, such a fantastic actor here he is, and Anna I'd seen him in generation kill where I kind of he was very different role, but but I couldn't help thinking why these guys, really both intense and talented and untold
he's very tall, is incredibly talk very tall and end for this role. I needed a tall man who is very talented, acting yeah and also, I think I spotted stolen scars garden there. Just like a half a second, maybe no, I saw I thought I saw his dead in the background somewhere no, but you saw Dominic Monaghan. I saw Monaghan amazing. I sized mounted Iraq as India, also spotted SAM Rockwell there, SAM Rockwell, peppered round and videos. I recognise that gonna go. Oh my god. He played Mickey Doctor who Clark has so it's the cash to span task, and it is just in this. This really feels like it was a very new. You were excited about making this yeah long time and we had to you, saw it sort of talked about it. I think maybe you sort of hinted
that you were going to work on this? The last time we talked yeah remaining on the warcraft. That's right! No, I mean, I think I think I was you Know- had been banned in the head so many times by Warcraft account. I did know where I was but I'll every after every foam. I always think I'm doing mute next right this time. It actually happened, I've been try a week. My my Johnson, my writing partner and I wrote this sixteen years ago and had been trying to sort of work out how we were gonna, get it made and we tried different avenues. We tried to do the studios. We can do a graph,
novel we tried doing animation and we really tried just about everything and it finally came together because of the mighty Netflix who decided that as dark, and where does the subject matter was there was enough interesting ideas, and you know I've managed to put this really kind of unique in great cast together that they would take it take a shot on its ultimate. I mean I, I really gonna wanna deep down a little bit and talk about these sixteen year idea. I often complain about how long television takes, but your home is film is like by by an order of magnitude over television, in terms of how long something can percolate, how many stops and starts. So how in this is for people listening, who might think our no one's ever gonna make this idea that I have here how
you maintain for small, the integrity of the project. How do you maintain your passion for the project and, as you have sixteen years in your life, you chain of muscles your massive? It's like it. So how do you? How do you kind of keep it all intact with that much time and that many events was it? The truth is, there were probably been a handful of other projects which have just fallen away over over those sixteen years that I just either haven't cared as much about or have just ceased to be as relevant or not not. What weren't appropriate didn't feel like movement, the right things to make any more, but this one always did- and I think
you know when you, when you write and show you know this coming up with something which at least feels to you to be an original idea, is kind of rare treasure right and and and if you really meant for me at least that was something about mute that felt really unique and the more time that past the more I felt like nothing else was coming out. There was like it, which kind of just reinforced that idea that actually there's something on a special about this? On a personal level? Also, there were sub text to the story which they just became more and more in a personal to me. Ass time went on parenthood kind of runs through this films and effort guises. I became apparent. My dad died than the woman who raised me died
it's just over the last few years- just became more more. You know that there is a way to tell this story, which is going to be both hopefully entertaining for an audience, but also a personal tribute to the people who affected me growing, and it's incredible that you, you know all these events took place, that's that it just sort of you are in the right place to, The story in this way would have been yeah sixteen years ago. It probably would have been able to entirely than it would have been a really bad. I would have been a kind of a crummy fell, not that it's not obviously not that its goodwill. We, by which I would have been the New guy in my roommates would have been consistent, but like all of the all of the future hover cars, you just feeling your hands going myself in ITALY, and again I mean obviously not it as someone who's. We actually. Everyone here is lustre blasted a dad, but but the idea that you know that they are able to their that were there with this
yes, oxen heads are altogether or other days rather than a billion right. Please you to check the fuckin dry, but but the idea of being able to channel that energy you know is also must be incredibly therapeutic as well yeah. No everything we really was divert for those who were who are cameo spotters in the movie. Does it there's a picture of me with my mustache shaved off with a big bushy beard holding little baby? That's me with my son: doing an amish impersonation right, I'm Alexander scars gods dad excellent! So that's that's me and my son, so I just yet I was just there. There was it just felt. It felt like the right thing to do and house fatherhood so far
oh my turn, my wife's pregnant we have lost. Our daughter is due in April. Oh my god, she's, like like a pie? Oh my guide on my son is insane, but must have been greatly, would make four seconds. Yes, that's true known! I why she was trying.
Right this time night. It's amazing is amazing, being died and dumb, but man, oh man, is it tiring yet, and so, how are you think? Did that change the way that you right, because, obviously you know you have you have to stick to a certain schedule- has probably tied to whatever the schedule yeah child yeah? No, I mean, I think I have I have an incredibly generous and and willing to to go with it, wife who we actually flew out to Berlin, when my son was four months old to go and shoot me so well, her in the bay became Witherspoon and it was, it was night feeds and diaper changing you know between takes
and it was in that I am really tired. I don't I don't reckon I don't recommend making movie when you have isn't a newborn parent brain, I think, is probably hard enough to navigate if your dns like trying to get to get coffee in the morning, they imagine having to be in a place where you really as radical, right or in a director really have to have all the answers about everything. That's going on and your movie times. Yes, sometimes the wrong things come out It's just that. It's the way is by this report, and I would like someone waving already like just shut up and useless. All of these method. I say Polaroid, you know not that you forget what a great actor is buddy he does so many comedic role, but to see him like really is just kind of us straight character: he's was not falling fantastic, so good in this than I'm him timid, just and also to do just in through took honour an awesome, rest
incivility with this rock is it's a really hard won for anyone, but but Paul was was absolutely amazing in Poland. Just then I kind of I cast as a pair, because I really needed that the sense of the friendship that those two guys needed to have the characters in the film it needed to feel really believable so was almost like your casting you know a lead in and his room his or her romantic interest rate is the had to have that chemistry but they're, both so smart and so funny. Both writers in their own right, and they knew they knew. What I wanted, which was basically in I, wanted Elliot Golden Donald Sutherland, eradicated, MASH Ray, and I wanted those guys, but,
I had to do stuff right that we should today you listen. If you watch it again, you listen. You actually hear some lines for mash kind of just sort of slightly paraphrase the pole rifts off in the movie method. That is to remain in. That is again, you know for anyone whose creating anything it's sort of sort of the dna of what inspires us are things that we are just talked in our head, yet, oh for years and years and years that you can pay homage to the tribute to an end, if no, if no one ever noticed it still, worse works, absolutely absolutely! No! It's it's there for the for the geeks like us, but on its I fell in love with mash. When I was a kid and it's still my favorite comedy and it's my absolute favoured company, but the the
you d of Trapper, John and hope I pierce is that as funny is and is engaging and his fun as those two guys ought to watch, you can't help but think why the kind of mean as an aim that mean people, but you is it because there in war of course, and so you take them out of war and make them just a little bit meaner. I guess that's cactus. You got this in England where you are, but the man had some interesting spin offs and there was a spin off called Trapper John D, o my there was just a straight ahead: dramatic medical, procedural, that's right! Yet it made an entity. The same active on the tv show just knowing they had ever now. Roberts like this, this, like ball, dude with a beard and it we had nothing to do with mash. I don't think they have a reference. Mash shows is called trapper, John empty. It was a huge hit and it was. There was just a fuckin procedural medical drama that were lit
we got a hint of carbon theme. Song was suicide, is painful really well. What do radar show any just be just says everything before anyone says it all. Yeah he's a dialogue is talking surprise. There was never a cleaner spent speaker put what a cleaner seem like you would need. A cleaner was clinging to the moon was in the movie was clear. The move you today at him for the tv show He told me about magnetic about me and those cleaner you, although there is now you're totally right, there is CN guess who's, absolutely amazing character. Luba. I don't spoil that. I want to spoil either, but there is a very Jessica rabbit, cameo down only just arrived cameo. Definitely people you'd like what the hell is, this movie their children about such a great level. It's just those little unspoken, tat,
Is that even if someone didn't know that that was a Jessica rabbit reference, there's something about it, they rings something substance, even if someone's gotta know exactly where it is in, and also just the idea that you get to make this thing and essentially just populated with your friends to think anything for you, because you got bogged down with him was his cameo is pretty crazy fit and he key flew in Bee. Flew in. Shot with us for a few hours and in flew out there the next morning. Oh really, I need just he just come from one of these crazy retreats out in South America or something I ve been. Nothing but maggots telling us all, I know any any yea arrived. We stuck in this domain. Make up and wardrobe and put him in a room with a bunch of you know, with the sex, robots and dumb and told him to act which definitely,
the one thing I was actually send you a, but those gonna send you will you need that respects our about how we it is excellent that the leader of the corners of the ravine owners gotta put a flashlight in the dollar. Lately I stuck. What are you doing? Its bitter but but also use introduced. This idea. That not only is fascinating me, but I'm definitely see, as you know, as future isn't really takes hold. But then this isn't a spyware, but it's just a fun touch but Robo strippers robot. Others are it's such a brilliant touch because it, when you see all my got it I totally the absolutely I mean it's and it's it's we, which we actually try to rigidly to build it practically as well, because we thought won't. You know what is
really other than like one of those toys. Will you stick your thumb in it? You know underneath it and all the limbs go limp. It's like a giant one of those spinning yeah. So we can hit work out. Not only can carry that going to get it on big enough stripper, but so is that we ended up using see g for that. But but after we finished the film we saw there was there was definitely there was an article about one that has actually been developed. So there is a real version of that. I am surprised that it's not more, I think that's. What's gonna caused the robot uprising. I never use it being it. I mean yes, yes, we're remaining them or, like you know, we have a. We have a robot toilet in the house, you know where it like, it did lights up and it has the orderly and interventions. Robots are gonna, be like enough. Isn't, like with your family, be cruel, giving that sentience the meanest Asimov story.
I know I just need the robot to know that I'm shooting and now I just want to react as that, so I ve been a programme to like it. I didn't have age, but yet then it becomes west world that ultimately become yeah. That was wrong, but do you is this agenda that you we will? You continue this type of storytelling we're here that this kind of future ism sorry telling there was this just one, but that is not, of course, no one more of a one more in the bag that I really want to make, which is which it would be completely these three part anthology between moon, Mute and this. This third fell minutes an action, its more action based. It's kind of a bigger film and that kind of close it out and then I do want to do some other things that are maybe not quite so much cipher yet, but you know will see great. It is, do you have a name for your trailing you know the other corner Bialik the coroner Algae letter out here in the diamonds like that, just joking leaving
the Corneto trilogy. Is there a way? I don't know. I have to come up something witty which is with China, which would be even better than corner, though rubber stripper trilogy. Moreover, rubber strippers moon. Now, it's like, but if all we know that I was in the corridor together, ass other either by the internet. I guess we're gonna come up, we haven't, you will have it. Our aid and we're gonna, make it we're gonna make it work. You called the we wearing a stocking cap right now. All we have is that the negative stacking capture, It could be the really grasping for gas. Wait, let's traffic, sometimes very so legally available click strategy. Well, if you put Rockwell in the next one, Oh yeah, then, with the edge
three bells, yet the three billboards of San Rockwell. Oh my god, sorry you already writing the next one. No it's done. I asked the source code, I wrote it in and we tried to get a main and we really struggling at that time. But I kind of feel like the the terrain- has shifted a little bit importance. We tried to do it. It stories these to these two sisters from the north of England than it was. It was kind of great. It was an action sort of road movie, starring these two women and back. Then it was much more difficult to make. I really feel like. Maybe it would be easier now with what's going on, but we will see
try great and is when you saw me well enough, what do they have any sort of work as I've? I've heard that their sort of notoriously radio silent on how anything really does or what's going on and which I'm sure can be kind of maddening when you know actor and without having to do they have any expectations. When you deliver something really just go: faxed unjust! Can it be like a rocky in the original Stallone in the original rocky? I'm gonna run up the stairs. I we have. As you know, I was going to say: that's not a bad! Stop you exactly! No one! You can start saying best. Making movie ever fifty million What exactly does that sound
what you may now I mean it. I think this, you know what the the stats on how the film does doesn't bother me that much the what does is theatrical experience of having a big crowd being able to go see it together, miss that, but it's you know fair enough it'd, be I got to make the movie arrive that make it otherwise are worth it. Gonna know: Dvds, Blu Ray around me out Jack, you can't own a movie and put it on you shelf should drive me crazy. I thought I had about like I like that idea. Just like having a thing, I mean what we got around that one we ve started telling phantom. I have thought I've started requesting from funds to actually make fake dvd covers So if you have your own, you know you have your own case. You put your own covering their, then you got your own version, a mute on the shelf, and if you want to watch it is gone. Ethics expense asset in every case that, like a download code for business, but I heard that Netflix and they did a firm when mistress the weekend Mr Santini came out and that they were playing the first,
and I picked theatres and I'm not sure if that something there are going to continue to do what they would do. One weekend wreaking ato- and I bet we ve got like- I think it's an I pick as well- well and its. I think it's one thing out of here and I, like the other children Pasadena some other end, and we got the in the U K. Actually, they ve got a whole chain as a place called dollars on, and it's very nice theatres in their they're gonna be playing it in the UK at all the curves zones. I think Netflix has a deal with them yeah they should do their more alleys. For a weakened and be nice there, I want to hear about this because the juxtaposition of the two films that you made back to back yet are so. I would imagine wildly different experiences, good double feature, though it yeah well. I think it would be so you area you make this. We know this is big budget film for a studio, that's going into theatres, and then you make this movie for networks in which
again, as we said, we need that one's yeah, yeah yeah yeah did you. I thought you might moon and Mute, which would be a great double feature. That would be a great up. What are you talking about? I my Lord Craft and then this yet where you know Warcraft, I imagine you know, there's a ton of pressure like I then people care about box office and I said ass. I love and also with work rap. You know yours you're! Also, you have it in a tremendous responsibility to be to them, though the blizzard community, as well of all that's right. If you will- and this the blizzard community as well world of work. That's right! If you will and this
alliance horrid, allows you never pick aside ray. I was hoard, ok, so so you and then and then mute which, as you know, is totally wrong thing. It's totally and better thing basin eating out of what we're spoke. Some some of the differences in pros and cons of both of those experiences. Well, I mean that there is a war craft was it was. It was three and a half years of of of a lot of stress and fighting. There was just because of the sheer massive of different parties who all had a completely justifiable right to have input and say into what it was we were making, but there were too many of them There were two coming to come to many different perspectives. We started the film when legendary was Warner brothers, as we began the film they left Warner brothers and move to universal. Then they got bored out by wondered this chinese company. We lost a bunch of executives and produces while we are making the film at all this time. Blizzard is sort of saying what they needed the film to be big.
The game makes over a billion dollars a year for them said I movie small potatoes. I mean it. It's freezing it it's just yet it was. It was a very difficult juggling act to keep everyone happy in, and you know I'm both myself and Chris Metson. I know we're both proud of the film that we ended up making and I think, if anyone knew the the what we went through to make it, I think everyone be pretty, and yeah I hosted blues kind of last year, young, I I just love. I love that community India it it's such it it just it's just such a wonderfully passionate in and also you know, I think, people who are not familiar and they think of it
like everybody else or whatever they they sort of all eyes. Never one leg, Superman and Toxic get those people out there, but the people of Europe to blaze. Can there really good PETE like really see the but such greatness in the community and the and the costs play and just the level of detail and the passion of it? It's a really great event. I really like it's fantastic, I love, but can I I was obviously going a lot in the build up to walk raft, but I'm gonna haven't been since, but not because I did to discuss life got busy, but I would really like to go back and try and try and sneak in a little bit and just kind of experience it back as I did when I was just just plain Warcraft. I heard the dumb for the real geeks how their Warcraft three the real time strategy game. I heard that they might actually be revamping that right now, so sure. That's that's news on the into again Trysdale scope of other day. You know plastered men ass, they were firing up.
Server, illegal work and low. Really I that yes but I wanted, but Wordpress has gone. We urge just like going from such like so many eyes on a thing: Jeff undermines recurrent a camera, their directors them off hand, but he went from new impedes dragon, then like right, like the week after he started. Shooting ago story, I am like you just wanted to kind of go like this is like a this thing. Everyone's balance action, if he's rag- and I just want to go- make us moving. It was definitely a pallet cleanse are going from from that war, craft experience and understand the studio politics of it to this film, which I already knew back to front in my in my head and wool and Netflix were willing to just let me go away and make it and never see me again until I delivered the film that was an amazing
You know it almost felt like two different jobs of it. As far as is what family like they could be scary, though too, because I was feeling I need just a little bit a direction from like what is there because it gives then it just feels. Are you are you burdened by infinite choice where you you could literally do anything you what's so how do you know because you keeping you only agreed to the script, you ve already nailed down the budget so giving you Eve agreed to the budget right. You ve read on cost. So so really it's just you know, that's kind of you don't is at that point as a right of director. It's I'm going to deliver the film which we ve all been discussing and you're gonna get me the money to do it and you trust me to go. Do that so so that's what I do feel more akin to moon till they were very much so now I was there, it was. It was really nice tax or go back to the experience of me in just a corpse
making the film being the ones calling the shots and making the decisions now? Do you think you'd want to go back to making a massive budget the movie again or day was realized. I know I don't know. I think I think, for the right projects do it. I feel like I'm a hell of a lot wiser now than it was before I started Warcraft right I mean I've done source code, which is kind of a halfway house as it was smaller studio and more Gordon's company and events can have and engage level with a big star, and I was working with him and it was a kind of got a sense of it and and that one kind of worked pretty well kind. The way I was hoping it would work, and then bull craft was a very different experience, but a kind of feel like Warcraft is probably as bad as it can get. As far as the the politics of shit, and a kind of feel like under the right conditions. It wouldn't. It would necessarily be like that, and maybe it could be more like this. The source code experience right. If you would you think, oh hey amid be funded, you a star wars, fell and start
universe or a marble found. I think I'm gonna do star wars and and dumb I I you know, I didn't grow up with Marvel in DC, quite as much as I am not american right. So why I see that they put a wall. I swear you bring in this tragedy in the back with free, see it. I'm sorry if way He was so high that iceberg enjoy burrito are there, but this isn't about
that's all just go straight to duration, but these so you didn't, although two thousand eighties, what I was saying that there's this amazing you you probably familiar with it, but that that there's this british comic books of Compendium anthology called two thousand. I e, where the character judge dread, came from there's a bunch of other amazing characters from that comic which have never seen the light of day. As far as film. Tv goes, the trick is obviously how do you get some one of those made when no one third of the characters, but no one give me. I will say no one had heard of the gods, the galaxy and other than a few people. There are funds or aunt manner. There's a Lord dead, poor, really ramming. I opposed this small. He know in what what I think the last few years is proved is that people don't necessarily need to see things airily recognise they just need to see gesine cool work where the director had
a very strong point of view and was allowed to sort of the express that- and I won't name names, but I know that this is there's a few of US british directors who would love to get our hands on some two thousand. I d stuff, you Attenborough, yeah that's right David Lean, hates called Charlie Chaplin Anonymous, I bet had conquered, make a fucking amazing superhero I said we will live already would be like if you just magically were still alive. Betty would do it because, same solidarity. I mean he made psycho because it was because it was like a best selling book right and he wanted to make something that wasn't so highbrow. He just wanted to make something like for the audience as much as possible. Death in- and you know this idea that
simulated sarcoma yesterday with someone were in our horror, like the horizontal, just, doesn't really get a lot of love and of course, this year get out got dominated by, but you know, but I do feel like the industry is quick to attack the word thriller with steps. Could you don't sound like work as whirling a dirty word, but you know it, but there are a lot of examples of horror, films that were beautiful pieces of art. That should be celebrated, but would you ever is horribly? you're, never gonna. Do I'm not sure I mean I guess. Mute gets a little horrible. At times shore I mean not horrible. Isn't bad horrible isn't gonna Goran right now contwisted, so I kind of I guess like I guess I don't mind making things like that. I don't know if I would want to see myself into that as as the entire reason for the films being yet I don't know I guess a moon has like when you when he finds out like when he sees the room full of him lads summary like horrifying mom
yeah yeah, I don't know I'm trying to cure myself up these days on the optimistic. You dig. Don't even you may get her hands yourselves hygiene. You would destroy everything, that's good everyone around. You know it has again. It might be to do with fatherhood. It might be to beat where I am in my life right now, but I really want to make something positive. I would love to find a way. You know one of the films which it's not a critic. This is criticism of the film itself, but of what I was expecting and hoping was tomorrow land. I really was like. Oh my god, you're gonna make like a kick ass, optimistic the world could be, could be great movie and that's what's more or less going to be right and it was not until this is of that, and I and I still think God I would love to go- see a movie weren't coming out of it thinking. Why? Wouldn't it be great if the world were like that
right? I want I'd love to see that movie. I think you could make that movie. You could make you couldn't you need to make that. I would like that honestly, that's where my headset days is: how do I make a movie? Where are you just? You just feel totally excited and happy about the world when it could be? So what you said didn't wanna make a star movies expert deserve particular reason. It turns out that no new hope, not
Actually I'm doing this guy screening hearing here and there lay with them the curate of screening, of mute and accumulate with with Ryan Johnson tomorrow. So you know I want to talk to him as much as he's gonna. Be ask me, questions I'm trying through a few questions at him about about star wars and why he chose to do it and what made him want to do a star wars, because I'm curious about that yeah. It seems like its meaning. If someone just said hey, you wanna do STAR Wars movie. I I think you would be probably equally sure and all I got no has it just the there's so much weight to it s so much, there's just so much attached to that could even at your story, I could never be a copy, your story, and then you don't say it say what happened was like with with no getting troll getting a rating troll than originally bids is really worth that, like everything really
that now take it to that extreme? I don't know yet had enough at another, but I doubt that anyone can have recourse to ask me to do. A star was moving because I've never direct anything, so I feel, like I'm feeling ever know filling their think outside the box. All the time you are kind of taking over the planet. Chris I mean here that was in the end. Agrippa showed a direct one of those guys nice outta here hey. What's next, she's gonna directed, and these gonna make a terminator moving on hold they had the leather January. Have these are good ideas is these are all good and it is out of August. This is so. I stopped me for beet Lisbon. Forgive me for being the dummy here by Henry Winter has directed quite a few things like. I think our tv right he's a record alacrity.
We could actually end up with more of the cost of happy days doing star wars. Movies arrogant via that is not a bad idea. Howard by the way, like the fuckin nice guy in the world's he's so nice, where he was anything less than he was taken a picture, and I just do you mind if I photo bomb? You go surety. What to do and I got while does get behind. You goes ok and he immediately understood what I have just looked very seriously the camera. And I got to know about it. He had no use just so nice and growing makes me love of even more. What are you Eddie Political, your brother's, Clint Howard? I make you think he makes up in appearance in the soul of a fucking better, how it has to be in every sense,
run. Howard has as a baby working here. Something now has its like a pilot guy that gets killed. Maybe wait a minute. The plant Howard was Chukka right inland of alas, he was that's the rumour I thought Katy with that. I feel, like Click Howard played Chacha, which kind of a rookie kind of a workable reptilian jacket. China's written none in our charter was the charter was like a hominid creature, lower the leave it at least that yeah thanks for coming viper conversation Duncan. Did you get any of the stuff in England you get landed the loss in England, it fascinating to watch the way. Nerds will sometimes discuss a few listen carefully. You might be able to make out the odd word or two actually makes you an automatic narrator to any situation. You re just doesn't by me and you could never anything and everything you ve done about. What did you find it? goddammit
come on internet Yoda make anything else. True just make this true for re, making our jacket aerosol. You check out my worldview one. Oh, it's just insulting stop it. What is truth anyway these days, and we can make sure that we wanted to explore this idea, because I have been thinking about it a lot and does it does kind of bend my mind when I think about the idea of truth, in reality being so malleable an arbitrary and arbitrary a day to day basis and an end. Such activity is objectivity and in an opinion, as fact and the internet being able to take you down after rhythmically any hole and convey
You that, whatever you think is reality, so if that is the case in reality, is just, as you know, a series of events plodded on the passage of time and we experienced those and perceive those in almost feels to me like there is Many fucking reality is, there are avatar. I think the problem is most of your data day. Decisions dont really require you to have that many facts. Then, though they don't know. If I have a cheeseburger today, I don't need to know who's. You know what country this is organised, whose president or anything like that. So I could just make all that crap up for myself and I can still function right yeah, but I think it's. I do think that I think that our brains are are not evolve to handle the amount of information.
We are throwing at it words hard words hard not to stay on, how you make a strong which aka our jargon but he'd make it, but it is it see you son, of a bitch, but but it is kind of us. It is scary in that sense that you know to people can have wildly different experiences around the same thing: India and it's very difficult to even source. What's real information anymore or you know, even if you go one or two layers deep on something that still might not be not only the whole story or even the actual story so and you can get lost than you leave absolutely so you can see something you can see footage of something, and you say: will that happened in some go well? What actually happened then it's like
Is it just seventeen blog posts about what actually happened areas like now, but I saw it and you start to second guess herself and then put your head in the sand. Are you avoiding news instead as much as possible and you d, Oh I wish I were actually know what I've been getting a little bit better, but I used to be a noose junkie sites. I would spend way too much time. I mean, as my my alternative to listening to music, was just having the news on in the bilateral good for a new dad. I know I m really is. I think I found again. I think the whole damn thing is is
has been as been absolutely changing. Changing my mind, my behaviour in that way. That's good, though, because I you, if you are burdened whether it out you realize it, you would definitely pass that that that would emotionally trickle down to your gas. But that's a letter is still the devil. I am re way to addicted to that and that that needs to change, but I haven't quite have quite broken the habit I try getting off in it. There was with yeah. I think there's aware disconnected yea wait a second. Nobody knows what I have. What I'm thinking valued people don't need to know what you think. I bet connected I've Stena every once in a while I'll just a wedding. I will just look at ranch properties just for fun, like just look it up and go. You know I and I say that I totally get it like
like a farm house in the middle of somewhere yeah, we're all your own vegetal. All we only do you're just cut off Rebecca that nothing you have she was like in region. Whereas I gotta get back to decide this whole food have perhaps go to town there drones. Yes, that's life I'll, just be there for the rest of the week. I bought it. Sort of stable What does that gap and customers? Do you have a place that you go in kind of unplug and relax? No,
my opinion about new light. At some point, I think we really need to do that. Right now do the weight that that, where I live with, our houses, kind of everything is sort of all bundled together. So our bedroom, where the baby, sleeps and my office have no closing the door between the two. So so we're gonna move, because that's really not that's not healthy, nor did I find I would I would I find babies to be very poor. Writing part effect. You don't know that It left? No, you just stay. Do they have difficult time thinking about story? They get it restricted very easily that's your movie will just be a lot and I reject learn
That's not an upper go with that ruins blots. Exactly are trying to explain a car is, like you know, the keys. They found the keys, but keep asking what its play dive for job. I mean what is. Is there anything that you can tell leaves the last couple years that you ve learned from your first child that you did that use have said all right, I'm going to do this or not do this with the second one, ok highchair for eating vanity, good idea, good idea, we tried to be hey, yeah Let me when you once then, and now the house's discovered and homeless so the eyes. I think that's definitely a lesson learned and I'm just trying to be a little bit distribute stricter. I think than we ve been weeping kind of very, very flexible right about everything you wanna poop yearbook
where we want, where you will regard egg about bad here, you're a person to me it is even being, but I do work on that. You know that it does seem like I don't know why I'm thinking about this parallel, but it seems like the there's whose report I think people do do, need some sort of structure yeah. What people need to know. They just want some type of a road to knowing how to that's. Why I say let go. I don't know if I could, if someone just said make whatever you want to go, I need a little bit of Russia, but also. Thinking about in talking a future ism. Like you know, we are as a story telling device lucky you can't you ok. We. Where are you with that, because I I you know, I loved lawnmower man
without more man was ahead of its time, uptown line yea and the whole. Oh, my god, viziers the future. Now it's kind of here I not is cited as I know, because I think you know the hour is very much a closed experience and you know they they just work. Really thinking augmented. Reality is really you know, and and and different versions of augmented reality are, I think, are more interesting because with the arts and have to be in one place, you have to put on all this equipment you're its and you you can't as a storyteller. I just think not everything needs to be Inv are made,
sporting events, maybe a concert or something, but as far as the storytelling device. I still think people need to know where to look yeah absolutely yet you have to be able to direct the story. You radio, to tell them. Ok, this is gonna, be really important. So let's just have a little glance at this right before you know. We go off onto this adventure that you want to do and I think, as soon as you start forcing people to do stuff, it's not really. I guess it's not vs anymore, it's yeahs yet, but it is, but I feel like I've. Even as recently as two years ago, everyone was clamouring to make the artists and and I'm not feeling I'm not sensing any of that in our it's just it's just the caught the need the ideas too cumbersome, but I think there is a greater if you follow. The future is an account on Instagram, but it's great now am I will but it, but they just said. I think that maybe was aged. He see or Sampson just made like a fully contained the hour had unit yeah. So but I don't know, it's still justs whether the idea that this agency will be like you're actually had a concert like, but I still have two
in one direction and like you, what are you gonna? Look at the people next to you, enjoying by alleging one direction the x ray thanks Joan I didn't: do it buddy audio? They let you do that with your hand, To that I may have every time. This is my thing. If so, unlike put up your high five, if you know, if someone I five, you can't even paying and that's not a good thing to do you don't respect the joke or when they just said is backhanded casually mine here hold up your head. You wipe it because it feels really gruffly gaps. Lack of area. It is this popular put your finger going to get anything, but don't get argued you touch it so that they can retract NASA. That's the loophole for so it's a February. It's almost
now also almost any time you could be a dad and like starting in a couple of we, oh yeah, we're gonna, try and make it happen early because them did seems like it's worth getting done. Yet get on with any other man, we get it Albania is about to go with us or expensive in and how much time will you needed? But are you ready to sell this other projects or ordered? You need any more time to percolate? Well, I'm trying to make sure that whatever it is, we do next. We'll be based here where we were gonna, where we're living so that I can, I can work somewhat from home, yet I think that'll make a big difference, so you know that that's gonna be a big deciding factor in whatever I do. Next are people shooting stuff in LOS Angeles again, not at all, but if you know I'm trying to be clever about come up with something that would be,
doable right and in that way, but I don't know I haven't you- haven't come up against the wall on that one year. Is it that astronomically higher too in LOS Angeles and if so, what is it that will there's no tax reap Montgomery, not many tax revenues? There's something called a lottery here. So there are some tax rebates, but only some people get them so it seems a little sectarianism here right now right, so I don't I don't know, I don't have that lotteries run I don't know who decides who wins the lotteries and for fairly Hampshire Young for sure, but you know, I think I think you know the one. Would you hope that if, if we do this to make something here. Maybe we ll be able to get in on some of that sweet tax rebate, action right, otherwise, yeah it's gonna be expensive to shoot. Yes, I mean it would seem to me and they get a better government person. So I know, but it would seem to me that they should be trying to lure, because you know obviously Vancouver
a lot of business out of LOS Angeles and now Lantern, as I got many Hollywood up, it is, they are tonnage, stuff shoots there now and it just seems like there's just not gonna be a ton laugh always that was that grateful one, the general and hold it a few years ago, place journalists in the garage, yessir Nike. I think that was an Ella based movie, yes seems vocational well idea, but so it so it must be possible yeah to certain budget review that you can do those things. What made me feel like a labour? They just talk by traffic in the movie, the holder of the movie traffic and how our sitting on trapping everyone was wearing rams. Hats Is that what it is we think so
ram is at a sports things in a spray of above in little bringing new countries getting into a different motto. Just see our feels is it feel jockeys. I almost the other day had a sense of why it would be interesting, relic, wait, a minute coach, you're, really kind of like moving these chess pieces around. Board the other guy's got with and I saw was like, and then I lost it so so low and also, I believe it's too late in life to just get absorbed in a lifestyle. How do you like to be? You don't have to? Everything? I think fifteen minutes of sobriety woods, just ass. They thought. I think, the alcohol, lizard brain that is at the core of my being. This is yours, they now by a hundred percent. Lydia comes over there, just a mill
Lydia's way way. She, I think, he's in the kitchen with its impact on social sugar, for these phases were like all the sudden, like thirty survival kits, will show the fuckin shows like why just wanted to sure. So now we have enough food for like four years, if there were twice Deanna like that. You, if I can't ever think of a present from my wife. I just get her like like a knife. Survival chatters, something like was really yeah initiatives that gifts g lesson. Heres a list of european waters, as I think it only right that you personally, I get an extra like straws like straws, you wanna, get lifestyles, you can stick it nay thing in drinkable. Why? Yes, I got a body be lining up baby drawn up life, nip all use, put a nipple. I thank you spoke in stock,
My lady, I gotta go that what are you? This is something because I appreciate the fact that that spreading positivity it is very important value, and what is something that you're extra happier joyful about at the moment. It could be anything does not really work related like what's something that you cut a you know. It is your little too happy to rejoice Centre man, how D then you would be if it was just food re like that, your brain with food for your child, he likes food to ethnic. As long as we were loving calling cash, that's really hard, it can be food. I mean yeah. Food is always great, mean out
Hugs tugs grounds are amazing. Your wife Hugson baby hugs. They make they make the day good. Yet so last. If that would we might go to when I have to say honestly hugs a great do. Do you just gotta? Have you been thrown up on? Oh I've had the word Yeah, I've had Neto trilogy the Supreme this yeah, the throw up the the peace than this knots everyday and ended things getting him we're places giving like all over his hair. He is quite long hair. We haven't got it so he's got the sands inheritance in its covered in the homeless and not a homeless right now. Look out unanimous guacamole and homeless is Canada's thickness sullen and so your totally. Were you always immune to that? Or did it happen quickly?
what is far as being able to deal with it, yeah, oh, no, I'm totally fine with it. I never you never got kind of. I am, I think my wife was actually more kind of it was bigger and bigger change from like finding all that stuff kind of Ikey to being too being ok with it. I think I was ok with it. I mean I've always been okay with it, but now I'm starting to get kind of bothered by so I'm always cleaning up rights, nose like wherever you, like sheep, like this money about their ways their homes on you told me good shit and very strong language version. I never said I was consistent
Well, that's the thing is that I imagine you you can have very rigid ideas about. This is the type of parent I'm gonna be and then imagine, no matter what you think it just gets all shattered two million pieces and you just have to conform to whatever the child is kind of like. I guess this is the experience of you know, I'm just I'm desperately waiting for language to really kickin with him. I think when he can start talking, I think it's gonna be some. I'm hoping it can do so much more fun right, You can start of teaching him things and and discussing stuff in saying all. You should really see this and look at that paintings, net cool or like look at this house in an amazing just like talk about stuff, and we really fun here. Two things are busy just over one and a half ago. He still gotta ways to be naive. Half a year a year before we're talking men, you, but I imagine, if just get just goes like that, yeah
How many there can you do it goes just like I was looking at. I was just on the test website. Just like all the tests, as you know, it doesn't the truck the test of time that a task which everything there is also some super snazzy sports. Are coming out earlier and and- and I so there's like put your deposit- now comes out and twenty twenty m. Like that's, oh that's up as far as that is not that far attended at all. I Darwin yet you're. The reason I didn't is because when I got my car there was. You know that the test was worth the it's a lot of upgrades to get like the battery packing
It is better to make it worth the TIM and sows like so then in the operating battery baggage, then you can't plug it into you have to get lifting it like. I have to put an especial charging stations function. You have that, even though I do have a gas or electrical entry have this the right plug well, if there we dont park in the garage is here, but I am really I'm just holding out there with couple years. Inductive charging. That's a kid, there's no reason, besides techniques, we do not have inductive charging mats for cars, yet I always thought like hot hot switching batteries would be a fast way to get your get. Your challenge has done, but I guess it- the batteries, huge their little. Yes, a little, I went out stick another one at the base of your car would be difficult to swap that out asked stressed all the time with my battery life, just because it sets its random are sometimes I'll have like, then, all night and and and then alike start driving around me like get this through
left home. We can just because you have to look and you like, go to that like the zoo or we're charge, and there is always some asshole that just plugged in India for decades for just being a guy who's in the same asian unique situation. Areas Nestle benefits to young, then there's like were or sometimes your plugin in somewhat going. There's like how much longer you you got really don't do that. The ILO is lies a drive to the west side. Man to go. I told you get it So it's a weird culture, the wagon piece out yet so just adjust the recharge efficiency. I think just needs were just like a hare away from fast charging and then once that happens, then I but I like you. I would be so strong
asked all the time that I was just going to run out of charging you just you plan your date for lay it's like. If I may have been playing, I figured out a way to plug a decisive part in the street. I send my house and so but, like I said, I have a cord running over like like from the top my fence over too football and I go down then, as I appeal again like on on the street, but it it's like. If I can't get us that spot if has already taken, then I have to like make sure after look my day, my next anger, ok, dear. That's all go to that want em, Glenn down and locking get coffee while its charge, you kind of start applying to David differently, bringing this back colorful circular. You guys ever watched the show fully charged nine God, it's great you gotta watch it it's Creighton from red, dwarf, ok and although the well- and he does this show- and it's all about what is the latest technology in electric cars or micro power generation, it's all just kind of clean energy, stuff, focusing alone on the cars, but also in other things, and it's it's amazing,
raising is really good show and it's like it's just online. So I dont you too. I am totally patron fora and it's terrific is normally like two with sometimes to episodes away. What else do you watching that you like? Have you heard of them the game of the thrones, that other problems are in some type of sport. It's a notice. Eight words around playing. I guess what site try to think of anything else. Allow Holden catch fire Finally, caught up with that. I said it was the first couple seasons and got too busy and finally caught up with the last couple of seasons of that, and I guess that's over me- I think it is that I was We argued that and Lee Pate Lee Pace is he's fantastic as well. I really liked in ITALY place, I think it is we pass yapping told it told it yet.
You, gotta tired. I too have Excel dunes told this is why it is so windows. But it's because of ex with me to one is mute. Witness me go, go, live twenty four twenty third so that so it's on right now, it is time for mute is up right now. Yes, you should definitely watch it its director by Duncan CO, written by Duncan you gotta, you gotta scars garden there and and of punch of Amaze rod and Paul Red and other much match with a great mustache with real didn't really grow. Any grew that shit you three years old. It's really can legitimately can do everything, but it also one of the funniest people got the like. What is also more nobody's yeah, I hate you. I know it's fuckin bullshit. No one should be that talented this affair, and also nearly seventy three years old. It's any looks great.
Looks fantastic, but it also is a superhero. Do you got to be a superhero? He does everything but mutes Duncan. Thank you so much for coming back on thanks. My thanks for coming to my house I'll, show you some toy, show your aunt em in shape and twist you boys at home. I don't you kindly for your child. The complacent about exactly what more do you need the trees hummers? You would have like a collection of something or on I'm, not I'm not a collector, but I admire those who will We did. I say that we are determined that did we determine that you were going to call the Rockwell while trilogy or at the bells, the very bells, the three Valse three bells, three vows and what's the next one call was an actual, because I can't tell you what it has a great tat god damn it starts with
the moon Moon. And move the kidnap aright enjoy burrito in the end, and I need Andy's.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-12.