« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Dave Attell #3

Dave Attell returns to the podcast for a third time! He, Chris and Jonah talk about differing views on dirty jokes, playing to audiences who don’t understand a comic’s humor, and his new show on Comedy Central! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Walker than others, parkers number, five, twenty four it's Friday Memorial Day, we can have a great memorial, dig it out, barbecue a winner or get together with people or go outside and see what it's like out of doors or ignore everyone understand your computer. I may do one of those things. I would like you say that we for forming a wise guys in jet near Sonic City was violated. Utah may twenty and thirty from thirty first put a wise guys, comedy dot com, and it takes for that and then come back to Portland helium June twelve. Thirteen and fourteen go to company dot, com, Slash, Portland, come on out and say hi developing the new hour of stand up and has been superfund soap come come coming about, cannot make me out. I, like think responsiveness. I was so nervous broadcast
the way we only know. If I should say this, I would have talked about this, even if they haven't been a sponsor of the five cast on May twenty Eightth spite TV took over the APOLLO Theatre in New York for one night only also contributed Don Rickles, and I couldn't be there, of course, because I work in LOS Angeles, but at a bunch of friends There- and everyone said it was absolutely incredible and the light up saying it's like its Seinfeld Letterman and John Stewart, Tina, fainting, polar and Tracy Morgan and their special appearances by Kimmel and Johnny Depp Deniro its course asian Bob Newhart re Romano reduced Feldman, Brad Garrett, so that it may twenty eight nine p m on tv they're, basically just coming out and paying tribute to Don Rickles, and I am- and I am still wanted to get done- work on the podcast, but he's a little weird about talking about comedy so and which, if he were on, I would make him talk about
so anyway watch the tributes get get your rickles fix. Spike tv. May twenty nine p m m. I would like to thank them for sponsoring this episode of the nurse back ass, witches David, tell David, I was back. He has a new series on company sent, recalled underground. It's on Saturday Knights and also as new especial roadwork is available on c c dot. Com always great when Dave drops Vice versa, there is progress. Number five, twenty four with David, tell me nervous dot, com, cavern or its most of charges,
the shovel my hair and worrying clear shirt. He had just to keep the brand consistent surrey, yeah, grandma companies nerves are making up. I guess documentary, so they're they're doing some according right now, with David David, Tell sits in our meltdown studio, hey data so has gone guys. Have you been in, of course, anytime anytime? I meant that when it think about going Samuel. I remember the last time I I've only got on it. This is the third time about that. I'm almost positive, I think you're right, I guess other the first two times Did it out like a really fancy corps building and now here we are in the back of a comic book. This is way That is better. We were yes, we were using one of robbery and see crests unused studios at e, and always it always felt weird always bout, weird theirs as those we are just people walking by enough to stay as we are in this fish ball, and so people think you're supposed to be really important when they see it doing official stuff microphones enables just see us may be really confused me like I'm supposed to none of those
yeah, where the carnations- those I don't are those things. What are those things there men's iron man brought a case that it was one of Ryan's. Many recordings like he has safe house, is all a robber radio show well Zeno He D, he, I think, he's more workable it than I observed. I got very very like a guy as a quick by that thing, Build Amadeo Station and any could he could buy that thing with any one of his, numerous. Seventy doesn't work for more like it's like. If there's like an hour between jobs, he disappears yeah he's days away and he never existed that as far as like the like, the brother and sister from back to the future in the picture you just asked afraid aware. No yeah, you're right has never existed bakers and they would have never existed. We have been erased from existence, so are you are you in for a while marriage difficulties? That was the most gentle slam of Ryan secrecy?
everything bad as they I was read it all right. He's gonna get tipper that in its been done, I Not only that, but his leg is doing wrong is obligatory wrong. I dont need Oleg, did the programming and he makes it's not really out watch, but as a mean that I see many seems like an seems. Like a nice guy made every time of Madame he's been cordial and Sweden Internet, I feel it gets. I'm trying them trying not to just quickly judge people without knowing which is sort of a weird thing, because as comics we are we gonna do have to make, we have to take stands on. We have now taken outside but to comedic effect, but I feel it. A lot of our culture. Just goes look at that guy he's problem But all these things- and I don't really know because I don't know- but I want to say that anyway and welcome sure I'm down for that. I don't know if you drop the F bomb on this.
Yes, that is available on the internet. You can do whatever you want this before we talked about damsel porn. That's right, but I remember dropping f bomb. Do you want to Know- and I feel like it's too, like you know? Oh yes, do much yeah yeah gonna! Let it like fly like you know organic yeah. You wanted to be you want! You want it to be an organic farm, fuck you famine here, yeah, that's right out. There was a natural remember when you were just stand about being organic, that that federal for staff and for the idea, I can't Can you David tell the character being that blown away, that there is a fair and here I was just trying to get you in that area. Yeah, I'm in town guys
terrible self promoter on how you witness the sulphur money to be both these donors, that it I'm getting better at it. Now you doesn't millennials come on. This is your thing: I'm not a millennium you're, not a majestic sir John Jonah spillage Jonas Eugenics, or two year the year that you're the cost you you just missed the cut off for millennia, let off another millennial. Really naturally like what is the cut off again. Eighty three, as when millennial started on my, can really that's when they to those they say, and they say that general Next ended at eighty. One are really. I was born in eighty two zero in between your generation, less yeah, exactly well! That's why I do horrible colleges ended adults. We'll be right. You re right. Finally, a voice of reason. We're nowadays daddy's is perfect, but I would say that, like the promotion, because you know I'm not here to promoting things, Did the Roma special. We were talking about this Jenin earlier and then
Comedy underground underground the coming central. Yes, that's Kennedy! That's that I like to think it, is their show. It's further comics, especially dirty or more raw blue yeah, you know acts which are getting it's like? An endangered species is hard to find a place for these people, a platform for them to do this rate dirty jobs because the is so now filtered, and you know this is so much this so much political. Agnes, and I know that's kind of like a hack term now too, but they really is so much so much. I guess the odd, so tight on all that stuff, that it really is getting harder and duties can show so the whole idea of this work. Coming central going like we wanted you to do and uncensored late night show, and since I am I thousand years old, and I remember and I remember before you know all this kind of
the president said exactly when you and your slaves would roll up in a up now. Ivy, like I remember the times when it was just like you go in the audience detail they they like it. They like it, it was over now it's you know, I hope to do and We were delighted to recreate Dennis small clubs setting which, as you know as you now there's nothing better than the club. We know. The reason is that I I I just like everyone loves, really dirty humor and now not everyone. Does I find the term even even on are in August on Twitter. Oh my god, I just drop a super dirty jogger by governments, cool they'll villages, as they have a really like him. Why you gotta going I'll arise that are always down there with. As I guess it's just note now, no they're, not wise. It way. Why does it have we they friendly. I don't understand, I don't know. I guess I think there's this idea that, like everything has to be for everyone, do you think it's like people, because there is an art too dirty jokes
people like just assuming your dirty jogging as other sister. That's like a shock. Humor, that's easy yeah! It is imperative that. But this also like you there is an order to every Joe could. I think, writing a joke is difficult, any joke, and you know that the comics really do enjoy. Who are great yoke writers? Are you sure clean and they can dirty it up. You know, and I would say that what you consider It is probably not what I consider dirty what he considers it is everywhere. As your own line in the sand and at the end of the day, you want audience that kind of gets that, and you know I've been very lucky over these many years in comedy that my audience does get it in other, get that it's just a joke and they get that. Like I'm trying to you know tat, to that level and they appreciated ice, I assume witnesses nodded. It won't show the appreciation at the March table narrow, like special needs kid just like in a pilot t shirts,
don't you want to hear these jobs again research, but I know that this is not. This is not an age comment. This is just a general term, but you are sort of grandfather gained in the sense that people- you people knew what you are about reviewer if you are starting off the dirty comic now ah forget about it because of horrible be begun it up, but people it's sort of like south parts. The same way like it just goes just the right. It came on just before everything else that like oh yeah, but that South Park, or that the title or the South Park really did step up, and they really I take a lotta hits for all of us because back in the early if they were being attacked, left and right by a million different groups? You not just like people like it. That's right- and this is an appropriate- I mean, so they really did step up. You know the fact that, like those guys really like that it is like a multi layered show with is like something always behind me, like you know, can't. Thank you enough for doing that, and that's like what commie central you know.
They do it right. Did you really right, like with Amy show yeah? Your show is also like another late night show why I assume everything and anything goes right, so they go. And you know I assume you're shows also uncensored right- did meltdown, show yea it s, not just leave it out. As far as the only thing, I think we can, you can drop the follow their yeah haven't. I her adorn the whole golf we do, but they just bleep it well, and we try now but what I realize was that, dumb, that there is really interesting thing that happens in the beginning. When we first started doing the show and haughty we're coming in where they didn't know what the show us that they were coming to see meltdown nano fur for at midnight. The economy is at issue, and so so they kind of didn't know some of the audiences didn't know what to make of it at first and we did have a warm up, yet I talked about the actual oddity, actually aping yeah, and so what was happening. Was the armies of becoming a little
either they warping warmed up. So the comics we're going dirty really fast, just to try to get a reaction audience and what we realize was that when Brodie came on board and started doing warm up the comic stop being so dirty because they didn't feel they had to like. Oh, I need a quick. I just need you know, so I think sometimes it's just that reflex of, like I just I'm going to do. I'm a naughty child and I'm gonna say whatever just to get a reaction just so I can get something from the audience Einstein and now that that really is a twitter. It's a very media platform friendly show right, I mean like all the different yet so I assume they pay you in Bitcoin simply give Andrei coin and internet dollars. They show yeah. That's right, that's right, and you know one day our salary might be a dollar and the next day could be two million dollar out and the next day could drop sharply again got under way and that we could all the money. So I don't know another rubbing the air with as part of the crazy digital culture that were an see we're off
in the same vein. I think that's it you trying to say we're all that if our aim is to bring it back home, we're all trying to do but limped, but sometimes people say you know, because obviously, as as an advocate of comedy of light when the skies how we deal with tragedy, how we deal with horrible things, and then people say like yes, but you still, you know fuck you, for you know comics wine is it just get to talk about whatever they want, but you can really hurt people and you can really affect people and you need to bear responsibility for that. I think that there is theirs different levels of that which is like, if you're in a club setting and people have paid to come in there and they know exactly what you're going to see that that they should control with it and that in our really is like I it's ok, not too, like something I mean. You know, I've lived pretty a pretty long life and has been many situations where I've not like something, and I can't I just left
you didn't have to campaign it after I saw Jaws three d. You know that Canada wasn't that great. It was some they do and then we moved on it's like. I went back in the water. What can I tell you now? After just really it was ok, it was a very minor movie. References are old. I may hunger games. Did I urge this time it for real? Have you deliver? That will be the last time like a review mind any old jugs like while I'm at a slob out the Jaws treaty reference round, or have you done that for reels now, the only like I you now here's the thing like adjusted in our okay, so using you do after the hour is like you, try and like. Basically, let's use the term by day Europe. It. Hopes have been telling for a you know, weeks years months whenever and then start again, and I about the point now words like: I do not have it in me to start again,
the new hours, I've done a few hours now. Some are goods a bad whatever. But Would you say that you know it really is That is the cliff when you're looking into the darkness of like I need another hour material now, it's really difficult and you know the whole thing of like recycling and an referencing. That's a coating about joke when it's alive, like that, you can't do that with song. You know you cannot do that pick a song and, let's see if we can updated like Hotel California, with that work with liquid and no doubt it, I think so I don't think so. I jump into it how about you, I believe that a reference in that a holiday express, but I I would say that people equate comedy music too much, not mistake because music is forever comedy is not colony. Is like firecrackers, it's up. It's just up in the today we look. There's some specials ever been our roads are that's why it's like amazing, like you know, and Murphy or you know like like sand, can
HU. I love, I think, never got the do as a comic that he deserved. He are you them as a template. Sometimes when I go like that's the kind of like that's that's all we need we need. Guy right now we need, I gotta just come up in like cry bullshit on the whole scene, and it would be cool and in order to say that, like you know the audience that does dig it we have to braced them more. We really do instead of this all like every body. This is, it's, not a select group people and hopefully they will tell their free and they will come and enjoy it or, if not, then we'll keep working. That's my plan is work to those people and, like you know, not insult or gettin anyone's face, like that's what the whole tweet, like. I ain't doing that just make sure that I'm hidden the people that I know like it in that way. That's the thing what say you said you'd like to equate for coming to music, but like in that way. I think we can be like music worm. You know when you when you're a musician, and you say you want to play it like a metal or hyper bore jazz. As I was somewhat I gotta go, I mean
as a really good metal banned, but did you ever think about sounding like Coldplay, so rivalry one likes, I know no, unlike its excellent, but yet for does up that does have with music. That, I think, are the early days gather like like Gillig like slayers. Can I change it up the egg and I guess it just depends on what you want is a performer like if you, if you're doing it for you, and you want to be no be able to just basically survive and sustain. Then you know you can still do exactly what you want to do. If you want. You know, I think, those kinds of relations are when people like I want to be rich, and I want to be famous. Unlike our eye wall, then I dont know: try be broader. I dont know what to do, but then that that just kind of becomes a conversation about like an art, overcomers yet say I get. But if some, if someone's more into the commerce and the arts, then I feel like that's when they would be like. Why need to believe? I need to be the cold play of comedy you're supposed to right, but I, but I really do believe it's so funny. It's like when people try to appeal to everyone.
I feel like the ones who really do break through the ones who actually do what I think is counter intuitive. It do the opposite of, like they become more themselves and out more exactly you're. Not if you try to speak everybody or not speaking, did you speak to nobody, So that's a really good. That's assured! In other selling, there are no, no, we kept their short press up front martyr, Oda, Kramer, Jab, TIM nurseries, diverted other forty. If guys who get transcends, that would be in an eight in a chinese character, but I'd say that the people listen to yourself and that no you guys and especially the meltdown like audiences, they they are into the performance they are supporting the performer. They are part of this, Oh kinetic, it's all happening and that's what I tried to do with the economy underground, which is like a club show, is Then a theatre shall theatre show. You really are doing performance. I've done enough theatre stuff right. I realized I'm, not a theatre. Never gonna, be one I've done specials in theatres. It doesn't look good, looks like a sweaty old, Jew are there any jobs and in the cloud? That's why
That's where I do my my because I want to be in it with wherever the people are not well, not separated. Yeah yeah. I know I don't like to distance and I also don't think that my act is really a theatre act. I mean I've seen great theatre comics like a Louis black. When I turn which had broken loose. Bikers like these two guys with theatre acts, I'm not I'm just the other guy, and these two guys a theatre ask as Mr Borg before he passed did theatres and he was like pretty much Ahead of this whole, like comics, do theatres on their own without liked support, and that that can now is the. The way you go, if you have that kind of following where you can bring in law, people ill do with Asia. I know how to play we're doing. Multiple shows that a club, I think, that's a lot of fun to do early showing then allay jail in economics. It up Our work on material on earth and in that way- I think you really do feel it better, be all gonna set in stone. It really better be finished because you're doing it the inertia it as it is it's it's. It's a much, much more presentation. I'm I'm I'm like you that I, like I like kind of being in it with people, and I like every show to be dead.
Because, your? U can interact exact without you know, it's very hard to interact and let in a large space because people, or like again see always talking to ask right there. They don't under their not part of that concern a separate member early on weed. I think we did a nervous showed a theater and you're like you were talking to someone up front and you weren't repeating what they said, because I don't think you're used to it people in the barrow. What are you doing exactly, but it's nice when you can it's also nice when you can see, faces of everyone in the room right and sort of like face it discussed. You're real good then happen, sometimes of Genoa, ignoring those like. If someone looks like you're, not having a good time, I realize, like you don't have to call that out to everyone. I just always did because I needed to comment on whatever was happening. Zigzag its tuckers you'll, see a guy cross arms not having a good time but everyone else around a as like just leave me alone, maybe he's having a
maybe he's out may or maybe he's having a good time, but you you don't know that because you don't know that guy had not got permanent bitch face would be fantastic Lama. Economy, but I do know this that like when the crowd and they expect they expect some kind of like something between circus, allay like some kind of our reading or something like that, they can be disappointed and I feel bad for them, because I know it's really hard to get people off their computers and devices to actually comes. He live comedy and I would say for most of these people they should just stick to like you know. You know the other type a comedy whatever, whatever they alone? No, you know you do you. Some of them come down, I think with false, you know like They really don't know what you're getting at. You said about yourself. The lesser me like I'm, not that great a comic by that I mean do you can actually believe that the idea put that's ridiculous. You know I mean people, I'm in a common.
Its nor guy, that back on a common approach right now. This is where we live. Our Ike I noticed recently described this- is really worth raising, but but Emily, but you you have to know, I mean and a new thing- the theatre act. Maybe that's, maybe you dont like doing theatres, but you could do, is a million. You couldn't be a feeder act if you wanted to. Maybe you just don't want to. I don't want to, but you're good, but but not a very good signal act. A hard core of the whales and players willingly. Indian Cassini ass only read land, but you I'm abode. Goddamn it now that you know that you can do, but you know that you have a skill set that most people don't have in the world. You know you have to know that I enjoy what I do. I enjoy I've been very lucky that I've gotten a chance to do a lot of common. Let me out of your good comic, then what makes it a great
I really think everybody has their idea of what makes a great comic what makes whatever, but I would say that we do live in a world. Where the next general My comments are already self promote and all this kind of stuff and that the car, itself the country itself sometimes seems to be the last thing that they that they think about Causer exhausted from try. Get work in promoting and allowed. Is that, like you know the fact that their pump, is about to an audience that seems to be apathetic about. It is, is kind of sad because, spent years and open mice performing to other comics and no body, and you know why we really. Alternative. It was either that or like don't go and have a job. You know and that's that's all we did. We get a real jobs and we did that and I was like you know now. Means that, like everybody is in the business and their working on being a comic, and I, like you, I feel bad for them and it's not their fault there. Adapting to the world we live in right now will yes get everyone. Everyone essentially is light. Like social media is essentially just a
ocean to all, but a lot of times without anything to promoters like rival, at promoting, yet just being aware being the ether, so people No, that you exist and really is a bummer that you have to do that. It's really sad that, like it use it was that hey. This is a funding to do it. Now, it's like the manager, like you, gotta, do this. You have to. Out that everyone like some weird swing moment. You know like on the president, have the mecca, hard decision, you gotta what you gotta Instagram. I guess I'm lucky because actually like do, I guess your I enjoy that stuff, because, quite frankly, it will be too hard to do it. I didn't enjoy, because it's such a part of what I do mean like it's, because I technically have to do it
a lot. If I didn't actually like doing it, I I would be miserable. I don't think you have to anymore, though I mean I know you like doing you're gonna continue to but like it's like, you have a show on a Europe but the shop, but to show that the core of of at midnight, the source materials, are social media, yet outlets or community. So but you're going to be there you're going to get it all every night every you do show you gonna have. Therefore anybody has to do not think, but, but I haven't, I could. If I didn't love the source material, I would have it like. I think the show would be different. Like it wouldn t say TAT. I love it now be grain. That is a view that, as a reverse dimension Joe, just don't you I roll yet another tween born on cartels. Point a justice. Stucco listen either way, here's the point on which I find or I'll just in it together rather die ice. I see a little somebody jump and ship here will be the renegade show. This is my bread and hopeful, someday butter
This could be. This could be this. Can you know it would be like the best case scenario the meltdown danger? We have eight episode, people watch it. They go now that there is nothing more humble than that matter. It's funny because young people like when we got While I was like, while we got a pilot, I believe we have a. We have like documentation of the show that we ve been doing for years and working out at that gray, we will go. Do things? Can get picked those I I mean if it does its great, but if it doesn't this pretty cool too, we got this thing I picked up airlines- I, how may episodes you think so he's gonna, be like eight or ten or twelve. I know this it doesn't matter because there's gonna be multiple episodes. That's nice ring to have these episodes and am I yeah like an hour ones like starting to be like, would you think you can get their disease around like out like it would be nice by? Why, like a like? It's not thing until two things at once. I also from what I want. I think I know
value. You is that if something blew up way bigger than you thought it would then that's more responsibility for you, the avenue we don't want, sir, no, it's like if it if it blows others fine, you know why you do it s, not why another is not why you do not have to do something with the idea, that is going to be a thing, That's why I'm worried that word about what's wrong, back to me for what I would want. If my show blew up I don't know we ran into a mobile core determination. I was he's gonna say you fucking go ass. I now I do know is going to be. I gave arguer dress of of thoughts here, I'm just going to say that, like it's gonna blow up, there's an audience for it, and at that point, It will be made for out what it is. I think the common underground, show the best thing I could do with that. You would be dead. For some of these comics to get him out on the road till I see what that's about to really connect with the audience, because I do think that like watching it is cool, but seeing it live is what
important and die out. The fact that you get to see and unfilled diversion of it is a great tastes and that's. Why would you guys I've been doing for years and years and years is definitely do to be seen, and there is an audience for it. I've been here, I've been your life, I've seen. What goes on here is a huge audience for its. I think it's gonna be hit, you know of it would be. Nice would be nice if it was that, his ages. I want more money. Is I think you want also the abyss to the ability to go to a town with a group, your friends and be able to know, and they will reiterate this and other places it before and I just want to make stuff Really, I don't know, I don't think about it much more than just doing and I'm afraid of the show that, like the idea like you know, like just kids, should just start shows in their towns or in their neighborhoods or in a bomb afraid that kid's against our Starting shows in the hope that, like the then they'll make it
maybe she'll while, but that's all that is most most of what people do no, but like that's like that, wasn't really the case I can take. We didn't start this show with the hope that they would become a tv show. You know, like people that started open, makes people that start like shit. In bars of that. I am afraid that we were going start doing this thing like their legacy. We gotta make it we gotta do this. We have put these people should just be cut could be putting together. Stana we're gonna, but I dont think you are right to say is true, but I don't think that's right to say why people should do anything if they as long as they're they're putting comedy into the world. I don't really or why they're doing it as long as it's good, an end if it exposes people towns, the company they would have otherwise scene or it inspires someone to like. Oh, my god I never would have known. I could do this right, then it doesn't really. I can if it doesn't really matter. I just feel like so the intentions. You don't care about us more about like that. If I'm getting really granular, I might be like wall the deck eyes. Probably do that guy's kind of weird cause he just wanted to be famous, but that's his prerogative to just one the famous her it's their prerogatives that whatever they want, but look at all the stuff that boy
and around it. Because of that I feel like it's a you know: it's it's! I don't know, I don't feel like it's, it's horrible! All! Save you! Please, either way that I agree with you which is like you know what you do, something with the hopes of being famous yeah. Now it should be for the love of the of the of the show and being when your buddies and doing chose for you, friends, exact, that's cool, and if something cool comes from that that's great, but this generation they there so smart, they really do oh that, like you know, there's no need for us to. Like you know, it's like backyard wrestling in Algeria is like that God they share that what the world out of every other, that you see on the net, not so much, but that was I can also maybe we're we're hoping like salmon swimming upstream that, like maybe one in a million, will be or one in a thousand, will be something totally different, some cool that takes it the next level you got out for that. So I agree with both of you here, but if we can say, one thing is I love how people always go to anybody whose the tv it can be anybody look alike. So how many episodes and how
Looking at a high aid is seated in the quarter. What quarter you gonna like? They know all the tv terms and yet there working at a call juniors like giving you the thing like they put you on advancing it's like: listen, no episodes, listen viral video view yell at your check, like I know we're on the business here by God. You're ready, as some of so much of the curtain, has been pulled where people really really understand all of those things. The fact that you know I could talk to my mom and she's like well the fact that she knows that pick up, is like a weird d. You get picked out. You gotta pick up like a pick up. How do you know about these things? That's a liar it's great yeah. They do now that everyone ever was much more much more savvy now. But I dont think that I don't think that its raw, I mean look You know when I, when I was young, I like oh god, I you know, I would see these performers like that's what I want. I want this,
adoration and comedy is kind of the thing that makes me want that I want to get it through. This lends, but then, at a certain point I you know I gave up on all that, having trying to get that because it's you can be very disappointing. Enterprise and clearer- or you know, I just like telling jokes and make people laugh- and this is who I am, and so I relax in two I'm just doing this. For me, it started in that and that do here, area, but I feel like I relax into over. This is why I am actually doing it. Yes, I love it and it's fun the deadly, so I don't either Music, and I assume you guys are- are to the festivals and allow a kind of stuff. You know you do accommodated, well known. I'm say like I like comedy these music first, all I assume is like to see em it's whatever about it? Is it is for a lot of the you. Take it minors out of it, and you got these bans that are kind that weird place of like they have a following the kind of known they were invited to the festival, and now it's really for them to punch up immediately joint, get get that next thing and being in a ban.
Super difficult. As we all know, there is no no money in product anymore. It's all about touring touring even like daddy, so touch and go you never really now and it's year to year it it's almost like farming and you have to rely on a year this year, but they went out. Then you also hit a locust came an eight hour to tars. I don't know it was. It was that it was the hang over movie, not everybody, but then you have to, but you also have to address. You have to rely on other people before you can do. Your thing is I love I mean I cannot imagine if I couldn't it like. If my stand, to rely on my girl. I guess I can perform tonight because they might the guys in the grew yeah. I couldn't make it our. There was an important to them or whatever the it's more, but it's more of a team effort there, but I think music is the hardest and then there's common Well, I put acting above above both of those. That is that I can only imagine what these people go through. These actors, like you know, what's this walk out on the street here on sunset, the everybody there is a character act arising in ice is awaiting on waiting on a call.
For my whatever game, a throne. Just so you know it's really difficult in the arts. I guess you could call it, but I never consumers of orders only to myself. Whatever counted consumers have like a craftsman- like the guy makes coins well I've. Whatever ballot. I guess I see you How did you not to take something you not a look at something and turned upside down and find out what's funny about in spin it, and you know your skill set at this point, if you could just start talking about anything on stage in its probably gonna, come out as a judge, as as that sort of comedy joke rupture its Gallagher on stage going. I don't know what's funny about, like you start talking, You have a rhythm and it comes out this way, and you know how to express stuff and ideas. Maybe even before your conscious mind knows what you're doing I've using making it up as we go along then kind of a second.
I know what I'm doing. I mean I've, written jokes and then I've also tried to wing it. Nor can the seventies given there's about the two, but you know I think you know, but you a comedy endlessly, unlike what it is like, I think it might do like a lot but of a disservice like the people who are, you know want to get in the comedy, because I think they think that it's all this it's really a lot of alone in a room with a pad move, listening to a table yourself and your boss. And like your hate yourself, and it's almost like mother thinks we're, like you know if I fast forward two minutes. You know I'll make it up. You know you try to make these deals with yourself. Like can, I you know like just get through this horrible and I think that it really is a lonely, a lonely. Again and you know who ever once again into which it now that will do bombs. Last time you bombs bombed at the
improbable has not. I consider that a bomb really or a tie- maybe now I say fifty fifty four makers in I really never go up to kill in. I really just go up till I try and get that new. You can take that Turkey's you don't want. You been it's a long like for me. It's always been about material, but I would say again that need that really is like that's great and then we do it in a sack and then you like bats, where one, but still for that moment, you feel like everything, was work on my way. Mark TWAIN was smiling on me or something, and are you ok with that? Does it ever does it, but does it bother you anymore? You don't care because alarming, I think about it, buys every everytime. I think, every time Tommy bomb. You feel like what happened there. You know this and that after, like you'd comics about it and like at the end of the day like in other pretty they're pretty right about, which is that it's like never the audience while it's your fault, but it is kind of their fault in terms of like not letting us in putting up those walls they keep talking about these, like you know,
I do want to hear about that or they're kind of priggish prudish I mean you know you don't pay and your calmly club, you gotta, call at your hair down and let it happen. Why said today, said to the audience and, like I put around say hi to our audience on the tv show before, and I say: look you know you just have a slight job, which is to just just have fun, because the more fun you have the comics will sort of feed on that joy and you will make them you're so dont be defensive and go you better make me laugh it's like? No, you guys make us funny. Why, like you if you are, if you are laughing we will burrow in that and I will open up and be, and we will give you more of what you want. But if you come in defensive and like you're gonna be a win me over, then that's it with associations. No, it is it's also like a comic audience. Relationship is not just might seem like it's one way, but it's a dialogue,
your creating a relationship in the audience has kind of meat you a little bit so that you can give them more of what what they want and have a better time. You can't force people to. Fun Zack! I can't imagine you having their problems since, like people know you and the oil some see you like really into what you do you not from the talking Joe to this, this yo I mean, like you know I could see like for the for the for the at midnight. So that they will just be like adoration like just not people people are very nice, but they also, I feel, like the more known you get the more expectations are certainly and like I thought you were a volcano, so there is little bit pressure there, but, yes, it does. It gets easier in the sense that that whole thing that you have to do when no one knows who you are on stage of the first like minute? There
quickly. Yours who I am and here's the raw about. Here's. Why it's ok to like me and now the now the jokes? If you don't, when people come to see you on purpose, you don't have to do that as much cause, there's a little bit of a shorthand because they know what you're about of her so you, but you must feel that, blog about to see you on purpose there. Now I like I said I was trying to bring the new material, but I think a lot of time said the audience comes, for The reasons you know then like really to have a good time, which is it is the problem with all, but I'm not gonna sit here like go through the audience and they and their like psyche on this on the sub. We have to deal with what we get and, at the end of the day, like we're just glad there, because I've done shows with nobody there. I mean like I've done shows with, whereas like super empty and that all the guy who's the guy. The bars is looking at you like. Do thanks man coming up that ain't gonna happen thanks, I'm on the bus now. Would you do you ever feel like it's important to it, for you? Is it just about being funny or do you ever go, you know what I really want to
once the audience to try to like this thing, that they might normally go ill at an ovum like that. But do you try to challenge them? Do you want to challenge them in any way Well, as I said, our comics drinking coffee, or as I call it, millionaires wearing seat belts humor now I can hear. Alas, I see it The knife fight in I really I'm not I'm not trying to undermine later overwhelm to say, like you, never know, it's happen in the club, I think that's the cool part of it that ought to make it every time like that's. Why, like it becomes addicted to hang out of clubs, like you see guys like I've, seen guys, I started with years. You know over twenty five years ago this lying at the clubs because it becomes like that's what we do and we- and we are- we, we kind of like the idea that, like this is our plan, and you never know. What's gonna happen, the club like it's just like can be great show. It could be a horrible show. There could be, you know, just
rates of happening, and it is, I guess, there's that allusion yeah, like you're. You know that that can happen, but I would say that you know if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So you know we just need to people, often computers to come down, see it now. Well, I think- and I think there is something that happens even if people know who you are and what you're about their moral been too liking you, but if you, but if you get lazy you don't and you go while, like whatever I say we are having we want it. Pod guess we're like these people know what the podcast is. They know exactly what we're about pretty onboard everything, and then we get a little lazy, there is a law is like? Oh yeah, that's right! You still have the these still have right either. I, like that you'll get that you'll get that forgiveness for a little bit, but then at a certain point there for an hour or two hours like you, you still have yeah. That's what makes this a real job. Is that, like you, have an audience and they
all you every day. That's like being a talk shows I mean that's the hardest job in show business being a talk shows, you know, and you know I that, like doing that day in day to day and day, unlike engaging and ok and thou, especially the way the weight is it so competitive when you think of Johnny Carson days in which, my days too, I'm not that old guy. You know the fact that he didn't have more all about being. The only game in town is like really does make him like a saint like you get a bit like you, don't like that jungle fuck yourself, a lunch bonanza and the other is nothing else going on here. For China's guide that deal with it, three of them are color bars exactly now, I'm just gonna. Look in my wallet like the fact that we have that kind of balls is really just amazing. I well, I think I think, because I just think it didn't occurred to him to have to have those balls because too, you know twenty million people a night were watching now house where there was no, I think, they're it
it wasn't really until like who's, this this letter, men, fellow of as following me that people seem to be interested in now Letterman in the beginning, like when I first Letterman that was like when you really do feel like, while I'm in the game now I'm a real common was that I, whatever its ten fifteen I've got something I got. I did Letterman and, like you know, to be to be fair. It like that show they used a lot we're comics in beginning and then a kind of like dissipated, and I think that that was like. That was a mistake that they should have like really energized comics Jays way more complex than then let him in everyday, unlike other guys that another. Do it consistently like a Nick Griffin, or Jake Johannsen. They did like thirty forty fifty appearances, you don't like that was really cool to watch them do because we all now or it is to do stand up to a network that work. You know yes back, so I was really cool to watch them. Do it. My guess is probably I mean you know, I know Letterman did stand up, but I dont know I wouldn't say he by identifying
Stand up. A j definitely seems like he's a comment here. He appreciates the art form of comedy, you know, and so that's why he wanted to have comics on, and I sure Davis like math whenever well yeah. I think they, both at the time by J deftly, was the fact that J still does gigs really to show you that, like he's a comic coming here, really is out there. Well the fact that he did gigs every Sunday night just to do. I end up in her and her most of each just because of me. You don't have to do that or gigs and went and corporate and corporate gigs. That's that's when you know like if you have, if you have other options and you still do stand up, that's probably the thing your passionate the guys who bail the second. They don't have to do stand up any more. You, like I of aid, is not a guy like that to you, but it, but, but do you know in their defence to it's fuckin hard? It's grind. It's a grind to you know to go out and I'm about to go out and do it again. I haven't done it for a few months ago about to go and do it again and I'm excited, but I also know like
already trying to conserve the energy issue. Let me one three shows on a Saturday night yard and as is like yourself, we are, we aren't, we added a third shown its figure by the time you get in a third show. You forget tonight, it is this show or last show, are not like my brain starts to screen. I'm with you like the melt answers like how many you haven't. I have like one long, Joe or like yeah. Let's just one show about two hours: ok, so that, but that would go forever. If he has wanted to cause, is no last call it. A comic book store is now but like the store, closes the vagina and then everybody's mind. Then the name. That's our asked. Trot Ipod Iphone I'd like the? U admitted, like framework editor like an hour. If it really around, you lost the neighbourhood around here. We can't make too much noise array because then and then, though, apartment buildings will complain and then the cops
now I'll tell them. You know it's near its homework is Eric as I want. I like that. I want to give a shadow for the comments that have been on the underground joke as they reliably Joe De Rossa or my Fazio. Ass. Great a transplant from New York is already working on it, don't show Sloan Back coach to do that, J Oak is inhumane. I was the first episode and then this week, then we had p Davis and who have you seen this guy he's Gray Petersen. I rather like an amazing about Williams, is really funny to know them on shared module. Be Davidson was that I saw in the distance at the airport does like fuck that dude I saw performance That night of modules are far less grey, you already knows we as he's really this week. We have, I think it's another they really strong shall we have Kurt Masker, Dino Korea, he
so funny, and he just an hour to so. I can see that it's it's gonna, be amazing at the Nicky Glaser Rocket, Ass and MIKE Vecchio, who I think is probably the best yoke writers I've I've ever seen. I d give stoppages on point it's great. And you know I'm just the hose- I'm kind of the UN and the glue you know and like my jokes, were like also team and I we're running out of time. So we cut most of my shit out and I went like this like I would like the comics roll. I mean this app is good the comic! That's a comics comic! That's again, and I I love it's good. That's good! That's good! Do I'm always on our show. I will now it's like inasmuch as I'm admitting this, and I am not saying this to you, because I want any kind of appreciation for it, but I'm I will always say like cut my stuff first like or if I say something in another, conversely cut my let them sake is it now,
because you want it's civilians better for comedy, is better for harmony. One more people are funny and its also it's also nice to see to watch people thrive like its rights and fuck love, Nicky, Glaser, fuckin funny, I'm arrange a crush on our show. Every every has every single time evil on the show YAP, and you know it we'll just have like a tonic gray comics on it, and there are like another guys like sorry when I started and also these new people like I have you ever seen- Junior stopped his guy oh no raw Doug, who he is man he's he's like a total like there's. Nobody like right now he so good, and you know he would work in your room, and you know I, like you, know four for the underground. She really wanted, like straight ahead, like kind of basically raw comic Jeff and, like you know the altar of world around, you know what you are calling moral. I don't know, I don't know. I guess I got what what do you call it. I don't know, ought or whatever.
Tough to say, because it doesn't really. I know I don't want to insult the whatever of Germany and Craft like someone might be weaving while you're on called comedy and wherein Hood it's what you're? Ok, that's the kind of hate, my dad and not really I say my daddy's ray really there may yeah he's winking at you back here. I was just a guy who's, the guy. I think it's called a comic comedy cities. You know the whole idea was like: let's bring out the blue comical, let's give them a place to do this whole thing, but at the end of the day was about dirty was just bout like hoard funny, and you know I learned some important lessons on the show about, like you know the comment that the whole idea like just like your being you know, like you, said, like shock, you know whatever the cost of that's, that's the crowd citys more, for that they get it does want, like good, does want good jobs, but also text realising it I mean it. I think a lot of comedy and
people are willing to tolerate it has to do with the content, and so, if you put, if you put a really dirty comic gonna show people are expecting that they might be like. While I was weird what has happened, but it's like this is this showing all about energy like ok, like I think audiences for the most part. Cool as long as they know what the rules are and genuine generally, when people get upset, it's people who didn't know what rules were or who weren't there, who lack the contacts and when o thou must look into how good that guy. I think it a context of the thing it didn't seem. Yeah strange because you're, seeing it out of context and not so much a comedy, is context. Strove. That's why I like
when you see just like a clip or whatever yours like another, not getting the whole. Doesn't you have to be in the room? You need to see what was going on you to understand why this people react to this. Where this person said this. Are you? Are you doing a bunch updates on the road now or are going to be desired today, or that one does not now soon will soon? I have plenty of snuff happening it's it's idiotic up three weeks very well, there gotta, like David, tell that calm and They could also got a comedy direct, I'm sorry commie central direct, not to get specials yet I, like you, know, for the people have seen it like. The feedback is amazing, and you know my downloads are connected to charity. The operation purple, which is a summer camp for the veterans, children Finally, a lot of them are multiple deployments there. You know these kids I'm really get a chance to like enjoy the same rights as had been moved, and you don't have. A lot of things have been happening with these boy that if they, if they go to my side, they could see the operator
well I'd, give money, I'm gonna give money again at the and the eight eight weak season and You know it's a really good cause and, like I've done a lot of stuff worthy, you know you were so, unlike our role now that we're coming to this point where they're coming home cannot forget him gotta support on nice, it's a good thing and common jokes for the kids. Well, now I just Why did I ruined it? I think it's. Ok, it's totally it's! No, but that that those people who were Involved- Jerry, I mean they're, just like angels, is really is good to be part of it. It ended, that at any kind of I mean that's, is it like being able to connect herself for the car? something tat is bigger than you like that that did I hate cell, promoting, that's like really anyway, you could get that. I said that I want to do this because I never thought of being done with the special. I think you know this. We ve talked about audio, makes us for months for you years. I've been does editing stuff from diesel pour into the dvd. For that that you know we camped out yet to that today, Yod special to the Undergraduates, like you know, you're
editing, world and you never think about, like love actually will be on the air and then I was like wow I'm going to have to like really promote, but I'm like not this time, I'm not going to talk about myself, I'm not doing it and I had done a charity event for the operation. Purple people and it was a very low now, maybe really angry. I was like you know it be called to connect this to my stuff coming out cause I've got to talk to a lot of people like to show, A lot of cool people listen to it are really into like you know, supporting and being applied. Something bigger themselves, as I doing these kind of things and talking about it kind of makes it all seem right, like a it out, instead of just all about What I actually was not aware that charity before so it's it's nice to it's nice to know. Well, listen! Happy war on what are you talking about man? I just want to smoke grass and put flowers and gun barrels, for I know now it's cool, so that's just like one. That's like another poor to its open. Think it well. I can I check it, I'm not that might help sway them. I guess and so you were
What's your rule on one especial airs like how much do you like? Ok, all material now. Is it like sixty percent material from the downloads either. Ninety nine percent of them that I really. I really do, think that it's good to shuffle that Tibet and You know I, like some people do come out, wanted to hear the joke that they just heard. You know it's gonna like best of and are you? Are you trying to some of that? But then you know there's always that element of like his stuff, I'm working on then I throw into it so I'd, say I've I'll, just Mulligan Stew, it economics it altogether as you you know, and then end with the. Of course you know some, I you know a song parity. Every eye. Guitar can I do we shot out since you you guys are lethal, comedy shouted out. We just lost a great actually talk about it, fringe comedy ATO and George, I'm sure you guys Bobby he's more easily. Oh and I need to talk about, like as I did, he ever play allay or the unlike use problem. Vegas acting as an ally act, but he was
the raw IST different IST puppet until it goes act that you will ever imagine. If you go to Youtube and check out ATO and George, you will see and like that is definitely a guy who makes it up hard core and never never changes act from from the beginning. For anybody, so that really, that really is like something to look at and go like wow. That's amazing that you know guy even did there so yeah it's like crazy off the wall. Comedy should check it out and will the idea, I think he probably came as far as Vegas, because it's it's not like theirs in L, a comedy business per se as like? No you don't hey do company law that was as like, I'm in town and I'll just get up and do said: thou, didst, promotional or theirs into people coming out, or are you just performing for free, which is fine of that solely fine, but it but our it sounds like you know at that, where he
like. Why would I go before US pensions? If you just gotta, get paid to perform and lots of a year? Ella is a pretty theatre. Town like you have to do like a big theatre here and not many people who live here actually work here I was go on the road yeah I like it. I do like all the clubs here. You know the comic store. You know the Improvin laboratories of either so it does seem like it's like the guys that I never seekers are on the road. That's like they're just back for a couple days and they just do so so you know, but I guess the crowds that do come. You know like they really do come to see their favorites and you know it's it's it's very hard to start as a comic. In allay. That's that's all say about very much so I know what you guys started to dear yeah- and I agree with you on- represents way horrid. I think it's better to start in either your time, or like us of a hub town nearby and then from their, then you go to a slight Chicago or New York San Francisco, and then you find yourself in a little bit of it
and you get stronger and then you, you know, come out here. Then you go to the library or you really hit. The hit me ordered harm. I don't recommend, citing here, you're hot or look like a young male vampires, something get evidently what now? What are you doing, though, even to Carmody just cause just come out. Just let it happen. You're saying just come now. Talking about, does come it's time for that, ok, good Rosa. Are you gonna take coming under ground on the road as a show like with like the toward a bit, but I have no idea what can happen with it and not the end of the day? It's not my show. It's the comic show and it's coming central show it's there. It's there it's their role. The special was my thing. I put all my money into an opponent can stuff into it and the the fact I took the same look and put it on that series. Conner I really knew that it would work in that space which is who shot in New York one club- and you know- I think these kind of shows the one that
you're still in the one that even Adam Divine Show, which is the highest Party House party. This is good because it gives when you start doing comedy you don't have an hour material, you don't necessarily have a place to put the material that you're doing anywhere, and yet the material ready to be seen, and these kind of show A great for you know guys we're doing it for a while, but also the new guys like get out there to see. What's going on an area like most survivor, and on tv seventy percent of its side the way I learned that its actions by doing tv unless the euros like way that work on tv you know like but it gives them the clubs. Although went one word on visa, I mean it's important. It's part of the process, and you know that are you kind of like the? I guess you could say, like the hipster, you know pick your guy who gb but free men or you got the Dublin article there glasses. I would call them early which want to be insulted by more way body,
moreover, comedy than he really I don't know what I've got that I'm just like about, has hosting abilities but about Ronnie Dangerfield that guy's them more from commie than anybody else, like the? U n of comedy by the way, I feel a great save comics. You now bring them out of obscurity and like make them star. Will it's it's you know doing comedy and in alive setting you can sort of it can be about more than just a joke, because you're there with people, oh and you can kind of your energy- can drive a lot of it, but on tv, it's kind of like a thief. Experience where it's real. You and one entity or you and one person, and I think it hinges more on the writing and the performance rather than just the hey. I consider I can sort of budget a little bit. You know, like you, get a little more forgiveness when you can Bilbil and our long story with the crowd and fuck around and they gonna get the shorthand. But you know when you
so you're under the microscope of television, and you have four minutes, and you know it really is kind of about the writing, because the people at home normal don't get that intimate club experience that most people can remember you're a guest people. Don't know you like. You know you didn't like the guy that night in I was so it's not like they. You know. All here comes my favorite get out in our current character on terrain that I like doing. The meltdown show that the tv version of the meltdown show because I decided to burn through bits that I've been leaning on for a while it cause. Go now. I now this is gonna force me to not lean on those bits and so right, right, new stops away, and you have a month something now outside yeah yeah. I put out any p almost like a single despite that yeah. So it was nice to how how how argue does every set that you do? How are you trying to two slot new stuff into at every single time, hopefully yellow
it really depends on it, but like out after after the hour, you know, like I go back to my tapes and say like what what what didn't make it try and work out a little bit but I do think that, like I've had the wall right now like I really can't to get on the road and accept making it up with the crowds to see just to see exactly like what material they wanna hear and also like what material going to come up with a new music of promoting. Basically, you must trust yourself to dinner. Like one of the arguments about, but I've done is a long time it I'll just figured out a little just come out. Ninety, I think, you're really really like, is reading the crowd and going like. I think I can put it this far and then pulling back and that kind of that's how I do. But I I think a lot of other guys. Like you know, you know this really huge comics do the same kind of thing you guys are doing, which is that they are getting ready to doing our so they go out and hit clubs still come to the common salary.
City. I just work their material and like even then there like you know, I don't think I'm ready or I can come. You know I need like another couple of weeks or know this guy thinks so that never gets old. That old thing, You know the material. What, whereas the material, right. Now, where am I, unlike? We really cool to be able to go like ok, I want to make a special I gotta go to these special and stuff store get like how can I need sixty minutes? You know forty claimed for network, and then you not just like this, then there is never any like that and that's when people go like ones and special like I don't know, I don't. Maybe never you don't know. I made some guys like I'm not one every year regardless and that's Jim Norton Louis. I stand hope, and these get Louis I mean that is impressive. Vs may cause, like you, know, think about it. That's an hour of new just like well, like that's amazing, that's amazing around it is. I like. I think I think at least two
It feels counterwork as then, if you like you, can you can it can take a year to get an hour that you like, and then you can spend the next several months like really yet we tighten and all the screws and making sure it's like all the other. They really need to like put that on themselves like one what's year, one That's crazy out is that I think that's gotta, relegating that, like the creative process till I can lead their journey. Maybe they do this as my thought on their journey, you doesn't. I don't I'm stupid journey that thousands of value judgement that you're placing on it now with good value, and I didn't like you're right a year and then a couple months of tweaking and then three to four years of substance abuse with their religious perspective, I hope I'm not. I ask sought sovereign all of the deterioration of that's one thing, that's great about county there's. So much procrastination- businesslike, like I remember, like you know, back in the days of just being a young comic way, you just like
man I got the whole day like I could have done a million things. Oh yeah, nothing, you know about you I always I still trick myself into thinking what one you know, what I am doing Carolines in a week in a half may twenty third of no may for. Second, third, ok, you said, coming out, maybe he's just using the real life or an age is talking to you about. I am not promoting the thing away and no one is about. I did I didn't airlines of a few weeks ago at a girl I value weeks ago, but you rocked by thanks man good, I, you know, I really came out swinging accurately by bill cause. We came up with just give you, get a smile. I know just in the middle, the show you know where he was, but terrorism is a good room in a bathroom. So well it's I like I like it. Like this. I liked the size, airlines, people really nice and I live. I enjoyed by what I what I really I'll. I always trick myself into thinking
we're gonna scheduling thing all day, because naturally I'll spend that all day writing and then, of course, six thirty Rosa I had to get to the show. I didn't fuck and write anything. I just walked around the city, but our colleagues is a great place because that was like the only have on club in Manhattan and like four years for years, that club was like they were, so they are the best. I mean like date. They really you could say one thing about the comedy seen in New York. Is that, like the clubs there that do flourish and dwell really support the comic semi like the kind of sellers like the perfect example, where the comics basically can do whatever they want their? You know the day they are, they are super in sync with the owners. And they both feel the same way, which is just like you come down, as usual. We have idea whom I drop. I could be but it can be Louis because rock abysses, but we have these core regular. Here that you gonna see do new material material. Whatever we do get me the best I can, Can I get a group on
our lives the same way, which is like they rotating these headlines and they also have like regular shows and that's like that's what you need in any town like you need that like to support the comedy, and then you know they both have been doing it for years. Lines was like when you have one accounts that was like a big deal. You really was a yearly while I made it. This is me. This is something I could bring like, not my parents, but, like my accounts, cousin to others and the great that some of the world's just smart, like oh, so people work, Now, if you let good comics be funny and new, like they just Europe against Broadway. Remember wicked beats comedy, me day. Well, that's true! You only Natalie the music I saw that was a line. You only need to be no need to beat comedy immediately to be Broadway by a couple hundred people a night like so you know in a city of it over what is it twelve million people whatever in Europe that every like
just squeezing out you just ringing out of the Broadway out, insisting upon people nights not too much to ask twelve million people, eight million comics. So it's my colleagues, four million voiceover accurate boys over. No one. No one does anyone know anything clear: the air for their voices, the fact that that that's perfect its excellent so time is a guy's for fifteen out. I have to go to another gig. Do there was an hour it is held up as any yeah. I think it's just just hit an hour. I really appreciate you have me on, and I'm going to say it again. Congratulations above you guys are you shows. Thank you very much. Congratulations on your show! This is amazing. We were all its issue cocky in here it's a lot of yeah. It's a lot of just jets of of show come flying around hitting each other in the figure, because last time you're here none of us had chosen company centrally
happens. So that means that next time you come back have to show the each on company central we'll have our whether again we act that will go back to where to find that out they'll get to see a man. Thank you guys. So much enjoy Bruno everyone now leaving noticed com
Transcript generated on 2020-07-11.