« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Dana Carvey

Dana Carvey (Wayne’s World, Saturday Night Live, The Dana Carvey Show) chats with Chris and Matt about their ancestral histories; Dana does some impressions and he remembers being on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Dana then talks about balancing his fan-favorite characters with new material, moving up to northern California, and doing a voice in The Secret Life of Pets! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Work in is respect this eight fourteen. Would you have on your. I got two things so. First of all, I want to promote somebody. I got this email Hey. I saw this on red it that there is need for email at better events and nervous dot com. What do I put my events? Will Chris Teasdale you found it? so he of the email about email as aware actually manage that common said. Where do I remember about that? Much effort into any workers, you fat, Laplace shirt, so we just promoted your thing tat. You could think we re evaluate that. I have one to throw out. I've been producing the Jackie Lorry show a nervous network. Then I think it might be one of the best if you're a comedian and you're not listening the jagged lorry show your fuckin abstained, because it is amazing it is to be with sixty years worth of stand of experience between the two of them talk about that and they just got their owned. A twitter account to be will interact.
Jackie at Jackie Lorry and hit them up because my God look, it's been really need to watch that bug has grow and become like a cool thing. That's both an amazing resource and also a very unique perspective. Instead of to listen to, and so I recommend it heartily. Thank you Kyle, and I would also recommend the pot guess. What did you learn? It isn't Linda about gas by Monica got who is produced around town whose work I million, shows its her look Jensen and they watch a documentary every week and figure out. What can they gleam these thing. Whatever the documentary, then they ve got everywhere. I did the american scream and about the home haunters. They gray, one on the thin blue line ever really great one on site. Geiss words. Just this crazy breakdown of lake conspiracy theories as a part of men like national consciousness, phenomenal show great sorrow browser if those are little things down, the court bore world. Thank you very much covering as he could nurse Community Court Board where we'll put Kayser Matter Kyle, let's not you that gives its Kyle's Munich airport. At some point
we don't want that it. I've known, we don't want, let's keep him nice and see like those hard continents to be that way. The fact that progress is not favour. Kyler, Katy Kayser full for this very limits, not no room for a bird and not just the catch. The ex by their gay gets the next one. This episode is Dana Kirby, who was fucking Assam God he was gone rights. He just I just kept looking like you're Dana carve well and where, if you listen, these hot and fresh out of the oven yeah. You should come to melt down tonight for real special show called beta terrorism beta tests. It's an immaterial show tonight, myself, Nicky glaciers, gonna
the show and Dana Harvey. Now that normally I arrived, I dont give out the guests because I want to buy, want people to come to see the show and not have it be contingent upon whose there there's always of your all the attraction, the Butler S, natural they're, just delicious hilarious reasoning, but Damon's created a date is pretty echoes Poland and he's promoting the secret life of pets that isn't theatres July. Eighth, you should absolutely go see its other folks are in that movie Just I know what it. What, if comedians we're dogs is the original title, then what have we seen within an enemy so others that do so. Data Harvey stimuli perpetuate number eight fourteen with Mr Dana Harvey Katy. Would you be so kind to me more stock
like what I d W. What would your background arise? It is an anglo mutt. Yeah can t it's it's largely Scottish. In northern English, on my dad said, scottish I've gotta Donald Harvey's from county Psycho, irish and then I've got a lotta scandinavian yeah, it's region, nor its hard wiccan, mercury was right, was that that genetic Serbia, but then my mom's Italian and her mother was half indian than american interests in Vienna on twenty three May spend the tube. In now I've not spend the tube. Yet I'm really love on which further
I mean I've got some native American yeah. I've got to nine percent West African. What and then the rest of it as a spanish, Portuguese, yeah they're it. As I see it. This way is that is an accurate. You believe in the immediate, accurate creativity I got my wife also did it she's? Ninety eight point: eight percent organise a Jew, This is it. This. Was your drug, nausea auditing, another resembles what what's in asking? I like, I assume it's, the northern Africa, the northern Jews. None of this is very exciting for mad, because what you don't know about matters that man of MAC try to converted Buddhism is child like that ought to be an comedy. You had to be jewish.
So he legit tried to converge tat. My mother got me wire from Catacausis really ran out. It was too much work gave up on it and then just married a super jewish lady. I, like Judaism, myself. I am raise Luther when I had airy. Yeah. No one really believed even the bastard. It is a true. You know you don't ever every cell When is the lad a wink? even our hymns or agnosticism refugees, some love God or just a nice guy. I'm sorry! I don't want to do it. Please stick up zero, ok, unlimited! job every every are we on the Bulgaria happening on many occasions, you're very feminine. I dont know why I had to pick out angle just a little bit of moisture. This is this is a very, very techy appear. Even zero, like Jane, Jane, Jane he's, really mean
are you going on the top now? If you see him right, people a great many people are not ease up they're alive. It is very the Regis eleven days dry. I couldn't take the heat out ready to go so what I don't use the region for me like a delegation to examine closer tat. I really get very angry once and it was very upset imposing waft pudding, he was fond of mine was working on Millionairess. I went to a taping and his MIKE was on at a commercial break and I don't know what he was angry about, but is MIKE was still on, and I just heard what Let's just don't fucking thing, I've actually went out over the whole endangered instantly like as might cut out, and there was that there was that more Moliere. Room where you can? Just as you know, is that everything all the air just get sucked out for a second, but they never obviously they didn't they didn't. I was on one of those
I felt the danger that case you get someone. It is the alleged becoming elevated mad at you will be very intense what the fuck is: you're, probably others that the key to him this kind of only those. I guess it's such a classic voices, his voice, yet his boy out to it it's it's called like a vaudeville ate it sort of like grouch. Your mark slowed down a little bit figures in a word about a dog among you pick a single word about it, I've about it. I feel that a rapporteur is very classic. I feel there is a there there's. There was the kind of at all that you have like. If you're gonna be a broadcaster, you have to be able to talk like the sun. The little rather later, this look at this in there and you need to enunciate were yeah. It's kind of funny Lydia juggling yet as money, because I referred to a one outside my goal: the character the character reading is very interested. You say that without he's, like you get here, I put out lemme absurd everybody's vanity, this kind of them and if I could do
well. They have much rather be able, eventually underscores this much bigger idea that your impersonation, which sort of became almost bigger than the people that you are in, that you would care characterizing. They wasn't even that they always sounded exactly like the person, but you were able to extract some essential quality of that person. Thank you and that made it more than if it was like a you know became as I guess than everybody was doing doing our say they were doing there. Do Dana Carvings version democratically at well. I do I don't have the gifts of like Frank, alien. Some of it was a little bit of vagary airs. One thing I do that I was surprised to targeted the essence of prompt censuses. Sure nerd cast a nervous whatever is causing a trumpet is like a Batman villain to me, because you know it's true.
On his helicopter, but his airplane, the giant or any of his eyes like a video game character like these president, his head will get bigger our integrity as he gets more powers. I agree, but there's a Trump Batman villain trump you'll, never get it. You never get away with his from you. I think I will and then they never get this part of it here, you know why, from now on, you can call me Trump guy You're, the only guy several after that. Every time I go, that's his name is wanna. Go trumpet arctic places. Islands. Will you because number one you have two? You have to understand what the old that structure the ban now and I'm gonna throw. Yet have upon the name, and so the people, the human time it Joe to their fucking wrong. Here's, a a current Johnny Carson thing. I do amuse my friends, so this is just Johnny Carson being pulled over on the pc age. And admitting where he was drinking. The
But these are not in the name of the drink, and that's all need to know on China. Through, I didn't I wish working. I had to a slippery midgets at a hooker one is better than that. It's all. I need and let him go into a frozen soldiers at the windy shoving. Just that it's great big. It is interesting that you brought that because I was just watch a video today, someone I gave him which side it was, but it was. It was the did this time the dead, Johnny, Carson kind of bombed famously in ninety. Ninety one Morrissey was a guest and bill. Cosby was also on when I was, in that. You write that yeah, so Morrissey was so super famous in this cut it in its super famous underground, to the extent where he could sell out a as he was selling out the forum he was selling out. These arenas body got nowhere play and the general
Look had no idea who he was so you had Bill Caspian BO bridges on and Carson didn't realize that all Morrissey fans filled his audience, so they I didn't want to read a partisan and its ninety one so he's about The leave anywhere and just the resignation of him like giving up to the audience and bombing and trying to make himself laugh in its. It was really interesting to see him squirm that far that far and is his career. Yeah is interesting once I was there will be sitting next to Johnny. I guess I was the first guess out the silently when all maybe six times and Kennison went out and started going off like offspring and Johnny. I could hear wonders rescuing. Shall I don't try and build religion, but we still need to say right so emotional during our them with landowner with, though with
I would say we have Johnny. I was terrified, I would say two things terrified me the most of my career besides auditioning for us now, but the first time I was in aid aid, age and loves who was already on the show was a big star liar? You know and Don Paro is there and it goes Dana's name this before our eyes on the show and I gotta be level is like, but I would say being by that curtain in hearing that voice. A gentleman changes Africa, is a bitter successor on sharing lie with the character called the tertiary. Could you please welcome my dinner Dear Nagorno Karabakh, so I was always you too frightened to even once that giant, Carson head with that close to media, and I could see all the booze and sick. Since Sunday River acknowledge now it was free for k with this
was very blurry. Tell em over. Did he acknowledge your version of Hamel totally? Why would go on you know? want to do it form a little bit. You would laugh and he was ok like he loved Cardenio. We did yeah right. Oh yes, and I do to benefit with our senior the other night when we're done about that, and he like that, the apparently so well they're, making fun or genuine me sure, she's fine, but then there was one that we did that did kind of like it that was sort of it. I wasn't asked back renewable. There was one: where will smuggle it written it? It was sort of that suit day was on and Johnny didn't know, departures likeable shell and their Christian. Iraq came out and, as I think, our senior and then generally was seen, show your ratings have gone up in order to have gone down right. So we just
It was a little scene out, I'm everything in this one might across the line, and but I let my ears talked into their private thing about ratings cosy. Obviously, I think he had probably an incredible ego about that stuff, and he s hearing the Joan Rivers things about you. I want you to that of the show he'd. Never spoke to her again, he Isley and any that stuff that I've read or seen about it here. I obviously there is opposition darkness swimming around in there, like you, didn't wall going back full circle real quickly. When I read just told me a long story, long story short, he went over there and he was a jolly studio. I did the show and then afterwards he was joking around they go Johnny Light you, you should come for dinner, so this reaches tubby. So Jolly likes me good I'll above as their right of salt. Somewhere in Santa Monica or some restaurant and reaches his rent. A car gets lost. Even had one giant of islands in it, a brick phone again at whether by less the flow of himself he came late. Any
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry and cars hinges, didn't didn't, acknowledge him the whole time then, whether they're getting the valet in the car reach, because it was a good I could write. I was lucky and Carson just goes in alarm, you're funny, guy refined. I was that was it. That was it. He was late, dinner, oh shit. Yet there is, I think that is, I think, there's probably like that he pry live by some old, weird yeah like met alpha male code or totally from the fifties and Sixtys was just you could. There are certain lines you crossed, and that was the idea that that a woman who was a physical fitness trainer from my wife and I in the nineties. She she dated Johnny in the eighties when he was maybe and between marriages, and he was fifty five. She was twenty I'm. Her nickname was the body she rang already then, but she looked amazing, and so I put her in touch with bills. Emmy whose still finishing up Ia Carson having different or some giant opus on Johnny
Why you would want to hear about that? We want to ensure that this is a lot, that is a secret life of pets, workers and over their gets. You I will get to its jobs was like that so well, I think the first time, I remember becoming aware of your visa because of personnel. But then you are you in a movie called tough guys that with them, castor and incorrect Douglas. Can you believe it ends, but you played a totally straight your were put use or like they were there. Why, saw dish and then were frequently dates said they wanted me to do it, because I would go for a hundred right and I would go in a room and see boyish looking guys with weak chin.
No one here, auditioning for a movie, you see what you look like when you go away, but actually I went up against Matthew, Broad Rick, for war games. We were the final two guy I tested for risk it. But when I was twenty six I looked eighteen so I could read for all those parts, but I got the part and then I thought will wouldn't it be cool of my character because my characters, their parole officer, prison after there, that I worship them and I start sounding and talking to I like them. So that was the idea and then the director Jeff Canoe ran by his name, they go. No, we just want to play it: sweet, o, Jeff, canoe, revenge of the nerves, yes yeah and he because well, I have too weird connections around here, Were you in that move? No I'd, I think, with a fan of it. Ok to Jeff Canoe things. I go to New York and nineteen eighty to do it. My first show with Mickey ruining Nathan Lane. Yes
So that's all weird thing, and I mean Rockefeller Centre and again playing a straight man, because I always played the straight and Rick Mickey very. The first echoes you're, the straight man right it had a thirty eight revolver. He carried a loaded weapon wither away. When I put it on the table, I was a number one store in the world, hear me: bang the world and that's exactly outraged. At hundreds of times every day I was unknown one star in the world, you hear me: bang crazy, forgot all world, so s it. I was upstairs and I would go watch pissed, Capone, Eddie, Murphy, rehearse and stuff, and I M thinking, oh god, can I be of their residents stuck in this thing. And I rented an apartment, and they said Robert Redford edited ordinary people in this apartment like oh, what do you mean it's impossible, so I found a layer damage if canoe he was
our ordinary people with red. First I going. Where did you? Where are you added that on this fee rendered this funny little partner on Lexington Manhattan? So well, that's crazy! I've noticed canoe was like that. That's the first one and then rom whims called me up. Jeff canoe was attached to dead poets society. So Robin call me up his eye, so friends governs the soul, but it is a thing which have canoe. You know tough guy. What so I said, why think you know I don't know. I just can't hedged on that one. So he waited and then Numb Peer were picked. It up right so and the now worked out. Ok, everybody's happy. Everyone was hit. I like Jeff Canoe, but you you you were. I would you see allay, and I was the the president of what was a small group of people that were the comedy club like we would write, stand among the weak and you came and spoke at Ackerman Union, which is our big ball room and and
member getting up and and terrified was lured. Would you ever do a stand up? Show up and you get you had such a great in the answer was no, but it was brilliant way or like well, you know I just gotta be careful, I can if somebody gets up. They can be in a show. I might end up in the back of a van, and you cannot act about this whole thing which, which gorgeously kind of got you out of it, gracefully, but what a horrible and I'm in and out of his four year less like and then what have I got older and I certainly like we can. Of course, if I just get up and go hey, come do a show. You're not gonna, go everyone everywhere, back and then you walk off stage and do the show tat you get into that mode of being sort of just I'm sorry. I can't whatever right is sort of thy, maybe you must have people requesting all the title: overtime, concrete. I agree we did a lot. I did not stop request I'll, never could either Chris. It doesn't really
through of people get a couple layers. You gotta get room to scale back. I grant that mass inventing, not accurate in any way robots he has robots. I love it. When I was younger, I loved it. I don't know it just that we simply go. When you see people, I think we're the reasons. Why are you always seemed very bad proposal and likeable review? I don't know. If that's true of this about you or me about me about you, I we think that I think is one of those guys and- and I wonder if that would be, that of a kind of was it ever almost kind of weird for you, because people feel so familiar with you that they come up and obviously I'm sure, Do this care to do that now come I do come. You know, I am now have a gay. I really area that people high try at a given moment. If I'm cranky I mean for the George Bush Senior, I have the running joke. Will you did George, we senior and I go now?
when you get out of a deal, my basic nature, being five kids for what a reason there is. A lot of violence is up my child, so I, like things com. I don't really like confrontation very passiveaggressive people, please, but I'm aware of that. So I am not so much anymore right, but when I first started getting soup some fame, I was exhausted walkin around New York in June and interacting everyone wanted to have a little story with me and you know by Tom. I got there my party I was exhausted, I mean to meet for me personally. Fame was not easy. It was very distorted, like five kids thrilled brothers younger sister, so my mom had the pictures on the fringe of all the kids and then, as I got more famous come on,
thanks giving their just be more more pictures of me and the other ones should be taken off rightfully so. Well that made me happy. That's not good enough door. I want the dominating dominated that serious point room over here. I notice you. I wouldn't put one extra picture down by you. I guess I'm approachable, I don't know, maybe I'm a nice girl. I always feel like I'm a mean guy, underneath a nice guy on top and Denis Miller, they think is mean on time, but he's really nice inside scurvy land me out at the nerve plot. What's the hard work he had like, I did some stand up. Look brighter impromptu. Who is the middle bill? Knickknack pond kiss? economic crisis, no money, a real network will make medicines
in any event, as my vocabulary increases when I do Dennis you care that red and in their view the nonsensical words the even to Dennis he. When you talk to me, I he has a rolodex in his brain. He absolutely is ridiculous, with wordsmith wordplay, just crazy, and given that Mon everything is to that sausage, factory of kind of critical good Darth Vader around Wallpaper ha ha. I can't get the street kid with a nerd. Second, good luck, a common cause rhythm. It's so rich. Yet, although there is an area where the matter would hang, albeit derail doesn't work when having heard what is it what's giraffe doesn't it doesn't matter. It's all this theory, ordinarily walking away everyone. I didn't we get the question it, but here I've flying to gather a lot from from New York back to Hell. I was just cause we're both just terrified totally paranoid flyers, so it was a very much running gags of light curve. You see anything I want to be the
first to now, like we're on a military mission, have something to say exactly and those paid the thing that Dennis would always do this cliche from war movies urine without a doubt, the radius bombshell, losers, lazy, ass, buncher, know, nothings, I've ever had the pleasure to me and that was our running gag. I love is funny. I was not long ago I watched the I watched the young committee. I watched every stand up comedy everything when there was the comedy boom and knew it hosted one of them The young comedian specials, which I unemployed, maybe like having gray Romano, might have been on. The moon was an Judd Judd, and I'm gonna grab floating o killer. I think handler was on it and bill yell at me. Maybe I'm a throw a man, you know sermon there,
I have my own, so many people that are net worth between one in four hundred million I knew them when they had an Amazon I mean you know, will generally is lad a mob. I mean it is extraordinary that people? I know there are between a hundred million that inform detail person in my head. I'm thinking I'm giving you forty. Even me, forty I'm giving you forty million. That report preside analyses. I got an empire, I'm not an hour, it isn't that things are giving you three million very generous. Thank you anyway. I know those on celebrity worth. We could look here, but you don't even know oh yeah, not now. I want to look it up. I want to know, because of lower, be like That's all I, and if it's you are we looking for my god? Why here you know Seinfeld eight hundred million net, I'm thinking what will then did he may two and a half billion I mean I'm not a hedge from guy I mean you keep of ads.
I cried Henriette, I mean how do you get to a billion? Only if you're lucky you have you wanna make a shit anybody you have to make a fact antimony like because it gets so many pieces of it go to other, which is witches Finally, by employing boy, but you just want to be realistic view here, someone makes million dollars. You know they're, making four hundred you re lucky, which is a credible manner. Not yet, but two Yet eight hundred million net did Jerry, make two and a half. We had a billion growers sinned occasion deal of sign a grocer net. But I could talk about dissolvent I mean defined area. It was given up. It's out always netting that there were hundreds of thereby than there was another immigration deal after that when expire. Oh yeah, two point one, then all that money is probably in just crazy investment funds that the GIS yeah there. It's like you know when built from the time bill, Gates left Microsoft right was actually where he's made the majority of his wealth and he went from the network of probably somewhere around ten billion. To like eighty from the timing,
Yes, he was just investing all that money and stuff. I know that's the way, capitalism, whereas the way it works areas. We re all in small bills in Nagoya, department of forces that are there isn't a hang around me. Anybody only tells jail where the money for the airlines, the divine look at it. To do anything else? When you could do stand Angora birthday, when you could be doing, then that he is going to be here today. I met the birthday party regime. Is such a bureau a mean? Nobody was illogical, well in hand, he died. I met him. I did real time a year and a half ago, and he was on and it and seeing backstage that J that I remembered from when he used to go on. Letterman yeah just seeing the real acerbic innocent realities. I sadly the tonight shown back there's like why.
Demanded viewing ahead celebrities anymore. Why would I would like there's a there's that guy right well easy easy scientists about it? Let me with this I do whatever one twenty nine jogs, thirteen minutes David and thick. Ok, I mean he has it down to the minute J habited. I e just understood the network, the dunes anyway you're Corky bunch. The Canadians are Corky Bunch, Corky Letter Bunch. Are we what were you lay on that the spectrum of needing it like you need to get on stage or or you go on, as you have some funny ideas, or do you like it oxygen from it, mothers to different types? Really, it's a little bit of both. I think I just resting. I like it. I like it, I enjoy lowering your network, they don't want minor need innocent. I, if I don't do it for a while. I do need to get
stay out, but I'm not. I don't feel obsessive about it in the sense that if I don't perform seven times the sweetie, I am not a comedian. I just I like it. I like performing, I like being in front of people, have a sleeping, crave attention and it's it's it's bonnet, something I hope I will never not do and that's why I never did anything was just so I could get people out to sea shows. Well, if you do stand up, then you are doing a lot of things of one's conquering fear. The most humiliating things in my life had been some my bombs yeah. What's your worst Bob's earth Westwood calmly store George Slaughter. I only done stand up two years from laughing came to San Francisco to recruit. For that short lived, second laugh and about which rom whims got on and saw me out a little tiny place called the mustard seed. And I got on a roll with my STAR Trek Bid and he invited me to allay to meet you know. So this is the first part of my parents bought me. A court
isoude we'd, never winner from Northern California, so I was wearing the entire time. I was a three please corduroy suit. That was light beige, how like urban, cowboy or something and I went his office. I thought I was a regular job in trying to get me to be funding. I was is totally like that, so then he goes well. We got shot. The westward comedy store so I went over there and I'm on kind of early and I went up and I what did my First STAR Trek thing and play to silence and I Experience till I made a made a switch talk to the audience anything, so I just went down and sweaty flames, just the First, ever and I went over to the booth- and I had a girlfriend at the time who is sitting there and I sat next or never could see us and I'm just drenched in sweat, just really shook up, and she's screeched over, and then they threw up J J Walker who was gonna, go on an hour later just stood there, so I wouldn't walk the room because people are so
go. This is so bad, I'm out of here where we goes regular, kids, how it's done so that was my worst bob. Did he crushed how he crushed any was great was actually great, but I think if you can still get on stage, because everyone has one of those types of stories and if you can still get on that's when I tell people like if you can still get on stage after that happens, and you still want to get on stage you're probably doing the right thing by TAT would make most people never do it. I would get wounded and quit for like two months is. I took everything personally I didn't know till later is both my kids are now stand. Ups narrowly twenties, I'm down here, mentoring them. I tell myths, mossy circumstantial, you know I would play like people would be eating at some party and I'm doing stand up and are bombing, and I will take it really personal because when you first start out, you're like really like, I'm gonna do this seriously.
Me? I mean I may be a professional comedian, so you need so much validation, the first three years, and yet you get. I got two so wounded and I too horrible stage fright horrible. Was your early stand up? Was it a lot of character? Suffer was more joker, jokes, while because eyes point Dick bars. I would do just really quick. I did my first bit was the x rated wizard of OZ? I mean it with horror. Stuff. I'd get hard and I'd have for play idea and have some more play. If I only had a Dick data than other than that was a big closure bring effective. It could be. I can see better bring it back twitter versus going to light up on that one but then later on, I got to the other cafe: did you ever go through their that little Zulu place the hate Ashby o them? I know it
I asked I definitely not, but I never. I never did an that's where I kind of realise the entire time I was a sketch player, doing stand up, it's even what I'm dealing with now. I just shot a special for Netflix and I did it in a fairly big room and now, but I was warming up in small clubs or my boots were very small, little character I'll do charming Hitler just that Hitler was always scream when we see a right that you must have been exhausted to the point of being almost a feminine backstage and you leave manipulative Himmler, so stealthy sources Creative everyone loves her cup and no one knows who your barber is. That's all I'm in a thousand feet theatre, this small planed idea, so I've learned that I need to put in place small rooms. How do you know how it's out when you, because so many of somebody characters Eve created, works so iconic as part of our pop culture? I mean a lot of them, and so, when you go on
you must feel like I would Harry comes the moon. I feel a bit better hurry. I love you a minute heterosexual. That's a good problem to have, but it is a real problem because people want to because then, at that point it almost like people are almost seeing you like a ban would like do this when illegal, but I gotta do new stuff. I have to create new things that you will want to see. So how do you bout? I it's it's a real problem. The first thing I said to John or owners, the producer, the special young, and I just said Can we do it? Can I do it in front of not my audience? You know, because I did. I did a thing with Spain and front spades audience and I was just doing much better. So when I did it with my real fans that are you know, a lot of snow on the rule of law I did it and I fully understand what they're looking for and everybody's always been a little confused as who am I mean it?
Gee raided sort caliber natty tie bore the stuff that I've done over the years is little confusing. So I think I did hurt their feelings a little bit on some of the special summit. Sometimes I get people look like they're in pain, stuff, I'm doing AL toss in a little bit Garth and I'll toss in a little bit of church Lee. I get that, but it's I'm a good problem to have, but it's definitely problem because they would like. If I said you know what forget my act tonight, I've got all the costumes backstage. I'm gonna do a review of all my us, no characters in costume. They be delighted. So it's kind of interesting thing and I dont know the way out of it. I just I get a kick out of making them laugh justice hearted new bit. You know, that's tough, though, because you you definitely want you want them to be happy and comfortable. So I think it is like. What do you do? The do you do? A character they know first and then do a new, better, do new debate first and then give them. So I know what I saw back play a couple years.
No, he said at the top of the show. Listen, I'm gonna play like eight songs that you don't really know, but they want to play, the stuff you wanna hear and It seemed like he made that deal with them up front to just tat led to so they weren't spending the whole time going as a kind of play Luther what's happening right now and Devils erika. So he did all that and then at the end he played all this always that everyone knew, and while there is a little bit sub thing of that was like my wife is in the audience and you have known her senses. Seventy but she's like Europe she's over it. With that, I like. I never wanted to add because the arc of a comedian who marries a fan, the cheese, cheese at every show and she's kind of in the front too rose. And then, and maybe six months later, she's in the middle and six months later, she's like every other, show right and then, when she comes she just sort of. X and forbidden and leave early enough, then eventually she's not there yet in their divorce. Episodes
I grabbing murder committed its great, but she just said while they seem to really laugh every time, I would switch my voice because I dont really have a face or a voice. I don't I'm like an invisible like you could put two inches approach. Make up on John loved to go high John, how how could Jutes, how How did you know it was me, but I'm like working is junior Gary old man? Look what I got a little birds graph and unworthy glasses and what really need them, and so I need to create a face and like the invisible man. So where was I say about Europe wife sayings, although they just like it when I go into a voice the audience, even even if there is not a popular character like if I just start talk
It was the only gonNa Darien accented like I know that it doesn't matter the goal I wouldn't do. We owe you know, they're happy we'll. That's like thing. That's, because that sort of the bank account that you ve, built up with the public is like. Oh Dana Harvey does characterised. So if I see him doing a character he's doing the thing that I expect him to do, and I am I can laugh at that and what is it about me that I keep working against that? Why don't I just go That is its self destructive. I dont know if it's I don't know what you're right. I guess we know what an almost you don't it may be. Is it the care of the characteristic seems to come so flaw easily, to you, maybe you don't consider it a real thing, really glad that know who I am. This is just the thing I can do, and maybe you want you know, maybe it's that struggle between. I want people to know who I am verses yeah yeah. I know what you mean. I do as I was started, doing this special Irene. Yeah I do like doing. The ultra thing for me is
wind down a character and attitude and take it really really really really far and that's what I would do in the back of the Volkswagen bug with my friends in college when they're all stone? Let me we wouldn't I wouldn't do jokes are bits. I dont impression that water polo coach for half hour right? So that's what I want. I want to do. That's why I want to do one of these shells, so I can do that. Why don't you do that? I want to do apart gas. I, like things like to come into things late after they ve. Repeat: hey, that's what apple does right and takes it all, apple apple, wait to see how some works and then they go we're just gonna twig it this way, again as I have just bought a dvd pressing plants, great idea, May I be mass, but the redundancy of stand up. I find that's where the work comes in you know repeating things. Are you got all worked out nicely, so let me don't finance the hardest part when you first coming onto a new bit, it's very exciting report, as the best part stand up far and then, when you ve peaked with it, but you ve gotta, get the energy up to remember.
Now bit sometimes start to slip away. Sure your what happened at the irony right, I've never been cause, you don't buy it anymore, yeah and when nor by the audience, can tell that you don't buy it anymore. So I think it's like you, try new tags or you tried different, spanner you fuck with the order. I you know, Forty percent of what I do when I'm doing alive show, is just fucking around the crowd and then it kind of like the bits or to even out of that was never the same. You would never see the exact same showed what that's nice, because then you are keeping yourself all balanced too soon. So if someone yells out a bit that makes me think of a bit already have that already makes it knew right, a yell at a topic. You know, if you do q and eight with the crowd there or an air, they always lead you to some bit old, better something so yeah, there's just ways to kind of keep it interesting. Brilliant. Some brilliant comedians are really wordsmith word for word and right repeat: you know that I feel it would be hard to do cause. That is
battles that becomes like a theatre performance where its re everything has never ending. It never can deviate, because this is the then I would always be like if someone sawdust, if someone came to the eight o clock, show that ten o clock show then that some of the magic getting a cop, jokes or magic tricks, and then it feels like some of the magic trick. It spoiled. If someone sees the exact yachting twice in a road that the better the only Then, I'd really like from the special because I've seen everything so much was just sort of ad lib that night it was a bit that I did and nineteen eighty three and it was because I was a scarface fanatic like a lot of US comedians were the first ones. It became fanatics who them later on the rapid overnight, but I'd Tony Montana. Thanksgiving dinner was a complete abstraction, but I just improvised at that night I had a kind of hatched into the ice us a little bit, so I was discovered it while we were shooting, and so then it just to me. I look at I go out differences, so a norm
It is really really popping Jellia Jamb Romania's bit about Scarface known as a great. I think it's on the top part. I think it's on the imminent apart. Redesigning Bulgaria, heavy hate scarface, and then he discussed describing a real person ever. Does he hates the like? If he doesn't like me, doesn't understand the obsession with the movie, any discrepancies? Carpets, because scurvy this house looks like if golden girls, one the lottery, an extra the grave, the gray bit, but here but the, but that idea of being able to take old style is wiping it's always good. To go back and look at all jokes. Maybe they weren't ready yet or maybe you have a different perspective that you can bring to you're older than going right, awful bits like now. Those are all, but I think it's good to well. There's iconic tent poles from me as far as rhythms that that now or courts or operatic or considered over the top and two would be
Robert Sean Jaws shy at her k of its about chewing scenery, but I didn't Jeanne. You can never get it out of your mind, occasional in our internal auditor, talking about a great weight, cheesy turnkey turning, I ve, so it just a rhythm you could never, and then I think what out, but you know did with the cuban accent was artistic to me- should honour to act as a kind of Toronto reality. That attitude and that rhythm is never tiring to me what face met. Robert Shaw, would the Arroyo my: why are they don't catch fish catch fish? Europe is dire idea. If he is going nowhere her, whereas fuck or a fish, be Marianna WAR. Ok,
Why wire die of? Why you die about the thing that I start winding down from my own self. Is it at Thanksgiving dinner. He starts talking about how the grandmother, each all that really cool food chain Aroma. I look for more than a car. I hope for a border got. I hope I was sad, combat they're, not gonna card, which is all about that accidents and Ghana court. So. You know we live in a world where use positive stand of where it's kind of story telling with jokes confessional. I had a tumor, it's I'm! Ok! right, a kind of thing. If it's sort of humorous- and I understand that- but and then there's just doing abstract voices- there's not really much to talk about hits me viscerally, and that still is what I like to do. The must, rather than I d is, but I do stuff its point of view that I have almost no soccer like you rightly. I felt a story that you could tell these
really do stories allies. Paragraph says: yeah did Joe IRA dollar mom and bass embarrass you gonna, give are probably right. I'm bars he's taking lie that sort of e that sort of the Lewis and move the stamina, not the Louisiana once begins eagerly for pets, but that must not that labelling is the only one to ever do that, but he did. He was a day someone ushering in this wave of the last ten years. A comedy of like autobiographical, you know I wish is brilliant. I mean his his word play and suffers aunt hassock, so yeah register when you're it age and where I met you know it's just a fine line between you know you don't wanna like push outside yourself to try to be relevant right, and yet you don't want to be a good he, but in all the kind of thing right, so I've already Conor run a lap. Were people just happy for me to show off. If I did I'd, try, I'm thinking in my head space, I want to kill,
like it's one thousand nine hundred and eighty five there like it's. Okay, we're just really glad you're here and everything. You know the victory lap part of your career, where you know head, though, about like I want to do. I don't want people to think this right and one thing this I mean, I think you know it. I'm sure it's hard to its hard to get around all that stuff, because I think the weird like the fame and the weird politics of the business really do cloud your judgment in a way that all centres like where your ego is in its hard to get around that stuff. You I mean, I think, agents and managers generally are scared and colonel horrified? Like I'm her? The first time I made a million dollars is live or some as I should. We gonna take em all You know I mean like the next move and apportion over there's no there's no sense of anything but just fear, but what I tell my kids, the last thing I try to remember to save So when I do stand up is right before I go out cause you sometimes you forget all by number. One job right now is to have fun, have fun here, that's it, but you can forget some.
As you know, why was that set shitty? I forgot that I was supposed to have fun and I just got inside my head too much did did any of the do. You talk about your surgery, at all in the nearest end up, does that ever we then you know I had you know this. That special is sorted, has some kind of edgier stop, because I've got millennial? Kids put me to tell you that debt totally, I just did his voice- tell it did at that yeah, of course in so he was like talk about it, so I went to the West side of Santa Monica, so I talked about my surgery got botched, which is is really funny right. I started out with, like I went to the doktor right, a double bypass and I said well how to go. And he said what went great will what happened? He goes well. One of the things was connected properly. The other one was old down desirable that, but we It was a really good result. One additive
why so well there, thereby why, because what they feel? Sorry for you, but that's probably more the older crowd. You know who can relate to having such a thing. I have no for me, like being really funny, is really hard light for me to go up. There sit on a stool and talk about surgery or be confessional totally fine people can ask me anything. I just fine, it's so much harder to be really really funny consistently for an hour and that's the challenge that still like and Canada Chewy challenges net. I think a shield for an hour and a half That is why I think when, if, if you're touring a lot, if you're too, how much you to how much you tour, I never really did a lot of it, and I am always glad of the show was cancelled. If I ever it was a black eyes like school member. One schools cancel rights, there is an exam, almost euphoria stare
We a love hate with it in a way, if you did, if you did like fifty dvd, like a like Fifty data urea dour, wouldn't feel it wouldn't feel that that crazy, because you're just you're doing it so much Bialik Draft a ramp up and then do it get through that economic and that would that would feel yeah. You know you're gonna get you seconds. People ask me in progress, you honey, you guys. Do that always is doing a lot. You know you could do it will broken and you know with blue figured out, but I got it. I think you know I think you could actually tat. I think you could expect you you of all people. They could experiment with talking about really everything's just doing characters talking about the surgery yeah, maybe just too, because then it kind of has that citizens quality of, like others, something silly happening up here.
Something deep, underneath it our biggest sneaking into people's heads, I would be a real challenges because people Qana glaze over when I talk about rail, because there's a sense that if I say look, there's the two kinds of people who who had my issue, the ones you had a heart attack and ones who didn't and I didn't, and they once they hear that they just go giving is because they go. This is not the Dana carving. I want to see. I want to see the garroters well, it's that in all humans want to think that all this is self created, and it's pretty much your stress bucket and it was in your head and because therefore, that then they can't get it right. So it's a comforting thing. So when I was up in Marine County which is very healing crystals and I due to a heart group. After the thing, they just said, yeah, it's pretty much in your mind. So like, oh, I have the power to block my own artery wow, because I was stressed earlier
Then I came to Cedars Sinai and met with Piquet shows this brilliant indian cardiologists, whose like a really good friend of mine and Egypt, will allow I goes it mental. He doesn't like to believe anything that he can't prove rhino he's is, of course, dresses and influence, but I had a thing called famille Hype, plus dreamier, and so that's just super high genetic class straw. In fact, there's kids do I've. One gene this defective one gene, that's good if both or defective than your clusters, like twelve thirteen hundred cheese, so kids, it they're getting like dialysis for classroom or or bypasses around your policies, it Eleven twelve, so mine was genetically based. So I mean do you guys didn't glaze, also for no we're not going to go to bed. I do believe that there is a you know like. Maybe it is weaving in the characters of the people surrounding you all. This was happening in the doktor and the attack in the and telling the story that way and using those to paint the colors, but I do feel em. It's really and I do think it is very interesting.
It's very human. It's very human. I've talked about it over the years and done a lot of benefits with him with Piquet Shaw and talked about it, and it may well do the next special. I do want to do another special, our who Devlin here. I really want to do one in a very small room. Doing a mill valley has a great theatre, that's that's where I we're raising the kids. I live a block from there dear? That is a gorgeous the other, maybe the best data in the country and its great in terms of just this compression yeah or finnish wave of a room yeah. I've never bombed in their. Where have you been in no value that's an old movie house and garden, was at Org and it's it's a great. It's a really great space. It's just this compression. What's all this, this height at this stage that demographic, the audience the viable but yeah, that's a magic room. The you know. Did you just do? What are you guys did? I did one year I did when I did at the palace, a fine arts, but when January it ok just aired in April. It just came out and whereas a whereas it, what can I get it
now that I know you know well it on Showtime or HBO. How many central was comedy, send someone so it's I guess it's on Itunes and yeah that coming simple doesn't Viacom doesn't have a deal with Netflix, and so it's not on net. I can spade Dennis did when I couldn't find theirs for a year ago. I got a call me so drawn demand is not there and Brad whims of random. I owe you want and show time find it yes accident. In China. Where can I find your special eagle eye? Is it's not on short term on demand? No! No!
no then yet its I'd say Itunes is usually a good fallback or Amazon. I do know Amazon is how do you feel about this one? Personally, I feel honestly, I for the happy with it, because it was just a sort of talking about serious things. I know that it is the result of about four years of touring and in a few years ago I started you know telling all these stories about my dad, which he loved and then he died, and so then I started talking about that, and so this there was this whole arc of like a dead, dad stuff that I was trying to make human and but people loud and also not make feel like a one. Man show rising global challenge. What the human about this now. So there really is a three lines. So there's a lot of you, no fifteen year old, Dick jokes to pad the fact that a lot of yeah my dad died right. So I dont think it he'll super heavier like blue in others. Nata, like I saw
Billy Sweeneys, God said her when she was doing alone, it's an it. Was an amazing show right, but it had a lot of those moments where you're like? Oh, my god, you know cause it was right, tragic, but beautifully done thing. I don't think there's a lot of like heavy tragedy in it, but there is a lot of air. My dad died away before I shot the special really but he was ninety two and you know like the added common. Why do I did a bit about him for years in its early just between the lines of people can see where the darkness was of it, but it was. I said, the last time I talk politics with my father. He said I can't talk politics with you because you don't know That's all I need. Is it all about? be my audience in exile, my view, but that was
That's what you're talking about that's the rhythm of my father became a caricature of his rhythm petite. Talking like this, oh god, like we ve known when he was seventy five you now aldermen dressed him, pastel, yes, color so came out without aloes shirt and pink pants I agree a pink pants. He goes thirst. Tommy sorts of fund was a fun rhythm to do when you got a good life for me, live tonight's, who eventually died of old age in no pain, good sort. You know looking vertigo, That is the best way to go some way to go, but I m so anyway. What was your ass? An audition that you said was terrifying, I'd, audition twice before nearly Ays always got. I followed SAM Kennison at the car.
Restored midnight. This was maybe eighty three, oh sure it's no no host, you gotta do five and the Yom off taxpayer and so Kennison elevated the room. And then I went up and play the dead sea itself. So then you know I'd audition. They saw me. Timber saw me they're. So then they came around again and after the eighty five cast, most got fired, so my manager, Newbury Brill's sooner nor Michael so Lorn was gonna, come see me and I thought I can't do it at the improbable calmly storm in a bomb in that kind of line up thing, so rosy o Donnell was playing a place called if these on the site you ever that which Thou Strip Club is, it often is like a hundred seats, really nice low ceiling, and I had not remit rosy, but I asked John Smith around the club could come in there do irregular set. And rode row. He asked rosy, she said okay, so we were in a co headline and I'd never met her eyes. She seamen
we confident boy you're alive, who stood gone first at it. So I went on first, but it was a regular audience and I was gonna get forty five minutes, so Lore Michael's is coming I'm just incredibly in at this point like you talkin about oh yeah, two years just pound and stand up and but unbelievably tents and then I'm way gone then Lorn walks in any scotch share with and the president of Envy Z. And I stood dams are branded Tartu car and they sit down and now Diana Gurney I was in there was a good. Rising good enough J by a chop Brockway the church. They had a few impressionist Robin it's, you know and that basically got me the show, but but because I was in it, you know an environment where I could.
It happened, although they did you find, there's an environment fertile for comedy or was it as cut throat as some people describe, I don't it's a cut throat. I just say that any sociological experiment you take ten or fifteen comedians and just put him in a free for all in each week. No because all your well meaning friends if you're on a show a lot and then not on at the nice. We, your friends, go. They fucked, you man, their telephone. One of the bitterness machine. What happened to me was church leg out on the first show and was the final sketch on the virtue and then was moved up, and it was then all of a sudden. The first sketch on the first saw I'd, never done sketch comedy anywhere ever.
I had a really hard time, not when I was in a sketch not looking to the audience when I got a lot of horse a car like a stand, I didn't eyes in the cold opening word what scares address, but I knew that character. For my stand. Up in the minute I said, was that special and got this enormous laugh, I went I mean you know so that character exploded. Add, fill and Jan Philammon Jan Hooks Brill. We play in all these different religious figures who were flailing and in the culture at that time. You know they were Tammy Tammy maker, and so that became a big thinks. I had such a foothold on that show because of that right away that I was not bind the ape all wondering. How am I gonna get fired whatever will the audience ancient for me the halving the audience there's because then, when you guys
Is it true that the first cut of wanes world was what forty minutes or something you guys had to go shoot a bunch more stuff now, but it was day with pretty brief We shot it now. Thirty days is my boldly good time on a movie sat cause. Panopeus ferris would just say what are you gonna do here? I saw a garths going to do this. We can hold this up and go if you get his views boon to this ok, and then to be a tax would do slightly faster. If that was the only direct, oh wow, and they let us in the editing room the whole foxy lady thing was not gonna make it way read it in the whole conceit of it was lost. You know, because using one this shyest guy in town tries to be extrovert. He goes way over the top browser. The what I was thinking underneath you know- and I was gonna- do what's new pussy cat
Steve Martin, was doing that in writing. So then I switched Andret, Steve Spock is did Steve again, but thing was done really fast on the fly was light smoothly. Easy, and then the second movie was his poisoned by the first mooted. First movie made fun of product placement and money and power. The second movie, There you have it set director, a million dollars. They're gonna, give you a million dollars at they're. Not gonna go only two two hundred thousand site. I walked into this their lair. This is waning. Garths like place hanging out with a brilliant at all or part of a wooden giant? We had a fireman for what the first moves, those weaknesses. Fire success. Exactly is a sort of the dead, with a sort of the result was the same thing that made dead poor, so huge was that you guys were the first in the early nineties. To sort of the movie was really a. Commentary on culture.
Every time and again we were million yeah yeah, and no one had really at that point. No people had just didn't do that and it so commonplace now, but at the time eighties companies work. There were not self aware in that way at all, it was the first time we're comedy sort of in films like all this is. This is a thing. This is a whole structure and we're gonna make fun of right were point out what we're doing as we're doing it you're still laugh yeah yeah. I was an amazing ride, but how do you know when you're shooting a film the meme We were not really, you haven't audience, that's giving you the queues of like this is funny this isn't funny. So what is that you're there? What is it you're? Trusting when the cameras a foot from your face in your well? I think that you know the second move as terrible for allow reasons but Garth at different rhythms, and sometimes I would push it too hard.
But the rhythm that was based on my brother Brad, no exaggeration, maybe look as all her. This remember the very few SIRI does kind of talk like this and he holds its mouth like this and he's got kind of a rhythm like this of K. So I think it was nice so that thing of you no excuse me I'd like to get by right now, so that was what was anchoring that for the film. For me and the reason I did the little six guns, the little stun guns, because Brad was a science nurse. He told me how it plausibly be done. What would happen? There is work, but I think that you know we had. We had. You know three years to come.
X it on television. We had a tonic catch phrases and then it was just a sheer freaky. Lock me the first time I can I sought. We just saw the flaws at a big screening out New Jersey and, as I oh wow, I thought I thought myself disaster. He thought his. Those is Astor and we're out to dinner with one of the people from the studio ago. It's got goals This does not just let's see you know my lies about the J J goes by his numbers. We would mean numbers, we do know previews whatever. So, oh yeah, there was a time when tv people, the tv and we'll be people did movies, and if you could somehow cross over it was it was this epoch,
it means media is also mash together now, but was not that way. Yeah yeah, I was just a freak, a freak thing to be part of my mother, told me said or you're. The guy made many winding anyway ass, the first one, and I was seven years old when I came out eight years old and my mother took me said, and I loved it, but I never asking my mother what his finger suggest, turns and with some asshole I suppose it lasted, they don't drink, they don't smoke innocent Phil. Then after my career color went down. We no doubt about that, but I did the show with Louis. And corral on those guys got too little kids loved. Well, the data carbon show the air is one of the best sketch comedy shows like a and b repair presents the data. That is what we did that intact
well dancing? We did that intention. We got no money from me and Robert smuggler Louis. We wanted to make fun of the idea that it, which now it's become out anything it was sort of a parody of fifteen or Shirley, presents but co and corral, and and Hence it is singled out sketch why hostess called singled out Y know I don't want you know, and you did catch TED Kosinski, it's like they find him and then it is examined on. While what yet, while the horse. I thought I was the show that I worked So that was big thing. He show is really really cool, which is never long on ABC. That was the main heads from main advocate. The fuckin that sketches like that. We reduce the availability of tax was grave, I really love that. I liked it more than us now, because I love doing stuff with an audience and idle. I love doing stuff without alliance. Like little, so we did the beetle thing. There was no audience you know, set full blown could unite us go away. You could do we
at an atm arrives, but was say just terms a ways: rural real quickly sites that I move because of northern California. Well, you know, that's it. Careers done I'll. Just do stand up here and there, and, if I can just escape at all, had been around so six years later and then the first Halloween you know I've got the candy outwardly is like a normal Rockwell little town of their valley and the Ding Dong comes up and there's a kiss a teenage kid dressed exactly like got up up up up up up up, I guess you're going around, but you can't did you and you felt like you really did resign yourself. Illegal. Yes, that's it. I had a good Roy, I didn't think defame would stay with me. I just thought it would sort of trundled down an wanted. The kids have a norm life and then so we went along and I went to one of my kids lacrosse games up there
started here in that's Garths kid or that state karmic kid Gar scare birdie as their yelling at my alma. So it became a feature of their childhood that they were known as Dana carvers get. Even though I thought I'd faded away enough that it would be tapped down, you know, So I was very exotic. I were hung out with a lot of bankers markets up. Is it who I was such an exotic person up there. You know eventually Sean then moved in for a while hopper played lacrosse with decks his unhappy and I would see Sean here and there and Shaw Zurich as we would do. The dad thing. We'd have the big beige, khakis, shorts and you'd go look lacrosse game, it's really hot out there on the field. It's beautiful grass and you just got dad stuff on baseball cap and big big shirt and membership once over. The city
motorcycle boots genes and more details of the vote that I agree in wrath everywhere, there uniform, as I have to confess you said Hopper play the cross. I thought I and my first I was Dennis Hopper- was playing the cross with children, but I couldn't I there. I had a friend who is from Mississippi if the store- and he would say that he would inadvertently tell me that I was being watched around town of off. My friend said he saw you over there. You know the Gatt Bonds and South Sudan. Ah you over there would report that people, so we realize you ve watched until Sean and Robin Right came in and and everyone was talking about them- took some of the HEAT Assam. Yes, all charm, pan or movie theater Diana Walkin, there they say and movie you see
Marie her like a person, is crazy here, so you know they. Everyone wants to have a show business story about someone they met. There was this: one guy did see championing the gap in every party. He was wont, tell the story, some of the gap right, I'm buying socks right, look over and champagne he's by sites like socks. Champagne goes every guy Zog, and that was the end of the story and then an hour later, the party to hear him over the coroner Goin abrogated eyes. So it was a small town. A beautiful place still have the house there. It's redwood trees is gorgeous assuming the kids going to stand up. So I moved down here towards where it where they were. They worry we're all we're all in West Hollywood, we're just in the centre of it nice you just just there. More show business. Do I've never been busier? Theirs is everything just went crazy deal like it still does not seem,
No, I just I just want to know because you wonder when you take time off. Do you feel you know cause by part of the thing I think that drives comedies is: is the hungry, if ever hunger, for something, maybe its attention? Maybe it's by one I gotta be the best comic or maybe it's you know, Lui going. I gotta release especial every year like George Garland, but there has to be some kind of hunger aiming at their hunger. Isn't there comedies just a troll, I avenant in hence hunger. I've. Just I'm very dysfunctional me what you're not normal like most comedian, sleep till noon and say they're gonna write a scream plan. A decade goes by very, it were very, were not very self actualized as a group
the ones like Louie inside Velvet, actually work or people like yourself or actually make giant things happen is amazing, but I've just love Quinton Tino. I would love to do up. You know very low budget film. I've shot a lot of stuff, but I've never just put it over the top. There was like that kind of thing, but much more comedic in a very dry way, yeah that that would really drive me as a passion that I'd want to do. I like this is really fine like if you can get paid to do this. This is pure fun for me, because my eighty d, I can just keep Goin. I still get a kick out of it. I do I still get a kick out of getting the in the laugh at a bit, that's kind of weird or they wouldn't expect from me. I still get a charge out of that. The like one that I did it was a little edgy was. What we need is an icy sky with doubts balkan
I don't know, but I do have a good thoughts into your head back now. I may I lie the cultivated in everything. Were the tube at them? I don't know, maybe women could drive Why do we Why do we have to kill the non believers? Can we get him on a headlong rush hour of our stuff, like that, insofar as storekeeper? What's your biggest charge is its stand up still for you personally or their yeah yeah. Definitely I mean everything that I've done in the last fifteen years or so was. If I do this, maybe people will see it and I ll come out and see me you stand up, which is why still tour and we'll go for you know a month or two without having a day off, as I just I have to I wanna tour and bright, isn't Saturday nights in war? What kind of rooms do you play and can play I buy me. I made the jumped theatres about a year ago when you know I'm not I'm not at gaff, again level theatres, gaff against six thousand,
Ryan Reagan, reengineer brain economic African always like his numbers, are incredibly well deserved. Mean government is one of the best YA mix of our citizens, Have we any generation ever? I see gaff again, we have added a sixth show. It's not that I know. Well. What do you really think? You really understand how difficult it is to motivate people to come out. See shows? And so, when you hear gaff against numbers like it, we sold thirteen thousand tickets in Chicago. That is a fucking, crazy number of rights to sell for here like if you can on blue, you know forever theatre, you need twelve or fifteen hundred and that's difficult. But you know it is yes, I'm I'm I'm in theatres, but I'm not at the point where it's like we added a third chow. You know that say it's this interesting. Besides the sort of confessionals stylistic thing: it's it's, this renaissance of rock stardom that I don't know if it started with Louis, but so many guys now, just like billboard
their plane, man, square garden and their selling it out. There are multiple nights in a row I mean we ve had the phenomenon of Dane Cook or back in the days, Dean, Martin or whatever, but rhymes like there's more guys more guys out there. I have a theory that may be its because it's the one thing it's untouched and everything else can be manufacture and we have no famous people just for being famous all out right. Why? Because, when I went back to the ice out with my kids decision- and this is what it was remarkably the same wow- this is still the same. Were everything else is upside down? Yeah? I think part of that is it. You know. Internet cultures really put an internet culture and also, I guess reality, television, but internet culture has put
a microscope over everything and I think people what they really crave is inexperience. It feels authentic to them. They don't have Stuart, they don't feel they weren't. You like there being lied to even if they are being lied to, but in it were in it through an authentic filter right. But I still think that what people gravitate towards our experiences, the don't feel the facts are at or don't feel corporate in some way, so something that feels in the easiest men, like you know, the shortest distance authenticity is like yours, really horrible thing that happened to me. This is a human story. I had I been jokes around that you know, or even the high wire ACT Rio, even if uniting the authentic you're up their right, risking everything right. You know it's it's like Dave, I know the first. They came for fine art in a way were it's all subjective you can put a dot. Is that stand up? There's? No, I was doing a bit. I never really got to work. Like there. There's no robotic, there's no way I stand up yet you know like that. You know that
The jailer want, or something or thereabouts where they scientists do a thing, and so they create an artificial being that this it's called the Johnny One right and it's the ultimate comedy Jean Jacques rather than taking our acts, and I mean it's just that I think it's it's just I mean I can't imagine doing a different way than I do it. I do think this is kind of a general trend and comedy at the moment. Yeah. There will be a backlash in there and then like the two like Joe Comics will start to come back and unlike the amicable and then maybe it we sought mother do no proper if it does go through well, maybe even I've Brian region is not really confessional, just great the observations with his characters. Yes in gaff again, it's kind of like he likes food, but is it that confectioners sore brilliant now get out of long governance? Gonna, like governance, Kaliko Wikipedia pay?
when you will introduce a topic of like Wales or salad and a lady. I will just see every adoration and take an angle on that day. I from as many different angles as possible mean he can do fifteen minutes on alone. On one thing right and it's you know, when you watch specials, they really are. You can go cave. This is off. This was fifty minutes on this thing and then here's another fifty minutes on this, and it is remarkable how much she will get every ounce of pop out of one thing, it's kind of as a sign of most most grades. Stanhope. Do they get on one tat number in Robber Klein do and whole I met the dentist store, o ditty. I
think he dared yeah. I think that it was basically forty five minutes in the Dallas, remembering Seinfeld Exxon radios, twenty minutes at a supermarket cardinals. What are they fall and just going through every single thing you know you have a government. Is that I don't think governance, not he will you know he talks about having kids, but I but yeah he's not superadded biogas forgotten the sands right. Where I really want you would go on, who is Jim Really, you know it's like he's just funny. Like he's just yeah funny I made for me I owe you know, I would think of things I could think of, but you I've been married for thirty four years, like is that constructive in my relationship? If I, although I do do some bit about it, but you know, there's a there's: a line will like it. Would I possibly hurt my wife's feelings and I'm not capable of doing the job, Now, if you asked her, I mean, if you have to do, is to set up ground rules like
it's ok, it's not ok. I talk about my fiance a little bit, but I would always clear with the first like as to why not talk about this, or can I talk to me? Am I live just laughed act. As I said, the divorce rate for people in their fifties has quadrupled in the last decade, because science, what let us die, like we you're here there in your fifty remarried twenty five years in your thinking really three more decades. And I say in the best marriage, even the best marriage. At one point you look over and you ll save yourself, not my best choice
but she find all that really funny, as we know that that thought those thoughts go through our mind. Of course you know yeah we're leaders like this is the way of for a marriage, alas, is you're about to get married. Maybe is it you just except the idea that it's a roller coaster and then, if you have a flat few months, you do don't bail out. You wait for it to come back and then, when it comes back, you go while I'm so glad. I didn't jump will yeah because I think people, unless it's a horribly abuse, utterly not the non, and I share some related to the hard thing sure. What is that? What you do on Bruce? Well, because I'm on Plavsic's, I took a tumble off stay. Each of the lab improv. I was doing a pod cast with my kids yeah little tiny step, and I was just the watching them come up and I just felt that is an insane I wish we could see. This is it's like a. It looks like a tat. It really does kind of look like like a whether man
tat, I ve got a type of order of Dana's arms. My lack any little pictures of them because I'm thinking of making art as I think that there are very, very uncertain, Instagram page of just bruises well because there are cannot see right, there's green purple too they heard. Or is it just that not all? I can do the tiniest bum that you feel good a general though I feel Van tacit. I would I'm since incredibly fit. I would challenge any comedian, literally any comedian to try, a hike with me up in Griffith part Rogan from the bottom of the top alive at all? He wouldn't have a chance. I couldn't find him. I would dominate him so bad on on the hills jokers I'm alive, why you're like right, you can scale doesn't mean. I want to make Rogan math, but could kill me what it was. If say to Sweden are, they know, he'd, never kill either sweeter our
I I hope you do about gas. We should also mention secretly for pets which is on the move. We write secretly pets. No, I don't think so. There are, though yeah yeah Louise in its yeah Chris Melodies, Andrea, who produce the movie called Opportunity Knox. One will have been eradicated. Every opportunity Naxa way way too much fighting, but a few things snuck in, but that was anyway, Chris Melody Andrey produce that so I always wanted to information with me when I was up there. I was just on the road or doing a kid thing a lot, so I turned down ratatouille, which was was A mistake as Pixar brilliant man I I went online. I never was a french rat rights during the Gulf WAR. The Bush war I suffer.
Rat really, you know, I thought your work and then it ended up brilliant. They were you bother by that when the movie came out and it did really well where you like I'll fuck or do you go, you know I did what I did. I may now, because I truly think Pattern Oswald would we would be better at the like I'm good like if I do a voice, but my voices so neutral he'd, like has a cool voice. I thought he was good Are you really feel bad? I turn down Madagascar. So when this one came Only goes. Why, like you do one of the dogs is like ok, yes, and then he always of the grumpy old man. It is kind of a Lionel Barrymore he's Doin s now. You know recurrence. Michael wrote it in just one of these guys right. You don't know what you're saying do it here that guy so it played around and few says, and then that became the characters of the dog, is paralyzed and as wheels for in depth and he's you notice that the sweet, lovable grumpy grumpy old dog, what is it? What is it really
It is good that it is July, eight July, from an emanation break up after selling in America. Goods is I've never been. And a movie like this wage war they promote like this like ever ensuring secure like rats, I've never been something it has like a three hundred words everywhere. Then everything everywhere I mean it's saturation sounds kind of cool it is it also you just. It is kind of funny that you were when you, when you ve, been in the business for a very long time. I think that take is like yeah. You don't ever know you don't ever know. That's gonna hit! What's not gonna hit, I mean with. You, must have worked on some very like this ones be in that it did you like, I guess, not and then the opposite experience never really to me. I accept wanes world being a bit big success, shocked me, but every other movie mean what I was doing. Chapter Paradise. I went to the dailies and the it's it's it's over,
I did and many movies clean slate too. I went all kinds of disaster and then I would look at the brain trust there really three people that and they were bent over laughing and one or it's over we're done now. Did you would? Did you take away any thing from that like out? Should I not, should I listen to different people, or did you lose your ass? My instincts basis just stopped at a certain point. I just stopped. I had a lot of other things and I kind of went the other way like bad boys was postponed for me and love it, and I had a three million dollar pair play and cats in Bergen. Given me five thousand dollars, but I gave it back when I saw this group because I thought well, this won't work for me because they want to make me into Will Smith. You're going to add two inches to my chest. They want to put me away. I seen and make me is that so that one HANS of Rhonda, girly man Emma was another one that once Arnold dropped out that one kind of one to some a comedy western, I wrote with bother occur. I just gotta stop because I was had stand up. You know was to torture.
As to do when you knew that the sensibility was not matching born? I did this. With Llewelyn smile. That was just fine, except for that is the only made a episodes I was with the eighteen, then we are all the same sensibility, but if you're doing anything with well intended bright people, but if you just down on the same page, very painful, yeah, very painful, well, I hope number one. We should talk after the podcast, so we can cause if you guys are in the side of town her and you should come to melt down which is an amazing place. I was there once on Dan Harmon Environmental. You do Harmattan, I did yet eyes yeah yeah, but it's a great it's a great room for stand up, and especially with you, if your kids or do they get just a good. It's just a good role is amazing that that's like that. That's like a rock and roll,
because they were so close and the ceilings are so low. Yeah. That compression liked intimates, there's no, where for the energy to go, yeah makes everyone first, I don't understand arena comics him and I understand STI Martin. It mean his style of comedy and that blew up in the seventies way out. When that but when people now like wanted, you arenas, I really dont get it because it such an inhuman hardest to a football stadium. Kevin heart, sold out Fifty five thousand Lana right billet was where the half of it, yours- and I heard I don't know it's through these plain Nebraska he's playing yeah that date, while our resolve to sort out this news going to allay sought out the state when one I'd only yes releasing. It is a move in rural areas, or did you know about this
nice nice, you know ever want to do. That is fine, you know, but if it so, if your account or fifty rose battling comedy so intimate at that point, it's really just let's go see a famous guy or let's go see a famous lady, because you you're you're Julia presents tiny onstage and there's no, I feel if you need an audience to be able to. I think three thousand is about the number where the audience starts to fall apart into sections any bigger than that, and then it's just like. Ok, the lower like that one. Okay, this, why it's it's their style- mean for me- I'm just very sensitive to what I think the audiences feeling and enjoying and I feel like. I can't feel what I just have to count turn myself fallen away like a sort of excite myself, and but that's I went around the kids like I said. I realize why I really like a tight hot three hundred see clubs. That's really fun bloodline, but a big room is a lot of work. Punchline great yeah, yeah that just right there
oh, but the bigger you get. You know. How do you like we're here? Is thirty two hundred dollars, MR gaff again, or we can pay you five hundred thousand dollars. Why why the little room better Social does Chapelle will just do like hell, just go to the punchline and just do like a week. You know and just sell out to three shows of time and its super. It's a pretty emit, like that's, really funded the image of of Chapelle. When you think of him, you think he does does exactly what he wants to do any given. Second, our off its true or not. I met him a few times, but that is a great place to be, and I think there are for me Vienna, variety performer. You can get trapped up on a lot of things. You know when you're sort of multiple, if you're a singular bran like, say John Love, it's just the style and rhythm me plug it in and when you're variety performer kind of emotion faced. I
Looking guy you're citation, we make em the nice guy. Air is going to do a character or what is he gonna do so its lead to a lot of confusion so anyway, my thing now is to be authentic. Is the word the day. I guess and do what I want to do. I am enjoyed it for the most part and you know really, which is so profoundly emotional for me is watching my kids go through the struggle and when they do well and all the cynicism was just beat now to me when they were just doing push Hopson when you walk the club with them. It's like it's like the land of oz like it was for us, and you see from their point of view and then at the employed. They come back in a guy who's going on. First, you nobody like any music. Everything is a in them up and go guys do labs around the parking lot. You know the shows about to begin
guys ready, and I see it from their point of view at this magic adrenaline thing, and so I got back in touch with that by being being around not an awesome, I'm glad to hear the, but mostly I'm just what a joke plans for them or their excited that just I don't know. I guess that's really really intense for me right. Abed Seneca said you can just scooter away from him in the booth just to let I'd say, I've seen them start to unravel and getting help all and is getting old tents, and I d have to leave you you, because your kid yeah yeah, I can't stay against it, because you want a bit of the pay me they want to give to their agenda aspect all chooses, Croce came and go. Instead, you little should grow me. You just do a joke, funny characters of defining our
a funny regiments come entirely from him. By the way I was rescued, did you grew up in some detail, sent Carlos ok, my dad taught at cemetery high school? My dad was from SAM a tale really allow. No one talks about the dynamic, so my dad was a my dad everyone's hard hearings, but you didn't having heard yet. My dad was one of the greatest professional bowlers in the history, the sport and he grew up. Bowling at Bell, Matteo Bow wow live definitely than there, and I assume you or I assumed you had been just didn't. What's the best score, you ve ever bore me to eighty nine new eighty knocking, but I was eleven and then equip only when I was thirteen and then I can. Started again. A few years ago, but yeah, I grew up in a bowling. Like my life was growing up in a really area. While yet so bold. Every day of my the fur Thirteen years of my life, you have like incredibly strong legs or backers seems like a variant of dissent a lopsided, what I didn't know, I had they kind of like weirdly, developed, muscle,
be right here from Yang yeah hook in the bar. That's why that's interesting, so your dad was professional, Buller New did he come and throw things around and re and meetings. I such nine one split enemy was a net. It was on the road. Every second and he was on the road aloud and it's kind of funny when I'm on the road is a comic, how I accidentally mirroring his life when he was still alive, I'd be in town. I have in Phoenix and there's a boy things that are here. Do you know this, but yeah you know and as sixty eight I went through their, we bore. The we got really drunk and drove into a cat is looking at a story for every pulling centre. So I cannot weird, parallel life of being on the road like interesting thing about being a problem in the tension of that,
they're watching on ABC why world sports yeah just very firm. So that's where you got your fearlessness for matter now. I think I just guy think a lot of it came from me, my dad, my dad's dad was kind of a tyrant and he just left home. Like seventeen two percent may his father was kind of the same, like he would say the same kind of things. You know my data and open a bowling sinner what're, you don't ever too stupid to run a business. There is like a lot of that yeah. I was always the underdog and my life, my mom's Heyward. She called me: precious had couldn't stand me and I was the little escaping class in you. Now is very shy, so you have prevented the nerves, revenge manoeuvres and then you can distort through that stuff for the rest of your life. It's gotta run. Everyone has a therapist unaware ago, opponents Bob stagnates recommendation. A veal exaggerate would have said. It's really he's got that one unlocked download,
Is this guy get second from noon to eight come in, and I and I say that I adore sag- it is one of the three all eyes. Wonderful loyalty is one the world here what this is really cool, I like the way you guys do like exit, because I like the way it didn't start, doesn't start saying Turkey, I was not introduced as Randy there. The reason you don't you were here and now you edit till midnight the reason. The reason that I doubt is because I think people who are used to being interviewed when they hear it starting this Let's go up in there in a mood. You tell your eye, emotional, aren't that's my thinking, not just simple manner, and I would rather just have people very relaxed and of their hope, you're gonna open before they realize what's happening, and then it's not like. We are starting the thing it's. Why don't ever have video in here either going to ride like where I mean. For me I mean this has been really fun and really relaxing, but yeah I'd have to come back again to be totally relax because my mind is absorbing so much information. I'm observe
and so much things about this room. It's very stimulating willingness, Asperger's come, and so then you know it's gonna like than you. You know it's it's just like stand up among the more you. Do it the more you got your own head space. I would love you guys did great either was very easy. I would love to just another word out. We have to say injury. Burrito, we end the podcast be sacred life of PET July eight July. There's a film called secret life pets better than finding do better than if I could everyone's thinking about it so long pseudo via a farewell find Don Quixote Finder we're on our way one billion dollars, visitors the animals talking as it dogs. They're like humans, that's why it so funny they can talk Enron and maybe drive a car. You know where that can be demanded, guys it's
It's just explaining what all this e g animated film is better than ever saw that active, feminine Hitler, I guess we think Injurie burrito, which is just ass sort of matter that has enjoyed the present. Would you mind saying in forest? Would you say you? It enjoys what you are doing, your where a barrier you're gonna, have a value Doma his tie way you do in Georgia by rail or fat now, leaving noticed dot com enjoy your worried
Transcript generated on 2020-06-23.