« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

CM Punk Returns


CM Punk returns to the podcast! He chats with Chris about living in Chicago, how he maintains being so athletic and his extensive fighting career. They also talk about how he balances work and personal life, things they both love to collect and his new movie Girl on the Third Floor!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the editing packets number one thousand and twenty five hey head on over to Id10t dot com. We just posted a new shirt that is basically a jetson shirt with the Rick and Morty flair that was designed by a friend of ours, name, Ed Herrington, who runs an amazing pop culture. Art instagram account called nothing happened today and his stuff is amazing, so go to the site, then check out ed stuff and also, if you're, going to be in Irvine Ca November, one thousand five hundred and sixteen I'll, be there by improv and then later in MID December. I believe the maybe the what's the date, the twelve 13th and 14th I'll, be at the Tacoma Comedy Club in Tacoma, WA, so id ten t dot com for all that stuff info tickets
nods. But let's talk about you, the id ten t community events in id ten t dot com like Bryce, who writes come to the Chicago Pinball Expo this Thursday. Through Saturday October, seventeen through nineteen, you can meet Pat Lawler, who designed your Twilight Zone pinball machine throwing stones are great pinball machine. By the way, his new game is Willy Wonka. Also Cassandra Peterson will be there, of course, is Elvira and she's going to be promoting her new pin. Also, she has three of them now, one released in eighty nine. Ninety six and two thousand nineteen info at in ball expo dot net. I love all of those things. Thank you for sharing that with this price, this episode is Cm Punk, a k, Phil Brooks who is promoting his new film girl on the third floor, which is in theaters and on digital platforms,
October twenty fifth, it's a horror movie and fills the star of it, and I've known him many years back, but you know he did talking dead may be GOSH season two. I think season two or three and he's a great guy, and we were friends ever since, and- and I love him so here is the id ten t podcast number ten, twenty five with cm punk or Phil Brooks in
twenty protocol. Never going to see me again, The it's really funny yeah. This is just like a day to dig this out. It's a cavity underneath the up stairs and the reason we came.
He said like this wasn't even like: no, the previous owners said: oh there's a cavity under there and we were going to turn into a wine cellar, but we never did, and so that wall is concrete, so they jackhammered through that. I put this all on Instagram 'cause. It was so fascinating member, seeing like all of I was hoping there was treasure in here, but it was just dirt. It was just dirt. This is the treasure, but this is the treasure we may great way to start. We made the treasure in the podcast God. I can't believe how to show in the green room. I can't believe how long it's been since you first did talking dead because some of those pictures from back then I mean you, look, same now. I don't know about that, but I feel like Norman and I looked like twelve year olds, you know 'cause when his hair was still short and yeah. I think he's again. It looks the same all the time though yeah, but he just his his hair, has gotten longer and receive we all just jumped in the
this way. You don't have to say he's riding the motorcycle, I don't fault, and I'm just saying how are you how's Chicago? What's going on? I am great Chicago, is Chicago's grade still a great place to live yeah, but I'm dreading the winter, oh yeah, yeah yeah! Well, of course, I don't know how anyone survives that I mean it's crazy to me that Chicago as a city doesn't just down for the winter hotel, it's sort of. Does I think Illinois is a whole without Chicago would be Indiana. So Chicago switches dome itself off, not to not to substantiate anybody's need or want, for you know, border walls or anything like I know, but but but then a few. But then, if you Domon off, doesn't when everyone turns thirty, don't they blow them up in a ceremony, Logan's run stuff. I should have been killed, but I know I should've been killed
two years ago two years ago, very generous, very. How are you good, I'm really good yeah? I was just performing and I emailed you 'cause, I was performing in Schaumburg and but of course it say weekend is riot FEST, yes, which the lineup looked insane uhm yeah. Last the id adding guiding go to any of that. I went rancid played yeah and I'm I I'm. I went more because I'm just friends it does. Yes, I am I'm the old punk rock. I know where I'm just like. I don't want to go to concerts. I don't want to go to festival food there,
so Slayer played their last Chicago date, supposedly right and yeah they're, like you know, couple miles from my house- and I was just like oh wait. Do I have to put on pants fifteen yeah precisely fifteen year old may be very upset, yeah yeah! No, but that's that's. What happens is just so comfortable to be at home 'cause. I was just talking to my uh. I was talking to a friend of mine about Bonnaroo that 'cause I performed at Bonnaroo one year and is that like burning man? Well, it's in Tennessee, it's in all right in Nashville, okay, it! But it's in the digits in the dead of summer in the Tennessee, humidity and heat- and you know people such I gonna bother. I go it's a great festival but You know people do Gohan, I assume they engage in substance is all night and then they sleep in these non ventilated tents which are just holding in the funk.
I don't know how more people are not taken to the hospital 'cause, it's so hot I sound so old. Now, I'm just thinking about like the locals and the residents who are probably just like well, it's out in the middle of of like no, where okay, so it's out of ten. Down in the middle of a field. So there aren't really, I hope, they're picking up after themselves. I really do, but when you're young, you just dig a hole in the dirt and take a dump and then yet and then just go right back to the thing your group doing before yep- and I don't I just don't- have that it's it's real hard, to motivate us to like when we have to go: okay, okay, okay, okay, we'll go to that, but then we be home by ten yep. Ten. Tens kind of translate tens late. I got a lot of friends in la that are texting me like hey. I know you're here for work, but like let's you know, let's hook up, let's say you know, let's try to get like dinner and I'm like okay. Well, what time like five o'clock yeah, but the thing is you know, especially with especially with what you
or stage persona was you have to go early to maintain that like when you see performers, you know Rob zombie still, tour is always, and but he is in great shape, he's v again. He takes care of himself, and it's like that idea that you know the that, like the aging rockers like no, no, you might be able to have that what in the world, but not the maintenance of what you have to do not realistic is not real yeah. I was I look back at what I used to do like when I, when I go to airports now I go on like I used to do this and I think about, and I I would I wouldn't I would die you would do you do that and then you go into an arena and jump on someone's head yeah and get thrown around more often than not get my head jumped on and then yeah
then just do it all over again and yeah, and I and I trick myself into like being in love with like this romantic notion of like yep. This is it. This is what I'm supposed to do and like I was single at the time and I had no obligations. Didn't have a dog, obviously no children, so yeah. I was just rip it up and by it I mean my body yeah yeah, yeah, exactly 'cause. You know you feel, like you know you heal right away and then it's no big deal and then now I was telling my at the same trainer for like fourteen years. I was telling him it's like it's astonishing. How much work you have to do not just to like get in amazing shape, but just to feel ok in the amount of stretching the amount of like you know and still you could go to pick something up and be like. Oh fuck. Oh my shoulder got damn it. You know my warmups nowadays are
my old work out yeah. I I got a warm up enough and then, like I feel great right now and then I can. Then I can do everything yeah a four in the morning. I wake up and go home. Would you train pretty hard regularly like that was my thing this morning. I knew I had to come here, so I was just like well, I gotta do is wake in the morning and I'll? I don't know I'll go hike. Yeah I like to do like whatever's around when I'm in Chicago. I tend to lift more weights when I'm in Milwaukee, that's where train mma and then I'm here so like. I don't have a gym and I don't want to go to a gym to have to talk to somebody at the front asked to do the whole. I just want to workout for me. I literally literally. I just need forty five minutes right. Would you go to talk to you? Gotta talk to Jeff, who you know? I don't want to talk to you. Can you just take my money, please work out, and I want to do any of that. So it's easier just headphones. Shoes go to go to Griffith Dakota Runyon yeah, just kind of get lost for an hour so it
this morning, and I do I do on the hike. Do you like stop and do sit ups and push ups or whatever you just depending on how I feel like today was the second day in a row. I did it so I was just like I'm fine with just running straight up this, this canyon, yeah, and that same did it seem to be enough. You know I I I sensually did like mom five miles. You know some. It took me a long time to learn that I don't need to try to impress anyone in a fitness situation. 'cause my trainer always says I want you to leave, feeling better when you, when I showed up? and you know so. I used to we used to I used to punch mitts and stuff and after like my Why am I doing this? I don't need to do this anymore. Then I was doing pull ups and then added a weight belt and dropped a twenty five and then I was doing pull ups and I felt awesome and then I basically sprained my wrists, because I was pulling up too much and it's like. I don't need to do that. Why do I do
to do that? Why doing that? You're not doing your competition with yourself exactly should just yeah just put a one percent, better yeah yeah, exactly or at least just because I was just say I would I would workout. To feel something- and now I work out to try to not feel anything because I don't want to feel, I don't want to have the like. Oh yeah, I popped when were's trailer in Waldorf, now or or two old guys. I love it, but how is mma training different from wrestling training Well I mean I'd wrestling training MMA training is a lot like wrestling training in that I do it every day. So when learning how to wrestle in training. I was there. I was there everyday, just beating the crap out of yourself, then obviously you know I learned the job and then I was on the road
so I wasn't training every day so to speak. I was performing you know, but mma training every day is just like I get obsessed to where I'm like. I try to train like three today I pay for that real, quick, real fast course and then there's. I feel like I'm. Ok as long as I stay, upon it. Like I'm talking like doing cryo dry, size yeah like I. If I stay up on that stuff and then I can train three times a day, but I kind of like you now at this point like why my training three times a day will be did you do step into a ring or someone tries to punch you as hard as they can, but I'm at my life now where I'm like. Well, I don't know if I'm fighting again professional you know what he mean, but it's just like I'm still so like in love with learning. You know what I mean and I still feel like when I go to spar when I go do just
like anything like I'm just learning and I'm there and having fun and like I just love the process of all of that. It's just my body is betraying me, but that is the best reason to do anything though, if you like it, and it does feel good and it's fun to you, that's enough of a reason. It doesn't think I think start out. We feel like everything has to have a specific goal and it's like well, you can just do stuff because you like doing it, it doesn't mean that you ever have I've been a ring again. You can still train and enjoy that process a lot and I'm not in like a fight camp like I don't have a name and a date that I'm staring down the barrel yeah. So it's it's a lot more enjoy to be like oh yeah, I'm gonna go down to the gym and then I go home and then, if I miss a session because I fell asleep, I took a nap and I'll just be like now just go later or yeah I'll, just I'll take the day off or take the night off its it's it's much more enjoyable than how's your diet. Has your diet day today be terrible 'cause. You were the one first of all. Schaumburg is really interesting because they
it's all centered around this giant mall, where the improv is, which is a great club, but there's also like a Kuma's corner or close. Like there's all this stuff- and I was like, oh my god- show murders like Chicago. Without all the Chicago, well, that's what it that's with every every like moved like the everyone. Just really moving out rose. Mont now is like ridiculous. They have. This giant rose Mont, like I don't know, I think, there's a see no there in oh wow, yeah rose Mont by the way like the most corrupt, the corrupt city, and maybe America Oh, is it it had two mayors, their entire existence um an the one was the dad and the other one is a son. Ok, google. This is weird. The sun started some sort of thing whether he said after his dad died. He saw his face in a tree, so I get it so. My gosh, that's, what's pretty wild, but it's going. It up rose was Rosemont will group, so so I was I'm here is because you took me to was corner for the first time. We,
those burgers, are sorry sane and it'll ruin yeah, so good, and I'm just like it do. You have a like. What's your set schedule every week for do you have like a cheap day or do you kind of just eat whatever, but in modern It doesn't matter everything's in I mean everything in moderation, 'cause, I'm also at the point now where, like I could blow it out and I'll just get sick of eating like shit yeah, I just get tired of it yeah, I can't eat yeah. I feel that way too. You know, so it helps going out to dinner. We're making food with with a because you know you can share food yeah and you can just have you like if she gets sweet, potato fries. I can just have like two or three and I'm like I'm good. Your good yeah you know, I don't think I have the cleanest Diat. I think if you looked at it objectively, people would probably like slap me in the back. And be like yeah. You eat you eat better than like anybody. You know It's always easier for me to eat clean in the morning and then I train an then I'm still
a weird night owls who were like hi. I am like that twelve year old fill that I'm like. I don't want to fall asleep, because I want to miss anything right. You know, so I still want to stay up late to watch movies and like that's when I'm like, I want to eat some job lot easier to eat junk at night, and then I got April who's like trying intermittent fasting and like she's, always more on point than I am, but I would like to picture. Is you and like one z, pajamas just eating a bowl of lucky charms at like one thousand two hundred and thirty at night watch. It's a lot more creature feature a lot more pornographic that watching a softcore creature feature. No, I just meant, like I'm probably just may be wearing shorts, oh gotcha, gotcha gotcha, I think really, maybe wearing a shirt, no pants. You know just go serial deal, sure cocking, Sir Kind and whatever so eight she is doing intermittent fasting 'cause. I had heard that Terry
Bruce has been doing that and he says: oh, it's Greg never felt better in my life, and so I think I always looks like a like six million dollars does he looks incredible yeah. Some of that might just be his own, like DNA for sure. Like perfection, I know we probably puts a lot of work into it, but some people are just like. Yeah, you're, just kind of physically perfect yeah. I know I know a lot of mma fighters have never touched like a weight in their life and they just they just look like little. He I'm you know really really hate these people is. It was the I'm sure probably talked about this, or maybe you haven't talked about it. I don't know, but was the the two mm a fun school very weird what you expected, not what you expected. Enjoyable, enjoyable is all of that though it literally, it really was all of that and I I think, if you're
aired of anything. I think. That's like one of the best reasons to do it as skydiving right. Why the hell do we, as human beings, strap a parachute to our back and jump out of planes? Yeah it's I mean when you think of it. Something stupidest thing in the world right, bungee jumping, you know driving fast cars, all these things they the adrenaline rush right. So I'm kind of like have you seen Jojo Rabbit, yet no, I haven't seen it yet okay, so it with the quote, an eye not sophisticated enough you know who the author of the poet of weather quote came from and I'll butcher, the entire quote, but the beginning of it is let everything happen to you. You know joy and
or wow. He ended in its is, and there's there's more to the quote. I I I apologize for. That's a good, that's a good way to do it because we in our culture, I think we have romanticized the idea that everything should be amazing and perfect all the time or you just sunny all the time. Yeah and my wife voice is like no, you don't appreciate the sunny days without the rainy days, and it's pretty weird that, like I like, even if I'm like having a bad day, I can center myself and just be like you know what it's like the end of the quote. They end the movie, where there's no feeling his final right. So there's always a it ebbs and flows, there's good and there's bad days and yeah. I mean that you know. I challenge any any person any anybody's ever done, and I may, if you tell me that you have that sat in your car in the parking lot your gym and cried your eyes out. You're, just a liar, you know any mean, and it's like.
Camaraderie in my gym is that every single one of us shares those stories together right. I've walked out of the I mean I've seen guys sitting in their car and you know they just look up and use a look at them and just give me a thumbs up and I've been in the car like you know, it's just it's just the process, and it's just like you go through that. Why am I doing this right, especially of all people of. Why am I a? Why am I doing this yeah? Why do at this point like? Why do you need to go jump in the ring and and because, because I could, because I was afforded the opportunity yeah, whether you like it or not, is it? You know it's something that was offered to me and I went No, my name. That's absolutely hey! You want to. You want to drive this really fast expensive car on this race track. Yeah yeah, because I didn't want to I'm sure you didn't want to you know, hit sixty or seven. Like you know, I should have just done it it's this now. I can't do it. I should have just done it. That's exactly kind of how I try to just live. You know I don't wanna. I don't want to have the regrets and I you know I honestly can say knock on wood that I'd. I don't think I
I have a single one. You know people always ask me questions about wrestling wrestling and whatnot I don't hate it. I don't regret any of it like I'm, I'm focused on doing other, say I did it yeah. I did it. No, I I wouldn't. I wouldn't change anything yeah. You know I think, If I had a time machine, the only thing I would try to do is go back in time and see bands. You know but still probably suck up the space time. Continuum and disaster would occur but I wouldn't try to change anything, that's good, though I mean because it you know, able to challenge yourself consistently and not being complacent, and you know the idea of getting uncomfortable that growth happens from getting. Comfortable, I'm sure that this experience is probably paid off, are you in ways that you never imagined before? Yeah and you know in a thumb ever in a situation zombie Apocalypse Hurricane Tornado, earthquake, whatever I'm comfortable,
comfortable yeah, I I actually think I I I thrive in being uncomfortable. You know I I I think I put myself in an of situations round like all this sucks but yeah. You know it didn't, kill me I'm alive. So I just I can you know handle whatever whatever's whatever's coming, but also your e. I think you're good at handling, because you know it in these types of what whatever, just especially because of social media. Now, like every sector of everything, has its hecklers and it's troll. People shouting at you so easy to do right, but the but the CM punk wrestling character like he built his career off that he built his identity off. Like kind of being villainous until he was embraced. You know, and so you were you know, to a degree I feel like you were sort of you built up the armor for that and that sort of fed you did. You find that with MA 'cause, I'm sure when it was announced. People go with the focus this guy think
We'll do our guard rob rob? I brought you know in that. I imagine that you were like okay, that's just sort of fuel for the fire yeah it's fuel for the fire I mean, the best thing to do is do not read comments on anything ever. No, no, you I mean you shouldn't. Do it everybody out there you notifications and get rid of get rid of everybody that doesn't until his death that that no one's ever going to say I should have read more Cummins yeah shoot. I should have said more shady things to people with blue checkmarks on Twitter. Like it's just not that's not ever going to happen. I I think flag. We talking about and we're talking about talking about training. Talking about wrestling and we're talking about all the training and putting into it and appreciating stuff and all. But I don't break don't put the stock and stuff like I think, What is human. So I think if somebody is yelling at you, chity things yeah could affect you, but at the end of the day, like I don't put stock in anybody, elses opinion '
'cause. I know who the fuck- I am yeah yeah yeah yeah, which is the best way it's a very difficult thing to achieve, because you have to be comfortable with your first of all. You have to know yourself and then you have to be comfortable with what you know of yourself, and then, if you are able to be cool with that, it's not like I mean if someone came up to your face and really good book of your human being, of course you're going to be like. Why would they you know, but ultimately, as long you're able to not define yourself by what other people say about you, then you're, probably in you know, uh air conditioned navigate. This particular timeline that we are in Currently, I would imagine yeah, but how do you define like what is what is your metric for success like how do you personally define success? That's a good question. I don't know, I think the goal.
Posts are always moving yeah, I think I mentioned it earlier being a competition with yourself I never tried to have anybody any certain person that I like looked up to and was like. I need to beat that person. You know an especially in in pro wrestling. You know 'cause, it's such a it's such a strange animal. You know it's not through competition, but in a way it's the most cutthroat competition, because it's a theater popularity contest. Yes, it's like it's like you going to the neighbor KIDS house and he's playing with his toys and he has his favorite toys yep and you can't compete with that. You can't tell him well, this toy is better 'cause he's going to be like go fuck yourself right,
get I get on my house right, but the competition is is very real and a lot of people hide behind the guise of the boys. The boys are going to take care of each other and the boys slim boys and we're all brothers and, like that, couldn't be further from the truth. Everybody would sell their own mothers who, like let's go for, like probably whatever they think their level of success is concerned. Buddies is different, whether it's I just want to main event, Madison Square Garden and take my grandmother yeah. I just need million dollar you know like we are really weird deal if it was like. Ok, you can play here, but I'm going to have to alright. Well the opening match at the garden I'll just take one of her kidneys. Alright grandma got a good run. Yeah you're, not you're, not long for this earth should run. She did ok, so success, it's strange being
guy who has been, I will say, unjust, fully involved in some frivolous lawsuits and just spend some money. Ann panicked, because I had to spend this money because it was money I earned, but then eventually going there with the fuck. Do I here. I don't care I'll, make more money tomorrow and realizing that my success is predicated on waking up every morning and like having an awesome, dog and wife to kiss not necessarily in that order and that's where I'm at in life right now, where you know I'm just like, care. What happened especially right now like today, you got me on such a good day. It's been, it's been a really good. We can, you know like we're out here kind of a working vacation, I'm hustlin doing stuff. For the movie girl the third floor. You know and I'm working on other stuff and Aprils out here, Workin two, so we're like she's
some meetings and there's like all these moving parts in our life right now, but like the one thing that isn't moving, it's just like us, she fuq off and go, do her thing, her writing stuff. I can flick off and go, do double runions and come here and you know the end of the day. We come common form like Voltron, you know it's a double runyon stupid thing to do in the rain too. Well yeah, but it's probably not as crowded because uh in la we flee like rats whenever there is light moisture in the air. One of the that's why I love Runyon so much, I'm like it's played out in its, but I I love people watching yeah people watching, and so many dogs yep just like and have and it's so great yeah? The last time I was at Runyon, I was walking up the hill and these two girls were walking by me and the only our conversation I heard was one time I
they're totally levitated and that's all I heard I was like. I was run again and you know this is what you the uv yeah one of the first times I ever went to Runyon. This is yet to be duplicated. There was, there was a girl who was wearing just underwear like this list of underwear hot summer Day and she just Saran Wrap around her boots like that was her top, and I was just like yes, like that's when I come here to see, I come here to burn calories and just see this weird shift, but that's what's weird about it. 'cause, if you go to like Hollywood, Blvd you'll see a lot of weird stuff, but it's the combo. Nation of the the it's like Outdoor Z, weird, it's like it's a different type of. I don't quite know how to do if they're not shut inns, because they're out at Runyon Canyon, but there it does attract an interest
element. They gotta Instagram that shity skyline at the top. You know what I mean in their surround rap on the Saran wrap bra, of course. Of course, while I remember like after your mma fight, I wanted to text you and say like amen, good job for getting rid of it is like I don't know if he wants to hear from any like. I don't. Are you the type of person that, after a fight or something that you want people to like crowding you and being like hey good job, or do you just like to be alone and we just process? No, I mean I'm surrounded and insulated by great people. There were, you know they all said all the right stuff after I lost both time, and you know it's just like, like I said before, like the morning after my fight like I woke up in my own bed 'cause, he was in Chicago. Unlike apes, like what do you want to do, and I was like most fun go get breakfast, I mean like. I just sit here and think about it. Like I gotta eat, you gotta eat like I'll, go, walk, laree and then we'll go grab some grits somewhere. I don't know
now yeah, I'm I'm very much the guy, the guy. I mean, I got all kinds of messages. You know what I mean and they're all they're, all positive. You know because again, people who want to send you negative shift like there's, certainly not going to text me right there. You know. So it's just Why would I bother listening to it anyway and also it's not like? I would imagine that people would say negative. Shettar not like there are mma fighters. You know what I mean like other dudes who are in it who understand what the process is it yeah generally aren't people giving you shit who have nothing to do with the situation, so you didn't get in a fucking ring, get punched in the head with right. I. I look at it like this and, like my my lowest moment, I'll see losing is all it is. Is my lowest moment not that I was ready to throw the baby out the bath water anything, but I'm from an outside perspective, like you know, losing sucks, you never want to lose yeah, but he goes in there and be like mom. I'm I'm gonna lose
today, so losing sucks, but like just learning from that loss is like so great because it made me realize it look. I package the work on right. You know, I remember losing when I was playing little league and being like. Well that sucks and, like you know, coaches be like we got stuff to work on. So it's just like you just go back to the drawing board yeah and I wonder if it's better searching for people listening whatever, if they're going through anything it instead of thinking of things as binaries and winning and losing. If you think of everything as a transaction, you know what the cost of that process of you getting into the peak physical condition and learning all these things and go for this journey and growing and all these amazing ways the cost was you lost one fight, but look at all this other stuff you gained. It was just part of the transactions
what you know when you sort of look at it as a spreadsheet and what you learned and how you grew like that to me is a total microcosm of life. Yes, you know because nothing ever goes perfect right. Nobody ever goes into the cage feeling man, I feel great. You interview a fighter they're going to tell you that, but the truth is they hurt themselves. You know sparring week three, you know and they got three four more weeks of camp LE So it's just like learning how to adapt and work around those things. The three weeks leading up to my second fight Three weeks of my life, you know any mean, but it's just like 'cause, the anticipation or the. Anxiety or stress now this is this is like a weird thing is. I can never talked about it because I feel like they're all excuses, so why make what why talk about? I think a lot of fighters. Sometimes do it like right after they lost their just like you know,
broke down the one day and then, like my baby's mama got mad at me week for and then I you know I broke my foot right. Just like there's always reasons but like I looked at it like I had I I is just ahead of disaster is training camp. It was awful and then I was I was literally on trial in Chicago, because I had a defamation, lawsuit funded by world wrestling, entertainment, the fight week. Oh wow, I couldn't cut weight properly, it couldn't water, but I couldn't do like all the shift, so you just work, but you weren't able to focus the way you know I wasn't able to do anything I mean wake up in the morning and I do sprints and I would like eat half an avocado and I would go to court and I couldn't I couldn't water load to cut weight properly, because I'm sitting for like eight hours a day you know, and then I would leave and then I would train an. I would try to do I could like on the the back end of the the the day I
to really bad eye infections. Like two weeks out like I couldn't, I couldn't train little guys like uses. I just think they're data points. You know what I need to have your data. I think I'm I'm far enough removed for where I can talk about it. Yes, I'm talking about for sure now and like not. Even if none of it is is an excuse. I could I got the beat out of me. I lost I lost a decision in Chicago, but to me that's a better than pulling out of the fight. That's the thing in the Chicago, because I knew I had this. I I had a very short window mma I had a very short window in MMA and I I looked at it like you know. I remember talking my coaches and they're just like ok, we still believe in you you're tough Sonovabitch. You can do this, but you know I did there. If you know, if you were making a you know, if you had a long career at this, we tell you not to write to fight right, and I was just like: when am I going to get the chance to fight in Chicago ever again? It's not going to happen
no, but it, but it is embracing the fact that it was not a perfect three weeks. And you still went in there anyway, like an and no one, I'm making you I'm sure it would have been very easy. I don't know how easy it would have been legally, if I woke up tomorrow and I and I pulled out of that fight, I would still be kicking myself course. You would still be. Of course you would, but I don't wait. I don't wake up and think about losing every day. I would wake up and think about oh shoot. I didn't do it yet because you you overcame all this personal stuff, still showed up anyway, I mean it's the yeah. I want the trial like you only read like I was literally like yes and it was like oh shoot. I gotta fight in like two days I gotta get to the arena yeah. I gotta do it again, like I literally went from verdict being read to getting in a car to going to Wrigley Field dissing the seventh inning stretch like I just look like shit and I'm just like go cubs. You know like it, but one of wild wild time.
TIM. What a great story to me. It sounds like nothing but success personal success because again you're doing it for yourself and look what you look, what you went through to to do it you know like it might rain are always says like. No matter how you feel- and this is much smaller of a scale but no matter We feel on days when you go to the gym all you gotta do is show up if you just show up now, that's not a smaller scale, though you know what I mean like to me. Every things like I said you, with yourself yeah, so don't say it's a smaller scale. It's it's! What you're doing it there is the challenge you have for showing up. When you know it's going to suck anyway and just saying like I'm just going to do it and you know whatever happens, happens if I have to, if I have to force myself to look for the good in this and that's what I'm going to do. I heard I had some of my best professional wrestling matches when I was just like one hundred and two degree fever. You know any mean
there's, obviously something to be said that the wrestling business will make you go out there and perform. If you don't work, you don't the page sure, but there were for sure moments where I mean you know, Michael Jordan, Chicago bulls. He very famously has the flu game. He had the flu he had a ridiculous fever, any went out and he had the best game of his career. What do you think that is? I think, that's there's a lot of preparation in that. I think that is you practicing and then playing like you practice. So if you practice half but it's just reps- it's just Michael Jordan being who he was and maybe having to dig a little bit deeper being like I'm sick. But my team needs me: let's go do something extra because he felt like he was yeah, yeah and and and pushing through and and mental mental toughness, yeah for sure yeah, I do think it is good too, if you can just get yourself to show up,
things you don't want to do and allowing whatever happened happened in some of those workouts. Where I you know when I say no, when I come in, he goes. How are you feeling to go? I don't want to be here right now, but I've, but I made my legs walk into the gym and now I'm yours and just tell you to tell me, I'll, just listen to whatever you say, and I do I do whatever he tells me. I let it go and let easiest way to some of those days are like the best, and he goes so you came in here and he goes. It was all between your ears because your body has done all the work, so your neck down, you are ready to be even though your brain didn't feel like it, and I'm like Bach yeah you're right. If I and showed up today. I wouldn't have this experience and I would have just enabled that mythology that look. So this is german, I'm so going to want to go and do this you know, and so it's like what department, what bank account do you want to put deposits into you know, growth one or the one where you're just stagnant and hate yourself
sit in bed all day like even now like days, I don't train or do something. I go crazy and that's when you get still awake at four hundred am fill like do anything today and now you know now, I can't properly go to bed on time and now everything is going to be screwed up. You need the structure, I don't even know if its structure, I just need I just need outlet. I sure need to do something whether in but I do, but I do obsess you know like from the last couple days in Chicago where I was like. Oh crap, it's nice out. I got a. I gotta go bike. 'cause, I'm not going to be able to like you know what I mean so grab those days and I'm doing like four thousand and fifty mile bike do you know what I mean, I'm just saying that I'm paying for it, but it's just it's just I am yeah now, but long as you know that you know, and it may, it makes me successful and everything I've ever done. It's made me re, write, comic, books and, and chapters of
things I've written- and it's made me- go back to the drawing board so many times an make sure that whatever the finished product is worthy in one hundred percent yeah and it also helps to have a really amazing partner too, because I know that if I'm stressed that's something or caught up in something Lydia goes hey. This is probably happening because x, there's e, and I know that normally ab or c, and so if you just do this, you know like oh, my God, and you're right, it is an. I imagine April, is probably the same for you. It's like a to real life search commercial, you know she's like it made. You ease your home, don't we yeah right right? Thank you. She had a drinking of water. You know how your you, dear yeah, let legit the water. Thank you dehydrated good job. What Hines crazy yesterday I, for whatever reason I just felt really sad and depressed for a couple hours.
It was like drink some water and I drank like two because she gets boxed water. So I drank two little two boxes of water, an almost instantly I was like. Oh, I think I feel better. How many things did, I think, were it emotional and origin that were just physiological in origin, and I wouldn't have realized that if this amazing person in my life didn't go just fucking, drink water or like when I'm super crabby, like whatever in April, does that she said yeah, but you need to eat like. Let's see, let's get some food and then you don't know: ok, ok, Dan. I feel like like a blossoming flower, all of a sudden like I eat and I'm just like. Oh, like all of a sudden, my body comes back to life and I'm like oh cool. That is really true.
I understand the mind body connection and not ever putting too many eggs in either basket that they, it is trying to figure out that balance between you know what things are actually really happening in life, what things you're creating and what things you're quite negative things you're creating, because you have an exercise in a few days or you're starting to get sick or you didn't sleep or you need or you didn't drink, and just you know it's obviously not everything is going to fall into that camp, but in as much as you can trim ISM much of that stuff back as you can. Why wouldn't you, if you could? What is your like? Do you have a I need to drink, except I like it. This amount of water, today. This are you that regimented or you just kind of no. I think the only regimented thing I do is I'm the one predominately walks Larry, so I'll, wake up. First and I drink two giant glasses of water. With like a little bit of lemon,
You sent it, get a black cup of coffee and mean Leri go out, and we do that and then, like. That's the part of my day and that's really about the only uniform thing. Obviously traveling it's completely different, but we brought layer with us, so he's out here, so it's it's pretty it's pretty uniform and then I tried to train first thing. So sometimes it's empty stomach, sometimes it's oatmeal and fruit and then I'm off to the races. How do you trade with an empty stomach 'cause? Those are the times when I I have to eat. If I don't eat, at least an hour and a half before it, maybe a handful of almonds at the workout routine. I'm not I'm not doing much. You know like I got a gym in my basement in Chicago if I'm training on an empty stomach, I'm just doing some light, cardio, just to move yeah just to just to kind of start the day that way and then
I'll try it again later, that's good yeah. As long as you can check the box in your head. Yes, you know not every day it's like you, don't know if you're not going to remember every workout that you ever had, but the sum total of showing up all those times in phase where I'm super busy yeah that's. The key is like that. How I start my day. So even if I do two thousand and thirty minutes on a bike or I'm moving around shadow boxing and just keeping it light to start the day. And then I so maybe I'll be able to fudge stuff around later in the day and and get new a gym or going right or do whatever, but if I can get the one out of the way Mentale then I won't be before am a tell being like. You know plan playing Friday, the 13th on the Xbox till like eight in the morning, just being like that you're right now. That's about all! I play it's like it the whole reason. I have an Xbox April bought me the Xbox because of the Friday, the 13th game and have you I haven't played it yet.
Do you play d player has Jason you can be Jason or counselor so The lobby is somebody's Jason and I think there's seven six or seven people that are counselors. So if your counselor, you gotta you either like all and try to kill, Jason or you can escape you know, and then, if you're Jason, you just killing fools now, do you in the game? Do you for a lovemaking break where he jams a spike through both of you or is that not ok, alright? Well, that would have been more accurate to the film series. The developers have complete. Band in the game, because there's a lawsuit about who owns the No, no. J Center, I I I don't know what it is, so they can't make any new content. So when I say they abandon the game, they're just like well, whatever there's like crazy, like glitches in the game that people exploit and they like, they hide on the like. The counselors will hide on the roof, Jason can't get him and it's just like
it's just the wild wild West, but I still do it's. Just a content is the reason I played a game to you, but it is it. Do you do you network with other people, or do you just you play alone now? I and it's more of a got. A group of people who play who I play with that's great yeah. It's I mean that's, that's the fun of it. You know you can car and you try to run it run each other over and there's there's there's. I'm probably I'm probably a bastard when I play but you know, I always say when in doubt when something with something that you enjoy it like. If it's, if it did turn out the way you want it or if something happens with it. Like you're saying the glitches, there's usually is usually a legal reason. There's usually a business affairs Scituate then going on behind it. 'cause I saw uh. They saw these Freddy Krueger Nike, SB low tops, and then I was like I want.
It. These are red and they're like eighteen thousand dollars, so I didn't buy them. I read the story about them that into doesn't. Seven Nike was going to release this horror line of shoes, but I guess it was just inspired by so they made these Freddy Krueger, inspired by shoes, but they weren't official license gear and I guess who's the studio new line. Someone was like, oh we own the. We have trademark Freddy's sweater pattern, so you can't have and on a shoe, and so they recalled all these shoes, but One vendor in Mexico had already started selling them and but the rest were had been ordered to be destroyed and the people who destroyed the shoes, apparently just like pocketed a handful. So there's only a handful of these a man amazing, Freddy Krueger, Sb Nikes in the world and they're like eighteen thousand dollars. Then again, it's eagle, it was like a legal thing. You know we can't nice things, there's nothing worse than Lloyd,
there's nothing worse? Well, they do their jobs. You know that there supposed to do, but you know it it can be. It can be a little dicey and it only takes I always say a handful of assholes ruin everything for everyone in the world. I handful. This is why we have locks. Doris is where we have two factor authentication. This is like just I 'cause full of assholes will walk into your place and take your a handful of as hold and that's how lawyers sort of build their business. That's why Contra there are one hundred pages, long 'cause you're. Just looking. Diary of a handful of assholes for every situation who reflect something up for someone for everyone. Yes, Are you collecting anything now? I know you. The last time I was at your place. You had a flux. Capacitor has has. Has that
and did it anyway, I'm still kind of I'm just behind on everything you know I I still get funkos they I realized they. They just have like every license in the world. Now they just come out. I mean there's scarface goes Godfather Funko's. So when I realize they've come out with a bunch of some thing that has subject matter that I enjoy I'll, buy him, but you're going to get a very special Chris Hardwick Bloody Funko. Before you leave today, the functional. I do have your own, fifty two, and uh and I'm very excited about it. Wow it was it was. It was a karere yeah, it's cool right. I mean it's funny that so my wife has one I have one. My dog doesn't have one but he's named after the Wolf man. There is a wolf man Funko, so we have the three of us. Oh that's good!
yeah, it's adorable. I love it so much yes, yeah I'm going to I'm going to get. It and sign it to fill my number one fan, please now you have to now. You have to have to do that obnoxious, but collecting stuff. You know I don't know I gotta couple of I got a bunch of cool busts, but I'm never there's nothing that I have like a super hot fever about. I think anymore. I re comic books. I read it for the content in the subject matter: I'm not obsessed with trying to go back and get like amazing, fantasy, fifteen or anything like that You know, I'm I'm just interested in the stuff that I like, and if I see some I like all of by it, I I if I, if I went crazy like you Wolf well, I just got a ton of cool. I haven't had a ship that you know some day. I will have to deal with and figure out what to do with, but for now we're just like
it's like Guillermo Del Toro. He has an entire house. He bought a whole lot house for all this shit 'cause. His wife was eventually like you got it and that's. I consider my that's one of the many ways that I consider myself so lucky because my wife collects just as that stuff is. I do so she collects so will come in and they see like the horror stuff. That's in our house, like, oh your wife, let you keep? Oh this is hers yeah. This isn't mine. You know like we. I collect mainly the Disney stuff in the comedy process and she collects the horse, so the gremlins are hers. You know, the howling, the Reagan doll from exercise. That's all hers you know. So it is you guys, got a lot of cool shoes. Fun, weird stuff, but I do feel bad, for you know that there are some people who have to like You know, shamefully hide their stuff from their families. They would like please, no more, you can't. We have to live, you know, but when you are a collector, it is just a
you just like having important there's a line, though he's a collector and then the thin line in order work, yeah, yeah yeah? Well, ordering is like we went to universal Halloween horror Nights, an brought home every napkin, every good stuff, but yeah. You know because there's just too many things and then ultimately you know you you, you do end up it. It does feel like we're twilight, zone episode. Where you're I falls and kills you and it's like he was consumed by his own. The everybody can go home and just throw out a bunch. You share yeah, yes, yes, do it yeah they they can sort of Marie Kondo their their lives, and you know- and I feel like most things- I don't even think that most things bring you joy. I think the acquisition of things brings. You joy, the hunting in the gathering in the like track down this very
weird rare thing and now I have it, but on a day to day basis, I feel like not that many things Oh, oh my god, I'm so joyful that I have this. It was like it was really fun to get at an auction or really fun to find. The store. Oh, my god, the process, the process. You know it really does. I think that's the sort of you know. The evolution of maturity is becoming process Orient as opposed to result in goal oriented 'cause, you know, like goals, are achieved in a second, but now I have this thing and now what happens? Internet right click, a button and you're like I owe this now but yeah. I would much rather like I love going to auctions in antiquing with April. You know just walking around and just signing JAM orbit Chicago has some great antique stuff. They do. They really do they got. They got a lot of great places. I bought a love, tester machine work for April for one of our,
nurseries, uhm yeah and it. It was like one of those things it was like they were given giving it away pretty cheap. I thought, and I was just like well, I got But I again I go to rewire it. It's it's it's old, but still works, but like the wiring is all shot I got a. I got to fix that up. Maybe maybe maybe the next project in your life is in in teaching show see him punk's antique roadshow. So I bring you something like this is worth anything and just smash it and then hand it back to him. It's like grammar slammer breaking should over peoples heads. Oh yeah, oh yes, that was so much there's a rumor I might be doing some. I don't know, maybe Sunday or Monday just for like to remote. The movie some grammar slams, maybe you know, obviously, will prob probably for this podcast. So that is spectacular. Yeah could be I'm hoping it will be. I mean I do think that
the appreciation of grammar and the enforcement of grammar, through slamming is a good is a good way to go because it we are just an correct society now and I actually have an app installed on my computer. Called Grammar Lee and Grammar Lee. Actually much like spell check will just fixes everything will offer suggestions to your grammar and say you know, but Obviously we speak very colloquially. English is such a sloppy, colloquial language that a lot but half the time I'm like no, I really did mean to say that, because that sounds more conversational, but in general Grammar Lee is really great and it does and you can write a whole document, there's an app where you can drag the document in but it will give you like a score of like you know. Here's everything and these articles- and you don't need a comma here and put a comma here- that's not where you have got to do anything yourself anymore.
I really don't you really don't you know what? Because we don't, because we don't really have to. Kerry information around anymore do much for ourselves. It's left a lot more room for things like anxiety and depression. Now he has to fill the void with voice because your your brain needs to engage in something. So just when it's not consuming resources to live in the world that, just like, turns inward and then just start consuming you for protein. So so you know, maybe maybe there is a thing to like turning off spellcheck turning. Auto correct turning of everything to force yourself to have to really you know it sucks is being the grammar slam. Guy like anytime, I make a mistake. Oh yes tell something wrong and I consume
So if you make it your you're mistake, then people like, but you know the good the good thing about it is like yeah. I fucked that up. You know what I own it. It's not the end of the world happen. Sometimes it is definitely definitely not the end of the world, but it. But it's important that you know, I think you being able to embrace antiquing in grammar and stuff, like that, it's just good for your soul, maybe some day you'll open an antique store. Maybe that's your thing now? No, no! That won't happen. Okay, I think about it. Sometimes really I mean you could do it yeah I mean, but you got a lot of cool x, yeah, but I go but one of the things I do when I travel in another. When I go to other cities, I find like local donuts local pizza. Be a local burger, just like some local food and then antique scene to see
is there an. I see you know like. I see someone just kind of sitting behind an antique roll top desk with their laptop open, and this is all their antique stuff and I sort of feel like you know: maybe they'll sell it. Maybe they won't they're just happy to be there and I I I I understand it I go. I could see that some day you know much as a with a little some days like call. Let's just move out to a ranch and have goats stand that tourists things magic you just just just trip all the other garbage away and simplify and then just go. You know, live in your own little bubble, yeah your own! You make your own go community, I mean, do you think that'll? Do you think you'll do that some day
No, I I love my house in Chicago, but it we very much have the conversation that it isn't our house. You know I bought it. Right, moved her into it yeah. So there is the. There is the talk every once and again we're she's. Just like this place is a death trap. You know you can't have you can't have kids in this house right. You know and I go well when, okay, whenever you're ready, tell me when you're ready to have kids and I I'll I'll buy whatever house you want, you know like well, we'll figure it out we'll make it work. So there's there's you know, there's talk of looking for a place out here. You know if one she's she's got so many irons in different fires right now that if, if something hits is a chance, you might have to be in a writers room every day right, you know. So it's just like get a place here. We got a place in Chicago, I have my place in Milwaukee for training, but you know that's not a summer home, it's just like. Oh you,
how to play somewhere colder than Chicago I'd. Love it. If you moved out here and be so fun, so we look that she obsessed with like realtor com constantly sending me. I probably can pull my phone out right now and she is probably send me ten listings of this is out here. I think interest rates. Are you know I I I I just auditioned for for something that might require me to be out here a lot more frequently. So it's you know how is acting, I mean it's, you know. I guess I shouldn't say how is acting. Because wrestling is basically an acting exercise. It is it it's theater. You said it is said it early. Peter is a good way to put it up into scripted. It's improvisational get mad when I call it fake. Thank you and I and I, and I tell them to grow, grow the well, it's like it's like yeah, but you know, but for people who do that, that's, like you know see a Broadway play and going who is big. This was a real like get, I know, but that's you
to see that no, we are nigh argument with people who say that as a defense like like I, I don't think you should be defending pro wrestling like that's. Not your hill to die, saying it's not very collected onto the F word like. I think you should just let that roll off your back right. Who who cares? you enjoy it, I'm not saying it with a negative connotation, I'm just being honest like It's it's coming from a story. I'm sure I love it. You know it. I was there yeah this is you can say that yeah? Does it beat you up? Yes, but you know who's winning who's losing you now, but you know when Al Pacino Scarface came out and Al Pacino had to you know: go, do a podcast. He didn't show up as Tony Montana right. He wasn't like you know talking in his his amazing
cuban accent right he was Al Pacino and they talked about the movie. He did you know he wasn't trying to you know he wasn't trying to be scarface and he wasn't trying to push the narrative that like no. This is who he is in pro wrestling That's what they do. That's what we used to do be like no on this. You know, like I, Hate America, like whatever the fuck it is like. So when the cameras are off, they still very much tried to push that. So it's strange yeah right. It's what yeah weird well, because I guess it maybe so, but also has to do with. I do think, there's a difference between television and film. You know and theatre. It's it's like a television people. I think, for more intimate bonds with television because it comes into that. Well now you know people watch movies at home, but I mean traditionally television actors will play characters for
yeah exactly exactly it's serialized, instead of just like one movie yeah, whatever you know, Robert Downey Junior Tony Stark right right, but eventually you know he's dead, now, spoiler alert, or would you know he's going to move on to do do other stuff. You know so yeah I mean get that you're in you're in the person's house. Every week I mean I was on the road I signed in two thousand and five, and I left what twenty thirteen time yeah. That's that's a good long run. Susan Lucci ask you know playing the same. Character. People have often said you're the Susan Lucci of Pro wrestling yeah yeah item with no fuckin' awards either. You know, let's go Always a bridesmaid but yeah so just being being comfortable.
The acting is a lot easier in the sense that I could do it multiple takes on something who you now live TV is the different different animal yeah. You know so I I was comfortable because I because I mean, let's be honest, like last summer, I shot two movies. You know one I have a smaller part in the Soska twins, Cronenberg remake of rabbit, which is fucking bonkers. That incredible everybody needs to go see too, because, yes, it is a remake, but it's it's a remake in the same way that Cronenberg's the fly was a remake right. It's a remake in the same way that carbon there's a thing was remaking yeah. There is a movie called the thing before it, but it's just completely different remade in their image and it's fucking amazing. It's an amazing movie that I feel fortunate to have been a part of right, so it's just like
to me. My job is to show up and the role I had. I I took very seriously, but I also looked at it like all right. I'm not Laurence Olivier here I don't have to carry anyting, so I'm going to go, give them what I think I'll talk to them. What do you want from me and then I'll go, give him something, and then you get to look at him and go now this is kind of what you wanted. You know and then they have the knobs and they can turn it. You know volume up down, contra it would ever say. No do this differently say this way or it was great just do it again. Do it again a couple of times with girl third floor. I was the lead, so there is
a bit of what the are they think and get all. I don't have any movie experience where I am the lead. So what the hell are they thinking? But I- and this is this- is a cool thing? Are you ready to eat? Ask me: what's the definition definition of success and I said the goal posts are is moving. This is definition of success, hey. Why did you guys offer me this? You know what we're we're like four weeks into. You know shooting and we're. Just like you know, you're, not you know everybody, and you know they seen. You walk around the set in your underwear and you're. Like hey, why me and they're like oh Bobcat, Goldthwait, that's great! So it's just like that's six!
Yes yeah! You know he directed me in a couple of the search Merrin and they were looking for. I love Bobcat, a Chicago, it's it's! It's a girl in the third floor is very it's very Chicago without being like over the top like Ferris Bueller, here's all the famous Xikar paintings, here's all the famous Chicago landmarks right, you know, but it is a Chicago movie simply for the fact that it's it's film in a suburb of Chicago I'm in it, I'm a Chicago guy and Steve Albini, very Chicago guy. Does the the score? Okay, so yeah that that's how it came to be- and I was just like a while ago- I got to send him some chocolate or some flowers or something because it is. I I mean I I I guess I I I own. You know I mean. I wonder this is probably a stupid question, but when you're training for MMA you have. There's, like you know what you're supposed to do to prepare it's very regimented, but the thing that's hard for me to wrap my head around with acting is like
How do you know? I mean? I guess you learn your lines, but it feels a little more Amorphis. In that way we were like. I think, I'm prepared. I don't know you know, I guess they'll tell me when I got there and the first, I want to say two weeks of shooting it was me and a dog. I did not have anybody to play with and I'm the lead. So when I tell you eighty five percent of this movie is my fucking face. I mean if you, if you don't like Phil, Brooks Diet. You know bad way to pitch to go see this movie, but don't don't go see this movie 'cause, it's the it's a shot. It's you know. It's me doing home improvement stuff, so I'm drilling and sawing yeah you're re having a high walling and a lot of it. You know the deal
shot from inside the wall of just like my face. You know like tinkering and it's it's. It was wild, so like I would, I would do a shot with this dog. You know maybe like cut no look at Travis and Abby like half, you know and he'd be like great we're moving on, and I was like I'd be like really wow. This acting things really easy, you know and then there's. Obviously there were some pretty challenging things. You know that the night before I'm like reading the sides and I'm like kind of panicking about like. Can I do this? You know what I mean like to replicate genuine emotion to laugh, I think, is pretty easy to cry show, fear and terror like ship. Can I do this you know and like, and if I can't, how do you learn how to do that? You know, but I think
night shoots while we're out there for, like you, know twelve fourteen hours, I think that that kinda helped break me. Yeah yeah great eight down to be allies, yeah water, yeah yeah I can I can I can drum up Here- is really easy right now, just a moment. Think of those times outside the MMA training gym in your car yeah, where your Sierra, it was shredded, yeah and Rafi draw from that. So what it first of all you look great an you seem great and you seem happy and I'm so. That makes me very happy and but what else are you joyful like? What are you? What are you excited about right now, I'm excited the movie, obviously I'm excited that my wife's killing it doing so. Many crazy amazing things she's. Her writing partners and she's kidnapped my friend Amy Garcia, their best friends now, and they look eerily alike kind of creeps me out what else
excited about I'm excited about October. You know because I October to me, is you know this movie is kind of big for me here be out fast. It's got a big premiere it at a Brooklyn Film Festival and they're, doing a big film, debut or flat film fest, Carol, film festivals in October. So my octobers like Champ, give me you know, smiling and being like here's movie guys. I hope you like it, but I'm Jenner
very excited about it, because I I backed this movie a hundred percent- it's not like. I just signed up to do this movie. I I fell in love with the process of doing it and I was surrounded by tremendously talented people who, on a small budget, I think made a beautiful film. That is all equally scary, but also will make you think October is Roof El Comino Hmmm yeah, that's the eleventh. Maybe it is the eleventh yes, okay, for that. I know you already seen Joker, I'm stoked for that. Yeah, I'm stoked for hockey October is all about hockey. Halloween Halloween, my favorite holiday. You can trigger treaters, no, no, no busy ST. Oh yeah, so no no trick or treaters. It's in my house is also strange that you wouldn't know it is there. You wouldn't know to knock on the door and think somebody was going to answer right right right
My excited about you put me on the spot. Yeah come on, but I want some excitement. It's all. It's all locked, right now. I just I just love October. So much I do we do to fall is my favorite changing leaves the weather just super stoked. Of selfishly. My birthday is at the end of October, so you know that'll be cool, I'm sure. But now it's just to me. It's just about celebrating. Life is corny as it sounds. You know what I mean like what what's your favorite holiday, my favorite holiday is the one where strangers give you fucking candy. Well, that's it because it you know at the end of the day, those moments of joy kind of you know, pushing everything else aside, and what are you left with that? That's, I think, that's what life is in instead, chasing all the external stuff, it's like and that's all fine, it's fun, it's fun to do fun things and it's fun to acquire fun thing
but ultimately end of the day. Who are you? Are you happy with yourself? Do you like yourself? Are you comfortable with you? You know like? Can you be own and with people do you enjoy your immediate circle, like, I think that's where all the success stuff, I mean my my immediate circles, great, you know, and I I have I don't know. Maybe three group tie you know like thread or whatever you call, and you know, there's four of us in one four of us and another and then like my family, one in my family once huge because it's like mom and then there's three sisters and then the brother in law, and it looked to brother in like it's just it's it's big. It's! It's ridiculous, but you know you know my. My buddy ace is in the process of getting his dream job and he just ended.
A rotten relationship and he's already progressed in moved on into a new one and, like I said his dream job so he's moving and I'm stoked for him. The most my buddy cliff who's had a rough go of it a couple years, He had dude working in Amazon. An was killed. Self working in Amazon has now moved to Vegas an has a tremendous opportunity doing something. He enjoys you So I'm happy when my friends in my family are happy. You know an right now, everybody is killing. It knock on wood. I'm not the guy. That like looks for the storm clouds, I'm just extremely grateful for the great times, that's good and then sort of pushing through adversity. What advice do you have for people? You know 'cause you've been through stuff. You know you said your friends have been through stuff and things do ultimate
the normalized intern and get through it. So what is your sort of for anyone who's trying to push through something and feels like? Oh they're in there in an infinite pit? That's never going to see. You know subside yeah, so I think social media sucks, but one of the fun things Instagram is there's so many of those positive pages that will give you like all these crazy positive quotes in like you can laugh it off and be like as corny internet love. It might make sense to me all the time like how great right yeah like how great is it, because you can either read the comments, and you know you can believe that you're this piece of that some
second door. Kid in England. Thank you know I mean like thinks you are, or you could just read these positive things in like realize it like now that shit's true positive thinking, Pma, I I I think, use visualizing and just being positive about and putting stuff in the universe, and I think it comes back to you, AIDS. It's a Winston Churchill quote. It's been one of my favorites and it's if you're, if you're going to Hell, keep going that's the best because eventually you're. Be on the other side of it. You could be halfway done. You know. The tanker driving through Hell could be seventy eight percent of the way there and it sucks yeah. But if you go, I'm going to turn back, it's a longer road to hoe to get back. Then, if you would've just kept going, the sun shines like right around the corner. Phil. I love you. I appreciate you. I am so glad that you came here and I'm so happy for your move
and, of course, as a horror fan, I'm very excited to see it is. Can I plug it in plug the shut out of it? Yeah yeah, I always feel so corny, but you're not know this is this. Is this? Is the drill, though? Yes, when you're gonna do movie, I now you got it. You have to be okay with saying hey, I did a movie, I know, hey everybody put me in your movies and it's out everywhere, video on demand on the twenty fifth of October third floor girl on the third floor. If you know anything, if you know who Travis Stevens is like, if you see, if you have you seen, you rescues dune uh, oh no, I know we never saw it actually, so the animism is starting to do this. Like I've been offered movie roles, and I know we got a rat, so it's fine. I've been I've been but hey when you watch it with you. Ok great! So we're still waiting on money. Ok, great! You know how it goes: yeah, yeah yeah, it's just you know. So this one came along and I almost treated at the same way where I was just like yeah sounds great yeah I'll. Do it whatever um and
and when I realized it's like it was Mpi dark sky like these real companies. I was like wait MP. I like Shadows Mpi, you know like okay, we were so who wrote and directed it. Travis Stevens on a plug that in the the Google Travis Stevens first thing that comes up is you'd rescues tune. I eight it's an amazing documentary about the making of the movie two. Now I know what it is. I just yeah we haven't seen it and and based on that. I was just like, oh so this guys guys village it. Yes, what he's doing oh by the way, Steve Albeniz doing the soundtrack. What you know just like huh, ok and then like it, just it just all made sense, like I said I was almost in before even read a script, and then I read the script, and I was just like man. This is great like it's, it's got a it's got a message, it's weird and it's up and there's some really strong
female characters in it and, like I in a way, got to roll reverse and sort of be final girl. It's It's really hard to explain. You gotta go see it. It's everywhere October 25th, video on demand. It will be in select theaters right now, lay Chicago New York great. I know El Paso. Alamo Drafthouse is just started selling tickets. So obviously, though, as demand picks up in the coming weeks, it will be another theaters and stuff like that, and you can of course hit up your local theater and be like. We want to see girl on the third floor and you know they'll be forced by I wants to put the movie. I think I think, if either of you like someone to come to our theater, but whatever you want great people go to movie theaters that often anymore when they have to
and then the rabid from the sauce, because I I know when it's coming up, but I can't tell okay but it all of it just is that it's going to be there to be two thousand twenty okay early early, two thousand twenty, and then you know you never know when you'll see me, I'm I'm always I'm always doing something great! I'm going to go back and watch the original rabbit. Again, it's been a long time that movie fucking freak this shift at even the commercial trailer for that movie. When I was a kid this one like freak the shit out of me yeah, this will get you I'm so excited. Thank you for being here Phil. Thank you. Having I and he's gaining complete, enjoy your burrito
Transcript generated on 2019-10-23.