« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Bob Roth


Chris chats with Transcendental Meditation teacher and head of The David Lynch Foundation Bob Roth to discuss the foundational aspects of TM, why it's important to calm the chatter in your mind, and how his non-profit work at the Foundation is paving the way to help at-risk youth. His book is entitled, "Strength In Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation" and his radio show "Success Without Stress" on SiriusXM Indie.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Greetings podcast, tonight's and welcome to the eighty twenty pike, s number, nine. Seventy seven, I hope you're getting ready for a one. Full holiday? If you celebrate Christmas great, if you don't find, if you celebrate festivals, if you just like to go and look at a tree, if you say ask role of it any of it whatever it is This time we hear this period of hopefully Rebirth Regan assessment plans for the next year. That you'll do some of who knows. Even if it's nothing for you. I hope you enjoy this time this time of year, as we start inching closer to the Julian calendar, the tells us that time is upon us to shift if you have an event that you want to have mentioned on the top of the past.
Events in eighty twenty dot com is email address, for that and I'll say that your thing that you made like Al Casper, who writes my two best friends did a thing. We took our undying love of all things, retro gaming and put our never ending gushing for all things. Ass it into a by weekly podcast. We are the retro rents dad's, who sacrificed sleep to keep playing games. We grew up with and share those games children are also starting to schedule, interviews with game developers of legend to talk about what inspired to make the games. We still can't stop talking about. You can find us and all the usual podcast. You just look for the retro rents and join. The fund. We are highly in her, the audience who are just as much a part of our show was the house well DOT. Al Casper, although it spelled Kay, pr, so maybe it's outcast bar just like an alien who's trying to sounds like an earthling. I am cast bar. I am Casper, says Outcast BAR says they just time to rejuvenate myself.
With a nourishing meal. Thank you, I'll Casper right right. I'm launching a blog to give guidance and jewelry buying have over fifteen years, experience the jury, industry, retail custom and wholesale and walked hundreds of people through the jewelry buying press in. My experience drew really on the rate of argued community until they feel they have to buy something in me going in blind. I wanna presentable process in a reliable, entertaining and respectful way with nerdy pop culture, references, mixed the name of the site is geeks and gold dot com this the term year. People may purchases, and this will be the unbiased, open and honest place for the jewelry beginners to go well done. Rhine also mighty. Twenty has its own instagram accounts, which post on when I get to it. So just follow it I know that you will not be inundated with stuff cause, I'm a little lazy about it. Tb age
I'm working on it and then the new eighty twenty say will hopefully be upper soon and, against anything events, variety. Ten t dotcom. This episode is Bob Roth. Who is the head of the day village foundation? You ve probably been hearing me talk about TM transitional meditation for the past him for a time and its whatever your preconceived notions are about it. It's not some difficulty thing to really just about clearing your mind, and so many people I know, are I'm finding out or doing it too. Just keep their thoughts clear to keep their heads cleared a quiet, the clutter in their minds and I've absolute been loving. It I've been doing it since maybe February of this year is when I started, I went to the door its foundation and an amazing woman named Lynn Kaplan, who taught me how to do it, and you should definitely if it's something that you're interested
or even just our curious about then go online. Look up! Look up whatever you can find out at David Lynch Foundation, DOT, org and get started just explored. What's gonna hurt, especially we're heading into the new year? Maybe you want to learn how to be calmer or less active virgin more mindful or whatever it is, but it's incredible easy to do and feels incredibly personal and this guest Bob Roth wrote the book strengthened, stillness air, which is kind of one of the the go to books for understanding trains on a meditation from beginner level, getting interested. He such as sweet man with such a wonderful presence. I was in New York at the beginning of November and just Through a hail Mary pass to Lynn Kaplan, I said Hammurabi in Europe to think Bob would want to do the progress and the next day she wrote, and said he's in so I to his office, he was
beyond awesome, just a lovely lovely guy- was so much great information so Papa. He really kind are almost interviews me because he's such a student of humanity, any seems to love people. He really kind of wanted to know what some of my journey was. So there there's a little bit of you gonna talk about my experience but also, but but he gets a lot a great information and stories and metaphors and he's just a wonderful, wonderful guy, so pick up his books drink. Stillness. If it's it's something that that you're into and then you know, I they should not organ in at the end of the distant did- not make it into the pot cast. But I almost like cried when this happened and if you ve been setting tm or if you start setting tm, maybe they will understand why this was meaningful, but we wrapped up, I put all the pod cask ribbon away to put the Pike S corny equipment. It was ok. I didn't necessarily have the best set up, because it was very very mobile. Blood's by thing is still Ok. So what the end like, I pack, everything up, and he
Oh, I ve got you drew meditation. Those like me, you would be so he says, I got to run out to a meeting, but I'm going to get. You started, I'm going to give you some instruction, and I mean this guy's been instructing, since the nineteenth sixties- and this was legendary to have his experience, so he ivy give me a blanket in a blanket in his office and a pillow, and it is illegal in your head back on this nice.
The blanket lean back in the chair. He gave me some wonderful, wonderful advice to sort of talk me through the beginning of its some inside some wonderful instruction and then just as I started to drift off, it started raining up against the glass windows of the building in his office in in midtown, and it was just one of the most magical experiences and I completely just disappeared for twenty minutes in the next thing I knew he came in and he started talking me out of it pulling me out of it. Was just such a magical, wonderful, special thing that is just tucked away in the locker of my heart's as one of my favorite things. I've ever gotten to to be a part of. So thank you so much to Bob Roth Insulin, Kaplan in the Dublin Foundation, And- and I hope that if you hear this you're inspired too
to look into a dead just to make you a better and more effective you and be more true, too. You know what you deserve, which is to be kind to yourself and to have positive experiences and to be the best version of you. So here is the eighty twenty podcast number nine, seventy seven with Bob Roth and all you know this isn't the best,
within those equivalent modify yeah. Sorry, that's not what I would have expected. That's not what I meant well, but is now at risk. I've really violet Vichy right off what issues brought new events knew no idea eyes like a fraud. You know it's it's listen to me to see you in person with your voice coming of your body, because I've heard your voice. You know a lot like asks. I wasn't audio book unexamined Ellen. I spent a lot of time in traffic, but then just here in your view, fall asleep. From the outset I did not know. It is no longer even travel very simple it. When I give introductory talks like at eight o clock at night, because big at eight o clock at night. Doesn't work really just started to put her in Yemen? Aren't aren't the people there talking to like just hyper here. Then they go
then they relax. I try talking louder. Could I gotta get supports wake up to close our eyes so tell me, but I could intervene. User guide yeah, that's fine, but the council. How did you hear about tm so I've, hearing about it. I've Your bank will tell you, my family moved a lot but I do know the very first know my dad was a professional bowler, certainly guide, that's a whole podcast right there I mean I've talked about it endlessly and I'm sure people, This is why I guess I've heard more about bowling than they ever want to hear and deadly. Well, I'm not gonna break, but yes it from three hundred game. I haven't done. That's injured in my dad had the record for three hundred games. For the reasons in the Guinness book for ages. Your last name is Hardwicke either. I think I'm his to watch bowling It was on Saturday afternoon just I thought it was just me watching Billy Hardwicke, my dad was a conventional area. So we
the lad and you know just a pretty, we standard, you know, state of canadian stress e, anxious- and I have a lot of Friends who were so comedians of the eighties and before were mostly on drugs, except for Jerry, Seinfeld and then in the comedians. Now are mostly sober and into the it yeah look at him. Oh yeah, I mean the list of numbers, the list of people that I've taught in as many others yeah we like is that, because we have very active internal dialogues and internal ideologues. First of all, you don't realize You can control or ignore it, because it's the inside of your head, docking and number two usually says bad things to you. You know that to put it out or tells your library itself? A deprecating tells you wire be scrapped, and so I think, a lot of
performers and comedians are finding tm because they just want ways to quiet that voice without Drugs are drinking sex addiction or whatever it is it they're trying to destroy you now, social media, whatever it is, the truth, shut that voice up. So I think that's probably why. But I've had a couple of friends who I just asked. Like silver friend I've been over fifteen years, I bother Frances over ass, have great yeah and then my friend your manga Ella was the he was. He was the guy that pulled out does off the mountain for me. Finally, he was like the last of like five guys. Five people- and it goes I've been doing to him, Rosa could just my eyes, and I just you know I just go. I gotta do this, so I went to you. Mrs Lynne, Kaplan Ngos, it probably about eight months ago now and instantly fell in love with it. What have you ever tried meditating before no and in your book
I have allowed the preconceived notions that most people probably have, which is its heart. Understands what it means to not do anything that I guess I thought meditation was likely to just like you to sit there and clincher businessmen meditate so hard. What am I doing it right and it's like This is literally design integrate. How easy it s the thing that two people people coming took. Eleven teaching is forever and they have All these preconceptions of what meditation is should be, or is it going that's going should be or whatever and then open your eyes activity really yeah. I know I also I you know. I also, The word transcendental, invitation a little bit soundly light and because it so, I think, took to people who have no idea what it is. It sounds hippy debate
like sixties and you're in Rome. You know it's no and also renounce, is like demands. Yeah where's. It did the word. The route of it has transcended rhetoric. People love a transcend inexperienced; they don't have it. When you hold a newborn child in your arms in sports, it adds owned. Listening to music, thirdly, the flow when you're really on we, your kind ass ever had that yes yap. If it's sort of a fortunate because people go, I thought it we'll meditation is weird but transcendental method. Like you weirder. Yes, I was almost like a recall, likes own breathing or Google. We're gonna do that, because it sounds like something: it's an informer, but it's starting to change. I have to say absolute, as people will call up and say you know: I've tried, mindfulness tried these different things, but I want that tramp tramp, whatever their trip that I want them. And also you know when you explain to people who have no idea what it is like or what was it like? A colony
No, not at all. It's not it's that religious eddying. It's really just you know, quieting your mind and and The way that I've been explaining it to people is, you know, of your day, what you do your brain is like if you went into a German, just, did curls for like twelve hours and you wouldn't be able, if your arms, but instead arresting you just kept curling. Just the same thing. You have to take breaks to build muscle value, and so that's what I'm getting at the tape race to build muscle, exactly where they actually find even sleep. The what happens during sleep is that if you try to memorize something that adapt really what you're trying to memorize. If you get a good night's sleep, it metabolize you actually integrated into your memory, brain with rest and so TM just gives the body deeper state breast yeah and with you there so many things that I you know, cause you're
the serious show its, which is so perfectly named the success without stress, which is actually what I think a lot of us or lot of people are trying to achieve, because you do it This idea in our head that success will make us happy and six will solve X. Y Lindsey editor solve some things, but it also you don't ever envision other host of issues it brings up or how the toll that take on, you are. How much stress tell me about it all the while the toll? Just being you know more responsibility is more things to think about more things to mess up. You know higher state pyre stakes. Then You have the successful, I wouldn't lose it. You know some people get very protective and they get very scare and its, and also, I think we will get out of there. Do you not think people can? I have a comfort zone of wherever they think they deserve
and if they get below were above, that they freak out. It's really interesting, yeah, good insight, it's true! It's an, I lose out himself, they lose themselves and then this thing that they thought was supposed to solve them doesn't solve them. Creates even more stress like why am I not better? I have these all these things. I thought I wanted, and then you know it's not hard to see. Why p just go into a steep slide of a crash or drugs or whatever. The other thing is, I think, a lot of those people cause. I teach them up is there is a gilt. I wait a minute. I got all this famous. I've got all this money or I've got all this power all his influence. I'm not happy re matter fact. Is that even not happy the anxiety and distress that the toll it took them to get to that point now and they got it. They're not themselves nodded joyful there. Don't you because you're stressed out by their own admit they can't sleep there, anxious all the time, and so it's it's have you tried any other form of meditation
You know I did. I did what a lot of people do, which is I downloaded like that space after them, I urge you know, did different apps thinking, like I'm gonna, get to the summit to get to this, but, like so many things in life, I think p I think it's more of a thing minute is: oh I, after what I have to get like a directive about us meditation, pillow and quiet room incense and you know dimmed light and but you don't have to. There is really no. I meditate in the back seat these have meditated again key stadium. You can mitigate anywhere, we close your eyes and sit comfortably. How do you? How do you meditated Anti stadium was approaching? But it was a beautiful summer afternoon with a boy game. They went at that many people. I moved out too that, like the left field, done LE feel line, and it was for in the afternoon- and I really wanted to meditate those going right out and in the thing is you hear, the music and village
wasn't a cheering, was a bad game, but in between earnings and AEGIS meditate, and As you know, every experience is different. Yes, you're not trying to end. This is beautiful moderation, Mahars Yogi physicist, who became a great meditation teacher, but his training was visits and someone asked him once they had learned to meditate. Is that we know somebody cetaceans feel deeper in some meditations or more on the surface of the deeper once better, and he said to both. The both good it has been possible in her. She said because, even in a shallow dive, we get wet, that's a very young the very yogi thing to say and its true, though, so I guess the interested it and it's not same as if I was in my room in my own- might sitting up in my better sitting in a chair, but it was a heck of a lot better than nothing why think it also again, as I have talked with its one reference to its more the sum total? Yes, it's not me its cumulative, and so it's it doesn't. You know if you pay For-
too much strain on the. What is supposed to feel like, I think, that's a sign you're too result oriented Don T and you're not doing tm, because you're you're not you're, not just sort moving with it, and so it does. I think that's important people in a tube, which is why I think, rather than just grabbing an app you know I'd reading your book or or doing a little research online to just sort of get a better sense, because once you under and what it is then it it just of all of those other things that crowd your brain, that get in the way of giving explanation yes blanket. So I like an analogy, you're a little boat you're in the middle of the ocean and all of a sudden you got these huge thirty. Forty fifty foot high waves and you could think. Oh, my God, the whole ocean is people, but if you did, it cross section of their ocean out there. You realize you got these thirty foot waves, but the ocean in Rio,
It is over a mild deep and while the surface of the ocean may be turbulent, the depth of the ocean by its nature is pretty darn cycle. Except for comedians who, in their brains, have see monsters, but these are actually the quite is below the sea monster. Yes, so the whole purpose of meditation throughout the ages has been to quote include bring economic aid to the mind for the law this time. Researchers thought or meditations were the same, but it turns out there not there's three basic types go go into that dreamers type is called focused attention and they your classic at the end of a yoga class, the guy that many guises. Ok, now we're going to meditate clear your mind of thoughts nights when I heard that I thought. Ok then opiate create peace in the Middle EAST because I,
very busy my right and that's like trying to forcibly stop the waves on the surface of the ocean to bring com, create you wanna call mine, stop thinking. If you want to call motion stuff, stop waves very hard to do, but when you do it rain research shows that create something called science alert here, gamma brainwaves, which you're twenty to fifty cycles per second This shows your working really hard. Second type of meditation is mindfulness open monitor. The inn at ocean analogy its learning to observe the waves rise and fall dispassionately, not getting to excite when the way with high not getting to depressed when the way this low. So we learn how to observe our thoughts. Serve our breath being the moment right.
In the moment is a degree hopefully of some equanimity. Science alert when you do that creates data brainwaves, which are like pre onset, dream, transcendental meditation completely different, now gets interesting again. People do like to say the words by ok so in this indeed, through the first tour. What's called, I love this stuff. Actually, cognitive processes focused attention and open monitoring that cognitive process means pertaining to thoughts, feelings and emotions. The waves. How do we do Turn adjust to the waves so that you feel some com and transcendental meditation. Those things are fine. We just leave him as they are. We hypothesize is no belief system here behind potter size, the deep within every here
being right now is a level where the mind is already settled and calm and wide awake. That's the hypothesis even below the sea monsters pathway in their it's there. We ve lost access to. Sometimes we access it in sports your performing the zone again you're holding a child in your arms in a relationship, a partner, there's a moment of unity, something very actually never forget, but it's rare in transit. Or meditation. We learn a technique to access the vertical dimension of the might of inner quiet and call move in that direction. Obviously, as you know,
doesn't happen in every or most meditations, but in the word transcend means to settle down to go from that choppy surface. What level of the ocean a little calmer little calmer, deeper deeper, and when that happens, science alert final science alert the brainwave activity electrical activity, the brain, complete change, something called out for one which is like the perfect state of eight to ten cycles per second, with a mind is deeply settled. You can still have thoughts but deeply settled and awake, and that is the perfect state, after meditation for creativity, for learning, for listening for being present, because it's a settled wide awake, energized, mind and that that's what end then, there's something called Euro plasticity: the brain waves that happened in the connections that take place during your team in the brain land.
Out of the brain after the after the meditation, which is why you and you do a twice a day. I try to do in twice a day. You do the best you can do the best I can good morning regularly or I do mornings right after I wake up perfect, because I was told that if you do it after you eat, like it it's the digestion process can get in. The way of this limited digesting is like raises your metabolic rate and during TM metabolic rate wants to settle down and then, when I cannot, do it in the late afternoon. You know before dinner, before Jerry Seinfeld, you mentioned him, he had been meditating. What he's only seventeen he'd been meditating about forty years, and I got a call that he wanted me to teach his wife and his kids, and so I was teaching amend
take about an hour a day over four consecutive days, as you know, and after one meeting he joined us in the kitchen. I told him at his house- and I said so you do your morning meditation at when you wake up and then you're afternoon, meditation sometime sometimes before dinner, and he said to meditate don't been doing one so we started his second one, just squeeze it in, and he said it's you said is worth two hours of sleep and he said if he was still doing twice. If he had done twice a day before Seinfeld would still be on here. It has been a complete game. Changer because he says for him the most employees and you can have the most creative ideas. If you don't have the energy to do it. The clear crystal Clear says: Dane laser like energy, you get anything done. No, no, no, we'll shoot a lot of the ideas that we get our rebound. That's what he said. The second meditation. This is a subtle hint that is a listener that was good. It. I've subtle hint alert good enough for us
and found, while also because a lot of people say like one have time to do and like the I don't have time argument always write me a little crazy, because a feeling you have you can prioritize anything. Meaning that is meaningful to you. You know for the most part, I mean You know when I was in college, I was broke, but I always had money for drinking. You know what I mean like. How did I do that? I don't know, but I bet you you, you find whatever is simple: you see if you can make it a party or routine. Somebody told me once they said, there's one thousand four hundred and forty minutes in a day. If you have forty minutes to take carriers, in a profound way said you need deprive re prioritizes its ancient meditation thing. They said if you dont, have twenty minutes to meditate, then you need to meditate for an hour. You know people now or such like we're we're so did to distraction and business like we say we're busy, but if you were not really doing
most of the time we're not really doing anything Ricky. I think most people really sort of looked at how much time they spent on their devices all day was all that you know. Could you clearly aims? We have voted and the thing is also is when, when you have it should, opens the mine see you get more done in less time. You're, not distracted, don't make so many mistakes and you dont need so many distractions, because your mind is more settled, but I also think we're coming to a point someone asked me: why is there so much interest in p dot m these days? And I said this three reasons: the problem of stress is real. Twenty four slash, seven unrelenting! The political climate is killing our kids more than even us, but it is and the kind of stresses that we're collecting now and our twenties and thirties and Fortys, that's actually when they look at people with Alzheimer's or high blood pressure, it started in the twenties while it didn't start if their seventy didn't start
sixty five, it's a gradual residue that builds up and builds up and builds up, and we all find it inside ourselves. You know- not as resilient as we used to be those people pushing are buttons more than they used to I'm not sleeping, is I was I used to you know. Just people know that I need more cups of coffee or more glasses of wine, and so the problem of stress is quite severe and our understanding of what it does to us is quite gruesome. Also
Secondly, there, as I said, there is no no pill, no pill we can take and then the third reason is so much research now auntie em, just this week or next week, the weaker the week of November fifteen, one of the top medical journals in the world called Lancet psychiatrists. Coming out the major story study on transit, meditation for for vets, have post traumatic stress and it shows the team is more effective than anything that the visa has ever used from medications to therapy to prolonged exposure to mindfulness more effective, and I think. In a few years, your seven hundred thousand vets with post, traumatic stress disorder. I think, within three years the law be able to learn TM for free, while in its also learning how to not be reactive. Like most people, you know again, I think we we're being conditioned on social media that we it's not only its not only light
a right to react to everything. But it's our duty to react to everything on you know at set to eleven and we're taking that out into the real two and again, I just think, there's so much information that we're trying to process that never in the history of mankind. Have we ever had to process this much information at once, and it will Dover stimulated our brains can't process all of it, No everything in the end are the ones who can handle the least are the kids yeah who are suffering to the same input the same twenty. Four seven did you know that the horrible statistics, the number to cause of death among teenagers in America today is suicide cheese and that the fastest rate within that our girls? Thirteen? Sixteen, because a cyber bullying all this stuff, the world, because their brains, the frontal lobe, which is the sort of adult brain which is
Prefrontal cortex size, if your fist right behind the forehead that doesn't start coming on line and that's judgment and play and decision making really until a child is twelve thirteen fourteen and doesn't finnish coming on until the persists? Twenty six, so that ability to discriminate to discern say: oh, you know, mommy and daddy or fighting is not my fault. He kid thinks it's! My fault till you know it's like everything is its an internal. I when they met just, gets, cemented some error and then and then you go to fifty four thirty. It's called and they call it S. Adverse child would experience a divorce parents fighting somebody in the family taking serious drugs. They say three aces. Three adverse childhood experiences is a buzz up pipeline to either drug abuse, psychiatric depinto mental health disorders, either.
Violence crime, because the child, it's it's. It's scarring the brain at an early age. That's why I work. I hope, head up the David Lynch Foundation, which has started by the film maker David Bench, and we stably should fourteen years ago with the idea of bringing M to every at risk child in America who would like to learn to meditate well taken fourteen years, now we're two million kids. We bow and that's not just in the U S, but in Latin America in the Middle EAST our office where we are right now is two blocks away from. United Nations were talking to them about bringing TM to a million syrian refugees? I think this is a medical intervention. So not only is it not a culture, something weird, it's actually an effective medical intervened. And that can address very serious problems that are either cause caused by stress. Are exacerbated by yet and also you know. People tend to be motivated.
Action when they, when they none so that when they hit bottom, but when something happens that so profoundly affects them in a few I'm sure a lot of people feel that now, but also baby, don't necessarily wait until pittance went what was going on in your life, that you decided, oh, I just felt we're simulated like I just felt I was I was working on a million things in a million directions. You no more swell than I ever thought I would be in it. Exactly what I got I wasn't necessary. I wasn't feeling joyful. I was just feeling over stressed like now, I'm gonna be here, and I do this I got an Oscar this up and it is happening and what is over there like they're, just it was just like my brain was a utility closet and theirs no more room, there was no more room for aid and so by away by the way, sees me dear listener
My brain was a utility closet. There's no more room is an Ex usual. That's. What an excellent visually I like to think of a rag bag might not have that ITALY is a lot more dignified, ever utility and also anything can go in and let you know what scenarios but Rob Roy Bowling Ball my case and in some you know, booby, props and budget up, but you know there's just and so then what was happening? Isn't it Look I'm not necessarily being for life or the people that you know I've never been married for two years like I need to water, do I do. I felt my family. Brain was in a knot several knots on nuts and I couldn't get it you are not, and so just I had enough painful notification of do something, and so you that's why We would like just even if the idea is that you feel exhausted every day than you think you should, or even if you think you
feel exhausted. Would it be nice to just a little less exhausted, albeit league, even if it's a small percentage, isn't worth it, and it's like such a simple in such an E. That's another thing, so many meditations when I was talking about those three types yet focused attention and is difficult to try and clear the mind of thought is difficult hence in dental meditation is its I'd like to think of it is its effortless. You teach a child how to dive. You say: honey stand. A lean over stand by the side of the pool lean over like that. Take the rectangle, Let go and then gravity takes over, so in transcendental meditation The mind is naturally drawn to something more satisfying many people and meditation. Misunderstanding. Oh, it's a monkey mine. Yes, stop your mind, wandering gotta corral the monkey mine and that's not the case. My doesn't want. Eight wonder aimlessly yours. Sitting in a room and you're doing some wretched, boring.
Work and, in the other room, a phenomenal song comes on your attention just drawn to that beautiful music, fat, fabulous music or you gonna vacation and you bring to books in one book should never have been published. Its a blight against men were at the other book is just killer hours go by sea your mind by its own nature will go to something more satisfying, but the problem is always out to the sense of that job will make me happy. Restaurant will make me happy that cancer will may be happy. That gig will make me happy, but didn't last right inside. If there's an inside, we hypothesize my own quiet self, very satisfying so in transcendental meditation like that die. We learn how to give the attention of the minded in one direction and just effortlessly. Settle down, and what do you feel most rest physic right. You feels physical restless. And it's also its in another
also other ancillary effects? I think which in Then it's empowering to know that in an unfair role worlds. You can still control those like you, you can control that you did twenty minutes. I'm gonna do this thing and I know you know. I know what the result is a great thing I was in my book. I was doing some research for my book. I was doing some research and they say stressors actually, three components: distress. There are stress, oars things. We have no control over political change, social change, economic change, relationships, change, child gets sick, wife You know upset all partner upset all these, those, your stress, oars, those her outside overwhelming experiences, the thing we have control over. They call the stress response. How do I react to those rights I'm exhausted, beaten down, worn out not eating well and
think somebody writes me ten words, eyes, snarking words on a text message, and I thought you were my friend and I see those ten words, not I'm on top of my aim. I read those ten words ago. Oh, she must not felt right. So that's the thing you have troll over how I react right and when I can't read when I'm overwhelmed, that creates the stress that hits me on a must my muscles get ten. My jaw tightens up where I get a headache for my stomach tightens up or this too much detail. Now. Ok, murmured court is all levels that stress hormone is science alert accord is all the stress hormones secreted by the adrenal glance it sit on top of it
when were overwhelmed, the body secrete cortisol sort of so we react right well and there, but it makes us anxious nervous and then we secrete more cortisol and more anxiety and more quotas on more anxiety and too much cortisol, which we most people have it shuts down memory. It compromises immune system, that's why, for personal stress they get sick. Alot doesn't allow us to digest food. So it's a d. Astor in the third to the first is tension. The second cortisol and the third is it actually shuts down, takes off line the executive functioning of your brain distress. Person make good decisions now because that the brain is offline. Well, because we need, you know, you're being Faced by a lion you don't always you know like a historically, you would
stop to assess the lie in the state of my hundred ninety five pound. What they want to have a conversation about, let those like you just after reactive to react if to run that shit, sit down all the blood in the energy and everything goes to your muscles to run the problem is we react to that, for nothing so were over reacting to two for nothing and the problem problem. That is, it kills us when the when the body is hyper activated when the migdol of which is that part of your brain, which is your fighter flight, is cut, is chronically ovary over activated in that leads to I levels and sixty million Americans with depression and a lot of younger people. Lotta millennials, because it gets internalize anxiety, depression. So the point of all this is, hence indo meditation. I dont think as a luxury. It's not just for people in the Upper EAST
I'd or Beverly Hills or whatever? This is something for its a tool to access a mechanism of profound rest and rejuvenation at will, and so just going back again with the Deva Lynch Foundation, I think, to work. There were doing the research it's coming out. I think in a few years he's gonna be offered in all the insured insurance coverage. That would be amazing. What's gonna happen. That would really be amazing and you, you think, that's that's brewing right now, because all it and then the reason for this The reason why a medication gets covered by insurance company is the dead medication. Even with its hazard, many have hazards, side effects has been subjected to was called a phase three clinical trial, that's with a thousand people, randomize control trial in three or four different parts of the country
and its independent research, and when that shows that lowers high blood pressure, lowers court, cholesterol or whatever, then that sufficient for the government to reimburse in Medicare or for at not to reimburse with insurance transcendental meditation were just fights starting those face three trials and within Two or three years it'll, be the same for it'll, be seen as a medical intervention for physical health for mental health. Absolutely this a lot of what you're saying is intersects with I've been reading a lot of stoic philosophy, and you tell me that it well just did just This is exactly what you were saying before about you know. In value externally. Verses like you know, now what you control is, how interpret things how you react to things, and then there is a pair. Well between why I think we're still an explosion of Gm Historic, Please stoicism tends to pack up during periods of stress
because people are just like water. Why do what am I doing? What is happening? You know and work Definitely what what doing what is happening in besides the fact that I think the world is really plays a crazy place right now, we're so hyper of all of its more so than at any other time. And so then that's Wade's, all of it as well. I thought is one muslim cleric in. I was in the Middle EAST and you know it he's devout Muslim. And he learned Tammany loved it. He said you know five years ago. I I never would have done this. I said why said because I mistakenly, I would have thought it would be opposed to my religion, and I said why did you he said? I know its not now, but I said well, why did you learn? He said, because I haven't slept in five years-
so we started meditating and then he got too. He slapped he loved. You know any became a better Muslim, healthier and There is in the ancient tax they talk about this to Yoke is busy white. Why do people get on a path to take care of themselves? Timidity one is The yoga of enlightenment- and that is oh, I want to learn to meditate because I'm already creative, but I want to be more creative and happy and the others called the yoga of desperation? I know that one. That's no student start yeah, because no one wants to suffer No one wants to have headaches. No one wants, you know, be, go out with friends and be distract be with your child you're, not really with your child or have all this a comfort and you and an feel depressed or anxious, or nobody wants it and so and medicine isn't giving us a magic
no polio vaccine amongst medicine, so people are looking to tear gas, I'm in I mean not, I don't think, there's any drugs. That: wouldn't have enormous side effect. They then that's the proposal is a year and then people are taking is cocktails of drugs because one gets them to up, and so they have to come down and then another one and then you know people are taking three four five different medications at the same time, just to try to get even and you'd. Obviously there are certain cases where people definitely need to take. To stabilize, but I think more people there are more people, I'm medications, the necessarily need to be a medications if people could understand different techniques for sort of quieting and certainly in the creative communities. You know because it in creative communities, it's not just the create in part of the brain. But it's also the judgment, part of the brain in the external judgment, part of the brain and being
what to see being judged in real I mean they're just things that our poor frail human side, he's just it's it's just too much for us. You know so their science and urge you can do this many sides. Now it's a thing, and I would add that now that you saying that's gonna be my ring to it. So it's five, so creativity and the people we are talking about all the comedians and artists and performers who practise DM and and for some of them, have been doing it for a long time, whether to Jerry, Seinfeld or a Howard stern. For forty, five years or upon the cart me as an entertainer or ringle people who ve been got to the top and stated the top, which is really tough and they credit meditation TM for that, and so I very interest. In the parts of the brain that are related to creativity, and they used to think so that he used to think that oh you're, a creative type, your right brain person. Nevertheless,
you're right and if you're the number cruncher and you're the scientists. Why my left? But you know I don't go along with that nonsense. I'm a left brain person. What turns out this letter? It turns out that creativity is not lodged in a region of the brain. Creativity is a product of connections within networks in the brain. Does it back in the front in all the different The brain communicating together is what brings our creativity and there's two main networks, this interest. Yes, it has two main networks. One is called you talked about before is the attention network or the prefrontal cortex, and that is executive funds and that's judgment in decision making and planning in that focus? Does I pen to paper Bin
bring it down getting what you got a book. You got some pride get now. That's where the brain is really working hard to focus. So the scientist wondered what what's the brain doing when we're not focused. We were not burning the midnight oil. What is the brain he fought to so they came up with a very innovative name for that with the brain. Does they called it? The default network wait a minute. How they didn't know. Why? Many, I us have been committees, Paypal, no, they think they think they had focused I wanna go home. Can we just gotta get there, so they thought it was just the sort of not the brain was doing nothing. Will it turns out. It's also the if they now renamed the imagination network. It's the part of the brain is when you blue sky, when you brainstorm when you're taking a hot
shower and then a great ideas come when you're out for a walk in the part of the brain, that's not structured and focused and and and the attention network, at the focus, partisan in front of the brain. This imagination network is actually in the center of the brain and connect your past experiences. Your future plans sense of self and that's where good ideas bubble up now stress Knox and both have just you knows. Oh do you know if you're too stressed you, can you don't get those creative ideas? If your distress, you can't focus too stressed most people getting around two tm here. Most people have either the ability in the creative process to focus
or brainstorm one or the other is a part of the brain that shuts down to that of brainstorm, saved and focus, and vice versa. Study there was done was published in January two thousand and eighteen and you can, read it online, go to Google and you can look up imagination, network creativity, the most People in the world have both networks functioning simultaneously in an integrated way, the ability to focus and pivot is that learned. Transcendental meditation is one of the few things they ve ever found that wakes up both those networks in the brain here, because I and I also think it important to to define what stresses, because I think, people I think colloquially straw, mean something NASA Bad happened, oh I'm in trouble at work, but I think dress is just stuff stresses just
anything much taxes, your letter to asking your brain to perform attacks, people when a luxury and gave a heart. Of course they do here, so it she's getting too much is just too must have some people. So why have everything I want? Why am I stress what Mr Dupuis? You? You have a lot, it's just stuff, the stuff. In what your time, The network sounds like the difference between saying I'm gonna get downtown to uptown at five p m on a Friday verses I want drive the cross town on Christmas day. There's no cars get at it. It is it's it's it. It's just finding a technique to clear on all the traffic and what team does is it? You can say effortlessly exercises those creative networks in the brain. If you didn't do that, if you don't don't do that, then you're not as creative as you could be. You want to pick up a heavy box. If you have an exercise, the muscles you can't put you can want you
pick up above you exercise the muscles pick up the box bride. You wanna be creative. You wanna be innovative, you wanna pivot. You want to be able to go, you got your doing stand up and you ve got your year. Thirty minutes material, some guy in the audience, yells out something Pham you're off you're off one that went right, where's oh, I can't handle them as it. So that's what that is in. So I look at TM was just just connections in the brain yeah. And also because our imagine that most people fishing must be listened to this package. Just feel later there, lady, I'm talking about and I'm pretty decent idea. But it's you know. People just feel like their their lot in their lives, which is hitting a wall. There is hitting a wall whether bad things are happening, whether good things are happening, whether nothing is happening. They just there just sitting that wall, and I just think that is symptomatic of
being you're, just taxing your brain too much and that it can be just a simple was yet I what you're taxing of rain is the particularly the focus part you just wearing yourself out cut, focus, focused trying trying pushing pushing, pushing, pushing and that's why you, if you have a child and are getting dressed out on a homework project. You see in a little Jimmy or little JANET. You know it's, let's go out to dinner. Let's go for a walk. Let's go for a swim or use it. You know your partners is less going for the weekend this its counter productive yeah, because when you strain and focused too much pushed too hard. It ends up shutting down that part of thy taking that part of the brain offline and its suppresses the imagination network. So if you want to look at something like TM for just reducing cortisol levels by thirty percent fine, but I think looking at what it does for like
just awakening the connections in the brain for creativity, it's not magic, I mean for you because of it this that there is a grey area that I didn't, because this is a big leap, but you TIM at Berkeley. So right when you relax Seti the, and then it says twenty one, and that yet you ve got of great things. Then it's pathetic. And then Bob went to Spain, maybe Eared Europe. You went to study with moderation, minus YO yo you, but there's a lot of great like how do you just oh you discovering in eighteen, the. How do you for impulse did it eighteen team? go, get well now, I'm just now and studied with dispersive, ok, so very interesting story which I touch on in the book. I grew up in a very political family in the nineteen fifties and nineteen sixty two San Francisco Bay Area, and I like to say my family was so political did. I knew I was a Democrat before I knew I was jewish idea.
You know, and so we weren't, we owe John Kennedy. We talk about John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson. How could he do that in and when I was in high school? I want to get too timid vine to be background, I was in high school. I am work for Bobby Kennedy, California ticking, for he was run. For the democratic nomination for president, and I remember clearly on June first one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight going to the San Francisco Civic Auditorium two thousand other people on hearing Bobby Kennedy speak and listening to Bobby Daring who sang and thinking run it wasn't that I was a republican or democratic thought. Wow, I'm on to something you know, I have always been interested in social transformation equity. You know equality among this. Just always been my thing growing up and I thought this is something significant and then four days later he was gone assassinated in LA so I went to Berkeley in nineteen sixty to September, one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight
intention of going to law school and becoming a U S, Senator like Bobby Kennedy and Joe, Jim was because I thought laws, legislation, that's how you get social transformation. Two months at Berkeley and nineteen sixty eight me when the polarization then made me realize that politics is never gonna heal the soul of the nation, you might get stuff done, but at considerable costs- and I still believe in politics- just not my avenue so then I thought education, I'm getting to know, please it. So I thought education, my mom was an educator and I thought all right educational curricula to give. I was really concerned about inner city school kids to give them tools- They could get from kindergarten on up to help them navigate and increasingly insane world. Even fifty years ago, some going to school full time, I'm working full time.
Vietnam WAR Riots outside my door, tanks parked outside my door and I wasn't a druggie and I wasn't a finance can a crazy person. I was just a guy want to make a better world. I was stressed. So there was a headache This went sins ice cream, that's slides and debate Never I gave away more free ice cream, its wins actually just sort of hearing about like ok. If I can a glass I to give away. I screamed anyway so, but the irony, You know how serendipitous is how nature the universe works. So I'm going to school full time, I'm working full time and out. My dad wants me to work so I'm and there was a guy there, Peter Stevens, who was normal, really good guy. Not crazy, and there was something about him. That was special, but you know,
He wasn't. He was just. There was something we have hidden equanimity about him tat. I had not seen it anybody else, and I I know, They d transcendental meditation. It was not a word in my vocabulary. My first as I have enough issues with my own religion, bright and there. I talk to you about it. I wouldn't hurt atop the teacher said I could be a hundred percent sceptical. I thought I learn it. Today, over four days, when alike it acquit and one of my first experiences after I from my first meditate, was oh, this is where many teach kids. I wasn't always June. Twenty eight nineteen sixty nine. So I went to school. To finish my asian and meditated, and then I heard that there was actually I had one year left. I got credit college credit to spend five months onto TM teacher training course sort of an with moderation, who is really was a physicist by training at a great
the station teacher and then it became a teacher, and I came back and one of the first things I did as I went to the schools in San Francisco, these intercity schools and I went to sanction the prisoner? I taught inmates on death row and I also later on targeted apple, computer and General motors, but for- and I just continue to teach but always in the back of my mind, was out to bring this to kids. So fourteen years ago I was friends with David. Lynch has been meditating almost longest me. Forty plus here I said, let's start a foundation. Less raise money must bring this to kids, who need it most now get a million kids meditate when you're, starting with the where's my regime, it is it because I'm sure a lot of people have this sort of like their romantic idea in their mind about what that is just a guy you're hanging out with just having regular resentment great question first, while I was there would, like thousand other people, it was like a big
course from all over the world. There is it. There was a conference where they had, it was migration and on his right was this fellow Brian Josephs, and who is a Nobel laureate, physics, ok and then next to him- was a fellow name. Doktor, really appreciate whose Nobel laureate in Biochemistry and then on his left was a top priest. Rabbi and any mom and they were and who was in the middle- and they were talking about ultimate troops- ultimate like what what's real the veneer here. What is physic say? What is the ancient rotation text and I sat there and I thought my god this could be any time this could be.
Whilst this could be the time of Plato, Socrates, any time in history, when people were trying to go, what are the deep immutable truce of life so being around malnourished people? Oh, he was. He was never this. Like guru type person, he was just wise ill. I wise beyond and insightful and kind and knew as much about physics and as much about the ancient trousseau is. And I had over forty years I had an opportunity to go back many times and be around study, work so near was remarkable. What are they talking about on that panel? Were what are they? Don't? You have a question beautiful question in the in the Bible. It says she keep. The kingdom of. Heaven is within you
in seeking first, the kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added unto the and Buddhists philosophy talks about war or chinese philosophy talks about this field. This deep you underline field of unity, Quantum physics talks about the unified field and ended Einstein spent the ladder you of his life. Okay, we see Adams is at our Adams. The ultimate building blocks of the universe will turns out not his particles It turns out there's something deeper and it turns out there's something deeper and then it turns out. There's four fields: Poverty, electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction and it what's underneath that, so this quest to know just a human question, a what's what's under word. This come from. They were talking about the same things that the people, these ancient.
You know: spiritual Tex, we're talking about somewhere. She was just rude, navigating this fascinating conversation, because the ancient tech say has a long answer. Nature takes aunt say you can access that. Field at the quietest level of your own consciousness, cause quantum physics didn't say that quantum physics is you'll, never ever access that field. Unbounded power, energy, creativity that gives rise to the whole universe, but the ancient meditation taxi. Human brain is that instrument properly culture. Then you can access that and when you access it Not only do you know who you are, that's know thyself, but you know you know the truth of life. So was a wonderful amazing conversations. I mean when you come back to teach that I don't got. I can teach you tell me.
It is for you do what you do: teach a technique, but essentially you're giving people a key to unlocking. Whenever that themselves and you're, obviously, you know you ve, especially if you're, how do you like it? Twenty of them EU twenty one to get twenty one? Twenty once a year to you, so your You haven't totally solidified yet, but here you are young impressionable guy who's, just brimming with, like I think I figure so now. I don't know exactly what it is, but I think this is that this is the way there. Although so, how much have? How much has your meditation evolved? Is? It does its feel like the same experiences and always felt or do you feel like it? It grows. You go deeper. You on deeper than you ever been. Nor does it just always know is a wonderful question. It definitely deepens, but what
Changes most dramatically is my life. It's like you want to water, you water, a little sapling and you water, it maybe put Lewis, but you water, the watered and now little saplings good bark in the trunk, and now it's got leaves and now it's got flowers, and now it's just fruit, and now it's bigger and bigger you just the same. Basically the watering, the route you're, putting water on dirt. Your nourishing that plant at its roots at its core at the level of the sap and the results are huge. So I find from my meditations are great. I enjoy them they're fine. When I get a lot going on, I wrote a book. Will you have it? I have a lot of thought. I care. That even in a shallow diving, get wet there still that settling down. But for me the transformation is how I live my life. You know the insight that
the com, because the ocean I use at analogy the ocean is not either the waves were the silence the ocean is both the ocean is. Is that either or Russell? I am both that sir this. I got it all my gotta gotta gotta mind, but I am also that unbounded infinity, eternal silence that is within me in within every one else. That's what changes in! That's where the satisfaction grows in life that makes it does make sense, and also for people who want to. Learn or study, if they don't necessarily have the resources where they live, where you, because I, when I started, learning. I M so glad that I had Lynn as an instructor, then Kaplan Fabulous, teach amazing because loves you. I think she's great guy really I adore her and I will go in Europe, people going
to keep paying money like? No, it's the telling you it's not a pyramid scheme but like the branding on team is so abysmal I think I was changing. No, it's definitely lead me over fifty years. You know agenda, but you know spirits early on was that when I shut my eyes, so am I most stressful thoughts would just bubble to the surface and it was. You know it's a little unpleasant it first and be able to work with her to understand techniques like her, you know: here's how you kit, here's how you he can get around that here's a process of yours. You do that, because you know if someone who's this, This goes final shut, my eyes and then it either doesn't, your girder, it isn't this organism fatter. It doesn't meet their expectations. I just don't want people to immediately go like tried that what about you worry more in the thing. That's interesting. Is people go nuts? Is it well? What is it? We can talk about the money in among the wiser
need a teacher and just take a sounding just do it yourself. It such trivial ASEAN, of what the power of what meditation can be like. It's just think, some repeating some sound but to actually transcend you can see my hand but unlike diving, to actually access those quieter levels of the mind it helps in nor firstly, to have a guy a teacher. If you want to learn how to swim, it helps have a teacher if you want to play violin have a teacher it. Just teachers like that's life, is good to have a teacher and entranced dental meditation the teacher takes about an hour day over four days here she is your own teacher will give you a mantra, a word or a sound? It has no meaning its oversight.
Thousand years old has been used for thousands of years for this diving within and then teach you how to use it properly and, as you said, that you have a teacher land myself or anybody for the rest of your life, this dues any time in the world. If you have a question- and it's not just swimming on the surface method. Tm is not just a thing, we're just repeating a sound of watching my breath, those focused attention. Open monitoring. As I said during my science alerted the beginning, provide cast by the way sign solar with Barbara anyway. So so yet it helps to its it's wonderful, to have a teacher and have a teacher for the rest of your life and an end. I think it's also learn how to emulate. Would you rather be the passenger of your life or the dry re of your man. You know yet an end, and I did find
that after I started there are situations- and I feel like I would have been reactive to that. I was able to feel some separation from and ok, you know is this thing that happened in traffic, maybe not that big a deal that yeah and if the a Mig Della, which is the fear centre. Where the fighter flight, if that's, if that's like a fire alarm in your brain, is going on all the time hyper aroused all the time react, react, react, fear, fear fear. Then you are over reacting to everything. Something happens to you Nine in the morning, the piss you off will now six in the afternoon. It's your still raging in the past. We are meeting with the sixth that happen quickly after it had nothing to do with that right by the beneficiaries of your a quarter what benefit. So it's I love to do it, even though it's a little to science alerting, but I love to say that when you're talking about these changes its not oh, you adopted a new philosophy of life.
The same thing? If suddenly, you can bench press a hundred pounds or two hundred pounds is because your muscles are stronger if we're not over reacting is because your brain is functioning the way it should function, not distorted by stress intention and fatigue and trauma, and I also think that our I've. Anybody still listening. Yes, of course, they are that I'm I'm I guarantee you that did there and where the reasons why so we're personal. I just wanted to meet you and say thank you and then also. I know that there are percentages. Go out there and on this I don't know what the numbers, but I know that their percentage of people out there they're gonna, hear this and it's gonna click like it's just the right time, unity here it is dramatically change their lives, which is why you know, which is why it is important for me to its wonderful, to share this wonderful. You use this platform that you ve built up because of your own tag ready and your own creativity in your own truthfulness. The two to answer to bring out
went to great while yet because I did it, nothing changes, dangerous levels of stress and that are happening in the world, and I do think that something really nice happens when you do things for yourself worry even just on the from the standpoint of I deserve something good, I'm doing something for myself, because I think I deserve that, because most people don't think they deserve good things and most people will destroy anything Good, because they don't you don't realize, do the catalyst of their own destruction because subconsciously somewhere so and told them. They were a piece of shit in their lives and they just like that cemented like we talked about and so
You think this is what I deserved. This is what I deserve. An amazing book called the body keeps the score, an idea of the jacket, but it keeps a score, and that is talking about stress and trauma that you can have something happened to you when you're a great school at home. Something happens in life that is actually traumatic, that you ve forgotten its washed from your memory. But it's not washed from your body right that etching that engraved meant that stress that trauma is there and that's queues What makes us not react? You know like not trust, a relationship. You know repeatedly make the same mistakes in a relationship or repeatedly be self deprecation. Not necessarily whenever have self doubt, because the nervous system, the brain, in the whole system, is not functioning in an integrated healthy way. It's been wasted and then, when the brain is twisted, when those stresses are there, then the way I see
world is is twisted, so the lovely thing this is why in in many ways and therapy, is valuable, but GM is incredibly valuable. Often in concert is, it gets, allows the body to take the state of rest deeper than sleep, and those knots of stress are unstressed, unwound right and then you're like free to think more clearly and you're free to look carefully at my behavior, I behaved this. I keep reacting in the same kind of worn out way. I dont think I wanna do that anymore, whereas, if you're just in a locked down mode, you never even come to that realisation. He's only mean we talk a little bit about the teaching at risk youth meditation, but why that's important what the effect? What would be the effect is that that has it's over, what what's the big deal? You teach about unmeditated what of it, but the statistics are astounding, so I want to go back
just for a moment and your visit with what we were talking about. Yet this helps at risk. Kids, something I want to tell you so. Two years ago, the University of Chicago they have a crime in education lab, which is when the premier research institutions in the country for ways to reduce crime among youth in particular, and one of the things they look to do is to reduce arrests for violent crime among urban youth in the summer months. That's when they're out of school because of a child, a kid gets arrested. Then there in the school the prison pipeline. It destroys their lives, it destroys family lives, it destroys the whole community,
oh two years ago, the universe of Chicago put out a request for any organization in Chicago if they had a and answer something to do, to reduce violent crime, Joinered and thirty organization submitted proposals. They selected three David Lynch Foundation was one of three the first year they gave us three hundred thousand dollars into a pilot study must have money, goes for research. The results were so good. Last year they increased it too. They gave an additional million dollars and the results were so significant. This year they increased to one point: six million dollars to study two thousand kids. Not only did they find grace went up, graduation rates went up, suspensions and expulsions went down, but really significantly, if the upwards, if they, if, if they do an intervention to reduce
arrest for violent crime in the summer among this population of teens, and they reduces it five percent. They considered successful the meditating teens. That means they meditated during the summer when school was not in session. There was an eighty four percent reduction and rest for violent crime and what are they attributed to reduce stress? Wake calming the amid dollar waking up the prefrontal cortex, making better decisions. Not being so. We active not because why does it for civil most of those kids when they do something violent there, often on drugs, and why are they on drugs, theirself medicating themselves from the trauma and attention in the stress of their lives? So if you give them a tool that comes the amygdala, which is the fighter flight reduces. The court is all wakes up. The executive functioning in the brain there more self sufficient
herself self referral they dont go along with the crowd there happier themselves, so they don't take drugs and they don't get in harm's way, Those findings were so significant that the federal government gave several hundred. Thousand dollars to the crime lab to teach more kids timidity? and now what we're doing in New York City is we're about to replicate this study with four thousand kids in public schools in New York and if we find the same results. It will mean that these are title. One funds title one means schools below the poverty level and is built this billions of kids. That way that transcend all meditation could be available for free to every child. In the schools you will change
save a generation where do where people Jude people go to David Devilish Foundation? I think what they can do is to different things that go to the David David Lindh Foundation, DOT Org, enabling foundation dot org. They can go to tm dot, Org or I'm gonna do something here, which is he'll, kill To give you my aim address what my really mail you re you're, giving out your real. I am, and you can email me- and I will put you in touch with you, but you have to do, is tell me where you live say don't say I really want to learn to meditate. You don't say I live in this town. I really would like to meditate and I'll I'll put you in the direction of a tea. That's very nice. The email address is Bob at table. And foundation that I trust you above it eagerly foundation that how did you come up with their email address is almost like deeply never like. Creative is deaf people better everything I, what is it
You wanna defaults network. As Bob you had, the David lives foundation. What is it that your joyful about world I mean. Obviously I know your passion about him. I know you're passionate about bringing him to two children and people who are at risk, but but what it we're? Not you personally, what something that you like. What do you like? They can be like like a hot dog this one place or I like a thing- ok, honey. I hate this. I really would be strange. I've discovered on Amazon Prime yeah Kim entries of the Hubble telescope, multiple documentaries, wind blowing, the universe- I know I don't know- maybe I'm just getting older- it's like I have a moment to serve, observe it's like will you think about Williams of miles and growing across theirs.
In our galaxy this just like I just think it just unfair in our end- is actually helps me, because when I watching the news- and I think this is insane- what's going on and then what is it? The whole earth has been here for four billion hookers. You know, but here's the thing: here's the deal in our galaxy, which is a small galaxy. There are a hundred billion stars, the size of the sun. There are In the universe, there are several hundred billion galaxies right
at big, that's a lot. I saw a lot of stuff out there. That is alarming love nature, so I love seeing the intelligence of Nature's then I'll start watching the sleigh totally boy. I love watching sort of like you look at what like a gnat. You know that this might these huge telescopes yet made microscope. We can see the sophistication that little head on net or this bank, and I just think nature cheese. Will we be dumping? What a shobo nature that I gotta it's just like, so that I mean that would also like to do. But you will, let me ask you, Did you ever think about the it is just. This sounds like where I am now going to sound like a seventh greater to smoke by four percent, but you think about the experts of the universe and then you think about what happens when you quite your mind and the sort of Universe that opens and the according to that such questions in size
honest old IRAN is the ancient tech say that the deepest level of human nature and the deepest level of nature's nature or the same so you can access that unified field. Is the theory the? U? What physics calls a unified feel from where all these galaxies emerge and the deepest level of your own nature, that unbounded awareness is the same and that you? Actually, access is like the seed, for you see a redwood tree. That's like two thousand years old all emerges from that saying little Sea, so, you can access that field from within yourself, and that is that is human potential. To express that create, the same creative intelligence that you see in nature within yourself. So it's it's a fury, it's interesting, but
yeah. I live just the connection points you suggesting Nobody reads everything is there and then thinking about how boundless the minefields, when you can get down into this, that is just dislike. You know me infinite. Well, you are accessing that and then your life is fluid and simple and elegant and powerful and fulfilling, and you you give your able to give maximum back to the world and you're just into does it. We can conclude with I'll tell you to stories assertion which I talk about an figure book a reporter was asking my dear, she said: do you like oversell tm dial it back? I bet you notice in violence and stress, and you know the suffering in the world, since time immemorial in O little much and the
say the tm transcending frigate t others like that. Accessing that silence within can transform lives, and he said, and in that's been going on for thousands and thousands of years. So he said you can have a room, that's dark for one night and you can have a room. It's been dark for a thousand years and you turn on a flashlight in both rooms in the darkness disappear if it doesnt Kate three seconds longer for that other room. So in that. His perspective. Is human beings have not been accessing that inner birthright that we are part of nature? We have access to that same creative intelligence, which is
split in the universe if you're not using that life is hell and look around. But if you access that life whites up life is in in enlightenment, so the last so I think that was a lovely sort of and also it suited, gives you a sense that to be a wise man, you have to answer questions. To start you people to give great answers, because it's always with someone else This person they, like God, I was the perfect answer that than enough- that's others, so they say reporter said at the end he said: will will why? Is there so much suffering in the world and Marie she said because it was her lilies it because everything is as it should b and then the reporter said. Will, then why are you working so hard to change things mahars? She said because everything is, as it should be, added that reporter shut. That means that was a slight amenity. That's what I thought the report you daddy, that's fantastic, so meditate, yeah, Easy AP reporter from Amsterdam! That's fantastic! I can't
you enough for letting me come to your office, giving it email giving us father gave a link a nation that are more than enough science alerts and at an aside to learn that I feel like you should be implementing into your own success with. Stress with which, which is what do that on serious one oath or what twenty one. Now I think it's on India, China, one twenty one gotcha. Did they moved it? Yet they get what you want. You gotta get your daughter and is there a website for that as well as no, but I don't think so, but its Bob Tabling foundation, DOT org, you gotTa David Lynch Foundation, God or to see the work were doing, Tm dot org for just more information about him, but right near now, appoint you in the right direction. And I think success without stress could be in a book here because I think those words together
No one teaches you like. We always prepare people for failure, but he never prepare people for success and they're. Both they can both be equally stressful, and so I think it's beautiful, So I think he's back there. You know teaching people beds. And also defining what success is what you what's your metric for success, and what does it mean to you and then once that you sort of have that in place paper say again that same report Finally, if you ask the sole reporter ask Marshy, what's you know like? What's your measure of success? and he said two hundred percent of life hundred percent, our comfort progress and a hundred percent inner silent consciousness development of consciousness, one without the other, is not successfully
fantastic. Thank you so much for being in your own office to take you away from anything to think that are dealt with and no more science alerts. Science on our joy burrito. I and he's getting complete, enjoy your worried,
Transcript generated on 2020-05-17.