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Hannity: Election system is 'broken' and will 'likely get worse'

2020-11-19 | 🔗
Sean Hannity gives his take on election integrity and Democratic hypocrisy in monologue.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rudy Giuliani will be here for an exclusive interview tonight. I want everyone to hear where im coming from here is the state of your country that every american needs to understand and getting to the bottom of finding thousands of votes this week alone, two weeks after an election. Does that not rub you the wrong way or laws? We are going to unilaterally extend the deadline. Two days just two days before the election, like they tried to do in Pennsylvania, laws that clearly state partisan poll watchers can observe the entire process, the counting ball of the ballots and every one of the states we are talking about, but person after person saying no, they werent allowed to see anything. Now they all point to an election system that is broken. You would think every american cares, one that better be fixed or its going to keep happening, and I could predict tonight
likely get worse using voting machines. Imagine this who do we know we will get into more details. Republicans Democrats, the liberal media. When do they ever agree on anything and lead up to this election democrats? Conservatives, the liberal media, even a liberal professor, agreed on dominion software we deserve answers. The american people need to have the best beard know this about the media mob. Oh weve got to move on. Oh, this is terrible. I dont want to hear their lectures Democrats. They dont care about any of this. Why? Because there chosen candidate is in the lead peer journalism. I said in two thousand and seven dead, the President labeled it right as fake news, nothing more than the press arm of all things- Biden, democratic, socialist. We know that one of the things about this program for three years on this program, we chart an independent course on this show.
Nobody tells me what to say what to do. I chart my own course three years, the media, the mob. We are independent. They are not because for three years we follow the truth and they didnt. That is why we have been right on story after story. Theyve been proven dead wrong, but never admit it. Let me give you some perspective. Every American. You need to stand back. Look at the past four years of Donald trumps. Presidency did the mob and the media ever once apply the same standard to President Trump that they applied to their friends in the democratic party. No lets start with the Russia Hoax Hoax, the media spread never ending reckless lies and conspiracy theories. On behalf of the democratic allies, President Trump colluded with Russia and impacted the twenty sixteen election. Okay, three years later, four separate investigations. They cleared the president. We were right. We literally were unappealing
the layer of every onion night after night, and they were wrong for over three years. They lied to America for three years. Did they ever correct the record? No, that is how corrupt they are. It was actually we now know the Clinton campaign, the Dnc they are, the ones that paid for the dirty russian misinformation dossier yep with spectacular lies. They paid for the dossier, which was russian state, run disinformation, the exact opposite of what Democrats and the media told you the whole time did the media demand years of investigations? Did they obsess about Hillarys collusion that they demand she be held accountable? No, they completely ignored it and they were enablers and all of that for three long years. You want to get lectured from them next remember when the media falsely accused President Trump improper ukrainian quid pro quo, based on a phone call, we all had a transcript of with only a
hearsay, witness opinion witnesses. The one fact witness backed up the presidents story, a ukrainian hoax that led to an impeachment show trial in the house thats another year of the Presidency of Donald Trump, and it went nowhere as we predicted. We were right. They were wrong again. Once again, the same standard was not applied to Joe Biden on tape, bragging about leveraging one billion of your tax dollars to get a ukrainian prosecutor fired. Who then gave interviews and said yeah he was fired because he was investigating Joe Bidens son, zero experience hunter. You may remember this. We are not going to give you the billion dollars and he said you have no authority. You are not the president. The president said, I said, call him. I said im telling you youre not getting the billion dollars. I said your not getting the billion we leave in six hours. The prosecutor is not fired, youre, not getting the money. Well, son of a bleep. He got fired,
he used a billion dollars got the prosecutor fired from his son, had no experience but made millions. The media demand answers after hearing a real ukrainian quid pro quo straight from the lips of Joe Biden. No, once again, they ignored it, they excused it. They basically acted like it. Didnt happen, providing Biden Cover. That was the case. Even as the more recent September Grassley Johnson Senate report revealed zero experience hunter. He raked in millions from all over the world, despite again no relevant experience, millions from Burisma the ukrainian oil and gas giant three dollars and fifty cents million wire transfer from the first lady of Moscow, a russian oligarch five dollars million from a state backed chinese company, dont forget the one dollar and fifty cents million deal with the Bank of China. One hundred thousand dollars shopping spree complements of a prominent chinese National one hundred grand floss from a Kazakhstan oligarch earmarked
for a new car. Does the media ever conduct any serious investigation into what is obvious pay for play? Imagine if this was one of Donald trumps. Kids know they did not. Four years Biden was placed in the candidate put protection program, shielded from questions, the entire campaign, big tech, censored. Any negative coverage on behalf of Biden and Joe was able to spend half the time hiding in his basement bunker, while the media did the job for him to come upon a pummeling, Donald Trump, every signal minute hour of every day. Its no surprise that so called journalists have no interest looking to cases or american citizens saying these are serious abuses of power. Here they dont care about the hundreds of sworn affidavits. They got the outcome they wanted, so they dont really care what happened and what could be done better. They dont care about getting the system right either
and on November 3rd. Seventy three million Americans voted for President Trump, almost eleven million more votes than he got in twenty. Sixteen every American should be tired and fed up at the double standard, its gone on for four years. The lies. The conspiracy theories, breathless hysteria, reporting and corruption, they dont trust, Americas, powerful institutions, and you should end and by the way that trust extends to this years. Election chaos. What do we know? Oh we know, laws were broken, come all the observers that are signing legal affidavits people blocks from viewing the process. The law says they can view dead. People voting in some places, batches of uncontested ballots. Turning up here and there two weeks later everywhere, voting system issues and without a doubt, if we dont get to the bottom of what happened, we dont get there and president trumps legal team is bowing to do that. Why would you expect it to ever? Stop take a look.
Both are investigations and the very patriotic and brave american citizens who have come forward are extraordinary extraordinary number of people extraordinary number of witnesses and what emerged very quickly. This is not a singular voter fraud in one state. This pattern repeats itself in a number of states, almost exactly the same pattern now. Also on this issue of dominion, software, which was used in twenty eight states. This is what our investigation has shown us and weve been looking and doing a deep dive, giving you every bit of information we have found about it and whats really fascinating. Is that Democrats and Republicans the media have all come up prior to the election, been highly critical of it and other election machines before the election in two thousand and nineteen look at this three democratic senators, Warren Amy, Klobuchar Biden, one republican congressman, they said dominions very limited information available in the
public domain about their operations and financial performance. The four Democrats last year went on to highlight serious voter issues in multiple states, using several different machines. In two thousand and eighteen alone, voters in South Carolina were reporting machines that switched their votes scanners, rejecting paper ballots in Missouri, Boston Machines, causing long lines in Indiana Democrats said this. According to the lawmakers, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities and nearly three dozen back end election systems in ten states keep in mind similar concerns, because the state of Texas to reject dominion, voting systems on three separate occasions once in two thousand and thirteen and after testing it out. According to the AG and Secretary of state, they looked into the system twice in two thousand and nineteen didnt meet their standards in Texas. Meanwhile, two thousand and eighteen prominent tenured, professor at Princeton,
specializing believe it or not. I didnt know such a thing existed: election machinery policy and conspiracy Andrew Apel. He had an op ed blasting dominion over security concerns. The AP report, Dominion long skipped on security in favor of convenience, making it more difficult to detect intrusions the New York Times even to criticize them. This year, during Georges primary in June, they said dominions new machines required to much extra power for aging polling locations, blowing fuses, never powering on and others workers still being trained days before the election they struggled with set up and they go on to say. The electronic for books also were flagged by freezing software and user error. If youre keeping track senators, Warren Chemical Bashar Biden, Wyden, tenured, perfect shirt, know my professor state of Texas, the AP, the New York
people from all political persuasions surrounding dominion, voting systems, hardly part of the vast right wing conspiracy. If, in a divided country like this one, you have Democrats Republicans and the media before the election, agreeing that this is not the best system, why was it used in the first place in twenty eight states? Here is another question: dont you think we, the people deserve better dont. We deserve better, and now, if you bring up dominion, you are conspiracy, theorists from the biggest conspiracy theorist in Washington, the media. How is that fair and right whether the machines worked well in this election is yet to be determined, but why were they used in the first place? Is my question: what about the hundreds of sworn affidavits signed under penalty of perjury? Are their stories not worthy of being heard? Where are you Senator Warren Senator Scott, be twenty one, no longer care about election irregularities as long as you get the result, you want, you think the media mob would be
doing it right now, with thousands of uncounted ballots. This week turned up in a close date for Joe Biden. Do you think the media would be silent? Do you think they would care at all? They dont seem to care at all. Ultimately, the only thing I know for certain is going forward: Americas, powerful institutions, including the mob and the media, big tech that mob the Democratic Party Socialist MOB, the deep state mob. They dont really care about the truth. They dont care about justice, they dont care about equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law and thats. What I was telling you for three years when we told the story that nobody else would tell about the real Russia collusion, that would be Hillarys dirty dossier and, of course, lying to FISA courts and spying on two thousand and sixteen candidate Trump President Trump later. The only thing they seem to care about is power. They will do and say anything to get it, and that is why we will always come up on this show at least my hour. We
are going to go in our direction independently. I have.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-19.