« Guys We F****d

WHAT IS A MILF, REALLY? ft. Jiaoying Summers

2023-04-07 | 🔗

Happy Friday, Fckers! On this week’s episode of Guys We F*cked, Corinne and Krystyna discuss the alleged charges against Luana Mancuso and share how you can donate before reading an email from a listener who just found out her Dad is not her biological father, an area of expertise for Krystyna. The gals also recount their fully charmed time at the Third Eye Blind concert and share experiences of childhood sexual harassment. Being a lady is fun! Later they are joined by multi-hyphenate comedic force, JIAOYING SUMMERS. The trio discusses the one child policy, refusing to be a victim of your circumstances, Jiaoying’s marriage to a narcissist, and womanhood in China.





Donate To An Abortion Fund 


Happy Friday, Fckers! On this week’s episode of Guys We F*cked, Corinne and Krystyna discuss the alleged charges against Luana Mancuso and share how you can donate before reading an email from a listener who just found out her Dad is not her biological father, an area of expertise for Krystyna. The gals also recount their fully charmed time at the Third Eye Blind concert and share experiences of childhood sexual harassment. Being a lady is fun! Later they are joined by multi-hyphenate comedic force, JIAOYING SUMMERS. The trio discusses the one child policy, refusing to be a victim of your circumstances, Jiaoying’s marriage to a narcissist, and womanhood in China.





Donate To An Abortion Fund 



Luanna Mancuso Go Fund Me



Follow Guys We Fucked on IG/Twitter/TikTok: @guyswefcked


Follow Corinne Fisher on Twitter/IG: @PhilanthropyGal

(And follow Corinne's store on IG @PerfectlyCenteredStore)



Follow Krystyna Hutchinson on Twitter/IG: @KrystynaHutch



Follow Mike Coscarelli on Twitter/IG: @MikeCoscarelli 



Song 1- Shamelessly

Song 2- Grapevine Fires


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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talk about pocket greed. Earthlings how you do- and I hope you haven't a great weak- welcome to another episode, guys we loved it. It's the antibiotic girl, shaming, pod, cast iron curtain fisher on christina Hutchinson and welcome to the show. Thank you so much to everyone who listen to our emergency episode regarding the allege wink, wink, domestic violence, few going on between luanda coup so and her ex well, I mean soon to be ex husband mark harley. I just wanted to quickly. I think everyone or who reached out and share the upper sewed shout It's you ask. What is it asked? Aubrey us aubrey for re, sharing, a bunch and luanda has a go, find me out, because a lot of you guys, messaged and said you know- is,
in a way that we can help donate and she has been docks, so she does need to move. Also I mean to play such a thing is: is the residents that she shared with her? A strange husbands are obviously not as he is space and then shall have to has all kinds of legal fees for all. The different types of attorney is, you know, immigration? You no crime All all these kinds of I fees that she has to pay such there is a gulf on me. Finally sat up. I it said most of you have been following my friend, lorna mancuso, his public separation from her very abusive micro influencer. My granny pod casts her husband mark harley she's in scenery, insanely grateful for all the support she has been receiving the turtles are yet to calm, paying for illegal fees, she's
the an amazing divorce attorney to help her fight marks claim to alimony from her. He has no job, no income, no savings and will come after her, financially the average california divorce costs. A seventeen thousand five hundred dollars he's also threatened her immigration status, which is why she has to retain an immigration attorney and also a criminal. And the attorney because mark has promised legal action with the videos He has of her he's, been trying to inter as an abuser for many years, he's, also leaked her dress to people and she no longer feel safe living her up in her apartment. He is a very vindictive person will do anything he can t get back at her for exposing ham. We don't doubt for a second. The hell manipulate people to come, hurt her or take her casts. Much is a big thing. That's going on to him, so they have to ask the public on her behalf to help cover these costs on that's from her friendly.
It's certainly a cause worth donating for so anyway. Yeah we'll put the the link to this in the episode, description and everything, but if anyone has money to share- because I know a lot of you kind of did organically reach out and ask if there was a place to donate money and at the time I didn't have that, but over the weekend she did create that, because this just keeps blowing up, he keeps posting new things in korean. Doing podcast appearances and creating this. You know making this into a real circus yeah. He didn't really say anything when we were. We didn't we. I know he didn't tag him, but he didn't know. I know that feel. Like that's, not a good sign, though I do, but anyway we'll fight whatever needs to be fought. Yeah yup, I pra I was like you know. I know that, there's going to be people saying death, saying shit, that's going to spark my rage when we post these videos and sure I've seen others a couple: men d, you know going like in a nutshell, why'd. You worry wasting my time with as an army, and I tried I tried to not lose it, but
losing. It has gone down these days, like luckily got down a few levels cause. My anger is subsiding just ten percent by yeah is it was hard. I was a overall honesty. I was pretty it pleased with the reaction in almost prim men and women. I because the sky it's hard to feel empathy for this dude, because it is so unlikable in every way. That being said, I think I think I was like most disappointed, unlike that there was moreover, reaction. I think in the world that we live in people, and we were talking about this before we are recording today. I don't think more bad things happen today, but I think that we have. We see so many bad things because of the development of technology that we become. Kind of, immune to them were legal and other things happening, and
I think we have all experienced. So much is like me. We ve all probably experience like a tumultuous relationship, and so it's hard for us to almost find the difference between you know abusive and just bad relationship, so people are like all well. This is kind of what hat in people's views are kind of. Oh, this is what happens when you get into ordinary relationships. Sometimes you get into a really bad fights, and then you should on each other publicly by that. it's like so far beyond that, and I think that we have Ben desensitize to situations like this then we're all knew. No kind of all of society is looking for the poor. victim and you can keep looking goes. You're, never gonna, find him honor, and so, if, if you're looking for a perfect victim fer to make yourself
I help someone else, you're you're going to live a life where you never help someone else sphere, and so that's what I kind of found us disheartening, this kind of conversation you know- and I definitely deserve or get reinvigorated during the johnny depp amber heard trial. It's like oh well, they're, both crazy. It's like you're, smarter than that look at look at this a little bit with a you know, some private deciphering, I yeah and don't over, simplify it one of the one of the common messages I got was just from people who have been in a domestic domestic violence, situations aroused and there Just so many women get murdered guys yeah, like women and their children, getting murdered by the boyfriends or their husbands, and it's like tat, you can't we can't be we gotta be was set. desensitized that I'll now. But it's then it's like you know some nasa us feel exhausting when you're over stimulate, which is that all the awful things are happening in the world. So it's like striking a balance is important but tat you,
I'm glad I'm glad. I'm glad there's go find me link Alex it's like of what something I can do. That's gonna help being rigel independence and also the ability to retain a goodly. Representation without having to worry if you're gonna be able in all fuckin features the next day right, futile, and I mean It's gone on to five make a joke about ass, you, you know how he died laughs and he was like you know, calling himself, mr dead lift a car. If you guys, don't you know in the video the original video that kind of started all this way of him. You know shaking her car and messing up her side view mirror ends only to then turn an alleged domestic violence situation into a way to get more people to buy. Like you're fucked wherever human hawk growth hormone or whatever the fuck that shit yeah, you know he was a little using the fact that he could dead left
accio get more people to use this code to buy his. You know the energy drink or whatever who's sponsoring him, and you guys should be ashamed for still sponsor yeah. I was going to say yeah that companies discuss a horse and yeah, so that's desk in knowing to go on, and you know because the things like domestic violence are so poorly handled in actual courts in america. That's why this stuff has to spell out into the court of the public opinion yeah. You know it's like it. People like, oh, you should handle this privately. It's like, I think, people what handle it privately if it was ever handled privately property properly. If people you know if, when women are, you know, called the police because they're getting abused if people kid look into it. You know a little bit more in depth and not arrest the woman would exactly what happened to you and and also just you know, not wait until someone's dead or
conscious in a hospital bed before offering help, which is what we see time and time again there always everything all time, there's in a warning sign- and you know before the if women die in domestic violence situations as something bad is going to happen, but we just like to wait until it's too late, yeah and- and so I felt like we can't do that any more, but yeah anyone who watch yeah and make sure you don't know if you have, if you have the means to donate, to go for me, please donate to it. If you want to write, is an email that email address is sorry about last night show at gmail dot com today, subject line just found out: my dad is it my dad perverts high curtain, christina love, you guys of involving the podcast for years, etc, etc. Best podcast there is being here today I found out both today. While europe is fresh,
They are found out. My dad. Isn't my biological dad, but rather my parents use a sperm donor. When my parents said they needed to come over to talk about something, my mind went to worse case up. Please we'll scenarios, cancer, death, etc, but to my sincere shock at thirty years old, informed that my parents would always maintain that they initially have fertility issues but had come Trying and eventually it worked had ultimate they use the sperm donor, the same sperm donor, to conceive myself and my younger brother. I never thought I'd be in this position. My dad has been the best add I could have hoped for, and the fact that he is not the biological sperm provider does not change that, but also what the fuck I immediately of christina. I know you mentioned this on a pike cast a bit, but I'm hoping some insight or advice on anything. I guess I feel like I'm in an existential mind, fuck, theirs much cognitive, dissonance, my then, and I have a daughter, still toddler age. I understand my parents
telling my brother and I until now wanting us to mentally, be able to process good supports it. et cetera and honestly, who could have predicted thirty years ago that ancestry tuna testing will be such a big thing nowadays right. So I guess my question, is what the fuck do I do now. I love my parents my dad is still my dad, but I also have so many questions and so few answers. There is no information about the biological sperm donor outlets ox other then He was a medical students who donated after being screened. This would have been during a time where there were there were paper records. My parents, never anything about him or other. The screener involve no contact, no follow up or anything Jesus. I have said many thoughts about the violent bless. You michael so many thoughts about the biological genes and traits that I once to it's my dad yeah, that's who thousand but for me that now I can only be attributed to the non existent person out there. Any advice will be too we appreciated love. You both thank you for your honesty,
yes, if you're, not familiar guys, I found out once again we'll say about your parents, it's good on them. They fucking told you before you found out. That's nice that to me is respectful. I didn't really have that luxury. I did a twenty three and me test and then all these people said that they were my half sibling and then I called my mom thinking. It was a joke and I filmed it. and she said that there was in fact a sperm donor it is a mind fuck, but I don't think there's anything to do about it and I freak out about are things that have happened to me, but that one, I honestly I was like outspoken, I kind of thought it was cool. It's weird to think that biologically really It's a somebody that you're, not it's mine, fuck as their certain things like my soup, stupid shit, but like the pond, of my hand, sometimes peel, and that always happened to my dad who raise me and I'll say We can't be now relate My palms p like my dad, but no he's out my biological father, but I would say that the the only thing that I've
the dust settled from when I found out about three years ago. We think it was that's really kind of come to. My personal mine is like a well I've, been writing the wrong medical. Information, because when you go to a doctor's office, they ask you for your mom's medical history in your dad's medical history and of the right, my dad's, but genetically. That's, not the history that pertains to me so that that was passed, and I was pleased that they didn't have respect for me enough to tell me that was backed up by your parents did, and that's really that's really great. I don't You think there's much else to do from here, other than just getting used to it. just something that in your obviously your dad- and I felt this way too, like my dad still my day, he raised me like he why he was genetic related to me. So you can really ask anything different other than you know. I personally wish that they told me before I found out of a really nice, but my parents those kind of people and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. So I would say what the fuck do you do now. You just exist and you enjoy your kid and you enjoy your family and, if
find out information, I would say: take a twenty three me: a tests were, or one of those types of tests find out, if that donor had kids of his own. That's how I was connected with my firm donors, actual daughter that was biologically his, but that also he raised and then potentially, if that did that child is interested in giving information they could, but they might not. They might not want to fuck and say anything to you. So there's this option that you can click when you do twenty three made. That will allow dna relatives to contact you if, if they know they service, I click that option. My mom was adopted, so that's roused and get all mabel will find some cousins, biological cousins, I didn't know existed, I found out all that. their stuff. So I would say I would worth doing one of those in a new. You do learn about your dna on your you're paternal side. So
that's cool, but other than that. It's just a weird little mind. Fuck a fun little detail about your life. I felt, if anything when I first found out, I was uhm like a little alien and Parents went out of their way to have you. It was more than just your dad. In your mom you know they really they had to pay money, they had investor time. So what are they? so I took away was like well you route, they really wanted you to be on this planet and thus canonize other than that they much else to it. I can't be real the issues interest. It just is a mind fuck with no. oh for me just no emotional either way. You know I do not think that even if they did tell her, but unlike thirty, is that little lee especially because they already have a child, so I think it's like, for you start. You know extending not bloodline, just it was there anything that I needed to know medically out the other thing sore. And that includes physical and mental health. I think because I think those things should play into whether or not you decide to procreate for most people. I don't think they d. I think
John, but again, that's honestly pretty neglectful yeah. So it's like you, it's the best dad. I could have asked for it's like they. The up a full lie, told you that feels like nakba, that's a bummer. I don't wanna change your opinion on your dad, it's much better for you to like your dad that and your and your mom than to not, but for your own just the sake of your own mental health, but that feels you're, being a little lenient on a mayor right or no, the writer yeah yeah me. What do you do like? What do you do, though? Just say like ok No I don't want you for not tell me when I argue about the yes, a hundred percent aids. I think those dangerous the dead. They didn't tell her gallery two years old is way too old and also like anyone. I know who was adopted or anything like this and was told since they were a child children can handle that information. In fact, I think a lot better than adults. I remember one of my
close friends and grammar school was adopted. We all know he knew he was adopted, it wasn't weird and it was great and does it was fine, was having about em just here about him, that everyone knew and he knew and non got treated differently. It was just like it was as always. always always apart of at whose cool little thunk work, MIA, yeah kids can handle shit much better, than adults. I gotta say I think the reason you you know you're not as is so that the because its parents insecurity for anyway. You know them oh, oh, maybe you'll treat me differently. If you know that lake, you know not your real dad or something fire, so yeah, that's kind of a little fucked up on their part saudis, a little yeah yeah. I remember one of one of my have siblings was like she knew she knew from one born yesterday spurned on her bay by she was a single. Her mom was a single mom, so she there was no dad and so she just kind of had she was like wall. Just take this opportunity to say where's, my daddy. Well, your daddy was a sperm donor, so she's on here I see yeah yeah
I mean it would be. Nice of parents had respect enough for their children to know that they can handle certain information. So just think. It's like I mean you're, making less acute decision for the child already by bringing in them into the world without their consent. And quite honestly, we don't talk that enough. I think about it. Almost every single day of my fucking life, like any other and asked to be dyed, did not ask to be here and so that and so, and it's easy and then, when you take it wants to further that all this I wouldn't ass to be they hear and then the scene peep who didn't ask me if I wanted to be here, ask all this fucking shit of me to achieve all these things and do all these. Whatever things I like, I am not personally mad at like my parents, but as a concept when you really break it down, it's it's fucking insane, it's fucking crazy or has yet to do as a kid I didn't want to fucking be here is a little worker bihar. We live in modern times, but there is a time in history where people had children because they needed the work far from for sure, for not your on persons are rarely board into life to be like us,
serve. Indentured servants gets that had that's now happening emotionally for parents like our ominous fuckin have a kid so that that kiddo worship me and I'll be good in somebody's eyes and flew yet There are people who, just like I I just love- that unconditional love adopted dog you psychopath yeah, if that's the reason you're having a kid and you're saving each other. You know you're savings lord almighty data. We can get to get a guinea pig something do aisles. People talk about nothing about how many did guinea pigs are good, discarded, its rail road run, the rabbit concentrating might have on non dogs and cats, but there's a lot of other animals like if you, if that's too much for you, that you can open, desperately need to be adapted to know any pigs wide have to look into it, but I mentioned there like a certain Well, I mean it's in a dog.
go. You are using a guinea pig like for legal weak alarm. Really, yes, we little ball of nuts. Remember now. Let's see the I mean you have to make sure that it is a double edged control. You should probably tell any where to go in and check on, I'm begging you can now we can leave a catalyst for a couple days too I'll write rage is put a little out of the food and new guinea pig owner of Kevin would like a guinea pig now excuses are so cute. I didn't know that is they're. Just like us cause, you might be able. You have allergies, a lot they're, very allergy. You have to make sure if you are going to be allergic to them, cause asset and we had guinea pigs growing up, but then my mom was pretty allergic to them and were hi love rabbits. I had rabbits growing up. I feel like Kevin dawson's were made to hunt. We know no ferrets or something like that. Something with this weather They were bred, supervisors, allowance,
There are there were there were made to like go like deep down like holes like burrowed holes like a rabbit like like a rabbit hole and that's why their their bodies are long. I remember looking that up when I got Kevin so you're gonna make sure Kevin's. I'm gonna have a stack. Railway lines for ass. I come home to afford in bloody. Seem that would ruin me yeah. Lucky land casino, asking people watch the weirdest place you ve gotten largely lacking in line at the delhi. I guess my day, this office more than one actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car for my kid. Speedier meeting really has excuse me. What's the weirdest place, you ve gotten lucky, I never win intel. Well, there you haven't you. Get lucky anywhere playing it. Lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? Nobody is necessary. We belong meeting poster, this policy was ever details.
when you save on auto insurance for driving, save what? U s a safe by. You feel like a big deal even in a traffic jam, save up to thirty send us a safe flight restrictions, apply. guys come see us live, we're gonna, go places, boston, Massachusetts April, fourteen fifteen them and edmonton Canada April twenty two, the twenty seconds to try has comedy April. Twenty twenty ninth philadelphia- am recording a stand up comedy album at helium comedy club, one of my favorite places to do comedy may eleventh twelfth and thirteenth. All those ticket links can be found at casino hutchinson, dot com. I also do patriarch we're up to four times a month just for fun. If you pay five dollars a month, You consume with me at a bunch of people and would you talking about shit. I just basically it's like kind of an advice circle like it. You gotta issue, and you like. I gotta talk this. I really know. What's going on,
I'm really good at giving advice, and so and a lot of a lot of resources are shared in this and the zooms that we do and I really like them. So if you want to sign up it's five bucks patriarch flash, christina hutchinson and then, of course, Dublin ireland eyes. So this is coming out to luminary subscribers. It's friday. So if, You guys are in ireland the chances lull, I would say, by asylum there Monday April. Third, I m playing we'll ends in dublin gets, are already over half sold out to us, so make sure to get that it's a tickets are available at corinne fisher, dot, com, I'll, be doing stand up comedy, and then
nah. My best friend at dr thomas whitfield, real licensed therapist, will also be helping to give me some advice at the end of the show so make sure to get tickets for that, and if you are interested in hearing the news broken down in a comedic and also concise way, which I the one the reason so many people watch fox news or listen to vocs news is because they make it really easy to understand, what's happening even if they have their own by us on it. So I tried to do the same thing were bought with both liberal and conservative new sources, just break it down every you know. If you have, you ever tried to lake written there times article or a washington post article on the run. Your like this is this is too much. I agree I break it down for you. I may get super simple Some jokes along the way so listen to without a country that comes out every wednesday on youth been full audio everywhere. That you'll soon to pod casts our rights
oh so christina and I we went to see the pod favorite ban. Other guidelines was the best that we have some things we seen them. Thrice bears the rice, yes about show by far so good. It was greatly went to the well minds in montclair new jersey. What watch out representatives so many people? I knew where they're my other best friend was randomly there and it was very exciting because yeah, paula, Paulo, was there and in the eye, and she texted me right, as the show was wrapping up because they played for like over two hours and she says to me she was like. I was just very randomly at a third eye blind concert in montclair, and this is on Steven Jenkins Wikipedia and
First of all, I was freaking out my best friend was there and I didn't even know she was there some calling her, but then we look at the screen shot that paula signs and its. It was added to seven jenkins Wikipedia in twenty twenty two interview on the podcast guys we fact jenkins they did that core touring is bad for you, noting he hated how he looked on tour. Twenty twenty short fell: motorcycle dry citadel guys we fight officially in there.
Wikipedia for Steven Jenkins. This is so really well so cool to watch them for the memorial over two hours. It was such a great show and then politics or that we're reading it I'm like what are we looking for at first, I thought she was like there's something about Hillary Clinton in there and was goes at it and she goes oh guys, fucked and we just looked at each other, were screaming so cool and then as we're screaming at a guy who has worked at videography for them was like. Is that kurt and fisher and then Christina's like, and it's me yeah? Well, I thought he knew high school cause. We were in. Your area was a lot of people who did also know me from high school, and that is it's own kind of celebrities. I also said that, but yeah it was, it was like it was so jersey. There were so many levels of like people knowing as well as knowing other people are for other friends being there. It was crazy
then, of course, Steven came out at the end, it said hello to us has been following christina's. Instagram goes, oh no, you can't get over it. He said. Oh you've been traveling christianity. That Steve Kennedy said I will get over that, for while there is there's nothing I mean like. I think one of the coolest things about being any kind of lakes, even low level of like celebrity, is true getting to meet your fate. cyber. These are like people that you listen to growing up or in somehow impacted your are tested life for your emotional life for your development. So it is
exciting, those equal yeah, it's a cigar, I will say to jersey. Crowds are not aggressive about being in the front of the stage like. I was honestly what it's bullshit, looking thickness at that concert with right right, a move up front and this fuckin woman was blocking us from like going in front of her when there is clearly space, yet livid standing room, only gonna get viruses like you move up or we go ahead of you. I was in your country like if she had just moved out more. I got ok gray. I were here first and then it was because of the asia. Its not new jersey is adequate, can control, but it's like aids, because that would you like this is the third. I blind is like older, already there again slow and they need space around them ass. I sat what it s like. Yeah anytime, I dislike the gotta clock concerts were the them like them. The average age is lower, the pushing kind of stops pushing is like I don't wanna be actually visit,
push but like yeah, you can't be leaving big gaps at a concert in rwanda want standing room. You have to use all space available or stand back I also get mad at me when I try to get in front of you if I'm at a concert for a reason that I don't feel like assert like very excited about, and I'm just Therefore, the experience I see in the back yeah, and I love the people who really love them sitting in the front desk. I just can't I go I'm just here to kind of get the vibe In other words, I love for exactly exactly by then the woman, all of you that she was like talking about us a they try to get front and then moved in then I'm welcome to new jersey. I like the way it is about so happy to be there that I didn't even I didn't even budge. I usually I give one of these, like yeah,
AL look at him like what the fuck you say, bitch, I just let them talk. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to start a fight at a concert cause. Then you have to stand by them the whole time yeah yeah, yeah yeah that would normally I I want to take an anger management class, because lately my tempers been a little sharp sharp for for. And it's been getting stoked by the dummy shed, mainly by like men, nodding not caring- that women are dying at the hands of man moray eel for I have done, but you know it's it's hard to communicate think of what nadine chosen said when we interviewed her. I think the second time shoes on about how Oh, you know when you're in a proper debate with etiquette and rules you for one of the one things that can make you win is, if you don't show the emotion well, especially if you're a woman, I'm sure that really works against you. Do you feel like your temper is getting hot hotter because you have a boyfriend because that's what my temper gets hotter really pushes that really? Never he never push my buttons honestly. I've not dated somebody that doesn't like annoy me. I don't think ever. He just doesn't he's buried.
like if I feel a little bit like tension, we just go we just kind of separate. Naturally, so it's not. I don't think so. It's I don't know Michael whither of wealth, so we have time yeah. I think I shared this on a bonus episode where I talked to wage a psychic. Basically told me molested were molested as a kid. This rag about a year and a half ago- and I was like we were but there was a boundary violation and, like I know that means that a bit the europe they are you implying that I was it was. So so ain't I had another reading with somebody for my new show: wait what where retailer and cautious records reading- and I we I was like what do I need to know and she was like she was alluding to a bunch of stuff and then she kind I was like we you'd, be doing this on camera, my nose, like a word, so we had a private reading the next day over the phone, I knew you had not had not yet when we were going in this regard. I, besides telling your selling current about about it, leading up and go to morrow morning. was I molested by basic
they. She took me back to three instances of three separate people that were like you, which she described what happen one of them was with potentially affair. remember, ish and then the other two were with people that we're not related to me, but there were around me as gets more the azores, so this was in this. This lifetime yeah yeah yeah, was like ali wa. I wanna get, I mean to say anything, that's holding me back, but I'm like okay, and so she alluded to in this is this. The first is the first person within a psychic. She was technically a medical medium and they both alluded the us very similar type of instance, where a grown man took his penis out when I was a like sex and but didn't there was no penetration penetrating or touching of my like genitals, but- and I said I was gonna, be on us- I think monopoly. in a position, fortunately or unfortunately, where I'm very comfortable talking about being molested sexual assault, all that stuff, because I know how often happens. I know Many people in my life that are close to me. We ve had these things happen. We ve just talk,
but it did not seem on the package, which is great, somberly comfortable. You know, and I understand that you know it. then bad happened like I can handle it, but after this that reading I'm like I dom not upset, is that weird? Like I'm? Not I don't really. If it's just some dude showed you his dick, when you were a sex yeah I'm like is how can that really yeah? I was like wait. That is that, but I asked her how much I love. I love the response to you being like sexually harassed as a child. Being like that's all you got you just gotta, take out a dog and walk away. I mean good sign of like if, like you, that guy isn't good and bad or right. What am I answer? I'm like respectfully. I know it doesn't that that didn't scar me and then one of the things she's respectfully this this is what's coming through the akashic record right right. Well, my god from this moment must be some type of importance for this to be coming through, but most of the guys we've said it's important to know history in the making, and I gotta be
we find that guy and thank him. You know it doesn't See I like there is no look all if strong emotions come up, you growing afraid to cry or feel them at all I'll cry on the drop of a dime. If, if it, if I feel it does good merch, for you not afraid to cry on a t shirt, but I'm like did did did that a guy taking because I'm obviously it's a kick I understand the gravity of that. I can't imagine a kid could go everything's great, like I had to have felt something was weird or wrong or uncomfortable, really like fuck, you up and I've this story? I've heard this like kind of narrative being pushed by a lot of people. I follow in and read, and you know that You know you kind of unlock these moments where they don't have to be necessarily the most dramatic than those ever happen to you, but unlocking can kind of get you closer to.
You, know stepping into your own power and if you have like psychic abilities for example, which you know that's all I'm trying to get from this shit. So I'm like all relive shit. I don't care if it makes me psychic signed me up awesome but yeah it's like you know these little tiny moments. They don't seem, maybe as an adult, and you understand the gravity of all these awful things that can happen to a person in their lifetime. Maybe they don't seem big in the scope of things, but they can unlock things in you, so I'm like okay, so I am like. Should I be now. I know I shouldn't be crime, because my reaction is whatever it is, but I'm like I'm not in fact be damaged. wanna do hypnotherapy next step because kind of unlocking a memory, if there's any, if there's any emotion attached to it like a kindly deal it up and then I could talk to go after that what is it I believe it I mean when I was a I dunno, maybe like twelve or something and artistic adult to
I said I was sexy in the warner brothers store and that bothered me for years. Ah, so I mean like that, I think the one in woodbridge that was, I remember that color, though, is obsessed with that color game and like that guy, that guy ruin the game for me. Unless I now, even at the time, I knew that something was like off, but just a but was the having a person in an adult body, even though I know mentally. He was not adult use. The word sexy specifically, I think, even if he had said I was pretty that had been fine but, like I was too young to be called. Sexy really are out very violating riot and I ll come down new like hadn't been, does a regular dealt out said something but like I knew that she that person also didn't know like that. gravity of his words. I was like,
I was like. Maybe someone should be with this guy? Maybe you should just be like in the w b store, but ok, calling kiss sexy me and I'll leave each fire more talk to amend the marries hurricanes. Yet again that guy we didn't, you re employ way and he was just like a yard. You saw her and I was like listen. I was like you know. We have something in common. We both love, We'll be acquired rights, and this they had a little rockets, and we will really. I was actually when I should also like me that I was like a member in a moment like india, there are
we'll be several moments like in one's childhood. We're childhood is slowly stripped away them you're sure it's like you and you are kind of grieving childhood in that moment, because, let's, like yeah once called sexy, there's no harm pack arraignment. Suddenly she s right, I see I see I was in your that's your lagging alike. I highlight the floor, shown rocking pictures show when you're just like they. I can fish. Hurt me ma me up. That's true! That's a good point. You're, a woman right yeah did feeling that I- and I remember there was a couple things. You know that you're, including getting my period I just felt like yeah it's like I wasn't ready for. I wasn't done b inner child, and this came so fast. I'm kind of book
it's like when you said when you start working too early at thing when you get a job when you're like you know, fuckin twelve years old or something- and you like this is why I shouldn't have been yeah. I know some people needs your browser, while your parents should have thought that out yeah! That's that's true that does this is not acceptable to bring up because then, unlike okay, if you think of like a six year old child being shown a groan man's pino gear, That's can only the mark, even if you don't understand, what's happened. It gave him if nothing else red it's not like something I've ever discussed in there. I have many mentioned at once before here here, but it is something that has like odd. There are so few things that I think about that. Like other mean but lake, that's one that always bothered me. I'm like it so weird, because it is in the big scheme of things rather insignificant, but obviously there was something about it. That was not insignificant for me. It I think it's more about like the moment in what it meant than the wool interaction yeah.
That's how I kind of do- and I was also like I was with my little brother and you're, just like you made up. You made one of the last few like a few like childlike fun spaces for me feel unsafe and not fun. I see, but I also and but then I also didn't have like the relief of enable to be mad at him, because I knew that there was something We know you know what's so Rightly. What is developments we with him yeah. There was another word I was trying to eu nato cognate tivoli different without him, but yeah. So that's that's what it was yeah yeah. I was being very when she told me the three incidences I was like. Well, that's the the first one was the first one was the most fucked up on that that she could, that I thought then the second reveal no that was done now reveal was a second ok reversal and offers a little fucked up. But was so yeah she was like. You were like six six months, some rash Jesus Christ.
And then but then the other one. She said it was when I was in middle school and I was like oh was it with the teacher. I was in love with, and it's like, I you were in torreon Babylon like oh, we did. He ha, but then am I I was in love I would have been happy that happen, even though I know is wrong, but I was like so in love with him. I was like oh shit. I think something happened and I blocked it out. Who knows, but you know, and so I'm going to do hypnotherapy and say get you guys dive right in baby. Does this person also do the hypnotherapy, or is there someone else someone else she is? She recommended me to somebody else. That's like really really well versed in it and I've never I've never been out of the kitchen. Hymns hasn't the right like word for it, but yet hypnotherapy before I've never been under the spell yeah. I mean I've been under a lot of spells, but I only know honourable argues: hypnotherapy furs, cigarette smoking linked to stop cigarette smoking in yeah, yeah she's. a lot of noise revelation, but will say I will say, TBD baby harry you exciting yeah, I mean
You know what I wanted to talk about it. In addition a so. This is like a small thing, but so emily say her last name from extent ever say: right, read it out Emily, run its housekeeper and hurry styles. They they were caught smooch in over the weekend in Tokyo, ray
tokyo, yes and so, of course, that's been all over, because everyone loves that you know who those two are smooching. My first thought was like a poorer eric, Andre him and Emily were just together. Really they have like a valentine's day post together, oh wow, so it was like ugh guess she's moved on, but you know that's her free well, do what you might call your free spirit, Emily choose with PETE davidson. She was that was before era. Eric Andre keep up come on Michael. This is like two weeks ago, when you're how a woman in the world wants to fuck you you just go x, then you live in my head cause. I guess she's got her fill of funny guy jokes. That can only get you so far and then you go. You know what areas are funnier than I thought he was yeah when you ever look at someone's abs and you go they're funnier than I thought it was. Actually, it was actually my back yards more stable than my other boyfriend sosa. Can you imagine like Heaven having only dated like regular people before and then and then they pete davidson and Eric Andre, and you go yeah nightmare that oh you're, a regular so funny? Okay, so is so chicks in the office. You know I love that podcast and they posted on their instagram a picture of Emily and harry smooching and they were like Harry, loves the milf and it just rubbed me the wrong way. See that's! No. Okay! That's the right reaction to fuck, and so I com message. I I guess I commented mill for Ella well she's, two point, five years older than harry styles, which is accurate. Of course I looked it up for accurate info and then people start replying to my comment and they're like mill fee. You know like like, like I'm some just like old biddy who doesn't understand internet slang. I do
I believe that we owe you clearly and so enable people were like all. It just means that they, like acronyms, are hard. It just means mom I'd like to fuck it as a good. I know what mills means you fuckin morons, I was like. My commentary is be there like. Maybe there were like maybe you're york, confusing it with cougar and, unlike bitch I am I'm a fucking, confusing anything. You young stupid course work but hold on the yes. This is a game tat. She does have a child. I know she child. This is out of the conversations about. I know she's a child. The commentary about this is, I guess it. She had two. She is an actual mom, but I'm like you. First of all, these people in the comments, obviously prudish, very unfamiliar with porn culture like riled uses, only allows you now have to be a child. But for me it's like it's not the fact that she is or is not a mom, but the fact is if she was a twenty two year old mom, they wouldn't be using the terminology marilla. I think that it is extremely ages, no matter what we're talking about as far as like the vernacular, because an end it so funny because, unlike
its people aren't senior in this light because the people were playing. My comments are people younger than me who have you know that a lot of time to be on the internet, but when you're a you know, I do the delete, thirty's comedian. You also have time to be on the internet and so that's kind of what it is and it was kind of like just what inspired me to talk a little bit about like how ages, I'm ok up on you and I think a lot of young people and, most importantly, young women, erlich of complicit in it and they don't realize into its too late right. You know that power leaks out a union where howard and say you go away in time was like, but I did go on your young, it's like almost fun to like me. You know you look it's it's fun and of a pastime to make fun of older women and to be young and to be caught said like all you're, so young and you're so cute, but it's like in a couple years: you're gonna be the one that the young girls were making fun of, and so it's like just don't be so quick to kind of go on. You know get on board with that because that's challenges like men, tricking
go into feeling important and worthwhile invaluable for a limited amount of time, so they can kind of wool. You scoop your Ben you're young. Before you know you get your ideas and your dreams that we talked about so many times, but take you're going to you're going to be being called a milford a cougar one day, and I just thought it was very inappropriate because he is he. The age gap is so small like they wouldn't be calling a guy two and a half years, older adults they just wouldn't. There is something that milf him I understand is a mom I'd like to fuck, but it, but if you are believing that it has nothing to do with also being older you're, just your real serbian treading yourself, your gas, regular, its exerts. You naive aids, like it kid. She fawn wade, sue, introduce the ages immense of a lexicon earlier and widen rankly also to when you think about, like the amount of products for a woman's face at say, anti aging research, that is so talking everytime, I be specific with words and vernacular anti aging. That's it
that's drilling into people's minds, men and women alike. That aging is bad. Our bodies are biologically designed to age and die, or we talk. King about even further we're. Having is like a long conversation about how it's almost like a kink that harry is willing to data woman two and a half years older than yeah yeah. I know they're like with him in a living a wild. There was an actual like market age gap where it was interesting. You know, but this seems like when I was doing my younger boyfriend. It's like the amount time that would ensue talking about that compared to the times that I've dated men ten fifteen years and no more than an emmy mile like to talk about it, maybe a little bit, but I feel, like I talked about it more and it's like it. It's all like now having lived years and likes, you know still sometimes dating aldermen stills, sometimes dating younger man. It's like we have been,
why that these older men are more valuable for some reason and there's not enough talk about that they're crusty yeah and I would like to really introduce that as a topic of crusty and yash, because I just like the old spent time with a fifty year old guy, I have spent a lot of time with fifty size on their phone yeah yeah and it just fine they're, just like getting a free pass to aging. I don't think aging should be for shame the guys for at all, but it's just hilarious to me that the conversation has for so long been focused on women. I mean, I think, mino mo majorly because of the the the the age that you stop being able to have children at around forty. So that's when you're kind of expired have nothing left to give on this planet and you're pointless if you're, not a vessel, but to somehow frame it that men are like a fifty year. Old guy is like more valuable than like a twenty five year old guy. I think that's just incorrect and that's a trick. Okay, because he's twenty five girls can fuck and a whole future ahead of them. Whoever you are at fifty unless you're, unless you're male georgia O'Keeffe that's pretty much, who you're going to be okay, you know I would love to see a lot of fifty year old men changing and blossoming, but I haven't yet so prove me wrong, yet prove us wrong style. I would love it. I would love it. Let's go but yeah that just made me laugh and I was like for summer I was like I was like OMG. I can't get into a fucking internet fight about this. I was almost the least own milky and for a moment linked you, but it's just really really bothered me just the caption I just was scrolling. I go Igl. What cause I just go. I go. I don't think Emily's that much older than him yeah. She was right. Yeah, fucking piss me off stop with this shit. So let's cut this shit, also books. We also become overly obsessed with the age gap. Now like. I agree that there was like a time when, like a fucking grown men were dating almost children and we were just letting it slide. But now it's gone too far. People having conversations about six seven year age gaps, shut the fuck up and finds a dick to put in your mouth for the love of god insanity. Instead,
d. You know not insane yeah! You did it ok, guys of oh, my god, I'm so excited for to hear this conversation our yesterday she is Santa comedians. An actress use a producer she's a phone. The issue is also a comedy club owner interest, also just fucking bad ass leaders, and Please welcome to the show Xiao yang summers. You know me on the phone the read you're, the only one who's alone what, how
say you know we're all about on our own, the cow bred by some sort of clarity, the your heart and they re zine. Let it run
you make me leave me satisfaction that only through the page is lucky land casino, asking people watch nowhere displays you ve got lucky lacking in line at the delhi. I guess my this office more than one It's actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car for my kid. Speedier meeting really has excuse me. What's the weirdest place, you ve gotten lucky I never win entail. Well, there you have it. You get lucky anywhere playing it. Lucky landslides, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? Nobody is necessary. We belong meeting places missus. Poyser was details.
okay, we are here with stand up comedian jogging summers, I'm very excited to have you on the show hello. You were just telling us how much you love having kids. I know, just like a stretch of vagina is kind of like you know, very good, for you, you know stretching it out is just Yeah. I got lucky, though ages, Maga Julius, that right, Oh, I don't know that. I was not happy about it. Having kids yeah real. My vagina, let alone is up your pussy anyone's guess, work back, be I'm so I got for you. Yes, I felt. I guess I don't deserve to be married anymore, so I was her husband had. Is there another chance? I deserve an invasion of how old are you? You had your good, our
the twenty nine. Why had the first one and I didn't learn from mistakes, and I certainly had another one yeah yeah. What's up, it's so funny cause. We were just talking about this off MIKE, but you know a lot of people that I know with kids are like it's great. I'm like this is a terrible advertisement for children and you had mentioned, like yeah they're, just trying to rope you into being as miserable as they are, which is certainly a theory that I've thought about for awhile is having kids worth it. well they're going to watch this, so I'm just not worth it. So it's better! To be honest, I do appreciate the pair. That's like yeah, my kids are fuckin asshole my daughter, she she's evil and he's at a stage. He says he loves me his income beautiful here he says mommy. I love you. My daughter gave me that side eye okay, hold your daughter, she's terrible too
I have just as the mom. She hate me mostly yeah yeah. She hate you because I teach you how to hate you, because I die one day. You don't want you to miss me too much. Wow yeah, that's very generous of you, yeah, okay, so she's only two, so she gets two year olds can be just like me, so she's, there's no good in that person. Are you an evil person? I'm not evil, but life has been so tough, so I had to be evil to protect myself and my boundaries. You've got gotta, have a wall. Europe yeah people just try to use you all the time yeah. What's what's what have been the tough obstacles in your life? That kind of stick out better, like you know, indicative of who you are today or you or your walls. I think like I was born in the nineties. You know: there's a one! Child policy- I wasn't wanted because I wasn't a boy and that's a hard way to stretch the fuck unwra and even if you could sense that yeah baby babies are so sensitive. I was will be discussed. and then she brought me back by them.
Who asked me: how do you know that? As the memo tell me, every tuesday that you have reminded you of? However, I am at a loss to know me. I do not bring about the dumps. Are areas that so fucked up yeah. If I don't listen little word, I gotta come home late. Six, thirty you're sitting is late. I do not bring about the dumpster for you to be late, that's kind of funny like a sound agreement? Finally, elderly, but then, when you're the kid that the image hold it funny because you have any funding, has a diet. That is, this have be other males. Damn. I love me: orders black YA, gotta, I gotta another. There there there are the precipice like they're gonna, be bent back one day. I caught him cause you're going out too much weight. That's fucked up, that's so fuck does already fucked up. So I would urge those embassy. When people tell me my mom traumatize me she do not come to my body recital twice a year. That is nothing here. I just the that's. What my sense of humor is very wrong. She and They could come off what you meant. you had a brother
rather yeah, okay, so your sister or younger brother and my mom im having a baby until there's a penis out like he and she really but he's an easy to those shit yeah. But as we have pinas, you know how to shit you, you are born a boy, so you just like you're just there to bless the sun yeah. Oh that's! So how did your family get around the one child didn't give a fuck because she was afraid she gets to give up her house. They find her so much money and give up her job and she yes, sire having babies and though she had a son, why lemme is a crazy more you early dumb, sir, at one point though, or was that close settlers walking out taking me out Mamsie jacob bring her. in that light age, a heart last minute that is my nose. He partial ugly but she's a fighter in the fact that nearly drove me, nobody crying
what did you ever talk about it with your parents? Like did hey? What can you just stop? Fucking saying that to me are you most are the EU should be reminded how lucky you are because the yoke and cousin ass to be busy dial the whole russian tastier? She bore issue that I bore but, worse, you know she's, ok, accidental or are likely to be like a hurry. I wish so for this one job out there that that, like the ones the protocol for getting getting Rid of honor, born aegis you have baby at home is the record? It is not a document at some time you can find a home for the baby who baby girl, who read some couples as they can. I have guessed right I'll just be later. I'm just gonna take a child. Even though is a girl and then
Girls are just not born into the world with a welcoming attic wages away is just so hard for women. Vague aware is really like it for me to really five my boundaries, like I was told my whole life. My life was give it to me The leg is less somebody's mad at me. I won't make sure I'm perfect. I do the best I can to make sure my parents on others, pointed out in and also we are taught to you, know to just take care of men. So it's harder ram. Oh my god. I had a really hard marriage. My my cousin is very he's a narcissist and it's very difficult for me. there's no physical violence. You really don't understand yeah the arab bath yo because you be sent they will say my mom said I tell you, look so fat. I bet he was lonely to other people. They just have baby the you know they bounce back, while you're still fat and I'm like uh a huh
hooked a human being. Who took a resume from me? I'm like oh, I should not be eating rats because I'm fat because, like you work that way, but weakening I'm like if I was going to say, there's gotta, be that yeah. So is. I just think it's so important for girls to really build about real. Just that I have heard that shit. You know I had a dream: so with a husband and I'm done model I was finalized now so so there was a mile beyond congratulations, amazing. Yet this holy shit. I was nothing, but I don't give a fuck you're fuckin war, underline here like the amount of social conditioning that was of pitted against you from fuckin jump, my god, I'm not just our somebody say something by these just like them, I am it'd be like a shadow fuck up, yeah shit cause there. You know there's this. It sounds like theirs is made.
you didn't know immediately. I mean your mama can saying you like your here you're lucky you're here, because we could have fuckin thrown you out, like that. You know that that's wrong in italy as a child, but they also like the narcissistic husband, for example, stash creeps up. You like wait a second, you suck the whole time like, and then you just get paid Was there a moment where you just got like golf in your own rage think I always try my best not be a victim mayor, even though it was very hard for me. The learns, not my parents for it, and I just want a really decided that I can write my own story. I can be whatever the I wanna be down there. I really you before I met my husband. I was kind of a very, powerful and I was successful. I made good money and I found myself my voice, I love everything bobby, because also in china. We have this very weird abuse standard. I got buckskins ugly. The cholera them is really really hard
and I just there was viewed as not my whole life, but when I went to amerika. I found my skin color is also beautiful. All cutters beautiful here, who literally actually was in love, which is why I am does I was able to really doing while you my life, but then I met him, he's a chinese man. So we I him in china and the my god, my god egg. Finally, I got a big approval by but it was successful, was very handsome who is from my car. Do you see me? As I don't know, I didn't? and then it was just the one control me. You know I he the way he loved me and I am pretty sure some other girls who didn't want a career who used to ok being home and not work. because I really don't like the work of the gas there won't be taking care of. Assure you see somebody matthews em. They don't care ass, though rears its head. The soldiers were a car like that. Yeah there's worked you so I just
Do it. I can I even dre he didn't want to work, and he just to the more I wanna work, the more rebel the abuse of it became and then share stand is like a I I'd. Rather they go work. Twenty jobs than ask a man for money yeah. He has your own independence, financially get some power that cannot be taken away. If I just it didn't work, you know even just that I've done. That's amazing. The only thing I wanted. Kids, I wanted to kiss it. I will probably pay for it or pay for their life, and I just don't want you say, It is very angry because they say that narcissist of rage, I want you to leave them a hidden, love me, but I just want to show our he dumped me his work rigour I yeah it's a married I got over three years four years was he shocked when you were like yeah very shortly and believe our syria has he has. He was banking on you being too weak to leave year. The other women in his life are negative because he has a lot of money, so is ah
it's easy when you, the work anymore, you go back to work is like. Oh, my god. I always loved work, I'm just I don't love him power and are angry value, and I just think you now being a single mom healthy for my daughter, is, will see how strike on the whole. What I can Eu and the ai will understand she can do anything. I also for my son to see how strong woman can be yeah and he woman. Yes, I don't give a fuck his life, he wrote is a broken home like a broken ways, abusive. and the kids are very smart as they will see that and grow up to become an asshole that de Lamar. She lives just like that, and I can treat somebody like that and say yeah zack, yet leading by example, is the best way to parents. This guy, we fight. We, when did you start doing, stand up a trial that still started four years ago. Yeah after my son and I draw singleton at the audition avoid tv show. He convinced me to do it, but I didn't do it right away, but it s
doing it, because I want my career and my acting is not happening because of my axe and register I got closer to a role by them, because my accented that you can give it to me, maybe him something I I know I have to have a career, so I was supposed to do stand up yeah and you're in charge of it worked out yeah you're you're in charge of what you say, you're in charge of how you look like there's nobody telling you what the fuck to do with stand up exactly yeah and you'll also have control, because as an actor, you'll wait for the audition as that he can do I bought a club at the moment. I started stand up because I want to get out. More and has also what happens when it only for love. It'll, never love you back
What about your clubs, arab states, every night, every day, at ten hours, a day that you finding your own fucking? Oh, I know it's amazing. I want that on an issue that should be on our sure. When you don't worry for love, you can bite you clubs. I really like that share that, as is often asthma, and while the benefits have, when you don't, do you still have the clubs I have. I have won. I hurt you waiting positing a wine hollywood and I have the wing. Hollywood is met. Worrying s old, demanding observatory all over the country is harder to manage, even even though your work for you, I have like twenty people working, but still you have to oversee everything. You have the energy for later and it's just. I decided to discuss the wine hollywood.
our flagship. Our models is really make a whole region. I love. It is not a bad ass mood. You liar all fuckin club. They never tell you against hiv ass alcohol are you? Are you dating here in amerika? I am see somebody yes, american guy and he's a hazel sweet he's, thirty, seven, which is like a challenge for you for years: me ok to single dead. Yet it's okay, as you have in common. How? How is a comic, though? No okay, good? You never guys how to make sure that you are saying fucking deal yeah, it's very funny, because I have people talking shit about me because the ortega giant summers own the club, so she can cycle all the
comedians coming to do their shows ever had that idea. Ever in the history of comedy the only time I'm fucking somebody's for my own career yeah, it's to climb a ladder, but it's not to get onto the stage totally. I've never heard of anyone making any sort of plan to fuck a comic as they could. They can fuck me am I open mic like this fucked up girl, wow, wow wow? What what other things have you noticed like the difference like cars were at when you were in china, where you could dating read, was dating similar to here? Oh, I only a bit of the one boy in middle school and he and I really love poetry, and here he said are you are you are too ugly for me? Is this cry? If you are lucky that will ever? Did you leave your skins later
Well he's! Ok, it's easier! So ass! We call it. I think we shall. I never had a chinese boyfriend. I came here. I was eighteen. I want to kentucky for college all your procured, yours at fifteen and could tie lad. I never even tugging so way that that's an interesting thing for your psychology, though I imagine as a woman because, like you know, once it at least for me growing up and you're you're kind of like oh wait. My looks are a commodity they're like a power, so you experienced that when you moved here but before then was just so so the polar opposite getting bullied by how you? How is that? How is dealing with that company It's wasted really crazy. Why just came here? I was still ugly because I was wearing glasses that was slouching around and hiding myself, because you know when will have confidence that you just literally want to hear yourself yeah behind the glasses I try to cover my face. I was just just a mess and I was a tutoring math at school, just making extra money and then I met. I met a girl. Who was the motto?
in Kentucky. Yes, so she just a start regulator. Yeah, but just like you can wear contact lenses yeah, you show your face yeah and then stand up straight girl. He has demonstrated. Don't slouch you sludge bills, you want to make yourself smaller, see you because you're told that you're yeah. So I just said so we get. Ninety is wrong com. Like hungary, the issue in real life me, I illiterate ages to start having people telling me you are pretty and has even tree I'd, be felt the first time the power of being a a girl, a prayer. I never had a power out this way, also, maybe funny, because I was so ugly in china and I to be very funny and very smartly. Any friends. All the guys talk to me. little their homework, and I guess you have to bring some sort of skill ever they'd have any negative their homework. Sure I always talking be my friends, but I could address. and I had to be funny because How got attention when you are not attractive?
right. This is so funny because a note, no one thought I was pretty and I just go. These idiots are wrong and I was walking around my whole school athletes. These people are so stupid headline, but then I got to college and I was like I knew I was hot the whole time. I was peaking high school as bad as yo it'll, be in middle school's, real bad, because that just means your nose hasn't fully grown and yeah jimbo. You want to peek in, like your thirties and forties honestly. Cause twenties is also like wasted, like you're like yeah, I dunno what's happening to blackout drunk most of that time, so you move here too ends. Kentucky was your first, what is of a college? She's how's kentucky have opened their dinner
I've been there, but I was not with you, sir. Oh cried. They serve the galloping, so dear you're, not missing out yeah yeah, that's right would have gathered by in ireland. I just want to come here. I wanted to become an anxious. Also one just you know, come to this country and then my mother didn't help me. Did you want to come here why and apply cause you knew you were going to like fuckin, spread your wings and fly and be your own person. I think because I was she want me to go to this very cause. Digits. college in china picking diversity, which I was good at school and you think they'll be the best thing that ever happened to you ugly girl is that you go to the by school right even ass. She still this way to you now. is the better is somehow she asked my divorce. I had to get her. I threw her in me. I took her. I mean moved her from china to america to hell it is a case because she's gone, she I'll give you three. Oh, she is an urgent need for another good. For fifteen years, I saw it
Will you kind of reconnected thanks guys? Nobody thinking was possible. There's three years in my life we could not talk. I was just not healthy. Last guy you're right banana, she had of awakening in china and I am I I decided to make you work in a way- really was able to talk about it and now she is my best friend who is sure yeah she's having these occurs is them. We are team, he respects you and is not until you shoot well. She saw me she saw me at a while the first time she saw me doing a show as the asia society in California. She was in the same scene scene at the same table with LISA ling and as the moms s lisa, lynch that elisa a whole career in hollywood. But he was so nice to her ass. She ordered her actual fish. My mom is like that my own silky, so she saw I may people love even open like her she. She was just sparing press that I was able to do that in a second language as you start respectively,
wow to understand, desert I mean she wasn't supporting me doing. Stand than we were able to come to a market was supported me about most of my love decisions. Still I was able to make a living so she and I just reconnected and as she desired, to help me and now the mommy's helping me full time jobs. Now we have a maid, but I can't make haste limit in the air, the seizure of unto my mom when my daughter, my son, does not really matter is very smart she's, not a nice person but she's very smart. Maybe that's why she's not a nice person cause she's smart and she thought she knows yeah she fucking knows: people's girls are just smart. I think yeah. I agree leftovers or the envy or house cleaning
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he had made things happen and my my father is that he didn't want to build ass knees. Emma you set your daughter, he that the I you know, I don't want bring. Shame to you, because I'm proud of you and I don't want to be the drunk dead, all stop drinking so much and he became really gray and their marriage urges that worked again. Oh shit! Now I came and saved your very. I think so I only those victims, you I mean matter very much better if I'm a drunken horror but I decided to just like save things yeah, because I just know that it's so easy for me to be the victim is so easy. It is, and it will but it's like I'll ease, whereas you really mean, but the same time. It's like you know you have to grieve the the adults. You know feelings that you have, but then you move on from that yeah. I have to confront them and talk through everything and I feel better. I think I'm just the example offer asian woman. from the very beginning of your life, your less is granted
and then everything you do for the rural areas to make your parents proud untrue, the service of your husband, contributing your whole life to make sure your kids have a good life. That's what the definition of a good women and I wanted to make. That's a people stop become victims. this very sick by sick disgusting thing, a solution. Tell us, you know yeah, so I wanted to do it. My way, Yeah an example yeah still, people need to know that it's possible to see they need to witness this attitude that you have about your circumstances and how you kind of power that and still love yourself and live your dream, and you know be to be close to your parents and make them proud and give you he's a good life is out of giving up your identity is derailed. yourself inside every woman, I know in china or
not even in china here they just want to just to be good just to take if other people- yes, at this point the people yeah and any other musicals they can in every way, and that's all your expend the expenditure of energy on things that don't actually matter any alec wait. A second I've been waiting all this gas just in terms of like what I'm capable of shit that doesn't isn't gonna propensity for we want, after my have to babies and map, was just that by them. I have always is good pussy. I guess I'll. Just hang in your life when I deserve a new beginning, I want any I hardly worth over this good pussy air That's great, you think the culture in china is changing at all about like what it means to be a good woman. Do you think it's progressing in at all? Eighty is and is not is like a how people will cover is treated at yes, of course, but then no, an alien china, there's so much so many women, because
we have that equal opportunity now to get an education and there's another woman, s very extraordinary, but if they are known as the dragon. Eighty, as the in china. After your twenty five in the digging bathing Morgana your expired yeah I've mega. Europe The like the whole chinese dating market is like leonardo dicaprio, making twenty five dear john, you are expired like a can of tuna fish. Wow eddie has done, and- is the okoye. The shown you show me his left over. You means a woman. So, oh, if you are over twenty five still single you're considered left over woman, getting better is because now you can be twenty. It can be the wrath of the world? I fear afforded a couple more years into the men at re reactor liked the mankind feed into that attitude as well like or or are there some men that, because, like an american it got the shitty mentor, so exhaustingly, shitty and terrible the good, but there's a lot of good ones right. So it's like you know, you see it kind of shines through have like a lot of men that we hold not a lot of men that we interact with.
In the world or in america. We so like you know these we, the sexes, attitudes. Is there like a little arthur men in China that recognise like that's fucked up and an idle abide. Is that so care of your thirty two and single There are, I think, who's, the highly educated and all was raised by a good mom yeah yeah, I'm gonna see if I will not go back over a mom who have self respect. man, they actually whether respected overmore. Only when they have a daughter, you have a connection vizier daughter and I think those kind of man the same respect, women We deserve the respect. I guess why No, as a woman, I want to raise my son, with my backbone became. Important for him to not be a toxic little shit. So is so important tat one of the ways we can change the world is like it and not to put the onus on moms but its moms and as our or whoever's raising the fuckin kid to raise, ways to respect women. That's like the domino effect of that is gonna. Be
once seemed like it's finally starting to happen. You saw friends in china like female friends. It like are stolen doctrines into this, like expiration date and cultural expectations. if you don't have to be like this yeah most girls, they are mom now and that their job is to fiscal ages like her sacrifice their career, so they can be servers off the family. If, make more money ready leg. The way the there not just you I hate them like. Oh, you are the woman, whether you stay home and yeah. That's your job or to stay home and take care of the kids. Is it hard for you to be friends with a female who's like still under that spell if it's hard for me as well. However, as a complain about things that I know they can't change it, I'm just I can't listen to it and they go. Oh he's cheating on businesswoman, I'm going to leave him, but I don't have money of the gearbox work yeah, but my kiss pay pay pay for childcare yeah, Fine reassign sign in any one year, but it
I'm scared, as I'm scared you re about to see his bridge tomorrow. No, I want but but you know I I am scared, but is is a is a is a thrill. I came to america by myself, you know I. I was ok yeah. Now I'm an older woman, I'm thirty three I was eighteen. I was ok yeah and I'm thirty three. I have so much power, so much wisdom he may under my belt. I can do anything, those two kids. They are not a burden to me in the right. They inspire me to just to do more write down. You're doing it right You really are good at picking yourself up and making sure that you plow through really difficult moments like how. How are you there for yourself, like? What do you tell yourself, because I can't imagine there haven't been moments where you're like fuck this, like what the fuck, It's you're just exactly. I think one I just there we were. We trying to I was trying to go back to china and to fight for more enough shot your money, and they can set this special support and vega sky some of my husband's now
yeah, but it has all that de better, but he but he's just stake is sought say: gonna fly back to china, go to the corridor for six mouth and not work for how long. I can't do it, because when I met him, I was to do I just to give up my career, so I was a courageous step because he's gonna take care of me. His in am wealthy. I realized I can't do it. I should just walk this walk out this with nothing and then you now and then, a sign over the bank accounts and everything, and I will just enough there the moment you talk about mega, oh god, so there's no savings left all the money. If every mass goes, my overhead in afford it right now, but I go. What do I do is going to expire is going to, yeah. I know just laying they're crying it. Last week, my my son, he he came to my room and my mom give him my coffee in the morning. and he was just that he was walking slowly with a hot coffee he's here
choosing the coffee. Good will be hot shit, so he think of being loud and being had the same thing. I know better, I'm going to go as old as I start crying. I'm like. Oh, my god, he's a dominate that picture myself. I make some money because my son will never go to asia. Men, the coffee is not going to make sure I make another money going to private school. So what you guy lay up- and I will work- I says I give cosy little humour- will make people survive the craziest hawkins. I think, though early ages- I just you know I know at the very beginning that was the end of my marriage eyes. I knew when I start doing open make I come home. My husband would have a fight disney argue, me every time of aids and at ten p m like I leave
I go back to those remarks. I come back. You know you, never forty make up mega. He. It was my make urban perfume and they dislike it, didn't what kind of woman come home late like this fund, the prestige and horse, the hookers I am the love of your life under the mother of your children. Sure I'm a good. That's, not, ok, to call me a whore because it s not it because the whores bring home money. I guess I prefer for my ten yeah just like fine, you know you're finding yourself and get gaining power and then so he was like. I have to nag of this woman and make her feel like chip away at her try my best to chip away yeah. I I bought the club, I'm just in the club all day, I'm a guy so I don't have my husband, I just the club
and I just know I either how to make my career happen or I'm going to stay in this marriage forever, because I am not about to leave this marriage of his other kids, wanted to take those kids and take care of them yeah the veterans with you, my girl yeah. So but I know how many I can't do it. I have a career. I can't do it, so I can't the gulf, I'm not a rich guy. He's gonna give up, might make it you, my children, you know if you have kids you that give them. So I worked so hard, I'm stage it another day and then pandemic came. I was just stood posting five tiktok videos or menu. Every day, yeah and you I'll blow upon tik tok. So I didn't come back and then in arms, in tickets and yeah do the best I can to be able to walk out from now. How was I I feel like I know the answer to this, but like how do you have sex with a man? You don't respect or don't have sex anymore after I found out to, but I guess he's just that. It's just
he just such a necessity is where he was out of hearing his ear. I was you, it was becoming heart, but the only I find loves him because they are charming in his soul jarman here he is really a very handsome. His very fed his right, accessible and he's very show me. I asked the loved him I really did She had a good healthy with a very rich and they don't you have any man. Did you ever discussion before you got married about like what you were looking for from the married a guy like that? Yes, I should ve, he was actually hiding his money I mean at the beginning. He didn't want me to love him for his money or whatever. Just that you know you're like. Oh, that's. Some nice air new were when I was somehow, I said I I'm the kind of woman I was about to have a greater and I worked very hard and I left home early and I don't want you take care of me, but it's nice to know. If I feel I have a nice helplessness, nice family in his life he's said our support. You, and even less than half a million dollars a formal way for me to be.
why he has to be the person who produce it and hissing control over it. And if I do the emily, I mean that of areas into you know they made here. He has not been an obvious, loves you and there is a condition that you can do not gonna. Do it did on him right can do anything it I right as a narcissist trademark and an inner and I shouldn't do it because in China this is lee about a girl who is from If the usa goodwill, u s for college and she came back into her families business and that she speak english and they think, masking was too dark and then do you want me to do the treatment treatment It is. I got related right hanging asking why not the abbe tremendous later inject, you wasn't as it is light I ve treatments. which is the one that got him into? I I tried to do it, but I couldn't do it. I feel like I am a fraud because, because it's not who you are is not how you donate.
all the girls to feel disgusting, because you look like me: they had ablutions durski. I lose my way: yeah and they want to way more weight. they. Then I can't talk. I'm tired and hungry yeah there's a voice over them. I asked a fucking bridge. The asshole hall is as fucked up. I mean I dunno, I'm going to go back to america and to the open mic, yeah yeah and I'm going to go back there yeah, and that was kind of he didn't want to do that. But hey just the one back here be here and then he just couldn't he then take how your blossom is that you're, just gonna go straight to the open, make visa holders and the naked. That's the only way to do it. I'll tell you make your way and at the rear and by a career here, yeah yeah. ok, you're an actress year: oh yeah, yeah yeah, you can suck dig in comedy yeah right, I know knows he's I mean you ve. Hardly someone bought Are you going to do about mean only after you have to go on state, The bump bump bump into you good, so anyway, edges stone.
Yeah I had had to have this career especially now have children know a kind gimme more motive to jested, there's no plan b because I didn't take any I can hear you they hear me. I think he'll them how to go here. Cracking oh, my god, you came to stagger, became other child right now. No, oh yeah! If you want the tab, you just take no school woman cross, her fingers. left leftovers or the de envy or house cleaning
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Yes, I love pretty great. If the x do you like any jobs? If your life, I love that guy yeah, I'm going to give you a blow job you're going to get blow jobs, I'm going to blow if I'd actually dig out our success because if I don't like it, yeah yeah, I just put it away yeah dick can either be the grossest thing you've ever seen or the best part of your day. Yeah, it's truly funny at all. Oh my god. I feel the same way cause I'm like yeah boy. If I, like you, run like I well, let's go, you did you know and, as is currently the worst part of your day, he asked I the subway, you know, oh god, what some of sexually trusting you ve done with a partner. I mean, I think, was just like a bad dress up an acre, Gallic railways, opener yeah yeah is the hard for me to recover from a mental abuse but
gradually am disturbed carrying through very see relationship because the way you're being was an artist fall on time and when something goes wrong, you jester miss Hale Medication- I am I friend would say something wrong. I mean I start yet. Even so he's a somebody mean to me. I'm like a desert fuck off here. I am just over a week s not healthy right yet to communicate usa like that. That was disrespect for that made me feel x Y, see because, yes, I'm going back to therapy to our from the trauma yeah, I think so. Yeah yeah, I'm just very sexual idea for me, If I'm in love we're having sex, I think I may go once a day is realistic, I still have sex once a day. Should I go on a mountain when I get that period, have you ever been with a guy who had a lower sex drive than you think so, what how'd you handle it. Well, how do I I just I just don't know what you re lucky like
I just I'm just that I just do. You know what to say. I'm just wasn't you're probably had a while. Yet you better change, because I can't yes, this is not going to be a little may, have you broken up or somebody, because at a lower sex driver I heard of the boy friends there, because I was just stood busy. I thought I my business the manifest As so, I am just the rudy, I guess Yes, I have low self worth and I really find work and accomplishment to tibet. me out from feeling like a loser, so early reaches kind offer, invest most of my time. I work. And so am I? I tried to help me with it because I don't feel accomplished. However, as she was something oh cause, you're doing it for the reasons of like pretty good yeah right. What a what has been the most helpful piece of info like advice or information, or anecdote that you've been given? That really did help you kind of make, make some progress with recovering from the narcissistic abuse
I think that, because of the masses, the deal's there that they are a key things to remove your sense of self worth now that the air you, you know you are worth something, but eventually the conditioning and everything you justice me. I I just Will you find it achievement? It will make myself feel like I'm, not a complete a loser. I myself, as saucy measle house, going faster Well, this video hit one point, five point: one million views and I sold all the lpr in new york and I sold out to this show that show- and this show I am getting a new but applaud deal and they should know so all great about you as well. I could better buddy, you know I'm not doing what I mean those are the things that happen. She goes. About you. How do you feel as a fuel? I'm just not dying. I didn't know what I can do to do better goes. How body how you feel as the ok she's a good now you're gonna, do our homework. You're gonna run type.
about you that is unique and their daddy special about you about your heart, you, so he had nothing to do with your accomplish nothing to do with they're all good button, nothing today those things. And I was thinking about, as I said, I think I have We could do it and I would ask my resilience one thing about me: I love you and me. Can ability to love even though that it I've been betrayed and I wasn't adopted way I deserve ray. I still want to love. I steal the one play game. I just stir and people use me because I'm just like that, but it still I'm not gonna give up. Why I'm because they believe me and they write, didn't give me the thing I deserve and because there
nothing gritted in love. If you really open your heart, I agree with that, but I agree that the best yeah we're happens. Yeah yeah of as well as a mere therefore seems to be really working. How various fall. I love your good. Sarah pistorius can sometimes be bore with in serbian they're telling you with their therapist says, and I think it's just get on your problem. Lack x is helping you. but encouraging yourself like look beyond your accomplishments is like sulky cause like hadn't feeling like you have to do something to earn love best staff fuck up? That is, as so many people are businesses and for me I'm very strong and half naked. To control me is that I miss it, but mentally control me will be the only way. If you hit me, I'm going to fucking kill you like somebody hit my sister in school, I fucking broke her leg yeah This is bullying. You know like I don't I don't was that I know. I know it because Somebody hit you. Why see somebody him a friend?
It was just a background. One you know don't pull up is about one ism. Mental abuse is I got baleen, look, look on water and the increase in temperature slowly over a year ago now, ass happening had sneak up on you. Carry out of a lady is evil seeps into your psyche. I totally agree like seeps in your psyche in this way- and I am always I'm always like a big people were in our system, life that I don't. I love him. I m talking about is how they psych ino. For some reason I might do they know they ve or do they not in the way. I don't know why that makes a difference in my head, but unlike their there really fucked up if they know they're doing They don't know they're doing it. I have sympathy. That's always worth the. I is a back and forth my have they now, but I don't know it's bad there, Oh yes, muttered ass, because it didn't get us things that they want us to do yeah. Well, how would he gave you? I don't think they know is bad job. you think it's just like a house.
But it was still in another easy. Why do you have a work? How you could you still owe me, because I'm smarter can still well yeah between the corporate interests. Do differ way here and lead the just look at last. I got you better still you're done for not doing my eye and then they don't they are wrong, smarter than you do. You know whether travel, he raised everybody has to be the president in algeria systems that there's a you're gonna to play that weighs down bitch and, as you know, ass. Nice ass likely they milieu yeah, but they don't think this is bad yeah cause it'll make if it makes me feel powerful and it gets me mad. Why wouldn't you do it? Why wouldn't everybody do it yeah? straight? I don't know I'm being crazy, but no. No at the event horizon only makes sense. I don't like the way they do so natural days ago. How would you know you're hurting me use, keep doing it. I could mobilise nothing's happening. One of the things with narcissism, though, is too is like when you can- and I read so many books about excite before I knew that word meant. I just thought that, like
Just you can't you just internalize the bullying that is happening and, like you said it seeps in it's, not just some. If you punch me in the face, I very clearly know that that's wrong, but if you Do like a slight little passive, aggressive thing about my looks about how I'm behaving I'm like wait, a second. What is confusing is that being confused is such a it's obviously it's a mind. Fuck yeah and the tough love from the parents can really be familiar. That got my mom telling me. I should lose weight and because she care about me, you know I'm getting fat and I'm getting bullied and I go my husband think I'm I shall not eating rice, because he will make sure I go back to my normal way go. He said ugly yellow. Maybe I'm I'm lucky thing. I look ugliness glasses. Maybe I do he has. Why should I make my guide it is like the way you are you are you have very tough parenting and use you take the tough love. Yeah yeah cause they. You know that's what it is in europe, while you're my mom and dad. Why would you like me? Why aren't you do anything against my best interests? Yeah man,
Well, ok. I know you wanted to talk about decks, but I have a question about stand up comedy in china. What is there a stand up comedy scene in China? Was it recently received five years ago yeah Joe Wong, the chinese comedian? He brought it back. The china has this art form sanction like a base to person I like, the leg is idea, but it If stand up comedy? Is new in China? Never did that in China, because I moved here I started here. I I can't keep my hormones shot. I dunno about getting troubling in china. Also whoa yeah, oh okay, you get in trouble for that. I'm very political and I don't give a fuck. I don't censor myself or I whoever is being a piece of shit on to talk about it at rare, I dont want please nobody. I just tell the truth, and I am not here- and the be okay, so that's good. That's took a lot of other countries. China, comedians kind of like regular arrests, get arrested. So what are the print repercussions for telling the truth about a political figure who knew is under
oh like jail in Austria, and I got you with it being a concrete right ray. I think your faces worker things can you to allocate would like? I can't imagine like a woman to talking about sex, would go over super. Well. Neither think people just they? They didn't, like women being outspoken, abandoned. Bought anything. Oscar sex is just that I like the success of body. One is just so amazing. His eight, a woman you know like in just talking, is like a while talk about flags is just the revolutionary to do that and talk about sex while pregnant YAP. Azure is one albania not just for asia, on issues for all women, I think that she really opened the door so I can talk about a modern sex. I can talk about a politics about abortion and about about everything, I just see myself as a comedian who happened to be a woman is an accent right
I think I myself as an american comedian and am very proud to be able to do it in america, Let me do it and I can really say anything You know that is like, I travel the world and stuff and mike miracle, just it's a disappointing in so many ways with the school shootings in the race. It s just there. So many things in the abortion rights being taken away, but then you think about when you, back out and you like well literally get it the fuckin buried in concrete. If you talk about your sexuality irony, america's, not too bad, think of a mega at once in a good about it is that we can talk about. It was wrong. The end it Your country, you can say woman can have an abortion, is wrong here, like a wooden. What would we have- but we shall have control over. Our body react. We fucking should and- and I really just the I I think is also so backward using america is so advanced, then, and then there's states if you are raped. You have to keep the baby yeah, that is yeah, that is a death
intense, let us terrible what is bought an earlier time. You like in china for women. very free, what is. He has ages stir wherever they go. Whenever you want yeah. With the worry you can have. A bullshit worry want, that's entirely with the one child policy that wasn't acted. It was like a ninety see. I'm sure now knew why, shouldn't year on sale, how it was worth in cool about china. Isn't I good luck? years ago. One of the most famous tv show hosts is a transgender woman. Oh fuck yeah transgender woman, yeah nice. Her name is jing. Seeing she's l spoken. She was a man of beautiful men and then she trend transit. into a woman, and she is she's easy. You allow, as biggest beloved everybody loves her. I noticed transgender didn't give a fuck. That's why I was running about like us in america try to use religion to control. People really are you're all of the republic of senators there.
A gay yeah, and so they hate everybody. They hate women. They hate the press, generally hate gay people, anybody who can be themselves and that's the one thing cuba, china to go ahead. I saw obama, that's pretty fucking cool yeah yeah, unexpected too yeah. It is really like it. woman, obvious issues ahead of her time and I I love it as well. Seems like those woman like that yeah that is about yeah, so interesting, to see how different different societies are, countries different cultures. They have all these, you know ever Every society you could say, has like these areas with a really advanced and you're, like oh shit, yeah, and then then there's also at the same time existing juno, just awful backward bullshit saw in russia that you can't talk about being gay right. There's a crazy yeah yeah, russia's pretty pretty fucked
I that's amazing. Well, thank you for being on the show. Where can we find you online? What would you like to promote? What's your social media, where we more mirage jogging summers everywhere, J, I a o y, I n g do you remember your s and I have a website, where I have a national tour I'll be back to new york city April. Oh twenty! Six new account club April twenty seven stamford, gonna connecticut the April twenty third I'll be in san francisco and then I mean I'm all over the place, I'm coming all over america yay. Thank you for coming all over our studio. That has been guys where you fucked the anti slut, shaming podcasts, will talk to you next friday, guys we fucked is presented by luminary, created and hosted by corinne fisher and christina hutchinson, editing and music coordination
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-08.