« Good Life Project

To Succeed at Anything, Do This. (2020)

2020-01-02 | 🔗

Success is not just about knowing what to do. It's about doing it. Information, plans and goals, alone, will not get you where you want to go. Nor will willpower. Success at anything truly meaningful is about something bigger. Today’s show and, in fact, the first three Thursday episodes of the year are going to be very different. Instead of deep-dive conversations with guests, it’s just going to be Jonathan, going deep into three key topics.

Today’s immersion is all about how to find success accomplishing big, meaningful things. There’ll be a ton of myth-busting and you'll learn something called Success Scaffolding™, a unique approach to making big things happen, especially things you’ve tried and failed at many times before. We’ve shared Success Scaffolding before, but over the years, we keep refining it and making it better and better. So, you’ll want to give this episode a listen with fresh ears even if you've listened to past episodes about it, because there are a bunch of new insights, changes and additions. 

You may also want to open your "notes" app to take notes. Or, if you'd like a detailed, one-page PDF mind-map of the entire updated 2020 version of the Success Scaffolding framework, be sure to sign up for our Weekly Insider Updates. we'll include a link to a free downloadable PDF in our next dispatch.

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How to Live a Good Life is a practical and provocative modern-day manual for a life well-lived. Drawn from the intersection of science, spirituality, and Jonathan Fields' years-long quest to learn at the feet of world-renowned masters from nearly every tradition, this book offers a simple, yet stunningly powerful tool for life.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey there to today show and in fact, the first three thursday episodes of the year are going to be very different instead of deep dive conversations with guess, it's just gonna be going deep, sharing a series of ideas and tools and tips specifically developed to help you accomplish things? You never thought possible, to live a truly better, more connected and by the life and tenable Imagine the way you contribute to the world the way you work in a way that makes you come more fully alive and after that will drop you back into our usual twice weekly conversations. I just really want to do something special.
to help you turn this year into something incredibly powerful sued. Today's immersion is all about how to accomplish big, meaningful things very often things that you have maybe even tried many times in the past and not been able to actually make happen. There will be a ton of myth, busting specific Ambrose action steps and I'm going to introduce you to something that I call success. Scaffolding, it's a really unique approach to making big things happen, especially things you ve tried unfilled, Before I have shared my success, scaffolding before over the years, I keep it, finding it and making necessary updates. So, even if you heard me talk about success, scaffolding before you will want to give this episode, it listen with fresh ears.
because there are a bunch of new sites, a bunch of changes and additions, and some deletions and I'll also tell you how to download a detailed one page. My map that illustrates every critical element that all share so be sure to turn off any other distractions. Grab a pencil le pen open your favorite notes up at last. We are about to set you up to succeed this year in a very different and powerful way. I'm Jonathan fields- and this is good life project. The how does a I even work where creativity come from. What's this grit to living longer ted radio. Our explores the biggest questions with some of the world's greatest thinkers. They will- prize challenge and even change. You
listen to, and pierre is ted radio, our whatever you get your past library is supported by the economists, so the world seems to be moving faster than ever. Climate economics, politics, a eyeing culture. Wherever you look, events are unfolding at a rapid pace and it's hard to stay on top of it, which is why I love that now, for the first time, you can get a one month, free trial the economist, so you won't miss a thing I have literally been reading the economist I want to say for decades. I love that it covers more than just economics and finances you'll find coverage on topics from politics to science, to technology, even arts and the environment. The economist offers this global perspective with
incredible clarity and deeper analysis, so you can dive into specific issues or catch up on current events, I was just checking out this article on the changing landscape of tech, jobs for recent computer science grattan how everything is changing so fast. It was a real I opened her and with the economist free trial, you'll get access to in depth independent coverage of world events through podcast webinar as an expert analysis as soon as you sign up, if you're interested in subjects like this go to economist dot com, slash project for full access to the topics that matter to you, an original analysis as events unfold, that's economist, dot, com, slash project or just click. The link in the show notes to start your one month, free trial with the economists today, because the world won't wait. So the ten percent happier podcast has one guiding philosophy. Happiness is a skill that you can learn. So why not?
It is hosted by dan harris, a journalist who had a panic attack on national television and then set out on this journey of transformation and he's now on a quest to help others also achieve peace and happiness, and every week Dan talked to top scientists, meditation teachers. Even the odd celebrity in wide, ranging conversations at explore topic, psych productivity, anxiety and lightness, psychedelic and relationships. The interviews cover everyone from bernay brown to cerebral less to sam Harrison more. I love learning from his questions and experiences and incredible guess think of listening to ten percent happier as a work out for your mind, find ten percent happier where every listen to pot casts. So I'm saying here in the studio, it is a beautiful sunday late afternoon at the end of the year cruising into the final few days, of the year, the streets in new york are teeming humanity right now, a lot of local
enjoying the sunshine and a little bit of warm weather, a ton of visitors coming to then time in our amazing city and really enjoying the holiday lie and you probably can't hear this- I can just gonna barely make it out, but because we have for later of acoustic glass on the one window in the studio? But there is on the faint faint sound of a guy playing saxophone down on the streets. People want by which is kind of fun. Put you in there in that rights are contemplating joyful mode and mood this time of year, Well, there have been reflecting on the year and mapping out what I want to make happen in two thousand and twenty. It has been a really powerful and amazing. Eighteen months for me for our entire team. I have struggled to create a sense of ease
Yes, I have tested so many ideas and failed. So many times I have made so many mistakes sometimes drew by just completely wrong decision making. Sometimes we stir something, and then the know that the world tells us there not ready order not needed or its different, and it drives my team a little bit not sometimes because I like to create things along the way we ve also had some really major wins and accomplishments. We have produced over a hundred pot conversations developed, an entire new body of work, built and launched a powerful new assessment and called the spark a types that has been completed now by well. Over three hundred thousand people programming around that launched a whole new company to support it. I've spoken to thousands of people written a book proposal. Yes, I'm actually going to be working on the next book. Next year, written more there. Fifty essays published
it led to my email. Community begun development on a second podcast and there may be even more spinning around in my head, and I ve done concepts ready for books. Three to five beyond what I'm working on now- and we also spent but twenty five days in colorado outside of europe not to get into college and I've done my best to really be present for my family or friends, be good, dad, husband, student leader and plans for twenty twenty four hour. I think we even bigger and our motto at the same time is more human, some moving into the next year. It's all about doing big things, while figuring out it gets more humid along the way and reveling in the process. So why would I share all of this with? You? Is is there like a humble I thing nope know trust me like I said I have failed.
so many times. I have stumbled and banged myself up so many times way more than have succeeded, but at the same time I found over the years on that, for some reason there, some wiring that has allowed me to certainly keep my head down and accomplish things at a really hard were the stakes are high and I don't know even a path to success along the way and of serbian astern deconstruct by a lot of people when I share what I'm up to when I'm catching up with new friends or colleagues are new acquaintances most common question that I actually get asked is how do you do that? Often in the beginning is allowed. In a brute force, but over the years have really serve figured out an approach. Or other, when your approach to making big meaningful things, even one
a really hard where the stakes are high and the probability is low to making them happen, and I realise that it goes so far beyond what anyone else has ever taught me about girl setting or achieve manned or potential or grade or anything else in and actually we'll talk a little bit about grit later on and would have large that most people fail not because they are destined to or because something hard or even because they had a bad vision or plan. There's something bigger going on one, that the mythical vision needs to actually be done right and so does the plan, and most people completely missed the mark with both of these really important pieces of the success equation, but also there are a whole bunch of other success, critical elements that have to be in place. If you want to accomplish any
in truly big and meaningful to you and again you decide what's meaningful. This is not an outside end type of thing, and I call all of these elements. Success. Scaffolding and there are eight pieces of this puzzle there eight pieces of the success scaffolding framework and it's kind of a step by step approach to setting yourself up for success in nearly any endeavour on a level. That is the least in my expense. it's either near impossible or one that makes the process brutal and gutting when you try and approach things differently? So I call these eight elements: the eight peace there, eight peas and success scuffling in part, because just kind of fun to figure out how to name them all peace, but also because it makes sense- and I just want to see- and share some ideas and tools that will help you may be make this year different, an open some doors, not just two
operation and hope, but to action, taking and actually bringing these big things into reality be short stay till the end. Also, because I'm going to tell you how to download a one page mine map of the entire success scaffolding process, it won't make any sense until you have listened so don't bother skimming ahead. Now, but once we ve walked through the whole thing together that one page, my map may well become an unlucky, for big things for you and remember. Next week I will be taking a deeper into some major longings and models and action steps designed to help. You live your best life on a broader way and then the week after thou be the third one of these sort of emergency. With me, we're gonna focus in on how to make you
work, a source fuel for coming alive so be sure to to Nan. If you haven't subscribed yet definitely go hit subscribe, so you don't miss those special episodes in addition to the amazing weekly conversations that will be companions to these first three immersion episodes with me really excited to share success scaffolding, so, let's dive in together now the first p is what I call the picture right. People call this a vision, people call it a creating a goal like what is it? that. You want to happen. So if I look forward to my twenty twenty there, there are a number of big things that are serve on my future tasks, One is right in the next book
You know, so I know that I'm gonna step into the year with a book proposal at an outline- and I need to at some point in the middle of the year- is very likely have a manuscript. Sixty to eighty thousand word. Manuscript done for book were looking at them being additional podcast which absorb I am so excited to share some of the suffer working with you probably later in the spring, That is something in the solely for very specific, but maybe you have a completely different idea of what your picture is. What is the picture of the thing that is deeply meaning facility that you really would love to make I've been either in the next few weeks. The next three months were in the year to come, maybe you're looking to run it, Ok, you know maybe you're looking to learn to paint. Maybe
looking to do something really powerful physically orchard artistically or relational whatever it is. We start out by defining it by defining it. We need to have a sense of the end point, because the end point lets us. Reverse engineer a lot of the different things that we're gonna need to be practical about getting there, rather than just hope that it happens, but it also does something else when you have a really clearly defined and point it does something to your brain neuroscientist psychiatrist when he Pele has talked about this in the past, can calls it like setting a gps in your brain. When you create a really clear, well defined outcome that you want to work towards, you will spend some conscious effort to make it happen, but your brain will invest infinitely more
lessening conscious energy in mapping out interrelate, taking little steps in making little shifts in your neural processing. that will allow this thing to unfold, but part of that process means play the seed in a very undefined way. So when we think about the picture, we want to say: ok, not only. This is the thing that am identifying that I would want to make happen, but we want to think about two things: specificity and sensory rights, We wanted to be specific. So, instead of saying yeah like I want to become a runner, how can we actually make that more specific? Well, we can say I want to become a runner by august first, while that's better, how can we make it even more specific? I want to run my first ten k by august first grade. I want to
on my first ten k at less than a an eleven minutes mile average by august first great said, the more specific we can make it right. The more clarity we have and the better. We can understand how to figure out what are they actions that I need to take to commit to between now and then to actually make this happen, and we'll talk a lot more, that when we talk about the plan for right now make its specific so create the picture, define it make a specific. No one lessing make it sensory, make it sensory. The reason is because the more we can actually add sensory and put to this, the more real it becomes to us more real. It comes to our conscious and lessen conscious brain
and the more we actually start to believe in the possibility of this happening and the more clear we can actually be about it happening. The other thing is, is to do this when you make it really century You can see it when you can hear it when you can feel it. When you can t stand those things begin to trigger something beyond. A purely intellectual understanding of what you want to do and accomplish, and allows you access to a slightly shift in sometimes deeply shifted emotional state. So, if you imagine not only what does it look like? What does it tastes like? What is it smell like? But what does it feel like if you put yourself out too that future date as if you have a com,
the thing and then really map it out and sensory way, and then ask yourself what does it feel like? How do I feel in that state that embodied sorrowed version if your picture of where you want to be what you want to accomplish is so much more powerful that it becomes a much more effective tool to then fuel the consistent, conscious action taking and decision making that need, to get there and also your brains less unconscious circuitry that will process it,
without you even realizing and figure out steps and things to do and get you moving in a way that wouldn't happen. If you really did not have a lot of clarity, specificity and a century experience of this thing that you want to accomplish, so that as element number one picture right, that's the first p. Let's move on to elevate number two elman number to the second p is purpose. Now am I talk about your quote life purpose here now. I am not entirely sure. I even have any idea what that phrase means if it means anything and if there is any universal sense of how that gets described. Anybody I'll have a lot more to say about that by the way when we get to the future immersion episode about your work, but for now
word purpose is really about your reason. Why, for this one very specific thing, so the picture you just painted of where you want to be what you want to accomplish in a specific and said three way. The question is: why do you care? What do you care? What does it matter to you? What is the purpose? of this thing right. So if I want to run a ten k by august first, why is it matter and the thing is it important to define, because even though a thousand other people may have the identically defined outcome, they all may want to do the same thing. A thousand other people are gonna show up. On that day of running your ten. and they all want to finish right. A thousand other people may plan on launching a podcast by a particular date this year. Two thousand
people may all be. You know like as setting a goal, to write a book by a particular date and have x number of pages done by this particular date. But the reason why each one of those thousand people wants to do that is going to be radically different. You'll have a thousand different purposes, doing it. And that reason, why is so critically important? Because it tells you Why you're saying no to other things, it tells you why you're actually investing your effort and your energy and your work and sometimes suffering along the way to actually make this thing happen rate. At some point you are going to experience adversity hum. It may be really the moment you take your first step. You may be cruising along This is amazing, I'm just like checking boxes and taking up.
In the universe is rising up to support me. Everything is going the way it's supposed to be going and then you will crash and you will burn and you will run up against obstacles and adversity and things do not go your way and we're going to talk in a moment about something specific. You can do in your plan to help with that, but establishing a clear sense of purpose. A clear reason why in advance not during but in advance, is one of the most effective counters or antidotes to adversity, especially adversity that you didn't see coming on the planet right, because when you bump began, something that you didn't see coming or you did, but it's just really hard and all of a sudden. The thing that was you know really easy and cruising along really just knocked you for a loop right. If you don't have a really clear understanding of Why this matters to you, then, is
As you feel pressure resistance adversity, you will walk away. You will absolutely just say: well, you know what I guess: I'm not men for this. Maybe I'm not good enough, maybe not strong enough, maybe not smaller. Maybe the universe doesn't want me to do it now. It was a bad idea, beginning. Maybe I didn't really want it. right, maybe it was too aggressive now will we will address some of those things with the future elements, but- we need to know is that when you hit those moments of adversity being able to quickly identify your reason why the deeper purpose for wanting this to happen will become a powerful source of energy to not just walk away too not just give up, but to continue to invest energy and to keep pushing and working to me
best thing happened, because you will understand why you said yes in the first place, nor understand why it still is worth the effort, even when things get hard You will understand- why are continuing to say no to other things and yes to this until you get through to another point of ease and flow which generally always happens right. If you don't do the work, I was really saying well. Why is this important to me beforehand, then you're very likely going to walk away or fail or implode the moment you hit any any real level of adversity right. So here's the thing, though, ask: why is this important to me or why does it matter to me? Whatever language you want to use, ask at once give your answer, but now asked that five more times right.
I may have heard this before some people call it the three wise or the five wise, but the idea is not so if I want to write a new book, let's say red pill. What's my reason why? Because that is a huge amount of energy and effort that I'm taking away from other people other things other efforts, other opportunities right. So what's my reason why it why it is important to me, while my first accurate answer could be willing. important, because there's some information and insight in my head that I just really want to get out into the world. Okay, so why is that important to me, because the information and inside there in my head that I want to get out into the world, I feel it can make a real difference in the lives of other people, and all so I'm just I'm a maker. I am a creator and the process- Creation allows me to go from idea to sing
and that's really really important to me so it it effectively allows me to do the thing that I'm here to do while okay. So why is that important to me? Because I want to live a life where the thing that I'm doing the effort that I'm investing in the world allows me to feel alive and when I'm involved in the process of creation, especially focused on a topic and a set of ideas that I believe deeply in and then I feel, will be of service to other people in some way shape or form those things. Allow me to feel alive and, like I'm doing the thing I'm here to do and invested in a way that is deeply meaningful to me and I want to live a meaningful life. So you see, sir, the purpose there that when you
you start saying. I need to identify purpose and let me understand the reason why why does this matter? Why is it important and then ask a handful of times deeper and when you get to that place, you will then have a much more visceral emotional, embodied understanding of the purpose behind the picture. and when you bump against adversity, this will be so important in allowing you to stay the course great. So, let's move on to the third p. That is plan right and, as I said, if you have heard me talk about success governing before you may knows that things have moved around a little bit. In fact, picture was not a part of the original thing, and I realise that I just assumed into existence, and also there were different important things to say. Plan is another thing where things have been
moved around optimized and changed a bit right. So this is also one of the areas where most people struggle with and make some of the biggest mistake. So as a general rule, when somebody wants to accomplish something big day say: okay, this is what it is. They don't usually make specific enough we're sensory enough right, but then the next thing they do and they- and they very rarely, actually identify the the driving purpose underneath it most people do then say: okay, so what's my plan, how am I going to make this happen right? Sometimes there are fairly clear, straightforward plans if you want to run a marathon, for example You can google training programme for marathon or search on whatever placing on a search, and there is a pretty standard. I think it's a fourteen or sixteen weak train programme where, if you already have a
in running millions and millions of people have done. This exact same thing said the beast, sick, nuts and bolts the daily or weekly actions. That would be in your plan to accomplish this. The goal. That is usually what people focus on right. How do I reverse engineer the pieces of the puzzle and then just do them, and that is actually important, but when you stop there, when you make that the entirety of your plan rashly miss three critically important pieces of the puzzle,
so and will very likely be guaranteed to fail unless you somehow randomly just kind of assume those other pieces into existence where you get kind of lucky and realize that they're important or you've done them before, and you know how important they are. So, let's move beyond just the granular pieces, so I call those those smaller pieces. You know if I say there is a marathon and I need to understand for the next six What exactly is it? Then I'm going to do to train for this and then let me breakin in two weeks and break in the days when we call those the chunks, the chunks right and are the small micro steps, hourly weekly daily monthly, that when you add them up, will actually get you to the place of being able to say yes, I have done this thing. That is deeply meaningful, so the first part is again to find the chunks and for certain things you know it's pretty straightforward. If I want to write a sixty thousand work,
book in six months right or let's call it in two hundred days like I can simply do math and divide. You know well, six thousand sixty thousand words by two hundred. Isn't that will give me how many words I need to write on any given day and then my job is to hit those words, and that is where most people stop right, so the chunks are important. We want make small steps that are additive that will move us a little bit closer each time, but let's go beyond just identifying the chunks rate
The next thing we also need to add to our trunks are benchmarks and for a number of different reasons, one. We need to understand how we are succeeding, not just when we get to the end, but along the way right- and this is about identifying and feeling progress. Some really powerful work done by professor teresa mobilise about one of the most effective motivators for people being tie me. bit of recognition daily progress rate feeling and experiencing in tiny little ways. Progress on a regular basis is an incredibly powerful driver of sustained action taking. So if you want to keep doing the chunks on a daily basis right, we need to actually experience progress along the way, and we do that by.
Tracking by identifying to find sure like the little benchmarks. So when I hit a week, this is going to be a benchmark when I hit a month, this is going to be a benchmark right and when a hit six months, this would be a benchmark, so we can actually identify and feel these small bits of progress these hits of micro success along the way, and we do that by first identifying them, make it specific and then tracking them. Now you can choose how to track your benchmarks. Some people may do it in an app some people, may do it on a physical planning or a journal, whatever is do it in a place where it is truly memorialize. Were you not just and yourself. Okay, ok, cool and I find myself I did that today right, you actually wanted to create a record over you, wanna track it and create a record that you can look back through. So if you use a,
ask list or the urge to do up or whatever it may be, make sure that whatever using you not only have the ability to check the box. He said I did the thing that I need to do, but to see all of the history of the things that you have done, so they can reflect back on them and actually see a history of progress over time, this is important because, as mobile his work shows it really effective, motivator first sustained action taking, but also because our brain, it's a little bit weird. We have this thing called the negativity biased. What is that, while it is our brains, sort of bias that defaults for most people to negativity rather than positivity rate? So if we
are you thinking about the last month rate and most people are going to end up focus on the things that they forgot to do the things. they want able to do the things that they missed out on this failures, the all of the things where Certainly your beating yourself up for doing it, rather than all of the things that actually have done well, the things you have to be grateful for the experiences the relationships, the moments right so because we have a natural negativity bias, and this is certainly a general. I stay for most people, yes, there
are some people who are just genetically wire to be much less negative, but, broadly speaking, most people are actually wired more towards negativity than positivity our brains to fall to the negative they default to de what's wrong. They did the fall to the. What I didn't do what didn't happen, rather than what's right, what I did do what did happen and all the good things right so benchmarks, finding a way to actually set benchmarks that demonstrate progress, use away to track them. So you can actually check boxes and note and look back over time and see away. there actually has been a lot of really good stuff happening to really powerful way to counter your negativity by us and when you feel yourself getting to the end of the day or a week or a month, do you like an I'm just so upset I'm not where I thought I would be. I haven't done it
they are not, then you can actually look back and see or wait a minute like all this stuff actually happened. All this she's taking happened when I look at where it was when I started the month compared to where I am now, I'm actually in a different place. Like I can objective, we see the progress I've made, does really powerful to get you out of that negativity buyers and get back into a positive action. Taking stands right, so we ve talked about chunks right. We ve talked about benchmarks now two other things I want to focus on so the third thing in your plan is what I call workarounds workarounds, and this is a little bit related to the idea of purpose. In your reason, why? But we're gonna get more granular here, there is a bit of mythology around hum goal, achievement
especially when we step into the world of the metaphysical spaces, now I am a bit of a person but also fairly heavily driven by science, and there's a word that a lot of people use and that word is manifestation which is essentially just a different way of saying. Making big meaningful goals happen right in in the world where that word is often bandied about. There are a lot of good thing, was that recommended to do this. Also one really big bit of mythology, and that is that you should, when you're, trying to quote manifest something or let's use the word, achieve something big make something big and meaningful happen. You should only focus on it actually happening and never ever ever think about or focus the obstacles that might come into your way, because when you do that, you will manifest those ops,
as you will make your brain make those things happen, and we don't ever want to do that. So don't ever focus on the obstacles that things can go wrong. The challenges drop into your space because you'll make it happen and then you'll never get what you want. So all fine and good, except their science around this ship. This specific idea has actually been tested and proven wrong. So professor Gabriel Udon again developed a whole body of work around this and she was sort of testing this concept of if you're, trying to make something happen to achieve a goal to achieve an outcome rate, is it more effective to stay sort of maniacally, positive and negative, never think about negative things or obstacles, or is it more effective to actually try to identify the most likely biggest obstacles that might come into your path along the way and then actually develop a plan
for how you would respond to those in advance. If and when it happened, and she tracked these two different states and then she actually put people through a series of survivor goal, achievement quests and she wanted to see who was going to be more effective at actually achieving these goals or quote manifesting these things right. What she found was clear as day that the people who actually did think about the big obstacles, and very often those are internal obstacles by the way to your own, your inner demons popping up in and then said, okay, so this may happen along the way if it does, what is my
plan. How do I make a plan to identify those so that if and when it happens, I will actually not have two figured out there, but I know what I'm going to do and then they do it. Those people were way more effective and actually achieving the thing they want to achieve than the people who simply pretended that only positive things will come my way and I am only going to focus monopoly on the thing actually happening. So we actually know scientifically validated that thinking about the big like obstacles beforehand and developing your work around your plans is a really important part of your master plan. Right so is not just about that walking the things you're going to do on a daily basis and the benchmarking how you can track progress, but also identifying potential things that might drop down and stop you enter things. Your mindset, things your demons or big external things, make you
and beforehand. So you know how you handle it. If and when that happens, here's an interesting serve them added. No to this one of the. Some of them furies around. Why doing this is actually way more effective. Is that when you think about this big thing, you want to happen, and you not only plan the things you want to do and think about what it is right, but you again if the potential obstacles that that actually, lets you make a commitment to allocate your time, energy, money, resources, effort to this thing, knowing and accepting the possibility of major things going wrong beforehand and its
stops some people from even going in cars, and once they realize how hard something might be, they realize they're actually not down for it, and that gives them the opportunity to reallocate their energy to something else that they are much more potentially down for so eating in developed the whole methodology around as she shorthanded with the acronym whoop w o p, which stands for wish outcome obstacle plan which is sort of effectively part of what we're talking about here and is all about identifying the big things that might happen advance, making a plan for it. This is, your work around, so that is element number three. So in your plan we have chunks benchmarks and workarounds. We've got one more element here, and this is important in this again is where so many of us drop the ball, and that is integration. Integration, What do I mean by that two things band with an ability right,
So we need a plan that is not just effective, in the laboratory or in shiny, happy influence or lives. If somebody online, who seems to have everything going, them unlimited time. Unlimited resources, we actually need a plan that is into readable into the reality of our day to day lives are constraints? Are abilities are limitations, so when we think about it, you know it. Let's go back to that plan to run marathon. Let's say you ve committed to assisting. We planet says it tells you exactly what to be doing every day for sixteen weeks right and they like this, isn't I want to do it and completely with this? And then you realize actually going through a really really rough time and relationship right now or may.
you're dealing with an illness or injury or chronic pain or maybe you're dealing with it, extremely tough moment in the work that you do at the relationships that you have, maybe you're a brand new parent. A single parent and you're, the primary caretaker and your barely sleeping in the aspect of sleep is just not going to be there for months and that's just the way It is in your cool with that, but at the same time your ability to then embrace sort of like standard universal plan that might work in a shiny, happy, perfect world or might work in a laboratory is going to be blown up. And if you look at that and say okay, so this is point everybody uses like it's been proven to work proven with. These different people. If you do it, it will work and that's what I'm gonna do, and you don't take a bit of a moment of time and ask yourself: do I have the bandwidth in my own
so let the availability, the available mental resources, physical reach, or finance for resources and straight up time right to make this happen in the reality of my day to day life at this moment in time, regardless of how many other people have executed is similar plan in their lives right in the context of my life. Can this actually work? If you don't do that analysis, and it's it's generally pretty
fast one you're, pretty much guaranteed to fail. Unless you just get really really really lucky and your life constraints and possibilities just happened to mesh with particular plan rate, so this is the integration pieces. The final piece in the question is: do I have the bandwidth and the current ability to integrate this plan into the reality of my day to day life? The way that it looks and feels and exists at this moment in time? Super super important to do that final step. If the answer is yes rate do it now. If the answer is no well that's when things get interesting because then it allows us to say: ok, now I know I know the chunks. I know what is actually going to take to govern where I am now to this place, I want to be, I know how I'm benchmark it. I know my workarounds, but I
I realize I do not have the ability to actually do this now now. This actually gives you the freedom to act more intentionally entered too short cut, an inevitable failure and say well. Let me readjust the plan. Then let me readjust the picture so that I can do this in a way that will actually work it. Let you make changes to these things before you actually commit to them and then inevitably fail and feel like it's a failure. Ok, so we have talked about your picture. We ve talked about purpose. We have talked about plan time for p number. Four possibility possibility
so simple that you cannot succeed at anything that you do not believe is possible now, before your like away warrior minute that nuts have asked cause, there's a lot of things that I never thought I could do or believed was possible and they ended up doing right. what I'm saying is, if you have a hundred per cent dis belief that something is possible, about that. If you one hundred percent, do not believe something as possible then how are you going to actually justify being a single action, allocating a say. the dollar a single minute, second hour or weeks or months of your time, to try and make it happen. If you one hundred percent, do not believe it is possible, your brain will not allow you to take action or allocate resources to making it happen.
So what does that mean? Does that mean that, then you need to how figure out a way to a hundred percent believe it is possible. Short answer is now, but what I have found is super important is what I call the three percent possibility rule we don't half do two percent believers hustle: we don't even have to believe it's more likely than not. We can in fact believe that it is possible, but is still pretty slim, but it is- possible, there's something in as it says, yeah. Maybe it's not likely maybe soon be really hard. Maybe not a lot of people before me have done it, but it is possible. It is technically possible. I call this a three percent possibility rule, because I feel it if you're sort of you, if you can, if you can get yourself,
feeling it's three per cent possible instead of zero percent, but not even one or two percent, but with three percent. That is just enough of the door of possibility. Cracking open for your brain to start to even enter the conversation about being willing, to allocate action and resources to making it happen right so doesn't have to be a hundred or either fifty with twenty five or either ten I experienced even the slightest hint where your brain has just enough to say, maybe maybe
That is where we need to get ourselves in order to take the very first action and really talk in a minute with the fifth p about how we go from there and get much further, but for now we're talking about taking the first step in and hear something else that I have learned and scan the sound contrary and bedding and explain it and just the second is that belief: precedes action. Now that sounds kind aware, because you may have heard, in places, no action proceeds. Belief right. The thing that makes you believe is that you take action and then, when you see that you're succeeding well, then your brain searches, a ha okay. So this is possible and then you act more and then you see it's more success and you're building your own track record and in fact we will talk about that more and that works, but
talking about the first step in and that assumption is in a world where we feel like there is no opportunity cost for every new thing you commit to that world is not reality. Every time you say yes to something, and you say yes to allocate your energy or love your time. Your energy, your money, research to something you are effectively saying no to something else right, if you have to live in a life in a world where you ve got completely. You know you have got endless resources and less time, and just so you can say yes to everything you want. Well, that's all some, then this this rule doesn't apply. I have yet to meet that person on the planet earth I don't know about you, but I wake up in the morning and pretty much every day, no matter how well I plantings and how much I accomplish.
there's a lot of feeling of know how I would love to have an extra hour. In this day, I would love to have an extra ten hours in the week out of haven't next a week or two or three or four or five in the year rate. The reality is for most people that we are so serve abundant with things to do whether it's good things are bad or intentional things- are not as a whole, even conversation, but the average person's life is so stacked with things to do that, there are already feeling like they're they're saying no to so many things, I do and I can't get on even the things if committed to so every time We say yes to something new. There is an opportunity, cost you're, saying no to something else that you want as well right,
and when we are in that place, it's very hard to keep saying no to having that opportunity cost when, in fact, you have zero belief that the finger sing ass to his possible. So that's why I say for the very first step in when you're looking at limited resources, limited time already feeling overburdened? You very likely will not take even the first tiny action
If you have zero belief that the thing you want to do is possible and it will take resources and time and energy away from something else that you do have at least the tiniest believe that is possible. So that's the idea behind possibility and the relationship to belief and the idea that we're not looking for one hundred per cent. It's the three percent possibility rule a three per cent believe this thing as possible. Then we can take it from there and that possibility leads pretty seamlessly to the idea of proof. How do we then take that first step right? How do we go from the three percent possibility rule to really
believing and convincing ourselves that this thing is possible on a level that will fuel the sustained action taking. That will get us this thing that we want that will get us to the place we want to be. That will make a reality out of this vision that we have the picture that we started with, while our brain looks to certain things, to serve as proof for us proof that this thing if possible right, so one of them is facts or data or demonstrations right. So we look at fat. Twelve nearly got eight out of the when people say that this is true, all of these studies say that it is possible. Sir brain loves to see sort of facts and data to actually convince us that this thing we want to do is possible. So one proof point is facts, data and then demos. What else do we look to as proof that this thing may be possible well similar?
others we look to people who are like us who have tried to do something really similar to this particular thing that were picturing ourselves doing and we want to see if they ve been able to do it. This is the magic behind the fame testing, animals that we see in marketing all over the place and the reason they work so well, it's because when we see Are people like us succeeding at the thing that we are looking to do our brain says ha this just might be doable and it fuels action taking in a way that wouldn't be possible. Had we not have that proof that the thing we're looking to do as possible, so facts, data and demos, similar others, a third one, people you trust right. So these may be people who are radically different than you
they may be celebrities or authorities, or very often misinform in misinformed way celebs, but as people who, for some reason you trust to be credible and they tell you it's possible or the I've, done it in their lives, even though their lives and their abilities and the resources are profoundly different from you for somebody, and you look to them and your trust them, you have a sense of authority around them and then say it's possible whether they done in their own or just telling you it's possible, allows your brain to say hi. This is a person I trust It's a person I admire, I believe, they're, credible, and my brain will say, okay, so then maybe it's possible and that again becomes fuel for action taken. So we have facts, data and demos, similar others, Are you trust right and then really it's micro test of progress right
and when we're looking for those who, like small steps, that we're gonna take ourselves. the general rule, its those chunk, things that we mapped out on our plan that lead to progress very often have low stakes, and especially in the beginning that allow us to taste it our own taste of progress makes a really big difference. Those add up to prove that the thing we want to do is possible right and that helps fuel action taken, but were still not there. We ve got three more ps, we're back again to really really different and critical ones, and this is also very often where nobody wanderers or if they do they do it in a very haphazard or incomplete way.
So. Let's move into our six one, and that is people that is people now we need people to succeed at anything meaningful and challenging very, very, very hard to do something that will take a lot effort. That will require a lot of saying no to other things and maybe take a lot of time to make happen very hard to do that when we don't have people on our side and here's the thing we have six roles that we want to have people play while we're working towards his big awesome thing that we're trying to make habit right. Do you need to have all six roles filled? Some are more important than others do need to be from six different people, not necessarily some people can play multiple roles, so the six different roles are what I call coast drivers, champions, accountants, mentors, community and challengers, your coasts, drivers are people who are similar to you and their doing so
similar should come about working alongside of you. So maybe, if you are looking to run that ten k right, you got a group of people who are all looking to run a ten k. Maybe it's not even the same on, but there are looking to do something similar and you're. All meeting in new york have going through it with the other right. You don't even have to be working on the same thing. You can be more parallel. Playmates maybe have six people who are all looking to start a new company right, so they each had their own idea and their own company, but they're all moving through this can brutally hard startup process and going through a lot of the same struggle. And because of that they can share a lot of the same shared experiences and emotions, those your coast, drivers or your parallel playmates, the energy of the coast. Drivers funny enough is commiseration. We love to go through hard things. other people. In that way, we get a surly commiserate with them. Hey we
I understand, and we are understood and to be able to go through people who are doing something similar, and that can't you know, commiserated energy has actually really helpful, makes us feel like we're, not alone. What about that? Second world champions champions are the people who I will pick you up when you're down and they will be your cheerleaders. These are the people who are there and their primary energy of champions is cheering you. Basically, you can do it yeah like every time you fall to get backup. These are the people who are always behind you. They are the people who will look at you when you're really bahman out when you're crying. When you think it's not pass one say you Do this. He like you committed to it the walk you through. Why you did it. Why said, yes and beginning they'll remind you of your purpose and they will keep help you move along their cheering you on your accountants or your accountability, people. This can be one other person. It can be a group.
well, but they are the people who know you. They know your picture, they know your purpose and they have a an idea of your plan. They know the steps that you're committing to taking and they are willing to then play the role of holding you accountable to action, taking at least long enough for all of your own micro tastes of progress like we talked about before, to become so self reinforcing that you don't need it nearly as much your accountants, especially in the early days, are super critical people that have onboard and question for you. Do you think that your champions and your accountants can be the same person? In my experience? The answer is yes, but rarely as a general rule
well who are awesome at picking you up a champion. You who making you feel you can do anything are not the same person as the one who's going to hold you accountable to doing the things when you're struggling, you're, sad you're, tired, achy, you're, burned out to saying do this thing you said it matters, here's why it matters now make it happen, panicky different energies. Maybe you get that rare person who's good at both, but very often I found that that this is better having two different people play. Those two different roles that brings us to mentors mentors are people who either have had a substantial amount of time guiding or advising other shore looking to do the thing they are looking to do that they really have a deep set of wisdom and embodied knowledge on how to do this on the obstacles that will come up and how to get through them and pass them or they have done it themselves.
And their then willing to to work with you and draw upon their own experience, share wizard so the guiding energy of the mentors his wisdom is wisdom and that whole thing is about helping you be able to sort of make a leap frogs through moments very often of adversity and understand when things can be working better to mentors can play a really important role here too left community community is all about people who see you and accept you, as you are where you can have a sense of belonging along the way. So, even if you're, not where you want to be given, if your striving for something different or something changed, these are the people who will embrace you and accept you and love you as watch you and you have a sense of Aimee part. I have a sense of belonging and acceptance
no matter what, along the way, these can be the same people are certain others, your co drivers and very often become powerful sources of community in your champions right. So so this a part of a shared role of somebody else. And finally- and this is a new edition- you're challengers- and this is something that I have been true- put my finger on and whether it was really distinct role or not and then not long ago. I heard researcher and well known author and professor adam- grant talk about this idea of challengers and and challenge there are people who were there are largely to to challenge you and in the energy of the challenger, is optimization. Why on earth we You want to challenge. Why would you want somebody's gonna sit there and training?
down your ideas and and this and that the answer is because you want people who know you know your picture know. Your purpose know your plan at this. Time, are really smart and informed and are willing to actually inquire into whether it makes the most sense right. So these are people who are willing to challenge your assumptions and the reason that you want. That is because you never see everything
We are subjective beings and we have internal biases. We have haven't had dreams. We have assumptions that we just assume into existence and true right and if we're trying to to really be objective about the thing we want to happen, the wage and to make us feel the reason why the steps it's gonna take to get there and to make the whole not just the outcome as good as it can possibly be, but the plan and the journey and the path as sensible and optimized and efficient as it can possibly b. We have a lot of trouble, seeing all the ways that could happen from be what my french colleagues, because inside the jar and trying to read the label, which is impossible, so we need people on the outside. Not just to support us in champion essen and hold is accountable and mentor us and give us a sense of community, but also smart people who are willing to challenge us
not in the name of cunning us down or stopping us, but of making the quest and the outcome better and getting to those places of improved outcome, improve process as soon as humanly possible, so that, if we need to me changes or adaptations or get agile along the way we learn that as soon as possible and shift on the fly and keep optimizing, making the process and the outcome better and better, along the way, rather than coming up with something we think a solid afraid have anybody else, task dead and help show where that you, the weak points, are and make it. and then we just run with invested ton of time, energy and money and realize down the road.
It's nowhere near as good as it could have been. It's not what we thought it would be and the process it took to get there could have been so much better, faster, easier and more rewarding. So the idea of having challengers I found was a really powerful addition to the team of people that you would want to have access to in order to achieve score. Big, meaningful outcome. Adam described doing this, I heard him in conversation with his book so when he has an idea for a book yeah, she has a a group of grad students and he will serve hand them off a chapter at a time from the manuscript as his writing and their charge is then they'll have a meeting to try and destroy the ideas, and he wants this because he wants to know. Where the problems are where the logic flaws are, where things might not be right because knowing that sooner allow and then do the work to really
defended or show how he's right and they're wrong or say ha well, yeah, there's a better way to go about this or different idea here, give way to say it or tell it or different research or overnight, whatever it may be right, so it gets the final output way better way faster and a big. It becomes a really valuable role to have now again for this particular person and this particular role you want to have part of it, We be that this is not about trying to destroy or stop somebody from doing the thing it's about offering. Invitations to rethink process, an outcome in way that will make them both potentially better call. So wrapping round to our final two in success, scaffolding right now and thank you so much for hang in with me. I know we ve been at this format now we're getting really really really close, and this will be so so helpful,
as you look at the your head and then start to actually map out right. You start with your picture and then you identify your purpose, and then you put together elements of your plan, your chunks, benchmarks, workarounds and integration, you open the door to possibility three percent, and then you go into the world of proof through facts and data and demos and similar others and people, you trust and micro taste of progress. To let your rain become increasingly wired. To believe that thing as possible and to take action, more and more and more aggressively and with more certainty. And then you round up your team of people, the six different roles to support you in all the different ways that your mindset needs to be supported in order to take action, and then we come to the final two things here. So the seventh p is what I call practices
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All about accepting the fact that when you say yes to doing something where you'd deeply wanted it, something dig it something meaningful the stakes, our real and by the way the stakes should be real, because if they're, not it just doesn't matter, you might as well actually do something with real sticks right. So when you commit to doing something like that, it can be scary be anxiety, producing it can be upsetting it can make, and it can really messed with your mood and your state of mind with your sleep the level of agitation, your relationships right so committing to doing something, and I have launched companies, I have launched bodies of works, I've launched books, media experiences, events, trainings and a lot of different things, any time that you are trying to do something being and
for with meaningful stakes. You will experience not just the amazing news of the journey. So many moments of success and relation and collaboration and joy and love along the way, but also your mind, is going to be pushed into potential dark, caverns and that will affect both your ability to stay calm and be resilient. It will affect your ability to be focused and attuned to what matters, and to be discerning to be able to make decisions about what to say yes or no to in a way that is truly intelligent. These three things need to be as server in a healthier place as possible along the way. So we need to develop practices that allow us to actually
Keep our minds com to have said a peace of mind rather than spinning and anxiety, to be resilient? When diversity comes out way, we need practices that allow us to focus and a tune. Our tent to the things that truly matter so that were not. just spinning and wasting so much. Our energy and the things had just won't moved the needle forward at all and when he saw the cognitive bandwidth to be able to make good decisions to be intentional, to discern what to say yes and no two, and I found that adopting a set of simple daily practices can be
incredibly helpful in cultivating the state of mind that allows us to remain calm and resilient, focused and attuned and discerning read, so that is going to be different. Those practices will be different for every person I'll share. What what my daily practices are. So every day I wake up and the first in the morning I have a meditation practice and meditation for. he means rolling out of bed sitting for twenty five minutes in what a mind from this practice is sort of my special special sauce flavour of mine from this practice mist with mixed with breathing exercises that come from my background in studying of yoga and breathing answer eastern and western body and putting them together in a way that allows my mind to serve of start today in a very calm, focused resilient way, and it sets it up so that
even if things don't go my way throughout the day. I respond to them in a much more intentional way and am able to Keaton continued I focus my energy on what really matters rather than spinning off into all sorts of distractions. Now is this me every day to, of course, not I'm a human being. There are days where a maniacally out, spinning out into different things are days where I'm exhausted, but the fact that I have this as a daily practice, for years now has created a sort of a baseline level that, when Emily and focus and discernment that tends to services, steam me even on days where there are more challenging, where I am struggling more to focus to be here to be calm and not anxious to spawned, who adversity? I just know an inner. Knowing damn responding with a great,
sense of ease then, and had I not had these practices for other people exercise and exercise is a part of my practice as well, but maybe that becomes the central thing for you. We know that meditation affects your brain in a very powerful way that directly influences anxiety, resilience, focus and decision making. We also know that exercise does nearly the exact same thing to have your and there's much more going for a run or swimming or yoga whatever it may be. That can get you to a very similar place, but the idea is to build this into a daily or regular practice so that it I'm just a fiber of early who you are and what you're doing so one other thing too,
sit on integrating into this practice. This daily practice is some form of visualization or what researchers often call mental simulation and know kind of fancywork. I used to do this as a gymnast when I was a kid that was competitive her for the first time years or so of my life in these to train a lot, and I would visualize myself myself doing the perfect routine over and over and over and a lot of people do this latter athletes. Do this lot of musicians? Do this sum they visualize themselves, having achieved the goal as a part of adele
agnes, and while I asked you to do something really similar one, I introduced the idea of creating a detailed picture of the outcome that you want to create in the beginning. We are talking about the picture right that second p, when it comes to a daily practice, turns out. There is actually a better approach to the approach to visualization or mental simulation that most of us have been taught. It asks you to create a picture of this thing all the way out in the future, as it already happened. Maybe it's crossing the finish line at rates, only your dream house toppling government getting a on eggs from or doing it. Job for living whatever it may be outcome simulation like there s words,
focused on you already being in that place of having achieved the outcome great for vision setting, but it can be an effective tool, especially when helping define that deeply desired picture beginning and letting your brain begin to sir western consciously map it, but for many people outcome the simulation is not the most powerful, fool individual as asian arsenal in fat there's a different approach to visualize? thing that has been shown in a number of published studies to be significantly more powerful when it comes to integrating it into a daily practice. That is called process simulation or visualization and true to its aim. It focuses on visualizing or picturing, not the outcome or the goal, but the steps and actions needed to get there. I wrote about this quite a while ago now the mobile career renegade, so in ninety ninety eight researchers divided
a group of college students into three groups, and they would do a certain visualization for five minutes a day. Students in the process simulation group, the visualize, the actions and steps needed to complete a specified project and, at the same time, students in the outcome simulation group visualize themselves having already successfully completed it, so one group is visual, I seen them doing the steps. The other group is just visualizing themselves, having been done that had they've they've completed the project, and then there was a a control group. You know people who didn't do anything. The results were pretty eye opening compared to that control group t slacker group who just sat there and didn't visualize anything, no judgments there
students in both the visuals asian groups were more likely to begin the project on time right, so both outcome unprocessed simulation. It gets people acting earlier. Then, if you dont to any kind of visual relation or simulation the student who visualize themselves having successfully completed the project, so they didn't think about the steps that I saw themselves as being there every day, while they were significantly more likely to complete it on time. But here's the deal the students who pictured themselves taking the steps needed to complete the budget every day, we're way more likely than both groups to finish on time and they generally considered the assignment easier than this dude. And the other groups for their more likely to reach the goal on time, and it felt more effort less along the way, which is pretty cool.
In a series of additional studies, the same researchers, farm and tailor looked at underground students and what this always at students who engaged in daily process simulation right, picturing the steps not the end in anticipation of an exam They started studying earlier than those who simply visualize getting a and surprisingly with more study because they started earlier that process simulation group. scored an average of eight points better on the exam than the ones who just visualize themselves. Getting anais
So, when you're, considering what ingredients you might integrate into your daily practice, be meditation or mindfulness are breathing or movement whatever it is. That feels right to you to help really, prime your brain to be able to sustain effort over a long period of time, maybe also explore adding a bit of process simulation, visualize or picture yourself, not just having a if the outcome, but actually taking the steps and doing the actions needed to get you there think about the steps you'll need to take that day or week
visualize yourself doing them, and it primes your brain to make it more likely that you actually will do them even when things get in your way, and that helps ensure that you will actually make this thing happen. All of these different practices tend to have two elements in them. There is an automatic element and there is an intentional element. The automatic element happens, We don't necessarily want something to be a conscious process. We just kind of want to know that it's happening, and we want the benefit of it. You know so it's the type of thing that we repeat back of our minds. It's when you have driven elite, the exact same eight blocks to go pick up the exact same thing at the store thousands of time, Very often, you don't even remember doing the drive when you do it cause your brain as so looped that into a habit that it moves into a much
or automatic lesson conscious part of your brain, which is also really important, because that type of process actually consumes far less energy in your brain and gives you more energy from more intentional, a mode No and cognitive demand and you will meet those along the way. So we want to look at sir, let the daily practice to say how much of this can we make automatic? How much of it does not matter, and then the other part is how much of it can we make, and should we make intentional it's the difference between habit and ritual. So a habit is the behaviors that we become. We make automatic and we want to make them automatic, so they take less bandwidth.
And happen automatically ritual are the behaviors that we do and a similar repeated daily basis that we want to keep intentional, because there is a certain amount of the benefit that comes from making them intentional and not automatic. So if I use, for example, my daily morning, meditation practice rate that is a blend of automatic habit and intentional ritual right when I actually get into the all of the steps that that that move me from opening my eyes to sitting in a particular position. Turning on the app that I used as my timer that stuff rate, I want that to take as little bandwidth as possible- that's automatic! I don't think about doing that. Any more have been doing it for years. It just happens and that's a really good thing. I don't need to pay attention to that
Once I said once the time, let me know that my actual city meditation has begun. Then I actually do want to do the work of drawing my mind persistently back to the bread is intentional. It is focus I am exerting effort to be in this state and others a ritual bill, around this, where it is not automatic or habitual, and that's a good thing, because it is that very serve attentiveness to the practice that allows the effect of it to become d so, when you think about your need to do something to develop a practice or a series of practice. daily or semi like three four or five times a week, type of thing that will give you access, the state of ease, resilience to focused attention, I attuned awareness
discerning decision, making think about the things that you might do, and rather than me just telling you what I do. I can tell you do reading. I could tell you do extras, as I can tell you your meditation, or are these four different types of things. It's really important for you to think about in your experience, what ten to work best on your mind and then build your practices around that and remember certain amount of it as much as you can. You want to happen automatically so, this becomes habit so that you know I want the fat and I'm doing it every single day at a particular time is sitting in the ridiculous. In using a particular app. I don't want to have to think about that. I just wanted to happen and then, when I'm doing the thing, I want it to be intentional and that to become the ritual part of it, and that becomes a really really powerful. Element of emotional and psychological scaffolding
that allows me to actually be psychologically and spiritually. Okay, as I am investing a wad of eta, effort in working to accomplish something big and powerful and that a nation finally brings us to our final pay and this- and this is kind of a fun one that wraps this all up identified. Our picture made clear. Our purpose have a plan that we are too But it works and will work in our life, open the door to possibility and started to actually understand what it will take to build the possibility that leads to action. Taking we've lined up the people that we know will hold us to making this happen and identified the practice. Or practices that will allow us the state of mind in the state of being to really flourish through this, and we wrap it all up with what we call a pledge. This is a simple thing: it's a literally a sentence or two or a couple of sentence
as you can do it written, he can do it by audio. You can do it video you can paint in or crayon and don't really care. Whatever is your jam, but you create a pledge before you start this, where you're at and fyi what it is that you're committing to doing both in terms of the outcome and the actions why it's so important to you, you identify the stakes. So what is at stake here and if you can't identify any meaningful stakes by the way, create them add them to it figure out what stakes could you add to this whether it's monetary or time wise or service why's. That would actually make you more invested in making this happen right so that what the why the actions, the stakes and one final peace right. We put this interesting sally I so and so, and committing to,
working to make this outcome happen. This is why it matters so much to me her. The actions that are committing to taking- and here here is what's at stake- Right and I am signing on the dotted line that I am committing to do all of this right, then we do one other thing. That is. We share that, with its audio video, a piece of paper we've just written your couple of sentences or I guess we share that now. How are you sure that is kind about eu sensibly? I would share with at least some, if not all, of the six different roles of people that we talked about earlier right visa people were, if you share with one or two or three or four or five or all six there. The people who can really help reinforce the commitment that you have just made the pledge that
just made. If you wanna, do it even beyond that some people may share this publicly michel on social media may put on your fridge whatever it is, that moves, beyond just an internal commitment and somehow makes known to others what you are raising her hand to commit to doing. Why is this important is its just like some dopey tool, what sounds kind of like it, but actually has been shown to be effective in the world of health and wellness behavior change. One of the reasons is because it's based on a psychological phenomenon, known as the consistency principle. This was I defied more than thirty years ago by social scientists, robert shelving who's been one of the leading voices on influence for decades and the academic and then practical community and the identity, six different factors that are super powerful and influence, and one of those is when we say or taken action,
and then we make that known to others. There's something in our brain, which makes us want to be seen as being consistent human beings. We want to be known both to ourselves and others as someone who acts, concern Gently was something that we have said and done before right. So if we say we're going to do something, then we want to tell ourselves we're the type of person who actually does what we said we're going to do, and then we're going to that where the type of person who keeps taking action that reinforces what we said. We're going to do. That is consistent with what we said. We're gonna do and we won't tell it to ourselves cause that's part of where we get our self worth, but we also want that to be known to others, and when we sorta like take our internal commitments, We turn them into a simple pledge and there we made that known to others. We are now leveraging that primal psychological impulse, not just to show tell ourselves
all that we are consistent human beings, but knowing We want to be seen in the community of others as being a person who is consistent with what they said and done. Who actually takes action on what they have stated matters to them. That is certainly the final flag in the sand before you then start to say: okay now it is time for action. From your work out, playlists to your social media, feed personal, the way to go and a personal leads to an affordable price, even better, with a state farm personal price plan You get the coverage you want at an affordable price just for you and a policy that helps cover what is most important to you. Like a good neighbour state arm, is their color gotta stay farm that candidate raise your state farm personal price plan prices very via state option, selected by customer availability and eligibility? Maybe,
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exceeding as something big and meaningful short answer? Probably not, but the more nuanced answer is the more that you do have in place. the higher your chances of actually doing the thing that you have potentially wanted to do or make happen or become maybe four months years. Your reality, even if it has never happened in the past after having tried many times. So why not put as much of this in place as you possibly and most of this isn't about money, it's not about buying or investing or anything. This is just about you sitting down going through all these different things. and actually doing some writing and talking to human beings and figuring out doing the internal work and the outreach before you actually make the commitment to do it. That will help ensure that you,
are capable of doing something that maybe you never thought you could do, and you never have been able to do in the past. This can change everything. That's why my feeling is the more you can do the better and at a minimum, make sure that you really at least focus on the first sex picture. Purpose plan possibility, proof and people right, because those are more sort of fundamental they're foundational and what we're talking about here. So I know this has been a lot but also mentioned that was going to give you access to a tool, a one page mine map, everything that I have just shared with you, the entire thing success scaffolding, eight peas, the sub elements that are important for each one of these things is all mapped out for you on a one page, visual mind map, so that you can then take that then take out your favorite,
Your favorite drawn all your favorite, whatever it is, and literally just go through the eight p he's writing down, planning doing your out rates to get in place, everything that you can get in place beforehand. The way that you get that many of you are probably on our email list, already yeah right of a weekly dispatch on the next one just keep your eye open, because we will have a link to the revised twenty twenty success. Scaffolding and that, as I mentioned earlier, is different than all the versions done. Some work and upgraded it if you're not on the email, by the way, just the if you just gotta, go project that come and sign of her lsd and welcome email. You will get, will have a link, to the mind map and you can download it and just check it out and use it anyway. You want to use it to really fire up here I am super excited. I'm super excited to look at your head. I'm
instead of what we have on top a good life project individually with our team with so many the different big things and meaningful things with big stakes, that whirling, looking making haven't and super excited to be a little even the smallest role and maybe helping give you some tools and ideas and processes that might help you for first time unlock a sense of possible betty and direction, and very specific actions to take so that you can step into this year and look at it, not as sort of another year where it's more of the same, but their year, where something you'd deeply want to happen actually happens. and you have an understanding of the process and the actions to take to make it real in your life and in the world. That would be incredible and
My greatest hope is that you move beyond just listening to this and actually start to engage in taking action. We will be back with an ex pi cast with one of our regularly scheduled conversations super excited to share. We have so many Annabelle guess lined up for you, I'm so excited to share and, as I mentioned, keep your eye out because for the next two weeks after this is well, we have two more deep diver emergence just with me the next one is all about the broader conversation of having a good life and some very specific ideas, a model and actions to take We get a look at my talent, a mind, body relationships and work, and then the final one after that will be a much more focused deep dive into what I call the contribution by and I'm gonna share, share a lot more about this prototypes and a whole bunch of
inside intel that we have seen unfold over last year since had been live in the world and some powerful new insights and applications. Schubert shouted to share all this with you We hope you get this new year off to a really powerful, liberating transformational, that's what you're! Looking for expansion and more than anything else. Just that allows you to step into our or continue to live, just a truly good life thanks. So much for training in I'm jonathan fields. Talking next time, Thank you so much for listening, and thanks also to our fantastic sponsors who helped make this show possible. You can check them out in the links we have included in today, show notes and while you're at it, if you ve ever ask yourself what should I do with my life? We have
it did a really cool online assessment that will help you discover the source code for the work that you're here to do. You can find it at sparc, a type dot com, that's s, p, a r K, e t, Y p e dot com or just click, the link the shutters and, of course, if you haven't already done so, be sure to click on the subscribe button in your listening app. So you never miss an episode and then share share the love. If there's something that you've heard in this episode, that you would love to turn into a conversation share it with people and have that conversation, because when De as become conversations that lead to action, that's when real change takes hold, see you next time. the.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-25.