« Good Life Project

The Truth About Manifesting | Science, Myths & Practical Steps - Summer Series Pt.1

2023-06-05 | 🔗

We've all experienced that magical feeling of something we've longed for becoming real - a creative project finally coming together, a new relationship blossoming, achieving a health goal we never thought possible.

But have you ever wondered how those seemingly "impossible" things actually happen? What mix of vision, persistence, luck and effort makes dreams into realities?

In this illuminating exploration, we aim at one of today's most controversial and widely discussed phenomena: manifestation and the law of attraction. You'll learn surprising historical roots that stretch back centuries across cultures. You'll discover real psychological and physiological mechanisms that play a crucial role - and what actual research says about goal achievement and motivation.

New possibilities emerge when we understand ourselves and the world more deeply. And through this wide-ranging yet practical discussion, you just may find a new way of thinking about - and actually making - the impossible possible in your own life.

You'll walk away with a modern, science-backed approach to visualization, goal-setting and psychological strategies that can truly transform your ability to pursue and achieve big dreams. Whether you're skeptical of "mumbo jumbo" concepts like manifestation or a firm believer in its power, you'll gain insights and tools to push past what once seemed impossible into powerful and purposeful action.

So join me as we uncover the stories, secrets and science behind how "impossible" dreams actually become our realities - through mixing vision and grit, determination and grace, science and spirit. Let's embark on a journey into the fascinating yet practical stories of how humans make the impossible possible.

If you LOVED this episode be sure to check out our entire Summer Series, which you can find easily organized as a Spotify playlist as they are released each week.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The very act of striving toward your goal, striving towards something you deeply want to make real in the world the growth that you experience along the way. That's where the real magic of this thing called manifestation lies hey there. So when you hear the word manifesting what exactly comes to mind so people often have one of two reactions: it's either a mystical path to conjuring every dream: every fantasy repossession, every relationship or accomplishment in the realm of imagination, a life of, less abundance at snap of a finger or the wish of a heart, or is it hullo, scam, some new age mumbo jumbo fairytale. That's not just a total, time, but also an utter distraction,
I'm doing the things that had actually led you to take the action toward your dreams. That would make it real Maybe it's even a potential source of damn blaming and shame so we exactly does the truth. Why who is right and whose role well it turns out. The answer lies somewhere in the middle, as often happens in life, and today we taking a journey into the soul of manifesting and also potentially the science of manifesting we're looking at the claims, the strategy he's the psychology, the rules, the steps and disclaimers. These uprising. History and sometimes conflicting uncontroversial science and we live in a place that, I think is going to surprise you no matter which so of the argument you started on, and finally,
going to leave you with a practical kind of modern day signs backed approach to this thing called manifesting or as them grounded practical set, are more likely to call it getting what you want or making what you dream of happening, actually happen. You we're going to want to listen to this one, maybe even a few times, and maybe grab your favorite journal or a note taking up and get ready to dive in and lasting before we do dive in two days episode. It's actually the first installed of our good life summer series every week this summer I will become a jew with either a solo, deep dive or with a specially selected experts, to explore one single topic that is central to our ability to live there, if we want to live and feel the way we dream of feeling, each one will be packed with eye opening insights and tons of practical actionable strategies and tips.
gonna want to miss a single one of these very special summer series episodes so take just two seconds right: and on whatever up your using before we do I then see don't forget and hit that little follow button. That way, you won't be left behind. As the good life summer series train leaves the station or miss out on a single potential life. Changing nugget, this he's gonna be away a lot of fun but deeply inspiring and wall to wall value. Ok now you're following along, let's time into today's first good Some are serious episodes on the truth, the science and the practice of manifesting. I'm Jonathan fields- and this is good life project-
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So the ten percent happier podcast has one guiding philosophy. Happiness is a skill that you can learn. So why not embrace it and it's hosted by dan Harris a journalist who has a panic attack on national television and then send out on this journey of transformation and he's now on a quest to help others also achieve peace and happiness, and every week Dan taught you top scientists meditation teachers. Even the odd celebrity in wide ranging conversations that explore topic, psych productivity, anxiety and lightness, psychedelic and relationships. The interviews cover everyone from bernay brown to cerebral less to sam Harrison more. I love learning from his questions and experiences and incredible guess think of listening to ten percent happier as a work out for your mind, fine ten percent happier where every listen to pot casts ok, so manifesting. It's this kind of age, old concept dating back centuries, maybe even longer threading through different culture.
a fascinating blend of psychology, metaphysics and spirituality and is often defined as bringing something tangible into your life through attraction. Unbelief, a profit set, transforms. Thoughts into reality, now manage the thing as much as it may sound this way actually isn't a new age concept. It really has been around for quite some time. It's roots. Can be traced back centuries, in fact, across various cultures and for last the fees, for instance, in eastern Since the buddhist concept of karma. Actually, embodies the principle of cause and effect. Every action has a consequence. This links closely to the idea of manifesting where our thoughts, beliefs and actions are believed. Shape our reality. I remember a number of years ago, actually studying tibetan buddhism and the
idea of a thought actually almost taking form not only affecting what takes form, but the thought itself taking form and then shaping what grows from it was a part of the com. station and the educational process into the west. Ancient greek philosophers like plato and our startled me discussed concepts like potentiality and actuality The transformation of the possible into the real this again, it's a bit of a precursor to the principles of manifestation where we seek to actual lies our desires and aspirations in the realm of spirituality, you find the concept mirrored in christian prayer practices where faith and deep belief are thought to bring about, divine intervention and this by the way, as across many different religious prayer practices in
certain indigenous traditions, the idea of calling in or singing up desired outcomes has been put this for generations and then moving even More recently in a little bit into the science side into the realm of psychology, car young, the swiss psychiatrist and cycle analysed, touched upon it concept known as synchronicity. This is the currents of meaningful coincidence. Is that, seem related but cannot be explained conventional mechanisms of causality, it's one of those. Things where we see it happening around us all the time. But when we look, to try and say well what was the cause and effect here? How can we trace back to some route thing? We can't easily do it, and yet we see it with our own eyes, while exactly manifesting in the with a lot of people use the word right now: it does share these parallels with the concept in terms of
recognising and aligning with meaningful patterns in our lives now modern day manifestation teachings like those found, for example, in the movie and book that became a huge, marshall phenomenon, the secret they tend to draw from metaphysical. Change of the early twentieth century, like those from the new thought movement, often propose that our thoughts have a certain magnetic quality, attracting what we think about which is often positioned, as this thing called the law of attraction, its based on the idea that, like attracts like, and it posits that positive thoughts, draw positive experiences, while negative thoughts bring about negative experiences. and it's a concept that has gathered a bit of a massive follow and certainly
world of means and videos, and proponents all over the internet, social media essay. We in more personal development, spiritually inclined self help, circles but It's also. An idea that warrants bit of a closer look at all so a more critical understanding so, first and foremost, while its true, that means a positive mindset can in fact help shape our experiences and reactions to events. It's also really important to note that not all experiences can be controlled or influence by our thoughts alone. Life is com, can the world is complicated and multi dimensional there Are things that we have control over and things that we don't? This goes back to the classic the remedy. Prayer right god grant me the serenity two x the things I cannot change.
the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. So many factors just lie beyond our control. Certain of illnesses, accidents, the actions of others, what look He is written into legal contracts as acts of god and so on. We have all just emerged from a number of years, where we had a certain amount of control over how safely b, but also no matter how much we thought ourselves well or we thought we want, a hundred percent immune and safe. We were necessarily they're, just things that lie outside of our realm of control, and these are not the product of our thoughts and its unfair and often on the help. To suggest that we ve attracted them, which leads to a second issue.
the law of attraction, really lacks substantial if any scientific backing. So in my, If you're going to call something, not a theory but right, whether a a law of physics alot of mathematics, it needs to be back. By a meaningful level of objective reviewed, vetted proof or science in this case that simply does not. best. Do you got an idea? You got a theory. You got a bunch of personal stories but there is no objective body of evidence. tries to have any kind of review or peer review process that tries to have any sort of double blind, controlled process, try to remove bias from the experience there's literally nothing objective on the scientific level that supports the idea and in fact, the very opposite
may well be true in nature, for example, in the case the very electromagnetic fields generated by the brain that we gov when we talk about thought, the one that are said to attract like into your orbit. Signs actually tells us that likes actually Natalie don't attract, but they repel each other opposites in fact attract. So if there are signs, a problem, He speaks to the exact opposite phenomenon, and that brings us to another issue here, and this is really about the idea of how we handle the fact that certain things just are outside of our control. If we are Working on the assumption that our thoughts manifest everything and this the idea of the potential for victim blame me. If we strictly it,
to this thing that people describe as the law of attraction it can end up imply that those who experience misfortune have simply not a thought, positively enough. This is not only factually incorrect, but it's also it's a deeply damaging, hurtful and harmful perspective. sure. There are many things that we have control over and in fact there are many things in our lives. We thought that we didn't have control over. That, in fact, were starting learn through science. We do mental health and physical health, We're starting to realise are so much more connected. We know in fact, certain things. Certain illnesses, certain inflammation, certain risks manifest in our body as potential pain or illness. They are connected to a state of mind to high levels of sustained stress that then have a biochemical react and in our body both an electrical and camel
reaction in our body that create a state of origin patient information that can be to pain or illness. So we do know that certain things, are more in our control than we once believed, but that doesn't chain. the fact that there are still a universe of things that simply are not people do not attract tragedies or many types of hardships due to negative thinking real if problems, require real life solutions and support, not just positive thoughts and not just the potential for shaming and blaming when things in that we legitimately do not have control over forth the law of nature, and can also promote unrealistic expectations and quick fixes. The idea that You can manifest your dream. Just by thinking about them is not only misleading, but
can also lead to significant disappointment and a sense of failure, especially an adopted, unsuccessfully after assume of challenges or setbacks or other moments of hardship in your life. Were you already be feeling like you're a bit burned overwhelmed and fragile, and that can pile fur victim, blaming and shame and futility onto an already uncomfortable or fragile state go and aspirations they require, actionable steps, hard work perseverance, grit and sometimes a bit of good luck. It's important that the most accomplished people I've ever met actually readily admit that they are not fully in control of the outcomes they seem to have so powerfully brought to bear the knowledge the fact that work and effort and visionary is a part of it and
they also readily acknowledge the fact that luck and timing and fortune is a part as well, and if at the more complex the people, I've had this conversation with the more likely they are to acknowledge the fact that fortune plays a role in outcomes last idea here on the notion: this thing called the law of attraction, which is that it can in inverting promote form of avoidance. denial also. Sometimes known as spiritual, bypassing happens when individuals use spirituality or positive thinking. To avoid dealing with painful dealings with unresolved wounds, with real personal and interpol, and social issues and fundamental emotional and psychological needs of addressing problems directly, what they're just kind of brushed
under the carpet in the name of positivity. or some sort of defined spiritual. solution which and necessarily healthy or productive in reality and in the long run now Does this mean that the law of action doesn't have any value at all. Why not early, and that's not what I'm saying the underlying emphasis on poverty. heavily on aspiration and self believe can indeed be powerful tools for change. However, these fools, they ve gotta be grounded in reality, balanced a genuine understanding of the complexities of life and complemented with purposeful act
manifestation. It's not a magic wand, but rather a process of alignment of introspection and tangible efforts toward achieving your desired outcome. The idea of transforming thoughts into reality, it's not about merely wishing for something and expecting it to materialise. It's a process that requires self awareness, yes, belief, but also action and patience and planning and a whole bunch of things. So, let's consider an example. Imagine you aspire to become a successful writer author novelist well in the ahmed manifesting this process ass would begin by clearly defining your goal. Publishing a book called gaining a belief in your ability to achieve this goal and visualizing the outcome, see your book on the store shelf or better, yet on maybe a best seller was as if it's already happened, but that's just the beginning
You need a then take concrete steps towards this. Holding your writing skills, drafting the novel seeking feedback revived. in editing finding a publisher going through the age same process mark in it when you actually get that deal and bring it to work going through so many rounds? I have done this many times over now as an author I can tell you simply wanting to have another book having out in the world and having it do well, is not just a matter of envisioning at all, as having happened before and being clear about what that looks like throughout the EU as there will be challenges and setbacks. Requiring resilience and adaptability, and you ve got to be all in on being present in that not just wishing way through to manifestation it's not about bypassing these challenges, but about maintaining focus and belief and commitment to your goal in the face of adversity, its
aligning your actions and mindset with your goal. Persevering. That's when the so called magic of manifesting happens. It's not some kind of cosmic atm manifested It is about a whining your thoughts, actions and emotions toward your desires. It's not simply wishful thinking. It involves diligent effort. So when we talk about manifesting, it's a rich tapestry of print Both in practice is a concept deeply rooted in human history and a process that integrates our thoughts motion actions and beliefs, might be wondering behind and the law of attraction. What does actual peer reviewed, publish, science, say This thing called manifesting which, by the way known by many other names in the halls of academia. Well, one way to understand it- is by looking at a classic phenomenon that we know as the placebo effect, which is this
Amazing demonstration of how our beliefs influence our comes in fact, even potentially influence. Our physiology, not some almost logical like attract like phenomenon, but through practical proven science. So picture this year in a medical study, given a sugar pill instead of a medication, but your toes, it is a ground breaking drug, or at least that you have a fifty fifty chance of it being that ground breaking drug, miraculously your health improves. Why? Because you believed edward, This is a real world phenomenon and it has been studied extensively, proving the power of belief, if they can literally affect our physiological state again, through magic, through measurable mechanisms, positive
thinking and self efficacy or the belief in one's capacity to succeed also have substantial scientific backing, so doktor martin seligman, whose also often known as the father of positive psychology has conducted research on what he called learned optimism and found that a positive outlook could lead to improved health and success and there has been a lot of lily decades of additional work in the field of positive psychology. Now that has all sorts of different takes that support the link between positive mindset and we're not talking about deliriously, positive mindset or delusional deposit mindset. But things like being com being peaceful, being grateful being kind being hoped for on being optimistic, these can, in fact lead to really improve outcomes from everything from health to manifest out
relationships and work and albert Pandora's work on self? efficacy also supports is demonstrating how our belief in Our abilities can influence our performance all setting theory offered by doktor, Edmund, lock and doktor. Gary lay them, sir too, real leaders in the field of research around actually achieving big things that you want to make happen also does align closely with certain concepts in manifesting without having to rely on metaphysics there research shows that setting specific challenging goals leads to higher performance, and this process bears resemblance in certain ways to manifesting where you select clean. Intentions and work towards achieving them. So it's tell that little bit more, because I think it's really important to understand what we're talking with their methodology, which is about the club
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your seventy five dollar credit now at indeed, dot com, slash good life, indeed, dot, com, slush, good life terms and conditions apply need to hire you need, indeed, Now smart is actually an acronym. That stands for s is for specific m is measurable a is for achievable are as for relevant and tea is, for time bound and these principles they can be applied in a variety of contexts to enhance our ability to achieve the things we want to achieve in the world. So first let's look at the idea of specificity them, more specific you are about what you want to achieve, the here. It is too, then plan actionable steps towards that goal. specific. It activate a part of our brain, known as ridiculous, activating system or rise for shorthand, which then helps us
this our attention on the info, asian relevant to our goal and the rest it acts as a sort of her a filter for the massive amount of information we process daily, helping us direct where resources effectively and what's interesting, is this process can be conscious process of really filtering and guessing and directing. It's also to a certain extent unconscious. When we get very specific with the outcome that we want There is a certain less conscious script that also start running in our brain. That starts not just quote a near by like attracting like, but what it's actually doing is it is figuring out. What is the process? what are the action steps that need to be taken for me, too from where I am to the desired outcome, so after ass right that specific
we had the emperor measure, ability and measure. Billy is another really important aspect. When goals are measurable, it's easier to track progress and adjust strategies as needed, and this ties into self advocacy theory proposed by albert Andorra so occur, tibetan dora tracking. Our success actually enhance our belief in our ability to achieve future goals, reading this positive feedback loop that can lie to even more success rate. So when we actually have a way to measure and abuse actively note our progress, its yours as evidence. It serves as proof that we are moving forward towards it. Your brain has this thing called the negativity buys which tends to fall to the negative to what is impossible to what we haven't accomplished, and having measurable things, measurable progress that is trapped.
An objective way it serves evidence as proof to counter that negativity, bias and them straight to us that this thing actually just maybe possible and the closer we get the more proof that we accumulate, progress we make them, or the brain start to believe it's possible and the more invested it becomes and the harder we work to make it happen. To measure ability and tracking is really important, that that brings us to the end. The ets The bull aspect of smart goals, which is also really important- and that is This idea that goals that are so overly ambitious that day literally, are while moon shots that are almost entirely possible to achieve. They can seem daunting and out of reach and what that as is it has a fascinating effect on our psychology. It actually dig This is the motivation needed for action taking setting achieve
If a ball goes, on the other hand, even if their moonshot goals, but on some level, there's something in you that says this: the person ditches well, maybe really low there's something in my mind that does truly believe that it is, symbol of being accomplished achieve so achievable calls, even if their moonshine achievable pause helps mean, in motivation. Achieving these goals can then build confidence and momentum to its the larger aspiration. So it's almost like you can step ladder the goals into bigger and bigger goals in the proof that you done the one or the step that comes before it, sir Yours as motivation to then start to believe that you can achieve things that made me before that. He thought weren't achievable it's, this tumbling cascade of knocking if achievable, goal set. Let you said the next:
goal as something that is more aggressive or more desirable harder to achieve, but in your brain now believes that its achievable because you ve seen what your capable and that brings us to the hour for relevance. Relevance is really important, so all or desired outcome, a thing. You want a manifesto thing. You want to make real in your will your world, your life, it it's too also a line your values and larger life objectives with who you are and what matters to you. The desired outcome when a dream is per, really meaningful and relevant you're, actually much more likely to be intrinsically motivated to do the work necessary to achieve it. it's that intrinsic motivation according to self determination, theory developed by jesse and ryan. It's a powerful driver for quality, dream outcomes for making those big things happen, as it
driven by internal satisfy action rather than externally rewards- and we through research now that the old school, idea of external rewards, the classic carrot and stick they just don't work. Well, least they just don't worked, pass anything really modest or minor, or that long term and sustained. We need to be driven by something intrinsic by a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, That is where relevance. It has to be a person relevant to you your values to the way you see the world through what you hold important for to be intrinsically motivated to make it happen, and last that brings us to the tea in smart, which is time bound, in time. That is about giving you a clear deadline for this to happen- a greater sense of earth see that can spur action. We know that parkinson's law states that
work expands so as to fill the time available for its fleet in and by setting a time limit. What you're effectively doing is europe voting the tasks, the processes, the action steps, the things you need to do to make it happen from dragging out indefinitely maintaining a focus on actually efficiency, and I think we have all lived experience at parkinson's law thing. Men times over. If I'm working on a book, for example, have often told this to my agent or to the editor that I've been working with, because once we celebre one of the first questions at comes up is how long do need to do this? How long till you can get me a manuscript. Sweden get it into production and it's funny, because I often think in my mind well to be honest with you I could write this in six months or I could write it in two years,
and the window that we allow forward. I will basically take as long as short to do it as the window that we have designated for its completion. This happens in almost everything that we do in life. So that idea, of greeting things at her time bound. It creates a certain tension to drive towards completion that actually makes big things happen, beyond the smart framework on the science of goal, achievement or dream outcomes or making big things happen there or other research back strategies worth mentioning so one. Concept is something that is often called implementation intentions, a term coined by psychologist Peter gollwitzer. this involves creating a sort of a specific plan. For one where and how you'll work toward your goal, which can significantly increase the chances of success.
And then there's another concept in the literature that often known as mental contracting developed by sex just gabriele Newton and this energy, it involves visualizing your go, your desired outcome, just like often happens in manifesting, and then and- and this is where differs wildly from the more metaphysical instructions and manifesting contrasting it intentionally contracting it with the potential obstacles that may up and end up standing in your way the process, it not only maintains the motivational benefits of positive visualization, but it also prepares you to face potential challenges. making your goal pursued more realistic and effective, and all these principles and strategies they underscore kind of one big fundamental truth-
and that is that effective goal setting an achievement or manifesting. If you prefer that language it's not about, wishful thinking or even imagining the thing s done or sheer luck. It's without intentional planning, it's about thoughtful execution realistic expectations and, above all, a deep understand. in of yourself, about aligning your goals, with your abilities, with your interests and values and taking consistent action toward their achievement. Not my friends is where the true power of manifestation lies, so just for fun. Let's turn to some practical applications of a more science based approach to manifesting, maybe some different contexts emerge,
let's say, for example, your striving for a promotion at work. You wanna manifest a promotion at work. How do you manifest that? Well, it starts with setting a clear intention with say to become a team leader within the next year. You visualize. What achieving this goal would look like and feel like and then you develop a concrete action plan And this can involve improving leadership skills, networking with influential people demonstrating your value to the organization. So many different things are a lot of work We also need to be turned things that you need a sort of put into motion. You affirm your abilities daily, fostering a positive mindset. And consistently work towards that goal, and it's the not just visualizing and seeing it as actually having happened. That makes it happen. Is then the planning is the action taking its the deep can
and with your mindset and understanding why this matters wyatt meaningful relevant to end the consistent daily action that actually makes it. Manifest in the world, hopefully within that one year time for that you're looking at so what about? Maybe something in personal life man. Fasting could potentially help you achieve a healthier work, life and or balance or cultivate self love, perhaps you aim to set aside thirty. It's a day for self care activities and picture? How this would look and create an action plan based on that waking up an hour earlier or thirty minutes earlier for yoke or meditation or reading before Doing all these different things. I mean the checklist a possible things that you could do to actually improve the balance cultivate a better sense of self appreciation, self gratitude and self love is endless,
Our job is not just to visualize ourselves. Having offend stick blend between work and life and just absolutely embracing who we are and accepting ourselves or who we are but act we visualize ourselves doing the work that requires us not just seeing the end and trusting that these steps will magically appear along the way, but investing effort in understanding what those steps are and then doing. The work to move through each one of them to make them happy. So each day you remind yourself of the importance of these things and take the steps towards the goal: socially? Maybe you have a an outcome that you want. Maybe it's about improving relationships or growing your circle- Visualize herself and enriching social interactions, you're doing it you're having fantastic, relations, you have a deep connection, with a partner or a group of friends or colleagues.
But you see yourself there, maybe aiming to deepen the connections with friends. Your action plan then cause we need move it there might involve. geller chickens planning get together and opening up more time, I'm an experiences in vain sitting in understanding how to develop friendships, a process of mobility and progressive revelation to get you to go closer and deeper with people and you affair, your ability to build these, deeper stronger relationships, make the necessary efforts, not just by seeing yourself as having that been accomplished, but by taking the steps that will make that real That leisure, are you manifesting more times for hobbes or recreational activities, picture yourself immersed in these activities, then don't just hope and wish that It will magically appear plan accordingly may be setting aside sunday afternoons for painting or trekking or
making or cycling or playing locally with friends a firm, your can it meant to spending time on what brings you joy and act upon it? Be health is an area where you really want a manifest different outcomes in your life. You might want to lead with a healthier lifestyle visualize, your healthier self. Yes, then me, The goal is to reduce stress or become more fit. Your action plan could, in While the daily exercise, a balanced diet, regular meditation, all the different things, You find the resources, the places that will make it easier for you, and then you remove obstacles to doing it and you that your capacity to improve health and follow your plan diligently as possible you may have financial goals for these things may have any sort of other relationship type of goals there are so many different potential domains that be Ideas did really take root in your life
the idea is to move beyond serve the more classical metaphysical approach and actually accept the fact that there is It's a well developed science of setting desired outcome, and then creating action plans and steps to make them happen. So, let's tied altogether. How do you manifest effectively aligning with proven science and strategies. Well, you could start setting, clear, smart goals, write, specific measurable, achievable, relevant and time down, and that helps focus your genes and gives you a road map to follow. And visualization can be a powerful. tool when used correctly research shows that athletes, for example, who visualize the performance beforehand, tend to do better I was a gymnast as a kid. I was competitive gymnast for about the first eighteen years of my life and I trained here round, and
There is only a certain amount of training that my body could take, because it is a sport is really hard on your body But I knew something- and this was years before a lot of the research on visualization working with mere neurons in your brain to effectively help you. brain trained to do the exact same thing physically that you'd be doing it was before A lot of this research was out there, but something in me Ashley said if I visualize by of doing my routines perfect way, then I have a better shot of when I go up and my hands touch. Those parallel bars actually doing it, but it was. And just that it was also mean visualizing the training process, research shows us at least who visualize opponents beforehand tend to do better, but in number it's not just. Visualizing or imagining the end goal as if it has been achieved already, but all
visualizing and picturing the steps that you will take to get there and then seeing you taking those steps, This is where things can also go a little bit off the rails with the modern day version of manifesting me: less science based approach because a corner, It's one of many manifesting ideologies is the instruction to visualize what you want, as if it's already happened in this practice, is often lauded as a key step in the press, As of manifestation and its base on the belief that visualizing and goals, as already achieved, helps attract these desired outcomes into your life. And in fact visualizing obstacles would attract obstacles and your life, according to this theory, will start with- why this technique is so calmly recommended the principle behind it. That by visualizing your goals, as already being achieved your aligning our thoughts and feelings with the experiences of success and this
turn, is supposed to help you a track. This success into reality, and this practice can have some benefits. Firstly, it can help foster a positive success. Oriented mindset by visualizing your goal as achieved your affirming to yourself that your goal as possible, which can boost self confidence and motivation and vivid visualization can also potentially stimulate the same neural networks that actually task performance. Would as research has shown us in the field of sports, ology and, as I just showed in the way that I used to do this This mental rehearsal has been shown to enhance performance in athletes supporting the other visualizing success can have practical benefits, but it's real Important to note some caviars about asked relying on visualizing yourself at the dream outcome it can have negative.
It's too so one issue arises when visualizing becomes a form of escapism taken up is of necessary action. It at the very act of visualization. We visualizing yourself at the dream outcome visualizing that outcome. Having already happened, it can feel so rewarding to us that it tricks, the brain into thinking that you have already achieved your goal and actually we the motivation to do the work necessary to make it happen, has been demonstrated and research suggested again I am and will use Gabrielle Gyn, who I am and earlier, in the day, to that visualizing the outcome, without considering the steps hard to get there, can lead to unrealistic expectations and increase. The life heard of potential disappointment, vision, position should be balanced with a clear understanding
of the necessary efforts and potential obstacles, and that brings us to the notion of art visualizing obstacles, which is often a big part of and the fasting ideology only about the dream outcome, as if it's already appeared, do not think about any, but that especially, do not think about obstacles barrier, adversely along the way, because, if like attracts like than you are that into the process- and you will not achieve what you want to achieve, that, the sign shows the exact opposite pre thinking about what Angel obstacles might arise, this literally visualizing them imagining them and then pre planning how you will respond, if
when they do arise actually meaningfully increases the likelihood of you hitting that big outcome that you really want to achieve not diminishes it to the exact opposite. True, and we have science to support that Finally, there is a risk of what psychologists sometimes call illusory relation. When we talk about visualization, where we start to a tribute any success, that we achieve to our visualization practice dismissing the role of effort opportunity and sometimes just pure luck so is visualizing that dream outcome that gold. I think that you want to manifest as already achieved. Nothing Sorry for manifestation, well, the edge of kind of new visualization can be a powerful tool when used correctly. But it's not a magical solution,
it definitely shouldn't replace concrete action and realistic planning and It also should focus as much on visualizing the process and the action steps that it will take to get there and thinking about potential obstacles and things that might drop into your path and pre planning the action steps that you will take. If and when that does happen, which will make you more likely to then take those steps and work through them so that you can it recall. So if you find visualization helpful by all means continue. The practice but remembered estate grounded in reality acknowledge the role of effort visualize, not just the outcome. Trusting the steps will match we appear but do the work to understand and then visualize yourself actually doing the things needed to get to your desired outcome and be prepared. these challenges along the way plan for them so not easily derailed. If and when they happen, researched
as I said, acknowledging these challenges doesn't attract them into your orbit and make you less likely to get what you want. It gives you the ability to pre plan your workarounds and if you even more likely to succeed. The other It's supported by new. So it's that time of the year, where a lot of oak start to think about their fitness schools getting their bodies moving myself included. I actually recently started playing a lot more attention to how I was fuelling my body and also really came to realize that I was carrying a lot of information in my body and potential disease risk in the form of weight. So I wanted and intelligent and sustainable and supportive way to increase my health, lose the widen inflammation and just feel
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instilling resilience, building practices into the pursuit, If something big that you really want to happen is well things mindfulness and meditation can play a vital role and manifested they help. You stay here. Founded, reduce stress and maintain your. focus on the outcome Help enable you to get out of tune in to your thoughts and feelings. Fostering your self awareness and understanding along the way Research has shown that mindfulness can reduce anxiety and depression, improve attention and eat enhance performance, These are all things that we want to cultivate and, speaking of cultivating cultivating a growth I said, is another skill of mind that can be a great adjunct to the pursuit of manifesting, something big it's about viewing challenges as opportunities, seeing effort as a path to Competence and achievement and learning from feedback rather,
just assuming that, were we ve either. talent or we don't we are. There- are either capable of some big or not, and then shutting down if it doesn't come easily doktor carol, To axe research shows that people with growth mindsets tend to achieve more because it s very less about it. smart and put more energy into learning embrace stumbles, embrace the adversity grace the failures and grow from them, knowing that they are simply a part of the process. There, sir being stones toward your success so Twenty, maybe think. Well, that's all Belinda Jonathan, but what are the actual next steps? So, let's dive in do it anymore, gradual away and take a moment to really reflect on what is that you actually want to manifest in your life as your listening to this. What do you actually to make real in your life. What have we been dreaming about our thinking about? If this could happen? That would be amazing, set your intent
in creative visualization that resonate with you and then start devising action plan, and each day we made time to focus on the go too far, abilities and the steps are taken towards the goals state, mindful of progress, and if you fight, yourself straying from the path gently guide yourself that remember really not about perfection. It's about progression practice. Patients, And celebrate small winds along the way journey towards manifestation. It's just that a journey, it's not about instant gratification, but gradual growth. Every line victory. Every little step forward is bringing you closer to our goal so blessed sort of leave this by distilling it all into a seven step. More science back process for manifestation will be. yet altogether now rat up in the bow based on our understanding of the science behind manifestation and goal attainment here.
Are some specific steps and recommendations for a science backed sound approach to manifesting first clearly define what the outcome is that you want to make up and make it specific measures. Apple achievable, relevant and time bound, remember the more size, your goal or your outcome? The dream that you want to make happen the easier it will to devise a plan of action to second in a process of self reflection. Understand your. Why your Innovations, your strengths and potential challenges. This is critically import instead in aligning your goal with your personal values and abilities. Me it relevant and residence so that if and when, stumbles or adversity or hardship or delays, come you will understand why it still matters that much to you and you will stay in the process and continue to take action.
Third visualize, that outcome, but don't just visualize the outcome as if it's done and stop their visualize the process to them. Imagine the steps that you need to take the actions required and the challenges you might face. Visualization can be a powerful motivational tool, but should be balanced, with a healthy dose of realism. So very lies yes, but, as we ve talked about not just the outcome but process as well. This is called pro says simulation. and research tells us that those actually visualize process, not just outcomes, are more likely to get what they want, not less, even if that process includes potential obstacles. Fourth, step creed and action plan. Based on the concept of implementation, intentions takes it Do the research have the conversations too
as much as you can devise a detailed plan of when, where and how you will work toward your goal, anticipate potential obstacles and come up the strategies to overcome them in advance. so that you are not bowled over by them. If and when they happen, you already know how you're goin to move through them. Fifth track. Your progress, measuring that progress can enhance self efficacy motivation and keep you fiercely accountant. to the thing that you want to make real and settled, celebrate those small victories along the way. Each step foe no matter how small is a step closer to that dream out and the only way that you know that you are taking steps forward is, if you measure and track six foster. A growth mindset understand that setbacks are just a part of the journey and an opportunity
for growth, everybody is going to stumble along the way everybody will hit obstacles. Everybody will face adversity. That doesn't mean you ve just hit the end of your kids Quality, what that means is its time to learn to grow, to rethink, to create workarounds. This is an opportunity to Actually re. Imagine and learn and not only achieved the outcome, but all ro as a human being along the way which we are all capable of and seven engage in consistent mind supporting practices mine from this is a great one. It is a centrepiece in mind and also a core element, in the scaffolding that lets me devote myself to big important dream outcomes. My from this and help you stay focused on your goal. It can help, things idea along the way, foster self awareness so you're being more true.
a more honest about where you are, where you not what's really happening around you and how you might respond in a constructive, supportive progress, ended way, rather than get shut down or real to a delusional, less self aware, false assessment of what's happening both within and outside of you all of what can really aid in this process of manifestation and cultivate. The p and maintain a positive. attitude remember manifesting it's not about instant gratification. It is a process of self growth, and gradual change to this, This is your journey and each person's assets will look a little bit different. you step into this place of more modern day signs backed approached manifestation and achieving or attaining or making real big things behind herself Trust in your abilities and remember that the very
act of striving toward your goal, striving towards something you deeply want to make real in the world the growth you experience along the way that where the real magic of this thing called manifestation lies. As we wrap up this deep dive into manifesting, LP now see it not as some hard to undressed. and a hard to believe mystical forest, but as really An amalgamation of practical tools draw. upon peer, reviewed science that you can use to shape your life. It's not just bringing what you want into your life through wish, but about becoming, Person who is ready to receive it and doing the work to make it happen. They require self growth, resilience. Patient, action, it's about aligning your actions with your desires and indeed So creating aspects of it if that truly reflect, who you are, how you want to be and how you want to feel
to go out there, set your goals, visualize success. Take the steps start manifesting the life. You really want Thank you so much for joint me on this journey into the truth. the size, the ideas, the history. This and the facts around the same become manifesting. And if you have Value in this episode, please be sure to follow good life project tiger, so you do not miss any of the coming summer, series episodes some sola ones where we dive deepen two topics like this then some conversational ones, but again in a very, very topic, focused and actionable way. Thanks so much,
the The.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-17.