« The Glenn Beck Program

Zero Evidence the Hunter Biden Scandal Is Russian Propaganda | 10/19/20

2020-10-19 | 🔗

A coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer may be released soon. Joe Biden’s teleprompter was bigger than his crowd this weekend. Do Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and MSNBC care about lying to you any more? Stu breaks down his Electoral College chalkboard’s disturbing prediction for Trump supporters. The Biden campaign warns that the polls are closer than they seem, and Glenn hears from female secret Trump supporters. Jason Buttrill joins with the latest on Hunter Biden’s hard drive and email scandal and argues it’s really all about Joe Biden’s corruption. The director of national intelligence refuted Rep. Adam Schiff’s angle that the story is Russian propaganda. Does it pay to be honest any more? You don’t want to play on the Left’s team.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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program. All right, I don't know about you, but whenever I listen to anything with wireless earbuds, so you know podcast, music. Whatever I want the full sound I want there. I want them to feel comfortable, but I want the base to be there and I want to be able to top as I'm damn near death. Nobody knew where the ear buds they started first started shown up on their market. Apple was the go to and they are a little bit pricing. A switch If you have children who see to lose them all the time- or if you're just gonna wearing them and they always fall out. I like to wear them at night and they are so uncomfortable. You lay on one of those this man and it's like a its staff, being pain through the head. I wireless ear. Buds now from re con, you put him against, any competitor on the market. They are half the price of the
apple airports, and they are really really good. Re cons, newest model, the everyday e twenty five year buds, though the better they put out six hours of playing time. Seamless, Bluetooth, pairing more base compact design gives you a nice noise isolating fit one size fits all fitting system. Now for a limited time, you get fifteen percent off your order. Just go to buy A con com, slash back by Khan dot com, slash back so Stew, ESA chalkboard up and I wanted to bring Patty and because I feel like I feel like I did when I was ten and my mom said- to go to the basement, to get some beans and yet run across and it was start somebody where the idea you say how do you know that I'm just gonna whistle all the way that chalkboard, to get to that here in just a second. But let me give you some good NEWS here Pfizer The vaccine is rolling off the hook.
Line right now they have a hundred million doses ready by the end of the year. They told their. to the daily mail, of course Of course, the Manhattan Base Company tells the London Daily mail because nobody here seems to be interested in the news, but it looks like spit, may be Pfizer, who is our winner, and it is its hitting on all cylinders. So far, four million doses by the end of the year. That is great progress. In speaking of progress Consumers are spending at a much faster pace than expected in September retail sales rising one point: nine percent That means that you, the the it is still. The biggest driver of the economy is healthy. They expected
an increase of point, seven percent up from point six percent in August they didn't get point. Seven, they got one point, nine so that is really good news. The economy is starting to come back. it's a mortgage news. The campaign for Joe Biden has sounded the alarm the alarm in an internal memo, warns, the race is far closer than the polls show. This is again and according to a campaign memo from the binding campaign now, I think it is a lot closer, but it is really really close the Great news is- is that Joe Biden, the crowds Joe Biden is gathering is his teleprompter. Is bigger than the crowd
you'll have three teleprompters there. I don't know if he needs all three cuz, there's usually only about two people there. I don't know if you saw the small crowd in Detroit, but also a really small crowd. In Arizona so much so that the rapporteur was like this isn't really like a campaign rally that I've ever seen before theirs. no signs You know no protesters, snow vans, Cove, it is it's a cobra capering signs to rallies and end in covert times. Some more. Some more good NEWS, Michigan Court of Appeals has rejected the fourteen day ballot extension now. We just dabble into the bad news. Get you ready for this was not like just a shock jumping into the stupid rule. Oh my and bear told me there is a new report out that finds a string of ballot mishaps
Confirming now fears of large scale mail Voting fraud or problems we rode a story at the blaze, ballots stolen from male boxes and discarded on roadsides in Washington and then another story that was about the ballots. That they ve they ve doubled up the ballots and there as a problem with the secondary group of balance that went out looks like people got two ballots when they request did only one, that's, That's all you're allowed to request rang right. That's you know, hey. Why quibble? very little details, so we We said that it was the additional about. I'm sorry, we said double the ballots. you know in the stay blah blah blah Karen, exact headline, but we we put
we we left out. The word absentee, I think, was the word. Facebook locked us out. That's it Facebook Twitter, one of the two locked us out, because of that one word missing in the headline that one. missing in the headline they locked us out. Our account we changed until we changed quote the story. Because of the story, the story was absolutely accurate. We live doubt one word in the headline now. I dont know if you ve noticed, but sometimes in this was just my mistake. that word out that wasn't the intend. It was just a good headline that wasn't the attend. The intent was to show what was really going on in the story it talks about in the story. It talks about it, but it went when one is. Anyone had a problem on misleading headlines on another view, but they'll they'll say things like own name.
pictures of the most beautiful people on the planet and you go and it's like math. I want to put the naked beautiful women that where I was proud I mean with since, when now That being said, a couple of other pieces of news for you for since I dont know if the AP was locked out of there There are social media this weekend, but conservative staging a free speech rally attacked by critics, critics rate. Where wasn't really what really it was critics they do in the story say than anti fascist protester. Why getting closer, I dont, know, you can't say Antigua but apparently I can't, if you're the Associated Press, your just stay critic.
I would like to call you criminal. They, the bus the teeth out of a guy, don't love you saw, it was really well really bloody bloody event they are absent. least serious about the things that they are, that the letter coming that they say. are coming in fact, Here's one quote this is one quote from people who are planning on leave New York City, leaving the luxury buildings on the West side and trying to get. Out of the city. They say they feel trapped in their apartment and the protest are now beginning to be feel overwhelming and so people are leaving and say. If Trump wins, it's gonna be a disaster. The city. It's gonna be on fire and people are gonna, go nuts. So now they're, just starting from New York police are starting to.
Plan for mass riots and looting and fires, its whether he wins or not, it is coming because the Democrats may he'd baked in a a problem that is why in dark- and I see a winner- we're gonna call it are we gonna call still will call we're gonna call US states if it's not close right Yet we do that every election media aerial everyone we make our calls- I mean I've seen- are not official there at the states are not held. Two are our calls right, but we do that to try to keep everybody informed of what the actual state of the resale right it's going to be. Very, very you know it's gonna be hard to watch as an american citizen, because, if you're watching on regular tv, they're not gonna call anything I can certainly very hesitant, and so we in a week we'll be telling you the truth on election night with our coverage on blaze, tv and it's good be a hard hard night. It may be a hard couple of months
If it is as close as it could be, After all the rules of the different states. There's like twenty different state deadlines as to win. male in values can be counted when can be released how long after the election, in some cases, they can be accepted. There's so much difference, tendered Michigan its fourteen day. Now they just over twenty three legged. I did it all over the weekend or are they just changed it to the election night? Let me look, let me look at its own. Correlating is rejected the fourteen day ballot extension. They added a new balance, must arrive by election day to be counted now, they're not done with it it's a court of appeal, soda, probably go to the Supreme Court might in, and I don't love you saw what the did. You see the Whittemore interview in a with meat, the press this weekend. I heard some of the home my Gaza of eight was veto care about lying. They don't about like base? Is she said this?
just a partisan vote, no wasn't all all of the judges agreed they just didn't agreed on what to do about it, but they all agreed. She didn't have the power to do it all of them. Even the Democrats, but the Democrats did greed with what the Republican said. The final verdict should be on what to do about it. The Democrats, said: leave it to lower courts. We shouldn't get involved, doesn't makes and to me, but and then Choctaws got on and said, and there was no there. They didn't even site a single law or a single case, they quoted sixty sixty there. Two cases per page in the in the final in the final judgment that mean they join. Don't care about fact. Omar so pat earth. Do take us to your chalkboard here, Trump Verses Biden,
you're so there's couple weeks, left lots of things can change and would you this and we keep it up dated basically every day as the Poles change and move people around from categories. We have of the solid Democrat, solid Republicans up there so kind of coming in on the getting moon had any disagreements with what we haven't solid, which like stuff like California, like we were pretty sure, that's really go to the Democrats Hawaii. so a hundred Illinois road? I am now that's a likely so vile solid is not on the board disaster there so obvious. We don't even put him up. There has been a habit of reverting. Eighteen sixty three Biden comes in with a lead on obvious states, one hundred and sixty three on that's largely because of California, so they I so that's every election every election year, one eighteen, sixty three is a normal starting point for this then like Lieber Democrats, I mean to tell me if you don't you disagree with that, it is ill and I Connecticut Rhode, Island main or again Newman
the Co Washington Virginia New Jersey, Colorado in Colorado sometimes was considered a c a swing state a little bit, but really not there's another that would have action Virginia the only other one, possibly the Smithsonian. Well yeah there's been some close elections there, statewide even in the past and relatively recent past, but also The poles are showing double digit leads for any Clinton machine. Now the suburb of Washington DC right in your life. Republicans, certainly when I disagree with ease and think Utah Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indiana in Alaska, but you know Alaska both or have little stories in Vienna was won by Obama. One time two thousand eight Alaska has a relatively competitive Senate race. There's some polling showing that state is a little bit closer than a normally would be, but that's the forty four Trump Alaska we give you
back to Russia. If you lose an independent lean Democrats, so this is this is an interesting part of this new New Hampshire Nevada. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan Pennsylvania now, you'll know three states in there that trump one two thousand sixteen Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania. he's. He needs to obviously come into this category. A little bit start winning on leaner. Book, sixty six electoral votes as Well Montana, Missouri, South Carolina, Iowa and Texas cables. Texas is not just one hour solids. That's what those things like! There's a tier of states where, like Republicans, win Texas in Georgia, every single time, the polling right now show that all close, I can't imagine they're, not gonna win Texas, I you know in the end and then toss of say Ohio, which is a classic toss of state, but was one pretty easily by truck the two thousand sixteen there's couple congressional districts and in Nebraska and main then you have North Carolina would
another state, it's been a really close in his best purple as it can be. Georgia is in the top right now I mean honestly, like you could make an argument. Then It is, as toss of a startup can be in Arizona as Oh now, Arizona state that looked to be trending read as right now Biden, is leading the poles there in I mean try, and when that I was one of those that was one of those cities where the reporter was outside and inside go there's been a year whose nobody here I mean you know it just it. It doesn't make sense to me that they're not even it's not even a a normal. You know crowd draw for for him. There seems to be no moment no element of no document on any of the twenty eight million that have voted already. There alluding to the fact that most of them have been Democrat, Ike, I've heard leave, but that of the other part of that, though, in its early voting, is always
tough, because you don't either so many complicating factors there, but remember Trump basically came out and a sudden rally after rally after rally go to the polls on election day me he's he's been discouraging people too, male invoke publicly in the end. That is one of the strategies that do you know, questionable from campaign perspective. They said in Florida. You should go out because that's a good state in they're gonna do they're about ballots right, but don't trust him in other states, so that The theory is that Democrats, who have been encouraged to mail and vote and vote early. I gotta go. Do that, while republicans are gonna, wait till that last minute on election day, get it we did not mention was Florida hang on just the same way you to come back to the Chalk Board here, just a second first, sponsor. now home affordability is on the rise in big ways, with mortgage rates in the tank right now, and it's a good thing. You're. Dollar goes further in some cases a lot further, I ways caution you. You should
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Red nine, zero, six, twenty four forty or american financing dot net american financing. Animal s, one two: three: four: W W W Dot animal s, consumer access, dot, org. Ten second stationary I mean I think he wins, Ohio. I think he wins Georgia, Florida, I feel comfortable, saying those that there's a good shot that he, even if he wins all of them ITALY and exhibit to sixty yeah. That's the problem here as of right now for your trump campaign worker you're, looking at so he'd, have the when all the toss up yet so, if you end and village
a pencil being yet so here's the thing you could do it right in order to win- and this is this- is doable. Mrs doable they a hundred sixty nine in his column. Right now, we're going to say yet again. the top ups, that's ninety one. He had when all the gossips, though so that's nets, difficult to do where you lose one of em we're in trouble. But let's say he wins all the top ups. That's Ohio, Nebraska, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina and main yen, and those are two congressional distract Florida in Florida, which I think is. That is the biggest state to me in this entire election. But If he does that, he needs a ten pack out of the lean Democrat column and what you can do there you can you couldn't get it between a combination of Nevada, New Hampshire? What I think is is less likely more. You could pick one of Minnesota, Wisconsin miss In Pennsylvania, only one, so again he won three of those states in two thousand sixteen, so if he can win all of the top and all the lean Republican, I just hope to God that enable or have not, I mean, if I just hope,
people there Who did for him last time go out and vote again? This time I mean what is the that would be good. However, I mean when you break down on demographics, even if that happens, the same percentages from the same demographics, he loses began to shoot oldest member gaining blacks in Hispanics. So I mean if he just gains five percent and Black five percent hispanic from last time. He wins got an agenda. What, if he doesn't lose? I mean the problem: the other. Looking at like suburban women and he's not performing well in those categories, you see that Paul said when in Biden wins women. Fifty nine, thirty, six Like Twitter doesnt seem three possible points, I think
We need to suffrage, and I think it is time now. I think that now I think there is a chance. That's true because Biden seems absolutely harmless. the motherly molestation yeah yeah, the the the media is not tying the Democrats too and teeth or the unrest or the right of the police or anything else any any woman who's paying attention realises my children's safety is at issue. Here. To your point, Mr Patten, I run news and why matters on Friday to do these internet poles as an internet, alright, but its blaze people to be answering it. They said what who was the most corrupt Biden, Obama, Clinton Trump overwhelming winner? Their Clinton? We are
who weeks before the election in this audience is more passionate, gets Hillary Clinton than they argued Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the most you'll, be the most corrupt administration ever in the history of the United States, and we're gonna show all of that. Coming up in about thirty minutes, standby expand the Glen back. Are you go to a restaurant You're going to get a better meal from the guy who spent twenty years, studying under the best chefs in France and ITALY and managing his own restaurants, or you going to get the best one from the guy whose job it is to occasionally sneeze on your fries at the fryolator. think the answer is obvious. Will that's that the difference. You're going to experience when comparing your everyday run of the mill real estate agent to one
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Tonight on students, America, we did the presidential election already as you just Herbert who, in the whole Senate state by state tonight, but ablaze, tv dot, com, slash glass, this: is the Glenda programme? so the Wall Street Journal has done a study on the binding proposals and Biden is predicting sixty five hundred dollars less in media and household income by twenty thirty, that not growing the economy. That's in nine years, you're making sixty five hundred dollars less! That's all lot of money lost by the median income, it is. That is significant. Congratulations on that so we were just talking about the Poles who Donald Trump in the end, the real hole for Donald Trump is females and
You know that it shows that the polls show that done is losing by a wide wide margin. Females, if that's true, and if that happens, that way he's in real reason real trouble. However, I just I die can predict the american people any more, but I just can't imagine that the the way the president handles himself which we, if we ve gone through for four years, and we know I just can't imagine that people are women are seeing Donald Trump, as the guy who is cause more chaos on the streets. That's impossible to you, I mean, and tea for it's, not gonna calm down under Joe Biden, and they are encouraging it and they're. Talking about you know fewer police on the streets. I just don't.
I just don't understand that is Mercedes on whether yet ok I wanna. We have Mercedes slap on she'll, be joining us here in a few minutes and there's a new document area called the Trump. I know what it's all about women, but there's something else, from Showtime. That is its the circus, and I want to. This is from a recent episode. Female trump voters- I just What should listen, how smart? These women are listen to this, where you're a doctor, women supporting tramp and find out what they think of the president's plan to fail, Ginsburg feed and how much it will matter in this race as we crews toward election. There is a huge bow being far right. Now. Democrats are saying this, is illegitimate not eligible.
with their concentrations has said. It's not. I understand their feelings because of twenty sixteen, but I really feel like they would have done the same thing had they had to send. You think it's kind of an all, fair in love and wore a sort of situation. Well, politics. If the problem is, I don't know, what's going to happen during the elections and to have the nine judges who are concerned that the election results are going to be so little gaily. All, I hope, not there's a lot of concern about the fate of Roby Wade that abortion may now become. A central election issue motion should be the priority on Socrates wall. For me, it's not the biggest issue. Even I am fraeulein issues that are most important to me. Save the security of our country
most of the information we have chosen, the Bible is leaning in the broadest sense among women of all else. We do try me there's a very silent. I mean I'm in the party that can't bumper sticker- oh my god, or a sign in your yard, we're not talking to pollsters, you think, there's especially true for women. We keep her head down. We take care of our family. It was shocking to me to see this on the circus on Showtime, because if he heard doings something on women at a Trump Bradley, you would think, as they usually do, go find that dummies, but these women were well informed. They were articulate, you know, wearing red, white and blue everything that the left thinks is just so horribly offensive, etc, etc, but they weren't they weren't. They weren't the dummies
in the crowd, by any stretch of the imagination. Now, maybe they tried to find dummies in the crowd and they couldn't I thought they were all very, very well spoken and I you know, I think, that there is something to be said about that about the silent woman. That is not going to say anything. My my my wife. We watch shoot what said the show hello, stone with Kevin Costner at I've done oh you, my wife loves Beth, The visa real rebel in the family. She just likes the attitude of sheet and care she just doesn't care what anybody thinks of her and just says it and he is Jesus he's my wife's turning into that woman and she just put a bumper sticker Trump Bumpersticker on our car just two weeks ago, cheese. I anchor go ahead. I don't care
I don't know how many people are like that seem, I go on it. They keep saying that they keep talking about this, like silent trump vote, which obviously you look at the the election you can hope is their right from the poles, but on the other hand, we trump supporter that I know at least can't stop talking and all the time like that, it's you know it's a big deal and I don't see it people who, like Donald that are shy. Let me but let me open before them under those people. Let me open the phones now you don't have to give your name or your real name or if they, where you're from if you are a trump supporter and you haven't told anyone or you would never tell a pole- upholstery
all us. What's reasoning for not telling a pollster well, I know that we are carrying out there and I'm going to put it on your hat like, for example, if you put it Bumpersticker on your car, if you go to the wrong place at the wrong time, is now going to key your car right likely Rebecca right. If you are telling us pollster what what is than negative of telling the poultry one of over Donald Trump from anymore about be basing yourself in front of a pollster. If I tell the pollster, I'm gonna tell him I'm voting for button. For what reasons so that a screw the bolster so that everyone thinks Joe Biden is winning an asked. I just people get discouraged at their losing by too much and I know I just I'm lucky I dont want none of its nobody's business, it's nobody's business. I don't just say: don't let that don't answer, but I think that's what most people do and why it's definitely ensure what most people do yeah, but I don't know I don't know I mean you know we ve, we did the whole our last week.
poles- and there are just some things like, for instance, for years in the polls where he is gaining in Hispanics end blacks, right, the other, some as evidence of that banana Bohemia, so How can he game in Hispanics and blacks and then lose by twenty points? personally knocking to lose by Gerard Collins, but a heat He can Lula Capital percent among why more it's more impact, because the red of the of the correct Catholic Sophie, the theory right now is? He might actually gained a few points and in certain minority groups, but in the majority groups I like prick ample. We know college educated, whites and even if he even is which do you know him, performs really well against people who have not graduate college and our white. Well, he if you lose a couple of points, there. That group is so massive. That's all it takes that risk- and I am again- I think this will narrow and and there's a lot to be said about that. But when you look at it from if you get a call from up
sir, I can understand why, unlike waste my time with this, but you gotta go through that. The why Would you not answer? I I don't understand. I can understand not talking to a journalist right because they're gonna use your name, but if you look dumb pulsars or I'm gonna put you into a database right, but that would be So you would have a hard time, sampling women. That would tell the truth about it. That's the theory, because Saying no, but I I don't know it's a hesitant, but there's I don't I don't. I don't understand what negative that would be for Don T. Let me go to Holly in New York. I holly. I I Well Kabila programme. So are you local about your support for Donald Trump. I didn't we, signs. Are you know we have urged for my eight plywood things. You know eagles Marge Trump Eagle jobs for our very about it. The good prices, jobs, Trump, twenty twenty phase mass scale of wearing. Then all the response that I guess Pie
every time I go somewhere. Everyone says I like your mass, sometimes they lean over, whispering your ear. Oh, I like your mashed, you know, but now have one gentleman that said that I should be careful because I might get punished in the face wearing it, because some people might concern violence speech which can be leave it. Then he walked away dolly. Thank you very much, Shannon in Florida are you a silent trump supporter, I may turn in order not only my terms, the border, but this is my first time ever voting Republican. My whole family has been Democrats may come from Massachusetts removed Florida when I was a kid and we are all voting tromp than that. That's new. You weren't doing that you didn't do at last time. The only person that has in my family
they still boating. Democrat is my grandmother and she is furious with the rest of us, but none of us can see Joe Biden be the uprising in trouble the paper, and there is no denying that an here since today is I thank you for Your call patty so far, your Europe, your theory is right that everybody all the women you talk to their all vocal about a path, in New York Welcome high. Are you a silent trump supporter? Now, I'm not ok. I have to understand what the rules were for these four out here. There is a specific request made from science. In my art. I actually let one up in my windows, so people can see at night we I live in the middle of I open up New York that ugly blue spot that, in theory
and believe it or not. There are so many people, even Democrats that I believe that Andrew Cuomo has made so many people in New York mad that cause huge off darker, I really do believe that their it may not go read, but it's gonna be a lot closer than the Democrats. Really, interesting are. I have. I have family that is first responders and they actually had to take off their blue line flags up their vehicles because they're afraid that they're going to their vehicles are gonna, be damaged meanwhile- and are they Democrats I'd now? Ok, thank you so much. You know, that's the one thing I wonder if the average person knows- and you know I'll
D. You know mobs verses jobs, because I don't think people are relating Joe Biden to these mobs and they should Linda South Carolina How are you very good Are you I love you yourselves? Thank you. Are you a closeted trumps supporter absolutely we can't nothing. You say nothing, I say nothing. I cannot say anything. Perth volume and academia I've had to colleagues one conservative level. The won't talk to me because they thought I was called Their sign, among them my side, What can I do that every time one of those questionnaires, those questionnaires comes out to be a libertarian, but I cannot say no. a man in order. My good man cousin, who I love to death vehemently hasten my other cousin. Thanks to the work and the environment, and so I just don't know, Grief De Gaia, La Mancha
you got upset the one time defending them. She literally through pistachios, and therefore I am not can you can have Magnificent Ryanair Macedonia is our fine stash, you that's their grandchildren. That's that's! I'm sorry to hear the Europe that your world is so split like that Linda. Thank you. So much for Europe you're fired. leave her she's in academia. She she quoted the type of not thrown around, and that varies civic and ass. You was left in the ball. Of course, our sponsor is simply safe. There is a break in every twenty six seconds in the: U S. Are you the dice by not having a security system in your home. Simply safe is an award winning arsenal. it has sensors and security cameras that blanket every inch of your home think about it. Better you'd sleep at night, knowing that you and your family, your home, we're being kept safe at all times, simply safe literally takes it
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Actually, my family, we are upper middle class, I'm an attorney for the federal government. My wife is a physician should also from India, and we both both job, I'm a lifelong democrat, but I do over tromp. Well we would dare not let anyone know I said: we would never and she too and her hospital we just keep it under wraps. We have somebody called you a pollster. Would you give the pollster the truth? They have called me. Probably a hundred times and text message me because I'm a registered. I was registered Democrat when I first move here. Two, I get all the democratic tax and none of the republican texts and I was born but if it pollsters, CBS or abc- or you know, the New York Times called you and was a pole. Would you The poster I went for compensating me, but I'm not given a mite,
for free? I called thank you very much Joe in Ohio. Yes, thank you gland, thanks for taken MIKE altering for what you do. my wife and I are to the people that are the silent people. They don't we don't tell a lot of people. You know who we're gonna vote, for she has families it's very hard Democrat. She also works re major company in an hr position from time to time through the year. so in a very liberal company. So we have to be really care for what we post on Facebook, what we say, and so yet we are two of the silent people that don't express who were going to vote for other. Then children are those that are just the immediate family. and as far as the fate of Ohio, I don't think you're going to have to worry about. We ve got to come
please- I won't say which too they are, but it's pretty pretty easy to figure out We got one county in the south and we ve got one county up in the north, that they're gonna be democratic, forever, the rest of Ohio stand and strong for trial, I don't think there's anything to worry about as far as to the state well from your lips to gods. Ears. Thank you very much appreciated It says something that so many people are afraid to say who their voting for, and they all seem to be. Conservatives I want to talk to about his crew
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hey, big news today, Neild Grass Thyssen is just come out and said an asteroid. The with a dynamic diameter of the size of a refrigerator could strike earth the day before the election, and Again, I am rooting for the Steroid, maybe it's just me a green back: more much more news, Joe Biden and the latest documents to become out to becoming out, in fact The dna just spoke out about it would get that information here in sixty seconds. First, let me tell you about relief factor relief. actor controls inflammation. Just the word inflammation sounds unpleasant.
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not only the laptop. That was given to the FBI and Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post, but also the Peter Schweitzer, has a new story out today and exclusive that Hunter bindings business partner flipped on him he's in prison. and- and it looks like Devon Archer, the other partner of a Hunter Biden is also going to prison, he's waiting for his sentence, and under binding, is getting off Scot free and their pissed He provided twenty six thousand emails, and is verifying now that the stuff on that hard drive is real, we have Jason here to give us an update on everything that has been going on, how Jason haglund
yeah. This is probably going to be the biggest story probably of the year, and conservative media is being silenced over than your posts now on. Twitter is now going five days of being blocked on twitter, five days, They can't put me thing out: that's how scared they are of this the other week until they're scared, because the gonna blame Russia, this is, All coming from Adam Shift, the, as you just said, Diana Rackliff just said. Look. There is no evidence that this is. From Russians I'm Julie. Honey is talked about, he's got Emma correspondence from the lawyers of Hunter Biden. Saying hey, can we get this thing back there He also has a signed receipt there that a hunter by drop. This often sign for it since knock from the Russians. Absolutely insane. My biggest read on on. All of this really is some of the salacious stuff of the laptop and the hard drive is coming out, like the other pictures around her crying about yeah. I wish that way. even come out, because the other way
and try to master stories to say- and I was getting tweets about this to over the weekend. I don't care about providing care, but Biden limit this. Absolutely abundantly clear. This is not a hundred Biden story he's a part of it. This is Joe Biden Story- and this is all about what Schweizer Headlight has laid out going, all the way back to think is book secret empires this. The way that politicians get away with amassing fortune be their position and the government is by having family members do it for you now that's the way it works. Job he and his wife. They had to report all of their income, all of their money that they get. That's all report On scrutinised, but not their children, not their brothers, sisters, not their aunts and uncles. This What we're talking about here. We ve said from the beginning that what a hunter Biden did if he was running around doing all these deals technically, not illegal, he can do. These things be based off of this route, other ridiculous reporting standards that we have, but if there was ever evidence that came out there,
showed that somehow Joe Biden was orchestrating alot of this stuff religiosity showed Tex seem to implement it, be implicating that I'm Joe Biden was directing the family too over some of the income they were making over to the family pot, now we're getting somewhere? And I think that over the next two weeks, that's exactly what we're going to find out. We already find out through Schweitzer, twenty six thousand emails. That alone, There's a guy is allegedly a paid a play scheme going on with some of these companies linked to the Chinese Communist Party. Some really bellew, really bad. One summit, let me just say, may thirteen twenty seventeen one of them one of the sweet, Sir emails, the subject line was speculations and detailed renew moderation packages for six people in view de in an unspecified business venture with the Chinese by was identified as the chair vice chair, depending on the agreement with the c e f c. This is the China Energy Company,
is pay was pegged at eight hundred and fifty and the email also noticed Hunter had some office expectations, but he will elaborated. In addition, the email outlined a provisional agreement, under which eighty percent of the equity or shares in the new company would be split equally among for people whose initials correspond to the sender and the three recipients with age. A pair Lee referring to Biden the deed. Also Hunter Biden that also listed ten percent for Jim and TAT. Held by aid, for the big guy now to get we all know who the big guy is, in fact the v emails that were just released to Peter Schweitzer confirming that the big guy is Joe Biden now the by
campaign came out and said well, this is ridiculous. We ve turned in our taxes. It shows that he never got the job. I never took a dime of that. It said the deal this ten for Jim and ten hell the by H for the big guy, so he's holding the money you'll end and you look at the Ukraine stuff, There was one company that was set up in this was from the from the from the laptop, not writers emails with Mallette up there. company was set up, I mean, dare I called a share, a shell company, but then there's uncle and aunt were creator. Credit cards and drawing off of that right, so the entire family is you. These are you. You say you have Joe Biden travelling all over the world places like China places like Ukraine places where he's personally been put directly in charge of directing foreigners actions in these places venue. His son, travelling along with him making all these
this deals and the entire family is benefit off of it benefiting off of it. But that's we have here and this that's how I did this is gonna, be so clear that that's how this is so historic or war going to be. You know shown, I believe, over the next couple of weeks, probably a lot this week that there is direct evidence showing that this was a coordinated plan and Joe Biden is right at the centre of it. That's what we're looking at his so we're. Looking at the Joe Biden setting Meetings with Bereaves MA right before he goes to Ukraine apparently one of the emails? that has been released shows that the head of borri smile. Or an adviser to Breezeless Board asked Hunt buttons advice. On quote how to quote stop
politically motivated actions. I'm gonna quote. We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to confess convey a message signal, etc to stop We consider to be politically motivated actions against Borri, Smart now, a year later, that email shows him thanking Hunter Biden for the invitation to meet his father There is also an email where he said. Thank you for the meeting it was. It was great, we appreciate his time at Cetera, Tetra the again, the Biden campaign said there is no record of a meeting taking taking place. Will of Horse there isn't a record. That's not a denial, though, is it the so they have him, setting up meetings, in Ukraine getting money in Ukraine
You then have in Moscow there's another. We dont know why exactly but Peter Schweitzer said today he's got the d. Communication now, on what that money was for. Came from the mayor of Moscow, how much money was? It was a ten million three. Five rivalry point five three points five million guy. Through in a money laundering scheme that went over to Hunter Biden. We don't know of yet what that money is for and then, of course, The Chinese and this chinese Energy Company correct if I'm wrong with Jason, but is isn't this the energy company that was under investigation by the FBI for trying to get nuclear secrets that I'm not sure about Kay check, because I know that he was doing business with the car. His government's energy company and he knew when he signed up the Fbi- was investigating them and in fact, in fact, later convicted them.
An hundred by never did anything about it. I mean he just kept kept going. This was obviously a attempt by the Chinese to buy off our government and be able to get the nuclear secrets, Eventually they did all The all the attention has gone towards the Ukraine stuff which a lot of attention should go there because a lot of work something the email you're just talking about with the Verismo executive after that was the famous you know, firing firing of token of getting rid of that prosecutor. That happened directly after that in some of the fact checking up seen from places like the New York Times is absolutely agonizing. They continued Just pull wait for the buy it for buying in his campaign and just affluent ex things that we D bunked over and over and over again, they call is just a done deal and that's how Biden what can go on that debate stage and say? Look this is argument. Backtracked know it.
It's just a little just been a giant smokescreen. None of it is true. So, regardless of all that, I think the biggest of its going to come out is what you are talking about. China, that that is where the big enough nation, the most damaging informations gonna come out? the director of intelligence. What is the de and I do. The di he takes pretty much all of the intelligence from all the other key coordinates. This is something that happened after nine slash, eleven him to make sure that things that come from the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, all that stuff is filtered in through one office, so that he make sure that everyone has all the information. Okay, so he's the guy who came out today and said Adam Schiff is to? Let me let me quote him: it's funny. That some of the people they complained, the most about intelligence being politicize, are the ones politicizing intelligence and
Fortunately, in this case its Adam shift, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who is, as you pointed out, said on Friday, the intelligence community believes that Hunter buttons laptop and the emails on it are part of some russian disinformation campaign. Let me be clear- the intel Community does not believe that, because there is no intelligence that supports that we have air, no intelligence with Chairman Adam Shift or any other member of Congress that Hunter buttons laptop Part of some russian DIS information campaign. It is simply not true, and this exactly what I said, I would stop when I became the director of national intelligence and that people using the intelligence community to leverage some political narrative and indeed- case apparently chairmanship wants any. Against is preferred political candidate to be deemed is not real and is using the intelligence community or attempting to use the intelligence community to say, there's nothing to see here. Don't
the intelligence community into this hunter buttons, Laptop, is not part of some russian disinformation campaign and I think it's we're. The american people know that vat is white, a statement amazed in so many words you have the DNA saying that this is lodged like this is real in so many words, and if that's the case, we know the FBI, has had this sense December's above twenty nineteen India now where the hell was the director of the FBI. where are you today? If he's, sitting in the oval office answering some serious questions right now, he's not sweating and if he doesn't give a good answer? The present is the fire his, but today it needs to be. Here I mean. Why is this not happening why he's gonna happening. I mean the GEO p is now. the asking the FBI to answer in front of Congress. Why did you have the laptop
Did you share any of this with Adam shift why have you not why? Why did the post have this laptop? But or Congress knew it even existed when you ve had it since December. Now, that will admit one. When one mean a way, I can defend them. Hope Lee is maybe it's. It is an act of investigation, in which case they cannot talk about it and maybe they fixed their leaky problems that they ve had in the past. Possibly if this was over, this is reversed. It would have been leaked a long time ago and you wouldn't be seeing a come out in your post. You'd see at New York Times in Washington Post, absolutely no we at all, but if this is gone, the grand jury status. That's another way that this would be kept under lock and key knows the only two things I can think of beyond the fact that its being politicized and they're scared to release it because they prefer Biden. That's the only thing. This, though, would have stopped the impeachment hearings, o apps really. What is stopping you? Don't think that
the FBI should be sharing that men if they did share it with Adam Shift, and he share it with the rest of the committee. That's all problem for him. I mean we are. We are good into this election considering someone who is the most corrupt. Vice president, we have ever had in the history of Amerika and somebody who is not just corrupt with corporations corrupt with our memories, corrupt, China his family has prig helped procure devices that are there antivirus, vibrational devices. I is something that stops the a break of things like aeroplanes and it is critical to have this technology to be stealth. This is why China suddenly has said fighters because
this was stolen from us by the Chinese? By that company had actually hired Hunter Biden to be part of the board. What a? What doing. What are we king mirror you're, really you really have to wake up and and wake your friends and neighbors up thanks, Jason appreciate it. Let me go to Norton. There is a difference between choosing to engage in risky behaviour and actually doing it because you dont know any better. Eighty four percent of consumers say they want to do more to protect their online privacy, but more than half dont know how and it's not by protecting yourself with something you know that that is not as powerful as lifelong viewing aging in some business transaction it in today's world. It is risky whether you are aware of it or not. Lifelong knows it relies
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so we now have from two sources. We have the fact that Joe Biden met the people of Burma, who said you ve, got to Hunter you guys Do you have any suggestions on how to stop what we believe is. You know up critical, hatchet job on Borri smile, but he was too king about the investigation that was starting to heat up oh Biden, said he had nothing to do with that. He just said that the guy was dirty We now know that the the President of Ukraine was shocked when the when Joe Biden said that he wanted him fired. There were We now know there was no investigation of him afterwards. There were no no criminal complaints or complaints of any kind of graft against this list.
Ernie General. If you will the Mai the prosecutor in Ukraine. There was there was nothing on him that's when Joe Biden came in and said this. Do you desperately concerned about them. Backsliding on the part of key in terms of corruption. They may I'll give you one concrete example. I was not I I bet it just happened to be. That was the assignment. I got all the good ones, and so I got Ukraine end. I remember going over convincing our team are matters to convince you that we should be providing for loan guarantee is now over. I guess, the twelve thirty it's time to keep and ours. supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee and I got commitment from Portugal and from
yachts. I did, they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did So they said they had it. They walked out fresh couch and I said I'm not going or we're not going to give you the billion dollars, you have no authority you're, not the president, the presidency. I should call him I should you not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting a billion, I would be leaving here. I think it was about six hours. I look at them, leaving the six hour in the It is not fired you're, not getting the money, son of a fire they put in place, someone who will sour mandatory solid land back programme at the time sure a good friend put into place more in just a second. Our sponsor is lifelong October. Is national cyber security, where this month The collaborative effort to make sure that every American has what they need to stay safe and secure online. You know
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You got a tv dot com, Slash Glenn user, promo Code, Glenn, say ten bucks irish subscription to blaze TV. this is the line by programme. Well, this Thursday is the next Trump Biden Debate and the president has to do well, but just Judging on what's happening with the press right now, The New York Post now has verification vera. creation two different sources that the emails on Hunter Biden are true. They are real. The the eye has had this sense since December of last year, Congress wants to know. Why did the New York posts have word of this before
US shift has come out on Friday said this was just nothing but a Russian up, but the the head of domestic national intelligence. So that is absolutely not true, director of national intelligence. That is apt. Firstly not true, he said there is no evidence. There is not even a whisper that this case from Russians. So we see what's happening now and what's really bad is the New York post as story after story after story they are now. not being allowed to go on social media and post any of their stories until they retract all. of the Biden, email stuff, Are you kidding me What news organization is going to do that? What? organization, none
do that and we have no credibility going right, so they are not going to give you any information on the mainstream media about these emails also I dont know if you saw meet the press, I mean I don't know who watches that anymore, but what's what's in incredible, is chuck. Todd had Gretchen Whittemore on she's the Michigan governor. And they turned to the Supreme Court that ruled that she had violated the Michigan Constitution in her ex ended pandemic orders Todd, didn't challenger when she said all that opinion was just purely partisan no, it wasn't the democratic It is agreed that Whittemore it violated the constitution. They only disagreed on the remedy, however, the whole argument was lost because
he said to his viewers that the justices did not site any cases to support their decision against Whittemore. Excuse me. It contains. The opinion contains sixty this is discussed in support of their decision, but does that even matter The Washington post also failed to correctly open openly to correct open False accounts on the case as well is Anyone willing to tell the truth anymore. Here's what the actual, the actual women Priority opinion said we conclude the governor lack the authority to declare a state of emergency or state of David disaster under the email after April,
already at twenty twenty on the basis of the covert nineteen pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the E Pga is in violation of the constitution of our state, because it purports to delegate the executive branch, the legislative powers of state government, including its police powers, and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely. So, said as a consequence, the EPA cannot continue to provide a basis for the governor to exercise emergency powers. End quote, a dissenting opinion. This is the one with all the Democrats said. The dissenters agree with the majority that Whittemore violated the constitution and did not have the authority to extend the emergency orders, but what they do. it is they. They upheld the EPA because to invalidate the E Pga
is unnecessary because there are other judicial remedies, so they're saying you just can't to go through and fight another court case this one we don't believe is the way to fight it, but we agree: she violated the constitution. How is it meet the press? can be this wrong, that either the sloppiness journalism or they know, they're lying, and I dont know, which is which, quite frankly anymore. I would think they know they're lying now. With Facebook pressing the Hunter Biden stuff. Could it be that New York, Post and all of us who are reporting on this, being throttled or in the case of the EU, the New York Post completely being erased online. Could it be.
That may be it. Because the person, currently in charge of facebooks election Integrity programme. is somebody directly connected to Joe Biden? before ending up at Facebook, she was a non resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, the adults, the council, is supposed to be a non partisan, think tank. The deals, international affairs they are. Clearly a partisan organization, the eloi chairman of the Atlantic Council, chairman, left the organization to be President Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Richard Holbrooke, Eriksson, Jackie
Anne Marie Slaughter, Chuck Hegel, Brent, spokes, escrow caught us scowcroft. Ah, all affiliated with the Atlantic cancel that these people are the Atlantic Council received massive amounts of foreign funding, including a massive donation from borri small holdings, Oh Borri summer Has given money too the Atlantic Council. then those people went into the Obama Biden, administration. They also served as an outside advisor for the Obama Administration She was working the wolf The woman who is now part of in fact runs facebooks election Integrity programme worked. The Atlantic Council then went in
served in the Obama Biden administration also. While the Atlantic Council was the outside advisor. She was a special appall policy adviser for Europe in Eurasia TV. President Joe Biden when she was so she was there with the Ukraine stuff. Is it possible that maybe this is being silenced because she's covering her own ass. let alone Joe Biden and the Democrats. That's what so bad about all of this all these people that were part of this are everywhere now in social media and media, and they have the tools and the of the power and ability
to throttle anything and they can look at their coworkers and said? No. I was there. I know this is bogus there it's not the way free of speech works. That's not the the first amendment. supposed to work how the president supposed to be able to have a of fair shot, lead record, stand on his own, let him be who he is people, don't like him. That's fine, but tell the truth. I don't know the the the debate might reader who was was tipping off Hilary campaign on it few questions in twenty sixteen, So we now have her on tape. telling Hilary cause. She didn't think she was on the air Hilary campaign the advisor
What she was going to ask her- I would have talked about this, so you should be ready for that and I'm going to talk about this, and you should be ready for that. Wow you think they were doing that for for Donald Trump. All of the things that are happening now ma people don't know about it? ask your friends Ask your friends if they watched a b c watch the Joe Biden debate that so great- and there was nothing really hostile asked if they knew that two people, but we're supposed to be undecided undecided when asked questions and were marked as undecided. Do you did you oh, that one of whom was Nathan Osborne, who
worked in the Office of Public affairs at the Commerce Department, under the Obama by Ministration administration. the guy he was a speech writer for the Obama administration. Other person another, questioner is wife of the at large member of the Centre Council or Centre County democratic maybe so their democrats you really think that the the wife of the person on the Democratic committee really is I'm really think about Donald Trump, I'm not really sure really. How do you get a fair shake so all Americans really want do when, if you watch President Trump one
of the people that was supposed to be undecided, who grilled trump on the subject of health care She was undecided and she, Had some honest questions about health care. well. Unfortunately, in January she announced on Facebook that she was going to volunteer for Koala Harris She trash the president on her face book pages, a pathetic effing moron, a pig and a swine, and I d defies. As a liberal Democrat, do you really think she was undecided and a Trump supporter, the other that you might have seen where they were asking trump questions. Was a Philadelphia pastor. His name is Carl Day he was labelled as uncommitted, really really. He said I ve never once supported Trump, and I will not now that was thirty days ago. He tweeted that.
I've never voted, never once voted for Trump, and I won't now in another tweet he's. Make Amerika great again is time when the Edward did what they were told in all industries and wouldn't have the audacity to try to enter a white establishment and didn't talk back to the cops and that what this villain Donald Trump once again, when you're looking at these debates, make sure your friends know it's all Stacked against Donald Trump. and this time it's not just a feeling, its absolute Lee verifiable. I never thought I'd live in the Soviet Union, but I feel like we're getting closer and closer to that. Every single day I always thought America, the truth did matter. We had our problem
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to be honest and upstate York, dad said his children school district caves, giving them the boot for taking virtual classes from out of state Jeffrey Emmett of Auburn New York, took his three children on vacation to misery, but then decided to stay at a relatives house and rent his home out on air B and be when possible. Why well, is to school age. Sons do their remote learning on zoom. The single father then received an email from the school district, informing him that his sons, Aden and Tyler are no longer in tiled entitled to be enrolled after October twenty third, since they have no firm date for returning to the state. Dad said Are you kidding me what I mean? What is the problem? I pay my taxes. My mortgage, my home, is not for sale. I didn't move and I kids do all of their work on zoom, because they're fully remote, that's their. What? What is the problem.
He said I didn't lie about it. I told the school strict, the truth that we were in Missouri. They would have never known. What does It matter I'm not moving Tunas Missouri, Now, he's got to move back to New York. Twelve year old boy, spot CUP in class. teacher said who Who are you supporting for president twelve twelve years old. well, seventh grade class. he raised his hand and said I am voting for. I would vote for Donald Trump. She asked him. Why would support a racist and a pedophile. Do you see where this is all going? We gave you this
Senator Chris Coon, said he's open to expanding the Supreme Court if they put Amy Coney Bear it on the Supreme Court. Here'S- a senator. Whose willing to change the number of justices we have on the Supreme Court, because they want their way. The Seattle Mayor Sheep, is chop she supported all the police cuts. she forced a really good police chief out she's deeply concerned, because a hundred officers have left the Seattle Police Force and she doesn't know what to do, because it was a summer of love and block party yeah, Of course, they're leaving and good luck getting police officers to be in your city unto All these people learn the lesson at the ballot box. They're not
going to learn Democrat candidate, Ilan Omar. We ve you about her for a long time? Well, there's more news seems every every week there's more news about a lot omar and nobody pays attention she's aid, her husband's firm, more than one million dollars in fees over the last four months. Why? million dollars went to her new husband in four months. Congratulations Democrats view I'm paying Europe donating to her campaign. That's where it's all going means. The UK is U S. Ambassador is investigated over fears. He led to White House secrets to a CNN reporter. Since when does that happen, Georgetown University, hired
And then thank God finally fired Peter. struck as an egg junk professor, but that's really stopping universities from going bad, then your time, sixteen nineteen project which and which is now taught in universities, now being not in most of our schools. Unless you do something about, it has been the top ten works of journalism of the decade. Is our journalism it's not history its. Fantasy. Don lemon. Don lemon in ice cube or in Spain, may I now because Don Lemon doesn't like the the. Support from ice Cube Springsteen, said he's gonna flee to Australia. If Donald Trump winds again good riddance takes
Anna clauses come into town with courage with the OECD. Kirsty Alley has is under attack now from celebrities. after endorsing Donald Trump. Is this The club that you want to belong to is this. of of key reduction of no common sense of. of denying what your eyes see. The shouting down of your children, the state involved in absolutely every aspect of your life? You know what ok, not to get picked for this game. I wanna go Joe Biden, the idea that an eight year old child or a ten year old design, Kids, you know I decide to be transgender. That's what I think, I'd like it to be.
the kid says, I'd like to it, would make my life easier and eight year old child or a ten year old child it would. My life easier. If I were another sex Joe Biden says there should be zero discrimination on that in eight, your old, getting to choosing their gender and getting gender. Reassigned now. Come Joe Biden can say Person can choose to be transgender, choose to meet, and transgender choose. there are male or female, but when Amy only bear it uses a phrase: sexual preference all hell breaks loose, and I do mean hell. word can't even be in the dictionary anymore. This is the very jaws of hell, gaping o open to devour us
in nonsense. the left says they want equality, a level field, do not Let them fool you there, want a level playing field. They don't think they don't want to play by new rules that everybody understands they are creating a different playing field. Dick rules hell they're there. Developing a whole new game every day the rules are changing. So there's no to play by their rules because her constantly making new ones that way- You are always the loser and you were always playing defence, so even you give in acquiesce and try to play whatever the new game is you'll still lose. You can be fair, but there is always a new fair yesterday,
that was fair, but today, you're not fair enough. Ask Ellen ask Alan. Why do we keep trying to hey nice. We want to play nice because nobody likes to be left out, and that is solid linsky. That's what they're trying to do. Make you the pariah you feel alone, but you're, not alone. We I'll, remember feeling horrible being that last kid pig to play sports with your friend? Well, maybe it's just me because I was always there like a hot she's. Yes we'll take when I was the last one standing on the sidelines and see look of disapproval on the other kids faces, as they took me on their team that crap it was hard
but you know what you don't want to get picked for this game. You know gonna be on that team. This time it ok to say. I don't wanna play your game, I'm not gonna! Do it if you try to stand in the shifting sands of popular opinion and approval. We will fall. you and I, and all of us- need to have the courage to hold strong and fast to what we know is right. Don't go over. The cliff the rest of society. The courage of Washington and Lincoln Martin Luther King note. All three of those are now Hey guys, Clinton Lincoln and Martin Luther King Do you want to be with a group of people that believe those are the bad guys and
we call Coney bear it now is loved right in there. We all face fear all experience ridicule. We meet the opposition, we have to have the courage To defy the consensus stand for what we know, we were taught courage, not compromise. That's how you will know your God, side cause he's not going to be on our side. We to make sure we're on his side and you, at the idea that an eight year old child, And say you know, I want to be a girl instead of a boy. I dont think that I don't think that's on anybody side who has any kind of common sense.
You can let an eight year old decide that I dont, let my I don't let might eight year old. Tell me when they're not gonna, eat dinner, cause they're, not hungry. how come when Joe Biden says a person can choose to be transgender, choose sexuality. That's, ok! I went going to bear. It uses that phrase how. We need to be strong and of good courage, and I just want you to ask your friends- just open up the blaze open up the New York Times open up the, your York, Post, you're gonna, have to open up both- and you say, which society do you want
which one do you. It makes more sense one that saying we're going to bed and guns and the only ones that should have them in our schools are police officers, but police officers are racists, we witnessed. How does that make sense. That you, for some reason, don't love children an end yet this other side is saying we of children, but we can let them die, closet of a hospital ass? they are born the choice has never been more clear. Do you believe in the principles of Amerika. Do you believe in yourself. or do you believe we just have to have a master? The tells
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you it's amazing is the the out of heavy lifting that has to be done all around this Biden campaign to be able to, edit in office, you know you there's an there's, no level playing field at all there. They accuse the president of all kinds of things then they won't report on the fact that that's all those are all lies. Those are all lies. Then they they shot down any a newspaper that was started by Alexander Hamilton. The old this continuous running newspaper in the United States of America, the New York Post and they shouted down on social media clothes, their accounts on social media until retract the Joe Biden compare the Hunter Biden, computer story and the emails
well. I don't know if they know this, but there are more. There's more news coming from different sources today, including one hundred widens former partners, whose now in jail, whose tired of it all and he gave to Peter Schweitzer twenty two thousand emails they haven't even been able to go through all of them? Twenty eight thousand emails. Some confirm have the same email that we're on the lawn. hard drive, their of Hunter binds computer How I mean you, just the EU how does someone win win its a skewed. It's an, It's a really heavy left for the president to try to overcome a moment got a lot of a lot of us. this sense. I won't you doesn't sixteen every one side, it was not going well and he one of winning meat is this is much more difficult than when he tried to do in two thousand. Sixteen,
trying to beat a media that has been attacking him again for four year for four years now he has all sorts of of uphill battles when it comes to demographics and other changes, and then the I think Real thing that I keep coming back to you is that the media feels like they ve learned our lesson from two thousand, sixty didn't in two thousand. Sixteen they said. Well, you know we did, is we focused too much on their emails on hill receive and we were. Gave oxygen to these stories that, whether they were true or not, is not the issue. The issue is, did they affect the campaign, and I think there is Calculation in two sixteen was look killer. Hilary is gonna win anyway, let's get on Iraq will throw some stuff out there there. At the end, we can say we weren't on one side looming over Hilary emails like crazy. Well, now, they're looking at this and the same thing I think is going on with twitter and Facebook they're saying we didn't do enough to help last time.
We allowed these things to continue. We allowed these narratives to fester. We had to squash them this time, because we don't do that. my happen again. We might have for more years at the sky and they can't let that happen. They abandoned all every every little bit of parents of neutrality. journalism of journalistic ethics and there Let's go in for it, and Look you can say, look do you know the Dear post story. Looked as you pointed out with Alexander Hamilton. It's been around for a really long time major new source is one of the highest shows that the highest circulated newspapers in America but Kay came through somehow Giuliani he's associated with president. Obviously, ok, look Peter Schweizer is a guy. Who has actually had laws in this country change because of the work he has done. Research side this,
the guy who has been on sixty minutes about two times he's bit here, worked with mainstream outlets throughout his career he's. Not just making up twenty thousand myths right. That's not something! Here twice, there's gonna do no twenty. Eight thousand. and there may be more because the other partner is waiting to be sentenced and they're both piss. They they're going to jail here? They have a short sentences. Stand there like wait, a minute and he's Scot Free, and nobody will even talk about him. You know what they they threatening to release them a few years ago, and then they didn't, they thought better of it, but now there's a pasture. The guy in jails like take em, take em all and Peters, wiser, dead and you're gonna, see lots of shoes dropping and if This guy gets in to be president. We are in deep trouble the Glenn Back programme.
We're gonna do a place in our society where the meat verses you distinction, is getting harder and harder. To avoid. I mean. The choices are just so clearly defined. All right so that we have up with living in their world and playing by their rules for long enough, and we do it every time year Verizon phone call Well, you need to send a message to Verizon. Do you hear me now, because patriot. Mobile is now there and they share your values. They're not gonna, send your hard earned money to aid in the destruction of America, which is why Verizon another big companies. Do they take your money and they are contributing to plan parenthood and everything else about how bout joining people who are working for the car Nutrition and conservative causes not against them get the same nation wide service and
company that loves America and is working with you get a free month of service or a free phone plus free activation with the offer code back, join Patriot, mobile dot com, slash back now, Patriot mobile dotcom, slash back or column at nine seven to patriot J Ablaze TV believes to be dot com, slash gland, students, America, Stephen Crowd or glove back all of em place tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn, This is the Glinda Programme, its Monday, This is just a few days away from us, the last debate that is going to happen this Thursday night right Thursday night I believe we have covered during the blaze went away in ITALY
Print coverage election night is going to be fun here. It's gonna, be I hope so all weave I've got a couple of ideas, even if its, if it's a dirge heroin YE You know somebody time that you have now it's gonna, be it's gonna be different then everybody else's coverage and everybody on the blaze can be a part of it. So we're really exist. It about election. I coverage maybe not election night no idea. What's gonna happen in this this feeling inside of me as just like. No it it, it needs to get worse before anybody going to wake up and give me just society in general is going to have to get worse. He think it's just going to get worse before it gets better in terrified terrifying, yes, terrifying, aping, I'm very wrong. I was talking to my wife if those are our anniversary we ve, been married for eighteen years- was insanity crazy, she's. Not Obviously this is it
terrible idea for her you're paying her worthwhile. but so we're talking about this- and we are talking about like you know, it's been this this. Years been crazy and we're both time ahead. Like this has. Jim ITALY. I know everyone says this all the time Legitimately been the worst year, I've ever I've been alive, like this is the original craziness that has happened in this year and all the terrible, terrible things Bella there's been some positives as well here and there a church filtered and but you you you're working hard to find them is to examine. This is all the Good NEWS is. Let me give a good no saga. This will not be remembered as your worst. You got that will probably be next year and then that a year after it seems I remember back in like twenty. Sixteen people are gone mad, thank God for twenty seventeen yeah, and we said that every year since, in every year we ve been brought before us. That asked I'll say it.
it's. It's it's gonna, be a very. I think it's going to end, you know, like twenty twenty should end in a complete, unexpected way I mean honestly Van higher space bunnies could invade, and it depending on how election I goes, but we might go we're logical, I fully expect multiple alien invasion before the beginning of not actual eve I died. I would love that it would be great Alien can we'd unite we'd unite unless they were programme, that would be about the media will not illumining report on ethical, guided solely by what Mr Mayer's racy. Yet I mean look, there's the theirs We look at this and say: ok, he go back to
only sixteen you see that the Hillary Clinton was coming off of the access Hollywood tape brought right near the peak of her lead over Donald Trump. Obviously, narrowed wait a bit in the last couple weeks from an average about six to an average of about two, and he never. He ever caught up to her, until the FBI right that is as always, but it wasn't. Why wasn't like ten? never nerdy arguments on both sides at that, but they unquestionable that those last what was at ten or eleven days after the coma FBI stories. When the movement happened in the polls and intelligent ennobles, illegitimate ill, it had found back and forth between basically a tie and aged six or seven point led for Hillary Clinton and the averages the entire time, and if you look at that, though, the bow once you see it, election happened at a point. The right point and
Little bounced back right, like we were, they were pretty close and he was able to to win, Here we ve seen really a very consistently the entire time for Biden. I think part of that is. Is because we ve had other things to focus on without twenty twenty beating us in the face the entire time and it hasn't been, are a necessity, focus like a normal campaign. I think the way the press has handled Joe Biden by not talking about his senility. Talking about Antiphon as related to the Democratic Party, not talking about how extreme the party has become, you noted that they just they ve carried all of the water for the sky, and so I think a lot people are just like in a way he seems like he's. Gonna be fine. Yeah I would propose that when Pat was in here we're a news and why matters they did the daily pull on the internet every day and such ass, the out people who follow the blaze and social media. So you can we don't. We have
try to predict like what we, how the poles are. Gonna come out enough if Donald Trump, is the question usually does really, and the answers does really well pull where like Democrats would do poorly like this. Is it a partisan Nl Poland, with no scientific backing, but when they The question who is the most corrupt? The options were, Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Donald Trump, as you'd expect finished. Last right, they see him is the least corrupt, but overwhelming something like sixty five percent of people picked. Hillary Clinton, as opposed to Joe Biden who's going up in the biggest election of our lives and it ruins going up against Donald Trump Intuit. have weeks from the time this pause taken. People are still talking about Hillary Clinton eruption because they had twenty years of Hilary.
Linda corruption. I know but change how these things work. Glenn, I will keep their audience, gets, fired up about the thing I donno front of them and they don't they're, not hearing it any know, they're not only hearing it from a few source. Yes and that's the point Bloom and this corruption stuff on Biden, which Peter Schweizer outlined years ago, a good point, Years ago, when he came out on this show and said, bite and is the most corrupt vice president. In U S history. This is not comparing the Hillary Clinton he's, comparing it really everybody going A very long time what's him near or at the top of the list and this audience. We ve done dozens of shows on this goin out riding at every little. Bit every little detail and for Whatever reason, the conservative mindset. You know conservative sort of ethos has not fully. Is that it has not connected even with conservatives largely, but certainly with the country as a whole is not. Can
Did you see Joe Biden as this may seem, as this harmless figure that if he has a feature. Is that he's a little bit aloof and maybe losing it a little bit and again scary enough, but they don't they are Late, there's no hatred for Joe Biden, there's no fear of Joe Biden, There's fear for people associated with Joe Biden, like you know, Antifraud Orne, but the extreme elements of black lives matter and things like that, but they don't associated with him for whatever reason and This is why it's been so difficult for trumped a breakthrough in this thing, because with Clinton They hated voting for Hillary Clinton and At the end of the day, the people who hated both trump an Clinton went to Trump now we're seeing people those same people bouncing back to bite him and
that is the difference in this election. At this point- and I think part of that is because even conservatives say why hasn't the d o J done anything TAT S? My hands is under trumps right. So why are they then holding out why they holding out? If bar would have come out with eight with a big boy: Bilbil. I can continue to use all the time if Bill BAR, which would have come out with a with a press conference two months ago, months ago, I think would have made a dramatic impact. If if we had- a real something to hang or had on you know, buddy there is investigating, investigating, investigating well when are you gonna say something I mean when is that coming out and seems to be? Is gonna be after the election, the idea you're gonna see the FBI director fired right after the election, you'll fire him before he's? Can fire more right after the election
could see that in any no bar has not been the type of whose nervous to be spoken I mean he took the Russia Investigation in a pretty way and said it was basically nonsense. He has been outspoken as to I'm he said, is that the that multiple spied on and yet it doesn't matter here we are with with no, you need charges. Do you need charges and your very to be like will be hard to even write or you need you need somebody. I mean the dna came out and said this directive. National intelligence coordinates all of the intelligence. Branches all of their information. He came today and said this is this is not from Russia and that's what the? Democrats are trying to say there is no intelligence on that. They are saying that this is, you know a Russian up. It is absolutely not to those who are saying and our politicizing this bay
quickly. He see came out today and said that laptop of of hundred widens is real bodies that gonna get any play. No, probably not probably not it is it's the craziest thing I've ever seen. They really and you know why there are so many things stacked up against the president here that is going to be. It should not be looked at by Republicans and conservatives as this job just pull this magic trick again in future. If he did gets every vote that he got last time, he still loses yet, if you break it down by demographics, if he gets the exam Saint percentage and get the exact same turn out as last time with each of the no racial groups. He would lose the election because of changes in demographics. Now that is obviously not gonna happen exactly the same way and he didn t know what What point improvement here or there can can turn the tides of that, but he has to actually outperform two thousand. sixteen Donald Trump, to wit and twenty twenty
that's another thing, working against them. There's a lot here he's trying to do something, almost impossible. Politically right, think about a guy wins, it will be miraculous. It will be, I think, the greatest political achievement that at least in my lifetime- because you think of Just- fact that you're coming into this election year as it as a president whose very divisive, obviously some. Will love em? Some people hate him Europe. Point where you're out of forty four forty three percent approval rating for most of your four years as president, you end This elected this year, Electioneer with an argument to say we got a great economy and we're gonna keep power through the economy obviously has to fall apart remedy it does with the covert stuff you could have, a much more, how a much more beatable opponent to I mean you, gotta had Bernie Sanders right where they will. I think people would really see him as an a crazy socialist beasts, terrified of him and said you could show by and whose just mush to most people in my purse,
in his brain is well in any Have you know the media working against you? You have demographic changes. This is tough hurdle to clear here this is not easy: You know I mean the Republicans, never win states like Pennsylvania. We would joke about it every year we all that year, they're gonna, win Pennsylvania, they never do and your leg Yes, yes, the do that again budget the choices Minnesota and Whisky Johnson. Pennsylvania lay to our Michigan and New Hampshire either. It's like that's that's yeah is a tougher, very difficult to kiss. You miss the breakdown of it. We had. We did it in our one, yes, but it would basically means right now, if you have it to win all the states. That Trump is fake, to win, even if it's slightly then ass, the when all of a toss up states and pick off, Pennsylvania, Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin or a combination of new HAT New Hampshire in Nevada. All of these
states he's down by at least five or six points in minimum. Will it more on that tomorrow, I'm going to talk to you a little bit about gold line, we're down to the last couple of weeks before the presidential election and I'm calling it red November cuz it's either going to be all red with a Donald Trump or it's going to go read as in communist the flames in our streets? I'm not really sure. Anyway things are going to change here in the next couple of weeks, and I urge you to be prepared. Please prepare in all aspects of your life I recently went to go online and about some silver and because of that- and I gave the reason why there are like sing gold is gonna, be so expensive that you're, just not gonna, be able to use it. So by some silver. Have something halves. Something on hand, please
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Welcome to the Glen by programme. There are a lot of stories available, Haglund back dot com now, including on what terms Has done right, nobody talking about the things that he is done. There were remarkable there's time other problems, Why not talk about the things that he has done, that none of your friends? No, and that in so much more is available now Glenn back dot com share it with your friends, So this week is the debate and Donald Trump needs to find the discipline that Donald Trump had in the last four weeks of Sixteen people forget that because they remembered being such a chaotic experience, which it was If you remember the big scandal, the big crazy thing that Donald Trump said in the end during the interview doesn't sixteen campaign was the
access Hollywood tape, which happened while before two thousand sixteen in he was actually pretty discipline down the stretch of that action. People kind of get that he did not make a lot of mistakes and he was able to, and that was what would happen in the two thousand. Sixteen race is when he was common and not anything. You know these splashing crazy statements as it was defined by the media. He would he would close the gap and then something would happen and it would open up again and it opened up for the access Hollywood tape and kept close in a closed a little bit then the James call me situation happened. No twelve before the election wherever and continued to close, pretty much up to the election, but there are state polls that that did miss by, but by enough to make this a very winnable election for four Donald Trump this time, and that could happen again But you just hate to be on the side of the argument. We're saying well if we just get it
I'm pulling nearer than we can win Monkey Haiti be on that side of the argument in that's that's why Donald Trump has an opportunity on Thursday to make up you'll debt- I mean the first or the first debate did not go that well in the polls. Second, one gets cancelled. This is his last big planned opportunity, a he needs to be very presidential. He can't mild swinging like did with Joe Biden last time. He just to stay focused on the economy, the economy and the economy everybody cares about. What's gonna happen to the economy in the wall, Street Journal just showed that vitamins plan is counting on you. Your median income go down by six hundred thousand five hundred dollars in the next eight or nine years. That's not growth! America
Transcript generated on 2020-10-26.