« The Glenn Beck Program

Yet Another UFO Sighting Confirmed | Guest: David Barton | 5/17/21

2021-05-17 | 🔗

The Associated Press claims it didn’t know it shared a building with Hamas after an Israeli airstrike leveled it, but other reporting suggests otherwise. A CNN contributor called for another Hitler to rise up. Prince Harry criticized the First Amendment, and BlazeTV’s Pat Gray has some thoughts. WallBuilders founder David Barton shares about the new American Journey Experience. The Supreme Court will take up a case that could limit abortion in a big way. The Pentagon confirmed another UFO video, and "60 Minutes" interviewed pilots who saw the craft. China claims its Mars rover has landed, but some things aren’t adding up for Glenn. Some liberals admit they need to “rewire” their brains to accept the CDC’s new mask guidelines.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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not to turn the clock back
America. Well, I found out from MP. Are things are bad in in Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine found out how bad things really are we go to Israel and the lies from the media? The it feels like everybody has gone insane in the world and they feel like the last four years. Never happened at low gas prices, we were self reliant. There is peace in the Middle EAST. Now I mean it feels like it feels like Trump has been erased, all
policies, rivers, which, by the way they reversed another policy- and you tell me why they ve done it. We'll start there in sixty seconds programme, may take out really factor Julia lives in Texas. She suffered for four years from the intense pain in her hands. That made it difficult to her job even kept. From doing he she wanted to do around the House Julia. I know exactly how you are feeling I used to suffer from pain in my own hands, so bad I could barely do any living with him. I had to stop writing because I liked her actually right with ink and paper. I know, kids like Why would you do that? to paint, and I could barely paint anymore? I don't know follow me on Instagram, but I'm painting storm now and it's because of relief factor
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all public. I look at what Demmed Julius have now. If you Kathy stories today, you're going to see that the Associated Press has come under fire hoof, YAP yep, apparently Vive. is rallies bombed the Ap Building mean what will they do next now there claimed that Hamas militants in Gaza, where sharing office space with the Associated Press, but that would be something the Associated Press would report, would it's too. I mean you would, I mean if they were, if they had know Miller hence in their office building? They know it and of course they reported same with,
Al Jazeera, which is also in the same building yeah we really shocking if they didn't turn that information over Two of them their viewers, their listeners, seventy witches beach Johnny, if they just didn't, do anything about it. Well, in twenty. Forty now they say they had no idea, no idea, and they think this is an attack on the press, but twenty fourteen peace from the Atlantic, written by a reporter in the region, they d all day long and questionable history between the AP and Andy Jihadist Group quote when Hamas leaders survey their assets before this summer's round of fighting. This is twenty fourteen remember when there is fighting between Israel and the gods, us in the Gaza Strip, member that that was or trump and then strangely immediately after Trump when Hamas leaders survey their assets before this summer's round of fighting, they knew that among those assets
was the international press. The ape staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right outside of their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby by Andy p wouldn't report it again. This is from the oh, so very conservative Atlantic the journals The car time claim that Hamas fighters would regularly- and I am quoting burst into a the Gaza Bureau and threaten the staff and the AP wouldn't report it and quote so. Weird. The eight p didn't know they were sharing a building with Hamas for fifteen years, even though in twenty fourteen, the land, take reported on it and was putting people from the AP seems- seems weird Now it doesn't give a lot of credit to the aid
p. You know it's good can I heard some credibility a bit. You know if they were if they were able to miss Hamas veto Hamas. staging right there, you know like sweet to o three, it would become became a hard to take them credible source would it Maybe just a little it yeah, maybe I made there will be an odd building Christmas Party. I would feel like weapon yeah. You know Hamas shows up right I do I get my not you, might Wanna have a Christmas party now or Article Party North, I mean probably not real now, so it's odd way to confess that you're a complete. Incompetent but hey
a piece you know not opposed to it, while now to confess it. If you blame the Jews for lying about it, you could just say it's not true and then just say those Jews or lie in once again, and we all know how shifty they are. You know and and then just kind of pop that out there and goes along with it immediately and that's the cause, your ear, you're making it sound like they ve admitted, it is true. I mean they're, not they're just say what they did. None at all, they did in twenty four t. You're twenty fourteen. They were very well aware, you know When there are reporters talk to the Atlantic, which only that is a liberal magazine is- and I was thinking that was really really really conservative magazine, but I just remembered it's not is it still pretty much bright barred Glenn. I think I'm pretty hurrah. Ok, our right of gang very fast, so twenty fourteen they knew about it. But me
it was one of those damn israeli rockets that gave them amnesia now they can't remember it at all. What did you have for lunch on this day and twenty fourteen can thereby red eyes oil terrorist comes in and threatens your staff in the middle of writing a report either? I? U forget decent. For years, thanks hangs right right right now I did listen to NPR this morning because I want to know what what all the news is, and I am sure that I'm gonna get great news coverage for men pr boy. They didn't disappoint today. Listen to the report about Israel let's go out in Paris, Daniel Astrand, who is in Jerusalem, either Daniel, I Steve how Fred is the destruction I gotcha well these israeli attacks happened overnight and every night seems to be more intense than the one before
start every second stuff her second- I just I just I just I just want to reiterate this, because to become important all these israeli attacks have gotten worse, and each night is bigger than the night before so remember. Last week was horrible, I mean just horrible people were dying in the eight people- oh no, that was this weekend and so it was just or in nobody died in the AP building. Wiser leg They they weren't warning and they warn them in advance the idea of all collecting their belongings before they get out of the building at what they gave him an hour, I'm in told just now in my ear and they gave them and ours due to get out so ha. That's we're. Ok are anyway? So he says every day they are getting worse and worse,
process scores of warplanes again attacked another part of what is road halls, the underground metro. That is what they call underground tunnels, they say Hamas has dug Doug underground, to move its fighters and rockets from one state to another says it bob about nine miles of those tunnels overnight? We don't have any word of casualties from that, but these strikes have been keeping Palestinians up. All night terrified just got off the phone like asked: five year old woman, he fight a bouquet eblis, listen man, him! Let him that's what I'm gonna be the day I got. She says we didn't sleep at night at all. We felt like I felt my heart stopped and she's waiting tens of thousands of Palestinians not only fear but facing his short water supply. She says she filled up her buckets to use water to be in Clean when she does get one arm. She has just a few hours left of electricity a day, and that's that was just last night. The big deadliest is rarely strike so far in this fighting was Sunday several
whilst I story residential homes collapsed, forty two people include including very on children, were killed, while has Israel provided evidence to justify one particular strike over the weekend? Daniel I'm talking about the destruction of a large building that how to the Associated Press Gaza Bureau. That's right that building completely collapse in the israeli strike. Israel says Hamas. Military intelligence was using the building as well I wasn't is drawing the building had crippled, is come on I'll command and control capabilities. Israel has now at least evidence of that, and, although RO warned the building an hour before there are no casualties. People escaped no thousand you'll know why Israel didn't tell these set out at Pressa so away so deadly attack ex yes, but they lead with. this crime against humanity. These bombs are key. Being people awake.
People are losing sleep over this now. I've just tell I think, that's a little out of balance are the is keeping Israelis awake, no, no You know, I don't not. I had a similar situation at my home this weekend, where my wife is cold and she refuses. the air conditioning on when we sleep- and I woke up in the middle of the night, to warm to sleep too. Warm doing harm to sleep, you and your neighborhood Heather, I don't The answer to that idea should bluish. Does she have any? May we not get us bit test? It is bitter, as my I've got feeling her head. We gotta do something so far of night. I have really s really it's well no. What I tell you, you know what the world needs now according to the CNN contributor
The world needs now a. Let me guess get this quote the World today needs a Hitler so that was Roma just from Us Cnn long contributor. There is to be fair. He never mentioned what member of the Hitler family he just said, and it may could immediately using one of the nice ones I mean who's out. I was due to ransom was great Judith. Hitler's sweet are sweetheart, she could never throw blankets out of the whole affair. Maybe that's what I mean not all the Hitler's or bad row. Maybe he that's what he man, maybe that's what he meant. It needs learn right, not the only thing I want to get involved as a guy we're sorry, God, Hitler's gloody, what it's gotta learn a swede, Erna Guy, what was loaded with God, ITALY I what's he known, for,
It was a mechanic island, real and God of yeah Grand you know the world. We don't have. You know with the I'm just I'm trying to think about A deal raja and what he meant. This and Scott, probably cause he's a sweet Arta guy. He to go to the night to Columbus. Many would they bingo, and sometimes he let the old Ladys win me buddy. Also as a mechanic- and you know we have a lack of of silk, on ships now and- I'm sure Scott can help out. You know what I guess my one of my questions, because I have several, but one would be if you're going to set up a business, The last name is Hitler? Do you choose long island? Where there's a generally a higher population of jewish people who might not be enticed to go ahead. Less Hake, Anais, hey just does it does? Because
one Hitler hated. The Jews right oh pass that on scar toward Julia or France's red sure, ok, don't they here. You know we don't condemn people for their. You know for their ancestry. You know just because one of yours was one of the biggest killers of all time doesn't mean you are right. right, that's it be ok, you're, not the same as your brother or sit I just like. I am not sure that Hitler, I just fake there be a risk there are. Fact well I'd Maybe he didn't mean Scot, I don't know, but he just he did tweet the world today needs a peddler when When CNN was asked to respond, they said we ve never heard of a deal. Raja minimum now heard of him and then later they were like. Oh
o thou he'll, never work I'll, never work here and tell you that right now, so we got back our doors and thank you very much and our apologies discard for even bring in your name into any of this are by the way. It's not, I mean is is real name. He added changed its, not Scott. It was Dave any other change. When he moved here, page mobile, what's better than fifty percent off your first two months of Patriot Mobile but winning so little service for life? When you go, patriot, mobile dot com, slash back, you can learn how to get fifty percent off your foot, two months of service and entered a win cell theatres cellular service for life. I don't know why have our time saying that today I just One of those things that gets you enter the radio Hall of Fame. I guess not being able to speak English plus a free Adrian, starter kid. We
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Skinny in in London that we're arching in the street. and you're gonna love them. You gotta love. I mean you know you're on the right side when the people that you know you agree with their stance are chanting, F, the Jews F, their daughters,
f, their mothers rape, their daughters. I think that's good. I think that's good to just seems in some ways repetitive, if you're saying you're going to rape their daughters, you ve already already insinuated what you're the F your daughter's part of it you're just repeating yourself at that point, why be so vulgar one on just yes, the word ravens out. You know what I mean is the big problem here, why assault our sensibilities and and and and really bring civil did civilization down to that level by using profanity like that and that of the aid to be clear, I think the Associated Press would probably grew the on this. This is probably the Jews fault in some way that I say they associate. Unrest is working on that story. Right now that Romania c- and maybe the CNN contributor, is working on that story now you know a by the way the world needs a Hitler. Yet I wasn't down by by twitter, that was
Surprisingly, three hours later that was pulled down by a GEO Raja yeah. He thought to power worn down, but twitter didn't twitter, pull it down or workers. Why would he dean of people didn't understand that he was saying the world needs a good mechanic. rotten pneumatic likely right. You big idea right now. I just need a good law guided mechanic. By the way you can. You can still call him still find bollywood actress vena my leak Lou, I love she's, refreshing your fair, our memory. You got that whole box at right, yeah, Oh yeah yeah, dancing on the him the knight, the garage. What's the there is the big thing where they where they go wash the cows. The river
yeah right, our anybody, and I was on the river that was a great movie anyway. Anyway, she she pulls the last week. I wouldn't kill all the juice of the world, but I kept some to show the world why I killed them. Adolf Hitler, that's she did that last week you still find that out She's just deleted it too. She kidding deleted it yeah war whose work she did not. She was talking about Scott Hitler. She specifically said she was talking about a off yeah, yeah yeah. She was like problems, Cauldron said: hey, I fixed your car. You know when nobody else would- and why are you doing this to my family at eight offs, dead? Okay, it s dead. I get the blame. I built- is heard every time somebody drives by learn garage and there like white. Let's have a tough one
got the garage and you're trying to do now. Hopefully people don't associate you with aid off then, like a slogan, is never forget. So it's really hard to get past that Nagoya. She nodded have regretted and every time they got by your side and thinking, I'm remembering it again right. It's kind of at its kind about our path ray, is coming up going to talk about some of the other things that are going on, around the around the world, are also. I have a letter from a hairy Truman that he wrote about. The press I have to share it with you today. Hi, compared them to quoting Harry. Truman compared to a great whore you have to hear the whole letter it gets
It's so much better. I think you ll agree the sins programme. Donna Vacation, my family, soon, one of them things I have to pack is my pair of re con wireless airbags, mainly because we're driving and do you know what it's like twenty three hours in a car with teenagers yeah right they want to listen or whatever they want to listen to, and I want to listen to an audio book and no one in the family there, like dad can we please stop listening to this hard science you listen to all the time and, unlike I know, but I'm an award winning scientist, I'm a doctor man, so I Oh I gotta have a pair of re cons. You get Chris powerful beats at half the price of premium, audio brands, and that's the way I talk. You know half the price for furrier beats, just the way I rode out
buzz grave. They adopt you again and evolving breakdown looks great feels even better. They cover to arrange a cool colors. You gonna love them re caught, offering fifty percent of all their products right now go to by re conduct, com, slash back by re, con, dotcom, slash back, join Radio Hall of Fame host Glenn back in the relevant rule. Here. Had police tv gotta place tv dot com, slash, gladdened, promo code is worth protecting soccer subscription to please tv this is the line that programme. Let me introduce Pat gray from had gray unleash to starting a new movement hair. go home. He has set out in a new Charles book this week. Allow pad how I'm good, except for footprints Harry being here.
get rid of that one nuisance now mean that it still suck really bad right. Now, such a little yeah, meaning the tv patriotic weary. With this, this ship is sinking. We have to throw something overboard anyway, lousy aren't with prizes are with Prince airy. I probably incredible. Is it that this guy? here- and there is a reason he came here because it oh it's great, compare, No, no, no! No! No! No! No! He came here for Hollywood. Dwell right, yes and he's gotTa problem with the first amendment. He doesn't really understand it. You can't criticise your leaders as in about same breath. He criticizes his dad, who, if I'm not mistaken, is worthy of support pretend, leaders of of Great Britain, one supposed
what what did you say? Suppose supposed leaders, fake leap, pretends makers, yeah they represent and later they are. I keep doing like a four year old T parties over there something and I get to play the queen of England. Ok sure go ahead and how about we pay a billion dollars a year to do that would never right right I dont get it. He doesn't get first amendment idle. The british royal thing is not what you feel against for a hundred or two hundred or five hundred years, they finally got to the boy. Were you know that or some fairness and some decent governance in in England. And now all they want to do is continue to pretend like that. have a monarchy. It doesn't make it. Against me, well. What are you gonna do with all that land cause it belongs to them it at sea and on land. It is its own by the winners. So I mean drew you know it's not like you're gonna, throw them out and then have them move to an apartment.
You know that's where real estate agents, I trust, come in you get right now find a grey area between. Are you moving realistic age? Trust dotcom, nothing? I could do worse. I'll. Tell you that I right right. Hey! Can I ask Question Biden has reversed a Donald Trump executive order. I mean he's, I mean, He had done them all, but no, no, no by the authority vested in me by the bye as president by the constitution and laws, the United States of America, including blood, blah blah blah section one, revocation of presidential actions, the following presidential actions are revoked now. He has referred a lot of stuff bundle he's just he's just revoked the
enacting of stricter penalties for de defacing monuments? Is that, like an open invitation to start defacing the monuments. Again, I think so. I I so I mean why we you do that that's what I was trying to figure out sincerely. Why would you do that? Can you haven't come up with a no reason I can, unless I know, get up, humble single reason. Why me, maybe you can still? Can you come? Why would you would you acts, the penalties for defacing or or destroying a monument you,
that to happen. Jazz is such that there is a saying that is the only, and that is what it really is, and these are the you had are aligned with you philosophically right, you haven't these be no again, we might not want every monument to be torn down, but it's the same way. You might not want people to ride in the streets, but, like you, don't want them to be arrested, are punished or have their hands slapped, even when they do. Many can have that lead that happen when it seems like its incentivize in people to do this, and I and honesty ice it any other way. I can't, I can't see it any other way than than then you just You want more of this to happen again: don't. Wanna have to have anybody pay a price. The guy is dismantling us step by step and it's moving at a lot faster pace than I thought. What my favorite articles comes from the Federalist this weekend. I can ever for
about Brian Spelter, for as long as I'd like before his name voice or melodrama seep into my twitter feed. One way or another Wednesday was because CNN House liked a tweet containing a gas light. Atlantic article with self serious quote tweet. This is a really thoughtful argument. May goes the argument, but what I really but I really like is the headline: wouldn't actual potato beam. At her than CNN host Brian Skelton of that had lied to that. Yes, the answer to that question. I mean there is no doubt in my mind: if acts do, can you get somebody on the staff to edit part of Brian still broadcast and take him out of it and just have the camera go to a potato and then back to the gas is. Even you can do that because I I
think it would. I think we should try to prove that yes, a potato would be better at just for scientific purposes are saying: oh, This is purely side. Look man. We are in the radio arts and sciences ok, you're talkin, to a radio hollow famer. I didn't get here just by doing stuff that everybody just rights, a headline how'd you know they are only rather headline. I follow through on that that's terrific you like eating, get thereby doing those are the things you get there by asking me in Pat to do them. For you, then exactly right now you finally get gas, but did you see the the commented? that's, not going away it's time to revive the fairness doctrine and to expand it he has something that Obama said in what twenty ten
and other picking it up now that is targeting she who do, you, think, What do you think? It's probably gonna hit their own aside hearty people like Mr Potato head. Brian still do no actually he's for it. Wow, I wonder, is it with NATO, so we have eyes all around his head, so you can see everything so he'd have to see this coming, but was gonna hurt him the other fairness doctrine? Obviously, obviously, just only there to attack talk, video and probably they'll expanded into something of a people. Dont really follow the internet, so it probably be probably there there is a letter that I read from Harry Truman today that I absolutely love
he was. He was writing to his secretary of state and he says dear dean. While I have the urge to give you to give some of these lying paid prostitutes of the mind a little hell he's talking about the media when he talks about the prostitute rather rather than speak out. Publicly view are the victim Old Man Webster, whose purported to have written a collection of words with the river and derive direct say it pat derive to raise your yeah and definitions accounts. Radio holiday may get us talking about erode, prostitute one to submit to promiscuous lewdness for higher two did vote or base or worthy purposes as to prostitute
ones, talents prostituted now chiefly devoted debase purpose. or ends corrupt the same source from old man. Webster gives this desperate definition of prostitution and act or practice of prostituting. As prostitution of one's ability, dean, that is the end of Mr Webster's Webster's dissertation on the older profession in the world and as you can see, it's not confined to an occupant of a body house we have men in this day and age, who are prostitutes of the mind, they sell their ability to write articles for sale with will be so worded as to mislead people who read them as news these, articles or columns are the most astute and plausible unless the reader knows any of the facts and they are being misled. These men, our prostitutes of the mind. They write what they do not believe for sale
Mr Webster, has clearly define them for what they are. In my opinion, they are much worse and much more dangerous than the street walking whore. Who sells her body envoy relief of a man whose p is troubling him given This Truman Truman process, of the mind him I'll rate menace to free governments and freedom of speech and freedom of the press was first inaugurated, presidents and members of their cabinets and their staff members have been slow third and misrepresented sense, George Washington, when the press is friendly to an administration, the position has been lied about entreated horribly by the paid prostitutes of the mind. prostitute of the mine is much worse much worse, criminal. In my opinion, than a thief or a robber. The old old man Shakespeare said good name in man or woman dear. My lord is the immediate Joe
full of their souls who steals my purses, steals trash tis, something nothing, but he that filters from me. My good name robbed me of what of which not enticing him and makes Poor. Indeed, prostitutes of the mind, are skillful purveyors of character assassination and the theft of good names of public and in private citizens too, they are, the lowest form of thief and criminal. While that is that task you believe that was written by a Democrat, half alpha The Democrat Party is come since Truman. it all started when they stopped using the word filch moreover, I agree with the party Thank you very much. Pack, re gray least Joe right in about a recent experience with american financing. This is my husband and I heard about american financing from your radio show, MR back with the low
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demands, hours of debate from policy experts before coming to a decision on issues. According to a report from the New York Times, then Your time spoke with over two dozen current and former Biden Associates regarding the president's demeanor and how we conduct business according the report. The interviews painted a picture president with a short fuse who ebbs, who, obsessed with getting the details right sometimes to a fault quote. Mr Biden is gripped by a sense of see that leaves him prone to flares of impatience according to newer people regular interact with him. The president still quote he has said he expects to run for a second term expense he's gonna run for a second term, but aid say he understands the effect on ability to advance his agenda if Republicans rig power in Congress next year. End quote: now. Why would the New York Times right
Story about Joe Biden swearing at his AIDS and arguing with his aids, and saying that there's hours of debates. I think that's because beaten. the it's trying to show that he is in charge of his faculties, and is actually doing something all day I this is a smoke screen, because how you possibly say, he's he's just a puppet he's not doing anything If you're reading stories about him man, he just he's into the men by Nootka, he's everybody, and does anybody believe that he is actually doing that? maybe maybe he is, but do you think he's he's running anything? Do you think the guy who gets up in the morning, as is hey. I have
idea last night, and I I do this and then he darts these debates going on. I I don't think so. Do you still. No, I don't think he certainly don't. I dont think of him the brains behind any operation, but I do think there is the willing, I think, gets he gets now who gets understated, maybe by the conservative media. Is this idea here I just sitting around like you know, grunting all day and not doing anything. I do think that he sees him. He wants this job he's wanted. This job is entire life. He does not like that people talk about him. In that way, I think at times heed Europe stands up to his people and says no do this on the present a United States dammit, That being said, I mean I don't he doesn't have a direction. You know he as this he goes along with the people, gender speaking around him, so I
at times he wrestles control back for a period. But you know look at some point there, early bird dinners over it's time to go to sleep for the night at four p m and and then, who knows what the operations we know what what operations go on after that? We live in interesting times. Thank you, chinese fortune. cookie, appreciated, appreciated our eye backwards. Good NEWS in just a second. before we get into the program today for your show, comes up and just been on the table at home. Title lock, Hometitlelock is talking about one of the fastest growing crimes in America or talking about home title fraud at its base who the situation where hackers can get access to your title. They can, they can basically look. make it seem, like you, soul, your home to them, and then they
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more, not entertainment the blunder
well. Usa today has named the biggest threat to the republic. I'm gonna give you their conclusion in a minute also. I am glad to say that the press has worked on the student loans and how its directly linked to mental health student loans is putting undue stress on so many students and that's why there should be student loans forgiveness because they can handle the stress. I've got a few things to say about that, and some good NEWS in sixty seconds programme so generous lives in North Carolina? Her job requires her to take stairs. Alot seems terrible, good, evidence and the ramps or some sort of an elevator.
Try only to walk. You know the stairs at. I note the point of a gun anyway. She dealing with severe pain in her back and hips, and that's why walking up and down the stairs at work everyday living hell for her for a law time she just put up with it didn't seem too. much else to do she tried a lot of pain, men remedies, but none of them ever worked. Finally, she heard me talking on the radio about relief factor, and you know what happened. She took it for a couple of weeks and she's the pain in her back and hips was starting to fade within two weeks. These days, it's completely gone Janis got her life back, and so could you that's the same I saw in my first three weeks and I actually denied it. I was like ground. I just I think, I'm just feeling better knowledge. Sister, and soon as I stop taking it, the pain came right back, and the longer. I took it the more the pain went away. I want you to call
for relief factor right now. Eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four works for about seventy percent of the people that try they go to order more so call them or just go to the website and ordered the three week trial. Pack, its relief factor dot com. Really. Factor dot com David Martin, the founder of Wall Builders, the author of the book, the american story, the beginnings which is she asked the best shore story, reed of the american founding that you will you'll ever you'll ever read. It is such a great book that tells story, in short, stories that you know or not cast on the the
place and the bridge and burn the date, but actually the story and the name. So the people that you ve never heard of the heroes that built this country. It's a great boy. the american story, the beginnings. You should go online now in order it. This is a must for every serious persons, library and That is a view no serious book. It is a serious scholarly book. But it is one you can read and any one in the family could read and get a real handle on America quickly. Our he is also the. What is your title over at the american Journey experience and a mercury one David you're, the chairman of the board? Yes, I am the chairman of the board, but I'm off that, whatever we need over there, so you know you are also a little bit of a pie He turned a little bit of a car, later when we needed from time to Time David,
David Martin has been by my side for many many years and we have in building the american journey experience and also something that an education series that we have been building for the people who follow him at Wall Builders and also the people at mercury, one that one to come in and and learn so let's start with this week, David, let's start what's happening over the american Journey experience Tuesday tomorrow is the ribbon cutting of. The actual building we. Finally, because of covert this is most happened, last fall, but we finally have a ribbon cutting tomorrow and what the american Journey experience, american journey. Experience really is documentary. If you want to say about what America really is, as opposed
through the one million four hundred and thirty, two thousand narratives are out there, there aren't accurate. So it's a collection of things that you and I put together over the years literally the goods had the ugly of american history. Whatever the era, whatever the period of the American founded as the founding fathers of if it's pre market or so tourism if its pandemic. Shutdowns whatever it is, it's documented in american history and we Our original documents from every one of those errors in every other air you can think of that that allow people to actually see what happened as opposed many narratives that are being pushed So I was, I was over there Friday and We were talking about the pandemic, and you said: oh, we have something on that and ran over to the vault and pulled something out from eighteen. Seventy five, there right, eighteen, eighteen, seventy three:
eighteen. Seventy, three, ok and it from the city of Baltimore explain what it was Baltimore was requiring everyone to get a vaccination at that time. It was a vaccination for small pox, but you required to get it. If you don't get it your find by the city, city paid for you to get it, but you had to have the receipt and show that you ve been vaccinated and they went. It is respected and make sure that you have the vaccination same kind the staff that were hearing right now, we're here in Baghdad and by the way are also over the weekend. Other interesting piece came up and we found that the election recounted. Eighteen hundred other states were taught about how they needed to show the state malicious to the. U S coupled to protect the capital during the recount, mainly just very today that we deal with a day that we don't have some clue to. Having been done in history, but certainly,
pandemic. Thank me right in the middle of that debate. There we see going on at large blue cities even back and that day right. And it was it, but it was city, was in federal, so the city was right. city, and I have less of a problem with that and the city was paying for it and those vaccines were really expensive. That was a a receipt from the city of Baltimore that, given to a a black woman right, was: it was a receipt for vaccination. Sarah Ayers black woman is ten bucks and, back in eighteen, seventy three, is a ton of money our job and cost of that same that's right, it was a forger and remember the gold coin was twenty dollars. So that's that's like in two days inflation. That's like two thousand dollars That's crazy amount of money. We debated in about a under
thousand dollars in the money back then they were. I would, but it was still really high, really expensive image again. The fact the city is due and paying for Ford and the fact that was for alchemy reeds and why can be released? There's just a lot of fun lessons from it in that incident and that one single receipt and of course we have tens of thousands of historical documents like that single seed and they all have a story with a they all? Do some some really good stuff of your happiness? understand who we are and where we ve been. Syringe we made previously it is unlike everything else it your family EC, encounters. Today your kids encounter in school, we're not re. Imagining american history, where proving american history with the documents with the
the facts from the past that that show us even the history. We don't want to remember history, we don't like it important that we we learn it. So we can imagine our lives and imagine the american dream for ourselves. We don't we Imagine, history, history, make us re, imagine our lives and our goals and our rights and responsibilities. Okay. So this weekend we have. The american Journey experience seminar. It is a two day conference designed for families and people of all ages, we have a few slots, still open. you can register it. Mercury, one dot, com, where's, we We are still trying to figure out how the best way we can get people too we did this a couple of months ago
and we didn't charge anything and all of us people from taxes- I should say all most of them, bull from Texas in the immediate area didn't show up and I think that happens when you just makes things free people are like. I was gonna go but now well. so we're having to charge now for it. So we don't have an empty seat, because this is a really important lesson over two days David. his son and I teach the class I mean they teach the class I kind of I can. I'm I'm, therefore I guess I'm like the the puppet show that happens in between four kit. Comedic relief, but we take from leave, leave the Mayflower actually before the Mayflower too, about nineteen sixty David there we go up through really kind of the modern era, the space age. What happened space age and
we moved the timeframe and a truly common interest and have this came about and Bob We were just talking about all the documents. That's one of the cool things about being part of the seminar is as we talk about each other. Areas and we will cover from, as you said from before the pilgrims, we really cannibal the sixteen nineteen narrative real quickly, because thirty nine, It is not. When slavery came, North America gotta go to fifteen twenty six when the Spanish, our slaves to North South Carolina, but nonetheless, there's that kind of documentation. We go forward, poor, really, the better part of four and a half centuries, and as we talk about the step. We will actually bring the originals out, and people will get the sea and experience the originals they will get to go through the Baltic. To go through the other areas where this stuff happens. So it's it's an inn. Craig experience, because you actually get to see an experience. Truth is not
narrative which its truth, you get to see what truth is built on, and that is so transformative, and we have now done this for a few years with young people and the summer attitude, and so many of the parents said wait here we ve seen such a change in our young people, who we want to see some of this stuff too, and that's really have this came about was there was a primordial high demand from parents, so you can bring your family probably not appropriate for little little kids, just because it's a lot of sitting in listening It's really for all ages. Anybody that took you know, can sit and and listen. And you can take notes and you will learn more on the story arc of Amerika. that's what this is. We tell you the high points and low points of Amerika, so you understand where we started. Where we are and how we got there. How did we go off track? How do we get back on track?
What have we lost along the way? What do we need to restore? What are the things that we should be looking to jettison now in in the way we are ISM as America register. Now it is this weekend. Mercury, one dot com. There will also be summer dates that you will be able to sign up for a vacant get this weekend, but really just sign up for this weekend. Mercury, one dot com find out all the information there. Now also we have. Thing where we are very, very selective on who comes because the glasses are so limited, we have the American Journey Summer Institute. This was our leadership training seminars. It's a two week conference for students between eighteen and twenty five year olds, its weeks of nonstop projects, research, lectures, outings
anybody wants to learn the truth on american history. I will tell you if your kid, is going into college This is something you should require them to do before they leave the house, It is it's quite intensive and it happens here again in Irving or Dallas Texas, at the amount, that the american Journey experience as well as with Wall builders, tell us tells him bit about this when David. Yet This too weak session we do in and by the way Glenn not to diminish your pardon this, because nobody I know in the country has a better grasp of and things turn wrong and when they first talk term rather than you do what you do and enabling point out what progressive idea and when they did it, it is involved
people and understanding where we are then how to get out of where we are so you. You are a key part of this as well and two to session and the family the family similar all of that. So what we didn't thank you as we were really take all the narratives debt that were faced with today whether it be the narratives over. Is America exceptional or are we socialistic or should we be or how we better Marshall, you name the issue the and we will take on that issue and take it back to its root, based, so that everyone understands that those who Campbell understand exactly how to deal with that and whatever professor whatever appear our colleague says, whatever friend or enemy, says you'll know exactly how to deal with it. So really is the apologetically getting your feet out into all these areas, so that you really know what truth is and you can defend truth and you can post wait, others to the truth, so Is one of the most grounding grounding programmes that we do and it is
literally transformative website alive, people have. it testimonials go had noted. I would just say, I've. I've. I've witnessed it myself, you know if you're, if your child has an open mind and is a serious individual They need to attend this because I have seen them change in a two week period. It is they understand their responsibilities? They understand what is happening in their world and eyes are open to what they ve been taught and its, and they know how to research and find a regional sources. We ve had a student actually teach their teacher there history. Professor set wrote on it and say that they wrote in road and red ink. Not score just said: you're either a bald
audacious liar or you know something I don't and ended up teaching that professor weekly for the rest of the semester. It is its game change. because they access original documents. One more thing that is a problem- and I want to just added here and David we'll talk about it and in one minute, but We are also this you're doing a teachers conference three day conference for teachers. This is so wildly important because our teachers are going awry because of the unions and everything else fear a teacher. you want to stand, how do I do it? That's what the teacher conference- is all about David will talk about that here in just a second. You can go to war, builders, dot, com or mercury, one dot, com and sign up now, right, Har sponsor this half hours, timeshare termination team- if you, if you have a time, share gosh
I know what you're feel and I know the pain that you're feeling your body Do time share, we hope make mistakes from time to time I mean I almost did this myself It is such a nightmare. To get out of an people will tell you can't get out of a well. Yes, you can, but you have to have the right legal team on your side. They, the two sure, termination team is a dedicated of in house attorneys. This is all they do. They don't do this part time. This is it. They are experts in timeshare cancellation law. Time your termination team go there now get the process started, don't put it off and get stuck with another year of time. Show that you're not gonna use you'll get too deeper percent off when you terminate your timeshare, if tell them that I sent you a so call them now at eighty to get you out, aided eight get you or visit them online at timeshare termination team Dotcom times termination team dotcom make sure you tell em Glenn back censure
second station. I d four, more builders, dot com is of David Martin and it is not commerce, it dot. Org David, its walls. where's dot com and dot org and the same with mercury, one stock com or dot. Org. Ok, good, so tell me about the teachers conference, the teachers comments as a lot of fun because we have so many good teachers across the country, but in a the boys they handicap themselves by not knowing the right pedagogy. I just mean the teaching methods. There is a reason that and thought nineteen twenty nobody went to school pass it great America, once you get the eighth grade, you went to college you gotta career, but that was school ended and it was you it was usually only a few months a year that you went to school
was not based on the formula we have today that at your shirt night you have certain knowledge is totally different, and so what we do is we go back and show here's? How used work for hundreds of years here. So you get the best results here. Some of the best Gee methods and by the way, here's the content, because the content Hopefully not there, and most textbooks anymore and again is like everything else with american Journey, we take you into devolve, you get to see the actual original educational documents, how we did this, what worked for central why was it you can have someone like Benjamin Franklin whose elementary school dropout be one of us, both you guys of America, it's because of the way We taught in what we knew, so that's what we do for teachers, it's a very its formerly their procedures. give college students, twenty twenty twenty four year old college students, the eighth grade tat, first and most of them don't even know what its even talking about, and it's it's not that it's
It's not that it's! You know old fashioned language. It's just roared and airily difficult, eighth grade, yet at eight red x round that you had in America. You couldn't get your diploma. If you could pass as I do, I've never had a college student Beth examples we given it. That is. Truly remarkable are so for teachers. Also for students in the summer, both of those or in the summer go to war, builders, dot, com and mercury, one dot com or dot org. You can go there now and sign up for this weekend. The american history story arc. We will give you in two days all of the touch points that you need with the original documents and evidence from our vault. It happens here at the Mercury studios and the american Journey experience the sins programme
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a permanent structure of government becomes so big that it would be going beyond the control of Congress behind the wheel of a trillion dollar paranoid you, as President Joe Biden, wants to get the entire country not shrink indelicate randomize, an economic recovery, another two trillion dollars and after four trillion dollars last year, and I prefer suggested the dangers inherent in. So many metro handout there were people, including idly eminently that any good every waking. Rather, we pass nourishes rush. The largest delivers fourteen hundred dollar stimulus checks to every qualifying American three hundred and fifty billion dollars. Fifty one fifty billion for skills, forty billion for further education and fifty billion in relief for small businesses out at this come about mainly because we are perverted our constitution perverted it with regard to our welfare, doesn't leave with regard to the misuse of the taxation system, perverted with regard to the interpretation of the clauses on interstate commerce, and we ve done an understanding, I sounding phrases: vaccine shots, social protection groups, forgetting that majority cancel watermark. We ve heard representatives in the higher echelons of government asked what are you afraid of your own government? No amendment to the constitution is an absolute house took steps to push towards without republican supportive, necessarily to tell you the truth. I am was time. Remember that we, the people, but we decreased our gold holdings and killed Concern- is felt for the sovereignty of our currency and very shortly the coins which, though in our pockets, will no longer have the ring of silver. Sixty policy today is based on the idea that we're robbing Peter to pay Paul what we'd better take another look. We robbing we're all name went along kids and our business to succeed in the twenty first century economy would have a warm and cozy sound today for every ten thousand dollars. It only takes twelve doctors to keep us well. It only takes already mechanics and oil station attendance for every ten thousand dollars to keep our automobiles running thirty. Seven telephone, employee network running in this country, but an eight hundred and thirty zero employees. Whatever we can to administer the affairs of state, we want two states with local institutions, officials with Golden United States, director of education, blurted out, you don't understand. Under the plan you propose, we couldn't achieve our social objectives, fast, prolactin sentence at my desk, so we can support right to social protection for dream between scenarios in their workers. Mass migration, climate change, terrorist threats to our way, supremacy stairs now we're a memorandum capacity. Suasion conducted systematic effort to contact officers in school boys to encourage their publication and adoption of textbooks. Conforming to establish economic theory, critical race theories of the government is going to build a fire issues. Scholarship will make judgments is exerting pressure. What, if one day that pressure is of a political nature? Not do I, like the overthrow of the system of autocracy protection and even the constitution itself, Republicans fleet with descriptive, adjectives before the word reform, Parliament Republican Republicans serve at whatever level we chose. The truth is we ve been Sucker Republic people I've been gas, went into believing it simply racial sensitivity, training when nothing could be further from the truth, for those islands were given to us by our own time as a bundle, a muffin give them back. We believe we need cash but fear to challenge, or we can rise from the beginning, the second round of our logo, to restore the republic. If you are unwilling to meet this challenge, then you'd better start preparing deciding what you tell your children was reinforced. They'll want to know what they want
is the Glen Back Programme and we thought I share that speech from Ronald Reagan, how far. We have fallen off of the path. looks like we have some possibly good news from the Supreme Court. A couple of their decisions we have been released can give me an update on these two yeah? One of them is interesting it. Basically they there's this idea that police can't do sort of community. care taking functions as what they call them. What you know like would be maybe like a an accident or of a car in the side of the road and go check it out right rats police do obviously all the time questioning whether one of the core was like. Does that all Oh include unwarranted seizures and searches of homes. So here's hares and actual here was the added larger than I believe of the case was
a police officer if he looks into his walking down the street, Annie looks into the home any see, the gun laying on the table- and he thinks that might not be illegally acquired gun. Can he go in without a warrant and take tat gun or look at that gun demand to look at that gun. Can he do that the answer should be No, Essentially what the via the ruling was? No, no. It was written by Clarence, Thomas of Course, so it was it was, was come on. I want no nine to nothing, but you cannot think Della does not include fat now. Thank goodness, that's a good thing for sure. those either some other stuff and nothing particularly. Oh. You know river other than justice cabin? I wrote one wishes kind of fighting with just Kagan on.
people of different rulings? They seem to have a little bit of a rivalry brewing which is kind of fun, but other than that. None of them are tat. They get a big. One, though, is that they are going to take on a abortion case. This is Russia's Big NEWS and the air, the at the idea being ethics, Mississippi's larger, try to passive at fifteen weeks, where they, whether abortion can be banned after fifteen weeks, It's the can. The baby live outside of the womb, viability and live the baby is viable. Then we should be we should they have to keep it alive. Gay its dependent upon the mother there, No, but you can't abort a baby that can be viable outside of the womb I dont know why this is so controversial it. To be what was it twenty one week's minimal? I've. I've always said, as technology gets better and better
come closer and closer to you? No conception, it's going other way, because we keep getting better and better at keeping their kids alive or seeing the kids and realizing that they are children inside the womb. Once Lena It was back in colonial days what they called the quickening. If you If you felt the baby move, then you couldn't kill it, but up until that point it wasn't a bit be because cause? How would you know it could have been a it could have been the growth a tumor many times, and that is one of them- were Harmon brighter ass. You re an antelope. My aunt had a Buick really yeah there. Fifty six p m He was a big woman. She was a big woman, yet you never know what's in there in ever know. You never know why it's interesting on this, because we know we obviously, as conservatives and people who are pro life, are
always look at B. Rovers is weighed decision as this very negative thing, which of course it is. However, I will say at this point The rovers is weighed decision is, like I'm lands in urban move towards conservatism where we are, and is that Basically what rovers his way talked about. As you know, we say can ban it after after viability at me, I'm really the second and third trimester there can be all sorts of rules that that the governor can pass to do Renaud, suspend this terrible, the thing that we do with the to abortion, so we move way past that now we're in our. Obviously one of the two parties says abortion for any reason up to one second, before death arbour. Excuse me so everywhere. At that point, where only two rovers Wade would be a conservative joy. The
J. Just secretary testified last week there is no law preventing partial birth abortions. Even yet there is but h, age S secretary said Melick. Not so, I have force a law that doesn't exist and and the senators were like, but it exist, not really really. Are we re imagining this law to that's fantastic. we come back, I wanna talk to you about the CDC The mask thing, boy I was on the airlines. The airlines are alike, not cease on the mask thing will put talk about the change, the change of heart, the CDC, what happened? Forty four five days ago they were like absolutely not. I am sensing doom, that's ethical! I am sensing doom right around the corner to now get take mask of no big deal. Oh ok, we'll,
changed and I have some confusing and conflicting evidence what they say changed. Not so much will give that to you here in just a second first Tell me about Roma high stakes when you have to make their dinner decision on the fly. There is nothing better than opening up a freezer full of high quality, delicious food from Omaha stakes, about you, but we redoing, our house, we, I think I think we get our house back this next weekend or most of it we get our kitchen back, we can actually cook earmarked. Oh my gosh, We would have been able to live without you. a daughter living next door who has a kitchen or you know, dinner's on the go: and I know a lot of people who are like that and there, like. I don't have time to even think about it. This is where Omaha stakes come in because
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you'll find the special and, for a limited time, get twelve free, Omaha stakes and burgers, as well as twenty dollars off at check out on your first order? You kill me twelve free Omaha stakes and burgers, I'm just reading that to make sure the spot a typo. It's not said Omaha stakes, dotcom key word, Back Omaha stakes, dot com to the programme this is the Glen by programme, so the CDC the chief now has said. I have to wear masks if you ve been vaccinated, ok, Forty five days ago, forty five days ago on March. Twenty. Ninth she warned the nation of dire days ahead. Quote. I'm gonna lose the script. I I'm just gonna reflect on them, growing feeling that I have of
pending dude right now I'm scared. I know it is like as a physician to stand in that patient room, Gown Glove Mass shielded and to be the ass person, a touch, someone else's loved ones because their loved ones couldn't be there. Now that that was March, twenty ninth, We continue to recommend masking crowded outdoor settings in venue, such as pack stadiums and concerts, where there's decreased ability to maintain physical distance Where many on vaccinated people may also be present. Now that she said on April, many seventh. Ok, so what is she saying today, April. Twenty seven we have two, you know we have to have outdoor precautions we have to wear, masks, etc, etc. She says she's following the science, ok
well. Let me give the science here to Stew, who I know follows all this and tell me what I missing access bold immortality. What access mortality me: if I'm wrong excess mortality, is we have certain number of deaths every year, so that you know it's a. They should be kind of like a flat line. Unless something big happens here, and we have a really bad flew season. We don't count regular, flew season? We expect to lose those people its everything over. What we normally would half were erected. Okay, so we add a lot of excess deaths veto in the last year. Yes, however, the excess ass, the week of January third began to collapse by February. It was back to summer twenty twenty levels, which was pretty good, but you could still have maybe a rebound by large, fourteenth excess mortality. Was it? Why
percent above the twenty fifteen twenty nineteen average this occurred Even as very few Americans were vaccinated when excess in began to drop less than one percent of Americans were fully vaccinated at the of January less than two percent by the end of large when access more time. he returned to twenty nineteen pre pandemic levels. Only fifteen posts the population had been vaccinated. Of May eleventh only one third of Americans have been fully vaccinated even they ve been saying sixty seventy percent of the population has to be vaccinated. What happens to
Well, let me give you the entire answer here in the next eighteen seconds. Before we go on now, we can do it after the top of the hour, but do you have an yeah? What changed what you know? What change yeah sure we can go into that ok, Do thou fourteen seconds we'll do that next hour and you foes holy cow. Did you see sixty minutes last night club programme? run out of your entering the real estate market. You got a lot of questions. I could sell my house of your enough if you're in of sellers market, like are in Texas, it's all my eyes, but then What is it gonna take to replace my house? Where am I gonna move? You need a great real estate agent that if you're selling your house in a cell, market that you're good. To be able to find something else and they can handle both of those transactions
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not entertainment, the Klondiker
America and welcome to the global programme? Hey China has landed a spacecraft on Mars and if they did it look suspiciously like exactly the same design as the american ship went to Mars. Wow you designed to yourself right, China, you and stolen aiding from us. I don't even think they made it to Mars and I'll. Tell you. Why also do martians exist or are we living with extraterrestrials that are monitoring us all the time last night on sixty minutes, the answer was: maybe maybe somebody is
I will give you that in case you missed it in sixty seconds programme. You know. I spent a lot of time every day. Thinking about my health and fitness level. I mean look at me. You Do not get a body like this without work and hard you combine all the hours I spend having to hear things like put that snack down they were trying to lose weight. What's with the pizza, you know I go through hell every day. You combine that with all the time I spend about thinking about exercise, I'm magically spending my whole day on health thinking, you know remain, one thing that I am I think about. Naturally, act on is built bar. That's because the people who make them understand that flavour has to come first. This is the guy This philosophy ever did this. These are health minded people and they said gay we're gonna start
company, but we're gonna go for taste. If it doesn't taste good, we don't make it and I mean like taste clouds. I mean taste good try to use one hundred percent real chocolate leasing, tastes like real candy bars, but they're, not their protein bars. And there really healthy, for you. I mean unless you eat them in large large quantities, but I can't imagine anybody doing that Bilbil are made with a hundred percent real chocolate, their low calorie low carb there also high in fibre and protein, in other words, good for you and delicious. They ve got rate flavour is that you have to try the mint brownie. Yes, it will blow your my knee. It will you will find a flavor that you love bill, bar dotcom use the prom code back fifteen and get fifteen percent off your next order, your mouth is going to water, just looking at the list of them built bar dot com,
build bar dotcom promo code back fifteen. I too, then, let's continue our conversation with Mr Stupor gear, because I'd like to know what changed for these seedy see to flip because they say we're just following the science. Just following the science and I mean I think they were at least at the beginning when we were like. Ok, we don't know an awful lot about this. So what do we do and things change like sire, I dont give them you know They were changing early on in saying you know, this could be very deadly. Well could have been in it as deadly, but it wasn't what we thought it could be. Thank God and they, I dont, think they understand the science of masks or be no social distancing. May I just
the story today. The increase of new Yorkers in Florida was really heavy rising from all these floor These new Yorkers going to Florida and move. The Florida will widen. They bring that. Why was floor, it is a rate. so low with so many old people. Bear to New York that fully shut down forever. What happened What is the science here while one little part of this? I know this is not your larger point, but Rhonda Santa's decided to try to keep old people alive. As opposed to ensure Cuomo Way opposite way, and we kill off as many as possible by importing covert patients into their nursing homes and that that was why should a bull tactic it was levelled at it, though so, who now? Let me tell you, Mr Isn T brigadier. Ok, I know your real name. I know where you live side by side
America's dumbest mobster was part of TAT was why York numbers this did happen, but so we know it and, I think, Sent us did a very good job omitted the numbers in Florida around the middle, to read it effects from the virus. He put less restrictions on overall in a part of this, I think is outdoors to endorse. You know there was a flare up, in the south when People decided hole. crap, it's hot outside. I don't care about this virus, I'm going inside to the air conditioning and the opposite seems to have happened in the north. earth when it's so cold. They don't want to go outside. We ve seen flare up there when it's nice and spring and summer they had lower ass levels of virus. That's just part of it. Any catches simplify this to one thing: there's a million different for half an hour, but I was just in I was just in Florida this weekend
I didn't see anybody wearing masks, floored, it's it's a its wide open, you know, but then you go to the airline and euro. It's like You will and ask your like: ok, ok, ok, I'm wearing of ass! You don't you have not applied it right. Let us make sure you're like ok, ok, ok, I got it. I thought I was over the nose. I mean it's and it was a stark difference. It's interesting to that Mean Florida and the airport, the aid that an Texas with the two places you were flying in between our largely good. You know completely open at this point, the Inn: now. It's interesting because the the Guidance on airlines really did change with Bitin and the system
he can kind of control more directly and when they always had masks on one trump. Was there as well as though they did. You hear the like fourteen announcements they had to make about mask stirring the flow, and not only the fourteen and out of it, but the Lee fifty six announcements that a few violate these rules. You may never be able to fly with us again the up their threats attached to a letter. Then that's all do most of that is at least as new from the Biden administration. Where he put this on- and I will say like you know, the CDC did open up every one talk but this is how they opened up all of these things for people who were vaccinated to go do whatever need to do with this. I didn't change between that the period two weeks beforehand when they said something else, but also they didn't open it up to things like plants where, again, there is no evidence that a vaccine a person meets where a mask on an airplane. In fact, the airplane saint, with with their circulation systems, are actually
Pretty good places and energy are unlikely to get the virus on an airplane. You know: they kept. Those on mass transit, a bunch of other different things that are probably completely unnecessary, but or could not controlled by the government the when they can when they can control it in a central way. They're gonna keep it on four. longer than any of us are comfortable with correct. That's another reason why you don't have government running everything me switch gears here. Stew, on the on What happened on sixty minutes last, I did you happen to catch any I did. I watched the whole UFO segment. If that's what you're talking about? What did you think? Pretty amazing. We talked about this for a while. This would be the biggest story in the world. I feel like any other time we were doing. The show they can any other time in the history of the world there is.
Moment. They must not be the biggest story to the to the guy one of the guys who is running this sort of programme. eighty two Ufos and asked him they said you know. What do you think about these? You know ufos, or are you saying that he's your possible? He does. It's not me saying it he's like we're Well beyond that, the? U S government is telling you that it's happening there, I'm not it's me saying it anymore. It's the government telling you! The question is: what are these things? Okay, so cut on pilot on UFO, it was aware, was was November. Two thousand and the U S S Nimitz carrier strike. Me was training about one hundred miles South West of San Diego. For a week. Vance New radar on a near by ship, the? U S S Princeton, had detected Operators called multiple anomalous aerial vehicles over the descending eighty thousand feet in less than a second on November fourteen flavour and
Dietrich. Each with a weapon system officer in the back seat were diverge. To investigate. They found an area of roiling whitewash the size of a seven thirty, seven in an otherwise com, blue sea. So, as we're looking at this, her back cedars says: hey skipper: do you about got out. I said: do you? Do you see that thing down there and we saw little weight, Tik Tok, look an object, and it's just kind of moving above the White water area. As Dietrich circled above flavour, windy and for a closer look seriously, Spiralling down the tick test, point nor south egos and just abruptly and merely souls I'm coming down, it starts commoner. So it's it's mimicking your move. She was aware we were there he said it was about the size of his Effie team with no markings, no wings, no exhaust plume restaurants, how causing it
so I go like this in its climbing still gets. In front of me just disappears disappear disappears like gone. It had sped off. We were you thinking Do you mind tries to make sense of it, I'm gonna categorize. This is maybe chapter or maybe a drone and when it disappeared, I mean it was just did you act cedars see this too. There is for us in. planes? Literally watching this thing for roughly about five minutes, seconds later: the Princeton reacquired the target, steam miles away and crew managed to briefly lock onto it with a targeting camera. Before zipped off again, and I think that years we ve sort of said, hey man. If I saw this solo I don't know that I would have come back and said anything because it sounds so crazy. When I say it You understand that reaction. I do if handsome
people tell me when you say that you can sign crazy and how we are not. Are you a full guy but from what I hear, you guys saying, there's something others. There is definitely something that our whose built it get. The technology used, got the brains, withers theirs Walter that was better, not airplane. So you know when they track, it is sixty miles away. They believe it can pull six thousand geez, so you understand that Ten jeez is what the space shuttle launch of pilot has to take ten jeez is right in the area between nine and eleven, you pass out as a human. What can withstand what metal, what we device. What anything could stand sixty
thousand jeez. nothing we know of. now, they're saying this could be russian or chinese, but I don't think so. here play yeah pie. It on you f o could be russian chinese tech. What do you think when you see something like this? This is a difficult one to explain. You have rotation, you have highlighted. We have proposed and rights and on up Frankly, he told us pilot speculate. They are one of three things secret you technology, adversary, spy vehicle or something Other worldly I say in the highest probability, is it's a threat observation programme? Could it be russian or chinese technology
I don't see why not where you alarmed, I am worried frankly enough, these were attacked. Will jets from other country. There are hanging there will be a massive issue, but because a look slightly different or not willing to actually look at the problem in the face, happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there watching us every day. that's not entirely true. If you want to go back, you wanna really go in depth on this. Did a show with the guy that has partner who was with it with the Pentagon, actually betray us was the one who selected him because he was not a UFO guy. And he did the initial investigations for the Pentagon that your now seeing released he's now in a public private partnership with the USA. states, government and the military and the explains what they found and end the
the danger that it is posing last night on sixty minutes. They only talked about one place. It's up is it over. It wasn't Norfolk. Virginia. I can remember it's one of the bases right around Washington DC. I thought it was near Annapolis in Maryland, but there. Is this restricted airspace and they are in it every Day they are monitoring them. that we are monitoring them and they seem to be monitoring us every single day they said they tracked him every day for the last two years Somebody is monitoring, as you will hear on my Friday podcast. I don't remember what episode it was. Can use If you can alert the
blaze and see if they can mark this podcast people know exactly which podcast it is, but there that we did a podcast. About a year ago now and it it it it will Will you to the bone because something is monitored. All of our nuclear basis? And I I have heard if they're doing him to anyone? miles, I know they're doing them to our allies. I dont know if there owing to our enemies. Is it? Is it or in technology. The answer to that was answered on my Friday exclusive, the UFO shall though we did, it would be technology is so far advanced no no country on earth they believe, could even be close to this technology, without changing everything, they do, because it's completely different.
Knowledge than anything we ve ever seen gets it may episode, number forty three blaze, tv Glenda Friday, exclusive episode. Forty three strange things new evidence may indicate: ufos a possible national security threat, that was Friday show about a year ago. You can find that it is worth the price subscription at the blaze As for this one episode, it's amazing and can find it at blaze. Tv dotcom, slash Glenn if you use the problem code, Glenn you'll get a discount on your years subscription just make sure. Join us. We need you to to stand by our side, but we also want to give information that you can't get anyplace else. Amazing, Blaze, tv, dotcom, slashed, Glenn, promo code glass, aright
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what it wants and they say logger these guys they sound first camp always seems like fun now transportation. I mean lots of people whose rounding up Asian for this training on how to live on Mars. Why died anyway, so it is supposedly landed its rover on Mars, but The BBC, on what Friday or Saturday, had an article with glee actual television landing. You know it had. The the chinese news you no official new site, Cairo in all of the markings on it, and it was what they replaying as it landed on Mars and everybody was celebrating. It landed on Mars. Well, I sighed and there is no way that was anything but bad gods. Ella animation. I mean it was
really bad, really bad. Oh, you looked so hokey no does, was coming up, as you know, was close to the surface. The engine is just shut off and it still kind of floated to the ground. I mean it was it was so hokey and also have to ask: how do you get the camera there and the camera land set itself up and then track the egg to give us a perfect picture of the landing. You know we only see from down. on the lander. You know we see the feet, anonymity, see the dust and everything in it lands. We don't. A perfect picture of it landing from it. Distance, because there no cameras on Mars. they draw some wiggers. First, the key. I was going to play that video today I thought it was really hysterical and ass some obvious questions, but that video now has been scrubbed and
their only showing animation of what it might have looked like, but it's the same footage its the same footage. It's better footage, then what's he were planning on tv, and I can't find that Chinese television moment where they look to the stars and saw China on vote, Is the Glen programme if you get out five I'd appreciate it. Ok, let me see here. Let me tell you about direct back there, sponsor this half hour. If you ve done, cooked on our rec you haven't cooked outside I've had mine for well over a year now- and I can tell you I love, it is much now, as I did when I first got. It is really really super sturdy made from solid stainless steel. It was built by guerrillas, who go and you know, do those contest, and there like this,
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It is really amazing what the mask has become for so people, so many people Rachel mad. I was on Amazon BC I think I was sitting in airport on Friday night. By the way I have to tell you I I flew out to Florida. We Governor NOME Friday and was with Alan West and TAT Nugent right before that it's fun girl is, it was fun it was a fund group learned a lot anyway. I'm watching, I'm sitting the airport no way for the plane. I'm watching the news- and I see Rachel mad I'll, say She just has to re wire her view of the mask less yeah. and she said when I was talking to people today about the new guidance and what to ask will end
had very personal feelings about, and I realized I did to pop it? Is that I feel like I'm gonna have to re wire myself. So when I see someone out in the world whose not wearing a mask, I dont instantly think you're a threat. Your selfish, you're, a covert denier and yet definitely haven't been vaccinated. I mean yes, we're gonna have to re the way that we look at each other. We have on wire our preconceptions about what a mask or lack of a mask means amazing, really an amazing, d c est published an anonymous overheard in Dc Post, which, featured in individual. Concealing the face mask is unnecessary, but added, I really We want people to think I'm a republican their wearing the face mask does kind,
give you evidence that this was never about cordon quoted though science it it is, it is. I did show in this last week we whenever this as well this this matter clip because it's just represent representative in any give matthau credit in some way of like actually admitting. This is how they felt the whole time, because this is certainly the way they acted the whole time, but its interest to hear them actually admit How did they saw their their fellow citizens as a threat and deny or every time they walked by You know that is really. I mean that step. That is you know, star kind of stuff. You know gold star on you, so we know you're a Jew. I mean it. It hired people enough to wear There are now having to rewire, so they don't in Germans had to do that.
You know I you're a jewish person, and I didn't see this star so I'll. I mean it's weird. It's weird that P bull, would just assume you danger you haven't been vaccinated, Jura Republican, you're, a threat, turning treating everyone with respect is a good guideline and it's funny led. The left us now found that instinct, because now there saying look, look if you see someone who still wearing a mass, we still need to be we'd, be understanding and we need to understand their there that they may have different choices and that their personal risk. estimate may be different than yours as like. Are you just quoting Republicans and right wing talk shows over their eyes on you, like I say again that the differences here I am not not so the conference's boys Paypal or when people are wearing a mask now, especially now in Texas? I think one of two things they,
are just being cautious or polite They have something extra going on that day. to make sure they are not getting the virus. I dont think bad things about people when their wearing a mask. I think bad things about the people who telling everyone to wear a mask in the restaurant. When I walk the ten feet to the table, and then I can see down and not where the ask, I think bad things about those. What are you a moron? You definitely, though, have it is real and not just the left that when you see someone in certain certain circumstances, you make judgments like, for example, if I see someone driving in a car by themselves, I don't ask I all we're on the morrow what're you doing in Iraq, you know you know allowing the outside by yourselves right your wife, working in the bureau, honest
on the sidewalk in the middle of nowhere by yourself. What the hell is wrong with you any time. I see anyone outdoors with a mask on it always crossed my mind. Oh god, it's gotta, recent crazy liberal, whose virtues signalling to everyone, there's doesn, T, think moron or which is probably the same thing. That kind of a summary. You were talking about last our little bit Glenn about how things have kind of changed for the better over them, a few months and what's the cause of it as deaths, have kind of cratered, and some people are saying well, there have really worked really enough vaccinations to make the difference there what's actually happening in my summarizing that well enough yeah, it's what's happening. You know the cdc. The numbers started to crater at the end of of joy anywhere I mean really crater by me are sorry. By March fourteenth we were at Free pandemic levels of what is called access deaths. We were
We were back to where we always are, and what what what happened in the last forty five days to change their minds that oh now it safe right. Well, so I think we're probably not quite back to the normal levels of acts of excess mortality. Some those numbers are are delayed, so they don't want of catching up until later, but still were much lower we're at the boy, I would say at least till the lowest levels since the pandemic started at this point so the member states are coming down from their peak, in late January As you know, there were a lot of people getting vaccinated, but it was still ramping up quite a bit the ones that's interesting. If you look at that, when you look at Essen and excess mortality is Are there weren't a lot of people argument. I think that in the article is it something like only like you know, eighteen per the people were vaccinated at that point? what does a lot of there's a lot of there's a lot in the side of those numbers. Eighteen percent of food
the vaccinated of the population is was correct for that time period, however, No, that one shot just one shot of the two Pfizer Madonna's gives you about eighty percent protection, so it's not as good as two shots, but it's really good. I mean better than they would have expected at a two shots. When this thing all started right like that's how well that the vaccines performing a bear. In addition, People who were vaccinated were, almost all people at that point remedy attics they had. You couldn't even get the vaccine if you weren't, if you were twenty five or thirty five or forty five, it was all sixty five plus at that point right, but I mean, but that doesn't that prove the point of that we ve been saying the whole time protect the people that need protection yeah. You know. Serve the old people. Let's have this. This crazy, you, the all these crazy rules. I can't even save laws all these crazy rules that
buddy enacted that that put everyone into a plastic bubble, it wasn't necessary. Now it was may be the first month we didn't what we were dealing with, maybe I'll give you until June We didn't really know what we were dealing with, but after that, we're seeing! Ok, all right, it's mainly hitting old people, we can isolate people who have you no other conditions, let's concentrate on that. Let's get the vaccine to them. First, so it's mainly old people. The numbers are coming down because mainly the old people were the ones dying. Yeah we're are over. Sixty percent vaccination on people sixty five plus by MID March. So the the devil that would make sense, yeah cratered? I would makes another some look when you dont have a vaccine right. It's a lot harder to do that. You can't you you know saying like ok, we're we're gonna protect people that are older is hard. At times. It's not easy to do. Look there are steps you can take.
not being Andrew Cuomo that help. Quite bit right. Just I dont intentionally trying to kill the people, you're, probably gonna butler at her there. Ben. I mean the name that three states that have been just on total lockdown them As far as public flying your eyes, you call of California New Mexico New York, to talk about Connecticut, New Jersey, Michigan spin high up their Illinois out there. Now how many of the how many of those states have of a bigger problem with deaths, then Texas and Florida most if not all I'm in California is per capita data, is not terrible. It's more middle of the pack. All the other states are pretty bad, though ok, so I'm not I'm not make
a judgment on anything. I'm really asking an honest question that I have not heard a satisfactory answer on. Why. Why were those states that were so lock down? Why did they prefer generally speaking worse, then, states that everybody mocked and said are all gonna die? Why, why? Why part of it is chicken in the great and you dont locked down that hard until you have a problem with which, as we know, states that lockdown hardest were the ones that had the worst problems, I mean California, did it relatively early there. I think they were the first state to actually long down. They were and really the only defence around the world that has actually worked uncovered was catching things super early right that was like. You know south korea- and you know some of these asian countries. That word that are used to these break out all the time
able to kind of handle it better than than others, even though they did it in ways that were extra constitutional for us, but they were so early that they caught it before it really hit those levels in their communities once it. What does that mean the only thing that you can argue for these larger outbreaks and you kind of pointed it out was very early in the you can see, is you can argue that things like lock? downs. Make again. I don't know With it, but some sense, when you don't have testing right, you have no ability to track cloning has the virus. That's when I e argument, yeah, that's what you just kind of men. We didn't know what this, what if there is an outbreak again and You go into full walk down like we did before we're morons. We know what we're dealing with now and we have a vaccine. You can't He knew to be locked down, but before you know what it is, I mean
All of us were like, while this I mean this could kill millions of people. We didn't know yet and if you didn't know killed, hundreds of thousands of minutes been bad, So when you look at the prove meant you can see. It really well in the age data where, if you break down from the p of hospitalizations in January, and you look at it by age group, the biggest drop. Hospitalizations percentage. Wise are people, eighty five plus the second biggest is seventy five to eighty five. The third biggest is sixty five to seventy five and on and on with every single age group, lining up exactly this way. The more explanations you have in the population, the bigger the drop from the people explanations it is really compelling data that now these things are working now, they're much more needed for people who are seventy five and eighty five years old were saving deaths there, as opposed to cases
among younger people. So ABC less of a priority to get younger people vaccinated. Just the only hope there is to get people to the idea that we might get to a real heard immunity where this sort of goes away. Like no measles have sort of goat gone away or polio has gone away. Quota quote, it still exists, but it's not really a factor at all for society now that we're already at the level where This is where at the lowest most pace level, really of the this case level. Since this all started, because you go back and fine lowercase numbers in March and maybe April, but like that was before we really had testing. This is that this is the best, it's been since this thing has started. We are deaths are weighed down to the lowest level, with the exception of I think it was early June when, when the first wave had sort of abated and before the southern wave as an argument to about. We know when you were mentioning the states a lot of it's our northern states and we
No, you, oh, whether with the weather is, is it a factor whether its sea, Is there a season of me now the season factor, whether it's the indoor outdoor factor, we're like we had our big flare up here in Texas, when it was, Thirty. Eight decrees outside everyday and no one right to go outside the North Sea twice in cold times where they do you wanted to stay indoors. Didn't seat in the summer when they for them. It was nice to go outdoors rights That's what I want. I want to ask you one more question. We have to take a quick break and I want to ask you one more question about found and the masks sure I can't stand the fact that everybody is think arguing the wrong thing on the masks and oh, he changed his mind, let me explain when we come back and just as I imagine that you are one of the millions of Americans just trying to get back into the job market by searching job postings and applying for him now
age and that some cyber criminal is targeting people, just like you by posting fake job. was designed to trick you into revealing your person information in your social security number. Well, guess what this is happening now and you can protect. herself against. It is important to understand all of the different ways that people are. they're, trying to scam you and get your information. Lifelike helps detect a wider, change of identity threats. I mean they can't find all of them, but nobody can if they do, Tat. Your information has been compromised, they'll, send you an alert plus you have. Access to a dedicated restoration specialist. If you become a victim, so save- to twenty five percent right now of your first year at lifelike, dotcom, promo code back, it's one, eight hundred lifelike one, eight hundred lifelong or lifelike,
dot com promo code back save twenty five percent immediate. This is the one that programme. one more thing about the pandemic, the pandemic is it's over a medieval in large cities. Really understand. At least the media and the politicians don't understand it's over. It's over almost everywhere and you know they're still going on the masks and everything else, and I ask that the thing that others me about found she besides the lies that he admits to so. He has no credibility. It is the fact that What when he was arguing masks at the beginning, he was talking bout in ninety five masks. These specifically talked about and ninety five masks and and they
on those masks and all the masks for the surgeons and for the nurses and everybody else well then told us that those didn't work, and now they say that they they do work any lied. The reason is there: it, France, between the N95, ninety five mask and stupid, cloth masking the Mena them asks that everybody is wearing. Of course, there is, to get our right. There is definitely a huge differences and ninety five and then in between those are just the normal surgical masks, which show that it can do something fell again. Even for us, nickel Basque. The limp. The benefit is really limited and cloth mask it's hard to find studies that show really any bit any benefit at all from them those are all the ones we see our. hello, see in all these people wearing the cloth masks glum programme,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.