« The Glenn Beck Program

Wokeness Poisoning America | Guests: Tim Ballard & Nate Silvester | 5/5/21

2021-05-05 | 🔗

Glenn delves further into the inflation America is currently facing and why it’s crucial to pay attention to. The CIA released one of the wokest commercials ever produced. Meanwhile, Caitlyn Jenner’s first gubernatorial campaign ad has a strikingly different message. A Tennessee legislator is under fire for speaking well about the Three-Fifths Compromise, so Glenn and Stu set the record straight. Idaho police officer Nate Silvester was suspended for posting a viral TikTok mocking LeBron James, and he calls in to share his story. Tim Ballard of the Nazarene Fund stops by to share an incredible rescue story and explain how the cartels’ human trafficking operations are flourishing under the Biden administration. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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America welcome to the programme we have put before you got to get that some do full delightful news for you today about people getting fired further opinion. We just you know. I know those came out a couple of days ago, but we didn't get a chance to talk about it and I just saw it on the on the on the buzz just a minute ago and I Take the new ad from the CIA. I I I can't take it oh and I have some news on Hyper in Berlin listen, don't worry. They have. under control. And also some good news sites. their day, in Venezuela every He got a raise so minimum wage they're not messing around we're drowning.
fifteen dollars an hour there. Now seven million boulevards an hour! Isn't that great? that's a win. Yeah translates to about sixty four cents an hour. but they are equitable. The whole place is surrounded with equity. More on that come up programme, a hay, you have a new follower, KA yeah no, not a facebook follower. You know some people would Kalama Cyber criminal bodily, call follower and if you dont shake this follower soon, he's gonna do his best to get all your personal information to start rooting around looking for loose change, or you literally everything you would have This is why you need lifelike. we have to understand that cyber crime is part of our lives. Now, every day we put information at risk on the internet and in an instant, a cyber crime.
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tonight on Glenn Tv Americans are constantly told conservatives want voters, suppression, police or systemically racist equity. Trumps equality was the truth. Is America a racist nation debt, William S, that is the big lies, left shares the real data on police violence and evokes the race bakers that continue to divide our country, get the facts to fight back. There's a nice. Nine pm eastern only applies to calm slashed when only a racist would do that show. So yesterday we told you about hyperinflation yeah, that is not the normal hyperinflation this. This is just trend. The tory hyperinflation Stew, You help me out, wasn't zoom way. Also transitory. I mean yeah kind of came and went. They don't have to know hundred trillion dollar bills anymore. I guess it just came in at when yeah and then a mean Weimar.
public. Germany are they still in yeah bursts? There are some interesting things that actually happened after my margin left. He added to that at some point on the show that area that land and hearing came and went that's weird, but some Bob's in the road in between there were some Argentina same thing. Hyper inflation kind of game The kind of Latvia and everything was fine. Little it gets coming back and get in Argentina, and by some people from from happened after Germany wanna making it Argentine a later on to totally different story will get in that light. I gotta hear that one hears of years the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank, sturdy said we, Why did you really understand I bear inflation. No, it's it's transitory vote. Problem is nobody's really buying that ok now why they're saying it's transitory is because nobody's going to work all this pent up. You know the spending. That's a gun,
happen when people go back to work, these products that they haven't bought. I don't know if you know this, we don't have to go to a mall any more. If the zoo real real yeah. We don't have to yeah. Have you been to a more lively its, see that have noticed how they filled all the stores with like tumble weeds guess, avoids Orange yeah. There's a mall near here that has an like one of the big stores is a indoor many golf course. They turned another one into what what We have seen this field houses feel house. Usa is but the one that's near us, but its giant leaps basically it nor basketball, coarse and volleyball courts its turning into like you know, stuff to do either. Then things to buy it's no other, like the giant. Anchor stores are turning into entertainment facilities?
we're just added Orton, sad eyes up either does feel that way he does. It does feel that way. Look anyway The problem. Is the investors in the market are saying you know this really isn't driven by by Cove id This is really driven by nineteen trillion dollars that you just jumped into the system, and they have couple of good reasons to say this now this is the European Central Bank and the both saying, don't worry about it investor, on both sides of the planet are like. I think we should leave Nations. Food price index is up thirty percent. That's in the last five, Years still check your calendar. How long as the covert thing happen,
think it started in like two thousand sixteen or a thousand seven realising our yeah. Ok, all right! Ok, our I that's! in twenty eighteen. There were food protests all around the world because the price of food was going up. What were we doing at the time oh that's right. We were printing money that's right. We were printing money the Bloomberg Commodity Index five year high, but up fifteen digital per cent during this year, so oh and I've what one month is it. Because we're almost done with a year, I think, aren't we pray yeah yeah. So that the problem is According to the experts, its the FED and the central banks around the world printing money and then giving it to the banks which, by the way they have no relationship with they have none,
it's not like there printing money and giving it to themselves. Those banks are completely separate from the FED I read an article today. I think this is really good. Governments disguise rising cost of goods and services in official sepia consumer price index and the idea of the sepia I itself what is an idea from the economist Irving Fisher and he designed it to disguise the abrupt rise in some goods by averaging the price change with other goods in a basket to basket. What do you got your basket? While I have bread, bread went up five hundred percent more. What else is in your basket? Look at. It little robber toy bout that went down so where does get after average em out? So let's not so bad, is,
you by with a rubber toy? Boil the fifth point, which I usually do we finally led always happens. It always happens. The Article goes on governments always justify printing more money with the excuse that there is no inflation. Then, when I'm just talking historically not now, it's completely different, this time Governments always justify printing more money with the excuse that there is no inflation. When inflation rises. They say it's transitory when inflation, swords governments, Blaine businesses and shop owners presenting themselves the solution with these controls. Central banks are unable to normalize policy even with the evidence of a strong recovery because they are hostage to government that simply refuse to reduce deficit spending, while
cannot tolerate even a small rise in interest rates? investors know this, that's why they are, but per trying to protect their clients, savings from inflation, and even more likely concern they say hyper stagflation, rising number of islands, why we? What is hyper, stag each I don't want to learn and other term so stagflation you'll, remember stagflation act play should, I do remember, is hyper stifled. and about how would that even get out of control? I told you I don't know. I don't know, Sir, Inflation happened in the nineteenth seventies under Jimmy Carter, and it was really bad. Everything went up and was really expensive, and then and then nobody bought anything and so there was no way to get out of this because no one was spent. You give people money and they like ominous put this. My bed like? No don't put
under your bed. You should go buy something! No, I don't think I'm going. I think I'm gonna save this because I dont think came things are coming back, because you have a lot of inflation, but the economy is not is not wrong, not demand right, you're right! It's knows no demand, so the way I just wanted to throw away and that the food dad says again, it's completely great. How do you know who SAM's l is? sounds familiar, so he's a huge investor got her. Ok, you see him on. You know. Cnbc, he's legendary and he's been making fun of people buying gold for a law, time, long, time he's I seven b, something years old. He said but be nine now he's better. I should think about run for presidency. I will get more out of that time. He doesn't feel he has. Is enough experience yet his way in ten years, he said he was just on Bloomberg. He said it's funny, because I've spent my career talking about
Why would you want to own gold. It has no income, it costs store it And it's us stupid. Investment. Guess what he selling and buying a lot of now. He said now, when I see the debasement of our currency, I'm like what is it I can hold on to he says he's not concerned only about the: U S dollar, but other countries, printing money as well. He said we're seeing it all over the place you read lumber prices, but we're seeing it in all of our businesses. The odd bottlenecks in the supply chain. Arena are pushing up prices, it's very reminiscent of the nineteen seventies. He said don't wanna, do fossil fuels because in and out in twenty nineteen. He was all over fossil fuels. I'm not do fossil fuels right now. Oil and gas is not price to reflect the risk. What's going on with
we'll be in the e world or the climate change the world. As recently as a couple years ago, I thought the risk reward ratio was appropriate. It's very inappropriate, who invest in fossil fuels. Now that the political situation has changed, He says more blackouts are gonna. Come to California, that's not a surprise there. He said You can't you can't buy price. Pretty in office space business space because, as anybody even gonna go back to work, he said, retail is, is falling. The only thing he sees that's real is gold, that SAM Cell, if you know the name, you know I always like cold you're a moron, now saying. Ah, you know what things have changed. Just a little bit buddies
probably old, he's, probably been listening to all of the experts of the c c d, the what the Ccs yeah learn this from Joe Biden last night. We have that audio requested to place a swine asking people to continue to follow C C. The guy see D C guidelines, cisely gettin cc being guidelines as a catholic catechism. That's interesting! So both of those the c c d and the city, I will say, is only listening to the cctv. Ok, ok, I'll cod on know. If he's listening to you know the sea, easy two Assisi D. He says he goes every Tuesday night hand so he's really he's really good at that Russia frustrating must be for the people. Like writing. His speeches, in financing Annabel US one, eight, two, three, four five: you got them less consumer access to dot org. I've always thought. I thought that about Bush. I thought that about
out trump yeah. You know you just year like her, you rip you ve written some beautiful poetic around out there in Follow C d, C c D. You just you'd! Hang yourself! The hang yourself are american financing, Aaron just written about our experience with their with american financing. She said this are first time refinancing. We weren't sure what, expect, but everything went better than we could have hoped for man. The EU is the person we worked with e provided exceptional service. We just want to thank american financing for making this so painless helping us with a better rate and no more p m. I thank you. So much look with what coming? You need to be in the best financial situation you can put yourself in May. I suggest you call right now: american Financing, American,
dancing at eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty. They can get you a mortgage. They can get you a reef. I, where you can get your your interest rate down and they can all so do a consolidation alone without resetting your mortgage. So get all those high interest. Credit card debt get get that out of your life, I remember when my family, my my mom and dad they went into debt on credit cards and it was when correct credit cards. First came out I remember new orders, nor even turn we were. We re, they eat Buffalo gristle all winter anyway. Went to the fireplace in they cut them up and they made us watch and there like. Never, never do this That's when Moura came running down, NED Heel and move us in a little in a prairie user book at first then it became a tv show. Michael Lending NBC
NBC was a network on television, television was is and box that we used to anyway call american financing. Now the number is eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty or go to american financing dot net ten seconds. Can I do hey, I've got some good news. I've got some Good NEWS for Allegheny County in Pennsylvania. You know, two years ago, when you ass, sad work turn some of our operations into a key source of lightweight steel for the automotive industry and we're going to turn these things back on and we're going to invest one point: five billion dollars and hire a bunch of people and it's going to it's going to
form three whole communities. Member that who could forget a cloak good. Forget it! Well, don't worry about it. They decided not to be decided, they forget about it. yeah. Well, we didn't actually forget about it. The problem is, is that they ve been talking to Allegheny County and the health officials and health officials in Alleghany County, just kind of get drinking around couldn't make it assertion good. Get things done well fill out this form and got to have this forum in and have done this yet and and solve between that They said the Alleghany health officials just making it a nightmare to do business. What a surprise bureaucratic trot really in a place in the North EAST Ike, can't believe they said between that and, if I could want to quit,
them directly all so along with quote the new direction. The company is taken to focus on sustainability, we're going to be cancelling those plants ah, ah, good. This is a good sign for the future, because we can just get all these jobs to go away right. Then we can move immediately, the universal basic income and modern monetary theory. Arrows we should all be playing golf. and the old Macy Store heads right. Why it's right, maybe maybe a fossil fuels factor and they have a great many gulf core. Oh my gosh, you put it in one of the pipes, yet you know you have the Syrians Communist Rick. sounds like a lot. Islam yeah. This is me, namely that if we make the refineries India like that member, that game, the mousetrap yeah
yeah I ll hunt. That was actually really thought that I could you do. You know. Look there. They ve got in this new american jobs act. There push on one of the two trillion mother, multiple two trillion dollar options on the table: there are ten billion dollars and therefore a new climate core and if weak, so, like maybe more, have that job that factory. But what, if go door to door convince people to turn their tvs off here a better idea about about it in their already on this JANET Yellin yesterday mad, with the federal open market committee. Open markets right it may we all love open markets and they janet Yellin, was pushing for the committee to pass a global tax, a worldwide global tax on corporations. So that way corporations wouldn't have any place to escape to
and she said we're taking a two pronged approach to implementing a worldwide minimum tax for corporations that's what she said yesterday, getting countries around the world to implement a bottom level tax that all companies must pay. Jack. Active has taken on greater urgency, as the administration seeks to raise taxes on. U S, companies. She says she's encourage so far by the developments in talks with other countries. We propose I am quoting to raise the global minimum tax and close the tax loopholes that allow american corporations to shift. There earnings abroad, end quote what, is JANET Yell and by the way, all of this stuff about therein end of a global kind of partnership, and you know representing this.
A colder susan. You yeah yeah, that's not happening stew, it's not it's not have definitely nigh on. I have spears either it is. spirits in all, their doing is quote proposing to raise a global minimum tax and close all the loopholes and allow american corporations to take their out of the country. I was worried. I know I know they are on our side thereon Orgzild programme. ok. Let me tell you about a an american company called hustler hustler makes the best zero turn lawnmowers for both homeowners, an landscaping professionals with Excises it have you ever thought of. Just like moaning. Lawns is a business, Just isn't gonna go out. Oh yes, it will people will lead, the launch of squirrel forget about it and by the way, at the close, of course, go to stop the law on fossil fuel. I know they are made up the headlines, they legitimately hate lawns and you know who started lawns western culture,
that is, a western countries, came from France. It was a well Culture thing and nobody understands why why? Why would you have launched? I know right way. They have deck sizes now as small as thirty four inches, which can fit through most residential gates. All the way up to a hundred and four inches yeah, that's right! You can cut off football field with a hundred and for any more or less. What is it like? Ten minutes right now, get the latest and greatest from hoofs hustler turf. Their new raptor series find it now. It hustler turf, dotcom, that's hustler, turf, dot com Can I back to Back Studios America and Glenn TV you could subscribe for free at the police Tv Youtube Channel, an astute as America Youtube Channel starts to night play a pm Eastern, our our gas. You watch me This is the Glen Back Programme. Thank you.
But for listening? I want to play to commercials for you. The first is hey. Are you ass per spy, can you figure out equations and codes and stuff like that? Do you like gadgets? Have you thought about maybe risking your life join the CIA. Ok, First one easy recruiting add for the CIA. When I was seventeen. I quoted Zora Neil persons, how it feels to be colored me and my college application essay the line that to me stated simply I am tragically colored. There is no sorrow, damned up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all at seventeen. I had no idea what life would bring. Bassorah gentlemen articulated so beautiful really was something that open your eyes? Don't you find that said, I'm
who in her life, was telling her. She couldn't me. get who, in her life was saying you are tragically or whatever who who made her feel that that is, that would be a family tragedy. If said, it would be a family tragedies. That's how your teaching your tracked. I know my girls feel you know I've felt at one point or another. You know to their body or I wish my body was different. Well, ok, That's what society says, and none of that is real of that Israel we'll for us. I mean oh yeah and urban or ass were dia. We should be ashamed of our bodies, but for other people, yeah yeah yeah. I think of the audience understood: Thou have cited and we're sat modestly Acacia foam God. If you don't even want to imagine it by so I've told my girls the whole time all my girls. No, they could they could grow up to be president of the United States,
None of them want to. I used to threaten it as a punishment. You know what you're gonna grow, up and you're gonna be president of the United States. So how tragic is that? But I digress This is an add for the c, I a beautifully. felt as a daughter of immigrants, then, and now about me, was or is tragic, good perfectly made great. I can work eloquent, complex legal issues, anguish, while also belt why I give them some modest in Spanish. That's fantastic: I can change diaper with one hand and consoler crying toddler. What are you doing this? At the ceo of color? I am a mom right. I am assist gender millennium diagnosis and generalized anxiety. Railway Sty, stop stop with generalised anxiety disorder. Does sound like someone who should be working at the CIA.
I don't know, I'm just always very, very nervous. that's, not good and is not necessarily the reeds. It's not the stereotype of a person whose, like holds com, you are now a claw stereotypes. Yes, we need insist, gender and non sis, gender. immigrants non emigrants, except for People have lived here for a long time in our white. We need people who hate the cops we need. Blue or want to change the world away, from this old system of dusty documents from these quote white founding fathers we need some really nervous people I can change diaper with one hand and sing some song on the other hand, or something like tat factor idea. Could you talk to me about? You know your ears ok, that's the only thing I have heard in this add was. I can I
can talk deep legal doctrine or whatever she tat Sidney, mediate him. That's it that's the only thing I've heard about leaving CIA? What? If one of the terrorists we have? in our country has a needs day added their diaper changed, way no easy. You get over here that song that she's belting right The idea is that even after making a nervous is trying to change diapers with one hand knows what's gonna happen there, you should use two hands around all possible yeah. Well, it may not be may not mean she may have seen. With the other hand, we wish does she sing with the other hand, I should like to hamper more with it all I don't know I don't know, but I am glad to see that our CIA is fine. finally going woke, I feel safer, I think the world a safer. This is one of those things I think you learn. If you are,
a business person right now. What you're running a business yap you people would say. Well how do we recruit the younger generation to come work? What say the sea? I am right now we get up here. Yeah we like their differ. You don't need a different people right. We need to recruit them in that IRAN should target of in this way. We can make that argument until you realize you dont want to hire them. You do you do if you're running a business is. The last thing you want to do is hire someone who thinks this. What data that software company that last week came out and said you know what you can't talk about, woke stuff anymore base camp conveys gap that even say works. If it is, if anything, we are creating political. You can't talk about anymore because its causing too many problems and weary software company we're we're a political accompanying. We're not here to change the world were here to change software, so go to work. Now. We're talking about what happened. A third of the employees walked out and I can do and to you that, CEO, where he told you I would work, we didn't have to pay severance. We have no legal, hassles they quit now
let's go find the people, just want to work and have had enough of this new. But I but I think it's great. I think it's great that we have the CIA recruiting that way. Now, just so consistent, and I care about what you are. I don't care. I care about what you say and do here. the latest campaign commercial for that, California, governorship gubernatorial candidate, Caitlin Jenner, listen to this goal most of these- noting themselves We spent a dreamer. California was once the envy of the work we have what everyone else wanted. The american dream grew up here. Yet for politicians and their policies have destroyed dad dream, it's been locked away,
close shudder. left in the dark burned down, the government is now involved in every part of our lives have taken our money. Our jobs freedom California needs a disrupt, a compassionate disrupt. I came here with a dream forty, eight years ago, to be the greatest athlete in the world. Now I enter a different kind of worries. Arguably my most important one. Yet to save
California, I want to carry the torch for the parents when to balance work and their trials, education for business owners who were forced to shut down asters. We were not able to be with their congregated or the family who lost their home in a fire burned into generation of students who lost a year of education. This past year has redefined on occasions the leaders and of foreign, yet as the warrior kings and the angels we never take kindly to glass ceiling here instead shatter whether trailblazer the innovative California is facing figurative. Now we need leaders were free to leave to new or on a great challenge and change the status quo. I want to prove that it is absolutely possible if we only do it together before its time to reopen our schools real, but our businesses reopening the golden gate. I don't care if you're republican, democratic, I'm running giving Eleanor California reclaim our true identity, bring back the goal to the golden state. Now is the time to achieve some to be the shining city on the hill and together will restore and renew the California jury is about if you're on the left. How do you go against that.
if you're on the left. How do you torch Caitlin Jenner? How do you do it. Well, though, just sit here jeez she is a terrible, terrible republican net. A token right. You know, I mean real. Just do the same things they do to every everybody republican who else rises. If you re, if you're a Republican, I dont know what Caitlin Enters policies are, but I do The feeling of that add what we know. Two things about calendar Well, you know multiple things more things that we want to know about, keeping it better, but it has two main things we know well, which it'll two main things have been not alone on secondment, something else. Alcohol, Kalen Jenner, will be better than Gavin Newsome as the governor. Yes, if, if Galen generous to win the S will definitely be better, then gave a Newsome. Janet definitely seems like Caitlin Jenner understands the harm that cabin Newsome has caused for the state.
and seems to understand the harm that weakness is creating yet I mean here is somebody that we were all told we had to accept because they never thought we would they never conservatives would put their arm around Caitlin, Jenner, gay and they may not. I don't know I don't know. I mean, as I mean, compassion. How could I remember when he first said I want to become a woman, I'm Caitlin Jenner? They also who you are you got you gotta, say she's beautiful gonna say spirit of beautiful, beautiful Ogilvy, electric shock? Unless you say it's beautiful right k and they never thought that we could be compassionate because they think we're monsters, but we were and I have no problem with Caitlin Jenner. I, if I may, court of law. It's a guy he's a guy. You will always be a guy chemist, three tells me biology. Tells me he's a guy, no matter what surgery he has done, he's a guy.
But that's fine. I don't have anything against Caitlin Jenner. You know If she wants to be called a she. I have no problem because, does she's not forcing me. she understands that if somebody to call him her him or him. Her it doesn't matter Self confidence comes with from within. and he has no problem with people who call him he that is fine with me the call yourself and I plant aright kids is not really in a gulf a plant so miss a. Can I cut your lemon use? U S sad! I mean you know no matter what matters is the content of the character Wilkie. generally a good governor, I mean I don't know you, don't we
it will be better than governesses and it Be satisfying if how Caitlin Jenner winds this race that that we can say the first trends governor was was a republican fact, devil does refunded, say avi great, just ended or to the left, weird California got Kalen generous, like someone almost normal people and Calhoun my gosh English, absolute. Absolutely by the way, Dwayne. The rock Johnson has said that he was. He has an ambition to unite our country and run for president. You want to unite the country, pleased or run for president. Don't wreck your movies, don't please don't everybody likes you, please don't don't don't do it, don't do it don't do it don't Do it very Donald Trump, like the most popular guy. in one of the reasons why the apprentice was so successful as because he rated,
credibly high with african Americans, hurt and That's why the network's loved Donald Trump so much, but I don't remember Donald Trump, we second, I was going to be a flaming, liberal and turn to be pretty good. President Dwayne, the rock Johnson we're all going into it, you know like, like a Bush residency and our Supreme Court nominee. Ah noise, gonna, where we have no record. We have no reason to believe it, but he's gonna be a conservative I don't think it any. I mean the only thing that would make you think he would be a conservative ass. He spoke at one republican National convention million years ago but there's no resist scripts? You know my big thing. the rock and the reason why we should leave entertain. It is think of we could save on the military. When we have a war, would have we just send him in by himself. We can just get right. The military completely safe
that money and then just send the right or rural areas, conflict in a room with only one knife and Putin and the right or in it, and only one has to come out, but there's only one knife and it's on the table there, both equal distance from it, who comes walking out of that were again in the rocks, wanted all these battles I'm not I'm not sure on the Rhine, whatever battle the rocky, instead, the rock like a hundred times would need is keep walking towards you. Honestly, you can probably get so much muscle there doing something to hit an organ mind with a fat. That's what that? That's, why? I am all of this. You go out at me in the stomach you're, not gonna, reach anything that was smart any. Thank you very much self freak. I am a health freak out. You're only turtle, Shell, quick to take a quick breakers. I spent week of Germany's mother's day sale, which means that only for a few more days you can get that special lady, the greatest skin care products in the world
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mother's day from Germany. Jan you sell dot. Com is the place to go to get all this yet you see l dot com The work programme see I Glenda programme coming up next hour. We ve gotta gotta, lotta, really good stuff, warrior including how crazy our teachers become like crazy praise. crazy, crazy. I, like my kids, to be in school, but can we keep the teachers out about that? a possibility. They ve gone nuts more that coming up to climb programme. First, let me tell you about american financing. Look we're all on our farms were all scrolling through Facebook or whatever you waste ten minutes so easily.
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The interest rate go up, we just borrowed nineteen trillion dollars. Can you imagine we got? yes, one percent. In its now a six percent interest rate. I can imagine I've imagined yeah. I can't more, not entertainment, the blunder hello: America welcome to the Olympic programme. We want to talk about freedom of speech and being carefully talked to hate
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it's really. What we want to do is just equip you with the facts, so you can, you can go we have a conversation with somebody who is hopelessly lost even on our side people. Don't Oh, how to argue. They don't know what the facts are too. We're gonna we're gonna help you with that. Here's an The fact that counts that leaves no but is no longer being taught in schools. Did you see the story about just Lafferty, he's in the Tennessee. modern our assembly or whatever they haven't Tennessee, and he was talking about because the Republicans are trying. They were debating legislation aiming at limiting what public and Schools can teach about the fluent of institutional racism and privilege? he was talking about. You know let let's let slip be careful here. You know exactly are we teaching, for instance, the
three fifths law and he was talking of the three fifths. Estates in slaved people would be counted towards the total population. Blah blah blah- and he said it was a- it or bitter pill. It was necessary to curtail the power of slaveholding states that helped clear the way to end slavery, much before Lincoln Other people in the assembly said that that was demeaning. It was incorrect, I and insulting, I remember when you first said that I remember you saying it for the first time on the air really that that there, because the basically saying that three fifths clause remembered the good guys here, cordon quote right. The people who didn't want slavery. They wanted it to be zero fifths. Harry wanted account lax as nothing wrong. Why? Right, because
because of representation and the south wanted slaves to be five fyffes or a whole person, because What did the representation to be able to keep slavery so exact, what's happening right now with our senses, Our senses is going out and the Democrats are freaking out because its changing the demographics are changing and so you're losing people in California. New York, you're losing people, and so they may lose seats in the house and they are freak. Out doing everything they can to make sure, don't lose how seeds The Democrats could have a hard time winning next time if the census is in with rio- and I it look. I learned about the three fifths clause in school
up. I never heard that not one time, and I remember you look as we do the show, with Vanunu chauffeur brazilian years together and sometimes say things and I think I don't know that's right exactly. Let me go look that up and from time to time. Sometimes you occasionally would make a mistake or breed something or maybe not include something I think is important and we'll talk about it after and when he set out like that, doesn't sound right and I nobody and how to go. Look it up myself and it's true. completely true the the abolition wanted, black to be zero fifths. They wanted to do not count at all because they wanted to. Abolish slavery right and they knew if they could, if they could have more representatives up in the north and the south, they it voted out at eighty owed. It out right the end and the opposite was true for the South Rwanda slavery to continue. At least you know not everyone in the south, obviously, but many did and they
one of the representation they wanted African Americans to count, and so is a historical fact. Has been converted to this idea. Well, Racists wanted blacks, tick what is less than a person the right that is not the what actually occurred, weather think it's right or wrong? The bottom line? the abolitionists wanted it to be zero because they want to get. read of slavery. Okay, so let me just let me just go here with the new, York Times story on this member guy comes out. Answer please, like look eyes, we really have to work this we have to tell the truth of our own history. Listen now the New York Times as phrases Republicans, called for a measure that would cut funding to schools that teach critical race theory and academic movement
asserts that historic patterns of discrimination have created disadvantages based on race. Is that what critic race theory teaches, and that is that Buddy Buddy, it's part of a broader effort by conservatives across the country, to push back against the argument that racism was part of the nation's origin story and created imbalances that endure, First of all, racism was not a big part of the story. It wasn't in his speech, Mr Lafferty repeated an argument that has long been made by some scholars and re used by law makers in other states County enslaved people had been a significant stick point in the convention. Northerners argued that none of them be included in the population totals but southerners.
One of them to be fully counted, thus further, strengthening the region's political power and insulating slavery from abolition efforts notice. They say this The northerners argued that none of them should be counted, but the southerners wanted them counted as whole, so they could, they could have. more representation, doesn't give. The abolitionists the credit of saying no. We don't want them to count at all, even other people. We don't want them to count at all, because then we'll be able to win. So If your white, in the story, the way they write it, you're lose lose fearing the north? You didn't want em counted if you're in the south, they wanted You counted even though you are a slave because they wanted to make sure they kept slavery going forever, so it doesn't matter
This is so bad. I love I love what Lafferty said. everybody was going crazy. He said. Look I don't say anything on this floor today with any malice toward any of my friends on the other side. Ice this only because I'm tired and People of this nation are tired if you start looking for trouble. If that's all your bent on I guarantee you you're gonna, find it I at the weight of times phrases this story and frames. It is remarkable meant in his speech? Mr Lafferty repeated and argument that has long been made by some scholars right
with one hundred percent certainty, we know the north was arguing for zero faiths and the south was argued for five months. You could say well, maybe they wanted it because they just like the number zero better than the number five, maybe this is because one they they just had. They had about argument in binary code and one like new on and one like zero at they want. What they want to you to believe is that the north just hated black people and thought we're not in slay them, but we're not going to count them is peep all day. It's a cup bunker. the argument bottom. I have you seen where we live lately Why must we don't even under that framing? Why would the south want it to be a whole? Why would they want after Americans, because his whole sought is just I'm just right thing here, which is basically what everybody whose woke does ya it's, because?
they knew they were people they just hated them set all much. But again war framing the north as the boy guy, no slave debate. I know so I its income, hence a bull to do that. Unless you like slavery, unless you like slavery, incomprehensible now, there's all sorts of obviously arguments that are tangential. Hu Jia, slavery that have evolved over the years, but at the at its core. It's obvious. that the side of the argument that that wanted to get rid of slavery would say. Whatever their argument was, was the side that was against slavery. They weren't arguing for more of it. insane Everybody at the New York Times knows this and North West Ordinance, which was signed by George Washington Day, ban
slavery, bandit Any new states in the northwest ordinance can not have slaves, cannot. So those same people there are systematically racist. They said any expansion can not include slavery, hello, and we should point out the Confederate Constitution said the opposite: exactly of any new territory must have it. I tell you it was. It was not. It was not, as you pointed out many times, not estates rights document Is it required new states in the confederacy required them to have slave here's the thing. everybody knows. Everybody knows who is a teacher, or it has any brain power at all and cares? You know what the truth is you're not. looking at the truth and sang yeah, you're right,
that's absolutely right. Generally is a woman right now you know the truth. You know you're having to deny things that are real. you know, America has had problems with racism, but we Getting better but this is never a finished product, You know that America has done amazing things and horrible things, because it's made of people but you also know that there are. People that are intentionally dividing us. There are people that are intentionally trying to do straw our nation, You know it me Americans loved this country. I don't care who you vote for more. Stu Americans love this country
but unless we start standing up for her she's gone, you can't keep dumping this poison in and denying that amount It is a good place and expected to get better Abraham Lincoln July. Fourth, Eighteen sixty one, might seem at first thought to be of little did prince whether the present movement at the South be called secession or rebellion. the movers, however, well understand the difference beginning, they knew they could never raised treason to any risk spectable magnitude by any name. Which implies violation of the law. They knew their people possessed. My moral sense as much but devotion to lie in order as much power.
I'd in reverence for the history and the government of the common country as any other civilised and patriotic people. They knew they could no advancement directly into the teeth of these strong and noble sentiments. Accordingly, they commenced in its citys debauchery of the public mind they invented an ingenious scheme which if conceded was followed by perfectly lie. Google steps throughout all the incidents to complete the distress. Of the union with rebellion sugar coated They have been dragging the public mind of their of their size for more than thirty years until at length they had brought Many good men to a willingness to take up arms again the government the day. After some assemblage of men have enacted a farcical pretence of taking?
stay out of the union who could have brought new such thing the day before saying there there has been an effort by some really insidious. People who took knew that could never take this country by force. They could never take it with honesty. They instead had to sugar coat and make lies up and twist the mines and they ve been doing it for decades. That's what's happening in our country. You want: fight. It joy me tonight at nine p M on board he's tv this racism, bull crap, is just that. and we will not just say as Paul crap. I'm good Give you the facts, but you can use to stand up
boldly and state? The facts I am for the truth and it's time for all of us to know what the truth is and how to defend it. Tonight now Nine p m. Only on blaze, TV, that's blue, he's tv dotcom, slash gland if you're not a subscriber use a promo code, Glenn and you'll save but join us now. time to stand and stand together as one as a Americans, all who were I recognise the truth, no more the price we have to pay. our sponsor this half hours, wreck tech rhetoric. Man I mean I dont, know why I have to share my wife. Just get a minnow, a big, scared, and then she wants me to air she's, like you, ok, that's on the plate, you gonna, divvy, that up for everything else and I'm like northern old what you guys are eaten.
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against station. I d you know it's so torn about getting kids back in school I am Maybe at every city also meeting every board meeting. From here until September the schools are going to be open. I can't leave where we I am not. This is ridiculous. It's ridiculous and I d what the little did little diviners and everybody in double masks and in a boy and a plaster bubble, stop it enough enough is enough, but they, and at the same time I don't want them to go back to school, because I want to show you something this this happen
a woman was, was stopped by LOS Angeles, County Sheriffs Department, Deputy he's hispanic she's black heap,
there are over. This is what happens? Listen, yes, you are empty morning. What teeth and the speed limit is forty and I was going thirty eight. So why are you wrap in your correct? I pulled over because you're a murderer. Yes, I started to record your career. Do you can't be on your cell phone? What are you crying known? I was recording you because you can use your samples lawyer or you may have a driver's license. It's it's! My apartment, and can you years already deities on his way here, a matter of great, I am enforcing alive, write them leave when their harassing viamede, which again do a while you're driving I looked like I was any deadline. Tax men made me think, you're. Ok, I'm sorry! You feel that way that this is a teacher who, by the way, has an Iphone six hundred two thousand dollar phone and driving a Mercedes. She seems very, very oppressed or driving without a license. I'm sure that's, not a problem for the programme.
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No, no stop said a hold on hold on it's the Bonn, IRAN A yet again Listen, I'm out here just disturbance, call and there's a guy trying to stab another guy with a knife. What you think I should do for. Why does that matter whether both black one guy is trying to stab another guy with a knife to Delhi forces completely justified see you don't care if workforce and fills another black person do care of white cap tells us that person, even if he's doing to save the life of another like person I mean it, doesn't make a hole in a sense. But then again you are really good at basketballs head. Yes, I'll, take your word for it. So this is this a tick tock video he was. They wanted to fire him. His Marshall stood up for him and they suspended him for a week and there's much more to the story. Nature. History is on with us now getting ready to go back to work tomorrow, right that attract Glenn. How area
I'm good error. Are you know I'm good, I'm my mama, I'm a little. Sturbed, because I'm a part time resident of Idaho and all these Californians or moving in their wrecking it they're, bringing it Where is he here the yeah, but they are near civil the the mayor is seemingly this what I hear he was it's too. He wants to fire you because he thinks it'll make him famous or get mean a bonus. You know some sort of Anti liberty points to fire you for this. He had been left if the were that than that, I'm hearing so far, have a job and spoke to return to work tomorrow, but damn you know less than a very liberal area and the city officials are very liberal and they weren't happy with the tick talkin they'd made. They did want to fire me, but lucky for me. I have a very common sense,
we all Marshall, who went to bad for me I'll, try to remain neutral, the same time so as not to put our own job at risk, but so far it I mean the suspension wasn't great, but I still have a jobs. That's good! I think you can always get a job in Texas or you know other parts of the state I mean I put good. Words were hit another part of the state viper you had a you had a friend that, The eighty go fuck me campaign that's right and you ve just wanted. He was just trying to raise enough money for the suspension and I dont know what they pay police up in Idaho. But last night, when I checked it, was it four hundred and fifty four thousand eight hundred and thirty one dollars so that might be a little higher than the weeks away too lightly it's only old when I had the amount of support,
that I've been shown has been very humbling and in almost it's been overwhelming, and not just with the donation to the go. Find me the amid the letters in that the text messages and the EMS people from all over country and even in some parts of the world, Canada, Scotland. Mexico and people are people are really stepping up here. It's really amazing to me that Leubronn can say anything and nobody is in an uproar over it. Yeah, but you can't do anything even humorously poke back with something that is very common. Hence there is no there's nothing that you said that was offensive in that nothing right in the eye giving doesn't make any sense, Leubronn and you're a stupid, stupid basketball player. So why would we care How is the morale of your compatriots
Well, they're they're still reeling from this thing. I work in a very small department. have them five five coworkers. leading my supervisors and they been building your hundreds of phone calls they? Actually, this is really cool. They actually printed out. All of the emails in support of me and right now, they're about ten thousand. They want would show that to the City Council to say, hey, look! We have much more support than we do. Opposition that I think there were like five total complaints. We have over ten thousand emails and show of support, though there I mean it's, it's definitely waken? What I would describe as may be the minutiae of working and Bellevue Idaho so, but they do have to deal with a bit of a headache, fielding other phone calls and visits to the station. So that's the only party feel bad about is
they're very busy. Now because of me, but well, I think that's better than some places in the country I mean. I know Bellevue not like this. This is a sad example. Here of political correctness that is gone just insane, but at least you're not you know a cop and in some of these other cities, LOS Angeles or in Minnesota, and I don't know how you guys are going to continue to do your job mean, went win You are coming under attack and being called the names that cops are being called. I don't know how you get up every day and and and do it you know my Marshall made a good points. She she told me that if they fired me than she would walk off the job, and I thought I said- no, don't do that. Please don't sacrifice your job for me and she said was not necessarily know all about you of it. The city officials can't have your back or a silly tik, Tok video
then what happens when we have a critical incident and God forbid, we have to shoot someone. What happened then do we? Do we get left left out to dry and no support from our from our You know City Council with the rest of the community. MRS you gotta get Goin that's happening. All over the nation were saying good men and women. Police officers walk off a job because, there's no reason to do it anymore. I think that's. Why you're, I think, that's why you're go fuck me account went up so high people. Dont know how to support these guys, which I am really grey. Well, I've heard you talk about what you're in it with the money you're actually gonna use that money to support other officers. Right. Yes, so well the funds just started flowing in like they did very unexpectedly. I said well what we do with this, and I can't just keep this all to myself.
That would be. That would be the right thing to do so: brainstorming with my friend and another sort of a business, a friend of mine that got some experience with this thing, and we came up with the idea to creed. sort of like a like a scholarship foundation for displaced officers they find themselves in similar situations, we can reach out to them, and you know if they miss a week pay or a month pay then we'd be able to help them out with you. No help him out. Naturally, and if they have legal fees, they can use the funds, for that so fantastic, yet and its primary stages, but that we are working on that is fantastic. Last I, when I checked it, was it four hundred fifty four I'd like to see if the audience could get that up to half a million dollars it it's a great great cause to be. To help other officers. I know I know several people who were like. I don't know what to do.
one of them we have to strengthen the the backbone of our. Sir. Let them know that they are not just out in the cold, with a giant attorney fee that they are facing. We need I act on these things legally, yeah yeah. I agree Agri Nate, thank you How much! I appreciate your sense of humor. I thought the tick tock, video, all Tik, Tok videos are stupid, but I thought this I thought this was funny. And- and I think stool agree any time you want to take on leubronn- have at it a hundred percent agree and we have got got other other ideas around. In my mind that right now we look forward to thank you so much arrested when you bet you can buy the way, go to the go find me page just it is the go on me. Please help officer Sylvester,
and other families just just search that and you'll be able to view you'll be able to help out. Please help officer Sylvester and other families all right boy. We have great our coming. Next hour, we are going to tell you unbelievable story of I think it's I can remember how many women are involved that word just trying to their family? They were all really good, experienced business people and they. live in Venezuela, and they were conned. And they were away from their family. Taken against their will flown to another country, they had no idea where they were and they were used as slaves and and we had no idea what happened to them their rescue and
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or forty or american financing dot net american financing Nl Us one. Two three four that'll do too, you, w that animal less consumer access, dot org to decline programme, this? Is the global programme or lead you here I just give you some really good news here, Governor Whittemore is about to receive the coveted courage award from the John F Kennedy Library Foundation for her courage and her leadership during covered. which I dont know if even considered when a governor Cuomo, but that they should have they should have really. I love the way I love the way these institutions have just exposed themselves as total frauds total frauds total frauds.
All of these all these awards. All these things. They mean nothing, nothing in all your humanitarian at a year, yeah it sir. she's, the ceo of planned parenthood or a dictator or of dictator, their role country yeah. I love how nobody my comments on the fact that Andrew Cuomo in them of all of the stuff he's been doing, killing grandparents, molesting underlings. All the fun but he's had over the past year, the little strong now not at all, but that is what is charged with I will say this: he still seemingly the head of the cove id task force for governors- oh yeah, Joe Biden, administration yeah. He still heading up the phone calls about how we handle my urgent being credible, imagine being on the stay on the phone call and you're you're you're. Just I gotta get information and, and Who Cuomo is
the guy leading it and say look this. What we need are slowly the new I'm eating. We just talked about a guy who accurately described the three fifth compromise is getting all sorts of crazy pressure in New York Times articles written about this guy, he'll Andrew Cuomo, his response. for thousands of deaths because of his policies, full stop. He has been charged with seemingly thousands of women he's been sexually harassing in some way or another, and yet no consequences at all so far for Cuomo, nothing, there's they report, but supposed to come out eventually and we'll see what it says: that is he's just seemingly just gonna skate right. Through this end, the administration feels no need to throw off. This no test was the fact that they put him on it in the first place is a disgrace. how does that he's on it? The fact that he's robbing it
insanity by the way. Listen to this, The news long for by so many for so long landed like a jolting boom. New York City is reopening knots not hopefully soon, but in two weeks last year's a ratio of the city's nightlife culture, dining shopping. The things that make New York New York will suddenly be undone by Tuesday a day off. You're Governor Cuomo announcement new workers were responding with a mix of joy. Did I hear that right double takes and doubt the idea of having so much come back so soon on may nineteenth seeming. Random Wednesday around the corner. Dizzy exists is helpless. If you like, I now want wags day, you are, you are hopeless.
really is amazing. I mean people from that area in inside the who all tat? I know I know the whole time. Is it Can you see the incentives at play too and that you know now that it's like you can make the art Covered going away now right is good for Democrats right like they write the show That Joe Biden is handling the situation getting back to normal. Now you see blue states. Doing it right, when back when, when this all started- and you know a few months, it do it. I can't remember what month it was, but women with Georgia came out with a government that people get go to tat. Two parlours and Donald Trump came out. It was criticising the governor of Georgia and all the states after that for a very long time state in line with that sort of thinking. The second Biden was president. The red sea would like more open. Have one hundred percent it's so we're. So much of this goes back to politics and that's the problem. If the government
to be involved in public health. They need to be to give reliable information without our knowledge change. Every two weeks I was just saying that indicate general level to let them make their own. I heard somebody less than a tv. Are you it's. What's really crazy is visa. Republicans there there taken the year, the the vaccine It's like they don't think it's safe! excuse me, the person who is now the president and the vice president said they wouldn't take the vaccine, if Donald where I would propose that was there and by the way when you Joe Biden, was becoming President Donald Trump took it right. He was tried doing that the opposite dynamic Karla Harris was saying, don't take it, but after member the whole thing about it, ending doom. That was on her way about a month ago, from the CDC since then, These are down over twenty one percent. Sir down over twenty nine percent. Remember Texas,
open. It was forced to be a big problem cases down fifty four percent level that so soon see the problem is, as it is doing, its duty doom for all of the politicians like Whitman Walmart wondered? What are they going to do now? I will get a free people now Glenn, the programme home title lock. Is our answer spotlight sponsor this half hour, I don't have any of the numbers of home title I can eat there. It is on the screen home title. is something that is its using that this is even a problem somewhat stealing the title of your house in it prefer, like thirty five bucks, it can be done and started in the prison system. Now the F b, I say it's one of the fastest growing cyber crimes and there's one company that actually is kind of at the doorway of the electronic vault, where all of the titles are kept for the country and
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What do you mean not entertainment, the blunder? hello, America welcome to Wednesday tonight we have a great show for you on the the facts on racism, the fair. Acts about police, the facts on site. Dramatic racism, you have to argue it tonight with all the stats you dont want to miss that that's it. Nine also want to talk to you in this hour about the border and what's happening on the border, but I really want to start with some the Good NEWS mean. Sometimes you can feel like everything is going wrong. There is story. I been die.
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did you first tell me about this? Trump was in office, yeah yeah, I was- I was several months ago. Amazing rescue operation, and when we haven't been able to tell until right now because of but things are in place so many things he has to say: ok, amazing actors involved, I mean from Tony Robin to the White House to me was nuts. Let me just look ask you this well here at the White House that a huge loss to the slave trade movement to lose Donald Trump. He was exe exceptional this exceptional on this issue Millions of dollars down ranged on the server. Ever care rescue operations just talking about it and actually even a louder voice and lots of plans in place, and they all stopped now stopped. That is
tragic, especially with what we have going on in the border. Now, yes, I mean people have you any idea? What's going on, the border and the human trafficking is. We're incentivize in our policies are incentive rising area because were its It's this horrible policy that says if you come across with a child. In your hand, you basically within seven two hours are released and United States to a notice to appear, or we called knows to disappear because they notional up another in the country and it is they just gotta, recycle these kids and they're, using them to as pawns. Basically, it appearing them with with clients of smugglers, but events these kids and these women there being traffic there being sold on the path to the United States and we're just and keep coming keep coming in and was it over were creating the mermaids it's so has a bad okay. So tell me this story and you have to lay the parameters out because there's things we can't talk about now, including the
countries of destination and origin wrecked, which is unfair. Ethnic as the country of origin, kind of ads extra layer right now trouble there, but go together, we its Latin, european country, and this is happening. We have act expanded our mission statement to include not only children but also women. Women are four times more likely to be trafficked and with all these, hope it shut down and lockdown me we're having women who are being trafficked from Thailand into Africa from latin american countries and the Caribbean so word this is representative of a lot of places and lots of things were doing, but this story ten women. Nationals. Yet I mean these earth with one was a law enforcement officer, believe it or not. What about the more important fact? Fifteen children, amongst all of them the trinity here their kids, their country, in collapse and This woman shows up one day, This is probably about a year to a year and a half ago,
and says I can give you a job in a very high and resort town island in the Caribbean, and it was a pair, national job. These were all prairie professional women and it was a pair I job this person came into the country where nobody had a job right and said look. I know you have to feed your family and we have, professional job and this woman looked professional and she had the pictures in the and it's a real, town that everyone's familiar with come on down and it's a few hour flight from your home ends all these women gave their children to grow on Grandpa aunts and uncles, in some cases, husbands- and took off for a three month journey to go, make some money. It is to save their families and they get there and him at different times? Are they not coming but they have they land and their passports are taken to process. Some are given drinks, but they all have one thing in common: they wake up in another country where they don't speak the language,
while one of the most horrific corrupt, the countries in the World Bank and the way literally naked and raped immediately and told this is your new life? You will, you will work here and you will be a sex slaves and innocence. They have these and when we, because our our guys were on the ground there and literally into jail cell behind the brothel little bought bars lock from the outside and art got the lead we actually looking for kids, in this area and we got this lead that there's a bunch of these were these women who do the language they don't want to be there Argos when in pretending to be clients and first time they went and above all, these women are praying women just they were just bring every night. God send us anyone, someone, because there's no way out what can they do? No passport destroyed the language, no waiting, indicate with anybody, and this is there their stock
guys go in and start talking about doing a party at this brothel night club kind of place, with the owners navy their buying? My great you know, one of the women's looks up and sees our guys who look. They look like sex tourists in our guys, are awesome, undercover operators, but sent something it was a you're connection. Truly, we talked to them later and they said we sent something about your guys, their different something different about them, so they rode a little note. I gotta get together in one of the women wrote in her left hand. so that it can be traced back just in case there. Spear grant was wrong right rotten, left hand a. U than those port of our help us please, and why Dover to one of the operator should actually here that the studio today and gave it to him and He opened it looked at it. He called me immediately. and so you won't believe it's like we ve been made, but I think by the right people. They know who we are.
And later they just said there something about you guess and again it was the spiritual told him there so we were able to get in now this country, as you know, blank as we have talked a lot about it, in fact, You ve been the Venice Eric yes very correct area, and we know this and in other people's, they dont work in this country right because you wanna come. U turn on you, re leave them, as we have no choice right. So we literally go into this place. The cops will agree to go warrant signed. It looks legitimate, big, into the place to get the girls out and the start, taking money from the traffickers right in front of our gas, and we get the girls out immediately. We had this plan ready to go in case this happened, guys are literally this point being chased by pass and traffickers. running with these ten girls from safe how to save us. We are planned out and layered, so we had another one law enforcement see who we didn't tell. But the operation in the same country, knowing that we have improbably for about ten
twelve hours before they figure out how to leverage the hall situation in their benefit, but we got them we got them mere clean for the time we needed to be clean and they help us get the passports. but we're running around its the whole thing was filmed that has been produced into a documentary. That's gonna come out hopefully by next year. That is crucial. If we have some We have some footage of. I don't know we ve been playing it here. This is the after the rescue footage, where you guys. I think this is when you guys earth trying to you saw twenty robins jet there. So the story, historic, it's crazy! we. Basically we from the? U N in a neighbouring country that gives them temporary visas, get over and their leary hiding for seven weeks in another country, close enough to the traffickers, three to where they can't come out so there in hiding for seven weeks
and what do we do can't taken through a commercial earth, wine or beer airport, because I think that with this traffickers ever looking for these girls, this a ton of money, they're losing and they're not going rested, because that is paid to the cops off extremely dangerous. We generally worked his way. We generally that would leave. What do you do? Yeah, yeah, yeah, ignatyevna gonna, get him out So I call tony robins at tony gotta get these girls out of this country. And I can't take him through her through public airport. He says from my they didn't even Batman, I'm- sending my seven thirty seven down right now to pick him up just like that And then, with the problem of where they gonna go, they can't go back to their country. You know where that places the candle back there. No, the traffickers got them from their. They know where their houses are, their homes are look. we had a super tight connected with the White House in the time again, just like Tony one phone call, the White House. We need these,
This never happens. That does not mean that I can agree with visas, there's no net. The threat to deny stayed Rona instantly, not really no problem. Can it you'll have the sooner we can put em out. Visas for them and and got them to to do at its any the White House didn besides this by the way at all, is right in the middle an election year and based on the country, it was, and I mean it would have been a great poet of any massive Massive story and massive story that who played on so many different angles, and it's one of the reasons again. Why My thoughts of Donald Trump and his family have just change so deeply. He didn't I exploited, he know the end, quite honestly he should have, but he didn't we don't even ask them not to we would is hoping they wouldn't, because we don't want this in order to have a discussion about no, you can't do it right and even ask didn't, even ask but said we do
request that they come and get an official welcome at the White House unbelief available Tony's playin takes him to do you see that they have taken to the White House and there's told welcome to the United States and not a peep at a camera in the ice on below one new unbelieving. Any other stop tony request. Please come to my house. I want their first everyone to be at my house, which is beautiful mansion on the ocean- and that was literally their first steps on american soil were because they went the tarmac to a bus. There first was Tony's house and, oh my just tears everywhere, Tony and say just sharing with prayers and gives those people are amazing. Unbelievable people here really truly amazing. Really, you know you can see. What you want about Tony Robins, but until you ve met him, you I mean it's easy to think that, just by sister, you know just doing that he is one of the most to his wife. Is my gun, amazing that really Jenny
islands amiably, genuine eve, better than you see them on stage a mean: oh yeah, cameras on off the same people, no matter what we are exactly the same. right. So what more we come back, I I I want to find out what happened to the families how the reuniting it is happening and what going on. You know any other, Details will get that in sixty seconds airline errors, to talk about operation, sage, prayer, trafficking at the southern border, I'll give you some information on that as well. Here, in just a couple of minutes, stand by first hour answer this half hour is real estate agents. I trust real estate agents. I trust is a free service to you when you are buying or selling a house You need to have somebody who is at the top of the game that has a number of people looking at their website already it. So
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Robins House, and then your flown to the White House, and you let the President, the United States, its Maybe I mean mentally that has to be just gymnastics that good screw what for a long, long long long time the it was. I was with them there and that transport. We were very clear with Africa partners like This is not normal. Does not any of our lives book got his blessing you right now, and then they recognise that mature women. Who understood I mean I remember one just saying I haven't seen my child and for years they all went indifferent times, so it being nil, for some six months for some a year sumter for years without seeing their babies- oh my god, she's here it was for now is eight in the end. You know, We want to tell me: I'm ok, don't even know that your kids, don't even your mom, went the Schuman to get a job and disappeared so what'd. What have they ve all been reunited? Are causes dicey situation. Yes, so they're all
unbelievable partners on the ground that a university that This was an area but that took commanding put a Marquis scholarships. So there there they ve students in fact to several of them. Just graduated United States into yes there, on the? U N, in different places in the: U S, me argh studying they are. in regular contact with their families, but the way are still immigration policy is go home to see their babies. They lose the opportunity to maintain their visas and get the asylum visa and everything else. So it's just zoom calls, but supporting their families. Oh, you are supporting their her care and their families and will working on visas right now to bring them all. Homer were actually to bring the kids up to the United States too, to live here, a new Maginot imagined. I mean for years without seeing your child here, it's happening everywhere. This story is not unique. We we hatred over three hundred women from the Middle EAST into back
Africa? With there being so, things: happened, are being lured into Lebanon into Oman and other into other in Kuwait, and told you gonna have a scholarship and be a student and their forced into domestic Richard and sex slavery- I mean it's happen everywhere and its It's it's just in we're not talking about it. You know so tell me why What we're? What are we doing with Oh, you are in the Nazareth fund. What we doing on the border would be. Oh, you are right, yeah, yeah yeah. So we have partners. If your member, we talks last time. This tat was the last time there is a surge and we are partners on the ground are doing and we went to Mexico City together. I think from the time it corrects ia and some really good, strong mexican politicians. I we're working with them because they recognise the same. They recognise the problem as well. The problem is our policies. They won't change trump, try to change and we did everything we could change the policies
basing with solutions pretty simple. You just say it no more using kids ponds, you canting premature, crossing think you're gonna get in no I just saw what's her name, Camilla just said that it deserve its tornadoes and floods and and corruption. That is the cause of eye from that I've heard that theory is well yeah yeah. What the problem is when we sit, we tell him come on up, bring a kid. You get free passage, these kids getting kidnapped in Central America and being trapped. It uses ponds. Have to do what you say you can apply, I'm from I'm on three proliferation of two children or immigrants right very propagation How do I get home I play at home and we have to make it easy to apply at home. Now you taken the incentive away from the traffickers and the smugglers to use children to kidnap children. And your saving lives and of well don't understand the the cartels are either about
two or are making more money through this now on our borders. Then they are on drug hundred percent, there is in saying they love our? U S, policy, they love our policies. Our policies are making them rich, and I mean it. they get thousands of dollars per client and by the way, if you can't pay, they say, come The bus anyway we'll take care of you than they sell you on the way we were done. the border to interviewing these women like I was every day. I was pray to God it and take my twelve year old rape. Her too, that's how I paid. my passage didn't tell me. That's how I was going to make up the difference, but that's what they did is trafficking along the way I made it so much and I was the majority of the women we interviewed said. That was their story and they and gave me this kid: Mcgovern's had pretended your son and then to call them but a pick it up and I'm in the country and we would mean just one after the next, as we interviewed them come across the border, unbelievable unbelievable
the Nazareth fund dot org. We do work overseas for religious, persecuted slaves. and oh, you are dot, Org does slaves, thinking everywhere: in the world. This is a huge deal. We could use your support. Please make a generous donation at You are a dot org. Oh, you are rescue red dot, Org or that answering fund outward yet one. Thank you very much. in just a minute this is the Glen programme. So Even in her husband live in California, yellow in already right but they have a lifetime's worth of aches and Pains Yvonne and her husband were not immune as they started getting older and the pain. Did slowing down bit by bit day by day there were less and less able to get around and live the aft active lifestyle they always wanted.
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back to back tonight. Suitors America, Glenn TB subscribe for free under you, two channels plays tv and stew. Does America on you too, starting tonight a pm eastern This is the Glen Back programme. We are joined today by TIM Ballard. He is the ceo of the Nazareth Fund and also the founder, operation, underground rail road, both of those organisations could use your support. Our rescue, dot, Org and Nazareth fund DOT. Org TIM and a search for just a few more minutes. I I wanted to talk to some more about the the border and, and how bad it is when we went in the break, we are talking about how much money the cartels are making. Every single day on r r,
new border policy, yet fourteen fourteen million dollars a day is what these Carter. Or are making their they're leaving drugs and going into this, it's so lucrative and word were creating it. How many cartels I mean to tell me, bout, the cartels it you know of down there I mean who you know you cartels and you, you know you think of an old movies or whatever What are these people actually like And that are down at the border, helping other. thugs there. Raping women, their selling them on their journey, from Nicaragua to to excess right They are there. doing there. They were in the drug business. They were in the depths of their criminals, their thugs, the murderers and Businessmen are they here? Are they still? If you don't pay don't worry. We will we
contact, you you make sure you tell us where you end up in the United States, and so I heard this, but was probably under Obama that the car tells were helping smuggle people in and if you couldn't hey the full amount you had work for them- and you just gonna have to do us a favour, that's right s, although sometimes can't get it out of them through selling their bodies on the on the petunias? It they'll get him in and then they hold them. We Several cases like this the hold them, though, use them, and there extort as well? I call a family who you're you're you're, your wife and children are in our custody their tied up in there not getting out. Unless you figure out. pious, so that's it, happening on this side of the border in the USA. I read a quote from Abraham Lincoln on the year today about what he said in eighteen sixty and he said. Look this is really clear. Wildly pair of prayer apparent
but it's crystal clear. What's going on here, you had a lot good people in the south. That would never turn against their country, but it has been three decades of real evil twisting. and turning everything and turning those good people. Two people who are now standing thinking there right standing for things that are absolute the immoral and wrong and they're turning in their own country. Read that an eye? And I thought that that's what's happening here, we have had these marxist revolutionaries and these people in our had just sauce ray from nineteen eighty six eighteen and nineteen, eighty nine in the New York Times what it said our universities are almost now completely marxist. and it was showing the problem back then, but they had. I've gotten in and they had kind of lead. You no kind of in wait until they had the whole thing and
or just starting in the nineteen eighties, and now we have now. We have this and every thing- has been twisted upside down and I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I can't I can't fathom any logical person whose, the binding administration and don't answer this. Indeed, if you don't want to get involved in that, but I imagine any reason that you could actually look at what the results were under Trump and then me king, the change and seeing this chaos, and then coming on the other side and gone. Yet we we're doing the right thing. There's I mean besides, evil? What did I tell you when we first? Do you you told me about. Oh, you are and you said I need your help and I said here
remember what I said in the elevator. Yes we're here, because you had your attorney saying: don't do it don't do it don't do it you're, crazy and the? U said, amongst other things, that There is, One thing I remember, as you said you want me to you, you can we will not meet your maker and tell I did nothing. there's nothing? The Lord would have us do Yes, as there is thing there is nothing because I came back to you and said my Turning keeps telling me that we could just be torn apart for this. Cause you dont know something had happened whatever and now you're involved you ve got cartels yacht. You know all these that all these bad people coming up against you there's no way to win on that and I said if it is true and honest.
There is nothing that you can do that will get more divine profit and more protection, then saving children then I came to you and said you make sure this is absolutely pure, because if it's not there is nothing we will suffer through eternity on more than. Using children, you know, being being true with rescuing children, and so you and I have had this in both organizations are really crystal clear. Everybody is really Crystal clear that we do something corrupt yeah, whatever oh I'm gonna go to prison for there s my life, no, you we're gonna answer eternally for ever. If do something against children. What is happening on our border,
is happening right now and we are using it for politics. The eternal consequences are enormous enormous. one last question cause you were in law for meant, you were in the Department of Homeland Security, how are we going to retain our trust and how how are we doing there? Do you think our justice Department Thank you, sir. I think part it's a sleeping and everything. Now it's it's hard to trust. The very organisations I used to work with and for sometimes it's It's it's scary because truth is becoming relative right and and its I see it seeping into to everything, People need to rise up,
I believe in democracy, I believe in a republican former government. If people rise up for truth and fighting like you are and others hope it can influence the entire. governmental system to where we maintain in the integrity of our institutions and our law enforcement, what these people are running from coming across our border is what were becoming there there, they're running from no real justice, because can pay. Somebody off I've got a jail cell with eight women in it so come now he's got more money than you have, so I'm gonna now say you're the bad guy. I mean that that's why p who came here. Is you have a chance? of justice, and if we perverse that justice there will people clamouring they dont they're, not coming for money. They are. Coming for a fair shake at life, and I feel like we're just
I'm glad you're around TIM honestly, I'm glad you're around you give me hope and faith that there are really good decent pay who are working every day to just do, Sir, thing that is the right thing for that? I thank you for having will the co founder of Authors Organisation, so thank you Here's here's what I would like you to do. If you would like to get involved again, there is nothing that will help you more. Then helping rescue children, nothing! Nothing! Fine providence doors will open it will truly a miracle in your life. There is get out of yourself get out of your own trouble. Concentrating on these things, turn your face back to God and he will heal us, but we have to be actively engaged in good works.
This is the best work I can think of. If you like to be involved, go to our rescue dot, org our rescue, dot, Org or the Nazareth Fund, DOT, Org good to see you, he took them. Thank you our sponsor this half hour is gold lying. So I was just talking this morning when we first came in I Asda stew. If he knew who SAM Cell was and stem cell has been this. You know shook go billionaire, who has been making fun of people buying gold for ever forever I mean that's kind of how he made his monies like. Why would you buy gold he's just come out and said I feel funny, because I've spent my career talking about. Why would you want own gold bud? When I see the debasement of our currency. What are you gonna hold onto
he's so worried about the debasement of our currency that the dollar Just gonna be worthless that he is not holding on to things that he is his whole life said this. what you gotta do he now saying gold. Now it's not the whole process. Please do not buy paper gold. Please don't do that old line is made. It really easy to get started, find out how to use funds from a qualified retirement account to protect your portfolio with physical, precious metals. Your things are gonna be cached out and in dollars. Good luck with that gold remains Due to the on overwhelming popularity, gold mine is extending its six percent free metals promotion, bonus for self directed Irae acquisitions this week, but you have to call them find out how to started act yourself from what do they call it temporarily. Noah the turkey issue, but is not entirely a transition period
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be paying fifty two percent in taxes between can't charge pretty set over fifty cent I'd on each dollar. He said with Biden they eat the they want to take sixty two percent Sixty two sir, did you said, and Mr Sixty matters to you, should just Clyde or is it just changes named to his tax rate? All derive no matter where you go right: so he is moving having only one you ve gotta Joe Rogan, moving in Leon Superman Carl icon has moved to Florida. Elon musk. Is he leaving here now? Is he what, if he's living here, you know he was moving, is moving much of his business interests as he should, as it should be made either. But we ask us he think I must is going to be funny. uttered in life? no with caviar
No, that's, ok, look at other caviar is don't walk into a room where everybody is writing your comedy and they all hate you. I mean Asia Psych comedy as it is yes, but if they hate you they can make. You look really bad and stupid if the writing for people they like at other weeks. Maybe this is the right way to go. My behavior is how much would it be defining it was like the funding is a Saturday night lives since pollution caused some of those episodes with non actors. Non comedians are really funny the sports celebrities have done over the year. Anyone could pull it off. He could yeah he's not easily. Electric personality, though I give you ever heard him be interviewed. He's am he's an interesting guy, but he's It's me, it doesn't care, he doesn't get. That's that's good! You kind of like about some. How he's been made it this conservative icon this guy, who is who
literally building spaceships to escape global warming is a right over there. I, like that, are we Vida IDA is on Saturday. I was talking to Jack Helmuth. Are our friend for back in the day I former out, formerly were companies tv you desert podcast, now called question, material with Jack and Brian. Their friend Brian. Acta from the dates great, really funny Pakistan, but used to talk about peace, work, etc. To live like in between the glade nineties in two thousand and Letterman, and bright, elzevir eastern you here. Why here he's got some greenland so, He said that when they cannot warlike reworking the show little that they brought a couple of veteran writers in from Letterman towards the and of his tenure there. And when you turn in scripts, there's no names item. So no one knows who wrote the scripts and he said that two. He talked to the two Letterman writers were veteran caught, comedy writers. When he said you couldn't you couldn't tell
for it was a person running, it was black or white. You couldn't tell the first amendment was male or female. We now conservative, liberal couldn't can tell any that from from what was written. What you could tell was The age he's they could always tell if a person was above twenty, eight years old or below twenty eight years old, because people who are older than twenty years old we're trying to make the scripts you no fun and people under twenty years old, we're trying to make their social just despoil. Isn't that amazing war, whatever the equivalent of social justice, was back in two thousand? Probably still, we'll just as german around a lot longer than that, but it may just be the pick that up from just reading the scripts, because the priority of a comedy writer from back in the day was comedy, and that has chain. We remember what our slogan might slogan for years, for probably two or three decades, is what you don't cut funding.
Don't cut funding, it's funny. If it makes people laugh, don't cut it doesn't or if its agrees with everyone's. What but my point of view he doesn't matter. If it's you know, you're a conservative and you know it's a joke. You know against a conservative, it's funny. It's funny, funny you you, can't do that. Is comedy writers now know, and that's why I finally sucks yea also all of it sucks all of it sucks Glenn Programme
Transcript generated on 2021-05-16.