« The Glenn Beck Program

Who Knew Ending Poverty Only Takes $1,400 Checks? | 3/9/21

2021-03-09 | 🔗

John Oliver attacked Glenn over his coverage of Dr. Seuss and fascism, so Glenn sets the record straight. Booker T. Washington’s autobiography, “Up from Slavery," has been relabeled as a work of fiction. Apparently, there’s an internet argument over whether Helen Keller existed. PolitiFact admits that the vast majority of the $1.9 trillion COVID bill isn’t even COVID-related. President Biden was caught forgetting the name of his defense secretary. As the trial over George Floyd's death begins, have people forgotten the summer riots? Andrew Cuomo is the exact politician the media accused Trump of being. The one-year anniversary of “two weeks to slow the spread” is almost here. Glenn reads a story on the reality of "Neanderthal thinking."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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percent off at built bar dotcom. That's built bar dot com. would you not to amend the blunder hello, America, it's Tuesday, and we would like to begin with the definition of fascism? We begin therein sixty seconds real estate agents. I trust is the place where you can go and find a great real estate agent. If you are
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is it necessary that this review our own attitude and say? Yes, it is possible for men and women of good will that differ, see the secret to that is people of good will like I can get along where people, if they have good will if they are actually looking for you, no sir, If they are willing to be swayed by new facts, I'm willing to be swayed by new facts, you show me you actually sit down with the and show me how fourteen hundred dollars a month, what is going to end all poverty. I'm sorry, one thousand four hundred dollars check one is going to end poverty. Then I'm willing to go. Read your Washington Post story, but you have to logically work that out. For me.
Too many people are not willing to actually tell you the truth. There not willing to tell themselves the truth It's really really super easy. When you have, people out there with bad intent, who things- I'm talking's directly to media matters and George Soros people that take things out of cod text and then send them everywhere to all of the media outlets and then those media outlets, because they're, not honest, and they don't look at media matters and say anything but there are on our side. They take those clips out of context. They take those clips and they make it into something that it is because you don't actually listen to the whole thing it's not honest Hocker, Carlsson and I were tortured by John Oliver over the weekend and I dont know the care, but I want you to know that
France. I need you to be able to say here Is the difference. Here's why we say that we think that fascism is happening in America We believe that if anyone who says my way or the highway fascist when it comes, the Doktor Seuss Books, it is not fascistic for the family to say we're not going to print this anymore. We want to change the we want to change the the the drawings in this book That's not fascistic, however, what and after that is fascistic Ebay. Won't allow you to buy. The book now will wait a minute. What Amazon immediately pulled all the books now lie,
libraries, are pulling the books schools. Are pulling the books? That's fascist! when the family says we're not doing it. That's one thing, but once you cross into a public library where I can get, copy of Mine Comf, but I can't the copy of doktor sues. There is a problem you know what he is fascistic. Almost Every story that is run on doktor soon does not show any of the offending pictures. When you see the offending pictures you're like ok yep, It's kind of outdated stereotype. Nobody's defending that. But when you read a story won't show you anything. It Actually, let you decide that's fascistic.
Everybody's jamming everything down everyone's throat and if you don't agree, you should be cancelled Here's here, Sir John Oliver talking Tucker Carl's in an eye this Sunday. Now that Testimony was pretty newsworthy, but while some networks took the hearings live folks, unsurprisingly barely covered it in fact across conservative media you'd We know the hearing, it happens because they were too busy with there. Doktor Thurston getting cancel the children's book. Publisher says it stop releasing six of his books, the cancer culture going after doktor suit tonight, Doktor Seuss books are now too in, sensitive and even racist for them now they are banning you Doktor Seuss books. How much more.
Do you need to see before all of America wakes up and go. This is fascism on, oh, ah, a lot bull because the books, what band doctors, enterprises decided to stop printing six of them when a company deciding which of its own books it will want print, is an example of free Surprise, not fascism it'd make much sense to argue that banning unicycle, how much more do you need to see before America wakes up and says this is transcendentalists whether firstly Nathan. True, I've got no idea how you got from there to the second part. Well, let me explain to you- here's? How I explain it if someone was banning units cycles and and ended, and everybody went out and tried to buy them and Nunez went from five dollars to
fifteen hundred dollars. You'd think there might be a market for it. There is a market for these books people were standing in line to get these books before you couldn't get them any more, ah, ah, it's not just a private business, making the decision, First of all, he's right: the family made the decision, then there the publisher said why we're not going to publish it any more o K. Private business. Let's get into that here in a second private. This and a family. Ok now, let's go to the libraries That seems to be a government institution. How about Ebay, private business, private Business
No. What's really interesting is all of these. Private businesses are doing things that are against the constitution against freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of assembly, all of these things, freedom to petition your own government? I have a right to petition my government and say hey what the hell is going on with corona virus. Why are you behaving this way in stead, they don't like it, and so all the private businesses are stifling us. Now, that's not exactly fascism, but let me explain how you got there. Two pretty easy. These huge corporations are now doing the bidding for the United States government they are now
How many of them are in bed with the government doing business with the government I know you're not from around these parts, John Oliver, but Maybe- should read some some of pass past presidents, maybe could read the farewell address from Eisenhower here. Planed. All of this is called a public. Private partnership in many cases, while we don't have Hitler? We didn't Hitler. When tromp was in charge. In fact, when chump One point in charge: he talked a good game. But he didn't do the things that are being done right now.
Still still has a list of all the things that that Cuomo has done. Cuomo it is the fascist that they said Hitler was going to do we think they set and I'm sorry that Trump was they said everything that Trump was going to do Cuomo has done, but you I don't care because you're not honest by the way, the thing that you said that none of us we're covering it was like, It never happened. I covered several times that day. But you didn't care to look. You made a blanket statement that I didn't cover it? I did cover it, It would require work. From you. Ah now. This is a warning sign. You don't just wake,
in a fascistic government. You somewhere CUP one day go wow. We were free yesterday, its baby steps. And I have no problem The family saying we're not gonna. Do it they own the rights so They can do that I can't I sell my book on Ebay, but can I do that? It's a collectible! again on Ebay. I could sell me. In camp, but Zeus, that's weird how they all get together and they all walking lockstep. And if you disagree with him, your mot, your ridiculed, your isolated! You guys should build a gulag. Don't you think? Let me ye I dont
I don't mean to be insulting. Yes, I do, but let me dumb down for John Oliver in the bowels of the HBO Lot, where the true goes to die, death and then wrought where the war can make talk freely and others may not there. Sat in a green room upon his we caught a who dreaded hall Social injustice, whose hair was cropped close like Caesar Augustus. Why bother, reporting things as they were said when you can simply clip them and play them. Instead, why bother with fairness? Why trouble your head you'll sleep just the same late at night in her bed and so too that all of her fellow from Britain who, with Epps missing, all of their context is smitten. Who live
stood a sect. What I've said in one I've written who must chew on the great big old bite that he has bitten I say with no malice for none to be tracked? though my word, you ve cut short and my good name, youve mocked and the system of good journalism, youve Bach My advice to you is: go out and get yourself a blaze description, so you can have access to everything that I might have said, and maybe you won't get it wrong next time. We welcome your not actually looking for truth a its aid through clout, and you know what really grinds to my ears but late.
Hey he bought out, I know all fool an inside its these cyber criminals in their wacky epics come along. I steal your tax dollars. I give you a few back to make. You think you got a leg up in a ban some cyber criminal comes along and forge is a text that that, given in the main and steals your return. Is there no shame many more I mean what's next in the cover ups, these guys are the masters of cover ups and they live in their mom's basement, always stuck at about that. My mom, my dad and none of them, even if they get pay day. Let Frida do it again. I got somebody's wiseguys working for me, you know what I'm saying
It's important to understand how cyber crime and identity theft or affecting our lives lifelike works with you to assure your peace of mind and protect? What's yours now, preventive identity theft, thermometer all transactions that all businesses, but life luck. As there are seeing the things you might miss on your own, so join now and save up to twenty five percent of your first year at life, locked outcome used a promo code. Call one eight hundred lifelike one, eight hundred lifelike or lifelike dot com, promo code back safe, twenty five percent ten seconds can I d dire, so here's here's the subtle fascism, if you will the book up from slavery. If you ever read it her tea, washing powder keg,
up from slavery is the true story of his life? The true story, of his life. I have a copy I've, several copies that are from the first printing and then I have to we'll copies from about fifteen years ago, when They started pudding in right underneath the copyright we are. Sure This is a true work or if parts of it are fiction. No one knows for sure. If he really was a slave wait, wait. Wait! Wait Every one was sure He was sure. Everyone was sure of that now know I shouldn't say now, then they questioned it. You know two thousand eight, two thousand ten, here's the
cover page copyright, twenty fifteen up from slavery, no part this may be reproduced for transmitting form without information or the publisher, blah blah blah your you're reading this book or even not purchased on your own, the books Been pirated please delete and support the other by purchasing a book, blah blah blah this book. Is a work of fiction. And any resemblance to any person living or dead any place, events or occurrences are purely coincidental that actors and story lines are created from the authors, imagination or are used. Fictitious Lee end quote: that's from slavery by Booker T Washington,. When did we all decide that this was a work of fiction.
When did we decide that Booker T Washington, who actually wrote up from slavery, a story about his life when Did we write? When did we figure out somehow or another that he didn't exist? He was just making this up. He was a figment of his imagination, We are you re imagining our history. The modern library today list of the top one hundred best nonfiction books and ninety. Ninety eight, the number three and book on that list was up from slavery on its over convulsion of notes, a book of fiction. Now it's in a hundred best nonfiction with number three living eyeing the racist past. I suppose as I don't tell me, tell me that this is not fascism. Tell me that this is not a cool ordinated effort to change our history
and change what we know and to do it by force That's just a private company. Doing that! Oh, ok, ok! So Just a private company is just erasing a man. I got this email in like share going on in Illinois. Schools, diversity is all the rage which, of course, I am fine with. However, I'm getting very concerned. This is from a teacher. My system principle came into me. This pass Thursday asking about books that support algae BT. Q groups I do have some books in our library about homosexuals, but the it is their contribution to the world, not their sexual orientation, but that's not good enough. She and she's going to give me a list of some other book she wants in the library. I'm fry
that she will request that gender fluidity, books and transgender books that I don't think I can legally refuse to put in our library it breaks my heart to see the lies that we are feeding our children. Furthermore, we are celebrating read across Amerika with doktor sues it Our fifth grade teachers felt it was important that you share with the teachers and article on how Doktor Zeus's racist? We are reading the speeches were reading school wide thinking. This is a wonderful example of equality and accepting people differences, but this article claims that, because the story ends with a five or with the star bellied speeches- and plain bellied. Sneetches simply shaking hands, accepting their differences in living in peace. It is racist. It is You just said the view gave the key word you said quote. I thinking that this was a wonderful example of equality,
yes? It is that's not equity, it is racist. Now, if you're for equality you, before equity According to the article, the story does nothing to encourage change within the power structures and therefore it is racist The only way to feed darkness is by shining light on the truth. I was grateful to attend mercury ones. Teacher conference- I'd like you to consider me again for the next summer, plea I apologise for the long email but thing changing so quickly. Now in our Illinois schools, do you have any advice on how I can handle the kinds of requests. For me, too, but in the book in the library and take out of the library do I have Any legal rights for the library we're gonna answer that next, the since the Programme
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This is the Glen Back programme. It's Tuesday, Pat Gray from Pat Gray Unleashed joins us today. The I see that you are perpetuating the myth that Booker T Washington exists this crazy. What's next, are you going to say that Helen Keller really existed open? Now, please tell me that's not so now that is something. Oh my god. Oh yeah, Helen Keller didn't exist. Hang on hang on. If you just joined us the we're on the copyright page of the new printing of from slavery by Booker T washing in which is his story right, by him
a few years ago, it said off of scholars aren't quite sure if this is a work of fiction or not we're not sure he actually lived in in slavery. Now it says it is a book of fiction and Lol characters have no likeness, no meaning to anyone who actually lived crazy unreal, but Europe? protecting the Helen Keller. May I see he please, you got a deaf blind person who can't speak that road twelve box at the EU, whatever fluent employed by the way for it? I I'm sorry and she was a motivational speaker. Ok, what else did you fly to could. Why I think she probably could
such a mere plan. Of course, you could well be included all you're thinking about where she did flyin airplane, but I think she could fly without higher. They saying that she didn't exist or that she couldn't do any of you know, there's a gin, z thing going on now and Tiktok that she just didn't exist and people are really animated about it really pissed off about it, because I think because look I can accomplish anything but participation trophies and this woman who had all these disabilities did all these great things? No, I'm sorry! I cannot accept that. I think that's how it. Started because I think people are, I think there to shame by what she did and I'm not even if and of Helen Time, none of his end user communist by well. She said it amazing thing right. She was like you know when nobody can do it by themselves. And everything we learned about Helen Keller was it. She was this this real meaning individualist that would just would not be stopped
in some ways that's true but ass. He accomplished everything she said. Basically, no one else could accomplish this yeah I mean it's the same thing that's going on now. You know. People who are at the top of the food chain are saying: Abbott you'll never be able to do that. You'll need me sort of slamming the door behind him exactly right, exactly right, but she did exist. I That said, I am a friend who owns a lot of her writings. In her own hand, right I believe I am calling yeah as he rightly we really you write stuff, which you even see or right. We have done that and we have a set of bibles that
the blind used to use in the eighteen hundred blind live or, as they were before, break out of her brow that ran a horn rail. Why? Why? What an incredible my blindness in the definition of a shave, Sarah call Caesar Heaven column, one get one of those bibles over here as easy as users at last, you were wearing actually be in that time period. Now we are we're in that time period resolutely greasy by the way to night on television are no sorry tomorrow night on television, the Wednesday night Special is all about this kind of crazy stuff and how these things didn't happen. They didn't exist and and are founders. I mean we're going to a point where our founders didn't even exist. Do you know that the new curriculum I think it's for Minnesota?
for the United States of America. It starts sixteen nineteen and then it skips over the pilgrims and then it skips over the founding of Amerika skip over the civil war. Skips over all of the inventions here in Amerika, and then it gifts over one world war, two and it picks up with the atomic bomb. We gotta get out of sixteen nineteen to the atomic bomb. Theirs No mention of Holocaust, nothing. None of that stuff is in there while yeah. It's the most relevant, its old dusty stuff, not relevant. It was just a time of racism and then sold So the British came on shore and sixteen nineteen. They,
slaves, they built the atomic bomb and blew up the Japanese. While that's got our deprives. No apparent reason. No apparent xray us, like eventually bombing Nagasaki in Hiroshima, knows no there's no, no real legs or has not learned rather well we're racist. We were racist and sixteen nineteen races continued until we finally got a bomb and then we would really took our races about on people and there's no racism in the Pacific Theatre whatsoever in older or start over with arose, and even a Pacific data which is bombing that are nowhere guide. I were there, have a theatre winder too busy fighting war. Hey, let's put our guns down, let's go to the vat, or does it even make send it really doesn't? It does not relate to Morrow night at the clock only on blaze, tv we're going to be giving you some. History and we're going to show you how to fight it, because you need
to fight it in school teachers. If you are not on the front line. You're going be part of the problem, because he, if Europe, if you're just like I just I don't want to say anything, I Stand that I really do but think of the children think of the damage, is going to be done on the children. If you don't speak up right now, By the way you see, rustling buzz, desert, Tippit, no his death certificate the coroner oh for occupation, what do you think they wrote for occupation? radio host best broadcaster ever guessing those are not correct Right, I'm not a guess. It's completely are great.
Radio, host of all time on an upgraded and like the term hard to disagree with that. One we'll find a way to do it. I think they'll find a way to do it. I thought they were gonna put on his tombstone stone. Are they Do you know about that? Do not have you heard of the third up, I don't taught me. Well, I mean you eat, there's other people that would be in that conversation. Obviously, but I it's it's sea change the entire thing at the Chinese to one of the bands and he saved an entire band of broadcasting. We have to go again by talked about this with the regional they Mount Rushmore of Radio You'd go Orson Welles, who was host a radio host you'd, go, maybe ah Bob Hope, or Milton burrow you have morning Harvey Jaime Radio, yeah yeah, but I mean in the call to be definitely belongs their yeah, but in the
in the modern era, only Paul Harvey and rush limbo pet Levine. Let me give you one other host. You might want to compare committee put on that on that. Allow Rushmore here listless if YA sausages deserves really yummy caught with a spoon style, forks labourers, spoon style for fat, assed, pork spar, no, whatever color spoon study for work, but I will make sure we get all the radio Hall of Fame people. Thank you for saying always here to help you I'm just trying to get your best bork. That's all I want is doing. You can call em sports, but we have a lot of immigrants in this country and there like What is this? It's a sluice style fork,
I'm just trying to welcome all of those new colors on our border. It's your claim. Omaha stakes with sport. Can I'd like to see that you can like immunities tender. They aren't. They are able to exactly right as spoons tiled floor. Borders are getting more. Thank you path, background least available where we get your PA gas macsharry subscribe. I want to talk little bit about bill bar. You know with stew, is yelling at me a little while ago, because I was like you know, they're, so good
Let me tell you about all the health statistics of the bill par as airing trying to sell bill bartered turn people off their low calorie loaf sugar high protein. I fibre right there, but the thing is there: they taste great and everyone loves them. That's like you can live all right, but you have to be able to say I mean I can tell you know: advertise candy bars and that's who their target is now will you will lead with a good taste? And then he can tell me to dinner to explain this to a radio. If a member I mean, can you cut a bill par with a spoon style fork? That's what I want no possible nobody is really delicious. I never ate it because my wife lead with its really You know it's really healthy, it's good for you! It's upon! teen bar that's so when they got me, have you eat protein bars. Yes, I haven't their good, no they're. Not so I dont asked you at all, then aid. One there delicious
really good they're like candy bars, but their healthy, its built bar dot com use, the promo code beg twenty percent off your next order. Its built barred dot com cut with a spoon style for promo code back. Welcome to the lead back programme. So I just this from the vault, and I want you to look at it This is as with a big, thick books, one of the big vague books. It don't exist is it actually a Bible. This is just one, not even a whole book the Bible there's like five or six of em they're just for Genesis. Oh my gosh. Ok then this pre Braille Tell me now: can you read it using years
six months and in Jerusalem yeah we're going to really thirty it's over years. What they did is they actually pushed the letters of three of the paper, so you can put your hand and you could trace try to do a close your eyes and try to do it. I mean like. I know you would say, never right but somehow or another people like Helen Keller, did it oh, my gosh. This is. This is incredible I forgive you to imagine how long this must have taken a due to learn to learn, but I'm even make the book so it's. It's an amazing p. So when you know Helen Keller didn't exist or Helen Keller, she couldn't have done it those things I just right any one, to put your hand on this this book and try to read it yourself, you know what all the letters are. It's not like your reading. You know the bump dots of of Braille. You What the letters are. You can read it with your eyes. Yes,
You can read it with your eyes and there's absolutely no chance. I would have to read it when I finger no way I'm going. Is this like crazy? Even I know what the word is and I try to like yeah no standard. I still can't pick it up now. That's incredible peace! so don't tell me that she didn't exist, might away the real problem at the border They media and Democrats are starting to say that there is a problem Fact one of them is Henry Clay. Are he is the congressmen deck Democrats EC congressmen from Texas he says I don't care if it's a challenge or a crisis. We play into words, but let's Look at the numbers since August last year the numbers have been increasing, especially in October or November and December. We were hitting seventy thousand in January. We add seventy eight, and this is again. This is with a Trump administration now moving into the Biden administration
he said I don't care what we call it, but I can tell you the this: those numbers of people being released. They are with holding that information. They ve been not to withhold the information? I We now know that they are bringing people from Callin over to Laredo processing them in Laredo and their releasing them in my community and AIDS not even worse, Another Democrat said I dont think quite frankly, the blind administration is aware of what is happening on the ground. Yes, they are yes, they are. They know here is passed,
Okey Hooper socks, as she gave the press conference yesterday about the kids in cages. Listen to this order said that they discuss. Capacity for unaccompanied children will be making recommendations are forever, is more capacity well. Well, we know just purely by the member states that there is going to be a need right, because we have. Large number of kids, unaccompanied children who are coming across the border. With me, a policy decision as an administration that the humane and more Our approach is to keep these kid safe and The minutes of facilities that are safe, oh so keeping them being them in some sort of a cell or a cage. Or a box. I don't care what you, call it your keeping them against the will against their will that Sir It's you may now be seeing the lions of the zoo or not safe,
There are very serious and cheapest inside a gauge. That is a it's an interesting, no remix of of history. Music, they ve made it. This is about safety when I'm too, was doing. It was all about hatred and it was just because they up I do this. This idea that Donald Trump doing this for racist reasons they made that decision on their own they applied it to him. Is it? Is it for safety? Is it for humanitarian reasons? Yours, separating children from their parents. You are have a this the there talking, though, in that clip about unaccompanied minors right, I know because you ve made this a big open party, and you said: if your kids get over here, then Who can they can bring the family here? So Families are giving their kids to drug lords, giving them the two mules pudding among Dunk,
giving their kids to mules and the mules. God only knows what happens and coyotes ran all these animals different, very animals there giving them to you. That does. The idea here is there, like all the Trump administration took the Parrot child and separated them in the United States, where the wonderful Bite administration is making incentives so that they separate before they cross the border, and that should solve the issue and the drug dealers are doing the separating There are only having to pay six thousand dollars to the drug lords to have their kids snuck across the border. That's the humane thing to do now is wrong with America What is wrong with people? I it's because people don't know. What's really going on. I have a very calm and happy conversation with somebody like that. Sid ethical programme
hello America and welcome to the global programme. The guy who can't remember who runs the Pentagon can't remember. His name has solved poverty will get to that and sixty seconds programme Your milestones are always a cause for celebration in right now, blinds dot com has given you a great reason to celebrate your home with up to forty percent off everything, its toes to their twenty fifth anniversary blind, dot com makes it really a piece of cake and to order online free shipping guaranteed perfect fit for your windows, whether you do yourself or have them, handle the installation from start to finish, you can't go wrong, blinds dot com, it as an internet company founded in a garage back in nineteen, ninety six, they were, they were interior designers and
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restrictions, may apply cheers blinds, come to another twenty four five years blinds dot com so so who knew that it was going to be so easy to solve poverty. I mean I I had no idea. All we had to do was right of fourteen hundred dollar check, just some people to some people? Yes, yes, item is amazing. Majorities of one point: nine trillion dollars almost all of it not going to the subject this at hand. How dare you save and how dare you say that what did you just say? I said almost all of it going to not going to listen to this house admiration. Listen to this exaggerate. I happen to have the political fact article right here Oh good, and you know that political fact is. A staunch conservative art
all hugely conservative, little worry, they're gonna, be biased here again Consider thank you. I mean for conservative right president binds one point: nine trillion dollar american rescue plan. Also, become law, total spending directly uncovered nineteenth health impact. Ranges from one set a numbers to another set of numbers, while that's almost always the case with every fact. Well, I'm just saying It's a nine percent of Bindings American rescue plan does not directly go took over nineteen nine, percent or ninety one percent goes to cover. Nineteen, I don't think that's accurate. I'm gonna go with now, while ice. I have a radio, black and white, there's a nine right there is it or not, and what's followed by that nine, a king, who I think Seabury? I do see a nine and then nothing right after that and in the present sign nine zero. Nothing
and present nine percent. This is incredible by the way ninety percent those two non cove id related items. This is a covert recovery programme right and they are too, you know really help people out, so you ve got a hundred million dollars Sorry a hundred billion dollars two hundred and sixty billion dollars- that's point five percent of the bills one point: nine trillion dollar cost. Political factors, reporting fourteen to twenty billion dollars go to the vaccine, distribution and vaccine related efforts. That's percentage of about one to two percent The rest goes to partisan priorities. For example. This is political fact by the way for ample at least three hundred and fifty billion billion goes to bailing out state and local governments. Despite most,
not actually experiencing predicted covered nineteen tax revenue shortfalls. Let me binds bill, spends more than twice as much lining. The pockets of bank grub blue states than it does actually addressing public health? legislators included a completely unrelated eighty six billion dollar bail out for union pension plans and he'll pours one hundred and twenty eight billion into public education. Now, public educate Ok, let's fix the schools and make sure that our Corbett's they asked for twenty five billion dollars they got eighty six, but now I'm sorry are a hundred and twenty eight billion dollars never happens to me and my negotiations. I never asked for twenty of something, and they give me a hundred and twenty of it I mean that's it crazy another one of the big ticket items is this the you'd mentioned it thee.
Three hundred plus billion dollars for the state and local governments erect and like you could say let village step back from from where we for a second, you could say, are well look. This in local governments are getting less money because of the covert situation. People are out of work, so maybe that's a rationally tied to the covered. Situation. There's a way to get your brain to that. Until you learn that the tax revenues aren't down correct soldiers there replenishing money that they act. Truly already got the tax revenues if they had fallen by fifty percent. How these governor governments gonna run themselves. Ok, you can at least make a tie, their right to say, and maybe instead they actually didn't, have a all in revenue. These are still giving them hundreds of billions of dollars, and I can guarantee that are not going to go to pay bills. They're not gonna, go into pension funds that are going to do
near the things that that got them to the place of the rain right now so they're gonna. Take this and they'll blow it and they will be back for more, These are all these they're not going to pay down bills. They won't. And why should I pay for the you know, the unions and all the things that they promised to the teachers in the firemen and the police. Illinois when I in Texas and I said no. This doesn't work. I love to live in California, but there there. System is insane and it was only a matter of time before it collapsed, and I didn't want any of that. How do you want to be responsible for any of that? So I don't live in California. Why is Texas paying for the bail out of New York or California or Illinois. Why
why isn't stayed required to go to those people and say: look gear unions lied to you and we lied to you. We see add that this would all work out, and it's all going to be fine and yeah. You can have this amount of money and you can have this kind of a pension. Will it does work out. And everybody who said that it wouldn't work out. They were right. We were wrong. Why does why? Is there no penalty for anything if you're in the right crowd. I don't I don't. I don't understand it. As we wouldn't be getting that Would you be giving that. Would anybody whose run a business poorly that isn't a bank or a union? Would you beginning that if you just ran it into the ground,. And you had all kinds of debt would the government be baling you out. Should the government be baling, you out
The answer is no. Now is the government actually told you, you were having a sector, successful business and the gun. And came to you and said you ve got to shut this down than their responsible for it. You can't do that the people you can just take their money in their livelihood shove them into poverty, Roy everything they ve built and then what because is there not a minority they. Get help How is this fair to any Democrat and I'm not About I'm not talking about those in Washington, I'm talking about those Avc people that live on our streets average person that has a house couple doors down from you your we're getting to a place to where they think that, because You believe differently, You were four, January sixth
right at the capital that you are part If that somehow or another it's gotta! Stop! It's gotta! Stop. I don't know anybody who wasn't embarrassed by that who wasn't horrified by that who didn't that go. Oh cheese, stop stop This is wrong, but now I've lost a gig because of it a friend of mine, wrote to me last night and said his uncle, who was more like his dad growing up, won't even talk to him. They thought you know and saw each other and in setting uncle was like you, while you were just part of that. January six thing like what are you talking about? No, I wasn't. I don't like that at all he said Luckily we had the relationship where we could talk about it and get past it, but
I didn't think we were gonna get past it for awhile. He so convinced that this This is insanity. Insanity, when the Washington Post writes that Joe Biden has stop poverty cure. Third poverty, Why don't we just right people? Fourteen hundred dollar checks, you know back. Nineteen sixty eight, if that was the way to cure poverty. Why didn't we do that? somebody should have pointed that out such ring poverty. In fact, he's gonna make poverty worse in the long run, if you get people strung, out on unemployment and Bennett it's from the government. Who are going to see very bad things which point out, the fourteen hundred dollar check is not unemployment. It is a totally different part of this bill. The fourteen or dollar check, is just extra money,
two people, many of whom did work throughout the pandemic. It just matter of whether you made up to what is its it was between at either go back and forth between seventy five and hundred thousand dollars. We don't. Final number yet because the house in the Senate need to work it out together The bottom line is this: just a stimulus, check and invent which put out its fourteen hundred hours per, in the household. So if you have, four person household you're talking about fifty six hundred dollars, which I know you giving out checks of fifty. Six hundred dollars to household after household, many of which did actually work throughout the year. Its that's a lie I mean it is because we, it's easy to say what you're going to solve prop poverty with fourteen hundred dollar checks, and that's true, but this is to cost us a lot for a very short term. Sugar rush. Yes, that end and people are gonna rush out and buy things that they shouldn't stew, and I were talking.
Just what was it's Sunday Stew came over to my house and we were talking about the e s g standards, the environmental, social justice and government standard. Our parties are fun, YAP calmly, glance how you are having a good time. Would you like another drink? Yes, once Europe in an alcohol, it is amazing that ever so we were talking about that and talking about me, you know I might replace my roof. I might have two weeks we had a big storm, blah blah blah, and we're talking about maybe getting Elon musk the tests or solar roof. Solar have voted pretty eminence pretty amazing technology, but I wouldn't I dont want to do it because it's not ready yet the text Energy is not ready, but if you'd I'll. Have your house green fide your going to you're, going to pay all kinds of penalties, you're, gonna pay all kinds of penalties so,
they're, giving let's say a family for fifty six hundred dollars. That family gonna do if they knew what was coming their way. They would save it and they word cannot either move casino to some state. That's not going to force you to do these things or use for the taxes or you would save it for you know whatever it is. You have to do to green, defy your house, but you're going to be asked to make all kinds of changes to your house the green new deal. It does not have to pass it's going. To be done through the banking system and big businesses That's why they're all for this because thereon making things They know you're going to be required to buy so what are they doing their send in everybody knew no checks. And people are gonna, go and they're gonna blow it, and it's gonna be a sugar high. All that money is going to wash into a system which will
prices higher and then What it's gone? here comes the green new deal or at least states. Non public, but it's private partner. Coming and shoving that down your throat by the way that is not even to include what the pro act does, let me tell, about the pro act, so we ve solved poverty. Now We're going to solve joblessness with the pro act will tell you what that does in sixty seconds. Troy lives in Indiana. He likes to run five case. Obviously he ended up starting of pain and swelling in his knees. After some time my knees, herb swelling in hurting just thinking about running five Kay Roy. I sorry Troy was afraid that he was gonna have to quit running, because the pain was just too much too frequent,
that's when he heard about relief factor undecided heat at least give it a try. Happy ending to the story would be Troy's Hey, he enjoys pain, went away and he got his life back and he learned his lesson and quit running, He's out there running today. No doubt but he's pain is gone. So there is, happy news, half happy news. He didn't running, but Spain is gone. Relief, actor? Is a drug was developed by doktor? Seventy percent of the people who try go onto order more and you can order the three we quick start for only one thousand. Nine hundred and ninety five go to relieffactor dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four relieffactor dot com five hundred eighty three eighty four ten second station, I d
The House of representatives under democratic control is about to vote on the pro act, which will, straw the livelihood of millions of independent contractors and freelancers. It will also ban right to work laws make it easier for union bosses to intimidate workers. Do you remember during the campaign? abiden said we are going to create millions of good union jobs when he talk. About the covert relief, we need good union jobs. They want everybody in a union, the pro act. Drastically increases the power of labour unions to force workers to pay them union dues, and it's a pretty.
It broke. While we all know that from the millions of dollars they spent with a demo, Riddick Party to help them win the house, the Senate and the White House. The poor Act would repeal all existing right to work laws that protect a hundred and sixty six million people in twenty seven states that half of the? U S, population for Union dues Yoga have to pay. For someone just to get a job Congress recognise this over seventy years ago, when it was passed, in the Taft Hartley ACT of nineteen. Forty seven. If Pro act passes workers, All across the country are going to be forced to pay cash to unions, whether they want to or not what that's good, right. I don't know how you think. That's good.
This will harm workers. It will harm the economy. Research shows that the right to work states- always experience, stronger growth in the number of people employed growth and manufacturing employment and growth in the private sector than anything that is run by a union boss. According to the National Institute for Labour relations research. The per cent its growth in the number of people employed between two thousand seven into two thousand: seventeen in right to work. States was eight point, eight enforced union states. It was four point two growth in manufacturing, employment between twenty twelve and twenty seventeen in right to work states was five point. Five and one point: seven enforced unionism states the percent. Of growth in the private sector, from two thousand seven to seventeen right to work states? Third, thirteen percent and four
unionism, states, ten percent this is going to do to the rest of the country, What the? U? What was at law? They tried to pass in California, where it would destroy the gig economy, yeah November, the neighbour, but they were, they were very intent on doing that, which is an amazing thing. Considering it's one of our. You know it's one of the last day. Its huge innovations I mean you, want to talk about progress, get rid of the taxicab. The the cap is a thing of yesterday and people in the middle of the mayor of America. Don't don't really understand this? You have to kind of live in a big city to really understand what's happening with the gig economy. What's what's happening with door dash, what's happened, with Ober it. Its remarkable. How fast its changed changed. Everything dammit!
and what are the early changes of? It was to get rid of the cab in New York and not get rid of it. They still exist, but there it changed the entire dynamic there. That's now they spread everywhere romanian go anywhere in the country now and theirs Tons of restaurants anew breeds and dash and- and you know some of the local restaurants- don't like that development- that March under some positive and negative to it. But of course what the from its going to try to do to solve any of those market issues, is to come in and squash all of it, and many these progressive cities have done just that, you are. I mean here doing everything that we have ever talked about the contract of wave. You are protect. In the dying plants you're protecting the dying businesses and your shoving him in a greenhouse, hoping that they're not going to shed their leaves they're gonna shed their leaves. Winter is good,
green shoots are new innovations. New ideas we have green shoots for the gun and keeps wrapping up all of these all dead ideas. Let's move to the future programme. All right. Let me talk to you a little bit about timeshare termination. They may. I mean the Ladys love it. Lovett Vietnam Zan, the ladys love you get a little bit of Andrew Cuomo timeshare I'll bet, he gets a time with May Mama. Kid gets a little time with me. You know that it's yours do whatever you want when I am in the room, but Monica I want to talk about Monica when I'm with Cindy. You know what I'm saying it's her body to do with what she wants All I'm saying bought up aid, but did
Andrew Cuomo, actually did he give you Monica. Cindy Louise did he give you everything he promised almost yellow a little bottle bang, but did get it when you wanted it. Timeshare termination t yet the process started and get out of that abusive relationship with your time share it. Twenty percent off and a hundred percent money back guarantee gotta timeshare termination, teen, dotcom time, share termination team not cause I'm gonna play cv. Dotcom, slash, glowered, promo code is glad he'll, say ten bucks off your subscription to lease tv, now, ladies and gentlemen, the first press conference of the President of the United States of America
good, you saw on gas these days, people all right. I just do me here to give my version Ridge Conference center of her showing they have a statement. I'm going to give you leave A new and
overridden masks doing. You call red mask. You know you don't try. I, when is Judy Garland Judy Garland mask Meyer Elementary School following body, and it was You fool, birdies easier. Sometimes you know They serve cake like cake and Let me speak of cakes. Paddy gig geek bakers Match We should remind me of your days, but I like to put logs on the fire to the White House and my my wife bill
to jail she's great I, like that she's move me into that nice place it's a nice, and Sometimes it night is nice. Black lady comes in. She gives me a joke up. And she said some day- she's gonna be praised. EL? I say: there's right you can do anything you set your mind you and micro. Can I strawberry jello. Now Jake. Some questions you have much higher hopes that there is a second Edna, ah he's giving his first press conference tomorrow. Can we just play the clip? from of Joe Biden, forgetting that defence secretaries name areas yesterday
Thank you both. Secondly, the former General Michael Corleone general. Why my ass equity, runs out outfit recycler. Terry. I want to make sure we thank Secretary at the hall whose job is to try to implement what we just talked about writing for recommending these two women for women who I like, like you all, gotten much you all my God protect our true. Can I just called that woman's face for a minute. I just like to hold her face smell area, like smelling ladys air bad clip. This is It happens all the time. First of all, if you are on his staff how'd you let him go in front of a microphone at any point, would not without without bullet points of the names he needs to say- and I just don't understand it that I think he might be resisting it
Trying to say that he's fine olive d, I dont need all that's, don't cry: Nyc Indian Jake, the keys away from the car. I wanna, DR myself, really fine. I do think that that is a big part of it with him, because he heard this for so long that he wants to prove people wrong, but then he proves people right, go out. Did when it's my time I wanna go out, like my father p, swiftly sleeping. Certainly not like my mother, who is in the passenger, see just scream in no time wait. You two were ranger in the room. Where's my jello cup. How is he going to do this press conference? And He makes it that'll be great, it'll, be great and we great regret regret. I just keep saying to withdraw. It's great he's, not he's.
Completely out of control. I mean kind of you wonder how long this is gonna go on, but you also wonder whose doing everything for him I mean: do you really think that he's having intellectual discussions on what he's doing right now, where one can I get that Berlin here right now, move oh you're, a piece of paper who I thought when they were talking about beheld, it was an actual person do you really think he's having these deep conversations on things I just want to make sure we do their job just what is a word communism. It ok we'll do that immunity don't think that it is going to that he is fully functioning and what What's worse is if he's not whose
running it now, and what do we get when Kampala gets in? It's not gonna, be pretty me end users. Look at me a does. It does not seem right, you keep the. He keeps get one. Out in front of the cameras with this. With this sort of like of I'm about to fall asleep, can't remember, any names can remember anything, I'm about to say sort of vibe, and you remember, like they're, not putting him out in front of the cameras. Often he's not in these he has no responsibility seemingly to the American pull through the media right now, he's not press conferences. He still hasn't done this one yet barely doing speeches he's barely talking to the american people at all, you forget but he's even the president. When I
that's what a lot of people want it. Yes, I think I think look I have one or two forgetting that there was a president. The Eid states does stuff that just wanted him to go away. Get big malarkey note. Did they were the last four years have been every single new story about the President? All the time and there's a lot of people are like, I just want to hear about it anymore and joy bite and feels that bill pretty well meaning he does. He is could readily unremarkable policies. Don't know what has just happened in IRAN as if what's happening on our border is a catastrophe is like the type of thing that, like again, I, the Democrats do a lot of things that are really annoying, but it's what a thing you have to admire about them, which is this Is clearly the right strategy if you're Democrat they ve made the President, the United States, a non factor in in everyday life and their people. King through multiple really and dollar bills, and no one is even notice. It well We argued about this many times with Trump glad in that, like Trump gave them
publicans a unique opportunity, because He dominated the new cycle, the way he did you could put any sort of policy through an What are you wouldn't even talked about it for more than two days, because Donald Trump tweeted something ten minutes later and they would have been less You know like squirrels running toward it, and instead the Republicans completely drop the ball and didn't do any that we're dead. If you could see or taking advantage of only gosh Taking advantage of this move their doing all the things they wanted to do for decades, energy Emily through where no one's noticing again I don't what I do. I don't I don't look up to that. Would, like What these are virtuous people, but hey the ongoing they are doing the thing is that they want to get their getting the things they want to get done and are getting them done Och Obama was a trance transformational. President. Now, obviously transformed America. I think in a
full of ways. The healthcare bill Obama care forever altered the course of Healthcare in America and you're not getting that back now. What's the other saying that he did if, if only to them I can think of two things: he also turned us from meritocracy, poured not in two, but toward a a race based system? He didn't putting into place he started it, but it wasn't built fully and fully operational. By when when Obama was in think already in his first, what two and a half months in office, I think Joe Biden is more transformational than that Barack Obama was
I think we are now putting into place, thinks that that will change us forever if, if HR one, passes. It changes us forever. The pro act passes. It changes us forever if they sign these things in The one point: nine trillion dollar spending changes us forever. The way the council culture and these e s jeez. I love these people. Why isn't everyone talking about the Eu S g thing and the great Reset I mean you have the climate tsar an I saying that they're going in this direction the clock Tsar John Kerry is giving speeches over in front of the World Economic Forum say: yeah. People won't won't believe how fast and how much it will impact when we do it and we're gonna. Do it right away and they are
Nobody seems to be worried about it. Why is that? Why is why no one Reporting on this stuff, is it because we're just gonna work, Talking about stupid things like opera, wind freeze, the interview with. In the former royals who, by the way, don't you just don't you just love them their wonderful I'm of the very upset because of the oppression they received, but you know with other millions of dollars and a major a terrible life. I will say they seem to have a terrible terrible will he doesn't, but she does not mean she's been oppressed. Her whole life, ashy remedy yeah, so watched her through what seven seasons of suits Simeon rest. Now synergy was a woman being a brain was only a paralegal at the beginning of the show exactly what I have been higher on this on the little black we write shouldn't. She had been a man
He could have been a man. I think she, while it was you she identified that way. She was one right. I don't. She did or not, yeah don't think she did, but if we give she did, we wouldn't know about her. Former former female status, so it could be. You know Megan. What's her name Markel were our colleague Megan Markel became Bill Markel and so we don't say that it would just be an article about actor bill. Markel is now on madman, technically wait, Hu Jia and then, if she were, you know DR decided to go back. She could be like Eddie Markel. Now returns to Madman Nebula. Many Merkel was never on what are they? brothers at a big family, got three people and their all on madman. What a talented family I do Think there's a lot of pick up. That needs to be done there,
The american people, most people, haven't even heard of the great reset, let alone are more focused on it. I mean this. Is this audiences as usual? Well, ahead of of the of America on something like this, and I I think you know we're starting point where worst of all learning about no United, so this this not gotta, be something that's gotta Domini, but their powers and NATO Megan Markel. There are things that people need to pay attention to the the changing of the books that we talked about last hour that they now have the lead state. And at the front on the cop right page of up from slavery by Booker T Washington, that this is a work of fiction. So lately incredible. Are changing everything about our culture ever thing about our culture and it is going to come home to roost, and I don't know what it's gonna take for: peace
to wake up. I don't know what it's gonna take for people to go to their school board and say enough. Is enough stop all of this stuff. That's not who we are doing who do you really have you been convinced that your alone, because you're, not you know it's more than just you and me. More than just a second meeting about hustler turf in the not too distant future? Sorry, american financing. Ok, Eric and financing. Is, is the place that you can go they work for you not for the banks. This is really important. The banks are, I think, part of the problem. The banks are all signing on for the VS jeez. You know to help you to help you ah ha. What you need is somebody that is gonna help you get alone help you pay
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Welcome to the club Beck Programme, there are a lot of people that don't understand on the left that don't understand why the city has so many national guardsman in it. What are they protected that's crazy. Yeah yeah in in in Minneapolis, not Washington DC. They understand. Those on the left? They understand that here, but they don't. Your stand? Why in Minneapolis there are like a thousand national guardsmen there? What dangers come to Minneapolis? Really I don't know and there's a little trial going on really about the you know, police officer that killed George Floyd and now just because of trump they ve. To all of this, the National Guard out to Minneapolis to what to protecting its tube. You will not believe the answers when we come back to climb programme.
Hello, America. Welcome to the global programme is Tuesday and NBC legal aid analysed didn't understand why the National Guard is in Minneapolis for the trial of the of the car that started the whole thing over the summer. She said wire thousand National Guard in Minneapolis courthouse. Why are they there? I mean it's a large peaceful crowd for George Floyd's trial. What, on January six it took four hours after a violent mov attack the capital threaten the lives and property and the functioning of government to get two hundred and fifty four guards to the site, a thousand in Minneapolis. Well, somebody on my staff Reminded her go into that. Next Glenn Programme you know, Michael Burry is you should
that. May Michael worry. He's a guy from the movie, the big short and you haven't seen it. Yet you should about the largest? U S, financial institutions and how they were have been and are still screwing over the average retail american investor. As long as figure. They can get away with it, they'll do it and they are doing it again. Enormous risks with your money. Well, doktor. He hasn't got away. He's now worried about the actual Weimar Republic style, hyperinflation of you. Ass currency based the gas zillions of dollars that we're printing all the time were printing record numbers of dollars and being them out into the system. It's not going to you! That's going to the Big bang, and who they lowered the alone. Two, while they allow them to big businesses, and they also take that money. By up there, Stock and by stock in those big big.
MRS they know they're giving loans to its is craziness and eventually it ends. Up waiting and call gold line. Today they have a great special going on right now, with every tube of certified gold liberty, coins you can get five brilliant uncertain, related. Kennedy Silver Half dollars, know it no charge, These are the same coins that I buy for their authentication there. The third party looks at them, make sure and then their sealed called online now eight x x, gold line eight six gold line or gold line dot com, as God is in Asia. We at each other to the point people with less balance, our stimulated the deeds of this kind. So, first of all, I don't hate anybody. I feel sorry for a great number of people, because they are in cell, imposed. Ignorance. Did he don't have
excuse anymore? Oh I didn't know. I didn't have any idea what was going on. You don't have it, excuse. You have none. Why didnt pay? tension. That was your choice. While I did Watch the news that was your choice when all of the things that happen in your name. If they turn out to be bad, you have no excuse. Not in today's world be MSNBC Legal analysed wrote this week. A thousand National Guard did the Minneapolis Court House, where there just a large peaceful crowd for the George Floyd trial. Ok, Minneapolis! It seems that George Floyd thing happened in Minneapolis and I'm trying to remember exactly what happened
Do there was very warm see, unseasonably warm for your apple, especially at night. I got a warmer it very warm at nice very bright at night. There is that you know that the closer you got to build. Things that seem to get even warmer? It's almost like the surface of the sun. He fell into some of these buildings. Yes, that may have been it. Ok, then, an ass. Our aid- we don't know exactly, but I will say it there. Either are never. This is the whole point, video say about January six: right like the there was there was a peaceful rally going on in theory right before they went to the capital. That was the problem you to be prepared for this eggs. So the head of programming for blaze, tv and also my executive producer, realities are Ricky Ricky, just posted refresher and sheep, for pictures of Minneapolis on fire for pictures
one from the sky, to show the damage, yadda yadda yadda all photos pulled from reputable papers, aright. That's when the left really goes dots. What zombie movie is this from. You really can expect people to believe you just for posting some pictures with no sources. Forget it. I had a controversial idea that these cities burned to the ground to people. Not remember this. He, of course they do They are memory holding things now they are building a case that these things never happen. If you Who can just say these things you? people to believe it, people will forget they will intentionally forget because they want to be a part of the in. You can't body will you're just, hosting these pictures with no source yeah they're all reputable newspapers. It just happened a few months ago like it's not like, I mean
if you post a picture of a plain hitting a building and then he said well, this is a nine eleven there like as that of rubbish, is that coming from a reputable paper I mean you, don't remember. This was a big deal. We thought we were really talked about. It was recent. Things are changing our history in real time. You talked about earlier them erasing the life of Booker, T Washington, basically saying he's a fictional character, and his book was fiction and what I like that's hard to do, what everybody knows about it, but at least it was a long time ago right. We all were here. This is a few months ago. We all saw it happen So by the way, this is the same anti for army guy. He key he is his handle Is that he's in the Anti via Army gay he's a soldier for anti fa. He's the same guy, who went on to insult Ricky for working for me and suggests
did to her on a public forum that I molested her. So Does it know about the summer riot? Nobody knows what anomalies that railway station are exact. Of producer and makes a lot of Serbia makes a lot of sense as you as they as these things normally do they make a lot of sense. Then PDF replied, that's not even them Erica Warner, Road, Ricky, pull up photos of some anti for violence. Those are all right wing terrorist actions. The picture of Minnesota burning now right wing terrorist actions, JANET polymer rights. These scenes included many of the very same that perpetrated the insurrection. This is all Maggie dressed up as Antigua. Obviously I mean wow, are we in a different world
We are in a completely different world today and they don't see it. For instance, is watching your show and you're talking about how everything the press set about Donald Trump is Andrew Cuomo. I mean, I think, you're a little fixated on Andrew Goma, everything they said about Donald Trump, that they hated they'll, never mention about it. Drew Cuomo. Now I mean drew Cuomo. Is the media caricature they tried to paint of Donald Trump, yet they said trot was boorish by not being what it target but a little Mvoo Laana care, Bunny weird, they said Trump, would be rate his opponents and those who defy em
My little I'll just tell you, I'm gonna make your life a Libyan, Frick email. Writing. You spoke out against me in the family. It might get a little visit yet items. I am I we have democratic politicians who were being harassed by a sky right. They said Donald Trump as a bully well, Obviously, that's Andrew call me. They said Donald was obsessed with his own media coverage. We one hundred percent know about his I'd, like to thank the Academy for this Emmy. I did make all of those press conferences in attaining the as I am sure you know what I'm saying but bagged he they sit down. From Leyden, constantly g, like we now know pretty clearly I live. I never actually said the words you but zooms would look great all those little twirly pass all things you put in the end, the presumes. I never said that,
I wish that press coverage, but I may have shades coming. They said Donald put ignore the experts, but yet it's been tons of experts who have resigned in protest from the Cuomo administration because he's been ignoring the experts. Just give this recent mathematical model is suggested. Staying home did not play a dominant role in reducing covert nineteen translation. That false moves. Let me give you from the CDC Mass mandates and restaurant restrictions lower. A girl, a virus cases and deaths according two new research from the centres and disease control. They the effects, though, significant, are relatively small That's what I said it significant. But I would now just something very significant and small
it's what I said that I big statistically significant, meaning that they don't think it's the noise in the data, but it's a very small difference What is it one point? Nine percent of the growth rate was the difference, one point: nine percent of the growth rate: that's not a lot they say. Donald Trump acted like a mob boss. I mean how do I need to play in the music behind Andrew quote. I don't know what target above all right. So I took my stupid brother who is on CNN. He was gonna, say something you know. So I think I'm out on a little bump and we're just going mad hunting in about some accident, just say How about Edric Homo Donald Trump is a sociopath from a really say that all the time Andrew Cuomo, here's a guy who is
nip violating scientific reports to hide dead old people and going out in front of the media and bragging there The reason you can excuse him from his nursing homes. Scandal is because numbers are so good- the numbers that he changed, he's actually use that to brag, but also the fact that he didn't care while these people were dying and people were telling him nursing homes or galling say you ve got to stop this he's out on a book tour I mean that that's a sociopath MIA Set Donald Trump had a daddy complex. I mean Andrew Freaking Cuomo last I saw my daddy
it already burberry data when he died body died out, they need training. He tried to use his dad's death of the covert. Think yes, when they were saying like all all these people are dynamic. Look my dad died and housing is tat. Of course, it likely what I thought TAT was jeez, that's that's I'm sorry that was a bigger store that I'm worried. That seemed like it was long ago heart attack like five years ago. That's gotta! Do we covered at all They said doll troubles obsessed with keeping his own power g You think I'm going to resign right, our right now, questions s and they say the reason. Why is because he's obsessed with getting a fourth term, because that's when his dad Mario Cuomo lost going for his forth so he's been obsess daddy, complex, CS with his own power, he's lying to keep this power under control. My dad,
sorry of discord rather LISA doubled, but botch the corona virus response. Do I even need to make the case that let's talk about the women, quick, Donald Trump was involved in a cover up. How many tie up many layers of cover up are we at now with Andrew Cuomo he's covered up zone cover ups. At this point, may I Andrew Cuomo about how about Donald Trump was has it been harassing women, we now know that's what apparently Edric almost entire career that bitch wages are finding out now use the word rear. Donald Trump was using his political power for personal profit. I mean jeez, that's like that's like the Cuomo brand I'd like that
invented this lie, and it was a little boaster in me. In my great trans, am I mean who doesn't? Love reigns in great trans AM cover in this state aid they I sold. It puts a money. What what's a problem? People would dying for they said Donald Trump would always have as core. That would never leave him. A third of voters defend anything. He did why, because they loved is tough talk his down. Plain speaking. These talks, like me, at a gets things done laugh. Is that both like just all the more on you know that are already me either you, though it all a drop of stuff off the back of the chronic talk just like them? I'm in the press removal system, then what I'm seeing here at the table is
nothing but a lot of trash. You know what I'm saying all right, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour is rectangle here in Texas. We have hit that time of year where weather can get be super supervise and you can go without sweating, like a big pig and at last for about five days and then turns his face from Texas and becomes hot as the fires of hell. I know because When you move to Texas in the summer, they You write in on a pale horse anyway, now. Is the time to take advantage of the really nice whether and if yours hasn't been nice, yet don't worry about it? Wrecked tech has recovered, You can enjoy the weather in the brief moments that you're out their putting food on the wrecked tech. Go inside,
Oh, you only have to go back out just to remove the food. That's it it. As great text. Ology in it were you can set it. You can monitor it. It will, if there's a temperature change, it will sense that it is fantastic, stick and its erect tech. Two of you, looking for something that just a perfect grill perfect smoker. May I suggest you Ebby, compare these wrecked tech. They ve out the middle man they sell directly to you, that's how they can move these things so much better than their competitors, because not paying a day pay and get out of saying they guys down a little butter, bang, yeah out wrecked tech, all social media. You can sign up for their newsletter right now, but a b, Compare wrecked tech, that's alright T Q, who dotcom wreck Tech, RSVP Q Dotcom ten seconds.
Can I be the Karen? of media Brian Stelter, Ah, filmed himself without pants prove that sting a tv show from home humanizes the news. No, we move forward. Jeffrey Tube- and I say it is not the first time somebody's Dunstan see four CNN without their pants on anyway. Sundays, instalment of reliable sources he didn't send anytime. You didn't have time to address the new Nope grow
in controversy over Chris Guam, all being barred from covering the scandals plaguing his brother Aden, couldn't get to that. However, he did have time about the ups and downs tv personalities working from in homes studios during the corona virus Pandemic as it is. The anniversary of the local stay at home orders going into effect, can can we I don't No, you don't his Joe Biden, is holding a press conference to commemorate the one year anniversary I mean it? Is The right word stew commemorate I don't know it just seems I mean I know used it in September eleven, so it's gotta be the right way. Just doesn't feel right here. Eulogise memorialize, I'm felt more comfortable with those
he would die in eleven? The our stand over every street does indicate celebration. Right would not be right. Propria thing here: oh it will be on this programme on Thursday. We're having a we're, having a happy anniversary to one year of locked down and all of the great heroes of the law yeah on Thursday. What's this Thursday is the anniversary of bats? two lovers: that's the year, God, oh I get back of fifteen days, will heed. That was the sixteenth. I believe that the eleventh was the anniversary of the NBA shutting down their season. They had that game that started in them and then all the fence, rarity there, though, by the way, go all other draw about? That's not right! Now, that's great you about a huge amount of money go grab at times. I your money. We now want to touch you money just take whatever out o the tale that you paid. We do or on the audits is to me
now that if that is so wait a minute, so I started the sixteenth long arguments celebrate the lock down for the NBA. While the end I there's, always different people have different days of when this thing really kicked in for them. I think a lot of people when they how the NBA do that and then follow the following day. Everybody start cancelling their suited seasons and everything else. That's I think, Marshall. It is one of the days the big ones, a ESPN today Podcast Series on March Eleventh because Obviously, the centre of sports. That was big. You could look that low at other data mid march? Fourth, I believe it was was the day they cancelled south myself. Why and I remember thinking wheat, the weak they had sold. This is a two hundred million dollar festival they throw in Austin Texas, and they can it then they started kid
my boss, a marathon and all these events that were coming up and started getting very, very that was literally weaken he officially it Friday, night or Saturday that the present officially said it was the fifteenth sixteenth for sure I remember, because it was basically a To the end of march, and then they re up for that one other month, witching p, forget it. May everyone likes to throw the word lockdown around? That's the lock on period to me, the fifteen days plus the thirty that, from Meda MID March to the end of April. I know I went out to dinner inside on May first here and text now. You're state was probably different than that, but I will have you lived in California. You know that was probably going on still and may first, but here in Texas we were normal by the way. Speaking taxes boy do we have a story from the great state of Texas that will shocked and horrified lessons learned programme coming up in just the same
when it comes time to choose the advocacy group. That is right for you. Where do you turn there are lots of options out there, some good some, not so good meeting the one I believe in it's called a MAC. It stands for the association of mature american citizens. Now It sounds like it might apply to you, cause you're, my tour Then you need to take a little time today and check out a MAC for yourself. This is really a good organization. You're gonna get all of the benefits, and you know everything else that you get with any tour citizens, advocacy group, but they action. We are fighting for courage and faith and reason they are. Standing against unchecked borders, which is going to be very important here in the next couple of weeks. National security sovereignty, the sanctity of life,
in Washington, has been pushing back for years against the radical left to gender and you can be a part of it lots of benefits, but I think the thing is that they do best really is their fighting for you in the things you believe it go to aim at dot com, sly few, as that's a MAC dot? U S, slash back aim. At least dvd crowds lacks clarity from goes gland, making that radio holiday broadcasts up gladdened by making by the list welcome to the lead Beck programme. There is a spider. What a remarkable up ad in the Washington examiner Baker Country How many Florida, the biggest shock came Sunday morning at Mass. I sat in the back pew I looked around and I saw something I'm not used to seeing at mass here
faces. Yes, every other pew was roped off? No, there wasn't any passing of the peace or other handshaking or hugging. Yes, family sat is far from other families as possible, which forced small overflow crowd in the crag rooms at the back the church. Yes there. Much Hannah's hand sanitizing heck. There was even a touch Holy water dispenser, but still there were actual faces, I guess a hundred and twenty people attended mass and only six. Of them more masks time I saw actual faces at mass was March thirteen twenty twenty. How was the final day my own perish had mass before three month closure from June twenty twenty until last week, every mass I attended in for states to countries
maybe ten parishes us a hundred percent mask. Though it felt liberating to be unmasked and to be able to see unmasked faces baby too. Pews up stared at me. I smiled big baby, smiled back. It was her son, afterward. The pastor bump fish with regulars end the visitors and then folks retired, to the Parish Hall, for coffee our They were also all unmasked after ask? Hospitality is a sort of thing that transforms at church into a cult cultural hub for the community churches, are indispensable community institutions, especially for middle class rural places such as Baker, county rule. Don't rural places without functioning church communities often have nothing to take their place, and the result is dropping
It's a collapse of family and deaths of despair, my home parishes in did he see area. It has anew asked her, who barely knows any of us since he doesn't really know what any of us look like, because we haven't had a parish social events since the first fish fry in February. Twenty twenty in the contrast between my life in DC suburbs and what I witnessed of life in Baker County was extreme back near the beltway will you wear masks at all stores we wear masks inside restaurants, we we we, we read we go into bars and the bars are closed, but we would wear masks on the patios. We wear masks with foxes. Wear masks in boxes. There is very little hand shaking and on the mostly
empty sidewalks of DC and mostly empted would empty wooded paths of Montgomery County people. Nevertheless, wear masks and try to stay at least twelve feet away. If not, light and easy felt a little naked in Baker County. I felt like I getting away with something I stopped in a tractor supply company in part, because I needed to fuel hoses for one piece of my outdoor power equipment and living in a democratic town, I'm very far from a tractor supply at home and in part see what the distancing and masking behaviour was like in a national chain. Here where the summer in the Rural South, I found that the local h were mask less but see vs Walmart. They were Mask My findings last week, Florida is not a great place to shop for a snow floor
and nobody in the Baker County tractors supply or a mask, so is Baker. Any living like neanderthals us. President Biden said of Texans biting his comment. Was not the sort of thing that one says when trying to persuade it was either Biden losing his temper or Biden playing Culture war, disdain politics to please his college educated. Oh my gosh, we just love science, so much base. Disdain as part of why so many people in Texas and Baker County don't wear, masks their sick of condescending nanny staters telling them how to live in part. Because of condescending nanny staters from the media and the federal government. Also they don't want. Owning guns that they own driving cars that they drive. Clinging to their bibles, they cling to, but also Nobody really likes having to wear a mask
ask wearing is good during this pandemic, since the virus spread through exhalations by infected people. Including some infected people who don't realize their infected minutes till his hat really works. What indoor mask wearing also harm theory in Dore Mass wearing also seems to me, like a small sacrifice, made out of care for one's neighbour that likely makes at least some noticeable dent in the spread of the virus mass, let's Baker County, though, isn't short on love of neighbour. I found its a tight knit community sky one father coming out of Mass Sunday morning, told me That means that a lot of people who might be sick or more likely to stay home because they know of all the people that might they might be affecting they know them personally it also means you know. Who's, brother or husband was sick, and so it's easier to know who's who to stay away from plus you do.
No who already got it or who got vaccinated. So it's easier to know whom you don't have to stay away from, I heard they tightened. It explanation for bigger counties, Cove id loosens from the Thea three locals, but what about the folks who my not have a choice. I asked all the Hark tenders and the waitresses I met and Baker County. Beef and veal fellows and safe. Can indoors in such an ass, close environment, None of them did I mean they. You put it on said, one bar tender, but I'm like I can't breathe in it If I'm gonna get it, I'm gonna get it. If it happens, it happens the way it is. Another party explained I don't see my mother because she's in a nursing home she said if she were. If I were, and care of my mother
I would wear a mask, but I am not public. Schools are all open almost throughout all of Florida. And they are also offering remote options its best of both worlds said another bar tender. I dont know why this writer was in all of the bars in Florida. All I find Baker County is very attuned to the economic and social costs of locked downs. Crystal works. Ray jobs. All of them are waitresses in bar, tending in Florida lockdown in March, he lost all three paychecks. I was out of work for like two months. She ass. She got relief checks at the time. But when you die two teenagers who are remote schooling and home all day. Every day it doesn't go very far one our owner learned that I was from DC and shook his head I don't know how you guys doing up there, a allotted businesses up they're gonna, be like the walk and dead
this bar owner had to close down in the spring, he found that the neighbors all lived fora to go service immediately in that keep their business afloat when he opened he acquired, masks and found some, Nasty words here of Well, that refuse to wear them most folks. However, went along with it, not restaurant in bar here is operating a hundred per cent capacity. It's just my experience in this Neanderthal world is it me. And with all behaviour is high to agree with Biden here, considering that the neanderthals died out and senior citizens in Florida are less likely to die of corona virus than a senior in California or New York, and
in people smiles, dining out with one's neighbours and gathering for coffee on Sunday afternoon? These things life down in Florida, downright civilised so a guy who would I get from this guy who is frequenting too many bars gets out of gets out of where he lives in DC. And notices that life goes on its wiping who appear when we'll, come to Texas Whenever you see somebody who's visiting from one of those mono northeastern states or a crackdown state They all act like. I don't know I remember what life as you know, they see like. I can see somebody's phase. What does this strange thing? You guys are doing that,
Funny, because a lot of the media stuff is, of course done in New York in California, where the most severe lockdown have been for the most significant time, and we should point out that you mentioned Andrew Cuomo earlier currently the largest outbreak in the United States is New York. Yet again just in case. Anyone actually cares about that. But it's like You read anything that explains this explains explains how California in New York can be having such bad numbers and places like floored in Texas will go through spurts, but, generally speaking, we're fine. Yet having the performance has been better in these states. I don't think it's. I don't think it's they take masks. Often it improves your results. I mean there's other factors right I mean you know New York, it's an it's. A vow Dense older city. It is a a it's cold right now. So a lot of people are indoors explain, California, but it is something to do probably with the northeast having a higher numbers in the winter.
You know they're there. I think a lot about nothing nothing in this entire, year can be explained by what government policy as it can explain by what people do and so people are here right now we go down street and have launch a one hundred percent capacity restaurant and it would feel very normal, like the real times with the with the possible. Section of maybe you're wearing the mask from the door inexplicably to the table unsafe, I'm safe, I'm wearing the mask on I'm safe wearing them. Ass, standing I've saved now sitting down sitting down at the table. I'm safe, taking the mask off their safe sitting, down standing, I'm wearing the mask as I'm safe sitting down, I'm taking the mask off because I'm right. It makes no sense on the server will be wearing of ask. Maybe right like that. Those are the things you basically say, and so well here when they want human contact are happy, do
human contact in normal everyday places like large restaurants that are relatively well ventilated in New York. City apartments are like two hundred queer feet and have no ventilation and because ever One gets shamed whenever they see another person, they all the fighting and hiding from the authorities in their own little dinky apartments and there and wind up carry the virus there. It is not necessarily a thing. I mean, there's a lot of different factors to that, but it say. It is a bizarre thing. And it's either you listen to podcast and other media sources cause they're in New York or California. Again I listen to one this morning. There are like coming soon you're gonna be able to see your relatives and hug relatives and see their faces. If here accidents, because this new CDC guidance and came out yesterday, a cannibal
Therefore, a long time has been fine, it's a totally different world for so many people are locked in these areas where their schools aren't open with a restaurants are an open where you can't do anything, and then you have half country who, just like what we ve been its felt pretty normal, pretty normal we live in two distinct different countries are what's this half hour is ostler turf in the not too distant future. Our laws will all of our lawns will be cut with laser beams lots of male carriers, dogs and meter. Readers will lose their legs and possibly their lives before we perfect that technology The grass will look awesome and we will not have sacrificed their arms their legs. Their lives entirely in vain? In the meantime, you have the opportunity to sit atop the pinnacle of achievement in lawnmower technology
you wanna know. You're. You want to call your grass, the hustler turf, zero turn lawn more this It is amazing, will save you so much time. It's a zero turn lawnmower. I know other people, you know now make zero turn lawnmowers, but hustler is that these are the guys who invented it and Lincoln Nineteen fifties early nineteenth sixties. They ve been doing this forever. Now I made them decades ago, but they really only made sense for people who are you no mo in like the capital which now to get around the razor wire. Or you know, football fields or something like that. But now you can own one of these amazing mowers and use it in your own in your own yard, and let me tell you it is amazing technology. There is a huge difference. If you a beacon pair huge did, prince between a hustler turf and anything else out there before you buy something else. Do yourself a favor.
Find a hustler dealer near you and just go test drive one you will see a massive difference. Hustle turf, dotcom, that's hustler, turf d, Cobb. Some organise Glinda America is racist, Amerika sucks Amerika was built on slavery. Glenn fight back against the left's lies exposes the communists routes of today's cancer culture and asked what happens to a nation. Would it's true history gets erased. Go by the seas, is Glyn digs have never before seen artifacts that reveal the truth about our nations founding watch. The great restated, the american story tomorrow night nine pm Eastern, at least to be dotcom, slashed the very special day It was one year ago today that we met Doktor Anthony algae when he said this
There's a lot of confusion among people and misinformation surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that masks are important. For someone who's infected to prevent them from infecting someone else. Now, when you see people and look at, films in China and South Korea, whatever nobody's wearing a mask right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with mask your shirt. Because people are listen really now closely to the right now. People should not be what there's no reason to be walking around with the mask when you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a droplet. But it's providing the perfect protection that people think that it is So what's changed,
his line seems to be that basically now we are in an outbreak and we weren't then, but we cannot do know that march. Eighth, we were now says an outbreak, it doesn't give you coverage. Is it perfectly? perfect cover Lucia yeah. He said it might- Brok, droplet, remember, I think, the only host in all of America either side. That said at the time he did not tell The technology is not telling you the truth about masks, but it's been a year and a day you're in a day, Anthony Vouch, thank than good to know, you're not get that allows the programme
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.