« The Glenn Beck Program

What We Know About Dominion | Guests: Jeff Brown & Janice Dean | 11/17/20

2020-11-17 | 🔗

Glenn and Stu parody how biased the New York Times’ "The Daily" podcast has become. Democrats were the first to warn against Dominion Voting Systems, so Glenn asks where they are now. Tech expert Jeff Brown read the Dominion manual and found shocking safety concerns. A judge ruled California Gov. Newsom’s mail-in voting order violated state laws. Comedian Nick Di Paolo talks lockdowns, Georgia, and the election. French president Emmanuel Macron blasted U.S. media outlets for "legitimizing" Islamist violence. A listener notified Glenn of a Zoom call where racial justice supporters said Biden and Harris are their "next targets." Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean explains why she personally knows NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is awful.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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already paid for yours then free college for all the people who are for this? The most deleted thing? I have ever heard it's coming your way all day. Stu an executive order possibly the new president of the United States, Mr Joseph Robin at Biden. Don't we love him we love him. Also we're gonna take a look at what is happening with the recount and the voting machines. Today, We got an expert on the voting machines and a guy who has actually modern. Oh, the manual of the voting machines and apparently everything you need to know is right in the manual all that and more this hour is going back programme. We begin in sixty seconds. First, let me tell you about relief factor. I'm I'm an evangelical when it comes to products. I believe in that goes double
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not a republic, it's Tuesday, Amber seventy. And I think by now everyone understands that the election is over and Joe Biden, one that's right, spaces selected by a winding. Process in which boats are tabulated in each individual state and then electoral votes are assigned. That's not the final step, not the most important step happens in between when the New York Times tells everyone who won. so. What you are saying is that the new four times it is really the one who picks the precedent that exactly right
and this has been litigated in courts and found to be completely barley, unquestionably correct, fascinating! That's exactly ripe founders outlined this in a document called. a constitution which they wrote in between a series of slave auctions. so so him Many believe there was fraud in the election, hence that true, yes, Michael, it is true. I am that a question or But what was there any evidence of this fraud right well, but there is a lot of evidence and that starts with
I'm sorry, I'm hearing music, I was in the middle of answering, should I again, I don't know how this work. So what you are saying is there was no evidence of fraud on earth. There was a lot evidence of fraud We know the results show that Joe Biden won the election fair and square no questions asked, but as we looked at the numbers, we found disturbing patterns in which it seems like republican senators and house members, one many of their races. In fact, it seems like Overall Republic, candidate really well. So what you're saying is there one fraud, but
in the presidential race. That's exactly right. Our investigation found that Republicans were able to speak enough elections. To give Democrats the most narrow majority in the history of the House and Republicans to possibly old on this. So what you are saying is all of the holds that were cast for Republicans we're fraudulent, that's exactly right. some so Han what Did you find in your investigation by Michael? There is another side to this story. Is it a conservative side now No, it is none, we know, Biden, one without any and all votes for Republicans were fraudulent, but we don't yet have a punishment for trump voters. That is pain.
well enough to be appropriate. So what you're saying is people who voted Donald Trump should be. Peace Billy injured in some way and in a very in four way yet so physical. Peaceful violence The only solution is the best solution, but is not the only solution. Socratic law makers are considering several different proposal promoters, Just like a strange time for bed, I was I was about to list the proposal. This is fascinating, so on our side to start again, then What one thing under consideration are you all? Are you, ok is Jeffrey Tube, or
Ok, what kind under consideration is automatic prison time for tweeting? Something conservative so, what's your saying is there would be automatic prison time for twitter. seeing something conservative attitude. Really the exact same thing I just said interesting, also lawbreakers, are considering a proposal dealing with violent riots. We're talking about mostly peaceful protest that right now One proposal states that ever protester burns down an auto zone or a Wendy or a target just burned to the ground. That protester would then own that auto zone or Wendy's or argot. So what you're saying is one proposal states that if a protest or burn
an auto zone, Nora Wendy's or a target to the ground. A protester within oh, add autos on or Wendy's or target? That's exactly right, largely because you just again repeated the exact thing that I said is that your job is that what you do for this show me the number one podcast that America, you just repeat, questions and say- and I have to say that naturally right afterwards. Fascinating way too to really and the Trump era. All I would. I just want to say that these proposals that that we were taught talking about a very important, and it is important,
Anyone who burnt down a target her and also our Wendy's and it becomes owner also gets that target are also Wendy's, rebuild it at the cost of the company and then, of course, they have to also hey to staff the operation and and and also pay all the people, and then the person would we get all the revenue when they burned down. So I think it's important that we do that and also get the business owner to be held as a prisoner by the protests, inside of torture. Dudgeon built taxpayers expense. What a fascinating fascinating idea is. It is true. but that the Trump era sounds like trump error, like the era was an era or in error,
I mean. Could we make bumper sticker Isn T shirts with that slogan, on it that a undoubtedly correct so hand, ovary pullup. Thank you. Thank you, my peers. What else you need the money Local officials in Ohio are considering a proposal to deal with the influx of non transgendered students attending classes in Agenda specific clothing soon Teachers will be empowered to guide young children as young as six through exe save surgery and therapy to correct their jen, normative wrong thing plus. Be empowered to unroll. Children who resist into real education camps? as we all know, kids love camps,
that's it for the daily I'm global, borrow, see you tomorrow, our sponsor this half hour is my pillow. You ve heard me talk about my pillow for a while and how it changed my life. I met Michael and down my billows inventor, and he got me pointed in the right direction to which pillow was the right pillow. For me, I've been raven about em. Ever since the pillows don't go flat, you just stick your if your hands and you're gonna like fist and you just punch him in the middle and they re fluff and they don't go flat. I dont know what they do. I don't know how they make them. It's some sort of zombie magic, I'm telling you right now and you can watch and dry am constantly and most importantly, there made here in the USA if don't own. My pillow, or you know somebody who we know who doesn't now
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so I would it to a little bit about the dominion voting system. it is responsible for voter fraud is what People are saying some are saying that there is nothing but the people who first pointed this out were Democrats. Elizabeth Warren was one of them. Go ahead, try to just tweet her testimony, you'll be flagged for some sort of fake news will wait a minute where the Democrats lying a year ago to set this. Lab in case they lost. so are they lying now. the saying that there is renewed a problem or worthy lying, then when they say There was a problem: not sure, but this is one of the reasons we have to ask these questions
especially as Georgia heads into a critical run off race on January. Fifth, Georgia is what the states that rushed implementing this new voting system from Member twenty nineteen. somebody faces intense scrutiny in Georgia? One of the most competitive states in the nation entering the election featuring Donald Trump, and to U S Senate seats on the ballot. The challenge four dominion is too seamlessly introduce computer printed paper ballots in esteem, criticise last year over allegations of vote flipping missing. Voter registration, priests to closures, long lines and voter purges? What George is trying to do basically blows my mind. This is an election officials, election official at the Colorado Stick and Secretary of State Office, his state did the dominion system in twenty sixteen, he said we, two and a half years to do it and it was challenging.
in Georgia, they're going to do it in eight months. So it is the first thing. Dominion one the contract in Georgia, not because it was the best voting system, but because it was the cheapest. It was a hundred and seven million dollars for an election contract, and it It was not the best according to all score sheets, from six eight evaluators, but they with any one anyway, Texas night dominion, three times kind of like the Democrats denied three. There is very mainstream reporting that demand was glitch E in Georgia, I'm quote election officials in Georgia still have no explanation for a technological glitch that created having problems into Georgia counties on the morning of November? Third, a local
section supervisor said nine days later this year. Revisers, Marser, Marcia Ridley of the Spalding County Board of Elections had initial attributed the problem to a vendors eleventh hour, update to the equipment. Sorry likeable borrow but log files for the devices electronic pull books that pull workers used to sign voters in precincts show No such update occurred to the devices the night before election day, really said in a statement to politico on Thursday. However, she said that she stands by her previous statements last week that a record and it is for the election technology. Vendor dominion. Voting systems told her the office, told her at the office that it'd updated some kind of update the night before the election that has created the glitch a spokesperson for this. Jerry states office has not responded to multiple inquiries seeking for
details about the problem and what caused it dominion, would also not say what the problem was or answer any questions about what the company did to fix. The issue shouldn't be answered shouldn't. We just notion is in this important, even if it doesn't change the results of the election The most important state in the union in the next one, I've weeks is going to be Georgia. Even national state Democrats had concerns about dominion in twenty nineteen. In this number twenty nineteen letter to Dominion Voting systems which had been mired in controversy after human error involved its machines. An interim county Michigan resulted an incorrect counts demo? Senator Elizabeth Warren RON, widen and Amy Club, which are also congressmen MIKE Poke on war, about reports of machines, switching votes on
closed vulnerabilities and probable results that threaten the integrity of our elections. If these people felt there was such a problem in twenty nineteen shouldn't they Vienna. if they still are concerned. Were they lying Van too? set this up. Were they lying then just to set this up so if they lost they would say. Would there now blue Mean Donald Trump for saying, or did they actually believe it. We need to know said. The election security experts also had concerns as Reported by PBS they ve, so a complicated system which is centralized and doesn't seem to have any safeguards another
word from PBS, but election experts working for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the state of uncovered several troubling issues. Like Sollermun, look closely at the cure codes, where the votes or encoded for the scanner. By analyzing the structure of the queue our codes, to learn that there is nothing that stops an attacker from just duplicating one and the duplicate would come the same as the original bar code. This investigation, went on PBS was concerned, but now that we are concerned. It's a conspiracy theory. The last reason we have to look into these because polls show now that we dont trust our election process. Knowing and our elections are safe, secure and fair is what Keeps America Amerika not Liberia or Russia
is vital to the future of our republic that we ask questions to stamp out any kind of doubt and let the chair, fall where they may. Now, dominion yesterday confirmed the Clinton Foundation Donation, They confirmed the policy staffer tie. but then they denied a few other things denied that they had servers in Germany. Ok, look like they may not have servers in Germany, but they do have offices in Germany. They say that there is no back door to this stop. say that their system is is really good and did make the errors, and you can't really do the things that Donald Trump is saying. Well, we wanted to bring attack expert in who who started just reading the manual for,
the dominion voting booth and your guess what he found in the manual next is the Glen Back programme aright try to make it to the break outlined in the middle of mourning traffic, not the best time to suddenly realized man. I don't have any coverage for whatever it is. That is made my engines smoking beneath the hood that choice engine. Light that came on a few weeks ago should been a pretty good indicator butter You didn't do it gives you didn't, have the money and I get it there is no good time for that check. Engine like to go on. It's time for you to get car shield when it comes to safeguarding your car against disasters. That might come your way. The number one place to turn to is car shield. They have, surmises monthly plans with low rate you have the freedom to choose whether you have your car worked on by your own mechanic or the dealership and they'll deal with them directly. So Euro,
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Five years is high technology. Executive he's worked with call call com, annex p, semiconductors, also juniper networks, I asked him on Friday. Tell me about. the dominion voting system, so he's gone to work over the weekend and overlap. three days and he's been doing his homework. And and looking for the the odds of the being being able to easily could compromise the dominion system Jeff. Joins us now, hello, Jeff, how area I good morning, so you weren't. You started just using the Une users manual, you went and read the God bless you man and read the users manual. Well, it's it's not very exciting reading, but it's a great place to start, obviously its success,
of all directly from dominion and we can see how the company essentially manages the voting machine and, of course, the security of the election process through its own technology, and it also goes to pretty detail eggs to identify how much risk is actually involved in its own spam, which might seem counter intuitive yeah, So, first of all, is it can you access the voting machines easily? Can somebody from the outside with nefarious intent access these so that the US that is absolutely now there's some caviar One is: is it we're talking about someone, that's remote and not at the election of the polling centre, the machine
we obviously have to be connected and, as we learned in several instances, they were connected to the internet. So if that in a situation like that, people would be able to access these machines with them credentials now. What's interesting, though, is that these machines are just like any computer that you were, I would have they have was called in administrative password and people that are in charge of managing these machines with appalling centres have access, essentially administrative access to them Is anyone that has the he's or the password to gain administrative access has the ability to to modify the wheat alter chain. Election results, but how hard would that be
not hard at all. In fact, is we looked, is reviewed. The security of the platform dominion outlines in its user manual that with access a user, would have the ability to, for example, tamper with the device configuration they can. Tamper with alike, can result files, they can audit or change or manipulate the audit logs of the dominion system. They can even tamper with transmitted election results, so they give one thing to the four election committee and alter the data that actually the dominion system, now what I found it was very interesting. Is that the mitigation for many of these
security vulnerabilities were to implement a quote, implement the proper process for access control. For memory, card handling and unit storage, so the sooner She was simply he for humans up. I e people that were working at these pulling centres. to protect the memory card which is easily accessible the side of the machine Oh so could could you Take the memory card chain it and put it back or could you swap it out with a pin loaded memory card both the of the only Security mechanism to secure the memory card is one of those small little plastic strings that is supposed to provide evidence that there hasn't been any tampering, but you can simply cut that off. Take
out the memory card, you could even switch the memory card and put a new kind of tamper, proof, plastic, string back onto the dominion system, be very easy to take one memory card out put another one in it would be easy to take a memory card alter the data and information on the card before it was transmitted for fun, populations. So can you can you double votes or change or food votes easily? Could you just go into the software and and do those things yeah? So again. Anyone that would have administrative access to the dominion machine easily do what you just suggested Anders
Another mechanism that could also be used. After all. This is a software platform and the ability to for example, a weight of vote. So every one, both its cast for one candidate, a tube votes could actually be tabulated. Why and why fraction of votes you can. Why would you have that one there's. Only one reason would be to manipulate the the voting Results- Dominion systems. I think you should probably know are used in some pretty nefarious countries who here legal actions on this in the owners manual that you can set it to account one for two now. This is just an example of what you can do with her grabbing the machine, but we read, as we saw
Yeah me that you know it's been referred to us suffered glitches or a malfunction were suddenly these machines stopped, counting, obviously, a simple explanation. The most simple explanation could be that obviously the software was being tampered with or difference. Offer was being used to add to change through the voting. Results are right so, We have a motive. We have means it could be done. But we don't have any evidence that anything was done at all We're gonna go in this in the in through the back way, we're saying that means motive and opportunity. Yes, all those things, however That doesn't mean a crime has been committed. Is there any way to easily
oh and look at these machines and audit- and no I mean usually when you make a change to software, you make you eat you, leave a trail. Yes, right, and so the answer is yes, the right thing to do the right, thing. To do, to get definitive proof would be to do a full software audit of the soft, here on the machines in these swing states. where the voter fraud is heavily suspected, it is, and it would not be difficult to find the part of the software code that has been manipulated to produce different results, as the beautiful thing about suffragist does what its told, though, if its instructed to miss count them they can fly.
And software engineer confined exactly where in the code the software is. That would cause false or for fraudulent There would seem logical that we would, as a nation, wanna, do this after before and after every election, but we would swept me? There's! No. I dont understand why we're working with our key EC software there's theirs? There's no reason for any of this in today's ages. There isn't at all and to make matters worse. Worse it all, If the dominion machines were designed to have several fail points, in other words, several major, security risks. Why would you say that it was designed thy way Because no one, if they were building a system or a network, whether it be for corporation a government. No one. design. These many
security risks into a system if they wanted to keep the data. Formation on altered and safe? his dominions own words for these different levels of tampering of of audit logs device configurations. They aside a risk rating and in cases. The risk rating is high. You're dominions own words as they do have the majority. Do you have any the. U have the book in front of you because you said in the notes that I got that on page, like four hundred four hundred fifty two to four sixty nine, they line in detail the high and medium risk that balance can be tempered with correct yes, age for it fifty two tampering with device configuration the risk rating is high page four hundred
fifty five tampering with election result files. The risk rating is high, tampering with transmitted election result files and also on page four, fifty five risk Grady, is high. These are just a few examples. why, from their owner manual, why water user manual understand why Texas would reject this. Why Would anyone by it? Why would it when you buy something for election. here in the United States, unless you wanted to tamper? Why would it ready by that wouldn't I can absolutely assure you that any, for example, chief technology officer or chief security officer. They would never purchase a product with software that has all of these vulnerabilities for their business or their division of a government. they would never do it to pull something like this off? Does it require
what level of sophistication would require? and how big of a conspiracy circle would require too, to change votes in in Sweden states honestly with if the bad actor is an insight, or in other words they work for the polling station is because they have administrative access they can. They can manipulate the votes. This is not. The end of the system is no different than what consumers are used to in terms of working with, for example, a windows based system, these her normal kind of user interfaces. You wouldn't have to be with administrative access. My point is you wouldn't have to be a software engineer to do it? Now, if you are remote and connected through the internet, then you'd have to have a different level of skills, and especially if you wanted to go back
and make modifications and then basically cover your tracks and modify the audit logs to the question you about whether not using modern it somebody that was really sophisticated, and wanted to do this on a wider scale. could literally also alter those audit logs now why No again to your question: you can actually designed systems, so the audit logs couldn't be altered, but they ve designed the system so that they can be altered. Unbelievable Thank you very much. Jeff Brown found and chief investor analysed brownstone research. Also the editor of the bleeding edge. You can find at his website, Brownstone research- dotcom! Thank you as always so I wrote yesterday a letter to a few democratic, see senators asking them for some information, none of them responded, but it's important that you hear the letter that we sent yesterday
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the Glen Back programme I want to just give you quickly. A a letter that we send out to all of the members of Congress, that expire warnings and fears about dominion, Senator Warren Club, which are widen and add a couple of the democratic congressmen We are trying this what I said we are trying responsibly to sort through the bipartisan concerns of this. Curative dominion voting systems, the wall, regional reported, private equity firms have taken nearly all of the nation's election technology and how they do business is clouded in secrecy. That's, according to Elizabeth Warren that you said in an area that she said in an email. Senators. Warren enclosure in December wrote that private equity back voting companies lack transparency that threatens the integrity of elections, questions for your office reporting that we will report on tomorrow's Glenn Back Programme,
were there any concerns that you outlined in the below letter fully addressed? Are you concerned about the use of dominion, voting systems and our national elections now? Do you believe the voting security is a bipartisan issue? Democrats and Republicans should tackle together in Congress Thank you for your supply, your reply. Twenty four hours later, we still have no reply from anyone, I'm not expecting that we will, because don't believe they actually care about anything as long as it works in their favour back proudly you working from home our workin unfitness. It doesn't matter! You want to listen to what you want to listen to and not what you kids or listening to her somebody else's listening to and right now is the perfect time to get a pair of premium wireless ear, buds re com. The weight ago. Re can start at about half the price of- let's be honest, the
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stand by our number to come up with your authority. Here is the fusion an entertainment and enlightenment, this man, TAT Program or America, and welcome to the programme Ding Dong, the which is dead, Ding Dong, the king is dead California, there was a lawsuit that was settled yesterday,
saying that govern Newsome has violated the state constitution, Is this the end? of the autocratic control of Gavin Newsome and the, oppression of the people of California? Don't count but it's good news. We begin therein sixty seconds at back programme, holiday have descended upon us and whether it comes the time of uniting with family, usually around giant plates of delicious food when we were talking about ok, what we can do for Thanksgiving. I realized that was just us talking about what we're going to eat for thanks, guys, nah had had no. There was no question about what we're gonna do we're going We're gonna watch miracle on thirty forestry right. We got that so we're gonna. We ve position ourselves on the couch right.
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follow rhetoric on social media sign up for their newsletter for great recipes. Its are easy t, Q, dot com wrecked, with a cue, already see tee q, dot com, wrecked tech, dot com I judge- has ruled that Gavin Newsome has violated the states constitution by unilaterally ordering that all registered voters be sent mail in ballots. Now this could play a role. in the election in other states. If this continues eat you, the constitution is extraordinarily clear. The legislature overseas the election and only the legislature can change the laws. This is thing that the Trump Administration was fighting fast in furious. If you will all throughout the end of summer andean fall
in some cases they won that case. I dont know why they didn't win in every case, but now in California. However, however, the court also ruled that there was good cause for permanent injunction straining Gavin Newsome from is issuing any further unconstitutional orders that make news, attitudes, law or legislative policy wow, so a bad means is Gavin Newsome. All the things that he has the has done now issuing fifty eight executive orders changing over four hundred laws. Unilaterally, keeping people locked in place at home, has now been ruled unconstitutional. This is fair ass Dick NEWS, the judge ejected Newsom's argument that section. Eighty six, twenty seven and the emergency services at gives him autocratic powers
at least twenty four of his guts executive orders rely on that section. Them is damaging order, of course, was the lock down passive the Pacific legal foundations. New law suit uses the same separation of powers argument over victory, established as a successful legal theory. This Or blinded are this color coded blueprint? Is complex in its mechanics and sweeping and its implications for businesses throughout the state. This owners are left without a representative voice as the but besides fundamental public policy, for the state continuing exercise of one man rule violate separation of powers, because only legislature is allowed to make these kinds of fundamental policy determinations under the California constitution. This California drudge this is crazy crazy, good. Now long Curled up in Michigan are doing the same thing with Whittemore.
state representative, mad matic. Several of the republican colleagues announced that they are seeking to hold impeachment hearings for governor Whittemore in the State House of Representatives they posted this on Facebook over the weekend, they listed several reasons why they say Whittemore should be impeached removed from office, including ignoring or to orders ignored. in the process and the legislature they charge that she's using our kids, is political ponds and died. Special need students who depend on the services that occurred during in person, classes The Michigan constitution in powers, the State House of Representatives to impeach any civil officer for corrupt conduct in office or for crimes or misdemeanours estate responding to the lawmakers Whitney, office. Listen to this. So she said the governor and have time
partisan politics or for people who don't wear masks on leave a ball unbelievable. You don't have time for partisan politics, Really. Oh, my gosh so that is happening in Michigan and we are going to need every citizen on high alert because, as Many people found out. Do we have the just in Trudeau audio from yesterday? It has many people found out for the first time over the weekend, the Eight reset is coming This is something that was trending. Thank God. The great Risa was trending on Sunday and it is the same great. We said that we ve been talking about for several months and the police
the police. The press has been ignoring here's. What the Prime Minister of Canada set over the weekend building, backed at her means, giving support to them, small, while maintaining our momentum on reaching the twenty thirty agenda for sustainable development and the Stds Canada is here to listen and to have endemic has provided an opportunity for a reason, this is our chance to accelerate our pre pandemic efforts to re emerging economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change There's a couple of things that he said there. First of all, he started with building back better. Have you noticed that building back better is behind the heads of prime ministers all over the world now really weird It's really with terrible slogan on railways is ill it in his catchy. As me, read good Rebecca, I mean a ridiculous statement
it is a global statement now build back better He's I've never heard anything so bad and that's why it sticks out, but it's Heart now of the great reset and when they talk bout re, imagining economic systems there talking about shareholder capitalism, which is the key This thing I could describe to shareholder capitalism: is this system they have in communist China, no hyperbole or the system that Germany went to in the nineteen thirty's, no hyperbole the leaves at the World Economic Forum in June, the you the nations, the International Monetary Fund and doesn't of other non profit and corporations met to discuss how they plan to use the corona virus pandemic. To pay the reset button on the global economy, many
details, are not hammered out yet until the wheels of the World Economic forum meets again early. Next year, but they did lead other broad, outlying, and it is terrifying they want. impose a mountain of massive new government programmes, including the green new deal, a jobs guaranteed and govern uncontrolled health care, but that is just the start. They also to completely change the whig businesses operate, so that Recuperation is co worst in becoming champions. Four left wing social justice causes. You wanna know why Nike and everybody else is already on the bandwagon, because They know what's coming, they want to create a new international digital currency. That also could be to displace the dollar as the world's reserve currency that is going to be, disastrous for everyone in America that has said, if money, your member
told you almost twenty years ago. There is no way to bring the United States level of excess and monetary prowess up can bring the rest of the world up to our standards, which mean they have to bring us down to everyone else's standards and that is what this is all about in the name of social justice. By the way digital currency and international digital currency, that is owing to take the power, the economic power that we all have in the way, with the invisible hand of the market and it go to a small number of bankers and international officials, they will be able to control? Absolutely everything. And all of the elites in our pushing for the great reset, and they know that this this movement
would ordinarily be impossible to achieve because of countries like the United States. This is why Donald Trump could not win this election. They were to make sure he is not in office, because he's the only one that would have stood against it that's why the pandemic is so important to the left. It's a big reason why someone, left wing politicians are now again asking for giants. Downs, our economies, Laurie foot in Chicago issued a new stay at home Advisory Illinois. Threatening to shut down the entire state according to the Governor Virginia. your governor Ralph, nor them as increased restrictions on all indoor gatherings and many restaurants, the governors California Oregon Washington are gearing up for the same thing. They argue to kill the small business crush entrepreneurship for
all Americans to come crawling on their hands and knees to government for survival. So can reshape the entire world. As Charles said, whose a great supporter of the great reset this is a goal. an opportunity to seize something good. We are in the earliest stages. But much darker days lie ahead. If Joe Biden becomes our next president, because we strong evidence. Biden in his closest allies are all devoted to the great reset it It is important. It is vital to you and your children's freedom and economic freedom, You know about the great reset go direct, key to the World Economic Forum, their website, its d but you ve Forum dot org, slash, great hash, reset, but good to the sources.
Read through the world economic forms report on reforming the way all corporations are going to operate? It's called measuring stakeholder capitalism, don't listen to people who are giving you conspiracy theories and don't spread anything from any one else. Go to HU, the source it vital. We do it now. American, NL, as one eight, do three three four W W w dot animal less consumer access not or how do I do? Then? Let me take about american financing. According to a recent survey, fifty one percent of adults believe With nineteen, the economy is worse than the great recession. Oh it will be at will there have been job losses left and right, and unfortunately, that could get a lot worse before it's going to get better. As we can t you with these ridiculous shutdowns? There is no question that this
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again station, I d, holy cow Naked APOLLO? He comedian that says it all and is really funny. Nicht Apollos can rely from LAS Vegas this Saturday November twenty we're starting at ten p m alive audience in the show room and you'll be streaming it for anybody who is stuck under lockdown unfilled, uncensored. We wouldn't have it any other way with Nicht APOLLO, except right now, filtered censored, and I make our land Glenn! I miss you glad, How are you how you doing surviving Nick I'm we'll find out? Thank God. I think you and I have the best job you could have waited
These are all they shut down, its die we'd lucky to be a part, gas, no radio guy, and we only have to see you producer in your wife. He, I think I think that's true right now, however, of what's coming for people with opinions like ours My change our view, change. Your view is in a critical left arm or no change our view as in this isn't the happiest job as well as they say glad if sir, I think that was my code under my yearbook picture in high school, my car, was be wrote to tyranny is paid through big business away. I think I regret on top of it, while What do you think of the election what do you think of the election? Well, think I moved to the right state. I moved to New York to Georgia thanking my boat. What matter? And what do you believe it? The Georgia could end up. I know
there was up- and I went about the milady that check me and how to fight and touch one hour MAC. I I think your gear in for a world of excitement. The next view have the tv commercials started in Georgia, yet. Well, yes, oh my god, I'm so tired of it. But I'll. Try! My favorite personal George. You said Marjorie Taylor, glee. She did an Arab where she had an eye out fifteen and he's got a picture of the squad behind our you know. an old horrid, all those pictures She has a wifi like pointed out, so you can. I pull the lever for her immediately. Did you think that's what next That's what gets your vote right away? That's what the anybody got, so maybe believes that in four side I can't watch another old white couple be knocked out on the street by an unknown. I am ready to go man, I will,
the gun range four times I get in trouble cause, I the gun range and you can buy targets paper targets and I wrote LOS yoga. What about shown? I finally deserves to be centralized, so both have asked that decisive is. How did you get vague is always just Vegas just as care there like a its vague as you get diseases here all the time. How did you happen to open a showroom? Are you kidding anybody? Anybody that goes the vague at a regular bet, you're you're a mule to every year I mean just just touching: mark to hear the multiple use, the slot machine- that's wayward! Oh yeah, yeah! you're out of your for how many people are gonna, be in the same room, because this will be weird fry Warner. Domini having done this and how long? Well, I put up Dunstan Rob lately and end, you know, I'm selling tickets Glenn, I be making twice the money, some of these clubs or half capacity,
This one's gonna be its. It holds five hundred in and we have to fifty so which is great actually so and read it. I'm donors for that kind of fans say: hey, you know, you don't come to Australia and then, when you don't come to Alaska coming month Vegas Vegas. I proposed two shots every time I go out how I know I know I know so yeah. This is gonna, be great. Am I in no way we're gonna have so people can student copper, your home? What are you gonna tell? You too Not in the end, what look I pay by do? I I get my radio show that shut down. Was to right wing in New York. I've I've been physically assault, the after a show was on the phone with the FBI twice this year, because the death threats, so I suggest you people tune in who hate the lap, because I'm not off it, I can about pop tart,
and my family. chapter one the real thing where you you know? What do you think of the corona virus, the shutdowns that are coming yet neither necessary right wrong, o absent, you know. This is a big hopes. I mean if it from age want to sixty nine survival rate is ninety nine point. Nine six seven come on I sure chinese woman in a late hundredths, frightened you gonna be fine, Nobody is that there is the problem. We are shutting everything down and yet we we wish just be protecting the people who are most vulnerable FAO cheese. yesterday that even though we have a vaccine now there'll be ninety five percent effective, you'll never know if you're part of that five percent, and so you should everyone should continue wearing the mask. Are you kidding me?
Now it is the biggest joke- and I don't know my people complaining like California, where no other governesses hey, you can't have relatives auburn. That's really! People, although, like right, returned to like you, killed a man like trying to enforce that three family role in California, which is about forty percent maxim. Kennedy average. One hundred thirty, The undersigned make sure the person doing the coping has sent a tiger. Get my mother like the changes transmission of what he thinking on nuclear power Oh thank you so much Nicht APOLLO. He is going to be again in Vegas this Saturday, starting it and a clock you'll be able to see this live online air tickets,
watch live now: dot com or online row coup apple, tv, Android, TV, Amazon, fire tv again follow. Nix APOLLO watch I've now Dotcom, Nick DIP, Dotcom Glenn Back programme right. Let me tell you that now tempered toss is changing the temperature taking game. The the the thing that I think doctors may have started, you know, the stick it where the sun don't shine. That was how I used to have to take the damages of a baby, and they don't like that. I don't like that. but now you have for the first time ever little paper. strips that you can just stick on the forehead of your child and they stay there all day and it is the most accurate can
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This is the Glen by programme were so glad you ve turned into day Brian stealth. Her is a just a worthless worthless. I don't even know reporter. What would you even call him now, just mouthpiece Brian stellar at CNN, yesterday said Van All of the videos. showing the violence against Trump supporters in Washington DC? They were all out of context. Clips Hebrew, In what context does hitting an old woman? You know in the back of the head. What kind ex. Does that work in what context does a mob surrounding a guy in a trump t. Shirt RO riding a scooter or a bike. Him being shoved over and stamped on. What cunt x is needed to make that right, because I can't
give one German is that one clip where the guy gets knocked out and before that. If you watch the book, the full footage and we Therefore I would urge you can, he's also scuffling with these guys in their goal, a kind of going back and forth, and then he ox away, isn't looking at them all and gets punched in the sight of the head and and knocked the grounding in its complete. You know: Sucker punch yeah, I sat the setup contact he's looking for me like that. Still really bad yeah. Well, how about the one where everybody just kind of eating their food in a restaurant band than the mob start to attack, and then they throw in of firework. And launch a firework into the restaurant is that is what context is that, where they chewing whether mouth closed, because if a warrant that is really annoying, I don't know you know that they will take jokes out of context, and I know we live in a different world. Nepal doesn't seem to understand by tat. We live in a different world where you just don't make jokes about certain things, and I get that, but they will only
take jokes about things and they will just go crazy. I'll bet you that what Nick said there go crazy on, but they won't. that this was an attempt to humor. This was a comedian. Anything like that. Anything like them context will not matter to them on anything like that, and yet, dismiss the violence? Did you see what Macrones said yesterday. I love this area, Homer gosh, Oh the The New York Times has come out in the mainstream media, said that what happening in france- is just xenophobia and good. fuller, just rising up in the street, I mean they. They behalf. teachers- and this is, because of France's you know, xenophobia. If I If I may, let me
quote him. When France was attacked five years ago, every nation the world supported us, he said so when I see in that context, several newspapers, which I believe are from countries that share our values journal to write in a country that is the heir to the enlightenment or the french revolution. When I see them legitimizing this violence and saying the heart of the problem is that France's racist and islamic phobic, then I say your founding principles have been lost. Why? Oh, yes, he said well, we will be inflexible when it comes to tackling racism, Anti Semitism and discrimination and brought new strong decisions will be made to reinforce it. People's chances to live, but this no will fight is perverted when it turns into communitarianism in a false rewriting of our history. This is unacceptable
boy. Wouldn't you love to hear this. It is an acceptable when it is picked up by separatists? tell you verily, grew very clearly tonight, my dear fellow citizens, the republic will not erase any trace or name from its history. It will not forget any of its deeds or take down any statue? What we need to do, is look all together with lucidity on on all of our history and all of our memory. Our relation to Africa in particular. So we can build a present and a possible future from one to the other side of the Mediterranean. for the first time most people in France. wow, where Well, I know I know, as he said, We have lost our founding principles and how badly have we lost them? We got.
a piece of audio in from listener, and we appreciate anything that you have access to that. You want to explore, expose or whistleblower. We re appreciate it. There was a there was a zoom call that recently happened showing up for racial justice and it's a national network of groups and individuals. Organizing white people. For racial justice and had this event on zoom recommending to racial just as white people's work in the days ahead, and it was described- as you know- how white people showed up in massive numbers to vote for a Donald Trump more people voted for trumpet twenty twenty one and twenty sixteen our work room means clearer than ever. We need to be organizing white people, and so they had a group of people meet on this zoom meeting
one of our listeners happened to be there and recorded it, and I I want you to listen the woman to taking part in this Is it not Highlander Centre of Tennessee, it's a real certain education centre, And here they are caught one Stacy Abrams stolen election? What we saw isn't not much different from We saw when Stacy Abrams ran for energy its oil race rate, we same situation. Right when it came back down to it, we knew that the counties that were left at the end of the the general action were places were black people, whether was New Georgia project or black voters matter, Number of organisations may Hindi surge had been organizing our people, so we know what it was gonna, be Stacy Abrams didn't lose an election and Georgie all there was still ok,
Biden, an Harris this administration. What are their plans now going forward? But now, to make sure that we can mobilise and organise those people to make sure that wine we actually will the deal and the loser leaves rape, but secondly, to recognize that NEO liberals have been killing me slowly for as long as they ve been in existence, there is still much work to be done. Joe Biden, a cobbler Harris are not my savior there. My next target right so where we need to be, is in the practice of building people's power to demand what we deserve, not what we can concede, what we would concede sue in the first, days of a new administration, so the Biden victory they say was all due to them and in a calm with clear and concise demands about what we deserve, because we delivered this victory to the Baron hairs administration we'd, all that bad,
Are we to flex like it's ours right? We need a calm, hard saying that you know deep on the police was something that last eve deepen. The police was a demand that one progressive Democrats eat right. We need to come out for the three that we do come out. Hard saying he rose ACT is not enough, but it does not include our there's our brothers are siblings. That are a document that is not a stimulus bells out our people, those are our people, so we Them did a man, the drive agenda. We The man, the people's charter, that the working Families party and many of us help create we The man the demands of the vision for black lives, we needed a man, a red, black and green new we offer our people write. This moment you shall we where the social movement. Now we need to act like we built power, so they did build Our they are claiming that they are the real force behind it. These are the organizers of black lives, matter, etc, etc.
and they now finally come clear that this was never really about Trump leader, want to build a social issue, they didn't have any political tee. What our ancestors and L said by any means necessary. They met by all means, including fighting for electoral, just as now that it's the only by the liberation, but it certainly a tactic that we couldn't could see rape, a second airily. We also want to make sure that we are building a party that wasn't a cannibal to our movements, and so we turned about what it would mean a bit. We need, what is it going to take to be back the breadth of white Nationalism up and down the ballot? This wasn't just about Trump was a major goal of our work here, hey of our United Broadswords. It was not just in right. It was to be back white nationalism, authoritarian proto, fascist tendencies up and down the back.
This is a zoom call, but just happened with air and Heeny and Cherub Burke from Tennessee based political group, the Henderson Group. I think also be a Lamb supporters were on this call and spoke so this wasn't about just removing trump. This is a step in the direction they hope to go and They are not done with this election or any. Action in the future, let me be clear: but it is also to make sure that if, in a scenario where there was a contested election, that we had the power to make sure that back and set back contestation by the Trump administration fails re that We are right now we could. We correctly identified the scenario that we would be in black people, got it right again right. We predicted that this would be where we work and we built infrastructure to be able to make sure that we had people together
United Fraud committed beyond November third, so that we can continue to use our people power to make sure that in a concise, it's an area that are people still win, that's base to read ok. So now, what's next now happens. We don't make sure, did they remember every day of therefore years that they would not there without us in it. They always big right, they always big. So we need to be going ahead and think in right. Now. What can Joe Bang give me by executive order right since I the weight for Congress. We should be We should all need a study on reparations right. I'm a take our forty please and thank you. My people went by and for that for a long time, but guess what I led the way for Gimme come up it man Why are we waiting for oh bind to descend the Heroes act when we there's something better and you could just waivers pen and give it to us now right. will. They have put sir.
You know shimmer and the student debt forgiveness through executive order that and it gives you some some new meaning behind that. Doesn't it. When you hear a yo see pushing for it negative orders, and you don't have to go through Congress when you you're them say we have to take the two Senate seats in Georgia. so we don't have to negotiate with anyone. It kind of into context. Doesn't it. This is what we are up against, but well tell you. This is what we were built for the blinds dot com the holiday? Russia's almost here, which means it's the perfect time to get your home decked out for the season. They we haven't tried, blinds dot com. Now is the time in their offering huge deals all month long, so you can shop before black Friday save
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busters rules and restrictions may apply its blinds dot com tomorrow night on glinting November, was important for what happens on January. Fifth is even more true. When takes you inside the two Europeans war in Georgia and reveals the door truth behind the democratic candidates radicals and whose funding their campaigns to unravel the Republic Coms Battleground Georgia, the radical Democratic will transform a male tomorrow night, now used to be icons, less Glenn joint lessening Sinclair Back This is the Glen Back programme. We have DE on coming on and just as the second class she's, the author of mostly sunny, but I doktor about her book, I want to talk to her about the tragedy that she and her family have endured with cove id, cause.
one of the great state of New York Andrew who, if I may quote, Stew is awful Andrew Clothes, awful dot com is that we have to understand what I'm trying to say. Yes, now it's true, he is very. Did you see what he said yesterday that that leaders need to take accountability dumbly? They need to stand up and take accountability for the mistakes they made. Are you out of you what I would like to say? He is the least self aware person in modern american history, but the problem is that, as he knows exactly what he's doing, he knows he did all these things and he's just lying, because the only thing he knows how to do is lie here. If I'm not mistaken, New York the if it was country would be down on the list, as worse than what was it: Peru, Peru, Belgium, every country on earth, with the exception of countries that have like twenty thousand people, like San Marino, I think, is worse than
no, no see marinas, nay, even as bad as has already happened now every does not mean those new nobody. Nobody is reporting all of this stuff there going for four more draconian pouted, how this. How is this beings where this is not a question? If everybody is locked down in New York New York City. I mean that nobody's doing business in New York City, it spreading so fast again Besides the riots in the end three parties for yeah I'd seriously victory parties is probably at this point part of the issue. I do think that look, this there's a there's, a desire university here in Texas that did a study of of actual compliance, these rules and they found its be fifty six percent, which and is not zero percent. it's not a hundred percent either and that Just we're talking about masks and social distancing we're not in locked, I mean look, I don't. I know if you're in California you're like this is this is locked down. It's not locked out, attack
I own, I barely even notice the difference in my life. To be frank about it. I really I mean have to wear a mask. Occasionally, when I go into a stupid store and that's annoying I've already, I'm I'm a covert nineteen survivors, you know gland, yes or no. I've already been through this, and let me know I my mom, you not only to covered but to all things. While I'm I'm I'm worse than you, I didn't get covered My wife was sick. What what what do I do? I don't know what to do. She's. What do I do? How do I eat? What happened I mean it was? It was devil devastating in my hustle, but I mean you around here honestly, like the thing that you don't have our large gatherings, brilliant, the Dallas Cowboys or group of thirty thousand people in their steel only looks at its not a day on Romania, my dinner with Dave Reuben, and he came into the restaurant. He's like there were people here via the cap, with its we go out and do things Dave we're we're? Not in a U United socialist State of California, we
go out and do things we just use common sense. I love you isolate yourself into a panic: Roman, not spread the virus. We all know that we have to find a balance between things. We now that we're not in acting everybody and wherever they live our lives a little. There is nobody that hates Andrew Cuomo, more than stew, except perhaps organic decently, nice to hear she's, great and she's on next Glenn back hey, everybody knows pay pal, but did you know that they were teaming up with honey. To save you. Money honey? Is the free online shopping tool that automatically finds the best promo code and applies them to your card? And now it's part of the pay pal family just add honey to your computer in shop on all of your favorite sites like normal when it comes to check out just click. The little apply coupons button when it pops up few seconds later, honey scans. The database for all the work and coupons on the web and watch
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our unum, which is the idea of liberty, the idea of freedom. That's what brought together in the first place and is the only thing that will bring us together again. Well here's a book called not free America and it was written by MIKE Dot Donovan not only shows what's going on, but it also offers a solution. So when you go to not free America, dot com, take the Liberty pledge and order you happy today find out how to stop the overreach and the abuse of our government. What actions you can take to do it's, not free, Amerika, calm go there now, and only As dean is joining us next, the only person who I think policies
she's too nice to hate yes, but the only person who dislikes more than you do she's only person. I know that really does not like Andrew Cuomo. I mean to your level. Has she my machine has a razor. Yours is just visceral. Yeah back in a minute what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment.
And enlightenment, this man tat Program, o America and welcome the big Loan back programme. We can all agree. There are lots of despicable people, lots of despicable people, especially in public office right now. People who just don't care about the truth is, and they get away with murder, but I don't think there is any one quite to the level of Andrew Cuomo Andrew Coma, and this is what makes it so horrible is the amount of people that have actually died. You know they Bush lie. People died. How can our
This guy is still lying and people are dying. It is so reprehensible because actual lives have been snuffed out because of his policies. Actual lives are at stake because of his life, and then he goes off on yesterday. He said: hey, you know, politicians of public figures. They ve got to learn from our mistakes and admit their mistakes. Oh my gosh, I think my head is going to explode. A full fledged job table, alert, wrap your head and uptake because it just might explode when you hear the truth about Andrew Cuomo and Jan as Dean joins us in sixty seconds is green. Program. You know the value of a dollar. So what is the value of twenty dollars? Where and murder? Twenty? I got it. How far when you box gonna, get you today. My get you what I mean
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CALM Jos Dean is the Fox NEWS, senior meteorologist. She is also the author of mostly sunny, which kind of way, for this hour, maybe kind of sums her up mostly sang. I, how are you I'm glad and high few. Thank you for having me to their agendas. I am thrilled to meet someone that is, is upset as stew is Andrew Cuomo, I do no, how he gets away with what he has gotten away with in New York. Its despicable it really despicable Tell me how this story affected. You for we get and all the stats, while my husband locked both parents corona virus his within a nursing home. The plan was to have both parents in an assisted living facility close to where we are and
story on that is his parents lived enough war story, walk up in Brooklyn for almost fifty years. They didn't want to move, it was rent controlled. We tried for many years to try to get them to move. they wouldn't listen to us as they got older, they had more health problems is dad was suffering from dementia. He was his his help, who was going downhill very quickly his mind had problems. Why, Yang, she had to use the Walker we had aids coming in to be the building, but my husband still had to go to their apartment. There were trips to the Yar it was, it was to the point where we had to have twenty four hour care for both of them. They can take care of themselves, they couldn't take care of each other, so we found it this is the living resident very close, a long island in the plan was to have a both together in a double room, his dad did we have because he had a lot of health issue and we had to get him in better shape,
he was only there for a couple of weeks Glenn and when the corona virus came in to play, and that was at the very end of march. We got a call on us. Saturday morning thing is that wasn't feeling well and up until this point we're we're getting updates. He was doing fine. Both of them were doing fine and Saturday morning, Sean gets the phone call that his dad didn't feeling well and that he's running a fever and three we're later you he's dead holy cow yeah, they call us to tell he he died three hours after the initial phone call a thing. He was well and because we were in a quarantine, we couldn't go physically, go see him, for you know at least the weak and a half we weren't able to go see him. We were trying to get regular updates, so we didn't find out that he had covered until the doktor certificate.
and we didn't know that at this point that the governor was putting covered positive patients into nursing homes, it was only after her died, that I started seeing the reports and I remember getting a phone call before he died from one of the aids that was taking care of him. but they were moving him to another floor so that they could accept more patient. about when my birthright, like yeah and your husband's mom yeah. It has his my husband had the call his mom could tell her that her husband had died. She hadn't in him in and many weeks with the hardest thing he's ever had? Do she got sick in her assisted living facility and with tat according to the heart, but all- and we didn't know she had covered until she got to the hospital she dies. these later and
The reason why I am angry and I'm upset, because her number does not count, because the governor will not count, or at least one release the numbers of covert patients that got covered in their elder care facilities, but died in the hospital. there, the only state that counts it like that right by the only state that said, if you got it at a nursing home but Dinah Hospital? It doesn't count correct and there have been people trying to sue for this information we were supposed to get. The information from his health commissioner, Howard Sucker, before the allow and then it was delayed until after the election, and now we're not supposed to get the total numbers. Until in January, though, there are at the empire Centre, which is a watchdog of thought, it has sued the governor and is help departments for this information,
because, if we're gonna go forward and we're getting into a second wave now, if we don't have the actual total numbers, that's a big problem. We have any idea of a gas and educated guess. The educated guess is double what they are according to the governor of the reporting, I think sixty five hundred deaths in the thing home facilities and what I am hearing? The estimates are at least double bad when you include those that guide in the hospital but got covered in their elder care facilities to some new perspectives do What are the wet or other states? Looking at me, the New York's performers and basically every category is worse than every other state and the only thing the only states that compete with New York, our stay like New Jersey, which was largely overflow from from New York, No it in to show you how disingenuous Cuomo has been on this point, and we all know that he imported covert positive patients into nursing homes right and
he also will not tell everyone what Actual total of of nursing home deaths are, you won't say what they are. He we will not. Report has been months and months and months lawsuits in everything else, what What makes him you Meekly awful in every single way are things like this where he uses the second point. That he's only disclosing half the deaths, defence for his initial policy be When you ask him about his initial policy of importing these patients, he says, will look at our numbers were like thirty. Fourth and the nation will you thirty fourth on the nation, because you're lying about the total, which is documented by just conservative sources, but all for the mainstream media that this is has not occurred, not disclose the correct a number of patients souls who uses his lie to defend his policy that it it did so many lives. It is it's in comprehensible. How terrible he's been through this so generous? How come the the law suits or not winning? How come
you're not getting the release of the information. What is the excuse? They need more time. Apparently they need more time to get all of this information. It is a very frustrating and of course we have other question like governor. Why didn't you use the facilities that were provided by the federal government to you, including the mercy ship and be Javert Centre and some of the makeshift hospital that were put in place where taxpayers millions of dollars are making these makes it possible for that. You could put corona virus patients into these places instead of nursing homes, the most vulnerable areas at the beginning of best go when he was talking? He knew you said if we put the virus in nursing homes with rather like Dr Jones
evidence of him saying that on the record, as though he knew, but I've read things that are very interesting to me, that you were getting whispered in his ear by some of his top hospital donors that the hospital, where We cannot deal with all of these corona patients. We are not able to care for them like perhaps make a nursing home or might go. Maybe that's where we should put the corona by rotation. So there's all sorts of interesting things that I think are of an inch negation might come up. Also do so because of my next question was: why would he? Why would he This was a clear weaned. The one thing we knew going into it is, if you are elderly and sick or weak you're done we knew that. That's one thing we knew as it was coming over, so he had to go ahead, no. We did know that and since you know
I would say the last several weeks. I've been doing a lot of these rallies with some of the families. are going through the same thing that I'm goin to drew our family and I've talked to nursing care workers and they have the same questions and they were the that actually right away raised their hand, wrote documents thing. Please do not do that. We aren't. We are not equipped to take covered positive. Patients in your home. We don't have a ppp, we can't separate them. This is going to be like fire through dry grass. All of these people export knew. Why did the governor had put out an executive order forcing carbon positive patient? nursing home, not for one not for two weeks but forty six days until. Finally, he resented the order and the other
things do know it very well. Is that if you go on the health care website of New York, you cannot find that executive order anywhere. They have grabbed it from the website. this is it. This country is becoming so dangerous that the politician, without a faith free press and I don't mean free as and I think CNN his Frida report anything they want. They just choose differently, but we out of a press that is actually trying to stand for the people not for the institutions not for the parties, not for the politician, but for the people We are so far off the reservation. Now of a country that can even be free it even getting the news and their scrubbing it, and nobody cares well you're right. Some of those places don't care. Thankfully, your
you know that a blaze of helping me with this Fox NEWS has helped me with this. The new post has been doing some good you get of journalism, that you know the Wall Street Journal and while there have been a couple of article in the New York Times, but the problem maybe that's why I'm Bhopal is because I am not indeed mainstream media. Ah, you know asked these questions or the man accountability of their leader He really has been ruling with an iron back and every time he does get asked the question He blames everybody else, except the person that find the order is blame God and Mother Nature and the near post and new guinea and the nurse at the nursing care workers and the visitors, and by the way I was never able to visit my loved one. So I didn't have a chance to bring in covered. about nothing all in and we need? He has now gone to the tactic of saying
dare you even ask that is so hurtful to me even playing the martyr on this right is actually said how how cruel, What do you do you to put the blame on me and empathy, these interviews still to this day going around, I mean he's published a book on his leadership, but he continued to public eyes and in my mind he is profiting off the over thousand New Yorkers, including my own laws that died by publishing a book, leadership of New York after he is help. Really I mean he and his order has helped kill. Thousands of relatives of new year state- and this is not political Glenn? This is not about Republican or Democrat
my in laws were were registered. Democrats. This is not about politics. This is about a town ability for something that went wrong and its because of your leadership that were put into this situation. Back in just a second more, with Janis agendas, Dean from Fox NEWS. on covered hand Cuomo coming up in just a second first welcomed Only twenty malware is everywhere, like an entire room full of life. Mouse traps that you're welcome, bear threat for bear three foot through blindfolded. And in the dark, if you ve, been operating under the assumption that your emails or safe, because you recognize sources think again, cyber criminals have found one. Is now to embed malware into attach documents and as soon as you download them or hid enable content or enable editing yogurt.
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station. I d so Janice. If he would have come out and said Macao was at a mistake with. Would any of this be a big deal to you? I mean We have been a bad mistake, but it would. It have been something it was a torch to carry. In the beginning. Had he come out and an accepted responsibility for the decisions that he had made and and and just said, I've never heard him say I'm through for Europe lie, I've never heard say anything wrong Labour mothball towards people that have lost loved ones.
Had he come out in the very beginning and said I've never done something like this before I was getting advised from people. I wanted to make sure I had enough beds in the hot, but also this is why I made this decision. I thought they had enough tv, I was, buys it become, could handle covert patients? I made a tremendous mistake and for that I am story had he done I actually would have accepted that I dont want to be the person who is out there. You know screaming. the governor every day on social media. I am not that person at all I've never been political. In my entire life, I'm the weather person. I always say only red and blue eyes. The automatic Gwen is areas of high pressure, and I will I hope to go back to that, but because he is not accepting any responsibility or accountability and these
in stream, media outlets, who will not hold him accountable or ask in the question or show him the mandate that didn't rubbed off his website. That is why I am vocal, but yes, at the very beginning, had he just but you didn't know what to do. When we were in the middle of a pandemic. I made if he hadn't written a book. I mean the time when he wrote a book has been. has been making money out of that book. Even yesterday, you with all the other day. He was that a church and he was talking about leadership and how you don't you have to learn from your mistake. He even talked about that work. Well, I wrote a book about leadership. You can buy it for twenty four. Ninety nine it I mean it's just outwardly growth, so growth and glad you and I both know what to do. All know that if Mr Cuomo, in our next to his name, probably be it all
You know, I'm a jury, heed the indian real deep trouble. I mean anything of its not is not even just avoiding responsibility, which has been something totally expect. He demand Praise for his hand, of this in the book is one thing that poster was revolting. He was selling a poster where he had cartoon drawings of himself driving around us tomorrow. He was thinking on southern states who are having their flare up at the time which, by the way, one of being nowhere near as large as the flare up in New York The way he come goes around and demands this sort of God like stature and the media gives it to em is what ozone criminal about. As any of that come from his brother had CNN, I mean the way they interviewed him is we would never do that. We would ask believes we wouldn't know, as commentator?
would say to my brother. You gotta talk to the news department. You can talk to me, but you gotta talk to the news department as well, that Mean you can't do that and that was the journalistic pushed back. It was making us physically l when We you know we were. We couldn't have a funeral or wake or last right, we were able to see them, and yet I would the Cuomo on with his brother on CNN joking around their comedies comedy. our with Cuomo in his big ass. You know I going on do you know like it was infuriating more injustice, echo agendas, dean from my Fox news as the programme continues standby.
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welcome to the programme Justine is joining us. She is the the fox senior meteorologist and she has had a just a wicked time with covered and you know it I am sick and tired of hearing about people say people think they call. It is real and all these old people are dying because they don't think it's real. I think everybody didn't I mean is it not your main impression, JANET? stu that everybody believes its way. all they just may not think they're gonna, get it nor your do think. There's a big conspiracy that it's not real. No, that a trial, because I've had loved ones die of it, but I have also said the people. I'm alternate going to. Let it make me so fearful that I don't leave my home, I'm I'm sorry
that compromise. I I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis backing is out I've, though I am considered someone that how do you know about on vulnerable? But I'm not. To make it get paid, you know that I'm going to be in the basement for the rest of my life, my kids are currently in school. I support the fact that my children are in we'll all they ve been doing very well with going to school and that safety precautions that they take it more important for my children to go to school then for us to be all in our house? You know scared Maya, my kids were MIKE, Kids have been destroyed by this. You know that we're going to school and everything was on track and then this happened and I've bought my kids are have changed They are really struggling with school when they do go twice a week. The teacher
is behind glass. They glass on their desk and the teacher- and you know my son and daughter to wear masks. What, today, being come on and can you, imagine this being your school experience, either college or high school or any time. My my youngest hidden years old. He has anxiety issue because of that year told me it's better that he go to school. If he is wearing a math, even if they are distance by you know six feet. I think it's more important for him to still able to go and learn that way. He can't learn through the doom process that we would have it regular meltdown, not just by son, but there are more as well and my husband's first, your father he's a fire fighter. He has to go to work
so these are things that we all have to take into account. We, we cannot just be in our basement and not go anywhere. So while I understand the beer, I also Understand that we can be in a worse position if we are paid by that beer and we're not going off, you know going and living our wives were taking up both precaution. Would you Son What do you think of what do you think of Cuomo coming out in saying that he is going to sue the federal government to stop the distribution of the vaccines because they We'll be able to control it until Biden gets in and he says the distributions gonna be all screwed up. That drive me not because there, MR hypocrisy, once again, he wasn't at at least seventy one how meetings about Kobe he was
promoting has worked the land back about leadership instead of going to the White House and being with other governors to talk about what the White House with doing the federal government to try to help. different states, the first of all, you wouldn't go to these meetings and now the there is a possible covert back because it's under tromp your keys Are you nervous about the whole thing I'm not gonna distributed here in New York? And yet when trunk come back and said? Well, then, if New York doesn't want my covered vaccine, then I won't give it to New York, Then, of course we see the governor. Thank you will give me the vaccine. How dare you I'm going to tell him it's all such political theatre garbage in its drive me crazy. This cancer continues to make bad decisions on behalf of the people he represents, is there a breaking point in New York for
Cuomo user is or any build up of people saying I, can't? Take it anymore? I mean. Do people see it? I have people that come up with were to me and say terrifying, keep doing. What are you doing? I will tell you that I got an email from someone who knows the Cuomo family very well, who base will basically sad Janis, you ve picked You know a no ball thing to go after come on good luck with your fight, but watch your back. So what does that tell you? You ve got somebody that knows this family very well, telling me to watch my back when they go against the governor. So what is the average person do that? The big one
shall I am demanding accountability and answers. I'm shouting from mine, social media mountain top. I'm trying to do as many programmes with possible to get the word out. I just feel like people are afraid to support those who are going against the governor that is so dangerous will not hear in Texas were not afraid, and I don't think the adjoining states are, but it is going to take a movement of the people of New York. But I mean there It's really frightening genesis. What we have what we ve now accepted. We You know what the word when somebody comes down and abuses people, if that and takes it. That's your base line of your relationship. Look how much abuse the
Can people are taking because of covert. Look at how many rights we are giving up, how things we just like. I don't know what to do so. I'm just gonna go along it. terrifying because that it will be the baseline of our relationship with a ruler. Right and now people thing that we can't get with our families for thanksgiving, and we can't have Christmas together you know to what point do we stand up and say you can't tell me how to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. You, what are you going to do? Get the National Guard and you're gonna bang down my doors, because I have more than ten people at my home. I'm not sure why
going to take one, but when we see all of these peaceful protests- and I have not had a funeral for my husband's parents at one point- do we stand up and say something has got to give? something's not right. We support you and support your message and anything that we can do to help you on the blaze or in my programme and stew make sure that every programme knows the cheese available. I hope you ve talked to me Levantin, Stephen crowded and everybody else, but if not will will do everything we can cause. Your voice needs to be heard, and you are much appreciated, You go and I, on behalf of my family, I appreciate you giving me a platform to tell my story. Thank you. You are welcome. Thank you, minister.
Some esteem. She asked to really is all. If you follow on twitter to you'll get she. She tweets a lot of things at stories that I miss all the time to address, deem about Cuomo and what's going on up, there she's been a consistent voice and is seemingly the only person who cares about holding him accountable for what he's done. Anything which show that a lap rate is it's not somebody like us I mean TAT s what we do for a living, so you know we bring these to you, but you know we can easily dismissive this is this? Is a wife, and and mom, and somebody who lost to family members and can't bury them and she's. You know Mary to a fire fighter, was a hero and and who did not want, and one or two about this. For a long time I mean she is she.
she was willing to talk about it, but he you know he didn't want to make a big deal about this. It wasn't until Cuomo started really getting to his excesses, afterward that that he finally Minos encouraged her to speak out, and thankfully that happen, because this I will state he wills? with the law, tens of thousands of lives that he's research sensible, for he will say with no responsibility, because this media proves obsessed with him and of its last name or the fact that he coddled them during a different difficult times. They all live in New York. Whatever it is, they are, they are determined to lead. Off the hook, for what he's done and remember, it was the armenian genocide that or had nothing to do with the taught him about the whole Cost Hitler later said if the Armenia of the Turks, can get get rid of so many Armenians and do this and the world doesn't care they're, not gonna, give a day about the Jews.
People learn from these things. What are we teaching? governors what what what possible role is Cuomo playing in the future. That he's going to feel invincible on. is a very, very dangerous time. Dangerous time and I'm glad we're in this together? Quite honestly, I'm glad you're here. Thank you. all right, we're running out of time to take advantage of simply saves huge holiday sale. You can keep your family and your property say from intruders throughout the whole. They season with thirty percent off any simply safe system, and you can get free security camera with it, where as well. So don't idle for anything else, gets simply safe state of the art easy to install and the best of the best when it comes to home security. It one seen its editor choice for homes, security also named s home security of two
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We consider it a reef by defending police means defining police. We need a truly coat. Why billion dollars in and why preview spending we had the super aggressive police department. So, yes defined your, but only tat. We need to invest while we re really tell them any less police department to House Democrats unveiling a bill, it would take away federal resources from police departments across the nation. Breed act is bold. It's me in full its transformative, I am so proud to endorse. Senator Bernie Sanders me from price right. This is not just about learning for president I'm endorsing I'm a burning sanders because he's not gonna sell us nobody. I know who's running for office talks about the funding the police. Well You know if it was Biden. I would accept that because I be like eat, as I remember them Bernie Sanders clearly remembers all the socialists around him.
Let me let me just show you while we're here on hypocrisy and lies. Let me give you Biden on the vaccine, blaming trump, listen you get vaccinated and if your hesitant, why should any American have confidence in the vaccine First of all, I would say if that comes forward and secondly, it's important that people who on the greatest need get it. I wouldn't hesitate to get the vaccine, but I also want to set an example So we do not. I wouldn't hesitate to get. The vaccine is in fact our to doktor far tee, and these organizations weathers, Madonna or Pfizer who have been, strongly responsible include that it is safe and enable it be done. The only reason
we question the vaccine hours because of our group. Oh, I see no reason why northward question I seen because all the things he says and unsavory truth doctors and how's admiration. I think we're on clear path: ok, No! That's. Now. People are crush the vaccine if you notice this stupid, but I think I heard me pretty much every body on the left during the campaign saying they would not take a vaccine I'll try because of Donald Trump, as if Donald Trump was mixing it herself from household ingredients and injecting into people. That's not how this works. It always been. Public health officials include, by the way, like some leading people in the entire industry who have outwardly said in multiple interviews, they have had no political pressure, no interference from the from the White House, no interference from the administration, and they say. if they did, they would resign immediately.
And there has been no real resignations here. That's weird, and if we have one more piece of audio, this covert advisor for Joe Biden promising all kinds of things that I think science would say. Yes, that's the way we do things I hear they are on the corona virus task force on how they're going to handle the vaccine, as you mentioned, and very focused on emphasising the importance of equity and all the work that we are doing, as is the full advisory board, I'm on board is working very closely with the transition policy teams. We know communities of color especially have been very hard hit by the pandemic, at that point. The word is thinking about how we optimize equity and efficiency across all of these areas, so whether they be in testing in contact tracing
providing a supports as needed, such as food or housing, doing origin and isolation and access to the treatments we see coming on board and, of course, in vaccine distribution. Ok, so I have no problem, getting it to the people who need it. You know I mean if you ve, can Americans are indeed more susceptible to it. As are older people and apparently teachers than they should get a first in living near them the doctors, whoever whoever needs the problem here is the word equity. Do you know Add to that makes everybody a little nervous when you're talking about equity about people who need it the most get, first of all that one. I want no sensible. You know instead of saying well now wait a minute you're, a great regret, my great grandfather, own slaves, Joe Biden, so You can't get it you're gonna be last in line, because the robber family were slaveowners. If they were
program ass? They were
Transcript generated on 2020-11-17.