« The Glenn Beck Program

We Are PARENTS, NOT Babysitters! | Guest: Colin Wright | 10/14/19

2019-10-14 | 🔗
Our rights are in danger like never before! Ben Shapiro threatened to meet the government at the door with his guns if his kids were taken away because he refused to teach them gender fluidity — and the Democrats are using this as a perfect example of why we need red flag laws! California just passed gun laws so extreme that even the ACLU is against them. But in reality, homicides were down once again. Beto wants to discredit churches that don’t preach gender fluidity, and our schools are becoming sexual training centers where even kindergartners are required to learn about sexual orientation! Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright calls in to argue that real science says nobody is born into the wrong body.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is Monday we have a lot to discuss today and and of a few things that I think, might be controversy ill. I hope not, they would have been at the beginning of my career, but towards the end of my career could be the end of my career. Yes, patriot, mobile despite another fake accusation, with no cooperation against Brett Kavanaugh. The left still wants him impeached better. I doubt said he would confiscate your guns and it's even worse this weekend. Democrats, push, new red flag laws and exempt known to you know known for known gang members and and finally continue to investigate the attempted obstruction Into the president, you realize it Every time you make a phone call, you're, probably helping those. Causes out the
phone companies are donating to these far left wing organizations. Take your money back. Take your control back, switch right now to Patriot Mobile, with plans as low as twenty five dollars. You'll get nationwide service. That's great great customer service. Go to Patriot, Mosel mobile dot com, Slash blaze, now, patriot, mobile dot com, Slash blaze, the fusion, entertainment and enlightenment, hello. America! Are you a babysitter? Now? Are you a parent parent right? Do you have any so said now when Ben Shapiro
did a monologue on Friday, the left went out of their mind and I tweeted support for bay. Oh, my oh within that didn't work out. Well, they have taking the masks fully off. I told that they would do this. Probably eight years ago I said, there's going to come a time will take the mask off and say yeah yeah. We do. Want your guns: yeah you're, not really the parents of that child yeah We do want to soak the rich. We don't believe in capitalism, we're all socialists now I tow that would happen, and we are here begin with what they want to do with your guns now, and this according to the New York Times, asks are fully off and we go there in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program
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between anyone who believes in gun rights and the democratic field. There's some really really bright lines being drawn. The it seems a remarkable I'm. I'm gonna quote to the New York Times. If it seems unremarkable that every democratic presidential candidate wants to ban assault weapons. It's worth looking back just a few years in twenty Thirteen, the last time a ban received a floor vote in the Senate. Nearly thirty percent of the democratic caucus, voted against it that uh survey adds to a pile of evidence that segment of the Democratic Party is head, towards extinction and that extinction. That part of the party is the one. That believes in the second amendment. It is no longer politically tenable to be a democratic presidential candidate and support the sale of an AR, which is become
yes it weapon of choice for mass shooters. No, no, it hasn't handguns. Also are used, several other policies had unanimous support among the candidates who completed the survey so called red flag laws which allow confiscation of guns from people judged to pose an imminent risk to themselves or others. This is this is the one of the more dangerous ones. In my opinion, the so called red flag loss. We already have the if you think someone is a danger to themselves or to others, you all the can call police and they already take the gun away from them. They'll have to go to a mental hospital and be checked out, but that's the system we have there has to be due process involved: what they want to do is get rid of that price. It's too slow and the devil
too slow for due process, and the left continually gives commercials to the warning signs of. What's going on. You mentioned the Ben Shapiro thing earlier today where he talked about defending the lives of his children against someone coming in trying to take them from the government, and it was a big big issue over the weekend. Well, what was the response from Eric Swalwell, the former presidential candidate congressman he said perfect use of red flag laws. The second someone disagrees with their opinion. Well, all the sudden there too crazy to have their guns if you're wondering how the things will be utilized Eric Swalwell. Just gave you a commercial for it, he didn't like and Shapiro's rant on the internet now take his guns and the this is the demonstration of why I believe in the second amendment. It's not because I like to shoot. It's not because I
my family, and I we do it all the time and we enjoy it. So not that I'm going mountain hunting for my food. I have my guns for one specific reason. That is a check on the balance of power. If you, I think the United States government is not afraid of people with guns, it's well well say that. Why would swallow will say? Well, if you disagree with us, we have to come. Take your guns and he didn't say that, but he said Ben Shapiro said was a was a good reason for the Reds flag laws. Well, what Ben said was my children belong sing to me and if you want come and take my children away, because I won't teach them that there are no genders. I'm sorry, you meet me at the front door with a gun, because I will do
defend my right to teach that to my children and to keep my children. That, to me is perfectly reasonable perfectly reasonable. It. I would never think of the state going in and taking somebody away their children away, because they they Leave that there are ninety seven genders It would say: well you know what let the free market work that out. Let the public work that out. You know that kid is going to grow up and he's going to believe all kinds of crazy things. Well, that's ok, he'll believe lots of crazy things, but it's mom and dad's right to teach it to him. I mean over eighty percent of people who question their gender early in life white and don't have the surgery wind of coming out on the other side and saying they are pleased that they didn't have the surgery. You know that's
just eventually people kind of figure that stuff out now, if you want to change the sex of your four year old six year old, even ten year old. Well, then maybe we should maybe we should talk about that. Is the society 'cause? That's a new idea. I I think that is abusive, because you're making a change, they cannot change back and they might like poo, says dresses today, but it's too said study show later they don't. So if you are fun mentally altering their body and their chemistry, well that that's the that's the that's something we should all discuss, but right now it's totally fine. You can do that totally fine. When did we decide that when did we ever? When did we ever voice that the elites are?
We sing that and they want to jam that down my throat? No well, it's funny too, because it's it's really the reason why we didn't all the side. That is because a lot of times were kinda, none of our business yeah right they they they are taking advantage of the thing that they want to end. The advantage of of parental choice and the end you can raise your parents. However, you want no you're talking about physical changes in you know, cutting somebody open for surgery, they don't need that's covered under other laws refers arguing for those things teaching your kids there's eighty seven genders this, and that is a completely your right as a record. It might be something that you think it's nuts yep to write you. I don't like it, but that's your right now. I I teach my face this. You know it's so crazy is my faith came out with the prop nation of a family in the 90s, and I remember ever
buddy, going why? Why would they issue this and it was a very big deal? It's a cornerstone of our church and it talks about how sacred the family is and that gender is something that is assigned eternally in Heaven that you who are born male and female, and they are not to be changed or trifled with. This is in the 90s. It's specific about that. So now, you're going to come and tell me that I have to teach my children, something that my faith says absolutely not absolutely not. No, what you know what I have a right to my faith to my press, this of religion, of raising my children, and if that means I meet you at the front door with a gun, damn
I'll meet you at the front door with a gun. Now I don't believe my faith will say that, but that's the way I feel so. Okay, so red flag laws that first it's only what we just got through one one. The policies proposed a ban on capacity magazines. That's thing, I've ever heard. Do you know that you have something called a 3d printer and you can print magazines, the bad guys will just print them. I mean people who have a 3d printer who obey the law they're not going to print them, but you could into those at your house it's ridiculous to and and think that you could stop them from being mailed around on the internet is insane. A nun named relative of mine recently told me that they got in the mail of a gift from a friend of theirs, which happened to be edibles
right, b, Noam Marijuana, laced food, okay, hi! Stop in that I'd like to know how like right, the Texas doesn't have it. Legal Utah doesn't have legal, but you're telling me you're gonna! Stop there. I think in individually inspected every package of gummy bears that gets mailed to see if there's marijuana in it. It's just affected Lee Legal in there in every state because of the sea. Things like this, try to ban it. Anyone who wants it can get it right and the same thing has happened with these tiny pieces of plastic or metal. They could easily we're talking about a container. Well, it's a container to spring a high capacity magazines. What it is anybody can get these things you can get the parts for them easily. Can three d print them. You can get the mailed you know from from you could make them. You could make some room. You could make it it's ridiculous to think that banning them would do anything, no, no! It will keep them out of the hands of people who want to rip
back the log. It will not do it for anyone who doesn't give a flying crap right, I mean this is, isn't I'm making a gun? This is I making a magazine it and you can have this conversation with people who have never held a gun because they have no idea what a magazine is. They've absolute leave, no idea what a magazine is and takes you a while to really understand magazine clip it's different, and you know once you learn that you're, like yeah I understand it's like we're, not a republic or not democracy, where Republic it's one of, things that people don't get, and it drives people nuts, because you cannot have an argument with somebody who doesn't even understand the difference between a clip and a magazine because it those. You haven't been around enough to understand it, how
Am I going to have a conference in conversation with you about a gun when you can't, only about the little plastic thing that you put bullet. And that goes into the gun or a little metal thing that holds all the bullets together before you put in a gun, a r, a m. If there's no way to have that conversation of the person you're talking to has no knowledge of the topic. No it- and this is this- goes to also what what stupid beddoes campaign said about all of this when they talked about you know people when you try to ban the rare fifteen or take it from the what's to prevent the from keeping these guns, there's going to keep them and meadows Representative said: look no. We believe the american people are law abiding and when it comes down when these laws are passed, they're going to follow the long handle them in then why are you passing the law if you believe that there, following the law, why are you taking their guns they're going to cross the line on keeping their gun, but not this evil murder, the people? You are talking about you're, admitting that your law has no effect because you're only taking them for
other people who care about the law care about the law to not, let's say shoot up a movie theater right like these are not the p all you need to worry about killing others, the people that are going to willing turn in their budget only taking them away from the most compliant people, because this honestly is not about guns, as I wrote in the called control. It's not about guns. This is about control and our founders understood that they know You that's why you have the second amendment. You know, England, England, everybody had guns in England, everybody had guns until the king decided. You know they're getting a little unruly here and they don't like the things that I'm doing take away. Their guns, the that's what that was the lesson. Our our founders
understood wingman. How do can get out of control? Oh, he had out of control when he took everybody's guns. That's how so. Why did the scottish throw if you ever seen the Scottish when they take the polls and the threshold of pulled up the like that logs yeah ever seen that yeah? You know why they do that now, because they weren't allowed to have any guns or any swords or any weapons of any type, because they need the king new. These eyes were fighters and they were never going to give up. So it was illegal for any of them, so they trained by throwing big rocks. They kept their men, Terry people, strong by how far? Can you throw that tree because you didn't have any other weapon, so you know to be able to kill them with rocks and with big huge branches. I was going to guess utter boredom. No, no! No surprisingly, that was that was my
in two. It was kind of like the Canadian of the sweeping on the ice. Now this one actually had a military purpose for it. Alright, real estate agents. I trust selling a home is really hard. Nobody enjoys the process, but when you have to do it helps immensely. If you have somebody you can trust as your real estate agent, just as simple as that weather, integrity or competence, or both it matters that you get the best of the best. This is so we've created real estate agents. I trust dot com. Now we're not going. We recommend an agent in your area if we don't have an agent in your area, for instance, I don't have an agent in my area and I would love to have one who is the expert on my neighborhood I'd love to have one anyway. We've learned that best practices of great agents what they are and that they make a huge,
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constant, pull before yeah and you know the thing is about these loopholes. There never loopholes, no they're, either just some breaking the law Blaineley or something completely different. In this case. It's something completely different. It is the government breaking the law. Thank you, Stu. Thank you for knowing this. I love you. It's amazing. So the forget the Charleston loophole. Is the government breaking the law? There is a law that says you have to be able to get what I mean. It's that not technically breaking the law, but let me get explain it. There's a law that says you have to have there's a waiting period of what is three days. No a waiting period. It is they'll have to have a background check. How long can they take to do the background only three days three days and it's and it's and everyone knows it, takes about twenty minutes to go in your body, your gun. It takes no more than twenty minutes. If it's really crazy, I mean at the height of the gun sales. It could take you an hour only because of the line in the store to
right and so, and so people back in the day realize that this is something when the background check went into effect that could be exploited we're having computer problems in Washington again, no one gets any guns of room for the next six months, oops right. So this is this and I saw this happen. I was going to buy some guns in Connecticut. Book for Obama. One okay and they told me you got to get you got to get it. You got to get it right now got to get it right now I bought them before before he won, then I bought them after he won, Doctor what happens computer system again, so there was no problem under the Bush administration as soon as a bomb, a guardian, all of a sudden computers are down. There's just just Washington is backlog. Computers are down is going to be remember the Noid the northeast to
the dominoes pizza. Now he's he's in the in the Gaza. She doesn't against right up there, yeah that dark, annoyed yeah void the noise at all. Because of this isn't a loophole. This actually. This is like a do not cross yeah. This is almost like a bill of rights. You have a right to get that gun and the government cannot take more then three days to do it right, so in Charleston they did they took more than three days. So, if you could they take more than three days they get. You have to give the person the gun. Well, the government screwed up this guy wouldn't have passed a background check, but it went longer than three days they had to give him the gun so they're, calling that the Cha Austin Loophole now there's a loophole. It's the government can get an automated background check done in less than three days. It's an absurd amount of time already and now they won't extend it in this article. They say to potentially two weeks, if not longer so that is not a loophole. It's they call it the loophole because it makes it feel like
it's. It is the NRA's carving out these little things for murderers. That's not what's occurring how about the boyfriend loophole! That was interesting in that they have domestic violence, convictions that can get you, so you can't have a gun and if they cover mainly people like your husband or so house, but they might not public, they should cover a boyfriend. I don't have a problem with that. In theory. A so he is all right. It's a less violence is just another version of that arise. Assault if you don't, if you committed domestic of all in the violence, no, no, no gun free as long as process back winter is coming. I love that in the game of thrones, except it took five years for winter to come and didn't really come. Winter is coming and it's not going to take five years. You gotta be prepared for it with your car, most of the breakdowns that occur in a car occured Der. In the colder months things just don't work as well in cold weather
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hum with Glenn tonight at five for ten dollars off use the promo Code Glen welcome to the program. This is the Glenn Beck program, Pat Gray joint. Just let me just say this quickly about SIRI and late. Yesterday afternoon I got video out. I just tweeted it earlier this morning, video out from the syrian border of the Nazarene Fund, our operatives they're, all waiting and jeeps right at the border, as our other operatives went and under cover of night and grabbed as many Christians as possible and
we are starting to get them out of the Syria, the first person killed. I have the name, I'm not allowed to share it, but I have the first person's name that was killed by Turkey and it was a christian we ought. We really desperately need your help. I I'm hello at politics, rule the day elsewhere, not here of this, we really need your help. If you would like to save these Christians, they are going to be the Christians. These cities and the northern iraqi Kurds are all going to be annihilated. They're just gonna be annihilated and we need to get them out, so he is, if you can even five dollars, just five dollars. If you, if you could do five dollars a month, there is a monthly plan to where you can put five dollars down and five dollars a month. I think it's, I think, we're down to what is it's
Steve dollars a person to be able to get him out. It was twenty thousand. When we first started wow yeah we have recently, we we have some in a way more efficient way, more efficient and we know what we're doing and- and we are doing things kind of Imbolc. You can get more people out in the whole, currently Nazarene fund, DOT, Org, please donate now and help those Christians in Syria. Did you also see that Turkey's been bracketing, our troops with artillery fire? I mean big, just they're, so hell bent on wiping out these people that they're they're trying to force us to withdraw even further they're pissed off about the fact that we still are where we are with operational troops, and so they're firing artillery shells on each side of him and they know full well. The exact coordinates of where our troops are and they fired Adam within
one hundred yards, is not good. It's not good. This is not good. It's really bad, really bad time of year to sanction Turkey as well right around Thanksgiving, and are we going to be able to have any turkey? I don't know it doesn't. Look like it's raining. Doesn't look like Beto takes our guns. I know I won't be able to get any turkey and I think all the I mean that income Kamilla they write to me and we we've got it. Yes, we have to take the guns, but we need to. We need to set fire to the cost touch and the right way. You know what I mean right. Yeah, it's gotta be done right, yeah of course. Of course, those rolling way right about that. The only way the right way to do this is to repeal the second amendment. The reason why the right way to do it and the constitution allows that, if you want to say I want to repeal second amendment there's a process there, a process: do it do it? You just know you can't
I thank God that anybody will ask her about that tomorrow, night, zero constitution, you the fact that how do you, sir? You said you wanted to take ten million guns from Americans that, but you want to do it the right way, explain to me what is the right way now. They know all that. Well, they might ask that question, but it was. I don't they will. They won't hold her to it. Now that she'll just say we just have to pass laws yeah it. You can't do that okay, so we've we've been going over this this thing from the New York Times on all of the things that they all agree on: red, flag laws, high capacity magazines. Closing the boyfriend loophole. Closing the heat. This Charleston loophole in acting federal anti gun trafficking law. We don't have that already most of the candidates also say you have to be twenty one. Well,
then you cannot send anybody to war at eighteen? Don't you dare don't? You dare come for anybody at eighteen to send them to war? Don't do it the biggest sticking point according the New York Times and Democrats now is what to do with a million of assault rifles that are already in Americans. Hands candidates are, knighted for calling for a buyback program through which owners would be able to sell those weapons to the government but state the obvious. Many people don't want to give up their a r should the government make them? If so how? The outlier is Joe Biden whose gun plan would then device states to enact licensing programs that would not, but would not require them to do so. You need federal license to drive a car? He said during a recent gun forum. Mr Booker said the forum into the in licensing was not a radical concept that anyone who did not support the federal program should not be in
How many from our Party and Biden's point on you don't need a federal license to drive a car. Is that obviously the states are doing it. So that's kind of there's not a huge divide there there he just say I want the states that he's going to center vice states to come up with the licenses. Well, there's also not a constitutional right to drive a car. So there's a little bit of a difference. There is still yeah. Is it any yeah there isn't one. Be in the car and no no, no, the right to drive nope. None of that. I love this though this is fascinating to be the political taradon guns has been shifting for several years in response to mass shootings, etc, but which, by the way, we should point out that the crime report just came out. Another nine percent, less besides than the year before. Less think of that thinking that, in the think of that were saying that guns are such a problem,
homicides were down again nine percent again this last year, and we should point out again that once more, less than three hundred murders in the entire country were committed with any type of rifle, not just AR fifteens, not just Ak47 clouds, mass shooting rifles combined, including mass shootings, less than three people in a in a country of three hundred, and thirty million should ban pools, pool out there. Killers kill more than any rifle yeah, not to mention just pulls up personal weapons. What our personal weapons hands, fists and feet we're talking about six hundred and seventy two murders. Well, that's because I can't control my fist of fury Clearly, no I've seen that with variable cell aggressive, when I have a problem with fifteen with knives, but three less than three hundred with rifles and those are the things they're trying to ban, which makes tons of sense.
US policy that we're dividing lines among Democrats have become bass lines again. This is Glenn. How may times you said, they're gonna start admitting on what they're doing they're gonna they're gonna take the masks often just admit that they're going for these things, proposals that were politically untouchable are now firmly on the table. All nineteen degree candidates are supported, assault weapons ban, which I believe would now be ruled icon. Post Heller, its hold other situation, the biggest disagreement, whether they should already own guns. There is some support for a federal gun registry. All we're not trying to register people schedule the NRA talking point. Yes, even the trying to take, and we don't want to confiscate, we don't want all wise. It's anybody register ready, but yeah, and there do. Although we're strong believers in the second image, we what common sense restrictions- and I don't want to scare mongering from right- we probably times we heard that a million even the times admits it- others at some support to a federal for federal gun registry and idea that many Democrats used to dismiss exasperated
as gun, lobby scaremongering and now there is, I think, it's at least it's over Bird of the field is this because things have changed things streets are so dangerous that they are now nine percent, less likely of being murdered by gun or fists of fury than they were last year. Things have changed, and this shows what we always say in our criticized, for as people on the right as ' conservatives as talk show host. They want all of this crap there just waiting for the moment it become. Politically feasible to do it. That is progressivism We've learned over these many years, listen to Glenn blab on about it every freaking day. It is not an idea of a difference of where they want to end up. It's progressive, saying the ternative to revolution, they're, not saying like storm the government buildings and overthrow today, they're saying every second. They have the political feasibility
that one more step down this road. They will take it because the end of the day, if you listen to the even the people who were objecting, the quote Unquote Moderates like job I are either saying. Well, we can't get it done right now. It's not it's not feasible or well. We should Do it in another way, so it is feasable notice. They say that it's not feasible, they don't say it's not constitute or not right, yeah yeah, it's not right. It's not constitutional. What they say is it's not feasable. When it becomes feasible, then you do it. Uhhuh try this one ounce for side. It could be a good governor. Gavin Newsom has signed now more than a dozen firearm related bills. On fry, hey there now law, including one that expands the states existing red flag law it expands, the Red flag LAW One law allows Californians to purchase just one long gun per month, starting July twenty twenty one. Another
and dates that ammunition dealers at firearm show and follow the same regulations as licensed firearm dealers, but one law in particular, is being hailed as one of the most strict gun, seizure laws in the nation. The law I will allow co workers, employees and teachers. Listen. Next hour. The law will allow co workers, employers and teachers. A red flag, firearm restraining order against anyone. They believe is a threat to themselves or others that ask a judge to temporarily. Take away someone's firearms previous. The only law, enforcement or immediate family members could seek such an order. Newsome also signed a companion bill that allows the restraining orders to remain in place up to five years.
The same bill allows the judge also to issue a search warrant. At the same time, the restraining order is issued So, in other words, if your teacher, your child's teacher, hears your child doing something or using a finger gun, and they say mom and dad have guns in the house. The can deem that as a danger to the child and you could lose. Your guns story, we're talking about on pedigree at least heard immediately before this program, and if you've missed it, you can download it on a podcast wherever you get yours for free hi selling, something always write it on the upper two the and like us it. There was a story today about a twelve year old girl charged with felony, because she pointed her finger yeah at four classmates yeah and yourself yeah, and so fortunately, her finger didn't go off, 'cause, I could have been so tragic. He Doppler does Super Doppler Mega Doppler felony
case what happens if your fingers off was her middle finger. A high capacity magazine, yes hold, had cut. It had three clips, underneath it yeah three clip clips yeah, yeah yeah, not mag magazines, but three clips whatever is the thing that you stick in there and put it in just talking about you anyway. This this law in California, is so bad yeah, the ACLU is opposing this bill no way the ACLU is saying quote this law Paul poses a significant threat to civil liberties, because restraining order can be sought before a gun owners of the opportunity to dispute the request. Additionally, these law Those making the request under the new law may lack the relationship or skills required to make an appropriate assessment, and quote you want to talk
about your rights going away my wait until you hear next hour coming up in just a second patent, and it's usually followed with your Welcome Glen Gooch. Stink there welcome glad last night. Thank you so much have you been. Have you been thinking about? Hang on just a second, I'm not sure. What am I supposed to be talking about here? Relief factor. Ok, let me tell you bout relief factor. Relief factor is a great great pyr. Liked that I use three times a day. Pam found herself in the position of not being able to sleep very well at night cheat unless she is flat on her back. I went through this exact thing: PAM staring up the ceiling. She was leaning on her side, should have shooting pain that would start in her shoulders. Go all the way down to her arm sleeping
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The scene from the Kingsman, if you remember in the first kingsman if you saw there's a very violent scene in the center where they go into this Westboro Baptist Church and some crazy guy now they won't mention there, some crazy guy who's, trying who's all about global warming and has put a chip in the people's head and can make him make them, kill anybody, and so he goes into this church. They turn on the the chip and he kills. These Westboro Baptist Church people, not specifically that chair. No, is that just like that? You know is how is portrayed, and so it was a crazy, crazy church in a crazy, seen an extraordinarily violent, well, somebody in a really cheesy sort of way. This not a deep fake kind of thing. You know they take Donald Trump's, face and plaster over the killers face and then. They put little signs like CNN and everything else around the people in the church. Ok, so they pay '
it in there like. Oh, this is so funny. It's a stupid meme and it's a bad meme and the media is all up in arms today, because how dare them this is going to cause violence against the against the media, really really 'cause. I don't think you had a problem with it when it was just the Christians that were being killed and and Stu pointed out this morning, well, no, but way that those were Westboro Baptist and I said yeah, that's right. They were Westboro Baptist style. However yeah this is, this is from nauseous. You know I had met Washu tweeted this. The two had ways to Washington Post treated this violent, horrific, fake video of Trump, massacring media shown is Miami Resort draws backlash when the movie came out. They said this one massacre, set in a conservative christian church in the American Deep S is a master class in cartoonish fight, choreography, unbelievable from MAC. After class to his music
By the way you know they didn't say that it was a. It was a crazy church, conservative church in the south. They had no problem with it. Then you have no credibility on the left or the poster anybody else. Back we're talking about what bar was just talking about there in just a second stand: hi. How is your monthly budget if you are sending a lot of your money into credit cards to pay for those credit cards? They have double digit in straits. It makes no sense other than they can make all of their cash off of you get out of those high interest rates. If you can, if you own a house, may I recommend the
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saying that your not going to be able to t your children anything other than gender fluidity and that it will be basically child abuse. If you try and here's what Ben Shapiro said, listen in other words, if your charge you're not infringing on anybody's rights, you're just saying can't come here for your marriage, go to the church down the street Europe, it's cool, you're, saying: listen! You want to learn about gay rights, go to the public school down the street. Hey you want! Okay, right, you just go to the secular atheistic Crossroads School in Santa Monica like enjoy yourself. That's your problem! Going fine You're not infringing on anybody. Your mere existence is an infringement according to, or the institutional existence. Is an infringement on liberty and you must be shut down. You want a culture. War country you damn well have a beta or you want to culture in this country is country to come apart at the seams. This is how you do it exact promise you if you come
Tell me that you're going to indoctrinate my kids in particular policy, and then I can't pull my kids out of the school and send my kids have school. I want to send them to that. I can't go to the church or not that I want to go to you, make that national policy, not just California policy, where I can move, but national policy people are not going to stand for that they're not going to stand for that. And if you send a truant officer to remove my child, I have two choices at that point right if I have no place to because you've now made this national federal policy, I now have two choices: one is to country, so the only choices that you have left me and now people on what all this is. How could you say something like that? How could you be so extreme? It's not extreme to defend fundamental rights. The constitution was created in order to protect these rights. Preexist governments- my right to raise my child in my faith, is my right. That is a first amendment right, there's only one reason: the government exists to protect those rights not invade those rights. It is my rights raise my child, but the moral precepts that I find to be beneficial for my child.
Well, what does not get to raise my child and if he tries, I will meet him at the door of the gun that is insane now everybody was up in arms. About that I agree. One hundred percent- I tweeted that right after This came out and I said if you want to not be a parent, would like to be more of a babysitter. You can go to Canada. You can go to the UK. China, boy, China they'll, raise your kids for you, don't even have to them. To Jim, I mean come gymnasts you'll have nothing to do with it. Just have baby and let them take and run it. We begin there in one minute. Is the Glenn Beck program? Ok, so we have a new stat coming out that nobody is going to be talking about, but crime, violent crime, in fact murderer with
the gun, is down nine ten percent this year, nine percent, again this year, yeah nobody's going to talking about that. Also, a bureau justice study shows that forty of all guns that were used in crimes were obtained illegally or through a street source. Another forty percent were obtained through family and friends and are in study in Pennsylvania found that the precisely the same thing- seventy nine percent of all perpetrators, who committed a crime with a firearm firearm didn't own it legally gun. Violence is tragic, but misinformation is just as bad. You can not bury your head in the sands because they're coming for the second amendment, they are make no mistake.
When you join the USC Ca, you're, going to get instant access to industry, leading self defense, education, training and legal protection plus they're, giving law Add in citizens like you up to seventeen guns for free every day this month, just text Glenn the number eighty seven thousand two hundred and twenty two an claim. Your free entries to win. You get seventy chances to win one hundred percent secure and confirmation text will be sent it's Glenn, Gle, an end to the number, eighty, seven thousand two hundred and twenty two Glen, two hundred and eighty seven thousand two hundred and twenty two. For information and rules go to protectanddefend dot com, standard mess and data rates do apply. First, let me first, let me start here: So you know exactly where I'm coming from my church has made a proclamation called proclamation of a family. Now they didn't do this because
we're freaking out about what is happening right now and rushing to say something. So they could keep their bigoted view. No, they made proclamation to the world on the family. Did this in the 1990s? And, quite honestly, anybody in the faith went Dah when it came out now it looks a little prophetic. Second Para graph, all human beings, mail female, are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit, son or daughter of heavenly parents and, as such, each has divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal an internal, eternal identity and purpose. So my faith has been teaching forever that gender is not flu.
Gender is not a mistake. You who are not a mistake, but now better, and the others in the Democratic Party would to remove that responsibility, and if you think that it's not happening think again,. Now I tweeted one hundred percent support behind better. What is the second amendment for, if not to put the first amendment. And I said: if you want to be a parent, that's more of a babysitter just go to Canada. Are you a babysitter, or are you a parent. As a parent, you get to direct the affairs of decisions of your kids I'll still respecting their basic human rights as human beings. You help them determine their course in life, what they wear, what they don't at the beginning:
the eat when they sleep the books, they read what games they play when they get a bike when they first BB gun, it's an aw, some and terrifying expat experience and responsibility every single minute and if you're, a good parent. You worry all the time about that. One kid that's going to come in and influence them and. Steer them in another direction, after all, of the hard work you've done, and then we pay a university to do it. The responsibility of not Screwing something up- and I got news for you all screw our kids up. We all do we all make mistakes. What if you let them eat too much candy what if they sit too close to the tv and get eye cancer.
What, if letting them play with your apple watch, results in accidentally sending dozens of pictures of your nose hairs to your pta president. As far as your kid is concerned, you are a bit the benevolent dictator, at least until they get into their teens and figure out that you're, mostly full of crap. You really don't know what you're doing those are fun days as a Para. You and your spouse run the show. When you have a babysitter, they only have a select set of discretion. The powers that you delegate to them. They run the set of plays that you select feed them. This put them in bed at nine video games. Only after homework is done. Babysitters the good
ones at least simply do the list of things that you tell them to do. They don't have any authority to engage in life, altering actions for your kids. There they hadn't there are two ten for a very short period of time to your children, but not decide who your kids will be or how they will be raised. School is not a babysitter. School is not apparent. Are we parents anymore? Do we get to decide how and when our child develops, they take the Flintstone vitamins or not, should they get all their vaccinations or not? Are they ready to learn about the birds and the bees or not? Are they tour enough to have a sleepover to carry a cell phone to ride bikes across main street to buy a soda at the dairy queen? These choices.
Start. Yours anymore. You can't send your kids walking down the street just to go to dairy queen God forbid. Somebody see Is that child and says you're an irresponsible parent what they were going to the park to play. I got so much hate mail from people. Not only really wanted rights, headlight lost, but living in Canada. A lot what rights do I've lost, who live in in great Britain, a ton at Charlie, Gard's parents, the child, british socialized medicine decided it was expensive to treat for a severe disorder and they left a month feeding tubes to die, despite the prince, please to remove him from the hospital and take him to another country for attempted treatment. Despite the court back
in the global press coverage the death panel. Yes, the death panel decided, he would set a bad precedent and then all the parents, they didn't, have the chance and the choice to treat their children. Well, they might. They might up that Bobbi an uprising even the old, even though the children could be taken outside of the country at zero cost to the to the government. You can't allow the parents to do that. What about in Canada, where it's considered legal child abuse not to dress your child with their preferred gender pronoun at any age child use! That's what it is in Canada. Now, child abuse that could result in your child being removed for your home and placed in government ordered foster care with you in jail, as if you had beaten your child with a tire iron? This
In goes for teaching your children that homosexual men, sexuality might be a sin in the eyes of God, also for offense punishable by potential jail time. Even if you're religious beliefs indicate that it's a sin that why my people came here to America and not to Canada, we came here because we knew we had certain rights that no one else guaranteed, but our car institution guarantees our right of freedom of religion. How about in the EU where parents can be fined if it's determined that they're not giving Islam fair and equal coverage to Gianna Dior Judaism, in home schooling program. No matter your religious traditions, your scriptures, if you teach your kids, that Moses was a prophet but Mohammed was not in in Europe. They can take your child
because you're engaging in hate speech. The hate speech of tea in christian theology is being super. Your two muslim theology, not in your own home, not all of Europe. What rights have I lost about this? Are your kids ready to learn about sex and at what age are they? When do they learn where babies come from and believe me, they start asking way before they're ready to know much detail, whoever invented the stork story. We genius, because you do, you- can delay for a little while seriously parents parents decide that in even in their own home, each child is different. How and when and and how you have that discussion and what you say or maybe not anymore, that ship is sailed. After
all, his parents were not really parents anymore it in most of the world. Here in America, it's holding on a thread, and I mean that thread is not good, maybe we're just all babysitters, maybe the guy current, will leave us a note on when the children should be in bed what we should teach when we should teach what they can watch what they can't watch in twenty fifteen advanced sex education became a required curriculum in canadian public schools, including primary and secondary school for Kim Garden through 12th grade. I know singing the controversial program the Education Minister named Prue, indicated the program would include what he turned age: appropriate instruction on Lgbtq and gender expression issues so jewel orientation, sexual assault, as well as national sex education topics such as preventing s, although Mister price
acknowledge some parents and teachers may be a pro opposed to this content. The in action is necessary, saying quote, I know it's not an easy subject. I know the questions are sensitive, but we have to respond to a society. And a societal issue. The new pro it was developed in collaboration with sex ologist, as well as public and private organizations, including planned parenthood. When asked, if parents who objected to the can't would be allowed to opt out of the new sex education program, mister to indicated such beavers would be allowed only in exceptional cases, such as if student had been the prior victim of sexual abuse. Other than No exemptions would be allowed for moral or religious belief. Canada and all those who tweeted me. What? If I lost you busted long ago, and you probably don't care am
Americans at least some of us still do, because we are guarantee feed that right, you never had that right, we were gay or indeed that right and in Shapiro is right. That is the only reason the constitution exists or the government exist. This is the only reason guns. Governments are are instituted among men to protect those rights not only in Europe, but we'll take a look at what's opening here as well. Continue to ask yourself: are you a parent, or are you a boy, babysitter,
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neutral couples where parents didn't identify his mom and dad, but rather parent one and parent too, of the thirteen year old students were given and writing exercise. Based on this question, how would thinking your personal limits and making a personal plan influence decisions? You may choose to make about your sexual activity. The age of consent by the way in Canada is eighteen, so sex at age. Thirteen would be statutory rape in Canada, but it doesn't stop them from teaching that you're still going to have it in a This lecture provided by a nurse from planned parenthood, one lesson taught to eighth graders ways to risk the pregnancy suggest, including condoms, masturbation, same sex partners and anal intercourse absent was not one of the suggestions
from the Canadians, sex education, curriculum children are expected to demonstrate an understanding of gender identity. Male female two spirited, transgender transexual, intersex, gender, expression sexual orientation, gay head sexual lesbian, bisexual and identify factors that help individuals of all identity, Zan orientations to develop self positive concepts of page one hundred and forty sex, Ed curriculum, two words that appear zero times. Zero times. Love and marriage pleaded guilty to multiple counts of child exploitation, production and possession of child pornography and pedophilia.
By the way, Mister Levin's name is not on the list of authors, but he was one of the authors of the canadian sex education manual. Canada is not unique BBC article from two thousand and seventeen citing the alleged success of the canadian sex education program there rolling it out now in UK. In the UK, the program is called sexual relationships. Education focus on teaching children as young as twelve the import of developing a proper healthy sexual identity in relationship the man did. The program includes instruction for students to learn and understand about their own bodies, including what feels good and what does not quote. I'm from the study guide. Thinking about your sexual health is complicated. It's also about you, sexual orientation and gender identity. The understand of your own body include what gives you pleasure in the emotional im
locations of sex, intimacy and sexual relationships. By the way, as of two thousand and eighteen, the state of California has made this sexual education mandatory with no opt out provisions. Massachusetts has this on the ballot, but wait there's more. What rights am I losing as a parent you're about to lose almost all of them? Almost all of them choose wisely America back in a minute, you're listening to Glenn Beck, so you know, identity theft can take place in a lot of ways other than just credit card fraud right when you Words, identity, theft or credit cards are usually what we reached a pat and make sure that they are still there identity theft, it
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so do we join blazetv dot com and be part of a movement get ten bucks. With the promo code, Glen Beto, has said in the last few days that if you, if your church, if your school is not teaching, you know, gender fluidity and everything else that you'll be forced to be. Is the laws are changing? Well, no you're not going to force me because they This is a really for me. This is a religious doctrine. My doc
turn of my church is that- and this wasn't just made up this is thirty years ago, that gender is part of your identity of your soul. There are no mistakes and that male and female are specific. And they are assigned, you don't have to believe this, but this what I believe they are assigned when you spirit is created. There is no mix up on that. Now again, you don't have to believe that, but I have a right to say it. I have a right to believe and I have a right to live it in public. Now I don't have a right to hate people that are different. Well, I actually I do. You do have a right to be an idiot noon, hate, whoever you want.
But that would be idiotic doesn't mean that I hate anybody and I certainly am not teaching my children that there should be we. You know violence or their half people or anything like that. I don't even know who would do that well, except for people who believe we came from monkeys because there's got to be some half people around here: half monkey half people. After all, it was the survival of the fittest, species I'm not sure which ones are fit or not. If you think that this isn't an issue. Ben Shapiro was used this weekend as a guy who said I'll, defend my right in my synagogue's right to teach whatever it is. They teach and if you come to my house, to take my children away, because I believe in these things well you'll meet at the door with a gun, because I have a right and the left immediately
doubt CLI a gun crazy. This would be a red flag law if they have their way. Ben Shapiro have his rights taken from him. But that is exactly the first amendment is for to defend the first amendment when the guy, makes the sexual active, ization and grooming of a twelve year old child as state policy you Ng the threat of fines or jail time for parents who may not used to have their children instructed how to develop sexual relationships. Your right as a parent are gone when a state is teaching five and six year olds how to identify and spell vagina vulva anus instead of cat dog mom and dad you're right, the parents are gone. The state is requiring first grade teachers to read my princess boy, that reads: Dyson loves, pink
sparkly thing. Sometimes he wears dresses. Sometimes he wears jeans he to where his his princess tiara, even when climbing trees he's a prince boy. That is when that is required for seven and eight year olds to be to be read but Huck Finn, catcher in the rye and the jungle book are all banned. Your rights as a parent are gone. Schools in Canada and the UK, and increasingly so here in America, have become nothing more than sexual training. Centers grooming, children as young as five and six years old for sexually Steve lives, gender fluidity and by sexuality. In the name of remaking the world into a politically correct, safe space for every possible gender identity, every set we'll behavior in Brooklyn proclivity. They have
did the government's business to hyper sexualized. Our children normalizing ultra rare behaviors, such as gender dysphoria, and they are teaching our young children how to develop a plan around sexual activity and figuring out what could possibly be different and sexually pleasurable. These lessons happen when the kids are preteens well tell going to become sexually. If, anyway, it's a societal problem, we have to deal with you're damn right. It is one hundred percent of societal problem. That's why I don't want society fixing it. We have a problem in our society when we believe that by law, ten and twelve year old kids need learn about anal intercourse as a a to not get pregnant, but not abstinence. It is a societal problem.
The problem is that our kids are more likely to be exposed to pornography than the last generation there. More Klay DVD be bullied if they're gay. We have solution for those kinds of problems, and parents have to do there Bob in the solution. The same as it's always been. The problem is, we have somehow come to believe that the only way to solve any perceived ill in the world is for government to act that is against the constitution. I have rights as a parent now could churches in and religions help provide a framework for understanding relationships, self worth sexuality in love? No, that goes in the sky. He's not real. Could institute I'm in the right way in the wrong way to discuss sexual feelings and urges with their kids know. Parents might make their kids feel and
for double. Only in the scientifically based classroom setting can children freely Lee press their sexuality. If, in your state or province, your country, your local school district, you don't have a choice. It's about sending your kids into a classroom where teachers are required to teach this kind of content, don't even party and do you have any rights left as a parent? Are you delusional? You fall in that far that we all somehow, I believe, but somehow our duty as a citizen is to let our children be psychologically and philosophically molded by some government stooge to sexually active gender and sex orientation, fluid agents of change the our children. These are the people we've been working so hard to keep them away from their whole life and now they're in position of authority. I don't know
you, but as for Mister Shapiro, I'm with you Ben I'm with you. Better, don't show up at my door demanding my kids learn about developing a sexual plan at the age of twelve beak if you do we're going, have a serious disagreement. And you also have a serious disagreement. With me and many of my neighbors about the second amendment as well. The, Second, amendment is not there for hunting it's. There for sport. It is there to keep tyranny at bay It is therefore the citizens, so they have A way to rise up against an out of control government that wants nothing more than tyranny. They want the guns because they they
that way, can control the populace. I think it was said best buy Charlton Heston out of my cold dead hands. It is never outrageous or radical to defend the bill of rights, don't be a babysitter. You are a parent. Do your job and do not surrender this ground. Better stay out of my house, stay to my home school stay out of my kids lives. You're, not welcome there. I'm a parent. That's my job. That's wife's job.
And we may hire the occasional babysitter, but believe me, I would never hire some creep out of Washington to watch my kids we're parents. No, no others need apply, been talking, a lot about simply safe their home monitoring system and how can increase your peace of mind throughout the day by having it installed in your home. Now, there's a lot of places that you might want to protect. Maybe you have a kid who's going to college right now, living in a dorm room. I think we can remember what college was like when we were kids- and it's not like that anymore. The semester is drawing slowly to a close. The holidays are right around the corner. Why not give your college kid the gift of simply safe, the gift of peace of mind, simply say
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I think the reason why people don't have the security sis when their home is because the security company sock they all kind of the you've got people coming into your house, they're, going to drill holes in your wall, it hello, mister, one thousand, nine hundred and seventy two that's. Why simply safe is just tearing this business apart. It is growing so incredibly fast and it is the best in industry. There's no contract, no hidden fees, no fine print, no drilling holes are stringing wires around the clock. Monitoring is fifteen dollars a month and you can cancel anytime when other home security systems are triggered police assume it's a false alarm and it goes to the bottom of the list. But using simply safe and their video verification technology. They can visually confirm that breaking is happening and that gets the police there from forty five minutes instead to seven minutes, simply save they be
which deal going on right. Now. It's simplysafe dot com, Slash Glenn, you'll, get a free age, the security camera. When you order it's one hundred dollars value and you'll get the twenty seven monitoring and video evidence if somebody's trying to get into your house, so gay, you're, free hd security, camera at Simplysafe, dot, com, Slash Glen, that simplysafe dot com, Slash Glenn, no, what's really incredible to me- is that people say you're just denying science you're, just a bible, Thumper, well: I have a right to some of the Bible. I have a right to believe in the Bible. I have a right to my my faith in my religion and I have a right to practice. It openly. That's what this country was founded on.
So yeah. You could say that about me, but I I actually care about the facts, and the facts are when it comes to trans gender. Eighty five percent of those who have gender dysphoria grow out of it. Eighty five percent: now they generally become lesbian, bisexual or gay, but you're turning targeting those kids and turning them into a td when they might be an l or a g or a b. Why does nobody care about this? Two six. I they would normally oppose right like you're targeting some young kid who's, an lg envy and trying to change them. If we win, the overwhelming evidence shows that they don't want to change when when they don't change, they want to be happy that they didn't change later in life. It's eighty five! If percent and what is the number of those who do change that want to change back
just got a. I don't have that sent from the suicide rate goes up after the change. I mean it's a major change. You know it's a major change and we're locking something like that in when a child is we saw the other day is like he. You know really interested in. You know going to? And you know my kid is eight, my son is eight the kids that were on the CNN show they were. They were nine, like my son is not prepared to make a life long decision that would change his gender. I think our why can't? Why can't we can hear nine year olds get get married as because we all know that's ridiculous. You don't make that decision at eight and nine years, yeah. That's what why we have all sorts of laws that restrict people who
eight and nine for making a life long decisions right in a marriage is least reversible right, even with somebody, the entire nine years old, they would have sex. No it's against the law, why it was only six once you're going to allow them to change their gender for a life right and of course, the same I mean obvious from aside from the obvious, at the bar givens against letting kids make those decisions would be they would be scarred for life they're in in this intense. You know some sort of adult experience at eight or nine years old. You don't think that that's true with changing your gender get like these things can all happen when kids become adults that that that that that eventually curse the aging thing happens. You know I, like you know. I see this all the time and you know I'm I'm relatively restrictive with what what I, what hello, allow my kids to watch on tv and I even see it compared to other since that were for as with that are generally have the same profile as us. You know that are generally conservative, maybe religious and- and I
I think, to myself. Look. There is plenty of time for my kid to enjoy terrifying movies. There's plenty of time for my kid, in appetite for violent video games, he could do all later on in life. All that can all happen, and you know what so as a boy probably is going to happen at some point, he's proud love that stuff. I know a lot of it. I like right but like there's. No, reason to introduce it to them early, and I think that's the situation here. There's plenty of time for an adult. Today. You know what I'm making a logical decision based on whatever I think is going on in my life that I'm going to wind up going to decide to be a girl like that's a decision. If you're gonna make it, you need to make it with enough life experience to at least be responsible for your own actions and, as we all know, if you leave your age for nine year old responsible for their own actions, you will get arrested. You will go to prison if we we are seeing this all over the country or, if you let, your eight or nine years,
go play at the playground by themselves. The police come to your house playing for an afternoon by themselves, gets a visit from the police, but if you uh allow them to change, is there gender or you don't want them to make that choice? The police will come to your house. I mean? That's insanity. Let me let me play the bill bar. He spoke about this this weekend. Listen among them, Button secularists are many so called progressives, but where is the progress we're told we're living in a post christian era, but what has replaced the judeo christian moral system? What is it that can fill the spiritual void in the hearts of the individual person and what is the system of values that can sustain human social life
fact is that no secular creed has emerged capable of performing the role of religion. This is not decay. This is organized destruction. Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry and academia and an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values. We switch subjects and is still on self reliance. One of the things that Mercury one did when we first started was to empower people at the local level. We still when we raise money, we don't go out there into it. We found the local church is the local institutions that are the bed test at delivering aid to people. We did this with the Nazarene fund and boy. Could we use your help?
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One m one ball: it happens October, twenty six, that's a week from this coming Saturday. Please join US mercury, one dot! Org am one ball. Last hour we talked about the religious underpinnings of being a parent and having the right to teach your kids about things next hour. This coming our is the scientific approach and it says the same thing. What a surprise give that coming up in a second when I talk to about relief factor, altitude really affects me a great deal. If I fly a fim up in the mountains or anything, I'm I'm really really really struggle, and that was the case about two years ago we were going to the
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we doing more damage to people. Then helping I mean we are just launching in and changing absolutely everything in our society and what a conservative is supposed to do. Look at all the things that have happened in the past and say: okay, this one's good, this one's bad! Well, this one we may not know about. We should hold on until we do that's what a conservative does. It's a balance to a liberal that says: hey! Let's, just change everything an in that balance Do you you find magic happens when one is out of whack. Does pastor happens. You either don't change and you should, or you change everything and Anja collapse
I'm going to talk about the science that everybody seems to be ignoring in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program well we're free country, at least until Beto gets in which I think will be a long time. But when it comes to your sleep quality, you can do whatever you please. If you want to continue, you know taking down your bowling ball bag every every night, with twelve bowling, all in it and sleep on it and be my guest, but I think he'd be a lot happier with my pillow. My pillow is not like a bag of rocks or not like this just flat piece of cardboard that so many of us are sleeping on. My pillow is perfect for you and you fluff it literally once a naive. Your fist are both sides of it all of a sudden. It's perfect then get hot. It doesn't switch down. It's my pillow
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if you think, getting angry at somebody else's opinion is the way to go. Don't read quill at if you like, in sexual stimulation, that makes you stretch an think, readquizletquizlet dot com Colin Right has just written an article for quill at no one is, born in the wrong body, he's an evolute Harry biologist and I'm not sure I first and all of all of his his charts and everything else here, but I think I do, and I thought you should hear it to Colin Right- welcome to the program. Hey thanks for having me on. I appreciate it yeah you bet. So tell me your telling tell me your point, which is heresy today, yeah, so I think before we get into sort of what the article is about, it's important to briefly, talk about what it's really not many have kind of continue to paint. This is sort of like this anti trans or transphobic article, where we suggest
trans people don't really exist. So and it is, and what we're saying at all we acknowledge gender dysphoria is very real. Often debilitating cycle, go condition and serious cases made transitioning ones body to appear as the opposite. Six, you know could probably reduce symptoms. We don't deny any of that. What we are concerned with, however, though, is that vulnerable children who may be displaying sort of sex, eight typical mannerisms or personalities still be tomboyish females, feminine males, they're, being told that that maybe born in the wrong body or are trans, whereas in reality these cross sex stereotypical. This is completely normal and is far and away more predictive of later homosexuality than being trans. So I guess we we are saying is that we were that our society is sort of pathologizing generated behavior, which is contribute
a dramatic rise in adolescent gender dysphoria that we're seeing so there's a couple of things that come to mind on this, and and- and this is the point of when I was introducing you on- are we are you know just accepting these things and just throwing them in and are we doing more harm the age gender dysphoria is being taught and and so widely embraced? You I agree with you. I mean there's all kind of things that happen with our children, but studies show and what is it? Eighty or eighty five percent of those who are probably now being told are have gender dysphoria they grow out of it in either become straight: gay, lesbian, bisexual, but not trans, gender, so aren't we actually targeting l, LG and and and and
leading them into saying? No, you are definitely a tea is not wrong. Yeah. I think it's been sort described as a sort of sort of new conversion therapy. Where is right, where the You know: we've we've been against conversion therapy. Trying to tell you know, homosexual use or even adults that try to convince them out of their of their same sex traction- and now we appear to be doing, is we're conflating gender atypical behavior with being born potentially in the wrong body, and so it which is allowing these use to grow up into what most likely to be a homosexual adult. Were we now doing a new form of in therapy were things. No. Actually you have these sex a typical stereotypes, behaviors your maybe, more likely to be born in the wrong body, so we're we're converting them homosexuals to
trans identities instead of out of their homosexual behavior in as we've done in the past. So what's driving this Colin? No that's hard to say, there's been an uptick in sore. Gender identity, replacing our discussions about biological sex almost across the board, so I've it's been noticing this just in the last, maybe five it in the last two, maybe even even more. Prevalent, where I see individuals, these are academic. These are people who have PH either in grad school and their sort of- I guess, having this narrative- that biological sex is sort of a spectrum or it's a social construct, and that we need to listen to people of what they say about what they are biological sex. Actually is you know. We see this ideology of people now,
not being you know, having their sex described at birth, but they're having their sex assigned at birth and sort of completion just with with sex a typical behaviors with biologic, sex itself, whereas in reality over ninety nine point, ninety eight percent of all, visuals are going to fall unambiguously into one or the other sexes, but this gender sort of ideology, which has many diff definition, sometimes many conflicting and there's many times. The definitions are quite circular, seems to taking presidents and we're not really. Our society is not really prepared, what will actually actually means if we were to replace, say biological sex with this, we'll projective identity in law. We're seeing this in sports or sing this and the prison system thing this, and who is the minute test? Certain rape shelters, for instance, so that the consequences are are quite dramatic and we don't seem to really appreciate that or at least half of society does not
be appreciated. I was going to say: there's lots of us that appreciate that and, and are saying wait, wait. Wait I mean and what I fear honestly Colin, is a is a a backlash, because it's starting to affect average people who don't have any the hatred or anything else. But you know I've got a daughter and she's in volleyball and a guy you know comes in volleyball he's just he's built differently and you know, or if, if she's a you know, a runner in long distance running or whatever, and some guys I identify as a female will now he can run on the team and you're just you're hurting women. You're hurting women yeah we're seeing this conflation, I've usually called it. The the univariate policy and it's basically, these people were point at any single trait
exist between males and females and they'll show the like. Oh look, there's there's so much overlap in these traits that you know. We can't say that The one trait is spit quickly, male or female. So we have males are on average taller than females. Some people will say well, I know some woman who's a lot taller than most. Else that I know- and so this is evidence that there's no real sex differences, The thing is that these, these small differences, these small average differences in many different races often stack up as well, so you look at sort of a multi, varied approach to males and females. He that males are by and large, quite different than fee especially in the realm of athletics. So Can't you commonly hear people say that you know males and females come in all shapes and sizes, or something like that in that you know, we shouldn't prohibit any mail from competing in emails, because you know here's here's an example of a really tall female and that's just frankly, quite a bit.
Because you know, even though females come in quote unquote all shapes and sizes no random chance that no female has come in the size and shape that's been able to come it in sort of the NBA or the NFL, and these are leagues that don't actually bar female athletes from competing. It's just that no individual has ever know female has been able to compete in these leagues. One quick thing to point out to is that these small differences in just the average traits the height or strength, even though there might be a substantial overlap among the general population when we're talking about things like sports were talking about the stream, the elite of the elite and when you look at the tail end These distributions in of the elite of the elite. We see that these are way are dominated by males like proportion wise, so we can Look at our everyday experience. Kind of use this as a as a metric for how the extremes are going to behave, tartar, Colin right he's, the evolutionary biologist at Penn State is a piece in Quizlet is no one is born
in the wrong body your thoughts. Being in this community? Because we here lot of the experts who Would disagree with you who would the exact opposite of everything that you said so far, is you know when it comes to summarizing these things would say that it is more of a political opera mission to what you're saying or is it a scientific one? Is there a large scientific community that actually does see the things that I think the average person sees as basic human facts of existence yeah, so I do see It is being driven largely by politics at least sense influencing their conclusions? I I don't. I wouldn't say that this is done intentionally. I don't think these people are being dishonest. But I think they may be more difficult for them to to spot the fallacies in an argument that they're making such as when I reference before,
You know sometimes people look at a univariant metric of differences between the sexes and that feels to take into account the multiple ways male males and females differ. I've tried to point now don't threads on twitter and articles that I'm writing, but I, and seeing this actual refuted in any coherent way, and the fallacy is pretty much just stand for themselves, and even if we criticize them they, they tend not to go away and the main method they seem to be using to sort of silence. The voices like mine and others doesn't seem to be actually engaging with with our id is the content of what we're saying, but it usually is sort of just uh we're a bigot you're, a oh look, you're, publishing and Collett. This is magazine it's known for publishing over know, race, science or you know whatever they want the just guilt by association by point to some some problematic that might agree with you in okay, like in the? U. I also agree with this one person who's, you know of bad, the
so therefore, you are too so largely this silencing tactics are being used which really quite aggravating. So does this mean all your world? I assume you always. You grew up always wanted to be a scientist. Does this make. Is science in a goal Panera or a or you know not dark ages, but headed towards a seeming dark age where if you're, if you don't agree, you're a heretic yeah and he took sort of lump all of science to this so there's certain fields that are more played by sort of ideology than others. So I wouldn't, I don't think particle physics is particularly influenced by by gender in you is a biologist is evolutionary biologist yeah. So I I definitely see it among grad students and even faculty and before
published another clip piece before called the new evolution deniers. Where I mentioned similar types of things- and I sent this to mentors of mine people that I that I knew sort of agreed with me and my professional circle and the consensus from basically everyone I sent this too was that you're absolutely correct, but you cannot say it as this could be. Just career suicide. You know, I'm I'm a postdoc right now. If I don't actually have a faculty job, I'm applying the fact that- this could be just for my career and I spent over a decade of going to school in five years in grad school to get my phd in you know this could just be made. You know nullified overnight if the mob would decide to just you know right one and hit article where, if someone googles calling right this, you know they just see transphobic You know what what have you so there? It is only an issue within my field. It gets worse. I think, when you go to the psychological sciences worth when you go to so
geology worth when you go down to women's studies, etc, etc, but these these other fields are definitely influencing my field too, and there's there's seems to be a sort of almost an orwellian thing going on where, if we criticize social justice, social justice in their minds? The lot of people sort of equate that with just civil rights? So if you say I'm against this social justice ideology they're here, like oh you're, against civil rights, and so you really can't win it almost. You know these things. Disagree with the you know. The department of truth is like well, you disagree with truth so there What are the language game going on where it's hard to actually engage with, is without immediately being just painted as a big it anyway, they want to thicken dismiss you quickly. Several I got a few seconds, but what made you decide to do it anyway, mainly because I've always been interested in sort of the larger
meta narrative around science and defending science, I used to defend Evolus from the young earth creationists back in the mid to late two thousand, and I just realized how much I kept sort of self censoring as I went through graduate school and after and they got to a point where I realized that I just much rather live a life where I can speak my mind Only then sort of lived for this zipper lift life as an academic. Just go this one now back to study my my ants and wasps in my my narrow field, but have to remain silent on every. Thing else, so that wasn't that wasn't something I was willing to sacrifice. I suppose it for you good you call in right, evolutionary biologist, Quille, Quillette Piece is called no one is born in the wrong body. You can follow him on twitter at swipe. Right spelled with a w thanks. So much call appreciate Thank you appreciate it. Thank you, solid twitter name right there, yeah solid,
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later on in life, they figured they find out yeah that I'm actually finding my own body. Eighty five percent them forty of them, as you pointed out wind up being lg E. So we we transfer the LGB's entities, tease the conversion therapy point is a great story. I mean because now the thing that they opposed to the extent they want to make it illegal, which you may or may not agree with the idea of conversion therapy, but essentially it boils down to free speech right like you should be able to tell somebody that hey, I think you shouldn't be gay. If you want to be that person, I mean that person might not be popular parties but A person has a right to say whatever they want and the idea that eighty five percent it's like this is not something I've seen any material disagreement with, which is why I asked him that question about whether it
political or site the scientific. It does not seem to be that there's much of a scientific stand up against this study in this general idea that most people, who think that or a boy when there a girl at a young age, wind figuring out later on now I was wrong on that one. Well, they said that was zero point. Five percent of the population was t, and now the kids are at two percent, so it was zero point five percent, now kids are at two percent and they're wondering you know. A first of all autism plays a role in misdiagnosis if there's any kind of, if you're on the spectrum at all, there could be real misdiagnosis of this and what what happened? Is it
because an eight year old decided that they wanted to be a girl. I mean: are there really that many really well? It means eight year olds, think all sorts of different things. I know that you know I've got one and he's awesome, but you know they never does not. Think he's girl, but everyone thinks different things and then this is when you're This is when you're young. You come up with ideas that, maybe you don't stick by your entire life, perhaps you've also in your life in your life, experiences have had different thoughts from when you were eight as you grow older. Perhaps that's something that you've also experienced. We are these big are those tough questions. Currently in this society. Yes, I guess so by the way will be a teacher in your kids school just to screw it up now good hotel. I movie. That's a lot. Is that program, so here's here's
thing really fascinating. A dutch Central bank, the central Bank, Dutch Central Bank, mentioned that gold reserves could be used now to start from scratch in case of a global economic collapse. I read that this week wait. Central bank is talking about told collapse and that we may have to go back to the gold standard who would have thunk that that's, not cool, Razi conspiracy, theorists that to run and that central bank right there all day when the banks are coming out and going yeah. This next collapse might be the big one. We should maybe think about gold. You might want to think about gold again, that's the Dutch Central bank. Look it up for yourself! Do your own homework? But may I suggest you also do your own homework on actually getting some physical gold, and if you say you can't afford it. Yes, you, and for one hundred dollars a month you can invest in gold or silver and you can get.
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yeah. We want to talk to you a little bit about what happened with Joe Biden over the weekend looks like looks like his son Hunter is come out and said: hey you know, maybe maybe I shouldn't be in China. I mean if my dad wins, if my dad loses I'm going to be in China, making all kinds of money you're not going to fire. You did step down from this board. Right, Yes, so that's a big deal and now there's a big exclusive interview coming. I believe tomorrow, in with Hunter Biden on tie it talking about all of the stuff. You wonder kind of this is an amazing thing right I mean they. Certainly the you'd think the writing campaign would not want to deal with this, but I think they might just want to get out front of it to actually especially the day of the debate, I mean which I think about how a bad interview could go for Joe Biden, which I
I understand, but you have an opportunity you think to get your stars. The stars of your party, the democratic presidential candidates up in front of people have a a new wants and detailed discussion about the facts in matters of the day, and you have an opportunity because people are used to it already with twelve candidates qualifying get up to six person debates were each person would have time, actually discuss these things and not give sound bite answers. They always complain about that. Oh you want us to give sound by answers all the time Instead of that, the Democrats opt for one night with twelve people on stage, so now you're going to get even less time. To actually talk, I mean these guys are five or six minutes each to discuss all these issues right. Would you do something like that? Well, because nobody would really have time to really have to explain. Oh, I don't know Hunter Biden or the scandal or gun control or a
portion rights or anything else that they know is really unpopular with the american people, now you know we give the media a hard time an rightfully. So, however, they are doing the bidding of the Republican Party on a daily basis, this CNN l g b t equality for thing they did gave Democrats or Republicans Jules until the end of time, not everyone of those candidates. I mean the what the times did with asking all nineteen candidates, do you support these specific gun control proposals and when you find out that all of them support massive quantities of these proposals. Some of them things that they used to my the NRA for being alarmist, for even doing for even proposing oh they're not going to come for your guns. They want to national gun registry. That's ridiculous! Now,
Well, it looks like almost half of the candidates do yeah, I know and the new, even the New York Times like wow. This is come a long way pretty fast yeah, it's just a few. A call, they were against it now there for it yeah. I know it's weird and it's like they took their masks off. Thirty percent of Democrats into elected Democrats voted against bringing back the assault weapons ban. Only a couple of years ago now every single candidate supports it. In fact, if you're not for it, the New York Times says you probably can't yeah it's a baseline yeah. You have to be a Democrat. I mean every single one does, of course, I don't think it's constitutional and I don't think as usual, it was implemented, but I don't really don't think it was now after the Heller decision, which is something that they never talk about, because the remember when This thing you keep talking about the constitution. I mean there are things we have to do. Ok there, just things we have to do that.
Not how our system works. Unfortunately, it does now. Well it's true that and that's another reason why you you only have a minute of peace. You can't get a follow up question like how do you want to do this legally? How are you gonna do this illegally and they don't the it's just like the thing with bite in excuse me better when he said you know: do we want to restrict of churches with their tax exempt status if they do, L just oppose same sex marriage, letting them activists on it, but they just don't think it's a good idea. It should we get rid of their taxes. Status, and he said yeah and it's easy to say that in a form like that 'cause, you say yes and the crowd cheers and you say a couple of lines of latitude and move on when you have other candidates. If you had a wide spectrum, you have other candidates pushing back, but no one seems Do it no one's really hitting Biden on his son Hunter right and this to be interesting to see tonight on tv. If I may give a quick plug, you are coming up with some of the question:
You want to ask contributed in this interview, but I don't see any of the oh just it's kind of like it's like a lottery ticket right. We don't think our number going to be called no, but these are the things that I think we should. We should ask Hunter Biden there. It's going to be asked? I mean why If you are Joe Biden, why would you your son come out on the weekend before the the big debate. And have him say yeah, I'm going to quit China. Let me They had me at hello, but I'm going to quit China now. Why would you do that right before and then have him speak?
ABC News yeah. Why don't we at least they release it on the day of the debate? That's insane! Why not wait until after the bay, it's very strange and it's in a look, the Biden campaign for for everything that Joe Biden is and is not you'd- think he'd have competent campaign people around him right like this is a guy who was vice president for eight years of this country. He he's the frontrunner and he does not seem to be able to surround himself with people who can figure out very basic things about how information should be released or what he should be talking on a particular day or his approach. When you have an issue, how do you? How do you respond to it? They seem to be terrible at this end. Terrible fundraising like these are these are the built in advantages. You'd, think a guy, like Biden, would have his keys got cut. He was in the freaking vice president, all the people around him he's made friends with everybody. He was in Congress for seven hundred and ninety one years. You think he'd have campaign, people
for competent around him in so far. That does not seem to be the case. Well. Does he have all the Hillary people around him? hopefully, maybe that's what he did. He just hired all the Hillary seriously he's running just describing. He has all the fund raising capable he has all the connections. All of the friends been around forever. That's still, True, although Hillary did raise money, I mean she had plenty of money. Well, at least ever that does he need do that she was. She was selling access yeah, but your guidance above that I mean this. This whole scandals about and let as to we started, we started this a little bit last week and we never got through it you are very small. You are a chinese corporation associated with the national government, your bank. And you are styled tightly tied to the government and your should hire Hunter Biden with no experience with no obvious reason. Why
you would be hired and he's going to be paid, not fifty thousand dollars a month, which would be completely ridiculous to pay him, but much much more than that. I mean it seems like it was more like two hundred thousand dollars a month. Duties? All that aside, all of this experience aside the guys just plainly a mess, yeah and a lot of us are a mess. I'm not saying this to to beat the guy up. We all have our issues, but I also It's got a specific set of issues that would not indicate he should be high for a high level position anywhere, even at like Cinnabon, a Now let me I don't know about the high level. I would be a little uncomfortable with him just working the counter as well, exactly right anything that has to do with money at all. Right I was like I don't know. Let me just walk you through quickly. This is his life history and I'm not making any of this up. Okay, okay, he was
he when he was young at college, he was drinking obviously a lot which is not not odd at all. In college: okay, He would occasionally use cocaine once hoping to buy campaign cocaine. He was sold a piece of crack. He didn't know how. Use the drug, but he tried to crack and didn't really get do anything. Okay, so yeah he's he's in he's in college lots people to crazy things in college. Remember, though, that this is a party that held multiple hearings about how much Brett Kavanaugh drank in college, ok, okay, but they're, totally cool with the cocaine the crack right. Now we one to two thousand and three, he started drinking again, a two thousand three. He goes with his wife, Kathleen they go to Washington. His wife told him hey, get sober and he's decided. He was not going to drink for thirty days. Okay, so he didn't drink for thirty days, eggs,
for thirty days exactly and then on the thirty first day, every time he would start drinking again, he was for he was when he was proving that he's not an alcoholic, an alcoholic couldn't stop for thirty days. It sounds exactly like a story. You've told me about not drinking during the day. Yep you I'll call don't drink, but during during the day- and I wait till five o'clock every day, yep and yep justify that's. Not your non alcoholic. Then, on Sept at that September, is two thousand three business trip. They look: rehabilitation, centers and goes into rehab. This is the first rehab trip after they currently goes into a so were in two thousand and three still it gets right, Here, though, because you're not going to not hire a guy in two thousand and sixteen 'cause of what he did in two thousand, the obviously howl he had a relapse in two thousand and ten so did bill like seven years there, but for which is great seven years drink three bloody Marys on a flight home from on a flight to Madrid on business less than optimal. He he continued to drink in secret, for several
once he had another relapse in twenty thirteen after you have suffered an illness and was prescribed. Painkillers in May of two a thirteen. The night before hunters. First weekend of reserve duty, he stopped at a bar a few blocks from the White House outside Hunter said he bummed a cigarette from two men who told him they were from South Africa. He felt amped up as he was driving and uh work and then incredibly exhausted. So maybe he had a laced cigarette there in twenty thirteen, still two thousand and thirteen skies luck with with drugs that just stop buying the wrong thing. He just wanted a singer. I know it's so sad. So sad few months later, Hunter received a letter saying that his your analysis had detected cocaine in his system. It's a bit of a problem with the military try to get his drinking under troll in July, two thousand and fourteen. By the way, I would tell you that this about the time he gets hired middle of all this is getting hired, tries to get it drinking under control. In two thousand and fourteen he went to a clinic in
Tijuana that try to cure alcoholism with a chicken livers with a something with the root of Ww Africa. Drugs, it's illegal in America, yeah, okay, okay, yeah, sure those work all the time, yeah a fraud right. The west african shrubs troubles rub treatment at work. So now, after that, he left came back to United States goes into rehab again. This is two thousand fourteen in Arizona. Then he goes on and again. This is now he's working at breeze, my, but he has trip back to Washington. He told for the funeral for his brother beau. He tells his wife that he was thinking about running for public office. She pointed out that he only recently had been discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. They rode the rest of the way home and silence, not a healthy relationship per se. Comfort couples, Therapy Hunter
Kathleen reached an agreement of Hunter started drinking again. He would have to move out of the house a day after the 22nd in a versary hunter left, a therapy session drink a bottle of vodka and moved out later that month. He and a recent book co founder are in Norway on a fishing trip, a guy who's been in all this recap. He the breeze my co founder drinks with him. Happens all the time all I like to take my alcoholic co workers out, and you guys this to me all the time. You're like hey Glenn, nothing could work it. Nothing could hurt this company if you were just drunk now. Let's take you out no big deal, certainly not something you do to gain leverage over something. Ok, two fifteen is in rehab again to early two thousand, and six he becomes a shut in and only leaves to get. Vodka in goes back to rehab again in two thousand sixteen. This is always working for these big companies. There's only the really paying into a granite to the
is a 16a Monte, Carlo Gift cocaine in bathroom. In the bathroom from a stranger two thousand, eckstine honest way to rehab, he loses his wallet and buys crack when you had to abide to the the next week after that few more trips to get more crack again were two thousand sixteen. Now. In fall, two thousand and sixteen as a fight outside of a bar. He then gets much those around town doing drugs gets a rental car from someone and crashes it. The rental car people bring out new car to him. He brings that any crashes it again then he winds, he had a hallucination while driving drops the rental car off and the rental car people go into find what powder all over the dashboard. Again, we two thousand and sixteen. He then goes finally gets a divorce and and then goes immediately to a Strip club where he drinks more. This is all in the middle of him having a wife getting force from the wife, then getting together with the girl, the wife of his brother, who passed
the and be a relationship with her. Then they break up then in two thousand and nineteen. He marries a woman he had known for a week now, that's not true. Ten days, Ten days, that's true yeah, I know, but I'm sure look stable, ABC is going to be asking him all about these things. At all about these things. Yet coming up in just a second, I want to tell you a little bit what's good. What's coming next, first imitate a PAM. She found self in the position not being able to sleep well at night, because the pain Shoulder she only slept in shoulder the pain in her shoulder was oh bad. It radiated all way down to her arms and she couldn't sleep on her back. That's when she discovered relief factor. She was skeptical at first she had tried a bunch of other pain, relievers, first, none of them and help. So you decided to give this a try. The result she sleeping on her side again with little or no pain. Every single night relief factor read
uses the inflammation, a major source for pain, and it works for seventy percent of those who take it. If you want to drug free natural way, ease your pain, get your life back, go to relieffactor, dot com, that's relieffactor, dot, com order, it now relieffactor dot com, you're, listening to Glenn Beck.
I I wanna spend more time on this on tomorrow's program, but I I wanna passes by and now people are wondering you know. How does this work for the Democrats House is going to work with this and teach impeachment thing? Why do this, especially? Why do this to poor Joe well? First of all, the I don't think they actually care about Joe Biden, but they think that he can go around it and we'll see with with the press tomorrow on how they actually talked to Hunter Biden about all of this. I don't think they're going to actually go after him at all. In fact, Chuck Todd said this weekend. He won't tolerate any questions about the Hunter Biden because he thinks that he's fine, they didn't do anything wrong. So
I believe that this is just going to weaken trump, so much with an impending peachment. Now this impeachment, if you remember, if you were alive during Watergate, they had all the tables set out. All of the impeachment hearings were done in public. These are all being done in secrecy, so they can control what's leaked and what scene Watergate was in the open again, causing more trump for they. They believe that, even if this causes and backfires on them somewhat and Biden goes out, they believe that the Trump fatigue will be so high that Warren would be elected and what they're planning on doing? I think is the impeachment vote will go yes in the house, but it's going to happen sometime after the holidays in the spring, then it will go up to a vote for the Senate. If the fence- and it says we won't take it up- then the chain
The campaign of we need the house, the Senate and the White House, and they will make the case that they, the GOP, is completely corrupt. If they do a trial it will help on Trump fatigue and they will say because they will vote no, the Republicans they have to win the house, the Senate and the White House. This is they sent strategy program.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-15.