« The Glenn Beck Program

Trump’s Done With the Russia Hoax | Guest: Catherine Engelbrecht | 10/7/20

2020-10-07 | 🔗

A story from Politico reveals the fundamental misunderstanding of faith in America. Glenn discusses what he believes really created Antifa. Texas college student Grace Sambrano is being taught Marxist critical theory in class and Glenn breaks down how to counter its arguments. BlazeTV media critic Rob Eno lays out the science of why face masks are not as effective as the media insists. True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht returns to discuss Montana’s questionable voting reforms. DNI John Ratcliffe released more documents revealing how convoluted the Russia probe was and Trump authorized all such documents to be declassified. Disagreement in America has entered dangerous territory as both sides believe they’re saving the country.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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fix this and make this better. repair the mistakes of the past or scrap the whole thing and go for something entirely new: get rid of the free market. rid of much of our constitution and the car institutional protections and start governing as a big state which one New you want and which one will bring peace and prosperity and which one you'll bring real danger to those who disagree We begin therein. Sixty seconds is claimed back proudly our sponsor this half hour, his relief factor having frequent pain in your life, isn't that uncommon millions of people suffer from it every day and when that inflammation, it's your joints, whether it's from the regular
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not calm, call eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief factor dotcom tonight. Nobody cares about the VP debate, raising wrong in twenty twenty. The vizier debate has never been more high stakes. I always have a blank her breath these protests as necessary because will hear from the woman who really run the White House if Joe Biden whence I know that there are still happening everywhere, should take note of that they are not gonna let up and they should not radical commonly Harrison. This is my pants tonight. Nine pm eastern full of my analysis and break down from planet temper on plays tv welcome to Wednesday. The debate is tonight and I'm gonna be covering it and you can watch it if you're, not a member of blaze, TV make sure you become one
We need your support now more than ever, and we need to stick together. You can join us at blaze, tv dot, com, slash gland, blaze, tv, dotcom, Slash Glenn. If you use a promo code glad, you're gonna save ten percent, there's a stir we today in political that I think It says a lot on where we misunderstand each other I just want to read it to you during a recent videotape message: well, quarantine at the hospital president from said some of the therapeutic punic treatments in development are so promising that, frankly, there miracles people Chris eyes me when I say that Trump added, but things have been happening that looked like they are miracles, coming down from God: for criticism. It is true, many people who think trumps. Predictions of the pandemic are not entitled to much credibility, but there might not He a discernible controversy over Trump suggestion that a higher
power might be, it worked and the suffering from corona virus with his life of searching. Philosophical questions. Trump may have already pondered this. One is cream being is intervening to find a cure for the same force been involved in making people, including Trump himself sick in the first place after Oh man reaps what he so's it's the language of the Bible he had it coming is the language now of the dinner table the coffee shop in other places where people debate whether the universe is more fair or unfair. I want to stop here. because this is the fundamental misunderstanding of faith. Miracles are things that and be sometimes dismissed coincidence. miracle sometimes is just a change of perspective.
For instance, if you lie Could things as miraculous. It gives you more awe of the universe. It gives you more ah in your life. Just a coincidence is just a coincidence. But you remain more grateful if you like good things and say: wow. thank you for that put em Your call this is Ben and my best days, I, could even my trials as miracles. most days. No, but my best days. I look at trials as preparing me for something that is coming next. You look it God, and this is the fundamental misunderstanding I think, people start to say well, didn't he make make trump sick now
He didn't make term sick. He's inspiring people to always build, God is good. He inspires things. Sometimes man makes miracles because they are inspired. Cod is not a vengeful god he's not Punishing us for things he is Think of yourself, if you think the best, vice been asked this several times. What is the best ice. Anyone ever gave to you the best advice ever given to me was from my friend, Pat grey. He said to me just thirty days and look at God as your dad. Not your because your tad, look at him as a ultimate father. one that loves you and
life, will change. And patted sitting in front of me, and I don't think I've ever said this to you Pat, but that is the best advice I've ever received because it changed everything. because I suddenly understood how be a dad. I suddenly understood it's not so not punishments, even though we do we punish our children. It's not in the same way, we don't do. It green fact. If your punishing your children when you're angry, that is the worst thing you can do. and usually it's not a punishment that call by surprise. If you're, a good parent, you say, look is just the way the house works and we need to do this this in this now think of that as as universal principles. If you are
robbing lying stealing the unit this principle is, you are going to surround yourself with people. like that and it's not end well. Show me, your friends and I'll. Show you your future right. it's a universal concept, so it's it! It something that just flows? So if you God, as a as an adviser on the rapids of the river of life,. Ali saying is: don't go down donor, not don't don't go close to the rocks. That'll be bad one. that bad, because you're you're beer boat is going to hit those rocks may flip over, and you have a good chance of dying. Is the river punishing you foregoing so close to the rocks. Now the ox just are the river just is, eternal laws just happen. We are a nation that
is blessed by God. This is the This is the real point of this political article trumps p look speculation of God's role in earthly affairs has unkind. Fordable lived implications for why the United States is having one the most dramatic years in modern history, marked by endemic racial unrest wildfires amid a general climate of recrimination and despair- did we somehow have it coming? Yes, not because God is like get I'll watch. start a forest fire. the forest fires in California or a natural result of people building houses and getting closer and closer to the forest it is also a natural result of. People not burning the underbrush put
Every fire out that is start Naturally, we lightning strikes. That is natures way of clearing the underbrush and and enjoying the forest. Now, if you want big trees. That's great, but you have after then thin the underbrush their wise when it catches fire, it'll, burn. Everything down that's a punishment. That's because we were applying incorrect principles I or people who suffer. Ring now through unrest. Why is this happening? I'll? Tell you two reasons. One we have violated the constitution so many times we wouldn't even recognize it,
if we were really living the principles of the constitution, America would be a very different place. And you wouldn't have people being. bull to even make the claim that the state is somehow or another playing field Britain, spying on us, through Facebook or Google, that the CIA or an essay it would do. They would not be collecting all of the information you wouldn't have all of these foreign wars. but because we decide that we want something now We want to make sure that we get. what we want now we the problem of debt and despair,. we were applying the wrong principles. But there is another reason why? we have what we have, of going on right now in the streets, and I
It comes from something that I want to play for you. This is the as a speech by an Antigua ambassador, he threat the Portland City Council. Now this is two years ago. Two years ago,. I'm gonna play this and I'm gonna explain: why Do we have anti today? What Really going on there. Is that a punishment that just us forget to live certain principles that, we caused ourselves sixty seconds back without audio trespassing, robbery, breaking and entering? These are all things that we know, but in spite of cyberspace, now I can hear you scream
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dot com, slash back for fifty percent off act. Now, ten SEC station. I D, The political article continues and I want to come back to it, but I just want to show you one universal principle that I think is being violated now and not being punished by Antiphon. We have violated certain things that are absolutely true and it is produced members of and teeth or antiphon. I want you to listen to the anti fa ambassador. He standing in front of the Portland City Council, he's wearing a mask. This from twenty seventeen and I
should hear listened. Two, how sincere he is listen. my father and my testimony as much as you like as much as you like, because rights indignation, fills me with a fire comrades. I will tell you what Wheeler You think this is a path mask. Capital, my of labour? put into this protect myself into a violent and oppressive paramilitary organisations. Only thirst for blind capitalist, a treasure, a state is a tyrant. You are nothing to me, you are just Scott. This is not about censure is sure to let you know This is little Beirut. Male Wheeler, this city roses ass thorns their stay. behind me. There's people Get real dine with the street You are late seeds for an insurrection on the record just singer. It is not a threat, it is a fact and ETA.
Act. We are building towards certain that's gonna blow. Give yourself you pig. Ok, now let's just look at this dispassionately here for a second How can this kid who at the time, looks to be in his twenties for as much as I can tell And he's a white kid What do we know about? The members generally of Antigua, some of them Active ones they are white middle class. White Middle Class in Amerika is is the most fortunate group of people, ever to be born on the face of the earth at any time,
you were born in America and you were born. You were born even poorer in America, you are still the host black. A person on the face of the earth of all time it has never been better ever now. you can say that you're more blessed if you're rich, but I dont think It's true problems don't go away when you're rich ribs, your more comfortable, but your problem Firms can become even worse and all more psychotic. These are middle class, kids and kids have been middle class and upper class. These are not lower class. This is middle in upper, so the upper ass kids, they ve had everything middle class- kids, I've had almost everything
they don't have meaning in their life. There's nothing to work for, there is nothing to work at there is. There is oh, there were only things to buy or be like famous, I want to be famous. There is no meaning in our children's lives. There is no struggle, our children's lives, and everything that is being taken from us from tarp is the ability to fail and struggle because everybody is too big to fail, except for you, so the unfairness begins there, but because we don't have struggle are key They have lost, meaning. you know they say when you're, given something it's meaningless right, well,
kids have been given an education. They have been given a comfortable life, they have been given the things that they have in their life, in my generation I don't mean to sound like an old man, but boy I'm on that road. I wasn't given those things my grandparents and my pet since then looked at me as spoiled because of what they didn't have we are so many generations away from real hard work. We barely hold our kids to standards any more. In fact, we don't. Tell them standards anymore. We dont expected. We expect that dog they're gonna have sex anyway. You know they're gonna get into trouble. We
back that from them, and so what do we get? I wasn't expecting I kids were having a hard time struggling with homework yesterday, and I don't know how to parent my own kids when it comes to homework because its? dont doing it isn't an option What do I say I know I did it because I was afraid, mom and dad would kick my butt. So if I'm not gonna, kick my butts the pots of my children, How do I motivate them when there are like add I wanna do it? I don't know why I do it gotta, do it how's that one you gotta? Do it They see no value, things all of our kids and they are depressed. So what is it too far, give you this guy
actually believes that there is blood in the streets that this is violent, that it is in the Portland is Beirut. actually believes that why because it gives his life, meaning that's how screwed up we are, and it's all because we're not being punished we're violating certain principles. truth and true principles. Must be restored and their way they will be whether we like it or not- the glamour back programme, so we ve all been talking about rough greens for a while Now- and I have to tell you, you Know- was a very picky eater, and he would not gain weight and leave vat was you gotta get him to gain. We were, like we hand, feed the dog. It was.
such an awful chore. Last Christmas, we all had to take turns its your data feed the dog. All I'll do anything. Can I do the laundry instead because he would, if you moved, He would stop eating literally you'd have to freeze that you put the dog food in you'd. Put it but in your hand, in a kind of coax him towards the ball he'd start to eat sniffing than you look at you then he'd take a couple of and if you move, teach stop we finally found a supplement that we put on and it's called rough greens, he loved His food. beyond that he has changed as a dog over the last six months. He's not the same dog he's happy. He is he's seven or eight years. All these like three again rough greens, dotcom slash back, get it for your dog rough greens, dot com, slash back or call E3, three Glenn, thirty, three get Goin back Stephen!
Dave, reminded me tat that gray. Listen to all the conservative voices heard the blaze place tv dot, com, promo code, Glenn! This is the Glen Back programme grace Bruno is on with its high grace. How area you are a college student hearings in Texas. Yet I am ok what's happening in your life. Now I am, I am currently taking a class where we are learning about critical, fury and also critical race theory. Yeah, and I personally do not agree with either of them. and now stops up yeah. Why why that's what I was meeting held figuring out, so I grew up,
conservative home. I know that the free market is why America Finally, in the economic sense, TAT has grown to be the country that it is. However, I no quite ass. Well how to dispute the numbers that critical theorists bring when they talk again, capitalism taken you Jimmy any of those yeah sure I'm so one of the things that we talked about in my class is the Productivity verses compensation between the nineteen eighty two now the last The recorded on the grass tat he gave us was two thousand and ten. What he said is that Poverty has increased exponentially, while the dollar dollar has basically stayed the same, so the gap
in labour, productivity and compensation has been growing. An outdoor career families are more common and especially for me, it is of color. The gap is widening, am persisting and there has been much to address that Who is that that's a problem of what died presented in my class was presented as a problem because of the raise that you are. You have lack of a chance of becoming, so if you're. So, if you are, if you're, not white, that the theory here but he's going on, I guess very bluntly. Okay. So if you're not white, but can you explain, Asians
Asian were not mentioned. My yes, yes rise Asian do aches exceptionally well in America, and so do Indians the people from India yeah. They, very, very well, so it's usually better than whites yeah. It's not a it's! Not a function of race is a function generally of culture. It the the Asians, are not smarter than us. They come from a culture that respects. Hard work respects study. And education and the family works together to push hand too who educate and to hold responsible Indians are, from the same kind of culture. They come from a place where you cannot break your
break the system. You can't it's a caste system, so your poor you're always bore. They come here and they see the opportunity and they teach their children to study, and you can be anything and They do we You start to have a group of people, and whites are now included in this either feel entitled or the I can't do it because of acts wires, Z. The system fails for them, because that's what the system is. The Sis is a system of merit now in That being said there, an underlying problem with the way we're doing. Capitalism today that is its really a system of merit anymore. It is a hybrid between the free market and government and the collusion between giant corporations and the government.
That's why the constitution needs to be put back into its place, and government needs get away from companies and companies need to get away from the government. If you have ultimate amounts of money always remember this month. doesn't talk it screams and, if your Google and you have an unlimited well of money. You, Do any thing in this world with money you. can buy anything with money, so it is a car Opting factor That's why? If you will ask Europe, professor about the wealth of nations and asked came about the predecessor of that which is called moral sentiments both by Adam Smith, both
These are the bed raw. of capitalism, if you understand the way of nations. How nations become wealthy? How people become wealthy with the free market, you, oh, the understand half of it, and this is the problem with our society It shows you that if you give people what they need or what they want. You can make money, but the first book is called. I just said it would called the first book enormous and moral sentiments, moral sentiments says, Yes, it is it will create an invisible hand. that invisible hand of the market will show the society to death. If- not a moral society because If the society once drugs- and pornography
fame and and dirt it will produce that if people don't have a moral compass, they'll just start producing everything the market wants, so once these society goes bad, the free market? those bad so problem with our society. Now is not the framework the free market? Just is it's a reflection of who you are? when we start to, as people start to Spect traditional values, we start to respect people. We start The respect that you know that you didn't, need a cap on ceo salaries in the past because see egos What about ashamed of themselves? They would have been ashamed of themselves and society would have said. That's grotesque now society doesn't say that, because we're about money get it when you can.
Is it an amazing too, that these professors always compare capitalism at its very worst to you, Hope IA Ash is never happen, which is never happened right and but it will happen this time under socialism, communism because we'll do it better. The problem with socialism and communism is that it is always appeals. To the same thing in man. What makes The free market, not work is Man doesn't have something bigger than himself to answer to the. If that big then than yourself is government v. really dirty wicked people will go into government because then they effectively become God they met the rules and they make the rules for themselves and their friends and
it's no longer a system that is blind. they wheeled all of the power and that's why all ways people suffer the average person suffers, but the bus driver Of Venezuela, who has nothing all of a sudden becomes a billionaire when he's in charge I dont know if that has helped you sure it's not really critical theory or critical rum. The theory is your is your professor. Somebody who is preaching this is fat or is teaching both sides AIDS and getting you to think so he dies my assignment is too. Tell him why I agree or disagree with White he. Has brought up I'm. So he does give us the opera
Kennedy to bring up a different side of opposing critical theory. However, in his lectures. On put it this way, he has not brought up Opposing side too critical theory, it's just then. This is why the disparity that happening in our nation- and this is what critical theorists argue- are you Are you afraid to disagree? necessarily afraid. But if I do disagree, I want to do it well, I want to do it back IA factually row. First thing are you: where do you live where you live anywhere near Dallas, where I do yeah? Ok, I too, What if I'm gonna put you on hold? If you could come over to my studio, I will leave one of my books out for you, the the the thing that really has a lot of the answers that you probably facing is in
my book arguing with socialists. It was really I wrote it. What a year ago came out eight months ago. And it is so timely and will give you all of the facts you need with the footnotes? So don't take it from my book, go to the footnotes and find the original studies, but we made it just for people like you, the other thing, I'd like to spend some time is. I think a lot of people have this question. Could I get you to come on tomorrow. I want to bring the guy who did all the research for the book and helped her right. The book I want to bring him on end at some real answers because I think other people are struggling with this. Could I get you? gone to Morrow, yes absolutely not, me, let me just say this: I am, I am so glad to hear that you say you are not afraid two to fail.
In his class and be ostracised in his class. I was talking to them Prager the other day, and he said one of the things that people do understand? They all say you know I just do whatever you have to do to get the grade. Well, you're, paying for that education. There are paying you you're paying for that education and if you're afraid to speak out when you are the consumer. When you, or the one that's paying for all of it, You will never speak out when the paying you to work it will. We and you morally. It will weaken, you speak virtually in every way possible. If you are now I'm willing to speak out when you twenty, You're paying them
you will never do it in life. So don't miss the opportunity to speak length in your spine, but just do it. Peacefully and intelligently, which is exactly what it sounds like you're doing? Fine, thank you. Thank you All right, we'll talk to you tomorrow, hang on we'll get some information that both to you today, somewhere in America, every twenty three seconds or so someone breaks into a house in commits a burglary just happened a few seconds ago. It's gonna happen again in a few seconds, and not tip the burglars off, but only about one in five houses has homes, security, but you'd seems kind of like a low number from retaining salespeople too complicated installation from bad contracts to giant monthly fees, homesick it can be a real hassle to have to deal with so what's vitally important to your home. What you can do about it, while that
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I too is the President vice presidential debate, but it it might be, President Harris, you know what it means actually be president as well and not become he's old, but because, if the sectoral college deadlocks thee Senate to vote. HU, the president is and it can't be. I don't think it can be one of the two right. I think it has to to one of the vice president's. I care There is really it's old timey. It's never happened before right, but its twenty twenty twenty twenty. Why doesn't go to the speaker of the house? my go now be I'm talking of its deadlocked. Everything is deadlocked k, then it. goes to the Senate. Pants would be if it's fifty four depends could be the deciding vote. Nanny,
become President Pence yeah. But Nancy policy is already preparing people to vote in the house. the President, because she thinks there's a good possibility that they decide hasn't been done since eighteen, seventy six, I think and that is the same strategy that was used by the Democrats to stop reconstruction. to be able to get all the Jim Crow laws through. That's what they do. In eighteen, sixty seven and it's exactly the same strategy according to them but they're using this time there try to screw up all of the voting rules. That's what they did in eighteen, sixty seven and make every put everything in question then, it's so screwed up that you can actually get of a real answer. Then have to go to the house and they get a pick. The president and
even if it goes Their way they negotiate for things like Jim Crow laws, Can you get any better than that? of again, just so. You know right now, and I tell you something: I have a feeling it and can get AIDS or, as you said, Candide can can get. Even you know, I'm not one that you know could foresee in the short term. you know firing squad for people who disagree. I think could be thereby spring it here illegally. we could mean thereby spring be that find twenty twenty one. Yes twice. This is just the frequent Glenn hey everybody knows pay pal, but Jude all that they were teaming up with honey. To save you money,
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in light of that programme? Man? We pulled out all the stops for this debate tonight. Nobody's gonna get sick, nobody, Plexiglas mother, there not put plexiglas between done. Yes, what happens? Is the virus lambs against the plexiglas end, just rice, black sea and right there at its just there and die it's all over it? Can't you know it's like seven feet over seven feet. Have you ever seen corona virus with climbing chooser? Knowing I don't know, I haven't, goes right to the floor. Plexiglas? Why won't you sit down in a restaurant? You can't get infected because you
your mask off at the restaurant out over your head, no Governor Newsome has come out with a new who, and I am not making it is us rates- he's, come up with a new solution. He said when you're going out to eat, you may lift the mask to put the food in your mouth, but then cover your mouth immediately between by yes, I'm gonna. Do that I'm are you? Are you going to do I mean doing event removing it, I mean that's what I meant dry. These people are saying that they are absolutely insane are at all. What about a MAC r p, is not the only choice, you have in fact a therapy. Is they suck? Let us be frank. Humorist, if we stuff we were doing with healthcare,
Monsieur and we found that a therapy was selling their people out ye up. I mean it was astounding. They are one of the driving forces of Obamacare yeah and we figured out your remember all the details now where we figured out why? Because they were getting kinds of me, ass, kickbacks and everything else. It was sick. It was lay sick anyway, MAC was started around that time because the DEN Weber, was a guy who belong to a European that saw what they were doing like holy cow, then try to find something that was just good night. He couldn't so. We started a MAC and it is better than a therapy. You're gonna get all the stuff they usually get. All the car insurance in the hotels in roadside assistance in dental plans, even cell phone service options that you might not otherwise have
you can get all that, but they also are on the front lines fighting for the things in standing up for your God, given freedoms like speech and the right to bear arms the these people are doing your bidding stay. with AIM Act as a fight. The good fight becoming a member today, benefits are great. The cause is even greater joint.
we have to stand together, a may see dot. U S, slash back! That's a may see. Not? U S, slash back aim at better for you better for America tonight. Nobody cares about the VP debate, raising wrong in twenty twenty. The vizier bait has never been more high stakes. I always pointed her bread, these protests of necessary because will hear from the woman who really run the White House if Joe Biden whence I know that there are still happening, everyone should take them out of their not gonna. Let us- and they should not radical commonly Harris. This is my pants tonight, nine pm eastern full of my analysis and break down from when attempts on plays tv town claims that the plexiglas isn't gonna? Do anything pad
Lex, glass and work better for India and inevitable yeah. Do you remember the coroner silence? Yes, that was plexiglas yeah and wound could get out. No, you I mean they are in. No viruses can get over it right now, my pants safe when they you know if ve eat minded under any said. I minded just stupid, goes it doesn't glowing failings and unless you enclose each of them in it with separate air conditioning unity are then maybe you got somethin wrong there, but I dont think they're doing that too. I am going for the diving bell. Everybody should be in the dining room like Fine, you want everybody around with diving, Mikey, just cut the air and the little ok, ok, media they're, saying now that this is. I think this is a Commodity Harris request that they
have this: there also thirteen feet away, which Pino Wilson the larger droplets that people expel when they Tobin not the smart and not this smaller droplets. Thirteen feet, as we all know those Blueskin go as far as sixteen feet indoors and what, if both of them start singing? Why then all bets are off. Well, they council saying you know we shall overcome, but if they sing any religious him, then then struggle, it's all very of bodies be very dangerous. Very data drenched in droplet, so are our media expert, Rob Ino was on last night, the news and why it matters, and we were sitting talking off the air and You are what Does your training actually in rob the chemical engineering degree. I went to the University of Massachusetts and that low away back in there that the early
Ninety sir, which I can remember but yeah well lead to bed degreaser paid off. Were you with this? so we were talking about the masks etc off the air. Can you just go through this because you, your hocker, a camera engineer so you do you do have mean: the place to actually talk about. This pull it out of your buyer like them with all the rest of us talk can talk about just the gaiters well Not what is, as you know, the aerosol. The CDC said yesterday that aerosol civilized droplets, with Computer virus in them are one of the major transmission points in what an heiress, always it's just a suspension of water droplets in a gas or liquid into gas So in this case, water in the air in their sole and wider coins could pick them up
and gaiters what the gaiters duty duty Firstly, a study on clock, masks and gaiters. Particularly are made of mostly of a Polly in elder, thereby polyester. with like body in they are so sharp that they actually slice droplets. As they're coming out of your chest, it no. Seventy five and eighty miles an hour in two you're actually increasing the bible load by wearing my job in the air. What do you think that allow man wearing a data is worth and worse than wearing? No mass? Ok, I guess, I'm wearing a mask. Tell me about the Basques, one o clock bass immediately. If you can see two o clock, that's good! That's the smallest that he must. I human gee from all the research that is about a hundred like I've tried, though, if you d be color virus particles, your car produces something between the area. Point four then microns. Now you, I didn't
need the chemical engineering degree to know that if something is trend microns that it can get through something, that's all My problem is that we all find a knows that, and especially when you're you're, putting a measure Grady it on a great so especially when your coughing Any pressure behind them. Ass is higher than the pressure of the Basque. Yes masked stop spit in. If the primary primary twins mission route of proud of it was you spitting on somebody, then shorten Matthew You gotta help me right by laying down that. It's not they're, saying that it's you know, the cutting it through? So yes, so in a stay of doors, you know don't being a big room with a hundred and fifty people were to other people. You know expel a lot of air in I am not aware of what you mean: don't spell a lot of air. What do you know that guy, I think they ve got? Some
with the singing in the things like that, because your expelling more air, when you, your singing or or something like that, if you're at a small, enclosed area with a bunch of people doing it, you increase the risk of ours, but that's not because they're gonna sing and spit on you. That's because they're gonna sing another create more. These droplets right, even create one Right and even if you're wearing a mask, that's happening, Why do you, even if you wearing a mass you're gonna, be really remember that the mass not for you Glen or decide for me? It's for you, it's for me right that that that's what they call oh yeah, that's what they tell us than the mask, isn't for the person wearing it. It's for the other person to stop the spill from down on them, which means that need all lays down that the virus can go through a mass both ways What did you hear? What gave a new some did yesterday He said yes said if you were going to a restaurant, you must wear your mask in between bites. Why
and the graphic did he put on Twitter to talk about it. Said. The EU must minimize the time middle, the number of times you put out and take ass. You said your maximizing the right right, like the actual word was maximize, but they used the word minimize. Could they have no clue what to do it? It's just than throwing set up. It would take the mass on and off, while eating his soup. because what you're doing is your taking the mask on and off your touching Europe, particularly possibly come out of it Paris because remember the mask is not for you it's for somebody else. Corona virus, and I reject telling you touching the mask on your hands going on the glass in him. Might you know you said yesterday? I saw me moved on the internet. That said, you know, I'm so happy that the grocery store has upset glass between me and me, in the cashier debts, touching
We single item that I bought. so our plexiglas Do you feel so much more comfortable that, Neither candidate will be exposed at thirteen feet away with a about eight foot plexiglas barrier between them. No, I'm not because, as was shown because you know you need to wear a mask as your walking to your seat at the restaurant, the corona viruses apparently only good ages below five foot tooth. Right and thereby to go in, there was going to be seated so Don T restaurant rules- I mean they have to wear their mass. Can they should have that plexiglas barrier when they walk out, but once they see once their seated their cool their cultures under five foot Keaton
and I get her out apparently that Russia exactly right exactly wrecking. Does that good? Does the of the barrier do anything as a chemical engineer does Do anything in building the duties it sought to special, but it's not gonna. Stop the virus from being heiress ally's been depending on the depending on me. You know better patient system in place if its inadequately, ventilated and theirs, Pushing it around again. Go right up in over you'll be does actually let that that's like saying. I will keep my house cold with debate with the big window or screen door open and I'm going to put five and a half foot plexiglas up. Yeah you can get around you're gonna cut it yeah. That's a great analogy: oh my gosh right. Thank you! So much Robbie, you know from the blaze he's IRA he's
our media watcher in reporter, and this straight Jeez aid aid really doesn't reflect anything that brine Spelter ever ha is concerned about which is strange, one of them seems to be very run by the way. Did you see that, while we're there that Don Lemon said yesterday that we'll just have to vote for Joe Biden, because their sick of us talking about Donald Trump, every single night. yeah? You know you have half of that right, yeah! You have half of that right don. So don't talk about him everything, all I want a concept that I have heard from so many people when I put that tweet out yesterday about you know, two days ago where he said you know, I can't be the only person that didn't vote for him in twenty sixteen and swore. I never would and now I
I find myself in the law past few weeks, strangely, just like really liking him It is like that. It's like I don't know, what's happened, but I find myself really really whole hiking. Guess I can't explain it it part of it is CNN, has driven us into his arm. I think that's. Ninety percent of it yeah it's eleven. A lot he's not really good things. He's done great thought. The media has driven us to him and that's what I'm seeing in the tweets back so many people said I definitely hold forum. I voted for. You know some of them say I voted for Hilary. I voted Democrat. My whole life. Voting for him now, because I watched how the media was treating him, and I thought that can't be. It can't be like that answer, doing their own homework and went? Oh, my gosh, I think media. when he wins media no,
that he will have you to thank is not that of That will make me feel so good sleep well, sleep, L night night, Anderson Cooper sleep well done lemon rector. just outside my american financing, american financing, and then we ll want a tooth misery for one W W W that animal s Barrymore access not or yes, right there, Merrick and financing the voice of God. If God worry dumpy. So the five year old man,
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american financing can save you. Hundreds of dollars time is now. Your future is awaiting you call. All american financing at eight hundred nine zero six twenty four forty eight huh, nine zero, six, twenty four forty or go to american financing dot net ten second station, I D, so? Did you see that the Department of Homeland Security and the citizenship and immigration services, public the policy alert they are banning members of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party from getting in immigrant visa.
in general, unless otherwise exempt any intending immigrant, who is also a member or affiliate of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party or subdivision or affiliate domestic or foreign is animism or to the United States you know you kind of wonder why that wasn't happen in all it in a free and open. You know it. Did you remember when it was, was two thousand eight when the California Teachers Union, so Oh you know what we're gonna take that Communist party thing away. If you ve ever worked for the We're throw of the United States, or you ve ever been a member of the Communist Party. You couldn't be in the teachers union. That was too hard to harsh too harsh I mean ouch should allow some communists, and some are I India in autumn, obviously
been some traders to the comfort. You know a few, I think, I think, or at least some immigrants that will come in and undermine us. Yes, you know I think we should have something to work against right shouldn't. We should we have, the worry about in this country, Don't we already know right not enough stuff Did you see the number one thing. That is concerning voters. What would you say it? Is Europe It is going to be based on one thing. What would you say it is I now would say it's the unrest, yellow, the economy. I would say it: it might first responses death of the republic. However, the second one was just like you, economy average people. not watching the news like we watch the news and they're not up on everything like you are. And the apple
person is saying the economy. This is really the reason why they have kept this corona virus thing at bay. If you look the studies now between red states and blue states. The state, that have the oppressive measures of keeping all everything closed therein, These are not recovering, just not recovering. If you look at the the red states where the Republicans are in charge and didn't. Draconian laws or lifted those quickly. Those states, our doing really really well is exactly why they didn't want people to lift the restrictions, because the economy is tank to win win November rules around they know they ve got a much better chance to win. So do you think the average person thinks that knows that.
I mean I don't know how rumbling are missing this year, but I I mean I don't either. Do you trust yourself with the american people anymore?. I used to feel like I can understand the american people I'll, I don't I don't I. no idea what people are gonna do this could be a landslide for Donald Trump. Donald Trump could also lose thinking a landslide. Do you think so yeah I'm well. If you look at the polls, sixteen, I don't buy the polls that only united by the Poles not really, I mean end. The poles could be absolutely right, yeah, but that's the thing who knows yeah, but it also very easily could be just fine bull trying to discourage trumps supporters. Yes, I dont think I mean
I don't think they understand from support. They think they're, gonna, discouraging the guy's, not gonna happen. It's really not gonna happen, however, the throwing out of ballots, jumping them in ditches the poem office just losing them, we don't know how it happened. That continues. We're gonna talk about the vote what's going on all around the country. Next, if the glamour back programme wrecked tech, We have our attack at the house and it is rate every time I see in my mouth starts to water. I'm gee that's what happens to my begin portion of my family when they see somebody moving their yard alike.
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tonight use a special protocol Glenn debates for what are you dollars off if you're, not a member, yet Rotch tonight for free at Youtube, Slash Blaze, TV, This is the Glen Back programme. the choice in front of us is very very clear when it comes to the economy. Who do you trust the the guy who, during twenty sixteen said the the economy, cannot get better than what it was in twenty. Sixteen that the Obama administration had done absolutely everything and That was as good as it was ever gonna get or the guy, who said no to create a bunch of jobs and did, on debt.
trouble is not good on debt. Really not good. On debt have you seen the stimulus package from see policy Nancy Pelosi wanted to spend another trillion dollars, but most of it, go to The media winter special special gifts here and there Donald Trump said. If you want to hear are the money and cut all a book. About and have the money go to the people we can talk. Let's do it they don't want to do that They have spending out the was zoo. Catherine angle Breck is with the true the vote project she's, the founder in the president, She is watching this election and watching all of the different things that are going on, and this is really confusing to a lot of people. This is not the Republicans that are doing these things, this
all the Democratic Party that is try to change the laws and changed the rules of this election in state after state? They say they're, doing it for covert, because people are afraid to go out and vote. I echo President, if you want your vote to count, go out, and vote, we want talk about a couple of states here today, she's gonna, just gonna bring us up to speed on where thing are changing, because even if you're in the state, you may not know what's really going on hello, Catherine. How are you right, Grand thanked her out on me, you bet okay. So, let's, let's talk today about Montana. Yes, well Montana. A few weeks ago, the governor who interesting these also running percent. It decided Just unilaterally to allow all counties to make their own decisions and an male unsolicited male ballots out to voters
setting in motion and absolutely unconstitutional system across the state, and so we soon This is important because now we about had an opportunity to present this to the Supreme Court and the bigger context here. Is this What we are showing about in the governors, secretaries of state activist court case, just change election laws? That is its not constitutional, and so what we are asking the Supreme Court is too a national standard, where I will attempt to get the other day, as I said, the other, but ninety lawsuits and after we talk that way back when we started looking going. There have been almost three hundred and fifty election related lawsuits, and that doesn't include the fact that I surrounding this whole fog of covert and the changing of laws soaring
Fifty so hang on, I want to go back to two what they did in Montana. You say election laws, it can't just be changed, but the state can change the the actions are not national elections, they are state elections. So why do you say that the state just can't change those laws? Great question, because there are they a state constitution, there's a constitutional process, and so the? U S constitution, says that state election laws and procedures- it must be adopted by the legislature, not mine, governor, not by our port and so bad. I mean absent lately, every state should run their elections, however, where they want to it just has to be constitutional. I want seeing now is random changes
Now we're gonna be all male now we're not gonna, thereby signatures. Now you can just email us for about it. It's it's out of control and that's. Why is it that the government of the president's continued refrain, We are a country of wool. We are a country of law matters. The car the tuition matters and we have to uphold best now more than ever before. Okay, so years three hundred and fifty lawsuits, one of the law suits you you filed of four montana we're gonna know whether the Supreme Court is gonna pick this up within forty eight hours right that scratch crack Any idea of which way this is gonna, go that gonna pick or not well We hope that what this, but what the court will
That is what we are asking we're, not we're not saying hey. This is gonna, cost broad and were saying it's not constitutional. They can't do and so many of the other law suits and and fear that have been pushed in all stakes in many states across country, the its nobody stopping them, because it's happening with such abandon and in such force. It's it's. It's orchestrated chaos and theirs. we have to get a handle on this and show our hope is to decreasing an argument that allows the court does Ok, everybody time out came out is constitutional. Did the legislature approved this because there are some states left the states where the legislator, you're a it. And then you know that's it. That's the horse of the different colored at the different matter. How many
of these states- are doing it the right way. I mean, isn't it Go ahead had come into right. We are the right way. As you know, I mean relative by TAT. I mean you know, soon in the battle. For example, when the Secretary of State initiated a similar sort of sea out, saying: ok, everybody can vote by mail, and am we soon, but over over the months that it took to advance that lawsuit may ultimately brought the legislature, back in the special session and loaded we adopt these new standards now. Do we like it? No, but is it constitutional? Yes, in that instance, yes, and in some states what're, you know, Leftist up and down there they're changing their laws and its constitutional, so if, if the Supreme Court overturns this in Montana, will it affects others, do
It's me. You know that are these big important swing states? Yes, if the Now I am no attorney, but but my understanding and and unfortunately our attorney Jim Bob- is the architect the Bush legal argument. He hears the attorney, who argued this before the Supreme Court in two thousand and nine Well, what the ramoth, patients are here, this is eight. This is a historic lawsuit because it allows for a framing and a new standard to be set to say we're, not gonna, hear any cases if they at minimum don't meet the constitutional standard and that will show the clear awarded this fog, that is suffocating our elections one more thing. Last time we spoke, you told us about Mark Elias
he's a democratic lawyer. He has his four pillars, initiative and the two of them, don't look like there a problem, two of them look like a real problem. I want you to go over these four pillars with me and tell me what it is. He claims that he has been successful now with these four pillars in Florida, Georgia, Iowa And currently under challenge in Michigan, he says pillar number one postage- must be free or pre paid by the government. Number two ballots postmarked on or before election day must count, though, to seem reasonable right. Ok, three signature. Matching laws need to be reformed to perfect, protect voters.
for community organisations, should be permitted to help collect and deliver voted and sealed ballots, not on your life right right, that's red, boat, harvesters! Yes, so tell out of its initial. in states now that are reprocessing contact tracers as vote harvesters. Water, contract, racers, contact tracers for coded so stay on vacation. My yeah yeah yeah. Oh Mamma mark a lot mark Elias is, is the conductor all of this intentional Your fault engineered effort to take down our election I have to tell you, I don't know if you would agree with this, but I bet you will in in time If the republic is taken.
because I think this is a hostile takeover. This is a. This is a a coup that Most people could go through and they wouldn't even understand it until late too late. think this is going to be remembered as alma beautiful in its execution. It is so well planned and so well thought out and executed ya mean it's it's amazing. it's amazing what they ve done. Would you agree with? I am Lastly, agree: absolutely agreed many of the same groups that previous to coded were suing stage. Prevent them from cleaning there about arose, prevent. I'm from getting accurate standards around voter registration. Those who now the same groups that are pushing these four pillars were vote harbouring and dont compare signatures. It is, it is brewing, brilliant. They really is in its immersion.
I mean it. I mean it's evil its evil, but it's brilliant in Pennsylvania. This from API in Pennsylvania officials told counties they are not allowed to reject a ballot solely because an election official believes the signature doesn't match in one of the voters files. If, if you, can't say this signature doesn't match, then why good, is signing it right. I wish you hadn't. I wish you had. I wish you had some like I know, and that those gonna be beaten because we're close to being that by it by it. Now I could get say yeah and in that sense the mind is not the only state that this is where we are, and it's why it is so important for citizens to now. Did involve serve if you're gonna give you We're going to vote by male take a picture of every piece of paper that is sent
You both before you about it and after you about it with your signature. Just so you have it just stood there, some article that that that you can refer back to it, you need it didn't you go back and say I want to see my ballot. after the elections, the her here again, every state is different. Certain states do not allow citizens to look at these at that the application any ballot ever certain states like in Texas. Interestingly, you have to wait twenty two months before can see, for example, the ballot the signature on the back of an absence about request, for you have to wait twenty two months. Interestingly, that's also the same threat, all four document retrieval, but that the counties have so. In other words, you can requested in twenty two months
they can also he could be get. It could be four years before could see it It would be two years before you can see it, but it's the same amount of time that that they are required to make pain the documents? So if you dont time at General right guy vacant by getting rid of avoid them, you can get rid where I got rid of it. gosh. It is it such granular granular process in the end, you know it's one and lost in process and in detail. And that is why we as citizens have got to get back on the field and serve and see this eyes open, bear witness to what is happening,
Catherine. Thank you so much for what you're doing and we'll talk to again I'd like to have you on every day talking about different states in what's going on costs, people need to know and be prepared, for what is coming. Thank you so much. Thank you come back you back, hey, here's something new to worry about synthetic identity fraud at sounds rate, Domo Aragon, Mr Rubato. What the hell is synthetic EV identity, fraud, it means you take real personal identifiable information, social security numbers, and then you combine it with a fake name and address, and you open bank accounts or you get credit or you, you know, get health insurance, wow, ok, good, I'm I'm looking forward to twenty twenty one years.
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Mr Glinda Programme, the Mccluskey have been indicted. Those are the people that protected their home with guns, it's it's absolutely unbelief and they have a they have the castle doctrine in Missouri. I don't even understand how that's happening. I propose a possible Democratic social is yes, marxists revolutionaries taking over our system, meaning to listen to the show. I mean it's, it is sick. What's going on it's sick, what's going on, it is, and, and- and everybody should know- I mean any responsible gun owner knows. If you shoot somebody or pull a gun on somebody, you are going to be around oh yeah you're going to be arrested and even shoot Maiden fire their weapons then still indicted your your life is gonna, be hell for about a year, and depending on who's in charge.
formulates the governor says he has their back. If, if it comes to that, if their, if, if there actually convicted, he said he'll. To argue. That should not have to be happen. They should not. How are you going to convict them? Doing what for walking outside and saying get off my property, I'm fear for our lives, amazing, that is, insanity absent. Insanity are at work take some of your phone calls. We also have an update of really important update, Donald Trump. as declassified all of the documents looking into the Hillary Clinton email scandal, the entire impeachment scandal We are going to be seeing some amazing things in the next few days and he didn't do it for the reason everyone is saying he did it I'll explain. Coming up the Glen back proudly, first
if you're trying to buy or sell a house, it's hard to find a real estate agent. no. No, my son he's doing that part time. Work said: Wendy's you! He works. The thick shake machine. You're not needs and that's real milk millionaire. He knows that and he also does real say part time. No, don't get tat! Guy where's rustic, frosty semi, we been friends for our long mean you're, not gonna higher my sign to sell your our served. You know work on your biggest investment to your life. No, I'm really not here's. What I would like you to do is go to real estate agents. I trust Dotcom find the right real estate agent, the one with the right track record reality can make frosty. No, they probably can't but they'll get you into the right house, real estate agents. I trust Dotcom, that's real estate agents! I trust dotcom J, when is joining us here in just a few minutes on the on the air. Donald Trump
last night decline sulfide or of the documents related to. The Russia Gate, we're about to see some pretty amazing things. Also, the deal J is holding a press conference on the matter of national security once that all about coming up with your about here is the fusion
in light of this programme. I am hearing all kinds of people saying that this was the October surprise. and the media is not gonna cover because it was an October surprise. I'm here to tell you that is not what the president did last night. That's the attack October surprise. I would bet my life this is the President's saying enough, is enough And doing what he did last night, Splain next is the Glen Back programme. Jimmy Jimmy sixty seconds here. Just to tell you about a MAC, a Europe, is not the only choice. You have definitely not the best choice. If
if you are at the point in your life, where you're thinking out you know where I live, worked my whole life. I want to get some of these discounts and car insurance in hotels and roadside assistance in dental plans, and And even sell service. But you know you can't get when you're when you're, not a season. Citizen yeah, I earned every bit of this white hair Don't go to a therapy go to a MAC. A MAC is was started by a former member of a air p. That was like what are you doing? You're Sabbath? watching her country they started it. I don't even know and Dan started, maybe fifteen years ago they are a force now on Capitol Hill and every time somebody else joins. They become a bigger forced to reckon with and they are standing up for our freedoms and our constitution, the right to speech the right of bear arms. We need people, we need people in our corner, so the benefits agree.
It put the cause, is even greater stand with. It bull that are standing for you, a MAC, a see dot. U S, slash back a our p get out of it. Get away from them aim at god, you s, slash back. So Jason Buttering, is with us and he has an update. really everything that we have been following for the last year, a year and a half on the impeachment and what was happening over in Ukraine and something that really started in July of twenty. Sixteen with We now know Hillary Clinton and later involved the White House, President Obama and Joe Biden last night. The president
declassified. All of these documents. Tell me about the documents that are coming our way so that so we got last week was just kind of a hint of what we are now seeing today, which gun no press was huge news. Huge So let us of that was just a kind of you know. An announcement that that that somehow there that the? U S, government intelligence agencies knew from the russian intelligence that arm Hillary Clinton was financing, was launching this entire operation to go out Donald Trump to discredit not not to prove anything but two intentionally, discredit by me, King people believe Russia was trying to help him win the election. So we now know that to be true
that they knew in advance that she was doing that from Russian Intel, and not only not only that, but in not only does to discredit him, but the emu had come out in that speech, typically stated as a reason they wanted to divert attention away from her emails? They didn't want anyone looking at that, so they wanted to pin everything on collude. Between the Russians and and Donald Trump. I mean absolutely insane Now we have everything that they accuse Donald Trump of doing We now have the evidence the hard evidence in their own handwriting. this was going on with Hillary Clinton. They got no news, but there something else that was released last week. and that is the eye entity of the environment, The informed the deep throat that the steel dossier was was all based on yet
at source which weave we voted for a while back. That gives us a drunken guy. They would get with his boys. You know unjust basis. A crass, think things it was based on that we did not know until again last week, but this guy there's. I don't think you could call anything else, but a russian spy. Russians, actually, he actually had been marked. and, I think, kicked out of the country because he was, he was recruiting people that worked at the White House, he would say: hey you know of your really want a job us. We sure you, some people in the White House HEAT they F B. I caught him brooding people in the Obama White House not saying that they took him up on it, but caught him recruiting people for the White House. So he an enemy of our nation
He said in so many words this might be direct quote. It might be lost, but there's if you ever get into one those positions, there is money to be made there right now is he's working with the Russians to get people to spy on us. That's the guy, who was drawing in the bar and said ale areas areas, steel, theirs what you need this is it complete set up by Russia and the F B, I knew it they knew he was the source, so they accuse Donald Trump of working with the Russians. The Hillary Clinton campaign was working with the Russians on this route. Steel, with this guy right knowingly, everyone knew it every It's not like. I was duped
everyone knew it just this by William got into the most recent that was last week that we can you imagine like what is the situation? We reverse. Can you imagine what matter would be doing her head would be exploding, oh yeah, on this. This is nothing because this is the smoking gun. This is what they were looking for on Donald Trump, but they knew they would never find, because they knew it was a Hillary Clinton operation I want to say well over how their attacking, how the left and how members of the deep state are attacking this park, as I think it's really invoking aren't so the way their attacking it is in that memo there was released last week. They said that this information, the information regarding Hillary Clinton, was directing this. this operation, they The reason is that it's it's gonna destroy. Carolyn rely on. It is because there's a paragraph in there that says I'm some along the lines of we can't verify. If this is completely accurate, we can verify if what the Russians thought isn't a fabrication. Yadda yadda right, however, isn't it
didn't that happen, the first time happen in like July of twenty? Sixteen, they came back in September and said we have it. You need to follow this right. So yeah and that you also just the way and intelligence circles how this works? You're, not briefing the president on a rumour you're not being the president on something that could be a quote fabrication or could be misinformation you're, not briefing the president on that it will not have you'll get fired and you'll get ostracised you'll, never be back and entails. So you know Jason was former Intel for military threat. He knows the rules. So this is not this information. You don't take this information, every intelligent person, others you don't take this information and spread it wishes, what you would have done, that's the reason why he would not have breathed the present and in the oval office, so if they say this, it is it's not, and I am sure the DNA probably going to address this somewhat soon. I think he's signal that he's going to so what
he got was probably an essay intercept would be my guess what they got Some kind of intercept, saying that look, this But the Russians see this is what they ve collected, and this is what their preparing for, because the they're gonna have to defend themselves on this. Obviously, so you're going to see that come up a lot, but we now no, that's not just a partisan release we ve now seen- and this is the new one, John Brennan's personal notes in the oval office. Where he's talking about this very specifically, they pay this information to Obama, its To me, like a warning like look, this information is out there. We cannot let this go forward. Why? Because I personally think that the Obama administration what they were there behind this from day one there willing we ve, already got this paper trail from July. Twenty sixteen weedin. We also know from more handwritten notes from January twenty seventeen that hey
you didn't, find anything very lovely investigation and they were they intentionally Biden. intentionally found a way to prop up. Charges and and continue this investigation and this lie ripe. The Logan, Yes, where yet so there was closed. The about Mr Obama personally himself said no you're, not gonna close. This not direct quote in so many words continue. Keep this going they were behind it from day. One other members will monitor in that in that, in those handwritten notes, you see some other people that are that are involved. He mentioned Susan Rice, wheat. talking about her forever she's been all she's, also the one that sent that cover up email, the date that trunk was inaugurated. Saint member, that we wouldn't we did all this by the book. All of their fingerprints are all over every little piece of this, so So you know this is why Donald Trump as to be stopped.
Another Republican would not have said. You know what I'm just I'm just gonna go must not out of ISIS and then we're going home. He wouldn't Wouldn't do the things that Donald Trump has done here, would not have moved the embassy he wouldn't. He don't do relations as as Trump has done with NATO, he is a Donald, tromp, is a loose cannon in. their China shop and they don't want him in there they. want when, when I talk about deep state, it's not some star chamber, it's all unelected federal officials that don't care who the president is thereon, their own path and the president that he has to do x, Y and Z and well turn isn't the guy to do that and This is why, because
Not only do you have that class, which is the majority of them People when I say deep state that our don't care what the election says they're moving forward. All with me. Probably good intent. Venue have another level that is a star chamber kind of group, and we now know. Never Never thought this would get to the level of the oval office boy in their own handwriting This went all the way to President Obama and because the press- never here them responsible for anything. They thought they could get away with it and frankly, they would have it Laurie Clinton Wasn'T- is crazy and his dirty ass. She was, and if they do You have so much to hide and the third piece you:
add somebody that was a regular politician that just would have gone along Donald Trump I had to stop now Why are they pulling out all the stops here? because this investigation proves it goes. all the way to the old. office. It is Biden, it has Obama it. As Hilary it has. the of the CIA? It has the an essay it has. The state department and every one's name now is known, when we first put this out, we didn't necessarily know who is who who is getting caught, but we did show you ve went all the way and early on we are seeing it has to go to the White House. You wouldn't have known it. It has to go to the White House, but we didn't have the evidence of that, so we leave that out- or I would say my opinion- is it goes here
But now we know Breathing I should say we're bout to know everything we know enough today to know This goes to the White House. You know it's amazing everything and we ve said this for a while that they accuse Trump of valid they ve done, and you can take any accusation that they took leave of Lebanon. Trump. Take us same thing then look through the lens of what they ve done. You'll find them guilty of the exact same thing there give us this with Ukraine. We shall that's what they were guilty of doing what they said Don trumpeted there, talking now about they're, not gonna, have a peaceful transition. A power we haven't had a p, we'll transition, a power since two thousand and eight that's why a bomb as the only president to ever stay in Washington DC, because they This initiative are starting back in July. Twenty. Sixteen it didn't work. So continued it on the thing they knew. That was, gonna fall apart, Obama stays in DC and they
its organizing Obama for America about organizing for action, then they start building this resistance platform that we are seeing now unleashed at this very minute and oh my gosh, what you are talking about last week. They ve got plans. It is. It is a it's a coup. It is a coup in star country? and you're not going to get this information from the mainstream media, but we can back it up with all of the documents, take a one minute break, and I will come back and tell you exactly what the president did. What he released, and when you should start to see it and I'll tell you why he did it. It's not a doctor. surprise up in just a second sixty hour, I honey. What do you look up, Pat when I said that
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and station I d sweetheart pudding, cupcake switch cheeks Pisa, hey here. We are big handbag programme, now last night, the President DE classified or all of these documents, because they ve been saying. Are we with they ve been delaying and delaying and delaying and delaying so he finally said I want nothing rejected. I want all the names and I want them out in public release. all of the documents that a very bold move, got on, I don't even know if week, that can be done. Really I hope it die hope so, but I mean just those notes from Brennan was mode it's alright acted right, but that goes in. Like
they probably the name of their source, is probably in there, so that would have to be rejected. But I want to see what else was said in that meeting, because what it how did Obama will respond right? We do like you said, oh yeah, That's the plan! It only something like it's probably what he said. I don't really too smart to say yes and then we ll tie Nell to the track ass, a kind of pre unblock on so but beyond the meeting. What else is coming? What else Could we see and what else are we gonna find is at all the only release those documents or the documents in regards to her email. scandal? Oh my god, it was all documents for the Russia Collusion stuff in general, so
what else do we get hundreds? This is timing, hundreds of documents. Basically, what this means is, I'm probably not going to sleep for excellent. You know. You know that on a short, but I'm sure Ukraine's involves, I mean, there's a ton of stuff everything all the Pfizer. You know stack and forth all my that all of the stuff with Hunter Biden, what they knew, what they didn't new, do know. All of that it's gonna be out now Peter saying that in October surprise, I don't think so. Think Donald Trump was planning on bar and dna to actually start to press charges before now, I thought He really felt that this summer or early early, this fall this would be out, and I guess is, but I think it's a pretty well. educated grow guess this is done, Tromp sane enough Enough is enough
if you guys are going to do it. The marrow people need to see it release him all know. Mr President, we can do. Did you hear me declassify all of them and release them. Because I really truly believe He knows how wronged he has been everything, I would say, ninety percent- of what they have accused the president of the left has done themselves now. I leave things on: able, like his tweets, are crazy everything that they have accused him of they ve said they did and the media covered it up, and it's not taken care of. If, if Donald Trump doesn't win, This is institutionalized and you have an authoritarian state? Your vote will not matter ever again because the state, we'll do whatever the state wants to you might have.
you little vote. You know every you know four years for the president, but it won't matter what the president says or promises, because this state will continue on. Why If we have, we have seen screwed up our nation because of the progressive policies on her. To be the policeman of the world. Notice? We stop doing that and everything those people said didn't happen. Leave the sky didn't fallen, we're not it war in act, the Middle EAST peace process seems to have not seems, is having That is having the effect that people are calling it a biblical prophecy getting to come. True, it's that big of a deal all, because the president didn't listen to the same group of people who are in,
the touche analyzed advising every president and the president being told You really don't have a choice. Mr President, you have to do this, though Laser over this ass to be cleaned up. I really think cause of the documents and because nobody is working to get these people the lower people too, to arrest them and make them pay now you're going to release all of these documents, and people will see. Biden, Clinton, Obama, and there is no going back- big People- will go to jail big, people will go to jail and they should go to jail, but only if Donald Trump win the Glen Back Programme So you ve got a family,
You love your family and you want to be with your family and there's nothing better then hanging out with your kids. Are your grand kids in playing on the floor just being with them and not always being in pain when in pain, your lifetime. Judges and things get a little more dim stuff. Leaving that way. May I Recommend relief factor snarl, rugged was developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try it go on to order more? If you order the three way, quick start its ninety ninety five. Now it works for seventy percent of the people that take it they go. To order more, why would you do that unless it worked? So you? U? It might not work for you, but the odds. Are it probably will I didn't think it would for me, I take it three times a day after two and a half years. Every time I try to stop taking by paying comes back, it works.
relieffactor dot com just dry at eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four or eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four, it's relieffactor dot com, check out my show Pat Gray, unleashed every week day immediately preceding this one or you can get at anytime anywhere. You get your blog gas tomorrow or not only gonna- have the coverage of the debate on radio. But I have some other things that I need to expose to you tomorrow. I am not well, you know, I dont tell you these things to frighten you. I tell you to prepare you so you know what is coming. You are probably going to be one of the very few that will be able explain things to your friends come the day after the election and you
Gonna pay play a very important role and I urge you to prepare yours of mentally physically spiritually prepare yourself for what is coming and prepare yourself to be a leader. Somebody who has some of the answers at least on what is going on. That is coming tomorrow by the way Don Junior Donald Trump Junior joins me to night. In my quick right, table after the debate tonight, we're gonna talk to Don Junior and all of the blaze personalities. You don't want to miss it. You can join us with blazed. He dot com, Slash, Glenn, use the promo code, Glenn Debates, And you ll save twenty bucks. Mitre join us tonight. Let me.
Let me explain what I think has happened and how we can talk to each other, Anne and there's a historic precedents for this, so to listen carefully to what I am about to say. The biggest split we have is between those people Who are away, and know that it is the socialist and communist agenda. the Marxists, the people have done their homework and I know that it is Ben this insidious plan to carefully plant these seeds of division in America, and it is. happened over thirty plus years. I say a hundred, but it
least in the last thirty. and most americans- and I I strongly include Democrats, most Democrat that you know I'm not too by politicians, the demo perhaps you know, love this country, but they have been taught to hate it and our own children have been taught to hate it, and It is because of this even though they think They are still noble and proud. They think they are doing what It is right for the republican man's freedom, they d I know that they are buying, used because it's almost They ve been drugged.
Now, here's the historic precedent. Let me say that more eloquently it might seem at first to to to to argue over if there's any difference between the present the present movement being called rebellion or insurrection. But the movers, the people behind it. Well understand the difference in the b. getting they knew. The could never raise treason to respectable magnitude. You couldn't get people turn on the country with any name that would imply a violation of all the way
dear, they knew the people they were appealing to head moral sense, had just as much devotion to law and order. They had just as much pride in and reverence for the history of our of our government our common country, Any other civilised and patriotic people. They knew they could not advance directly into the teeth. The strong and noble sentiments? So they commenced by an insidious logic. Steps through all of the incidents to the complete destruction of the country. And now with insurrection. So sugar coated
they ve been drugging. The public mind of their people from more than thirty years. until at length they have brought many good men and good women. to a willingness to take up arms against the government. That was said in Congress. by Abraham Lincoln July. Fourth, eighteen sixty one, the Zat same thing is happening to us. It's why, when we're angry with one another, we can't break through, because as we think just because their voting, our way,
the other way that they must hate America, but they don't the vast majority have been convinced, their saving, America their saving. The things that we ve I believed in me it has been a slow, methodical I mean they have. They have behavioral scientists on their side. they have all of the tricks of the media on their side. This Well planned: how did he say it they commenced in insidious. The of the public mind they invent invented an ingenious soft ism. Our neighbors had been played
some of our neighbours are waking up. I wanna talk to Anthony in Colorado, Anthony. You were never a trump supporter right in flung Democrat My friend I my one of the coveted swing voters Occasionally I have gone republican, I've gone Democrat but registered in my entire life, some kids stand what's happening, man so wait. You didn't vote for Donald Trump. So what changed your mind? Well, the radical shift to the left. The democratic Party usually comes to the centre action ears- and they just seem to go further and further to the left to wear there's no way I could could support it. I'm acute Unama, blue dog, democratic, I'm, a conservative. I can't stand to see our country fallen apart like this, and it's got to the point where my wife's, our core liberal, liberal.
We can't even get along. I'm sorry to hear that I did its divided us that much in so if a husband and wife love each other can't discuss this in get through this together. How can we expected You got so. Your wife is a lifelong liberal What is her main stumbling block. because liberals, I don't have a problem with liberals grass years that understand what they're doing to progress. we take us away from the constitution and give us more authoritative control, but that's not a liberal is she a bit? she's a progressive! Ok, I'm ok are ok. Ok, and that country's syndrome just runs deep, I mean just nothing. A man can do. Is any good at all,
horrible. It's all evil its it and then it that comes onto him tat in a manifests itself. In conversations to me so because I'm sorry we're about I'm racist primeval- oh my god, oh yeah yeah! It's it's that bad Oh, my gosh Anthony I'm so sorry to hear that on the public you trumps apple, Especially here in Colorado, as we get increasingly blue, you have to come to stay hidden. You have to stay out of this. conversations on surrounded by liberals every day- and I just after in a smile and in this area. I get it and is move about it because you can't get into it with anybody. So what happens I humbly concerned about your marriage? What's gonna happen with your merit, Well, we are just have a sit down. Last night I told her that I can just stay quiet for four years and see
This goes constructs gonna win and it's gonna stay bad for four years. But after that, hopefully the smoke were glaring shall regain some sense and she says she doesn't think that the great plan is obviously not a great plan, but she doesn't and I dont know what she can do at this point. So she really honest leaved is the person that Lincoln was talking about. I was talking about. She believed she is doing the right thing for America yeah she does and rank or heart she does right is just flawed and in in a logic, right now is escaping her she's. A young she's got a masters degree issues. social worker, but she's very ingrained in their philosophy, and if you you can try just to pose anything, it's counter to that all hell will bring with it. I mean: is this new shouted down? They cry. They make you, lady. When I wrote to you all
Tricks that you see well there is, I mean I I Thank you probably feel the same way Anthony. I do and maybe the same way she does, that are our country, is Is as important really as a family member, at least to my family, I mean it is with if our country dies its. is going to be devastating to our family. And I dont know how somebody roof remains silent if you see a child of yours, or something that you love like a child killed by people that think are killing it. I dont know how you remain silent right right answer: that's that's! That's the dichotomy that that's your problem that were in right I also wanted to let you know. I have a my father and my group
there was a war war too, and he got a photo album that he retrieved, that is from the Nazi Labour Party and spoke with candid photos in an interesting things from you know when they were going through their labour movement at the beginning of world war. Two, I would like to turn it back to the mercury vault. Oh my gosh, with love that we would lie that. Will you I wouldn't put on hold and then we'll get you the addressing and send it. I would love that. Would you do me favour? Also the ie I dont know if your wife would appreciate. SK, as she probably hates my gut on the two. Why you're talks for me really but for her for her. So The twenty fourth, I am doing an online event that is going to be on Youtube and on blaze, but also it mercury. One
and it's about putting America back to work and putting our principles back in and were using history where I'm gonna actually introduce you to the to the new vote. That's here on the studio lot, and show you what we're doing, but also new classrooms, where we are going to be inviting people virtually and in in person to actually take a three day, hard core class on on the republic and what we are and what we really believe and yeah. So what we're gonna be? Introducing that I'd love to have your part of that and and and just Whiting? I certainly will not so twenty. Fourth, you start by twenty four. We will have more information on until a later but yeah between four one of a grunt. If you so much, God bless you and your wife and your wife. God bless him well, I have a feeling
That is not unusual You should do a show and just talk to people who are in that situation. Now. Are you dealing with that, while ok, you BS warned its entire client group that they should be buying gold as they head into the election. Goldman Sachs is saying the same thing. Delayed election results will end up hitting the markets very hard. Chaos is the operative word, or evil, and the left they are going for. Chaos. Wait until I show you tomorrow. What their action planning. I mean Anthony, didn't go far enough when he said you know that this is what both are planning is just. Is it its evil? It really is Poland I'll show it to you tomorrow. With this, chaos is gonna rip our country apart, I fear- and when you have volatility like this and the unknown of what's coming tomorrow, it's going to radically hurt the dollar and the markets. Please
you have four weeks to prepare before this kind of stuff happens, will you call Old line, and at least find out of gold or silver is right for you. I just bought some silver because gold is gonna, get so expensive that it's it's it'll, be a wealth preservation thing, but I mean what are you gonna use it for hey? Can you break at ten thousand dollar going now gold or silver find out. What's for you, but please prepare and and listen to your own guidance, you're, smart enough to figure it out eight six, six gold.
line, one eight six gold line or gold line dotcom tonight. Nobody cares about the VP debate raising wrong in twenty twenty. The bp debate has never been more high. Stakes always have allowed her breath these protests of office because will hear from the woman who have really run the White House if Joe Biden whence I know that there are still happening. Everyone should take note of that. You're, not gonna, let up and they should not radical commonly Harrison. This is my pants tonight. Nine pm eastern full of my analysis and break down from planet temper on plays TV, your listening to Glenn back I have one minute I wanna go to Chad quickly in Florida, high Chad. How are you you. Apparently you live in Florida. You say you have such strict Murmansk rules that you can actually get jail time. That's the way they have them call on that one.
certainly doesn't know about his order. We cannot individuals for not applying network and wanting to their standards, well, that's that's! Not a law, that's not a law you are arrested for breaking the law and if, if their resting you, you should start a dummy check with an attorney, make sure the flaws in Florida, but you should You should start a little Martin Luther King March. And not where a mask and have two or three hundred of you and peacefully be arrested and resistance. They should love it. I should love, love, love that, and I know you have a republican governor, but you, it's, not a law until the legislature passes it and the governor signs it so much Chad, God bless YO in florida-
Transcript generated on 2020-10-11.