« The Glenn Beck Program

Trump’s Best Debate Yet | Guests: Bill O’Reilly & Megyn Kelly | 10/22/20

2020-10-23 | 🔗

Glenn and Stu give their take on the final presidential debate and President Trump’s amazing performance. Trump 2020 campaign director of strategic communications Marc Lotter discusses campaign press secretary Hogan Gidley having his Twitter account suspended. Bill O’Reilly returns with his thoughts on the debate and whether it convinced anyone that Biden is corrupt. He also reviews his new bestselling book, “Killing Crazy Horse." Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes discusses the Left’s obsession with the Proud Boys and dispel the media’s myths. Megyn Kelly lays into the media's biased coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal and Trump’s "60 Minutes" interview. NPR insists the story is “not really” a story.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the answer, all those questions for you and we also have others to help answer Gavin Mcguinness, one of the poor boys. The poor boys. As Joe Biden pointed out last night, I gotta go to been proud boys, but a bill o is gonna, be joining us with his analysis and someone who would like to really rant against the media, maybe Kelly joins us on. Today's broadcast, don't miss a second closer to anything good right american financing, if your fiscally responsible as a homeowner, there is reason right now. You should be on the telephone and and lowering the inn risk that you pay on your mortgage. I say day in and day out and have made the phone call. Yet, if you have a mortgage that is in threes can believe
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W W that animal less consumer access dot org Guph We are heading towards a dark winter said: Doktor death last night, if you were looking for any kind of hope, wow you didn't get it from Joe Biden. We look. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands of people are yet to die here. In Amerika soon my guy hush. Its we are entering this quote: we're entering a dark winter. What Was this an episode of game of thrones? Or was this the presidential debate? I was I've, never seen anything I've Ever seen a precedent talk down or a presidential candidate to down. Well yet no have Jimmy. harder.
last night, Donald Trump, I think- did the best he's ever done it was the best per for. If he would have done this. The first debate- and I think would be a head right now and really leaving Joe Biden in the dust he was calm collected. He was he complimented the the moderator. I don't he actually both heaved- that she was doing a good job. You know she was. She was an old, let's a two thousand eight lefty, the anonymous bad at all of her pass out. All of her aggression was all pass if it was, it was in the topics that they did and the way they were stacked and then we really need forty five minutes uncovered when we ve already covered that last time, plus there seemed to be the same thing too.
You did with the New York Post story, she seemed to have with near post story, which was whenever Donald Trump was about to get an answer on what What's going on the laptop, she was there to step in and derail. The conversation is something else over I do not think she was terrible. Not in these usual. She was like a traditional. What we had in you know ever median two thousand eighty over the topics were all were all tilted in a way that word that did not played a doll. Trumps trail to it that the topics were all. Joe Biden, all Joe Biden in democratic talking point zero from conveyed to the how bad the economy, I don't even think she did that and then it was race those things I have to come up and at present no, they do really they already covered them. Last time they ever them. Like here's the thing we went through which one of what would have been three presidential debates and one of being too
did anyone who doesn't follow the news closely get to hear about the Middle EAST takings Epps. No, this is was to be a foreign policy debate that there was no foreign policy. No foreign policy. The fact that we ve these breakthroughs with Israel and the Middle EAST in L a Ten percent blame goes to the moderators, and all of that and some blame has to go to Donald Trump for not getting a chance to bring it up. I don't know how yet we like? Well, let me tell you about health care. The Middle EAST is healthier. We met events that have happened like how right I mean this was a massive thing in a wood last into doesn't sixteen. The debates were focused, tons of talk was about ices and how that was gonna be solved. was solved. Does anyway, told about that. Again solved is a little bit of is a little bit of an overstatement. We know, but, but I mean like we're, not totally place from where we were. I would have like to have seen some of that come up. Well, I did bring up foreign policy with Kim Jong Moon, but
those basic was yeah right, I mean again the end. You know what I agree with Donald Trump. I mean I mean shouting along and I ve been talking about North Korea. We talk about since two thousand. When we get it, we got on the air and- and we start really understanding North Korea by two in five. I'm like this has to be solved right now, but they don't have nuclear weapons there the game them, and then you won't be able to do anything. We ve been taught about a Ford Genk has also been talking about Israel, four deck known and all I know then like. Why didn't you know just because this was one of the things that worked out really well, it was no longer a topic. It's like you know. I get that Korea could have an intolerable. What's it will honestly North Korea we even we saw a different approach from the president that, previous president look North Korea's North Korea, the if it's worked from previous president's or the current one like I, at least it's not a topic, but it would like there's no developments and that now right exerted over. There was nothing really. It is not our topic, each eight
much more important is- what's going on and in Israel and in the Middle EAST right now at an incredible accomplishment of this administration and we through the entire debate season, without it being mentioned, When I think of all the time that has been said- and discussing this problem over the past- halves- century, and we have these developments, will you look at the lies? Realitas last half century it was like nineteen forty aids in the Epp, Ed goes a little longer area is only seventy two year, I'm stuck at ninety. Ninety eight. Apparently I got a fool you are. I thought this was night and day from the first one. I thought the president in a really good job, probably the best debate I can ever remember him participating in going back to two thousand sixteen as well. I thought he was his yet it is under control. Yet is temperament was was correct. He but he was
He had a good mastery of what was going on. I think he made his arguments successfully. He's had a tough spot with against the moderator and it will work through. I really do. Everyone in the World NOS twenty. Twenty is the crappy is year all time when your president, in the middle of that it's not always easy, easy sliding I do I do think that the weird thing was the worst section for the president, but I thought he handled it really well and its because it is just a whipping horse of the left. Its apps. Lately, not true. I think the president did a really good job, pointing out look what I want. started doing these things. He was against it and what is he offering new? Listen to cut seven where
he takes Joe Biden Autumn on shutting everything down today. Over soon I say we are learning to live or that we have no choice. We can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Does he has the we has? The ability to lock himself up, I don't know, is obviously made a lot of money someplace, but he has this thing about living in a basement. People can do that by the way. I, as the president, couldn't do that. I'd love to put myself in the basement or the beautiful room and the white as and go away for a year and a half until it disappears. I can't do that and equipment every two every meeting I heard every meeting I head and admit a lot of families, including gold, star families and military families. Every meeting I had and I had to meet them I had to it- would be horrible too, cancelled everything. I said you know this dangerous and you catch it, and you know I, I learned a lot. I learned a lot great doctors, great hospitals, and now I recovered. Ninety nine point. Nine of young people recover.
Ninety nine percent of people recover. We have to recover can't close up our nature. We have to open our school and we can't closer coordination or are going to have a nation out. He was effective that I thought he was really really effective. Cut nine Joe and Trump on shutdowns. When I would say, is I'm to shut down the virus? Not the country is his inept. Hu, the caused by across the country to have to shut down in large part why businesses gone under. Why schools or clothes why so many people have lost their living and why their concern? Those other concerns are real. That's why he should have been instead of in a sad trap. It is golf course he should have been negotiating with Nancy Policy in the rest of the Democrats and Republicans about what to do about the axe, their capacity for billions of dollars to make sure people had the capacity only ruled out more set dance. I want no had not shut down the name, but there are look
hundred two hundred years, if you have a reproduction radiant community, that's above a certain level every but he says slow up more social decency, do Duna open bars and do not open gymnasiums do not When did you get this under control under or control, but when you do open, give the people the capacity to be able to open and have the capacity to do it safely, for example, schools, schools, they need a lot of money to grow, they needed to deal with ventilation system. We need to deal with smaller classes or teachers more pods and refuse to support that money, or at least up to now. Let's talk about Mr President, we have to respond to our police and then I have a father cured appreciated, look he does is talk about you at, but forget about him his dammit. Had governors Cuomo in New York. You look at what's going on in California, you look at Pennsylvania, North Carolina Democrats, Democrats all their shut down, so tight and dying, feared dying.
supports all these people all eaten. about a shot dead? No we're not going to shut down, and we have to open our schools and it's like. As an example, I have a young son. He also tested positive by the time. I spoke the doktor, the second time he was finally just went away. Young people- I guess They are immune system. Let me follow up with the president's view, demanded schools open in person and insist they can do it safely. Budgets yesterday, boss, became the latest city to move its public school system entirely online after a corona virus spike. What does your mouth Two parents who worry that sending their children to school will endanger not only their kids but also their teachers in the family. I won't open the schools, the trains biddle rate to the teachers small, but I want to the schools we have to open our country, we're not gonna, have a country. do this. We can keep this country clause does a massive
True with a massive economy. People are losing their jobs, their committing suicide, this depression, alcohol, drugs at a level that nobody's ever seen before this abuse tremendous abuse. We have to open our country, it I've said it often the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. I that's what's happening. I think he was really effective here for most people, that we are looking at the economy. I think that made sense when they went who Joe Biden asked him? What what would you do? He talked about money in the p P, p. So rest, You could put more plexiglas up now me we it's because I live in Texas, where common sense isn't entirely dead, dot, dot dot. Yet but everybody. I know that goes to restaurants and have the stupid plexiglas divided between the booths, we're all
ok, so coal, which is just staying there in the eye or between the booths it can, it over the plexiglas or around the Black Sea glass. You have to walk in practically in a space suit to be seated, but once you're seated, you can talk and laughing and hack? All you want, because plexiglas is there, that's the most ridiculous and everybody knows it. Everybody knows that's ridiculous, the others as criticism of Trump and Republicans on health care, where they say we were repeal Obama care what you and replace it with well. We would get something great that has Health CARE, and it's wonderful new, do better. That's Joe by and I'm onto corona viruses. He just give it he's not. He has absolutely no plan at all and they keep for went whenever he's pressed he just as well things like this, where we want people wear, masks social distancing, plexiglas. I just he's obviously got nothing. President last night, you there's two versions of this argument. Right you can say, look
the corona virus in People- are going crazy over it. It's silly were Americans, whatever and kind of below, It offers not a big problem. Last night, I thought he successfully said. Look it's a big problem. We did our best. In and we're going forward being, smart and but tough right. You can cut combined those things in say we're gonna pushed through this. This we can't shut on this country over it. It's a big deal, but we're in a deal with it in us in an intelligent way that allow us to get back to normal as quickly as possible and there's a really bright for future ahead of us. He made that argument. pretty well, yes, I think so too, and I think he also seemed very, very reasonable the whole time you know he talked about foul and said lucky, we have difference of opinion, but that's that's good, Anthony
I, like Anthony, he's a good guy. We highlighted hanging out with absolute. Anybody was wrong on theirs by like Anthony. He was really endearing. I thought a moment. I really liked him last. His tone was so much better than in the first debate. I hope it was enough a minute. You know it's close to the end of this election, but I thought he did what he had to do in his tone in this election was sincere well informed kind, even and then his kindness towards Joe on money laundering seemed just at. Add trolling loves I'd. Have little did I value? I really do. I feel bad for you, I mean What to do? What happened? Just tell I mean the laptop, I feel bad union. Maybe I ll. We should give you the opportunity to explain. I mean it was it was.
brilliant brilliant performance. Last night from LA from Donald Trump, the question is Is it enough more injustice? Second, and coming up in about thirty five minutes, we ve got Mr Bill O when it comes to homes, security. The first and foremost thing you need to have on your mind is your own protection and that doesn't just in protection from the burglars protection from the other guys we're gonna, lock you into an unnecessary contract in charge, you an arm and a leg and put it men arranged in a way that is complicated and only they can install and work on it doesn't sound like the best idea, simply safe makes it easy and affordable to have the best home security on the market. The state of the art equipment round the clock monitoring will make simply save the first name in the business for fifty cents a day you can have the peace of mind, knowing that your home and family are safe. Simply save Google free security camera when you order yours online, it simply save back dot com, you get it.
steady risk free trial with any new system order? You don't really have anything to lose it simply safe, back dotcom that simply safe back dot com. second station Ivy, We ve got something coming up from the White House. Mark lotta he's a director of strategic communications for the campaign here. give us his debate reaction, but this is this. Is I mean. When will this end? from campaign press secretary, Hogan giddily, he's been suspended on twitter now? Why,
cause he tweeted about receiving an envelope in the mail that was addressed to some one else by the name of Daniel he wrote got my oh wait. No, I got dear ballot in the mail, whose Daniel apparently a former tenant who hasn't lived in the unit for eight years, but yeah, I'm sure the mainstream media is correct. Unsolicited vote by mail is totally safe. This he was back from twitter yesterday for this, however, in saying what is going on, this is good horse and war. This is this is becoming China, its absence Lee becoming the chinese style press. Let me what next, you just go. You gonna, give us points for you know being for saying the right things and tweeting the right things. I mean. That's, that's the Anything, that's laughed and there's no solution to this. Is there We can also where we want to break down.
companies I mean, there's things you can do with the margins, but I mean it's the only way you actually would solve a problem like this is to not be dependent on these companies at all, and that doesn't mean they go away. That means that we'd have to change our are our lives in a way that would be entirely positive, but, yes, we'd have to change our lives completely that that the deed The way that we depend on these services for all of our information is totally unhealthy and this just jamming it into our face a lot faster them are realising it. We have the. We have the story on this with the with the east teach communications director Markel water coming up in just a second at the top of the hour after the bottom of the hour, and then we are also going to talk to Bill Riley in about thirty five minutes. From now we have.
Ghana, Mcguinness, on costs, sir, the poor voice, a poor guy who started the four boys, the proud boys I'll, let you did he said. Four boys of the beach boys. I know he started something with the boy you see. I can't remember where twenty one, oh, my gosh did. Do I mean by didn't bite in the fuel and watch the first half hour. That thing you might have thought yeah, I'm fine was ok and I don't use it well we'd gone? Yet he really was slipping. He does not have an hour and a half em, guys. I didn't eighty five minute of the United States. Guy was in his basement, resting for the last five days, Donald Trump Spin, the president and travelling doing rallies, and that was performance and Joe Biden toward the end? There was having a hard time remembering details, stringing sentences together I mean it was not good. Good. For the president, the United States is the Glen,
not President Zelaya, well I mean you know if it went further than re as thank you remember that such a pain I wish really factor would sometimes makes do just go away. Oh my pay soda Stu. I don't owe as it worse relief factor it's not a drug developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try go on to order more because it get you out of pain three years ago before I was taking this, I Bubbly would not be in today because of the long schedule that I had yesterday at about four hours sleep that would have put me down by ETA relief factor now, every single day? In fact, I haven't taint here's my here's, my for really factor packet right here and I haven't taken it yet for breakfast, I just eat breakfast, but I was running late relief.
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tweet waiting to hear the story. In case you don't know it's coming up into the second also tomorrow. This is real. important and we just have not had time to really talk about it, and I want to spend some time showing you some of the amazing things that mercury one is about to do starting tomorrow night tomorrow, Eight p m eastern we are doing and online virtual event that we want to see- and we want you to watch it with your family- it is so uplifting so positive and and shows actual actual things being done to help. country into help each other. We're going to go into that Nazareth Fond, but I think The most important thing that we are going to announce tomorrow is the american Journey Centre,
This is a physical space, is about twenty thousand square feet, really cool yeah right across the brick yard here on the old paramount movie lot and So just right across from the brick yard. At the front. Entrance of mercury studios is the american Journey center. We have and over a year planning and building this place, and it has classrooms in it? It has a museum. It has a vault and another vault in the side of the mountain that has a hundred and two hundred and fifteen thousand founding documents and its opportunity for people of all ages now to come in and actually see do research have access were putting many of these documents on line eventually, they'll all go in line you'll be able to do. Research resurgence, word, search,
and we're going to announce tomorrow, classes virtual classes, for you, your family or any one of any age. They will be free virtual free classes and its like Prager University, accept its long form our first one we will announce tomorrow and it will be a three day class and you can take it on your your own time or you can come here in person. Also we are asking you to get involved to help us help us take. Sixteen nineteen project apart help us. each children and teach families and parents the truth, about Amerika and there's tomorrow. We're gonna, be auctioning off some really really amazing things, and I ll talk about him coming up in just a minute, but tomorrow night, eight p m you'll find it on my facebook, page blade tv you'll find it mercury one dot org.
And all of our social media. It will be life tomorrow from the american Journey Centre. Are I let me Let me go to Mark Lothar, he's directorate. Fiji Communications on the campaign for a Donald Trump Mark. How area well whenever you feel good. How are you feeling about how things went? last night We are really well by the president- did a great job not only making his own case with his record and his plans for the future, but he really prosecuted the case against Joe Biden, basically late. in one stand by. You know you been washed, it be super forty seven years you talk and talk and talk, but you didn't do anything and think. That's really one of the reasons why this president was elected, because people are tired, a politician to just talk they want them would actually do something. When, when Joe Biden looked into the cameras had listened folks, I oh, that there might be an empty chair at you're at your table. I first of all I felt like I was you know it in approach
and of Lee Misery Rob He starts in on this and Donald Trump brilliantly immediately turns the table because he knows what most Americans are think. Most Americans hate that kind of stuff. You know I talked a little Susie muck info choose lost her eyes in a baseball game. You know they go into these. I got a letter and I feel this way and all that crap and everybody knows its political Donald Trump came out said This is why I ran because you who are a politician, and everyone knows that doesn't mean anything. I thought he I thought For the president of the United States to be to make himself look like an outsider. It was it was a remarkable skill and tell it that he exhibited last night, you absolutely right and in jail I didn't have an answer for that when Joe Biden like to talk about All these plans that meet the funny thing is that one point either blamed. His inaction on republic
the Congress, forgetting the fact that for the first two years of the Obama Biden Administration, they had a super majority, they had a sixty boat threshold in the Senate. They happen representative. They could have done anything they wanted and they still didn't you anything done when Donald Trump, I was cheering, but when Donald Trump turned to him and said who built the cages Joe, who built the cages who built the cages, He never answered that question. Even those asked over and over again he never answered that, but I think for a lot of Americans. That's the first time they may have ever heard that story. It was one of the few, and a job. I didn't lie last night. What did you just didn't answer? Has he couldn't cancer as he knows that they built the gauges and yet once again over? and over we got so much misinformation and just outright lies from Joe Biden whether it was his position on fractured whether it was the fact that Obama cared didn't cause people there.
Insurance or their doctors, which we know is the lie of the year according to political backing, ADA Backup, your own? No, no! No! No! No! I! I had The best health care that New York state had v health care. I had it for all of my company, my company, all employees. I love state within six months, because the company every other company could no longer afford it. They and sold, and they ve Blue Cross Blue Shield, shot lying down entirely, don't talk to! about, we didn't lose our healthcare. Many of us lost our healthcare an elm, and we know that to be true and so to hear him say that in the disable under his plan, you doubt that won't happen. What we're not gonna fall for those lies get Joe, and so you saw it. Oh and over again the president just kept prosecuting that case and really. I think that underlying theme was yet what you, what you did
forty seven years was nothing and a few things you did do was bad, and so I thought it was a very powerful moment. and also at the enemy we kind of got lost in the at the end of the debate. But when Joe Biden actually said he wants to eliminate the oil industry, I mean my good the idea that Europe, I e, not only said that he was going to eliminate the oil industry, but he he hung himself when he said: I'm not gonna ban fracturing I'm old We're going to ban it on federal land Anyone who knows anything about fracturing and all Oil reserves knows that what is at stake? de percent of the land out West is all federal land. That is a base. EC massive massive step of end oil and food King gas, massive step, anything
that really will start to connect. I think we'll see that here over the next eleven days. If you know what does that mean, for you won't get mean higher gas prices and tell you know yet start running car off nine bolts, but it also in higher energy prices too, in cool, your home. It's going to eliminate millions of jobs and the president rightly called out good will, I hope, your listening. Mental, vague and Ohio and Michigan in taxes and other places where the inner sector is one of the life blood of these economies and Joe Biden is basically saying well we'll find a new job for you, like you, said during earlier in the campaign. Maybe they can learn to code. Let me let me you, I don't even know how to ask this cause. I because it'll be taken out context in it'll, see mean, but it's not Joe Biden, like my grandfather was when we had to take the keys away from him with the car.
And I think every family is gone through that with a grandparent where you're like grandpa, you can't you just can't drive anymore and I think that there are fully capable Joe by noon. I watched the clock. Thirty four minutes into that. He was winded tired and started to become confused. thirty, four minutes a day after three to three days of sleeping. It often is basement and not doing anything he's winded and starts to get confused. Thirty four minutes in a press We cannot have that little stamina, Well, you can have a president in a like Joe Biden, looking at his watch last night, hoping it's over. Maybe you know count down the minutes until his campaign can call it you can go back to the basement. You know that's the one thing a joke about it on the campaign trail, but obviously I was on the sixteen campaign. I was in the White House for the first you're the administration resident
older than me by a couple of decades. He's wearing me out, As we all know how people can keep up with this man and then get your the other side myself, someone posted on Twitter so give them credit. I get member who, like you, watch yourself in the basement for four days to prepare and that's what you did Joe mean. That's what four days of preparation Is there any doubt in your mind that the job and the left will impose, lock. downs on this country and impose mask wearing, etc, etc? I think there is zero question about that in any Joe Biden. Couldn't even answer that question I mean these talked about lobbying it down again. You ve talked about math mandate. May you thought about you know you? Will he mandate the vaccine once he's happy that it's been approved is obvious, Doesn't trust anything in there trying to politicize, even a vaccine, where does it stopped with Joe Biden
thanks so much L, American, the president, was right last night when he said that is that we can be open. We can get back to work in school, protected who are most vulnerable, protect ourselves. We ve gotta, do both its not either or, and that's the difference between President Tromp, who wants to get this. dream healthy, again and open again and Joe Biden who just want to shut it all down market. or director of strategic communications for the Trump campaign. Last question is on Hogan Gillies Twitter account. It was. Splendid over a tweet where he he showed a picture of a ballot that came out. to him, delivered to him and he said all my weight. No, it's dead, feels mail that I just received in the May Daniels ballot that I just received in the mail whose Daniel a pair a former tenant who has lived in the unit for eight years, but yeah I'm sure, mainstream media, correct unsolicited vote by mail is totally safe
Why was he suspended and eaten does a campaign. Have a response will immediately it just is part and parcel what we ve seen. You know with social media and mainstream media ignoring the Hunter Biden, and in family scandals or any questions about the integrity of these mail in voting schemes where we're seeing you know, piles of ballot sent to the wrong place. The people who have long since been gone either moved or even passed away they don't want, and they don't want any narrative that doesn't fit with what they want, supporting Joe Biden, Seville, Answer you and block you, I mean they also blocked the Trump campaigns main twitter account, as well as cable, MAC and anyone else. Press secretaries, private or personal twitter account just because they had the audacity to share a story. That was not flattering to Joe Biden from one of the oldest newspapers in the country.
I don't think this election could be more clear and I've always hated this the most important election of our lifetime, but I believe this to be the most elects its most important election of the report. Blinks lifetime, since eighteen sixty and I hope I don't and attentively right. Thank you very much. I appreciated mark lottery, director of strategic communications for the Trump campaign we a bill, O Reilly coming up. All old, Gavin Mcguinness and Megan Kelly oh, she wants to unload on the press, and so we're gonna give her that opportunity today on the Glenn Beck programme. Don't mrs second Miss a minute, miss a lot: it's Friday, cod is are as our sponsor wireless ear buds from re com. Now, I'm sure you debate on a money for apple airports like I did and
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what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment Glenn Beck programme american gates for Friday, and I thought Have my dear old friend bill O on to talk about all I don't know if he noticed anything was going on maybe last night, maybe during the whole we bill O Reilly, x on last night's debate and the developments in the race for the White House in sixty seconds, a glaring DEC, yeah that's right bill.
Right now. You cities so excited these. Is peace chomping the baddies, almost wedding himself he's like. I can't wait to talk and I think that's true nice, probably in a bad mood. I don't know. I think it's going be very optimistic about our future. it's the bill, O Reilly. I know car shield Car shield ever since your cars warranty expired last week, you know you like Bonn, jovial been living on a prayer, but He still has to be banned. Jovi, you dont your luck, my You have just run out because your car stalling on the side of the road or the chick engine lights, going on or something's wrong. Your hearing, something you like our crap. We have the money to fix this. No don't worry about it. All you I have to do, is go. Car shield, dotcom use the promo code back cars. You'll dot com is. coverage for your car,
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It is your new book killing crazy horse, which has been a New York Times bestseller now, for God knows how long, You can get it wherever books are sold. I might allow you to say that a low layer and have you back, but you know, that's your general disposition very generous, very kind. So you you seem to be kind of in a happy mood, will tell me about what happened with Donald Trump last night. What year? take is, and was it enough and is it? Is it soon enough well trouble won. The debate was more commanding and he had a very shop ashore sack dates presentation. Primarily, there was a lot mature nonsense that we saw in the first debate Why held his arm now Biden was much better than he has been in recent memory in this that was able to get here.
The Indian across and you knew what he was talking about. He faltered at the end. When he got tired, you could see the look in his watch. You know he's listen. Do I get milk or not? I ve been at this late since Nigeria, forty six, it was what I was one of those things are now you know goodbye its way you get grass Zobeide involved at a little bit at the end, but he? these out. But let's talk our job, because that it was all about him last night in the sense that it if he had not performed well, we would have liked the election, put him back into play. in the sense that I dont believe any of this drawing any undecided borders. I believe any of that U s all, I think- may gains among African Americans, because that was the strongest suit. Last night was good your eyes look. This is what I've done and then Biden does what by Norway, You guys get all.
for years by than Obama didn't do a damn thing forty seven years. Forty seven I understand everything now the by and and and Obama, had an opportunity to read the debate in this country on race and they did not do it. they didn't Araby, didn't, say: look we got a problem here because there's iter The education system in the poor, neighborhoods its impacting on the children negatively in their growing up in, are committing more crimes proportionally than white. That's what it's all about what you will. Let me, let me remind you Joe Biden, said they had republican Congress dahlia. Ok, Even the debate- and I know this because I more than one occasion spoke to the president that record about this
What? Because I was involved with the brothers Keeper programming document that will later I've you want, but I'm telling the exact truth that they weren't able to get the discussion, into the public arena, and I don't even know how are they try, so he comes and of course, with the usual bombast, Donald Trump greatest President were Abraham Lincoln. You really need that say since you're in math, drowning wanna- leave, let's get out of here. Nobody. Then he goes on to listen. Impressive array of accomplishing instead help Africa, the hurricane yeah. Made of leave some votes out there I mean I was China with ice cube. We were both in such matters
No. You word with ice cube, because I know you guys hang out all the time and I invited him, but I don't know where he was last night and I really don't want in Iraq Looketh, so us so bill. What was the big take away? Last night. Was it that he is he's only banning tracking on federal land. by that, what a disaster that wise Vienna and I am gonna. I am going to get rid of fossil fuels and an oil by two Thirty five, so we ve got a fourteen year at the end when he started, and on that I expect unanimously and toilets her forget it. You gotta go outside again. It was really bad. very well: Yemen, and slovenian Ohio interaction between Iceland went taxes anyway drop
being back. I'm telling you back your below and now I would not bad, but I would not tat I bet either way on this election, I mean I am no idea what's going on, but I will tell you I just to somebody. In fact, let me read the email: last night and it was very, very positive. Glenn had extensive briefing on inside pulling numbers from the field extremely different from what most the national media showing based on but right now Trump, is doing very good in the battleground states, interests Ling interest only number currently show Texas is more of a problem than several of the battleground states democratically. King Republicans, in the urban and suburban areas, but it looks like the rural areas or out performing which may make the difference in Texas. I am, is dead, cruisers gonna last minute
Our work is gonna, be the norm in our nine of Y know, but crews did lose urban crews. One by how many five point two points I mean like six, I believe it put everybody to rest. I'm calling taxes were tromp now Did you put it on that Little board now we're gonna be banned like twitter and Facebook, Google, gonna send their police squat out to it all it is going to be a close election. I do believe that I think that last night in the debate tromp helped himself. More than Biden did and that's always how you calibrate a winner always in a debate who have themselves more trumpet because he didn't come across. as its own fish word of the day, all fish away, EF, I s age, I eat office all the time. You don't have this spelling unit
you need to do- and I will pick so is it was it enough in time. Oh yeah work. We live in a world speed, age and between now and election day. You gotta have a lot more. how much money did Biden chain from you correctly, and I mean it that story isn't going away caution everybody on the story. I believe myself that Joe Biden all time Paul that enrich his family because of his public service at what I believe and it is entirely possible that enrich themselves in in the process. Gerald Ford. Grand ravage again without a penny, retires palmed rings and living in a lavish mansion added that abbot anyway. I believe
that story, but I people about the details of it. A lot of stuff we haven't nail down yet so don't be run around, but that thing is in place. our people hear things if if there is more that comes forth, it shows by those by President Santer and in which to insult and his family. That's gonna be huge. So that's there and drop was pretty good last night getting that out, even though the debate moderator who I thought you a pretty good job, miss wealthier Every time I try to do it, he jumped do it right. Loaded the question away Leslie store. When you saw these sixty minutes interview, which I think every should watch the whole thing not not be edited versions I get
What are you goes away while you did me with? This? Is the biggest story- political, sorry it I'm just as in the Arab died. We haven't. We haven't aside. It should I buy up either. Would I be as news pounded the guy in a wretched gloody there, without when single thing verified, you do it and now you will need to discuss this Biden thing with, would drop. I've been Americans. Some of them are stupid back, but most of them are stupid. They get it there It is in there. Joe Biden, I'm in the good thing about you, we know that everything about trout. when you read the United States drop, you know em, you like it, supplies in the next nine days. New might be
I think there's a couple of I think, there's a couple of things here and on this I thought Donald Trump did a great job. Last night going, they spent forty six million dollars in three and three quarters years. Try to discredit me trying to dig up anything on me. The family are business, etc. They got I think we got nothing he's defence. Give me a million box. I think I can find a lot on this guy listen. He made some excellent points. Donald Trump did new erase acquired. Is it a novel It is an insult to the people who hate him. There is one other thing and he will have a couple of opportunities on your eyes. I said last night, I just I believe you didn't bring up when they went to talk in a border, look at by density, explain to me why the american taxpayer should pay all the health care costs role undocumented aliens, that's a knock out below
so rather than being on the different you bring up like that, I can't wait for you never can never happen which, if Trump loses it, be because of carbon, that that's why he had to do was look into the caravan say. You know When I wish, I had been more pro basque, I wish I had encouraged that a little bit more than I did we didn't know, we were getting conflicting information and the major things that I did save the lot alive but he will never make that kind of a concession, but anyway going for which I thank everybody wants to do now. Drop has a real chance to win and the Those are bogus. We know that the post, watching our Rasmussen and Trafalgar, both of which were right, time four years ago, They both show him You know it,
not in a grey position, but not in it possession he could win. I who will continue at below rally Wanna get his take on the media and the censorship that's been going on in and what part of the binding things really is still out in in question will get to that. Would Reilly coming up in just a second, don't forget his new book, killing crazy or a great great book graziers. What am I favorite stories You can find it now available everywhere, killing crazy horse by Bill O Patriot Mobile peril. a tree at mobile. I mean I don't want to get gee. I don't want to get a little prejudge. Actual I'd like to get a lot. Preachy hear it it's time for us to stop doing business with company. these that are undermining our country and undermining everything we believe in and if we're doing business with one of these big cell companies. That's exactly
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look around you and I and a few others have done our homework on Ukraine on China and the burdens, but most of America has not most of America really doesn't even understand the story that Donna. tromp was nailing him with and Joe, it has been allowed by the press to get away with it did did it did. Do you think it's both to the average person who doesn't pay tension to politics was there any impact on Biden being absolutely corrupt Some watch maybe you don't follow the news and most voters do not tell us what people listen to top radio is to me and you every day and then watches give aid at all understand? Because in their universe there are seeking
information there trying to be informed, but voters do not do that so here, dribs and drabs, they talk about it with their friends and family. They may once in a while news programme on television but they're, not regular consumers of the news. They don't know the pattern of behaviour of Joe Biden. Last night diatribe was pretty because he is so bombastic in getting peoples Tension that Biden, corrupt. by saying we want, you explain. It was Joe what you want right now, the otherwise, the NBC moderator Kristen Welcome, we are told was lively stall not to go into this. How do you know that back what an excellent question earlier this week. was on Monday there was a conference
coming out of K Street in Washington by the democratic organisation. The bottle group paid a lot of money to advise the democratic part on a number of issues, but basically entered on. We are going to reply to all this Abiden honour Biden stop by It's an honor verified story that went out everybody and email. This is what they do almost every day I they have. morning meeting and ass. They come up with the theme of the day The theme of the day on Monday was all abide. Stop is on verifying that good who is in quarters of NBC News. Cbs news ABC nervously, CNN. All of them cried New York. his watch and post. They get it
the Republicans do something like that on a much lower and lesser level. The word went out. The story is bogus, and you heard a glass by finding himself said it ok stand by more on this in just a minute. This is the Glen Back Programme So if your fan sleek, if durable, he turned your dials up to eleven of state of the art is the way to your heart and especially really good stakes in ribs, and then let me introduce you to erect tech wreck. Tat is what you dad's grill always wanted to be when it grew up it's amazing, smart, green technology, heavy stainless steel. It is a or to be recognised in the industry? So if your looking for the best grill on the market. I want you to go, and eighty compare now right
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this is the Life programme and it is right, if God welcome too we are just just, close to a weak away from election and bill. O Reilly is on with us on this beautiful beautiful Friday he's here to be a little black rain clouds. Are you Doin Bill Series, you know about you. I am shocked full of information and you are just diverting. May let me get back to the narrative that we allow all right all right the word went out to all the That is a lie with the democratic party. We're gonna, say Everything is unverified, which is why you heard it. Fifty thousand time on the issue then it was updated right before the debate for Putin did. I put burden he always misinformation. The russian.
Did it again and there preparing our larger and they're, the ones that our response, but for all of these accusations against hunt during Joe Biden and job naturally set it decided to in the debate Rudy Giuliani, was used by the Russians. That's why this is a budget ball, ok here is where we are on this: I believe that, as I said the beginning of the interview that job, I use his position and in the federal government to enriches am I don't know whether dad and over to himself and neither does anyone else well. If so, tromp, did not have a smoking gun last night to drop on. He didn't have a smoking bomb, they D, never smoking gun, but Yesterday, a Lotta news came out and a lot of documents were look, rules were were released and
You had the ceo of his son of his sire company sang look. I I only del with Joe Biden on these financial issues He is the big guy in that memo. I, where it says that that is the big guy, but now we have another executive. Involve Chang Biden didn't do anything, but we don't know- and I quote, everybody because it allowed to the russian collusion nonsense, which I call and everybody on as well. You die now, whether money change pants, certainly they wanted it to? we're coming out a piece for the big guy. That's the email so is it is a? Is it not enough that Joe Bindings brother, without the contract experience, got the contracts to build new homes in Iraq there
there were three and a half million dollars from a dirty mob, written oligarch and his wife in in Moscow and the billion and a half dollars that went to hundred bindings rose seneca is that not enough is, is that is at cool not an eight hour is that would override the hatred they have for the present because it's all about Hunter. if you want- now Joe Biden, you They have now. There was an intriguing thing that Tom said: he said that I can receive more than nine hundred thousand dollars from Concern attached to the University of Pennsylvania, you pen, the money but didn't. paid. Him came from China right
Thank you for that. I've never heard of that before nominal get into it with you. very. Very I didn't tell dad. I assume that binds got them. nine hundred J on his tax return and he did some gonna speech. consulting or whatever for that money, but it's nice, a slam dunk that your body we shall get cash what would be needed to knock him out all right. Well, last night that none of these money yeah? He also knows but he knows that are used his position to enrich this family it's not enough for the Trump, George and here is the example you now tat were with almost industry I met,
on the air last night day. Joe Biden School Big, can possibly do this. I told you I've told you for years that guy is a political, operative, camera you might addressed all right. and he led the air you insinuate, the form of The president took money. I don't know whether Biden took body for himself or not. I do now as President Tromp pointed out, but not in a bombastic way. That Biden like Gerald Ford had to lavish houses baby fully right. It is ever held a job in the private sector. You wrote a book, but it was a big book Jill inquiry- yours, it's not
by an book no way to get the money where it all I come from, he lives very large where they come from. Okay, I don't know, but I caution everybody, if you think that by gonna be knocked out by Hunter bindings situation? I don't know. I agree with that I don't think so, but keep could, This is a Glenn back theory. This is there's no fact buying this. I just would like your opinion on doesn't this play to thee? to the laughs advantage. In some ways. If, indeed, this causes, scandal won't go away. If, even if Joe Biden wins, it's not gonna go away and if their that smoking gun the left will push to clean this up and he can't be president. And forcing him out to be able to it Kemal in common now,
something tat and play number wine. It Biden wines that big the Justice Department in a barn, those guys are gone, and then ill, appoint, miss somebody's gonna do Jack saw. It it'll be on the press to investigate the press will softly. Ok why he wins he's in the clear number two that controls a lot of what the Democrats still would like to have, hello, president, but they gotta play the game. and it's not a hard game- the play that joint bodies not going to stand up to these people, whatever they wanna do he'll, say: ok, you know a day when the house and the sound of the democrats- oh my god, this country,
is really gonna, be damaged, really gonna be hurt his vanity, with all kinds of things that you have never see. Second, amendment thing First amendment things stack and the Supreme Court everything we argue with over two years until the american people, wake up. I I just I say to my audience. This is why this is the most important elections not about tromp versus by No! It's about! You love your country, you're gonna, see it evaporate and two years now, because Biden is gonna, sit there and do whatever he stole the dew pillar Reilly because I am such a good man. And so generous with my time and my talent and I want to help a friend sell, a couple of books you ve got this killing, crazy horse. Why're you for the killing of animals
It's the merciless indian wars in America and the EU. but that you hired to read your books back They told you about the subtitle. I, the subtitle is, I guess, ass, my horses in the stall what's the foolish indian Wars and America about has got off to a tremendous star, more than three hundred thousand copy sold, actually moved up. What we do, Bearded number two on the New York Times. Less should have been number one, but I don't think they approve of me. I grew up and then I went back to over this week to serve it by now. It's back up to four. Selling Woodward's book so what a mouth on killing crazy hoist with tremendous you got amazon dot com. Ninety three percent of the reduced by the folks, not the king heads the folks. The real people read the book
because the says on top of the review verified, purchase. Ninety three percent say it's an actual and bought a so happy with that. I can tell you- and it's basically from eighteen Jane to nineteen hundred seven seven years of non stop warfare between Washington and the native american tribes. What really happened, who these people were, coaches sitting ball, Gerard, I'm all crazy. What were they really worries human beings and why there were involved? chance, brutal conflict with energy action in: U S Glad and Martin the enduring and all the rest. Okay. So My publisher- and this is the ninth killing book back. As you know, I too join Series is the most successful Nonfiction book series in history point upon my public, here you go with me through niger- is killing crazy, urges the best of the bunch. Well
anytime, you tell the story of Martin Van Buren, you know you have yourself a classic excellent here. Right up. No, you an affinity for NATO. In history I do on and is an especially crazy ores I'm crazy yours is a brilliant military attack to us, so most people don't understand that he was in a greater as the chief of the Oglala Sioux, he was the Minister of WAR that actually had a minister of war. Sitting ball was achieved Glad Eisenhower in World war. Two, who is the Supreme Court under the allied forces eyes in our name therefore, in about in his whole life, and, of course you know that when you read chilling tat, sitting. We never thought none battle. He was considered to important too the tribe and he Oversight,
He hoist one battle after battle after battle after battle against the: U S Army and they couldn t eat em. I so U S grand whose brother made a point shut off having said that he actually what happens to Joe Biden you want, you were great, I'm like a boy with it, but believe me, this is not something that binds Zimbabwe so anyway, you is granted, will who's not enough to be crazy course hook. Who can who can get him there comes George Cluster. I hear at the Battle of Gettysburg. young, I totally insane where sway jacket with a red coral law, flowing blonde hair, and here comes. They send them out. To bring in crazy horse to kill him and annihilate.
from the shoe who were running wild after the? U S, government violated the treaty, the black hills, black hills with it, so whose ancestral grounds and the battle the little big owing to everybody's heard about Nobody really knows what happened and use the tool. that we brought the killing crazy watch. there is no report ties on the little big one, because the wage and therein in scouts and the journalists that travel with cluster were wiped out killed. so nobody could give you a porter. What actually happened in the fight accept this issue because they passed down by all history. There were, eyes again every native american tribe very did death is how are you all they did. We tell the audience will always happen in their trot they were historians and then
later when they assimilated, they wrote to stop now We got. This report ties I'll, be justified. at an early age ever done that, but we Would you why, on the battlefield exactly step by step minute by minute, what happens there unbelievably harrow ass. He still talking all right we waited, I will I will I will you gotta get got. I will. I will bill O Reilly. The name of the book is killing crazy. Yours, it's available everywhere. Will thank you for your friends. Thank you for being honoured. I got it, You feel what but let me just say that use cussing me out there The another load even said. Thank you very much and let me tell you about real estate agents. I trust dot com
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you're going to start really teaching history. People have asked me for a long time you know how can we get? these documents. How can we have history Todd? Can you guys do classes well, we ve been doing classes for the last. What four or five years kind of his a test in the summer with just college age, kids well It is changing and we're announcing it tomorrow and you want to be a part of it. It is in Amerika back to work. Tomorrow night, at eight p m eastern on my Facebook page, you two page to mercury, one dot org, also at blaze, dot com, Special you in your family want to see want to learn history tomorrow, eight p m. This is. The Glen Back Programme America, it's Friday. We have. We have the co founder of vice media
the founder of censored tv and a very, very funny and intelligent man. That is We found out last night, there apparently there's a new name, the founder of the poor boys get Mcguinness, We have him in sixty seconds. The Glen Back programme I always thought that they were called the proud boys, but apparently that Joe Biden said last night to the poor boys. So I don't know what happened it's coming up in a second first, I want to talk to you about my pillow. I have to tell you that the pillow is great. The sheets are the best are the best they have Gaza Gizzard Gus, it's the bomb he's a dream sheets. These are made from visa egyptian cotton, the world best and they get softer every time you sleep autumn, softer every time you wash em and there
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mypillow dot com, mypillow, dot com, eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen promo code back Gavin Mcinnes, controversial man who who started the poorboys welcome Gavin Governor YU. We're gonna go to have you here, sir. Wake. You up. I know you, you probably had more drinking than we did in Europe coverage of the debate last night. Well, I think Biden Attack does joke was p o you are. He was implying that we drink too much and when someone is to prove that the first you want to do is have a drink thrust. I'm just or boy. Nobody loves me right through it and went to the pub and I was accosted by terminus at the pub a very fat woman and one with a shave, TED and us.
The left left their rights you to interrogate you when they see a popular conservative in public. So I had to draw these questions like the spanish inquisition, and when this happens, probably you too you just say show me a right wing riot, I demand show me that, and she put up something on her phone about people demonstrating against covered end of the night. It ended the interrogations. Yes, you, a Nazi So do I have to ask you begin? You started the proud boys kind of as a joke. I mean you know like like you. Us. Did you know you you, over the top masculinity just to just a really kind of hack people off right. Yet the challenge its people say who started joke. Then it went out of control. No, it start as a joke. It still a joke. Yesterday
violence because there is violence. I mean we're living in violence right now. That's the Euro were in, I think, rich upper middle class- whites, don't see the violence in there faced but in Manhattan. If I do a target date, Goldie does a charge. If Cassandra Fair Banks is watching with her kid there's, violence subtle were happy to fight them, no one says, and that makes us violent, so the proud boys, if I'm not stake in You refuse to go to the Unite the right rally, which is the one that everybody says in all Donald Trump. He said there good people on both sides? Era nazis? There, you guys weren't there weren't you were you. I spent a high five after Charlottesville, they said, don't like this Jason Casper, do you lied about being all right? This is smell. like a rather talk colleagues, statues demonstration, but I feel, like it's gonna, be a nazi thing. I was correct. I call it months in advance.
I said: if you go to that thing, you're out of the proud boys. Sorry, the poor boys- and it makes me Hungary, like they, said there was a couple guys, there's something I didn't get my high five for predicting that it was not you think, I'm The point now were, I think, shroud so was was fed operation. I think Jason Castle, the FED the just into reeks of a set up and we spotted it yet were still blame for it. I didn't know MAC yesterday and I just sit there a bad boy with my hand, outs and repeat: I'm not a white supremacist, I'm not await nationalists. It's this weird and Taiwan. humiliation we have to do so given when you hear Joe Biden talk about the one group single out one group besides the Nazis,. and you weren't even there, and you are warning against it as I make you feel it makes me in
and my waist to liberal she's, lost all her friends, you know He's got all these family problems because it is like this this election, this these past four years Have been orwellian, everything up is down and the fact that were out there trying to promote other. the second amendment in american values and being called not you scored it's just You got a laugh. You gotta see the humor. having reliving the craziest time in history, but also the funniest time in history. Ok, I have to tell you that this is something that I would ever wish on myself or anybody else. But if it happens it's kind of cool to be singled out, as has a the the mullahs in a ran. Using something you came up with as a joke and it
and them using it to twice try to sway the election. I mean. That's I mean in some ways that's kind of. I wouldn't want to happen to me or you honestly, but I mean it cool that it did right. It is putting it'll be fun. To tell my grandchildren and someone media you wanna have info it. So it is called that we ve come up in the past to the only two presidential debates that that's interesting, but what a clown world and they're not sending their best like sending an email from Prague boys. It says we're gonna, kill you if you don't vote for Trump. Obviously, the FBI's mature So's emails? Obviously you gonna get caught. Your son left a laptop at a repair place, could you be more amateurish? Does not, I think, the spoiled brat like monarch, we're dealing with the that weird gay king in the movie brave heart the. What that's, that's might be a little obscure.
You know all these years later, but you'd like the prince something wrong job I dont remember, but strangely I do kind of ever recollection of that So, given are you? Are you voting for down Trump ORB Did you over last time? I back of a thousand per se You should have went in a landslide that the left will contest it. They will talk about mail in ballots. They will contested so much that come January. First he's going to fuse the Supreme Court to say finish, counting your stupid, fake, valid. We got to get to work here, and then no congestion for the next four years. You know they're going to blame you and the proud boys for anything that happens violent in the street. Yes, and isn't that amazing, it's been five months! Writing I count. Thirty two des directly not nut
tangentially related to the rights, but actually in the rights. Thirty, two death. It's been three billion dollars worth damage the most in american history. Ninety eight the biggest hundred cities in America experience rioting every single state has had statues. Destroyed, and the news, including Fox NEWS by the way, is what is proud boys riot, what if they get mad, you're, so scared of mystical riots. It's all this! What if militia groups get mad? are. You look at your window right now and look at the left weighing groups that are burning the country to the ground? How is that not Problems are not mostly peaceful. Michel Kevin I thank you for the year. The evidence on.
how racist stir- you really are when you so talk about all the deaths that to be a lamb has cause. We all know those were covered deaths and those just by the way, those thirty two deaths are mostly blackened hispanic and their from covered. Nope. Add. Thank you so much Gavin. I appreciate thanks for coming on the programme. Then it's gotta be surreal. Being you this weekend I've been thinking about you a lot at every time I hear about the poor boys. I think I get there It's gotta be surreal. To be a surreal world, thank you so much I would appreciate it any don't even think about the need to take it back? Just just gone orient the next drink, zero you are below yeah, oh yeah are limited. About gold line coldly and if they have the world doesn't descend into chaos in the next couple of weeks. It would
It will be really wise for you to consider investing a portion of your portfolio into precious metals of for years now that you need to do your own homework on this? You should get in touch with. Gold line and determine what investment strategy is best for you. I maintain all of that, but with a much higher sense of urgency. God forbid I mean. Hopefully, if Donald Trump is being in the swing states if he is five point, Hence I had it'll be it'll, be really tough, not to call him a winner in the swing states on election night. But if it's cool sir than that or even It is that in the shenanigans again are coming up. It's going to be the country will be ripped apart by the on the left and you're gonna, see if Biden, winds, you're gonna see the stock market tank you're gonna see the D. or drop. It is not going to be pretty in me opinion I just bought
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welcome back to the programme. It's Friday tomorrow night, we are gonna, be introducing a major major project that you are going to want you and your family involved in, and you can do it from your own home, the can Journey centre is being opened right across the Louisa Brick Yard. Central Square here of the old paramount lot. The mercury studios and right across the brick yard, is about twenty thousand square foot project that we ve been working on now for over a year was supposed. We done in summer, but covert hit. So we just I mean we're we're trying to get it done. It's not gonna be finished when you see it tomorrow night, but it's pretty clothes, We are going to start classes and we're gonna tell you all about them their virtual or you can do them in person you wanna watch they'll be free. It is
are classes in depth challenging people on what they think they know about the founding challenging them what they think they know about history, we're going to show you some of the history that we ve collected will show you the new space and introduce the new programme that you can. involved with. We are also doing an auction. This is our yearly fundraiser that we do that way. I can I can promise you that every dollar raised for mercury, one when there's a tragedy goes direct. Lee toward that tragedy in helping those people on hundred percent of it, I can say that, because we have an auction and usually we have a ball where we just milk, thus not out of rich people, We don't We don't we're not having a ball this year and that's gonna really dramatically hurt our ability to raise money, but We decided we're, gonna, have an auction, and so I've I've gone in
who my house and and I've taken stuff that I would never never have sold, and I were Healy. I look at it. I came in this morning. Some of it is sitting in here and I'm like. No, I don't. I know want to sell at theirs. Things of meaning. For me, why of them. Is this helmet that was given me, by the fighter group that hurt checks, are not the northern Pacific and protects protection, from all of the fighters and all the planes from Russia, these guys on the front lines. Every day they favour ton. Dog fighting with the Russians in real life. They gave me a helmet. They had a helmet made for me and It's just so cool, it's a fighter helmet and it comes and this really nice caisson and everything else is theirs.
little things like this little rocket. If Europe, if you happen to be watching us on place tv, this is this is carved in hand carved the legs are all hand carved, came from a set design that I wanted to build and d the guy the Arctic. They did it. He was like then you'd have our scared and heaved as a gift. He made the whole set for me in miniature, and so the rock It is is part of it, just a really cool thing. We also have the declaration. Of independence. The first draft, a copy of the eighteen, twenty six engraving, which proves that Thomas Jefferson knew exactly what he meant what he said when he said all men are created equal. It proves it without a shadow of a doubt. It's a room mark of thing. This is a remarkable piece of history as well. This is it says its top executive mansion July
One thousand eighteen, sixty two and as to the speaker of the Senate, is Sir Please inform the Senate. That I shall be a be offering it They will postpone the urine your adjournment at least one day I know this is I can't read his writing, but I but I understand now, ways to stop slavery. Your obedient servant, Abe, Abe, Lincoln. This is his letter that goes to the Senate, that said Polly he's, don't adjourn I have a new idea and I've been working on it, but I cant get it done tonight. So don't adjourn, don't away, and it was emancipation proclamation. It was the beginning of the Emancipation proclamation.
This is the original were selling, not the original. We are selling a copy of the original at the auction, and our original documents and original pieces that we are selling tumor there are three of my paintings, on of Winston Churchill with keeps, and carry on or whatever whatever that is, an Abraham, Lincoln they're, both state approved their both wearing masks by There is a reason why you have to look on the masks. We have the hope poster that boost. The Fox who's. That hung on Fox news for you, for a very long time? This is an original painting of mind that was supposed to be for the storing, covenant event for Gettysburg. It was the logo. You may have seen it use this was the original painting of that
and I don't want to sell it, but We need. We need your help, so if there's anything at all that you are interested in there's a silent auction going on right now, mercury, one dot org, you can check out the silent auction more stuff is gonna be released later today and tomorrow. Tomorrow night is is an auction of some, the big stuff. I've got a guy, huh got a gun that chuck. Norris gave me that is just phenomenal and you can you can pick that up to if you want Mercury. One dot org all the proceeds go too fond of mercury. One dot org is in all of whom I am one next chapter dot com to probably up her. We introduce our next chapter. We know it. We ve been in business now, almost a decade, so
It's time for a new chapter in David, and I line this out over a year ago. We were very concerned about what we would be facing in the next eighteen months, and here we are and so we said we ve got to just start teaching people, history and That's why we have the american Journey Centre. It's these really incredible. classrooms that are right outside of a thirty five hundred square foot vault with awful of this amazing history and documents in it vertical and, and we really want to wait- we lost each ourselves and our children, true history and critical thinking and will be doing that we we announced that tomorrow night, eight p m, my Facebook page Blaze TV, carry one dot, org
you'll, be able to have to find it live to Morrow. I know last chapter what you're helping people with no Survive ISIS and the next chapter will be helping ISIS they're. Just let me address such sides, alternately with hangs out. I was by the way we have an increasing, credible update on the Nazareth Fora yeah, incredible update tomorrow. It will all be part of this broadcast. Don't miss it I'll, be there with you as your hosts programme, and it is the Glen Back programme. Glad you're here simply safe. Is our sponsor dumb criminals out there in all, I think, probably the dumb ones out number the smart ones? That's a good thing, but even the d, criminals don't want to get caught so they'll. a voice did the home. That has been our sign out front that says house protected by some security company to out of every five houses in the United States. Have security to that means?
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a world renowned journalists, somebody who is interviewed just about every damn, prime minister on the planet, Ray famous person on the planet time magazines, one hundred most influential people in the world hollow reporters women in entertainment power, one hundred She was on the cover of vanity fair. Only the second news anchor in history to do that. She's also practice law, litigator for nine years or memoir, settle for more. They be number one on the New York Times. She is also moderated five presidential, Bates and that's why I wanted to have around now she's also the host of a brand new podcast called the maid Kelly show found wherever you get. Your podcast welcomed the programme friend of the programme making Kelly. I made an eight. mega Megan? Are you there? Yes, I'm taking it What can I do about it? You're? Thank you so
I saw you ran a bit and I want to talk to you about the debate, but I want to start with the the press. Have you ever seen anything what the press is doing right now on sixty minutes, but also Joe Biden scandal. Now it's disgusting, it's just its stomach. Turning. But it's just a continuation of what we ve seen over the past couple of years. They are there. armed arrangements syndrome has blinded them to what you're doing to their own credibility if they can't get it back? It's too eight. They ve already sacrificed it, and now no one is listening to them other than hard partisans for whom they craft their news sober, was that the sixty minutes thing was really. I opening wasn't it. So, let's go over that. Tell me what tell me your take away on that. So
watch sixty minutes, unlike a mild fan of its kind of strategy and it's pretty old school, but you know I grew up seeing itself and I love Michael Was that a is the best ever he's like you get me, I want to be like that, I would have loved my boss. But anyway we stall? where I watched her the and the other on edited thirty seven minutes. My main takeaway was the sixty minutes. Producers are so much better than we ve been giving them credit for legged Day took why I'm sorry up to rip on her, but who sound why me and petulance an immature and biased and unprepared. They somehow windup slicing dicing it to the point where we have this image of a professional smooth, polished, tough interviewer, but she, like, I gotta, give ten examples. One wonders upstart. My head is like she was present. when why he doesn't make the people who go to the doll trunk rallies, wear, masks you
powerful. Why Why don't you tell them, and you know trump he never Hits it right on the head. It's just like, I tell a vital, widely look at her and say Leslie after daddy, they understand masts and social distancing, are what is recommended. run the crowds and you- and you knew that is not my job grown ups they can make their own is an inch just her. how why meanness on this subject print betrayed her bias and he just went gonna lie in every question. She also claimed that Joe Biden, not in a scandal at all their zeal scandal tweet it out, and I really believe us it was such a matter moment. It's like some media refuses to cover a scandal he's got her Joe Biden and then, when the actual other candidate says hey Doc. I haven't scandal. Media responds with what scandal is a scandal right. There's no because you refuse to cover it.
Like there's? No right of the. If you don't hear the bear, the words or whatever, however, the saying goes there is they are there and now we ve heard it my witnesses who are involved in it and the deal I say this: not russian disinformation that the press has run out of excuses. Do not try to cover it and the only obvious explanation for all, which is the one that we knew from the beginning, which is thereby us toward binding and against from so is who wasn't the IMF? nation. Excuse me the information that has come out right now. How would you have covered the laptop and the information what what do you think is a reasonable way to cover that? Now? Why haven't you try to track down the legal blind computer, repair man. I just can't believe it passed up, the store I dont, understand a line of in that line of work in Europe but anyway, armed with your right side up you tracking down you asking questions at that moment.
lend credibility to the story. You do what Fox NEWS didn't actually what I have done as well, which is trying to get me. Hundred Biden, signature on you know what gave the laptop, which I've seen personally and so as some of their inquiringly yellow box you try to deliver the emails yourself. You gotTa China custody figure. How about the emails and then understanding that you're not gonna, get that laptop it. I'm gonna get the original source. The FBI has it, you disclose. That's your audience and you say love this is, what we did try to satisfy ourselves and the real story there is. This asked is no one can really see the actual laptop Let the viewers decide whether they think is credible, are credible, but all the time, news organisations go to press with stories that they can't come. completely. No are one hundred percent bulletproof, hello, stew. Does everything for the last five years everything have run with lemon. Let me
Let me take you to the to the list went from NPR. Did you happen to read that damages its completely outrageous. It is it is saying we know better than you do we're not and to cover this, because there is not even a story here, course? There's a story there, even it turned out, but the story was Rudy Giuliani made that laptop at of chewing gum and and foil wrappers it's a story, but for them to say. There's no story, especially at this time. No question is, did Donald, from do enough and and and how do you combat when half of the country is getting their news and vat. portions of what's really going on or just gone. How You break through and did he do enough to at least in some some curiosity on wait. What is even talking about well
most net Ebby Argus Federal Tax dollars soldiers. It's really outrageous that they, they should be so openly biased and shown absolute zero interest to actually investigate major facts in a prison. essential race. Shame on them, but I do think, this race is in large enlarge ways tween Donald Trump in the media, and I thank them believe me declared against him and it's really hard for him to break through, because, I think alike, of independence. Those are the only persuadable, maybe some working class Democrats. Are there watch CNN thinking. This is the news. Thank MRS I'm getting the news. They know they watch MSNBC they're, getting left, left wing bias, but There's still a hangover refugees in four CNN that it might just be real news instead of Emily we under different collars and So if I were trying to buy, you know by revising drop, I would say Mr President, before I go out there tonight, have to assume
They don't know anything about this people are living, their lives are not obsessing about Hunter Biden. Trust me! So if you want to make this point your you're gonna have to serve forget the term it down. So people who are you Deeply news can get it and can get it easily like. Let me tell you, members of the american public disguises Did they come? He says, no business dealings with his son. A hunter was deeply troubled. Well, he has, and now we know, because about laptop the hunter binding gave to some repair man and never picked up that hunger. Brain was cutting deals in Ukraine used Kennicott deals in China, some of which looked Joe Biden in as a monetary participate. Some which looked him in as just a guy needed to do something so Hunter could get paid. While Biden was as president either way you look at. It is totally corrupt and me, a black of doors, shows you american people than its you and me working against that.
Well, he didn't do that, but that would have been very, very good, but he didn't. He didn't do that. You have done. They are complex. You are. You have done five presidential debates, this think was the best moderator yet of these debates. But can you tell me I looked. There were supposed talk about foreign policy, but of course nobody wants to talk about foreign policy, because, what's going on in the Middle EAST, which is miraculous, what's happened in the Middle EAST but is it you look at that it was covered which they covered at nausea, em, the first debate and the set in debate There was no foreign policy and everything was really kind of playing towards bindings p. O p s So is that the moderators responsibility? Yes, I mean with you that she was the best so far and likewise
Well, I a little when I wanted and be seen, and I can t stand a person. I think manage the two candidates as well as anyone could, but I do think some of her left wing biased was reflected in the overwhelming number of times she interrupted tromp instead of binding and in the topic selection. I mean why, wouldn't we be talking about what's happening in the Middle EAST or understand and instead ones going back to blacklist matter and race, I mean. Did you like that? The left obsessed. They are obsessed with. pigmentation and generous, it's like everything is seen through the lens of like lady parts, and pigmentation, I'm sick of it. It's like we current is now at so many debates. I can't believe you didn't ask me you refused to condemn, but she got around to let you set this up by black lives matter again, not a question to Joe Biden about where's his condemnation for empty box which actually nothing riots and streets right now, so it is for us
dream to me as somebody who is more in the middle of the way, the news media approaches forget Donald Trump controversial, but just Republicans in general, but I understanding that the biased baked and she did about as well as you would expect from somebody goods. Are we being over? That way? Do you believe the poles, not really Not really. I had to say I. in general I do, and so I have a history of believing them, but I think we learned through trunk lasting that there is real reason to doubt them when Donald Trump is involved. So what do you think tat what he thinks and it happened we'll? Let me take well. If you look at where Joe Biden is falling today, verses were Hillary. Clinton was, on this exact same gate four years ago. he was pulling better? Joe Biden is in virtually every swing state, virtually all pursue down from and He lost the race, so dont, let
I can tell you that, just because Joe Biden is pulling ahead even in the swing states, he's got this thing locked up, he doesn't and I actually think, there's even more reason, this time around to doubt Austin last time, because people have been more shamed than ever to say The daylight Donald Trump people getting kicked out of their sororities for saying that they're getting their hands latin twitter, their companies are getting there getting fired if they like a tweet that is controversial black lives matter like our whole societies crackdown on freedom of opinion and, I think, they're more afraid than ever to see how they really feel when they go that voting boot we them in their God and if I had but money on it right now, I would put money had drunk, but its anybody's bogging less cos. Megan when you look at what is it what's coming? could go either way. I tend to agree with you that he's gonna go trumps way, but we
No that the left has planned. I mean they announced that they had two hundred organizations already ready for protests. If Donald from wins, How is that gonna come down? What is the press going to do if he wins. I mean, I think you know the answer that question right, that there is going to be a calamity. It's gonna, be you know it's gonna be like eat. All Heller was it. It was put the oval office by an american public that doesn't care at all about nobody in any minority groups and you're here. The anchors openly shedding tears on election. My words- Fine wines republicans will second up mover of innoxious. That's the way people are built in these countries. We ve seen it happen enough I, whoever wins have the country will turn out from traditional meat. for the next few months and actually believed based on my own history don't come to people like you. Let me welcome the pie CAS where they can hear. Smart culture discussions that aren't necessarily all politics
four soothing pursued in bomb and an escape or just a here like a smart taken. What the country may be going through at the time said he gonna be, for our like me and, like you, and I mean you're more than Pakistan, but we're all. We all do the saint. We all shovelling the same crap every day, idle I'd, let an Your last year is a lot of weighing up of anything it's dramatic on television Megan. I appreciate you and your point of view and being on the programme and loved heavy on against. You said something yesterday you tweeted it's fun being outside corporate media and I would love to unpack that with the amount of time this time hoped heavy on again. Thank you so much Megan. You bet she is the host of the Megan Kelly show now on podcasting. You can find it wherever you're get your podcast sponsor this. Have ours, american financing. Do you have debts? You know tat. Twenty spend a little weird people tell me too,
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just just an overwhelming sense of gratitude to rush limbo, who, if it wasn't for him, none of us would have jobs at least on talk radio. I don't think talk. Radio would exist the way it does if it wasn't for Ruslan Bomb, and if you didn't hear his monologue this week, It was a powerful ten minutes of radio where he talked about things, you're getting worse and but he's he's ring through it rush. We pray For you, we love you and Many of us, oh more than our gratitude to you. God bless you rush no end, Michael Savage you're, gonna burn in Hell. Ok we will. We,
see you tomorrow night. That's. That was no. I not judging Emmy just gonna burn the fires, a more next chapter com.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-25.