« The Glenn Beck Program

Trump Rejects Disastrous COVID Bill and Demands More Money for Americans | 12/23/20

2020-12-23 | 🔗

Last night, President Trump vetoed Congress' COVID relief/spending bill. Brian Tally joins the show to talk about the lack of support many veterans have when it comes to healthcare. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What you're about here is the future of entertainment and enlightenment land. That programme is very diverse, were airing of their grievances. Oh yeah, I look at it. You swamp dwellers and are you I can help when to help small business owners. That's next on the Glen Back Programme, its Jeff. Yet in today, for my friend Glenn back on the Glen Beg Programme, all my God is yes festive completely totally made up. I get it, but at the very core was that not one
the truest the moss. real sorts of expressions. I got problems with you. People problems with a lotta. You people now look at those people in D C. Look. Last night's president Trump did something that no Nobody expected him to do remember yesterday, what we're talking of a little bit about la we're all gonna get six hundred dollars. Isn't that wonderful? Yes, six! four dollars nobody's been able to work properly for what and months? Remember now were were ten months. In through the two week lightening the curve. How flat this curve need to get. I don't know, I'm not an expert curves and certainly not an expert in flattening them, but ten months and for ten months, what have we I you are a bad person. No, it has been directed towards you fundamentally anybody who is
in elected leftist or just upon Tippecanoe Leftist all pontificate you get what I'm saying unless you in leftist who gone in on the idea of Europe. Where all going to hide out our beds and will come out when we are told to come out. Look. My parents tried this car Few thing when I was like sixteen you gotta, be, by ten yards in ten to fifteen. Twenty two at said eleven, twenty two, what if you're not it didn't work, then an arm and a place. I should remind you here in Central Virginia what it's a beautiful area- marvellous people, but may have we got a. We not for a governor and, what's weird I think it's like a lot of other states around the country we ve got. This little chunk of Virginia and its work outside of Washington DC, and you know who lives there. Everybody who works
Washington DC every body. Who is, I swear to you, a major part of what president from hold the swamp these with a swamp dwellers? They gotta DC. They spend other people's money and then come back to Northern Virginia artless. I wanted to live long happy healthy lives. I really do I wish for everybody. I made a point. My life words like TAT, takes a lot of blood in Africa Somebody, though I could dislike you and deadly that's easy boom, but hate that's Just gonna work it bad. early you might have to put on the new clean Paris. What pants, I can't be bothered eight people, but I'm telling you HU. I dislike him dear. them a lot and they're all just situated right there around Washington D C. They make the decisions
The rest of us in the Kok look up the Virginia worlds or to spread out where you gonna happen. Agar, you gotta acre, you got ten acres. Somebody else s farm and that's kind of where I live in this area at over county which beautiful it's it's it's the queen. To Central America, forms? Here? No look. I told you I'm a city, can't I grew up in the inner city of Philadelphia. I just always believed that meet came. In shrink wrap in styrofoam that that that was yeah I owed so here's the deal I get out here and I'm a people, among other things, know how to they really know how to hunt they can make their own food. They can take care of themselves that that yeah I like this- I mean I don't do any of that.
but I like being around people that do, but those people of Northern Virginia keep voting well for people like them, far left wing people who firmly believe that- and I do mean firmly believe that the answer to everything is more: governments. Member back with that, was a big debate. Well, if you're on, why you say I, I think our fundamental deep Our position is: let's try that dreaded private sector seems like there are a lot of people who to business and they figured out how to help people along the way, ok and evil It was like no gotta gotta be more from the government, so that was the fundamental this disagreement, but now it just got off the rails. So we get six hundred dollars were told
how many people were excited about how many people had already spent six hundred dollars. I won't tell you right now most people most people around this country, if you believe the media, if you believe the leftists- I repeat my, off the airplane. Few pope leave them. Six dollars was great and the president's Trump stood opposite. Ok, hang on I can hear now. Let me see if I understand this correctly, you Our calling this vibe thousand six hundred page bill, the cold id relief bill, ok So how come we're sending eighty five billion dollars to Cambodia, I have nothing Cambodia, but I dont
If they are- and I dont know what do you mean by billion dollars- is going about a hundred and thirty four million dollars to Burma? Quick question for you. Can't you find Burma map? I've got a general idea looking to sit here and lecture told you the only person in the room and I'm still that the smartest guy in the room so I looked at a male and somewhere over here I probably be close, but I don't like a pick it out on a map. One point three billion dollars for Egypt and the egyptian military, which we are told according to President tromp wilt. probably be used to buy russian military equipment. Pakistan, don't know what's going on over in Pakistan, but they are getting twenty five Dollars, for quote demur.
We're c and gender programmes. Could you explain them cause I can't how about believes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. That's five hundred and five billion dollars going to those countries. and you want to hear one of the speakers, the Kennedy Centre Washington DC now. The Kennedy Centre in Washington DC is, as I understand it, a lovely place, my really shows and presentations. I've never been. I have friends who have gone and this all my cash, if you ve gotta, go to the Kenyan gorgeous absolutely gorgeous. Ok, they'll pick it up forty million dollars now here's the problem with that they're not even open for business. how about the Smithsonian? I don't think that are open billion dollars for them. One hundred and fifty four million dollars for the National gallery of art and again these your place
is that are not open, but you think that that's it yeah right, Jeff come on all right. I will just deal with because I want my six hundred dollars. I need it see if you want it, that's one thing day right now. I want somebody give me money, but, I don't need them a much blessed to say that right, I'm still gonna be able to the bills we still went out and purchased Hanukkah gifts and Christmas presents and we pay for them. For them. So I am again
I use ice, upsetting the passed off I'm lucky fortune at the now was Jeff. Please it's a little too much greater for you, dude, I'm blessed another other people to go now. May I need that six hundred dollars? I can't pay my rent because I can't work our way. You'd need it and I want you to have the opportunity to make way more than six hundred dollars, but let me get back to the President: you ready for this seven billion dollars for reef fish management. I dont know what a reef is, and I dont know why we need managers for them. Twenty five billion dollars to combat asian carp and two point five. Five million dollars to out count the number of Amber Jack FISH in the Gulf of Mexico. Now we ve got what
nineteen million Americans who are out of work right now. Don't you think I mean if we're gonna go and have this project, we ve got a count: the Amber Jack Vision, the Gulf of Mexico, why Well, because we don't know how many there are. Ok, how do we kelp now? Are we gonna to need people? Please can we hire some of the nineteen twenty million unemployed Americans to go out the abject fish in the Gulf of Mexico? I'm just an idea. It's just an idea President Trump also said, the bill also allows stimulus checks for the family. Members of eel go aliens allowing them to get up to eighteen hundred dollars. Each and is far more than the Americans are given. Despite all
of this wasteful spending- a much more than nine hundred billion dollar package, provides hardworking taxpayers with only six hundred dollars each. While President Trump says you people go back You go back to the table, not signing this garbage and if you do want me to sign it. You gotta go back and give each american two thousand dollars. Well, I suppose it's a start right. You and I need to analyze that for sure eight hundred and eighty eight seven hundred and twenty seven, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty seven to back, and I remind you must reads we single Bay, multiple times a day, Glenn Back DOT, com, Glenn back dot com and, of course, the he's dot com as well. If you want to Emmy so be out. I'm gonna give you my website. It's probably the easiest way: breathest semi some email. You go to the Jeff TAT
oh dot com, be Jeff, TAT, show dot com and there's a contact button there and by all means reach out. It is Jeff cats in today for Glenn. This is the Glen Back programme. Jeff CATS, today for Glenn on the Glen Back Programme, yeah airing of grievances. Look it's about! What's being done, it's about how its being done and it's about what you I do or do not wind up doing on our and president Tromp has fought for us for four years, and I tell you just like just like glad I was late to the party I really was Irene. Berwin Donald Trump came down, that big escalator a trump tower and announced that he was running for president. Like a lot of you, though now how's it going for President he's not a politician how
she gotta run for President he's, not a politician, and it took me quite a while to figure out. That's how Why is running for president and over the law? asked for years as I've watched, listened read so many folks eating the man up and I mean beat him viciously. I found myself defending him. I think I would not Was it everything now look, I'm a father of three kids in my two sons. I hope I pray. I am Reese proper, each teaching them Do this and not to do that, gotta tell you in all candour. Some of the president's tweet man just rubbed me the wrong,
what back some of the ways he spoke. I wasn't crazy about. Then I realise just take a look in the mirror: perfect, no close to perfect, not so much the same thing for the president and then you want you listen to you, read his words and go. Oh, I get it. I get. It not capable of being bought off beholden to those in the swamp. That's why can do this stuff, that's He does what he does, and that is why they hate him. They want I'm gone. The January. The sixth seems to be the next opportunity for President Trump to be returned: to the oval office, to be re elected right that
the day that all of these electoral ballots from all over the country come in to Congress and you need one member of Congress and the House side and one member of Congress in the Senate side. Sighted, all they ve gotta do is data but say a we're objecting to some of this stuff. And it's not for all of the states for those force. aids for states where there's all this walk about fraud, mail in How being abused? Look I'd heavy answers for that, but I want them and I'm not telling you that the election went this way that way. The other way, I'm just saying I'm sitting here as an adult, grown man and I grew up in Philadelphia if Europe telling me that everything so above or in Philadelphia in this election that I am here to tell you that was the first time in a hundred years. Why not examined all the stuff? Why not
look at it and, at the same time, take look at what President Trump, at least in theory and spinal thirty days in office, is trying to do and that's going back. to these pin heads and saying Are you give all this money to Burma you're given below means of dollars for the Smithsonian National Gallery of ART in the Kennedy settler, not even all bit how much does it take to go in there once a week mop the floors there. No people better go We bear their talk closed So how or why are you gonna spend that kind of money and the presidency? look if you are going to do that. Here's what I want you to do I want you to be sure that the american people are gonna get it. Least two thousand dollars per person. Is it enough? Is it there I too mild
This is the right amount. That's the whole point. We ve got this beautiful economy. That's been shut down. american entrepreneurs thrown under the bus and then what do we do send them somebody those shut up. So president, from says, look: go back there fix this, provide. More money for the american people- maybe I'll sign it. January, the sixth, one congressmen, one senator! Will they stand up? Vice president, my pence parent. will decide what is or is not going to happen at that point. Now might Hence, as an honourable man, I'm just tell you that right now, my pants and I were were talk, show home. Together a thousand years ago, little baby talk, show hosts and we were watered and taken care of and MIKE.
obviously went on to achieve greater things than I did. But that's not the point he's a good guy. I know my pants to be in on recent upstanding bandit. I expect nothing from him. except the truth. big dose of honesty come January, the sixth. Now we need to talk about that and if you have been on Glenn back dot com, and I hope you have you read about glens efforts to help some of the sea, business owners in Amerika we can't everybody right you and I can do it at our local basis. They sped get out of that basement. Go and visit the businesses if their open, if you still stuck in the basement, I've got go. Fuck me pretty dumb uneasy. So we're gonna be talking about that and I want
Ask you one other thing: if you're talking about small businesses, we keep talking about small business, we use it as a throwaway line. I keep asking people They will. Why? Don't we? What are we talk about local instead because Behind every single small business. There are real honest to goodness. People and you know New York. New York is now decided gonna put the goober in lift drivers out of work. Why well we're gonna put him out of work to help them by imposing wage standards, even though we will make a minor employed insanity aid aid aid. Seventy seven back aaa. Seventy seven beg Jeff cats. Infer Glenn. Today the Glen Beck Programme, JFK it's in today for Glenn on the Glen Back Programme presented. from says: I'm not signing it signing it. No deal six hundred bucks perverse
forget about it. You take all the money you're wasting on buildings that are not open. You take that money that you sent into some country. Nobody has visited because we can't trout I can't go anywhere, you give it to the american people. That's it you, what this deal done, all are you politicos, got all excited round. We made a deal nancy below. See jump right off a broomstick one and said we gotta deal now. She was so excited about six hundred dollars and at the same saint Aubert You, don't think awaited, but it did it You just jump up and down. Complete with resolve opportunity for people to have a thousand dollar sixty nine dollars tax benefits. Why I gotta get Guy Guy trap, Boca Gotcha Mitch, Mcconnell Joe lines rising. I looking forward to having bourbon with him again. When did you stop having bourbon with with trumps they all It's like the odd guy. I've got no weather
here for four years in thirty days or just thirty days. I continue to do what I'm doing on behalf of the american people, New York City decided that drivers for lift have to be paid aid, a minimum wage. Now the problem with this is that drivers are not employees of lift the drivers people who say: ok, I gotta car I've got a licence, I want to make some money and lift says you We get a couple standards you meet, though You can be part of our platform, so you know what happened. taxi. Limousine commission said seventeen dollars an hour. Ok, you know what happened to me. We don't need you and me imposed in eighteen dollars per hour, minimum wage. You know what businesses did said thanks. We gotta go eight eight, eight seventeen
and back triple eight. Seventy seven Beck. Remember you: ve got a red Glenn back dot com, the blaze, dot com and of Europe. Let me sum email. I am always happy to take a look at that. Go to my website be Jeff. Catch show, dot, com be Jeff. Cat showed our common there's a great little le contact button there Jerry? Is it all Hidell, hey Jerry? Can the Glen Back programme? Thank you I want to compliment. You die to hold out Iowa. I said I'd area An obvious example adds that I and Mary I go you know your ear. I I love radio. I served in Vietnam in principle for many years, and I am ashamed of what has happened in our country. While I do, I request the boy, but I want to compliment you, the facts you sharing with everyone everyone. I just can't imagine people listen to this and say whatever you know. I just I just can't
imagine the people can just just put this often Natalie into it- and I want to do something to help our country. The upward You are right now, God, business and cowardice. The same kind of cowardice ran away from service in Vietnam and they got a mystique and then don't forget those cowards hello. There were still live doing their dirty deeds today, but my here's, my specific question for you. Maybe you can answer it a lot of people in this country who came from other countries. They started businesses, they work by themselves, we haven't poise. Any government offers them during the course of to shut down to learn their services and then guess what they get. They all got it offered a crappy loan there are already and get out yet you they get off at zero. Nothing a lousy loans were diagnosed squirrel sex. Just for your three work, maybe you could answer
Maybe you say that radio might lead to help these people will join bullshit. Thank you, my friend, here the kind words and thank you to call on the Glenville Programme of answers in other surprisal have answers. I get a lot of questions. that's? What I do I asked quite well, I ask questions, and then I complain about the questions I asked right. That's my job people far smarter than I am response to come up with the answer. But how do you do that? How do you say to the business? Look we're sure you down and well that's it. You figure it out from their cause. That's what's going on Michael in Ohio. Welcome to the Glen Bet Programme Morning, Jeff, how we doing I I'm fine. Thank you, sir. Just want to make a comment here for all the listeners out there that are paying attention and why none of the report- cancer backing Mr Trump or President jumped. That is is because one truck was going for re election.
he decided to mention the word time limits and according to Mcconnell bad will destroy them, her ears if they stand up against Emma Jane your YO, put tat in year end your thoughts there, a little bit that he wasn't one ISA term limits. A party majority guaranteed him not to be relaxed reelected, which he should be eating revamped. The people I got Michael's ear exactly: writing you talk about politicians having careers, the careers that these folks are supposed to have are at home in their home towns. We were always this citizen legislature right decent people. Like you said, look, working hard at providing for my family, but I got to look at the bigger picture. I've got to help my country so for two years, if you're in Congress, I'm going to go, I'm going to go back and forth, I'm going to help the people,
the career you know back. It was an inconvenience, it opinion that took us as we used to say in my neighborhood. It was a pain, but you didn't because you'll love this country in you're, one of the right thing for it. Now we ve got so many of these bottom feeders. They get to Washington D C. They look at these brand new cop links with the special seal and they know them yet Especial subway. They can ride on and there's all sorts of special privileges and go up. This is it ever want to leave, and that Michael, is what the problem is. I appreciate the call to the Glen Back programme. Michael is exactly right. You got people who have made career out of power. what's. It shows an insular public service, because I've got news for you. There are plenty of people in public service in the federal government. I look at my dad. My dad worked for the federal government for forty plus years. He was military policemen in the army comes the army. He goes to work for my aunt. and her husband had a toy store,
He goes there and that was the job that he could get at the time and so he's working there and then applies to work for the federal government and that's what and that's his career for forty plus years, we worked in a variety of different agencies and I dont honestly, know what he did kid I would job you be my dad's a spy. I don't think that was true, but then unthinkable, maybe, but I don't think so, but he worked, department at a fancy? What for the department, the army? He was with the Us Treasury department. Emmy was a couple of different places and you know what he works. really worked hard. My dad was up at four clock in the morning out the door by five at the latest. it didn't come home until about seven o clock at night. My dad all he's left the house with a shirt and a tie took great power.
In his appearance and he was professional and he worked living. He never took anything now. That's not true. He used to cut sometime come home with, with pens like You know you need a pen for school and I tat have you got a pat on the Erika and I'm looking to go I would like to go oh property of the: U S: government. Well, I'm not saying anything but other than He really didn't take anything. Then he worked hard and we understood The importance of hard work- and you know the thing was- Didn'T- make a lot of money working for the federal government at that time, but there were benefits it were pretty good. As far as the free market went in the most import. think to my dad when he went to work for the federal government. It was service. It was repaying what this nation had given to our family. Thinking about
what this nation has done for your family and in when he went to work for the federal government, their work benefits. That would continue for my mom, and that was vitally important for my dad that he thought you know what when I die, I want my wife to be taken care of, and that was a big part, of his life. Now it's funny. I laugh about much of anybody else will laugh about going to a cemetery, but I'm gonna take story, so my dad buried in the South Florida National, bettering cemetery. Why? Because he earned that's. Why and it my dad passed away. My mom had him cremated and she kept the ashes in the house and I got here- I am an adult may and married.
kids like I dont like they would just. I just thought there was up it's all wrong about that, but that's me and my master. What what do you want to do? So? How do you know he's? title to be buried it the better and cemetery. So that's what we did in some way add- is buried it South Florida, national, veteran cemetery and then, but you years ago, my mom passed away, and I know Think Jeff seriously yelling rabanus out behind nobody's business, but with little listening, so my mom passes away so coarse, she's gonna be buried next to him sits in my brother. I said you know, you know who the most upset about mom passing away, and he says Well, you know we're pretty upset as it on its. Not us will your your kids, not at all. I said it's, it's dad he's of why I suppose moms gonna get there. My father's gonna go. Oh my god, viruses here,
and she started start complaining all the view. Is it right? What are we looking at? Who were the neighbours and he's gonna? Think my As for eighteen years, I had peace and quiet, but a great to have you here right. What do we do? Do we tell President Trump that we're still I too am, I sure, hope suckers it doesn't seem like the professional politicians are doing anything like that, and how can you, when I joined with clan, to support businesses, I'm gonna, give you the details in a moment it. If you want to be smarter than the rest of us, gotta Glenn, back dot com, you can read about it right now: eight eight, eight, seventy seven back, Tripoli. Seventy seven Beck, Jeff CATS, infer Glenn! Today this is the Glen Back Programme, Jeff cats. In today before Glenn on the Glen Back Programme? What a thrilling the city for glad. I will tell you from the bottom, hard. I happen to be in unabashed fan of Glenn. I really
I admire what he's been able to achieve, I am impressed all the time with what it is that he's been able to overcome deal with, and I am I'm humbled. What I take a look at how Glenn has held so many people- and I have to share this with you, but you gotTA, Glenn back dot com which, by the way, ought to be a stop for you every single day, multiple times a day has posted there apiece talking about small businesses, What I know small business owners and you might very well be a small business owner. As I said, it's it's become my mission of how successful its compete but has become my mission to convince people that when we say small business, we also talk about local business cuz. The same thing, that man or woman who owns the car
Pair shop where the local restaurant, the dry, cleaner. They believe in your neighborhood and when were allowed to live in the real world? Again, you'll be standing next to them at a high school football game or pretending. Ouch with them will Glenn has highlighted three of these amazing people: Glenn back dot com, a million small businesses, a million local businesses, have closed their doors forever. million businesses and we start doing math and man. I went to the Philadelphia public schools, so that's a challenge, but a million businesses. That means a million people right now means more than that, because that that business. It starts with that idea, and sometimes it's one
person. Sometimes it's it's a couple, sometimes a couple of friends but it grows and if it's done right in that, when that business owner that local business owner the small business owners starts to have their american dream realized they help other people achieve their american dream and a couple of examples: Catherine Hill owner of Miss kiddies, lounging, Clovis, California, Two thousand and thirteen she opened up that neighbourhood bar rent was on time, every single month until well, until the pandemic struck off of two thousand and nineteen she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer under wins six months of chemotherapy fifteen rounds of radiation, a radical mastectomy she set her battle with cancer has been a tough journey, but she continues to fight, continues to fight to manage miskities
Her bar was closed down by executive order. She has no income should not able to pay the rent and. Fight the order to suspend evictions in California her landlord to take her to court? She said she only has years left in her battle against cancer, but she's worried about the people who work at Miss Kitty's, Joe Crowley, owner of a place called breakaway. Little. North of Boston. I know what I and I knew breakaway took this run down. Building turned it into a real destination. Place live bans, my wife who was obsessed with music coming to a sick decree, but there's good people anyway. She's been to break away. He had a massive heart attack is in danger of losing everything, Dave Folds, the owner of cronies sports gruel.
the same sort of situation. It's incredible! Please we get closer and closer to Christmas, gotTA, Glenn, back dot, com, read that story and join that Gulf Jeff cats into deeper Glenn. This is the Glen Back Programme, Maurice, never stop serving the incredible story of Brian Tally at our opportunity to rally around alley. That's next on the glint that programme is the Green Back programme. Its Jeff carrots in today for Glenn on the Gothenburg programme, I mentioned Brow entirely now. Let me, let me explain, let me explain who and what Brian Tally is done
I entirely is United States Marine now not serving in the cord the moments, but you never stopped being a marine, and as a marine Brian sense of duty follows him, defines him he is the best of it. asked. So how does this guy? In California hook up with this guy and Central Virginia member Ahmed Use Radio W our Ba in Richmond Virginia? Well, I heard about Brian Tally. Mutual friend of ours Dave Brad, who been the congressmen representing the seventh district of Virginia for a period of time and he's a good man. John Dave is now the dean of the business school at Liberty University. Well, he's the one who put the two of us together, and now all I want to do is welcome Brian to the Glen Back Programme and
Brian, I I just want you to tell your story: if you don't mind, good morning? Jeff, thanks for having me is it It's always good to hear your voice. My friend and Rather than have me try and tell your story, you go ahead and do ok tell me what happened. Sure so back in January of twenty sixteen coming up on our five year anniversary, my fell victim to some pretty agrees sadly a medical malpractice be Lama Linda the aim in Southern California, that nearly killed me. Laid and denied care months of injections? The lot had met the carbon mall catalogue and just bags in bags of pills over Four month period that that put,
into a whirlwind of nightmares and pain in school? Paying emotional, paying and mental pain finally, after me, of neglect and now practice a private doctor urgent, open me up in San Diego founded. had a bone eating staff infection that was eating me alive, my my spinal bone my my disk, my tissue, my nerves and some of my internal organs, which Let me with parliament pain, permanent injuries stemming from a form long bone eating staff and action. Like I said that aggressively me alive a very long period of time. You know, which you know me and to financial dismay and you know just fell in sunken deeper
HU I require were, I wouldn't, dare next spend the night three years of my life just completely shaking my head, you know like what, in the hell has just happened to me one day you live in the american dream in the next year is trying to pick up the pieces trying to be strong for your for kids, the wife of over twenty years and a guy who, You know one shown a small business was the successful launch premature and then you know the next, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell had hit me. Well, one of the things that you did, Brian and I want people to understand the tally bill when I say rally around tally were to take that through a couple of ages, but Brian when you to share with every one everyone what the Taliban
is and what it's gonna mean sure after the negligence in the malpractice took place file day that are a poor claim within the Ba for damages, sustain and. At the six month. Mark me filing be tore, Claim Ba offers a general council. Was calling me repeatedly and there Very apologetic and they took the boy for one, which the permanent injury and nearly resulting in the death of me at the thirty eight year old man they stated that the Ba allow me to standard of care and that they were going to be suddenly my claim and, We want an end up losing everything. I've ever worked so hard for a young, including my wife's savings
our family vehicle, my equipment, might my business so on and so forth. at the one year mark We see the mail, I receive a letter in the mail from the d steady that date, the night my claim in all culpability due to a law that was written in nineteen, forty, six, what they did they be flooded liability away from the Ba they pen this on an independent, contractor that was working within the holes in the walls of the ba didn't about face in me and my family hold in the bag, zero recourse easier, accountability in zero justice and to add insult to there double Andrey. This later stick this letters. They stated that I needed to see her and state court will the day that they postmark. That letter. I was three days pass. My California state
statute of limitations. Therefore, denying me the right to due process to take this case: the federal court, the till My story and further federal judge on what happened all to protect their dependent contractors into work down these numbers in the aim of medical malpractice. Well- while Brian tallies joining us Brian, Easy, Marie and Your hearing, part of that, story right now, brow and takes all of this and decides, even though its going to benefit him. It's not going to benefit you in any way. Brien. You said: okay, we ve gotta, do something to help. Brothers and sisters who are going to go to the beach for service, so you start putting together. This tally bill, hoo, hoo!
she with, in which members of Congress it at an end, and how does it go well after what happened in this put me in to severe depression I know that I am, I gonna lose everything and You know, I'm in your battling the pain in your own. Everything else can you said something needs to be done. We need to protect we need to ensure the right to protection of all better, and so once they fall victim to be identical malpractice. They have a clear path of legal recourse so what I did it? I had to become my own congressmen Jeff. I came from the fiftieth district in California, and hotter was my congressmen. Well guess what, when this was going on. He was being relieved of its duties because he screwed up in Congress. He got out of it, Congressional do it so I had to travel on online legislative team. I had to do
my own bill to get at the Congress. At that point we started sending it via email. Nobody would take me seriously boarded a plane to Deasey full of paying pills and anxiety methods, and I walked the hall of the Congress going Door to door urgent lawmakers did changes. Outdated law that has destroyed the veterans and their families for seventy four years, a generational Lupul loophole that has denied that compensation and the right to due process once they ve been injured due to know of their own. It take it out right now. That's why does it take a guy me to stand up for the greater good of the country to do that. Job that Congress have neglected to do to take care of our nations veterans are most vulnerable community and that right? There is the selfless work there. I have enjoyed doing over the last three years. It's the hardest.
But never light, but it's the most rewarding in right now. You know I am very happy to say that the work that we have done, we ve had builds bills introduced. work meadows has been a great champion. Congressmen MIKE Levin has been a great champion. I was able to bring the very laughed of liberals and the very right of conservatives think gather measure in the Us Congress, which is divided congregate than they have neither the united. Maybe I don't know how I ve done it. You know and I can- and I gotta figure out you don't need to have a high level. You know degree going to Washington and you know to make things happen. All it takes the plan and a little bit of passion, and I can t I gather well I'll, tell you what it takes as it takes one marine with a mission which is exactly what happened o Brien, I watch they hang on for a second, cause you're in just a moment- will chat with Brian,
the success, yeah, I'm gonna, let you in on the little secret. Its past The house, I think its power, The Senate, I think it's headed now to the president's desk, mention that. There's another part to the freeze rally around tally for the latter, Three years here in Central Virginia, I have asked people to rally around Talley I've talked to Brian, not know how many times on my shoulder and use Radio W Ba in Central Virginia and we ve had a lot of people, including at at one time, as I mentioned to you, congressmen, Dave Bread and I'm hoping praying that all made a difference this success is all Brian's in the legislative realm. But there is another part of the story: is another part of how you and I are going to rally around tally, we'll talk about that in sixty seconds Jeff cats filling into deeper Glenn. This is the Glen Back Programme
Jeff gets gain for Glenn today on the Glen Back programme. Now we're spending a couple. A moment and may be longer than usual talking Brian tally. But it's a story. I swear to you that it has to be asked to be shared all over the country I have talked with Brian. I've talked about Brian I've talked about this for years and Think we're now at a point where there's there's a level of success legislate We Brien's tell it as I'm here we have we'll get the most divided Congress ever right. We ve got people that each side were Bird to as back clap, crazy, the left heats. The the right heats the lap and somehow some way, one Marie with a mission. That's Brian tally walked the halls of Congress, convinced me members of Congress to say: oh, my gosh yeah on your team, so Brian it has.
Past the house. Now it has The house has passed the Senate and I am proud very relieved to say that it be the bill is on its way to the commission. Chief desk while yet president drop will be signing this in the law. hopefully within the next five days off my former attorney now lukewarm have been in constant contact with the mark meadows through the chief of staff. Didn't, drop blue with arms out one of the members of Congress who is introduced. Two versions of the tally bill in this the hundred and sixty in Congress, so in our we're very exciting, and very relieved that that that, you know I will soon have this mental closure and again I'll be able to you a move.
with my life and reinvent myself, and you again yet I'll turn turn turn my pain in the purpose. If you will Brian is added to president trumps task will be signing it, as you say, in the next five days. merrily, there's, there's a signing ceremony. The oval office are our, are you going to be allowed to go to the White House. For that, or is it just go be signed by the President again. I have mine my journey right now. Who is really advocating hard for me to be there? to witness this and you know- and I would love nothing more and to meet the president and I share my story with him: get a get a photo. I think I burn man. Yes, I mean I, I would love nothing more. Mr Trump,
the nature of your listen to this. I want to meet you and I want to see the Taliban be signed in the law. And put an end to this. Seventy four year be a legal loophole. ensure that transparency, Emmy accountability at the highest levels of the department of that aren't they and you know, twenty point: two million american veterans, some or all benefiting from there so when they do go down that we'll have a wooden leg stand on and they will have a clear path of legal recourse and they will not be left out to the wolves, outrage be eaten alive by government bureau at two or not looking out for them, and you know when the deck is stacked against these veterans. You start to talk about better and suicide, and other things like that that just becomes a giant snowballing in we are met
We are better than this Jeff. We are better than this Brian we are so much better than that and you know, I have a care, about this. For a long time My pain is not yours and I'm not trying to say that, but gosh I'm so hopeful and prayerful that you get to go to the oval office to meet the president to shake his hand, to get that photo and I'm going to remind you, you know I'm right down the road, I'm like ninety minutes from DC, I can bring lunch or or just come in and cheerlead, and then, if you do get to meet the as it is, even if you don't you know, every letter of the name is always signed with a different pen, so I'm puttin dibs on one of those and there's a whole bunch of letters in there, but I want to do something for you, Brian and I I mention this now that I want people to rally around tally. Now we ve talked in the past. We talk for years right in about rallying around the tally bill will to tally. Bill now was coming to fruition. What you ve heard Brian story and Brian here's
but I hope you don't mind used to your brother set up an amazing go fund me pain and die. Your brother and I have exchanged some emails about this, and I know that who would not ask and that's just not it's just not who you are to say. Ok, I need help. here's the reality, Brian, you have earned that help of every of merit. In general veterans. In particular, the families a veteran, so what I want people to do it again and I I certainly hope you don't mind this, but I want people to go to the go. Fuck me page go find me dot com and bade me to search for the phrase rally around tally and we have to help you Brian you, you
helped millions, millions of Americans. You have sacrificed you'd been Kane. You ve done this on your own. Now it's now. It's our turn to help you and so on. Go fund be dot com. There is now a page entitled rally around. Holly and we are urging all people who were hearing this anybody who's gonna read about this donate then share it on social media Brian. We have got your six, we got your back brother thank you so much Javert. much, don't even know what to say right now, I'm just overcome with emotion and yeah. I'm just I have a lot of gratitude and I'm just it to be alive, to be honest with you Jeff, and you know why these last five years have been the most difficult. my life, but you know I do
not choose this job there. This job, this job chose me and you- and I thank you so much Delphi and unjustified I'm just very grateful to be on the show today and in an end I hope that some folks can we value and some you know enough to my story, and you know perhaps Paul somebody out. Spend haven't you know some bad times. You know yeah. I know what it feels like to have your livelihood stripped away from you and we have a lot of Americans. Now. They're suffering that same fate, not due to medical malpractice, but the other issues that are going on in life and to have a story of perseverance and resilience and dedication and determination to to serve for, eight or good. You know of the contrary, and always you know, thing. Yes, you ve got it man, you ve got rally around. Tell you so much all funding, Jeff CAT
in four Glenn back today went back over the Glen Back Programme Jack Galaxy today for land. This is the Glen Beck programme at all, crying your cry cut it out. Brian tally just brings tears of joy. At this point too, my eyes- and I am so hopeful that he does get cook the oval office? How amazing would that be what amazing journey filled with, main challenges? I love that guy? I really do. I just think the world. And anyway I want all of us to rally around tally. We ve got that set up on that, go fuck me page, and then you can help. I'm not a little demands lost everything all right
wouldn't tell you that, but I'm telling you they lost everything over five years, fighting for other Americans fighting for other veterans, and I think we can can all step to the plate. Look in addition to the Christian season and it did to all of us like a man. This is not like anything. We ve ever seen right totally different Christmas no family involved really are you got your a meat family, I suppose, but that, idea of through the woods grandma's house, that's not happening for anybody. Well, That's not true. Is it no? It is happening for some people now, but I think it's happening for people like the governor, of California, the governor of New York, the governor of Rhode Island, the governor Virginia I mean, but their very special people represent a number of other smarter than the rest of us much.
That's why they're able to tell us stay in your homes! That's why able to tell us where shutting down everything and if you don't like it. Well it really matter, because that's what we're doing and here's six hundred dollars, which should be Your silence, but there out saying well, I'm think so Gabby. Some by the way, the governor out in California, has now suggested that the caliph you stay at home. Orders are gonna, be extended. Nowhere- dear how long they will last no idea how wide they will be, but but doesn't there have to be an end game Oh, I'm not telling you that I know how to fight a virus about telling anybody else knows how to quote fight a virus, but there has to be some game playing that says. Look we ve got million business is business
which are now closed for ever get twenty million. We're friends and neighbours who are unemployed and Joe Why didn't you remember him right? He's the head of La Joseph Nostra He he is, according to some he's, gonna be sworn in on January, the twentieth. Now we ve got a couple of a little snippets from vice president, apparently- and I don't know exactly what the timing is on this- so I can't the details, but it was apparently in between Matlock in the goal girls marathon. So we had time to come out of the basement. They d get out. Put the batteries item or whatever they do to make em look animated, lifelike, We also wanted to tell us that our worst time as a and here we are little snippet abiden talking about our darkest days payment. Changes in approach, I'm gonna put in place,
late January people, first, gonna be getting sick and dying from covered. One thing: I promise you. But my leadership during this crisis. I mean it. Tell straight when I tell you the truth, and here's the simple truth, our darkest days the battle against covered are ahead of us, not behind us so we need to prepare ourselves to steal Spines first, it is to hear it's gonna. Take patients persist is determination to beat this virus three no time to waste, taking them That's we need to turn. This This round you mean like I, don't. Let me give you an example here, I'm just Poland stuff out of my ear. You mean like the President of the EU, I stayed saying we
need some sort of a plan, some sort of a programme that removes ridiculous regulation and government delays. From I don't know I dont research, research and development in the pharmaceutical company. You mean something like that right. How fast could it be hast super fast. Super duper fast, really, amazingly super how about, and I got one for you, Joe, what about if we were able to get the research develop into these pharmaceutical companies to operate at warp speed, yeah. That's it warp speed when you think about that show that would work, wouldn't it Of course it would work. It's already worked for goodness. Sakes pray The trumps already done this president Trump is
all of the heavy lifting on this. While you have been hiding in your basement waiting for Doktor John bite into bring it down. Another bottle. bone meal change batteries in the remote ivy, whatever it is so understand busy a lot unaware, but you're busy. I got it always focuses other thing for the first, hundred days of his administration, He once all Americans to wear masks. You know, unlike the man asks we ve all been wearing for the last ten months rights and where did they get the hundred days it's a nice round number. I got it. Was at a scientific thing because it isn't guy it says we gotta believe the science on its the science was there a scientist who came along its idea? Listen, we corona virus thing hundred days hundred want now. no, it's gotta. Do you do for a hundred one hundred two days, then the virus?
really get old peel. Would in some what about ninety now not enough not enough still one hundred yet one hundred Twelve or what I am well come as job, would say: come on man. Oh, I go another little snippet here from the head of La Joseph Nostra. Asia too. Early to start referring to lodge, shows no strict look. I thought it was brilliant. It's not often that I come up with really good things every once in a while, like folk hunters, hashtag folk, a hot does that was mine. I came up with that Yours ago, when I was on the air and Boston Talk, twelve hundred, we were rush radio at the time, but I came up with that. I stand bulk. Aren't does now it's gone through the roof. So is it too early to do la Joseph, no stir? Well anyway, here the second little clip of
Joe Biden who inhabit sumptuous reading the title here, the office of the President Elect, but he was asked a question where it really like Yes, yes, you're one worth thank promising. My justice environment made these judgments about others. Oh sure, by the way that the guy who's, the wandering pony, is that the same as being a lying dog faced pony soldier, I dont know
his Justice Department, man. It's gonna be above board, where our scouring, the ranks of people who love me and hate tramp tramp tramp group and I know where girl investigate if there's any instigation necessary, call me crazy. I I find it hard to believe I just. I really do. I just find it very very difficult to believe that, and maybe it's me oh shit. I am going to mention one other thing just quickly. The department of just the national intelligent spokes have all said that all of these quest about Hunter binds laptop, not russian disinformation. I hate to throw the whole fact thing into a, but that's just
The way it is there is a writer who is outraged. Guy wrote a piece for vice now. Why is he outraged he's outrage, because when you go on wine in your looking for quotes stock, widows kept do that you're looking for stock vortices? What does this is outrageous? Every time I go online to look for stock photos and I put in the word abortion. You know it pops up photographs of of baby. He's at its it's just wrong. It's wrong! to have quote in Jerry that associate abortions with baby killing. I dont often talk about this, but you know before I was married. You would have asked me about
this topic. I probably would have shaken my heads, and I dont know whatever I'm not sure I was My concern spin, honest. I get married and hides pregnant. And I'm involved. No, no, I mean yes, I was involved there too. I mean involve they. May we go to the studio b g, why Enamel USC, whatever it is, and we're looking all these pictures and at first I gotta tell you my eldest son, look like a be made. I really did you look like a beam, but pretty quickly that beam became a little. People truly was about be, and I knew very early on that was not going to become a puppy, it wasn't going to become a coffee mug. It wasn't go
to become a piece of fruits. It was so clear who that was not what that was, but who that one? and so I understand this poor guys outraged offended by the truth. Well, welcome the planet earth eighty eight thousand, seven hundred and twenty seven Beck, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand two hundred and seventy you must be reading Glenn Beck. Com in the police, dot com, amazing information, great peace, of factual, but you, you'll, that you just need to know. I'm telling you you, everybody is in a battle in this day and age. You need that Then, if you want to send me an email Jeff at the Jeff Catch Yoda Comp Jeff at the Jeff cats show Doc comedy yep cats in today for Glenn. This is the glad Back Programme, Jeff cats in
four Glenn! This is the Glen Back Programme. I got a great mail here from Jacob pieces. Jeff everyone needs to tweet President trump everyone aids to tweak the president's say that Brian entirely deserves a picture with the press and he deserves to go the White House, he's, earned the right to watch President Trump sign that bill. I agree I ray! I'm gonna start tweeting on that I look. People are, in about social media. I'm on Twitter, Jeff can't show on parlor Jeff CAT show me we, its Jeff cats, The easiest way, probably just the website, be Jeff Catch, show dot com what's next peace, trump is my question. No really, I have to figure this one out, eighty, eight thousand seven hundred and twenty seven Beck, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand two hundred and seventy e c K. If the present is going to stand tall stand strong when he deals with these Mitt wits down the street and says you're given sick.
hundred dollars to Americans. Why you're, sending billions overseas it doesn't work. A Gretchen is intact. This Gretchen welcomed the glint that programme. I just got it's been so much fun listening to you that that is going I'm crying why and get to go to the White House elsewhere in the world Anyway, I'm ok, I'm a travel agent. Of course, this year has killed me He was wearing asked. Why are we Our reconnected. It's really six degrees of separation. When I, when I broke my client, they parted our destination The restaurant, the food- yes, yes, that air, so if I feel so, although for the restaurant, then all industry, but we're all connected,
Nobody, nobody is putting MAC connection. I wish somebody from the government the travel industry and the company. We are really important, especially we small people I'm I'm by myself and- and you don't we in summary, orders their trip from Amazon or wherever they are at the devotion that we go right travel adviser, so you know we we travel agents really do have the restaurant and military, drew them and, of course, much more so I have to say that so but it is a please use, your local travel agent or go online and final local, I mean out. like mine, I loved Gretchen. Thank you so much recalling what a great great insight on the Glen Back programme. We really
are every one of us. Every one of us is somehow connected to that person. That has the local business and we can talk about small business. We could talk about entrepreneurs we can, but these are friends and neighbors. These I swear to you or people you run into in the supermarket. These are people that you go to church with their synagogue. With these are people. You sit next to the school. play and if they go under and we have already had a million go, under seriously gotta Glenn, back dot com and Red Glens Letter This is article about this. There's been a million businesses since this ordered that have now shuddered their doors for ever. Are we ever going to recover from this good? Lord? I, pray saw Jeff CAT sitting in four Glenn today. This is the Glen that programme.
Why the British are outweighed but arms about. Why scored him? Oh, that's. Why you send the jewish guy to get the Christmas tree. That's next on the glad that programme is the Green Back Programme, Jeff cats in today four Glenn on the Glen Back Programme thrilled to be here and the British, the british and oil generally. Speaking right now I don't mean that in a bad way, yeah. I actually, I probably do my ride my wife every night makes us listen to british radio and it's it's bizarre, time jimmied. Sometimes it's like. I get that and other times I just I just spangled wow, there's this this bizarre attempt to be polite. Then I don't quite get maybe
It's that efforts are now in America and to tell you what I think I will tell you why I think it and if you like it, that's great and if you don't mind k without too, but the british they have that whole prim in proper sort of thing going on so can I tell you, you about the latest thing: that's got them upset. I heard about this on on one of these british shows the other day or maybe a while the news programmes that my wife watch our notice that british people pop up and Facebook right now with your facebook, radio cats are Radio K, Deasey radio cancer on Facebook, people pop and I've got. Is your wife, british now just die, I don't know but but but anyway, so there are up in arms about Flash Gordon anybody, remember Flash Gordon right it was certainly the nineteen eighty move version. I thought was pretty entertaining it's not a great film this this is not
This is not citizen. Key in this is this is its flies garden, so flash Gordon has, as the big Eve, character me the merciless. Oh, that's Gary! Well, guess what the British, like it's more than scary the it have determined that Flash Gordon says his nemesis Ming, the merciless who is not just scary but is outright offensive. So there's something called the bridge: fish Board of film classification. They sit around. They watched the movies and remember murmur. Ok, that's good! Nobody should see that you like we had p g and r and acts so they ve got this whole other system, because leather, british
so a the british border, film classification has reclassified, Flash Gordon with something called a twist. Of a rating. Here's. Why me span of maximum cedar- was the actor who played mean number. So listen this nineteen, he fell. They did a very good job and man spawned seed always was a very, very good actor very accomplished actor also happen. be swedish, so the British, border film classification. Has reclassified Flash Gordon Does the part of being the merciless is played by a swedish man and quotes meaning the merciless is coded as in east asian carer.
and that is now considered, quotes dubious if not outright offensive. British folks he's an actor it's the very essence of acting the very essence of acting. The definition of acting is emptying you're, ahead of all your own personal bots and then filling it with words that other people have written for you and. you pretend to be someone else. That's what acting is I dont know how we to this point, I really don't I'm not quite sure it was that we have figured out everybody is, is is offended by everything and if you're you're a fan by something well, that's it. It's all done its insanity, I'm looking again at these.
The pseudo bill pseudo stimulus bill six hundred dollars per person. Somebody did the math on this. Why didn't believe me? But somebody did the math. They said essentially Congress is taking too. Thousand seven hundred dollars from each American. order to send six hundred dollars to every American. And then what they want they want is to thank them for at all. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you I'd say that taken the money out of your left pocket, they keep a piece for themselves. They put a little bit back in your right pockets do they tell you to give you a gift? You should be thankful for it. It's outrageous another group that says we ought to be thankful. It's a group of workers out in the Chicago Cook, county municipal employees, went on a one day strike. Why? Because they're working during the pan,
fuck. They want extra money for working during the pandemic. Well, here's the thing how to explain its well known but try. Million businesses have closed, wet, small most people, all over America going here. I can I money, don't have any money can't keep the business open, can't keep people in We can't pay this gateway that, but the EU workers in Chicago what more money be cause. They haven't lost a nickel while they ve been working during the pandemic doesn't, any sense to me. Maybe it makes sense to you, but it doesn't make any sense to me. Eight eight, eight, seventy seven Triple eight. Seventy seven thousand two remind you about some must visit webs It's every single day, Glenn back dot com, the blaze Doc I would love if you took a couple moments out of your day to visit the Jeff TAT, show dot com be Jeff Catch, Dot com is where I put all of my stuff today.
It is, first of all, I think we were. We actually have a snippet or two way back when stands on, Seinfeld announced that can we hear that our know? How did I was born? As for the rest of the festival? Didn't you get? family round and tell them all the ways they are disappointed deal Well, I got news for you: they airing of grievances. Of course it proceeds the feats of strength, but the airing of grievances is something that you and I are entitled to where we take a look at who it is that has our money and then says will probably gives some of it back to you. Let me go to Melvin, who was in Pennsylvania, Hey Melvin. Welcome to the Glen Back Programme, banks are taken, my car, like you wait, especially if somebody in government is listening. I can't trunk did a great service by declining to five minute bill, but I think he can go one step further
by naming the names of the people who offer all these two and spending those that were thrown into until the end of the big bill, not just Democrats, Republicans and probably especially report What so that we can note and never vote for these clowns again. You know. I think it's a brilliant idea. I think you're absolutely right. We ought to know who loaded this thing up like it's Christmas tree right. We put it up there, we ok or that are the best of his pole, whatever you're you're your particular. avenue of celebration is right, so so they put it up there now ok saw we gotta give some money to these dope who keep voting us it yea. I will wait till the end on that we gotta pay off these far. governments who are helping us, we gotta take care of our friends who were the lobbyists we ve got to take care of this one. My cousin has has something
and he wants money for lodging house and no stress as a we gotta get some money for this year memory. You gotta kick ten presented a big guy, so at the end nothing is left Ross, Melvin but you're right. I would love love love for somebody to, look at this and say: okay here are the collected profiles and courage, Did this to you Bell, but I appreciate the call to the Glen Back Programme. I really do think about that. I don't have any idea who who put this stuff? I just looked at the number when they, and it was five thousand six hundred pages long and somebody corrected me. somebody said Zeb me, an email Jeff at B Jeff Catch Show Cobb Jeff. Ah, listen! It's not really. Five thousand six hundred pages its No more than five thousand five hundred pages weren't makeup dawn is down in Florida. Don welcome into the Glen Back Programme hide yeah right now. To make a point
bet. You secured all my dad with military, I'm a huge supporter, this country- and I can tell you that, based on the evidence we have all been David. All the things that have come out of the impropriety, the thin basically unbailed fighting this morning, president we'll never vote again. Let's be honest. This all crap about taking back the Senate is total garbage because there are going to get I was a faint shooting. They dared to make sure that basically, George those in their direction. Nothing we do will matter anymore. Why would I want about the matter? Replied one year and nothing more or ever again when you ve got people like Are you? Gonna rolling over on it and frankly, I think it's because they're all stared gap, because the mob scared, Mme look what they did is Supreme Court. It's like there's almost no hope anymore
dad. I'm gonna be honest with you. I hate to agree with you and you get that right eye. The last thing I want to do is agree with you because I listen to everything you ve just said said: no, no, no, no, but I'm doing the same calculus you are, and I am coming to the end and saying ok if, if this goes the way that it seems to be going. I hate to say it, but I might be forced to agree with you. I think I'm going to be millions of people up there. Seven thousand five hundred and eighty million people who legitimately voted to re, Elect President Trump and they have been told your vote didn't count. I don't care what you have to say: you're gonna, do exactly what we tell you and folks like Don Organ say. Well, that's it I'm done Don. I do appreciate that now the question becomes, if Don goes, that way,. leave, seventy five million less one, but what of the rest of us do you?
look at this into ok, I have been told for years for four years tramp will remain trapped in really went. Grant can recommend my laptop Russia, Russia, Russia, Marcia Marsh Margin whenever it is for here's day in day out kneecap, this guy and it anybody who would argue, damn were questioned them or no, no you're, just too stupid to understand this I too stupid to understand it is possible, but I'm pretty sure I've been around the block once or twice and I'm pretty sure I've seen this game played and the problem is I I know how it ends. If it goes the way it seems to be going, I actually said their nights. Do we have enough sweaters for the dogs we'll talk about that
eight hundred and eighty eight seven hundred and twenty seven back, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand two hundred and seventy three- never glennbeck dot com, theblaze dot com. You want to shoot me an email Jeff at the Jeff Katz show dot com. It is. cats in today for Glenn. This is the Glen Back programme. Cats in today for Glen. This is the Glenn Beck program, eight hundred and eighty eight seven hundred and twenty seven Beck, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand two hundred and seventy eight- are we just going to stand down? Becomes the question that I don't know the answer to really don't there's a part of me that says raw, your old, please, just just, NATO start smoking I've I've considered that if, in fact, the the entire your country is Scrooge, stand the rest of them. I'll, go and well we're not on your side, o authority until well, think an idea I take up. Smoking start eating way, more fatty
goods. I upstairs, I don't eat nearly enough fatty foods In short, I mean it. I went to work, may get blood drawn a couple of weeks ago and it came out and was made. Butter, but I'm telling you know I would eat more fatty foods. I would start smoking drinking. or short. Let's work out whatever. Because it's all over and by time has passed and I'm just a terrible person and anything that I think, or I feel or I'm worried about matters not you know it's funny in a really. That sort of what, if I were single with no responsibilities? Maybe I do that, but I'm not married, we'll get married their married life. Eighty years, ninety years hundred I it's a long time- is my mother and the most important being married by the way is not knowing how,
Oh you ve been married. Eighty is knowing the date you got married, so you don't mess up the anniversary that I know it was sometime in the summer, so I'm pretty good, but I've got responsibilities. I got three kids and I told you about you you're the other day, my dear Julia, going to be eighteen years old, soon, eighteen years old, but developmentally she's, eighteen months old and she's, that's never going to change. Never going to change Julia developmentally will always be a baby. Doesn't speak just learned how to walk in the last couple of years,
go to the bathroom by yourself. I mean I at a point. I got to tell you this. You know I have to deal with Julia's needs and I don't do the heavy lifting Heidi does they lifting, but I'm still changing diapers on a young lady, whose almost eighteen and that's bad, it's tough.
And were Julia Typical- seventeen year old young lady, of course, she'd be appalled as she should be, but she's not so I've got obligations there. I've got two sons and pretty much all I'm giving them is my name now, I'm trying desperately to squander what savings I have so that I just gave him the name, but I am going to give them the name, and hopefully I turned over to them a country. That's in pretty good shape, can't be perfect, but I would like, if I could do tat over to my sons, a country that I took care. Of course, that's the charge you and I are charged with taking care of America. Not remake
can you not destroying it, not rebuilding it, but taking this country which has survived and to start a out the the dense every once in a while. you put a fresh coat of paint on this particular part of it and that's, hopefully, what I'm able to do Lee is in Ohio, Hayley, walk into the Glen Back Programme. Heart goes out to you in your life We find a measure of ourselves when we are faced with. Things within our own family data that we have take care of that. Would almost people under wraps I'm paying for you and your family and their wish to marry Christmas. The reason I call today was we could go. We had one of our representatives from
Washington shall on and he said merry Christmas and we will survive the Biden Harris administration and up- and I was end of his call today was I'm talking about. We need this. We should do this. We need that and now what we really need to do is make sure that in twenty twenty two we take back the house yes and I I I feel it show up. My back when I hear our politicians, because I realized it s motors he stood up and we voted as we can. Our friends and relatives, and we went in with our ideas and and to tell people what our address. While we held our idea to double check them at the check, our signature and we now have five different states, and I am sure that all arrest of the states to use dominion The same issues the five do we have. We need to have
machines, seized they need to be forensically examined by I t specialists. We need to insist that those states all have votes that match the alleged signature and a border roles, and if they do not, those votes should be set aside. we cannot allow ourselves, in my opinion, to allow them. politicians to have us cheering again for something out into the future. That's always been the problem, its Ali, It's gotta do better next time, you're right, it's the idiot! always next time I'll tell you something Lee shit that call. the person who ought to be calling for this election to be terrified is honest and free. The loudest should be Joe Biden JFK. in four Glenn. This is what that programme is the Glen Back programme.
Japan sitting today for the land on the Glen Back Programme and absolute honour to be here thrilled to be spending some time talking about one or two things that I think probably big picture. We ought to be concerned with IRAN, but I'm just saying there one or two of these things that cash, it's our money at what I keep getting back to just body, but Hannah keep getting back to money right, oh by the way, quickly hear some folks have reached out to Jeff I'm listening to you, I'm trying to figure out what we're going to do for Christmas. We're not allowed to go, see family, we got to send them gifts and any suggestions. Yeah arguing with socialists. glens latest book, which you can find it Glenn back dot com check that I too Eight booked great red, billow, Riley's, killing free
the horse, is a great red couple of books. clean, not be aware? I'm gonna mention quickly, though we gotta talk about some other stuff, but but Bishop Aubrey shines? Bishop Aubrey shines is very fast. meaning guys down of Florida originally Chicago and die kind of started ministering. The prison system in the jail system in Chicago and monopolies in Florida, but brilliant Guy and he's got a new book out called eight questions about rates. A black pastor responds to black lives matter, it's a quick reed, but it's it's a good reed and the woman who stole vermeer. Now this is an old buddy of mine, Anthony Immoral in Boston who brilliant. I never knew how brilliant the guy was that he was a best selling author shares, like our kids,
used to go to school together and we see each other at school plays and concerts and super nice guy. I never while the New York Times best selling off their, so his latest is called the woman who stole Vermeer a great great red, and I don't you we have to take a picture of it is ended to people Chris is in Tennessee. Chris welcome to Glenn Back Programme, hey Jeff I just want to give you some say unique perspective, then perhaps fearlessness as well, I'm a twenty nine year old, I'm from New Zealand To the: U S lap, couple years ago and I live a natural now I work very, very hard at the. U S and I've come here legally, throw the right route I believe in the american dream. I think it's a real thing and I'm actively pursuing it. I just want to say, that one thing of notice about moving to this country?
the unbelievable soon army of corruption, of bureaucracy, of selfishness, some of these members of Congress had caught the spell out. I think it's an absolutely ridiculous disaster that american folks are only been given six hundred dollars. I think a lot of these people doing its work in Congress we fundamentally height Amerika, and I think that the massive difference between in your country and my country that even the people on the far left out- hey Easy Ellen I think it's a real shame. I love this country. Like I said I just think it's some it's an absolute travesty, These people are allowed to have some resemblance of control and tromp really just head but hands behind his back with a blind Why don't you just hasn't had enough time to get rid of them by NATO? Jeff
I greatly regret that. I appreciate the call there are people who hate this country its. It pains me to say that I'm telling you I grew up in Philadelphia and and You knew that people loved America that wasn't it for question are you disagreed with people. there. It was sports or politics, you practice different religions, but everybody practise their religion, and everybody loved this country. That was never ever a question, and now can honestly look at people elected office and say they hate Amerika. The heck is wrong with that screw threesome gray. Point shines in Indiana. Shot. Welcome do were
that programme today. Are you fine? Thank you. Could I got it? I work for a government entity, and here we have a certain age scale. Made a comment about why people in the union want more money, for we all get certain pay all the people that work during this whole covered stuff. We were not shut down. We had one and all people that were shut down went home. They got all this extra money. Well with all people at home. The supply and demand ratio, no supply with down dead man went up. Prices, go up well was that work are making the same amount of money, and now we have to pay higher prices for everything. I also
don't let me start referred to show. Such restrictions are less happy percent because you talked about these people who are not working. Who went home. Who got quote all this extra money, one extra money, what Stormont. Might I know several people that got laid off? They were her, no making the for six hours a week now brought employment, that's more than what we making your pretty irish land and no short, I understand that board Moped. I've been talking about that for ever and a day, but we do you certainly everybody got extra. I didn't get any extra money, ok, you were ok. I urge that I'm right, there's other people out here that are making this extra money that we are. We weren't. We worked through the corona virus. I worked shut down. We stayed working all the time and we just it, It was all of that. You're we're working- and here I will watch it next door neighbor buys brand new camphor and go camping.
Is there a way to be shut down, making this extra money right, or a shot. I got news rate. I appreciate the call yeah you and I are actually on the same side. I appreciate that short. I'm saying I mean that the Cook County workers in Chicago, where we want to we, we want more money. Everybody wants more money it is either map part of. living in a society where we are all based around what you have what you can get right, every body on some level once more money, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do, and I appreciate the fact that you're working through this look, I got friends who have continued to work on the front lines I arrived, I used to be a police officer, I see my friends who are still on the job going out there every single day, ten twelve hours shifts we owing to lay their life down for people. They don't know members of the military continued working medical profession. That profession
doctors, nurses, empties paramedics- I get it. I totally get that but you also have twenty million people who are unemployed. You have a million businesses that are shut, forever again. If you want a few details, you want some great examples: gotta Glenn back dot com. see what Glenn wrote I get that there are people who continued working, who want more, but that's not the debate The discussion point is not what we should give him six hundred dollars or seven hundred dollars, or as that political mind Homer Simpson once said one, Gillian dollars? No. It becomes. How do you get the economy back up and running? Do I one people getting this disease. That is, of course not nobody should everywhere.
Gotta be taking precautions, we all ought to be living in the real world and the real World says. You cannot survive as a nation. If you do, not have any economic backbone of the government will take care of us government doesn't have a job I remain is not a human being you're gonna run into late at night. At the Super Its stocking shelves, you're, not going to see your mayor or governor, or senator congressmen at the law for convenience store selling. You. A soda or a pack of smokes doesn't work that way the only way that the quote governments can pay
you always if they take from someone else now. The ultimate thing may very well be that we just print trillions of dollars more all week APOLLO bills, but you and I then get the opportunity to be a great opportunity. We'll have to go to the supermarket with a wheelbarrow full of currency, hoping that there's a loaf of bread, they'll be no more choices, Reagan's we're going to other eighty. Do I don't care what wonder bread? Ah, that's call it, but it's nice. I, like it comforts comfort for me speaking about reaches. the Heidi and I were trying to wrap up all of our shopping gifting presenting and I actually said out loud what people could hear me
Do the dogs have enough sweaters, they address nothing for years. I was that guy I was that guy said: why are you putting a sweater on a dog? Are you crazy came with a sweater its built in well, then, then, we got small dogs and we have only had not even a year yet and I wasn't sure that we should get em. I mean I'm kind of with runs wants to give her watch was parks and wreck member wants wants and what said any dog that weighs less than fifty pounds is a cat. I kind of agreed with him, but now we ve got small dogs and I am honestly dressing them in sweaters. They have
regular sweaters and they have Christmas sweaters and soon will have Valentine's day sweaters. Yes, I hang my head in shape. In a moment, I'm going to explain to you why you don't send me the jewish guy to go by the Christmas tree step cat sit again for Glenn. It is the Glen Back programme Jeff gets in four Glenn today. This is the goal in big programme. We are rapidly approaching Christmas and I, We have often discussed the issue of real versus baked Christmas trees, but I have to share with you the reason that I am not allowed to go and get Smith's trees. Now I understand something Heidi and I come from different backgrounds we get together and she still gets do put up.
Christmas Village, this department, fifty six man is like ten thousand pieces, do it and its ba Our house kind of looks like Martha Stewart exploded. It's just insults up, and you know four Hanukkah. I put up my staff, which means here's a drain on terrorism in all its bed. That's about it but wait Heidi and I first started daddy's thousand years ago. She, was alone she Is living in this terrible cramp department in a basement and she couldn't have a Christmas tree and I said: ok I'm gonna go surprise her! I'm gotta go get a Christmas tree. Now I had never purchased a Christmas tree at, I did not The Christmas tree. Lots were in many cases a little bit like those used car lots that pop up and bad areas so I get in my car, which I should point out to. You is a Mazda M Xxix two seats, anemone roof, and
I drive around in the snow going through slice should eyes that I find it Revere Massachusetts? I find a Christmas tree stand and I know what it's all about, but I go in there and I tell the guy- I mean a Christmas tree and then start Ask me questions and I dont know the answers to those questions is all right. Look just go and pick one out, so I going down the road and the rows, of course, for Christmas, tree law. let's have those cutesy names or allow you take Santa Claus Boulevard? U turn right on route off the reindeer, and then you make allowance. I find a tree now. I think it looks great guy says dear. Do you want it flocked now I had no idea what the mayor was talking about No, no, I don't want it flocked. Can we shall use want us net? It yeah.
sure we tie it to your roof. Now I don't want you to scratch the paint, so we got up you guys they live to betray up. They put it through the moon roof of my little sports car and I drive home over the icy slushy streets, and I get back to my house and I got I dragged up this blow long said upstairs and I take it inside then. I think that myself now, what's What are my friends? The late great Tony rumble is standing there and it goes cats man you're, going tree stand. Well, I don't have it We stand as I never bought a tree so back to the Christmas tree lot I go guy sees me coming. I said I need a, I need a tree. What kind you want. I don't know so here I go again. I'm going down Santa Claus Boulevard. I make the right on route off the reindeer How do I get the car
mystery state. Now you have to understand each one of the things he sells me is the most expensive item there. I go back to my house with the Christmas tree. Stand. my body Tony says you know: cats, man, you gotta you got a saw. The bottom of the tree off, while I don't even own, saw, I went through a set of stake, knives, sighing and sighing and sign that I put it in that, this mystery stand and it looks junkie and then Tony says gets mad. You view need a Christmas tree skirt back. I go and get the skirts Let me tell you something at the end of that. My tree may Charlie Brown tree. Look like a red would have a very merry Christmas Jeff Katz in for Glenn. This is glad Beck Programme
This is the Glen Back programme
Transcript generated on 2020-12-23.