« The Glenn Beck Program

'Tiny, but Powerful'? - 8/29/18

2018-08-29 | 🔗
Hour 1  The media and their obsession with 'skin color'?...CNN Jeffy Toobin and their "appeal to racism'...non-stop 24/7...'obscured instinct' ...NPR: The School Shootings That Weren't ...Chuck Todd: Distrust of media not factual?...Meanwhile, CNN refuses to admit to it's lies (i.e. Lanny Davis)?...standing by their story ...Democrats embrace another socialist?   Hour 2  What's with all the 'Ruthsteria'?...the media continues to worship and kiss the butt of Ruth Bader Ginsburg...documentary mania?...'Ruth On-A Shelf'? ...South Africa orders gun confiscation?...but there's nothing to see here, move along, move along?? ...Louis C.K. is back, but is too early?...suspicion of phone call masturbation? ...Useful job(s) for Jeffy?    Hour 3  Stop! the 'asset forfeiture'...another case WV State Police seize $10,000 from couple without charging them with a crime...carrying cash in a cashless society...civil asset forfeiture reform of laws needed ...The big problem with Animal Crackers 'cage free' ...Actress and Governor Cuomo argue over climate (of the room where they'll debate) ...Alex Jones defends his trans-porn searches, despite his transphobic rants? ...President Trump warns Google?

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