« The Glenn Beck Program

This Election Proves We’re Not Alone | Guest: Rudy Giuliani | 11/5/20

2020-11-05 | 🔗

Two days after the election and key states are still counting ballots. The guys review voting updates in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia, as well as viral theories involving Sharpies and a red wagon. Will President Trump be America’s Obi-Wan Kenobi? The media thinks praying Trump supporters are “mob-like," but Antifa is “mostly peaceful." Rudy Giuliani joins with updates on the Trump campaign’s vote-counting lawsuits and details his strategy in Pennsylvania. But Glenn has his own thoughts on the plan. The leftist assassination plot against BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer caught the FBI’s attention. Glenn gives his thoughts on what we’ve learned so far from this election and reads a letter showing who American voters really are.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Not for America to New book out, and it is it's really fascinating. One might Donovan's the author. He is fought tyranny for years. You don't know MIKE. The founder of the nation's largest pro bono, civil rights law firm in its new book, not America talks about how the bill of rights have been under fire for a long time. It's not just me and thank you might know that body forgotten about some of the examples, and we know about the minutes but lock downs and we know about the riots, but it's more than that. Not freedom not for America comes at you with a solution tries to give you away forward more than just how to tell you about all the problems. We need to know how to solve them. A visit, not free America right now. They have a liberty pledge there. You can take School- and they also can get you a copy of the book- it's now in it, and if you want to stop the overarching sort of abuse of our government and all the things that they are doing to the citizens. You can
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment land that programme all law. America welcome Tv Broadcasting programme show which we are thrilled to bring yet another exciting episode. today, we have Rudy Giuliani on. I'm ready, in view of the White House strategy and what the White House was saying yesterday. We're gonna go through all of the the scams the these,
playing with the numbers all of the accusations, water, true, which are not, I don't know we did our homework, so we can help you understand where this race really stands and there's a lot of this information and by the way If you are, if you are labelled by twitter, has someone whose content may not be accurate? I know it. I made the point now where I look at a kind of his of Badge of honor it does it mean that their content is accurate. It just means you are willing to say something you're willing to question. You are willing to look at it lease the other side. I I set this when I was in college. I still believe this anyone,
tells you jolt question this. Anyone who says only listen to me, they are danger not only to you, but you and your family's freedom. So we question with boldness, I don't know what the answer is going to be in the end, but I do have some questions and we begin in sixty seconds a green back, program. So The great idea. Next time we have an election, let's put it in the hands of the cyber criminals. Why don't we just cod the middle man I mean, would be so much faster, wouldn't it It would seem that you know with all of the high tech that we have, that you should be able to not only vote, but then go in and see if your ballot was counted.
and you should be able to verify everything I mean shouldn't the voting process, be the most transparent, ok We could just give it to you know to the cyber criminals, or we can do everything we can to fight cyber crime and become more transparent it is rapid in this country and continually on the rise, and it is is the people would really I don't want to work for a living or they feel like they deserve what you have or my favorite. Countries that have these Emmy. China has an entire building. It's a skyscraper, an entire building that all they do all day and that building is just try to hack into our Pentagon. Did you know that.
It is important to understand how cyber crime and identity theft effects, not only our country, but you and no one- can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but life I can see the threats that you might miss on your own, so I want you to join now, get twenty five percent off your first year with a promo code back call one hundred life. Loggerhead delight, flocked, outcome and use the promo code back for twenty four. Five percent off all right. I want to tell you first of all where the Trump Administration stood according to the White House yesterday and Rudy. Julianne, he's gonna, be joining us in a few minutes and he's gonna give us where they stand today and what their strategy is, but the is from yesterday hears. the state of play pathway to victory in Pennsylvania.
There are more than a million ballots left to be counted, including roughly three hundred thousand in Philadelphia using extremely conservative estimates, even if the isn't it receives only five percent of the ballots in Philadelphia and And thirty percent of the remaining ballots- these are all the ballots than the rest of the million, the president. Will win Pennsylvania by forty thousand votes. We are confident of winning, because many of these absent e mail in ballots are formed from conservative counties. There are fifty four thousand ballots left to be counted in Cumberland County. Forty thousand ballots left to be counted in Westmoreland, county accounting, where President Trump one sixty nine percent of the vote. There are twenty thousand ballots left to be counted in Franklin, County County where President Trump, or that more than eighty two percent of the vote on Tuesday there art
One thousand ballots left to be counted in Beaver County, they believe that they will win more than five percent of the ballots in Philadelphia County because of the inroads that he made with blacks and Hispanics. They expire two over perform the historic GNP margin of minority voters by two to five percent, but as of yesterday. They were saying if we get only five percent of Philadelphia. and thirty percent of the remaining ballots, we'll take Pennsylvania. Now. foot stew incredibly awkward position because we, he's the gay character on a conservative shell, so he's gotta be the bad guy. That's right forget about them, also forget about being gay, but I asking him to look at all of stats and look at both sides of everything
Tell me where Anybody has it wrong. Now this is from the White House yesterday, so things have changed, they ve counted more. Tell me where we stand in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is going to be very close there taking aside these sort of things that you're seeing about fraudulent activities that the administration of the campaign is correctly going and looking into all of these and doing everything they can to try to stop anything. That might be shady degenerate. Just talking about the general pace, of the ark that is a story arc. That's revealed to us as cinematic viewers. As we sit here and watch the election results come in what we say, backed it from the beginning, was Donald Trump to come to a very large lead and as male in bouts came out, but it would our two beach they would chip away. We would see what happened at the end, so, as right now. Donald Trump has Fifty point five percent of the vote, Joe Biden.
that forty eight point for the Deaf it is a hundred and forty thousand. What was the minute margin? They said there are three hundred thousand three hundred thousand cut in half. Basically, yesterday it is going to get lot closer than this. There is still a lot of vote to happen in places like Philadelphia way way way. A lot of vote to happen. I should note your account our accounting to happen. I shouldn't worry accounting. Carrion worries. That was anything the media. That Trump said. Do you know you gotta, stop counting? No, he didn't. He said, stop voting right, which is a big difference. Yes, we all agree that they should stop voting and, whether that's true or not, we dont now put the egotism machines churning out ballots. We have no additional information on that, but would the venom is that the campaign gives there are released were, as of yesterday, accurate the important thing to remember, though, is those were largely in person: tiles,
so we expect or every so, if you're in a republican county. Where did he get sixty nine percent of the vote? You d expect the male vote, Could be much less positive for trump We might so united, but he moved and wounded by that sort of Maria, and even I mean they are counting on only thirty percent So if he was in a county where they got sixty nine he's only counting on getting thirty percent, which I think is extraordinarily reasonable and that's about the margins that you'd expect now that they expect there's about ten percent of the vote left overall in the state about Six million votes have been cast, probably probably a little bit less than that by now about four hundred thousand votes. Perhaps he needs to be done Above all, we need to make up about a hundred, and Forty thousand boats from where we are now look. You know it is going to be tight. I would say that you do not expect this to be tight people who look at this at the key, t level right now expect Joe Biden too.
Enough votes at the end of this to win the state. Now that this Not a universal agreement, but it and it's going to be close. But if things out the way they expect them to play out there put Donald Trump as the underdog in Pennsylvania. Overall, let me Let me go to Arizona, because there is a lot of argument. Win, Arizona and and confusion with Arizona first of all, let's address a couple of things: the sharp be rumor the fact that some people were told to use shall other people said not to use sharpish and they say their votes are counting that not apparently the explanation is. That is not true, that it will count felt markers they Prefer that you don't you sharpish, because it bleeds through, but it still counts
all of it, but they're saying now that the rumor is their throwing out. Any thing that was used was marked with a sharp iii thee. The officials say that is not true. You can you can bet your life, that is it is true. Donald Trump will be suing over there. any should by the word any time, there's any suspicion of anything Donald Trump and his legal team and I'm sure, as ready Giuliani will soon described to us, is gonna, be over it in so that is something they should do in the media is acting as this is not exactly what would happen if the Democrats were in this position. I know they should be doing that they will be doing that. They will do everything they can to try to win in it to make sure every legal won't has a responsibility. As does Joe Biden to make sure that every vote that went for them was counted
I believe they have the responsibility to make sure that every vote was counted not just for the ones that war that voted for them, but that's what the EU, that's what each side is doing, I think Americans will accept any result as long as it is fair if it be if it was gained by fraud you're not gonna bring America together, but Joe Biden. I you why boldly, disagree with him and I will fight against his policies every step of the way and for president, calm Allah? I will do the same, but she and he are the press didn't, and vice president or the four were President God rest, his soul and the new President and that is
that's the way it is where Americans that doesn't mean we stop fighting. Now it doesn't mean we do, but we respect Legitimate process- and we just need to make sure this is all legitimate, so we need to be the place that we may not be feeding you, the food. You want If you just want to say it's being stolen. I believe that there are many things that could lead you to believe that it is being stolen. I don't trust the Democrats at all especially in places like Pennsylvania Hand Detroit, but we have to be very careful and make sure that everything is accurate on what we say? Yes, we should point out too that into a viral video on Youtube is now for this reason, at this point for the Trump campaign.
To look into it really closely yeah, it's not enough to say that there is evidence of any of these things happen. We all know that people post videos all the time of things that aren't true, but that that is the trump the Trump campaigns job. It's why people have doubted donated millions of dollars to legal defences to try to get these things to play out. This is this is what they're doing right now? Twenty four seven and I'm sure Giuliani will outline some of the efforts there going after if they can get these things, he'll be proven than a vote might change. But that is that's. That's the sort of a level of standard they have. I don't think I've ever made a donation to the hour and see butter Italian. I did, but we made it for the legal defence of of Don Tromp at this time they were not prepared. Financially, the currency was not. I
I've heard from people behind the scenes that the currency is fighting really hard. I was concerned yesterday: where are they they? are fighting really hard. That's what I hear from people who don't likely currency, and there is still hope that this is going to turn around. Let me get to Arizona quickly and then I'm gonna take a quick break, a fire oh batch of mail in ballots is still being counted with, the latest arriving ballads call being counted last the White House yesterday believe that over half a million votes remained to be counted, they expect tooth words and seven tents of those ballots, they expect to win Arizona by thirty thousand votes. Last night or the night before they one sixty two percent of the eighty thousand election day votes that came into Maricopa County. They expect
margin to be higher in the rest of the state. Now they are expecting to win Arizona. This is what this is one that is absolutely in play. Yes, I agree, they. The troubled ministration complained a lot about the state being called into being. It's been called only by Fox NEWS and the Associated Press, not the open sea, and it has not called no four four. widen, and they should. I mean NATO over said yesterday that the they should retract the cholera last night you last night. I think he came out and said I should retract the retract it now Nate Silver yeah. Now Erica Counties getting but much much closer. They shouldn't have called these races. I will say that for sure it's we too close Erica Counties, helping the present its. Unlike, for but the situation in Pennsylvania where the trunk,
absolutely no of shedding votes shedding votes, but like the marching at school, closer closer invite in his catching up. It's the reverse in Arizona wherein Arizona these votes are coming in positive. Before the President s closing the gap, exact perverse situation. He needs this. I think they said they needed two thirds of the vote they non there. I don't think they necessarily need that much. I think that's what they they are expecting was two thirds they need about. With respect to thirty, two seven tents ass ballots. So what so far what they're getting is about sixty percent, so there a little lower than that estimate and the however It's about what they need. They need about. Sixty percent to pull this off of all the remaining ballots. The issue, is in Maricopa County they're. Doing that, there's about the votes and P Maloney where they think people expect they will do worse than this is more democratic leaning, so they though, do worse than that this one's going to be very reserved, varying Clarice clothes, razor clothes in its was to be that way all across the country.
In these Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania and we're gonna get to where you get to Georgia. Nevada, North Carolina Wisconsin in Michigan, in just a second standby first, let me let me tell you about simply safe. If If you are worried about the safety of your house of your stuff. Most importantly of your family. You know have to stand in the middle of this tornado. It's not a pretty scenario on. What's what's headed our way, may recommend you call simply safe and get this state of the art cameras, sensors and protect every inch of your home inside and out professional round the clock monitoring for fifty cents a day, the p of mind that you gain is worth the price of admission hair round. Lock, monitoring for fifty cents a day. Every
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we are concerned about corruption in Nevada. now Georgia President tromp, they say Milton Insurmountable, led the Democrats cannot meet, they live, he'd by over a hundred thousand votes. Now that is changed since in the last twenty four hours, but there still now. calling Georgia, where We stand in Georgia. so that it has narrowed a little bit currently Donald Trump, forty nine point: six percent of the vote, Dubai Forty nine point two dvd. The margin there is now nineteen thousand votes. So it's closed quite a bit from what I read earlier this morning. They are projecting Donald Trump card. That Joe Biden would need to win about sixty eight percent of the remaining vote to pull this off. If the pie with that of obviously much higher percentages, anyone statewide the problem is: these votes are coming from play
is like Atlanta, so very possible that Trump will not have enough votes at the end of this body. Can win? It is late again. This is going to be Arizona, Georgia and put in the same sort of bucket if they're going to be really really close. These are all this close. Five thousand ballots. Aren't these all? I'm almost all of them automatic recount so the states or do they have different rules and not, for example, Wisconsin is in that Martin ROM. Looking at The second I dont know all the rules of four recounts. Yet I haven't I'm kind of looking to see what they read the title. The totals are going to be first but yeah in usually they can probably get recounts in a lot of these states, Pennsylvania may The issue here is Pennsylvania. I think Pennsylvania of these states is one of the least likely, probably for fur trump to win, and Does nothing else matters? Basically, if
bite in wines. Pennsylvania he's going to meet him be the president as much as I hate to utter such words, ever gonna? Look, I wouldn't say personally is a sure thing by any means, and am sure Giuliani will represent a very, very optimistic picture. I mean it's not like again, you can we can only do so much with us. You can look at these projections and say these are where the places are coming from. This is what we think they'll be, but that doesn't mean that those individual people said you know what I'm those people makes that I voted for drop. It may not be, as you know, they meant it gets the eight percent of the vote, so that these things are not sure, there's a lot a margin of error here, but as far as what it looks like is remaining in the vote tomorrow little towards bite in these states are, I will
finish with North Carolina, Wisconsin and Michigan, and then address some of the sum of the fraud and alleged fraud coming up a grand back programme. When it comes to shopping online, you you really need to get honey. Honey. We rule doesn't remember all of the past codes for you, but they do actually is go out and look for the best pass code for you're the best promo code. So when you, when you're out online, you might say I remember the promo code was whatever their my be a better one out there and that's what honey does for you. get honey for free, join honey, dotcom, slash back, it's an app that you just download. quickly, and then it runs in the background. Every time that your shopping and before you go to check out, you click on the up and it
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and and then get to some of these. These hope is and some of these things that should be questioned Where were you gonna start? I want to start North Carolina quickly. North Carolina, I think, is going to be Donald Trump State. I guess there worried about calling it be There could be made, of some really large democratic areas that could make up the difference. I don't think it's gonna happen. I think I was gonna win North Carolina. I think that's a ninety ten sort of situation with constant tight race within one percent. It's a recounts state. It is recounts data at the, though no more votes to count their trumpets down by about Twenty thousand. You know they last than they do to recount. They did two recounts: Scott Walker, the former governor, pointed this out. They did two recounts when he was there when did full state recounts. They only overturned about three hundred votes or lessen both of em, so it's unlikely they be able to change, had looked at the two cities that are showing a ninety percent turnout for vote,
yeah. So I'll bet. You have some. Have you looked at the at the wheel? words in Milwaukee that show two hundred and two percent turnout for voters so what it seems like they're doing right elbow Scots. It is a shame, not what it seems like what they're doing this is eat. It does seem that their doing their free there factoring turn out based on registered voters. Would yet not how you factor turn out. That's not the correct way to calculate that number and look a lot of appeal. Making this claim no, that okay, the other parties, as you. Don't you say, like turnout is how many people could vote and how many people turned out, not not to you. Dont divided the duke denominator is not registered voters, especially in a state which the case in some of these situations, or you can read Good day off,
your adding action when I registered with direct- and I think that the case of a walk, I think in milwaukee- it is, I think, movement. I think it was not in his one those easily they may have been registered wrecked, they might had at right and it's also liking. It there's a lot of weirdness with a selection in that like, for example, people in nor he'd say like people who go to college right, negative vote at their college and there We too have a huge margins for the left right. What's happening in some of these situations is no. The kids are outcome, right now right because none of them they are cancelled, neural doing it from home. So it's it's dispersing this vote in two different places around the state okay, so just tell me out with ninety percent. That is the new, be per cent voter turn out that that's a very patriotic said it again and that's the ninety percent is not the correct number it turned out. It is not how you desire calculator example there more now. What who one Texas Donald Trump
more voters, most more votes cast than there were more votes cast in early voting, then entire election last night. So there's lots so the stuff going around to be well to say that its aid is not crazy in certain areas to have numbers like that, especially when you manipulate the number and changed the denominator, which is what they're there try to make the best argument Therefore, it is not proof of fraud, but again to be clear on this Donald trumps campaign. should be investigating. every single one of these things and look- you'll, see, you'll, know the truth. If DOM trumps campaign starts filing things on these, if they actually believe these claims there will be new lawsuits filed on all these things. So far, there not filing clean suits on this, but they say they will. Why do you want
Joe Biden to women's rights apples. Did you notice that this guy, I'm just saying that, like you know, look some of these arguments are really good. Some of them are not so good. I will tell you this that this is not a well at least we we hold on or looks like we did hold onto the Senate. That's a very a good thing was the largest voter turnout in american history, buddy, It's crazy is- and I want to talk about this later- there are two America's. I don't I'm not convinced that everybody who voted for Joe Biden, didn't know what they were voting for in HO I am not willing to say all well, they didn't know what I get it. I think most I think most of em did but half of Amerika believes that we should go in this unkind. The traditional and and socialist Marxist stored a sort of way, I'm not with that
but neither are a record number of Americans Yan an ETA pointing to the fraud thing is an interesting part of that too, and that, like look, I do. I think there are some fraud support. Every election has some fraud. Do I think that people really are trying to do this in turn, the selection of course, and they needs to be investigated, but it would be a weird way to attempt fraud by allowing the Republicans to keep the Senate and spanned or two to get more seats in the house and when a lot of the governor races that working well, you have to make it look. Maybe it s a white honestly I am, I am much. I am focused. On what comes next and what's happening on the streets with Anti FA area has that is not. I think we are going to enter the seasons season of assassinations from and fur or any of these marxist radical groups. They are all Eddie talking about it,
and they are not going to be happy with Joe Biden, There are already at their protest insane. The vote is over, but the fight begins. The other five began. The fight began. Amazing, I think he's gonna win North Carolina, you don't, I dont, think Wisconsin's gonna come around then Michigan Michigan. I think he's got loose. I think, was the correct call the voted. The margin in others look there's all sorts of shading is legally just play on here. Hearsay, a video of Here's a video of a guy who is counting the vote in Detroit Listen to the narration, others what's goin on here observer looking at it has little bit about something the guy is counting, and any he's like he's pissed at a valid and then flips off a ballot?
and then crumpled it up talking to the ballot mighty crazy, a crow seven throws it. This I voted front. I don't know what is around its articles are what's going on, but it does not look good and no, it doesn't look good at all, and then there was this, and this comes from an attorney. from Texas that was stake out in watching the what was going in and out in Detroit of the I'll accounting centre, and this is what happened about four o clock in the morning. he's showing now a big White Van pulls up and takes out what happened. My would await Wagner. Knox's question tell she so he's got a little red wagon and he puts boxes in the wagon
and so on. Then of these the little red wagon is going in with a fox. Why places were closed. so this is, after anything, was supposed to come in and She caught not only this, but also others bringing in suitcases, etc, etc. Hours after you were to have any kind of additional information come out and that's when they got night for the evening right and stop counting the vomiting, Philadelphia, so underwent night? I think way county continued the count, I know a lot of see US counties in in Pennsylvania, accounting, twenty four seven- to try to get this done by Friday as their goal.
again. He added that there's a lot of shadiest there that it looks like the margin, though, with well over a hundred thousand votes. Now unawares gonna end, but it minutes it's gonna be a state that was close in the percentages by renounced couple points, but it's it's not gonna be reserved thin, like some of the other states. So let me let me help you out on on one thing, to give you a little bit of of hope. Now we're going to Rudy Giuliani and find out what they are actually filing in the courts of law. What they say is going on. Because that has to be fought. Every legal battle has to be fought, but let me tell you that I think I said to making Kelly last night. She don't even know what you're talking about. Obviously not a star wars fan. I say. I think Donald Trump, may turn out to be an Obi WAN Kenobi strike you down and you'll, make me more powerful, there is a new coalition and, not around the G o P,
it's really not even around Donald Trump, its around Someone who is unafraid unafraid and willing to stand up, and I think there are millions of Americans was proven. Millions of Americans who feel this way they ve had enough they're, not afraid anymore, and I think, old trump. I think the reason why you're seeing Trump later did poorly on Fox and Donald Trump. Treating Fox poorly is that I think he's going to leave and he'll start his own cable network here go right head to head. On cable tv, I believe- and when he does, there are millions are gonna, flocked to watch it and It could be a final death knell nail into the media and that'll drive them out of their mine and
First of all, you you're just speculating if he loses would have you know this area to be clear, however, not going away? Let's be honest, and others is he's not going out about this yesterday. Tell me this: Not true about blowing the minds of the media if there a primary pull for twenty twenty four, who leads it Donald Trump Donald Trump? Is there any incentive, four Donald Trump, even if it's not gonna run and twenty twenty four to say. he's not going to run a twenty twenty four known, Isn t the only incentives to keep that alive because it put you in the middle of every new cycle, especially your launching a medium in, and I think honestly, like there's a good chance that Trump would want to again if you are like, while he might be eighty so so it's Joe Biden is, is gonna, be able even older if he still prison, in four years and again that if this happens, should it this breakdown euro quick on quickly. Five states Trop needs to inform them. I can
her Georgia, Arizona about a fifty fifty shop, Kay Either one of those he could when he could lose at North Korea, I think as ninety ten trump I think he's going to win North Carolina Nevada. Thank you. Probably more like twenty five. Seventy five, I don't think he's gonna win about it, but it's possible Big ones, Pennsylvania, which I think is probably more like thirty. Seventy, as I look right now everything I d Here the bedding markets are a little more pessimistic than I am exe for North Carolina, which it does that they would agree with the analysis about ninety percent chance of trumped win, but I mean These are not like: lottery. Ticket Hale marries we're talking about work. I would, to say so, you're saying there is at hand, but it's better than better than it's better than Jim carry trying to get the girl in Dublin Dumber, it's better than that. It's just that thing, need to break the right way and the key pain is all over the stuff to make sure it doesnt work
the wrong way because of fraud, That has to be that we have to have faith in this outcome and that's why all of these things need to be investigated or Rudy Giuliani coming up in just a second. I also want to remind you who you are with some video from MSNBC that it's just Mind boggling That's coming up in just a few minutes
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standing here and weighing county by what we see here, essentially an increasing mob like scene waters we say That they want to get access to the building, so many of them have rushed. Into the building here, but I'm actually talking to official democratic more watchers movement, Democratic Party who been shot outside of the balloting room or to theirs to have access to a menaces lay where we do have a police, visuals, ITALY. The visuals are vital to this beer people standing around their hands in their pockets, and it there in close together, nobody has assign nobody's chanting, anything, that's seem to see an end. Another mob seemed you have the photo. of the the prayers there there. It is look at this mob. Seen, look at this. Obscene yeah,
his troops. A border is down on their knees in prayer. Ices create a mob scene. I e they did. This looks like the most genteel crowd. Anyone has ever seen in describing it as a mob. After doing ports. I don't want a burning, our Asia and that wasn't a mob one last. This is just these are the pros Asters, That that you can see and their chanting no borders, no walls, no USA at all And a death to the what was it death to the death of fascism and we liberalism that enables it so that wasn't we I mean why report on that one? No, when you ve got a mob scene of Like forty people with their hands in their pockets and, of course, the mob seen also
with everyone just in kneeling in prayer, that's what they say there doing, but action, if on their shoulders, they all had a rocket launchers. Oh my gosh, the Tsar physician. It's the same position and gas airy using spiritual rocket launchers. If that's not a violent mob, their casing the pill, the Hague LAR Rocket at our like. Where should I animated? If I get one Power I Rudy Giuliani, is given up and just a second standby
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in light of this man TAT Program from America. So what is really going on the separating the fact from fiction separating the lies and deceit, cheating from what really going on. So we have Rudy Giuliani to give us perspective and what the White House is actually doing to fight back against any kind of corruption. What are the odds that Donald Trump pull this off? We go to Mayor Rudy Giuliani in sixty seconds is a green back programme our we talk about american financing, european financing is so important right now that you, you would call them and you would you would get the lowest rate for you. Mortgage possible.
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You w that animal, less consumer access, dot org really Giuliani, is supposed to be joining us he's running a little late, I'm gonna cut him some slack, seeing that he is doing humans work today. With the White House. He has launched a major effort to challenge in what he describes as highly suspect mail in ballots that were counted in Philadelphia without proper observation he said yesterday, this a concerted effort of the crooks that run the democratic party. He said democratic, crooked, Miss Jeanne prevented republican observers in Philadelphia from sea the ballot counting process, forcing them to stand twenty or thirty feet away, former mayor announced that president down trumps campaign head filed a lawsuit to contest the accounting process were exposed,
as we are supposed to be allowed to observe the counting of the ballots, he said we couldn't. We need to fix this in rem remedy this now, because, as he says, we ve won for Pennsylvania and we were every vote to be counted in a fair way. You know one The things that really bothers me is the way the press has handled. What the president has said. He is Saying stop the counting. what he is saying is stopped. The voting now, what Does that mean well. That means stop. taking deliveries of ballots in the middle of the night like a lot. Julie happened in Detroit, Things were going very well and then new suit this showed up. no problem, if this free and fair. I have no problem in accepting something
really don't want to accept. But we have to make sure it's free and fair and Joe Biden be doing exactly the same thing and I hope to God. This doesn't come down to a recount in just one state. Some The good news. I think for Democrats, though in the Senate, and look now reply looking will have control, maybe he'll, be more favourable towards their strong argument for getting rid of the filibuster maybe maybe they're really like it who knows case so tell me what happened, because I believe the race as just changed in Georgia, for the Senate yeah. This is this is a disappointing result. in that Georgia is now has David produce slightly just a tick under fifty percent. The way Georgia works, if you're, not at first Percent or more than they go to a run off on January. Fifty percent is a fifty four
Ask your figure more reminiscent of a fifty percent, and I like the area so electricity is. Is it appears that both of those races are going to go to run us on January Fifth, right now you have a situation where there are forty, eight republican senators. Now, if, let's just say for a worst case scenario because of our planet, for here on four, does not pull this out and buy the president. You need to get to fifty one. How do you do that way the forty nine in Alaska, which has not been called yet, but that just because the way, how long we all their boats come on dogs lead. So that's take a while. So that's forty nine machine the forty nine without a problem tell us in North Carolina, still has a shot, and I think he I think he might win there, but it's going to close and then there's the two races in Georgia is:
It happens with the two races, sometimes document. No, no, no don't talk to me about the actual run off will get to that in a minute Giuliani. On can't tell me without those two: what does the Senate look like it's going to be stored, niner fifty Republicans, so there need something out of that. If, if Trump is not, the president, they're gonna need something out, because because comma or whoever she appoints to be vice, president will lay the deciding factor of its fifty fifty are rules on Mr Mayer how're, you, Sir I owe you I'm good, I'm good, I could be better, could be better, but I'm hoping you have some good news, but I think I do ok all right. What's what look at a couple of ways in which we were ok right? We we win by holding onto a state that we have one in their trying desperately to school, which is Pennsylvania. We are important
actual value. We want a nice appealed. Yesterday. Last night, remember went to court because, wooden allow our inspectors to view the one or two and thirty thousand mail and ballot. Yes, all should meet it. Only by Democrats, We have no idea if you empty taper if they are filled out correctly if the same person voted ten times, Thirty thousand Biden ballot, the more requires that we be given an opportunity to observe that was completely violated. We were allowed to observe Roughly you know what the two first downs away from the ballot about twenty light weight. The ballot are, we were told we could use binoculars happened. We could use binoculars, not one on for twenty one hours. We got we got before
a completely. Why not a corrupt drudge Democrat who, who ruled doin that you owe you fulfil the right to observe, but just having a person in the room? Even if your fifty feet away, I can't hear It is ridiculous that up to the intermediate court in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State Court reversed immediately. Now we have the right to ok, so why do you? Can you go back and look at all of those ballots I'm gonna move that they will be disqualified. They wore Philadelphia city ballads, he's running seven eight to one seventy two, seventy three eighty two I would like to get two hundred and thirty thousand showed Elsie abolished and that when they deserve that would put an ever put, the president had
by four hundred thousand with eight percent account now I mean it is totally corrupt. They haven't called Pennsylvania form you don't twenty four hours it legally employed. The ball, to steal the number out you to get the number of votes, verse, the eighty percent of the remaining votes would have to be for him and the room. vote now. Would you we just qualify? These all come from trumped up territory. but it was. Let me let me give you the counter arguments I'd like to hear your argument. The counter argument is yes, but these are all male in ballots. Those were running very high for the Democrats male about you. We're gonna have disqualified, where we were talking about the remaining abolish, absentee balanced and the Babbage cast on election day. They haven't been eight percent of those haven't
can't. You get a per cent of what was cast. That day has not been counted yet. Eight percent of what been cast that day or eight percent of absentee ballads in counties that approach truck, I'm more new, accept absentee ballot, encounters dollar sixty percent. RO drop seventy percent programme. Seventy five percent of the Uk Way way way way way way way way. So you want all absentee ballots thrown out now. Just the way we We want the male valid thrown out, a legitimate absentee ballot. We have no grounds for throwing that up, because we're gonna get to observe that and have observed that That's the one where you requested! There's an affidavit we can look at that and objective is something wrong. The votes that we were allowed to observe with your mail in books. The new thing, the Democrats,
created this year, where you you can nail it about you didn't requested the Democrats border to you signed it. They're a hundred and thirty thousand are those that have been tough counted in the Philadelphia area. We have not had the ability to observe any single wanted, and so you want all one hundred and thirty thrown out. The one you are unable to observe, we want thrown up correct and you, too with a statement really, of course, that look we want all. Legal votes that were cast to be counted, whether it's for your guy are now. An illegal vote is a vote. Whether rich and action to vote or mail about that both sides get to observe only one side is observed that well, that's not illegal work, more requires that we had the opportunity to observe were denied the opportunity to observe twenty one hour's throughout the state, a pencil
all your democratic areas by the way and action similar thing happened in Milwaukee, well, have another was in Michigan, we're about to bring one in Arizona. We're about to bring one and in about the most Michael was a nationwide plan of the Democratic Party part of this whole matter. One thing they did to make sure democratic Democrats only inspected them. at the top of never got a chance to sheep Do you need that? One hundred thirty thousand votes thrown out to win Pennsylvania love? Now I think we win without. I think we I mean that that with that boat, presumably already counted as they put it in, whereas by two hundred and thirty thousand votes, What about eight percent took up? So what is the math on that? How many? How many ballads of eight percent? How many ballots is that would that be virtually, would have to get there.
Get about eighty five to ninety percent of the remaining vote, which shows that has a more which comes from trump areas. They can't we intend to that. they couldn't have one touch them in your data. It is impossible to get that money Both in election, that's this course and he didn't run that far ahead in the shootings like Hilary did, so that the ship city just wipe everything out, aren't so tell me what is next gives you be about a favourable ruling last night, but does ruling mean that you could go back and look at those votes or they saying those are already passed. And so I think, by the time I got a job. I announced this to you. The Democratic appealed to the States Supreme Court, Joe. It means wherein hold right now. And the best
We can get right now, there's a temporarily. They will be count and then we go to the States Supreme Court to Democratic Supreme Court. She I hate to announce what they're going to do and I will take you to this principle: all right now, those ballots or they separate. from all the other ballots, the idea, we can shape them fiscal, yes, ok, hold on justice, Rudy will have more with Rudy Giuliani. Just a second. I gotta take a one minute break for the network. Imagine for a moment. You ve taken the day off to go fishing. You just arrived there at the lake. Pushed the boat off the dock and drift into the water. Ready rhetoric big ones and you reach India Tackle Box only to discover that you brought the toolbox, and all you have is a hammer Now you wouldn't be using the hammer to fish, I don't know I might I might try. I might try but there's a lot of stuff that should have been in that tackle box.
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dot com, slash back for fifty percent off ten second station. I we have already Giuliani with us. We started late and he's got to run, but I just I just want to have that. Just get a read for you from you: what are you filing? meeting in other states. How is Arizona doing Arizona where waiting we're waiting for, though, for another group of votes to be counted, we believe we're gonna. Get ahead in Arizona we certainly have already narrowed it, and at this point we are less than two point away, and I are our people tell us that most of the votes that are coming in come from our part of state, so
miracle but county, which we could then heard him. We didn't get really are very bad at all, so it's very, very close in in Nevada, only eighty six percent of caste and where for tension in the set me, I That's it literally, that's what are really nothing, whereas what? Whereas ahead by two and a half per cent in translate It is it's incredible to me with the Nevada that they keep changing the time they they closed. Everybody off. Have they not most everybody offer you can't, we can't know any of the numbers are not releasing anything until some time today. That is correct, It made an end I and I don't even have a good. I don't even have a good feel yet because the people who are doing a Force- but, like almost locked in I don't have a good feel for what opportunity do we as I am told I am told Anecdotally, that would not be able to observe once again the male Balch,
The latest observed the absentee balance to the effect that the accounting them they. Let us do a proper observation of the analysis of what say that election day what date they kind of whole the male bowers like they belong to their special balance. The belong only the Democrats and that's true now and for states going so we get close to a possible federal law on that they keep this up. Alright, Rudy! Thank you very much god so you know I'm glad it's always the president's thought from the very beginning that this whole idea of male was for them to have enough votes available right, but they could overcome any Lydia Well, I think he's been treated really horribly, of course, by the press, because he is not he's not saying stop the counting. He sing stop the voting and that is big difference? How about stop the cheating also,
right and allow the other side to observe that cheating and election law and second, what about Fox calling out his own and people went home. They left a bit. They left CNN, didn't call Arizona, no real sets. neat silver came out and said Fox has to retract it. They. He said that last and I doubt rageous what they did they affected. The election If we don't win Arizona, they may vary, I'll be the recent weight when I was out why what happened? What is going on with Fox No, but I gotta tell you not just a white asked its upset or by supporters of outrage. You know we expect. to get kicked in the backside by sheer at an msnbc any and all those people, but for to call to call Arizona when there was one was no bait. Would when, where it head, where I had in Pennsylvania at that time by fifteen percent, you don't call Pennsylvania
we're ahead of Pennsylvania now about two and a half percent, would only six percent to count they wait and potential. They accept a cheap and is the same holds true in Michigan I mean Michigan Michigan. They call that they called wire Wisconsin three tangible descent, three tension with his aunt. How can you caused me with retention? said miss almost nothing is twenty one thousand votes, a man agree, call its automatic Randy out its automatic too close to call it so there you are gonna have beset with. Only six percent goal is to close to call you don right. That's what they're Michigan and was Constanta too. to go under an Georgia The word is today that what's left is just votes in it,
Santa, and it's too close to call D. You wasn't rumours of all kinds. Is it true that they found vote here that found both that the longer you let this go? The more Hence there is too cheap. There is not an immediate, you can count. You can count the votes of New York and California in twelve hours. You mean to tell me we haven't finished. It vote counting Georgia you don't why we considered it when you don't show up count. It is an old trick. The Europe used in a flawed all the time, the boy to share this message out wait, delay delayed away and then you hope to slip in more votes, more votes, more Sometimes you don't make it did it, make it last time and floor. They missed by that the was that, but you gotta Cut off you got cut off that ability. That's what that's why we understand the limitations in the law, Rudy House president, holding up
you, don't you and you know I was holding up the fallen. Forty five minutes. Today's got better legal series thank you, Sir ouch for everything you do, and God bless Rudy Giuliani and the strategy going forward, I'd like to get loudly to hear from you aided eight. Seventy seven be easy gay. I'd like to hear stews reaction to what really Giuliani said in my reaction coming up in just a second standby. this is the Glen Back programme right. Now is a tough time for me, because I mean when I'm nervous depressed. I eat. I love to eat and that's all I do and then went
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Will you ever see good ablaze, tv dot com, Slash Glenn. If use the promo code, Glennie saved ten bucks on your subscription to blaze TV. Welcome to the Glen Programme, so Rudy, dual Giuliani was on with its just a second ago, and he said something that that bothers me. and that is here he claims that there are able to win Pennsylvania without throwing valets out and- and that's that's good. and I hope all of that is true and we're going to watch it, and I know they're watching it. They do one a court battle, and now it's gonna go into the state Supreme Court. We know how that's gonna happen or what's gonna happen, then so we'll go to the Supreme Court after that, but rule
He is saying that they want all of these one hundred and thirty ballots, though thirtyth on one hundred thirty thousand ballots from fear. Althea that they were not allowed to observe being counted. If if that is, if that's true, which it is and a court last night said they have to have access for the counting of all ballots, it's true, that's wrong and Philadelphia now leads to correct that now, You can separate those hundred thirty thousand ballot. Rudy said: what's fair is because they cause this delay and they did this deserve is to lose all one hundred and thirty thousand ballots. I know that's fair. think what fair is go through them meticulously
If there is a problem with one throw it out, if so natures! Don't match, throw it out if the postmark isn't matched throw it out. But I I think it's right too say: hey you made a mistake. And penalize them with every single vote and look every campaign tries to do this. I don't wanna know they go into these areas where they dont pay their way in the vote and try to find ways to throw the vote out. There may be very serious issues here. I mean this. The one day would bother you, I think, and Rudy agreed with my question. on whether you'd do you want Accounted that's legal and I think that you know it's going to that, that's an important part of our country, yet I think we all understand that This is true. This isn't a mistake made by the voter.
This would be a mirage ache made after and votes are sacred. The reason why I am so stomach turned by people who just throw in extra ballots or count them intentionally wrong. I would never do that. I wouldn't I couldn't live with. Might I couldn't sleep at night if I was doing that, this. Is this is like giving money to me. You know when somebody tied something or you know, people donate to mercury. One we have discussion. All What time add is somebody's hard earned money and they see send it in to make sure that it went. The cause that they want. It just mantra that we ve been saying for a long long time, comes from? You can't do that to people and the EU no eye and everybody else will pay an eternal price for taking. Something is sacred as a vote, and throwing it away.
all must count as long as its legal sourcing. I shouldn't take money out of the gold dishes it passes by I now when you are in charge, don't do it don't do that I think is kind of like take appetitive pass. A penny are well may want to your name ever it is there not a passing out money there recollecting have to check on that. Ok again, I mean look the this. This is not to say it. The Democrats between the same thing. In fact, by the way, if these suits us working right. If If they will eyed and campaign right now is not going as Chris, publicly with lawsuits their planning all of it, but necessarily firing all these things off, because they think they're winning the if it's getting closer of to the point where they they aren't winning anymore or they think they might lose. We will see all the same law suits and from the Democrats this is, and legitimately their job. This is this is where the legal team there will be lawyers there come in, and this is what a legal teams will shine and they will do their best to try.
Throw out as many votes as possible that her there did it just like Al Gore, to see an end to see MSNBC last night going crazy about. how wild it was for Donald Trump the Republicans to go in and try to challenge, votes and voters, Oliver, all over the country, so ridiculous, when they shut, did every They could Glenn in two thousand to die by every line of Al Gore. May I know- and I just I That'S- why don't watch tv anymore bits of theirs? It's us as it is because I just I keep
yelling at the tv Lucia shot up, it's all I say now shut up shot. I remember the hay losing you had printed yeah, it's others went up and he shows it blaze. Phenomena are you gonna do does merged com, you can know Yo Yo can get through. That way I mean that's. That is, you goes airline kids hear me say to the tv now just shut out as a teacher that justice shut up just shut down, and it's like I can hide. I feel that way. All time all the time in the shirt helps you save your voice again. Consider unaware that shirt. I just I just point most point of my just why again like to give you another example: the same concept, This video we showed. I think it was asked our way. the mob scene. We the mob scene, is going on. Let me let me describe this and we're gonna we're gonna play it for again there is a group of people. What do you say? Forty about forty four about forty people, they're not stir
in close to each other, it's like a cut in the back. There's a couple of women with their hands in their pockets? And this is not what it looks like legal and that would have struck me as when we still live in New York. There be these street performers. Now these, Cities are hell Skype, but Then there are people who were outside and allowed outside by Governor Cuomo, and these people would be assigned they'd, be like us. They be playing guitar, something like some five you'd see like a bunch, a little kids dancing in unison, these little street performances and there be like a few people, I gathered around watching it because it stopped for a minute. Yeah like it isn't, look like they are too to tear the building down, throw rocks through windows. Ninety nine just applaud they're, just kind of one almost be invisible because they don't want the performer to see them because then they're gonna feel Guilty, and nobody like I got a region in my wallet, something so your gear Keyser Day aware that any kind of interested, but not too interested, that's the scene.
now listen to what it may also be seated pity you have some news on the ground there at that counting facility. What is actually happening behind you, you have to remain high. Me is Detroit Centre. Mrs, were all waters are raising to try and tell all the votes are standing here and weighing county by what we see here essentially, an increasing mob like see. That's why you see this video say that they stop just think of the videos that you seen where they say these peaceful protests and there's fire coming out of like cars behind them and people shooting each other peaceful Oh tat S, just a bee, it's that redeem Unless they are, they are Asking you to deny what your eyes see. It is hysterical its hysterical now Let me show you what's really going on
this is from last night's broadcast with Elijah's Schaefer, who is our guy, who has been going in undercover but he has made. a very big difference in uncovering and exposing what's going on with Antigua on election night We shared a tweet it showed he was being targeted by and teeth for, assassination. here's my conversation with him last night on the streets in Washington last night, what we saw was astonishing. We in the middle of the broadcast, we had to get you out of Washington, because there were antiphon members that we're looking for you too, and I am quoting them to assassinate you Yeah, unfortunately,
last night was a very precarious situation. Obviously I am not in the best reputation with these people, but when you get a call from the department of Domestic, Terrorism from the FBI, you no warning you to please tread carefully in the DC metropolitan area and to take Threats of assassination seriously, I mean you know These people are not messing around and I didn't want to respond in any way they took what they said lightly. So this is this. Is new news? to. The FBI is now involved. The federal government is now involved and telling you to take this seriously, because I heard a lot of people say all that's just that's nothing but hype they don't mean that no, absolutely I gotta, I gotta call fully from the FBI, quite a long conversation to adjust
you're telling me to please be careful, because you know these people are serious. Their threats are real just last night, some of these, these individuals actually stabbed multiple rightwing people in the middle of the night, for what seemed to be no no prob provocation. They even stabbed a black trump supporting women in the back. wise and she's in the hospital are expected to recover. So last They are out for blood. They did so. At least three drops supporters, and I I'm happy to say that I wasn't the fourth victim how about that too, and so they they stabbed at three people. bud? Msnbc is reporting on the Mai of just We'll standing around hands in their pockets. Sometimes you just get the truth from the media. You need someone who's gonna come out until you gee, I yell truth, wonder who that would be the I have one guy on and off. You ve seen this guy. Yet he is he's well as altruist.
Others are, is wearing a shirt that says beer, barbecue, freedom, That's where I get all my is really area. Have you seen this guy? Yet I love this guy. This is my favorite got. That is the only guy he's telling the truth. Right now really do we have this video we gotta watch the cry. Elected liberty is tolerated up, replied, Craig families. when did they carried off, we want I beg your pardon report- is covered up- is elected. This delay Indeed, it is walks awaiting away like this is in the middle of a press conference. By the way it is Without that he's got money, doping are acute beer and and freedom, freedom and he's got him. He's got his mask on, but not over. His actual face a task dialogue is out there like you know what people need.
Now this sums gotta out there. I would like to make another recommendation of somebody that I've seen everyone on this network. We are, you can still get the discount if you use my name Glenn they have. in shut it off yet and I'm not telling them too. Its blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn, use the promo code Glenn, I I'm telling you my gut and eight, I don't talk about my God, I've been trying to kiss day at facts, but my gut says this is now Gonna go the way we want it to with president. I could be wrong. I'm the kiss of death, I'm wrong politics on everything, and it honest truth is if Donald Trump loses its because I was for him, but he s never said it. I shouldn't have set in every time for a candidate they lose.
And I'm sorry, I apologize now that I jinx this election, but we are going to need to stand together and I want to talk about add here in about ten minutes, but we were It is vital that we stand together, and one to do it is join us at blaze, tv dotcom. If it's not place He rejoined daily wire, join, join a group of people because we are all working together and I gotta tell ya daily wires under attack. We We have their back, we're your attack daily wire will have our back me. We all respect each other where competitors, but we are not we're all em. Ricans first were all merit and first so, please support the voice that you trust, we could use your help more importantly, it vital that you have a way that we can
and contact you social media is no longer rebel, reliable, you're not getting the news that we are putting out you're, not getting the things that we are posting about. Twenty percent of those you. Actually see, maybe and that number I think, he's gonna go down. So please Yes, if you can't afford blaze tv just sign up for either my free email newsletter, Glenn Back Dotcom or the blaze dot com and get the free email news letter. We need a way that we can contact. You are I more in just a second. we have been granted some more time are these few days with the world's not burning down, but we have been granted some more time. I think
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This is the Glenda programme. Let me go to Maggie in Michigan Hallo, Maggie you're on the work programme. and things have taken my colleague burner. You bet thank you. I wanted. talk about. We have property in north western, lower peninsula an term county and it's a very highly known to be Trump County, and we received this morning that there was a software problem in counting the boats in that county were in Antium County. Only two republican boats were said to be collected in the higher colony, and so it turns out there. that the software that was used in that county was probably used in up to other up to twenty other colonies
There are actually having to go through a process now of red, validating that software and then they'll have to reach out all of those colonies. All right. We will put this on the list of things to watch their is. Them is breaking news everywhere And we just have to sort through what you know. What is true, what isn't what's a misunderstanding what actually is this fraud? and so we will look into that I'll I'll get one of my researchers on that story. Right now so can find out and hopefully have an answer for you here in just to the next few minutes on what it means I think the entire country is interested in that our right eye, Have some some really good news to share with you. Next Hey everybody knows pay pal.
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, this man tat program, so what did we learn from this election? So far, it's not over, but what are we learning on the left is learning I think, all of our racism. How tromp have so much of the latino vote. I really dont get it. The response if the latino vote pushes Trump over the edge, there immediately become white skews me, turns out. This is really the country. We thought it was. That's. That's the left that's what they're saying Andrew Vano Judge, says,
We social scientist failed to predict or even understand the appeal of Trump. We need to do to understand why people chose to vote for him. A lot of people did so there's, probably some strong reasons. Don't understand we'll miss the next one to the next. What the next, what the next guy, who is a violent racist that has to be stopped. There's no actual learning going on. There So who are you really? What did we learn? we learned some good stuff and I shoot with you in sixty seconds, is back programme. all right. I think we can all agree. Twenty twenty has Awful It is it's more awful, then Andrew Cuomo and I've learned Andrew Cuomo is awful. I Have the mug
had you propose awful doc. Our little man he's off obvious twenty, twenty, more so that's hard to do now. You couldn't, give occasion. But if you have a timeshare, you probably weren't allowed to use it this year, where you still have to pay for it or couldn't get the time you could find to get to the timeshare. Your eye, I can go on the vacation at this time. I'm sorry we can't now still have to pay for it and the best part is I mean that free my tie. You got when they were gap in about it and your like. If I may, I think those rather make sense now. Oh you're, regretting at because coming soon your maintenance fees get out of the insanity got out times determination, team call them Don't put this off? It don't get stuck with another year of a time. Share you're, not gonna use get twenty percent off when you terminate your timeshare, just tell him
I sent. You call aided eight get you out, eight eight for three, eight, eighty, six, eighty eight one, eight at eight get you out or just go to the website. Time share termination team, dot com. Is it really makes us I want to make sure that you are not feeling down in the dumps today. I want to make sure that you are not despairing today, because There are some things we have learned over the last few days and its important give me a couple of minutes One of the most important things that we have learned over the last few days is that there are nearly seventy million people. Who love America and reject all of this political correctness that reject
the council culture that reject, the lies that America is a horrible place. Seventy million people that look America the way you do many. of them Learning to see America through the lens of founding principles for the very first time and Alliance of freedom. is broader and more inclusive than it ever has been before it least in my lifetime. It is now made up of old and young male and female black. Why brown, because It's beginning to be a coalition that is not about policies is about. truth. We learned that, just like us, millions of Americans, millions of Americans search and study and pray, and
try to understand the principles that have made Amerika great and will keep Amerika great will be. hold on that greatness. We found out the millions of Americans. who really weren't paying attention for a long time, the media, woke up and they started to see This isn't fair at all. There are millions of Americans that They may not even like Donald Trump, but they stood for Donald Trump, because they understood what was at stake We saw millions of our Fellow citizens line the streets. And stand in the cold to be counted among the defenders of our nation believer, patriots warriors left dismisses everybody, everybody, who voted like you and I did as Dupes
were hateful racists who are just following the racist in chief that's who America really is, and we gotta stop it. We have to understand them, so we can get them out of their racism. That's what they believe about us, but we Finally, talk to one another. We know one another. you understand that. every one of us is different. There is no typical America that loves the constitution. It used to be all right. Chickens loved the constitution, but the progressives over the last hundred years have just taken it apart and destroyed it destroyed it and with it Have destroyed the hopes and dreams and confidence of millions of Americans.
were bound by the best of what makes Amerika great the constitution, Fact that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain rights liberty, opportunity, equal opportunity, not equal outcomes but equal opportunity. The now age, that all men are created and created equal that right. Don't come from the government, they come from God, we believe. unity of purpose. simple and purpose is what has always held us together now our hatred or racism, but something much bigger than us, sir. far more noble than us, Seventy million people know that this isn't a perfect nation. The constitution
doesn't even say we're going to create a perfect nation. It says, create a more perfect nation. that is a job for each and every one of us every single day. Those are the principles that hold the constitution and this, and this this country together not blind collectivism dictated, by an elite few the somber truth, the amber truth. Is it. While we found our patriotic voice, millions of our fellow Citizens found something else near Seventy five million people voted for Biden. And while many of them seem just to be voting against Donald Trump Blind hatred, voting against Trump and his trump zombies. I also now believe that many of them are now
just trying to get rid of orange man. And we may share something in common with those people. just as we are not uninformed hapless. Blindness use idiots following a leader needs are they I believe? that more of them than we have thought our joy does ideological as we are but mark my words. They are not lovers of truth. How is the first sign of that? Anyone any One who says shut up sit down. That's not the answer. You have this answer that we all agree on or you're out. Anyone who says that that's You don't want to be in anyone who says that is a
is forcing you into the position of being a mental midget. If you're a person of color that disagrees with your party, I don't care which party it is, and you against the grain that doesn't make you a sell out. That makes when individual and that's what miracle is about the end. digital stop with these groups. It's the end. Visual that matters? The independent, think you're, the one who goes its own way, the little guy. the underdog. Has always been. There's a lot of people in this country more than I thought that divert and even will destroy the truth. They want to out our history. They,
tell us every day not to believe what we're seeing with our own eyes. They stand in front of burning cards and burning buildings and say it's mostly peaceful, one on all know, even if that car behind you and the crowd bind you, as is only and per cent violent. That's enough!. if you vote for trumpet, doesn't make you a zombie or anti anything we our for freedom, how to freedom the freedom that we have to look to our master, and so can we do that bats approved freedom that the freedom that others have in Europe, not America, we believe in actual freedom, the Americans who voted with the left. They do not think the constitution is just a tired old document. Now they took that. Ask off long ago, I believe now it is a hateful set of ideals design, by a group of hateful men.
if you find yourself voting with the dead, like rats, you find yourself there you go open your eyes, because if what I just said to use is how dare you say that about us? That's why your leadership is saying. And it is their intention to utterly dismantle it. So at some point we have to believe you believe this. to their men and women are not created equal. There is an even such a thing as men and women. Any more While we seek law and order, they seek chaos. While we seek freedom, they seek tyranny, they believe in fear and hate. I believe, and evil. I do believe in evil, and I see evil the Author of all chaos.
Is the dark one himself. chaos. Anyone who is seeking chaos, anyone who is seeking bloodshed. Anyone who says you are guilty of something just because of your color, that is evil, it is evil. We are given agency by our creator and that can never ever be taken away. This election cycle has shown us millions of us. Are needed in that knowledge, but me, in our nation. Many in our nation have thought long and hard about Marxism. to us didn't, even if it wasn't even our radar for far too long, and now we are leading the charge against it.
thousands who escaped tyranny: the tyranny of socialism and of we're a terrorism or getting louder every bit louder than ever before, warning us to hold on to our american and values- and I gotta tell you something you can put me in prison. You can you can remove my tongue will still believe these things- and I will still stand for these things- I will write these things with my finger in the sand. If I am do I scratch it into the walls of a prison. My finger nails, bloody, all men are created equal because it is true. the more they divide and try to conquer in their arrogance. They will lose them are they divide and conquer the more we must bind together in knowledge and strength and love? We must
stand together. because the times ahead are going to be tough. The times of it's easy to be an american and believe in the constitution. It's easy to be a Christian. Those days are over. And the leftists will not give up. They are led by a dark power that seeks to destroy not America, not just our way of life but free, itself, but you know what, it's the same story. Every time darkness always it's going to win darkness is dispelled by the light. don't you dare get discouraged, you have proof you're, not alone But you also have proof of the army that you are up against.
we are not. We are not people that are searching for a fight. Looking for a fight I dont want to fight I think civil war is the worst thing that could possibly happen, but if the left thinks we're going to sit down as they dismantle the constitution. No, but won't do it. I won't do it. And this coalition is calling isn't the one that Donald Trump built Donald Trump built it and if he leaves were all alone no or not know or not, Donald it is a product of us down Tromp is a response to what millions of people have been yearning for somebody who fight for them against the machine. He's, got billions of brothers and sisters that are standing behind him beside him, and we, standing with and for each other more
ever before. It is time to stand, to unite and to show courage. Here's the Good NEWS, a mess, Erica, as our founders sought still lives and breathes in the hearts of millions. Hold on to that truth. And hold on to each other. I want to talk about really factor in our brains are not designed to remember pain and that's good, that's good! It's a biological defence mechanism- and it allows us to live better lives moms. That's why they get with. That's why they sign up if they could remember that pain they yeah, I know, you're too. Never touch me again, it's what keeps us from remembering with agonizing clarity. What
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I want to share of an email. I got in. and I want you to Know- I know what this listener to know. And her son how much this means to me. This is sent in by the sister of this woman who wrote it. So. I had the privilege of working at a local early voting pulling centre, here in town We had sundays off for someone who does stand a lot. Nine or ten hours on our feet is a long time, but I can't complain cause. It was an honour to Sir our community. but I made some observations polling station alone had over twenty one hundred twenty one thousand voters come through. I I help five thousand of them myself. This is a lot for four
of twenty eight stations and our county turn it's very high, even in a state where the results are assumed to be for one of the parties, The system here seems to be ok, they check persons state issued Idee, they major matches. The registration registered one has to prove citizenship in a it's a lot of fraud, I think the We'll ballot is electronic and anonymous, which is good and bad. There never be any hanging Chad's, but we have to hope the machine doesn't crash the most in sitting aspect of people coming into vote. Was it came in to vote. Ass, a young man how he was doing. He replied that he has no complaints, but he had no right arm from the shoulder down almost brought me to tee. There's a young lady who was very pregnant said she was so excited, devote because she rushed to get her citizen can citizenship complete in time to vote for selection. He became a citizen just about two months ago. She was Bosnia and
the eight year old in a wheelchair was helped Our daughter said she had to vote and vote in person a guy in Thirty so just become a father said he never voted before. I de my started now he said. Just has to lead his kids by example, and this election is kind of important. I no proof of the growth in our county. As many folks say they last voted in Nevada or North Carolina, Virginia Florida or other states. Two ladys that were seventy one, who never voted until now, The guy you said his first vote was for Kennedy several other people said it was their first time voting, even though they were in their sixties, but they thought Nothing was, is important. as it is now I want you to know these are the people but our standing with you
millions of Americans that know what is at stake and farce. standing. This is the Glen Back programme. What are you about? Jenny cell You when he supposed next year's great technology, friskin care could be, and if you want to try for free, could you do that for a very limited timing, get Jenny, self, airbags bags and puffing as to try for a full month. Free only pay shipping he also get the genocide retinal ultra, it's brand new for twenty twenty one and is also free right now, is perfect for sensitive skin cutting cutting edge technology. They use natural retinal, alternative with proven clinical effects of retinal. But without the irritation and look it's free, which means you don't have financial irritation either you can be the just go in and get you gotta try the sound, wriggle free, clean, smooth and vibrant scan. If you want to face, we don't see by,
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Why are we even in this situation? the reason why we are in this situation is because of arrogance, arrogance and hubris arrogance it leave if we are arrogant We fail to be grateful because we did it. I did it, I did it, I did it. I did it look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me on Facebook on a great look at me on Twitter, wild. You see, I smoke thou and let me spend time just taking the perfect picture with perfect filters to make everything looked just right on Instagram cause. Then people will like it.
You know, that's not liking it. We processes as their liking us, but we have to say we all are in that category. All of us all of us. I do it. But the kind of humorous hubris that has gotten us into this situation. Is worse than that. We actually, We actually used to believe in divine Providence. What is divine Providence. Different than divine destiny divine destiny, is. I am born and- Guys Ban birthed tunnel though the freedom that
Manifest destiny, that came. Skews my language from that son of a bitch Andrew Jackson. That's not us device. Providence and divine Providence happens when a people live in accordance to gods, law and then miracles happen. Twin everything, just kind of fits into place, etc. Deputy love that movie. How many of us believe. how many of us how many ass, her faith people, but we have a it in our stomach. I want to share with you. what I really believe.
I believe this is not going to work out the way we hope now still have hope. And I'm wrong all the time, but I I think this is gonna work out the way we want it to. But I dont have fear I've met. Or determination than ever because I know I was wrong in twenty. Six team wanted a different outcome. of them were options. Didn't want Hilary either, but I I was convinced this the only way and people who said Nora and I think they spread borne by God. I was like. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me, but you know what. I think God used him. I do that God used him. Look at them reckless things that God pulled off.
but no one else, nobody else would have done. Look at? What is he exposed because he was willing to just keep going turned out to be good. I was wrong and I have news for you. I don't know how long, it takes us to get to the good, but it's going to be good, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be hard, but fine, in fact it's gonna be better than fine we're. using up righteous children, not all of em, I can't get mind, seemed even pick up their socks, but. Righteous children are being raised, Millions of people know what time it is their meal
and some people that believe. There are millions of people recast the class It is this calms down. I get David Martin schedule again, where I started ST class online, can be free no idea how many people are going to watch that. But I'll bet you a lot. I'll bet. You a lot. Those people are eager to learn about the constitution and the founders and the truth. You know what do you know I'll drop has done he exposed. the lies and the deceit and the corruption We all knew. I mean I worked at CNN. I worked at Fox. How do you know everything that was going on, but I knew enough to get the hell out of both.
But Donald Trump showed me something about the press. Even now,. something I wasn't willing to say I hated it when he said the press is the enemy of the people. I hated that. But as usual. he was very in artful artful in artful good COD does not the sends to get bogged down on direct devolve, fame from here. Can we? How do we do it? A Marty there about it? I'll get it. He But he was right, he was right. Because anyone who stands for lies and deception. I mean, did you see what I'm NBC did on election night? They finally issued a story that says you another something to those Joe Biden thing, and he answer for oh my gosh. Just They can be on the record, saying we said
We covered it when you talk about she's unbelievable. Unbelievable. I didn't realize. I didn't realize how many people that we know will embrace Marxism. We do now. We do now We can stop with the pretend well. Maybe they just don't know no date. They will. within four years, they will, I think, they'll know in the next. In thirty days, they'll know they'll know, and if we do to them what they have done to us They will not come to us for answers when they disillusioned. They will stay in
that fog they'll have nowhere to go, don't do it don't do it Well, I told you so well it's about time. Will it Your fault, don't do it. We will have family members at a wake up, because I think there are some that we're just two. uninformed, and they just couldn't bring themselves to believe. That the monsters existed in their own party, I freely admit Monsters are in the GEO. Be that's why I don't like the G Opie. That's why don't fight for the G Opie, our fight for individuals when I'm not fighting for a stupid party. They admit that there's monsters in their midst- and that makes it more and more monstrous, because my
monsters know the best place to hide his. a crowd of other monsters. So long is no one saying hey wait a minute. There's a lot monsters in room. the best place for a monster to be, clear out the monsters in our own life Let's make sure we're not a monster. Let's stop praying God would be on our side and start praying that we would be on his side. Let's let's pray that our hearts won't fail. Us, let's pray that when that our comes, we righteous. Were full of light were decent. Were honourable that we look even at our executioner, like Dietrich,
hoffered did and say. Thank you. That's a person I wanna, be I'm not that I want to be. You know, hung in the woods like Bonn, offer it Please get that out of your idea. Anybody who might be listening. That's an idea. I just want to be somebody. my children will look back and say: I'd had stood. He thought he was all by himself We can tell the the ended Start to realize he was surrounded by people. and they all began to stand. That's the way, I want my story to be told. I need you to make that true.
what's today mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. The fight against leftism in all the dangerous things that it stand for really has just begun are The trees and our losses serve as a forge in which our character. as a conservative guy, believing people is fired and shaped and tested. Are committed, that's the thing we learned in this election. We are committed. And as long as we are committed to the fight against injustice anywhere in indecency, you know it's we're, not gonna lose if you like, me and you have made their commitment to never send money to leftist or leftist causes. When you don't have to well
There is a place you don't have to yourself. Company. I want cancel it today. Beer with one of the big people cancel it to day. Stop it They are taking your money and they are donating. Some of that profit of theirs to Plan Parenthood anti Second, amendment Anti freedom of speech, stuff pro open border stuff; no, no, no, no, no, cancel it you're gonna get the same great coverage. Gonna get better service, but you What even, if your coverage kind of stinks just a little bit? It still be worth it, but it's not gonna think just elopement slogans think at all. you're, like it. Everybody's on the same Celt hours now send a big message: hey Can you hear us now? Nine
Haven't you patriot, do it nine seven to Patriot veterans and first responders, save even more nine, seven to Patriot or Patriot Mobile Dotcom, slash back this is the Olympic Programme Welcome to the a Glinda programme were glad you're here I I want to of credit to David Martin, on something on action night, I got my hopes weigh up because the time Donald Trump was doing really well And it looked like he was gonna. Take it and was going well for the Senate and then David pops on and said, hey. Nobody is talking about the house. It's really starting to look good for the house which is incurred, but because it was not in the conversation addresses not a blue wave by any stretch of the imagination. It lets take this Donald Trump out of it. For a second, this is a fact.
stick result for Republicans. You do something like this is a like outside of the presidency, which I know we all talk about all the time. It's it's too big a part of our lives as it is, but every other part of this. What really well for Republicans, including Sophie looks like the Senate. Now that's gonna come down to the these run offs, but especially if bite and is Julius thing, millions if they a billion dollars of the amount of money. The amount- that's gonna, Georgia, sorry you did it to yourself. You gonna have a car Hagman January fifth. I also say that the yacht assume this the way I'm looking at this, let us say and gets in want to say that cause. It's not happened yet, but it fight and is in the people of Georgia are gonna have to look so these Senate races and the control of the Senate unfettered control of the government. Potentially for Democrats, I would think the people of Georgia gonna? Stop us up and say we don't want that, even if the devil Its do get controlled the Senate. Somehow there would have
such small minorities, it's gonna be impossible for them to do their big time. Craziness seek possible all produce tricks, neither yeah difficult, not the target, have to just ignore the constitutional right to have. Well, that's that can happen either one. So this is our from Adrian Gray, he's talking about the house set situation. This is where we stand right now, my house pretty interesting. Four hundred and sixteen house races appear decided right now. It's Democrats to twelve Publicans tool for right off the bat. That's Republicans, plus ten I mean that is like a really good result, not one that I saw anyone other than David Martin, even mention that possibility Eighteen seats are left. The job leads in ten of them clearly the costume eighteen, the GNP would need to an all the districts they are leading plus a few more at home.
in California, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Burgess Owens Race in Utah, as the possibility, whose very close, but not currently leading. Together the g altogether. The GNP is behind sixteen thirty votes in, but those four districts so very close, four thousand per district and Owens is closer than that. Gnp has a couple of these districts that they lead in that they may New York New Jersey that may break away from them. So he asked me to the end of the day that it's not likely GEO people take control of the house, but about very close, it will likely be the smallest house majority. Since the new deal with Oh, This again see. This is what bothers me, though, about the Trump vote is there is such a case, there was such a strong message being sent
you know, and I am not saying that it was stolen, I'm not saying it's not beings now and I'm. I want to look at all of the facts, but There was a strong message they bathed, but they were so convinced it was gonna, be a red wave, our blue wave and now its policy. Maybe looking at the end of her career, can you imagine if we could hold the if we could get the house and hold the Senate well the huge I'd be huge huge
Transcript generated on 2020-11-06.