« The Glenn Beck Program

'They're Taking Off Their Masks'? - 6/27/18

2018-06-27 | 🔗
Hour 1 Protests flare as Iran's currency plunges; freedom on the horizon? ...'Democratic Socialists' are winning major elections and they're not going away ...Mitt Romney's back?... 'Progressives are communists without the revolution'...The life path to a Marxist America, thanks to the 'cultural revolution'? ...Trump boost working; he has the 'benefit of the doubt' of the American people?     Hour 2 When Your Daughter Dies a Hero?...Stoneman Douglas school guard (coward) had sexually harassed massacre victim, family says ...Looking for truth in an untruthful society? ...the media's 'arrogance' is the real threat to our society ...The relationship between Barack Obama and Google is 'terrifying'? ...is Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan the left's John Roberts?   Hour 3 Americans' shocking ignorance of their own constitutional rights... gov't censorship in California?... infringement on free press would have killed stories like Watergate, Lewinsky-Clinton scandal...'New Saint Andrews College' accepts no state or federal funds...President & fellow of theology Dr. Benjamin Merkle joins the show to explain...is a college education even necessary? ...The rise of 'racist porn'?...The 'N-word' and Hot Chocolate Daddy? 

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