« The Glenn Beck Program

'There Are Two Americas' - 2/26/18

2018-02-26 | 🔗
Hour 1  How the hell did we get here?...Are we at the end of the 'enlightenment'?...we've replaced our churches with our parties…the planet and global warming are now our ‘god’...Fix Reason firmly in her seat...there are two Americas and it's not 'left' and 'right' ...98% of all mass shootings occur in 'gun-free' zones...Arming our schools like prisons?...probed, prodded and wanded? ...There is definitely something rotten in the Broward County Sheriff's Office....CNN's Jake Tapper Hammers Sheriff Israel with Facts…asks the questions Glenn, Stu had and then some…be suspicious of people who want more power...Sheriff Israel blames the NRA for his own miscues...has a problem telling the truth   Hour 2  The Coming Insurrection… ‘a hard turn to the extreme left’...bye bye, Dianne Feinstein...out with the very, very old and in with the new ...Confessions of a Russiagate Skeptic with Politico Magazine Editor-in-Chief Blake Hounshell...FACT: Russia did try to infiltrate our 2016 presidential election and is actively causing chaos ...Courage is not rewarded anymore; why?... ‘America, you are good’...what will be your legacy? ...Props for President Trump's White House interior design...President Reagan's rug, Bush’s couches and Obama's desk ...Report: North Korean Olympian cheerleaders are 'sex slaves'    Hour 3 Marching for our lives...let the 16-year-olds handle it? ...What Gun Control Advocates Are Proposing is Worse Than Doing Nothing...President of the Crime Prevention Research Center John Lott joins the show to discuss the real facts when it comes to gun crime...mass shootings started in 1995 with the introduction of 'gun-free zones'...Armed police at schools = Bad Idea...cost and benefits of guns? ...Transgender wrestler? he/she wins girls’ state wrestling title for the second time; is this fair? ...Sheriff Israel says he performed ‘amazing leadership’ = Ha! Ha! Ha! ...We must stop trying to just ‘win’ and ‘look for reconciliation’ ...Student activist David Hogg slams Dana Loesch with false facts ... ‘being exploited’…teen handed a ‘national platform’?... 'something really wrong' in sheriff's office   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand, love courage, truth, Glenn, Beck, I've been reading a lot of history. I've been reading a lot of philosophy in reading a lot of GS. I've been I've, been reading a lot trying to figure out how the hell did we get here. Now I I know the progressive era. I know the movement of postmodernism, I no history, so I know where we're headed, but what happened. How is it so many people just don't care about facts any?
What is what is that. I believe we have come to the end of the enlightenment. Enlightenment was a period in the seventeen hundreds that what was the the death religion and the death of the king. It was the death people ruling over other people. People had an opportunity to read to think to pray, to read their Bible too listen to science in police. They said up no more nonsense, no more nonsense! No more! No more people telling me! I am your king because God told me I was your king. Well, I He can't sense that I can't feel that I can't taste that I can't see it here. It smell it I'm
buy into that because it's nonsense. So we put an end to nonsense and we in two common sense. There is something in all of us called calm, incense. And we're going to base our lives on common sense and the search for truth. Being right isn't the important thing. The actual search for truth is the important thing and we're not going to take the truth hand down to us from some king. From some priest, we find it ourself. That was the enlightenment, fix reason firmly in her seat and question. With
goodness even the very existence of God, for if there be a god, he must surely rather on questions over black enfolded fear, tell last time you saw an honest question: come out of somebody on tv. Tell me the last time you saw an honest question being uttered by a politician. I mean what I say: honest question: I mean one where the person is actually seeking the truth and it could change their mind. They're willing to ask a question where, if each person on the other side has a really great answer, they might say, huh. I don't know why I don't know, I don't I've, never thought of it. That way. I can't respond to that right now. I might have to get back to you the last time you saw that that's the spirit of the enlightenment, that
the is what sets America apart, but we I have replaced our churches with our parties. With our ideological dogma, we replaced our church and our God with the plan and global warming fixer, it's firmly in her seat. Is global warming happening well, it was for a while because I can read a thermometer points. Seven degrees in the last one hundred years. So is global warming happening? Well, it was yes now. No will it start again, maybe be believe in global warming. Let me check the thermometers. It's pretty easy.
Do I believe that it's man made, I don't know, I my reason tells me that you can't just Crash the sky and the water and the forests and the land and everything just trash it. And everything's going to be great, so yeah. I think man does affect the planet as he does. He affected enough with with c o something that trees breathe, something plants breathe on a roll. Maybe I don't think so. I've seen the science you can make a case I to you to make a stronger case. The other way.
Fourteen trillion dollars to fight it does any of it work. No. If you believe in CO two well, then common sense would say you need to stop eating all animals. Stop he farm animals. If you stop eating beef, you do more to help quote the planet. Then getting rid of all of the cars and everything else combined, it is the biggest factor so, if fix reason firmly in her seat, I'll have a conversation with somebody who believes in global warming. I'm going to have a hard time if it's your religion, but if you're opened to a rational conversation and you're a vegetarian, a vegan, I'm cool,
okay least you're consistent now, let's have a discussion, but I will not listen to somebody who has burger breath and telling me that we are. We are. Five years away from with me not being able to turn things around, you should be going after the the meat industry, not the car industry. If that's what you believe, let's try this one. If you believe that we have to stop children, I'm picking up, sticks and attending that it's a gun that we must stop. In fact, We've gone so far to classify finger guns which all kids have played with forever.
That we have to fix. The our society, because we are teaching our kids to be violent with the class too. Look alike: firearm that is now in the code book as a finger gun. You know like you used to as a That's a class to look alike finger gun; ok, alright, you believe that that is so who dangerous that our kids are Pointing their fingers at one another that that teaches them to be violent. Well, I'm it, don't believe that, but I am with you if, if you are leading the way in Hollywood, to stop all violence in movies, because certainly if a kid points, his finger with a finger gun that
that's training him, certainly why watching all that violence with big? impressive stars has got to be doing something: an card forbid. With Hollywood, Let's talk about gaming's, where we can gaming Ark kids can be in virtual reality with a machine gun. They can be a sniper and shooting people in the head. And you don't want to have a conversation about that at all. You know you just want. What are you some neanderthal? Oh yeah, like the games are making it wait, the class to look alike, finger gun that does but games. Don't I can't have it versation with you. I cannot have a car rotation with you. This is the problem. There are two Americas and it is not left and right.
It is those who are willing to engage in logical conversation, an actual thinking and those who want to do common core. Two two. Five. If you can show me how you got there, you want to ban all guns. Let's think this through we're. The only country on earth that has is the right to bear arms in the constitution, so to get all guns taken away to get a rs AI cars have been around since Vietnam. Why is it that all of a sudden we having shooting with AR Why are AR is a problem now they weren't a problem in the 70s, but they are suddenly now. If
fix reason firmly in her seat? That will tell you something has changed within us? Not the gun, however,. You want to take away all guns that will take you possibly a civil war, but it will take few years to get that done, but you want to make sure that we never have this problem in school again. Ok! Well, then, we probably shouldn't start with the guns. We can talk about that as long as fix reason firmly in her seat, but are you aware that out of all of the mass shooting, since one thousand nine hundred and fifty all of them only two have happened in the place where people can carry guns.
Ninety eight point: nine percent of all mass shootings in America have happened in a gun, free zone. That should tell you something how about this one. I don't want my kids living in a prison. Well, I don't want my kids living in a prison either. Well, that's what it'll be. If you have armed guards around our schools a prison. I don't know I've gone to a football game recently. They practice gave me an anal cavity search. It's a football game. I didn't feel like I was living in a prison. I go travel at the airport, it's pretty intense, I don't feel like the airport is a prison. I feel it's non events, but I don't feel like it's a prison.
Go to mega churches, churches have security everywhere, armed personnel, I don't feel like that's a prison. I go to a concert. They check my wife's bag. I walk through a metal detector. I'm one did. I do. I feel like the concert is a prison. I, through a bank, this armed guards, there cameras everywhere alarm systems. I don't like I'm in a prison. I feel like I'm in a bank. Why is it we protect everything and make sure you're wanted for everything? But God, where did we do that to protect our children? Is the stuff the bank worth more than your child? Is a concert, a higher priority to protect. That our children in schools,
where across the country. I'm just trying to just trying to figure out what we're actually trying to accomplish here, because I don't think I don't think we're actually trying to accomplish anything except win. That's it we're not actually trying to solve a problem. Both sides just want to be right. That's it. They just want to make sure that we get guns off the street because there right, no, no, I don't think they been decided, except for you in your mass, in your in you church service, wherever you hold that strange. I hate Second Amendment church service. Wherever you hold that ceremony, that's what you've decided.
Now I don't know if we can pull you out of your church, long enough to fix re, didn't firmly in her seat, but the problem with our country is, we have officially officially. Unplug self, from the from the first principle. Of making this system this grand american experiment that may and can rule himself, we have unpegged, we have drawn up the anchor and we have old out of the port of reason. It is the enlightenment that gave this experience this exper and breath it gave it life. Man cannot
cannot rule himself without reason, we're better than this. We know these things to be self evident. We just put on jerseys. I will tell you what I've told the NRA since the day I die on them. I don't join clubs. I don't join groups, the only two groups that I think I belong to my church and I question, although I'm I'm in trouble all the time, because I question all the time good. Same with the NRA, the minute they would violate and start to become a political source that is betraying the second amendment in any way, I'm done with it. That's the year old. That's the only reason I don't join.
Sing for the discounts. I join the NRA because stand to protect the second amendment and they do it with reason. The problem is, our society has unpegged from reason. I urge you today fix reason firmly in her seat and question with boldness question to the I need, where your open to changing your mind, ask honest questions, because the only way we're going to save our children don't get me started on that story about the girl, I think, used to be a girl. Now she's, a boy,
she's wrestling girls, and now the girls are upset because it's a bike, I can't even figure it out. Remember the the data breach at Equifax last September. The one that is, was social security, numbers names and birthdates over one hundred and forty five million customers it is looks like there's more sensitive information that was exposed in first reported. What a surprise documents provided to a Senate committee revealed, attacks, tax, ids and driver's license. Details might have also been accessed. This can information that can be used by cyber criminal criminals long after the breach There are so many threats who watching out for you: life, identity, theft protection adds the power of Norton Security to help you protect against the threats to your identity and your devices that you can easily ac or fix on your own. If you have a problem, our agents are going to work to fix it. Nobody can stop
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I, the Broward Sheriff's office had done things differently. This shooting might not have happened, in the fifteen votes were candy and nuts, you know Oj Simpson would still be in the record books. I don't know what that means, one dead people and there's on a whole long list of things. Your department could have done differently. Man yeah, You know, I think this is why I think Jake Tapper is one of the best journalists out there. He'll piss you off one day and the very next day, you'll be cheering for him. It should show that maybe he's not as biased as as as I am. The main that once in awhile, you know you're like are. Why would you say that, but the very next day He is asking the same person really tough questions in boy. Did he as the sheriff tough questions? Yes, free, the sheriff
every question that I had for every question I had and followed up on many of them as well, and he he and created a whole list of new questions. After the interview we should go do it, because there was a lot there. This guys, I don't know how he makes it through this with this job. I don't know how this is a disaster. We we fix reason firmly in her seat and and and the sheriff some reasonable questions and really get tough answers back. Glenn answer back mercury, another school shooting ten minute heavily armed with a bulletproof vest loads, powerful, a powerful fifteen. Another debate about banning guns, assault rifles out of the hands of
people who are going to shoot our kids this to be the catalysts. The end of the second amendment. Now more than ever, you need to know the facts. Get control exposing the truth about guns on Amazon and wherever books are sold. So I am. I want about the school shooting and where we go from here, but I I want to do it If, with this in mind, if it meant, if it meant that we could stop all shootings. Would you consider an infringement on your second amendment right if it meant. To me, the answer is yes, but I know the evidence shows that it doesn't work. So no no If you could show me,
real evidence that this was an outdated mode of thinking and that we had somehow or another solved to the reason why you should have guns in the first place and that is against tyranny, and you need it for self protection. Well, then, you Talk me into it, but I never seen that evidence. I've looked for that evidence, but I'm open to hearing new evidence. Share away. If you are on the other side, I could show you evidence that we could do a few things beside not taking away guns and it was effective. Would you change your mind, would you say well, let's start there and for both sides. If we could get to a place to where I could just say, look, you know we want to
this gun debate. That's fine, but this is the the oldest debates in american history. What is a militia so we're not going to solve this in the next couple of weeks. Do we all believe that more that more shooting is coming. I think safe to say? Yes, we all know that okay, so what are we going to do to solve it? Well, the first thing is: what can we and from this shooting? What can we were learn from the last shooting we from the last shooting in the church that a somebody who is just civilian with a firearm can stop the shooting. We also learned that the air force was not reporting people with mental health issues or issues with guns and domestic abuse to put them in the system? that had to be changed. Now, what are we learned on this one? Well, I think one thing that we've learned. Is there Something wrong with this sheriff?
something wrong deeply wrong in Broward County it's. Why something to have one guy that stay. Is out of the building an waits while the shooting is going on, but there were four sheriff deputies. He does He denies that a l, although his denial, has lots of qualification. You know qualification to it, which maybe we'll hear some of that here. Yes in this interview, but I think you know there's also the thing of know? What do you learn from this mass shooting and Other things I think, when you're leading up to the mass shootings is, if every citizen in America has told you that one specific person is going to do with school shooting. That might be a time to understand that perhaps that person is in danger of doing a school shooting. Maybe you should do something about that when you have the number of reports and the number of altercations with this student that they did and the sheriff's department did nothing, that's a problem. That's a real, proud, that's easy to fix. Let's make sure that's not happening any place else. Let's discuss this and get to the bottom of it.
A tapper started unraveling this this hero, sheriff's story uh over the weekend, and, let's start with. Why was there no report when they, when they called and said he's a going to be a school shooter he's a school shooter in the making an he has access to guns? Why was there no report? Listen here, then, three months ago, your office received a call from a tipster explicitly saying that the cruise could be a quote school shooter in the making, according to notes, released, call Nohra or it was even initiated at this point. Sir, do you understand how the public seeing flag after red flag after Red flag warning after warning after warning? They hear that you're off this didn't even initiate a report when they got a call saying that this guy could be a school shooter in the making. How could there not even be a report on this one? Well, if that's
Acura Jake there would there there needed to be a report and that's what we're looking into that. A report needed to be completed in needed to be forwarded to our e, homeland, security or or violent crimes unit, and and they would have followed up on it and you're? No, that need no relief by your office. I'm not I'm not making this up. This is from Broward and that's and that's what the officer who handled that is on restrictive duty and we are at an active internal investigation and we are looking into it. So there's another person under his command. That has failed to do the job. Yet he wanted more law enforcement power that should always scare people. What are you doing with the power that you do have, but he's been asking for more power, listen the whole Roxy. This is
giving law enforcement, giving deputies giving police officers not only in Broward County but in Florida and around the nation expand the power to be able to do something more than just write a report. That's the whole reason I went on CNN. Is it making is insert, isn't making a threat against a school of crime not if it's not if the person doesn't have the ability to carry it out. You could say threat? I'm going to go to a school that it's not a crime if the person doesn't have the apparent ability to carry it out? Well, it's not a crime in September two thousand and sixteen the shooter indicated he wanted to buy a gun. Deputy Peterson knew about he initiated a report. The school launched Strat assessment. At this point you have somebody saying that they're going to shoot up a school and somebody with a gun. That's not enough. That's not enough not enough,
and that's one of the incidents. Of course there's dozens, but I mean that's is that true his first answer is: do they have the ability to carry it out? Yes, this and then he says: well, it has a young reason. Okay, I'm gonna, yeah, calm down, calm down, stop using reason, let's just jump on his side or against him, depending on what our religion tells us to do. That's true. I know Sis. This is the problem. This is problem, so reason would tell you well let's stop here. Let's stop here. Is that true now we know. That's not true. We know. That's not true. There was a a pig trail very long against this kid, so you obviously have enough power to make sure that he is not around guns to make sure but he gets some sort of medical treatment, etc, etc. Whatever it is, you may know
it will throw in prison, but you certainly can restrict him with all of the stuff that we had. So we know that's not true, if it was true. That should be first thing. The sheriff is asking for right. There here's specifics, I had thirty one. You know complaints against this guy. Ninety, in of them, we did exactly right. Ok will get back to the others, but you didn't get right, but on those nineteen I couldn't do anything and we knew the gun. We knew that he was holding it to people's heads, who he knew that he was threatening to shoot up the school and he couldn't do anything. We know that's not true, but if is true or if it were true, that should be the first we work on. Don't you think, because has to be other schools and other sheriffs that are facing the same thing. I know this kid is going to go and do something because of the
nineteen reports that we have, but I can't do anything we hear from those sheriff's. We should know LE this help. You protect the children. Alright next cut. When did he know about Peterson? I love this one. When you can find out, the deputy Peterson had not gone into the building, how soon after the shooting did you know that off not for days we how many investigators looked, I'm not sure, because, you spent much of the Wednesday night Town Hall on CNN, with the entire Stoneman Douglas community students and teachers and parents back in the NRA, saying that is, need more powers, more money to prevent future tragedies. You didn't disclose any of this to crowd, then the Stoneman Douglas High school community. You know it then did you know it Wednesday night. It spoken about during add earlier during that day, I'm not
in a timeline for tv or any new show. We need to get it right. We need to get it accurate. We're talking about people's lives were talking about a community. We to corroborate. We need to verify and why once we did the next day and uh, I looked at the tape and I was one hundred percent certain. That it happened. The way I was told about the investigators initially told me told about I didn't even release it right. Look at the video one week after the shooting you haven't looked at the video, yet I looked at the video soon as our investigators, it it it wasn't. My job to look at the video was investigators job to look at the video. I'm still sheriff being this this this, the this county. There were many we need to do. We have investigated as homicide investigators in turn affairs, investigators dissecting it and when they felt there was a video that ready for my view that I might take action on one of our deputies. I looked at the video I'm if you believe this guy hadn't seen that video before
A town hall in a weeks time, then he needs to be dismissed as incompetent. Just for that, I mean there's tons of things that I would love to sell you, but the other thing is: can you you forget it? Even if we saw the video he tells you there that he knew about it going on stage. Can you imagine the balls to go on stage on national television and yell at Dana Lash and say that she's not standing up for these kids when you know that your deputy was act, really not standing up. He was crouching behind a wall. While people were being executed inside the school, can you imagine the book tools to go on television and not bring that up. Now. Listen to this! Listen to this idea! That's incredible! Let's just fix reason firmly in her seat and let's just use his logic, he doesn't want to go on television because it there's crowd there. It's commune that's a community that is grieving and he
wants to make sure you just don't go in front of that community in front of that crowd, unless he verify everything and he's one hundred percent sure that that's what happened. So he was one hundred percent sure that the NRA caused the shooting he's one huh, one hundred percent sure that it was the gun and not the kid. He was one hundred percent sure Eve, even though he he and the evidence presented to him that things could have been different, if not one, but four of his deputies would have moved in. He was one hundred percent sure that it was the NRA's fault. I wouldn't bring anything. He wouldn't bring anything about his group
unless he was one hundred percent sure, and he just wasn't- he wasn't there, but he was so sure that the people who work there were at fault I don't I don't under. I don't understand that that doesn't seem like you're really doing an investigation. That seems like a witch hunt well, and he did want to let that fact out in front of the families in a part of in a public forum. Gonna do one on one yeah? I wanted to make sure that was one on one I know. Well, he did the next morning, in a press conference, so he didn't do it one on one. He just put it out at a press release talk to reporters about doctor reporters, but in this interview with Jake Tapper, one of the reasons why he didn't do it was because he need. Didn't you just didn't people like that in a crowd or a just impersonal forum. You, like the town hall, you needed them that you know there was one parent that wasn't there and he wanted to make sure everybody was there, so he could personally tell them so
the parents were there and a press release. Well, it's interesting no strangers unit, you let that crowd a acting a lash calling her a murderer and all these other terrible things it was mob. It was a my Christians in lines as you've been talking about it. I mean absolute mop and you knew, as you were sitting on that stage and making it worse by putting more blame on her and the NRA. You knew your own deputy going, the fire in the next day, action of duty because didn't go in there. You, your judgment of it is of his actions, are so bad and you don't even bring that up. Any info Did you make it worse? You make people go after her, you make life, her life be threatened, that is in comprehensible. If this guy makes through this thing with his job, that is I don't. Even there is absolutely no justice. I will tell you,
during during the town hall during the town hall. Cnn people wondered if day and others had security to be able to get. About they've started to worry about the guests: security wow wow, I know I felt that way, but it's strange does here. Cnn might have felt that way, and yet they continued to go. Liberty safe makes great safes, but now they also make it really easy to own one. They make this program possible. So thank you to liberty, safes liberty, save dot com. You can buy a liberty safe at a great price and receive twelve months interest free payments with zero down and zero APR. They even
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Glenn Beck. There is a lot wrong with the sheriff and we are going to go through our investigation today at five o'clock you don't want to you, don't want to miss it just what what are the things that just don't make sense here and by the way he nailed for nepotism and hiring. You know family members and it campaign people three hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars in in cost adding. So he could have his campaign. People on staff he's there's something wrong here. Mercury, love courage. The modern era. Progressive insurrection is coming the coming insurrection, something that we talked about.
Eight years ago we saw this beginning of this movement. In France. It's a the civil war fought within the Democratic Party's own house, I'm giving there are two there are civil war is going on right now and they're, both halfpenny in each of the parties. One is this: this in filtration and take over by the alt right of the GOP and the democratic, socialist takeover of the The democratic party. On the one side in the Democrats, let's just talk about the Democrats here, there's the new blood democratic socialists, basically just a pc c, less scary way of saying Socialists, marxist and on the other side there is the establishment of Democrats. The new blood is now angry and I think they're about to make their move Calif. It may be the first battleground state in a so
highs in completely unexpected move. The California State Democratic Party decided not to endorse Senator Dianne Feinstein as she gears up campaigning for the twenty eighteen midterms call Ng Feinstein a senior center senator is a little misleading she's. Entrenched and been the senior senator for I think about a hundred and fifty years she was, I believe, She was talking about when she was running for governor and how the last time she faced. This was when she was running for governor, and that was in nineteen. Ninety. I believe she was older than me today. She was older than I am today at that time in nineteen. Ninety five sign represents everything. That. The new blood is angry about in their eyes, she's a centrist, a Washington, Stooge, a corporate sellout and their tired,
The status quo, the capitulation, the lack of direction. What is the democratic platform right now? Real What is it? Resistance opposite in the trump that's not a direction, that's a spinning compass and it is exactly the same position that the GOP found itself in. After seven years of Obama? The s- which had no clue how to reach their base anymore, the one- thing they knew everybody agreed. One was Obama, care had to be stopped and it was anyone but Hillary. Resistance to one thing and one person is not a platform. And this leads to disgruntled voters. Trump came in and he listened to them and the result It was probably the most stunning upset in american political history. The Radick progressives are the only voices on the left that are actually outlining any kind of action or agenda. To quote fine
signs, newly endorsed opponent within her own party. It's not just about resistance, it's about real laws and here's what they want open borders, a single payer, healthcare system. They want to map. If welfare, state and they're tired of waiting for it to that, just like we discussed years ago in the book from grants, the coming insurrection, the slow who creep and eventual socialist takeover- isn't working. That's what they were complaining about in France, it's taking too long, and I don't think you people that we elected that promised us this utopian world are ever going, but there I think it's about you, and so in that book the French were prepared to rise up and take it progressives democratic, socialist, whatever they're calling themselves these day these days, they are coming for the incumbents, the people like Dianne Feinstein, whether she will lose or not at this time I don't know, but they are
coming and they're the only ones left with an actual plan, though the only ones with an actual voice. An message Democrats are about to the hard turned to the extreme left. What's going out in California, I believe is just the beginning. It's Monday February, twenty six you're listening to the clan back program. So today I we started the show with the school shooting and this this this plea to Reviv the enlightenment, which is what the movement Does that created this country? The idea that man can rule himself is being lossed because man's proving the point that he can't? because he has he's given into the religion of the day, Arpel,
nickel ideology and so weird, changing positions were going back and forth, nothing makes sense. There, there's no common sense anymore. When a class to look like firearm of finger gun, can get somebody in trouble because that's teaching our kids to be violent, but Hollywood nobody's even talking about that or gaming, where you're in a virtual world, with a gun and you're shooting peoples heads off now that snuff worry about, but a class two firearm something's wrong. Why We have no reason and I want to start focus being on people who are using reason and they are breaking the norms. People who are think of this open to having their minds changed one way or another. I think journalism is in real trouble because we are just you know:
you're going to read from whatever you know news musician and go to you would think reading political that politico is on the left. I think most conservatives believe that not sure that they would agree with that, but the editor in chief of political magazine, Blake Town Cell, is a guy who has written e lately that I I don't know if he's getting heat for saying, wait, and hang on just a second, I'm not oh sure, about this Donald Trump collusion charge anymore, yeah, Blake interested in this piece, because it's a it's a it's an interesting piece called confessions of a Russia Gate skeptic, not that there are really serious questions that need to be answered and serious things that have happened as they gone through these investigations. But you bring up and an interesting point which is something I think we've talked about a lot of the show more big, Donald Trump fans here,
and but I've kind of felt the same thing that a lot of claims about rush and the outward intent, no collusion with Russia may be overblown. Can you go kind of how you came to this conclusion and I'd love to hear too, if you're getting pushed back people who do seem to have an investment in making sure? This is true sure, and thanks so much for having me on it. This is something I've been thinking about for a while, as I watched some of the breathless coverage of the Russia Scandal- and you know by the way, let me just say that I think that the russian meddling in the election is a c this matter and I think settling thought it is alright man in the thank you in that from molar of the thirteen Russians in the three russian organizations. They definitely try to mess with ocracy. That is serious business. The question is really
whether Donald Trump was per recently involved in cutting a deal with the Russians to help him win the election and I'm skeptical for a number of reasons, one of which is that I watched the Trump campaign and it was a mess. I mean it's achievement that they dispatched be strong republican field and maybe Hillary Clinton, who was, if not a form all candidates. He certainly had a form formidable war, chest and organs of the demo, a party behind her. You know remember this. This campaign was really disorganized and I think Steve Bannon of all people said it best when he said we couldn't even glued with the Republican National Committee, let alone the Russia, and
from everything that we saw out covering the campaign, I think that's true. I mean these guys couldn't couldn't organize a two car parade and so this is something I didn't mention in the piece, but I think it's worth noting they didn't expect to win so it they were counting on this sweet deal with the Russians to get elected. Why were they leaking? You know in the weeks running up to November eighth that that they would they would that they were going to lose. They were all looking for their next gig trump was quietly working on Trump television and from all by all accounts, he was shot to the actually one. So I don't think that kind of thing squares with this notion that there was some secret collusion. You know, having said that, he certainly seemed open to The idea is the Trump Tower Meeting with Don Junior, where he said you know, there's this crazy email from this british promoter.
Says: hey you remember that thing about how the Russians are going to help your Father get elected. I've got some dirt. You and Don Junior emails back, you know if it's what you say it is. I love it especially later in the summer, but then there's no follow up. As far as we can tell. You know, It seems like it was a meeting on false pretenses by these people who were trying to get the magnitsky acts thank shins lifted and it's not clear what their connection was to the russian government. I think the the Trump people were disappointed because they were expecting some better dirt than a God, which was some stuff related to bill. Browder who's, a former hedge fund guy who's, been funding and leading these efforts to sanction the Russians, because his lawyer,
who was killed in mysterious circumstances years ago in Russia. So it's murky, but I think people have really gotten ahead of their skis. So I think there are lots of reasons to doubt sort of strong version of the collusion argument, so blue I think we are in lock step on this. I too believe that the the Russians. I don't know they were trying to effect the election as much as they are trying to cause chaos and distrust. I mean that's their own words that they are trying to pit us against each other. Destroy us from within I mean the enemy has to come from within for us to really fall. If you believe Abraham Lincoln, a house divided itself against itself, cannot stand and we're doing a nice job at that and yeah we're doing great we're doing that expertly. America's number one yeah we're number one at that, the the the
do. You see a willingness in the press, two find the real answer which to me is the real answer. Is Russia is real trouble and if we don't pay attention- and we don't start doing things that we to do, they are going to get better at this. And and and and and and heard us as we did them in the 1980s and early 1990s Do you see a willingness in the press on either side to stop making this about Hiller Clinton or Donald Trump and make this about the Russians and what they're trying to do to us? You know, I think it's hard to generalize about the press. There's lots of reporters who were trying to dig into the facts of the investigation and you know, there's opinion folks that are trying to make score political points on one side or the other all the time I do.
I think there is like a real by in concern out there about how to stop the Russians the next time around. But nobody is really talking about the point that you made, which is that reason they were able to have any success and it's hard to say what kind of success they had and how do we measure what what the impact of their efforts was? we are so divided as a country we're tearing each their every day People are sharing. You know fake and misleading, use all the time and because the and divide has gotten so two wide and so deep in this country, it's like how to play for a country like Russia and manipulate. I mean when you see what they want you when you see what they did, they took turn on. What was it right? After the they did? A not my
president and a celebratory. You know Pro Donald Trump Party, both in New York City. They took the side of the cops it's black lives matter and against the cops with black lives matter. I mean that's all they, trying to do is to get us to the extreme to argue with each other and hate each other yeah, and they they they're doing a bang up job of it. I mean remember that we'll talk about how Michael Flynn went to that Russia today, Gala dinner in Moscow, yeah. Well, guess who is there Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate and she never really adequately explained what she was doing there and then you have lots of evidence, including the indictment that the Russians were trying to help Bernie Sanders and boost his campaign during the election. So you know we have to keep in mind that Vladimir Putin is going to completely amoral guy. He doesn't really have an ideology other than Putin, and you know he doesn't care whether he's supporting Republicans or Democrats or the Green Party or
Libertarians and whoever he just wants to cause chaos, and you know it suited his purpose during the election to how about Donald Trump and then it suited his purposes after the election to boost the last and her Donald Trump. This is a guy who only cares about power, and, frankly, you know he's winning right now. How back to Stu's original question you getting any push back from the you know, the those of the world so to speak. That are, are you know in it want to make this the story of one side or the other? You know, Democrats, Republicans bad yeah. I mean I was, I was hesitant to write this and I've been thinking about it for a while for exactly that reason that I was afraid I was going to be accused of
you know, covering for Donald Trump or you offering him support that he didn't deserve and be finally to how to get it off my chest and and say what I thought, because you know, I think that people have gotten way out of control and beyond the facts. On this I got a fair amount of thanks, not hateful criticism on twitter, mostly from the left and so, and then there are people that are kind of welcoming me into one no ideological side either. I'm just call it straight right like we're not trying to welcome you into one side or another. What we're trying to do is say thank you for saying something that we know probably cost you, because you believed it not it's not because we believe it, but because you believed it
We need more brave people to actually say what they think is right and take that risk thanks, Blake preciate it. I appreciate it thanks and that's a lake County jail the editor in chief of political. So it's a big deal when something like this comes out. The articles confessions of Russia Gate Skeptic and I encourage you to read the whole thing: 'cause. They go through piece by piece, Papadopoulos, Carter, page Michael Flynn, all the accusations and take them on in a way that I think, is not expected by the rest of the media. So really interesting piece will treat it from back. Let back in that world of stupid. Courage is contagious market. Getting to price for a potential interest rate hike in March, another one is likely in June and the third one in December. Do you know that due to inflation, the american dollar has lost eleven percent. Since two thousand and sixteen eleven percent I mean
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One eight two three three, four: three: W and M L www dot access dot. Org Glenn Beck Mercury Glenn Beck coming up in just a little while we have John Lott. He is probably the best. Stadtische. Would you call him devastation on on guns? He is a co author of my book control, the truth about guns and we have him to come in and just let's, let's fix three in firmly in her seat and let's talk about the actual stats guns and a ours and everything else, and let's be our life on facts, not on feelings:
that's going to be hard to do in this in this world. That is being dis. Connected from reason, but let's at least stand our ground and going back to a quick gun, Blake Hounshell from political again point this out. This is a guy. Who is the editor in chief of political saying, hey, I don't know if there's really that much to allow the things that the media emphasizing when it comes to the Russia thing, and I think it's important to highlight people from the left or from the history media who come and say: hey, wait a minute. Let's take, let's take a take a breath here and let's Now, let's maybe go push against what the rest of the media is saying. I know that when, whenever we, Talk about Russia and say hey! There is something here from Russia. We get pushed back from the parts of the world who say we're, not I don't know being loyal enough to Donald Trump when we have big couldn't have been clearer that we don't think this is a Donald Trump issue. It's not it's important that I think we highlight those voices when they are out there and you read that at Glen Becker at world of Stu and Twitter back in a second.
Glenn Beck Mercury. This is the Glenn Beck program want to continue the conversation we we were having before the break about courage. If you notice the courage is not rewarded anymore, curry his courage to speak your mind, for instance, we just had Blake on Shell on the was the editor in chief of politico. Now, here's a guy who has pressure for clicks pressure from him,
pierce pressure in this this world that he lives in of of groupthink pressure in the world that he lives in of political power in posturing, and he says himself in the interview that he just did with us that he was He was concerned about saying: wait, I'm not sure, there's anything to this Donald Trump collusion thing. Now: here's the editor in chief of the politico you'd think he wouldn't be afraid of anything, but he was afraid why. Because we've, let our ideologies come our religion, our religions are actual religion, are, churches are even answering
to the higher power, and that is politics. We are all becoming. Members of the church of the GOP or the Dnc. And just like all churches, man, we fight against each other. If you are a part of that church, you're going to Hell, you're part of the devil. I've come to a place to her. I just don't believe any of that. I just don't believe it. And you know what, if God is? If that's God, then I don't want any part of him. If God is this guy who is like and there's a really good person is really trying to really be great and he's following the faith that he finds honestly in his heart and your
a damn him to Hell. I you don't know what I don't understand any of it then now understand what I was supposed to learn from Jesus. If that's the truth, and I so that makes me a heretic good good. I'm not saying it's true, it's it's! It's where I am. I don't know what truth is anymore, because truth, truth is supposed to be verifiable. Everything else is faith, true is verifiable and Even truth can change when it comes to scientific truths. We take theories and we've made them into truth. You know.
Evolution, don't think so. But I don't know the big bang could be. But it's a theory. I don't know what happened for the Big Bang, what led the fuse? What's first cause. I don't know you don't know. We have to be able to have these conversations without damning, each other Jake. Where was she I wish she would have done? I wish he would have said more at the town hall, but I don't know what he could have said at the town hall it. The problem, as the town hall itself,
CNN, should not have put four thousand grieving angry people into an auditorium to have of a reason, rational debate. It was destined to be AA bloodlust from the very beginning. Do I wish he would have said something? Yes, I do, but he didn't. Over the weekend, he did an unbelievable job of excoriating, this sheriff when he had the facts, and he asked simple questions. I pointed this out over the weekend and man. It's incredible: Jim Jake Tapper can do no nothing right, a guy who was a hero of journalism to so many on the right just a few years ago, when he pushed the Odm, Stration up against the wall is now the devil himself wow,
because he's asking tough Actions of the administration isn't that what we want. I don't want someone who is a. Asking easy questions of either side. I want the truth. You know. The commanding voice the voice that speaks little, but when it speaks. It has compelling moral authority, that's gone, we don't have that anymore. We have flat and every distinction out, we don't want anything different want uniformity. We want to all
walk in lockstep. That's that's! That's not who we are for the Nobel for the great for the brave for the rare for the man or woman. That only appears every one hundred or one thousand years that that's gone. Respect is gone. Ask anybody who you really respect the answer will literally be nobody. Nothing. This is our age, the age of une, respecting. The age of mediocrity. That's not who we are. If you want to be a leader today, man,
even a mediocre leader, pull you down from every side, you're going to be shot at from every side. You are constantly and in every way, from every side being pulled down, and let me ask you. Do you know anybody alive today, that's going to be remembered in a hundred years or a thousand years. You know anybody do you have you have you seen, anyone that is is leaving today. That has the respect and the staying power of Plato or Aristotle or Paul Augustine, Aquinas Lincoln.
Immanuel Kant, Bon Hoffer Churchill, king, do you see them America. You are good, no matter where you are hearing my voice. You are good huh. Fortunately, in today's world, it's not enough just to be good. You have to be good for something. What is it that you are contributing? What is it that you are that you're building? What good are you bringing to the world.
Will it be said of you, the world was a better place. Yes, because you were alive, you have to be good for something, and that good is so thing that you must spread to others. America is great because America was good and we spread it to others, not out of error. It's like we have in the last one hundred and twenty years. Because what we created was good. We're living in a world of mediocrity, we are living in a world that is pushing so strangely sameness and otherness. You are either with us or at.
Against us you're, either in lock, step on everything or nothing at all. Right. Rise above mediocrity rise above indifference,. Rise above the crowd and when the all crowd has turned their back on you, that's ok,. At this time in history, the crowd is wrong.
And if you ever see someone in that crowd turn for just a second, they turn and, and they recognize common sense and they recognize common truths, make sure you say to that person in the crowd for you? Yes, because if they begin turn and you look at them and say what good are you anyway? Where were you the rest of the time? They will never turn your way again, no matter if they spit on you, no matter if they hate you, it doesn't matter. The world is always hated those people, it always hated the people who wouldn't go with the crowd. This is our greatest opportunity
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Glenn Beck Mercury Glenn back, so there is a story that I read that I just can't figure out. I don't know how this is bad. Donald Trump decorated. The oval office with hand me downs from past presidents is in respect the office. Glad! No. I don't believe this is one of the greatest story. This yeah me go. Because I would not expect this from Donald Trump is a great dog. This is a great Donald Trump story. If you look at the, the photos of the White House over the years you'll find that Trump has just show the number of design elements from his predecessors, Dwight Eisenhower. Jimmy Carter. Both skipped redecorating that follow
The new president's ascension to the White House, even Ronald Reagan, didn't break out his interior design till second term. Still most modern presidents have redesigned the space to fit their own taste. I thought the whole thing would be dipped in gold by now Ok, I said everyone said it was going to happen to put his name on the front of it. So remember when George Bush said the first question you get once you are elected president. Is you get a call from the White House and they say what do you want? Your rug to look like I think, Donald Trump's, Uh answer was, I don't know. Is there an old one laying around. He's using Ronald Reagan's rug, your Bush's couches in a story, Barack Obama's desk uh. That's you'd have to go to that one yeah, the Abraham, Lincoln in Boston that was last displayed by Barack Obama Gerald Ford's large, the case,
you know, grandfather clock, a portrait of a person hung by Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton's? Drapes amen, good, spend anything. What do you have? I love this? They have clean those drapes right I don't get everything out of the rug, but they did clean the drapes. Here's another story that I would be interesting. See the media cover. North care is cheerleaders that aim the media darlings at the winter Olympics. Yeah great story, they really were passionate about. I don't think team, yeah, yeah, yeah, report out of Bloomberg, apparently they're also sex slaves for the dictatorship. They have to attend daily parties to promote propaganda and they provide sexual services to the party leadership, whether they want to or not might seem like
fancy show on the outside. However have to go to parties and provide sexual services, and that kind of pain follows. Oh, I wonder if anybody you know from the press would like to take it back, that they so funny and so cheering maybe there is. They were very happy because that that was a moment where they weren't doing that with class for a team is a lot better like that, and then they had to do at home and there's one more there's one more story out and remember the cat. Lady from New York yeah yeah she's, come out. The new press story said I've never had the press plastic surgery at all. This is all natural. He told Glenn back mercury,
love. Courage, Abraham Lincoln, said a firm believer in the people. If give the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis, but the great point is to bring them the real facts. So we do that this half hour- let's let's here with the facts about the hashtag, never again, movement and the upcoming march for our lives rally that is planned for March 24th in Washington DC for for over a week now CNN and the rest of the media, betrayed this movement as grass roots and totally trick teen driven- and maybe it was the very beginning, but it's not anymore Joe. Just a few days after the horrible tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School, a junior
Cameron case Caskey, set up a go fund me account to raise money for the march for our lives. Caskey the teenager, who confronted Senator Rubio on stage at CNN's monster truck rally event last Wednesday night and so far thirty two. Thousand people have donated two point: five million dollars to go to the go fund. Me account two point: five So you know that is more money than we raised by far for restore honor on the National mall. What is this money going for? Well, on the go me page Caskey, says the fun will be spent on the incredibly difficult and expensive process that is organizing an event like this. How does she know how much it costs we people making more specific plans, but for now, no that this is the March and for everything left,
over is going to be going to victims funds. The search for our lives, has now received an additional three point: five million dollars in pledges from George Clooney Oprah, Winfrey Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Gucci Eli Broad Cameron, Caste Father said that Cameron and friends are being directed by people with knowledge of how to on Sibley spend this money and it's going to be very transparent. In quote. Well. I I hope it's better than George Clooney September 11th fund. Passkeys dad also said that with Clooney's help, the teams have been. Will bring some attorneys in some administrative help and relations firm, whose It's include, Meryl Streep will Smith Charlize Therone Woody Allen, keep him away from the teenagers. So why do you need all of this if it's such a grassroots thing driven by teenagers?
These are now sixteen year olds, with over six million dollars at their disposal. Already the march for our lives rally, has a slick website, selling merchandise. This is a political campaign. Make no mistake. The new spokesperson for the rally said: yes, yes, any leftover funds going towards supporting a continuing, long term effort by and for young people to end the academic epidemic of mass shootings. That is turned our classrooms into crime. Scenes in other words March, for our lives is essentially a new gun control. Lobbying firm started a sixteen year old, kids, but not run by sixteen year old kids and by the way my question would have been. You have an official spokesperson now, the
Teens have brought in DINA Katz to help organize a rally. Cats is the Coex executive producer of dancing with the stars, Owen is the co executive director of the LOS Angeles women's March no big deal. The rally is also being organized in collaboration with the nonprofit group called Everytown for gun safety. The Bisri Board of this group includes one former governor and six former mayors, all Democrats. It also includes Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett and Kenneth Lerer, who helped start the Huffington Post Buzzfeed. Oh and the website stop the parade dot com. He said the march in DC will include include a protest outside If the White House, where they will destroy Ar15 rifles. He told CBS at the end of the day, this isn't a red and blue thing. This is in Democrats or Republicans. This is about everybody and how we're back
sing for our lives. Now perhaps cast truly feels that way, but it's uh crash course in how american politics and media work this. May have started as a team cause, but it has been hijacked by very powerful forces on the left. They have. A very specific agenda It's Monday February, 26th you're, listening to the Glenn Beck program. Imagine if this was on the other side what the press would be saying about the funding if Joe just one just one of the coke brothers would have written a check for uh huh. Thousand dollars Imagine what the media would be saying we want stick to the facts. Fix re, didn't firmly in her seat, an question with boldness, even the very existence of God, for if there be a god, he must surely rather honest questions over blindfolded fear. That was Thomas
Jefferson, and that is the spirit of the enlightenment. That was Spirit of America, but we have lost that now. Everybody's just trying to win well stop trying to win and let's actually start to figure out what is happening. There's some deep inside of our children that has changed a rs have been available since Vietnam, kids, weren't shooting each other. What's happened to us and let's get the facts on and guns and the actual facts on what the proposals actually mean. Will they help art children be safer? we go to John Lott? He is written an article he's also coauthor of my book control. He is the president of the crime. Bench and research center and probably the best mind on the that's around guns and gun control. Welcome to the program, John. How are you
doing ok glad not good. To talk to you again. So John, let me just go through your article piece by piece, because facts are important: The new hot number from the gun control advocates is that there have eighteen school shootings so far this year. Can who tell me about the eighteen that have happened said at the beginning of the year. All right! Well, I mean it includes gunshots fired on campus, as well as those off campus, but includes things like a police off sir who accidentally discharged his gun and nobody was harmed. It includes suicides may have occured by an adult in the car parking lot that had nothing to do with the school somebody just driving by pulling into the parking lot and killing themselves. Uh includes a case where a pellet gun
broke a window in a school bus, so that was parked done even an actual school pro, but in a parking lot for buses you know nobody was inside the bus at the time when the pellet gun broke the window. You know things that change from a annoying to you know, minor cases two things that don't have anything to do with guns on campus by and you have a you have two of them that are kind of what would be the is mass public shootings that get everybody's attention. Where you had people killed uh and uh multiple people harm one was in Kentucky yeah and the other one was obviously and uh in Florida. So, but what everybody is saying, they're looking for is an end to these
and they're making all kinds of proposals. So let's take them one by one. First, more back ground checks right before you get to the whole list. I just want to say something that is I'm incredibly frustrated by this debate. I've been in did this debate. For twenty years I had a piece in the Wall Street Journal back in nineteen and eatin marks. Ninety eight a call and for getting rid of gun free zones at schools, pointing out that we and really had any of these attacks at schools until after one thousand five hundred and ninety five, when the so called Gun Free School Zone ACT was passed FED, and you know I want to do something I want- I don't want these things to ever occur again, but I want something that actually matters. The types of rules that are asking me to go through right now. The one thing that they
here in common is that they wouldn't have stopped these attacks, and yet there are the ones that people keep pushing for even before we know what the facts were for a right. I mean we look at what happened with the sheriff and all all of the all of the things that should and done could have been done would have been done in other places. We had multiple opportunities to stop the shooter, even while he was shooting and we didn't do it. Right, well I mean it's tortoise and other things you can have training. It's not clear that the sheriff's deputies had training in these cases, and you know, but even beyond that, I want to replace the signs that we have it schools. It's say these schools are gun free zone with signs that you can see in places from
access to Oklahoma to Ohio and other places. Play warning selective staff or teachers at the school have weapons to be able to go and defend themselves and others. You know we have twenty five States in the United States that two varying degrees now allow to be able to carry permit concealed handguns on the school grounds, staff for teachers summer much more. Let all in terms of allowing it than others, but in all those places that allow there's not one example: the school shooting occurring. There's! No! You know the fears that people have. If you listen to the discussion last week from people like Rubio to the listening session that President Trump had where people were saying. Well, you know,
teachers are emotional, was one of the arguments that were brought up against Trump. Well, you know, you don't see any problems, I no one answered all this charge that occurred outside of school hours and that's it. You know who and that's over years decades so you know the discussion is often well, let's put a police officer in a, but the problem is putting some. Buddy in uniform is it may make you feel good, but it's impossible job. Anybody who's read any. My books know that I think police are extremely important. Stopping crime. I think police are the single most important factor, but If you put an officer in uniform to try to guard against these types of attacks, it's impossible job.
Putting somebody in uniform is like putting somebody there who the neon sign above the it says shoot me first, because if he's the only person that has a weapon, these killers know that if they kill the police, your first, then they have nothing more to worry about then they're going to be free for some period of time until others able to arrive on the scene to go and kill people. So John just take this is this is something that we clearly know as a society. It's why we protect the identity of air marshals. We don't put an armed police officer in uniform on airplanes. We let makes sense, so the bad guy never knows who the good guy is weed. We don't want to shoot out. Well, you certainly don't have a problem with the shootout in an airplane and by the way pilots are emotional, because all the pilots had to be trained to use a weapon. Just
it's. The Marshall goes down. We didn't have a problem with that either. This is a the bogus debate. Let me go before we run out of time. Let me go through through the things that, for instance, more background checks. Tell me about why that won't work for one go to log. The from Obama through now and other times has been these background checks on private transfers. The deal is there's not only would have been relevant for this attack in Florida, and people were calling for this, like in an hour and a half after the attack, even before they knew how the killer had gotten his gun. There's not one mass public shooting this century or years before that would have been stopped if this law has been in effect, there is simply no cases where people have gotten the gun. In this way, there would have been stopped by the background check, even if it had been effective.
Well let me let me let me just one of these silly things that they push for, and my own belief is the reason why they push forward. Is they just want to make it costly for law bodies that, since to get guns they they know. They've been asked a couple times by the media uh. You know to identify one case where this is mattered and the response that you get from them as well. We still need to try to do something. You know. Maybe it might stop something in the future and they can't point to one case in the past, where it would have helped how about the new assault weapon ban? Let's just ban these assault Weapons- John, let's just I mean nobody needs an assault weapon with this have helped. No, it wouldn't have. I mean first of all, I'm not even sure I hope People are just ignorant and don't know what the guns are and how they operate, but you know the Ar15 fifteen semi automatic rifle small caliber semi
medic rifle they fire the same bullets with the same rapidity. Doing the same damage is a small caliber hunting, rifle you want to go and ban all semi automatic guns. Fine, let's talk about that, but to go and buy. I don't think it makes sense, and I can but but but but to try to go and buy some guns based on how they look just simply doesn't make any sense correct while levy, but you wouldn't have to ban the semi automatic handguns because a semi automatic handgun I learn from NBC News? It just is travel as fast as a as a rifle, and so a rifle will just kill the person with a handgun much quicker. Well, if you look over the last decade about sixty eight percent of the mass public shoe
seven, should solely involved solely handguns. If you include handguns used in part of the attack it'll handguns with rifles handguns with shotguns. It makes up about eighty four percent of the attacks involved. Handguns in some way, and so you know all they're going to do is they'll ban. You know maybe could be in all rifles and then they'll come back so what we need to ban all handguns. You know what, but people need to talk about. Are the costs and benefits of God so when they go and they say, let's ban guns for people underage twenty one. Well, it's horrible that this nineteen year old or killed people when we should do things to try to stop at things that we know will work, but the thing is: lots of law abiding twenty year olds used guns to protect themselves and their families and the problem that you ultimately faces that if you were going to
Hey ban guns from a particular area or ban guns for particular people. It's the law, abiding good citizens who obey those who those are not the criminals. It's the reason why we've been having these attacks after we created these gun free zones. John Lott from the Crime Prevention Research Center. His latest book is the war on guns, arming yourself against Gun control lies, he is the based on the stats. You need have that book in your library thanks John love my truck and we've reached the point to where I'm going to drive my truck until the doors fall off, but I don't want to for the doors to be replaced. If I can, I can help it. I have ICS ended vehicle coverage, protection from car shield, getting coverage from car shield is an affordable protection. That can save you, thousands of dollars for a covered repair, a new fee, pump five hundred dollars replacing water pump, one thousand dollars, you need
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Glenn, Beck, ok, there's a story that I had a really hard time understanding and it's probably probably because I'm not a sports fan yeah yeah The sports? You probably don't recognize how difficult this is yeah, but I mean it's a really really big deal MAC bags, one sex, second street second string class 6a Texas Championship in girls wrestling? She went thirty two and oh during the season, wait and I mean what Mak Mak bags yeah we met when credible, cheating. Now you get to win one championship at this level is very difficult road to go: undefeated thirty, two and one with a second straight six, a championship in Texas right away, that's incredible! And if people are not acknowledging how difficult that would be, achieve? Well, you minimum wage and people don't follow. You called me him and you called him or her.
You called me him and her. Why did you This is. This is a bar that I had a hard time following is: Is he wrestling girls or or- is she wrestling girls? Yes, address or yes boredom in Glenn, back mercury the Glenn Beck program. Are you really not taking any responsibility for the multiple red flags that were brought to the attention of the Broward Sheriff's office about this shooter before the incident, whether it was people near him close to him calling Chase Jake? I could only responsibility for what I knew about. I exercises. Might my due diligence give
amazing leadership to this age. Amazing leaders work yesterday got there's there's a lot of things we've done throughout this. This is you you don't measure since leadership by a deputy not going into these deputies were suffering? This is somebody later slip, but whether or not they protect the community. In this new case, you've listed twice, three incidents before the shooting involving the shooter and still nothing was done to keep guns out of his hands to make sure that there were at the school was protected to make sure you were keeping an eye on him, your the ads on sales. I don't understand how you can sit there and claim amazing leadership check tapper patch gray. Yes, I love taproom. We've said it many times. I'm sometimes he'll be agonizing to us
and then other times they'll be agonizing to the left. He treats. Everybody is an actual journalist yeah. I think so. He actually asks hard questions I I I I think he could have. I think he was put in an impossible situation at the town hall. He was, but that's not his fault, that Saint Ann's fault and and and he he he, how hold they sheriff's feet to the fire, nonstop for about. Twenty minutes I want to smoke was more than twenty eight minutes and having a strange and then the Porsche sheriff I mean poor sheriff. I don't mean it that way. The share his mouth was so dry. He was starting to look like Anita Dunn Everett, with the lizard to the lizards doing was his mouth was dry. He knew he was in trouble. I was surprised he didn't say. Is there a commercial break? You have to go to or anything he did shut Jake down, though od on one question when he was asked- and I think we have the audio, but if he was asked about whether or not if they would have put up on any of this stuff. Could this have been averted and he
pretty power here go play it see? Do you think that if the Broward Sheriff's office had done things differently, this shooting might not have happened it this in a and butts were candy and nuts? You know Oj Simpson it's still being erected books. I don't know what that means. I seventeen dead people and there's a whole long list of things. Your department, I like gosh Jake, you are just so good wow, that's if and butts were candy and NUTS Oj Simpson. First, a Oj Simpson is still in the record books. Yes, he is not one hundred percent. Now Six people have outrushed him in a season. So I moved down. You move down a little bit, maybe answer schedule yet that wasn't due to ifs and bugs no yeah more than six 15th and 16th game of the season which they added on after he had the two thousand yard season. Prob, the specifics there yeah, not sure. If you asked for it, you got it Toyota. What do you get?
let me try this on. You, don't forget higher the vet, may may all I got to say to you a little bit more. Is there earlier eyes? Full hearts can't lose deal with that blue chip. Four out of five dentists recommend crest, the Iranians a lot of them. I don't know something they agree for edify agree on something, and no I don't know that one of them want you to eat more sugared snacks. Well, I don't what is it that poll? I don't think there was a better shot down. Then that but because it was yeah, it wasn't for effect, it was true. It was righteous indignation, I don't even know what that means, and there
Eighteen dead people right, the guy that was. I was really rough. I mean it, you know. Let's look, I don't think it's justified very, I think, is very little desire and and Jake Tapper's an exception. I think to this, but it's very little desire to actual real conversation up on this. Topic here on CNN this weekend- and you kind of talked about that you were on with Brian Stelter, we have a clip of it here, talking about it myself any favors. Now I don't think see it and really liked you that much after this. Well, they didn't like me in the first place I mean with anybody. I don't think I made anybody happy, that's kind of that's kind of Nigeria. That is, it is kind of your life story. Here it is from CNN. We can't read only the things that we agree with. We have to have conversations, call conversations that make us uncomfortable. We have to have that.
You've talked on your progress in the past. About be honest with you to be honest with you one thing too, and this is something that you're not going to want to hear CNN had a right and a responsibility to have that conversation that Town Hall, when you added a room full when you added what two thousand eight thousand people that grieving and angry you did nothing you things worse. If who wanted to have that conversation. Then, let's have that conversation in a in a calm way, but adding it. Adding the crowd, it became the Christians and the lions, it was despicable and all the students that she would have told them to shut up. This is Oh, I would I've said this is to who raw right now to have a stadium full of people. Let's just you pick
people you have the kids that want to talk, and, let's that conversation in small room without the cheering crowds, why it won't go on Bill Maher bill. Maher has asked me for years to go on his program. I won't because it is just the cheering crowd. Somebody's trying to win. Martin Luther king would not have done that. Martin Luther king. Would have had the discussion without the cheering crowds. Don't try to win. Look for reconciliation, that's great and you're right that The only way people ask all the time, especially lately, I think, there's a good number of people who really want to try to come together. And figure this out. I think not scream at each other. It just feels that Yeah, that's the answer, but we were not going get to it.
We're continually scream it. It must have this conversation with you, Pat, but uh. I think that we have, I think, we've come The end of the period of enlightenment, everything this country was based on was the honest search for truth. Empirical truth, you know to mean I'm not going to listen to a church, tell e that they have all this power, that they can do these things, because God gives them the power, and so I must fall in line. I'm I'm going to listen to a king. Tell me he's got all this power because of God I'm going to listen to magicians. I want empirical fact now. If you want to go on faith, that's fine, but keep your faith out of the control of the government. The government and uh and faith should not mix when it says when it when it when it comes down to troll of people's lives
and we looked for the truth and let the chips fall where they may. We don't look for that anymore. We're not looking we're, not interested, no you're looking for the win exactly right, I am sick of winning. If this is what winning feels like, I am sick of winning and we been playing it now for over twenty years and I'm sick of it yeah. But no one wants to have honest conversations. I mean it. You know this is a problem. I I die, bring the. Let me give you these two audio clips, the I these are specifically selected for Pat Gray, enjoyment, because these two moments back to back in the same interview tells heck of a story of where we've been over the last week. Here's David Log, one of the students who's been on every show. Imagine will also was on the same show as you were on this week on CNN, with Brian Stelter, talking about Dana Lash and the NRA. What Danish trying
the I believe she is the ceo of the NRA she's, trying to distract people, if you listen, you were taught is not a national spokeswoman for then are exactly she's national spokeswoman in as a please national propagandist for the NRA. If you listen, you were speaking, she does she's, not really saying anything. You sounding positive and confident, and that's what you want the people in the NRA to believe she wants people in Congress as far as the how bout with mental health and things like that- and she says that she can't do that. Are you kidding me you own these politicians, passed legislation that enables these bump stocks, which, by the way, aren't allowed it shooting ranges because they're too dangerous. That's how bad they, but continuing on with my point she wants Congress to take action and says that they won't. Are you kidding me? She owns these Kong,
but you can get the magicians. She doesn't care about his children's lives, so he didn't even know who she was right now it's in the beginning, but he does know that she owns Congress. He has. He doesn't care about children's lives with her daughter because she has children. Yes, yes, the error, but it is ours to write and she's she's. She owns people, even though she just started with the NRA yeah yeah, where she was working with us. I didn't know she had all of those politicians in the pocket. Yes, you should pass stuff for us, hello, really great, on more cable channels. Okay, so, but again here's a got a kid who's put up there as an expert by every media source. Here's the guy he's, got all the passion he's. The guy will take him seriously. We have to respect all of us use. We can't say one word of criticism of what he says, because that means you're you just don't care about children, you don't care about the victims. This later on, he's asked not at the NRA, but about the mass is
stir that has been Broward County Sheriff Steve if it says that Israel's real, I think I can only think of Europe, Israel and so he these asked about that. Here's! What he says you concerned that you might actually lose support if you get too personal to and well she's already done, that by attacking Sheriff Scott Israel who say there were some major mistakes made here in ones that we have to look into and I don't want to say anything until after the investigation done 'cause. I don't know what happened. I'm just a student. I had to witness this horrifying incident, but honestly, how can you say that you support lawn forest? if you're just constantly attacking them over this hi John Disgusting argue these: are the people they're trying to protect our lives? Do they mean make a mistake? Absolutely! Is that something that we have to fix absolutely but there's a much bigger problem in Washington so So when it when it's about the NRA, he knows everything about them. He knows the date as the ceo and owns all these politicians, despite her just starting this
pretty recently buddies. When I come so the the the police wait for the just a still, not all hello. This is thirty. Can asking those questions? These the kid that was kind of my point from the beginning, that's why I here's what I can't. Here's get my arms around, so can I say to Brian I said to Brian you know to have these emotional crowds was not a good thing. You want to have them on great, let them talk and his wrist once was so you think we should have to you think Jake should have just said shut up. No, that's not what I said. No, you said I didn't say that, and that's really disrespect you were talking about the kids. In fact, you were talking about the audience, yet the crowd crowd. Well, I don't know what Jake is supposed to
you want snow crowd too little room in the problematic decision. Is the crowd being there and not not not CNN's decision up front, not the representation of these families like if you have you been there in a room like Trump did get a listening session with people who are victims of the shooting there wasn't screaming over the top of each other, either 'cause it was calm. It was Tom discourse you put in five thousand people, all of are there to just yell at Dana. Another position at the NRA is a recipe for disaster, and they should have recognized that ok, so he doesn't. He won't listen to that and once if you, if you say we shouldn't, have had the arena, then as a can saying, we have to tell these kids to shut up. We have to take these k they have a right to be listened to. They don't have a right to be listened to unchecked, you
had Brian cells sets Seltzer Stelter skelter. I can never see his name, because I was single Brian Setzer, how the orchestra yeah is so, brain sitting there and who's sitting next to the others. On the other side of this kid, ten can rather- and you hear this kid this argument- that Dana is you know the NRA, which is a little ridiculous, but more than a little ridiculous, and then you have him, stick up for the sheriff who nobody in their right mind is sticking up for the sheriff. No one in their right mind is sticking up for the sheriff and there's no discussion at all on there's no push back on him on saying how? How does this make sense? I thought you wanted this to stop n n. What makes you think that
passing a ban on some guns is going to make any of this. Stop there's no evidence of that, and he, some things that we could take of take care of right now, because there be another shooting in York Audi. If this is happy in with the sheriff's department, no push back at all yeah one. I think the reason why the advocacy groups and a lot of the media really like these kids. That are, you know we're we're victims of this, or at least at the school with this occurred is because of that. You can't put back you can't push back on the arguments. The arguments get smooth sailing. They get this nice clean, or empty highway, to just drive down and say every liberal blog statement. That's ever been put out there without anybody saying anything because I'll be. You can't push back at the kid obviously doesn't know these points he's just he obviously reading blogs and just spouting exploited.
Exploited by these being a sixteen year old? That is being given a national platform? That's what's happening, It's definitely not a word of criticism to him personally, but you have to be able to push back on the points or there's no point in having him on. May I remind you, though, only you can prevent forest fires rip waffle. Thank you. Do you remember the Equifax Data breach expose so security numbers names and birth dates over one hundred and forty five million customers. But apparently it was more sensitive than we thought it was. It was worse than we thought Much more was exposed documents providing out. A Senate committee revealed that tax, ids and drivers license details were also accessed. This is expose the information that can be used by cybercriminals long after the breach there. So any threats in today's connected world and it takes one weak link for the whole thing to come apart. That's
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when do the media's job form tonight at five o'clock, we are going to be looking at the questions that really need answering on this. This this Florida shooting and in particular This sheriff there's something really wrong there. Yet taken from the big picture and the small picture today where some of these weird inconsistencies in the stories around the shooting will get tonight at five hundred and thirty in the five hundred at the blaze tv and then five hundred and thirty, the news and why it matters Glenn back Mercury.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-13.