« The Glenn Beck Program

The Vaccine Is Here | Guests: Lt. Col. Allen West & David Barton | 12/14/20

2020-12-14 | 🔗

Glenn recounts being at the White House when President Trump heard the Supreme Court had rejected Texas’ election lawsuit. Joe Biden is planning an “exorcism” of Trump from the White House. Will Trump “declassify everything”? BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer recounts the latest protests in Washington, D.C., and argues police could have prevented riots all along. NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo was accused of sexual harassment. Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine has been approved, but the goalposts are still shifting. Lt. Col. Allen West talks whether Texas should secede. David Barton’s new history book, “The American Story: The Beginnings," is possibly the best Glenn’s ever read. Glenn’s artwork is available for purchase this Christmas!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
God. I hope you have a good holiday season. I know I am. Are you get add through in Greece? Are losing your hair twenty and we'll get? Can you tell her hand? It's really kind of embarrassing noticeable. You know what I was I had a solution where there's no solution are glad surprise. You know, what's weird hey friend, yes do you know I just heard about something called K: E p s, dot com, slash, say, keeps dot com, slash save. How does it work? All you do is take a couple of pictures of your hair and your head and you send it enters unsolicited. I descended pictures of my hand them again to keep us are and what they do is they relied on process. I just email them. I have just learnt email it out of your head and then and then they look at your hair and they look at your situation there like they have a real after that looks into it says you need this. Then they send you, the medicine, the medicine that I need right to buy momentous in that you need right to your door without see the s without complications,
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I want to talk about today, but we're going to start with something personal. I in the West wing. the president found out about the Supreme Court, I'll. Tell you about that and why Joe Biden Said he's going to fumigate and border an exorcism of the White House where they will even remove the door knobs That's really really strange unless you noticed something that I did while I was in the West wing this weekend? I'll tell you all about it. Next year's glinda program. So have you done all your Christmas shopping yet me? Neither.
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had so my wife and I were supposed to go to the White House Christmas Party on Friday and she needed to stay home and take her some things at the house. So I took my youngest daughter Cheyenne. To the Christmas Party and We asked for a tour of the West Wing before the party because she has ever been there and it's kind of em. your special thing and I wanted to show her. The West Wing myself and So we went in and we went about an hour early and we were in the West Wing, which is where the oval office is and we were standing in Think it was Roosevelt Room or the cabinet room and the president.
Went into the oval office, and he was in there with my pants. and mark Meadows- and I found out later that's when they found out about the Supreme Court. We were out in the rose garden and You know my dad, and I could see into the oval by the way Maloney it Europe has just been so maligned so maligned rose garden is spectacularly beautiful. Even in the winter is really I mean it does. Pictures just don't do. Justice us really beautiful. anyway, so we were there and we could see- and let's just say their faces- weren't happy. In the oval office at that point, the present, didn't make it to the White House Christmas Party and any kind if there was a kind of Nepal over the Christmas Party, because everybody knew by the time all
Yes derived everybody had heard what the Supreme Court said I was with a couple of the agencies from the different states. Nobody really understands why the Supreme Court just didn't, hear what you mean you don't have standing, doesn't mean I'd like to know how does power? How do other states how to twenty one states file a suit and it's not even heard see. That's the problem. That's problem, and that's why people will not get over this. because they're not being heard. We don't feel like there has been any one who is deferred actually defended, went to Washington how many tea party people did. We did we send a Washington and how many of them turned on us. How many of did nothing now. We send Donald Trump ends some of us, I didn't think he do it
you'd think he'd. Do it at all. He did it. He stood. the entire time and he went to bed For millions of Americans who I have not been listened to. Probably almost for the last twenty years we haven't been listened to Obama. Well, I think we should listen every you didn't, listen to us not once did you listen to us? Not once did you asked to meet with any one now once. You made fun of us, the press, made fun of us. There they went after Donald Trump, unlike anything I have ever seen obscene. What, done to him. And why was it done because actually listening to us and actually standing against the corruption
just a wrecking ball. I thought of article today that that somebody called him a bulldozer and bold Doesn't bulldozers never end well enough in a city where finance is needed now no! I'm tired of finesse. Anybody else, tired finesse! Can we find other Bulldozer, because I go for a bulldozer and crane and a wrecking ball and minnow maybe there's a couple of buildings. It really need to be taken taken down, in fact with it. action of the museums all of the buildings that, after built in eighteen forties anyway, so I'm wondering does have standing in this. Because imagine imagine that we're all in a classroom and we all know the rules and in their fifty of us.
and we are all taking a test except for have special conditions so we're. taking the test, we have to have it done within an hour we all have to be monitored. We have to be in the same room, so we have a teacher, looking sure make sure we're not cheating, and now calculators. But we find out later that for the students there. The time didn't really matter they didn't? Have anybody looking over them and theirs pretty good feeling that they probably used calculators and we're all he did on a curve. And because of those for getting perfect scores, my aim is gone to a b or my c has gone to a d. Wouldn't I, as somebody in the classroom have standing to raise my hand and say: excuse me what they did
Did my grade idle just to at least talk about what they did. If you didn't you weren't allowed to at least talk about it. be heard, heard Jim it Lee you? never get over. It you'd never get over it by this, cream court saying we don't have standing twenty one states don't have standing now Maybe there's no case. I dont know. I know we were promised a case. I Haven't really seeing the case but nobody's hearing anything by not here.
bring the case. You don't have Thomas Coney bear it. Scalia, not Scalia yeah the Lido, you don't have a Lido action. On record trust. Did friends trusted people on right, heard, saying we heard all of the evidence there isn't anything now You do have Alito and Thomas say that. In so many words, there's nothing here too, to really warrant us hearing it, but that's not good enough in this case, the Supreme court should have heard this case. because how do we come together and he'll, because the people feel that way.
have been wronged every step of the way and when I say we anyone who has supported Donald Trump and many people support Donald Trump because of how he was treated in office. Met several people who voted against. I voted for Hillary Clinton, we're Democrats and said After I heard all the things I decided to do my own homework and I can't believe the lies that were told bout him. America likes the underdog Erica has always supported the underdog America. much to the surprise of those on the left. American do like justice. They like. kit, when the little guy wins. So I'm therein the White House,
And it's not really a party atmosphere here, but it was really nice about halfway through. They said the present in the first lady are not going to be, attending tonight, and you would think bad, full of people that flew all the way across from everywhere in the country would be disappointed ever one said: completely understand that I wouldn't come downstairs, either people try traipsing around in my house all the time, and then we will put on a happy face after I just got this news, everyone completely understood now have a deeper understanding of what Biden did this weekend by I said that he was going to exercise the White House because riddled with cove id.
He was going to fumigate and he was people to come in with hazmat suits and there tear up all the carpet and everything and they will just sanitize that place all, way down. It says to replacing the door knobs. Let me tell you what that really is about I'll. Do it. Sixty seconds sponsor this half hour is simply safe. This holiday season somebody tries to break into your house it you could be that kid from home alone, you could set up elaborate traps and swinging paint cans or electrified door handles, or you can just simply safe. This holiday season. It simply say for your home security, the cameras, the sensors, the whole monitoring you'll get. It was simply safe and its top of the line. You can also monitor your own home from an app on your phone and
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at the one hundred and thirty two room property be thoroughly disinfected beforehand. White House historian, Kate, Anderson Brower, said there's only a five hour window between presidents and I have another story remind me about the Clinton's, the five our window. There is only a five hour window between President's that's when ninety five staff have to pick up all of that possessions and move the buttons in they will clean and replace everything Biden, is insisting that a team in hazmat suits Wilson. the entire residents with disinfectant after Trump leaves remove the car its curtains and furniture. All the way down to replacing the door. Knobs now stew,. there's five hours between any body trump in that in that house.
How long does cove id last on a metal surface? she at a level that could infect someone crew. I mean that you can discover it. Later on, but the idea that is gonna sit there for five hours or sit in the air for five hours and in fact some one is I beyond the scope of likely right So don't you think good. Changing the door knobs, seems a little odd, not as an it first Emmi. Even if you believed in your legitimately worried about it, you would just break down the door knobs rightly in them would derive act and an israeli you're going to U no home depot and buying it bunch Door, not the whole right. Definitely not ok, so reply Senor Dobbs. Why was that said?. This is my theory. But I only have this theory because I took a picture of something in the
oval or sorry in the West wing. I notice little things now been to the West wing before and they ve had these little tiny, like colonial door knobs these little of little tiny ones, you would think with a man with such small hands, as they always say, would like the teeny door knobs they had, but he didn't and He said that they said the first day that he was in the office. He said really. These are the door knobs we have here and there like. Yes, Mr President, he said I'll, take care of that I took a picture of all of the door knobs now in the White House. Look at this picture. They are absolutely beautiful. That I think they're solid brass and it says the President, the seal of the present, the United States and has the eagle in the Center Donald Trump put all of those in Kay
When they said and were even gonna, remove the door knobs. I convinced it was a job directed directly personally to him. We will erase everything you have done everything that's the kind of people you're dealing with. There is no reason to remove the door knobs unless you're sending a message. You were never here. That's interesting as there is certainly no justification to do it when it comes to cover and then there's no reason to where it is completely ridiculous obvious, that would mean.
That means the society. If every time someone had covered and was in a room, you couldn't you actually order, knobs area would be intensity up. It's ridiculous! Completely ridiculous- and they know it's ridiculous, but that there's gotta be some other message behind it and that's interesting on another, though I never heard that about the door knobs before I never heard it either. I honestly, I am calling the White House today and finding out of again by one just for the museum now where they are their spectacular. They are truly truly beautiful door. Knobs and totally appropriate- and I wouldn't I mean the most people would walk by and they would never notice unless you grab the door of you know an open up. One of the doors which I was in Hey? Is this the oval office located eyes? You didn't do it. I didn't do that I think that's absolutely what it is now
President Tromp says he is going to declassified everything with the lying and the trees, and you know it in his words the democrat lying and treason. I think he should go further than that. I think he should do, last July. A lot of stuff especially the ale even Alias, TAT one alien yeah, I really one island stuff, but he should he should declassify everything plus, He's going to he should why wouldn t why shouldn't I. now. We have a right to know this stuff. Do we have right to know it's never coming out it will never ever. while it will be declassified until problem twenty sixty five when we're all dead end it'll come out, people go my gosh. They do there s
There are certain powers that are pretty cool if you're, the president, like I was the path, pardon power, I think Trump is under utilised we're doing it all the time. Every couple days there be a new person. I be pardoning, find out people that I didn't like that were in legal disputes with someone else, and then I would find that third party, even if they were guilty and Barnum anyway, just to piss off the people that I didn't write would you I would be. I would be pardoned Paluda for me really, as you really hated me, and somebody had murdered my wife, you would far the murderer just as we had already extremely yeah. That's what I would do any good. I liked I think, look. It's is unquestionably or don't ever come bread ionized arable president, because I would do this stuff. All that I would look right pardoning. I may well be the great that I would like if I may,
was angry and sports team. I would, I would part like of one team, one team lost, I would pardon everyone, the losing team. I was mad at the winning team. I was. I was again laid spoiling down to murder your lead began. I want murder, as outlined by all those by all right off the like you. A lot of people. Have your team, you? What murderers on your side? Trust me. If the Glen Back Programme, american financing, Nl Us one. Eight do through three for that w w that animal S, consumer access, dot, org severe, looking to buy a home, I have a secret, you need to know buyers who passed me is did their loans are now coming out on top right now, they're, ready and to complete and to win their ready to close, If you have looked into your mortgage and you,
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This is the Glen Back Programme on a play, a piece of audio from the blaze tvs, Elijah's shaver, who is in Washington DC, covering the rallies this weekend. Listen for me We ve seen rioting after riding at right across the country in cities like this right here in Washington DC, and you ask yourself: could the police not stop it. Could they just not somehow prevent these rights and protests from getting out of control? Guess what we found out tonight. You look like you. I mean that they have shut off every single road traffic behind me over to your right, Garth line after line after line four blocks, a police that of course, everybody off and suddenly brought peace within minutes for this rigid DC. So what you're telling me right now? Is it what we witnessed over the last few months was not because cities couldn't control themselves, not because Deasey couldn't get under control its because the intentionally, let the violets happen, and they didn't use their tactics, skilled workforce to prevent the madness and tonight what you're sings hypocrisy,
We have Elijah Schaefer joining us now, hello, Elijah, how area? doing all right, gonna thanks for having me on you, bats Oh, you know this is a democratically run city run into the ground. Most of the time. By democrats they he couldn't stop the rioting. They had statues, it were pulled down, attacked, and then this weekend I was in Washington DC as well, and I've never seen a place more lockdown than this yeah. So When I am talking about the fact that please use new tactics this weekend to control crowds, I mean that the most sarcastic way possible I made this is either not new training tactics. This is just the first time I'm seeing them implemented, and what sad is is that this is not just a theory. I have contacts in the metropolitan police.
Portland, who contacted me specifically and confirmed my theory and cities. true, we ve known how to keep crowd separate how to keep them for businesses. How to exhaust them, you know courting them off in a bar to them. Through the streets, we just were told to stand down. We were told to let off previously meaning the government, especially in our nation, capital, sanctioned the destruction of federal property, the destruction of private property and chaos in the streets of an american city that was a government choice and that's a disgrace, and yet there were four people stabbed and thirty three arrested over the weekend, dirt
These protests. Can you talk about that Abed yeah? Let's let the honest here number one you know twitter were conversations take place like to continue to say for people got stabbed. Let's clarify these were trump supporters that were stopped. They want to make it like Trump supporters walked around stabbed a bunch of grant of people in the street in him. On top of that, you know people could do here we are talking about how oh you know. People stop Trump supporters in self defence and I go away but you can read it now- stands out there on twitter. I didn't hotel talking about the need to use weapons for self defense, serious situation fun to see that suddenly everyone wanted the acquittal of Mr Rittenhouse. Our can't wait for them at the next trial, a hum but top of that, what was happening as always is an entire trump protesters. Agitators were going.
Rounded the streets at night and were trying to disrupt and cause problems at at during the arch of the proud boys, the people, the streets and we're going around attacking people through the proud boys fought back and it Is it an individual pulled out a nice stabbed to one of the one of the proud noise in the lung pop along. They start a few others. People altercation police, broke it up within minutes, but it shows you how volatility situations can be that, even though please can gain control, it doesn't stop. People from you know, think critically wounded. I do believe they expected to survive, but I do know that they weren't critical condition. last time I checked, but they are being stable So, are you saying that the proud boys were not causing any problems themselves? They were attacked, you're. So what I want to bring up- and I want to clarify this to them-
How can people you know? I'm not a proud boys apologist by means my there too, to defend a certain group on just there to document. But when it came to the police, the police were holding back both the proud boys and anti and the anti by and restoring bricks water bottles. Raw at the police were holding them back. The proud boys were just taking a knee and standing there. I watched officers get injured, One limp away, I thought officer, get hit to the ground by these objects. I mean this shows you the difference in the sides not to mention you know, I do know the proud boys did want to fight somebody's at even beyond members, but I can tell you that the primary agitators that night, It was sending reconnaissance people on bikes with two a radios into the proud boys crowd. Maybe they they were. They were looking for a fight these were not just here were handled as they like to say on line no frustrate.
Black young men and women who just want civil rights were being targeted by whites, premises. These are wearing white young. Twentysomethings sailor, Article anarchists communist people who have leave an extreme agendas. Are looking to cause altercations, because they know that Not only will the police do nothing, but No, the media is on their side and guess what they were right. Not only did they stab Trump supporters, but they could get away with it to take a let the blame on the transporters, because the media has their site Eliza there's one video that made the rounds allow at least from the extreme side of seemingly a couple walking away trying to get away from what was described as a group of proud boys members and they were being so Sucker punched him in the video was pretty pretty bad
do you have any idea? What that's that incident was about we are ultimately older, coupled with a young without young, but there's a stick. A christian couple is it's a pretty one target it I'm thinking about that was captured by true Hernandez, That is what will you referring to ensure this is one that was that was more touted by seem, like the left in the mainstream media, saying that the proud boys were beating up a couple as they were, trying to exit the the area the movie. I haven't seen that that video and I would be happy to to see it. You know I I Tell you there. You know, I did see a few couples beat up by Antigua and be alone. I did see a lot of chaos and confusion. I would say that there is no dinners jerk probably on every summit political battle. So if, if somebody did fight and I would condemn that if the proud boys were attacking old couple, I haven't seen that, but you know those people.
be held accountable and if they committed a crime, they should be charged prosecuted for her violence. But what I think is so interesting idea: hypocrisy here, the left gets until one video and they go well. Here's the video of this happening and you go well. What is it a dozen or more the aim of the other side it doing greater worse things, will you, You're not gonna, get that lit. Listen to this Washington Post article more we'll people stabbed, after thousands gather for pro Trump demonstrations in Washington, Thousands of mass list rally Gal rally goers, who refuse to accept the results of the election turn. downtown Washington into a falsehood, filled spectacles Saturday, two days before the electoral college will make the president's loss official. In smaller numbers and the gathering. Last month, they roamed from the capital to the mall and back again seeking inspiration from speakers who ray
against the Supreme Court. Fox news President Elect Joe Biden, the crowd. cheered for recently pardoned former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. Marched with spirits, see theorist Alex Jones and stood in awe of a fly over from what appeared to be Marine one, but at night seen became violent. At least four people were stab near Harry's bar and eleventh enough street northwest gathering point for the proud boys, a male chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism, the Victims were hospitalized and suffered, possibly life threatening injuries, DC fire spokesmen Doug, cannon said it was not immediately clear which grew groups. The attackers or the injures might have been affiliated the violence escalated after an evening of face off with counter protesters that took power
near Harry's black lives matter, Plaza Franklin Square and other spots, downtown This is me is there any doubt who the bad guy is in this story. You know. When I hear your ear, listen, my hand is just covering my face when I hear that it is whenever one, I want to say what are you the full peace and now I know why Cuomo got in every whoever we're back. Yet what Tony? For writing the best play? I've ever seen his eye everyday. Well? Is a thick fictional story that did not happen. That is not what went down and then what incredible memory nation of facts to trial Control, a narrative that untrue. I wanted. Three is number one is not a fancy a fairytale. These individuals, speakers talking about facts about truth about things that they saw and witnessed about court cases and testimony
there was something out landing that I heard said during the speeches were very normal. People exhibition Gorka that were speaking at this event, not insane people Alex Jones, wasn't speaking there out, just wasn't marching with you, then he was bleeding something else which is fine and Alex. I like, I think I'll, do the cool guys. You got married sitting individual, but in our view, gotta go. If they try to tie him, then you not to try to discredit as if that does something I don't know, but on top of that The pictures? I can show you this. I can show you AP images I can show you completely male hullo Hunt verified account obscure individual. Let me be very gruesome. Military, sad of walking the night enter from black cloud black block individuals with face covering gathering people in
proud boy, another typical Perry, Yellow polo everywhere, and you will have to be gwine to not be able to clearly watch this goodwill understanding agitation. Even I go in hunting by framework this happen, and this is why I just don't know. I want this person is either drunk spoken, purposely misleading your audience and I could go for all, or at least the last one. The there is no, there is no truth in the media at all, and we all we all know that, but thank you for being their eliza. We appreciate and glad you're safe, I was there, I left Saturday around midday and as someone who did rally that had five hundred thousand in attendance and administration day local government. That would mean it almost impossible for us to have? I was
shocked at how locked down. That city was I I didn't make it to the airport because a got up it, the clock in the morning or seven o clock in the morning had to leave by eight and said, though, Tell said no cars in or out less you could walk to. The airport, you're not going like what are you talking about The entire city you saw it was shot down Saturday morning the the exits into Washington on the freeway were taped off. With a cruiser sitting right behind every single exit I don't know how you got in If you weren't already there, you are Getting into Washington it it's obscene, the way they have suddenly shut this city down, and when we know why they're doing it, they were doing it. As you pointed out, the very beginning, they weren't doing it for P M elsewhere.
ruled the town, but if you we stand for law and order, law and order is standing against you. I guess it's. Phenomenal thing. Thank you so Eliza Appreciative back and just Second, let me tell you about Omaha Stakes, I'm not a guy the likes to defer to experts on most things, because I think I'm sick and tired of the experts does are usually wrong. but when it comes to this steak, I eat I'm going to acquiesce to the experts. Omaha stakes. I mean They are hey her just the best. and the most tender almost stakes been leading. The industry, and they ve been the leading expert in great stake for literally a century right now, Omaha stakes as the deluxe growers assortment, and if you get that your,
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so one of eye and recall most former advisers yesterday a cue Governor Cuomo of sexually harassing her for years. She said: Well, I know I'm not the only woman yes, governor quarrels, sexually harass me for years many sought and watched. I could never anticipate. What to expect, I would be great Hold on my work, which was very good or harassed on my looks, or it would be, both in the same conversation, not knowing what expect was the most upsetting part aside from knowing the no one would do a damn thing, even when they saw no one and I know, I'm not the only woman This is the single least surprising news story. In of all time, is it yes, I've never been surprised, less by a new story. If
saw a new story. This morning that came out and said, the sun has come up would be less surprised that I am by this new story. Really, yes, really! I I look you just now you know I'm only bringing back. Do you hate him so much? You know what Glenn we don't hate. People It's not a word that we use ass. We do know that Andrew Cuomo is awful yeah we dont come. We do know that for a fact, but look at the he's you would say: he's a If the people who don't work for him in public, magic with this guy is doing behind the scenes, the people he sees as his lesson which, by the way, every person who works with them. He sees as a lesser and personally I had states he sees as a pr and lesser, as is its foundational principle: Everyone is worse than him. She says: there's fewer things more scary than giving this man even more
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Dying- and he says it's because around a burial at the riddled with cancer- and I was like there is still hope for me- I could still lose still where you live. Where my mind, when I don't know why so sorry about that. I wish to talk about a covert and the masks thing and hey. Did you hear the really? good news about what Bill Gates I ve been working on with that scenes. Guy died said any needle bill gates got lane around trust. Is a german JANET into my amateur artists and enforce definitely not the market to be opened to hatred bubble so there's we left on Pedro Mobiles Christmas special. I urge you to look into it considers switching vitally important as we roll into this new year, that we work to support conservative businesses when we can big mouth
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actually celebrate Christmas Christmas and they don't fund me no baby killing so how great is that pay Verizon Harris now switch to page mobile patriot, mobile Dotcom, slash back patriot mobile. Bought com. Slash back, Well, let's say: let's take you down memory lane here or What is now called in the media memory holes we're just gonna, just drift down the memory hall, equally. We have a lane where we keep all of those memories and we'd like to stroll down it now down memory lane on the cove id goal posts. This is the point about banning the curve surge of cases will overwhelm hospital capacity, both the beds, the supply lines, that's a surge of cases, so you need to stretch it out with social distancing and other measures to bend. The Ark stretch out
care. We need to bend the curve in the state of Caliph when we must flatness curve and we must social distance and there is no way around this. We must work together to ban the curve. We are doing four distancing the idea flattening the curve and trying to prevent overwhelming our healthcare infrastructure, the flattening possible slackening, the curve is better and the quicker you do the work to make sure that you flattened the curve. The more lives you will say if we ve never been fully closed, will never be completely open until we have a cure, but I I believe that we can take steps pull today. They say the steps we ve taken are making a big difference, but it's fun are too soon to let up now we could see a year of on and off social distancing. While we wait for either heard him unity or a vaccine and the absence of an instrument or vexing. It could take up to twelve to eighteen months to build up enough immunity in the population to free us from that. The exit from this he's going to be one.
two things are, ideally, one of which is a highly effective vaccine. I worry that when we do have of action, the people will think great. I'm protected I can now throw away my man, so it is possible and can see where you can get the racks even be protected. You're others gonna be fine, you're, not gonna get sick, but still getting asymptomatic case. Pass it on to your grandmother and kill appears, is some five cents a pound that our boy in December fifteenth we're gonna get this vaccine and people will start getting vaccinated. We can just forget wearing a mask and socially just and sing and washing our hands, but we have to continue that we might have to social distance until twenty twenty two, even through early twenty twenty two. Unless we help other countries get rid of this disease and we get high vaccination rates in our country. The risk of reintroduction we'll be there.
Well yeah from get bill gates. Twenty twenty two, maybe maybe maybe twenty twenty two, I'm the guy, came up with a paper Clifford a hundred computer run us come on man. I look. I I think, I'm very I'm! I take this differently. I think that a lot of people who may be in the audience in that, like I am super impressed with operation warp speed. So my I'm I'm I'm actually amazed by it. I mean There's a tweet, that's going out that's to no citing all people that are saying in a trump was Trump says: he's gonna have a vaccine by the end of the year, and it in experts say that this would be a miracle, kind. It is a miracle like
No one is much Lear motivation for saying those things was solely to destroy Donald trial. I saw that I mean this really is a miracle type of moment, assuming it works the way that is acceptable to where I agree with you. In fact, the media now agrees with you they're calling it operation warp speed there now calling it the covert Manhattan project us all in Brad that it's the Manhattan project has set out the elections over. Definitely not anything that Donald Trump called it. A lot of a lot of conservative commentators made the point of some, and I can understand why was made in that coat the the covert story line would disappear and me have come under day after the election, and it now Obviously that has not been to Romania's where we are having a lot of people dicey us. However, the vaccine scepticism from the media has. appeared
avoid soon. As soon as we get past the election, they all of a sudden a recognised what an amazing scientific- and we need us ass port of some sort. We need verification, we need the line everybody up and get the vaccination it I mean it's look, I I, I think he I think Trump did something. early amazing here and prove What a lot of conservatives have been arguing for a long time if you get out of the way and end, create an environment that these but he can innovate. They can do incredible things. This is a victory for capitalism. It's a victory for the Trump Administration and you'd ever hear it talked about. terms during during any media conversation about that. That's it! Well, we don't know who's gonna, have the vaccine good thing that Bill Gates was working with MIT few years ago and is developed almost a tattoo like substance activists, but this is true and I doubt day
what do you say? What's nothing? It's that tie did this. It has to do with this vaccine. I'm knowing I gotta get said. I know I know it has nothing to do. The vaccine body is vaccinations need developed it. So we could know that kid's had their vaccinations to be clear. Donald Trump is not implementing this as part of no vaccine neurosis- ironical throb of you're, the news, Donald Trump he's Yesterday's news hearing a lot of thy is out of here, so they ve got some things. I gotta do a hook and I've just say and get your valley. We learn Jesuit twenty, then I wouldn't be surprised to see it suddenly started to all of us to end its we're like once you take it, you can't get rid of it. I just like the others that thing called the marker of the d or something like that of the market to be here s what it
it's definitely not the market to be, I will say in Europe in the montage that day we just heard there's a lot of talk about, like I do and where you're Basle, twenty twenty two. First of all, if this thing is ninety percent effective, no one's going to be doing that but There is the other side of this, which is, if it's not taken by people, will then this stuff does continue right off. These people continue to be to ask you to wear till we have heard men. Tell her needed immunity, see that they think about seventy percent of the populace rising to seventy percent of payment. I'm telling you now, you figure about fifteen already. Have it like me? I'm a covered. eighteen survivor but I think I have it yet you you did negative. I tested negative, but I never took over the antibodies, but everyone in my family out yet, and I was locked up with them. You are also not even attempting to distance from your own family who had it actively. I sleep with my wife. Yes, I didn't sleep with my wife when she had in and I didn't hear supply.
You're here to most, probably because your wife is also disgusted by every way jack. I swear. I have covered go away, but yet not me like people. I have two people have to take it right. If, if, if seventy percent of the population says they're not gonna take it, which is not what the laws are showing in all those are showing that eighty percent of people are open and taking it in the first few months about forty percent of people are like day want. I'm in another, percent are like we'll be way like a few weeks, as the people start exploding that I'm in probably with Georgia chance. I wanna get what happened. What happened is due always just a pilot goo where he was sitting these like that whale they exploring partnership, which is actually a pretty good metaphor exploded. But yet I there is that There's that hesitancy book I dont necessary wanna be first in line, but it people seem to be. Ok, I mean like me: I just don't like a large trials and when they mean the main site affect their showing
soreness at the injection site, which again I kind of expect with a needle. There have been some people with chills either a couple of things that that that worry, that worry people enough to make sure that their kind of rain, in people with, I mean is legitimately whether sang saying people with allergies to the ingredients of the vaccine should not take the vaccine. Well, yes, I have in mind. Is that not obvious if you're allergic to the thing in the vaccine, you should not ignore the vaccine. Here's here is the real problem, and you know I'm not anti vaccine. I am anti being forced to take. It and I also am much more in time would earn community. I mean when my wife said I have covered. I gave her a big kiss. That's me the idea, but my own. That is what you did I'm fine immunity. That is what a vexing does the bride I now having a vaccine, is to get you to high. No, the problem with it is is this is the first time
this has ever been done. India, they ve it's. What's it RNA M hour and I M axiom so basic what it does is it the lot of x? means will introduce a deactivate? Part of a virus too your body, hey When you see this attack it right. We're ready when you get the real virus and at the actor virus. That's that's our vaccines that are going down that road as well. This vaccine is different. This facts. Tells your body to create the pros. Means that surround the virus. So it's telling your body to do something. Your body is creating the actual protein and then and your immune system sees this protein says: that's weird: let's attack it attacks, it the everybody's ready. So when you actually get the vaccine would you please, when we actually get the virus? If you were to get it in some store, something your body would already be prepared to attack it and would attack it with his is the first time that this has been tried and in the way
tricks your body there. There is No, it's a gas scepticism. You know just its cut. There's cautionary wait, a minute wait. We haven't seen the long term effects of this, because nothing like this is ever been done yet basically providing blueprints to your body to create a protein right and when it creates protein, your body recognizes it s, foreign and attacks it and prepares for the virus. You're right, it's it's a new, it's a new technology to the good thing bout it as it can be, this is why it was done so quickly, one of the reasons why it was done so quickly if this technology works, which they we expect it to. Obviously it would provide a half way to get rid of a lot of really serious ailments, it's really promising. I can understand why people, though, are like I don't know, sir. I want to be first in line to that end, Do your long term point there is no solution to this. If, if, if we, if we, if our goal,
was to completely out, will you know a rule out long term effects, because we'd have to wait shirt on your resilient Jimmy by that time they are an impasse, so it is That's why I would say: take it if you are the most vulnerable but don't give it to our kids had rights. They are not tested on anyone under sixteen, so they are ruling. I still consider sixteen a kid yet if I may be wrong, but I don't think you're not recommending it for anyone under sixteen at this point, its emergency youth use authorization. So, but that's where their headed they I mean bill gates, wants the entire world vaccinated. With this thing now, thank you I don't need the vaccine. I don't want the vaccine yeah, we noticed that this point by. Why and I support your right on per, especially especially on personal liberty grounds to be able to say no, we should always there should not be mandating this thing, and the good thing about this particular vaccine, unlike others, is that if the effective
as is as high as they expected to be. There's no there's no justice. Viable reason to mandate it now. your comment: will do it anyway because he's a terrible human being in every way possible, but there's no, if there's an if you're ninety percent eighty per cent effectiveness There's no reason to two to mandate this. If you're living in Illinois, Wisconsin Michigan California, New York, New York you're going to be you to be mandated, because there ok, my baby. I believe that dirty which is right. The first we'll constitution, the feds could never mandate and no never it's against the constitution. I don't know nine a shame, ass, yeah bite and is even saying: I'd have to go to individual governors to get them to do right, so the individual governors are gonna have to be the ones to do it now. The fair will tie all kinds of healthcare money, Amanda I'll make it really difficult, but if you're it villages,
if you're in South Dakota. you have a governor that won't do it everywhere else is up for grabs. The I would I think be. I would be surprised if red states mandate this- I would be- I mean there may be one or two, but I am saying, generally speaking, I would I don't think that's gonna be the case again, that's positive. right. I mean like, I think, what what I'm saying is. I think it's going to be effective enough and you're going to wind up seeing the positive result of these death numbers will actually go down when enough people start having these vaccine that it's going to be in that people are fine, getting look. People all sorts of vaccines all the time than they don't have to get a minute. This is not like multinationals. Have no vaccine is really highly controversial thing. It's highly polarized, where there's a small percentage of the population who will not get them right.
and then there's a much larger percentage of put population icon ever get it over with I want to go. I want my movie theater stairs again. If I'm going away- and I am- and you are too were going on a cruise- you gotta after the vaccine to go and accrued sets like you have to have a vaccine go to Africa. Ok, can I be that's good boy, lousy internationally. There won't be a problem. If you force me to take it, I got a problem with. Please don't do this, I don't know, there's an I'm sure, there's no one out there. That would actually care about the outcome. Does he know what Andrew Cuomo does not care, how many people get covert in estate? He cares about how many books books he sells and how good he to the media and how many times you can go on tv and brag about himself but like if you act, surely care about this, vaccine being successful and people. getting cold. Nineteen do not
mandate the vaccine is humanity. The vaccine you'll get a giant chunk of the population who will not get it because you ve mandated and that's exactly why they will do it because it will provide us even more right. Let me stop quick. Tell you about aim at the association immature american citizens. It's the replacement free, our peak as a r p. Socks went on? I almost went on La Hague. Mac you're not only getting the kind of benefits you deserve and need, but you are also going to be part of a conservative activism group, while you're the process, now in Washington, a MAC voter fraud petition is going on two hundred and sixty five thousand seiners. I two weeks ago, it's growing every day the petition is active in D C, and it's going to the state governors. The attorney general, the secretaries of state, stay legislators, members of the house, the scent
Attorney General William BAR who I've got a lot to save her can't keep track. Of these things hand stand with AIM act as they fight the good fight by becoming a member. Today you know the only person it could be worse and lukewarm gas and he is being considered. The benefits are the cause is even greater join right. Now, if I may see DOT, U S, slash back, that's a MAC! are s. Slash back. A MAC is better better for you, for America, ten second station Eddie so they poured noise in the news again for a rant on the insanity of New York politicians list. To this New York City. this clause, indoor dining. What It's gonna happen what,
What are they gonna happen to thousands or restaurants depart there done they scratching Claude and now a few politicians, in New York is like you're done with shut it down. No wonder how do you expect these people survive all people at all After dinner now in ice cold temperatures, it sadly in this isn't about crawling around. Dangerous and laws wasn't rising. It's not! I can't believe in this country I consider the most basic right of them all the way to earn a living. There to earn a livelihood, is now being stole. It is stolen by few politicians who believe they are small. Than me in you, they believe the right to tell me and knew how to live our lives, something never magic basic food, terms? They are stealing oversight. They are stealing it of ice, our powerful and I work might kill a bone for decades and I got
to the point of making it a new pull the plug. Without we have the chance, I would their die. If somebody wants to go out, where do you think you're going house parties, it does It will make sense, you're not protecting the people, the people who belongs, restaurants are still going out. I promise you all you're doing is ruining thousands and thousands and thousands of lies. Absolutely right. He's apps, lovely right. Restaurant Businesses are starting to stand up as They should do more in a minute. This is the Glen Back programme. Ellen West says: maybe we need to secede. Maybe we need if we were gonna talk to him next sure you agree now is the best time of any to have
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dot com, great holiday gift. Ok, we have Lieutenant Colonel Island West. On with us. Now he is the guy who delivered Texas and but real hard. The things that are going here in Texas going on. with the with the Democratic Party, shady Games, millions and millions and millions of dollars coming into the state to flip it blew he kept. It read why come Alan West. How area is good which a glare America's was merry Christmas, so you said something: this weekend. If I may quote soup Gordon tossing Texas, lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states, a hundred and six? U S, congressmen has decreed the state, can can unconstitutional action and violate its own election law, resulting in imaging effects on the other states that abide by the law while the guilty say suffers? No consequence,
decision establishes as president precedent. That says so. its, can violate the U S constitution and not be held accountable. This decision, far reaching reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic per apps law abiding state should bond together and form a union of states that will abide by the constitution I'm for that. I'd like to know what you mean by that is very simple Glenn and I know that some people that have that so the carpet said about offers secession when actually the people to the violating that followed the constitution or the sedition Those that advocates a session the bottom is it. How will states be able to protect themselves ev by our constitution? They stay have agreements, and they do have a first, a member right to petition their government for redress or deports if they have a grievous against another state.
the original jurisdiction of that by the constitution go to the Supreme Court, but yet the Supreme Court just said in their decision last week of Friday that they're not going to hear they tossed it out. So how do we make sure this day who were following the law. They are universally damages because of states that did illegal act. Activities unconstitutional ashes, violating their own election law by having courts by having secretary of state The governors change election law. Where did they go to redress their grievances? and so I think it is very important- very apparent that we do start yet how these states, if we're going to uphold perfect union, which is what the preamble of the constitution said and abide by the cost Why should they have to look at how they get together and have a strong voice if the supreme? what is going to continue to take this stance that protecting law about extension, which, under the fourteenth amendment there is an equal protection under the law clause
So let's let stick with the Supreme Court decision first and then I will get to the rest of this. The Supreme Court did reject hearing it. I think that was a massive mistake, especially when half the country feels like nobody's listening to us. Nobody's even listening to us They should have listened, whether that change the outcome or not. It should I've been ruled on. However, The one thing that was ruled on was the the case itself. They threw it out and even Scalia bear it not Scalia, but tub had what have we him up with Alito Ito, Alito and and Thomas agreed with not hearing it? is a tell you. If anything were it tells me that I am very concerned that the article three of the constitution says the Corso suppose interpret law now
If all of a sudden, we have justices that decide without that they're, not gonna turbid. Law. They have actually abdicated one of them it numerator duties and responsibilities, so they shouldn't at least heard the case should have allowed. I grandpa this to come forward and make it this in order not to simply say we're not going to two applications. So therefore comes back to my statement: what protection do law abiding state hair against states that are going out there and violating the car petition about letting law you cannot have. makes it all the set aside. What would happen? Universal ballot ballot beg you, dont have absolutely true verification will accept these values, Eddie Tab after the the over the third elected it look at what is happening to your Claudia kit, ten
suppose we might well balanced and I guess we're hacks out. We found well balanced. No, if we want to talk about this enfranchising legal borders is these on constitutional acts that are doing it, but I could you said: where do people go where the states go to? Have their voices heard the right to petition their government for redress of grievances? That is the audacious about declaration of independence to Thomas Jefferson Road. So what is it? What do I would imagine the aid jeez would need to get together and and do this together to make sure that they are blocking unkind, institutional rulings, etc, etc. What does that mean to you in your eyes? How do they do that? well, I mean I am not a lawyer by trade up just a simple stupor paratroopers. It took about oath to the constitution back in nineteen. Eighty two and I just
see this as a threat. I see this is a fracture to our constitutional republic. Show is not just the state attorney general's as also the state legislators. If you are a state, led later air that Georgia pills obey your bishop are always causes. You need to rise up you to stand up and say that We cannot allow the deal. The judicial branch in our state or the executive branch in our states proceed? to serve are our duties and our responsibilities. They cannot change law. We'll do was there had been duly elected by the people to do such so I take another thing: that is to happen these by legislators, need binding and I would hope that these state legit later in these respective Force days, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Bishop, was causing we'll take an action to take a stand today. do you see that happening. Have you heard any rumblings of that
I have not, and it just goes back to be asked. The question is the courage that it took back. in seventeen. Seventy six for those fifty six man to stand up and say with these United States of America. I'm really concern They have their courage in this country. I have and thought of the only words that were spoken by George Washington during the actual constitutional convention. The Of course, New York was looking for special exceptions and handouts as usual and been frank and fought and fodder fought against it and they were starting to get. You know starting to enter into really horse trading and was getting ugly and the whole room stopped and Ben Franklin looked at George Washington and he he stood up in the only thing he really said during the convention. Were these words. Let us raise a banner
the wise and the honest, can repair the rest, is in the hands of God and what he meant by that was do the right thing. We haven't come this far to screw it up. Just do the right thing, and It will be repairable in the future, because they will see that we try to do the right thing and they'll want to do the right thing, but also when you do the right thing. Gods gonna do God's gonna do and just the except the cat the Quences one way or another. You're. Absolutely right- and you know, a lot of people took some caution. Asia. With that final status, it must stay, but if you go to the preamble of our That is what it says we, the people of these are the outer space in order to form a or perfect you was the very first. They establish justice somewhere our founding fathers booster. In order to have a more perfect you we had have constitutional
have a rule of law if we are going to the point where we don't believe that rule of law will not gonna have they bore perfect union, and that's why I talked about a union the worst they use of law about estates to abide by the council. Sure that's how we have a perfect you and your right, Neither is it what I learned to build their leaders know what right looks like and leaders don't you can choose what to do. What is right, which comes back to what the Supreme Court did last Friday you do. what is right all the time you interpret the law, that is your responsibility by the constitution. Now states had to be conserved. Where do we go to redress our grievances if the highest the land which biological jurisdiction as the only court we could go to decide. It did not listen to us so, Alan. Let me let me ask you a difficult question: say all of these things fail and-
on the twentieth of January, her whatever it is The Joe Biden has sworn in and That's just the ruling of the courts in the system in the end, the legislature and all of that, what is it going to take? get people too. come back into the fold and and not split apart Well, I think, when you do said, the ruin of course, first and foremost, of course, need to hear the people and, of course, refuse to take the people, then you're gonna have an issue cup, Jaguar, Anatolia and we cannot live in a country where every single time there's a republic at it, is like George W Bush is agenda when went Donald Trump is elected, easy just a bit less resistance. When
He only bear it is brought to the Supreme Court by constitutional process, she's a legitimate break habit, also legitimate. We cannot have progressive socialists believe that they can rule by absolutism in total, apparent as about everything it does it agree with them, is illegitimate. So I think that the first and foremost the american people need to go by the electoral process, the ballot process. But if you start, man, daisy disorders at the crease should have down such as black flag laws such as, Tori, a goodbye bags, you don't these days. I believe that the there Some people have a right to say no. Thank you very much lieutenant colonel oil and west. Thanks for your stand in your time this morning, preceded thank you, gotta go. God bless you a merry Christmas that was what I was looking for, a cause, that's where that's where I am ok, our eyes
fight until the very end, but when the end is there and nobody's listening? Ok, but if they start with unkind the additional things and they start taking away the things that are guaranteed in our rights at a different ballgame, is an entirely different, ballgame Honey. Is our sponsor this half hour the last minute. Christmas shopping last minute, because when you're shopping online, you after factor in shipping time specially now, while you're at it, could be using honey? The app that will save you money when you shop for one more week, there is a great honey giveaway honey is helping to pay for a million dollars worth of free gifts, this holiday season, its Thoust surprisingly prizes each week to honey yours users. It might as well be you a list of the gifts you want from certain stores and honey is gonna. Watch it twenty four seven to let you know when
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if the Supreme Court with Lieutenant Colonel Le Alan West- and I think I agree with his last statement is, if I heard it right, you fight until it's over and then when it's over, you gather yourselves and stand for the constitution and if they start violating, if they start with things like, as he said, red flag laws, especially through executive order. They start. Mandatory registration for your gun. I am not doing that doing. We all mandatory buyback, no I'm not selling, but mandatory buy back would weird term. That is. That is not what it is. It's just it's come it's. It's conversation for confiscate escaped through skating. Your property relegates like is not its companies. and confiscate is that what it is, but that's not a that's, not a bypass yet Emmi. Look there. We have to constantly
these battles. We ve been fighting in the whole time. I mean we talked them under republican precedents where you have to fight against people taking your constitutional rights. That's always been part of of what we're doing here. I it becomes more and more intense, as people get right. of these social and political norms? Where They are talking about doing all these things that I would argue our unconstitutional. We have to fight against them and that you know that, there are obviously lines set out in the way that we do, that is important, but with corrosive fight for your constitutional rights, and I will fight for them. Whether it was Democrats or Republicans told I am totally in I wished. I said I could give you examples from that. Even this administration that I thought they d the bump stock banner. That was absolutely unconstitutional right. I ain't an egg, and that was something a trumpet and we talked about it a lot that at that absolutely you have to fight for those things. You have too many
if you don't do that, if you, if there are not people who were sitting back and and and saying, wait a minute There are lines here. There are constitutional lines that cannot be crossed with people, keep talking this in the in the context of the election, and that tromp is doing things that no other presidencies done. First of all, all these things been done by Democrats before and perhaps even a recent elections. Even in two thousand sixteen many nice things were done. Look at this kind of as a you. These are attorneys right, These are looking for work every way possible to get their person to win. We knew happened with people with John Kerry and Al Gore. It's happening with with Trump. Here You could say that maybe this one's valid in the last ones were it, but the bottom line is these: these teams are going to fight for their team to win using every legal act of a pathway they can think of. That's that's
that's crazy in our system. In fact, you could argue if you were to say that there is absolutely no fraud right, but you say, for example, no fraud at all everything went down the exact way. It was supposed to you, argue that our system has worked really well right? You could argue, that you would say well if this precedent, if let's say. Brok. Obama was doing this. The fact that these are broken up around the different states of different systems, protects against someone overreaching. So if there actually is over region, there's nothing to these cases, then, system is going to reject that. We just have to Should the system take stays together because of it breaks apart, more every other nation on this earth and we ve seen what that's lead to new constitutions riots, all everything crazy thing all going on. It's bad. They are best banks Venezuelan Venezuela are back in just a second
You know if you're in the age range where you're starting to think about joking seniors group or if you're already a member of one, it's important to know that there are not only other options, but there is a much better option than a r p. It's called a MAC, the association, immature american citizens, and it is the way you wanna go when you join a MAC, you not only to get all the benefits that you're looking for, but you are also going to be involved with conservative activism on the ground level. Right now, for example, a MAC is continuing its drive to keep the focus on the covert nursing home deaths from
to end centre by backing support bills and pressure campaigns. This is the kind of thing that you're not gonna, get anywhere else. People representing the things that you believe in and standing up for you that's why you have to get with a MAC stand with aim as they fight the good fight become a member. Today, benefits are great, but the cause is even greater. So joint right now, AMA see dot. U S, slash back, that's a MAC dot! U s! Slash back. A MAC is better better for you better for America guy and welcome to the programme here, fewer along time listener of mine? You know that there is one book that I have recommended so hard. I mean it's probably etched in to your memory. When I say the words, five thousand year leap you're like oh. I don't talk about that again. I think that the best book on the american principles. I've ever read.
I think it is so important that every single household, every child, every a d reads the five thousand yearly. I have seen another book that good. that important and timely until the book I'm the introduce you to next I didn't write it, nay I'll get a dime from it. I wish I would say We can get some money from this there's, always as always away. Ok, call Andrew Cuomo, we'll find a way will introduce you to that book in sixty seconds, the green back ran about you about one of the things that most excited about this holiday season is food. Yes, food. I'm gonna be stuffing my face. The whole time- and I dont have you seen, but I have a very large face yet is getting bigger, something wrong the camera, I think there
our problems with cameras all over the place, right notice it all the time I shall try, really live near like five year. By that somebody will exert forty pounds higher than I somehow or another that camera technology is getting into the meares of my house to guess right. It's the same now we ve got. This is part of its isn't Snowden. Where are you conspiracy, so conspiracy to make us feel fat anyway? the food veto lux guerrilla assortment is available now from Omaha Stakes, free burgers of eager for free burgers. When you get one of these specials you're gonna gets, aches and hot dogs and chicken I mean it's, it's just the best. If you ve never had a normal at stake, you don't know how good and how tender stakes can be. Omaha snakes go to Omaha stakes, dotcom enter back, the end of the search bar and that's where you going to find all the specials for the griller packages, all ready to go for Christmas for you or for someone else, Omaha
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so be number one question. I am asked online in person, skywriting, I'm expecting sky writers to say what do we do that is a topic. I think for the first of the year because it requires much more prayer, than I have afforded it at this point, the thing that we, I know we must do is recognize that much of what's going on is our fault, because we didn't educate ourselves We didn't educate our children, we thought we were because we put him think how stupid this is we put them in a state, run school and expected that state run school that was getting federal funding to teach our children, never trust the state or the federal government
cuz, I'm going to work out. Well, it's not gonna work out. Well, and it hasn't so. The first thing we have to do is re educate ourselves, and if you are looking for a Christmas gift, If you are just we just want to make sure that you oh, the american story. I want you to buy the new book called, and I have nothing to do with this. The IMF, reckon story. The beginnings there. since by David in TIM Barton, it is the best book that they have ever read. that they have ever written it is. It tells our story in very short chapters. and really takes you from just before pilgrims, and take you through the founding in the separation of church and state and everything else and the thing. Is it has like gosh? What is this of fifty page
fifty page footnotes in the back, so you don't have to I don't have to trust David Martin boys boys? It's it's much more than fifty pages. You don't have trust David Martin, the author You can go. Look it up for yourself. The american story get there for your family for Christmas, get one for each kid David well the programme? ask of building Europe your sound, like you're in a bad cell, spot David so tell me the book, I you know you gave this to me. What about month ago, month and a half ago, it's just like you, I thought this was a galley ok, here's a new book read. This is a gala, it's the actual book, it's finished and then so I didn't say anything. I started to read it and David ICE. I think I finished the first. I sat down to read: it
I ended up at the Boston massacre, which is age. One hundred and twenty nine before I got up- and I was like oh my gosh- the time has flown This is fantastic, fantastic, David Thank you, sir. Here it S. Kind of what we ve learned over the years is that the story of America is best. Tolerance lorries amazingly and that's what we ve gotten away from in recent decades. Deep the past centuries has progressed through the command. We just don't tell stories well anymore and when you look at the stories and whether it be the Boston massacre or whether it be back to the pilgrims the even Columbus there's gotta be the greatest bill in the world today, and I simply because we know another story which is now the narrative that that groups like sixteen nineteen and others with would push on us. And we on us, always anymore. So that's all that was really important. Get out was to go back to the people who they are and tell the story of what occurred and, as you said, we put not
it all. Our objective is to document truth, and so we go back a little sources that within for years, and that will be the basis of telling the Americans die every day It is it's really fantastic and you ve told you told Christopher Columbus story and gosh twenty, no, not even that ten pages, ten pages. The everything you need to know about Christopher Columbus, it least just to get a handle. On who he really was and what really happened and so you start there. Then you go through the rough reformation, which is what three or four pages tell them in such a clear and concise way, and you dont get bogged down. In all of the stuff that usually, is on your history test that mean anything. You know I mean the iron.
that was may Glenn, because I was a math and science guy was the principle the school I taught. Math aside, I hated history. I did not like history instead we wait on it and tell I started point in the store and when we literally started collecting the all stop, you got my gosh. I've never heard this bill who's, this guy, never never what chance woollen never heard of a jack certain always Blackie rose. It suddenly started pop up. The american revolution why we wouldn't be America without these black, he was too I've never heard these gaps and soda for me, and history was finding out all the stuff tat I had never been exposed to and what was considered to be a thoroughly fairly rigorous, educational training that I had I'd never heard anything and so now I love you must reconsider stories, but that's not where America has been for a while. I think I was content by perish typical of a lot of people in the region. we don't like. Yesterday, in that
we're trying to get around this book? You have seven chapters just on the pilgrims to the pure Puritans. Why an appeal? as it turns out this. Is it let? Let me back up to say one of the things that we ve done over the years is weak change, the attacks on different aspects of history and not knowing, if the true or not, we go back and say what it is, that accurate and let's go back and see what the truth is, and so will research it so. We really aware of a lot of the thing that attack American, so many ways of sixteen nineteen project is one of those. Now, the time we were doing this, but four years ago, sixteen nineteen project hadn't come up yet, but we'd you surely attacks coming from the preposterous etc and so the
it is that America is founded as its great Schreiber well founded on slavery, everything about America, slavery, the free market system is based on slavery. That's why you can't have it anymore and everything is that way? Except? That's just not do it wasn't America, slavery did command, but it didn't come in. Sixteen ninety occurs legal cases slavery. Sixteen fifty want should at Miss Battle ready, but it was not the Jamestown people that got it enough with the could and what they brought their the ones. You brought the free market. once you ve brought equality they're, the ones you brought great relations with native Americans. They are the ones who established private property to things than men, the boys and didn't come out of sixteen nineteen or drank down they paid out of the former people they came out. the Bible, oriented reclamation of it said: hey, there's with the scripture says how we get along with others and about how it how we work and how we have private crop and how we have free market back. What the two could narratives is not sixteen nineteen, MR cope,
that's always been a little more time on that to show how did they developed all the good things of America and they don't need to be. Or they are just because the sixteen nineteen project was wrongly claimed, but bad narrative and you cover down as well, and you talk about you talk about pilgrims, you know when you say they were for frank, private property. They weren't always for private property when they we're coming over. They had almost a united order. They had PA homo socialism or communism is what we're going to do based on everybody. Being you know a lot. brother in Christ, we'll just put everything together and it didn't work out. Work out and ass. One of the things I really like up about the pilgrims is the courage they had to change. their own lives and abandoned what they had previously believed if they found what the truth was and in their case they grew up in a world that everybody in the world at that time got slavery,
was fine everybody in the world that cannot happen at a habitat. Top heavy government was a good thing to do what it was a king mark or something else nobody in the world the time was busy, since I practice each socialism slash communism and so that's what they ve done up in, but as they take the individual time to give them the scriptures if they went, and did you see the postscript to set that now, we ve been doing for the last five hundred to seven hundred years, and so they really really great tankers in the sense that they would look at things objective way say: hey, that's what the scripture but weren't. Doing that? Let's do it the scriptures, that's good! That's gonna walk out better and they did have the courage to take themselves. John and changed so many things with a beard and so even as the Dublin avoid Brad would shed, he said we we had. The socialists exist on as if we were wiser than God, and then we found what the truth was and that's what I appreciate that the programmes is the fact that they were looking for truth and when they found they had the courage.
to apply it and if they had not have done that, we would not have the model that we have, that culture and its a great, for America to follow that they are really great examples of using the scientific theory? Are they not? They are You know that for me I am new cruiser it right now and I hear Never in my life thought that truth, as is important. I think it is now then I am Solomon, and I know that those areas probably why I don't know what the truth is yet another I've find that shot. I'm learning how to do things out that I've never had to dig out before and I have come. to the point where I can no longer accept what any We got to the last several decades with good intentions. We didn't think our teacher for specifically lying to us we thought they were doing what they could within take. The media were specifically lying to us. Now, would avoid that anymore, and so the question is who come to us? How come to Us- and we can't find- was accurate
it's true. What had been elections stopper, whether it be in what's goin on educational economic, anything else. There are folks now who are just repeating stupid, stop because that's what they were told and we just can't trust the good intentions anymore so really been on a quest for truth and going, I can find out what is true and a lot of things were talking about. Netbook really have not been presented through american education and probably eight your daddy years so it s been a rediscovery journey for me, but it takes that scientific carpet inquiry to go back and test everything you check it out and look at the good result check the evidence, and I think that that work is going to have get back to is not only do we have to have a lot of good now we have to go find the truth, and that is something that we have not had to do in America four hundred years with trusted our teachers with trusted our leaders. We trusted the portico people. You know we may be in jeopardy
is what they want in their accounts: bad, weak, make that assumption anymore and I were in a whole different period and naturally kind of is driven later to do what we did in this book but you accomplished it and then some as I say, and I and you know I mean this desire, I wrote to you, I'm not just saying this on here. I write It to you, after I finish the first hundred and twenty some pages, in one sitting I said David. This is an exceptional book I mean it is the one history book that I would urge every home to have only a no the only other book. I have really just pounded on that. Is the five thousand year leap it is the one that gives you all of the principles of America and if you understand those principles, you Stan how you can re created. You also understand what's wrong with America, this
the american story, the beginnings needs to in every listener home it don't don't buy it too digital Download by it to have a paper copy it in your home, the american story, the beginnings by David and TIM Barton did can you buy? The Sun Amazon here it's available on all major Alex it's better than one. I could probably saying here David. Thank you very much. The America story. The beginnings could you hold for sex? I want to talk to you after the break about something else ok hold on thanks David aright persuading the weekend in DC and hanging out of the White House Christmas Party, I'm coming conclusion that you know what the president needs right behind the oval office right there by the garden just a little patio, he needs a girl Yes, he needs.
have driven them out of their mind if you just draws erecting a deserted throat, erect check out there. It would be like Greeley outside damn right. Damn right. the Iraq Mcdonald's into those outside that this would be a much better move So the food is great at the White House. Trust me. It was really good, not complaining whole staff, a people who you are six dollars or paying for just a cook all the meal, all the meals when the president could just throw stake on the back. Just yes, take the thermometer in it and it would take care of it, everything EC scare, the temperature and just look the president on his phone. that hey, you're foods done anyone be better for the taxpayers cheer and it would drive the press out of their mind. It's worth it. I say we get a wreck. Tech for the White House, wrecked tech follow social media signed up for their newsletter, unifying all kinds of new recipes and Europe. Got to enter this community. It's really cool. Are I see tee?
Q with a queue at the end. Its wreck, tech, dotcom rector dot com, Ten seconds station, I D David Martin is with us he's talking about his new book, the american story, the beginnings that he wrote with his son, who, David must be so proud. Your son is, is just an exceptional man, exceptional man, there, he is, and he is far surpassed in so many areas, and I am so proud of in doing that I have learned a lot of history from here because he's a generation that questions linked differently than I did and so he's much more familiar with. What's be talk today, which is why that the leadership training programme, so cool casino, so aware of watch out there and has dug into it and found
the truth about issues, and so I've learned so much from him We have been so way laid by the election this year, we we're going to start our leadership printing, perhaps on line before the end of the year. Obviously, we're not gonna be able to do that, but we will do it in January. once everything comes down because the bloody people don't know this, but David is involved politically, in many many states, and so he is always travelling canyon We ve got about two minutes David. Can you tell me your thoughts on the Supreme Court case They sat on Friday at others not not. They rejected rejected hundred seven too, but that the other two said even we accepted that we would not a girl protectors. Really unanimous rejection. So it's not a partisan thing. Necessarily it standing thing. There are still came three cases at you, a Supreme court. Are there still a lot left to do this thing
I wish I discovered over the weekend to try to get a protective order lifted so that we can see the forensic evidence of what can happen, those twenty two menu machine, so this thing is still far from over, but the de legalized have certainly been on the Texas rejection but that is certainly not the full story. I will. I will tell you it's me interesting, that we came out and found out that the Russians did hacking, to the government, including the Treasury, they have access for a while and they were used. They are hacking into a specific system, the same system used by the voting machines, and yet man can you that would have broken and the world's were reversed, but the new. Would be all over that it's a russian hack, it's a russian act yeah we knew about that actually a year ago, when I guess he's doing the prince examinations. Talk to our The slayers year gone said: hey here's the deal, here's what the Russian said DOT, which body with a comment and any
you're a girl, he was telling the legislators about this. He's one of the guys intimately involved in what's going on with the French of dad if you're right. This is stuff that it should have been news. It was not. It should have been, though, David Martin. Thank you. So much we'll talk again, my friend David Barton, the name of the book, is the american story. The beginnings it is, and tat stick all we noted and she'll from Columbus. to the end of slavery with Lincoln Glenn Back programme. Our rights are answer is gold line the electoral colleges convening their voting right now? What is the? What's? The? What's the vote so far too.
Nothing has gone: ok, no, no faithless electors or anything like that. So far, it's all who all too the projected plan as they are certifying the winner of the presidential election. Today we're already me. You know printing money with with us are JANET Yellin whose likely to blame the? U S dead into the stratosphere. and send the dollar to the bottom of the ocean. Please, Please do your homework before the end of the year and find out of gold or silver is right for you find. how you can even self direct your retirement account, they have a special going on how to have physical gold and silver delivered directly to your front door. It is never too late to get started. One of the great products is one that I helped create: Cobo Gold legal tender bar. You can break it into ten pieces. It's available limited time. Only gold line, dot com call them.
six six gold line. Good ablaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenda, promo code is glad you save Ten box under subscription to play tv. Do today this is the Glenn Beck program. This weekend we sat down my wife and I we went over the Christmas list. We've checked it twice now we're trying to figure out. When do we have time to go, get any of it. Her even spend time to go online to get it but MRS right around the corner. We ve just die introduced a new website today, that is convenient. I guess for Christmas, If you are in to any of my polluted, art or covert art most well, don't know that I buy paint I do and you can go to Glenn Back art, dot, com,
right now, Glenn Back art, dot com and we ve just got Few of my paintings up will be adding more, but we have the code series in the political series which I really like, both of them As a result, we should point out that you were named the one hundredth most important person in the world of art. Yes, it is true. by some art magazine many years ago two years ago, and I still think it applies. I think you hold what you're there you're you're all you're. Always there always our only saying that, because they meant it is as a slam, and we want to make sure that we hold onto that title and let them know how important it makes us feel it. Does it very important to all of us know, that's why I can remember the name of the magazine, so it's so much of my heart for migration. I swear I wouldn't wires Ehrenberg but Diana. Yet the two series here are pretty interesting. I love on the even election series and you wouldn't
think of going back as a guy who gives weight, loss tips less than a sailor right. This is a day this a good one, and I do love this nice love. This is as lose weight fast. try socialism and as you know, is risk it was. I was working in my sketch pad on this one end. My wife was like what are you drawing like I'm trying to draw Like a skinny ethiopian kid. I can't get him right and she's like what. What are you doing as I'm gonna tolerance wait fast, try, socialism, so it's a little venezuelan and hours with both ways lose weight fast like quickly and also be your private
in a fast, your way, yet weight loss. Yet when you try socialist great you're eating zoo animals within a month, it's fantastic. You have great Alexandria, Cassio, Cortez Creepy Head, which I, which I love the great war about who what with the real russian collusion, was even look at that the gas can. Next to it, I really like the gas can and people are like. Why is at an election serious, because I look at its called the media? and I just they are just they poor gasoline on fires. All that all the time, they're burning the whole country down Japan, oh and his little wooden boy is also very good. What's the last one which one the last one, the end avarice nature, poison, and What's the story right now and I just
I like the idea of a bubbling brew of poison what's poisoning. What's killing our society? What's killing us And I had hard time deciding what that poison would be. I I actually Who's gonna make a series of a whole bunch of different poisons One of them was fame one of whom was fortune but dust decided this one was avarice now now you're, over series is completely clear, conflicting me because they are so York, covert gothic current issues. You know like that You know: what's the name, it is, it's called American Gothic right to day the either in the bay of most people, think it's his wife, but its is actually his father and his daughter. farmers standing in front of their house and he's got the pitchfork,
the picture million time. Yeah yours there wearing masks fried chicken right again zoom in on yours. If you look around you look in her eyes and she's like dad what's gonna, What's happened in here Conflicts me most about this. One, though, is appears you actually of talent I got a phone, it's actually really well done and I waited his back dude. You know to be really bad it pretty much everything this is there. That's the only whether you think that was, I would say, is the most, maybe the most impressed when the Abraham Lincoln One is really amazing, as well a bit mean they're, all really good. I like the guy that aver it's my favorites are the covert gothic. The keep and carry on with Winston Churchill? The Abraham Lincoln shall not perish from the earth and The covered with the Indian that comes from an old apple box from them teen, forties
and I don't remember what it's a baby California up on their own California apples everything. I've ever seen, Abraham Lincoln wearing a surgical mask before no nowadays, nobody, its one hundred percent approved by the state o good. So it's really it's good and if you ll notice on the Winston Churchill Mask its China, on the mass area. Is you try to rid the indian? says I just adjusted produced really the Apple box thing except said, California discovered, and then the little little ball and sides as from China. And his metal that he's wearing around his neck says natural one hundred percent made by hand. Thought makes you feel better so, but that was good as great stuff, Glenn Back art, dot com, and if you order now, you can get them their g place that this is a stretched free, Canvas
suitable for framing or hanging as is, but you can get them now, Ecklund back art, dot com, hopefully after the new year, will make some t shirts and some mugs and things like that. I've stopped see how long that takes to be get that ready butter in May. Will You have that up in a couple of days, don't know if it'll make it for for Christmas, but the art we'll make it for Christmas. We have the eyes in house and ready to go. So if you want to order that you can get it for Christmas, so you can give it to whoever a love one, maybe a person you hate. You know somebody like. They gave me this ugly art and I dont know what to do with it and they come over all the time. So I can't like keep it in a closet. I gotta hang it because they ll say where? Is it I've done that before by the way I have done that have given people something really hideously ugly ends, This is so important to me. I I've for years and
it would mean so much if you'd hang it in your home and then open it up and its real all areas, and then there, like, oh that now, we can't take that from you knock nano. I've waited for a long time for the right person, and I just think it would be perfect in your house and then I dont tell for about a month and I visit them often during that month. Just to me, sure that its hanging and every time I leave their like? What are we gonna? Do I tell him, we hate this art men income in about a month later, and I tell them by the way I got that that a garage sale like tat Before I start by your, how that's that's like your friends? Why don't you have a lot more sums for some strange reason I had. I don't seem to have a lot anyway. It's Glenn Back art, dotcom polemic, art, dot, com. All right. What are you deal with sick kids at home are monitoring the overall health of the people who work for you
I can assure you there is a better way than what you're doing right now. Taking temperatures can be a real pain in the, but literally especially, if taking it with babies you're with children at any time. Having them, you know, sit still long enough to get it and if you use and one of the ear thermometers those things They vary so wildly There is a way to get a really accurate, consistent temperature and it's called Timpan toss. This is this, tempered, tosses the best new way to take temperature accurately four hours at a time. It's a paper thermometer that just it's too late forehead and once it's there, it gives an accurate temperature read out all day long. So you're not wrestling the kids it's just there. They don't even notice that its there, if you have employees. This is what to Ford Motor Company is using in all of their assembly lines. Their use These paper monitors from Temple toss because you can
see immediately what somebody's temperature is tempered toss it's available now at ten toss dot com, slash back to work. You can get by bulky known five thousand at a role. If you want three to five thousand Earl or you Let's go to major retailers. If it's just for you in the family, it's Timpan toss, dot com slash back to work listening to back now welcome to the Glenn by program. Sorry we're just talking about about my art- and I dont know why was do just brought up aid- I heard this fake. Our thing is Aki memory on like you are, that isn't actually like legitimately what it says it is, so people pay all this money, for these actions are not so much of it is fake. Tell I was surprised at the numbers is very percentage. Oh yeah of this, they believed tat big time they you know when I what.
for the museum. I bought a Winslow Homer, who is one of the asked american artists out there and he did something during reconstruction that very anti slavery. you know the story, but nobody wanted to bid on it at this time, because nobody wanted to own painting of slaves, even though its a Winslow homer and when we went through it. The people that I bought it through. They were like we will check on it will check on. I mean X rays. The can was tested. Everything was tested to make sure that is the real thing, and that was shocking. But apparently people are very good at faking, stuff, yeah like there it's the documentaries called there are no fakes and about one of the guys it's featured in is the guy one of the guys from naked Ladys, the band
apparently went and tried to buy some pizza. That was very expensive and then later on kind of came to the conclusion. It wasn't real and go through the whole thing, as it's really well, It's like I was it is about my my wife. You know she is a wedding ring, obviously in she wears it and jewellery, and I should go it's only this much money. I think I myself like it could be any amount of money. I have no idea if it's real or fake. I have no idea whether it's just a shiny thing. You wear and, like honestly, a good part of me hopes its fake. You know why, because if you ever leave me, I've got nothing how can sell at its base our drive, I don't care from over shredding about now. Would you walk out that door? You gotta have done without your router weighted down. So did you buy it You bought her the ring, or did she ribaut? You know what I mean when you for initially be harassed. Railways ring has been updated now,
currently. One full diamond mines were so heels away and were so she's updated all she while she makes recommendations Ok, ok, you know it's a good Christmas present, birthday an anniversary flag day. I don't I don't. I do that with five z eat we're married to the opposite. If I was married to LISA we'd be broken because I'm just like she Antonia is just like you. I that's why it makes such a good relate to Estonia. Doesn't care about any lets them? She doesn't want any that stuff. You know I've been put for I don't know how many weeks now about Christmas Christmas Christmas leave us some idea. The entire family is about to have an intervention. If it's my Andy thing and should be like, I don't well. I. No, I dont need anything. So
Austria, so frustrating yeah. Why don't have that problem? I links sent directly you like that, I I think very good night I would like that could see. That's what I do to Michael had so nice its links. That is not surprising that the only thing because she just she'll by something in it, we'll be right, then, should be like I just I don't I hate buying stuff for you and I'm like well, it's it's saying because I buy stuff for you and you don't wear it or don't like it or whatever, and just like we're. Just in the send me a link portion, of our relations, that is what our it's fine, it's fine, the first, whatever how many years it was that I was together with my wife, who was a lot of like this. You know, like big surprises in really create a gift giving and now it's like. She just send me a link, or so Put it on our instagram as I, just go to my instagram. You can find it there s a page made me do I tried it and then just put the link their analysis. That's what I'm supposed TAT S? Fine, that's great! I we know
at some level, usually if you'd like fighting it to my wife and used by ties for me, and I like ties never liked to tie she would buy for me, and so there I'd be like Ok, I love it, I love it and then she would say Come you rarely where my tie and, unlike only rare it when I know I'm going to be with fixed, so you think that I love it and I don't. I don't lie so there are two different cultures when it comes to that. And my wife- and I come from different schools on that as well, and that, like I've, heard her get present and give presence to other family members and analytic. Oh, my gosh. I don't like this at all like at Christmas. rob the present, all God this. I would never wear this. I would never wear their right to each other, and I like that. I kind of like it that there is something endearing about it. Although it's it's like, I don't I don't
I've ever seen as direct as they are in there. I kind of like that. I like that, actually gets here. You know, because you always follow it up with look if you don't like it, just return it now. I love that I love it yeah you don't and then you're stuck with it and you should return, but on the other side, there's really I mean it's the thought that council is somewhat of a meaningless slogan, but it is a factor that write like someone who likes. You has gone. Their way to purchase something for you, no lesser teenagers Gazette they just go out to a store, and there like that. give me a weighty have teenagers. They are actually they don't teenage boys. Bancaire does not care walks in just that. It says we're
the greatest uncle nine Odette at honey. I don't celebrate and understood and that it was just in the czech outline if that's what it was, that mistakenly fell into my basket. But later this right, I was thereby in something else and mom said. Have you got your dad gift yet and It was already in line here. It is baby, roofs bless you a merry Christmas and that's why I tell him every year you know you getting in my will. My best regards subject, and I have put that in my will and two rafe, because I I always in some parts me so want to be dead, so I can watch his what s it. When the attorney reads, and to my son brave I leave. My past regards it does say, pause
while reading this allowed to him relay yes, because they have that John Reed. You remember that movie boosters millions back in the day they had like that the guy who, as you know, the uncle or whoever it was. You have recorded a video bright where he actually read the thing and just explained it. I mean that Somebody's gonna can I be, must be it cheer the family tat. I mean to some extent that when I say because I blown everything else. It's all gone that might temper the car but he had been a bit
Transcript generated on 2020-12-20.