« The Glenn Beck Program

The Riots Return | Guests: Rep. Jim Jordan & Dr. Pippa Malmgren | 10/28/20

2020-10-28 | 🔗

Glenn explains how this election will really affect the average American family. Jason Buttrill recaps Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski’s interview with Tucker Carlson. New audio emerged allegedly of Hunter admitting even more of his dad’s involvement in his Chinese business dealings. Rep. Jim Jordan claims he’s authenticated Hunter’s emails. BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer was assaulted by looters at the Pennsylvania riots and joins to recap the night. An article on Medium lays out a “radical” way to deal with Trump supporters. Economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren talks about how your “digital twin” is used to track you and the possibility of government-issued digital currency. Will Texas actually turn blue?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. When programmes are no, everybody is making this about Donald Trump, and this election is not about Donald Trump. This election isn't even about Joe Biden and the corruption in his family. We are going to talk about that in a couple of minutes, but first, let's talk about your family. What this election means to you, we do that in sixty seconds is a gleam.
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tonight on glinting, if you'd, like this conversion from Biden, was bad, why our transition from their own history? Yes, because the oil industry pollutes weight into use your what else, radical Democrats and plan for his president's just days away from one of the most important elections of our lifetime. Linux boosts the terrifying agenda to completely transform Amerika what president buggies first one hundred days, America's disturbing future tonight, nine pm eastern at least indeed outcomes less Glenn. This election really is about fundamental transformation of America were six days away from that possible outcome. They have Joe Biden gets in? They are looking at an entirely different country than the one that you recognise will tell you about that tonight and we urge you to watch with friend. Maybe somebody who hasn't made up their minds yet we're gonna show you in their own words what their planning on doing in the
just one hundred days and all comment on some of this stuff and show you as we go on, but They want to throw the economy out and start something entirely new, so is that, where whereat- who do you trust to be able to bring jobs to you when Donald, took office. In January of seventeen, the unemployment stood at four point. Five percent and remember Obama, an Biden said that's the best it will ever get by queue for of twenty nineteen. It had fallen by thirty two percent just two or three point five. This included, all time lows in a blackened hispanic unemployment over. all the trumps trumps unemployment rate set- Fifty year loves you,
U S. Household income grew at an analyzed rate of two point, one from January twenty, seventeen December twenty nineteen, seventy five percent higher. The analyzed growth rate under the the ears of the Obama's end of their administration. That was a rate of one point. Two, Twenty percent faster than the rate of inflation of one point. Seven. Notably this includes black household income, growth rate of three point, one, nearly double the rate of inflation, and here, where it really matters the way age growth for people. like you, non executive workers it true added anemic point: Two percent during the entire. Eight years of the Obama administration.
From Q, one twenty seventeen two December of twenty nineteen, your wages, grew over three percent in twenty eighteen. a largely because of the tax cuts said another way, the new on executive. U S, worker wages grew one hundred and eighty seven percent faster under Donald Trump than underbrush. Obama- This is about your family. This is about your wallet but these also who we are. Do we want somebody who is corrupt. in office they ve made all kinds of charges on Donald Trump, but they have apps. lately no evidence but look the overwhelming evidence on Joe Biden, last night, one of job
I business partners was on, Hocker Karlsson, and he has said he's just had enough. we bring in Jason Buttress who is opera chief free, searcher and national security adviser on the programme. Welcome Jason. How are you thinking, Glenda Unwell, so tell me what what you pull old from this interview last night I keep waiting to see the smoking gun that I believe is out there that I think they can find, but its direct money going straight towards Joe I'd yet you're. Looking for a wire transfer- and I'm I'm not sure if you will find one because of the documentation that we found that Hunter Biden was saying it's to be held for the big guy, but I It's. I really think that if it Bob Linsky last night looked extremely credible. I think that's one of the biggest thinks every
and he was talking about the locations you he was describing in vivid detail me it places like the peninsula hotel and- and that's when he talk to, I think was Jim Biden- Worry saddened, YO plausible deniability fact. Let me let me play this. This is caught. He had just said that Joe Biden he could confirm because he was part of this deal, he can confirm that Joe by is the big guy, which meant ten percent of all of the business dealings, was going to Joe Biden from China, here's how he was Third, when he said how do you expect to get away with this? Listen baubles ski on Joe Biden, plausible deniability,. I know Joe decided not to run two thousand sixteen, but what if he ran in the future, aren't they taking political risk or headline risk, and I remember being a gym buying in saying how you guys getting away with this like or aren't you concerned any sorry
looked at me laughed a little bit and said plausible deniability. He said that Yes, he said it directly to me, one on one in a cabana, the peninsula hotel. After about a, and have to our meeting with me asking out of concern, how are you guys doing this? Aren't you concern that you're gonna put your brother's your future president? Campaign at risk we owe the Chinese, the stuff, the you is it been doing already in twenty fifteen and two thousand and sixteen around the world, and I just can almost picture his face where he's sort of chuckles and says no visible deniability, so Jason first of all explain who bubble Linsky is. some obsolete was so I guess you could call a business partner, a partner with Hunter Biden and multiple other of the people that are all involved in the usual suspects deployed Devon Archer, but he was
recruited directly and he's even allege that door, Joe Biden, was actually involved directly with him in a meeting to recruit him to be the ceo of one of these companies. That arcs in these business ventures all over the world. Okay. So why I ever one thing to stew- and I were talking earlier today- the one thing I don't understand is why Why is this guy coming out? Now I mean any saying you know I came from a you know: a Navy family, so you were willing to be involved in this then, but now you're not do you have any feeling on why he changed in. Why use now standing up, I can only speculate buddy, you can tell that he was conflicted about it because he asked if they were worried politically. Why would you be worried politically, unless you knew exactly who some of these people were, that they were dealing with and nothing
talk about a little bit later. They did know exactly who they were dealing with and how they were connected with the Chinese in fact he hears the audio me. He said last night that they were proud of their relationship with. The Chinese but also sounds like Biden was vetting you to some extent. Yes, of course, like I didn't really to meet with Joe, they were What's that I meet would show, and you know he's pudding is hunters says this in writing. It was a reference multiple times were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They know exactly what they were doing there dealing with the Chinese owned in surprised, run by Germany Seo. See their dead stronger natural support and political support from the chinese com. His party Attila was prison.
It's me, that's not my own words, that's how they presented to me and read me in on it and my bit, they being given earlier and another being Hunter Biden who was very proud of that and taking credit for it. When I sat with him for two hours patio, the Chateau more Martineau, lay proud that they were doing a deal with the Chinese Communist Party, proud that they were. Did he the relationship with Chairman ye who was running sea of sea and the ability for them to get deals done around the world and stuff like that c of sea is the chinese Energy Company that they were involved. And he also said, as I watched it last night I was I was struck By how credible this guy looks and feels his answers didn't seem rehearsed It just seemed real and he talked about a meeting with Joe Biden that he was brought in and you know technical, good night in some hotel. They have
this meeting where he talked about all of the business deals yeah. I think the big thing about you know back to your previous question a wise coming out now I think looks exactly that they knew who they were dealing with. I think that now he's just sick and tired of not being able to everybody else going down and not him our or not the guidance, all of his and all this business partners that they gave to some extent been convicted in? U S federal court dealing with some of these crazy things involving like money, money laundering in one case, deadened archer, was actually convicted in this the interesting, because there was another report that There are some audio the Hunter Biden talks about about, beat him and Joe Biden being named as witnesses. A: U S court case the only other.
work is, I can think of was the one were John GLONASS, Devon, Archer and Bevin, Clooney or all convicted for defrauding. Sixty million dollars from a native american tribe now is that what he was owing to it's possible, but I mean oh, my gosh, just the optics of that right. There, media. Refuses even report on okay, so I want to take that audio, because that audio is striking. This is just released audio of under Biden on tape talking his partners. Turning on them, turning on his dad and now having them. As witnesses to you know their their crime, and we'll get into that hearing. Just sixty seconds stand by also, we have Jim Jordan on with us coming up in just a second so last night crawled into bed and cuddled. With my pillow. Pillow is the best pillow that you and it's some.
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against the grain that this is russian disinformation. This is Hunter Biden in a recording on his laptop, allegedly buddy, talking about is he's pissed off because he's talking about how Multiple business partners of his are missing. There not tie to him, and he Frances, I'm name that you shit where we should really talk about later in that's Patrick HO. Any talks about that. Another criminal case that he and his father, Joe by nor witness of than we could talk about that is well here. It is listen. I didn't call for my father did to me The New York Times is calling for old partner Eric who literally has done me harm for I don't know how long is the one taking the calls, because my father will not stop ghost era, I have another forty coy about my representation of the lily. how'd it go be spiky. A timer
restoring the company that my partner, who were three hundred and twenty three billion dollars founding It is now missing the which is leading the world is missing. It was my partner, He was missing, since I last saw is fifty million Harmon inside four billion dollar deal to be the largest in the world I use dreams of my best friend business as named me as it is. Without telling me a criminal case. without telling me while weaken. First Why would he record these things? Why would he do that
you know if it was on videotape. It would be easier to claim that it was a deep fake, but you can't fool the people's voices, yet it's easier to fake their image than it is audio, thank God. So We know this is him it's why? I Jason. Why would he do this? I I don't know, he's obviously worried about the New York Times doing a story on these relationships that he has I dont remember seeing a story from the New York Times on this, so I'm not I'm not sure what made out of it printed. It remained out of printed it. I don't think it did but he has reason to be worried and remember the audio that you just played the bite unfair. It was very proud with who they worked within China. They were very proud of those relationships or he's talking about Patrick Co. Ferko was the former secretary for home affairs in Hong Kong huh,
calling him, despite chief of China, which ledges that this guy was very well connected in the chinese communist parties, intelligence apparatus. Now admitting knowledge of this. So if he Was working in some other capacity inside Hong Kong, but at the same time cutting jobs with one of the largest firms inside China. One that will later would be found. I think it's bankrupt now, because of all the corruption, Patrick who was charged with corruption. other business party, AEGIS and Jane, I believe, was his name? You mean I'm certain region mean he just disappeared, He was one of the most richest men in China in just disappeared. both of them as soon as their name started. Getting out. They went by these are the p bull, that they're so proud these relationship, these business relationships, that's who islands or in business with over there. It's absolutely insane- and I also like to point out that southern d-
strict. He mentions that data that they were listed as witnesses Hunter and Joe Biden list as witnesses from debt Archer and a southern district in New York court case. That's the eggs! same one eye just referenced. If I could read this, this was from the: U S attorney. He said quote these defendants orchestrate a highly complex scheme to defraud a native american community and modern pension funds, all too corruptly bank roll their own personal and business interests. it says it all right there at it. Pretty much seat shows everything that involved when with that seems to be the ammo for all of us Yet the same Biden campaign was out with the native Americans telling them oh we're You're, better Franz. Exactly and here they appear to be involved in stealing. native Americans are. I thank you much Jason appreciate eggs. We just want to make sure that we are that out of the way today we ve been following this story for a year and a half
and it is all starting to break. No one in the mainstream media is actually covering any of this this did you see that interview with took her curls? Unless I eyes I saw clips of air, I watched it live and it is this guy seemed so credible yeah. I think I trouble with the same thing that you struggled with, which Sir seems to me to be. I dont, understand his motivation. Your relic mighty just cover your own, us might be I'll I'll turn states evidence I'll talk, I'll talk, I'm I'm by one I went out could be that could be be that, but I mean, if you're, protecting yourself you're a week. Way from an election where the guy I dont eyes favoured to win them and you be doing our trouble. You'd. Think. Our main problem is inserted. Everything he's saying is covered by documents, and he says he just couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take.
media covering he couldn't take everybody getting away with it and other is going to jail. maybe I'm in any case be on american patriot. Rightif came to his senses and is now doing the right thing. Many of these things happen, but it is it's an interesting story coming this. As to the election. We don't know where this audio came from by the way from under Biden. Oh, I don't know the sourcing of it, but It certainly sounds like Amity socket about all the right people so who know snout. Jim Jordan is on with this injustice. Second, and he says he can verify all of the emails, the purported Hunter Biden emails. He said they are absolutely real and they can verify it talk to him about the interview and the emails and where this goes in just a few days. Donald Trump! Isn't reelected? We
talk to him coming up in just a minute. If the Glen Back Programme here some they consider last year there were three victims of some form of cybercrime. Every single second. Every second, someone becomes a victim an awful lot of Americans in a single year. Sixty every minute that was last year, when things were so desperate. Today's connected world can be a dangerous place and dealing with it involves a whole variety of tools and that's where Norton three hundred and sixty comes in Norton three hundred and sixty is the tool box that contains everything you need to protect yourself from existing and emerging threat. That could your personal information at risk. It comes Device Security, including a VP with bank grade encryption. Aside came feature which notifies you have cybercriminals or trying to use your computer's webcam and a whole lot more Norton
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different story, but I dont know even what to believe at this point. I just know get out and vote, especially if you're in Texas or one of these swing states, your vote does matter infected matters everywhere, fearing California, yeah yeah I can only the president, but they are going to use the pop our vote as as a wedge. If he loses the popular vote, they will just use this as a reason to get rid of the electoral college and and call him illegitimate. So, no matter where you are, if you're going vote for Donald Trump. Your vote really matters really matters and the Electoral vote has been a long term project of theirs. They will get rid of it. You should see and I know you mentioned yesterday- the questionable history brought up by the daily the broadcast by the New York Times, which is usually number one or number two overall podcast of back out there.
It was they did one on the electoral college as well, which apparently was only instituted, was instituted initially, just because there is no such thing as phones or like internet There could be voted now. How do you possibly even come up with that that while they were basically let me look the only reason they instituted it? It was because people they did think people would get No, these national cow. That's not! Why now allow us, and so we want. No, that's what they said abnormally was to make sure that the big states didn't dominate. The small states died. I dont know you're talking about, then they say that it was from then on. The is all just racism. Why so they we're gonna, go to a natural, a lot worse, no phones! Until the founder said as soon as we have phones right like that
People had text messaging. There would be no look right. Ok, ok, but the people who know these National Kansas Crazy, so they just wanted in elite, has nothing to do with them. She's. I can't believe you still going with us. I heard it on the daily okay, and so it happened in the times. It's true exactly if it didn't happen in the times it didn't happen. So the first here's what they wanted their design contractors in elite group of citizens to just choose the residents alike, sorrow they just wanted them to do it straight. Then there was this racist rule I think much too institutes to keep slavery around O king, which was the winner, takes all see. This is a this is a problem that they're gonna have to work out, because the that's that's the three fifths, I'm only three fifths of observers and oh yeah that was mentioned as a huge negative, not that it was. I was to make sure that the slave states didn't have more power. They couldn't say these are not men, their slaves and then
them is man, yet that was actually presented as a terrible thing. God now it's interesting is when you ask someone about that era of history, what site? was the south on where they on the site of counting the blacks as zero citizens or were models citizen one little side was the south on this is now they wanted a count em as one. So it's interesting that people would fight off the three fifths clause, obviously the best case scenario in that era, which, with the north was fighting for, was zero. They wanted it to be zero. Why? because they wanted the south to have less power to get rid of things like Europe to keep things around, like slavery, so only way way way way way, so when the Democrats and they're going to propose this and get it done when they say Washington DC needs to be a state their due. That for power,
shockingly? That is the way things work now, of course, why doesn't exist lane? We, because the recent history on electoral college sure the reason that see everyone agreed that we should just have a national popular vote. Oh this is still the New York time yet now I should like this the analyses that having ok, ok, how her and at that point everyone agreed National Popular wrote. Absolutely the where I lived in those years ass I for George Wallace, several Wallace wallet was the guy he's running as a third party. Right only reason they kept the electoral college around was to keep segregation. Go. Are you making this up? This is a vicious exactly they said I mean it loses. This was the case as to why we have the electoral okay. So George Wallace's involved how so he was running as eight as your members, a third party, and so he went in there. Everyone wanted the popular vote, no in Rwanda popular vote, because I want to win the southern states, get this thing thrown to the house so that I can become resident or at least wheeled all the power, and so I can say to the Republican or the Democrat hey
I'm to your site on that Europe will get these votes to your site? If you, let me keep mile at my segregation, hang on Justice and George, while I was a member of which party did they didn't mention it that is measured shockingly. This was not part of the history, but I assume repugnant based on the internet so that they would have mentioned NATO if he was a republic with third party cases of ethnic minority. Can he was carried out very well, not to see it all, that's good and then wait way way way way, so they want to do with Wallace. The Democrat that way, third party he he wanted this, so he could. He could have all of the the power and naked throw it. The house kind of, like with the Democrats, are planning to do with this election, throwing it too House, yes, well, I really would easily, according to the UN, to know at least enjoy in core. According to the.
Election integrity Raja they are they doing a lot of planning and strangely exam equally. The same plans that happened. During reconstruction and with George Wallace, it's weird representative, Jim Jordan, is with us now he's the GNP House ranking member Jim. How are you, Sir Tyres, when are you there What are you doing here? I sit that very good. First wall power things looking in Ohio, good, real good, the energy and the presidency to set the group s it feel dislike. Sixteen, you don't have the present one hour state by half point, so I feel good about The old line up quickly, Easter. I think that former former Odd Democratic, tromp Republicans for you, the union Democrats, in its up on Wednesday. You know where it with the republican Party? No, I was no longer the wine, a cheese Republicans where the beer and blue jeans or company you can feel that dying.
make while the momentum and energy came from our side, but you're broke it about our states. So I hate to talk about this with the election looming, because I don't think it is going to change anybody's votes, because the mainstream media is completely ignoring it, but I don't We get so far behind in the story that we can't pick it up again, after all, it's so so you say you can authenticate and have authenticated the Biden emails. Can I Ask you how you did that or sat thought with Mr Babylon look. They taught them Last week we saw his interview last night, you have I think about. First, you have the drops Lip Fox NEWS report. The drops dip the Junta by saw, assign we, when he left the computer store in Delaware, The directive that way way way way way way way on, has any have you guys done as the handwriting analysis or anything to sure that guy
all I'm saying is that's been reported. Ok, that's been reported, so then you coupled with the fact that Odeon I ignore international house Rackliff has said- is not Russia, disinformation, yuppie. I've confirms our russian this information. You have the eye witness. Mr Bob Linsky, who said that mile, it's none of my laptop those emails that that that their own there that are now public are in fact real emails. Seen as emailed they were sent to me and in fact the reference to the big guy is a reference to former Vice President Biden and oh by the way I've been, I wouldn't have known about. Linsky had two meetings with the vice president about the very subject matter: we're talking about now that that those over those facts that are or are not in question. So this is accurate hours are judiciary staff lawyers have exactly With Mr Bottle empty talk with people who have given us the same facts show the facts are not in question but, as you rightly point out Berlin, the matron press, that doing their job? And, frankly, even if they wanted to do the job, they won't ask your by the crisis we'll come out of his based so
So can you answer a question? You ve talked to bubble, linsky yourself, I'm not talking about this issue, myself, ok, Has anyone asked him? Why are you doing this? I mean you know you say: you're a Navy man and centred center, but you are involved in something that you had questions about from the big, So why are you coming out now why I think his motive, It was able to pursuing legitimate business deal business relationship, but he thought or what it wants. and I think frankly it look like if you, if you saw data, be last night, it look like Azerbaijan was trying to do some things where he was going to follow a legitimate business plan which is trying to take money from whoever was gonna, give it to him and go around the business array arrangement that they were trying to put together. That's that's when I took from it. That's that's what our staff took vomit. When they talk ok, he seemed extraordinarily credible. Last night on television I mean it
anybody who was watching that last night went up me up. That does credible to me. Can you tell me how big is credible to I talked with this rabble fifty years ago, different issue. Just contact opposite depletion. I put him in touch with a colleague of mine who was better person that subject area, but I'm not talking about this, but you are right. He does seen he does. Extremely credible, and I think I think he came across outweigh the interview with that of a talker laughter. Letty, So tell me if the president is, in God forbid, reelected and we lose the Senate. This is just this just goes away. Well, I think the unfortunate, maybe all these issues that we ve been after you know. It's been three three years that post like you and an unemployment in the media world it a handful of us at the Congress a bit digging into this tromp Russia issue any. If, if President Ciampi and re elected we never get to
people accountable all the wrong doing it took place with dad issue not mentioned this issue as well. So that is a concern, because if you don't whole people accountable, I think it further diminishes the rule of law and exacerbate this problem that somebody we can see today, which are not equal, We ve been under the law of one set of standards for the politically connected different set for us for us regular Falcons help I am very worried about that. That's one of the many reasons why I hope- and I say present chop- is by hope he gets really like it and I think it's going to happen Jim the question I am doing especial tonight: on the one hand, the first one hundred days of a Joe Biden administration should he win out and it is terrifying? The things that they are talking about now is. There is any doubt in your mind that they they will take the Electoral college in and get rid of it in the. Of filibustering Senate and add states is. Is there any doubt in your mind that these are not not dimension? packing
and your right what scares me as they will do all the normal bad thing the if they did they get power. Its present by Nimitz Iquitos, humor, speaker, plus a razor taxes, will increase regulation no come after a common energy policy back with her that the debate that last week from from Joe Biden, slow down along a bad thing. But, unlike you, that's always gives me, the mouth Fears me the most is what, though, due to the institutions in the framework of our government that framework that protects your freedom that protects your letters and Americans freedom. That's what scares me the most and all you have to think about is what we witnessed in the past several months with this cancel culture mob with what this that you had a crack, mares democrat governors telling you couldn't go to war, couldn't go to school, couldn't go to church. Congo, luck once you know, but always find a protest right and loot. I mean that that that dynamic that dabble take hold in that's what frightens me, the both. What will happen to your first amendment? Liberty is stagnant liberty, your fundamental freedoms, that's what it's taken. This election.
The fundamental question is: can America stay America? That's what's on the ballot in in in in in six days, and that what we have to decide Jim Jordan, the congressmen from Ohio the House ranking member. Thank you for Thank you for standing the whole time and thank you for being willing to go in to that that den of iniquity now and thank you for what you do. You been the open for years letting letting the american people know what's going on. We appreciate that you as we can fight our fight if you're not out there telling people what's going on thanks, lodge and appreciated Tarzan, Jordan from Ohio our eye, we have some incredible news coming up at the top of the hour, one of our rapporteur. Was I will try to kill him last night Luckily he's alive today will tell you about that coming up in just a second stand by Ray Con.
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after the election after Joe Biden, Khumalo Harris Comma Harris are safely installed in the Trump nightmare comes to an end. We, have to figure out a way to work with supporters. We can't let them fall into the cracks doing in their anger, resentment and racism. We can't simply ignore them or pretend they don't exist because they do exist and their chilled. Grandchildren exists. If we look the other way like we ve done in the past. The same thing will happen again and again and again we after use history as our guide, after World war, one when the allied forces kick Germany's ass, the we left them there at a rod, isolated alone, and what happened they rose. up again So, when Hitler came around position himself as a hero to restore the former glory, they were more than happy to follow him afterwards or two we didn't make the same mistake. We worked with both Germany and Japan to help them build there. pairing us too the Nazis, the Germans and
the Japanese afterwards, or two, They do not want to win. What do we do with all these nazi such I mean they had trials last time my WAR Tribunal International fits right in remember the White paper. I gave you two weeks ago. That said, we want something like the Nuremberg trials. Oh yeah, that's convenient that those things align, the robber Reich. The third, I think, I think, he's rubber right at a third in, but anyway, we're gonna go over tonight. What the first one hundred days of Abiden administration looks like please watch this with your friend if they are undecided, because you need to see what their plan is and we're not there's no conjecture. This is their idea of what America should look like what
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well. There was more looting and rioting in Philadelphia and one of our reporters came under attack and the In New York Times actually reported on it and said I can't believe how these conservatives just wanna, play up all of the violence. How dear you how Dear you, you I haven't done your job and the New York Times, and I dont know how long so, how dare you we talked. our rapporteur who survived Philadelphia last night? Sixty seconds is a glance. Program. Those really hasn't been the year for vacations, especially your timeshare. Honor, you you didn't, we
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Lee clear to me at least the first. I sought where, where night where the knife is, but it does no no one's denying. There was a knife used. Ellie color reported shall be tell. Cod was also reporting from Philadelphia. She tweeted mass looting across the river and Eliza Schaefer just got beaten up her filming. This is inside the five below store police are in the same parking lot near the Walmart, but there seem to be too many looters for them to do anything about it, me play the video of him being attacked last night. Here it is the looting look. They survive let him now the road the camera person got out. Eliza. You were surrounded by ten fifteen people unfortunately it escalated from one Then too,
a dozen very, very quickly, Europe, obviously punched in the mouth. We can see the effect of that fleet of your speeches a little weird as usual, or we're than usual hen. Sorry to make you laugh and smile Harry. You. How are you doing? You know I'll tell you this. I'm actually really happy to be alive because in that same shopping centre right there. There fifteen year old girl who was shot according to reports, and I notable gunshots throughout the night, another individual is reported to have then shot as well still trying to confirm. I watched people get get pummelled beyond belief. Anyone Their journalists named James Clue. He had to run almost a mile to get it from writers who try to beat him up because- and I will say this indiscriminately- they were specific
We targeting white people last night and that was they were asked her. Why are you so? What are you lately? Why do you say that because they were only attacking white journalists specifically, and they told me they called me a white supremacist during my attack and after the fact They came up to me at another location and told me a white supremacist and started accusing me of things that are clearly have no base and James had a similar, some more interaction and I'll say this. I was standing next to three reporters were also filming, who are all hispanic ended. They decided to only target me and they let them continue filming on so the racial slurs and accusations based with the fact that only one after that, white journalists in the group
led me to that conclusion, and is this why I don't want any details on anybody who is working with you? But is this why the camera was not taken because they punched you and the camera was rolling and got out well, that was actually a reporter, shall be tell caught, who is completely covered up? because the lawyers guilt, the lawyers guild- was looking for her at the other. protests trying to idee her a group that tells them as a legal group, but they really try to docks journalists and get people attacked, so she had they covered out so tell me your reaction to the New York Times, saying that you are you going in the New York Times they said are covering it. We just covering it from a distance, and we can see everything. That's going on. These guys are just trying to make this. bigger than it is in trying to ratchet up the violence. That's what then
your time said about your beating Glenn, I I want to tell you this, and this is what I like what we are reporting at night. It so funny to hear people that are there, try to counter it, and then reports cannot later that we were right in. I said that the police lost control of the city, and I got my does well by the same journalists. Oh you're, exaggerating. How do you mean you lost control out, then the blacks Police chief said The night was a total loss and they were unable to get control of the of the city stretching several several large walk. This is like a man. L a square mile or so area. There was just ability for police to do anything with than a thousand riders in just one location, It's either would be any work, maybe two to three thousand writers last night in just a where a mile or so the police were not prepared and at one point it is gave up and that they really does gave up in this
I know where you were in the Walmart? That's where you were you in the five below store when you're beat up, I was the Bible own- I want to know not to make what it once position or to take it lightly, but why would you the store that's known for five dollars and under item, not where I wouldn't at right. I don't allow, but the walmart you showed was looted and police. Caught it had kind of which was what right across the street and they weren't doing anything for the five below in the EU. I got the impression that they had kind of given up on Walmart as well Yes, so this is what so crazy. So the videos that your ear yours would be sooner or fair, lessening the woman was We didn't rounds so people broke in police came here too the warmer and then they would run from the wall marked in the next store right next to please start losing that store them
Suddenly the Walmart run over the next door to clear the now and then run back into the Walmart, so it was. It was I never I love because I'm going, this is what happened. Please just push people essentially, please keep pushing people. Tell I counted overthrow these stores that we're alluded to that a conservative estimate, I didn't they went after chip fillet. Why we'll racism, of course, Eliza were you wearing all of the equipment that I got for you last night, while this was of time where we couldn't where plate carriers, but I did have protection to inaction and I also was- I was U carryings patient needs to protect myself in a legal matter, but I'll tell you this, there is no law and order in these places and well
I do respect law enforcement officers who protect and serve the people These big cities have a real problem when the police of this, Cities cannot help people, and I will tell you this. We need the National Guard there, and they were no have you seen, and I was confirmed by multiply their outlets, including the daily collar, including town Hall, please, you in your crew stay safe. Thank you so much that. Thank you glad. I started the blaze tenor. eleven years ago. and we started as. as something that could tell you the truth. And get around the national media, and when- started. This. HBO wasn't even streaming yet
was only major early baseball- and us No one else had streaming, but capability. And I ve always known that we were in, bull that we would, if. if the wrong hands were here all the levers of power that tough times would come and Times like Elijah is facing and, quite frankly, we are facing. I mean a new studio today we ve built her brand new radio studio because of shows that are coming in and we needed stage space so badly. years ago, we started making plans for this, and this must be done last spring, but I'm actually glad it wasn't because with
telling any details. We have to an extra steps in here. And we had a meeting just last week about safety. And we all looked at each other and said I can't believe we're having this kind of a conversation. And I said to you think it's crazy and no one in the room said yes,. As every day that goes by and the world becomes more and more insane, the voices that you trust the voices. that are not part of the big corporate media? They are
in peril and endanger as each day passes. I'm gonna ask you for us, but I won a preface this with. If it's not us, then please help. Someone you think is tat. you the truth. Please. We ask that you join us at the blaze tv and its he's tv, dotcom, slash, gland views, promo Code, Glenn you'll save thirty percent up until the election we. I will tell you that at. We need your support, More importantly, we need to be able to have direct access to you If you are a member of blaze, we Control, all of that information we don't have to
To you, through a third party like Facebook or or any the others, we can get directly to you when we want to get to you right You're, probably only seeing about ten percent in I've on Instagram, I have never hit over twenty percent of the people who actually want to hear from me on Instagram. I've never hit over twenty percent. Never how is it possible how is that possible? By the way you can't? RO the Instagram page, because I never ever get someone joining me because they saw a post of mine that work They weren't already a you of a family member, a friend or a like member, it
ever it's always zero. How many saw this outside zero zero, some possible. If you can't afford blaze tv. I understand. Would you please sign up for my free email, news letter at Glenn, back dot com or so not for the blaze newsletter. We'll come directly to you from us. I will tell you that the only reason why I am of earners and service I believe it has great veil you, too you and worth trying something new. That is to give you, if you sign up for my own news letter and it and people want it, we're thinking about giving you all of my show prep every morning at about six a M eastern time, you would have access to everything that I go through every morning, because
It is important that you get the news not just from us but from all different sources, and you see what I'm looking at, but that the The secondary reason and AIDS is bits of the battle between first and second, now is weak. To be able to have contact with you, as if things go horribly next week,. We may not be able to communicate with you except on radio, and directly through email or blaze, tv dot com and you won't get the information that we are trying to give to you. They are all ready, you Oh this, they are already banning people who are talking about certain things I'm telling you We feel that there is, voter fraud, either side we I'll. Tell you about it, but we
not supposed to. According to Facebook, Google We start telling you about demo at fraud our voice will be squashed if, if he arms and winds in swing states, At over five percent, most likely. Election will be over on that night and if we call it, we call it but not supposed to. For the first time. In my forty plus years of doing this, I am afraid that I will not be able to speak to you soon. I hope to God. I am wrong. I'm always roman timing. But something is coming there
We ve never seen before, tonight I'll give you a glimpse in our de Stapi in future. On blaze tv we are going to put it up on Youtube tonight. Men. We invite you to invite anybody who is, You know on the fence and thinking you know, I'm not sure I would vote for This is so important tonight, because what they have planned in the first one hundred days of abiden of the administration is not normal. and you can see that at blaze, tv dotcom, slash Glenn if you want to subscribe use Promo code, Glenn and You'Ll- save thirty percent. So reigned for last few days, my gosh, it's gotten cold,
it has gone from like seventy five to thirty. Yes, it's horrible. I know, like the big sweet I like to ease into it. You ve gotta, be right here. You like change over like four days before it was what eighty eighty five and the only thing that saving it is just the fires of the riots. Are they harm, but not a word about yeah, it's nice on your way home, Yazzi, the warm the fires in Dallas that my warm your hands on an autism it better than I do so anyway, it's been reining in temperatures been swinging like crazy. If you have a erected, you know but you don't have to worry about it. It is. It is smart, grill technology at its finest automatically adjusts its own temperature throughout the cooking process to compensate for whatever temperature is around? So when you open the grill, you close it any it automatically star
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Could I please get the audio of jobs? Yesterday we just played it for the the four Buzz where he was talking about a cry for justice. Do we have that? season approaches, broken out all across the nation protests. The, though, is not burning and marine life, can never be a tactic or tolerated, and it won't good for much of it is a crime. For justice and the period long had the knees of injustice, other necks, The names of George Flora Bride Taylor, Jake, Why do be forgotten not by me not by us, not by this country? Ok, can I ask you a question. How does this work for any one? First of all, it's not gonna be tolerated, will work you tolerating it now. You ve tolerated all through the summer,
the other thing is all these rights? These cries for justice? Are they happening in cities that had been run for fifty and sixty years by Republicans, for they run by the same progressive Democrats that Joe Biden is telling everyone you should vote for. Why didn't you do anything about this before? Why is there a cry for justice in all of these democratic cities? Why stop voting in the same way? Over and over and over again glanced back programme are right, We're walking head first into a great sea of chaos here in the next few days and no matter the outcome of the election. There is going to be madness, one degree or another. and have you been paying attention. You know that most of the reason can be placed at the feet of the leftists and their followers and not followers their dupes. If you
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What's the bided administration that I do if it gets into office blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenda, promo code is Glenn for thirty vocs off. This is the Glen by programme I want you Take a deep breath before I go into the stark: take a deep breath this was on medium. I found last night, and I I I've told you that Albert Reich, has come out and said that there needs to be some sort of a tribunals, some sort of a council that happens, I guess in Congress I and all over the country that that Look at all those trumps supporters that, just through their greed and through their anger and hatred, did
horrible things, and there needs to be truth and reconciliation I've told you I showed you the white papers. I talk to you about it. This is this has been planned now for the last couple of years. They are serious about a truth and reconciliation Commission What does that mean? Does do trump supporters go to jail. Or do we just have to the ring of those we disagree with. I want to read something from medium This is in somebody that wants to round us all up, but I want you to really listen to this a rabbit. proposal a radical proposal for dealing with trumped supporters after Biden wins. Why didn't we? be dealt with took me a long time to excess, accept this as well, but I believe it what needs to happen, so we and truly move forward as a country and act as an actual United States of America. Here after
The election after Joe Biden and Commonly Harris are safely installed and the Trump nightmare comes to an end we have figure out a way to work with his supporters. We can't you Let them fall back into the cracks stewing in their anger, resentment and racism. We can simply ignore them and pretend they don't exist because they do exist and their children and grandchildren exists, and if we simply look the other way, as we have done in the past. The same thing will happen again and again and again Let's use history as our guide. After world war, one, when the allied forces kicked Germany's ass, we left them there to rot isolated and alone.
No, it wasn't exactly that way. It was the or progressive iconic hero, Woodrow Wilson, that humiliated the Germans, but I digress and what have they rose up again, more determined than ever to spread their hatred, their malice and their destruction around the globe. The reason for this is simple: they were super first off combination of their humiliating defeat, devastated economy and tat reputation proved to be the perfect breeding ground for a morality and revenge, so in Blurred came around position himself as the hero to restore their former glory, make your a great again. They were more than happy to follow him as all all of the atrocities that came after they either ignored them rationalize them or actively encouraged them by the law. Should read this and maybe look in the mirror after work
more to whom we didn't make the same mistake. We worked with gyp, both Germany and Japan, to help them rebuild, and ever since they been our staunch US allies, we needed to it on the same strategy with the trumpets we need to try to find common ground to offer support disdain. We And even offer help to develop the red states which for decades, have been under performing and leaching off the blue ones. Are you kidding me Are you kidding me? Cow? four NEA and New York we ve been led to all of them. All of Japan's technological and financial success came after we partnered with them. Perhaps York in California can share their knowledge and skills and how places like Alabama in Mississippi, become more prosperous and self reliant.
dish and the obvious economic benefits. This will help bring about benefits and self esteem and self confidence, which will tell them to finally get past. They hard core shroud Freud. That leads deep within the heart of every bullion bigot. now before you asked the obvious question, let me answer them for you too. They deserve it Absolutely not. Would do the same for us, of course not, but We have to do it anyway for the sake of our country. We have to do what good Christians are on a to do for themselves turned the. Her cheek, Find this condescending at all. Do you in that same vein, most decisions in life can be boiled down to choosing one of two things: lover fear everything. Companies, allies, enablers and supporters? Do is one hundred percent fear based masquerading as rage, divisiveness and anger the altar?
DE of which is also the solution has been touted by everyone from Jesus to Buddha to the Beatles to Harry Potter. It's love. now I'm not saying you need to love Trump Giuliani Bill BAR white supremacist or your racist stand. Karen, who, like to use the word Lib tarred. However, I am saying that you need to act with Love ACT out of love love. Her country, our humanity and love for our planet so after election assuming there is still a country left to live in and if Putin hasn't stolen it again. I want you to remember everything, I'm saying here and I hope you'll join me in the rest of the Democrats, independence and never Trumpery, as we ve. Or relationship with Trump supporters, because the Cole Hard Truth- is that, despite all of America's many compliments it was never truly great. There is always- dark side to all of the light, but now we have
opportunity to try to stamp out that darkness once and for all gosh. What must it be like? to be so in red, ably wrong. what must it be like to live in such a fantasy world? That you can even see or understand the other side. What must it like to think you're so superior to half of the country you believe you have the answer and your job going to have to adjust bless. Your heart, just love you and I love those conservative constitutional values rights. What must it be I too think that California and New York are prey spur us and we're leaching off of them, tat
your frickin New York and California. Take them Most of the camp and country, nothing really care hey Clem, you sanctimonious person that I truly love. I dont want to live in a Country where a mayor loud applause. You in that state, that could city were all leaching off of. he's urging new Yorkers now not to travel over the holidays. He said, do not leave, state oh, I wish I could I wish I could have rules like that. It would make all of my decision so much easier. What do we do? Well, let's check with the governor
let's check with the mayor, because he might have an opinion as well. In nineteen eightys and the writing, eighties socialist shifted tactics. Why start a new party when that's doomed to fail when you could infiltrate and take one over that already in the main stream. Tonight, I'm going to show you the DS, a chairman who it me To all of this in Alteration and take over that. What all of this is about the tire purpose for groups like Justice Democrats in their congressional foot, soldiers, otherwise known as the squad think about. just think over the last few years, democrats- head zero direction other than orange man bad? They had nothing but before
the mid terms. Justice Democrats, teamed up with a group that, if you watch back when I was at Fox, you are very familiar with the tie. foundation the progressive data, think tank for progress. a few months before the mid terms, they released a report called the future. Of the party. It was commissioned, I just as Democrats that route, or centred on how Democrats should shift their focus from key turning to the centre to a head? third swing to the far left. In other words, radical left wing populism. This port is effectively driving the agenda of the New democratic Party. Remember back before March, before Joe Biden, one the nomination dear However, looking at going there, not even how do you moderate this afterwards? How do you go back to the centre. It was a chapter meeting for the Democratic Socialists of America. Even
in PR reported that the party had taken a drastic turn to far left In call it that they said it was just radical ideas and Our pointed out that they were being floated by literally every democratic candidate reparation ending the filibuster, eliminating the electoral college. Andy Private health insurance- these aren't, radical ideas. These are major constitutional infractions. Every single one of these ideas would would need a significant added to the constitution. for the parts of the constitution in country that would be left recognisable. Initiatives like the green new deal would swoop. and mop up all the blood. I don't care how soft. Biden and Harris actually talk about their climate agenda. The green new deal is thereby
cities platform. It is the key The radical left wing populism there are if there were any doubts as to what the green new deal is all about. I'm gonna plain to you tonight as go through the first one hundred days of abiding campaign. I want you we're gonna put it on not only blaze tv but we're putting it up on you too. I mean we're figuring, we're going to be banned next week, anyway, or at least three Ronald. I want you to watch this with friends that may be undecided don't watch it with people who were crazy and they're, not gonna turn them take your time and try to get one person to watch this whose undecided, because what we are proposing, is a different matter
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this is the Olympic Programme this is the Glen Beck Programme were so glad that you are tuned into us today. lots of things going on with abiden campaign course they ve been they ve been out. They were in Georgia. Yesterday and he's just not calling it quits he's not doing at ease. If I we have somebody from the campaign on with us right now, hello, hello, hello, yet pillar, Your view with the binding campaign, who is this neighbors, I'm calling from such Biden campaigns outreach director, you you're the who reach director here, for the state of large are very important for the youth,
What are you and that's? Not a goods? Everyone, eighty everyone under eighty here. Yes, ok are, I end, you been with Joe Biden Disease, Claudia they entered this campaign. Is something I have seen since Europe Tasker since Taft have used to roll out yeah you the guy who they say God stuck in his bath squarely through we. That is true. I was there. He got stuck at his back. We sort of pushed him down, we would roll him the rallies ha, which is kind of what we're doing right now we ve got a job, but we do have to road. Roller men were hiding behind the curtain. We sort of just push about
Lee, they say, and he grew he reference did yesterday. Therein Warm Springs Georgia, where we used to be the Roosevelt White House these talking about being another after another empty after left. I was far far younger and much more agile than Red Joe Biden. He couldn't similarities, he can walk of course, obviously Dunaway does the Democrat who could walk consistently thirty years, that's about something we would shoot for anyone really bad ailing. None of them can also some people are kids. Those people concerned that he's really not in charge, and you know the the radical left will just take over once. These elected are already saying that, because it's a pretty accurate, But other than that? There is almost no evidence other than when they are too
specifically by the radicals, what to say, but other bad. Ok, where others if they do do everything the policies they want implemented will be on day what right, ok, but don't tell that to the use of seventy five years of age. He very much Wilfred from the Biden campaign is the program Hey. Everybody knows pay pal, but did you know that they were teaming up with honey? To save you money,
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what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment when that programme very is a civil war. That is brewing that I hope never ever spills over, but there is also a digital civil war that is happening and is very, very active right now, when I talk about that what it means for our future, what happens next week, if we don't know who? The president is all this and more in sixty seconds, is a grand
Program, so we ve taken a pretty good beaten as a country over the course of this year. I may not. I love Barboza Oghee! I get away in jail twenty twenties over why twenty twenty weakens product could be words when's the last. time. We had like all wow, it's a reprieve, it's back to weigh things used to be where we all loved each other and flowers and everybody's gun barrel. Here's the deal we Americans, when we come together, are resilient. We like to get back on our feet and dust ourselves off. That's one of the. Ass things about us as people. Now, there's a lot of things. You do you shouldn't fear, but well maybe you could fear selling your house if you live in California. Good good luck with that But other than California, if you're looking to resale your house or you're looking to buy a new one, you need a ride
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they all industry pollute weight into use your what else radical Democrats have planned for his president's just days away from one of the most important elections of our lifetime. Linux boosts the terrifying agenda, completely transform Amerika what president buggies first one hundred days America's to still be a future tonight: nine pm Eastern, at least to be dot com, less Glenn. Doktor, pepper, mom, grin she's, an economist. She was an economic adviser to George W Bush, the author of the infinite leader. We want to talk to her about the economy and the digital civil war that is coming doktor. How are you I am very well under excited to be unfair. Them would be a good thank you. So I wanted Talk to you a little bit about, first of all, the economy, as we look the economy. What gonna happen with a Biden. green new deal.
kind of radical agenda, if they start to pack the courts, We have a more optimistic view that, as soon as we know the result, one way or the other a lot of people fine. I'm going back to work, then there's a second question. what does it mean if a fighting becomes president- and I think it's going to take the Democrats a couple of years to have an internal punch up about, Exactly as the policy first be like clay, came in with a pint of censure. Middle pro. Business position now we have applied a far less all the way in the middle of the road and no agreement amongst all those folks as to what should be actually do so is an unknown is the answer I will know what will be, obviously not one most Republicans would want, but I'm so we don't know how far to the left and might be,
We are at a time now where the information that people get is edited and shaped and put in front of them and They can be manipulated without even knowing it, but we we also know that twitter and Facebook have been editing the news. What's really terror lying that nobody really understands is I have a date it'll twin and you Have a digital twin. Tell me: That means to the average person still, basically, all of the data that you give up every day from not just searching on search engine? But frankly, if you have a phone in your pocket and walked down the street, the phone can cow work. Listen! I'm your heart is on the way to walk in all these electronic devices are picking up information about us, it's very, very deep and all
data is accumulating in like a twin of yourself, but you can't see, but others can be it. So, for example, banks increasingly you are applying for and job don't look at your digital twin and making visions about you based on that, so you order Ben Jerry's ice cream at midnight on Thursday night while googling wait. Watchers the now is going to gonna stay, this personal, emotionally unstable and that's gonna show up in the person search and maybe that's the reason you don't get a phone call back or even worse, they'll start to look at at a married couple and compare the purchasing It is the behaviour patterns of both and they can intensive a divorce that the couple themselves don't even know it's coming and orphans. I've done credit limit of the lawnmower early partner in anticipation of that divorce that's what I mean by Digital. Her or you didn't twin, is starting to have
huge impact on your actual life. So actually, your data and will say this is an unstable person. I mean with your example was, but with, example like that. yeah, I'm talking banks around the world. This is becoming ever more commonplace to think of it. This way It's a question on the algorithms read through all the data and they start to find pattern. and one of the patterns might be that if you have a married couple and the two of them are spending in very different ways in different locations, that this is just an early indicator that there is breakdown in the marriage at all. This data is typically auctioned off on the internet. Right. That's the whole point of during your searches, Google Google takes the data and the auction off around the net and theory. Is
what they call anonymize, meaning its anonymous. It's not you, but I to say I have my doubts that data is really truly anonymous, is becoming easier, easier to identify from Europe is it and from you Tyler exactly who and where you are so its becoming trapping methods. we any different than the chinese other than the government is using. This data are we. The different they have more information on their people. then we have on ours. It too. I think this is the question of our generation. When we talk about surveillance, capitalism, which is kind of the broad name from what we're talking about here the thing is in China. The government does it in the new ass with privatized it. So we have private entities that are gathering the data but what we don't have internet keeps all this kind of data either fully private and in your control.
or even better permits you two monetize and make money off it as opposed to other, and there are few people working on that, like your TIM Berners Lee, who was the original inventor of the internet and a few other people, but it's kind of a hard technical tasks and won the power. I guess it really supporting out, because I dont think that general public understands their digital twin and then what the application of it. So The one thing that really really concerns me is with. specially of the Democrats get in they they this new. Let's call the new monetary theory which is not a new monetary theory. It's an old monetary. They hurry that just says, spend as much as you want. And we can always print more it us with a spending habits that we have right now we're we're headed for real he'll trouble and real trouble with the dollar. You say that the
government is going to issue, I'm I'm assuming Some point to currency itself, so not jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon, but issuing its own crypto currency, and why is that a problem? I think that's right. People thought of Crypto is just private. entities, but now Russia, China, European Union have all said the shoulder and digital currency One way of thinking about this is that little bit like heroines of politicians, in the sense that you can download the money supply with the keystroke you can to cut it in half with a key stroke, because, if not related to some underlying phenomena like gold in the old days, it is surely electronic and digital and even more interesting. When you have digital currency, you can choose bank accounts. It goes into or comes out of the Chinese.
example of an already giving away the new digital currency and testing you know base where people start is it and then directing it to some, not others. You can easily imagine, while politician thing, I would like to give a tax break or ray money, was certain group of voters, but not others, and the criteria will be filling the blank Now you are able to create a kind of financial communism. encouraging or discouraging particular voting patterns. As an example, It allows you to stop any kind of behaviour, You don't like it's over. It's really are with them in the digital twin would be a social score and the gun Men can shut anyone. It wants off. And reward anyone at once so light years. This time score, and that's exactly what's happening is were being scored all the time. Because of this digitization of of
anything? But when you add digital money into to it is not just a score. It's also a kind of wage keep track of occurs. doing. What in the economy where, when with whom? How and if you you didn't like certain kinds of economic activity is, if you like, what more easily. With digital currency, as a sovereign nation then the traditional paper money and I do think, were on the edge of a huge transition from labour money into visible money, and this will also change the balance of power between states and citizens and also between companies and customers. Do lots of political consequences of this type urgent change. How long do you think we are away from that work?
I'm literally looking at that. As I'm talking you and there's a story that says, Mcdonald, Starbucks and Subway denies denied testing China's new digital currency which meets both. Probably companies like this are beginning to testing child giving away Russia. has announced the plan to test and unbailed digital currency. The EU has said there absolutely on track. We knew ass. A nurse gonna bet slower, but again cried. A jeep. Morgan is introducing a digital currency than J P M coin. That's already ready for commercial use and I suspect they risk governments can lead to private companies. tested out before they dialing till what happens to Bitcoin. Well, I think people thought that by having Bitcoin How is the government and the government should be allowed to be the taxation system and I think that's not grabbed, because in the end, the evil
you you wanted to do all that you have to actually login to your bank account. Then you delete a keyboard of some kind in the world war. Describing here is still easy the digitally track. What is where you type in your keyboard? I mean it's gonna, be. Why were the only person who won't know your password and you re of both, you know why? You're intentional Bay there's no way to really high it's it's very miserable electronic grid. That's captures all the activities of hurrying inside. It You can't really step outside that digital bread, and particularly not one money itself, become part of the we are seeing now the the breakdown of our society in in certain cities and were seeing riots and burning of cities, etc, etc? I think
Both sides feel like they ve been pushed to the absolute limit. You talk about a civil war, but you say it's not going to be like its ever been in any civil war. Before what do you mean? that were so. was talking about. Was the sort That we are witnessing a war of words phenomena which have written about some years ago. In a book I roll call signals and it's about the breakdown of the sofa. I trust the relationship between states and citizens between companies and customers among citizens, and I personally think that, because The heavy debt loan most nations carry and that that load, a break with promises will hold a nation together, like you, can retire at fifty five on how we can we can end the fast growing part of the workforce of people over the age of fifty five
is a of savings to make it to the end of their life and death. re. Negotiate. A thoughtful contractors reveals a lot a long standing unresolved issues and by the way how they exacerbate that was called, it also reveals the pre existing underlying conditions, initially in a person, but also in companies in a society in politics and one of them listing underlying conditions. It has revealed as this issue between African Americans and russian society and a kind of unresolved, sensible? is the right social contract is inclusive of everybody in a way that everyone is complement and can benefit from, and so some people are taking for violence. that others are using technology to overcome that ends.
This is where we are. We are renegotiating the social contract right now. What Esther question: I know you're an optimist, long term. What do I do it? you think twenty twenty one's gonna look a lot like twenty twenty or worse or better. You know I pay. I believe you are really optimistic view, because you know nobody else is gonna. Give you right. So my really is like we ve, a wave of entrepreneurial energy being unleashed of people get fired up is a closed restaurants, quite a business, and I don't believe most people lie down low over, say, there's nothing I can do most people go. You know what I have an idea and they will try to build something new two thirds of that. New jobs are always created by companies employing less than fifty people, so we're gonna have a wave of entrepreneurial energy. Not all that will work, but it's gonna be a very exciting and then and that we have this.
record amount of money that can inject into the economy from government which I am not in favour of, but the fact is there, it is its interest. Have them I usually that money will find good business models and then too bad. This technological revolution were going through digitization. The efficiency the master, and so I actually think that recovery may happen much faster, more sharply than people expect of us another building in the great depression, marked shoe, and I'm not at all convinced that that's how it's really gonna play recovery may be much faster. I e from your lips to gods here. Thank you so much. Thank you. Ben Dodger, people Pip Amal grim. She is an economist of former economic adviser to George W Bush and the author of the book, the infinite leader,
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security camera, when you order your system at simply safe, back dotcom. Ten second station idea, Sheila who optimistic freedom. Do I mean I optimism when she's going to have a wave of entrepreneurship, not if we have a whole bunch of new regulations We don't usually allow optimism on this programme. We critical we're like Twitter with a new post story and it comes out of his am I not I think I think, there's good argument, a strong argument to be made that there are positive things. We don't see. This happens all the time. I think I think, if, if look if we were living in a time where the could be one decisively one way or another without any fraud.
And Americans would go. You know that our president peace. Now, my president, I think We could turned the corner, especially if we weren't going to kind of socialist big, statist green new deal kind of stuff, I think of it. and its trump wins, I think we have a brighter future in front of us, because I think the economy will turn because that's what he does best. However, her eye, I dont, know we're living in that world. I mean we ve seen in the United States of America many times where looked like crushing, regulations started and they were implemented in people. We were agile, they found their way around it. They were able to produce things. We never thought were possible that sort of green got around all of these things. on the other hand, you seen situations like Venezuela, where you have thriving society where people were creating were
doing amazing things. The economy was going, nuts was the most prosperous country in the region and then there is a cut off line where the government does too much and so much that you can't recover and- They are in four decades of despair, I've been in the middle of that for a long time, So you just huckelby starch. You stop short of that line and we have a constitution that should stop it, but God only knows what what that even means these this fine now tonight at blaze, tv dotcom, blazed tv dot com. We will show you the first one hundred days as outlined by them of the vine and Ministration Aubrey fundamental transformation, make sure you're a subscriber now join is plays tv dot, com, slashed, Glenn, promo Code, Glenda, save thirty percent glanced back program, you ve heard of a r p, but you probably know by now they're, not really your friend but
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he said Joe Biden is likely to be the next president of the United States. Now- I hate to be this. I hate to be in this situation where I'm like well we're doing all their lot of voter. To be like that, because I don't know what position you want you to be. What is it I dont want to be in the position that is San boy, yeah, there's a lot of, but nobody's talking to the pollsters about. You know, Donald Trump, there's a lot of people that are hidden and I want to be that guy or the guy is small. The poles are wrong. I just know in my god I don't I don't know they could very well be wrong, but this guy has been right in twenty sixteen and twenty thousand and eighteen and he said he's just changed. Is his prediction right in tax? you're talking about. I think further for the cook report. Nea and that kind of
you know like you to the with a final conclusion that he's making that due to a binding is most likely gonna win will obviously of Texas is legitimately they moved information, a lean Republican to us to a toss up a if taxes is a toss up by mental troops Nakata when this lecture renewed. You haven't heard it. How that's said now I mean I should pins heed. This and no one in Texas cost seriously, but I mean I've. I've talked to people all for the place, hey, access is in trouble, taxes it and I was not and draw board taxes will always be Texas. No, no you do. No, the amount of money that has been spent in this state where the fascinating things about this, too, is what is the theory for a blue Texas. The theory of a blue Texas is, you have ever been large minority population in Texas and is going to keep growing and growing and growing in overtime Democrats will be able to take advantage.
that and villages win basically by default because the wind eighty ninety percent of minority votes that will get bigger and bigger eventual texas- is blue. Right, that's been the theory. Bindings were long time, which fast but this election is. That is not what is happening in Texas the reverse, is happening what's happening intact. right now is that minority voters are act coming back toward Republicans right now, but white, Suburban voters are going away from them. So why suburban voters are going away from Trump Hispanic, and black voters. It's not a huge movement, but as mothers towards his movement he's not losing blackened his voters, he ease a gaining them, but where he's losing them is white, suburban voters, particularly women and it is getting. I mean it's it's drawing this this state on closer? If you remember it was only two point, six points: TED crews beat Bet O Rourke by two point: six in two thousand eighteen, so that's crazy
It is crazy and I I tend to believe that were not at the point. Die taxes, I don't you believe, might be it's not imply. simple look. One thing about trust, and in a word things you like about Trump, is that he gets in the middle of stuff and he he's not afraid I throw his opinion out there and he's not a free, he can control the new cycle it something that he's been praised for along where, like then, the left. You should take us down these weird roads and trumpet just look with one tweet, just pull them. That new cycle all the way over to whatever he wanted to talk about the great skills politician? It's also. One of those things where he is he's sewing greened in our everyday life that people are not connected to pay tax at all. Have these strong opinions on Donald Trump, that they didn't really have they heads I'd line, opinions about past president's down. Up is so much of the focus of the news cup.
and it's almost exclusively bad, and it's not only that it's it's. It's also the it's in ours, ports. Now it's it's everywhere everywhere. You everyone is talking about Donald Trump, and in people don't want to talk about politics and it's not that they're talking about Donald Trump, but every is being blamed on Donald Trump right at the end, and you know trump you're right. every single when down from Comes out and says you know, black lives matter is doing X, Y and Z in and tries to outline that case the NBA you know put black lives matter on its court in every he's, got it on their shirts and it becomes this issue. It was something with the NFL kneeling. All
whose hard to watch the NFL in that period, because all they were talking about was kneeling all the time who people actually believe that this is gonna get better under a democratic system. I mean I I tend to think it. I tend to think it's more of a media creation, but with so many organizations out their built the idea that talking about the president in making every issue about the president and what cultural effects there are minimal kinds of media organisations. Millions and millions of dollars are minor. These organisations are not going away when Trump goes away. They're gonna, figure out a way to make everything a big deal when Joe Biden Present. If he were to win eight, even stutter, such words, but it learn these. it's not gonna, go away. These cultural battles are going to continue and I just think Trump being a celebrity in and being a guy. Who can control the new cycle lake? He can has turned it change did a little bit so
could see a situation where people show up to this election in numbers that you don't expect the only time you ve really ever seen, something like that was Brok Obama, two thousand eight, where he really kind of panic waited culture so that people who are just on the sidelines and didn't nor the vote. Socially younger voters came out in huge numbers I can imagine going to do that for Joe Biden, but this of one man election. It's got nothing to do with Joe Biden really to the average voter, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden announced its Donald Trump forsake, real him up. They could William up any you. Guardian do boardroom death, which is almost doing and they'd be fine. It's up. It's a he's, a placeholder and as it can have gone, and I know you of course know this and events analytics and sports, where they talk about placement lever level players- you ok, like Had this guy, who would prefer at this level, if I asked him away. Just got the easiest cheapest. Guy that I can get
easily. That's a replacement level guy. That is what Joe Biden is here. Just a replacement level. Candidate people are filling in their minds. Whatever oh yeah a bad mediocre democratic president is Europe and that their voting on their not even they're, not in considering Camorra what he would be like as president in order or come Comma Harris. I mean to the most liberal to the left of Bernie Sanders. I some measures in its aim, brazier and nobody's even really talking about that. So You know you ve got the doom and gloom report. I've got a happy one. Do you wanna? Do you want to do your cook report and nightmare? You pretty much done. I think, there's multiple ways. This election can turn around. you're just running out of them. The running out of time for any of them to match beans. We still have magic. Being sea have magic, be insecure, which was called magic beans easily mass
If news event that we're not expecting, I don't know what that would be a terrorist attack. God forbid, I don't even want yeah right right, but is something like that. Could change the electorate number two. who is there's these organic waste, where this can happen, you could see movement go back to two thousand. Need for. Second, I want you to say the Poles were wrong right and an end, and they were wrong at some level, but one thing they do when showed at district levels at the national level at state level was very large, late momentum for Donald Trump, so at work. If you go back to that, last debate Five. Thirty eight had Donald Trump as a twelve percent chance of winning tat. He they also had Donald Trump as a twelve. chance of winning in two thousand sixteen. However, in that period of the last three weeks of the campaign, the percentage chance of winning went from twelve to thirty six and in which settled right around thirty four four,
the chance for Donald Trump, twenty, two thousand sixteen. So what you'd like to see is that same sort of movement? Now, if you're gonna tell me it's not moving, not tell you. It's not moving stamina, it just been flat? There's been no there's been no improvement. Now there have been some good poses a good Paul from Florida that showed but Joe Biden down by five points, a trump. You take that there's been some close, pulling implored as well. There's been some. what I would assume is completely ridiculous outlier pulling even for good pollsters in Wisconsin upon came out. We're Joe Biden was up by seventeen right. They, obviously It's not gonna win Wisconsin by seventeen. I think. But The point here, though, is that there has not been movement. If you remember two thousand sixteen, there was the call me letter right, yeah and that also, when Trump had a twelve percent chance, it was right. After the though the access Hollywood tame, it really is a low point, and I mean so he was able to buy back in narrow it. What we're.
Not seeing that in the data it might be there, there could be something the data is missing. I want you to shut up, but wait. Let me give you the third one. The third one is is real So the polling error thing is what something that people will talk about the pole, a normal polling error would not explained that the difference between these two added its even a big pulling her wouldn't really. However, you have to stand that there is. This is a different year. We ve millions and millions of people who were voting by male. We ve talked so much about how male ballots get thrown out at a higher rate than in person ballots. There could be something all these pulsars are missing as regards to the though the corona virus and the pandemic and the different situations here. This is the first they're, pulling an event like this, because it's the first time we were really had to deal with it. So there's a totally they're trying to measures something that they can't be sure they're measuring correctly part of the reason why you see this sort of nervousness by pollsters
they made us- I don't hunters from all sides, so I see people on both sides say about the poles and then on the other side. I don't know about the poles. I think that's PTSD from from Democrats it's two thousand sixteen PTSD totally especially from Denmark and Right- and I don't I don't want to be- and I want to be in that situation- I don't wanna be is standing, there were champagne? section, nine nine go way what just happened and about Alcoholic, knows, get drunk later on the need to bring the champagne shown to do what Hillary Clinton and her people dead. They just took it for granted that she was gonna win, go out and vote. If you can vote early vote now, but do it now vote this time the republic demands it.
Now, if you wanted to commit suicide, because if still by I ve got some good news eyes by a good people, as we have domestic take I've gotta go you like. I have a pole from somebody was right. Last time, that's here, have really good news. So please the pie. It sounds like you just go on and talk. Please could I just do my show suppose relief. Factories are answer this a flower, if you lived a long time with frequent pain, Let me give you a new lease of life. I've been there I didn't think really factor was gonna, do anything because it did reduced inflammation and you know inflammation of shut up doktor advocates. That's never worked for me I be proven. Have you tried the eight hundred? Yes, yes, I've tried six hundred, it doesn't work for me
So when you know I heard about relief factor, I was sure it wasn't going to work for me, but my wife made me take it and to maybe take it for three weeks, because that's how long it takes before you really start to see any difference at all. I told her. The whole time does make a difference does make a difference. Now, maybe not feel Aubert's. Not this and then after three weeks I stop taking it now is like oh ok, oh yes, it does make a difference. Seventy percent of the people that try really factor go through exactly the same thing and they go into order more month after month. Call eight hundred five hundred eighty three eighty four I've been taken for almost three years now eight hundred five hundred eighty three eighty four, it's relief factor, dotcom listening to back up Stop stop rightness gotta, keep Arizona monygham. He can make that happen.
Fearing COD That you Yes, tell students should really bombing us all out. Ok, that was optimistic view. I gave ways shut up shut. Ok, I have one aright, This is from. Have you ever heard of, and whenever they d It's! U s c It, sir. I don't know you! It is: U s e! During sirens, I found that it's an interesting could set up for good, good pole shut, handle tall soldier. Did from God, not mace too so shut up so they ask they ask who are you voting foreign and then they ask who
are the friends in your circle of friends voting for ok, ok and they they did this. I ask, I guess for the last five elections and have found it more reliable, then, who you and about vote for and guess what guess, who wins I would guess Donald Trump, and here yes, yes,. That's what I was looking for now. That's why you That's why you talk to me. You haven't talked a student quite some time, interesting people do a lot of people. Think if you ask people who you think is going to win, people usually say Donald Trump and these people and I believe, trumpet gonna win. I think a lot about is just amazed that he one last time and they just think he's going to pull it off somehow the out and a lot of republicans are in that place to it may vary we'll be true. He may be
this sort of level of political magician a minute if this is an amazing. This is an amazing thing if he he pulls this off you know he is. He has won two elections that I don't think anyone else could have in this one's much more. Because, as I said in two thousand sixteen, it's a lot harder for it's a lot easier to beat Hillary Clinton fish? That is that Satan are Hilary. I can't the voices of similar, not sure what you know to be to be The republican primary was really really difficult. I thought she doesn't sixteen to be. Hilary was not that difficult, she's, a terrible candidate. He pulled it off, and no one expected him to do it. this time. He's got a much more difficult candidate and I'd, say well, wait a minute, Jos, terrible yeah, but people don't have the
the hatred, visceral hatred for joint. I believe that he is corrupt, yet I mean here you're going to find out whether it once the mainstream media, if they ever do, starts to actually report on the truth about Joe Biden, he is correct, he's the most corrupt vice president of all time, and once they find that out. If they ever report on it, Americans are gonna, be shocked, but that's what they didn't like about Hillary Clinton. They were tired of her. Her holy than Thou attitude which Joe Biden doesn't have and the correct in that everybody knew that Good Clinton's were corrupt. Yet two thousand sixteen the passion was against Hilary versus against Trump and toothache, and twenty the passion is pro trump versus antitrust. It, though does have passion, they're burning cities to the ground. They want to show you their passions home right, it's just
their passion is against Donald Trump. It's not for Joe Biden, for they don't care. Joe Biden could be anyone. Any Joe Biden is a moderate. Oh, they will hate Joe Biden as much as they hate icon. They're, not gonna have to worry about that problem. It s not going to be monitored
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.