« The Glenn Beck Program

The 'Quid' Without the 'Quo' | Guests: Michael Knowles, Dave Isay, & David Pietrusza | 10/24/19

2019-10-24 | 🔗
Glenn predicts the House WILL impeach Trump. Republicans are so tired of the secret testimonies that they “stormed” the SCIF with evidence that only one side of Ambassador Taylor’s testimony was released. But impeachment, and even the DNC’s Ukraine scandal, are only fractions of the EVIL Glenn is finding our government has committed. Good thing StoryCorps’ Dave Isay has brought a funny and heartwarming story to tell today. And Mark Zuckerberg’s tumultuous day at Congress actually won him some sympathy! Historian David Pietrusza reviews how progressives rewrote the history of the 1919 Black Sox scandal. And The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles tells how a college class was told to PROTEST his speech on gender.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Only Congress could find a way to make mark Zuckerberg sympathetic, coming gosh the issue is what they did to him. Yesterday was insane thing in saying I won't tell you wow american fine, seeing is a large chunk of your monthly budget going towards credit card bills, if so, you're not alone and you're, not stuck with it, either the secret is american financing making consolidate that debt with the lowest interest rate possible, we're talking about a mortgage refined mortgage rates are the lowest they been in in over a year. Credit cards are still charging double did digit interest rates. If thing go the way, I think they're going to those where's the news. I pulled a story today. The Vatican had to come out and say: no no we're not going bankrupt. The Vatican to say that when they got something,
they could sell anyway, if you are, if you want to be fiscally responsible, get out of those double digit interest rate. Is free file, your house without resetting alone, you could do it now, ten minute phone call, they can give you all the information and even requalify you. It is american financing, dot net american financing dot matter, pull the number on the screen. The fusion of entertainment and in rain guess is that claim that programme the impeachment Donald Trump is what do the media
telling you it's about. In fact, I don't even think it's about what I have told you. It was about as we prepare for a special next week, we hold on to something that we have been actually looking out for ten years. We just didn't know what we were looking at now we do now we do I will bring you up to speed on what the media and everybody else is saying, is happening and then we're going to pull the curtain back just a bit and show you how much trouble. The country really is in, I mean you, Throw Donald Trump Nancy Pelosi. All these people into a black hole. If you wanted to evolve, change, what's really going on, and what
really going on is one of the most terrifying things I've ever uncovered going on in our government will tell you a little bit more in one minute. This is that Glenn Back Programme, what homage Texas, land Texans, are just a little different. Texans are tough. Tom is eighty five years old, he still rides, is bike. Every day, work said, as as a small aircraft flight instructor I've avian eighty five God bless you Tom. Now the only part that you know Tom made time, go, you know getting old sucks were his joints. Lower back left hip needs over the past few years started, giving him no end of of grief, finding it harder and harder
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I don't believe you an update on what the media is talking about on the impeachment, and let's just get this straight. I think impeachment is going to happen. They're going to impeach, the house will impede the president and that will be up to the Senate to decide whether they run a trial and if they run a trial that I'll have to decide whether they remove him from office or not, but they are hell bent on impeachment. Now this week, the highest ranking. U S diplomat in Ukraine, the acting in acid or William Taylor, he testified to the House impeachment inquiry and it wasn't good for President Trump. We think remember, these are secret hearings, Taylor. Testimony was everything the Democrats wanted to hear. He stated that the face of swinging between tromp ends, Lansky was being dangled like
in exchange for public announcement public announcement that Ukraine was thus to getting Joe Biden. He also did that the military aid was be dangled, was being dangled for the same thing quid pro quo Everything to do with the conversations between the- U S and ukrainian President it this is at least as alleged by Bill Tailor the quid was a face to face meeting between Trump and the landscape, and the military assistance. The cow was a public announcement from the that he was ordering an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. Their relationship with bereavement, so where is the problem if it is true, it's a big problem for President Trump, but there are some pretty big holes in it for one several aims by the acting ambassador were based? Offs
second hand conversations and we ve all privy lino to this testimony, but while now actually just of a leaked copy of the opening statement, not the testimony we have been given a transcript for the question and answer portion? minority leader, Kevin Mccarthy, hinted yesterday that there It was one key moment were tailors. Damaging claim, was completely destroyed by representative Ratcliff from Texas, but the Democrats won't real is any of that. This is why their storming quota unquote storming, skiff yesterday. Can we first stop using the word storming, If you seen they walked into whip, storming is, so another big hole here, the quid the Facebook faced,
meeting, and the military aid was granted by the president without the quo from me. The landscape face to face and the military aid was given to Ukraine, but there was never any announcement of an evening. Hunter By the way you know and and and Joe Biden investigations Zalewski never made the public statement about the investigation. So can be a quid without the quo? Don't you just want to say to these be shut up. All we're getting now is the worst of the worse everything that helps make. The Democrats case is getting leaked all of other context is going to stay behind closed doors. We want you to know that we are looking into the full context of what's happening in Ukraine and you can't under Dan thee. The Democrats current case against Trump
without also knowing what the left has been doing in Ukraine, so next week these we are going to have a special again. Its part two of our ukrainian special and this one is go through all of the things that the Democrats are now saying out. You need to understand their case, and so all of this The Democrats are saying how the media is shaping the narrative. We found some in radical things. About the media, its grotesque, by what they're doing right now, but need to understand all of that now, our first chalkboard went up yesterday, a Glenn. Dot com? It's an interactive chalkboard, so you can go on the chalkboard any
then, click on any of these things, and it will take you to what that is an all. Of the documentation and I'm telling you thereupon, it's that I only had read certain parts of the documentation I went back in and I re read and I read the whole, you know transcript. Of the trial or whatever it was, and I'm telling you it will blow your mind. It is the thing, you real, it's a resource that is free and you really need, if you want to know, is say something counter intuitive. If you want to save the country, not necessarily save the Democrats or save the Republicans. You must know this story.
You ought to just save Donald Trump. You just need half of the story. We want to save just the democratic, You need half of the story, you want to save the country, you need the whole story and as I know, we're the only ones doing it and we are being really responsible. We are doing breathing we can to vat. The double check the triple to make sure we don't have anything without the original documents or without the actual voices, video or of food, you'll transcripts, this being said, that is next Wednesday as we were looking into this. We were going through some stuff, some old it started to appear and. Yesterday, we started going through some old boxes from Fox in old files that we,
he had done and we were working on about two thousand and ten, probably two thousand and nine two thousand and ten, and there were a few chalkboards about the theory of something that It wasn't my theory. It was a and Obama theory, and it was his car, So when it was Hillary Clinton, We did some shows on this and we showed you how how they were trying to. They were true. And be the Fabian Socialist. I know if you're new listener the programme. I might be speaking Greek to you. If you're a long time listener. You know what the Fabian Socialist STAR Fabian so list are the it's the think tank. If Will that caused world WAR One just that They believe in heating up the world cod, In chaos, so they can.
Change it and beat the world into a shape that is closer to their hearts, desire and Their logo is a wolf in Sheep's clothing. It's crazy and have all these prime ministers and all these president's and everything else that have all taken pictures and photos in front of the Fabian. The famous Fabian socialist window. When we started looking into this years ago, I thought we had exposed did then I thought we had. I had no idea that it was that it just get going. I don't know how I do happen in the transition. I dont know how we lost this, but we ve been looking at this peace for a while and
backed our chief researcher had been looking into this Jason had been doing something because we had a conversation about what seven years ago, eight years ago, and I don't remember: do you remember what that conversation was that you and say I don't wanna took her hand, you know it's a bit. We had, operation and heave was intrigued by it. He started doing research, but you didn't think it connected to anything and so on. It gave him a name yesterday and I said, look at this video. Will you and I said it's this person and he why laughed and he said it is best for a while it. I remember that name. I don't know why I was irritated cause our like we are almost done writing for the special next week as out another name, but as I wait a minute, so I just plug it into our little, my or computer search finer thing from home, all the stuff I've researched and popped up, and their referred back to that conversation that we had backs
oh you're, which referred stew back two things that we were exposing at Fox, so we are going to do the special next week, but you really have to watch because you have to understand how it all ties together. You have to understand if you just focus on the phone call and quid pro quo Oh, it excuses the corruption that was happening in Ukraine that we went over in the first special, and that is grotesque, but it is nothing nothing like what we are going to expose on the third special which is coming in the next probably month. The trail of this is absolutely insane. Ukraine is just a small colleague in this entire machine, I mean you're going to be blown away. When you see the litter trail of blood and destruction that started
probably around two thousand nine all the way up and it will really all the way up until today, so we're still looking into it, but I believe that you're. Still seeing these things actively being done things like Ukraine later, I think then I dont this is my God. My God says that forty to fifty percent of the turmoil and it may be higher the turmoil that you see on the streets You know with revolutions and people on the streets protest dang in all the conflict. Forty to fifty percent of that, my God says, is all a show. It's all people, in used by the: U S State Department and they have no idea. I will tell you that I've seen a lot of things that have given me pause and given me really we're doing this.
This is the most be careful, and I think this is the most evil thing I've ever seen. Our government do. Pretty broad statement there, how close our close? Do you think that is too what you feel Jason? It's definitely diabolical and its I mean if people what's happening to what's happening to the world right now, what's happening: It is coordinated by our government and deep state. It is, it is out in the open, but nobody will too about it. There is no way that Donald Trump- I don't even know if Donald Trump really understands this or anybody and his administration is as understands this, but this is,
the new way of operating for the United States of America, and it was done by Morocco, Burma and Hillary Clinton, and it is the deep state it is operating with out. The president is just operating in its it's interesting. How involved like career diplomats are in and on this I've already seen evidence of that that the career diplomats, people industry Department in some of these other countries are still do for me. No fulfilling, though another their policy delta is. This is United States policy at least with the state Department and and so on, we'll be exposing that. But please please tell your friends and please day in touch with this because there's lot of information coming your way and you're going to need to understand it, and we will take you through. It begins next week. Next Wednesday make sure you watch our special and, if you'd like to
scribe did the blaze, which helps us do these things. Please do subscribed to the blaze tv plays tv dot com, slash Glenn lays tv dot com, Slash Glenn, Promo Code Glenn, thanks Jason, hang on his. I want to ask about Syria, american finance and globalization and the last one two thousand W W w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, org. So one of the most important things you can do when thinking about refinancing your mortgage is Unita to somebody who's in it. For you, today's mortgage rates are really really low. Unfortunately, you know, there's a The agencies and banks out they're happy to charge you the up front fees, reset your on back to a thirty year termed the Good NEWS is not. Nobody in the lending business Isidore bag. I tell you about american financing american fight. It's in there mortgage consultants or salary based which means there in it. For you to win it, not the bank, a ten minutes.
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Researcher he's former military intelligence and He looks over global politics policies and and military, so Jason. What your thoughts on Syria, because Donald Trump took a victory lap sturdy as some people are just saying, while he just gave Syria to Turkey and end and the Russians, so these that a victory, lap ass, I, his victory lap was kind of car tagging, along with saying he was responsible for the peace agreement, which I dont think is act. I think he's just kind of claiming little smile you have. I do have a commander on the ground, but said we wouldn't have gotten this deal with Russia and Turkey if it wasn't for down drop It will, I think, there's a lot of things that Trump has done, that that, as that has re oriented the,
the powers back to their natural state. Trump say that I think it comes at a week ago come about, but a week ago, He said that this was one of the most brilliant moves. You know that in this area in foreign policy and a lot of evil laughed at him, but I sat down and thought about it and it actually is a brilliant move. I should like my generation the people fought in that area. We forge relationships and we fought with with the Kurds in Syria, the currency reality reality and way of thinking and Then there is also the human side. There is the emotional site, a very emotional about this, because especially might like my generation, the people fought in that area. We forge relationships and we fought with with the Kurds. The Kurds in Syria are culturally, like the iraqi Kurds. That's a very, very important specific there. There, culturally the same ideologically, though not the same, but you'll, hear a lot of people saying
they're. Just like American Marino values. Do not true, culturally s, culture, they're, beautiful people, you will find a better better person, ideologically their marxists marxists. They are they you ve, had to resort to terrorism. I will. I will say, though, that they only resorted to terrorism after their there. After being basically killed fer, you know decades, and then their political leaders were jailed. Then they resorted to that, but I think that this is an important new notes specification and to be made there. I love the people. The GEO political reality, though, is look. We ve been in a proxy war that has completely up ended the entire balance of power and that in that region, so much so that Turkey has always been a you know, an enemy to people like I ran Russia, Syria, but their working together. Just because we were there what the brilliant move
but now there are facing each other down, and the bad part is that we ripped the bandaid off and everybody's like all and that's important. To look at, but the bandage. They have been taken off. It is going to change many things and, most importantly, to get us out of a proxy war mornin second year lessening the bank. All right, let me tell you what our a sponsor this half hour. It is my patriot supply my patron, supply. People were prepared into thousand ten of versus today. They are not necessarily prepared. Many people stopped because Obama left the White House as if everything you know we were preparing for, had to do with just him. I'm here to tell you that that mentality is dead, wrong. Look at the deep state for exam,
Look at the other side willing to destroy the free market due process privacy. The constitution look at what's happy. Around the world. Now, please prepare for any eventuality. It might leave Monday. We had another route, bad tornado here in Dallas, could be that it could be something far worse. It might be nothing, but the peace of mind is worth it take air of your family go to prepare. We Glenn Dotcom, prepare we Glenn Dotcom you'll get a two week, food kit right, save seventy dollars on a two week, food kid guaranteed to day delivery, prepare with Glenn Dotcom the offer not gonna last, but your preparedness will pair, we Glenn dot com.
So much of this is so complicated, but we been breaking down all week on tv, go to place TB, dot, com, use the promo code Glenn and save ten bucks on your membership all right. Let me give you an update on the next shiny object at the world seems to be focusing on the day that we will absolutely forget within two days as soon as there's another shiny object. This time, really sad story out of that of Texas, Dallas Texas, for any
one within the sound of my voice said lives in Texas. If you didn't think the state of Texas could be turned blue you're out of your mind, listen to this story, and issue missed it. We have a mom that says her, three and now seven year old Son wants to be a girl and is always wanted to be a girl and so she wants the transition therapy to begin happening, which means you give him drugs. That will stop him from going into puberty. It will also sterilize him for the rest of his life. You know but no big deal because he wants to be a girl, dad says he doesn't want to be a girl. This is a mom thing and the state of Texas, the judge ruled that Ma Am rules, and so
Can't say yeah we're gonna Darrell eyes this kid. This is Hi, child abuse, child abuse now Dad is saying I will because he's being forced to pay for the surgeries. Ike not gonna pay for it. I won't be involved, and I don't care- what it means. I will do everything within my means to stop this and, I think proper. You know in Texas that probably means taking the kids then come in and get me and the way I've got guns I dont know
but I would certainly be considering that if this were my son, in fact, I would do this. So what are we? What? What? What would we do hear? Well tomorrow the dad's going to be on with us? You can't talk to us today because of another hearing. He has to see how that goes and then he's going to to us tomorrow. To tell us what's really going on in this now. There is one thing that deems to be left out of all of the stories daily wire. Had it yesterday he's going to be called Luna, that's the name Luna oh Luna, it seems like a you know, it's a pretty bad name. If I've never hear protein bar to decent yeah, it's not! not. But while this isn't his first Joyce his first,
This was star fire now. I'm didn't like stars the star fire. So she suggested Luna and he likes STAR fire and she said you are not going well. Or fire. So mom says that she can, She knows that her son is, is old enough brave enough secure enough in the knowledge of who he is that he can get sex, change and be sterilised for life, but he's that smart enough to pick out his own name. Now the reason why he wants star fire is because it's a character from the superhero cartoons. Teen titans go. So he's picking his name from a cart tune. He watches much. It must be up to speed on where this kid's mentality is
I don't know right where every kids mentality is he's. He's reason why mom said that he wanted a girl is because when he was three, he was watching this and he's like I'm STAR fire, which is a female character. Oh you're, so or a woman you're, a female nine star fire. So you want to be a woman. No I'm star fire thing. Your three year old, watching a cartoon if not seeing the sex. He's, seeing the character I'm star fire. Now As pointed out yesterday, how many of our kids have have told us In all seriousness, not They're lying not that their joking, they just are when their three years old and their walking on all fours, and I'm a d a sore raw, if I
took them seriously for a while, a period of time and said you are a dinosaur and then reinforced yeah a dinosaur raw. You are a dinosaur, you are a dinosaur and I keep telling you that all the time in your three you know you can be a dinosaur. If you want to be, I wanna be a dinosaur. I am a dinosaur. You don't think that you would kids claiming to be dinosaurs. If you encourage that, of course that's their mindset. And there's no kids that wind up like this, that girl up with the crazy names, because all of their parents say that name is crazy. If they dont, none of them are named star fire. None of them are named fuzzy bear. None of them. Are names Spongebob. Why? If that's, how their identifying why their parents, let him go with it because they know their there too young, and they don't you
stupid to make a lifeline to sit in my old understand the lifelong ramifications and, of course, with the lifelong ramifications. You can change your name. We all were. Column Karim, Abdul Jabbar with, as that was not a different that way you can change your name Pretty Muhammad Ali way. Ninety nine percent of women who get married change their last name at everyone. Just learns it it's an easy transition with a name lab Francis is better in my view, by one I can, certainly have the name star fire. Yet surely, bed o Bob Frank, Robert Francis, will be on the side of this mother who won't allow our kid to name observed, name himself, star fire but will allow him to name is gender female. That is absolutely insane and a note you. It almost gets to the point where a lot of times, I think we as conservatives look at these things like this kid's gonna be screwed up this house's kid gonna get
your life? You know what were wrong and that all the time you know why, because society in general just gets dumber and more insane, so they fit right in there. Be everybody will be named star fire and forty years of all we like, while what the hell happened, everyone's James Starr fire. You know. Yesterday Google said that they hit quantum supremacy, is a very specific term blah blah blah blah blah. We ended at some other time, Google, abusing so much power turned off. We're going to think that you of quantum supremacy within, pull to see in about five years, because we are going to be so damned stupid and though it be like you turn on their magic box. Look bad woe! It's as two plus two is for. I didn't know that,
I mean we are weeks away from feeding all of our plants. Brando energy drink like they did in India, accuracy. That's where we're gonna vague wording Sit back over the wire the plants grown were given a molecular lots. I don't understand, electrical. I've got it every day. We seem to get dumber and dumber, and what kills me is the Department of Child in family services can do amber when Tiffany S son. Fail. He was playing or something and cracked his collar bone do remember that Tiffany who were We are yes, I do. I remember and remember she had to put up with like six months or a year of the sea It's coming in saying You sure you're not being your child, you know I'm posit
I'm not leaving my child and they treated that child, like it wasn't even hers, because he tripped fell, broke a collar bone marrow. It was the right. Babysitter was re for them. Rafe did that with Tanya one time broke a collar bone, kids get injured that's easy handle things. It happens, okay, so that this It was in their face, here. Is a mother saying here I want to sterilize my kid. I want to make a permanent move, based on the fact that my kid thinks he's a cartoon character a tiny dunes. What what what's wrong? With that this is when the state should come in ago, hang on here, this child abuse. Now a child
parents can say what ever they want to say. You're a woman you're, a woman when you girl up you're gonna, be a woman. God bless that kid! God bless! You kid. But are we really to the point to wear when you, when you're in doubt, Oh, this and the Father is saying no. This is mom she's rack, pond we're you ve just gonna go. You know what give spin, the wheel Vana, but in the whale come on, Gwen isn't this the most pure example right now of of essentially the two plus two equals five phenomenon. Yes, we all sit sit here, and everyone knows every one knows: What we're talking about a true there's, no one in the audience. There's no one in America who doesn't know what we're saying is true. It's a little boy. The little boys
doing what he little boys do and the fact that we should not apply his seven year old reasoning to the rest of his life is obvious to everyone but in the sound of my voice in every one in the country. Yet the overwhelming tied the overwhelming current is all of us are supposed to say we understand it, we don't we. Say. Let me say, without care of your your desk around a whole bunch of people say. Let me know. I know that is wrong, say it out loud, just say it out loud, if your by yourself say it out loud voice is wrong. No, I will not go over the cliff with the rest of manatee say that say that ready. I will not today, therefore, I will not go over with the rest of humanity, no, I will not go over the cliff with the rest of humanity say it, because that's where we are every, but all these lemmings are like come on. We're gonna bound
at the bottom, no you're, not you're. Not I saw it in a cartoon. Your pals. You don't bout Y, all coyote, he lives every time, it's funny. No, no, I won't go over the cliff with the rest of humanity. Are you insane who puts too is not five? No, I don't care how you got there. I don't care what you these you're wrong you're wrong governor on because the Governor Gregg Abbot said he's going to investigate this. This whole thing he starting an investigation into it. Good good, you know and investigate this while you're at it Governor what the hell is wrong with people? How could this even have it? Don't investigate the kids investigate how this is happening in Texas,
who are the people that are part of the year? The child and Emily services that are like? Well, I don't know he is seven. We should cut as we we often sterilize him. Are you out of your mind? You know what why do we care about Genital mutilation with the with with radical Islamic put EL, it is all right, queen is fast approaching Essen. I dont know anything. Scarier then what's happening in the world today Let me talk to you about stealing your identity. You know it's a lot like cultural appropriation except this is real cyber crime. Else today have both grown in numbers and sophistication when it comes to find ways to remove you from your money and that's the worst thing you could not. The worst thing you could do actually is ignoring that.
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Life lock or lifelong dotcom promo code back here, let's get back You know this is this: is a problem of of socialist, denying nature. The reason why they don't believe in the bill of rights is because it did not. They have to deny nature. Natural man.
They deny that. Let me look think of this. They believe, that you should not be trusted with a gun. No one should be trusted with a gun that the government- knows better than parents, but teachers no better than parents, that everybody Knows more than the general population right because somehow or another the group of experts that they choose. Are, are smarter than everybody else. They can administer everybody's life better than you can But as we see these experts, many of them are chosen by the public. So how could people? Who don't get it choose a leader in democracy choose a leader but can lead them
when they're too stupid to run their own life, and then they forget that everybody that they choose. Because democracy really only happens, you note for a couple of votes and then it's over when that That starts to fall apart there too, seeing all of these people that they say are pure. Can you tell me one week A new person that youth Is a saint right now, It is running any government or any place in government with real power. We can't. So where are these perfect people that have Slade Natural man. You can't Have this society that their pushing for what a group of saints so who's, the where the, where they make where they keeping them, because I certainly don't see them.
Until you show them to me and show how they're going to last forever. Now I I don't think you have a right to come in and tell me that I I have to have us. Exchange for MIKE seven year old Son get the hell out you're alive. Mark Zuckerberg Swami over now a huge fan because I come back to that they cannot take Congress. How does he do it? I he's sitting there looking at them, and none of them know what they're talking about. None of them have coherent points. Ale see blatantly reads this question. She obviously doesn't know anything about it. She doesn't know the price
as he points out the process and then you can see her brain working so hard to make us to come up with a sentence that makes any sense she fails and just gets droid by Zuckerberg, whose just sitting not even trying to he's just saying facts. All of this. Actually like another situation. I am convinced that all of this stuff is because of redistricting. You know because of because of the way we snake some of it yeah I mean. How do you get some of these people that are just so Crazy really there.
Looking for their little moments to let go of viral it's so he wasn't the worst. I now know how wasn't Zuckerberg. Did it yesterday right we'll talk about this on the programme and justice against Emma the fusion of entertainment and Enlightenment There is no why No one! on planet earth that could make mark: Zuckerberg US sympathetic figure. Sent for every member of Congress? He
the questions they came out of these peoples. Mouths yesterday were just Ozma, nothing. It was just my numbing and I am I alone will go there in one minute is that Limburg programme. Equally care about what really happening it's over? I think this is why I just want to go to bed just go home and am like I'm tired, honey. It's one: thirty in the afternoon, I'm tired, I'm going to bed. I just I can't do it. Are we talking about my pillow, my pillow is such a great I'm really. I said this to my wife last night. I really think I've crack the code. I really think I've cracked the catalyst for my sleep, And my pillow was the last thing to put in my
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Click on the new radios listener specials and use the promo code back. Our sister crazy eyes was up in front of up from a mark Zuckerberg now mark sucker. Is not a sympathetic figure, save at least not as sympathetic vague. And only eight o c and the Congress could make this guy less of a villain, listen to how crazy sister crazy eyes was a yo see yesterday online. Can you explain my evening? the Daily Collar publication white by well documented with ties to, supremacists as an official fact checker for Facebook and which will ensure we actually don't appoint the independent fact checkers they go through
an independent organisation called the independent fact checking network that has a rigour standard for who they allowed to serve Hungary. So I would say that White supremacist Tide applications meet a rigorous standard for a steam power that my gosh she's drunk so hard, and yet Does she congresswoman? I would say that we are not the one assessing that standard getting first of all it s. Not true! No about is the one who is setting stop. It's not true about the daily color that you. It was painful for her. It was dimension, you go if you could hear her. Somebody in her address, like thrown other login fire thrown alot of iron right. You question one for those listening to the radio is belatedly read. You can actually see it. One point her finger moving across the river hyper and like reading it like a seven year old and cheeks,
He gets through that one with only minor mistakes it when he gives a think about this she's a congress. Will Who supposed to be knowledgeable about this topic, she's on the communication on the committee, she's questioning and doesn't know that Facebook doesn't name these people like that is a very basic part of this that she should absolutely no before asking a question? So of course he lays that out, for her and then she caught in this lying to still try to blame him and say that the color is bad, and this the point where, like brain is like, if you'd think, picture of like a picture of a heart beating, that's like what's going, for their brain inside is actually it's like actually like physically moving executed, squeeze out a sentence that makes sense in English and in
only work. She cried you to get Zadig put out their activities. Does the bearers? Ah, that's why she pauses afterwards, a ghost thank you braids like I got nothin else, I've got another tells us we ve got all It's amazing: how does this happen? Ok, now let me go to the other, may easily amazing question for Congresswoman. Is it baby sitter? This, like you, think It's a joke when you have not on the lives of many people discriminated against them. Do you know a percentage of african Americans on Facebook in comparison to majority folks, do you know what the percentages are people using the Yes do you know what does any works? Americans I dont, because we don't collect the races of whether it you came out in a report and in the Pew Research Centre,
that was, and is a? U so maybe you can don't read a lot of things that deal with civil rights. Are our marriage? Fish is a good point. I have a lot of questions. I'm gonna send to you I'm not gonna be able to get through, and I would like an answer, because this all they may I just say joys and to make merry or back you may I say: Joyce send them to me, because I would love to read them. In love. To answer you back only this is that this is congresswoman from Ohio, you're ruining people's lives. I rode with oil spoke has ruined peoples live yes, because they get on Easter Sunday. There are eight. Do you know how lucky the African Americans are, that they are not the biggest Baltic and by the way any of them could get on right? It does not like what are you? What do you want me to do? Go to people's houses and say, for you the book is free for everybody
Facebook is very good, but for you it's free. What do you want? What are you are, and I love again Sucker Burg is not a figure that you look at would like our while. I am sympathetic to him, but you watch him in here brings and he's looking at them. He's completely perplexed actually trying to answer these questions. Can you met going to Congress. Going too Prison having to go at Munich, everyone's z up once a month ones, two months, seems like getting on the plane gone. I've gotta go listen to these people again these people. What a waste of time now. Here's ways not sympathetic because of this, in time he's like you know what I want you guys to regulate me. The others are making. Who would do that unless you know they would be writing the regulations with you. Of course, I don't know well The only one there that knows anything about his business. So this
We know we always say this like almost like. It's it's it's corruption and it is a form of corruption or these companies come in and they went up. Writing half of the legislation but it's because I listen to the people who would write it otherwise right they know nothing me think about what what a terrible human trade, it is to say to someone hey how many black people order platform. No, we don't take the races why whole here from Pew Research Centre, which is the first time ever, read or heard that name and heading know what it says. No. Well, it was sent to you. Maybe you didn't read it. I guess you didn't really cause you don't care about civil rights. That's just lately. Insane no person can go through that that that thought process naturally and somehow
Zuckerberg goes this entire hearing, without even using the word dummy, because I don't know how I wish they would see this as a united at all stages is not, it is not uniting. It's not. You know he's not he's writing and I dont know how to unite all either, who win that when you're exactly right, Domini the sheer shot you're not helping your own case? This is why this is why we need we need Dave on Dave. I say we live we need to figure out a way to come together, because I'm not feeling tat, I know, are coming up in Just a second we're gonna. Try really try going to try, not you. Gonna be I'll, do it, but when I try really factor When you are in so much pain, you can't just do the regular stuff around the house I say mission accomplished, go pain, you know tee honey. I can't I mean last night.
My son and I and Antonia I was up in a tree climbing up the tree. I come down my sunset. The ants Growlin all over you dead, unlike our no, I just I love it, we're Changing the light bulbs in the in the landscaping. The trees I just love it How I wish I could just say, honey at my pain- is so bad. I just can't get up into that tree. Thank you really factor thing, very much because of you, I was climbing in a tree last night thanks a lot now, if you think she I'd love to climb a tree, then try it Relief factor works for seventy two, seventy percent of the people, but if you're gonna lose all of your excuses, I'm just saying relief factor get out of here. Pain and get your life back Fortunately, all of it at relief. Actor, dot, garbage relief factor dotcom. We pause for ten
again station I d device. It is with us now Dave Davis's foundered, president of story Corps. And we're having a hard time finding love in our hearts. Today Dave we really are. We are counting on you to bring us back to unity in peace in and loving everyone Glenn
Ok, right, it's a tough job, he adds a tough job. I am that the story that I just says it's always rate to be on an and thanks said, and I and hopefully this the idea of what were you doing with story core will give people a little bit of hope and that's what story course all about you know we go all over the country and we get families. Chance to talk to each other to people at you in your kid, you in your grandmother and you sit for forty minutes and talk about whatever you want to talk about most people. Think of it as if I had forty minutes left to live well what I stated this person who mean so much to meet people, ask that big life questions and you keep a copy and another copy goes the Library of Congress of Great Great great great, great grandkids, could get to know your grandmother chiselers languish. I could have done this with my grandfather, my grandmother. I just think this is the greatest thing. What one thing you can do is is, while you can remember them, because even that even just your memory
but the storage of your grandparents is just so valuable furrier. You know future generations and ended also united sitting with them, and let me remind them that their that they matter and they won't be forgotten. You kind of collecting the wisdom of humanity. I died bring with me a heartbreaking story today. A lot of them are hard sad. This is more. This is this. Is this is a story about technical innovation Nineteen forty technical innovation, Circa night, in forty- and this is a better jenkins- yes she's ninety four years old and she came to story core with her niece in Ohio and during the interview she remembered a new fangled device. She had gotten from her mom and inflatable bra. Here's a story. I've read very skinny and I didn't have been occur or Ruth. I guess my mother,
What kind of were big Cuds. She didn't the guy had another boy, France, so she bought me a broad that you blow while I would real excited still alive, blue blue to about thirty two habits. Quite happy with the books, I got a few wolf with thoughts at ports it the day. Eight Jura bury self conscious that year died. Tick, proclaimed to tell the miracle it stated to reply: just turned a yard, but generally brilliant. The end east mountains and it turned out
I meant. No, I'm pretty sure age piety and very uncomfortable things were getting very tight. This bra head start to increase sigh heads, a thing got bigger. How you tried to stand up- and I couldn't see- might be the direction set up with good with port. Eighty five wanted to. I thought possible happen if it goes beyond port and I've found out of high up and it blew out of its own breaks down diggings. So and they Copilot came under the cabin with the gun, wondering why do to help the man all pointed me, let's give put called cured TWAIN. Mr Pieper, Ning
that part of Europe now made just blew out into a spam. It's three eleven till they made the land. I would take him off the plane, turn diverted to the men police, and I told my debts tram panting for what they thought, but the bomb. When I his stripped down, I showed them a hole in the broad and they chuckle and had taught all my they ve got the point. And I was delighted back till by playing a month later, I got a bill of from the airline for four hundred dollars for a nun scheduled. Stop do Oh David did to her. Do you say she came in with a grand daughter did
was. This story was at first telling for this. This I granddaughter. I don't know. It may well again, but it is certainly a telling for the I just had all great that is so great and the brown some assume is not part of the family treasure that she passed on we'll, never now we'll, never, never so Dave. Where are you where are listeners, can can go? What we're all over the country, people can can go to record that work to find out more one thing I wanted to just bring up today if we have a minute that everything's giving? We have something called the great like giving listen. Where we asked people, we have an act now that makes it possible to record a story course story. Time any place with a loved one honour them by listening to them and with one cap uploaded the Library of Congress and teachers across the country over Thanksgiving assign their students, mostly high school students,
interview and Albert and honour them- and we hope that you will call your schools where your kids are now sent to participate or even not just talk to your kids talk. Your grandkids asked them to download the app and participate with us over Thanksgiving caused you to find out about That's sad story, core dot, org or the great thanksgiving lesson suddenly do they want? What do this every on? What we do to this area? Thanksgiving indeed, and I'll. Tell one story about the first thanksgiving, giving in many ways story quarters really kind of collecting wisdom of humanity because of the nature of what's talked about in the in the in the booth and on the app and on the first thanksgiving we had just launched the app. This was three or four years. And we'd we went around, and we told people about the great thanksgiving giving lesson that we hope people could participate and got a lot of media, and we found on the Thursday of Thanksgiving that basically, nobody was participating.
Same as we always saw steady state of the recordings on the app and on Friday no one had uploaded. None of the students had that participated Saturday. I had to go on and do interviews saying you know we. We were not giving up. It didn't work this year, but but this is too important. This act of lessening we're gonna keep trying, and on Sunday we had completely give I've been someone in my office that you better look at what happened of yeah and there were thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of integrating uploaded. Now I'm an old dad show it hadn't occurred to me that wisdom. The kids waiting till Sunday night to do their homework, but I will never so on Sunday night we get we got. We got his many interviews.
At Sunday night, as we had in the first ten years of stories are combined. We hope that people will will be a part of this and again you know you started it. Is things really stand right now they really stick, but looked your family is remembered, the basic goodness of who we are ass. People think the best of people remember that none of US worse things you ve ever done and you know go to a loved one and say who are you? What have you learned them? I thought you wanna be remembered and it'll just shake on the shoulder and clear the nonsense and remind you how lucky we are to be alive. Dave thing story, core dot, Org story, core dot, org. We were right around Thanksgiving. Would you come back on the week before Thanksgiving and maybe bring some? You know bring something that you found from past thanksgivings I'd be honoured. Can that be Graham erratic glad you got it? Thank you very much Dave, I say from story. Cord dot org hang on. No, who do we or do we haven't found hello?
Away, yes, yes, you are right neighbours such floored. How are things Wilfred, I heard story from the young always It's a ninety nine would do. Telephone number. No, I don't think she sends out a very hot I was listening to that story. I spit out my overdue writhed really She got me going. No, she lived. My right
She raised my body to Roger Gay, so much that I had to lower the hated my room to eighty easily while you're that hot and I were. I should point out that I also have a pump attached to my body to inflate. I dont think I am you, do not want to go over the maximum rate of think it would be a good idea and things start wow. This has happened to you, my goodness I accident Mildred that all those guys, Mildred Era- whatever the Mildred vacuum. What police visited if there was some extra cash, but why should we now know she's into it? She was back next Tuesday. She was, That was the muse
Thank you very much. Wilfred Giver calling, I don't know story: core wants that particular story, but when they feature that when they never feature stories, I I don't know I don't know so much so much going on, dont forget to Morrow. We have the dad that is trying to stop his ex wife from basically, neutering his seven year old son and providing Sex change and the courts here in Texas said a dead. You have to pay for it. He says this is nuts there is now involved. There is theirs court proceedings that are happening today and he will be with us Tomorrow's broadcast, you don't want to miss it, you're, lessening Glenn back. If you
small business owner? If you work at a big business, is done matter really You don't know your numbers, you dont know your business now this appeal a lot of small businesses and I know because gone through it, the large parts of business systems, one for accounting, one for sales, one for inventory, somehow another they all have to be integrated and the truth of them. There is that none of them even speak the same language to one another, this in a situation where, if you don't know your numbers, you dont know your business. You dont know how to move what but what risks can I take? What you need is net sweet by Oracle. It's a cloud based business management software that gives you the disability and control that you need to grow with nets, weed save time money unnecessary, had headaches by managing sales financing accounting orders age are all of it from your. A stop or your phone companies at you,
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you talk about a surprising. I was doing yard work with my wife last night side. Missed, all that be darn it the World Series game for young working. You even know that it was an epoch wish. I would have had that. Excuse yeah. This is why I am asking this because and by the way asters down to O lost both games. Home was a surprise yeah. Well, the leave why the she didn't channels are, are based like my bare you're biology, doesn't seem like it's their year. Now our necks Gas is someone. You love Vondra, fit your favorite guests data for and he's your favorite historians. He tells history in ways that you don't ever bring history. So it's got to be something about the world Series. Maybe a little bit David is on with isn't and David he's got
by the way called. That's it we're it's the rigid. What's it. While we are here. I thought I'd know he's been writing about this, but a bit, then it is the hundredth anniversary. This is the big reason. Nineteen nineteen was the black sucks scandal and we of course know all about that. Absolutely I, of course I know they cheat. They treated rather as a big gambling scandal. Yon David's been telling this history and I find a fascinating because an David I dont know if you gonna, be able Glenn into this, its history which he loves, and he loves you, but that it also sports which he has no interest in, so you have to come up with a way to make this interesting decline. I think that they know how to do. The go ahead is examining. The established narrative, which has been going on for a hundred years, is that the Red Sir, the white socks, the black sucks, did this be Ass. They were exploited by an average met.
They were under aid. They were cheated on on this. It is they weren't, even washing their uniforms, blah blah blah blah blah, and this was established largely it was been purchased waiting for a long time, but the established narrative is a book called eight men out. It became a movie cop, eight men out, and then it got plans poured into a more popular will be called field of dreams. Ride I sought island, you're gonna be by the rubber, who Joe Jackson, ok, em, it's the usual sobs story from the left and it's all alai. It's all faults, the guy who wrote that having it acts- and I was very left wing- he was black listed in the fifties, so he was coming at this story from a left wing sticking to the man these guys did.
To get you know retributive justice. They were direct action and so was all somewhat justified and what we have found out in the last twenty years, because major League baseball, a data dump and all the salary gather down and all all this stuff, which was just sort of hidden or forgotten forever, and that not only worth the white socks that team underpaid the seas and started. They were to earth highs, a team in the looting and when they ended, they were the highest paid in the monopoly, and many of these guys, including the crooked guys, were among the highest paid players, any american League, so all fake ok, so you have me, but you lost me on one detail: shirt. Ruth White songs were the whites. Said, the black socks, the same t counts,
we call them the black socks. They were actually the White OX, but they really call bud white and black socks after that scandal. For that year s while that is in these ends up fast. In fact, I didn't know That's why I was actually asked via another conservative. Yes, they morning, do the white sock still exist. Yes, that's all you're here that Far more, I will say voting at this season. They barely exist, but, yes, they always. You exists. You David you! You had me when it's all wrong, so much of our history is just complete. Nonsense and written by people with an agenda find love sports. For me. It filters at this every aspect of our society,
oh David. How bad was this scandal in the press? At the time? How I mean we? Can you compare it to anything today where I was very big that the most recent thing compared to was the steroids scandal, but at that time baseball was invariably called a clean sport to differentiate itself from boxing horse racing. You know we're fixes were obviously going on and it s a pigeon. Dear old road, a bout of an overall scheme, the gambler behind it as a man who destroyed the faith of fifty million people? This was the saying you probably heard, or maybe
say it ain't, so Joe yeah. I know that I yet all that comes from this, that that comes from mad, where a little boy, supposedly outside the grand jury, Schuller, show Jackson, he was in feel the dreams comes out, he's confessed and the little boy says say things so Joe like in some movie and- and I think the bulk of the american people felt like that that this was not supposed to happen. Baseball was clean and You know baseball, mom and apple pie so, and it was happening also the time after World war, two, it happened during the Wilson, administration, guy, when they ninety ninety on is a good year for you and me yeah yeah. I guess so what what's America coming too? So the who how long did it take to recover pretty soon? Well, for one thing: when you came here,
first place. You forget all the sea and sins of your sport. Okay, so the pennant race kicks in. But what really happened is a judge. Called Canada saw mountain land. This had been a progressive he's. Fine standard oil like twenty six billion dollars in nineteen O. Seven he prosecuted the anti war people or Jack was the judge in the trials of people were against the war. He comes out ass. You know the the White socks black socks eyes, the crooked platters, our quit it by a jury in Chicago and my job, but landers, who was h, federal, judge in Chicago issues, a statement that has no player, who endeavours to fix a game, throw a game sits with with players and discusses this or with gamblers order, does not inform his club about
it's going, I will never play baseball again and that really shut the scandals down and the most important part of that is that you have to inform on your other players. F, you hear something. Is going on because it always known that you know you're not supposed to throw these games. It is not known that you're supposed to you know inform on your other players, and this has a sort of parallel with the controversy that Elliot Ass enough may have been involved in Babylon. Was he blacklisted, but he fronted for black listed riders? Okay. This is a time when the meanest refused to talk and other
about communists. So it's always a moral issue, whether your deep to buy user, a term now and a common pilots of whistle blower. What's right, what's wrong about that and in baseball it was your going to you're not going to be a part. If you hear about it you're, going to tell the authorities there are a couple of minor scandals, big date there minor, because they bought early on in the nineteen twenties, and that's why the scandal stop baseball and that is not in going on called Bruce, is- there is there. Is this why PETE rose, who had such a harsh penalty, gambling was always up to date with land is through an
oh they're out in the nineteen forty four betting on his own team now against his own team. It wasn't crooked raining like that, but he was very harsh on gambling. You always used to see signs in the old ball. Aren't you now know gambling in in there? They were very much afraid of being tainted again and I think Three rose thing is akin to the foolish Joe Jackson situation, where both Then there are arguments they should both be in the hall of Fame because they're playing records, but their kept out, because I just then, in terms of gambling situation, sodden did Soulis Jackson did he: kid say it ain't so Joe he wasn't. He didn't spend any time he we was found not guilty did it did. Maybe just net was at an o J Simpson thing: everybody just knew her
he just got away with it Jackson cases a little problematical because he never sits in the two meetings to discuss facts, but he does take five thousand dollars and he goes out to the press after he gets out of the grand jury and said you know, I was treated doesn't get ring at the other fifteen thousand. I was promised he has a tremendous hitting record during the same seriously screwing up and he placed great e hits three. Seventy five twelve hits the only alma this series, so people point to that, but the money and it appears it looks like the best most coherent scenario. This is that he learned his name to the fix that really his prestige as the best player on that team. The best position player helped seal to deal with the gamblers. Did he gonna blame nineteen? Twenty eight? Well, we all
one in nine twenty, because the scandal is not uncovered until very late in the season when they're all suspended, with dependent rate still going on and commission, the owner of the so called cheapskate owner ounces. All the players who are still on the team. Interestingly enough, the Yankees down offered to land Babe Ruth to the white socks or they can fit. Out there season competitively holy cow. While, Lee Cow have things name was not that does not allow, while wow David, Thank you! So much. I appreciate it. Ok, thank you God bless you one of my favorite historians, David, Patricia who is fascinated the progressive era, just as much as I am an loves, define stories that just or upside down, because some socialist communist progressive, took the story and joy:
Carved the heart out of it, and some w someday we'll have a story about a young boy in Texas who is brutalized by his father, who wouldn't allow him to transform into a woman named star fire and that's the history will be written about that incident and right now it is being written today fled away have him on with us. Tomorrow, to talk about that court cases going on today right now, somewhere in the United States, somebody's about to commit a burglary can break into how steals much as again for before running off in trying to get away and if he's smart. He how's that, depending on what alarm system, if any the owner has, he has an average of about forty five minutes before the police arrive. Unless as the house has simply safe if you're a burglar turn this offers anchors La Mon get turning because actually I'd like you to know, so you don't even attempt but I would like to get you caught simply safe if the
burglaries smart he'll, try a different house, because the Abbe response time for a simply safe house that is broken into is house, seven minutes, not forty five, that's a huge difference, state of the art round the clock monitoring with boot, with, with the most risk respectful people in the business they respect your privacy, only fifteen dollars a month s not a lot to pay for peace of mind, simply say huge deal going on right now, go to simply say back outcome, get a free, hd security camera. When you order it's a hundred dollar value vice on your own twenty four seven and video evidence is somebody's trying to get you in or get them in, and an odyssey That is why it goes from seven from forty five minutes to seven minutes, because they video evidence and they tell the Police- know, there's a break in happening right now. It simply safe back dot.
That simply save back dotcom. Nearly ten grand man. Another glass ceiling has been broken for women, all women can celebrate dozens of house. Members have been involved in Capitol Hill sex scandals, but to date they have all Ben men, but that a ceiling has banned broke in Katy Hill Ease, the first female lawmaker to face Health House ethics inquiry over sexual relationships. See
Men and women are the same and they put in this situation both interested younger women which is almost always the case with the men in this situation also with the women. We should just ban younger women you You can't, if we just got rid of all younger women. Or we got rid of everyone else except younger women either one is definitely the right path forward. Ya gotta pick one of em yeah, just either too everyone over twenty, that's not female or execute all females under twenty. That's all we have to do in its fix. You dont, like that idea, so anyway she's the first woman to do. You know what Heaven ethics, investigation on sexual, miss misconduct she said she was having a consensual relationship with a young staffer, but don't we oh still do we know now that the path or dynamics the pipe.
The crazy personal life- and you know I don't know when it comes to a campaign- there's an ethics as during the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage, I became involved in a relationship with someone you on my campaign. I know that even a the central relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate. But I still allowed it to happen, despite my better judgment, but were hang on just the same, but the younger staffer was doing like a freeway with the book call abusive husband who thee. Third we'll says now: it's the other way around. She was abusive to him. First of all, onto mean it, but a tawdry reuse of threesome eyes, they throw rumble throttle throttle near at hand. Yes, that, there's all I mean look it's a divorce and there is a big part of It says this is their crazy, personal. I
Suddenly, now I don't know when it comes to a campaign. There's an ethics investigations. Obviously news, but it is at some level, their personal business. It's interesting! double standard that happens here, because you can dig it all sorts divorce hearings, what Barack Obama's run it against Jack Ryan in Illinois to get a set at sea that leads to the presidency total. Find out on earth those records and put All over the media with this one people seem to be a bit more hesitant to do so. Well, I mean it's a personal. She was just Exploring and Sweden and doing something that the victim says was dark and unnatural. We're just we're Michael moles on here and he was just protested by
These people who are standing up for the rights of transgender people, which I'm fine with practice transit, but they throw bout, this line. That said you know the the eight of Trans genders being killed. In our country, and I ask do: is there a neighbour dammit going on, because I keep hearing this from people and how I'm not seeing the stories on the news yeah I mean if somebody is hunting down transgender people, if somebody is if they are, if there are hate crimes against transgender people, we should know about it. Yet here's the actual stat from to that fifteen June, two thousand and seventeen. There were three, murders of trends, women motivated by the victims, transgender identity. So three toad, in three years, all three involved concealing their physical sex, which, as you know, they were not I guess not necessarily saying they were too of the for sex work itself. Guy goes
to prostitute, thinks it's a man and a woman or the other way round, problematic I think about it. Probably there were around that's what word. Others are right, but this is not. Hunting down transgender people? This is, they thought it was a woman and all of a sudden, in other guys, surprise that got while you still not good reason are now. No doubt maybe should be into prostitution place anyway. So this weekend, there's a Eight going on and while there is a debate going on all the time and then ITALY, the debate has been about transgender ism,
and the violence against transgender ISM. And if you speak out and say hey, I don't think that seven year old, get a sex change operation. I don't think that's a good idea. Of course, or a hate longer, in fact you might even be labelled. Let me look forward here. A dapper live but true, bring troll That's our vanity, fair! it describes our next guest in one minute, as the Glen Back Programme. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that, if your listening to me, you probably have a lot of the same values that I do, except for those we're transcribing things for up Soros Minos. You know. One of the Ngos were sorrels, I'm gonna get like me, you're not particularly happy when you know your money is being spent on things like upon a plan, Parenthood and Rosa.
Sometimes it can't be helped. Sometimes you know have to buy a product and they make a unique product, but not with your mobile phone for survivor of provider, big, more companies are subsidizing. Leftist causes that our rid eroding our values, our rights and our country. Patriot mobile, is the only sell company that don't you do the causes that you and I believe in so in Europe, Verizon do you know they take a good presented, if what you pay them and their giving that man the plan, parenthood or Loretta. I don't my money going there well have a choice. Yes, you do Patriot mobile, has all of the same cell towers everybody's on the same cell tarragon his for you, so I on the same cell tower this is better service this is cheaper and the best part
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I could say: say the Ryder CUP, like that, what I say was the off the author number one best selling book region to vote for Democrats. If If you dont know why I say writers very thorough, you should go in and look that book up. Welcome the programme. Michael, all, sorry, you gland thank you for having and thank you for your very generous definition. The word right, so my first, what have you been? I would talk tuna while good here for Dewey, I'm good here Google and I've been doing well, and I have been on my Agafea Purkis Foundation, Lecture tour, which is the better, not women and other uncomfortable truth, lecture tour and I have ever seen
basic biological reality such protest. I actually found myself. I was an assignment in a gender studies class, a gender studies class called back and love two of my favourite subject by the way, actually aside, the students, a protest against my speech not to come, see my but to protest. The speech so give me a pretty wild few weeks. You don't really weird. When I was in school, you would get it your credit by watching something or going someplace listening it and then having a conversation or writing a paper on it. Cut right to the chase, don't even let's just protest this market than a hundred forgot about it. I think now the universities have completely flipped this on its head, because what there was a protest with the speech you on camera, you could be don't you too said the reasonable approach. Testing
because this speech here literally violence- and so I mean I was my reaction to you. I said you back in that way way back days when I was in college just a few years ago. You would get extra credit if you went with it to lecture now, you're getting credit for protesting a lecture, the way that they ve done. It is they can't refute any sort of conservative argument. The only way that they can fight back against. Our argument is to censure us to shut us down to protest us and the best way that they can do. That is to equate our speech with violence, because it then justifies their own violence return, his absolutely crazy, so you're a war. Where were you I saw a video think it came Monday and you are giving year your talk and outside was class. Let's roll some of the video
Everyone can there be a ring of friends. Women are dying at an alarming rate. The brain during this was not exactly I mean it was slow, seemingly kind of well attended must have been. Maybe I don't know fifty or seventy five people there, but they weren't really it wasn't an exciting valley,
and some of the points there making like the high rate. Of of tat. Gender being killed. You know, Looked it up, and in a three year period there were only three people. We're transgender that murdered because they were transgendered. And that right all three of them involved at the surprise that apparently hit some people when they believe they are about to hook up with a woman and Maybe it's not a woman right on that, the cause of three and which is a hook up it was paid in Kyoto, essays work suspects worker, so you know you don't run into the best class of Johns, yet a whole lot of the time using the boulevard right right. You know, of course, they totally manipulate the statistics, and it's all for this emotion
population with forty of the tour. You know if it takes its title from his speech, but I gave measured out women where I first went to serve very protested in and actually physically assaulted do and but the authorities other uncomfortable truths. The two that I've been getting the video you saw at the cookie played with Canada State is Georgia was at University Florida last night in the two other uncomfortable truths were that the mainstream media are fake news that you're being said a bill of good from leftist propagandist. Much like we heard in that clear and that the text, what I thought was one court, which is the left is it is not compassionate than what they are saying is that if we state Billy basic biological reality, it s actually cool, it's leading to murder and its leading to suicide and statistics back that up at all, but what they want to do is portrayed reality is cruel and portray fantasy as compassionate and, of course, that simply true
oh Michael. What is the what's the reaction on campuses because I'm I'm starting to see videos where Thousands of people that are turning out positively for before conservative and It was a cancer. Just science facts there are many many multiples more people who were turning out to these lectures to engage in a productive way, I wasn't university floor to last night. There were hundreds of people there and it wasn't. All conservative stood anywhere moderates and a few of them were left wing and the left wing Scott up. There asked questions, Owsley, respect away, and it was really productive and it's sort of what the university is supposed to do is to foster dialogue. Everybody can leave, hopefully having learned something. I think we ve reached a tipping point. We see this
with these people who are gonna, try to shut down. You know they. They tell you that anybody to the wider pillar, we quickly, if a fascist and a big it and the Nazi and affordable- and I just think nobody really believes they simply gone too far. And at this point, if you do, you wonder to protest, is a basic fact. You have entered our women, you might as well protest the idea, the two plus two equal, for I think the basque vast majority of people know that the centres have lost an arrogant and they're they're not going to take it anymore. They're gonna turn out. And you're not gonna, be robbed of their universal experience, but here's one hears it's weird. I agree with you. I think people who are independent. I think a lot of. My crafts and conservatives, they know all that I really think most people are like come on man I dont want. I hate p Oh, I don't hate people you want to do with your life in your own body, that's fine,
necessarily agree with it, but I'm not you so go ahead and do whatever it is that you want to do, but dont do it to kids. You know why and I think that's where most people are. The problem is as we are starting to say this is crazy and I think on all fronts. This is crazy. We have to have a conversation about this. The they have institutionalized not just in the schools, but they ve institutionalized in our government when of a seven year old, in a Texas court being told that his mother can basically sterilize him. Turn him into a woman. When you know, if you it we need that seven year old says yeah, I'm I'm I'm Carol Channing it. You don't do That too, a seven year old but hearing tat since that is happening, I mean it. It's happening in Texas, good Heavens, what
happening in California in New York. I think people or if I may, I was shocked myself- so the Texas decision and merry little shocks me because days. I am in the various twenty four seven and I could believe it because the problem lies so much deeper than we thought. You know when you see the people with the crazy hair and beard yelling and screaming at all upset because of their leftist. Politics is easy to white. That often say: ok, these are just french lunatic people and the vast majority are normal. But when you have this institutionalized, not just in the judiciary but in the judiciary, conservative places you realize had
It was wrong. I think this is why these conservative campus lecture series and is actually independent campus, like your theories on the protest they need are so important to, because it shows you how deep the lot run even an elite universities. You know there was a study at a bias. I showed that graduating senior said elite universities, no less about their history and their government or politics than incoming fresh. This is a really really deep problem and it's gonna take a lot more than one or two election, one or two decisions to turn round by this weekend. Political is happening in Nashville and you're gonna be there and who are you debating? I am going to be debating a democratic strategist by the name of Chris HOT, who watch called Skippy Boy on national television. So that tells you a little bit about the tenor our debate it should be a lot of fun. Michael! Thank you so much you find Michael at the daily
dot com. And listen to a show that Michael Knoll Show and seemed this. We can add political thanks, Michael appreciate it very much like you bet then, or not, women less controversial its rays and not always talk racy. Let me tell you about a car shield. If your car has five thousand hundred fifty thousand miles on Europe, warranty, you know it, you don't care it's five thousand miles. You know it's like. I don't know it's like that. There's there is some sort of tracking device in it and it is true, then track where you are it tracks. When the warranty expires, and then, as soon as that, that warranty El goes off it just Did your car just turns into like?
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car shielded dotcom. We pause for ten seconds, stationary so they're putting representative Cummings lying in state now at the capitol in Washington D C,. I mean it a guy who did a lot of good in his life. Lotta good in his life did something I don't agree with, but he did a lot of good good in his life and. It's weird how these guys come and go. You know I read something about Barney Frank RAM working on this book. Arguing with idiots sorry arguing with socialist same thing and end Barney Frank was in some of the research that we did and I thought what ever happened. Barney Frank: where is he now.
When I detector someplace you known cape cod or so he, whereas Barney Frank now, do you have an answer to the no? I have no idea, I didn't care enough to look it up, but I you ve heard IP and I'm curious? Do I do occasionally see him on television? I feel like relatively recently He was he made some news because he said something that disagreed with the left like he was gone now. Partic Frank is pretty Super conservative compared to what they have now and address these prior, like it either. Looking at eighty or sea like who is this person, a socialist, I mean, like Party, Frank, is with super left at one time, but the other how it fit into this Congress did he's if he doesn't fit, and now it's John F Kennedy must be Hitler to the left. They must be like ass, not what you, what we're gonna do. What. I mean a lowering taxes on rich people. Can you
imagine a world where this was suggested. In today's democratic party I mean it's not, you be only way. The Democrats win is if they have somebody that connects with the youth. That's the only way they win, because I dont think America's is gonna go. Did you see Joe Biden numbers whose numbers are going yeah me there's various policies telling different stories. You know it's the thing that I did talk about at one point: how I think, putting Biden versus Trump as the Marquis match up because of his impeachment and and the Ukraine stuff, I think, might help and you look at the CNN Pole, its thirty four to nineteen he's up over Elizabeth Warren, and I pointed out that Paul because its first shred of evidence that my theory was true and everything else is going to the other direction, Sosa holes or hear me out here. Let me highlight it linen that may be right to me absolutely be right. I have another theory that they got to the
edge of the abyss without Joe Biden, and they went up got not that none of these people- work and other lacked a jolt enjoy manage all Joe, I pits possum, you know, there's another pull out today and all these are it's funny, because all these pulse come out and they they can give you a new cycle if you really want them to there's a pull out of Iowa today. That shows Biden in fourth, behind a surging PETE Buddha Judge, who seems to be taking some of his votes in that state is hardened but when you look at the national pulling, this has since then As debates I mean almost nothing has changed. Almost nothing. Joe Biden still leads the field This is he's with twenty seven point. Four he's down a half a point since the last debate. Warren is up a half a point, since debate. Centres is up, appoint Buddha judges up a point, but again right now. It's twenty seven point. Four to twenty one by leads then said
keen for sanders. Thence six and a half for Buddha Judge and five and a half, four Harris whose actually up since the last debate I mean like we get these impression so these huge moves are happening because of one Paul. But when you look at the grand scheme of things, it looks like theirs upload front runners with war and invite and there's a couple people behind with Sanderson Buddha judge. That are in the running. In some ways you can make an argument there. There then there's a what more who were hanging on by the by a thread, and then they had a bunch of nobody's it's basically where we are about to people who are about to drop out. So what is Who did you? What is the Dick Dnc Gonna do with Buddha Judge, because their running poles? you know in the south and African Americans Ahern, not ready for a gay present. You know I will say the pulling is fascinating on this. Because what you see when you actually break them down is it's a gay present.
Is still one of those things. A lot of Americans will not vote for, including about twenty percent of Democrats, so shot about twenty percent of Democrats, sailor, unama, right and it's something like thirty percent of Republicans and twentys, percent of independence? Who say no matter who the person is, if their gay, they will not vote for them. This is surprisingly high numbers in two thousand and shining light. Then I'm sure they're gonna be dropping it. That's the way these things usually move, but, as you know, the argument, Where is that it's a little too early? And if you remember going back to the gay marriage. Situation in California, probably most famously blackfooted? Two are almost exclusively demonstrate voted against gay marriage at much higher numbers than white voters. Did Will you see higher voters and Christians gap? Just just plain white Christians you go to the South Carolina pulling and Buddha Judge is hitting the high p.
Of zero percent over and over again among black voters, while in fact Ino hit. You look at you. Look on these demographics- and you see Elizabeth warned that the USA twenty percent and then she gets it the ten percent of black voters in an me. Oh echoes the demographics and are generally equal Biden, does particularly well among a black voters. Buddha judges, like all four centre voters and zero percent of african american earth like these. He can not seem to get any as there are no way they can be the guy. Well I mean unless it changes. Maybe you can make us case, but there is a. There is some reason to believe that it's it's not going to change, and then what do you do? Is you can't, We cannot win the presidency without the black voted, a strong showing from it. You can't win the nomination without adding the maybe we're both right. Maybe people look, did you know Trump versus binding, went yeah, ok, he's our guy and looked over the abyss and why there is no other guy
to hear the audio over the Hillary Clinton aid. That said,. He's a good play for Usanga Tom. From Texas, now text our different than the average American. I think and and sore. Eighty five year olds, eighty five year olds, they lived through their lives Rather, like eighty five, you think I was soft to get Davy five, so you are still as a small aircraft flight instructor an he is bicycle every day and the only signs that there I was getting older, was his lower back and his left hip and is we give him, you know, unending grief and it became. Return harder, it couldn't write his bike and then you know my can have to give up my flying, etc, etc. They discovered relief factor shortly after he started taking it the back and hit. Pain went away and holdings.
Aid almost entirely away ever since you take it, though its directed seventy percent of us find great relief. Try it Tom, It worked for him works for me: gotta relief factor, dot, com relief, factor, dot, com, good ablaze, tv dot com used a promo code Glenn for ten dollars off, maybe even highlight on the show when Hillary Clinton is adviser, said Mama so I say I've gotta play this very welcome the deliberate programme. By the way I got up
a long time Clinton, adviser vis, browser I, which I think. I think we know that name, because I think that's just another. A twitter, Count for Mitt Romney, I'm not sure but clear advisor. Philip Rosa has left were wide open for a potential. Twenty twenty run. Listen to this you're. Looking for establishing a long term plan. Apparently this is a huge area, but if she I jump it forever reason and the party, smooth someplace that she hasn't than she won't get the votes. That's the point of the
there are I get stilled nineteen people. There are a few that are double digits if she would run and people think that she's two left to right to centre would have you want to call it. That's the beauty of it. They get to vote against, whoever they want. I mean I will, if you gave me a choice between betting on her running or betting, on parable, I probably bet on pet. But if she were to run people get to decide, as I know you do, that as a whole is a cottage industry, or rather I want to do is to some extent she might well run, which has become the most reasonable. Priscilla Democratic Party Natsir, she might be the best person to be present penance. I'm sorry. I met President Trump, Did you see what he did there would probably heads thing: did you get the most reasonable. Hillary Clinton is now ok, ok hour. I am I if she does seem. We know almost one.
William Buckley ask compared to the current cropper. Has yes says: that's only because Stalin is also run epithet. Asean is also the right of the ads, and I think I mean it. They moved. No one believes that here it has some moderate, but in outward language- and we should definitely tried to signal she was more moderate in almost every one of us. Field, including the people, are calling moderates in this field like bided like Buddha, My guy, you know that this is they moved a really far dust. Really quickly earlier and I feel, like you know like. I am not the type of person who wants to give advice to Democrats. But there is a situation where it seems like they learned all the wrong lessons from twenty. Sixteen you know they they they they're taking Hillary Clinton a purse
and who just personality wise could not deal with Donald Trump. Couldn't do it. She was a terrible candidate, but she also has the personality in the traits that would just do do not do well against a trump like candidate. Then I'm gonna run Elizabeth Warren, who has all the same, treats all of them and the other part of that is she's from far more left that Hillary Clinton ITALY's portrayed herself. So those those voters who voted for Obama and then Trump whom d? I did the election they're gonna, say well. I could I. I voted for Trump last time against Clinton, but So they are running a socialist with the same package. So maybe I'll considered changing my mind again. And then you have Hillary Clinton who came to the table and said hey. You know what there's a slice of the trunk voters that are there just deplorable that basket of despair, deplorable with her expressed point B. Many of them are not in the back basket of deplorable. Then this entire field and twenty twenty incentive learning the lessons and saying, while I was we shouldn't
becoming any of them deplorable there now calling all of them deplore these new they're all races. Anyone I support structures, the worst private on earth. I know they ve lost, they ve learned every wrong seen from an election and if they somehow win, it will be in spite of themselves who was of those reading. The somebody said, I'm on a trump supporter, but I think, what's happening is reduced. Phyllis and he said I dont know how to talk to Democrats or anybody on the left. He said I I you just say now wait a minute. I mean list worn or your drug supporter. No, I just this is your job supporter you're on the Trump train booty. All Maggie now know. When any I did you they. I know how to say anything to. Anyone except, oh you're, dishonor drug train, use lobby on drug train.
Nor can we talk about the issues here? We just talk about issues, so they had all these things were like if you, if you don't agree with a seven year old, having their their widowed mother. So how to describe them. Brasilia, puberty, blockers and they're gonna turn a bus, seven year old boy into a seven year old girl. Well, then, you're transfer back if you dont, like a Democrat for some reason, like their tax policy, you're a racist. You know, if you don't like it, they just contained will we have these weird black and white lines that allow them to define this debate in their head as something that's rational, but it's not, and if you actually talk to people, can we play the blaze media? The interviewing that do we did at the Trump rally send the blaze. Terrorism, funds are, and we just wanted to talk to regular supporters of Donald Trump. Listen. But what they actually had to say. But I like it, I can't I store blast at his ground with people trot of which there are like,
These attacks, banks that I've been waiting for people approach of attack marry you He also is for the forgotten man. He talks a lot about the people that are forgot and he does more for people of color and he talks about more things that I can see that will affect me as well as my grandchildren. So I am, so for years, nine what you know about it. What does it mean? Basically, that even though I'm gay, I don't have to think a certain way like the left prison. Do we have two, as one conservative also born gay, a free thinker I'm sorry I've. Never in my life I'd be holding signs delirium yet, but I think it's important to do that. Right now. Cuz, if not we're going to lose control. So what do you like about him actually does? What he says he's going to do and he's hilarious, he is so funny, others have no sense of humour super money. I you know.
Is that intentional? Sometimes it is, is comedy intentional or is it just doesn't give a crap? I mean that's what I predicted would happen. Before Obama was even selected as the candidate. I said. If this I becomes the candidate and the President when he's done, we're going a guy who just like yeah, you know I find it don't we all flattened study is. Does doesn't care right, the person? It is not refine the person that just blurred out what their thinking the person it says things that a lot of people say on the bar. I mean that whole that whole thing in which, see now turn into somewhat of a clean kind of accurate with tromp right I mean it's kind of what he does Strange package of a billion are real estate mobile, but it is better at it. It is my is right and I think, most of the time I think very
You could definitely see that trouble likes the humor and finds it sometimes intentionally. But that's I don't know that that's necessarily what bad guys talkin about he just like the fact that United, we just says stuff in it and in it pisses people off he doesn't care and there there is always something humorous about that. The other is this. What do what you like about every minute? Let me go back to George Carlin or you go back to Richard prior or air. You know many roofs or any any person whose just saying these things and shudder and hair it's what you like about children. You know Bill Cosby, eight bring him up bill. Gaspe! Remember he did the old art link letter thing: children say the Darndest Allianz its yes tickets, still on their there's another Version of that israeli I bet with now zilch has with Jeff Fox worthy. I think I think he did it for a while and more centres and another version and the early, but a bill not appearing, but it's funny. Even when you talk to. When you actually talk to kids, you
you find them funny, because. They just say what their thinking there's. No oh filter- and here you actually right but don't say that impolite company yeah by the way Tiffany had fish is the new host of that programme. And, of course you know Tiffany had it, I'm Oliver work, I mean our old warrior. Looking at I over the link for girls trip You tell me about tell me about your favorite seen girls treaty obligation. I probably get my car that's all the girls of my car. This, whilst I gather like my wild stuff, when we are talking about all those those issues you shouldn't you just sit and talk about it or are on a trip using nets which one was she was the one in the car right. Nobody around. Thirty, as it were in the car, they are all I hate to I'd hate to to
Devise them by their appearance, oh you or what are actually artful yeah, any specific. Actually hell is shaky. She Girls trip, ok, didn't see it. She was in a complicated but she was at that girls trip that when I got it, I got one night school. He sought good night school did not see that uncle drew uncle, drew out at sea. Let's say a bunch of voice work. Maybe I've heard her from like it, ambles Cumberland. Are you further from legal movie, two secret life of pets too angry birds movie to barely none of the originals she's copies equals owing to lack of energy in the Lego movie too, she was queen so the queen. Whatever would Nobby, I dont know see the ligament all remember, which I kid, and I don't remember that role. So it's like saying you, sorry, girls, trip
but she is coming up in bad trip, which I don't of its related to girls trip. I'm I'm sure it's fantastic. Well she's, fantastic. I think we ve decided in But she does so: let's, let's move What Shiva, why did you bring her up because she's the host of kid say that darndest sternest things? Are they still saying it? Darkness, darndest, don't kid say the darned, thing. Well, there's an old timey word darndest. Kid say darndest things here, but Eight on ABC television. I will say she was also in the music video for ring a link, My report also extraordinarily remember remember her from their yeah what, You gonna change it to kids, O, F dog. Now that is the next step is our aim. Sponsor this half hour. Wanna talk to you about the future of online security, so
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Help. I would just calculate that efficient toujours, at our varies it you know James that that what are you know that the young? STAR Spangled Banner and he walks out, Just remember river yeah, I usually gloves glow and it just came out what an egg what an asshole and I've gotten is not a common swear. No sign language is pretty refined. Yes, however, usually
there, isn't it there's a time and place for a glutton swear and it's pretty rare yeah, but there is another. Only then cares. Little did you terribly show either for common or to make a boy right? Yes, they are curated in a way that has been our finding Elinor. That will just seen a blurred out loud. It was just a neige. Her whole New York enable Lebron James is the guided. Do it my gosh, Pia the perfect, I'm so happy people finally seeing Leubronn in the light that I've seen him in it for so long that he's the worst that heat. I just he is just terrible, an awful awful awful sure I can't stand Leubronn J Building, because I really want to know when my knee jerk I dont know sport. I don't know anything even IRA me too, but I know it's not even that I just Video on my knee jerk reaction was that and
so for me and he's a guy I'd like more information to really base that knee jerk look, I could go to it's a death around another. We have the time to go into all of the reasons why we are here tonight to don't special episode. I will tell you, as rightly, however, why I would like to say is- and I found this I've thought about this recently- is that Lebaron James, also created a school for needy children and he's lots of really good things, and I could choose to see some of those five, but I don't. I always see him in the worst possible light, and I realize I am too Lebron James. What the media is too trump like I'm just I am automatically a hater of James, just because I dont like his teams, and I wanted to lose every time. There is not really a reason. Although he is pretty terrible in many many ways we can get into them. The special emphasis killed anybody. Probably so. My point, though, is that, like this is how the media is like they go into. I go into a Lebron James story. Look
before Lebron James to be awful in every circumstance. Luckily, he obliges me almost every time, but it means I go into it looking for the bad and that's what the media does with Trump. They dont go into it. Ok said. Lynching believe all said lynching. In this context. We understand what he meant that over the way they play it because they go into thinking is essentially literally Hitler right so of whereas Wendy literally Hitler up there, as the president says he he says lynching, you zoom it's because these he wanted a lack of islamic religious people for rattle. Do we. Just the audio here, quick, here's Lebron James, their due the star spangled banner right before game. Here's a heaven right right, he's just he's walking while their singing and he just walking and looking at the crowd like what's wrong with you. Let's go largely cheering
those sing a song, dude tat, even more one for some, but you know what he had at least will stand up for China. What a brave brave man, he what its two pieces of information that I know about Le Monde, that's what did it. It was like. Sweet, went him on China being just in in uninformed Just as I do paid stupid. I meant for him: there was all about you! Don't care about people like me,
millions of dollars a year we lost our jobs, motorbike nay hole. Has the euro without really. I bet that why, but that's really the only way to describe a guy like that, and so will. Maybe maybe tomorrow will have a case against Leubronn from still.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-17.