« The Glenn Beck Program

The NBA and Nike Are Coming Undone | Guests: Bill O’Reilly, Peter Schweizer, & Erielle Davidson | 10/11/19

2019-10-11 | 🔗
By standing against Hong Kong, the NBA, Nike, and all other companies pandering to the Chinese government are showing the world who they really are. CNN held its “Equality Town Hall” last night, which featured Beto threatening to take away tax exemptions from churches over LGBT issues, audience members grabbing mics and approaching the candidates, and a 9-year-old trans kid. The Federalist’s Erielle Davidson calls in, and after looking into Turkey and Syria, she found that it all ties back to Obama. Bill O’Reilly gives his take on this week’s biggest stories and why he thinks Fox News is caving. Author Peter Schweizer joins to discuss the media’s NASTY attempt to debunk him and the drama surrounding former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Border in a and welcome to the program got a great show for you today. It is is we're going to hit a little of everything, and then we have Peter Sweitzer on about the impeachment. Will right we have Bill O'Reilly on we have Aerial Davidson who's written a great article from the FED list on Turkey and Syria If you want a different perspective, then we shouldn't be. We shouldn't abandoning these people? is that is that how people sound when they say we shouldn't abandoned them? They sound like they're crying because is it? Are they
because a lot of people are dying? Is that why they're crying in the middle that sentence, let's just wanna, make sure I understood you know like. I could understand, really torn. I don't like about yeah, I don't like abandoning them yet, but I was railing against getting in bed with these people. In the first place, we should have been there with them. I think think you can have both smart people on both sides. You can let you get inside being whimpering. Mess will have that coming up. entertainment and it's all coming undone we
going to where, to start with the transgendered convention and we're going to take it to the NBA in China. It's all coming. Undone, we do that in one minute. Is the Glenn Beck program well, it seems like the feather. The weather is finally decided to cool down yesterday here in Texas. It was ninety one today, it's forty six, so. We had fall, fall fall, arrived about, one thousand, one hundred and thirty last night we're now into winter here in Texas,. So anyway, before you know we're going to have Christmas and will be probably be in ninety degree weather for Halloween, and then it will go right to Christmas for Halloween Christmas season is here. You might want to start thinking about Christmas shopping if you or
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the European Union, the Us Embassy in Kiev, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations felt that that prosecutor was corrupted, thought he should be removed. There's no evidence that what vice President Biden was doing was corrupt in some way. By the way, it's now the prosecutor, that they all cheered. For me, all cheered for Lou Sankoh to come in and replace show can use this for this is the guy who's going to the guy. You get one point: eight million billion dollars. If you go ahead and replace choking with Lou, it's Lou Sankoh who sang his dirty and we need to investigate. It's crazy yeah. I mean crazy and by the way the the US embassy in Ukraine, the US embassy, the ambassador, is dirty. She was just fired an when you. If you just watch, look sweetheart, I know
your p PBS, you been there since I think you were there before they even had radio and, appreciate all the hard work that you've done, but since sweetie just watch is that too demeaning it does like you're, being a tad a meeting yeah. Well, that's unfortunate and I certainly certainly would be disappointed if they would take it that way. Just watch the cha bored, because the evidence is all there. It's all there. Okay, let me go to go to. Let's see, let's try CNN's Avlon crudely. So let me see any philosophical consistency in Congress, rather spear situational ethics, but you know the problem is a. He did need to shout it and be it. We don't expect, because everyone sort of knee deep in a pocket see on the stuff. The problem is, it: is the constitution? Stick this, isn't it because
this is really serious stuff. He a habit. Thank God. He was a big deal there couple people died, may no no big deal. No big deal. No big deal about that. I it it's like it's a fascinating. You turn on these we'd. Try, cable news from. Night and what you see is such a bizarre painting of what America suppose so. Can I tell you something: this is with this is what happened in Germany, there were two newspapers to main news sources in Germany and in the 1920s. They were fine by the end of the 1920s. You could not tell that you were living in the same country, they, have the same news reports, but one say it happened this way and the other one would say it happened that way, and there it's nothing. That would tell you. It was the same incident and people chose sides which newspaper do I go and we are yeah and they didn't listen to the other side and they just got high.
Heard and fast and that's what led to national socialism. Let me go to the reporter getting cut off by asking the NBA players about China, the lady in the second problem. Thank you. Hi, Christina Macfarlane, CNN The NBA has always been a league that prides itself on its clarinets coaches, being able to speak out openly about political and societal affairs. I just wonder off to the events of this week and the fallout we've seen whether you would both feel differently about speaking out in that way in future, It's a legitimate question. This is now That's happened this week during during Nba. This particular question has no
well crafted question good for CNN they're. Asking so. Are you going to speak out about social justice stuff? Now I mean: are you going to do it? Are you going to do it? Yeah 'cause? They love doing that they love doing that, but when it comes down to the social justice of all these people, they supposedly care so much about in China. All these fans that they're so worried about, as their entire society is turning into an episode of Black Amir or they don't seem to be worried about it all right. So so here's the thing, the the NBA Nike all of that stuff is coming undone, and I want you to listen to this. This real quick, because I think the next thing we're going to is the same just a completely different topic, the the in the NBA. It was one of the first real cash machines in China. They were there very, very early. In fact, it vagina started fall in love with basketball back in around one thousand. Nine hundred the YMCA missionaries would come over and they would play
and you could play it indoors and it was physical and it was fast and they loved it and so the chinese people started to embrace basketball right around the same time that we did, and it was brought over by american missionaries. Then me outlook over well I'll band. Everything that was western and so people stop playing basketball. But what he didn't know is a lot of the generals in the communist military were basketball fans, they loved basketball, and so they would play secret basketball games with the the communist generals, and they were playing basketball all the way through. So when now died and the and China opened up and Nixon came down the Chinese generals were all there going. We love basketball, we love basketball and basketball was brought back into China and was brought in by the communists because they loved it so much. What was his name.
Would stern. Ok, he was the more commissioner commissioner of, and why do I know him? There was some scandal with him. Wasn't there now there are some really there's no reason for me to know him, and I help him because of a friend of yours. It was is friends with him. That's how you know. If you have a great book you know me and you don't know David Stern, but you have a couple of a couple of could be no Senate race all right now so anyway, so David went in the nineteen eighties. And he went to China and he saw their love for basketball, and he said you know what why don't as play highlight clips, and he actually would mail the highlight clips to China once a week, and would on state television after the sensors made sure they cut out everything that might be. You know you, so they so they loved it at came very popular and so then I
get out. One thousand nine hundred and ninety they started in on live feeds. Why don't we just give you the bass, football games and you can watch them and run them on state tv now. This is still in a time when we only had three channels, so there watching now, basketball on the Communist television network. So, the Chinese loved it? This is in the era of of Larry Bird and Michael Jordan, and that's as deep I can go MAGIC Johnson get their magic Johnson, yeah, ok, so this is uh. The popular thing in China. It starts to explode. Michael Jordan plays a really big role, because you know, Michael Jordan could fly air, Jordans, Nike so now, the NBA, AN and Nike are in early on this chinese market and it's exploding for them Nike is made being a ton of money way before anybody else, NBA
making a ton of money way before anybody else, so they start to the NBA says: we've got to have our own league. There they start their own league. It was worth two billion dollars today, it's worth four billion dollars, but the clincher is who's, the big chinese guy from the rocket I Ming Yao. That's, It really goes just explodes in China. Now people watching streaming. Basketball games from the NBA through. NBA of China on their phone. Is it work every day there watching American basketball games are being played at night here. Thank so it's gigantic night. He loves this. The NBA loves this. Both of these have been all into social justice, but both of these come these have been lying to themselves. They been saying You know as long as I avoid the three tv's,
Taiwan, Tibet and the square. You don't talk, those things and you're fine and they've. Let know what monsters they're in bed with, but they've just been saying It's going to avoid those three things: hello, now it's a little more complicated because they have concentration camps. That's a c were a t word and they're, taking people's rights away. That's an r word, not a c word in Hong Kong, their also now is do said: blah nearing their their entire population. It's not one thousand nine hundred and eighty two anymore. Now is it. This this coming undone because the american people are seeing this and they're. Like. I don't like this, I don't like China with I don't the chinese people I like China itself, but I don't the chinese communist government look what they're doing and as the
worse and worse and worse, Nike, He and I am so happy to say this Nike is going to lose in the end, and so will the NBA those Companies need to wake up and they need to answer that question. I can't believe I'm saying this from at CNN reporter. What do you do now? You still talk about human rights. You still going to talk about oppression, or you still going to talk about social justice Nike with the Nick is still going to do that. Really you care about oppression that happen. One hundred and fifty years ago, but you don't care about The oppression that's happening today, this is coming, undone and I'll tie it. To CNN and there well, they speak out of the other side of their mouth in one minute.
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CNN's Trans Gender night, just like at the bar, go to FA different paid. No! Shame in that! No shame against that now, so they had everybody together and they wanted to talk about LGBT Qti plus two plus super calla, Ok, cool bag is the better way to go. Quilt bag is ok, so they had a night on that and let is give you some of the takes here is Beto. If you think that Donald Trump is a problem done a Trump he's got so many scandals. Okay, let's look. Let's look for somebody that you think reasonable here's, Beddo take away the tax exemptions. Listen to this think religious institutions like colleges, churches charities, should they lose their tax exempt status if they oppose same sex. Marriage. Yes, so if your church that the bike
all says that to be a man and a woman, you lose your tax emption or I don't know if the Karan were to say that they shouldn't have gay marriage. So what better? workers come out and done, and it is, it is ask for the elimination of tax exempt status for every mosque in America. Every mosque, every church, every synagogue, okay, gone gone tax exemption. It's kind of like hey If you question Hong Kong we're going to stop giving you access to our market. Because it doesn't look like that. Okay, so here's a c n n audience member talking about blacks, black trans women. Here we go want to take a. I meant before I ask my question: to validate the pain of our Trans gender, siblings, that damn
constraint it earlier and that have spoken up today, especially black trans women. I don't wanna go, but let me tell you something: black trans women are being killed in this country and seeing you as a race black trans women. For the last time, let me tell you something black Yes, women are dying our lives matter. I must extraordinary black transwoman. I deserve to be here by Black Trans cookie cutter. Here I am tired. I am so tired. I'm just saying that this morning, with my black trans, women spend my black Trans brothers to say what I wanna say: No, no! No! No. I just want to ask you something. Come here. Tell me come here. I want you talk. What's your name, this is blossom. Seabright blossom. Let me ask blossom blossom. Let me tell you something: let me know don't come on the stage don't come on some common have to MIKE. May I have the mic blossom. Let me tell you something: Bro
he's in that one here is to validate people like you. That's the reason why CNN was there to validate people like her? They will not. Tell a date, people in the center of the country who have a different opinion on bathrooms, or anything else. They will not validate, they will mock. They will call you terrorists, but CNN is there to validate blossom and people like her there's going to be a massive security problem with one of these incidents mark my words on this: they cannot continue to allow people to walk up and take microphones. And several right up to the presidential freaking candidates. Yeah there's going to be a disaster that comes from this and they because they're so woke. They won't stop it. Okay, We go here. Nine year old Trans kid with a question see his mom mini, who is an advocate for transgender youth, an active with human Rights campaign Jacobs in LL, preschool student from Massachusetts likes to play hockey
Jacob Jacob. Where is Jacob and I have a nine year old, transgender American might be a great new nine. Your nine thank you trans gender. What we do in your first week as president to make sure that kids, like me, feel safer in school and life, nothing, nothing as president. She should do nothing. She has nothing to do with our schools. The federal government has nothing to do with our schools. Let's stop that Jerry Jimmy Carter lie right in its tracks. She can put write a great example, but she should do nothing with our schools. Those are state, run. Schools states. Take your power back. Let me go to Warren now, supporting taxes for prisons. Listen to this. In the twenty twelve campaign for SEN,
you criticize the judges ruling that granted transition related surgery to a transgender inmate. You said, I don't think it's a good use of taxpayer dollars. Do you regret that yeah. No, it's a bad answer and I think that's a bad answer and I believe that everyone Is entitled to medical care and medical care last one under president, yet I mean 'cause. I think these people are wonderful. Here is Kamala Harris now listen away. She introduces herself go ahead. Thank you for joining. How are you and my pronouns? Are she her her hers she to all right his two? It's a joke. That's a funny joke! What makes a joke funny quickly!
well it's because it would be ridiculous for him to be a she her, and he knows it's ridiculous, even holding. However, it's it ridiculous. No, it's not reading the audience doesn't think. That's ridiculous! No, don't and that's the thing he had to apologize for that by the way he was mocking trends. Generators all coming on done, because it's all based just like in China all based in lives. Is that program, our even think about buying a dna kit. Now is the perfect time, because twenty three in me is the best dna kit on the market and it got even better by adding new features they've just in reduce to new ancestry and traits service. It has more than one thousand five hundred geographic regions and it automatically builds the family tree and free trade reports. If you want to get somebody a great Christmas gift,
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so we are all over the full story on Ukraine. This week go to checkout tv dot, com use the promo code, GB twenty off when your last days to get twenty percent off your subscription. Welcome to the program we have aerial Davidson on whether she's staff writer at the Federalist and she wrote a great art call on what Trump is doing with Turkey. Trump gave Turkey choice on Syria, cooperate or risk catastrophe to, and this is what he keeps saying, but she's really. This out well, and I wanted her on to explain it Ariel welcome to the program. Thanks Amy Grant and I'm happy to be here. You bet tell me go through this, this story for the audience sure
well when I initially heard that Trump was pulling troops out of northern Syria and I thought sort the media have a collective meltdown. My initial reaction was there is more this story, then we are hearing, and I That's why the piece has resonated with people, because they started went through a very similar thought process attention to what happened in In order to understand what Donald Trump move our movies are, you have to understand kind of why we got to the place we are and the reason we're in the situation. We are in it because back in twenty ten, when Obama, was calling back in the mid two thousand times when Obama calling ISIS the Jv Squad, and you realize that ISIS was a much bigger threat than he anticipated he had to. Allies in the Middle EAST in order to combat isis- and he chose to to align the United States with the YPG, which was basically a group of pro Assad syrian kurdish forces.
I the issue with that alliance- is that those particular groups of Kurds we're seeing basically as a terrorist organization, by yeah. If you remember the GOP got involved in this as well, you know John Mccain was seen with these terrorist and we're, like What are we doing? We're in bed with really bad people right exactly, and so he essentially. Obama chose those people, because at the time he was trying to not rock the boat with the IRAN deal, so he had to align the United States with pro inside IRAN because the people and that's why he settled on the syrian Kurds. Now I don't want to denigrate all the effort and the valiant fighting that the hearing Kerr goes down alongside american troops and not
really important factor here, but we also have to remember that when we choose our allies were not necessarily choosing people that everyone is going to like and for the Turks that could not be more true, and so essentially we posted up these group of what the Turks would regard as tourists along the syrian turkish border. This was an unsustainable situation. There was no way that, in the long term, president area, one of Turkey, would be ok with this situation, whatever, regardless of what your feelings are on the Kurds are that's the perspective that Turkey had, and so that's the situation when Donald Trump entered office. That was the situation that he entered upon an he essentially gave Turkey two choices. He said: look, we will cooperate with you. We know it's an uncomfortable situation
We can share intelligence with you and maintain the defeat of ISIS, or, if your that, disgruntled, we will just let you be in sort of whatever wherever the chips may fall, they falls if you decide to invade Syria that on you, if you want to face international condemnation, I had thanks in part on you, that's fine! You were not going to support that will. We will probably be part of the force that is slapping sanctions on you, but we're giving you These two choices choose wisely an arrow and made his choice, and so that's what we're seeing unfolding right now, you know this is Donald. Trump is actually been engaging in a very lengthy diplomatic process to arrive at this unfortunate conclusion. But there were there are no good options here, gone yeah. I agree with you Ariel and I don't like being in bed with them in the first place. What gives me pause? on this is
when you first hear about it, you're like wait a minute. These were people that we had said or our partners. Well, yes, but I've I've come to look at it in the last couple of days in the same way that the Soviet Union was our partner against Hitler, didn't mean we like them. It means we needed to defeat Hitler just like. We needed to defeat ISIS and we got into bed with some really nasty people, but we're not going to stand around. I mean you know, Truman comes in and he versus as soon as the war is over. The Soviet Union is our enemy, so did we betray them, or did we just can correctly identify them after the cry? This was over sure and I think that's a really apt analogy, but I'm sort of and I'm in the camp of leaving a minimal amount of troops as sort of a deterrent boots on the ground. You know, I don't. I think this idea that we
Stay there indefinitely and have massive amount of troops. There is just not illogical. Well, there are you it takes that. May I push that back just a bit and see what how you respond on this. We did to bring those troops home. They just went over to Iraq. So it's not like it's. Not. These guys were like hey you job well done come home. They just went to Iraq right or or other places in Syria. Sure I'm saying that it's okay to leave a small number of troops in northern Syria in order to act as a deterrent in order to show also that we do abandon our allies completely. So this is it this is. This is again the Quag, for that we are in. Is that we've allied ourselves, like you, said with some, not so great actors, but at the same,
time we also send a message in the Middle EAST that were not good on our word, and I think there is a happy medium between the two hundred. This is something that TED Cruz Senator TED Cruz tried to hit upon on one of his tweets a couple days ago where he talked about how balancing Our international image is also really important, but bring the troops home is important as well, and so I think you know we do need recognize them when we enter into alliances for better. For worse I mean these people did lose thousands of lives. Fighting and joining a war, that we told the entire international community was necessary to fight for our national security interests.
It is something that's worth thinking about. But again you know with the the. What I wanted to highlight in the piece was that in the media treating this was a situation where Trump went, rogue or lost his mind is just completely untrue and it just shows again how much the media will avoid talking about Obama's foreign policy legacy because they know if they did it show how port was and they're not prepared to do that. They're constantly, I called the media, the janitors of the Obama legacy You'll notice that most these pieces don't bring up the fact. The reason we're in this situation is entirely because of specific choices. Obama made to prop up the IRAN deal getting in bed with the wrong people at the time which the conservatives were at the time against these people that we were against getting into bed with these people with an arming them and training them? We were at least I was I was speaking out- this is a bad move. We're gonna
for this. In the end- and the media, had Barack Obama done exactly the same thing and said: bring the troops home they I've been celebrating the end of the end of war were finally coming back. They would have, they would have done all of that stuff, and so they have absolutely no credibility, but I was, I was struck by your article in the Federalist that you really laid out a really good case on what was doing that. This is not just something that he got up in the middle of night said. You know why pull our troops out this? been a long thought out methodical process with him in air. To one do you, I think that he means it because he said if you are going after the Kurds, we're going to crush your economy. Do you boo
eve that there is a tripwire that we should look for. So there's two things that I think are important. The first one is that everyone is supposed to visit the White House in November, and I think he has that provide some sort of motivation, that sort of a carrot for him to behave himself, and I do think that it might temper him a bit and it might force them to hold back, which would be helpful, obviously are in. The second thing all day is that Congress is already busily proposing bills, boxing shins on Turkey, and I think that's great because it meant it. You know this sort of disgruntled push back from Congress in terms of trying to move
to pull troops out of Syria. Good have them be angry. Have them put as many sanctions as they want on Turkey? That's what we want. That's what we need. We want to use anything we can without resorting to military force in sanctions, is a really good tool for that. One of the reasons that the iranian regime didn't collapse in twenty fifteen years, because the Obama administration lifted sanctions be running economy, grew by ten percent. After we lifted sanctions in twenty sixteen, so we could have the opposite effect by slapping sanctions on tour, so. I do think it will be super effective and I do think it will be a deterrent. Thank you so much aerial I appreciated aerial Davidson. She is staff writer for the Federalist. You know it is it's amazing to me. Stu is. I think that we are. We are. In some ways, switching positions, although hey, I haven't, moved my position, but we are now saying: look:
we've learned some really important lessons and we once sanctions, sanctions, work. Last Ste resort. Military we've always said that, but the demo Kratz have always said sanctions get out of the you know, get out of all of these wars, etc, but they've now they've I'll become what they always claimed. We were yeah, This is the problem. 'cause Ariel is completely right. There right, the Obama administration's policies have led to this, and, of course, the people who were defending I would say: well they were responding to Bush's policies and is Paula season. We could go back to the beginning of time with this and it's no really only to the beginning of the progressive era, but that's another story, fair point. When it comes to Obama, we should also recognize that the only reason we need to get into bed to defeat ISIS is because we pull troops out and I ISIS became powerful because we took the trips out initially yeah right. So this is, this is Abby.
Salute. Lee, has Obama's handwriting all over it, but I keep coming back to this thing and I think the reasoning here is really smart by Ariel but one additional aspect I would I would add to this- is there's something advantageous trump is taking of this and I don't know what it is yet. I feel like we don't know this whole story yet, but think of it. This way, there's one hundred and fifty troops in there. Basically, in this area, one hundred and fifty is not they're not fighting on the front lines. And we keep kind of talking about this in generalities were like. Should we have people in the Middle EAST? Should we have people in Syria serious? Should we ally with these people generally? Do we want our people and for the Kurds the these are the ways arguments are being made and really it's it's. It's an interesting. Fifty thousand foot view argument, but it doesn't apply to this case like the we are not. We do not have these situations going on with these particular troops. They're not on the front lines, are not fighting this like this. This is
Air specifically there as a buffer to stop Turkey from coming in and killing Kurtz, because we wanted the Kurds to be alive, so they could kill ISIS cake? Ok, can we it finish your finish, your thought and then I want to so. You have one hundred and fifty in there. Let's just say, Donald Trump said you know what I want to get these troops out of there and I'm going to pull out. One hundred and forty nine of one hundred and fifty troops now again not pulling them out? That's an important part of this understanding, they're moving to other parts of Syria and some to Iraq, but they're not coming home. That's not what's happening there, just moving out of this area in Syria, so that the turkish people, the turkish army, can come in and do their thing. So, let's just say he pulled out one hundred and forty nine. Then they wouldn't do that. Turkey still wouldn't come in right when they come in. If we had one troop there- and we said we have a trip there and we're not do not come in and kill him separately from that just so you pulled out all of them and to them. You know what Turkey air to one do not go in there.
If you do we're going to be really pissed off you better, not cross. That line is heir to one going to stand up to the US military with that on the line whether we have poop in there or not just trump saying no right, so this comes down to is for whatever strategic advantage. You believe getting others is, is it's trump saying? Yes, he think is okay could be that traded, something for it. It could be that he thinks it's actually the right outcome, like he thinks he's people are that bad and in the end they should be taken out. Whatever the k, maybe there's some advantage that the US is saying. Yes, it's ok for this to occur. We think this is a strategic advantage the United States in some way. I don't think Trump just doing this because he thinks you know because he wants. Headlines or something like that. There's something he's traded it eyes. I will say if we get it a if we find out that Turkey has launched an investigation into
Joe Biden's dealings with Marissa, but tomorrow I'm going to be very suspicious. I want to take this different direction than bill. O'reilly is going to be joining us in a few minutes as well. We'll talk to him about it, Let me tell you about my pillow, not just sleep last night, I will tell you that if you watch CNN last night after hearing the insane policies of getting rid of the tax exemption for our churches, You know telling our schools exactly how many bathrooms they have to have all of these things. The bad policies you would have slept well. The good news is now one watches CNN, but if you, if you still have bad night sleep, it could be because your pillow and I highly recommend my pillow go to my pillow. Dot com right now and click on the radio listeners. Specials are going see some amazing offers, including there, by one get one free pillow offer that is happening with the front. With
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your listening back, this is the Glenn Beck program. Stew. I just want to change something in your in your your hypothesis here and that we must have gotten something or there is this going on, and I think this is more likely what talk to Bill O'Reilly about it. Not killing our allies, the Turkey, it's to kill marxist authoritarian terrorists, who we you've known. These were bad people the whole time we shouldn't have been in bed with them. Obama got us into bed with him, so I'd
really care what happens to marxist authoritarian terrorists and it's really what they are, and that may his motivation right. But it's also this. I do be involved in the rest of the world. I don't want to be involved in everybody's battles, and so he is letting The consequences of where they may and longer strategy of his. I want these wars to end an I want all of our troops home now. You move them around in Syria. Understand that. I understand that that may have been the compromise, because if you
start pulling them home, if it does go bad, then you're going to have to re deploy that may have been a compromise he made with the Pentagon. We got thirteen thousand isotopes, I know it's captured and if they get loose when it would be back there with a lot more troops than one hundred and fifty I agree with you. I understand that, but I think that's what Trump is doing well talk to Bill O'Reilly about it. Next, this is the Glenn Beck program. It's Halloween coming up on Halloween. There was a new poll out about candy queen you rank the Candy corn skittles Reese is Snickers Eminem, starburst, tootsie pop and Hershey bars first of all, candy corn is not really even candy. It
date. Now it's a specialty thing that you have once a year. You'll have a handful of it may be, and then you'll be like. I remember why I don't really like these more than once a year and less than a hand battle with that's an opinion. What we're talking not a fact. Well, if you want me to rank these nobody, alright tootsie roll or tootsie pop tootsie. All is number one, but tootsie pop is at the bottom above candy corn Am M, Reese is snickers, Plain Hershey, then stop burst then, and then fully tootsie pop, maybe and then skittles. I don't like anything milk from a giraffe that they are from a draft rainbow giraffe radar. If I don't like it, I'm going Reese is one Emma two snickers three Starburst four skittles five candy corn six Hershey BAR seven WR, a z paper flooring. There boring by the way out America, american people. Thirty, x percent Reese's peanut butter cups, one,
secondly, was snickers. Eighteen percent, Eminem's eleven, then candy corn at six that time with Hershey bars, it's a live and let live candy corn above starburst. I would not call that I would not bought or skittles yeah. I hate skittles hate skills, starburst, the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. More world is crazy. What else do I have to say other than bill? O'reilly is here to give us just take on the insanity in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program
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Americans way works. So I would not be able to say me, my cell, you have to see actually you because you're conservative white man, you are third person, so you have to say like them they and and there you get to say me myself and I yes, because you're a native American, I don't know what Bill O'Reilly's pronouns are but welcome to the program Mister Bill O'Reilly. Their babbling this morning. I don't know what you know. What are your program? China, I'm trying to put it all together, but not your pronouns. My pronouns are, I have a new book out called the United States of Trump: that's, not a pronoun. Those aren't pro I wonder I failed anyway yeah so Bill Reilly. Welcome to the program. Welcome to the program you. Where would you like to start? We can talk about. The CNN show that nobody watched, but it was easy. We could start with the impeachment the latest updates on that way. Like start, I
you watching Donald Trump very closely for the past two weeks as a human being, not a politician. Alright, that's I want to start and haven't talked about this even on billoreilly dot com. I have my daughters. First meant of this will alert to press. This is an exclusive well. The pro will ignore you. If you learn it, they don't care about and less he dies. Then then they would care ok. So in the last chapter of the United States of Trump I interview the president after the raw molar verdict came in. It was the first time that I've ever seeing him emotional. In the thirty years, I've known him not crazy. Emotion, but if you re the you'll see the emotion, ok, I noted that and now with impeach all right and every single day he's guilty
says he's guilty of that. He did this and this is a rerun of Mahler. Almost the same wording, the same condemnation, the same conviction without evidence exactly the same Groundhog day so I'm noticing. Now, though, she President Trump is starting to lose focus he starting to lash. Out now we have written they're, gonna, say local riley, always lashes out twitter, their study of the yes. It has been up until two or three weeks ago, a calculated lash now, it's all over the place. I will submit to you based upon my knowledge of the man that this is getting to him. So this weekend, I'm going to Vermont I'm going to try to deliver
candy to Bernie Sanders. I know he's he's up there, convalescing, I'm actually very. Post to his mansion, but I'm doing it, because I need a break. I I need to some fresh air. I need to look at the leaves. I need to get a little maple syrup and pour it on my head. I need to do that to get away, you see what I mean. Yeah Trump never gets away, never eat to sleep, he's a vampire he one hobby, it's the little golf ball, but I think he's bored with that. Alright, right and he's every day obsessing and that's the word about here they come again. I didn't do anything you're trying to ruin me in another way and I've got a fight every buddy, all by myself, that's a real, tough place to be, as a human being that I whenever you all your listeners, who I think most are fair minded. You know to step back and say you know there comes a point in a cut history where the people
I have to rise up and say enough is thirteen months before we vote thirteen month. All of this now is a charade, and I am it'll blow off if you try to get in and by the way did analyze your stuff on Ukraine that you put the blaze. It was very good I direct all my hundreds of thousands of followers over to it. Thank you, but it in order to to digest it. It's it's like you to be crazy because there are names or this and that nobody knows about Ukraine, and so I the over and there is no crime all right. This is not anything that should be submitted to the house for impeachment vote. It's not there. Maybe it'll be there in two weeks: it's not there. Now this is purely a malicious plan,
to destroy a human being, what it is. So let me tell you this bill. First of all, you're one hundred percent right. It is getting to him and it would get. I mean it's getting to me. I saw what happened yesterday, where they arrested two people at the third one I think is still out, and they were arrested and tide to Rudy Giuliani that all my gosh look at this fund raising was going on, etc, etc. Well the reason why the FBI in the southern district of New York, this is your area bill, there's something wrong with the southern district of New York, attorneys federal attorneys These guys are the ones that turned down loose onco and the prosecutors from Ukraine. They came and tried to get to the United States and the embassy, the ambassador of the US embassy in Ukraine, blocked them from
getting a visa. They wanted to go meet with the Doj they wanted to go meet with our attorney general. They were blocked one is Trump remove that blockage. They then got visas and they were told to bring it to the southern district of New York and an attorney. Those attorneys turn come down even looking at the information. They didn't want anything to do with that information now. Is it the same guys who it seems to be easy eager to prosecute everything around Donald Trump, even though the same guy is a Trump supporter, supposedly he he is now prosecuting these guys and and going after them on the day before the ambassador is to testify in front of Congress. This is a set up. This is coordinated timing. If I were done
Trump went, you know the full story. You see how corrupt this deeps eight is an. It is enough to drive you mad, especially because you can't explain it quickly to people, and you know I don't know what William bar the the general is wing. I don't either he's the boss right he's their boss, so I'm going to let at play out, because I don't know you know a lot more than I do about this and by the way that is probably the only subject on the planet. You know more than I I knew it. I know it well financial financial stuff to know more more more about it than I do, but that hurt that hurt you. It hurts it makes no. I I give credit where credit is due. You know you did a lot of good work on this, and people should take it seriously and look at it, but the you say that this is a coordinated effort, and
I don't know whether that's true on a micro level, but I do know that the press and the Democr Party are working together on this impeachment thing. They coordinate. Okay, true k, street K Street is a image Ave in Washington DC where the politike action committees are, and there are organizations that coordinate information between Democrats and the press, all right so through K Street, because the press- and I'm talking now the big voice, New York Times Washington, Post NBC News Cnn, those are the four they know they no democratic candidate. That can be Trump right. Now you watch, it is a bit worn, tell another whopper about she got fired because she was pregnant or any of this now we know because of good reporting in the Washington examiner. That's totally bogus alright
goes into her lineage of native. A again is, but she is, you know just going to destroyed if she gets. The nomination Biden he's already he's been the major casualty of Ukraine, so next Tuesday night, when the New York Times in CNN team up to to moderate the debate, the democratic debate, the fascinating part of that will be. Are you going to ask Biden about his son and all of this stuff in China and Ukraine? Are you going to follow up with actions? Can she nobody is going to have a prepared answer? Are you going to ask Elizabeth Warren about this? Other bogus pregnancy thing now are going to push your on it. What do you think you think they will? I don't think they will they'll ask Biden, but they won't push him on it because they all say it's a conspiracy theory,
it's easy to say it's conspiracy and right, if you're, yes, so one question: why and then we are- and I don't think so- why don't you get a pregnancy question? I don't think so. No, I don't think so. But there in the tank, and if that happens, there's going to be an outcry in the conservative media, which is Merilee Talk, radio internet, be Fox NEWS is not in the conservative media anymore. That Dave not well well. Well. Well, well, wait a minute: what does that mean? What you mean by that? Well, aid you to be that far snooze had age, traditional slant, which means this that the guy who ran the place Roger Ailes. Basically, his philosophy was concerned in traditional Americans are not heard in the media: correct: okay, that's how he founded the channel, so we all knew all of those who were working for him that we had to give voice, not exclude
the voice. I certainly didn't I yeah, I balanced it out. We had voice to that side. That's gone! What makes you say that? What makes you say that banishing they're not banishing all right there, Saying all year of your conservative interest. You can't come on Fox NEWS is twenty. Conservative and traditional VON there, but the voice that used to be there is not there any longer. So you have a network, it's still pro trump in front time, but not in daytime. And that's an interesting shipped and it's driving Donald Trump, crazy. Here's another thing trump lashed out at the Fox NEWS poll. You guys saw that right, okay, well, in head of doing a factual lash out, like you, should have done and say: did you know that the Fox NEWS poll questions eight percent, more Democrats,
Republicans on impeachment? If you look at the methodology, the Fox NEWS Poll asked eight percent more Democrats than Republicans and get what the margin was for impeachment. Eight percent full what a shock? Nobody who that, because nobody looks the methodology I did, but that's what you should have done. You know this is bogus. This is a set up. If you're going to ask eighty percent war of one certain party, then you're going to get eight percent gap. That's what you're going to get right am. I am I crazy
well that's a different question and we're going to pull over and let the audience ponder that very long lyrics, looting. The extra eight percent here in just a second I'll, come back with Bill O'Reilly. You just answer that quietly yourself, you know just take a couple of seconds. First, let me tell you about real estate agents. I trust dot com buying, a cell or selling a home is really hard buddy enjoy the process? Well, I guess real estate agents. Do I mean if they're good, because They're helping people buy or sell a house and that's a really great time for most people. The easy crappy real estate agents are just just voiding your phone call? That's what's really happening all right. What we have learned there is a best practice- and I learned this by doing business with some five hundred best real estate agents around the country as in by the Wall Street Journal. I started doing work with them and I started talking to
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estate agents, I trust dot, com, real estate agents, I trust dot com. We break for ten seconds station id go to China to China Bill and the NBA Nba. Can I give you a before we do that. For me, sure you stop took on real estate agents. I trust dot. Com is a sponsor just- and you probably know this, but we bet that sponsors really really hard on billoreilly dot com and the syndicated radio show we don't take anybody 'cause, we don't have to. We have lots of people I want the sponsor and I can only use so many, but I looked into that look into that organization. Good. Thank you!
he and you started or something yes, I did yes, I did or something I mean, I'm I'm stunned, yeah. You know all right all right all right. You know I am the guy who gives you back handed compliment to doesn't work the other way around that they don't have is in China. You can't get it there. Well, you can't own a house in China. I think two capitalistic yeah, ok, China, NBA China, NBA all about sneakers oil, billions of dollars, the NBA, couldn't care less about Hong Kong or people being put in concentration camps in Red China, or a human rights abuses or any of that right. So doesn't this? Doesn't this to pull apart all of the stuff that Nike in areas like we're with you wear with the with the little people and the social justice? It's all about money. No social justice stops
Oregon in Beaverton all right, that's where it stops Jacob, he further W with social justice, because you'll run into China but everybody should know there is bill since a dollars in business between the National Basketball Association in China, because the chinese love the sneakers, they love, basketball, and there's all of that synergy. So this guy in Houston, who apparently didn't know that the general man sure the Rockets says hey I I support the Hong Kong protesters. I hope no, no, no machine! Imagine these pin heads in Beijing. Do they not have anything better to do? Who cares if a huge, though Rockets GM supports Hong Kong? Houston rockets are huge in China. Huge these guys are mobilizing nuclear submarines because of this guy and used an odd c'mon and as he shows you what dealing with over there with these people. So that's why
present we've been able to get that the trade deal, which would be good? The entire world, because people are out of their minds, he's a loons. I mean these are Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren Times, one thousand so some some bills so will help me out here. I think I think this is all coming undone and I think the NBA is a great example of it. Their hip ocracy was on full display and it's because it's all based on a lie and money. Their support of social justice has always been about money. There right, and so it's all coming undone and I think the american people have looked at China in a new way for the first time in a long time this week I clean the american people by and large care about, China at all, alright it's far away: it's not real they're, not involved with geopolitics. If some,
which is communist, they don't care, I'm sorry to be to b negative some negative party of Americans. I have to say I mean they don't know or care. What's going. So is this outrage? Is this outrage just media driven? It's conservative driven is now media driven, I mean the the liberal media doesn't want this story. They don't want to report it, they mention it, but it's not a big story for them. Then it is on. The left is Bae. Typically, anything that helps traditional conservative thought is bad, even if it's not that, even if it's correct I mean Chinese, people should be free, one point: five billion of them, Hong Kong they're trying to reneg on the deal Beijing is trying to renege on the deal that they made with the British to handover Hong Kong. So what?
the average american care they want their sneakers. They want to watch uh. The Celtics in the Lakers is Lib on James, going to go out there with a little headband. It says, free Hong Kong. You think you're going to see that. When we come back Mister Bill, O'Reilly will talk to us about what's happening in Turkey, also, the incredibly insane things that were said on national television last night. By the candidates of the Dnc, it was nuts his thoughts coming up. You're listening to then, back by the way you need to get his new book, the United States of Trump everybody in the media should be reading it. They won't, but they should use you'll understand why he makes the decisions he does. Let me tell you about the x chair, real quick x, chair. What a chair did a little bit of research and found out that three out of the nine Supreme Court justices rests there, their bulbous bliss
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free set of new exclusive use. A promo code back X, chair back dot com, riot police, tv dot, com use the promo code, GB twenty off and save twenty percent, and also subscribe to bill, O Reilly dot com more with him. Next, this is the Glenn Beck program. It's Friday, which means bill. O'reilly has joined us with his digest of the week bill. Taking out to Syria and Turkey. A lot of people are upset. I am, I'm am torn I actually, I I feel very uncomfortable with
we're doing, but I actually agree with what we're doing I was against getting in bed with these these these marxist Kurds. These are not the Kurds of a of Iraq. These are syrian Kurds and they are marxist authoritarian terrorists. John Mccain when he went over and met with the rebels in that picture? Came out. I'm like these guys are terrorists. What are we doing so? I'm? glad we're not in business with them anymore, but At the same time, ISIS is going to be strengthened by this he is trying to Rita? You know remake the Ottoman empire. Where do stand in help me understand. Which way are we going here I don't think it's a major issue for Americans and by the way, if you would be kind enough to give me ninety seconds at the end of the segment. I got a really good story for you anyway. Problem here? Is
is that Donald Trump promised any campaign for the presidency that he was going to pull us oops out of the unending war syndrome. The Turkey curse syrian conflict is an unending war, never going to stop so he, the president, believes that having our forces on the ground, there is a deficit, and that he's gonna pull out is as simple as that. Now the Kurds did help us in the iraqi war, and that includes some of them in northern Syria. They ate it sit up all right and they helped us that's a fact, They hate ISIS and they did ISIS, But I don't know the extent of Turkey's incursion, there's no reporting on the ground and that's accurate I don't really know yeah. I know that
when whatever his name is is coming to DC the turkish dictator next week, and I assume that that Trump is going to say look. This is what you're going to do or will strangle your economy. So at this point, I'm basically watching this air to one is was the Bay friend of Barack Obama, he spent more time with their to one on the phone than any other world leader, and he even himself said he is my, best ally and I turned to him so the world was set up. The Obama world was set up to assist Turkey and I was out rage, by that at the time that's not the guy. That should be counseling our president, in my opinion, but that's you know where we are obviously getting out of that business. Turkey is also a bad player. Let me
let me then switch to some sound bites. I just love to hear your opinion of of what happened yesterday air on CNN were bringing it up because nobody watched it first. We play a comment from Beddo last night. Do you think religious institutions like colleges, churches charities, should they lose their tax exempt status if they oppose same sex? Marriage? yes, thoughts on that bill Fascism, don't you love it? We love the fat. Movement, That's all I understand is negotiating with Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey. Wasn't there a guy named Beddo that ran around, and I don't think so, but I don't know, I think there was back and get the big big floppy shoes. I believe his name was better but anyway, This is the usual fascism. If you don't agree with us, you're a human
it's violator, an you should be banished and where Bell. So everywhere you go, it rings and people know you're coming here's a nine year old Tran. It's kid asking Elizabeth Warren, something listen sia! and his mom. Many who is an advocate for transgender youth and active with the human rights campaign Jacobs in Ll Tree school student from Massachusetts likes to play hockey Jacob Jacob Where is Jacob, and I have a nine year old, transgender American. My question is a nine year old Frenchman. What were you doing? Your first because, president, to make sure that kids, like me, feel safer in schools. And what do you think schools need to do better to make sure that I don't have to worry about anything. But my homework.
Comment bill. You know, I mean it's a kid. I can't ever criticize a kid. It's every her situation and criticized mom catch. A a nine year old trash. I don't like to do that, I'm not in their shoes. I don't know what the kids been through. I don't know any of that. I I really don't like to do it. Do you believe it's healthy for a nine year old to identify as Trans gender but you're an adult and you you are settled down, and I and I understand that the for me. I would raise my children in the gender in which they were born until they, maybe sixteen or seventeen, and if there was a major issue then we bring, you know a psychiatrist, it very trained counselors, but I know that these kids, who are different, get brutalized in school.
So what try that yeah, and so I'm you know very kids- will be kids. Will brutalize kids for being different. They don't have to be trans gender. This is something that happens with kids complexion right. So what is what is the role of the president? What will you do. Take keep me safe. What Polacy should the president issue? You know? Look I if I'm president. I have the public school system in a much different place than it is now Alright, I mean that that would take an hour, but it's basically, if you receiving federal funding, there are things you have to do school more forms to be number one and bullying number two. The president really cannot troll personal behavior. That's a local issue! Thank you. Thank you for saying it. Okay! Well,
let me go to war in supporting taxes now for is gender surgery here she is in the twenty twelve campaign. Percent. At twenty criticized, the judge's ruling that granted transition related surgery have a transgender inmate. You said, I don't think it's a good use of taxpayer dollars right. Do you regret that yeah? It was a bad answer and I think was a bad answer and I believe that everyone is entitled to medical care and medical care that they need, and that includes people who are Trans gender, who It is the time for them to have gender affirming surgery. Gender are important, so I don't think you notice. Nobody clapped on that, because she didn't talk about a pivot point at all. She didn't say she just said it was a bad answer. Well, what made
Change your mind. It was just if you use it a bad answer, because it's now not politically correct. Little, like Elizabeth Warren, isn't have any core values even believe in anything? Come on I mean this is ridiculous. The woman is just a disaster on every level it by following her logic. Alright, the US taxpayer. Already twenty two trillion dollars in debt would have to pay for everybody nose, job everybody's Regan's of surgery on their face on their body if they didn't like some about their body, because there self image is bad and this would help it now, I'm diminishing anybody is gender. Problems or gender desires. I I don't do that. I don't think it's right for me to do it, but if you're going to
Have a policy where a selected few in America get their surgeries paid for then everybody has to alright? Let me give you I I'm going to, because I want to save you time. So let me just give you a real quick one here is Kamala Harris coming to the stage and Cuomo's in trouble for the what he said right after she introduced herself, listen, I can send. How are you thank you and my pronouns are shehorn hers. She heard this whole thing this way. Mine too notice nobody laughs. He makes a joke not funny bill to a crowd of people who believe that that's now funny because it could be true for them. Can I ask you is to a question: aren't you can
used by all this. I don't know what who she want where why you know now. Even have a conversation, because you may put a wrong pronoun in the sentence. It's like it's like. There's they've introduced a new official language of the United States without asking us, and we have to it's like if we all decided to go metric ICS but no one decided not even the government decided to go back in time and I'm walking in my pronouns or she he way we or you know I took latin- I mean I, I know what the pronouns are. We have reached a state of mad madness madness, mad in this country and I hope the voters are just take a look at who's. Draw I've been that I mean that's, all trump has to run on. Yes, you may not like Maine, but look at this if he would, if he can, control his anger
and it, and I think righteous indignation on this and not lash out and just be cool and just go. This is a joke well, Halloween event, a joke, as it is, is dangerous. Well here, and if you value your freedom, you can't give these people power and You know how we started our conversation that that the president is, I think, really really really from all of these personal attacks and he needs to walk in the woods. Ok, ninety seconds, right, yeah, ok, so when the United States are Trump came out. I don't know whether you remember, but I said it was unlikely the New York Times, who put it at number one on the bestseller list, even though my killing books for all number one. Why? Because Donald Trump's picture is on cover of the United States of truck so Presto the first week. Is out. It sells one hundred and ten thousand copies for thousand copies more than the second book Nonfiction yet,
I'm three on Sunday on the New York Times list, so I ask the publisher Macmillan to do an audit to do an audit of the sales of every non fiction book in the top ten I'm far and away the best selling book. Ok, I put the letter posted the letter from publisher, the CEO Riley dot com. This is proof positive that the best cell, her list, not only in the New York Times but in the other areas as well book scan, is a fraud. It Wait, wait, wait, but you're not number one on books can either some two because they didn't count. Forty eight one thousand advance sale books on books can forty eight thousand that's coming, come on that's crazy, the United States to drop we're we're very pleased, because it's such a big, bestseller and- and a lot of that has to do with you and stew, and I really appreciate it, but if you think
any measure of the media is honest in America these days it is not yeah. I know this organized crime, that's what we have and they had Rico statutes and put all these people in cups? thank you very is bill. O'reilly, don't have a great Columbus day weekend. Oh my gosh indigenous peoples, Danville Digenis peoples, unbelievable, he swelled Warner dinner thanks a lot appreciate it, alright America is always stood for freedom, NBA doesn't Nike, doesn't but America has always now. You Believe in this, I believe in this. We understand that are sacred rites or inherently connected to deep responsibilities: the right to protect, yourself and your family from harm, whether it comes in the form of fellow
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death is the Glenn Beck program. All right yesterday, there was a story that people didn't really pay attention to. The US attorney for the southern district of New York arrested four men. The indictment lists four businessmen in US citizens to were born in Ukraine, one in Bolaris through we have them were arrested yesterday, as they were headed towards the Washington Dulles Airport. They at one way, tickets out of the country, look like they were leaving, and that's why we nailed them. I guess they
look like they have been created bogus companies to funnel AJ donations in into a pro trump Super PAC, but I think the real thing that happened- that is important here, is that two of the these guys gave twenty thousand dollars last year to PETE sessions. That this republican congressman and the don't we should, according to the FBI, is an effort to influence sessions to help in causing the US government to remove or recall the US ambassador to Ukraine. The donation was, in least in part, a request of one or more ukrainian government officials. Alright, so did he do that? well sessions, actually did write a letter to the Secretary of State MIKE Pompeyo, encouraging the removal of that ambassador, and if you watched our Chalk Board, you know why this
bassador was removed by Donald Trump and removed at the quest or the endorsement of the new ukrainian President, who also removed his ambassador, because the two were working together in is Dnc scandal, and so they were, both removed and if you listen to the audio tape that Donald Trump made. That was the pro is an interview crane? The current president saying you've got to remove him, and I know I thank you for removing her blah blah blah, but anyway, this is. This move I think was made yesterday because is that ambassador is ten, testifying today, and this just muddies the water of anything she might say, see. Look ukrainians are playing dirty just trying to get this poor woman removed. When that not the story, something's wrong with the southern district of New York,
I want to talk to you a little bit about relief factor. Relief factor is something that is truly changed. My life, I don't know if you have seen a difference in Maine. I will tell you: that we brought in a paintings that I have done in the last two years, since one relief factor- and I would do a painting every so often- and that got fewer and fewer because my hands were so, I was in just so much pain. Did you see the amount of of painting see the get a salon yours it? Yet? To add to that too, I mean used to have problems getting through writing a chalkboard. You've been up doing multiple chalk boards. Every day you did it, you did one yesterday it was one of more detailed ones. I've ever seen you do and it took me two days to do it yeah. I didn't even bother you at all. Didn't stop once my hand you get used to get so cramped. I couldn't hold chock anymore, the big deal yeah and it's all change because of relief factor,
relieffactor dot com. Well, thank you for reminding me about that. I completely forgot we used to have to not do them during the shows 'cause you can get through right. I had to have somebody else, do all the chalk boards and then I would just point to themrelieffactor dot com call, eight hundred and five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four relieffactor dot com go there now Peter Sweitzer is coming up next
the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, there are really two guys that have been all over this Ukraine Biden, corruption, scandal that is now led to the impeachment, and it is. It is John Solomon who we had on yesterday at this time and the other one is Peter Sweitzer and Peter really concentrated on the corruption of Joe Biden and corruption of his son. Not only in Ukraine, but also in China and Peter joins us in sixty seconds. Is that so you thought you had the right guy for the job, all smiles, positive affirmations, city, hired him and, and then he's a he's a dude with the job skills of a caveman and the the etiquette of a caveman as well
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smartest way to hire ziprecruiter dot com. Slash back! I want to play. I think this is a Judy Woodruff from PBS. I want to play the audio from PBS talking to MIKE Pompeii yesterday and they're talking about the Biden, scandal and listen to what was said. Finally, you know that there's been no proof of any misdoing on the part of President Biden, you all keep repeating that line. It's if you're working for the Dnc the only not working for the day and say I'm an independent journalist, but there European Union. The US embassy in calf, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations felt that that process was corrupt and thought he should be removed.
There's no evidence that what vice President Biden was doing was corrupt in some way. Well, Peter Sweitzer. How would you respond to that? Well, what they want to do is they want to go to the firing of the prosecutor? They don't want to talk about the underlying financial arrangements that the Biden family had in Ukraine that's sort of their their their get right. You can't prove that the crime occurred. So there's nothing to see here. Let's back again and remember you know, in February of twenty fourteen, the Russians had moved into Crimea in the Ukraine, the Eneco which government had fallen there. The crisis, Joe Biden, is appointed point person by Barack Obama on us as toward Ukraine. The buck stops with him. Lou Lee two months after that fact. Glenn, his son Hunter Biden becomes a board member of barista
this corrupt ukrainian Enerji company, it's I did buy a slut schefsky, this corrupt oligarch, who was in the Yanukovich pro russian government to begin with, and they a hunter according to the banking records. Eighty three thousand dollars a month, and he takes for three million dollars in total from the ukrainian company. He has no background energy. He has no background in Ukraine and it's not even clear what he did if anything. Okay, hang on just a second. I want to add to this his background and I I'm sure you've done enough reporting to know his back, especially at that time he is a very unstable individual yeah I mean
no. We we, we obviously don't like to get into the personal situation other than that, and I don't want to say I don't want to look I'm an alcoholic, so I don't want to denigrate infer that what I want to say is he doesn't have any skills and at that time he's also an Uns table, alcoholic and drug guy. That has you, if you were going to put somebody on the board. If he wasn't, if you bring anything special, he didn't bring anything any experience and he was unstable. Why would you hire this guy other than the data? The vice president got that's exactly Franklin, he had substance abuse issues. You add that up to the top of the fact that he had no experience in no background with this company and the question becomes why why he being paid he's not being paid for his skill set or his expertise. Why is he being paid now the respa
from a lot of the press core, not all of it, but a lot of it has been well. This goes on all the time as if that's a except bowl or be, if that's actually true, is true. We've had a history of family. Members of you know, try the cash and you had Billy Carter back in the day, you had some stuff with Neil Bush, but what makes the right in case unusual is how systematic and widespread it is. It involves Ukraine, it invite China there's this bank account I think we shared with you Glenn this Morgan Stanley account were Hunter Biden was drawing cash out of we got access to this bank account because of a middle case involving one hundred by his business partner, and that shows funny coming from a Khazak Oleg Ark. During this same period, it shows money coming from anonymous. Swiss bank accounts, particularly a small swiss bank. That has been
implicated in money laundering in five countries, so I mean to say: oh well, nothing's been proven that it's wrong here is just laughable, it's. This lack of curiosity Judy It doesn't even seem to be curious about any of this that is so bizarre and Lucy to the way she she she says here. Also that you know nothing has been proven, and the embassy even says that that this guy was she. What she saying is that the International groups did not say that he was didn't, do anything wrong. They She's using those international group saying this Prob Secutor needed to be fired. Well, that's a do. Different thing and by the way, the prosecutor that replaced that prosecutor is investigating Joe Biden, Son exact, and it glad this is a key point. It's a key point to say on the one hand, that people think the prosecutor should be fired and to say, on the other hand, that it is
entirely inappropriate for Joe Biden to get this guy fired. Those are not mutually exclusive, both of those you're absolutely correct, and the bottom line is that is an abuse of power by Joe Biden and he is using his office to directly or indirectly bene. His son and end of the problem is that they've lied about this repeatedly I mean first, they said Glenn. There was no investigation by Hunter that was already over before the guy was fired, the process it was denied that and even the Breeze MA companies lawyer Guide Mister Beretta, who was hired in part that the suggestion of Hunter Biden said the in instigation was ongoing at this time. It didn't end until later on, so he here's another thing that a Peter that maybe you can helps share. It said some light on the
robot and comes over, and this is all according to record. He comes over and he says, look I think we can help your gas and oil industry expand. So he goes over and he says we have one point: eight billion dollars that we are going to give you us aid and you guys it'll help you guys explore at the same time Burrise hires yours, Deveron, Archer and Joe Biden, Joe Biden's son. There are the board, so they get the money. Now the money is put into a bank called private Bank and its own. By the older dark that is running a brief yeah that Well that one point eight billion dollars just it. We don't know where that where that money went so why isn't anybody talking about that part of it
exactly right. I mean this. This is another the garter to all the that are involved with the reason one of them is Chesky, the other one is named Colin, always ski, and this guy is basically bond villain he's out of a James bond film? In fact, he has in his office a large fish tank that has sharks swimming in it. How this guy rolls in and he owns, Pre bought, which is this large ukrainian bank, which us and western aid dollars and loan guarantees are sent into, and the Adam is that you know a lot chunk of that money disappears, and ukrainian anti corruption groups have sort of traced what happened to the money, and they make, I think, a very convincing case that column, whiskey and his team set up bunch of ll, CS and siphoned off that money correct. So now you have a situation of missing eight dollars that seemed to have bene: the COLA, who is paying involved,
the payment to Hunter Biden of these board fees. Eighty, a thousand dollars a month and call Muskie, is also a guy who, before the bidens arrived, was it's known as such a bad bond villain that he he is he is on a do not enter no visa list. He cannot a visa to come to the United States, but in in the months that we discover all the money is missing somehow or another. This guy gets a visa to be able to travel to the United States. Did that what did? What was that? actually and who and who arranged for that cracked done. We don't know nobody deserves investigation, and this is the sort of thing that to me. He is so bizarre and his really further eroded what credibility a lot of news outlets have left that the have not even bothered really to
just a finger to look into this they've declared from the beginning. There's no, nothing to see here. They say, but these this research is descr, They never tell you why say. Well, here's the bank account tell us, what's discredited about the bank, account tell us what's discredited about by not being qualified, not being qualified credited about this missing money they don't want to answer any of those questions, and, what's clear to me, is you see that Joe Biden has adopted the tact that he is gone refuse to talk about this, because I think he knows how explosive it is in fact Bloomberg. Just a couple minutes ago, is reporting that they have put. The Biden campaign has put the other Democrats on notice to say if you bring this up during the October 15th debate, you are we'll be revealing yourself to not be a democrat that you are not a Democrat for even going there. So they're base actually saying we're not going
answer any questions from the media. If the media brings it up we're going to lash out at you and if uh the Democrats bring it up, we're going to lash out at you. The last thing they want to do is actually talk about this. While it's interesting because it is easy, actually I mean Americans can understand it. This way Joe Biden is China. This topic is free Hong Kong. Anyone who talks about it you're out I mean that is this- is chilling chilling, especially the way they wrote about you. They attacked you for that article in the New York Times You did. You did an op ed piece at the request of the New York Times. That's right! that day, which was what two days ago, the Biden Administration A X, the New York Times, and what do they say to the New York Times? Are they updated the New York Times? We cannot believe that you are running
information, that's been discredited by this discredited author and, of course, again they never explain. What's discredited and what I'll tell you Glenn as we do. As I know you do, we do vigorous fact checking here, but for that piece talk about the deals in Ukraine. We talk about the deals in China. That was all fact check the New York Times, so there there's really no dispute that these facts are there that payments are there? The relationships are there, but again the Biden don't want to respond about this. Why do they not simply sit down? Have hunter? Come and he and his father say we're going to take questions for two hours on this and then we don't want to talk about it anymore, 'cause. That would be the simple direct way to deal with it, but they're not going to do that, because there is not good or evil. Great answers to these guys. Here's the reason why he can't and even if it was even if he was completely innocent of everything you can't this. When
I mean he was a mess and he was married and he was a mess and all throughout this he was an active alcoholic, though any cleans himself up his bro. There dies he grieves, but he grieves with his widow and then it starts. Hooking up with his widow gets a divorce from his his his first wife Mary. His brother's widow then starts having an affair with another woman. It divorces her, but he doesn't have an affair. He just divorce is the widow leaves behind the widow and now who is married again after meeting this woman for ten days, the guy is out of control. You I mean, even if he's completely innocent, you couldn't put him on the stand, he's now mentally healthy. I don't think and that certainly is possible that that, because of his, some of the personal demons he's dealing with that's fine, but then Joe Biden, auto at least be able to come out and and
thing is release some of the financial records. I mean all the things that we talk about the fact that this in China, for example, hang on don't go to try to get way, wait, let give me a minute, will break and then we'll go to China. This is this is raising this the because of lack of interest or even curiosity from the press. So here's some compelling things to consider. Every year in America, two million burglaries sixty five percent of those are home break ins. Estimated one burglary every thirteen seconds so three or four of them are going to happen during the time of this commercial before we get back to Peter, is one of those houses that just got broken into is that we could be yours? Could yours be next? I hope not. This is why you should invest in simply save the average time it takes to respond to most home security systems. Is forty five minutes, but Simplisafe has something special.
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each the security camera is waiting for your order. Right now would simply say back dot com that simply safe back dot com, ten seconds, then back so we're talking to Peter Schweitzer, who is a journalist and author and has been following this corruption for a very very long time he wrote the book Clinton Cash and I remember when he came in. He first talked about it. He said Joe Biden. This is what two years ago, Joe Biden is the most corrupt. Vice president, in all of american history, and you you had him dead to rights, I mean we, you know when we go through your investigations and you produce the documents, it is so clear that
everyone who is an honest broker should be looking at this information and I honestly didn't think that Joe Biden would run because I thought old he is only going to get his son in trouble he's going to get in trouble at the end he's not be that arrogant, but he is and you're talking about crane being bad, China, is much much worse. Yeah exactly right and Glenn. You know what we do in our research, whether it's China or Ukraine, it's all about a paper trail. It's about, follow the money. We don't use anonymous sources. We don't speculate and what you see. Is this pattern? You have two countries on the entire planet that Joe Biden, point person on during the Obama administration for foreign policy. One of them is Ukraine, the other China. Those are the two countries he's point person on and water new countries that his son strikes, Lou
sort of deals in Ukraine and China, though, ended up itself. I think, should should raise red flags in the media and by the way he did his Joe Biden. Son didn't have this business until after Joe Biden was vice president and then, when he is, when he's appointed the point man Joe Biden, his son's businesses, but strangely, just co, incidentally, show up at the same time in the same place is that Joe Biden is yeah that's exactly right and that's a very important point. You know Hunter Biden through his career up until his dad is elected. Vice president is a lobbyist. He spends a little bit of time working for a bank in Delaware, He tries an investment fund with his uncle James. That goes sour ends up in all kinds of lawsuits and allegations of fraud, of which I don't think he was personally involved in the fraud, but not a good track
record there and he's essentially a lobbyist for the online gambling industry is dad gets elected November of two thousand and eight by mid two thousand and nine he is started. This company called Rosemont Seneca Partners, half the money. This firm is put up by Chris Hines, who is the step son of John Kerry, who it at the that moment in time. In two thousand and nine is the chairman of the Senate, Foreign Relations Committee later become secretary of states, so you've got him involved. You've got Hunter Biden is sort of the you know. The front person for this Hines is more sort of in the back, and we have this third guy Devon Archer. Who is a college roommate from the Yale days? and they set up this entity. They have really no track record at this point, doing any kinds of deals, and this is the vehicle that does the deal in China and the so in China is re.
The breathtaking on so many levels, but essentially- and we have as of this? I know that yeah, I think, you've shown some of these pictures on on some, your specials. We have pictures of Hunter Biden going in meeting with chinese officials, and these are like we you like somebody showing up in New York and having immediate access to the head of Bank of America- Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, you name it pictures of him meeting and they are there to strike a deal with the Chinese. Now stop for a second yeah, so you so the audience knows his where this is a little breathtaking and and fast moving. So you first now in China. What Peter just said is. It is like some, nobody, no business track record going to New York and meeting with the heads of Goldman Sachs and Bank of America and City, an American Express and all the big hedge funds, all of them.
This one is controlled and all the purse strings are controlled by the Communist Party. We'll tell you more about this in just a couple of minutes, stand by the truths on Joe and Hunter by. You're listening to land back, how many times have you seen a little thing? Come up and and, and it says, click if you agree and you're like beauty, room you're, not attention to what you're really agreeing to you didn't even you didn't even open it up. You didn't even read it. We've all done it, and even though we know it's not the safest thing in the world to do, we do it, because, think yourself. It's no big deal, it's a small percentage of the data. That's going out to other companies. I guess I don't know. I just want to read the story or I just want this information. I just want this app but a recent study suggests that more than ninety nine percent of Americans could be correctly re identified from any data set using
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On Monday we have a couple of big things. Stew and I are going to lay out the what comes next and what the motivation is we were just talking about. You know what what is the timing of this and and what are they thinking? How does work for the Democrats. And I'd like to lay this out for you on Monday, because I think it works out splendidly for the Democrat if you think, like the Democrats They are not shooting for They're going for the full ball ball ball of wax; they don't have it it's of winning the Senate as it stands,
but I'll show you on Monday, what they're really shooting for is the House, the Senate and the White House all in this impeachment process and I'll show you how it all plays out on Monday. Also on Monday tv we have, the person in the embassy from the ukrainian Embassy that was told by the ukrainian ambassador. You have to help Miss chill Lupa, gathered dirt on Donald Trump and Manafort, and it was all based on the election. So we we have. The guy who was there and was told we have that on Mondays television show, you don't meant Wanna Miss AM episode. You miss an episode. You miss a lot only on the plays Tv Peter Sweitzer is here. Tell me tell me Peter we're talking about Hunter Biden's deals in China and
take me through how much these deals are worth. He meets with the think of China, which is the Communist controlled bank. It is the state controlled bank. It would be like I don't know, meeting with our treasury uh and he given command over and out awful lot of dollars. That's right so he flies over with his dad on air force. Two is December of twenty thirteen job, Hayden meets with communist officials there and party officials and government officials to talk about a variety of issues and ten days later after they return from that trip. The deal is finalized. It's a one billion dollar deal with a b. Later expanded one point: five billion We now know if you go to the company's website itself and I would encourage people to go there. It's b e h, r e e d,
dot com, that's Bhr, P, dot com, and there's an english language section. You can click to we. We know that now this fund has more than two point one one million dollars in assets that they are managing Hunter Biden, is put board of directors. Remember he no background in China or no background in private equity. He's put on the board yours and Evan Archer. His business partner is vice chairman and so put on the investment committee. So you have now the sitting vice president's son, doing this deals with the chinese government and what they do with that money Land, I think, is his shocking as the fact that this deal is struck in the first place. Yeah. I have to tell you Peter when I first, when I first started, look and all of your work on this, I was shocked at the meeting, how it even took place the amount of cash he is
he's given this this deal that Goldman Sachs doesn't have nobody with a century plus experience in money management. His little firm. That has nothing in it is given this access and is now working for the chinese communist government. I thought that was outrageous, but then, when I saw what he was doing with that money, it was worse. Yeah, so so be Bohai Harvest Rst is the name of the firm is set up and it's taking money through the Shanghai Free Trade zone, investing in chinese companies in american companies and you're exactly right, no other firm in the world. Has this deal the first firm to get steel in the Shanghai Free Trade zone. Is this small Rosemont Seneca Partners, headed by the vice
Citibank, doesn't have anything like this Jp Morgan Chase. Exactly Goldman you Bank, exactly Everybody has this deal, and so we start investing where one of the first investments is a company called c g end that stands for China, General Nuclear, and this is Rob registered on the Hong Kong Stock change? What is it is a chinese government affiliated company and they are Atomic energy company. It was entirely communist and then they sold it. They sold half of it. I think off is in that right. That's right in Bohai Harvest. The firm at which huh the button is on the board of directors, buys a chunk of this and then Anastasia. Within a year this company Cgn is charged by the FBI of stealing nuclear secrets. In the United States There is an engineer, their name Alan Hoe, who pleads guilty and goes to jail, but with her. Basically,
trying to do is get access to an AP one thousand nuclear reactor, which is a small nuclear reactor that has implications for submarines, it's small, it's efficient! It has this very unique piping system, so it is six illicitly a national security threat to uh, ok, so hold on. Let me let me just add this story. What Peter just said was: China has add a wholly owned nuclear power company they wanted this this technology, before this small nuclear nuclear reactor for submarines, the company in America that makes that they they tried to infiltrate with spies and they tried to get in there, but the FBI was on them and the FBI, found them, tried them and convicted them. While this was being investigated and in trial,
the Chinese then sell part of this company off the Hunter Biden's new come. He buys into it and you're bite and then does watt well to be clear. They buy into the company before the show searches are made, so Hunter guidance, firm, owns part of Cgn before the arrests are made and before the trial occurred, but as he goes in and tries to it goes, it would just tell the rest of the story, because it that timing is clear but but go ahead, yeah and, and so what happens is when you look at the court trial documents. What you see is that Alan HO, this engineer was not a lone wolf, that the request to do this buying came from the highest levels of Cgn, so you have those you know very re situation, and- and it's not alone, you have other acquisitions that that this company that Hunter
I on the board of engages in as well, they they go ahead and best to buy half of a company. We called which is based out of Michigan and, in the know, Biden's firm, buys half of it. The other half of it is bought. A chinese avionics company, which is a large military contractor in China that style and all kinds of military technologies from us, including things related to the F thirty five fighter. They jointly come and by him, against this precision tools, company in May again that that creates a product that are anti vibration technologies and it's a so called do use company, because certainly the anti vibration technologies they want in the automotive industry and then in the civilian market also has very clear mill, Terry application. So these are dual use technologies and this
the action has to be approved by the Obama administration, which they do So now you have. The vice president's son. Involve in a transaction that puts who use military related technologies under control of the chinese government's this. The pattern that's emerging with these transactions there buying into companies. They are engaging in transactions that are beneficial too chinese military industrial, complex, they're, buying Hunter Biden is buying into these companies that have tried to steal the technology and keep getting caught or blocked, and that's where he decides. To put his investment in you zing chinese money using chinese money, he inv best in those companies to be a well to have access or
or to be able to smooth smooth the way open with the State Department and the administration. So they came. Two things that they've never legally been able to do. They'd have to spy and get it that correct. If you look at at Dhr, which is this investment company, they talk about their portfolio, companies and- and they are quite open as the source of funny they want to invest in, and they are these technology firms in the west and remember when all of these decisions are being made by this chinese firm, where again, huh brightness on the board of directors. His business partner is on the investment committee, so meet the notion and the suggestion that though they didn't know about these things. First of all, they could have looked at their own company's website and seen them, but the in decisions are being made by a committee that involves his business partner and, if you think about it from the chinese perspective, Glenn no
things that you want to buy this company and it's going to require Cynthia's approval. This committee on foreign investment in the United States in Washington what better hey to provide sort of camouflage or to provide you put a nice happy bow on it and to show to demonstrate that that you've got the son of the vice president on the board, I mean: that's certainly can't be nefarious right, that's what's so troubling about this, is: is this intersection of money making buy the Biden family with NASH Security implications for the United States, with with seems to a clear knowledge by the Chinese that this is how you grease this to make it not so bad. If this were, you know Dick Cheney, George Bush Trump's children, it would be everywhere and it would be a right scandal. It would be a scandal that would be correct, but
media has no interest in any of these things. Ask you this Peter. How does this and does this all gets sweep swept under the carpet? Well, I would say We better hope not, and I've been very clear about this Glenn. As I know you have this. This is not ultimately just about Joe Biden, although you know obviously the the the the election coming up. People are going to be making choices is far bigger than that. The question we have to ask ourselves is: do we want our national leaders in do teaching in this kind of behavior? No, yes exactly, and we if we allow this to stand, if we allow well the media to say? Oh, it's not a big deal, everybody does it. Everybody is going to do it. Be There's one iron rule in Washington that we know and that's as if you give political figures, either political party, the opportunity self and rich and get away with it. They are going to run towards it in droves. This is hard, and this is
either so rich, and this is what causes a corrupt nation and you know, Democrats should understand if you let him get away with this. You don't think that old trump in his children will do this. Of course they will. Everyone will do this and it's wrong, no matter who does it exactly exactly right and the implications are clear. The Chinese have written about this. I talked about this in secret empires. Glenn there quite cool here the way that they want to deal with Abbas real countries arrival countries? Is they want to buy off their political class and done that in Australia they are trying to do that in New Zealand they're trying to do that in other parts of the Asia Pacific Region, and they do. In the United States, and I talk about this in the book it. It involves. The bidens, I think, are the most egregious in this area, certain the Mcconnell child family because they to point out in the in the book? This is going to be there strategy to deal with
all Trump's China policy, this policy on trade, on challenging the chinese claims to the S Pacific cra. A direct challenge that they have not faced. They didn't face it under Bush. They did not say sit under Obama. Their strategy to deal with this is going to be to try to give sweetheart deals to their kids and they have thus far resisted them, but we need to continue to resist them, and the time is, if you let the binds get away with it, why should they resist them? But you know what should my not we taught him that it's ok, it's totally. Ok, I'd like to actually go over, have you on maybe next week and go over Mcconnell, because I think this plays a role on why people in the Senate are quiet about. You know
Joe Biden. They don't want to bring it up. I mean I've talked to several senators just this week and they're like we're. Not we don't there's no appetite to talk about Joe Biden. Well, why is that? Is it have anything to do with the Republicans doing similar things? Of course it does. I'd love to have you back next week for that Peter. Yes, I was going to on the glass breaks. You Peter Sweitzer. He is the author of Clinton Cash in secret empires. He is a great great investigative journalist. You want to pick those up all right x, Jerry sitting in an x chair. I've, been you know exactly what I'm talking about if you've ever just sat in one. I know those Texas State Fair is going on. I this is the last weekend of the Texas State Fair, and it's going to be a beautiful weekend here, but the x chair is there at the Texas State Fair and then I know, because I called them What is a response from people, and they said the first thing that everybody says is when they sit in it. Oh, my
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is attending these rallies and talking about the different things that are happening in politics and he has just such a different angle. There very, very popularglennbeck dot com. His latest is really good Connie Rampant a chip, health check that out also don't forget. On Monday, we have one of the eye witnesses from the ukrainian Embassy, who can vouch for the democratic corruption in Ukraine will be doing an interview with him, and that is on blaze, Tv Friday, sorry, Blaze, Tv Monday, join us now become a subscriber and help spread. The word back.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-15.