« The Glenn Beck Program

The Media WANTS Trump to Fail on Coronavirus | Guest: Jeremy Dys | 4/14/20

2020-04-14 | 🔗

Stu and Pat fill in for Glenn, who insists that he’s coronavirus-free. President Trump’s latest press conference was practically a talk radio segment on how biased the media’s coronavirus reporting has been. And the media’s still making it political! Dr. Fauci had to clarify yet again that there’s no drama between him and Trump. Meanwhile, the New York Times admitted that its article on the sexual allegations against Joe Biden was changed to appease his campaign. First Liberty Institute’s Jeremy Dys argues that our religious liberties are being targeted as governments forbid church attendance during the pandemic. Is anyone desperate for sports yet? And as China continues to lie, the “Wuhan biolab” theory is gaining traction … for good reasons.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let me check Perceval rector girls and I could I can't go out in a home Debo by a girl, at least in the old days, I'm off into that now, maybe a Michigan if they ve walled all those areas of the store off. But now the springs and full bloom in summer is on the way you can get you go. You can go to that or can spanned. You know all all this ridiculous time searching for the right girl. You can find some little lunchbox on wheels. You can a fortune for something that is decent or option. What have you got, get a girl that will stand up on its own against all the rest, and this is because this girl is sold direct consumer dna heavy duty, sleek, smart technology pact, world class girl. Which is amazing, and if that sounds good, then you need a wreck. Tech girl, if you haven't, got online and checked out erected, girls, yet
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the easy K lot to talk about a lot to get into there was an amazing press conference from President yesterday where he didn't. Basically, a talk. Radio show during it was kind of cool we'll get into that in just sixty seconds of background that programme my dog miles is one hundred and seventy four years old this month, it's he's a little older age He was a black pug and east is like now almost a grey pug you're really? Is he showing his age a little bit? and you know it doesn't get around all that well anymore, but we ve lately been giving him a rough, creates something guns start, but I know he's done a lot with his dog. You
and miles is now is- is yellow with pepper to step in this either some limping involved in the steps, I will say, but he's moon around a lot better and he law two hundred and seventy four. There are bound to be a little limping a little that railway you gotta have aches and pains, I guess, but he he gets around still, that funny thing about him is because he's gray now holy Shit, let's get a grey beard most of the time, but after he eats his rough greens, it as a green loreen. Beersheba, like a great sense of our dialogue as great the energy is, is improved and mildest is doing great. That Gladys had a great experience with Unos as well his dog pad as well, when you go. If you talk to them about Bell, look in his eyes, because she's, basically glorified rat, prepare a rat with a little extra hair. Ok, let's Rock creek man. She loves rough Greece gobbles that stuff they love it. They love it. Rough creeds, isn't dog
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over twenty four twenty four twenty four hour covert. He actually in his email today to tell us he was not going to be and because he was Felix you made it and he may do distinction that it was not grown virus which I don't know how you do that exactly that's not what a doctor does right. You don't you say him. I don't think he's got it for the or something have, and we have the symptoms, but he he claims he does not have corona virus. He's been self isolating for quite some time now, a long time. Yet six weeks as it already be, it's been a long time. Thank you and so he's not really popped out of the house for much of anything, and he will not be in today in that not feeling well, which is sad, But what will monitor his his symptoms and let you know if it's turning and any other covets one Twenty four! Now, if you dont, have won through eighteen, will you understand when you have
you know the subtle nuances of the disease we have. Nineteen now he's I didn't. I didn't have any of the first eighty hours. I'm supposed to understand this. I just feel like everyone's already on the covered nineteen bandwagon. I can't just showing it now. I gotta go now go covered. One cover to write, go all the way up the list, so I tried to watch a game of thrones starting in the final season. Oh you did, It make any sense at all I dunno neo. Characters. I did know what they were doing. I didn't know you enjoy it dear associated with it. You know any why they were upset at certain things not have made any sense at all and that's people are understanding. Now, with covert eighty two cases jump in right now started the beginning. Did you? How did you feel about the President's press conference? And you know about that? I, like the lot quite honestly part of it was really good and I will show you that part because he he came and he was obviously pissed off about the New York Times article over the Weekend- yes, that said he
why he was a failure. The corona virus response and it outlined. You know how stupid he is and how we waited on this and he didn't listen to the right people listen to the wrong people all from the New York Times, and they didn't really there really back anything up with any evidence with any facts. It was just. It was mostly in opinion, peace and he was not happy about it. And so he came out right. To go after the media and here's. What happened its tromp? Does the talk radio bit because it's a lot like attack? Yo shown your cut. Sir, but I guys at an early and so the story in the New York Times is a total fake gets a fake newspaper. They ride fake stories and someday. Hopefully, in five years, when I'm not here,
Papers are all gone out of business because nobody's gonna want to read freedom, but now there I can because they write about me now with that, and I have a couple of interesting. We have a few clicks just gonna put up, which has turned the later but lower. I think you'll find it interesting and then will answer some questions. I'll ask you some questions, cuz, you so guilty, but forgotten, but, most importantly, we're going get back onto the reason we're here, which is the success, we're having ok, please He then put it on.
People should be more concern right now with the flu unless cutting our particular concern about the krona virus, because our hearing a lot of news about a right now, but the reality is comparing it to the flu. For example, it's not even close to being at that stage board if it is worse, is this a moment where maybe countries put politics aside a little bit of pride aside and do we have the? U S? Official? Should u S professional such as yourself get involves our recent Americans be about Corona virus court of ours is not cataclysm. Major is the United States. Ok, so there's some experts,
while the president took decisive action and then there's the time line of the actions that we had this. What the orchestra walking vaccinated, immediately, suspend all travel from Europe to the United States for the next thirty days to unleash the full power of the federal government that this effort today, I am officially declaring a national emergency. Better care patients can now visit any directive by phone or video conference at no additional cost. The first one billion masks will be available immediately Kay even his partisans sniped in it is, as they were more cases and clear that it was spreading out of China where are your region headed? The president took this move that he was widely criticised for by democratic and even some Republicans at the time, which was he halted a number of flights from China into the? U s the idea, was to halt the spread of the disease key transit,
since to a minimum in accused of xenophobia, he was accused of making a racist move. At the end of the day. It was probably effective. It did actually take a pretty aggressive measure against the spread of the virus. I partisan governors recognise the president's support in the event of his team. Is they ve been responsive late at night early in the morning and EVA? Thus far been doing everything that they can do, and I want to say thank you and I want to say that I appreciate it. He returns calls reaches out has been proactive. We got the California mercy shut down here, LOS Angeles that was directly because he sent down here. Two thousand medical units came to the state of California. These F, unless these these field, medical stations, in that's been very, very helpful to president has been
standing out through all this. The vice president's been outstanding members
grunted virus taskforce very responsive. We asked if we could have New Jersey could have access to a piece of the beds dinner on the. U S and s comfort in the president came back. Call me a short a few minutes before I walked in here to say, indeed, they would grant that two New Jersey. So that's a big step for us. In addition to all the other capacity, that news is literally hot off the press, and I thank the president and vice president, who are on the call together, president from approved Arizona requests for presidential major disaster declaration. I want to thank the President for a quick around. We requested this Wednesday and we had a proposal by Saturday morning flowing to the administration for their continued support. Responsiveness. Well. First of all, I want to thank the President for doing really good job of communicating with all the governor.
It is no. It comes back, so we could give you hundreds of trips like from hundreds governors, including democratic or democratic. I call them governance, which is actually the character We could give you hundreds of cliffs just like that. We have them this to go on too long, but I just want to say you know it's very sad and people like fall stores. Like a case. I guess it was God mostly from the New York Times, which is a highly I mean if you had labour laws. And we re we didn't have a business even before the end of going out of business. So it's too bad, but we could have. Given you saw the statements. We have hundreds of statements, hundreds of savers, including from Democrats and democratic governors, soil,
where is like a like a fool? Talk, radio presentation and we're at a time for today show where I was eight hour that that's me in the middle of a press conference of aging. I look he has to make the case because no one else is gonna make it for, while any under continual barrage I understand that non. Stop right. I mean I don't know, twenty one of the cliffs he plays in the middle is another clip at that. I played on the show- and I think on the news and why it matters and place tv from Oghee Haber men as well as my show stew, does America You could subscribe to that if you'd like, or pet grip peccary, at least but the Maggie Heymann clip is interesting in that it was on the podcast, the daily, which is the big your times Podcast Maggie governments, basically their top reporter, goes back, fourth between Donald Trumps, favor, porter and least favoured reporter, depending on the day, and she made that point in the middle of that programme, which interesting. I mean it was the first time I had heard a mainstream reporter
acknowledge that now, not only did they move work when it came to banning it's from China, but also that he acknowledged there was unfair criticism that was unfounded, wanna being untrue about the move. Yak is, the Democrats, rural screaming how racist it was. It was unit phobic and races. Yet there was racist what he did it to China and then, when he band flights from Europe now you're banning allies. These are allies. You can't what kind of messages that sending that xenophobia bracket couldn't win. You can't win on now, and I will say that that cast is a thirty minute, podcast or so in which Twenty eight and a half minutes are saying he didn't do a good job and those that minute really that aspect in particular one year and now and it's funny it's the same source that is complaining about many times the end there making largely the same point as that article
That was in the New York Times that he's complaining about, and the point is our only see no the point of all of this from the New York Times. Perspective is that did act early in January. But then didn't follow it up in February and we are trying to zero in on this three week period, the last week of February and the first two weeks of March, where seemingly to experts was obvious that this is gonna, get really bad and he didn't do enough, unlike stepping back from you can't trust their Curtis criticism. You can go and find much later dismissive comments from people like Andrew Cuomo and build a blow, You and Nancy Policy, and all of these people like you can do all of that. That is really something that is better done after this is over. Is it not Yes, we can go back and examined every move. Donald Trump makes in the NBA of March once we
get past the immediate crisis that is going on. The fact that the Mai the spending all of these resources trying to pick a part every little decision made before we knew how serious this was or as lead up to the time where we understood how serious it was and trying to make it into a political issue. Now is disgraceful. There's no reason this can be. This is an interesting conversation and may even inform your vote in November. Maybe it well maybe Look, it doesn't say, don't from did a great job or doldrums to depict terrible job, but I think we can all understand that this is not the time to litigate that we're in the middle of a crisis right now and yet media. Can't let it go get the the limits on the much did. That's that's all they know how to do is to criticise him and is every move and their true. The plant in the mindset of the american people that he blew this, that it that it's a failure and that people have died because of his inaction in that what they want. The impression to be when you
What a voting in November, whether its by mail or in person, that's the impression they want you to have that Donald Trump failed, and so I think he sees the necessity to come some of that because if he doesn't who's going to me, we are but we're we're gonna, say some things, but he he wants to take his opportunity as well with the bully hope that he has an end, few some of this nonsense. I don't want blame unemployment trouble. Eight! seventy seven, be easy k more coming up in sixty, so you feel good and you daily life, and you want to have that soundtrack. That makes you feel good feeling good. Is the Asker worthy Soundtrack to our daily lives, its fuel? good that undoubtedly cause the first person to spontaneously dancer, sing or skipper rock across a still pond there's something about feeling good. Drives you too not only be able to do things, but to want to do them. You want,
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ten second stage. Ninety four you do not do so. Obviously CNN, was offended by that by by Donald Trump Press conference at John King tells tells us all why he saw offended the president has every right to defend itself. The president has keep a few key points he wants to make about national channels. China, baddies, absolutely correct. However, a high speed eight and a half years in that building closer ten years in that building, including a briefing room here and has a white house, corresponded many of them working with you back in the Clinton administration than I stayed on through the George W Bush administration. That was propaganda that was not just a campaign. Video that was propaganda, aired at taxpayers, expense in the White House, briefing rope and it was selective cherry picking information again. The president has every right to be proud of imposing the Travel
Christians on China. He was criticised by other people at the time and it turns out every part. Health expert- will now tell you that that helped that help- that was the one thing as it did earlier, some of those things are announced in there were cherry pick and ignore some things like on general twenty. Second, when the present was asked by CNBC Dewey is to be a pandemic ten pandemic. No, not at all. That was the prosecutor states on January twenty seconds, because it is only right, said, looks like April, you now in theory gets a little warmer. It miraculously goes away. The present said then, on February twenty six at the White House. This is the flow. This is like the flow he said in that same press conference. We're gonna, get very substantially. Fifteen people fifteen within a couple of days, it's going to dont zero. I could go on and on and on a wolf with other things, the president has said, and he has every right, no penalty itself. He has every right to push back. You know
for their Alan's things that are actually not true, but to play a propaganda. Video at taxpayers, expense in the White House. Briefing room is a new you can so your favorite word here and this administration. There are ways to do things higher than those that that's despite out propaganda in the James Brady Britain, room of the White House, handling and CNN, wants the corner market, but the market corner and on propaganda. They want to be the only propagandists in this battle. Don't I get an hour Turfy right, where they propagandists every day, were the ones who do this cherry pick news? Usually we alone I'm the one that I mean. That's despicable to speak of envy inane idea that Donald Trump
going to shut down the? U S economy in early February, its ass in sovereign Dickie, Leslie Silly, when there were learn literally what fifteen people in early February with the disease in this country, Uranus shut down America because fifteen people have not yet you know it's gonna spread by ear thinking at that point that you know there's gotta, be five hundred thousand of us with the disease and now look. It was fifteen people, they had tested positive, we know rapidly, there were more here and we were trying to get a headline. We ve talked about the testing issues that actually came from the bureaucracy the CDC and you know that was an issue its work, that we were able to overcome here and now our testing over a hundred thousand people every single day. It's over three million Sophronia over three million so far its took it took a little time. Everything did not go perfectly, but the idea
there are dying is never does and you're telling me. We can also go back and find a million clips of the media as trumpeted. Some of that there were they say that the bits Can it be that big of a de, including Anthony, vouch you by the way multiple times early on said it wasn't? Gonna, be a big deal for America and look everybody I we decided to show and stew. Does America basically saying look before I don't know anyone say earlier: mid March right, pretty much everybody gets a pass. There's a and b he I mean, you can go to certain experts who are predicting that there were some, but this is a sad I quote often to show where they mindset was because this has happened so fast one month one month ago Eighty seven percent of people polled believed it would be less than ten thousand deaths. Eighty seven percent- So only the most alarmist people in our society any idea how bad this would get. Ok it.
Turn out that way. They usually don't write. You can understand why people have different opinions, although I did not turn out as bad as some predicted, I mean the CDC. We see two point, two million yeah. That was, if we did nothing, would right course what society is going to do nothing. I legislative donated blood in the hospitals, let it run Dinah toilet over. Forty thousand. A couple weeks ago, an hundred to tuna, forty thousand, yeah. No, I mean I'm lucky. We will see what happens with the thing, but no one had an idea was gonna get like this year. Less very recently, We are shop online alot, especially right now I mean all the time course, my wife is the expert in this particular field. Lisa issue we out, she knows what he's doing and she's actually one who told me about honey initially honey is a free shopping tool that automatically finds the best promo code and apply them to your card when you're ready check out, so you down
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not so badly oh yeah, and they keep trying to pay them against each other November. They did the same thing with James call me they came out and they said they He needs a fire. James call me look if commies bad commies, bad commies, bad, the second. He fired him. They all turned on him and said it was a massive constitutional violins right and they will do the same thing without she rightly like he. You know if that happens. This is what they will do. They will completely switch on it It's interesting, though, to see where this coming from, because I mean I think, the American but, generally speaking, have had positive reviews of the way Trump has handled this from the beginning. He's had a good approval. Ratings he's be seen as positive, a good chunk of that, It is because he's the nations leading infectious disease expert is backing up every one of his moves. Rightly You can tell there's tension their occasionally right can tell they don't tell that allows you to agree with some of what terms
right, but he I will say that he goes out of his way over and over and over again to allow it to give as possible spin for the president, one of the things that I thought was a very important that he did, early on was to say: look. I don't My job has nothing to do with figuring out if the account these good or not. That's the president's job All I can do is tell him the medical advice and he has a higher responsibility than I do to judge all of it together and make a decision that is more difficult job. Then taking it down the road of of the medical advice, because anybody could do that right. We can just assign doctors to be present in the United States if, as we wanted, that's what we want right with dignity, like popped into my head. Tat is how many times have we try to do like a comedy bit or something? That's? Maybe energy, Sedgy enough that they make us go to the attorneys and
What are the attorneys always say? No, no don't. Do it it era sign a reaction, err on the side of caution it opens. You have to too much risk because you're gonna get you could get yourself in trouble. They could. Someone could sue summer could complain that blob. They will always say that cause they're, seeing from one perspective, their expertise is show me the problems when it comes to the law, understandable right. That doesn't mean their bad at their job, but it doesn't that doesn't mean that you as a host are you, as a company, say: okay, well, every time the lawyer says. No, we don't do it because annually Do anything right? and the same thing happens here with Trump. Obviously you could get you a point. You're talking about the medical advice here, where we could all stay inside forever and that Probably help corona virus go away right, but that's not a sensible decision. We can also say the speed It should be for and we will have a lot less traffic deaths. It's not necessarily. We taken
entire decision making process the what you go so fancies pretty front with that and the clear that was so controversial with Jake Tapir over the weekend. I don't even think sounds to me didn't even soundly criticism of the president. It was just the obvious acknowledgement but if they had acted a little earlier, things may have been better, but that's all grouchy as well he's not absolving himself from this at all here here, clear. This is from Jake Tapirs weekend shouting Sancho. The said? That's! This is all because we got started to lie in the. U S is our right. Do you agree You know it isn't as simple as that? I'm sorry I mean not just say this is all happening because we got started to late. Obviously, if you could you have done something a little bit earlier would have had an impact. Obviously, but where are you all right now is the right.
Of a number of factors, the size of the country. The heterogeneity of the country is, I think, the right, unfair antivirus to South Korea, where they had an hour Reagan, day go and they had the capability of immediately, essentially shutting off completely in a way that we may not have been able to do right in this country. We see, I would have been nice if we had a better headstart, but I Thank you could say that we are where we are right now because of one factor, it's very complicated check. Every he's disagreeing with group does analysis there. He saying no. No, it's not fair. It is not fair to say this about our funds, everybody in with Peru, twenty twenty hindsight. Of course you can say I wish I could have done something differently. If buying a stock and the company profile is amazing and all of a sudden covert. Nineteen hits and stock goes through that through the through the floor, of course, you can look at it and say: okay. Well. Obviously, I wish we didn't
that stock, but that doesn't mean it was a bad decision at the time that you handled incorrectly at the time you can only do the best, You know you can only consider the information you have at the time and all he saying there is number one we couldn't have handled it the way all of terms critics are saying it should have been handled. We can't we're not South Korea, we ve got a constitution that protects the United States and in the people, inside of it, for having full locked down an unlimited invasion of privacy. We don't get. Docks all of our citizens, that the way this country works So he's acknowledging that he's. He I don't it's not. In criticism. It's not criticism. It's just them. I swore the media just wants to make this into a fight. When there isn't a fight I think there is a natural tension between you know someone who is arguing for the most restrictive ways to protect people at all costs and I am sure the same thing is happening. We're junketings,
publicity about it with people in his economic council You gotta this up, Mr President, what do you do? We gotta do this the presidency. Well, we need to also consider the other side. The medical side he's the only one in this group has to consider all of it. And so he has a different responsibility than these people. Do that? Isn't that that's natural tension, which is normal in one conversations unease dealing with the other side of the equation where they are telling him we should be going for Eighteen months on shut down exactly eighteen months. Are we?
never country left. Now was a hundred a year and a half year protecting anything authority in the airline industry has gone. The restaurant industry has gone down with apathy had about medical innovations, have along right, yeah tell would be shut down, I mean we will you would shudder so many businesses and lose so many jobs me what you have sixty seventy eighty percent and unemployment of you go a year and a half hour you I mean at least incomprehensible to us that the damage would be beyond repair. Now that doesn't mean we will be dealing with this and eighteen months in some way right if possible, that that's going on, but you're gonna have to come up with a solution better than just shutting everything down for eighteen months. It does make any sense while their talk him right now about maybe rolling shut down. So if some thing flares up somewhere. Maybe you shut down a few things in that area of it. You don't that nationwide bright, like I think it makes sense right. Look, let's say if we were still again at that that zero zero cases in the United States we and we were
able to have all the stuff wrapped up. We have tests, we have mass, we have ventilators, we have all the things that have been a struggle and why this time I think the present was Tobias this time too to ramp all that stuff up. Once you have it If you have an area urine, while in you haven't but mere in an area with no break out, if a break out starts outbreak. I guess, starts of the of covert nineteen. You are tracing the contacts. You are Isolating the people involved, you are doing listen you can to minimize outbreak when you're prepared- and you understand how things spreads- and we know that it's its asymptomatic people can spread it in all of these different things. When you know that you have achieved to stop it, you can't do it, they try to do it in LOS Angeles, all the stuff, a contact tracing and all that stupid or had it it's impossible right, that's why the shutdown was something they went with because it was beyond the point that South Korea was, it was me.
On the point we're Hong Kong was beyond the point where Singapore was. They could do that approach at that time. If you give you can stamp out the initial wave of it get these factions lower you Do it when a new outbreak occurs and that's what they think there it is going to be. It was especially difficult because now there saying that much more widespread earlier then they then they believed in In other words, people had in California long before they thought anybody had it in California? That's what they're supposedly finding now and I I can well imagine that's true, because there are a lot asymptomatic people. There are a lot of any more just walkin around that had it didn't know they had and we didn't have the tests a first right. We know that there are more people, were there are more people that had it but we don't know when they arrive in, we don't know what percentages and we we're not gonna know that honestly, we're gonna know the full facts of this for a very long time until
People are gonna, go back and do this analysis. This is how you find out how many people were affected as they do now. After the fact, that's why these things are difficult to deal with. Aren't you, though I end Trump another either one of them we're taking debate on this from the media. How'd. She started off the press conference yesterday. Refuting reports that Trump didn't listen to him last night. Again he's in full defence motor. The present here listen. The first and only time that dog works and I went in formerly made a recommendation to the president to actually have a quote shut down in the sense of not really shut down, but to really have strong mitigation. We discuss, Obviously they would be concerned by some. Then fact that might have some negative. Consequences. Nonetheless- president, listen to the recommendation and
to the mitigation. The next second time that I went with doktor into the president and said ten days or not enough. We need to go thirty days. Obviously they were people who had upon with that because of the potential secondary effects. Nonetheless, at that time, the president, when with the health recommendations ever again, remember Anthony found she is in, and I think, are. The reason is getting pushed back from conservative media is because he's in this annoying Brad Pitt mode wearily? the left is trying to make him into this hero. That's rescuing trump from despair, disaster brain, but that's media creation bats His creation has been like that over and over and over again publicly and think about this path. Guys, and Eighty percent cent of priority, or now eighty percent. If he wanted to do the job
call me I'm a martyr thing. He could absolutely do it in the media would eat it up, Tarja they would eat, it's up, they will love it, they would love for him to be it was they look? I tried over and over again to get him to do these things earlier and I wouldn't know everyone was and he can write books. He could Every single news program would have a bond in this fawning fashion and eat. They would be making the videos that Trump made of himself in the press conference for Anthony Falchi. And he hasn't done bright. He may do it in the future. Who knows, but as a This point he seems to be pretty folks, on making sure as few people die as possible, and I would argue that may That's the same thing trumps focused on me be Trump is also focused on not having People die the media soul com. Certainly in this mode of pressuring the Trump Administration to to make it about this bad,
between him and the media, and obviously he likes that at some level he can tally enjoys it. But you know when it comes down to the actual decision making take out the press conference take out the words together those little silly battles and look at what the guy's done He is in the middle of it. Election year a guy who's. Entire election argument has based on how good the economy is Donald Trump made the decision to, shut down. Large portions of the economy for six weeks in the middle of the election year one of the strongest economies we ve ever had and do storing it in a month. What information. What does he think is gonna happen. He obviously thinks lot of human life is at stake. And it's not just annoys, you wouldn't have done it taken that here he you know about the in the morning the economy open more than Donald Trump. More than I do
more than you do more than anybody. The audience does. Donald Trump wants this economy open more than anyone. Does it just the issue of he's? Looking at this information and saying wait a minute much human life. Are we gonna look out here? You know, let's give us some time to be able to wrap up make sure I mean the fact that we now have an masks and the United States is ridiculous now. We ve had a month to build these things up, and we should that issue going forward, that's a big advantage when you're facing the next outbreak. You know, I think he's walked in impossible line, pretty freakin well so far. And the idea that found she needs to go, I think, will be a political problem, because Europe is did it really bad but also like, I think so. Much of this is forced by the media they can can you really want to draw a wedge between them because they can't criticized grouchy. He is care criticise him, so they were They want a separate those two, so they can praise him and criticise trump
should let him do it doubly. Seventy seven be easy. Kay ferrets? So do you have a worked really hard over the years and saved every penny you get along the way Euro, a smart with your business decisions, making sure you only invested wisely and spent frugally, and eventually, as is the great american success story, you ended up, become pretty wealthy? Congratulations but then, even though everybody literally everybody warn you not to you, ended up a tiger refuge in marrying a woman named Carol. Now that is not necessarily great decisionmaking. And you might be a little embarrassed by it, but not nearly as embarrassing, is having to talk to your doktor about ye. With Romania can get a free online evaluation and ongoing care all from the council. And privacy of your home, the doktor will work with you to find the best treatment plan and medication is propria Roman will ship it to you with free to day shipping processes simple and discreet: go to get Roma
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this is the line programme as vat is due for gland that programme Tripoli. Seventy be easy gay, you know it's been amazingly Christie, NOME Dakota Governor stood a lot of things right and that speech she made at press conference last week was one of the best gubernatorial speeches. I've ever seen- probably now she's going to test. I draw a clerk win in her state just to get the scientific information that everybody says we don't have any access to that. It's never been done well, she's, going to do it and see if it actually works, Erle Wrong.
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and in line with this, is that going back programme Gerda everywhere this Joe Biden. Obviously the presumptive nominally at this point and interesting article written over the weekend was was Saturday or was it Sunday in the New York Times about the act? Zation against him that he sexually assaulted woman on his staff in eighteen. Eighty three: I will get into what the New York Times had to say about that covered up in just a minute This is the Glen Back Programme, proto being at least looks like we ve kind of said goodbye to the free market. Any who needs it so the two and daunting anyway as local its forces across the country continue to fight these sort of power, grabbing missions all over the constitution, the FED
seems bounded determined to spend us into oblivion before we can really look up and notice a pretty soon we might all be standing in not now I mean like something breads, really good at an inn. Standing in the line. Isn't that rough? For it in mind I'd like to adjust the line for bread. Will I think you ve caught a bread lighted centrally bad Europeans at the bread was so good. There is a line for it, so Pretty good will Bernie Sanders said it was a really good thing because they have food food. Our country, people, poor people, have starved to death. We have to make our decisions. We know that going forward and make sure that people around us encourage To do the same, there is really not a lot of margin of error right now, but one of the small things you can do is put a portion of your financial portfolio in Japan, metals. I've done that. I know glanced at his well world supplies or at a low right now, but the of gold is rising and there are still places that can supply it. Gold line is one of the rare places that can do it. Sir,
it's the one that we ve trusted. It's where I bought my gold we're Glenn vices as well. Take the tie, do your homework, give them a call today, let's rebuilding Margaret, would you say, now's the time, aid six gold line is the place to call get you get information that you need make you're a smart decision by the information help you out understanding all the ins and outs of this eight six six, Gold line is the number to call eight six six gold line. Give him a call right now, so the New York Times supposedly looked into Joe Biden, sexual assault. The woman back in nineteen o three, it was on its staff. Many was pretty blatant. When you listen to her story. She sounded she sought and really believable. I thought
I certainly believe her. Yeah, I mean it's tough right because it's an accusation from twenty seven years ago, twenty seven- that is the problem, and I you know I can't I don't know how you can lead gate- those things twenty seven years later, sauce impossible now, I know there is one system to do it, which is the Cavanaugh model. Which is you just believe anything the person says proof or not, and say that it's in unconscionable for anyone to allow per like per capita to ever existed polite society again that's one model into the model that the left has adopted for every conservative or republican. Until now, not least because people I don't know Alyssum Olano were saying: oh yeah, women in Europe Women deserve to be believed. Ok wall do men not deserve due process because are being accused of something pretty serious here, should at least go through the process heat right and that one
the case with Bread Cavanaugh. But now, all of a sudden, oh yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait, meanness take them seriously, but you don't believe in automatically yeah. That was the illicit mulatto line. I love that because it's what you arguing for the conservative standard here. We're saying is when someone woman says she's been abused, you take that clear seriously, you encourage it, and this is very important, important part of this union, urge it to come out as soon afterward as possible. Ideally with authorities did not through the media and go through the evidence and try to understand what happened and if someone is guilty after due process situation. Then you're very excited to throw them prison for as long as possible. That conservatives have always been asking for what we descended. We wanted for brick avatar right yeah there's, no one that I know of that was like gosh. I I mean bread probably this, but you know I
gets away with it. Cause he's gonna, be a good vote of a Supreme court. I know no one who thought that I know there's a tons of Supreme Court Justice- Frank others that I would have picked besides prick Cavanaugh just because of his voting record. Nothing to do with his is the highest drinking habits like. It was unfair. He was obviously qualified for the job and you give in to the left and the media die, piling on bread, Cavanaugh without any evidence right, there's much seriously Much much more evidence that Joe Biden did this then bread Cavanaugh? did. He was accused of thou. It's not even remotely close a sheet. Actually told one of her friends at the time, Ninety, ninety three that this occurred. She also told her her mom, which we can't, quantify because her mom is is no longer with US
So, while we can even throw that away but told to other people as well one in two thousand eight and another back, I think at the time. So you have corroborated. There must always be. I know it's no one said, unlike you know, for example, one of the Michael ever naughty accusers said. You know who might knows this person, and then they asked this person there like. Actually I don't know who you're talking but whose this I don't know the name you're referring to vent. Even now. I did not know about the incident, but didn't know about the actual person Who was faking it? The accusation was this is one where she is seemingly is is backed backed up by as they would call it. Contemporaneous. Testimony and it is a situation where, if this, was a Republican. It would be rock solid one hundred percent proof that they did this and that it will that is absolutely true, if, is it. Joe Biden was a Republican, the media
would be handling this complete differently and assuming guilt at every level. No doubt doesnt born. I know its not just some flimsy wild eyed accusation, but that being said, even though I don't want your waiting to be president, he deserves due process. He deserves a presumption of innocence, and the that you come out. Twenty seven years later, And say something occurred There is no way to show any evidence of that. To me not enough to destroy a person's life. A person's career persons, political aspirations and sport particularly suspicious, when it's a two powerful figure. Our skies running for president right now is the dinner economically for president and, of course, have to have some level of suspicion ass to whether it's true an enemy the media would now, after that, during Cavanaugh but why would
Joe Biden would not allow for. His is quite was like any woman would stand up in the fire of the of the poor? look? I deserves to need. The assumption needs to be that the essence of their story is correct. Right not now not now, according to his campaign, no Joad dubbed category Denies that this happened, what Joe has never he's not addressed it, in its fascinating to me that nobody asks metal out it. Thank you. Nobody asks for those listening to the New York Times. Did a big story on this. Finally, took twenty twenty days, so from the accusation. They decided to finally follow upon it and understand which is interesting, because if it was a made against republican Day, one there's an or about the next just day outlining the allegations out. Question at the very end there be like the Trump Administration denied the claims right like that's all you from the other side which is being, and it would be a cinematic telling of it. You know
she walked into the dark room with a fire burning into the corner that hold steel of the table. They get it whether he would have the hall it would have felt like a movie. You would be able to picture yourself. There would a picture Donald Trump doing this to this woman. Instead, its police blotter of an article. She claims She claims ass. She claims that they claim, as they claim this. It's like it's nothing, it's just it's even a story. It's like a bunch of claims and and the fact that people who currently work for Joe Biden or people who work for Joe Biden back in the day say they don't remember anything like it began of course disprove it. But I know that I remember anything but there's no pattern mob sexual songs in Joe Biden Pass. I love us and then at the very end they out in the pattern of Biden, sexual assault with people with women who have been you know comfortable and who have me
It claims that he he did sexually salt them in some way. Right, though, whether through a kiss that was unwanted or touching, that's unwanted, here's, the initial tweet in this is it. This is also in the story. You should know. Initially and then was changed. Here's what they said. No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting. Nor did any former Biden. Staff corroborate reads: allegation we found Oh pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden beyond hugs kisses and touching women previously the pattern that we newfound right, that's actually with patterns, can't all previous evidence in ever have a patter right. Pattern is something that is repeated. So if you throw out all the other examples you have of it, nothing can be a pattern he has this, isn't they had? Obviously, there is an issue that Joe has with being a landing rights,
joked about for a very long time, and we ve seen the pattern repeat itself over and over and over again. It is a pattern bike, women sitting on his lap in a bar I mean there's all kinds of the Senate greeting thing that he does yet the new senators and and congressmen who had come in and it's all over their families and stuff. It's weird yet been we're and it was a joke e thing for a very long time. Among conservatives and Republicans who just do it was weird: yes, it change into something else. When seven individual women came on said it really made us feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't a joke to them. They did really didn't like it, and especially this one person who's on the and she was one of the half. So the near times talk to her back when they are doing this initial story and they see to claim that she brought up additional things. Other than just a little hare sniffing and you know uncomfortable touching, but because
they couldn't get any corroboration. They didn't put it in the story. Well, here we are. You know why one as we have heard from Cavanaugh yeah no corroboration at all remain reported in the stories. Anyone here remember with Canada. While not only did we not have time it hasn't, she didn't even have the location. It happened right and if my memory serves me, I dont know that we ever had any information that they ever met. Do we know that the cabin I and men Blasi Ford met when they arise I don't remember it's possible and forgetting details there, but Remember that being the case, so there's much more information here? The time was ass, an and actually gives some credit to to Ben Smith, who he is to be. The guy ran Buzzfeed he's over the New York Times. Now he did it an interview with basis with the times asking the times his own employer. What
happened here exactly hit. His first question was terror. Remainder Alex allegation on March twenty fifth, why not covered then, is breaking news, interesting one, because you have a full investigation done the day she makes a destination. But you don't even report on it right, no passing story, and listen to this answer by this is the EU must as actual position here. Executive editor of the times? This is his answer. Lots of people covered is breaking news at the time. First of all, come on right, wing blogs there were not a lot of people who covered it that way in the mainstream media, since lots of people coming breaking news at the time and I will start you the paper of record. I wouldn't want to be part of that. Breaking new course right, advance lots of people where did frigging, as at the time just thought. Nobody other than the intercept was actually doing the reporting to help people figure out what to make of it,
so the New York Times is now seeing its authority to the intercept Why to say all well look of the inner cept had it. So we need to do anything out of the interception, its ethical, Glenn Green Worlds, thing which, unlike again, no knock on the intercept right I mean it's not like what they say. You know what look we just as we saw the blazes covering it you're, just like the blazes God. Just let them have this one. Like that's What you do in the newspapers- business, no, it is. Everyone writes about the same stories everyday just like that, times, does everyday Vendee other admission that they ve aid is apps lately staggering stunning will tell you about that In sixty seconds, unbelievable was on his incredible. Actually is
it's not the fact that it happened? It is the fact that their maximally admitting it yeah. It's crazy amazing. I like I'm so identity theft. I think we too often hear the light cases. You know someone gets his or her card stolen. Has the bank shut off? If I had one where someone bought a Papa Johns Pizza and Arizona? On my time I've had my freaking dime I don't know why I will be your target, but that's what it was Imagine someone stole your identity long enough to ruin your entire financial life. It happens all the time and its important understand how common, Cybercrime is and how its affecting our lives, especially right now, when the war, was crazy and everyone's at home, using the internet all day, long you're, you that's all you're doing and by the way, all the hackers, their pro we at home to extra board like you're, not out there like all night, and I know what hackers do for fun. The was that show that was on USA network that one where they were hacking, the the financial system, all the time.
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was the will is lacking. Show Mr Robin S with a robot bother me all day. Thank you had no problem, so the New York Times maids happening admissions in the story? one was that they just You did the coverage to the intercept and others. Dad's have been covered by other people. We don't need to envy. Other one is that they act. Surely changed the story. The way it read because the bite campaign ask them to and worked with. Them on the language that they were going to use in the story. Incredible increase now. What Are you serious? I saw you There were tweets about after the original story read there were tweets that, said things like You must have it must.
It can you a long time to iron out the language here with the Biden campaign Ha Intending date, did its legitimate admission. The executive at the New York Times asked this question. I want to ask about some edits that were made after publication and the deletion of the second half of the sentence The times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr Biden beyond the hugs kisses. Purchasing women previously said made them uncovered. Revolted me: why did you do that? Good question by Ben Psmith? I gotta get me some credit on the answer A lot of us, including me, had looked at it before the story went into the paper. I think that thick am pain Father freezing was awkward and made look like there were other instances in which they have been accused of sexual misconduct. Catalogue will await its is what the sentence was intended to say. Well, it said it. You know I mean I, I The line or trying to draw here is my most the people who accused Biden of the in
retouching said they do and believe it was a sexual thing like he was just hands he space and they didn't like it now. That's not the case with terror. Reed was one of the seven women we should be clear here, but Many of the other women said look. I am not saying he was trying to feel me up. It just made me feel uncomfortable he's very much of my personal space. He was doing things that I didn't like and that's not ok. Yeah that was is. That was that's the distinction they're trying to draw here. However, again we all know if it was Republican, it would not be true, would not get to benefit. The doubtful is Trump toward the Trump campaign on the language of the story. Now, while kasza, The trunk company was uncomfortable with some of the language in the story. So now I will changed it forum, be highlighted in red and was certainly wouldn't be admitted. No, it would not behind the scenes. There's always a push in pole between
campaigns and new sources of weirdest things. I remember learning getting into this business is how many The stories are not actually reported stories by the paper, like that, Times writes a story you're thinking, while they had you picture like the movie, was spotlight where they're they're going there like uncovering the truth of the catholic church abuses are lying there, like you know it's every hour, Watergate right like they're there it there getting contacts inside the White House in their work and am in parking garages. So many eighty. Ninety percent of the stories you read, plus very rare exceptions to this work, where they not. The spark is started by some one involved, where, like ape our person from the opposing campaign, will call and say hey this person here they ve even say in this behind the scenes you should know about it, then reporter calls a person says: hey I've been hearing this is going on. Is this true and store?
builds from their like the story is its essentially reverse engineer. There told the story in advance and then they can maybe go, do reporting and check it out and see how they can further it, and it may just be a tip but like It's not like it's not a lot of. It comes from the opposition, a lot of it. Was from friendly sources will say, look did you know this going on. This is one of our big achievements notes talking about and they leave it reporters reporters do their due diligence and said. Ok, that is true, and then they print it s, a story that is the there does The flow goes in reverse than I think a lot of people realize it does. What is like this is their going out there intercept led the performance. Parting for some reason, which is not something that happens. Your terms can read a short story and refer to the intercepts reporting, Do something like that relatively normally puts it exceed all coverage of it and not mentioned at all. For multiple weeks is ninety normal. No, it is not and then to say and admit that yeah, basically,
campaign called said they didn't like the wording. So we change the wording. That's incredible! What an incredible admission for the New York Times! Not me: us, but to them like that's something they should be doing record wooden legs. Oh no, I wouldn't think so. Triple aid do seven be easy. Gay its patents do for Glenn I per year, lessening tat, go back, if you re motor yard so far this year, with anything other than a hustler turf, zero turn mower. You have been depriving herself of the ultimate and moaning experiences how Sir started off, making high quality industrial level lower see seen them for years out of the corner of your eye anytime, you pass professional crews but it is that it is time to bring industrial level quality to everybody else and now, They're, fine mowers are available at any level
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it started. Someone close, I don't have it and then it spread all over the place he's basically a horseshoe battened. Whew Hahn is how I think of going but he's tease patient zero, so stay at home, do not, for any reason I hope we will be back on the air tomorrow from a sea distance from you. And and his microphone Jeremy Dice is with us, Germany is a special council. First Liberty Institute and also of were well known. Earnest goes to Camp Efficient Otto. He is on the brook, What has now been presented at the first thing that you mentioned, because that's the bigger issue at their head is. Are we could spend all stagnant, any variation of earnest movies? If you, if you prefer Jeremy three, the disguise, of course, by its latterly known for my at my right around knowledge about culture in this regard. But let's get on the things that I may want to be more respected or as possible.
There is a and pretty obviously series that's going on right now, outside of just what words with with e with the virus. Itself there is instinct by a lot of people. Who have a new grip on power and and seemingly know, nothings stopping them from wielding it and what we are seeing now in the world of faith and the restrictions from people work, being, even when it comes to drive their car and doing a car based service were seen. Restrictions on that, and it's something I know you're following very closely: we are- and I think you framed, is exactly right- that there is a look. What I think all Americans understood the need, the kind of on the brakes first. Second, during this panel, and begin to figure out who was lie the lamb. What we gotta do your nature, the stops! Why? Because Americans are very tight,
people and not only that the very loving people they want to make sure their fellow man is safe in her neighbours. Well, lots in Indonesia their willing to slander breaks in some respects, to make sure that everybody is safe. But you give ere. They understood the lessons of history when you give a little but a power back to a central form of government that that becomes but more than a little after the wild. Your aunt em, so you ve got This power is around the country and don't forget there, some forty thousand or more of these municipalities rather countries cities were counties are what have you there are then imbued with more power to try to be. You know that demonstrating the more authority than the last guy comes down. People like the mayor of Green deal. Mississippi. Where are you he's put in order there. That says that churches cannon maybe even with the drive into service in Y Y. You said yesterday at a press conference reaffirming his commitment to this unjust additional order that will people
to friendly vacant, they get out of a car and talk to each other. Specifically, Christians are to friendly and again stay in their cars. For this, a real problem in Europe in your car number one. I don't think we have known that, though the virus can actually travel through glass in steel, yet at night it specifically targeted cars. Part at church parking lots, not hypersonic dry I m not at the Walmart Bark and not now the liquor store, but specifically it is an on top of all that last they wouldn't our client in greenville- went to have his driving services on Thursday evening. Entire shift of the police force for real, Mississippi, showed up that message concerning the mate and when all the police officers, that are our duty, that ship show up to a church to possibly take it,
the individual in those cars, five hundred dollars for daring to drive from their own with the windows of park in a church parking lot to hear their past your preach through the open air, five dollars per Britain is this America anymore. This kind of thing that that has to be the good problem cannot be put up with were willing to put up with reasonable restriction for a temporary period of time. This is not a reasonable, nor is it equally applied. Wait when you can park at a liquor store, but not at the church, parking lot clear evidence of discrimination. Is crazy. You know, I think there is an aspect of this where the american people can understand at most churches. I think our saying look. We watch it online for a few weeks, and you know it's ok that I think most people are choosing to do this in another part, turnip practices as safely as possible, to me, it makes me nervous if there's any restriction from government on worship at all. I know that if they came- and they said, look we're
Could I allow you to buy guns during this period? I would have a huge problem with it: because you know Christians are sort of in other, as you point out nice people and want to do the best things for everybody else, doesn't necessarily it doesn't make it ok for them to be restricting this in any way. What is the? What is that digital role here in this type of situation. We know for the state to be able to intercede this. Why do they have any right to do any of the south? certainly the blue state does have a compelling justification. You're right, I got was necessary for the state to enforce or or to kind of put on our armed forces and rights, or any of our constitutional rights for that matter is a worldwide pandemic, is going to almost always be upheld in an equal, there is one country, but the debt that that justification has we met very narrowly and very equally applied. In other words, if there are less Europe, he's your control, the pandemic. The government has to
how goes it? But on top of all that and much more basically, it can't say well worth cars per cattle liquor door are fine, but church parking. Lots are wrong here. What we The same issue in Louisville Kentucky last weekend We fought a lawsuit last Friday and overnight but judge their judge. Walker turned out really sad. It was opinion to remind everybody and of how old, reaching the city of Louisville had become an input, refrain order against and back looking at the hearing in the few minutes year at the turn out, and we hope a plumber injunctions to fully and enforce that, but but its agenda demonstration that the city of little girl, who's gonna, send other police officers to take down, license plates numbers and enforce anyone. Part unuttered parking on Easter Sunday morning into a fourteen day, quarantine period, I mean cadets issues. That is not the kind of thing that we expect our police officer to be doing in the United States of America in two thousand and twenty that that's. That is certainly not.
Level of freedom that we should look at your father may be some reason for a temporary restriction on some large in person gathering. I figured you America wondering wait. A minute is temporary anymore, then how long's is going to last and on top of all that, why they being so targeted at churches and not anywhere else. That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sounds as if the buyer somehow targets themselves, liquor story. Well there. Couple of instances where their been some other weird restrictions, like the Chicago mayor, said that if you found outside that you, then you can be. Ticketed like in Philadelphia the other day where ten cops dragged guy off a bus because he was wearing a mask, is it and he can lie enforcement really in force. Frictions better, that severe
I guess we're gonna find out? I mean I similar was it was Stuart out one of you guys that we're out of order on the Pacific Ocean and sore things as well. I mean it it's it's incredible where, where the police are given the greater authority. Somehow right now during the middle, the pandemic made it with a virus has done for all of us has provided a bit of the cultural Truths Europe to find out exactly where what what what really believe about freedom, and what does that mean for us all? Let alone Secondly, Europe, which slippers and that's gonna, where I spent my life, we're leaving out the West, a beacon for religious freedom or what they call them. The freedom to worship right now, at home inside your house? Maybe you can access it virtually. Why don't you bring it in your place of worship, employees, work or take the school or in the military with you, don't don't get outside the four walls of your home. Keep it locked down
if you appear in public, the police are gonna, come out and disperse your Reuben ticket you, if you do another vision, the founding fathers this. This is not what we intended to have as religious library in a long haul, and so I think, is important for us. Look around. This another left right now. This is not a vision not a founding fathers had. This is not the vision that we even live four tuner plus years in the United States of America. This is not the level of freedom that you and I, and not only expect but or do under, not only that the constitution, but our declaration independence presupposes not the freedom that we have ever. Order a large by part of this do as and when they talk about essential businesses and by the way they are like any govern has is in daring enough to not include alcohol, which is really bizarre- I mean they liquor store. I think in every state is protected as an essential business which Ivan and we're stressed out here but of another method unnecessarily as important as other constitutionally guaranteed rights
when it comes to church, I think, has in effect as far as constitutionally and what the right thing to do is to allow well to worship if they're taking we know now, More precautions and doing the best they can, but in a dish and if you want people to voluntarily, we do of this large swathes of restrictions and life changes. Giving them a foundational thing. They can still connect to is actually help us all of a brutal fundamental. The shot in it's gonna help us, because when I have some outlet, we're gonna have some way to say seem to have some sort of foundational basis that we can get to and me king, an enemy out of the churches and the passage from this country structures terrible idea for the government, end in from the culture at large. Looked at the government is not really very capable of providing care, column. Comfort in that area the domain of the church and our houses of worship have proven
millennium, of the ability to provide that level of comfort and care and calm pandemics and inhabited more than anything like that. Answer for the governing the kick them aside, as if there were some sort of needless a pen Thirdly, the appendix out the culture around us that is ongoing need an agreed on a wider there, even here It's me as extremely narrow intolerant of religion, but in some really hostile towards religion as a whole and to guarantee the viruses revealing your some biases. Deep hidden among some politicians in our coming out, but mayor to bless YO couple weeks ago. We're gonna feel badly gonna pushing against her who has had a lot of stuff going on in their city farming it comes out and says, hey, you know it's business in the garden when abide by my orders. I'm innocent health apartment, when a permanent shutting down we shut down synagogues, are this american and twenty twenty that's never going to fly,
if you could in the worst thing. Is that to my knowledge, outbreak of mayor has actually want those comments back nine of the US and its interesting when you think back with two. Been going on in this country for a while from someone on the left they have been setting the stage for this kind of thing. I know Tammy Baldwin set Baldwin from Wisconsin said couple years ago that your ear rights to freedom of religion, dots, extend much beyond either Church, sir, your own house and that's pretty much where they stay so they been inserted, sorted, Debbie, washroom and shall say virtually the same thing, so they ve been setting up this attack against religion and in trying to minimize the first amendment as much as it possibly can now. They see their opportunity with this with this pandemic that they can maybe take some steps to shut it down It's a shame in one way, shut down the process will roughly about
a trillion in our hands in socio economic relieved that be they based organisations, churches and a guy like provided us entry. Wind, when those terrible dollars in those general actions dry up, that has to go and fallen something them somewhere else and probably go to central planning again at the idea, at the governmental up, That's going to result in what greater taxes opportunity here in less good being done to our community here. That, I think, is very critical, for the president to incur further the Congress to include within the cares acts are morally sword. These are non profit organization than yet migration. You, the authority without, would have to move a mountain in order to be able to have passed. Her the ability to define relief for their churches within limits, others that this Europe of ours outbreak, work, faith based institution, you ve, been children around the world, be able to take part in the release of the Cares act. That was it
that was an incredible fight within the cumbersome in within the administration or at least a minimum rules. Afterwards, you thank you, is that all resulted in released are gonna, be able to continue those her blacks. Otherwise, you and I are taxed out you're going to be able to pick up the bill. Germany, ISIS Special Council, First Liberty Institute in the middle fighting all these battles right now also Hosty. First Liberty, briefing, Germany, we're gonna, show them my plighted always gonna, be your gas mechanism I can first material out mercury real estate. Now you know that the media would have you believe that everywhere in America is a giant ah collapse. Just like you berries of New York are right. Now it s not so look: there's a lot of people have been affected, much more and much less by this pandemic. Others different situations in different areas, and while there are few places are completely business. As usual, the american economy does hold your on if you happen to be in the market, to sell your home or by one or both
check out real estate agents. I trust dotcom its accompany Glenn started years ago as a free service, because we know that they can be filled with. Has in the process of actually buy, a home in finding the right real estate agent. To find someone who knows the area who knows what they're doing and can get you into your home of your home and they smoothest past possible way. Now more than ever, you're gonna need to find the best agents to help you navigate. Tricky waters ahead. The agents who work with real estate agents- I trust Doc Tom no and execute the best practice is an arena to when it for you go to.
The state agents, I trust our com, it's real estate agents, I trust dot com if you're, buying or selling a home real estate agents. I trust that cup tomorrow night at nine pm, Eastern on flimsy Americans are vulnerable and snake oil salesman in the form of Democrats are knocking at our door, is claiming that they have a cure for corona virus Socialist Healthcare. But how is network for countries in Europe with sky out and find that many are saying that France has long running experimental socialism is daylight, with the help of America's futuristic Glenn reveals the real cure. Watch, arguing with healthcare socialist tomorrow night at nine pm, Eastern Ablaze, tv dot com, Slash Glenn, join us
Tibetans due for land on the global programme. Triplets overdue seven be easy k if you'd like to give a skull, it looks like in a bourse Johnson has been released. I think from the hospital now right. Yes, he's home recovering whatever is left over from from the cove at nineteen. But he says it got a gun either way because he's real trouble with that virus. Is why he was in the icy you unit, but we told he was like stable, but Currently that wasn't ex exactly accurate. That's that's amazing! That's that's frightening. This disease certainly doesn't discriminate. It'll little,
If anybody comes in contact with triple eight, seventy seven be easy: Gay Erle Limburg programme patents, do for Glenn, whose little bit out of the weather today like he claims it's not coping related ticket, we'll see, I guess now they want even just you right! If you don't have a fever, another union even get the test because they won't wasted on you round the fever, and least he ever only were only testing people who have some symptoms of covert nineteen. At this point, in a hurry to get to appoint what we're doing more than that, We can really understand how many, where I had it and stuff that's coming, but as of right now we're still just testing people who, who is actually showing specific symptoms will tell you some amazing statistics covered up in about sixty percent of our programme.
So job of hopefully still having a job, you have also become a full time. Shaft, congratulations, a full time schoolteacher yea, another job and a full time for referee I'd. Imagine if your house's anywhere near as crazy as mine right now you're, a little exhausted to the bone. Most days it happens and when you had exhausted it's hard to keep a close eye on some other things like what your kids are doing online or who might be taking advantage of them being hooked up the internet way. More than usual, we talking about Norton three sixty for a while now Norton is dedicated to your cyber safety they wanted to their part to help that's why they're, giving way six months of Norton family for free with nor family. You can help monitor your kids online activities blocks. Its they shouldn't, see see what website there are visiting a whole lot more plus you'll. Keep your kid safe online with nor family Norton.
To keep your family safer online, get Norton family for six months, free right now, six free and no information is required. A great deal I have today at Norton, dot com, slash, family, that's Norton, Dotcom, slash, family, protect your family online during this crisis, Norton, DOT, com, slash family SOAP, stick. How hard up are you for sports right now? the immeasurable. I am almost to the point where I just can't take it anymore which is why was a Saturday. Saturday. It was an old before you, ball Games Day watch both you you will see from last season and then the manga miracle at memorial. Beware, you over Nebraska in two thousand and fifty in the last second Hale Mary.
Today. My plan is to watch be where you my Emmi from nineteen. Ninety, that's how desperate I AL or any kind of sports right now just give me a sport. I spent a very long time watching nineteen, any threes world Series game, six, the greatest baseball game ever play, or did you yes, where the tunnel Jays did beat the Phillies and elastic Lester, walk off home run by John Carter. Obviously pretty schemer played, walk on the world series. Everyone knows that the bloody pda- it's amazing you just don't I've been anything. I also watched a good chunk of the Eagles Giants game when the miracle, the middle and two, where the shot was actually monitor resist. This has got two thousand. So what were bowl year now? It was a game where the Eagles were down twenty four thirty one to seven. They came all allow tied the game.
And then on the last play the game. The giants had upon punted. It stupidly to Dijon Jackson who, for fumbled, regain control and ran back for a touch down to win the game in the last play. Thirty, eight thirty one. I may have wanted some of that money. Have you remember, I can't remember exactly are ready the details of the game, but it that thing where we are for anything. Just please, sports give assent to the point of like I'm, not a big Gulf guy watch the masters. Maybe in the final round I've been too couple of tournaments, like in person which are really fun, we lasher two new year. I should I see a lot of leaders of the Pierre championship Witches, but how old were you last year when people with the life sporting events, I feel tat? I thought I was born, last year. I just think about what you were like you know. I was standing there would, like thousands of people crowded into this little area. I mean it doesn't even impossible to ever gonna happen again. I know it will, but and feel like it right now. It really doesn't but
the one sport, there's no reason they can't be doing right now gone. Is like there's automatic social distancing, yep right yeah, it's so social distancing you, you could even put for a pro tournaments. There's no reason you couldn't put one person one hole at a time and just tell fans they can't come yet difficult, but it will not just be a tv event right right right and you pop it on. Then you can play all these tournament. I'd want all at this island weight in gold. I would get in the gulf. Absolutely you know. I think it's a silly thing that cities in states have been trying to take away from people. Because of the area of social, distancing and everything in their thing, it's not an essential activity. Even Texas did it and of course, This is an essential activity, but that's not the way to look at these things you need to look at them is: what can we give people too? them saying that was still remain safe rank. Clearly, Gulf is in that package
could even say to people one person on a whole at a time no for sums can be. All the time. It's gonna, it's gotta be fun. You would ease due to remember, most golfer sock, so they saw the ball in the opposite woods every time anyway, there nor near each other, for stating sixty two way at the tea in the tea. Only it's not a big challenge, So we but they're taking those things away their taking and with a dongle driving, don't go up her, Dr Pat yeah. I do care for DR. Why we're in a car with people were already living with. Why can't we go for a drive. Does the virus smash through? When she told me if you're driving around town takes, I don't think so, either you'd have those are basic. The church, the drive and church is a good example of it. Yet, owing just letting people loaded argue that come on California think it is closed down every state park. Why on earth we all? that territory with all
room to keep separate where I want to put a police officer or seven down there to make sure there's a huge gathering to break it. I'm on state property. Are I mean it? Ok, we'll California essentially shut down the Pacific Ocean cause it wouldn't let a guy paddle board high himself himself in it. That's amazing You could see a situation where the gathering maybe gets out of control is everyone's at the beach. I know obviously Florida had an issue of this. They have now spring break Energy and pat separately on on privacy concerns. It's amazing how much information. They already have releasing. They release a whole article about how they ve tracked or the people who were at spring break. And where they went after something, of course, people visiting from all over the country, and they should now get its aggregated data, and that is different than anonymize data. These things get completed a lot, we're like Anatomize, as they take years beer information and take your name off of it.
I can still see everywhere. You travel as we pointed out multiple times, there's only one person on earth that drives from my house to this place over and over again. So if you call myself and you have no, where I went right- yes, a not aggregated data is a little bit different and that you're just seen patterns of travel I know you can see if you see where you know where to people, walk on a walk path. We were: where do they travel on the weekend? You can see traffic patterns and things like that. That's a little! You know it's not quite as invasive it's something that's been around for a while but they have a lot of access to it and aggregated data can be useful, but Cases like ok people spring break and now they all went back to all these places in and you see the break out start and those areas, because people were hanging out. You know shoulder to shoulder on the beach most p we're making out with nineteen strangers everyday yup. That's the pattern of her from spring break. My spring breaks we're never like that, but I'm sure,
I'm sure I'm sure people who aren't losers had those weakens Nanda. You know you look at that and you say well I can understand them not wanting to be crazy. You weren't they Most people are doing this on their own. You know that the human you mentioned off well Gulf, the pigeon cancel the budget tournaments, because the Pga wanted to cancel the tournaments that in future they can guarantee the safety of their players. Or their fence survey cancelled at the NBA felt the same way they said, and we can't guarantee the safety. Or fans players, we're not doing it in a more cuban, wasn't CNBC the other day and they said hey Mark when the maps coming back when it. What does the NBA come back and action? He said the man are playing it when I can guarantee their safety. That way, wasn't like when the government said it was ok for them to play or the NBA stardom again, when I feel comfortable that my players will be safe, then they can play right,
add, is that that's the attitude most Americans are now and it's a good answer. That's that's a strong, but you I mean on the other hand, you could never guarantee that we can guarantee safety. He may not advisable guarantee, may believe that. They're gonna be safe or something like that, but I think that's what it that's that's the kind of fun part of the argument that we ve been having of our american approach to it. Not at all. When we say all well are we going? open up the economy or are we're going to stay home and protect for the disease as like war. The way we keep talking about that is? Will the government allow us to come out of work or will with the government forces to stay home, yet we ve already seated the to the government and we ve seen what they're going to allow any argument to, and it's like. Well when you look at the data around this, you see that you weren't going to bars and restaurants before they closed by the government. Why People didn't feel safe. They didn't feel
like going, there was a good idea, so they didn't know. The same thing is happening. You know with concerts and large gatherings private events that were being cancelled People were nervous about getting this, so they were, like. You know, I'm to skip it this time, and assume the same thing happens on the other side of this, I think that We will wind up being country with an open economy again when but believe that cooking they can go to these places without die. If you can, people believe they will not die for the most simple thing like going to church like going to a movie like going your bar going to a restaurant, then they'll come out. That's The government tells him yes or no they're gonna come out in that you can't keep people locked up if they dont believe they're at risk. It's gonna be interesting. This fall win if things opened up again and you can have fans, go back to say football games,
how many are going to go to football games. How many guys are going to feel comfortable enough to go to a stadium was sixty thousand other people that will be really fascinating to watch, because I'm guessing you're going to see a lot of empty seats, never At least you not tell people start to feel comfortable again distributed takes time. That's true, I know they started. I think it's in Taiwan sort of their base Bali, either to all they did. So. I would say this: you have time when he's Bayswater watch. If you want to go into that, where can I find now? I think we gotta find that be in thirty six excess back that can be easily and regular right now, but also air sure, but they did it with no fans. They did have some a cardboard outs offence understand, which is this can only kind of fun little by little, weird but via the internet. So I think that as a there's, a level there that adventure that happens, I will tell you why the other day. I, like you, know what I wanna go. Look I superbowl flight, because I
the supermodel every item of another spent- nine you never manage ever mentioned- will get straight so low every year to tradition, and I was like you know what what if the flight eighteen dollars, it's worth the risk, to go there. It was not eighteen hours is actually pretty much normal price for the flight, which I was surprised daily. Although the strangest thing I've never seen this and all my time, travel going to websites going all these sites to try to find out if what I've never seen. This happen before before first class flight was cheaper than coach. It was she I've never seen it before. In my entire life, I've never seen a bizarre right why I must have been some cork. I mean I will say this. I got a first class, fight to the Superbowl. That's ever happened did already book as of right. Now, I'm the only person on the flight that I could find it, but I would like to know what that's like this thing and now and where's the Superbowl next is it
but this year I figured it my might be. I think it's Tampa the Zodiac as yeah. That's right is Brady's gonna, be playing in town, gosh and they're, saying that they could be the first home team to ever make it to the Superbowl based on please, I don't know I can handle marketing wouldn't, but at least you get a first class flight, that's terrible cut it. There are worse, they bear worse problems to have yes, there are. It is it's an interesting thing going through this in watching it happened? I mean At times we should talk about. This is well one, things are, covered is dismissed. Here is peoples well look it's it's really only hitting older Bell really people and people pre, existing conditions or our chronic illness, and you know look who we know that sad. We had protect those people, but we need to open up the economy, but most people just dismiss it, gives an that's. Not me. That is really what be organised around me is. Somebody else is gonna, get sick and diverse easily to that is the mechanism behind the claim is an ep. Yes, at some level, that is what we're all throwing up
If you happen to be born of people without the pre existing conditions, but will tell you what the reality is coming up. Sixty seconds little different than you might think. A little different different are, you know you could go to home depot by a girl. Now that springs in full bloom in summer is on the way you could do that. I mean you spend a little that on some ten lunchbox that somebody put on wheels or you'll pay a fee, search for something that decent get another. For you? What, if you could get a grill that will stand up on its own, gets all the best and the This girl so direct you beginning a heavy duty, sleek smart technology pact, world class, beauty of a girl. If that sound You need a wreck tack, outside a lot. These days would soon at this weekend, if you haven't gone online, to check out wrecked tech, grills do yourself favour right now. These girls are sleek and beautiful and their built with the best deal their heavy and durable, and there
Our technology will practically turn you into a chef by itself gal the app stop. It's really cool rector girls are fed test. You got check him out, follow rectangle, grills and all social media and sign up for the newsletters well make sure to visit them at rectangle. Elsa comets are easy easy grill, with an s, dotcom wreck, heck, grills, dot com, ten seconds stationary. Patents do for Glenn on the Glen Back Programme is a little under the weather today, but it is not covered. Nineteen. He says he's self diagnosis, as as as clear of covert nineteen and share the rest of his family fills a very comfortable without analysis. Ok, we were talking about the fact that we just gotta dismiss the whole day danger of covered nineteen, sometimes by thinking aka way. If you're really old, you know
or if you have preexisting it can do Are you got a combination of those two things? Then you are in real danger of it, but I may yet I'm not I'm not I'm not one of those peoples on fine. You know it's like with these its Seinfeld when, when a camera, whose Marcy she says She says you know my boy, my old, my ex boyfriend came over and yadda yadda yadda. You know I'm really tired today and there like you can't yadda yadda sex. Like do you hate right, you can't yadda yadda. What turns to be a population of one hundred and fifty seven million people. A hundred. Fifty seven million pre existing conditions in the United States that qualify for that is clear, like illnesses the term one honey, and fifty seven million people in the United States, its half of our population, we're talking about and, of course, there's a dead she'll people that are
would fall into the elderly category or older category, although there is a lot of cross over there, but I think that is fifty million people over the age of sixty five, so you're talking about half the country basic and we cannot even more maybe a little bit more. You can't you wow look, it's only people who, with pre existing conditions, will be a huge piece of the population and stuff like diabetes and and heart disease, and now they're, saying obesity, Ghana, of ease and mean driving factor, and is that even the factory and here I turn because it elves bees as factored in its like three hundred and seventy million people is more than the populations. I that's how fat or we are at this, probably cell. He umbrellas out, I will say, Corona virus has done anything it's made all of us fatter. I dont know if everybody else is going down the that's all I don't know you want to feel normal and the only one here could feel normal is to eat
It really is a big like there's some people who are going to alcohol in these times. Some people have a lot of really bad pursuits that they may be pursuing I'll tell you right now. The food thing is deadly to me or not. I can't I can't go more than two days without like having nine meals, purred meal me too, and that, a good right there. I think we're on the people in the same position there talking at the the covert nineteen as in nineteen pounds, which sounds about right it. So far. This week we have one of my France's unless I gotta get ripped Turnus Corona virus thing, and now hate him. Now I don't like him anymore, is using our longer a friend cause he's like he's like working he's using this time like productively to work out. You that's wrong, just stop that you know and the rest of us look back. Don't do that. Yeah I'll, tell you. It is its Chris Lash data, lashes husband, whose turn is its infuriating, thickset auditing, and over two years ago,
and eat a pancake, like all the rest of us, see gay stuff about twelve men for every meal. That's how this is supposed to go, that we can all come out. Look frat, and we can judge each other if you go in and you get all in shape over quarantine varying jurist everyone else. It's not fair! Your adding insult to injury from this pandemic not cool. It's not cool I'll. Tell you. The snack area here in the studio is doing its part, because the only thing left in their autonomous, that's it. We ve, got homeless. In the snack area. We did for a while hammers and sprite, but even the sprite is now God. Yes, all gone, I will say markedly. I guess, because of you end makes I've been doing a lot of the eating of it. They had these. It gets the point where they have like the breakfast biscuits like that. You know you know what they are, but I'm selling graven bags of em all the time I mean it, I don't care. What did it just just give it to me? Is it package it? Is it food? It's a here. This is it
It would highly process, yes, all the better I'd want to be so I mean that number if it was a hundred, fifty seven million. You know in twenty twenty four projected number it's got, three hundred million by now has to be because it's house it's disgusting like I don't. I have no control myself in situations like this I can eat. Relatively normal, like a normal human being in the perfect circumstances. Only like if I have the UK's act right about asleep, I am in a normal schedule. It's not you hotter to coal. I didn't hurt my ankle last weekend is no distress noticed, stress, there's no financial stress there's another having bad in the family. My kids are very happy horror. Car is working, it's not breaking down. If it every single thing in my life is perfect. I can usually nail it for like a week if everything is out of work in any way. All bets are off. All bets are off in its thanks every day and that that's the issue here is that
there is no point in which everything feels right so every day is Thanksgiving giving you know everybody in America is like John Goodman on his fattest day. Right exactly I mean we ve said Multiple times are my show tat, great least, that I just want to go Did these days would put a privilege for progress and if we could go back to the press, a leper knowledge and the personal pronouns dry unhappy that love backing of that? To me, let's go back to those kinder Lord days of ninety seven genders and I'm a good with thirty zero. We need to turn to the nonsense. I wanted again AAA. Seventy seven back is a phone number. It's patents do and prevent the programme here. Listening to the latin American.
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need to look into what we already know. What is new is that someone in the army who travelled to woo Hata released it that's what happened, which happens all the time you know they're always travelling to hunt and releasing something yeah, were you hear what we're talking about how this past Saturday, I Got up to the last step of booking a flight from on two J F K, Last Saturday add enough there I mean that there is still available right. The second, I could look because I read you shouldn't be able to do that. I know you shot and this point now, so you are right there and you could have paid for that. The etiquette I had to do still my search my search categories here. Let's do it for the Saturday see if I can get one that cheap it does not seem like a sort of fun flight. Are there, like thirty stops along the way? Now because what several happier I mean they ve shutdowns, so many flights. Yet one thing that people forget when we're
talking about. It does not seem like I can book one for four fifths Saturday. So at least that's met. Maybe that's been geared, there's three thousand dollars, but you can get from move onto J while eight to New York City at this point course, China would argue. Actually you get comfort, Jeff Data would ha. That's not gonna, be more the issue of, though I I I I would add that you're a guess, that their numbers are not exactly Algeria, yet we ve got eighty two thousand people with the virus. We have five hundred eighty eight thousand yeah. I don't think that's accurate, but I have one point: six billion people not very sure they only gonna shoot. Eighty thousand cases, though, total right like it there's no one on earth. It believes this. There are some estimates that just in who Bay Province, they had up to fifty thousand deaths in just really province, which is any other claim what thirty two hundred total an entire new idea. Why? now, we all know this. That's ridiculous in the end
did go beyond what our constitution would allow as far as locking people down and at certain points were very aggressive against this original question about it, though I will say, I still don't believe it ray. I don't know, I don't either gonna go with no on that one about the only step we haven't taken that I know of the day that they did was we haven't welded anybody in their home ass. To my knowledge, it is waning wait wait for moonshine later on today right because I would not be surprised if it does happen, I'm having a lot of trouble booking this flight now so, but it was very recent very recent you could do it and one of the things to happen. Was we banned chinese nationals from travelling from movement we know, as american citizens were there and they had to get home. There were blue, The flights and lots of people who came or even after the ban in that, but that's a small part of the story hundred seventy some thousand, I think her or more than that from from China and its it's a small part of the story because it was gonna get here anyway. What's he got
out of China, and it was you know it's in Europe. We can muster stopping every single flight coming in, which is what we want to having to do. And we're doing that now. Basically, him in there is very little travel the only eighteen January it would be interesting to see, and obviously we can't go back there and do it if, in January we would have said, were shutting down all international flights. You can't you can go, out of the country. You can come into the country, because if you go out of it, Three you're gonna have to come back and then that defeats the whole purpose here I've gotten sir- large flash for Georgia. What would have happened, though, if you, even if he had done it honestly in early February, imagine you have done that and then everything lit up like did in ITALY and all these other places he would look like a genius, although part of this- and this is important going forward and no one is talking about, as I have not even heard the president talk about it. That often, though I am sure he will be is idea of this border that we happen to have with a country called Mexico who
John, almost nothing. It incredibly late when it comes two corona virus still haven't done much you haven't on March and in fact it a little that lately they finally like close down their soccer league and stuff, but it was super late people. Gathering in ten, twenty or thirty thousand compared with eighty all day and had a hundred and ten thousand people get together for a music festival credible regions, and the Democrats like well, we need to do the president, taking its extreme action can occur the border to Mexico. Will you now kind like if we don't there's no purpose in doing what we're doing? We do realise that right, because if we You decide, you shut this whole thing off and we have this big shut down in an inner ghosts in April or may or God only knows. How are we going to do it and we we're down to very limited amounts of virus spreading around the country. People are, to be constantly coming across the border with the virus.
They are not doing anything down there, ain't gonna talk about is easy. It's obviously community with with less resources you're talking about people living and tighter quarters in Europe. Talking about a dozen country south of Mexico that ago doesn't want to cross their border, but do all the time, but wine of coming up to our border as well part of this ass to be born. Security dolly. Even if you want to say many view of a person who loves open borders, at least or time until it we had a vaccine because in the work we will these. Efforts were swimming trillions of dollars and shutting down our economy will do nothing if people are cons. The coming across the border with the virus makes absolutely no sense. We can take their temperature, but we all know there's a symptomatic cases and more than that, there's p. Coming cross border the border lieutenant we don't know about it all we can take their temperature. We can testify. In crossing the Rio Grande for covered nineteen,
a major problem, do you Pat. By into the idea about of the other virus originating at one of these two lab in my home area. I think it's possible. I dont totally by into it right eye have enough evidence to totally by not taking it to the bank yet, but I think it's definitely possible. I'm highly suspicious and I started an come on. I kind of started ass, come on really believed they came from a lab. My inclination, there is like it just hard to imagine it. Putting it feels so like a conspiracy theory yeah it as well as I that the the evidence has come together on this, and we now have a story today from the Washington Post that too, before. The novel corona virus pandemic up ended the world. U S. Embassy officials visited a chinese route research facility in the city of Will Hon several times and sent to official warnings back to Washington about inadequate, see, de at the lab, which was
acting risky studies on the corona viruses from bats cheese and by the way did you read that we gave three point: seven million dollars to that lab for experiments homework in, U S Here, because we were like we're going on those cases stupid, that's you go get em, we thought was a good idea. Unbelievable, thou, crazy monopolies oppressed me giving the chinese government to diversity thing now. Let's do anything I mean it just ridiculous. I am at the point where I am legitimately pissed off at China? At this thing It's not! I understand that as your dacians, so it is not actually is zero. I'm not picked up at Hong Kong, I'm not pissed off at Indonesia. Cambodia, Cambodian pissed off at all Japan up stuff. At you hate the type people I am pissed enough, never love their food because a delicious, especially the pad kind, you you talk about China,
and the chinese government, which have what was the one who oversaw the research facility, the one who took a report. Posted by a researcher in China and remove moved it because it said the virus called. Probably came from a laboratory, eaten and move on. You add up all these things. You they have videos, as the chinese government has released these researchers from this facility in These caves capturing horseshoe bats: the origin species. Extracting things and then talking about how you know. Sometimes we now have the protection right and I guess you get feces in urine and blood on yeah it s, really not safe real. Is it not safe wow. I never thought I'd never considered. There's also two words about researchers who are believed to be patient zero just disappearing they just eliminating them from websites.
Have gone away, and part of this is maybe reaching but you're seeing this now in official view s doc, where they they suspected the same thing. We ll all really terrible Procedures at these facilities to protect an outbreak like the one we are seeing You can go and blame tromp or FAO, Chee or Burke's or anyone else, one of the things that Burke's about specifically what in this formation time, where we could have been taking action that shine The government was lying to us very were telling us. Sickly. It was a controlled situation, serious, but not widespread, You had a situation where we ve looked at it. Kind of like Sars could be bad, but doesn't look that looks like it's gonna be. You know maintained largely in China, so didn't act. Now we probably obviously now and with retrospective, says what value would say they re looking at. Of course it would be great if we started living. We ventilators that day by us,
You think of the information we're getting. The medical community fooled by the lies coming from China, and we had the it is of Sars to viruses and the swine flu at Merce. Coming from that area or the Middle EAST and things we will k yet so are led to believe that this is going to be like that. You did you don't take extraordinary measures. Are those circumstances? No, you don't have. It makes sense that you would not handle it the same way Abdel. I love the belief and I believe you are as well Pat that there's about four things the government should be doing One of them is proper Asian for a pandemic. Yes, we ve said this not to this then start today. This is something we talked about for a very long time. I remember doing a show about this with Glenn back back in temper and we're down a tempo, so that had to be a view. No two thousand two thousand. We know one twenty years ago now, twenty years ago, because it's it's. Why, those things that, if it happens, this sort of crap is what
happens to your life and your society. We of shutting down it's a total disaster, the guy who is obsessed with this in office. George W Bush. In a second term, he read: he actually read that book on the spot Flu, which is one of the best known books on at a huge impact on it did and it changed him and he decided this was his, and the main thing you want to get accomplished was not successful, unfortunately, with his whole planet. If he had been, we would be much better prepared for this, but again when you, you. Look at the countries that reacted the best to this Hong Kong you know I'm again areas Hong Kong. Taiwan No Taiwan's part of China, vs democratization, Rob Japan, you know Singapore. The countries, one are used to dealing with these pandemics right, so they were better prepared to recognise one. What was happening but number two improbably chief all reasons. None of these pull trusted China the hour
had dealt with China lying so many times that there screw it. I don't care what they're saying prepare so there. Prepared very early real to control it very early. You know the fact that that the China was food Wing international medical boards. By lying about this. As is forget, even if it didn't come from eleven may very well have come, we may find that it just came from a bad or some other species by They are responsible for not only there lies a then, but there lies now decided there. Still, hiding research from us today is absolutely inexcusable and when this thing is over and they have to have their has repercussions for China on this, and I don't know- maybe one of the policies they not formed, I know lightly. Won't we won't trumpet tromp, willed Trump will but he'll get all kinds of flak. Yet from the Democrats do anything about it triple Seventy seven be easy,
So you have those chicken little moments in other ones. Where you can, I just want to run around screaming the skies falling skies. Voluntary, don't if you know that sometimes the sky is actually following its fallen on our heads over the past month or so look. We understand that, that's not always a great idea to go doing that even though sometimes does do a lot of good, This has been one of those moments of the past few weeks where, in the wild fluctuations in the market, we ve seen economic crisis like nothing else the United States has ever faced I mean even gold, which has been the place you you could tie off. You know you could really tie your boat during a storm short supply, all the sudden, because people know that in a time of in a like this goal, is is incredibly valuable groups that sell or often having to delay producing the actual product, which is a huge problem, could be buying into crisis? You you need it. You need now and essentially they will sell you, and I owe you that sounds like a terrible idea. Kind of sounds, like cats
If you see the way that our government spending it feels like that, the Good NEWS is all of this is going on and in a situation where gold minors is flourishing. There are not one of these companies having this difficulty there still selling gold and are able to deliver on their promises. If you, want to consider gold part of your parole portfolio. I think it's a wise decision to have some money in gold. If you have a chance to spare it is a good protection. In situations like this, I have some Glenn has some as well. You can do your best homer. By giving gold mine a call. Let them walk you through the process understand the risks in the rewards. Now as the time eight six six gold mine is the number to call eight six six gold mine If you are seeing what's going on in the world, is its fragrance little bit, I notice from IE eight
Six gold line is that article eight six, six gold by tomorrow night at nine p M Eastern on flimsy, the Americans are vulnerable and say Doyle salesman in the form of Democrats are knocking at our door is claiming they have a cure for corona virus Socialist Healthcare. But how is now works for countries in Europe with sky out and find that many are saying that France is the long running. Experimental socialism is failing with the help of America's futuristic. Gwynn reveals the real cure watch, arguing with healthcare socialist tomorrow night at nine p M Eastern Ablaze, tv dot com, slash Glenn nearly ten Glenn back what about? Cripplegate seven, twenty seven back is the programme its patents do in four Glenn Glenn is out today. Do what
odds uncovered forgotten when you think he's got covered seventeen, ok, that once pretty milder yeah it's mild and its stomach thing. So the fact that what he has a lover he actually set in the male is like hey, urgent amount, sick today, and indeed you guys to fill in its, not corona virus. How do you know that area now? There's people who get it in their completely a symptomatic. So if you actually have symptoms and if it was a step, I think that it was a stomach bug, poetry It probably is- or even you know about Eighty percent of people who get tested for covert because they have covered system s. Symptoms, dont, have covered rights You have the subdued, even if I had done her eggs. Exactly, but we can't rule it out right, I'm usually get at his head, a little that I have always listen, I'm glad you just my cattle. Now you might have it he might. He might have act. I think you probably don't like he looked like it. He looks like a covert kid very worried about him and
have time, and so is a bad time to be sick. You what you actually went homesick neither day I did a kite heard about it from everybody, any obvious Hannah around of your future path has covered all eighty. It's just like. I don't know what it is, but I have a fever I've unless my sense of smell the fever is the biggest one. Many guy fever zone men they neither a percent of covert patients. Have the fever, that's the biggest. What have you don't have? That is I mean almost all of them. Do it's a few symptomatic ones rank yet I will. This was fine. Hopefully, Glinda be back tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.