« The Glenn Beck Program

The Man with the Iron Lung | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Matt Ridley | 1/14/22


Sen. Mike Lee joins to discuss the SCOTUS decision that shot down President Biden’s vaccine mandate. Pat Gray joins to discuss the vaccine mandate and Joe Rogan. Bill O’Reilly joins for his weekly news recap, including President Biden’s first-year failures, a possible Hillary Clinton presidential run, and Dr. Fauci. Glenn critiques some of the responses to his COVID status as he and Stu discuss the Left's ignorance of possible treatments. Editorial director for the Heartland Institute and co-author of “The Great Reset” Justin Haskins joins to discuss the World Economic Forum and how the Great Reset will affect everyday life. Author and biologist Matt Ridley joins Glenn to discuss the leaked Dr. Fauci emails regarding the origins of COVID.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment the line that programme
hello, America and welcome too. For I there is a lot going on. We want to start with the scottish decision and senator my glee joins us in sixty seconds. Are these supply chain issues that we are facing? The incredibly high inflation everybody thinking about this. The going gonna give you a story today. Are closing the factories in China. We are headed for what the experts are now calling the. mother of all shutdowns and supply chain problems will be this. But if I want you to think this through, if you have a car that is out of warranty
If it's anything like my car's my trucks that are, you know out of warranty their hanging on by a shoestring from time to time and when they go into the shop it could be enormous amounts of money. Car to save me literally thousands one one repair would have taken much There's no way I would have fixed it because it was like six thousand dollars- and unlike are you kidding me- will you should have called me before you did the repair in their like Nano Garfield took care of olive oil was covered like oh, my god, thank you If you have a car that goes down now, just think what it's gonna take for you to have a rental car, because the part not be here. You can No by a new car I saw stew had a special on this week as good as America. You did it on on car sales, I mean it's it's off the charts. You just can't get a new car and if you want a used car, it's gonna go through four, a pounding The insurance right now get your car covered. We
car shield the best defence against costly repairs. It could have put a deep freeze on your plans and finances its car shield, dot. Slash back, that's car shield, dotcom, slash back, did bull may apply are right, Mr Michael E, otherwise known as the great senator my glee, is here to talk to us a little bit about Scotus in some of the other things that are going on in Washington this week. I my car, you gotta, be weird there's always Glenn. Use recovery Well, I mean an iron long now MIKE I don't know if you know that, but I've been trying to hide it. But now I thinking in another taken the sound proofing out. You can hear the echo of the iron long that I'm in today Dicky s, how I mean I, did the show the entire time I have covered. I have a cough
it is in my lungs, but it's not a bad problem and I was but I've been trending for two days with people wishing me. You know death, it's crazy, but MIKE Let's, let's go to Scotus I feel like this. Why wanted you on, I feel like we have another John Roberts, half measure I feel we won with the with the the battle our businesses we lost with the Department of Health yeah a troop. What did Supreme Court did was to say that the ocean mandate that dealing with every employee The part mandated said eighty four million Americans, including by the way five hundred thousand new terms or at risk of losing their jobs if they dont bow to presidential medical orthodoxy. Fortunately, for all of us, the Supreme Court have the courage to stand up and say: no,
I can't do that. This is not a dictatorship, indissolubly mainly with the given that didn't they didn't really. They only said OSHA can't do that, because it's out of bounds, they didn't say the federal government. Did they right right. So this is the part here with the eighty four million Americans covered by the automatic that dealing with its part but says we will. finally, an employer with more than ninety nine workers, if NATO fire every worker who refuses to get back to native, with respect to the so called CMS made at best dealing with medical care and Medicaid programmes and healthcare systems that interact with them that receive money from them. The Supreme Court punch then springboard said we're gonna! Let this litigation play out. We're not going away and right now argument not going to stop this abruptly, and so this was a look as between the two if we were not the wind one and how the court Pont on the other Idaho lot. Rather we
the one, but we did when yesterday I was just one Bob: MIKE the widow. Its concerning to me is the the White House just doesn't care it's not even going through Congress anymore. It's all just as the Supreme Court is a legislative body at this point, because immediately. They started revamping. There were working now on because of cinema and others not gonna there I work on this filibuster thing. There now doing executive orders, I mean there just no stopping these guys and the Supreme Court not the place for legislation? No, no! It's not a look. This is part of a syndrome of self importance pervades she can be seen, especially within the executive branch, one in which people are
just say: no. We can't really trust the peasantry. We can't really trust those who are elected by the people at the most regular intervals to pass legislation for tonight that the experts do it. If you stay there, Woodrow Wilson Dream for America is it you'd have only tony factories in charge of everything. Little pony thought you in charge of every area of the american com CS and wise experts infallible and their approach, and only rarely, of course, willing to call elected lawmakers more off. so MIKE I had a sit down with Donald Trump. I don't know if you saw it was a couple weeks ago. It was all about the future, not about the past, and I I said to him. You know things are so out of control that is serious pruning and I would be for the shutdown of all these federal agencies. You know too, skeletal scare staff and I said it's- it's just completely out of control right now. It's almost like. We need a system
reboot and set it back to factory settings. That's going to be impossible to get this thing back under control, unless we have a strong g o p that understands what were fighting and what we're up against, and it's not see policy and chuck humor, it's much bigger than that. Are you seeing you seeing troop starting to rally the GEO Pierre we play in the same game with the MC, Connell's and stuff with that question. Miss troops sharing to rally and I'm seeing fantastic, exciting new candidates like Josh Mandela in Ohio. Coming up through the Rex,
people who are willing, as you say, to come back and re- impose the factory settings. Where are the factory settings in our system? Well in our system that the constitution- and it is a document that still works today- it is relevant as it was back when it was written in seventeen eighty seven, but we have to start following it and one of the things that it says the very first operative provision of it is that Congress makes the laws all legislative powers hearing granted shall be vested in the Congress of the United States. We drifted far from even that very first and critically important definition. There's a reason for that, because we entrust the lawmaking without which is inherently the most dangerous power in government, only to people who are elected by the people at the most regular intervals, and if we ever ceased to do that, as we happened, lately could weeping delegating at all, but totally fancies. We deviate from the factory settings. What's restore the factory settings
so Christian Cinema gave a great speech yesterday on the filibuster. I dont think they even have forty nine or forty eight votes. For this thing, She came out quite eloquently, I'm I'm impressed by some of her the stances on on reason. Yet look. Here's some kinda, much fantastic she's, a dear friend, she- and I are both graduates of Brigham Young University and that while we don't agree on everything and we have different party affiliation, men disrespect for years. In fact, I was just talking to your last night: Thou Yoshida here up she's willing to stand up thanks. Even when it's difficult. In fact, she seems to have thought her very best days, especially one it's difficult and I admire tremendously? Are you are you sensing? A change in the Democratic Party of the pole. Numbers are I've never seen anything like this.
and are they still able to bully their people into line as much as they were it appears to be their ammo and as far as I can tell Glenn their doubling down on bat like they're they're, saying. Ok, this hasn't been working, so we gotta give it even more cowbell and I think that's going to end for them, so I was thinking about covered a lot. I have it, my family has it everybody I know, has it by means of the scientists down in the antarctic? They have as well- I mean it. Everyone's gonna get this variety and it's good I mean AV its its causing us a lot of pain and it is causing death, but the death rate is down ninety one percent this becomes an endemic which is really good, but speaking of pulling down I'm seeing the President's saying he wants to push a businesses to choose to do this anyway.
They are getting more and more draconian. There's calls today for getting Joe Rogan off the air and spot a fight, a fire him and sensor him because of the cove, laws or the other covert lies, as they say that he is spreading talking now about much more draconian kind of rules in and laws. Do you see this. ending well here my coming this this it's weird? the tail end of covert and they seem to be going even crazier. well, there's a reason why we have a first amendment, there's a reason why we decided that government ought not be able to punish people or contradicting government orthodoxy, and the reason is: there's really disproportionate bargaining power. The one thing that makes government government is its ability to use force with official sanction with the seal.
With the badge, and so it really is dangerous. We should take these things very seriously What whenever they come out, an interim government offices tried to threaten intimidate, be little people true government office, to the point that they can express a differing opinion on a matter of public policy, bachelor really dangerous AL. You have you Joe Biden, coming out a book. I wake up. I think yesterday Joe Biden came out yesterday before and said to social media? You have got to But these shows down I mean he is pressuring big businesses to be even more draconian on the first amendment. This is mean right. This is really dangerous. It really is it and when you get to the point where a government is big and it is powerful, as the federal government is, as the executive branch in particular is
you have to stop and wonder whether we just allowed it to get too big, because if there's not much subtlety and sophistry within that system, we gotta care it down and get it back to the basics of what the federal limits must be doing. National defence, frameworks, copyright and patents, immigration, naturalisation, regularly trader commerce between the states for nations. It would be to introduce a few other powers, but that's it in a nutshell. We into everything right now, because we're into everything they could do anything. They walk MIKE, the the re apps situation and January sixth, I mean I don't even understand it. Can you give me an update on on? What's happened? With the January six investigation, certain crews Cotonou and I, along with all the rest, were colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned at length.
those from the F b? I am at a problem just the other day. We asked the most basic question about who was arrested. Why, when what was being investigated, What the situation was with Ray up time after time after time they told us, I'm sorry, I don't have that information after awhile. Did you getting? I just you put that into perspective MIKE how off Does something like that happen? How out of the norm was this line of questioning and their answers will not at all on to have an executive each employee or high ranking official in front of a committee and to help us asked them a question and have them say I don't know the answer. But what different here is. We were asking them questions about the very topic, but they had agreed to come and testify about in front of the sad you share committee. That's what
spoke about this. They can be forced to talk about those very issues and they appeared on the north about them. So very either lying or they are being wilfully ignorance of what happened. and I'm not sure which one is worse, but they're both awfully bat. So re Apps Dewey do do you do we have any real indication that he may be an FBI or is this just speculation cause we don't know. What's going on these officials were aspect? Europe is hearing earlier this week. They just refused to answer. They just said can't talk about that we're we're gonna keep out them until we get answers yet appears to be based on the way they answered now. Look if, in fact, he was unknown to the FBI. The private
anyway, six, if in fact he had no association with them. I can't imagine that these officials from FBI and Theo check wouldn't have said as much at the thought. wouldn't have rightly said we're not sure who is or is not connected with us. They did not say that pay instead just content and said they could natural and so the better our real problem and we gotta get to the bottom of it, because if that is true, if we had this person, if a ray of were in fact someone acting for on behalf of the federal government and agitating, as he obviously was in these video clips and encouraging people to engage an unlawful activity, one wonder how many other people like in war their correct who's, the direction where they operate, Michael,
ass. The last question I know you have to run by this week. I release the book on the great reset. I have to send you a copy. We we can. keep it in stock literally, we cannot keep it sockets. The best fastest selling book I have I've ever written and we're just trying to get the we're trying to get the printers to keep up with the demands of I'll. Send you a copy or you can get it on Kindle, but one researchers asked today: where do we stand on the hundred thousand dollar or the ten thousand dollars snoop on bank accounts? Did that fight We pass through that still being debated knelt that has not passed through and that can a path through over my dead body cannot happen
We're not going to let that happen and if the appear less Europe want to learn more about, they can always go to leave her Senate that com, or they can learn about these and other topics. We took up my key, the only man in America that I would gladly endorse if it wasn't a death knell to everybody's political political courier every time, I've done it in the past, but you or fantastic, and I wish you the best. Thank you very much MIKE thanks. So much good, MIKE Lee for Senate only writing about our experience with relief factor. She says. Let me tell you how much I love relief factor within a week of taking it. My pain in my stiffness from my arthritis. Any injury were gone. Do I feel better during the day, but I also sleep better at night. Thank you. Thank you. Jody thanks
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This is the line that programme and, as I told you a few minutes ago, the press is really having a field day with me, and I do have to come clean with you I in an iron long now I've been have it went into my lungs. I think it's it's turning into a little bit of lung leprosy. At this point as well, I am on my death bed, doctors, say no chance of recovery. And I should have gotten the vaccine, so the boy- and I my less, if you just listen, Anthony's out you, this would not have occurred. What I know I know I know and if I could have just help out big farmer and look the other way with the government. It would be great actually damn you know
I'm fine. I mentioned to mark Levine on his showed he was very concerned about the long thing and it is in my lungs, I'm coughing, but it's it's not a big deal, I'm fine! I have been working every day. producing like never before have, I think somebody was over my house last night it came in and they were looking at the art projects I'm working on and they said your machine we is, this is cove id like doing the opposite for yield and in some ways it is, and you know the the people who are here are supposedly responsible. Human beings are just becoming vampires blood. Sucking vampires I've been trending now for a day, on a you know, covert and being sick with covered Ivan
ever told anyone not to get the vaccine. I've told you, I even considered it when we had oh to Afghanistan, word was it we had. If you don't get a vaccine. My doctor told me not to get the vaccine because as I had already had covered, and he said, let's watch and to see when people start getting it again, maybe your antibodies. I had an antibody task. Just a few weeks ago or Christmas to see if I still Eddie antibodies, they were getting weaker, but I had it really bad. The first time I mean I was not able eighty was in full strength and for three weeks I haven't lost my strength this time and you know, I'm not saying hey people who have the for vaccines, I'm working the guy today you ask obeyed and key. Had the vaccine he had the booster say it also work it out for you,
the way life is man. It's a combination of things that are all working together and Cove. It is getting easier to battle. Can we please get a grip and not lose our humanity? the gun back ground by definition, the perfect exclamation point. That was your coffee. It's an Islamic. I didn't really over media celebrate NEA Lifelong look, things are. Things are coming our way that are just gonna, be it is for all of us to handle, and there are too many things to me, fires to put all of em out or to watch all of them. One of things a cyber with cyber criminals and cyber security. I dont know what to do.
If lifelike would just call me and they didn't have a plan because it me before he looks like somebody is trying to get ended? You open this counter. Did you do this and am like now than they? take care of. It may help me, you know clean it up and make sure sir. I wouldn't know what to do. You know you did. Somebody could take all of your information and be buying stuff in wrecking your life, and you wouldn't know it mean either experts, somebody can really help you guard yourself. Twenty five percent of your first year use a promo code back at one eight hundred lifelike one, eight hundred life loggerhead to lifelike dotcom, use a promo code that twenty five percent off right now: lifelong dot com, The number one look in the country right now is the great reset by Glenn back, don't miss it. You get it at glens. New book dot com
welcome to the Glenda programme. We welcome back into the Fold Mr Pat Gray, who has been out for a few days with covert himself. He did not have the vaccine. His wife did have the vaccine. They both had cove id and what was the experience? Bat Jarvis Fund had a great was yours better or worse or they about the same. Now you and your wife mine was much worse and my wife's. She she had a modular mild case. A solemn silence online mild, you wouldn't know now, There is a couple of days. Real misery here you know I I I think, there's a mean that you know the first day that I had it this time around. It was real misery, but it lasted three weeks with me. I never got my energy back for almost a month First time I had this, you know when I got the first round before there was even a vaccine.
And it was really it was scary and it was. It was bad and I wondered you know, several friends who got it before there was a vaccine and they had the same experience, but this and for me is, is this? It was like a bad cold. It was really miserable. The first thirty hours. and it just is kind of turned into a cold when that's good new. Yet that's good! That's good! Did you were you unable to eat. I could meet for like a week. They just I'd. Take a bite of food knows done, I love you I hounds or had a problem that is ahead of us good for you that Georgia is like, if I may, I ve been actually trying to watch, watch what I e, etc, etc, live what I've lost fifteen pounds in a week in a half as well, but I could eat any ebbing. Hello. I mean my my man cave the garage and people pointed out that I have a kitchen in my garage and I'm like yeah, I work
the kitchen in almost every room and that everyone should have a kitchen everywhere, except the bathroom. That's a little! That's what you could have a fridge. You know there I don't know you see these saw. This is just came out in rolling stone today, a menace to public health. Doctors do and Spotify puts an end to the covert lies on the Joe Rogan experience they are now two hundred doctors and scientists are now gathering together and they are demanding that Spotify. Can old, Joe Rogan, and Stop him from speaking out this. This is while this is fascism absent fascism- and hopefully they do cave in this time. They d they ve already whether one of those storms will see if they they do it again. Its particular tumblr them with your Rogan, because it's not like, like Apple,
areas our podcast and soda Spotify. All through pipe peck They stood as America Gun who had macro. a programme. All those are carried on all these places, let's differ, Spotify, Spotify litter? we pay if Yo Rogan and has risk exclusively on their platform. So it's they get off The pressure? It's not split up between all the different different providers, and you know This is a move on the left. This is not some random thing where Bl bunch of employees suddenly woke up and said you know what word we don't like this. The day they launched effort coming back just a few weeks ago, where they report the Brookings institution and article in the New York Times retirement campaigns. We to stop these podcast. These podcast for doing this just like they were after twitter accounts and Facebook account before they ve now expanded that to come after podcast solar is no, there really is no safe space for people. Remember I couldn't be on network television, they first kick me off of ABC than they than
made sure that I couldn't get a job in cable news. They did everything they could so they also you gotta, you just have to go to the wild west. So we did. We started our own thing. We started the blaze, we were pioneered, the these live streaming television podcast for serious people. And now that's not good enough. There is no space they're coming after tea. radio they're coming after our podcast they're coming after our websites, this is why it is so important that you support those voices that you Billy By giving you the truth that Joe Rogan I mean so you know Joe Rogan has about twenty million listeners a week, that is the height of the rush Limbaugh time Those numbers are not put together a Fox news, even you know, in its its heyday bill, O Reilly problem
we do seventeen million a week that right Fifteen million a week on television He is exploded and its because he's just asking regular questions any willing to talk too pretty much anyone. And they can't have that, and they know the power of going directly to the people they have to have gatekeepers I wish him the best wish him the best, but in others only one company we're we're talking about our key tracks now, and there's only one company that I would ever consider doing a contract with yet in its way have they been my partner since nineteen? Eighty nine and I know them and you know That'S- that's Iheart radio they are, they ve been just they'll put on all points of view. They have people that
worryingly disagree with on the left, and they have people that they disagree with on the right and that's the way it supposed to be these, companies may not know they. Dont have records of of actually that take a stand and being for freedom of thought. and freedom of speech so the other thing that is it is going on is the Supreme Court now blocking this vaccine mandate, but Pat I'd love to Your thought on this is vital is still going after now I mean yesterday Maiden said he wants businesses to do it anyway. And he's only the day before he went after Google in and Facebook and Spotify and said you ve got to control this. These lies about covered. This is a good it's. an attack in an affront on
on our way of life. On on the separation of powers Its I've never seen anything like this, where mould pull times, the Supreme Court has blocked the it. Any admitted Duration like this and then the ministration continues just to go about, business as if there was no ruling from the Supreme Court Munificent back. the time of of Andrew Jackson. This is is complete lawlessness. Andrew Jackson, in an empty are lop until thirty. Eight after was doing exactly the same thing and in others, do not that's crazy- is you know if we ve put our book out this week, the great reset which you can order right now? I have an update on this common up, but order it right. now get it on Kindle read it. It is really really important. Number
on bestselling book in the country and an you when you see the veto being dream of just experts making every decision in your life it when p catch onto this when they realise this is not about covert this just isn't about you know anything is about education. It is Sexuality is about movement it's about energy it. It's about absolutely everything all the way to the core of your faith when people get that it's, it's not gonna, be it's not gonna, be good because have fought fascism before I just don't think that when the average American, and I mean Democrats and independence as well when they start to really understand. What's going on
going to stand up and they're going to push back, and it's going to be it's going to be hard, but we win, we win in the end. I hope that's true that's true, I hope, is a step away from despair. What does man. I don't do that means I haven't. I haven't seen a lot of people standing up so far. Have you really really show me whose standing up allowed undoubting. Ok, show the people that the people there to stop the vaccine mandate. That was started by a guy, I think in New Orleans. He the case to the Supreme Court. I mean. We are starting to stand up people who you know they. they just indicted. The special are the the price, the cuter in Baltimore wildly
up George Soros person, caused a lot of the problems in Baltimore? They caught her for income tax evasion in lying on mortgages, and everything else looks like she's going up. The river I mean there are some signs that things are changing. for the better and and just This happened slowly in the other direction. we really need to spend some time looking at the things that are happening in in our direction cause it's going to happen slowly, but then it'll be a snowball. I don't love you, the guy in what was his name stew, the congressmen, a Minnesota that two days ago introduced a bill in Congress to stop the FED from becoming the the only think in America and digitizing currency That's a huge thing, that's huge!
another does not know the details on that bill, but it does seem that there are people who are standing up and doing these things is just a matter of. Does this turn into a movement? Is it a? it's something where people we know that you have the stragglers here and there are standing up or as its turn into something bigger, but remember. Look at what the press, is doing to silence everyone. the press is not covering any of this is worse than when it was the tea party, the teapot at least got negative coverage. They are blocking, any kind of coverage on anything that is happening right now, so there are I would imagine there are a million things happening in America right now that none of us are aware of. Quite honestly, you know that's what Billy. I'm told me to its giant surprise party for evil. the Lord is working on things that we are not aware of at all and I think
If we live too, able to ask for right. Things righteous things will happen and there's a lot of people that true we believe and are standing up because they know it's just the right thing to do. It might hurt them, but it's the right thing to do and that's where we need to focus thanks. So much watch pack re unleashed. You can get the podcast wherever podcast are found and you can- should live on blaze tv prior to this programme every day Our sponsor this half hour is american financing. Ten men steady can change your life for the better, My pillow, ok, so my pillow well, let me just say other geese dream sheets bear the best there. The basket- best best best. I am as somebody who am sheets knob- I openly admit that when I first
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calm, use the promo code back and save go to my pillow dot com this: is the line back programme, this is the line that programme is Friday. Bill o is going to join us here in just a few minutes. have another covert expert on with us. Just Haskins is joining us and somebody else is well- it's a pack show today. Dormice Second Miss a minute miss a lot on the Glinda programme the they update on the book. great reset, I we believe this needs to be a litmus test during the mid terms and the presidential election, if you don't
their stand. The great reset you can't go serve Congress has you'll have no idea what you're really battling. Everything else is gonna, be bogus. It's just a. front for the great reset It is the number one best selling book across the country Barnes and Noble Amazon, Cassio they're, trying to get it there trying to get please of it anywhere. We have already sold through our first printing its normally not a problem, but because of the supply chain. It is it's a real problem. They told us this second printing would happen in five months, but it is such in such demand the printing press have bumped other books. So they can get hours on it'll start shipping again in February you can the Kindle addition now, please order the book, so you have it in the pipeline in shipping, so we we can a handle on on how much quieter
that we need, because of would normally we will do this, but because of the young, horrible situation with the supply chain. We really need information, so please go and order it Barnes and noble wherever you by your books or or Amazon and we'll ship them as soon as we get the man which should be in a couple of weeks, I also urge you to get the Kindle version. I normally don't do that, but I think this information, I mean it is the right time to get the information out, please get the hard cover, because you know that in addition can go away. I don't suppose it will, but could go away and its high to remember things and fine things. When you re things online, it's always better to read em in paper just for memory recall The other thing is: I'm gonna go in this weekend. I've got about a twenty five hour recording session to be able to
the the book. I'm gonna try to squeeze that in this weekend at least a lot of it. So hopefully an audio book will be coming out. Soon as well, but please do not wait to get this book is its. vital for our survival, that people understand it and it's gonna. Take you awhile. To really decode the news once you get it you're gonna, I see in this what's really happening so please. delay order? The book Glens New book, calm right now glens new book dot com and order it and get it right now. The great reset Joe Biden and the rise of twenty first century fascism- disease, the Glen Back Programme,
when you are about to Here- is the fusion of entertainment and enlightened. ikebana back program
hello, America, it's Friday. So that means we're going through the news top to bottom, the biggest stories of the week, and we begin with Bill O Reilly and sixty seconds standing up for what you believe in can be challenging at times. But there also basic things you can do that aren't so challenging things like buying from companies that believe in what you- and I, both leave in We need a parallel economy. We need to start supporting those companies that support Us- that is The key to all of us. Right now, the the people it tree at Mobile standing in defence of liberty and religious freedom, they ve been doing it since two thousand twelve. They have made a commitment that it good portion of their profits go to help these causes. They are a cause driven company.
And normally I dont like that. But these causes are the first amendment second amendment these are. These are things that we are fighting for in defence of life give you the same kind of great service. Their cell coverage is on the same cell towers. We get the same service in coverage, but you so could save up to half the amount of money they have much better in. Country customer service and their fighting for you, do you need to know now they're having a great free activation assail going on with the offer go back, you get free, activation, sweet today, veterans, first responders, you'll save even more so go to pay. Trade, mobile dot com, slash back! That's patriot, mobile Dotcom, slash back or call nine seven to Patriot aright MR bill, O Reilly. Welcome to the programme, the biggest story of the weeks or worse, we board job.
And with fire first year presidency, Is this a me because you remember the days of really Jefferson? Is there Is this the worst a president has done in his first year that you can recall well before I answer that? I know you're a little bit delirious about the Corbett thing and yes, are you feeling all right? Are you ok? I well, I am I mean in iron, long right now and It's me, it's been very bad. I know the left is rooting than I thought pass on, but it's not have. Yet time am or I bought an old iron long, and again I am because this is a timely, bad Toby. It I'm gonna, give you pass on the Japanese, and I have to tell you you know that debts do. Is they undermining here- and I know I don't care-
How do I know that? I am very well aware that so tell me about these pole numbers and what it means, because it doesn't seem like they are any less likely to stop tumbling down on things. Okay, so the quantity Deadpool has Joe Biden job approval rating at thirty three percent. That is now a reliable Paul. It has ever been so you know, on a fair here in our analysis of the price, I dont believe That is down thirty three percent. Here's how I see it there is no question of Joe Biden is failing, Ok, on Monday on the nose venues under Riley dot com, I'm going to have my leads. I exactly what you said. you see the worst president in his first year in me, History of our republic, slumbering an odd and a liberal historian president. Because I want to see the point of view
For me he is, and I'm pretty good at this history business. I think you may know that yeah I went over every president now. You could make an argument that Herbert over because he walks in and then the whole economy collapsed is but, but that was set in motion before he got into office, and it also his policies, while he didn't do anything that probably would have been a little bit better than some things, but the the Hoover projects started under him. There were some things that last did he had no leadership. He had no vision, he was befuddle, like Biden is, and James be. Canon, of course, was present. before Lincoln and under him the shy was involving two separate I haven't letter in my historical collection by Harry Truman, saying that if
You can and had been the same. Temper. Men is Andrew Jackson that there would have been a civil war Henderson but anyway Biden. There isn't anything. You can point should not one thing, and if there is, I want your listeners. Antioch me bill. O'reilly got chops, okay, that he's done to improve the nation that that's the text. You just step back, take emotion out of it politics. Out of it and say, give me one thing: the Joe Biden has done to improve the country just want, and you can't do it, and, and so this week getting back here. What's the biggest story of the week, he got hold on every every time. He turns around record inflation record coded cases, no, his insane legit about Voting Rights act with some positive. Oh by the way it's not gonna happen.
go back better, not gonna happen. Can't you Anything done so well. a guy who, basically, sitting there and he's got three more years and it's over it's over. It's like the Kansas City, oils they're, not gonna, win the pen. It do you. ok! So long I hears legislating, I was talking to my key and Congress is almost irrelevant, but he's just going through with executive orders, are being overturned, but they do go ahead. Those orders are fully, they don't get it country anywhere. They don't move the country all remind everybody that it was his executive order a year ago that open the borders right dad that he did it you can't blame Congress airplane Tropical Lamb Obama gambling Melbury Day and to this day we have hens.
Thousands of people away crossing? at border illegally. None of them tested for it, Tell me about killing of earth. Does that help the country tell me tell me what you're thoughts are on the filibuster being killed. Did that I mean I don't think that ever had a chance that now I was gonna happen, because if you do that and when they were publicans, win the Senate next November, which they will they do. turn it on you. They turn it on you, the revolt, everything you ve done, yet you can veto at all is what you just pie it into an incredible, not you. Got to have the ability, uncontroversial legislation? You have an overwhelming majority in the set it or you don't have a country any more. You have a partisan mess. You have In fact I talk to a couple of weeks ago about Hillary Clinton running as the
added in- and it was kind of roundly mocked now, some People are are picking this up. I'd love to hear your your analysis on Hillary Clinton. Is she Do you think she will run? Do you think the party would backer? Ok, I broke good story. About five weeks ago, When she came out and cried about something. Yes, she was crying forbearance up. Their salary crying. Why would you do that? Look the cliff and where do you despise them, and I'm sure most of your listeners do are very shabby people and even though they don't really there not a closed couple anymore. They do confer and they now led by the disaster. and they know, he's not going to run again absolutely no way on this planet the job,
Biden run for re election as it stands now,. No, maybe through the God guy you go out in part, the Potomac Oh no, I guess they gonna happen, but he's ease, befuddled he's in common. he's way too old, and I'm not saying that age wise. It is mental capacity and I'm not saying he's senile and I'm not I'm not going to do that. That's not fair, I'm not a doctor, but he cannot govern this country. So he's not going to run again. says Kamel is out of the box. She cant do anything she's that the nomination right to who is there, but the Democrats like Hilary. I think that's a fair statement, so why not me Dan Hilary gets a boom an thrown at her by one
Michelle Obama last Sunday who takes out a complete unnecessary ad in the New York Times, costing the I'm a foundation Michel's foundation about seventy five thousand dollars to say: hey, I'm getting back. in the political game, because I want to register Everybody'D about and, of course she doesn't. She just wants to register Democrats vote Ok, so here I am Michelle Obama. isn't that interesting, okay, so Hilary wants to run. She wants to be president to why wouldn't shoot, that's how you have to approach all these questions. Why wouldn't Hillary Clinton? Try again she thinks she want First time around. Where have we heard that before so anyway, you're astute cause, I'm sure see my initial report on Hillary Clinton because you don't watch the nose, the news every night, Nano. Listen you even now I barely steady now bill
is so. Do you think that I mean you wanna talk about a queen? Do you think that Shell Obama would actually run. I dont know Did she die. He walked in noble even primary, her cohesion have their nomination it she wanted. No one will primary. Michelle Obama know why gosh Then that's a doomsday device there I mean. I think that is something that should be concerned Everyone guess that's concerning depend on political spectrum, IRAN. Obviously liberals for good subject. Democrats would love to have wrought, however, one she does her she's gonna I saw to you know the hate faster Morocco is now it. I hate that alright. This is not like. Ok,
ass, a man or woman. When you know it destroy you and your family is like Organised crime is like healing the mob. That's what politics is now right, but we, but we but we ve already play that game with the Obama, and they are experts at deflection, especially with the media, they won't, they would not let the Obama's be destroyed, like that. Like the questions They Obama's are very, very shrewd another corporate media, which is gonna dig up by order of the day Bush to look it up. Rope ass, the idea by Michelle Obama, so you have the media with her. What with the media the quiet drastically in influence An readership and bureau ship The internet then wise and she's gonna be the subject of an unbelievable personal attack issue,
runs and she knows that they know it. So when Barack Obama first ran kidding, get attack, very much you you'll. Remember that are, I know it would like. Yours is newbie. He didn't do much said it, but he's an african American and, as you'll buy, you said he's a queen guy or something member that what a grey area over now debating weathers calling somebody articulate is racist when Joe I'd and said he was clean, articulate and a fairy tale, unbelievable right right, I mean, but it doesn't matter because your wife right now, Joe Biden have been a republic it. He would have been cancelled immediately. Ok, so we Michelle Obama scenario it fascinating because it could be tromp verses Michelle, I need I don't even know how
I do not always get road that no money ITALY, our heads would pop our heads would pop it would be. Were you in may be. Everybody we'll be glued, goes every they'll be another month test. You know that Burma's aren't like Donald Trump they're, not direct hitter. They hire their hitters today I will have on all over the place. No, I M, so we can be sitting here. God is. This America is welcome, it asked that, let me let me let me go into the break with just a piece of audio from Biden. This is cut one Biden talking about the media. Listen to this. We haven't gotten vaccinated, do it. Personal choice impacts this all our hospitals, our country
I make a special appeal, the social media companies and media hours. Please to it. miss misinformation and disinformation. Information Saunders shows has to stop covered. Nineteen is one of former most formidable America has ever faced we're gonna work together, not against each other, where America we can do that it's amazing to me where America, so please shut down all debate and all voices course. The disagree with the government makes no sense with Bill O Reilly here in just a second, our sponsor this half hour is really factor. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made really are. They have I mean just five marveled at how my body, he's getting through covered and and how this whole thing is working?
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station. I I want to ask you about something else that is seemingly getting push back, bill o from the left do we have, I think it was from Yesterday- cut one bite in and the voting bill opponents and what he said about the opponents and Jefferson Davis. History has never been and those of sided with voters. Suppression of our voters rights, I would be a less kind whose side with elections aversion, so I Scevra elected Official America, how want to be remembered, a cut, The cordial moments in history that a choice want to be the sign aside, a doktor king or George Wallace
you want to be the side of John Laws or Bull Conner you oughta may decide very rare, Lincoln or Jefferson Davis, but quite a remarkable thing, especially coming from a group of people that say that Martin Luther King was wrong Overplaying his hand is that an accurate statement bill I have inside information at Biden. Squad Jefferson Davis was part of that. Jefferson Airplane, not ready. yeah. Let's find those back, you know this, he doesn't know. What do you say You guys their writing it writing it. For a writing, Hornby got a bunch of progressive Louis emerge. trading office, and they believe they believed that they believe that if you require and I'd be to boot,
the President of the United States, your suppressing the vote. I don't believe they believe it think they may have committed someone else, but you're acting alone. back to New York. You have to go in, Hu, a bar in the Upper West side and talk to these people well I'll leave that leave that to others, ran Paul and GOAT. Random hollowed out she, I had a at a go around This is not looking well for faulty will. Are we away from bull, o, Connor and, and yet I saw now you say about the hour ago, had one watched Smith is just part of what we see every day in this country, from the progressive laughed and Joe Biden, because he is that now everything they want, if you oppose it, you're a racist everything.
you could reject Orioles at dinner. Dessert and you are right when you don't like the black cookie, you mean it's insane. so they're gonna pull that racial card out on every single issue. Think it's overplayed is what I think overplayed overplayed their overplaying their hand on on absolutely everything let switch to faulty fallacy is clearly covering clearly involved in some really bad things and lying to the american people and Congress how's it going to work out for him we'll give ear sample of what he's lying about. First, the lab leak.
And covering all of that up all of stuff. They was happening with ran line. You talkin about yeah. Tell you about one OPEC gap that illegally acquired value. Does what he told you the propaganda began here you pull by prompt and bye bye not submitted on the Chinese while bill, O Reilly from Bill, O Reilly, dot com mercury is, he has no spins own everyday bill, O Reilly, dont come back in a minute, The guidelines program. so I'm a reasonable guy. I think I mean I have my limits on certain things. I am perfectly willing to eat. Healthy food is long. Doesn't tastes like healthy food. Enough, I think, perfectly reasonable.
Can show me a work out that looks like sitting on the couch and watching tv. I think that's perfectly reasonable. I will do that. Built bars are healthy, their protein bars at least that's what they claim to be. But I you because they're really good snacks. I mean I do have standards to uphold people are saying I posted a picture of where and broadcasting from its. I garage my man cave and there's a stove in my garage and people like you- have a kitchen in your garage Like I have a kitchen in every room of my house man, I like food anyway right now. you can get built bars and they will help you? your diet going, I will tell you: I've lost fifteen pounds in the last two weeks and I feel great other than this leprosy in my lungs, its built calm use the promo go back. Fifteen you're gonna, of these things are good for you, low in carbs, lowing calories They take great back fifteen built dotcom vessel.
author and Mr Health Goin back as a new book out, the great reset get it at glens, new book dot com, believe me, a man Ridley joining us here in just a little while Matt Ridley is going to give us an update on cove aid in what's really happening? I you know the washing imposed is just written, an up ad that says it's time to make life a living hell for anti factors This is so on American and by the way, I'm not anti vaccine most took it myself. My doctor said not too, because I had a really bad case of it and he said, let's just watch it and see I had covered for there was a vaccine, so I wasn't he. Holding out on the vaccine and God covert I just got it recently and it is the despite what you're reading I'm not on death's door
came from a conversation mark eleven and I were having was going into my lungs and that's always concerning, but I told him on that on the air. That's not concerning to me I'm not worried about this, I'm doing everything I I have to, and I've worked ever day through it. But you have people right now, going absolutely out of their mind. Out of them mind the daily beast. Let me just give you some of these things daily, beast, Glenn back, I'm a fatty fat fat so it's probably not the best thing, and I have some other issues too, it's that follow. Glenn as a millionaire who could have gotten a vaccine for free, but instead to got choke covered twice with all the complicate that come with it entering his lungs. I have no sympathy, ok, first, all. I would have gladly paid for the vaccine. Had I want accede had my doctor recommended getting the vaccine, I'm sorry my doctor is not doktor found. She I dont have a
problem with people getting the vaccine and all of the complex since that come with it. I haven't been to the hospital I haven't been adjourned on our on our hospital system. By any stretch of the imagination I been at home, both times so where all the complications, I'm I'm not gonna on a ventilator Raise your hand if you would never trust a vaccine pushed by bleach injection snake oil salesman and common This is this is what this guy wrote a year ago, but he seems to forget that M Amy Sis Gang, she said active, feminist author. Glenn back has cove it again after refusing to get vaccinated. and said it's going into my lungs, but not worthies, treating himself with Ivory ACT and I'm not treating myself. My doctor is treating me in fact to doktor are treating me and I paying for those doctors and
paying for the medicine and I choose to use. I ever met in what difference is it to you. I dont see anyone talking about Chris Cuomo who is like having bath salts with aliens being scribes, for about a for him for his cove it, which he never stayed away or did anything that he was supposed to do. Nobody said anything about him. If you want to take bath salts and you You're chiropractor can solve this. I don't agree with you, but that's your bid this man. they are getting so nasty right now so nasty I hope it goin back supporters, see that he's a complete moron and get vaccinated. Have you Stu. Have you ever asked anyone who had vat, the vaccine and the booster shots and they got cove id. Have you said to them ha how's that work it out for you.
because only a terrible person would do such a thing That's not that's not a bit. You both sides but there are people who do that by the way, and you should stop its dumb. It's done don't sheer for people to get sick. I can't stand Alexandria, cause you Cortez and her policies, but when I heard he had covert. I wasn't like yea, that's a terrible, for a human being to react about our other human being sold? Europe. Is it's not what you do so No, I don't. I don't think anybody should react like that and I'm seeing it all over the place, I'm seeing it in a business insider has an article up. and it says I Glenn back says he caught covered nineteen again in its getting into my lungs with this kind of you know, sort told out of context so insane, but I said to I said, but next sends was, but I'm not work read about it. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, I'm not worried about it. They have this into I'm on a ventilator. It's crazy, yeah, it's not, I mean you're, you ve, been you ve, had a bad cold
and you ve done the show? Every day this week you ve been painting, you ve been doing nonstop promotion for your book, which I would notice number one on Amazon, Barnes, a noble and Kindle it is you know you ve been be yours, you're normal sick, you're, normal guy sick, that that used to be a thing people get sick there. They are. I was pushed through it sometimes right a commission for a few days. It's not it's not that big of a deal and in the they they mention that you are taking the I parasitic drug I've respected as well as hydroxide clerk went and flu vaccine the drugs have been championed by anti vaccine activists and sceptics have not been approved, have never improved of gets governed. Eighteen, why fascinating about that. I know. There's been a lot of stuff about, I reckon and proxy clerk went and it's been very much in the media. But flu Oxfam mean I, as the first time I read about the benefits of flu vaccine was from vocs the liberal website who went through
clinical trials and saw real benefits, a flu vaccine and fighting cove. It is not some crazy treatment and the idea. your treating yourself with implied idea that well, it's probably just some horse to warmer It is ridiculous to worm or by itself will do nothing. It requires the zinc. The v ivory Mention is just the delivery system, it is the gun for the bullet of zinc. That's what it is. They're, not explaining any of this or that just they're, just bad mouthing everything and saying that you're you know I'm doing it on my own. I wouldn't know what to do by the way I can't prescribed drugs for myself. I'm also, I'm also on steroids, a massive amount of steroids, which has also helped the act is if you have the vaccine or Hey can aspirin and will see you in the hospital. Rightly
it's insane, there are things that you have to do. There are treatments to I mean I know you mentioned in one of your posts being a monoclonal antibodies. Now I think that's mainly used for people who are in more serious, sir risk physicians than you at a mile. Even now only looked into that now. Would you be wanted a candidate for it? would have been nine days ago. I don't think I am now now. I think of you. If you get it at the very the very start it It's really good treatment, not Tanya Tonia and my daughter just came down with it yesterday. Got yeah, and they then they ve had it before, had both had very light cases, it lasted just to you, no less, but a day I think, is what it lasted for them. And so they are going in for some regenerate today. I couldn't get it last week, otherwise I would have gotten it but lots of friends who ve had this Anne had vaccines, but when
for regeneration and say they walk out two hours later feeling great. any reason other stuff get so culturally, like divided among groups. I dont understand it like you, we just If you don't like the vaccine, and you like I've, met him, there's no reason to talk trash about the vaccine. Let it let the people who want to check if by use of acceding use it the same. He knows the opposite way and now known Cassim. You do this for themselves anymore. You are missing the point that the real problem here stew, is the Pepsi drinkers. The Z. Drinkers have been wrong now, their whole life now their own anti american. They
I don't understand the basic chemicals that need to go into your Mamma, how dare end you untypical coca, who are the ones that are right. You you, oh really. I want to start as rattled you'll collage earlier as safe as this is really adds. Its energy is a reason for it. There's no reason for it, like you, don't have. If you don't want to take some other treatment, then don't take it now, there's a difference between that conversation and the war that goes on with mandates, because that is, there is a real difference there. If you're to force people to take the vaccine or forced to take, but full of oxen mean whatever it is. You should use the craziest part of this do is you. I both know, you know we're not scientists. Well, I'm a doctor, but we're scientists. So we're not the guys to go too, but we have talked to enough scientists on both sides are we're. Vote very well informed on this, and we no, the trend is, go
towards a cold based. clearly what I have if this was just the common cold and I didn't have cove id if it hadn't been diagnosed, is covered. I would have thought I just had a bad cold. That's all it is in that, What it's true, that's what it is tracking towards this is a good thing. This is what we have been waiting for for it to mutate into something, much less deadly and just become like a cold and everyone is doubling down Everyone is now saying I mean the Washington Post article. It's time, to make life miserable for those who won't get the covert vaccine near crazy electors. There's two things here too. That I think are important one is we Still in the middle of this, it's not a cold,
everybody, and so a lot of people like nobody is trending that waiting. We think that, where we don't know, we don't know at the end of the day are everything seems to be a surprise with a thing. So I don't know, I'm not gonna, I'm not counting any chickens but you're right. This is a positive move. If people can get natural immunity and half colds the the raw numbers of this at this point are going to come. with some really bad results. I mean The in of the number one cause of death in America is cancer heart disease. It's about sex, in eighteen hundred people a day die of it. That's about level we're out right now, with covert deaths in the flu is a hundred deaths a day right. It seems like there's a big difference. There were probably gonna go above eighteen hundred here in the next couple weeks and that's really, but that it is nine, because that is again because every one is getting it right, it's just written when it is so for an individual, it is less for each forever. You will, but it just spreading so widely her eye so fat.
compare the heart disease in cancer because now everyone's going to have heart disease and cancer. When this burns itself through and it began, it becomes more stable. It's got to run through all of the host. And it's gonna run through all of us, you know it hasn't even started in China. Yet do you know that you will have on their first case recently? They ve gone cell euro, covert, unlocking down their populations in right? Really it s not doing all that stuff how can a work? It's not gonna work and on the economy and in its going to run through the entire population and once it then we'll look at those numbers and say: okay, now once you ve had this version of it. How much people are gonna. It's not gonna! Just keep being this pandemic, where everybody gets it This is exactly the way it happens in nineteen eighteen through nineteen twenty exam actually the same way
When you had the somebody in the family said they have the flu people freaked out. They thought there was a death sentence in twenty two that was over and I think that it was, however, were on and when I think of the places like Texas are already there right, I mean I think this is happier but the other party- oh I just wanted to make quickly, is how dumb the focus is on the whatever it is ten percent of the population that does not want to get the vaccine. Against it, we were at the time were eighty five point: five percent of adults. Eighty five point: five percent of adults now considering the vaccine, our pro vaccine, but have had it already so you're talking about this insane psychopathic focus on the fourteen percent of adults that have not decide on their own to get this, and at the same time will guarantee you twelve
percent. If not, all fourteen will have the antibodies, probably in the next month, because they are already has a car Verde happened so corral. This focus on this small percentage of the population. That is just making a different choice and you should just respect their choice. But, let's say Glenn, for example, we, We instituted some crazy Biden vaccine and went through. Everyone went along with it and we had one hundred percent vaccination rates in this country. What has brought can up a lot of the transmission issues with the vaccine, all mccrone almost crown, was first discovered in Botswana. We have no control of the vaccine policies of Botswana there, like twenty two percent. We have it your globe where these things there are billions of people who have don't even have access to Maxine. If they wanted it, you have situation more eight point: eight percent of low income countries are vaccinated right now. Eight point: eight percent
so these variants that can mess all of this up can come from anywhere. You better understand how to follow get on your principles and Europe conditions of freedom, understand how to do your best with a virus but also live with it because on it in the even if these vaccines were completely perfect the different between what we had. months ago, and what we have now is something that we had apps what we know control over control whatsoever. It's a pointless focus and Glinda has nothing to do with the virus. It has to do with culture in a way to destroy act from how poorly this presidency is going and also who blame red staters that they don't like, and they blame the red staters for ruining the country, so they have some level of defence heading into an election where there are going to get a blow obliterated unless they figure out some secret key to get out of this
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means dot com, slash back, eight, three: three Glenn thirty: three, the Glen Back programme hopefully will have more readily on from England on covered. We have more on the great reset and your phone called getting line. Right now, call us up dated eight seventy seven bees. He gave the Glen Back Programme Friday edition.
when you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. Ikebana back program.
Welcome to the club programming. It is Friday. We have a lot to cover this last hour, including your phone calls. We ve talked about the great reset covered. We have an expert on covered coming up in just a second to give us another new perspective on it, and I want to take your phone calls. What did we miss? What do what is on your mind? The number is aided eight. Seventy seven be easy. Gay call us now is for right it by the way I have not mentioned our new theme regional music by SAM Cardan and Nick Daily, and I think they ve just outdone themselves this year and I just the point out. What a great I work with Lily, about the total twins books. I've been talking to you about the great reset. Lately we ve covered of some of what that means and how it's going to affect you some
The things said I I want to impress on you is this is going to be a battle that are there fought house to House community community child, the child parents. this is not going to be something that you're going to get these big corporations just to stop doing. We have a very long battle ahead of us and we have to teach our children the the true principles. There is a lack of principle, education, our country, the just the lack of do the right thing because it is the right thing, Things are not real anymore. Everything is up for grabs that's gotta, stop. We are going to return to real principles at some point only way to save ourselves is to do that and the tunnel twins books are the books. I think that are really great to prepare your children and your grandchildren for the life,
they're, going to be living. My kids. Ask me all the time dead. What is it? What does this mean? What is this gonna look like for our lives and the lives of our children? I do no exactly united, and I hesitate to tell them they don't want to scare the living pants off of them, but you know you're old enough you you do need the living daylight scared out of you, because that's what we're facing you need prepare your children with facts and equip them with principles. Tuttle twins back dotcom Get these books now, therefore, toddlers all the way to young adults. Thirty, five percent off discount books right now and they're, giving away their activity books would no additional cost. It's too. Old twins back Dotcom, that's Tuttle, twins back dot com that really is coming up in just a second. We have just in Haskins joining us one more time this week he's the co author of the number one best selling book, the great reset, You can find this glens new book dot
glens, new book dot com. I'm hopefully going to try to recall third, the audio book today- I urge you to get this in in paper copy. It is so important that you have a copy of this, and, if you can afford it, more than one copy. You need to keep a copy with you. It is the primary it is the only but its kind in the world, that is true about the great reset- and this should be- if you have friends any where in the world. Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe anywhere in the world. You need to call them and say get this book. They don't anything like this and we're all going through the same thing Just in is with us just and thank you so much for your hard work on all the research and everything for this book. And and for being in studio with me
all week to answer questions What have we miss this week on the great reset yeah so I mean this topic is so gigantic, which is why people really do need the book more than a years worth of research went into that. There's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of footnotes and sources of things we could talk about one. The things think that we have not hit particularly hard the rule not just of banks but of the Federal Reserve in central banks? Specifically they. our driving much of this agenda right now and they're going to drive it even harder ended in the future and there actually going to force in a top down way more the banks that rely on them in in any capacity to go along with much of this great reset stuff. Just as I was gonna images, I let me just give you some context. I remember getting a call from a guy who was at the top of one of the big banks, but one of them. its banks in the world
was the weekend that they started talking about tarp, noble, he had known about it. It was a Sunday night. He called me He said he lived in New York. He said I've just walked home any said. I cried almost all the way home. This is a very reasonable guy. The big business man and he said people don't know what's coming and He told me the story that when they got in with the Treasury and the FED the had brought in all of the banks in the basement of the FED. The Federal Reserve in New York one Sunday night them all their and his said. We dont want the bail out, we don't and they said, you're all tat. seeing the bail out no is leaving here without per separating in this, we are all all doing it force these banks in two TARP And that kind of stuff,
is coming again. They ve already done at once. The FED will force every bank to be evolved. Yeah, that's exactly right! In many of the people who were in the leadership at the FED draw Powell LEO Bernard these people, were in the Obama administration or were involved in the FED back when tar, pap and back in the early of a quantitative easing. They were involved in all of that stuff. So There are very familiar with how old, with with these strategies with how these things work just this past week, Jerome power at the head of the FED, came out and said that they're going to rule out climate change, stress tests on banks and what that means effectively is they're going to go to the banks and they're going to start the fat is they're. Gonna go to the banks, make a start saying to them. Ok, are you per aired for climate change crisis, but do you of policies in place that make sure that you're not lending to people that are worsening that crisis. Do you
in what they mean by that is essentially eschew scores. You any is Jesus them in place, making sure that these all people you're doing business with going along with our green agenda, are going along with the green new deal and things like that that going to become the reality for these banks and everyone who does business with the banks to, and it all comes from, the FED. So it's not just is bank of America Green its is ever one that's doing business with Bank of America also going green so going to to really get a bank account with these people in the future because of the FED. That's at that that's going to be our reality? So I think what people don't understand- and this is why it is so critical that you read the book and then start logically thinking it through, because it's not about control. On the top end, it is about unconstitutional controls on the top end that affect the ever? day person in
when you say well, climate stress test What they're saying is is that every the globe is going to go green and so all of the money is gonna, be pouring into these green new deal in solar panels in everything else. So if you're, going to give alone as a bank to somebody who is building a refinery or drilling when that thing falls apart, that becomes a very risky deal and so they're going to say to the bank. You can't make those risky deals, because that's not the future. That's like giving loans to the Fisher Carriage Company instead of General motors, so give it to general motors and they're going to force them to do this, and as just in just said, if the bank does give the loan to industries that they have picked and choose through the government in through,
You know the World Economic forum and in all of these other things, if the bank won't give them money, there is no parallel. You cannot do business. They all. who are putting in on this, that, if you are an oil company and you're like. I don't need your alone, I don't want any of your money, you if you are another company that has a loan form a bank and you make some sort of oil, which it. But that's even your main business, It's just an oil widget that oil which it will now come against you, and so the I will say you're doing business with this company by making these oil widgets. You have to stop selling them or we cut off your funding. That's all the way down. The line to your house. You can't that house you're buying that house. Does it have solar panels on it? Does it this or that that's too great a risk. You speak out.
again, social justice. You speak out against global warming. You are a risk to the bank, that's right, that's exam, that's exactly right: you're not going to be able to buy, even if you could find someone who is selling a gasoline powered card ten years, even if you could find someone who is allowed to sell those you're to be able to get alone from a lender to buy that car you're enough to have cash to buy their car- and you probably won't even have cash in ten years, because they're trying to phase that out. That's the whole point ever aspects of your life is going to change because these institutions are going to make it impossible for you to live your life, the way you're living it now this through this approach through the financial system, primarily but secondarily by the financial system, putting pressure on preparations they're, going to phase out all of these other products and services and things as well, so you're gonna wake up one day and ten years? If you read this book, you don't understand. What's going on with a grey reset you're in a way
up in ten years for five years or whatever the world is going to be totally different and you're not going to have any idea? Why you're not able to buy the things you used to be able to buy your, not able to go the place to say the things you used to be able to say? No, it's going to make any sense to you and it's because This great reset framework behind the scenes has been working this entire time to reshape the the economy to reshape society through the financial system through corporations and our world is going to change whether you understand it or not. The only. Hence we have of stopping is for people to understand it, and then we have to change our behaviour to try to this thing, this thing in its tracks people don't understand it? This train is going to keep going, it's not going to fix itself, so he got to educate yourself about these issues in really know it. I know the FED is not a sexy topic, but it needs to be called lets us at sexy die, but you need to know this stop yeah. It is. the time for the time.
Frivolous talk and frivolous action and Pepsi versus Coke is truly over in I just idle. To talk to you about another book. It approach take us another year to do the research on this, but met averse the I situation, I mean, I know a lot of the leading futurists in the world and I read this stuff all the time and the one thing we don't have in this book is the effect. This is really being caused by a few things. One greed China is the new model people can get rich and if their, if they're doing crony capitalism like in China, it's a rate system. For some it sucks foremost, everybody else. You also have the Industrial revolution, this new, a I industrial revolution. That is good,
to take place between now and twenty thirty and by twenty. thirty? Forty percent of all jobs that we know of now will be gone, so it is going to change our society. Fundamentally, the other Having factor in this is the fact that when they, ailed these banks out we all knew at the time. You can't do that, but they were desperate that did what they had to do violate the free market to save the free market. I dont think a lot of it. I think I'll, most of it at that time was not nefarious, but they have since then, because everything that I've been telling you for the last fifteen years about the banking system is true. They have denied the entire time we have now. Come into a recovery for financial system. We are so paying the piper for all of this
and so they know, and so they are coming up with a system to protect it and they don't care about protecting anything else other than the financial system, so you can take all nefarious things out and say. Why would these people do this? because they know what they ve done- has destroyed everything plot technology is now rising. We, entering a new world, but there Revising it without you and without your knowledge, and it makes you into a literal slave to do what they tell you to do. The book is great reset. You can get it Glens new book right now, get a copy, read it share it with as many friends is you can this house too the litmus test for the mid term elections. Because we need fighters in there that understand it.
The Glens New book dotcom back with more and a second and your phone call When I tell you about on nine eleven, we about three thousand people that were killed in a terrorist attack here can soil yeah sure it wasn't as bad as January. Six I'll tell you that right now, but there There was a group of people that decided to change things, and I love this group because they they choose. their life and they have dedicated their life to living the promise that I think all of us kind of made on September eleventh when it responder or military service. Member doesn't come home The children are left behind and this is happening to our police officers. The way We can really help is by partnering tunnel to towers. They pay the mortgage to lift all of the financial burdens off of these family of these families and bring some stability. Anybody It was catastrophically injured, use a veteran or a first responder. They build me
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in station. I D. Let me go to Samantha in Texas, hello, Samantha, ay ay. How are you I'm God, how are you good. I wanted to ask. You think the great reset is biblical. you know everybody, has been saying this, since no right after Christ died, utilities coming soon, etc, etc. I will You this checks, many of boxes- I don't even know just how are you are you a religious guy? I am a religious guy. Yeah I mean I don't think anyone knows the time or the place Glenn here I don't either, but I do think I do think this. This man,
a lot of stuff that we thought would never be possible? Absolutely possible without doubt so so it is a whether its biblical or not I personally believe- and I am not talking about the people involved in it. I'm talking about the attitude I do, believe it is evil, because it's a controlling and taking people's free will away from them, and why we were sent here to have our own free will and so on think this is quite honestly apply. That Satan would have hatched I'll bring em all home now they'll be fine. They just have to do exactly what I tell them to do so it's biblical in that sense, and several, I think so, Prophecies will come true because of of where this is headed, thank you for your phone call on that so next week
then, I'd like to continue are our conversations and so be able to have. I think we should put together something on our website on my website So you can follow the news of the day because it's coming fast in furious and every day. There is at least one major story that is break yeah without or yes are you seeing are used? any movement in the EU. political realm in Congress anyway starting to wake up on this area. my talk to one of them there always like you know I've heard about it. I don't really know it's a priority things out in Congress. I mean that there are some people who are worth had proposed and Republicans in particular rules financial rules, things like that. That would make it harder for banks to discriminate against certain kinds of industries like oil and gas, but but they're. Not they don't see the big picture Did they dont really see the big picture? I think
states, I think there are some states that actually have started to kind of pick up on how important some of this stuff is do they understand and washing what's going on, no, they don't, and unless people start putting pressure on them to understand it, they're not going to they're gonna continue living in that universe. Where words left versus right. It's the that's! It's you know. cable news talking had screaming at each other. It's the same thing every single day. It now or changes, and they never. focus on the stories that are really the most important worries its really important. I've spoke to about four hundred state legislators about a month and a half ago, and I talked to about this, and many of them had some inkling of it. They had seen things that worried them, but nobody had tied them up. If you, are in the state, forget about Washington. We ve got to stay, save our local communities getting on a zoning board is, is paramount. Just paramount
These people are zoning things in four agenda. Twenty thirty right now and it's every Where emanates here in Texas, it is everywhere you ve got to get involved locally because that's where you're going to make your biggest impact, please grab blends new book dot, Tk Glens New book dotcom. All about the great recent backward, really in a minute. Glenn program the Great news for you. If you are looking to sell your house or by a new house whether its across the street or across the nation
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We have not really on the farm with us. He's the co author of viral, the search for the origin of covert nineteen. There is big story that came out this week exposed emails from found. She and the gang seemed. we just a blip in the new cycle this week, but it is important that we, don't move on. We we have to search for the origin of covert nineteen, and I were I do I wanted to get mad Ridley on to talk about what was discovered in these emails. What tell Us- and why are they important, high Matt then good afternoon? I've told you good morning. I should say thank you yeah! Well, you in the UK are good evening good afternoon. So Matt. Tell me tell me, new came out this week. I don't know if you saw the FAO Chee hearings, I mean I we
had this information a few months ago, but now it is being confirmed, an doesn't look good for faulty and my reading that right. Well, we knew for I ve been for a long time that there was a meeting in early February which Archie attended sided. Francis Collins cited so Jeremy Fire of the welcome to do. As I say, the Us New asked for the meeting and a bunch of other thing you biology on the phone on Saturday, the first two February in which they discussed the widespread concerns among viral just at the time that it looked like this new virus was the product of manipulation. in a laboratory- or at least it'd mutated, in a laboratory that they couldn't explain how it came about in nature. We ve known just the outlines of that, but women,
sought the emails about that meeting. The pull at that meeting. We got totally rejected documents with everything, blacker and that was a little intrigue odd, to say the least now: some of the Republican done House Oversight Committee have been allowed site of the unloading, acted emails and of transcribed some of the key paragraphs, and they they are even Mostar than we expected, because what they show is it don't about she Collins and other senior advisers to the government led by the UK and the US well briefed very clearly by biologists that at the time they told her with a very good chance. This had come out upon the party, they couldn't explain one feature
particular of its genome by any other way, and that they thought that theory should be taken very seriously a yet the outcome of that meeting was to commission an article four major medicine bag A couple of articles came out shortly after that to one of which had power on the co author, which basic rubbish that idea. Until now, it couldn't have come from a lab and lose no evidence for that. It was a good spirits, he theory and ever wish shut up, but so what changed? In a couple of days after that meeting to take these people? I'm thinking? It was a very strong possibility to thinking it was a conspiracy theory that could be will
and would be not only the show. Is that what changed is politics? It wasn't? It wasn't scientific evidence to change their minds. It was the impact this might have on the reputation of signs in general and science in China. In particular, that's question: what do you have? What are you have on that. That shows that directly What does an email from run? Pouch yea, a dutch scientist who is involved in this extends said we cannot agree to this because it would have an impact on. We must rule out this possibility because it would have a significant impact on site in general and Chinese sought in particular, we have a remark from France, his college, in one of the emerald
This might damage international harmony. If we indulging speculation, it's a strange choice of words. I thought that the chinese regime is actually a lot it pretty clear. Finally does an email in April in which France Collins basically says to adopt a touchy. Yes, this article did color, but it didn't shot down the debate as much as I hoped there are still people speculating about a lovely. That's a pity, because it is not helpful to the reputation outside the background of this. Of course, remember is it Donald Trump has said this bar comes from China around the same time, a lot of these scientists very strongly opposed to him and the horrified by the thought that some of this information might give him some indication cited here
problem here is trying to say one thing in public thinking a completely different thing in private the reason for doing so, being political, not scientific, Have you ever read the gods of the copy book headings by rich were Rudyard Kipling. I but a very long time ago. Well, I think of that. I think of that poem almost every day, because it talks about when society goes. far off the rails and don't you know the last line. As you know the gods, book headings. You know with terror and slaughter return you you will eventually, depending how far you go, you will have to come back to truth, and the more you fight it, the worse it becomes in the worse, the fight back to truth is Science and medicine has got to start their fight back right now or there's going to there being
they are completely discrediting themselves right now by not being one hundred percent transparent weak. survive with the medical industry and higher Turkey that is involved in lies. Blackmail of you know pay offs in politics. It it's bad, for all of humanity. Well, yeah. I probably wouldn't go refer to some of those words, but I agree with you're making a night. I do so with somebody who's very precise. I've done ended and champion sides all my career of written by a local achievements of scientists. Like my, I think, a tube humankind's greatest
jubilant bar migrate discovery of of the world works, but it is getting very difficult to defend the way scientist bathing as an institution on some of these matters and if science is to attain its reputation. It's gonna own up and say look in the name of side. Some people have been doing dangerous experiments. That's a mistake whether led to this pandemic or not said they didn't help predicted with both do and if tired, with a look at it, often say sorry guys. We got a few things wrong here. We got a lot right. We develop accents and so on, but actually we buy started. This endemic will really really sorry, let's make sure it. Never happens again, they would get alot of
I agree with you that there are saying at men. I want you to talk about this. We don't you think this. We can move it out its conspiracy theories naughty and I'm afraid that means that when this does out to be the case which it may well do can be sure about that, but we May I point out that this did start in a lab, but it may drag a lot more signs down with it. Then it showed up so mad. I don't know if you're qualified to tell me this, but I take the I take the latest news of this panel becoming an endemic as good. News. This is this is what really kind of happen in the nineteen eighteen flew bad. The first or worse, the second year than its, arts to Peter out and we just end up with a flu
crime seems to have a death rate lowered by ninety one percent. That's you know, and were still in the throes of every one getting it. So it's still bad, but I take this is the path simple beginning of the end of this nightmare, agree or not. I I completely agree with. You have been saying that for a number of weeks and when I when I started thing- I not, I think this is the older version of the bars I had. You know some of the sort of medical establishing things do such as a mild bush allows that it depends on how monsieur his action means used to react to it and whispered reverse it. Don't evolve towards mildness, absurd Then? How do you explain the fact that two hundred kind of common called a Muslim kills? You know, etc. So I think this is exactly what we ve been waiting for a mild version displacing at a nasty aversion. The virus becoming endemic becoming
seasonal, not greatly armless, located killing people infection and I think that's what happened. For example, with the other four calonna viruses that we catch all the time. They could the common code or versions of it right, they're not accommodate golden common cobra that one of the causes and they do not kill us and they saw it as nasty pandemics they did kill us are they? Is there any case to be made, for you know that voucher is even come out and said: everybody's gonna get this. So why the big? push now again on poor. and team and and everything else isn't this kind of what we were hope Jack, and I mean I don't want anyone to die so do every you can, so they don't die, but This is the end of that isolation, thing the people and in an article in the perhaps there have Armagh IRAN is so every
he's gonna get it well in the UK, which has not always got it right in this area and is being far too draconian and, rotarian in the way we handle this outrageous, in my view, nonetheless did take a decision package. lie that it would open up society again and we were predicted have hundreds of thousands of death as a result by the models that didn't happen? That has meant We had an earlier and bigger comecon waves and other countries that is largely displaced out delta wave. That has meant that we have now got yet. We still getting out without new cases a day, but are there straight, knocking along in the low hundreds and has now got anything like as bad as it did. Last winter, it looks like we the Uk Gonna be out with this pandemic.
a quicker and earlier than than other european countries accept as compared with yours and threw it out of the white decision. Was the open up society and stop the lockdown back in the summer, Scotland, wouldn't policy and its having a slightly worse time. Naturally, God bless you. Thank you, Sir, for all of your hard work. Thank you for defending science and just speaking the truth. As you understand it, God bless you go to the copy. headings I'm off to read it right now, in a blow your mind, if you have read it for awhile, How do I? Let me tell you about the tunnel twins books. Ok, lying I want to talk to you about. Go you ain't gonna be able to travel to its books with gold, I'm pretty sure they now accept. Really here he area without thinking about I'm thinking about. Maybe Taking all this as a payment as well, you know buddy a gold line knows what
coming and, as you will see in the gods of the copy book headings, if you would look that up today it what that All thing is, is when the world goes mad and it goes through periods of absolute madness when it does everything. You know wishes, become horses in pigs, have wings and Nobody denies the truth. Eventually gets down to all of basic met, mathematics in gold and silver in what has value in what doesn't and the the poem is well, but then it burns itself out, because none of it is true and the entire your thing collapses and the gods of the copy book headings limp up two x, they at once more all that glitters is go is not gold and two and to do equal for that's but gold line understands that's what I understand I buy it against a hedge of insanity and for
the real reset that will come when when we regain our cruelties again, gold line. Now they have all kinds of specials going on. They are giving away this week, freeze silver, with the purchase of Indian had currencies are the ones that I buy check it out find out all the details. But please find out if this is right for your family, you need about your risk because trouble is coming, it's holbein, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six goldline, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six Goldline or Goldline dot COM, the Glenn Beck program. Someday welcome to the Glen Back Programme. Thank you, sir. much for listening this week,
can't tell you how overwhelmed I am by the spawns towards the new book. We honor please it's it's the it was the hardest book for us to write and research because we were figuring it out, as we went, We we question at every step of the way and then wondered if anyone would be interested in this topic and the overwhelming response, literally cannot keep it in stores and cannot keep it in stock. It is the best selling work in the fastest selling book. I've ever written written. You know two million sellers and it is its overwhelming and that just shows our connection, we're we. think alike We know something, isn't right, we Necessarily know what it is, but we want to know the answer. and there's a lot of people in America now that
Quite honestly, they don't want to look at it. There they're afraid their tired or whatever and it's it's gonna- take twenty percent of the population that will fix this and it is fixable in the end work and just and we we have talk about this a little bit more in the book. There our real solutions and they're, not they're, not bow this solution is not just go out and vote it. They are he'll things that the average person can do. That will make a difference, but people made us. Miss them because they cease they'll seem small, and this is such a huge problem. But that's the lie yeah. That is the line that the bigger the big the challenge to the great reset. Really is people believing in this lie that there is nothing that they can do, I'm not going to do anything. It's too Big for me, just gonna keep living my life the way I've always lived it, I'm not a change. You have to change, that's how they, when they are literally banking. The elites are
banking on all of us, being too lazy and too to do anything about this problem, but if we take it on ourselves and make the changes in our own lives, we actually can stop the great reset look. Why are they trying to silence voices because they want you to feel powerless and alone? That should tell you everything you need to know about fighting this, get it at glens, new book, dot, com, glens, new book dot com. All we have to do is At our mind, towards doing what we know is right. The eyes of the world are upon us. Now, God bless have a safe weaken. This is the Glen Back Programme.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-14.