« The Glenn Beck Program

The INSANE Equality Act | Guests: Sen. Rand Paul & Bill O’Reilly | 2/26/21

2021-02-26 | 🔗

The House-passed Equality Act is frightening. Sen. Rand Paul joins to discuss Biden nominee Dr. Rachel Levine and her controversial stance on transgender surgery for children. Companies are sidestepping the Constitution to enact the Equality Act. Oreo wants everyone to know: “Trans people exist." The Democrats’ COVID relief bill contains a lot of insane non-COVID spending. Bill O’Reilly joins to discuss the border, the Equality Act, the COVID bill, Andrew Cuomo’s sex scandal, the Recall Gavin Newsom movement, and his predictions on Trump’s CPAC speech. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis explains all the pork in the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package. Tonight, Glenn reveals the “Hyppo Awards” nominees for the most outrageous hypocrites of 2020.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let me tell you about american financing of telling you every day, for I don't know how long and every day the situation with financing becomes more and more grave. We are now just spending money out of control We are now talking about. No lender is gonna, give the United States alone, which will mean more money. Printing. They are also financial institutions are saying there looking for people at won't comply. if your racist or whatever you won't, have a a banking, our banking services, its is becoming very disturbing. Please if you need alone right now, get it can refinance right now. Do it and consolidate your credit cards and everything else. Please do this. American financing. Eight hundred nine zero six, twenty four, forty
ran Paul next, Would you not entertainment the Glen Back progress
The house has passed a frightening frightening act. It's called the equality ACT did will penalize Americans who won't go along with the new sexual norms or gender ideology. It will compel speech. If you won't, you won't call somebody by the right. Pronoun you can be shut down, will shut down, charities could shut down churches, anyone who doesn't comply more biological males will defeat girls in sports. It could coerce medical professionals and and more parents could lose custody of their children. This is a horrendous bill the guy who has really made waves in Congress over this incentive in the Senate is right,
Paul is a hearing yesterday we're gonna to Turann Paul about this bill, and so many others coming up in sixty seconds programme. Let me tell you about Omaha stakes: there is nothing better than in Omaha Stake in stocking up your freezer is a really really good idea. It's almost takes, has been America's butcher, for I don't even know over a hundred years now- and You can have the best stakes, and this is the but the pile omaha stakes they they provide. This eggs at some of the best restaurants in Amerika, the best steakhouses their shipping right. Your door now and you can you not get stuck with without food in your house, like so many people, Didier and in Texas. If you want a great deal, choose best seller package, fuller, burgers, pork, chops, sausages, desserts and so much more plus you get from
for free chicken breast for burgers and fifty percent off? If you? the promo code back in the search bar, that's omaha stakes, dot, com, promo code, back Boy do we ever need, Rand, Paul and some libertarian thinking in our country more than ever welcome to the programme. Doktor ran Paul. How are you, sir Glenn tax revenue- you bet yesterday, it during the Senate. Let me just play the clip of ran Paul with Rachel Levine and her confirmation hearing, listen not all mutilation, has been nearly universally condemned. Genital mutilation has been condemned by the debate, show the United Nations Children's fund, United Nations Population Fund, according
The debate show genital mutilation is recognised internationally as a violation of human rights. until mutilation is considered, particularly egregious because the debate show notes is new, always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. Most genital mutilation is not typically performed by force, but Hey Joe notes that by social convention social norm. The social pressure to conform to you what others do and have been doing, as well as the need to be accepted socially and the fear of being rejected by the community american Culture is down normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics. your Levine. You have supported both allowing minors to be given hormone blockers to prevent them from going. Puberty as well. logical destruction of liner genitalia.
Surgical mutilation or mono interruption of puberty can permanently alter and prevent secondary sexual characteristics. The american college pediatricians reports that eighty to ninety five percent are prepared, rural children with generous forum will express weeks the resolution by late adolescence, if not exposed medical intervention and social affirmation, this Statement of yours ran is responsible for headlines like this ran Paul tried to derail Rachel, Levine's historic confirmation, hearing with Trans phobic misinformation well? You know. The interesting thing is, none of it was directed towards her personally are who she is. Who was directed towards the question away? their children can consent and the southern ITALY your question, it's not a you know, inflammatory question. It's a question of of serious consequence can a young girl of twelve years old or fifteen years old can I consent to an abortion and they consent
The earth tears. Can they consent dabs surgery to China, and their their search. For me, please, important questions and most people would argue that children can't really make an informed consent. We have laws do you know a man having sex with a twelve year old, even twelve year old, says yes, because I think a twelve year old is capable of concentric they just on old enough to make a difference, but since even worse than this, in one of the clinics in England, one these gender despoil clinics in England, ten percent of kids yet or between the age of three and ten. My good people talking to a three year old, trying to tell them it's fine, They really are of a different sex. She mostly step would be in a three year old, think they're alien. Sometimes they have no conception of any of the importance of any of these incredible questions, but the latter free world producer, it a matter of five year old or an eight year old, and then you got these we too left wing courage incur
urging this and reaffirming it, and this is what they merit Pediatricians have said: is it if you dont medically, Anything and you dont reaffirmed that you just gotta let the kid grow up. Most people grow out of it and understand that it is an aberration, not something that they would really desire. Is she's, gonna, be confirmed. Overwhelmingly she's a special category now of the Democrats, will vote for, I suspect, a cobbler republicans who wanta somehow we know send some kind of signal about four or two, but its alarming it isn't about who she is it's about the eye. To my mind, that a minor could make the decision and the loudest up is irreversible. You give a boy. Girls, Herman, said the ages of fourteen. Sixteen, I don't come back, girl, boys, home and you don't want the girl is given enough testosterone A beard with their face doesn't go back change your mind so now took two million
crazy. He to me it is a little bit about who she is, and it nothing about our sexuality are her trans transition to a woman it everything to do with her Other sheep, Look her mother ass, she was a secretary of Health for the Pennsylvania. She took her mother out of nursing home as soon as covert restrictions with warning. Anybody else. Hey you know. Maybe you should do that She also during Cove id. It had a report out from her on US official Health department stationary about how Lee Cove id scare should affect you. Orgies and she put rules? Are our kids can't go to school, but her brow
already was, if you're going to go to a place where you're going to have sex with several people. Here, What you have to do, I mean it the world is a clown show. An absent clown, show I think this is why she would not answer my question. She refused to answer the question and came up with some empty problem, but she didn't want ads because she truly is an extreme ass. She is. far out there that most of America, recoil in whore if they knew what you sport for, but you're right about the practicality of other people, s, The question that was, why didn't I dwell on the idea of what she did bring your mom out. Everybody else to die absolutely Lester, qualifying that's most pertinent to whether she can do the job, but there is the biggest normalizing this idea now you're old can want to change your saxon. You start giving them hormones and if, say no child- gets to decide at nine.
just wrong and children is dark, able law, making life changing decisions, and there is a permanent to this. At some point they start giving up cross hormones, meaning there give a boy, growth, hormones or a girl boy oblige were used, doing this and they do it between the age of fourteen sixteen as minors, their irreversible changes. you become shorter this in between you're, neither boy or girl, but you can't go back a book that came out three years ago that basically says the same stuff, quoting medical science, science and scientists. a warning about how detrimental this can be on. Children was poor old from Amazon. It's been out for three years. It was pulled for hate speech by Amazon what Sunday. I believe This also goes right into the equality ACT which, if you'd
by into this stuff, if you don't call people by the right pronoun if You don't affirm the new sexual norms in general, dead, gender I'd ideology urine trouble, this is this will affect small businesses. This will affect charities. This will affect churches and it it appear, to be written in a way where there is no recourse. You're not going to a court and having this reversed on you, I d think I've ever seen anything this bad that As a chance, a passing framework, saying where we are? I mention the store, a young woman in England by the name of cure, a bell and just read on the internet. She was a confused young woman. She says she was Confucius psychological problems at the time she didn't know who she was gone. Discoverer identity,
and she regulator that about transsexuals. I was cool, she went in after a couple of appointments. They were very encouraging unto her. There was no other side presented general taking crow for a moment and then having a double mastectomy. Now she regrets it should work. But whether sheep, she know she's a woman now and she would like to have children fearful that she will be infertile and she ended up. Having a you know, a body And swarming double mastectomy and she just regret it, and their change. Some of the rules in England on this now, but this doctor Levine, has said that most of the time it's not for surgery before eighteen, but she is for street kids, so she's her poor kids, who don't happen as you can imagine, a girl homeless, fifteen year old, there's a lot
going on that either your parents have been rotten. Parents, or you add psychological problems or you might be skits Apprenti agree- might have other problems from the reason why you're almost but to take those people and prey upon them and take they don't really need, consent and we're gonna get the stake, a sort of a procedure. There hormones, admittedly is really grotesque, that they would take a poor child. and impeded put their order and infused their belief in their extreme it is on these on these children is just seen ran. I know you have to run. I I want to ask you and I, not sure if you are aware of what's going on with the World economic forum in the great reset, but already seeing it happen in companies? There is this you're. If you will between government, Ngos and and corporations these public private partnerships and all based on water Old S, cheese or
Yes, g, environmental, social and governmental mandates. These Big companies are, are already dotting these things like the equality ACT and been critical race theory and their jobs. Bring it down people throats and it's an end run around the constitution. Let me let me ask you as a libertarian We complain a lot as conservatives about big tech and what they're doing but I believe- and I know you believe private business should be able to do what they want to do it right in the free market. But when these companies are aligned so closely with a party and the gun more specifically. They're doing and then run around the constitution watch. We do
Don't use em, don't bother, stop you get Outlook Coca COLA, you know about my wife, but our credibly upset with them right now they came out with his woke thing about. You need to admit that your wife, you're a terrible person. You need to admit that your aggressive that your opinion, aided in a year you apologize for being white and that's the most grotesque sort of race thing I've ever heard? That is, the World economic Forum is yes, geez bill gates out their promoting that we need to have critical race theory and math, and there is a great professor from Vanderbilt african american woman, who said you know it's a most gracious thing, I've ever heard the bill Gates thinks markets can't learn, does the color of their skin? and there were a dumb down map and showing your work or having too much emphasis on the correct answer is, is somehow races You know that that whole concept is racist, but that's where we live in. You got black lives matter, extorting because
relations who are now paying for black lives matter people. the go riot and different cities its absence I know a guy words, one of the big drug companies who says oh yeah, there. If I give a hundred dollars by company or match three hundred dollars to black lives matter and I've seen a big and the people were in the George Washington Hotel in the Willard Hotel five hundred the night with plane tickets, all paid for by big corporation blue black lives matter. They get people to Iraq, I didn t see the people almost killed. My wife- and I were or by big corporations. Big. U S. Corporations pay their way there. So is it There are enough Republicans that, or are at least feeling some sort of spawned civility to stand up for the car detention- and you know it Do something I guess the danger is that you have to have some goodbye.
I have some got some courage to stand out because it is a cultural out. There were even body everybody saying I may Transphobia comment yesterday? All I did was asked was whether a minor and consent to this kind of dramatic surgery, nothing, I ever said, was hateful. I said nothing ape Are these people as it nothing? I go about adults who choose to do this, but the culture is out there. That is so strong that so many people in office are afraid to speak out. and it's getting worse so there's a handful of if that was begun. The senators a handful of the house and we have to grow our rags, but we have to resist or that it just gonna run. Oh grass and we're gonna live in this terrible council cultural world. Where nobody, speaks out nobody's afraid to say anything. Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. Dietrich bond offer right Thank you for being one of those people who will stand up
We will help you in any way we possibly can, and that goes for anybody left or right. That will stand against this. This night air that is happening. Thank you so much Rand Paul excellent event. You ve, got in husband living California they're, both in their seventies, and you know, lifetimes worth of aches and pains gonna catch up. You ve gone and her husband were not immune to this started, slowing them down bit by bit day day after day, they were less and less able to get around to live the active lifestyle that they wanted. They tried a number of things, but nothing really worked. Fortunately, Yvonne and her husband, listen to this programme and heard me talking about relief factor and help it. How it help me get my life back. They were desperate, and so they listen to a clown like me, he and they took it, and you the rest of the story. After just a couple of weeks, they found freedom life without those eggs and pains they got their life back
relief factor so did I so could you relief factor seventy percent of the people who try it go on to order more you'll, know within the first three weeks is, which is why they have the the three week trial period, just try it for three weeks was not working most likely not going to relief actor dot com call eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief factor dotcom, ten, again station. I d I have to tell you this equality act that the house yesterday is truly game change. Along with the the cove id bail out. If you will those two things alone: wheelchair
in America forever what in the covert relief bill will get into here in a little while is terrifying, lie, state. I was fortunate enough to be well to have time with w obviate listeners therein. Richmond Virginia, nothing was votes. Last twenty minutes in the programme direct Gregg was, I think, little pissed at me of military and because it was like two hours and it's because I wanted to talk to the I wanted to hear them. and I wanted to hear how we can help them and what their facing and its it's amazing I I think there were twelve listeners and I think what I heard there was just a strong determination and a an understanding of what is added their way, but they want the v main topic I think was poor,
probably the equality act. What is that going to do for me. I refuse to have my kids being taught them they can gender reassign. What That means, if we say no, they can't and they go back to school and report that what is I mean if I won't allow transgender people just switch bathrooms, or people or in transition, even even people who just say identify as a woman yeah. It's me, I got a packet of cigarettes and I'm looking for some tampon get out not right. Now I just I, just small decided I've gotta, be a woman. I'm I identify is a woman I don't want you in the girls bathroom what happened two churches who say gender is specific gender
is assigned divinely assigned what what happens, what happens. Yeah. If you run a small business, your It's gonna be able to survive this. You, if you don't have, if you stand up against it, the law suits against this against. You will put you a business for sure So there's no fighting anymore. What happens? I talk to these people in Virginia last night. and and maybe on Monday, we just do a full show of just phones, Gaza. I want to hear your voice. I listened to these people last night and they were determined, but Was a change it was a change in understanding and I think people are starting to realise wow real religious persecution.
Old. Persecution for people who will not conform is right. Around the corner and I fear it is, but you In the end and you become a better stronger person. Stand now stand now. This is the program american Financing Annabel One a do three three for that, W W that animal S, consumer access, dot, Org, making your man work for you is one of them feelings in the world. When you start to get to the point where you can actually save some money back, I mean it's, you feel yourself getting out ahead of that a ball just a little bit cause you been constantly behind their just nothing better than that. So it begs the question Are you doing everything you can in your financial world to make sure that that's happening? What kind of percentage Are you paying on your mortgage? Do you have done?
specially debts with high interest credit cards or any debt. Get timeshare at fourteen percent, What if there is a way to lump all of that together in a refinance of a mortgage and produce one lower monthly payment that will put your top of all that debt, instead of underneath it there is a way and the people that will help you find that weighs american financing. I want you to don't, don't put it off. I want you to do it today, don't forget about it! Please they work for you, not the bank, and they want to help you american financing, at eight hundred and nine six hundred and twenty four four thousand eight hundred and six, two thousand four hundred and forty, it's americanfinancing dot net, and you can head over to Blazetv dot com Glen, the promo code is Glen. Four hundred and thirty bucks off your subscription to blaze. Tv today is the last day for thirty bucks off Vsco.
Oreo Cookie, tweeted, trans people exist less. they exist. They exist still, oh, my gosh. Are you kidding me ass? Our work? What I'd like to tweet back to Oreo cookie? So do trans fats and you're an expert on Trans ILO? That doesn't this thing? Where there's no story, they just give up the other day. That was this. It was the same thing was like you know, was a complicated story, but basically of fake accuracy. Of racism by a young, very wealthy student, black student against a very non wealthy white janitor and her. She said I was I was. I was criticised for eating while black and each it'd it took then the question whether I even existed as a person of color cycle
Everyone knows you existed. They wouldn't said anything about you being in the room you weren't supposed to believe that you existed. They know you exist that when the problems existing in the room, that was bad job like this language, they turn these words Glenn into things. That mean anything. We are officially in a clown show. We are in a clown, show enough. I'm I'm telling you right now. I'm in alcohol EC? Ok, I know clown shows my life was a clown show where nothing made sense. I say or do whatever I wanted, and it all worked for me and my crazy head. But at some point you're going to be forced to wake up? You're gonna be forced if you don't die, which we might, if you don't I first you will realize we have got to sober up and when you start going back to reality, you are
owing to be so ashamed of what you we have tried to perpetrate on, truth truth on mass on science, which you perverted everything in too late. I wanted. I want to go over the cove id bill. The relief package gang Some say it's nine percent covert related needs. probably closer to fifty percent. If you're giving them the benefit of the doubt and I'll explain why the eight billion dollar bail out for the union pension funds, the left say that is that absolutely is for co FED. The unions have really suffered because of covert. No, I I told you in two thousand and ten I went over the pensions of the unions in all
Blue states, they couldn't afford them then, and I told you they would come up with a way to get the United States too bail them out well here it is thirty four billion dollars in expanded Obama CARE subsidies four billion dollars to pay off loans for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. This one is absolutely on believable, if you are black and you a farm. You go to the federal government and government will pay off your debts mortgage all of it. one hundred percent no strings attached because you. Ve been disadvantage because your black white, need not apply so this. This package is going.
Joe Biden set it. He said I we are going to concentrate this package on. That advantaged in the communities of color if your white, you don't get that for. billion dollars to pay off loans billion dollars in world food assistance. Now I dont have a problem with this. I don't have problem being charitable. but I believe the United States government is going to pick and choose who gets it back stand there environmental, social justice, bull, crap, they're gonna, give it an way Most of that money and a billion dollars in food assistance. The poor starving children here, the dumb king of the federal minimum wage was in it, but it looks like a bottle of terror. Parliamentarian said you can't do that in this bill
two billion dollars to expand broadband access. They say that's for co bid. If I'm and charitable I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Like that's one of the stretch, ones. That right is, it has to more. People are and zoom calls and and everyone's working from home, right, dreader airline- I mean I M in communities in poor communities. They may not have broadband access for school for school is like other, it's the again that's a stretch, but I can at least tie took over now. I'd like to see how stretch Stretch Armstrong can go on this one too. in seventy billion dollars for the national endowment for the arts and humanity. Now that's covered. You know. Why Because those theatres are struggling, those theater was high and those artists have not been able to work or have an audience. What are they going to? Do? I don't know get another job, but what it isn't
We have all sorts of unemployment insurance built into this bill, so worrier gadding right and we have well verily loans upkeep on on. You know these these big beautiful building. The Kennedy Centre, which is why they have, alas, hones in an abandoned intolerance and two hundred million dollars for the Institute for Library and museum services. Now, let me just say this: as a guy who is working on a library and museum and building one can get some of this money. Maybe I can get some of this right. I don't mind expenses could be zero, except for rent right now, because I can't let anybody in here. come in to a museum, your unit Have these museums in these libraries and watching an open web
Why do you need extra money? fight of fifty million dollars for environmental justice grants You have ten million dollars for, and this is covered related ten million dollars for native american language preservation, sort of way Djokovic has does a lot of damage did kills languages, he kills language native american language. Only native language is ism, is killing the english language, but Cove id apparently killed the native american language, third round of relief checks of fourteen hundred dollars, for Americans adds up to four hundred and twenty two billion. That's what I think people thing the covert bill, really relief, Billy riding, that's what they think it is you're out of work out what it is, you're getting money right that that that one makes some stimulus sense and to lobby rail. I that's what people think of this right, except four hundred and twenty two billion for,
everybody affected in the United States with over four hundred and twenty two million is what you get, but the state it's the blue states on top of that because the. You know. Andrew Cuomo has been struggling to mean the cupboard is bear a people can move it out of a state right. I mean how are we going to deal with all these empty buildings and empty offices? Vague at three hundred and fifty billion dollars in bailouts. Now not this It's like Texas, not the stable of Florida. South Dakota. Are you kidding me only This states that did the right thing and really shut their state down there get three hundred and fifty billion dollars, while every and visual in America is only worth four hundred and twenty two billion one. and twenty twenty nine billion dollars to open schools, Are you do that when for free teachers
get your ass in the classroom or you're fired on Monday that didn't see anything? Somebody should try that, for a billion dollars for higher education, because you can't expect Yale to dip in to their trust funds. thirty nine billion dollars for chairing a child care. Here's one one point: five billion dollars for am track. fifty billion dollars for FEMA ninety billion for mass transit. Because let me tell you something there is nothing american needs more than that maintenance work on the bridge between New York in Canada, in the course of three hundred million dollar metro tunnel, but The extension of the six point, five mile extension in
Silicon Valley, because those poor guys in Silicon Valley, how are they going to get to work? A mature helicopter you know. Hover board a bunch of their employees, carrying them into the office. Tat, of course, need extension of six point. Five miles for a hundred million dollars, a fifty sorry for ten billion dollar payroll support for airlines, and this is two hundred and forty six billion dollars, four hundred dollars a week more in federal, enhanced unemployment benefit fits through August. now, the ceo has said this increase of money will now increase the unemployment rate as well as decrease the labour force in job participation, since
employment will be more profitable than finding a job. There's your economic stimulus, There is what's gonna fix the country there, My friend, along with all of the the Quality ACT, which is going to help the small business man and the church, she's gonna help them so much it's gonna, be. oh good, for your children. That is just the beginning of the consequence your neighbour or somebody down the street that yeah, I believe, in the constitution and didn't get their fat ass out of the chair Continue this conversation after the sparingly
said the other day, heavenly stress in your life. no I'm just remodeling my entire house, while living in it. I've got to teenage children that are still not back in school. Have you seen the news? No stress at all if you are selling your house, may I recommend real estate agents, I trust dot com. You know they don't believe in it they're, not about balloons and gimmicks gotta be turned out, offers left or right up. Jelly ever used, cub see thou because all the blues that I've done do? You know ST sides all around the house? I got about four blocks. Little sizeable out, it's gotta be crazy. I gotta go tap dance routine. I do us early hello by hardy, hello, bye, baby, it's great! If you don't that singing frog as your real estate agent may, I suggest
real estate agents. I trust outcome. We ve done the work and found the ones that bore the mode successful are the ones that also have the best track record for we know with customers, they listen to their customers, that customers are happy afterwards. They get you the most money. They can sell your house on time as fast as anyone else can or faster, preferably its. Real estate agents, I trust dotcom. These are the people in your neighborhood near area that have the right connections to get the job done You do an interview after Rio state agents, I trust dot com. If you're looking for the best go their priests, was to u real estate agents. I trust dot com, plan? What can we do? What did we do? We know the problem. I contend. Most people do not know the problem, they a portion of it, but they have no idea of the reality of the.
earn their living, and now they think they're living in the world of even last year they are not. Living in that world. It's completely different and my job every day is to decide I the world you now live in so you wake up by it's a little like the matrix wake up. it's no longer the world, you think it is it's entirely different. That means your strategy has to change and people ask me: what do I do? why do? First of all, I really I appreciate the fact that you would think that I have a solution I am just like you. We are this together? What do I do? Get with your local community strength the bonds with your neighbors talk to each
other get on your school board get into City Council stand up in your business. That's what you do theirs grand solution to this, its individual standing up and and saying I'm not taking this course, I'm not taking it, because I yes, I'm white, but I'm not a racist, and I won't hear this racist talk of care. arising, rising a whole group of people we didn't do it with, islam- I won't do it with Christianity. I won't do it with blacks. I won't do it with whites it's wrong, but the mole important thing you can do is just find the courage, and no what's worth fighting for, no one worth being alienated for. Last night, my son and I watched saving private Ryan. He had never seen it and he's a year. he's talking to me enemies. I mean you think. I'm bet he's like that. You know it
The fact is, on this economic shut up just watch the movie we got to the end of it. And they re Jose, save Premier Rhine, but at the end of it what Tom Hanks, says to private Ryan. Rings fresh and new he says earn this. Earn. This. Just watching the beach seems. Knowing what people have sacrificed for so long. have we earn this. Are we living a good life? Are we living a decent life? Are we contributing. Are we building this? Are we honouring their sacrifice? earn this.
goin back hello, America, it's Friday. Yes, indeed, another exciting episode programme with Bill O coming up in just a second first. Let me tell you about re con. great news when you run across a product, especially when it's one that you use every day and it perfectly balances great design it. It's really really superior in the way it sounds the way it works and its half the eyes of something that those short cord bastards apple charge, you for airports, so many complaints about why apple anyway rake on it, Is it it's the ear buds that I wear it their rate?
their sleek, their good. Looking there not stupid little sticks that stick out two years. I hate that so they're comfortable, they don't fall out when you walking I mean some would say they follow when I exercise I would knowing about that. But no fall out of your ears when you're gonna, you know you're moving their comfortable. I wear them sometimes to go to bed. As I listened to a book on tape, and their comfortable there. Ray Cons right now, they're offering fifteen percent off all of their products there already about half the cost of any apple product. Fifth, percent off additionally and What you have to do to get it go to buy. ray con dot com, slash back fifteen percent off now by re con dotcom, slash back, do now by rail Dotcom, slash back yes, Mr Bill O Reilly is joining us now.
claimed off of killing crazy horse and also its new book is coming out. Killings mob I'd against organised crime in America and of course we will be talking about that on, most of this channel, with a very gracious grant from the MECCA their foundation. Meanwhile, let's slums and talk about today's news with bill? O Reilly bill What's the most important story of the week the border. unreported. On billoreilly dot com, you spend a lot of time on it last night on the no spin news, so it's happening on the board at the southern border going to influence. He rode coming up in two years for the House and the Senate, and what people don't
we stand, I didn't even know all, is what I put my super sluice on it to you now get real down Microsoft is stuff. YO by MR, he doesn't know, what's happening in mixed got, he doesn't know we care either. If you look at it, history about migration has never been a guy It's been proactive in that area happening is that Mexican? itself now that is gone because Mexico feared Donald Trump, they feared him and they basically cooperated by taking Asylum seekers letting them stay in Mexico. That was the trunk program. You can come to the United States. and ass for asylum and stay. Asked we put you across. What are you gonna stay in Mexico? Real everybody remembers that right. That's done.
Georgia is, you know when I do this anymore, Even though the United States is essentially Pang Fort Oberdoffer you know I don't really want to speculate, but you stole. The United States will not cooperate in cartel narcotics investigations, we're not gonna, stop the Mai french and coming from Central America we're not to keep here on the northern border, while you guys they either asylum cases, so that that's a try fact that right there right What news organisations cover that outside of the outside of the conservative media, would, I would gather not none of the corporate media covered it. with any gonna shove. Why? Why? Wouldn't they cover these? When this is probably the most important national slide far new story there is that enough, thirty seven days by has totally totally
I turned around all the same was a Donald Trump did, which pretty much stopped there advance and amassing trespassing on board. What why wouldn't report Ok, so I may I offer a theory. I remember at Fox NEWS when we working together, there were things that you would cover that I thought were really important, but I didn't cover them and it wasn't that they weren't important. It was because you were taking care of that base and it'll me to talk about something else, because it was so important and I think that two other stories that fall into this trifecta of dust, reduction of Amerika and the one I think most Americans, especially if a are christian if they are religious and if Have children is the Quality act yeah there.
it is a fine, but it's not gonna, get through Now, every discern any of that gets through. I just talked ran Paul. He said he thought it. Would Bulgaria sixty because I feel about it. I'll see as possible, did ramparts waned. No, he didn't know tat. Well, just me the reason that I'm not pop up and down about this because Essentially this two paragraph story: Most Americans will want protections for gay people. I don't want them to be bullied. Certainly when I taught icicle I saw that first and where kids were feminine. My boys were feminine were really really bullied and it was horrible and no one wants that and the federal government can easily Stan Protection in the workplace and you can't be fired, but you gay company to Ngos and oppose that, but what
build eyes is, if you are big and a cake, Guy says I want your kids. at my wearing any though I can only do that, because at all grieve, real his way with your out. Not he loves you. how do we or you or the feds, prosecute you right? Ok, so that that's you, and daddy. You is there. I don't think, there's anybody outside of the Euro Macao, Turkey and in a well, but there is more, there is more to this. There is also the compelling of speech you know why can't we just all get along and just use the pronoun that they are asking to use? Remember the high school teacher he Abyssinia again. Stock? It? It's not gonna rise. So, though, if this law were passed me pretty much the same law that bad ex skin, color and political
which way in that kind of thing, no, no, no, no whip component that you would have to cooperate with gaze, even if you didn't believe inside it's it's not just it's it's not just that it is. It is the bathroom issue. It is the people who are in transition competing in in Girls sports! It's me legal professionals not being able to say hey this. You know this is not necessarily good for your child. To do this. it is the fact that it doesn't matter if you're a church or a charity you won't. Have you no transgender person working at your church, you are in in deep deep trouble, I mean it's, it is Well, that's why I'm telling you it's not gonna get in the way I do it. Then I got a passion,
the Republicans block at any sixty votes, because your filibuster it so what I want to do at the filibustering Yok. This thing his patent law, the way the way the House road it. You know what happens if I know that's what I'm gonna go out. They pick out, was dolphin and and then it goes around around around around but don't like any of its gonna, get him around. So let's let's go with the other story: the covert relief package, one we nine, trillion dollars which includes the eight billion dollars a bail out for union pensions, Jar how about the four billion dollars to pay off loans for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers? Now I would blame the that's me there is no you're gonna get you I'm rancher and there's no one more socially dissidents,
antigen among ranchers than mere linkage. You get the first, I'm right, you know, but if, if you're, why you need not apply the the billions for the national endowments the billions of bade bailouts for blue states, ten million dollars for native american language preservation fifty million dollars for environmental justice grants it looks like it is the beginning of what he can, letter when you're getting paid to do nothing but write poetry for Nancy Policy, enough knows that wealth fair its base, minimum income, looks labour, universal basic income and looks like that is also in here I mean it is, it's a mess. Do me, that's why I asked olenin they'll take another banana cod o o
delay at another four or five months and meantime, then I hope that this vaccine in is kicking in which it is by the way. We look at the stats from Christmas. Eve to last night. We we put those that up last night, the number new cases has declined in sixty seventy percent. Anyway, look I'm, a guy that spend a lot of time on propose legislation. Once it comes up for a vote, then I get in because these kinds of things have a way of being delay their boolean wave change water down all of this stuff. This psychological thing, though, is, if you look at the poles that most people go well, could be old enough to my truck I'll call minutes because they don't take the time stand. You know how much insanity is in the bill and how much of a waste of money a lot of stuff is because it out you know people starving people want their money there there urban and saw it
propaganda tool as long as it's her love for the Democratic Party, but that's the country we live in you go back to the media meeting. I do say what you said. Are they gonna tell, people allow this isn't a bill and as always diamonds, why they do not know, that really is essential problem that we have in this country. Right now is that where we have a news blackout, We ve been news black. I mean people vote. No, what the deuce, what's goin on when you ever behavior accusation against Governor Cuomo and none of the network news covers head and take the two level gables, don't mention it. Are you kidding me? How do you called it? The cabin offset so they are willing to whip up cabin ah and destroy his family and his children, and they want been mentioned this and always say they would Biden. I mean everything,
about tromp any accusation against drop back everywhere right. the women were on tv are unable to have credibility and you're on tv, absolutely vital. Much the same thing and its Where will put it in a Hunter Biden, capsule and not mention it? To me I mean I stay away from all stop because I don't know what happened, Do it up, and I mean I can't point a finger Anybody, I'm not saying anything Let me the black out of a news, absolutely unbelievable. Aright hang on levy. Let me go to the facts of covert and what's happening on the ground in New York with Governor Cuomo and because Stew and we ve had this conversation. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it looks like theirs beginning of a movement in the Democratic Party to eject him. I want to talk about him. I also wanted about the year.
the the new assistant secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, who and through her confirmation hearing yesterday, I don't want it about the the Trans part of it. I want to talk about. This woman actually believes How radical she is- and I after corrects on the ran, didn't tell me that it would pass that the bill would pass he's. She will be. She will confirmed because there Gotta be a lot of Republicans. They want a position that they are not haters, it's not about, who she's chosen to be its it. Policies that are so bad can just a second with Bill O Reilly. Sponsor this half hour is american financing. Today is the first day of the rest of your mortgage how's that for a Friday pick me up her. It does
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but the New York Democrats with Quabo New York is now trying to get to the California radical left status, their desperately Albany's trying to be Sacramento. Where did they get undressed and the dynamic of the state should remain. Working Party is totally blown up here, even though Thou trumpet impeded outside New York City fairly well in an estate as no leader hereby Republic in a lot of their former leaders? Are in prison We need Europe, the robot Your body urges the worst salt. Ah the Democrats now Now they are open field, They can impose crazy, starve and try to get it in forever. almost not radical enough for them. yeah. I know the way sold, so the push back is not because
he killed a bunch of people in nursing homes night about it and made money on it, not at our care about that. These people are waiting in the weeds, Cortez, the leader of this crew guy, named They came from queens, as is the Eu Logo Guy there waitin for coma, screw up weight so way way way on Anti Kim? Do you believe that he was telling the truth about that phone call. yeah. I yelled it into Kim the other day I caught him talking to yell he's such as the guy is just a dweeb Everyone yielded Andy any walks out of a thousand American aroused aright. Nobody likes so yeah como you'll get everybody and Como. I mean people, don't even care me yelling and these running around and we re just Andrea now come on
Please stand that an Como yells people folk were threatened springboard for uses mob tactics. Now I love you, you don't kill you ok and refined ass, the ketchup, so this is all about your crap and Andrew Como they always so our again and he saw a light, but are people who really like him very, very much gee? I don't know what he knows, but he's the godfather to Billy jewels to young daughters. There were close and in Kosovo can be very charming and in it's gotta, be Social said here on Long Island Armine heroes Michael Corleone was very charming as well. Now, Michael, was in need of Sunday was but anyway, the plan on Nepal the far left New York get him out and put even further left alone in there somewhere,
Cosmo sign the no bow a law on. Ok one. Would Simon no prison law, you I'm talking talking about that's what these people are doing, that couldn't care less about the poor, nursing homes ass, they don't care about the analogy is yelling at people or whatever else the accusation is they got him on a ropes, then all I can personally, and they're going to try to take him out, and you know what they will he's gone. I think I don't think he comes back. from any of this. I think there will be a new governor you're probably eke out his term. We don't have recall here in New York his new? Some, I don't think nuisance go survive the year, but here I dont the guilt, each him, they'll censure him and centuries How do you do this? That's what's entered the right,
tell me about Gavin Newsome. What do you think happens in California, because that is not a movement to get someone more radical in now now show you're gonna happen. They got signatures, so they have to validate the signatures and then so anyway. Wait. Do you believe that there is going to be any problems with the validation products, because you're gonna have more than two million. They only need one fine, I mean everybody hates Newsome out there that french laundry thing and the Hare moose they're, just tired of it. They want of an early warning that we're tired of the ceremony just reserve, announced yesterday, one point: eight to five million. There are already at an look legging get as many as they want. So then it gets put on the ballot in summer time, probably August in there and along with the. U want, get a new some out or not. You have to answer that men, or other
bull to replace him on the same ballot, and then you get one. I'd like to further our conversation on just so who do you think they're going to choose as well as some of the other stories that are happening this week. The story on the Navy now doing critical race theory training that all white people are bad, what's happening with our military, the troops, the stand down and schools with bill orally gonna persons programme, Sometimes you just makes sense as it does me. I mean it's weird. It's weird How are we pay? Is up, there is Andrew Cuomo you're right you,
governor YU. Let me ask you a question, or I say, other type of person. Other goes a snitch in on your boss, because he sexually arrest you a few times dire and the very next day get out you wore a g in your car and won't star. Maybe one of the one other computer chips went wrong in removed and cut your breaks barrier to saying. Maybe something radically goes wrong and you put your key and his thought. The car alien boys up. You know what I'm saying. Maybe you should have added fix my rim. Maybe you should or car shield car she'll drive with confidence like I do if anything happens, you're protected
Well, not anything Andrew Promo, not included coverage today and see what cartoon cars go. Further. Eight hundred six five twenty one. Fifty seven mentioned the promo code back or visited car shield, dotcom, promo code back safe, ten percent car shield, dot com and last day for thirty bucks off your subscription to police tv go to blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenda, promo code is Glenn more with bill, O Reilly from Bill O Reilly that come next this is the Glen Back Programme talking Deville, O Reilly cause it's Friday bill. Tell me you're talking about Richard Grenelle as a possible candidate in California. Have you heard any names that you thought could rip he's gotta Newsome, well yeah in San Diego, a former mayor, there he's gonna run Ganem, two new some beat last time is a republican stalwart, he's gonna run,
Is there a big name out there that you know Arnold Schwarzenegger. You got in because very closure. Remember Britain. They booting greater this out and then on to his on the ballot in deep thought that for an Yemen, are they are you going to see a Is there a? Conservative, lean at all, I can say it's a wave, but is there a lean at all now is? Is California changing, or is this just about Gavin sucks well observed. Folks are angry Because you know museum, he had done the entire state, putting all the gems at a business in the restaurants in her angry about almost sooner angry manually angry. They can see the deteriorate but is as high as it is this something that the average person seas, girls? You know, maybe that's our policies or Audio Lincoln aim it in the eye. Not that link it in into liberal philosophy.
Gee, I don't know what they're doing that that would have to be done with a study or something were angry and the other french laundry thing were Mr Moosehead, when to the most expensive restaurant and never mask and did everything he pulled. Everybody else not to do that. Pretty much did him in, but it is the full a fee of irresponsible liberalism under fire in California, minority state men, imagining that with any disparagement toward minorities, but it's a minority state now and- people are voting well was gonna. Give me a again every but a lot of who or what am I gonna get. What am I gonna get? Ok and then you know what party does that? So I don't know if ideology is gonna change out there Let's talk a little bit about C pack, president.
is coming to see. Pack he's gonna, be speaking on Sunday What do you think he's gonna say well Miller, is guy just came out and said, he's not going to look back and he's not going to re litigate the election, which would be smart for him. Not to do that. Do you think he's got that. few gaps in the body do an hour. He listened to me. He would do it, but he doesn't listen to me back, which is just astounding. How could someone not listen now about half the country has made a very good happy life for themselves, but not sure about that, but I would open up with here is the kind of election reform we need in America. Ok it and then five bullet here is what we have to do at the next election. Is rise with controversial now that
All engage the people who believe that he got host right then with their scream, and for he wouldn't look. I got just some guy who is better and he is advancing solutions to what is a legitimate problem for most Americans, not the media, but most Americans, and so you should open with that and then man, you got a border, just as I said at the beginning of this conversation. Ache and roll on that rule on stock market is imploding eager to use that because by the end of today, that mark is going to be down significantly this week and then it gets so high? I can bide my news in his jammies. He doesn't know what he's doing and get away with it, because you got You know, stop, not a market might be back up next week, but now pretty painful week. So The essential thing is that, whether you like proper, not he was engaged in the press,
but I say this is the most important point for everybody. Listening right now: the guy engaged in it. Ok is easier reader. Is he an analytical guy, like Obama? Now, but every day I mean he was there and they were discussing how to make. Great again. That's what he did by is not engaged at all in problem solved, he's just doing what they tell him. How do you say that with authority, because I know people y know ranking people and they were already worried. They are already worry because they know it's such a short time between now and the mid terms that if you get it one to point a chaos at the border and listen economy, and they also know that Americans are paying it is seventy cents, more per gallon, a gasoline thirty, seven days after the guy was inaugurated. I mean that's just a fact,
and that's gonna go to a book and a half by summer. Because a fossil fuel industry gallery Mr Biden you're going you're going to hurt our business and you're going to do. That's why in Z and we're going to spend all this money to transition, so we're going to hose the folks down, raise all the prices, which is exactly what they're doing back to my analysis that Americans know any of those they certainly know their pay and more. The gas pomp right after know that I'm yellin it saw down here. My down, all of it do all that said ward. Then he looking to make Mr O Ladys had to pay. What's on the pomp I said, but they the media is not telling you any of that. Just like all Jos, the greatest guy look at Joe in jail change your late. You know they had their lives on you tonight.
Delicious so and they had a log in the fire. Let me I know I love that story. Let me let me ask you about a change and I don't here. Any reply blueskins honestly, it does. Bother me, but it a huge change, one that only Obama really seem to break and that work? when your President and Europe Mr President, you shut up about the next president, but that's gone that is gone. I was gone and is a good thing or a bad thing. I don't care out of me. I mean I'm Obama's on doing a pipe gadget. Bruce Springsteen and I are used to call it last night- and I are Borelli- died broadcast and a clear boys Obama's changes reparation stance a little bit. It was I'm goin out, but he thought,
for about a minute and thirty on reparation, Bruce Springsteen did not say a word. I dont know a bruise no What reparations are, I am not quite sure he was dead. Bruce was there he is blocked. look on his face. Like What is this stuff, but anyways Obama's get the pied gas is always gonna go in and he's gonna say what he wants to say because you make some money doing it so is the fewer it see back and you are speaking to the Republicans gas. I know I thought today that the thing that I would say you must now organize in your states and strengthen the states and make sure your passing all these laws to mix that your state is solid on the on the election, to arrange an absolutely.
What would what advice? Would you give the Republican Party that seems to be ready to hoist the trumped twenty twenty four flag? and, and men just start heading down that for the next four years. Why advice. Would you give them well I've number one republican Party as got to have a sense of humor. I it's and that sounds too right, but it is it s all right now. the independent block is growing in America, people a bail out both parties- I don't wanna, be Republicans Democrats. I just want to be able to whoever daylight, but you ve got a condom, bring it down to a basis where everybody understands it, you can do Abiola Middle Ideological, stop. Some of you oppose the the bill of for the trend. Gender gaze on all this guy you guys, I looked it up, we don't
didn't. We want to protect them. We understand that it politically children get battered, but it is this arose a huge part of religious freedom which is keep it contained, keep it so everyone can understand it. So I would say you have to the Party of logic. Ok, there what you need to be ended, you have to have a sense of humor about your presentation as all of you, criticized Biden. You don't bring a sledge hammer you just we criticise him in it in a general way that gets the point across this guy really is not engaged in solving any problem. You're gonna make it make allow work, you're describing Ronald Reagan. But you know Reagan was an idea alive and I think those days are over
a regular conservative ideologues that the Soviet Union was evil at those days in America or God. Now it's all presentation in presenting the best man? That's why drop one, because he paid I did so much better than his republic. Opposition in sixteen ok look let me ask you have one final question say, and this is never gonna happen, certainly never on purpose. Let's just say, Donald Trump is hit by. We know Joe Biden Amtrak one day come let coincidence who who else is there? Besides? tromp that could pick up the mantle at this time Kirsty, nor the governor of South Dakota Lover? I knew it back see what about?
yeah Florida governor around us and TAT is tat. Spite he ate. All the Republican Party needs a new look and governor norm would prevent that. Would you not yeah. I might. I might put this those are the two norm, santas dissenters, strong, You know he did a good job and covered thing down there. They did and oh yeah batter those are probably to best governors and cover it. So you might put those together, but you need a new look if you're not gonna go with Trump, and by the way at the economy does collapse. Then, I've got a lot, I think so too, I have some sort of it dies. Every just waiver version people a mad, but they're, not desperate Then you might go for a new look and no one knows what's gonna happen. Tromp I mean he saw. Loud or situation surrounding images never ends bill orally.
Thank you so much anything you want to talk about your nobody. I made a few pre order, killing the model we talked about last night. The Susie anniversary of Mohammed Ali, who was an catches, clay, beaten, Swanny lesson that fight was fixed, and we go into great detail and can also wasn't one of the again be no crime, family, die last night yeah that was God, he's a brother yeah, ok, but with that small stuff compared to what we are in killing a mom small stuff yeah that was fixed and we go. Logically, through how they did it. Catches quite didn't know he didn't know. But that's, which is one of the many many things that's and killing just real, quick them almost assassinated desi aren't as Lucille Ball. you're kidding for what nowhere I'm not gonna tell you now, but these the things that we got in there and
or comes out before you can pre ordered Anville, O Reilly dot com. If you do, we give you fifty percent off killing crazy horse an amazing deal. So, thank you. Forgive me that I'm here welcome and Bill orally books will probably at some point. all be taken off of Amazon? because of hate speech, or something like that and you they're all accurate. I know I know that our there and I know that money lying arise and I come after me. I'd like to charge you for that commercial. There anyway, Bill O Reilly at Billow, Riley Dotcom, killing the mob thanks so much built Ok, blinds dot com. You been feeling that weird urge lately to start changing some of things. Your home, spent a year thing about it? spent a year to flattened the curve here since we all went. Oh home depots open for some strange reason.
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This is the Glen Back Programme today on my Glenn back exclusive on the blaze you're. The guy is a big day two big day it's the day that we award the hippos and a hip always spelled H. Why ppm Four hypocrites is people who say: don't you know you gotta wear a mask but when they are there behind your back they're not wearing a mask that we're looking for the biggest hypocrites? a covert for the twenty twenty one hippo awards, it's gonna be a lot of fun. You dont want to visit on blaze TV, yes, by last day for thirty bucks off your subscription blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn, promo code is glad, I could bring in the Us Guinea PIG today. If you all these guinea pig, Yes, we have a skinny pig at the house now, which is a hairless guinea pig, so he's not Guinea have skills knowledge, actually rotund,
he exhorted looks like you. Gotta get em at one way. He looks like a sweet potato s kind of like you with legs, yes to sweep it, it would like us, but you will- look at him and is especially with his his face. His name's George, by the way he ll like a miniature hippopotamus, you have to bring it that'll be the that'll, be the dance number towards the open. You have to bring him and dry George needs a tv Davy Tv Tv is a skinny big scale. How big is this guy? Just like it? It's a legitimately just like a normal guinea pig. It just doesn't have any hair on it, and so they call it a skinny pic. I guess, can you know not relent me? I don't know. I was really frightening. Is I know the answer to this? That's kids didn't buy- that I want that there was a hundred percent, my life. He eagerly. If she's look at our Instagram page, she posts nine hundred and sixty five pictures a day of it. That's what they're?
How will we own a zoo? I really do now, yes, and it also started so wonderfully yet what happened at the club programme?
hello America. It's Friday. The good news is funding is coming your wig. If you have suffered under cope in well, it's not coming directly to you. It is probably going to your union, oh you're, not an union. You should get into a union because those are good union jobs. You should do that and and if you're a farmer there is real help coming for you. Well, I mean less you're a white farmers. Your white farmer, I mean, haven't you haven't yet? Don't you have enough really we're talking about the black farmers? There's lots of money coming for you no strings attached to that, I'm sure and its it's great also if your state has been struggling. Well, I mean if Europe, if you're a blue state, your registry, screw you because you didn't play by the rules, are I in point nine trillion dollar covert nineteen relief package,
to a member of Congress who has been shouting from the rooftops warning in sixty seconds. It's Friday programme So if you been living with pain- and you want to get your life back, I'm here too U I understand, first hand what it's like, I understand getting up every morning, you and I can do it another day. I get it. I've tried every Hang everything I mean. I I mean chinese mess chinese, venison redone. That me I did that you know the poking needles in your ear, lobes in all over your back gap done that gone to the male clinic done that Gordo or for three days it. You know another big hospital in New York on that nothing, hey how about some really strong drugs? I'd rather not do that.
I've done that and nothing worked until tried relief factor? Some of would work- and I would make me into somebody I didn't want to be or- it would work and then it would stop working. I've been linking relief factor for three years now- and I have to tell you- I am back to my old self. I don't have that kind of pain anymore, and I relief factor to thank for it relief factor dot com, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief factor dot com, Nicole Meliot Talk is. Is the Congress person brand new in the in the house from New York? She joins us now to give us the details on the vote.
Point nine trillion dollar covert. Nineteen relief package; Nicole how're you greek language, to be with you. I appreciate you have me onto expose what is actually happening in the spill. Yes, oh I read. I read a lot of stuff. The media is busy spinning this, of course, as this is all gonna help those states that are really in need and all those people that are really need. I read it. That way, can you, Can you fill us in with the facts on what is in this bill or well. First of all, I think what people need to understand is that there is a trillion dollars left over from the previous package, show Congress it and take the time to really identify where the need is where we could push potentially be shifting resources ensuring that we came out with something that was tailored and specific to the needs of struggling Americans and small businesses are way way way way way way way way way. Oh, I want to make sure I understand this,
a trillion dollars in you know some fictitious bank account that they vote Eddie approved that hasn't been sent out there, Frank so in education. Spun spending to reopen schools- some of it is Pii Pii Pii money for small business on my arm. So so so then the interesting thing, an upward, the education finding is that the CDC said it would cost twenty five billion to reopen school safely across Amerika. Yet they put sixty four billion dollars in the previous package with them. majority of it unspent and, as you know, many schools, including those in my city, remain closed, and Half of that they want to could not a hundred and thirty billion dollars in this package with ninety five percent of that funding not being able to be spent until after the after this yourself over, so the estimate is debt to real. in schools. It would cost twenty five billion, but between the unspent money in the last bill
and the new bill. They are sending our schools two hundred billion dollars that that is correct, and so what I say is only under mismanage government owing when Democrats are in control, do things and costing, times as much as originally estimated. So so what what exactly is the? What what did they say? How is what is the response on two hundred million dollars for schools, there's been no response as a matter of fact, as they keep insisting that this is for real opening America schools. We know that thought the case number one, because the estimates were an eighth of what they are putting into this fund. The second thing is that the money is restricted to be used for over years has not emergency funding unless they anticipate that the national reopen schools for a whole year. So to give an example in New York State, my state, Governor Como, did receive four billion.
as for school. Yet many of our schools remained closed rise day. I'm just reopen middle school in New York City. Schools- Chancellor just resigned about an hour ago and its because, I believe, really because he hasn't been able to successfully roll out the opening of these schools and, like the catholic schools, have in our city near me, just to recommend for anybody who is struggling to figure out how to open schools the first thing you have to do. Is teachers you're to report to class on Monday, if not you're fired. That would be the first dude, open up schools. Maybe it's just me. You also in this bill. Arbe are but we are. We are finding now that there is a eighty six billion dollars of our tax dollars
to rescue union pension funds Yeah I mean look about that scenario. There's a lot in the air, which is why we call it the policy pay off bill, not the actual covert relief bill. So it's not you, you know a bail out for pensions, but you actually have a three point: five billion dollars going overseas internationally for the global health fund for age, Burke allowances and malaria good cause, but thing is: why is the amendment of the american people picking up eighty percent of the tab for this international organizations. Expenditures cause that's what three point five billion dollars equates to, and this is time when even our diplomats overseas haven't even had access to the vaccine than the other going to show you how bloated this package is less than one percent goes to a vaccine, production and distribution, and you ask any Democratic Republic in local leader or national leader, and they will tell you that the vat
seen development distribution is the number one thing to getting us back on track. So the fact that its only waiting for big less than one percent and I had to use theory by the way to figure that out because How can we use and got to one try to one point: nine trillion dollars, but when calculated, I hear your Alexei, you find out that point nine point: seven percent of the entire package is going to what is said to be the number one priority that that is how the loaded the this bill is. Nicole. It is their gimme, your new to Congress. So let me ask you, Are you worse than you thought it would be or better or about what you expected, but unfortunately, to vary polarizing in my first mouth was in great of, is a very polarizing burst momentum
me. Oh, the fact that we lost the Senate was not helpful because there's no balance anymore. They changed the rules in this procedure so that when they don't even need any republican votes, they they changed from sixty vote requirement. They changes to fifty one votes using or what budget reconciliation, and so the other basically showed us out of this process. And now you know why, because they wanted to dream on all this pork into this bill and an as a new Yorker. I can say look of course I want my city to have money, but we also want to count ability- and I dont trust this mayor or this governor. I believe that they'll take the federal funds in a still increase the taxes that are driving New Yorkers out there ready talkative posing higher income taxes and stock transfer attacks, mere de Palacio increases the property tax levy every single year they just ink. He's told on our roadways, and so they're, taking the money in the still gonna take from the people and with India
Think about the way the Democrats set up. This formula is that they changed it based on population to now based on unemployment rate, so governors like when a Cuomo and get a new, some are actually being rewarded for shutting down economies and driving people out of work. So it's very disheartening to see how this is playing out, but I was a member of the New York State legislature. So in the minority in some kind of use to the this, these types of games being played them hope for that. We'll be able to actually work together in a bipartisan fashion and something like the present said he wanted. do even though he hasn't try get so I I was just talking to Bill O Reilly and he said what was happening in the New York House. An assembly was that The Democrats are going after Cuomo, not because of any of the scandals, but because he's not radical enough deeply. that's true or is, is or is the debt are the Democrats that's in New York, waking up to Cuomo neither
seeing the Democrats in New York or getting a lot of sure from their constituents demanding answers and families were demanding justice the governor made a bad mistake by implementing this order, that mandate, nursing homes except covert positive patients. Then he under reported it to the public the number of deaths that, as a result of that and then he Stone Wall, the legislature they try to get answers. Then his own chief of staff admitted that they were covering up the whole thing simply because they do not want the Department of Justice to gain access to this information. Then he bullied one of the Democratic assembly members who stood up to him because his uncle died a nursing home so I think they're getting very tired of the governors antics this new Yorkers are actually join me in adding their aim at that enough, Cuomo Doc, I want to send a message that they want the governor to resign and
This has only been exacerbated now by the fact that a young woman who is part of his administration has come forward with sexual harassment claims. So I think the demo it's really are starting to get tired of the governor yeah he's been governor for three year. Three terms: he does use bullying tactics to get what he wants. He is vindictive- and I think that here outdoing his welcome both with other democratic state, but also with the people, which is why call members have just been dropped, so much of it last month. So with him and the Plaza Are- and I I would love to know this in California as Well- but you- u or from the EU so you might have a good handle in New York. with Cuomo into Blasi O the wreckage that has done with these policies, especially because of covert our art. people just wanting to get rid of them, or they tying them also to the policies that are so damaging.
I they are, they are tying them to their policies because they are the ones who put forward these arbitrary restriction. And these indeed it shut down that occurred at local economy that have led to thousands people losing their jobs better, put small This is people's livelihoods, in on your schools, the parents, teachers and students, they speak, you want to go back to school, and that is upsetting children don't have school athletics, any more, which is another big issue. Not a lot of one of these restrictions that they put in place lacked common sense, but you can the jam, but you cankered the yoke a studio You can you can you brought me, can I escaped, and in may I go to an ice king pavilion escape which can have hockey leaks? It doesn't make any sense and so it is a lot of frustration and New York City were being treated differently than the rest. The state, the rest is seated at fifty percent cut city for indoor dining. A New York City was shut down for so long and finally, we got twenty five
then it kept pushing. We gonna more now a thirty five percent inching up toward fifty, but why are we being treated differently than the rest of the state? So people are upset about this They see that the governor and the mayor had we too much power and note the in his power needs to be rescinded. I've said that repeatedly Absolutely they never mind the democratic dragging their feet, but they finally up it, go in, do it and take back their power as a co, equal branch of government and in work too reopen this economy and get children back to school, get people back to work. I have to tell you, I think, between what companies are have discovered, with zoom in and virtual work, etc, etc, and the absolute devas nation that has been done to Manhattan and and your district in southern Brooklyn and Staten island- I don't
and I know you won't agree with us- I'm sure, but I dont see New York City ever recovering to the continuity of the city that it once was at least four decade, How how power you? How is that area going to pay for all of the services that it needs and have promised? when everybody's moving away companies are react, trodden down your arms, gee right about the policies that have been put in place that are driving people out. I do have hoped that city will recover that We do have a mayors reason, hoping that somebody who will be really really tried her rollback some of this stuff. Mayor did I mean look at whether a beach defending the police, which was a completely ridiculous idea. Sledges crime skyrocketing
We had a lot of mismanagement, mismanagement of our tax dollars, which is why I am so concerned with billions more coming to New York, but I do believe that it is up to the people the people have to be vocal. They have to complain in. I ran for mayor of New York City TWAIN. Seventeen, I think, we'd be better position had I won the elections Fortunately, this mayor spend more and more money in the problems get worse and worse, so that is the definition of mismanagement. I think so I think we could be doing differently to tackle our homeless crisis, to make sure our streets are safer, to make sure that our trains are running to make sure that our children are getting a good education in person. You'll be these are things they think are. Unfortunately, government has just strayed from the basics of what is supposed to be doing. My people expect you to keep them safe, give their kids a good education picture. Traffic has fallen, the trains are running on time,
it can show that is an environment where jobs can grow and unfortunately, straight into all sorts of areas. Did I get back to the basics enough? What I'm gonna be pushing for speaking out for both here in Washington and went back home in New York City. Thank you so, Shhh Congresswoman, Nicole Maylie attacks from New York, Thanks for checking in with us, I appreciate it. Let me tell you about: Rectec has spring believe it or not, is right around the corner and one way to forget everything is to just go out and Grill now if you're still in a state where you are locked in on bad weather, you all so can still not go out and grill rector has the smart, green technology. That is absolutely unbelievable. You can run everything on you're on your smartphone. You can said a timer like me, you know- go to church. We want to do some brisket or something we go to church in the morning.
And we just put the brisket on there and weakens hard it while we're ok are started right now. You know during the hymns. If you want to, I wouldn't do that. That would be sacrilegious and wrong, but you could do that its oddly specific example for somebody who doesn't do that, but wrecked tech. It is built sturdy from stainless steel. It's like a tag, it sleek, it's beautiful and You'Re- gonna love it. It is the best I believe on the market, its wreck, tech come out on social media or just go to their website and a bee. Compare rectangle are ye, see tee Q armies, to eat. You wreck tech, dot, com, tens, station. I D,
welcome to the programme. So we have the hippo awards happening today on the Glen Back Friday Exclusive, which is a choice it's just for blaze, tv subscribers to can I get a little extra All the time and the hippo awards isn't beautiful. Traffic is not about greater cost. A lot ahwahnee its they hippo awards spelled with a why four run a hypocrite the people who tell you to wear a mask and then don't actually where the mask and I believe, Gavin newsome- might be he's gotta get Hezbollah he's he's. He lay them achievement that already he is in the running, We don't know, we haven't counted, gotta count, the ballots ya, gotta counterbalance, and I want you to know that the accounting firm of bill Steve
done all of the all of the counting- and we don't know bill or steve- won't tell me who one they bade them? those sound like white names. I hope they ve repress their whiteness before. start accounting. This balance they haven't, but I am going to stick them on their own How many who up who's up for these words are so many am. I am always gotta be up for one. de Palacio gotta be up Cuomo. We have a career retrospective coming at a whole, while he is turning a blind eye to the global things amazing to me, because their society that's going on now were conversing like look he's having
problems and we ve noticed his covert handling, maybe wasn't so good, but that doesn't take away from his amazing press conferences. At the beginning of all this origin age, railway really help public health and God may sound back, and I ain't gonna Cuomo end like masts The mass saw him yet I heard that global data, like you know, you have to go, but he was became a media superstar because of his amazing press conferences and they went through like a montage of cliffs and one of them was that clip or hear literacy. Ah, I dug mask star cooled, Mass cool now. That's like a high level of his present compress match our goal.
its sides? He's such training centre, which is the worst? Actually you don't I would describe Andrew Como is awful. Don T you know that's about, and today on blaze, tv dot com, you became ass, they hippo awards o there'll, be some favorite moments for you as we share them today on blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn, promo code, land save thirty percent last day to do it. Man I just did a gorilla commercial. What else could we talk about more tired
But what was James WA? If I only knew who you know made, those really good stakes are provided those good state aid for like a really good steakhouses yeah, you don't like any stakes, yeah. No, I want those where they be called were when what city would they be named after Mamie, while probably Oh, come on, you know, Nebraska, you know. Omaha Stakes, Nebraska stakes now almost eggs and if you put a dot com on their than you have a business. You really would Omaha stakes dot com. Now, if you went to that and you tie, my name back in the search bar high birth ethically you're gonna find the butchers best seller pack, which you would save over fifty percent in
get a little bit of everything all the best sellers, burgers, pork chops, sausages, desserts, really, yummy cod with a spoon style, forks, he'll, say fifty percent plus you get for free chicken, breast and for free burgers and although high stakes dotcom, he word back. He word back alma high stakes, dotcom, look! I don't panic you, but this is the last day to get thirty dollars. I gosh I always even today or replace tv that comes lifeline homes that our only hope Glenn. This is it as I get it. back in nineteen twenty seven, an american socialist said the american people would never both for socialism, but he said under the name of liberalism, the american people would adopt every fragment of a socialist programme.
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism socialism in by way of miss it very easy disguise a medical programme as a humanitarian projects out the american people, if you put it to them without socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose what don't ever gating leave out again with the american people on record as not wanting socialized medicine respond very sad. If we can only break through and get our foot inside the door, then we can expand the programme after that. Well, let's see what the socialist themselves had to say about it, They say this nation will be provided with a mechanism for socialized medicine capable of indefinite expansion in every direction until it includes the entire population
Well, we can't say we haven't been women in this country of ours to place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in world history. The only true rebel every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rules for another, but here for the first time and all the thousands of years of man's relation to me little group of men, the founding values, for the first time, a stab in the idea that you and I had within ourselves the God given right and ability to determine our own destiny right. Those letters now call your friends and tell them to right. If you dont his programme, I promise you will pass just as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow and behind it will come other federal programme that will invade every area of freedom. As we abounded in this country until one day as normal Dimas said, we will defined we have socialism? And if you don't do that, and if I don't do it,
these days you and I are going spend our sunset years telling our children? children's children. What it was like in America when men were free. How true done by Nick Daily, are or production guy, That's Ronald Reagan, obviously welcome to the Glen Back Programme, it is Friday. I want to tell you about the podcast that comes out tomorrow with Tulsa Gabert. It is really ass? In a really is this fascinating? But I think it's important that we work, cover Sunday. May, oh, yes, said Why do you? U? Let you sometimes you say these things are so profound and the mole newer such area. What already use them because of just you're so rapid fire with many great moment wherein we miss jam, and I think the audience may have made me the jam just a few moments ago,
Take the audience. What's the settled in clear your mind, what you have just contemplate this Brilliant analysis by Glyn Back sausages, desserts, really yummy, caught with a spoon style forks, you say fifty What exactly is so vague, like style fork, that is the copy says cod with a fork, but the actual terms for four states is with a spoon to end as I I I so we're thinking for hot boon, not fork, and I forgot about the word stake right now in its at all the hostage commercialism. Why would you remember they were to take, but so are you,
I just want to show you: how are you hurrying shot up? Are you cutting the fork Witherspoon? Yes, we want more time. I'm sorry. I know I reasoned with a spoon style for us. Nowhere is it. Is it a fork? Cuts like as a spoon How are you calling you? You know you, you did nothing, you re just there's a reason they gave that to you and twenty two June, following the hall of Fame a word radio hall of Fame and bring us out of the table juries bring that when I hold on, let me present is not an ideal how the spleen style for cod. With that part of your acceptance speech, did you caught a spoon whether all the luck I dont know how I got this job. I dont. I keep this job. I really don't. I listen to other shows yeah. I know how challenge it. Everybody else is, I listen. I'm like they don't make any mistakes they don't
you ever do it never say they ve, never say this hot, with a spoon style for it. You know that I listen. I don't know how they do that I I must have had pictures of somebody that I never took. Nor did I know I am there. You know I bought something and it was in like a Kit of some use jacket or something in areas like he's, got that jacket. You should put a one year, lords going to use it. I dont know what words in the jacket- I don't even know it actually was dollars, then why you would need a spoons guy before I just use, of course, shutting our eyes. Oh all, right there through different utensil. certain separate. Your cutlery is also trying to utter. What was that about
Then Radio Hall of Fame wow, I mean that's what I'm saying it chief meant again you he had pictures of somebody in a jacket. I don't own. Here's here's the thing could we go back to the show? Please cod, speed, I order you did you talk to talk about dialogue, forks, you know it's a weird. I am more comfortable with this. Then. If you are actually heaping praise on me, if you are you're a great, but I would rather have you. point this out. That's how sad my life is. Surprisingly enough. I'm more comfortable should urgently advise you feel awkward when, when p,
I'll say positive thing which really nice, because it doesn't happen, or at least very often, I've remove myself from the outset that I'm throughout my entire life. Well here is a great thing: you're standing in my shadow for just the last twenty five years. I now so that's. What does that say now? It serves add its depressing when I think about it, so I tried it rather well. I can't drink anymore, so think how I feel a hurried, Tulsa Gabert, yesterday, first of all oh, my gosh, it is the most beautiful picture we have ever received we're doing things remotely now, because a covered and she was in Hawaii and if she comes up on my screen- and I just hung like told me I feel, like I doing an interview with a movie star.
It was just so beautiful, turns out her husband is a cinematography, and so he set up the little zoom call between us You could tell I've been. It looks like Amazon a movie set. Yes, because you just is in Hawaii, so everything looks grand sheet, she's beautiful third she's, really beautiful But we had an honest conversation and the first thing I asked her was. Are you? Are you like a Bernie Sanders person who is San stuff, just TED Dupe people the other side. are you? Are you a Bernie Sanders person that now has woken up and like while thou was crazy? Wool Who are you because I can't put her in any box and she talks about. You know. It's the box thing, I'm in a box? She she's interesting? I dont know if he's gonna stand on every issue friend she has. four reasoning again,
There's a lot of her policies that I think are really raising really off the wall. But and I found out you know what our feelings are on spoon stout forks for exceptional. She seems to because we shall, however, like a few it she legitimately camp paint and pour on her. Why I didn't call him and say: hey you should drain your sprinkler system. Is she can't pay for Bernie Sanders? Semi generic ass state chair, I believe, for his own pain in two thousand. Sixteen at sea totally disconnected from this person. I find myself agreeing with way more often than I should so. I talk to her about principles we spent about an hour and fifteen minutes, and it was really a great conversation between people- don't really agree with with each other on some really important. the almost a year and it's really a model for the way people should too should be to come together and king to her about principles, not policy
just principles. I would vote for her based on her part. Labels and by would vote for if that is indeed who she is, and I think it I think it is, certainly doesn't seem like she has a problem standing up to her party, correct, which I like I like it on both sides. I wrote to him, we don't see a lot of it any more on either side. I like who's gonna stand up and say you know what I am I cite sucks. I might be a Democrat, but this is dumb me like I, like that. I want someone who's gonna, be able to challenge that it is only just fall. Besides the fact that I think it's good for the country to have people like that. It's also not boring. You now it's it's! It makes these things a little bit more interest. By the way you can see the Tulsa Gabert Interview had dropped yesterday on Blaze TV. You can walk today as well or listen to it on a blaze, tv, dot, com, Slash Glen or you can and get it where we get your broadcast to Morrow and it's worth watching because she's beautiful, but
She also you can look her in the eye and judge jury she lying or not. Does she really believe these things, because I further into the you know, first movement. I talk to her about the military was going on how she felt about the all the federal troops there and and how you know ring v during the inauguration. Should we have done that now? What happens to those people? The she said some things said she was there clear on that I have not heard real. anyone willing to say about, Military, at least on the other side? No way, she's, really fascinating. I think really really like this. think she has her priorities right. So what Foodstuff does for
be a hospital coon style. Nor can I point to unite plan that again, have the combination, and I guess a spark would be what you're talking about a minute. You cut you could just said cut with a spark what you said. A spoon styled fork caught with spoon style forks I have. I to make some money to keep paying your salary. But could you get that? I always the muddy hustler turf. Few have alone. Among the thing I like it, hustler turf is these lawnmowers. They were made for the industry they were made for people were cutting football fields, and you know the media in the middle of the road had worked really hard on and then some golfer just drives across it and wrecks the whole thing. Is it a great lawnmower made for profession,
goals and now, after fifty five years after inventing the zero turn lawnmower These are available to you. They are made for your size law now, but they have all of that. Their tough enough. Let's say you have, I dont know quote free. that comes over and he's an you just say: hey I'll meet you out front and his Bacchus turned. you can come up right behind him and that thing will choose that guy up again. Condiment do I don't know how many visas and it will still give your lawn a great look really so yes, really well, is this of a copy. I dont really will now, but there's a spoon cut fork in this copy and a producer that ends up, dead. You know really
You didn't buy some other mower, but before you do do yourself a favor find a hustler dealer and just go tests. Dr hustler hustler, turf, mower, their fantastic a hustler, turf, dotcom, hustler, turf, dotcom cut with a spoon network Goin back programme. so. The fifteen dollar minimum wage is is out of the covert bill. It was in the covert bill, so much in that bill? It was the covert bill, but the parliamentarian said he. I can't do that bright, nigh heinous revenge. Other nerds blatantly can't for through a minimum wage increase through reconciliation. That is its that's not a thing I think they knew it wasn't a thing they did to give it a shot and they can now blame the parliamentarian for not getting it in, but they're gonna try to get some hike in this out of jail guys. I dont think I hear you can do that
he's a monster yeah exactly but like how what is the percentage of workers that me the minimum wage the percent. I mean. What are we talking about here? What make the minimum we make the minimum wage. Do you know the number it's I'll give you a hand? It's been falling over the past few years. Ten percent ten percent would be a guess. It was ten percent about in nineteen. Eighty one, oh, my but there has been following a little bit hurry. Nine percent! did fall below eighty percent in eighteen. Eighty three five percent it did fall before. The low five percent in eighteen, eighty seven who percent it did fall below two said in two thousand seven: one per cent did fall between what below one percent in two thousand nineteen, the actual percentages, zero point, eight percent of Work-
make the minimum wage he'll below like so, like that means, like maybe like illegal immigrants, layers getting pit Yahoo came bullet, be the minimum wage. zero point. Eight percent make this again those people are, I guess thing. It's safe in the world, by the way in that time, if you look at the entire time in their different colonial. They haven't, may raise the minimum wage in all this time and it was only seven dollars in twenty five cents. It's been that way for many many years now, however, the entire higher time: it's been at seven twenty five an hour the Median wage has gone up and up and up and up and up Y Y, you have to write why would these evil corporations all they want to do is pay their workers, nothing? Why do they keep raising this over and over and over and over and over again the free market because they have to compete? So what is need average wage for people who are our working a wage. I have
Click done at this time when lady in wage, which, as I know you knows, is a little different that average, however, the average as much higher than this, but currently the average wage is ten dollars and thirty five cents, fifty dollar thirty five cents an hour. So again they're already over the the one that would though they bury they want to raise it to, and that's the median the averages up. over twenty dollars an hour now, but still its in close right and it's got up and consistently up regardless of the change, no minimum wage changed and all this time and it keeps going up and up and up and up and up. I wonder why and I wonder why they just don't tie a minimum wage to inflation to the cost of living. Why not because they need- the argument you
us or they are bad. They sent you on fire view starve. You need Us Oak Cliff programme
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.