« The Glenn Beck Program

The Holiday Leftovers You Can’t Ignore | Guest: Justin Barclay

2020-11-27 | 🔗

Justin Barclay, filling in for Glenn Beck from his base in Western Michigan, discusses the mounting evidence of suspicious activity surrounding ballot counting centers in the state and across the nation. Former Michigan state Sen. Patrick Colbeck joins the program to talk about the probability of voting machines being hacked in key battleground states. Twin sisters Jessica Ann Tyson and Monica Sparks also discuss the importance of people on all sides coming together amid the most divisive year in recent memory. In Hour 3, journalist Robyn Walensky joins the program from Georgia to discuss the ongoing investigations over the integrity of the Dominion Voting Systems in the state and the distribution of absentee ballots. How could the upcoming U.S. Senate runoffs, which will decide the balance of power, be affected?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What you're about to here is the future of entertainment and Enlightenment Glenn their programme, how America it's just embargo today for Gothenburg and you're, stuck with me like three hours at least we can't go anywhere, it's it's like strap and because here's the deal it's gonna, be a wild ride. I don't know what you were doing the last day, or so most of America was probably in some sort of a turkey coma I kind of Stu But while we were the cover of darkness in a lot of ways why a lot things have happening:
Some news, I beg you, probably want to hear about not a creature was stirring, unless you maybe the crack and we'll get what's crack it and find out coming up in just a moment. Stick with this. You are not going to want to miss a minute of today's programme That is the Glen Back programme. Now imagine this you make a list of the gifts you plan on buying for the holidays and someone randomly gives you the money to help you buy them. That's what honey is doing. That's right there helping pay for one million dollars worth of gifts this season that thousands of prizes every week. You know honey is the shopping tool that automatically searches for promo codes and then add them to your cart when you're shopping online, but there's also honey's drop list feature where you going to Add all the holiday gives you have your eye on certain stores and honey will watch it twenty four seven and let you know when the price drops autumn at
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read some of this and it's just one of the latest things. That's very concerning to me. As I want you, this entire election. We ve seen like a blackout in a lot of ways, some from use. forces on major stories, and sometimes we saw stories covered that really affected this election, but in in dismissive ways if we saw covered at all. now into the phase. Where I think I have more questions than answers most. Do us sleeve you been paying attention at all. So what's been going on behind the scenes, the man behind the curtain or the men and the lovers they ve been pulling, Just the other day, in fact,
in Pennsylvania, batter fact it was in Gettysburg. A hearing was held there not a peep I've seen not a paper this on Any of the main street channels. Why is nobody covering it. there was America's mare former favorite. Mere roadie Giuliani from New York City. Just a few years ago, if we at the flood things an upside down and around he was the town. Now I mean he's evil. He represents the president. This What's he doing in a hotel room with legislators from Pennsylvania hearing evidence about irregularities during this away. Shouldn't Pennsylvania, you know
we ve been told over and over and over again that all of these accusations, the Mare Giuliani magazine, the president, in his campaign. All The accusations are without evidence. no evidence to be had in other words, theirs there is not even a single shred of any sort of evidence at all, and if there is any whatsoever, it is ass. The lonely without a shadow of a doubt just completely false. and not credible at all. Oh, that was Intel Pennsylvania. I dont know if you heard this, but an audible, gasp. Was let out the other day at one point, during the Pennsylvania hearing when Quest were asked.
from their junior Giuliani about some. The issues that they had take a listen to this as they talk. while these strange counts in numbers of votes that came in this from Giuliani. Nobody would expect to see a smooth, going up Not any noughties bigs, big spikes, that's gonna! What what Gregg was talking about the the anomalies of loading and uploading those those votes so that big spike that occurs there is Why indicator of fraudulent boating six hundred and four thousand votes in ninety ministers era. This is, Three hundred and three hundred The seven votes thirty seven thousand votes and accurately
and when you look at this entire curve, when all these spike Can you calculate how how much of a vote that accounted for four Biden and how much the closest hundred thousand, they guard our figures about five hundred and Seventys, and one thousand, although spiked represented overtime for by and how much are trump figures Lower thirty two hundred you gave me and how bout that. They haven't heard any sort of evidence so far in the american people having either because they ve been completely. radio silence these so called journalists, the silk of keepers of the facts, the news, the truth these People have been silent. Not a single shreds,
curiosity, genuine curiosity ass to what may have actually happened in this election. and then you here as a truth, often does. doesn't take a lot of light to pierce the darkness. Cracks right through how about that now! Listen! I've I'll tell you and I've gotta be very careful here with you today because We have gone from z, Oh proof, zero evidence without evidence, not a single shred to what we have now, which might be. A cascading avalanche a waterfall of evidence It's become so much in fact that in I do this for a living I'm in Michigan.
I have been following this? I have a daily show where I talk about these things and in my State of Michigan we have seen Pisa Your piece after peace just kind of piling up in stacking up into the other day in Pennsylvania we saw was just a tip and then bone. They all started to fall But even for me, like a guy who I am, try to stay and formed a guy who eyes, to stay up to date on what's happening. Even for me, it's becoming hard to keep up with it all. Some of the biggest challenge for you today is going to be really to try to lay this out in a way that we can. understand it, and maybe You can share it with other individuals. Now, isn't it interesting ride around Thanksgiving? They didn't want us gathering with each other to talk about these things
or another piece for another time we'll get to that book. What about sharing this information with people? How Out sharing that with your friends and family and others You want to know that hearing that happened by the way and Pennsylvania as the first of many. There have been other lawsuits filed since that day and again, as I mentioned the evidence, has mounted and mounted and mounted, and finally the flood development. So now how do make sense of it all. And how do we weigh what's real and what what isn't. A little the sermon, but it comes up here in just a moment, we're gonna go behind the scenes. I dont know if there's a her picture. Out of everything that we ve heard that come from election night. Oh,
water pipes down in Georgia, and in all these shenanigans and weird things that you hear coming out you the cares something the gold honour that can't be real. Is it the day really say of water pipe burst and people had to leave, and that's why they said folks away in the middle of the night. Yes, that actually happened in Georgia and the following day or did it happen? I mean that's a whole other question to the water pipe actually birth, while we ve some interesting stories about that will share with you to buy the following day in Michigan. For me, the most perfect example. of the strangeness. That's been happening not only in this election, but in the aftermath of the counting. In the former Cobo Hall, which is now the tc afterwards, it just a basically a big convention, sir, Folks are set up to count What's in Detroit in weighing county
an area where they have a lot of questions about things. It may have happened there. the another certain only certain places, right, in Michigan and Pennsylvania these and in in Georgia. These happen to be certain counties in areas where they have real issues. Well, here even when County in Detroit they started putting up big, hard board, Boxes and things on the windows of this of the centre there they didn't. We people looking in to see what was happening. Listen to me That says it all. There no transparency Can you have transparency when people are literally blocking the view of some since, have arrived Sure that everything's all on the up and up and they want to witnesses historic event election
they twenty. I think it says it all. actually happened inside behind the boxes on the windows. And what continues to happen as we dig through some of the evidence will go to wine county inside. I'd and behind the boxes right after the stick, whether it's just an Barkley and for going back there, ain't a Goin back programme. let me tell you something: the scientists. The geniuses next year have made the world's best office chair even better, with the introduction of the new Ex h m t, massage chair ex H. Empty stands for heat and massage therapy and it turned your office chair into the ultimate therapeutic, massage, helping increase blood flow muscle, recovery and energy enjoy for massage modes fast warming, heat technology for therapy or just to warm stews icy bottom in a very cold studio
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behind the boxes, tape. to the window and therefore the Cobo Hearty Sea have centre there in Detroit and again not only to what happened that day, but what's been happening. Sense as Patrick has been digging, ended this to find out what but in this election and get the truth procedure joining us here today, Patrick Hallelujah. I'm doing great and sexually difficult for me to say what happened by the car, because one of those both blocked from actually getting back into the room. I had there been born. A marathon shifted that was the end, had got up stairs the trainer next batch of whole town, you're gonna told it there ready to counter military ballots and you'll, be women waiting for that. Can there they ve been set up by the central stage. There at the eighty Callin Board and try for about three hours so and it's a big deal You can't military balance to view they come in amounts to entered form and you gotta to duplicate them and if you're gonna, to duplicate em, to standard to a format
can be read by the tabulated you want sure that you have a Republican Anna Democrat President. While they choose The time when they blocked everybody out from my being able to go in there and witness that exercising they pick that time to go off and count the military about Patrick set the scene for a sense? I we ve heard a lot about what happened that day and we the cheers when republican challenges will get kicked out of the centre. From from these, supposedly non parasitic individuals who were there working inside what sat like what was a thing like that day. Well, when I got there around five o clock on election day and knows much quieter, then everything with orderly and throughout the night it actually got real quiet around midnight or sell and start getting very interesting around three forty five or so once the back door. The the centre opened up we're gonna special delivery about sixty one male been new ballots
unsecured manner that were then distributed with a whole bunch anew supplemental pull book entry itself. Everything works such back pretty much throughout the whole night. pull counter that were being denied access, actually see what was going on. eating bogus coded role, that were already through that junction put our name from court sector. Deck dismiss these covered role, but I didn't get them workers from a third in which created a lotta conflict throughout the night? They very conflict where poultry? hundreds were prohibited from going into the Detroit. Eighty counting board was based. Some bogus covert capacity role that they invented, and so There is clear what it comes down to regulate and our pull challenges were very diligent at identifying systematically What's going on here, you hear from Michigan. You understand that
in county in Detroit particular longer hotbed for election fraud and the difference this year. With that we actually went out there something about it. We had a lot of people standing up all across measured. They came down with people from northern machine. Come Dunaway County to go off then and review what was actually going on at the time. and what we saw was approved and I did a lot of documented if affidavit think, alas, count for more or two hundred, maybe more closer, two hundred sixty or sell affidavits for specific statutorily. nation, that we observe them, and you know my testimony already. We ve been talking about this talking about the fact that our children were connected to the internet, which essentially Noah the whole election integrity, Canna custody argument, for that are traded accounting board. There is no young across it and there is. Integrity,
mommy slow, you down little bed because what's happening here is, as is one is tends to happen again. I said at the beginning that we went from without evidence of it. campaign makes these claims right to now. We have this. Mountain of evidence sets literally cascaded into an avalanche in it in its common action fast. So you're, a guy who your deep in this evidence to I mean you're your scheme down the mountain you are literally fighting through. this thing as we speak. So, let's back up and give people a little bit of applause, so they can understand this two hundred some odd affidavit. This is from people who say we saw something that didn't look on the up and up bout, look Lets you. I know you're an honest man, Patrick, Let me ask you: is it possible that some of those folks what they saw? Maybe they just misunderstood and that what they saw, what save half of them half of them says saw something so
but we still have over a hundred people. Now possibly could have seen things that worn on the up, and up now this is I witnessed testimony. This is evidence there. Let's do it. Into it further, because now, because now we ve got the eye witnesses, we really have to start to look at who these people are, and workers hard to get into that a little bit further, but you're one of em. So what Talk about who you are you're, not just Former in Lookin state senator here in Michigan Europe, you're a guy who's, an engineer who worked on the space station, so you you got a little bit of work. I would say, ah up and credibility here. Don't you I would like to think so. Perfectly when it comes to network connection, but also a certified Microsoft, small business specialist. I set up a few network to my day, And when the first thing that I did, what I got into the facility was actually start,
not all the network connection that they had, and we have photographic proof proved that these computers were indeed you know, connected a clear goals, and am I can assert what other evidence about what we saw on the respective terminal tabulated energetically machines that they were connected. The internet. My wife is such a big deal. Yeah wise out about do they can, first of all you don't you I maintain China custody and if I see something physically in front of me- and I see somebody sign an envelope and I'm seeing a match. What are I bet, signature on an envelope to a signature innate qualified voter file and pull books them? Then? I can't you verify what's goin on when it comes to being is the internet, particularly the of out all the sudden. Now I can't physically witness going on there, I'm not allowed with such a computer. My lot, look it what's goin on the computer, and there is no change custody around some very important boating, artifact known as the statement of vote
or the boat. So, let's, let's take a pause here. Patrick callback joins us because this is very important. We're gonna get into some other the most serious pieces of this and why it matters what happened in Michigan, but it's not just Michigan, as we just heard hearing from Pennsylvania, turns out Lot of these things, very same issues happened all over the cut, in the very states. the questions are coming up, why that matter what me for this election, and where are we going next
former State Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbert joins us just in Berkeley end for going back that animal and back programme back happiness is glad that programme. It's never too early to start, give shopping for the holidays, and today you can save big on a gift. They'll use every day. May I recommend you get rake on. These are the ear buds that I use and they are their fantastic fantastic. They got lots of base. They have really good sound quality. They have enough volume to them. So if you Looking for something for you get. Khan, yet the wireless ear buds it may. I suggest you buy to Paris there, half the price of everything else, given
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or after the break Chelsea Barkley backing for going back to England Back Programme and dad joining me is former Michigan State, Senator Patrick Callback, who is just taking us behind the scenes, and behind those cardboard boxes it they put up on the windows in Michigan, yeah household for transparency that screams and shouts free and fair election, the Patrick, eventually we're gonna get under them, we're gonna get into the solutions here right. We're talking about what's wrong right now, but I'm just I'm just curious. You know, and we
We were over there in Iraq and they had their first elections. They did their fingers and in ink on my way, I realise that is our we we are everybody me to get their finger dipped in here. Is that what the where this, where this is going that's what I'm an advocate for, get that purple finger ready. I could that's exactly what we need to be doing right now. The IP polls that we see our Never again, I know there's recently Sidney pall right before Thanksgiving together a lawsuit Michigan from our lawsuit out in Georgia and Pennsylvania and Pacific, I think in Pennsylvania, Georgia, which he submitted at an end she highlights why this whole concept of internet connection is so important, It highlights the fact that her call back in September that President tromp put forward an executive order regarding the protection of our elections from foreign influence that was used as a trigger to activate
for instance, that military intelligence, battalion and Watch Sidney sites in the lawsuit specifically is the I'd, give evidence the there a that there were agent agents up a half of China and IRAN that that military intelligence has evidence that today tat their influence in our election. So our internet connection that it big said so we don't have to go too far, either DNA Rackliff came out remember they was cut of odd in the middle of the night, one night they came out and had his Prescott has said, we ve noticed we ve had we been targeted by IRAN and China, and in these are things that we need to take a look at right. So that's it If the machines that count the votes are connected to the internet, which is what, you just made that point in which areas contracted they have what the state of Massachusetts say. Why so
literally in the contracted. The machines need to be connected to the internet connected and they also have wireless modem option as well. The ethernet again prove from the Detroit like an official that there were. Some computers That's not worked our connected the internet. You know enough about computers and thermometer, our listeners that under and one computer on a given network is connected to the internet, for all intents and purposes there all connected to the internet, and so that include tabulated, you know those guys the little computers calling about while our So we have it at the very least, it looks like something that's very sloppy, but most likely this is being done intentional and for various reasons, is what it looks like absolutely duck.
It is untrue, much evidence at the overwhelming and started to show off remain the biggest problem for us who are trying to ensure an election integrity and by the way, what I'm Talkin about Austria Insurance election entirely, if not just me, as a former republican state elected official working with former Bernie supporters Does anybody know about that? watch hindered the Bernie for border that we're talking about libertarians, we're talking about that principle. Democrats like Brian Mccaffrey, without the Philadelphia Accounting Board, where he said This is our right and attempted to because of the stuff that everything that was so outrageous there's a lot of people upset about this Frankly, anybody you call themselves an American should want Taggart in our election system and should want this to be investigated and that our asking for at this point we forget evidence that just put in a finer point b and at worst in right now is sufficient to overcome.
All that currently projected deficit for President Trump in key battleground state Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, those three states alone. Yes, those electoral college both go to president trompe of coordinated electoral college boats and is continuing on for former. That's why this is such a big deal. that's the what's next of this in a well we'll have to let that play out and see where this goes. In the meantime, these things right now or enough that area? and should look at this evidence and say we need to dig into this further. We needed again deeper. I went. The answer is, because it's not just about this. action in whether President Tromp or Biden? occupy the oval office for the next four years. This is about the entire system of American, procedure in the way that we come together, because if an widow,
so far will go down to Georgia and later on, the show find out what's happening down there. It's a whole other mass, but the next election. is, is literally days away in Georgia at it, and it could in fact, sway What happens in the Senate and who controls the Senate? What's Pennsylvania first former states some Patrick Callback joins us right now here data mission the just a day, was the night before Thanksgiving and in Pennsylvania guess work they were having this hearing that took place there This peace audio has a lot of people a gasping. just inside that room, but also now, after watching it online tickle, listen to what happened there. This was just Wednesday no one would expect to see a smooth her going up Not at a nice bigs spikes, that's gonna! What what breakfast about the the anomalies of loading
bloating those those votes so that big spike Occurs there is applying indicate of fraudulent boating there are six hundred and four thousand votes in ninety ministers era. This is, three hundred and three thirty seven votes for thirty seven thousand votes in that inaccurate. and when you look at this entire curve all these spike calculate how how much of a vote that accounted for four Biden and how much the trump closer six hundred They guard our figures about five hundred and Seventys, and one thousand, that's all those I represent over time for by and how much wrong figures lower thirty two hundred Patrick. That's that's an astounding amount, and these are the differences that you said: r, R,
but being brought up, that would sway the selection. Norway, em data, analyse foreign carpet astronomy. Getting you probably heard those folks Korean Branfords LAW, which busy this time in a lot of actuarial based analyses and an accounting based announce even in court. July as evidence that submit that there is evidence of fraud, while when you actually applied like what happened with the election results about this first occasion that someone would not write something we run in Denmark. They dont done subsequent analyses with Lenny, aggression out you that seemed identify a linear all algorithm that was put in to actually manipulate the vote since that point in time I can tell you that the folks at I've been working. a narrow down that algorithm down to the point where there within eight one, the margin of error that they believe that they identified specifically the algorithm that was viewed answer
when you talk about dominion voting system, then you see somebody employed feature that assist them. It highlights that this vote is alive, and was indeed stolen. Then we gonna go through the court system, improve it up, but I document all there. Other dominion, voting system, as well as people get copies, the actual largely prevent terminology different state that it lets fixed up that organic just there for people to go reader. himself go out and brutality rejected, and you like them did I manual for computer systems. Don't worry you're a lawyer and you like the red lawsuits up their cubit. I want people to start the source of data on this, not just hearing what the media talk not because a media line- and I can't put it any longer than that- I stop it out there. they prefer to do at hominem attacks against people raising the evidence. Rather than actually look at the substance of the evidence being raised
You mentioned Sidney, pals lawsuit that came out. the other day now twitter speaking, media Twitter was like walking her website the boy Saying that this there's a security issue, going to this website. It is a real threat to security. Is it, but you know there's an american national security issue. That means that that's people should have access to it. That's why I linked important, get it finally, many possible website with Botswana, like put it up, and let's picked up that art gallery. I can see this on the news on the nightly news, for whatever reason, and I gotta see this man other places, talk radio you may hear talked about. You know the blaze but Few and far between and am very scary. What are they going to do, though, as an avalanche of evidence contain falling down? We just heard testimony in Pennsylvania
Let me play a little bit more, a matter of fact. The you just mention talk of of custody and an be card things like that in Pennsylvania There are forty, seven missing: U S the cards, skirt reached us from from dollar county my father, family man, Four commanding officer, executive officer in the Navy I'm a veteran of foreign wars, seal, my own private company, our data scientists from a friendship, computer scientists and expert security, fraud and we were told, I was told the next day by the solicitors while action at the solicitor but the eternity we had secured that they said every election. They leave a couple of you, a species in the voting machines near brought back and generally the warehouse manager comes over and puts them in soap and talking to you, a sub attorney General MC, swaying and other
law enforcement officers I find out. That was not the case that generally no more more than two is unusual, so they Denied they did it, but as a today. Forty seven usb the cards are missing and nowhere to be found so told personally that these two of these twenty four thirty cards or uploaded weren't there, those costs. I demanded that the they didn't update the lifetime family updated about once every two or three hours. I demand after the vote, so I can see what the the what the what what the result was- and it was fifty thousand votes. And I think, is a computer scientists in American and the patriot. It doesn't atta who fifty thousand votes were I'll, tell you they were fighting has invited. But what was Talking to me,
as an American is someone who is gone. Gone to war that that could even happened, Incredible Patrick call back. What do you make of that? I mean forty seven missing. Usb carts keep my nose. You speak of their character in the boat, tally, its part that China cuss you discuss. We have spoken about down Detroit about in their manual. They say that they're gonna use these lasher has spoken to go up to ensure that they were doing. because they are connected the internet's he had no chastity there, but that key term China Costly partake about child. Why would they disappear? Ask yourself a question why I would that all important day Around the table, gently itself be the baby amazing disappearing act that we're talking about here is because they're trying to over there track. You saw what happened. A man from founded emission rights
and for an alert voter. That said, there is no way our county slipped from trumped abiden and is yourself this then advanced Bilbil, a great guy it wasn't for his persistence. We never would have understood what was going on with them within our lantern County- and I was just today about twenty thousand votes, total Catherine six thousand of them were illegally flipped from trumped debate. Matter what's happening in the rest of the country. let's put a bonus, take a break here, a quick break will be back in about a minute or so Patrick call back. We're states under American joins us talking about what happened behind the scenes there. What happened in Pennsylvania, the hearings therein? What's coming next, will continue right after this, just in Barkley Infer Glenn back to Diana Glimmer Programme
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actually had not they're gonna test. Five also Michigan can have joint hearing starting on Tuesday Some prefer so right now you encourage your state legislators better to look the actual evidence, not what the media is talking about, get to get to the actual force there on that as much as possible under article two of the United States constitution? It up to the legislature to determine Those elector Toro vote are, and So they got a major role to play in the key areas where they have the courage to go off and do so on, but we believe that there is More than enough evidence to suggest that there are significant election fraud that were to overturn the currently projected results, not, then Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania, written focus on by, like you point out, also His owner must come to an end. We have reason to believe that as many as ten days, this entire get it through the systemic election fraud. So those are the three states refocused,
our decision to get further trump over, but you seventy four, about what moreover, there from patch. Back thanks for being here with us today. I appreciate you what you dig it at your pay my God, staff. Dot Org is his website much VIC stuff dot. Org is the Glen Back Programme, there's all Always arise and break ins during the holidays. That's why simply safe home securities having a huge holiday sale, fifty percent off any simply safe system and a free security camera. Recently? U S news world Report called it the best homes, security of twenty twenty, whether you're, travelling or staying put for the holidays check out fifty percent off a free security. Camera deal before it ends this week. It one seen its editor choice award for home security. Best of
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What you are about to here is the fusion and entertainment and enlightenment is land their programme of all other areas, just in Barclay, earn for going back to their member programme. You may be stuffed, from all the festivities yesterday, but you're also stuck with me that's ok, I have a seat. we're gonna find out will get down to the bottom of all of the important pieces of conversation day, including, to think, I may have got an answer to Is it ok, breakfast they everything's, giving
we'll get to that answer. Coming up the second, I think somebody mailed it plus speaking of your fest That is what they look like. Yes, I'm just curious because we ve been hearing. This constant drumbeat that you can't get together, you're gonna, kill grandma. I will talk about their necks. They want to hear from. You. First would take a quick break. We're back after this this is the Glen Back program. You know right
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I shall I tweeted this paper access to its official now it's it's a facebook or a twitter pole, Can you find me by way on all the social media, including the new ones, that they don't want you to use at stir Justin Barclay I mean you name it, I'm probably I'm probably on one of Twitter, Facebook parlor all that stuff So, if I may say, had I'd love to authority and meet you a lot folks, say hi online today, and we appreciate that by the way you want to. I love to hear, three hundred and twenty one, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand and twenty seven b e c k. That's at eight thousand, seven hundred and twenty seven Beck, two thousand three hundred and twenty five the number you you wanna dialing, because I want to find out what it looked like for yesterday. Where you are where you were celebrating. What that was like for me It was pretty similar. Was it a lot different and I'll I'll? Just say why I mean in Michigan, where I am the governors is basically said you can't Together
there are more than I believe, ten people battle put me Ask again: I'm I'm mad may not be a a criminal. At this point, I might not have that attorney like walk me through what I'm allowed to say when I can't say here, but ten people and no more than to households which makes it kind of tough, too To do I any sort of anything. but we. Decided instead of letting the governor who is now. Really interesting up for Person of the year been nominated for time. Person of the year are governor, along with Andrew Cuomo in New York. One of our handful that actually sent sick patients from but on the nursing homes killing thousands. So that's what gets you again Cuomo that
the for the yemeni Emmy and now she is nominated for time magazine. So why are we you'll understand when I tell you that that, instead of going to her, Not the family should get together for Thanksgiving. We instead went to my wife, ninety three year, old grandmother area Graham, what would you like to do what think is kind of novel, its way, to say to people hey. What would you like to do? Let them make the call, because she was the one could pass We and I dont know I mean I will tell you we were all you know: smart about, what we dead there. The gathering but all we heard over and over and over again was this drum B.
Probably much the same like what you heard him and even the CDC said we gotta be careful. You wanna make sure so that you can spend next Thanksgiving together, well when you're. Ninety three, you may not get a next year. In fact, I lost friends and family members over this last year. Not even from the virus. but I lost friends and family members over this last year, who worked at Thanksgiving and at that dinner table next year. How do you make those decisions? comes a point in time. I guess in your life you have to choose faith or fear. None of us even knows. I think that the high
As part of this last year, I think, for a lot of us has been realised in really coming to grips with this fact was really even knows what's happen tomorrow let alone a year from now. and in time was a wild. When this year I mean, I think we ve nearly ten years in one. All the change and all the things that we'd seen some of it I'm sure you probably thought is, I never thought. I would see this. So, who knows where Gonna end up a year from now. That's why we err on the side of allowing these through your grandmother. Make that call I get it I have friends and family that asked in a last year, but I had friends and family, that I nearly lost in the last year, in fact,
these grandmother was one of my grandmother was one she Phelan broker hip back in May. Well, let me swaying to you what that was like sheep, fell into driveway and broker hip she's an x. Shading pain till I found her no took her to the hospital where she was pretty much by herself. During that entire experience. They did surgery fixed her hip Center to another hospital to rehab, where she would be spending some time in rehabilitation? I did that which you walk again. What would that be? Like? she spent several days alone. In the hospital ninety three without anyone there to advocate for her, be with her. In fact, why
day they actually forgot to feed her. The feeder through vending machine. ninety three year old woman, and this is a decent, But I would say the name of it, but this is a hospital. That's renown, we're on a further care of patients. So that's why she was. She decided at the end of that weak, but she was leaving she done She had had enough and ninety three I think she has the ability to make that call. The family came again to say: ok will do what we can to make it work. They brought her back home In fact, she ended up re having a lot of it on her own at home and in a very. interesting and unique. Local Should a cottage with electricity, but she
Stu during the summer time. It's on a leg that I give the experts were to make the call what I said. Oh that's, not a you there's no way she can't rehab there now electricity. Water from a well, you got a pump it up. with a generator. No place for a ninety four year old or ninety three or we gotta put her in a bubble somewhere. but I would argue that that unique location, the challenge. along with the constant ability to look right outside and that looking at fresh water, that lake. and now that she'd be surrounded by family place said she loved. constantly seeing the grand kids and in fact in this case the great ran kids, who are too
by the less than a year, apart with each other and costs, we changing learning growing. my niece and nephew. the very thing that the experts would have said was for her now Good idea, not ideal would have problematic. Very thing that they they said was not good for her may have just if her life I'll tell you that I know about it. At the very least, saved her quality of life. so enough of the talking had enough of the experts. I want to talk to you in some real people. In fact, I've got to. Some good friends here. back home in Michigan, where I met their sisters every
US twin sisters. In fact, I know what that bonds, like, as my wife is a twin. These two couldn't, we closer in so many ways, but politically on the spectrum they couldn't be further apart. You want to hear how they spent thanksgiving and maybe some advice they have for the rest of us. Since we got a lot of work to do together in this country such a device of year, the election and much more we'll talk and you next after this, it's just an Barkley, infrequent backed it ain't, a Goin back programme.
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From the heart lad, not some ivory tower somewhere, but now I'm in Michigan, I'm in West Mission and in fact just equally in Berlin back today in the bloodbath programme, and I want to talk to you, I wanna talk to real people. I want to talk the folks like you and me not the talking heads inasmuch as we ve heard enough from them. Quite four, we want to find out how people again by get along in fact, that couple of friends here, Jessica, and Thyssen and Monica sparks are sisters. They are twins, in fact, and Boil boy. I gotta tell tell you some great folks that I've had the pleasure getting to know over the over the last several years and in fact last year
On Christmas, we talk to these. These are sisters and talk a little bit about some of the division of the country on what how things were going and maybe a little advice about how we is Free and just as people can get it now, each other a little bit better and maybe ah I ate it. think it's. It's it's a word. We hear a lot that unite, but I really mean it in a different way. How do we can gather lady thank you for joining us today. We appreciate your being here with us. then this is gonna be Big did you eat too much turkey? too much just enough. Well before we start you off wearies pie for breakfast, yes or no. Late yeah. We're not allow all we're not going to carry on that line so that the reason why Monica and Jessica are so interesting, as you could tell their they're just I mean their full of fund, but the thing is that, while it twins, and they have a lot in common with each other.
Also are kind of Look we on opposite ends of the spectrum. I want to find out first, how did you go, spend the thanksgiving? What did you do to get together with the family, or did you do it separately? Won't you, Just then. Ah, because I just the end, I have the restaurant. We actually spent it the asking about seven hundred people. All three hundred of them are displaced in, and so they don't have a place to live, for that would really it's probably the highlight of our holiday You can imagine that big friendly, it did come from strike by it. We did end up spending that together at the end. He said. Well, you no good for you guys that I did not expect an answer and honestly I I had no idea what you're getting at you didn't expect are well known. I mean what are? We are family man at the idea of what it is
I dont mean necessarily that speculators to come together, but that the fact that you actually spent a day serving other people to me he is just such a great I am I'm really struck by that. I think maybe there's a lesson in there just right there of We come together through differences that when we start to look outside of ourselves, maybe we see a chance, the task that we can do that yeah. Daphne I will write now. There's too All this has been going on and the political spectrum right now we need to come together and in buying those common reality that will bring us together and Serbia other be people hurting right now, they're paying so we find a way to fill this gap.
You know you make a great point: an Thou Jessica, enticing mock sparks on with this right now, they're twin sisters here in Michigan, who couldn't be further apart on the spectrum politically, but they they they are close. They died because I understand my wife is a twenty day are closer than you could ever imagined in twins, usually are for too long, the last four years about how one side or the other is evil and specifically pollen. next year? We we, we ve, heard about in the press, that's eve on and this person's evil that an end, then Lee during this year. This election- we ve, heard now and let them in the past few days a call for us to unite and come together, and I just curious? Because I think some people look at that and say wait a minute for fun. For years. I've been evil The president's Binny will now we come together.
How is that supposed to work- and I'm I mean all start with you Jessica, because I know, I've been on the other, under that you ve been hearing that, oh, my goodness, Jack and Ben Crazy, I think Ah me and I'll, just Roma. Can the mix in this regard? Ah Gatt. You use here All of the negativity and a nasty nasty, but then all of us and the election happen and its presume that Joe Biden ah took the election stole the election. I have they, that real, quick and for all of a sudden it like the I was blue again and the birth of a child. in again and crazy, you know about all this evil that possibly happen and men now all of a sudden they're supposed to be all of this good, and I get no handsome. Conversation with Michael, we kind of the add some toppled there. Ah, because of course now her take was well
You know the people spoken and I was I bet they really, so it was kind of bad And we have a lot of that be entering. I got your day, but it was one of those that you kind of look at everything and you're. Just you. Get numb. You get NOME and fell back Another reason why we have to reach outside of ourselves yesterday and do something for someone out because you get Now- don't want to talk to people. You don't want to be bothered if you will, because the conversation politic, politics comes at an end, I understand that can be tougher alot of folks Monica. Let me ask you on the other and of this house are using. This is, is inopportune to come together. Well, just then, I think we did the same thing when President trot, why
after you dont when he gave his each. He said that he was going to be a president for everyone, and I think that this is more in place and we're going to see this more more but here's the problem. The problem is, you can't be nasty, he can be rude, you can't be mean you can't why you can't do all these other thing and then think that people dont have feeling that they're all the we're mature not and were a doll team and weaken football field on an ah, ah there, a thing by my Angelou. She said people will forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel and so we're looking at this whole you'd a litter of politics right now, and people are just set up their tired you're, starting to see through some of the game on both side. Now you know I'm a Democrat, but I'm just going to keep it. how'd you get being a bow
many times that we try to impeach pregnant tromp, uniting mean maritime, unsuccessfully just let him do what he needed. You as the president, but yet if it was split or if it was reversed we're going to highlight the negativity, ah so both the way, but that I have been thinking right now. Giddy happens on both sides and it's got to stop it, The only way I can is when the american people start, if I am not going to participate in the b, but that's not true and the reason why I say that, and I respectfully disagree it because it's the media, the media, have made a president home into their purse than that. Meyer feeder. All of the bad damned thing I'll walk you ve had so much bad at the four year the President of the United States, the braided country on the planet, and then all the
Now you forget about all of that, because you ve only wanted to focus on the negativity, the media the media made them off the bad guy and now on the media by colonel input. I guess you wider, ranging Osaka Jessica. Monica hang out a second, we gotta take a break I'll, be right back with you will talk more about this programme. There is almost always arise and break ins during the holidays. That's why simply safe home securities having a huge holiday sale, fifty percent off any simply safe system and a free security camera. Recently? U S news and world Report called it. The best homes, security of twenty twenty, whether you're, travelling or staying put for the holidays check out fifty percent off Ass, a free security camera deal before it ends this week. It once seen its editor choice award for home security, best of twenty Twond by Forbes and popular mechanics. This system has an arsenal of sensors in cameras that protect every inch of your home. You can see
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while they get along common, cannot imagine how much right they ve got a lot, but they differ with on opposite ends of the spectrum. Politically, Turkey is a Republican Monica a Democrat, and when we just left before the boy here, we're talking about what we can do to come together and they just spent Yesterday serving folks outside of themselves and fighting finding some. I think some. A blessing spying serving other people yesterday and Jessica just made the point, though, that she didn't feel as divided from People that she feels at more from the media, but Monica, let me ask you I mean: do you see that two, or is this just something that Jessica sing? I agree with her the only blob ITALY
had something to do with it, both at the end of the day we had to be reached. look about our own consumption and we have to be responsible listeners trying to make sure that we listen to responsible, credible sources and the kids. Always put it all in the media, would you can't do that to wait on end also each who are being lazy individuals to provide information on. Ultimately, I think, you're right. Ultimately, we do have to You have the final possibility of what we take in right and. And how we allow it to a to shape us, but I tell your social media is pretty tough, because I don't have you seen that documentary that they did the social dilemma. People We don't realize you know what we're doing when we're on social media and how much it shaping us and instantly the things
does behind the scenes. I were not aware of. I think there's a lot of that to be set also in mainstream media too there are possibilities that the things it we're that are happening. We don't necessarily have a full, conscious, awareness, but I think people are waking up to it now more than ever. So to your point, I there is the possibility that we can wake up. Let me ask you guys, because you know you, you came together yesterday, you were able to have some time serving others for thanksgiving add by the way shop. Local got a great couple. Local businesses and asthma. In fact here that the Vienna, let you guys for those who are a little bit if you'd like to as well, but you know did something that I think a lot of people. We all have the ability to do. Maybe we just don't think about, but were constantly being divided. It's not just the Politics of I, like this policy over that policy this year, we started to see it when it came.
The cove and I mean even Covin. In the beginning. I think we saw opportunity for us to come together and a lot of us maybe did we move in that direction. But then we were divided down lines of even like Mass, Sir no mast, and how does this I would see people in Russia stores that you know that work we're wearing master work, and I do but you know I see people that warrant and they would. yelled that and we would maybe a step back. If we could and say we don't know what that other person is going through. I know friends and family that have physical issues in couldn't where the mass, but even Something is small is is that was was dividing us? How do we? How do we cut through all that Jessica, and find our way back together. You know, you are absolutely right that as bad, probably one of the biggest things and my specific business people coming
and without map in people's sunny know that have makin working. Argument, then you know the dog on the fifth fight over math wearing them whose mad, but I think the best thing odd to Monica. I hate to admit that she is right as we're just going to have to take for personal responsibility and accountability for what each individual is Goin. Yet I'll love your neighbour as yourself you have some great for people, thereby will not go on. I heard you mention your your Elysees grandmother and That ninety three, but People are making decisions for her that in her best interests because they're not interested in how are the interested in the circumstances or situation let her be interested in her what her eye These are what her talk about her. While this is, are we
mighty four year old friend come by the wrapped around after we're done thirty, he made that waste to get in his car and come out because he needed that connectivity and we all you just then it's a matter of your ninety three or your three. We all need that physical catch which were missing, and we all need that affirmation, and we all need to remember that we all need each other. Ask Yamanaka through what Jessica said here. How much of this you know, there's your I play a role in and how maybe we can find those opportunities. Just as you know. I think that everyone has a level of faith. Been shaken and torn You can't get together with your parishioners or the people that you go to church with its task is hard yeah and to find this kind of like you're, try bright, don't you go
every week, these are people they gather weekly or sometimes several times a week, and now Not able to be together all the world trade an alternative way, whatever other method of outcomes, the carrying trying to stay in touch and more tightly state Why I understand there When you talk about faith, I think we are starting to redefine what that looks. Like Brazil, how they have to start going internally to get some about anchors and security within them. Now. That's the only way we're going to make it through this. When I look at these back on the other side leading cause of death rate is ten to thirty four. What makes Can you say I'm done for thirty four year olds, I've had enough of this life. Is it's not
being able to connect with people with individuals. We see the suicide break up and he's just also allowed, though, when we're all you know so divided and so separated. It just doesn't feel like it's worth living for individual. now? Let me let me ask you Jessica speaking of that faith- and I know it's played a big role for me in the last year, I can imagine going through it you ve gone through without my face. What does it look like view? It's all. I have it I have just then the faith that, knowing that we are going to be taken care of you know that tells us don't be anxious for anything, that's what his word tells us. And fell, adjust the meaning and large, to lean on him every single day, but I
you one thing that I am learning even the more during the whole year fateful. He is, though, baseball add because of bad. I try to make sure that that the message that I am ready to fight the message that Europe spreading Good NEWS, I'm nothing we This actually listened to you specifically in the morning to get our day job started. So we can hear that good. Without your kid, he knew I met that one. need more, that we have to have more back what we crave an ep. Monica said: if we don't have that Republican Democrat Catholic then do it doesn't matter black wear black you're, why it doesn't matter. If we have that productivity, we dont continue to take our faith in God be in, all faith in mankind gonna be nothing
Jessica, Antis Monica sparks the twins Esther Sue. I absolutely love to talk to I appreciate your checking out with us, because you know you. I think you have brought us a little closer together today in a lot of ways. Thank you so much for your service that God bless you guys. Let's get now great yeah listeners too. Thank you. He thinks young Ladys our talk to you next, what what you're Thanksgiving, like your thoughts. You know sitting together talking around with your family, about things, if you are, maybe you're virtual. Or the conversation blight. this time a year. I think for a lot of us. Normally we start to think about. Wrapping up the year and looking forward to the next year, We have any hopes. The have any fears with so
much still swinging in the balance here, why questions more than answers will talk to you? what that means where we are and we all go together after them eight hundred and eighty eight seven hundred and twenty seven six hundred and sixty eight eight thousand seven hundred and twenty seven Beck, Justin Barkley and for Glenn Beck. Today in the Glenn Beck program, joy, lessening Glenn back
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bring court voted. Five. Far too, are vital for the bar New York stay from reimposing limits on religious gatherings, sawdust thing in other places as well, including their California, so we ve seen throughout this issue, and the fact that people are saying look I come together, wanna exercise my and can you would you If this is like it almost didn't happen. Without the bear it on the court Robert one of the go the other way. I mean that this is incredible to think about that. This is its twenty twenty, but we have to look at these things and one on the year there telling you that you, you know you can't get together with family for Thanksgiving, better, get up and go find out. through the strict, the stores with with crowds people you'd on offer for shopping for highly shopping. I think we all kind of sea where they're coming from him the going gets, go to the phone lines. I want to talk to you the triple
Seven hundred and twenty seven back that ended eight thousand seven hundred and twenty seven Beck on the phone line with his from Florida, Linda. happy thanksgiving. One thanksgiving. How are you I appreciate you being here with us today. Was it any different this year now not I still had thirty people at the house, everything from baby too. Eighty apply from ninety years old friend they're my lad notion how men and king King had a great great time politics I mean, maybe About politics absolutely talked about, another everything else and none of us more mouth. How were you
How was the feeling I mean? What did it feel? The same I mean the lions here in Michigan, the Lions law, so we everything scrapping took note of all the world is restored here, our football game. We gotta watch butter, it somewhat it's about a lot more than football. I think when you sit down at the table, yeah about being a family and began to gather in things in my view, as I live by faith, not by fear and senses pandemic started, I am not a mask. Where Don't worry last guy well when I go to see my mother in law, but I do don't wear masks. My son did have the covert back in December. The boy was even known, and I took care of him we were just fine you know- I don't believe the numbers, because I feel
they really they pass away for certain things, I don't believe that it was strictly due to Covin. Do I think, somehow Absolutely no doubt- and you know I suppose that have lost their loved ones. I feel terrible for them, but I not gonna live and appear fearful world, like this while a land. I appreciate your call in thanking the abolition and happy thanksgiving to you and yours down there. In Florida, making sense interesting points. A matter fact speak of a numbers that Linda just brought up. This is this: is you a closer look at the death rate from coal nineteen will get to this coming up next hour. This comes from the folks at Johns Hopkins. So remember: listen to the experts that includes all of them. In fact, we will DE again to some of those numbers coming up here in a little bit
Thanksgiving having that makes a point. Linda just made faith over fear for me, our governor. in Michigan had made sort of her. So casting remark about you, don't we get together and play cards of friends and watch football and and thou, and have Turkey some other time, but I think folks amiss. Specially the governor here in Michigan, the governor, for New York, all the other places think what they miss is the real meaning of thanksgiving. For me and for my family you and we sat down it was about the football It's nice to be together even as a family, but the true meaning of thanksgiving.
Is to thank God. all of these blessings. All of it this all the good things going on my faith, that's where they all come from anyway. and, if you're, still breathing, there's a reason, and in this year as we just heard when they talk about faith over fear. you gotta wonder how many people have stopped living Because we're afraid of dying, the conversation continues by speaking of good news. I gotta Email NEWS letter that I sent out for free. If you want to get it got adjusted Barclay dot. Com Ba are seal a wider com. Slash good news is the Glen back proudly
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what you're about here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment is land their programme, how America? It is just a bargain for Goin back today, boy, oh boy has just women, honour and privilege. It's just. Then such a foreign ride while we continue, keep your hands and arms and legs all the appendages inside the car, because will continue its gonna heat up even more week. We heard first without evidence. That there was any sort of way spread election fraud or issues in this election,
nl. The evidence is starting to unravel. In fact It's starting pile up into a mountain and it has started. Avalanche down. You'll, hear more. That evidence will go in fact to Georgia, where new lawsuits and judges are weighing on thanks here about what's happening next in Georgia, Coming up in just moments, right. After this the sound of my back programme. this is the Glen Back Programme, never too early to start give shopping for the holidays, and today you can save big on a gift. They'll use every day. May I recommend you get rake on. These are the ear buds that I use and they are their fantastic, fantastic. They ve got lots of base. They have really good sound quality. They have enough volume to them. So if you
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A stout in Georgia is WS, be reporter. Robin will lend we appreciate to joining us today, Robin how are you Happy Thanksgiving weekend, EU aid is really ask heating up down here, to say the least. Yet it Turkey is coming out hot out of each other. This is weak I hear the President wants to make a wants to make a trip down. A Georgia, too, is a matter of fact. We'll talk about that here and secular will. All you are looking at things that are so bad in Georgia. They don't want to show a signatures. The reason that I want to show a signatures is very simple. because we were Thousands and thousands of very close race, a tear, thin thousands and thousands of discrepancies, fraud, don't talk about some of these things. We ve been hearing from the here they're, just in Pennsylvania. earlier just a day before thanksgiving theirs.
to do another. One of these looks like in Arizona Michigan, maybe even Georgia. What's the latest down there, Well, here's the thing just in we're on our third recount, if you can believe it, but it's kind of like you know and a meeting, and you know you're trying to quit drinking right and they say to you: what are you doing differently, sir? You know: how are you gonna do with differently? Well, we're not doing it differently work. We are still here, counting the same ballots that all went through the first time and there's a lot of allegations to good account once you're gonna. Do it again the second time now we're doing it for the third time and you're going to get the same result because the nugget, the core thing? That is not being done, that the president is taking issue with and his people just it is the fact that the signature
These are not being matched to the names and, if you don't go through that tedious process, you're gonna just again doing it over and over and over, you could count them a hundred times your counting the same exact ballot. So it's an exercise in futility that you're not gonna, get to a different result of the other. The huge news is that the president is coming here on Saturday, the campaign for sitting senators, David Purdue and Kelly Leffler, the two Republicans there are some republicans that believe that is a real recount was done here that David Purdue actually got a fifty percent and one that sea on election night. But of course you know, we know there were irregularities, there's the issues with dominion, software. There is the issue with one of the appalling places where there was this alleged pipe burst now they're saying there was no pipe burst that they should not have,
shut down the votes. There was another pulling place where we're publications watchers the pole, watchers were told to leave, and then Democrats stayed for a couple more hours. That's another allegation, so you have a lot of line items here that have really yet to be gone through, but to count the same votes for the third time and they have to be done by December. Second, I think we're gonna see maybe if a few differences, but not much, it is razor thin. Hair fan, as the president says, it's about twelve thousand votes, that's not a lot! Justin well, you know we're starting to see large numbers of votes in question out of Pennsylvania. Six a thousand a judge's block certification results in Pennsylvania with those election results than we had this new law suit. Roma Sidney power. I mean at first I quit About this earlier this morning, but at first
heard without evidence, and then there's no evidence and now it's stacked up so much Robin the hard tat. The hard part is making sense of how much evidence is coming out. What's wrong, What's not? What are we look at? What are we? What are they gonna be able to look at, but Sidney POW has is hundred and four. or page but they're, calling bombshell complaint of massive fraud in the Georgia election in Michigan too on twitter for a period blocked out the link to her website where you can go and take a look at it. I think that we need honest reporters and an honest media me. Whatever you, I got into the news business just because of Watergate right whatever happened, to look at the ito being rapporteur, forgetting about Democratic Republic, enter your personal biases, checking all of that at the door and looking at this like possible
The crime was committed. It's like a Europe of Peace Officer and there's a murder. You have to look at every one right. You don't just look at one suspect, so I think that we have to have an honest media in play. People reporters who are hungry that really want to get to the truth and say: is this true the powerless saying. What were the issues with dominion? Software war did it all shut down at three o clock in the morning and all these ballots were forced into the machine because here's the real critical thing, the balance of power in the sand, and our country as a whole relies on this race on January Fifth, and it's not just January fifth. The early voting here in Georgia is starting in two weeks and if you have the same procedures in place and you have the same deal between Stacy Abrams, the Democrat who's been registering. All of these voters and the Secretary
state and the legislature here never approved any of this. This was all done all because of the corona virus and, oh by the way, dominion software in the state of Georgia. It was rejected intact in Texas, but it was not rejected here in Georgia. We got that software last. You're. Only a year ago in twenty nineteen, sounds a little fishy to me, as it is the gate of journalist, I'd like to look at that wanted We go to that software. Did anyone get any kickbacks Emmy? These are all open, ended questions that I don't have the answers to, but the other more interesting to find out Robin Ask each ISIS right now formed of Eu Us be an Atlantic matter fact. The present have. Therefore they granted a moral talk about that coming up in a second to bus. What is inside the Sydney? Pow hundreds, four pages yourselves cheese filed in Atlanta and down and Georgia will talk about I am open to second. First, the quick break, we're back right after this and the Glen Back Programme,
now imagine this You make a list of the gifts. You plan on buying for the holidays and someone randomly gives you the money to help you buy them. That's what honey is doing. That's right there, helping pay for one million dollars worth of gifts. This season, that's Thoust, surprises every week you know honey as the shopping tool that automatically searches for promo codes and then Adam to your cart when you're shopping online, but there's also honeys drop list, feature where you can Add all the holiday gives you have your eye on it. Certain stores and honey will watch it. Twenty four seven and let you know when the price drops autumn, add honey. your computer and throw in some holiday gifts on your drop list for a chance to win honey, randomly select winners and give them shopping money so get honey for free at joint honey
dot com, slash back its joint honey dot com, slash back no purchase necessary. You have to have a pay pal account to redeem the prize valid only in the. U S ends December twenty first to enter and get the rules go to join honey, dot com. Slash back association All the wool over the Secretary of State- I don't know who he is. President Talkin about Ravens Berger, I think, is the sectaries states name their down and now in Georgia. Let's dig into this might see what what's in Sydney, pals or pages are so here Robin will lend joining us right now for a model- the Sb Radio in Atlanta, with this latest losses, father calling for ninety six thousand votes to be tossed up.
because the signatures allegedly don't match its a huge problem. I'm just gonna go out there and tell you the truth: Justin. I live in a home that my husband and I we built from the ground from the mud up so there's no previous owner. Okay, we received five five absent ballots at our address one that had my name, one that had my husband's name and three that were blank that I could build out which obviously I did not, but at Yale Fretful Stone and the road runner and Charlie Brown So I am not. only voter registered in a state of Georgia that received multiple ballots to my home address. This is it
huge problem. I can only swear for myself that I shredded them, but I have no idea what other people did and that's the huge issue and that's why the President Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and the team want to look at those signatures and for some reason the Secretary of State here is saying: no. You can't do that now, the president. Yesterday he seemed extremely feisty. This was the first sit down q and a question and answer he did with the press. This was after he spoke to the troops are thanking members of the military on Thanksgiving, and I thought that the he's a big headline said he when he said Stacy Abrams pulled the wool over the Secretary of State. I don't know who this guy is. This is a guy who got played like I never have seen anyone get played. Let us see the signatures Trump says so sanguine to your question about Sidney Powell She is saying that a
There are issues with the signatures so far using the example of the five absentee ballots, we could have voted seven times in my house, voted early, my husband voted early, then I could assent in all five absentee ballots, so that would have been seven votes for two people. It feasible then the other issue is with the commission Software was shut down were ballots extra. Set in in the way hours under get out, the cover of darkness did Is actually happen and that's that most of what is in that hundred and four page report pertaining. the state of Georgia by the way? There's a seventy five page report. She writes pertaining to the state of Michigan the problem with all of this. Just in the view from thirty five thousand feet is that the clock taking down president and his team running.
Out of time, here's what asking for inside this in the side some of these pages here for these reasons, planets ass this court to enter a judgment in their favour and provide the following emergency relief in order directing governor camps Secretary Ravenous Burger and the Georgian State Board of elections to decertify the election results and order enjoining governor came from transmitting the currently certified. Action results. The electoral college in order requiring governor camp to transmit certified election results at state that President tromp is the winner of the electronic goes on their several things. That they're asking for my question is what the likelihood of this I dont know I dont know there are a lot of people that are praying for a miracle and this has always been a red state.
I believe it is a red state, something just doesn't smell right, it's very fishy. You know where they say whether smoke there's fire I'd, be interested to see. What's going on on those ballots and to compare names, I think the extremely problematic that too many absentee this whole corona virus has been used as the excuse to get all these ballots sent here to people in Georgia, which also disturbing there are reports. The people are moving here temporarily, just to vote. That's all The law and I didn't business for thirty plus years who my question is: who's gonna, be the next Woodward and Bernstein of twenty twenty? Who were the reporters of that are not going to go along with this agenda? Who were going to step out of the pack and say you know what? Let's
It was at the very least, let's investigate this and not call it a fantasy CNN on on the their batter this morning on the lower third is saying: Trump Fall, We claims victory with fantasy, conspiracies fantasy. Conspiracy is, maybe it's not a fantasy. Maybe it is a reality, but we don't know because they all the evidence, also has to be looked at and vetted. good question and, as Rapporteur, I was they're talking with Robin one I'd stay right now to be SB, radio down Lando are one of the questions that I I'm just curious about. His word of people get the truth where they hear other than talk radio era. Places here on the internet. This this. hearing- that happened Pennsylvania was covered by anyone else. They people didn't hear about some of these rights
Nicholas and an end and shocking climbs. This one specifically listen to this, Nobody would expect to see us going up? not any noddies. Bigs expire, eggs, that's gonna what what Gregg was talking about, the the anomalies of loading blowing those those votes so that day Spike that occurs there is applying. The game of fraudulent voting and that's six hundred and four thousand votes, in ninety ministers are it. This is the three hundred and three thirty, seven votes for your thirty seven thousand votes and inaccurate. Yes and when you look at this entire curve These spike calculate how how much of a vote that accounted for four Biden and how much the Trump closest
hundred thousand. They guard our figures about five hundred and seventy seven thousand. That's all those bite represent over time for bite and how much wrong because lower thirty two hundred it's incredible in, and they say just mathematically impossible for something like that to happen, but my question is where, people going to hear this. There are several the hearings now the Arizona Michigan they're gonna start having these and other places as well, but Robin what would have people get to hear this news. I mean
scary, even if you are a follower on Twitter of Sydney, Powell and Attorney Linwood and some of the other folks who have really been on this story. Twitter is still continuing to censor, so you have to follow them on parlor right. Some of the people Rudy Giuliani in such you have to go to parlor. Where won't be censored, it's scary thing when you have people the mainstream media that are literally taking fingers and sticking them in their ears and going la la la la la la la and they're looking the other way, they refuse to hear the story. They don't want to cover it. Joe Biden is thereby they want to go back to the above era, and they don't want it that they just don't want to look at it. They don't want to face the reality of it that I want to investigate it. I've never
at my great grandparents left? They left Russia come to America at the turn of the century, to get away from this kind of stuff, and here we are again just a Merced in it. It is indescribable to me. I got into the news media and I know you did too just in to tell the truth- to investigate to shine a light bright. We They continue to shine a light. Bright we doubt I dont know what happens next, Robin because it's not just about whose in the oval office for the next four years thus the Senate down a Georgia that race is just days away now and can anyone else. Trust in election ever again. After all of these questions,
a question. I think that the software itself, these machines, that needs to be looked at what actually went on and I'm telling you we're going to be right back in here in the same position on January fifth of January. Sixth, people don't trust the machines; they don't trust, all these ballots that are absentee that are coming to people's homes that have been mailed out. People, don't trust it. I'm telling you it's it's the number one conversation you go out to eat dinner. You go to Thanksgiving. You speak to people on the phone. That's all anyone here is talking about. Is that topic? Is it going to be a repeat performance of what went down during the general election? Is that what we're going to be facing here for the all important runoffs and who is going to have the power in the Senate? It determines the country's future let's ws be in Atlanta. Thank you so much for being here with us today, Robin goblets have a great day Bethink
having to add I get saw. These are serious questions and you're, not hearing them anywhere other than it'll talk, radio, maybe a couple of places on lie with social media and also You know, as I imagine in an Robin match, their people being censored online. That's why it's important to get sources like the blaze to join Blaze, tv to make sure that year, you're, getting I'm sure, I'm not being paid to tell you this, but I'm sure there's some sort of black Friday special deal going on right now, import so that we can all stay in contact with each other all right. So we will continue. Our conversation want to find out too from you how you're Thanksgiving, I am receiving, is speaking of votes. I haven't certified it yet but it looks like if I go back in way and right now, my question the pull happening on Twitter by the way. Mr Justin Barkley on Twitter Facebook. In all the other places you might find the answer so far. The results
Looking pretty good for pie for breakfast, can you pull that office? Is that we now we haven't certified yet and again. I might you shut this thing down in the middle the broadcast year and then, of course, a ton of us it quickly. Regularly out we'll find out no sugar shenanigans. I promise shenanigans free for our question pie for breakfast, although others, the honest and say: that's the that's a direction I believe he is right to take. we're right, we're back with your phone calls to next. You could join us in love to hear from you, of course, in a global programme, its one aaa. Seventy seven back its triple eight. Seventy seven be easy. Can't just in Berkeley ever Goin back to an economic programme is the Glen Back Programme is all
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fifty percent off simply safe back dotcom. There were daily attitude to the social is a virus euro. Listening to the Glen Back Programme, join the conversation, it eight seventy seven back, I log back to neglect back programme. It is just in Berkeley, Influenza and, of course, an honour and a privilege. If you want to join a program, you can any time aaa. Seventy seven back at On eight eight, seventy seven b e c care wanna hear from you a couple differ numbers. I want to talk about the first boy oh boy, some news, it's just happened and I
think on the surface by itself, its job kind of interesting news, but when pull back and take the bigger picture, I feel get, might have a little bit more contacts and will try to give you some here. The ape, reporting on rainy and scientists that Israel edged led. This is their headline in the Islamic Republic. Military nuclear programme before it was disbanded has been killed, in a shoot out according to a reining in state television around foreign Minister says there are serious indications of an israeli rule in the killing of a hop iranian nuclear scientist is realistic, and a common on attack that has risk for raising tensions across the Middle EAST, again be a piece headline.
What's fascinating about this from what I'm look, yet- and I dont know- I mean this- is just on the bigger. picture scale. Is that. This information, the latest law, suit out a Michigan with attorney Sidney POW. Finally, it late Wednesday night seeking to set aside the results of the election in Michigan, claiming that hundreds of thousands of illegal ineligible, duplicate or purely fictitious ballots enabled by massive election fraud helped make possible, binds vote counts. we in the state, the suit? also pointed to mould, both issues pertaining to dominion, voting systems. and she goes on to talk about in the suit a link between a ran,
And some other foreign actors, in Specifically, this alleged election metal. We hear about dominion. We hear about Smart Matic software. In the report is more matic. Dominion were found by foreign oligarchy, founded by fallen for our foreign oligarchy. dictators to ensure computerized ballot stuffing and vote manipulation to whatever level was needed to make certain venezuelan leader the Taylor. Hugo Chavez never lost another. action. In the suited ads setting a whistle blowers, affidavit alleging that the Smart Matic software was used to manipulate venezuelan elections. favor of Chavez for a requirement of the Smart Matic software design Currently adopted by dominion for missions elections was
for his ability to hide its manipulation of votes from any audit. Plate sides of former electronic intelligence analysed under the three hundred fifty military intelligence battalion. Who declare, if the dominion softer was accessed by agents. acting on behalf of China and I ran to meet author I manipulate elections included the twenty twenty: U S, general election! Now, if you pay Those two things together again, Quite a picture not on off that's a leap values, can leap. or if there is more to this story. just haven't yet heard either way. It certainly is something at a time when normally this time of year kind of a slow news. I mean it's it. It really is. at the end of the year, people path up, they go home,
They take the holidays off. But there is no shortage of news. these days and as we hear more about this evidence, this mountain of evidence that continues to grow and the avalanche. That's occur: or will occur, will continue to bring in the latest on that. I'm sure I got Monday morning will hear more, but throughout again, you may want to stay close p again reforming an iranian scientists that Israel allege led the Islamic Republic Military Nuclear Programme before it was disbanded, had been killed in a shoot out. worse that, along with the connection that Sidney POW, tourney Here is making the allegation connection with around a rainy and radiance. Of course the Chinese in this election, certainly something.
Ok, I promised I was gonna. Do this, and so I will, because I feel, This is something you probably not going hear anywhere else. In fact, it was yanked down swiftly. It just like everything else online it the truth comes out and in just for a moment for a flash for a heart beat it out there than people have just a little bit of time to get it out and if they, if Are able to do that, then it spread like wildfire. this is a story. That had to be pulled down according to new data, the Who s currently ranks? First? In total covered nineteen cases, new cases per day and deaths? Genevieve Briand Assistant programme, director of the Applied Economics Masters degree program at Hopkins, Johns Hopkins critically, analyze the effective covert nineteen on the? U Deaths using
from the centres for Disease Control and prevention. In her webinar titled covered nineteen Dasso. Look at the! U S down and when she found is pretty incredible. Naw man of Numbers person by ice tin, neglect glaze over Y, see them, but we don't have to get too far in the woods for you to understand this. What I'm about to say to you Johns Hopkins. That's who did this from in March to MID September: U S. Total deaths have reached one point: seven million, which two hundred thousand or twelve percent of told us are covered eighteen related. Instead, Looking directly a covert nineteen death, this person cast on total deaths per age group and per cause of death. in the: U S and use: information to shed light on the effects of covert nineteen. explain that
never gets of covered. Nineteen on: U S. Death camp fully understood only through comparison to the number of total deaths in the United States, in other words, your hearing, so much every day on the news about the number of cases and the number of deaths and all we just. ass, this mark, and we just. Press, this mark and When you hear that constant drumbeat, without the full contacts in the full picture, starlight scary. People are afraid to live their lives. my parents are older and they're being smart. I understand. But they didn't go to visit there. Their son yesterday, not me, but my brother didn't have ex giving together. Because his wife is a teacher and they're afraid you know they ve been exposed and, and- and God forbid, the wouldn't want anything to happen, and I understand that too, so they
Then I think probably their first thanksgiving alone. And there are their seventies and I understand why they want to take precautions, but when start to add, and this data. After retrieving it on the CDC website, this woman goes on to say she compiled a graph representing percentage of total deaths per category from early February to early September, which includes a period from both or covert. Nineteen was even did in the. U S too infection rates sword surprisingly, it says the deaths of Older people. Listen to this very carefully surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed. The same. in other words, nothing changed,
before two after covered nineteen Johns Hopkins university researchers Isn't this all over CNN. This is big news. If it's too believe, if it's to be believed right, if efforts, accurate death of older people, that key category of folks who are affected by this virus was not changed. since cover ninety mainly affects the elderly. Experts expected an increase in the percentage of death. They accede to see more people dead, but didn't. now, first and foremost, this great news. This should reported if you go the report, the drumbeat, the constant drumbeat of deaths in cases in etc, and scare people crazy,
we also give them a good news? Well, when the vaccine comes out and when the treatment are coming out shouldn't. We also encourage people and give them the Good NEWS. I don't We should hide things for people. I think we should. We should hide any bad news either. Shouldn't, we have the full picture so didn't change at all in the elderly age group. There's no increase. Seen from the CDC doubt. In fact, the percentage of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same. the court says. The reason we have a higher number of reported covered. Nineteen DES among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because, every day in the, U S, older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals Brad also noted that for thousand to seventy thousand deaths are seen both before and after covered. Nineteen indicating that this number of deaths with normal
long before covered nineteen emerged, there four according to brand, not only has covered, nineteen had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people it also has now, increase the total number of deaths. It's absolutely mind, boggling, What we continue to see reported on a daily basis and the fish mongering. That happens in the news if you're watching any amount, of mainstream network news. I caution you because you're not hearing the full picture be careful What you're listening to. Those numbers are astounding and again What are we giving up at what cost asked living our lives and fear, are we even living at all and there you have the data
Science and the data which were told constantly should be the number one factor in making all of our decisions, shutting Our economies down businesses people losing their lives. Now because of. opiate overdoses. suicides kids, who because they're not in school right now, even though the CDC says they should be kids, that because they're not in school right now have progressed to the point that they think they are no longer party trained. Some of them. This and our reaction, we'll have echoes and it will have a fax that go on for you years to come. And can you imagine not going too fast thanksgiving with your family. This year,.
and then finding out that you dont get another next year and it wasn't because a covered or those people that were at Thanksgiving the scene, you spent time life that they won't be a thanksgiving next year, not because a covert No, I'm not saying covert, isn't real. In fact of the contrary, but wouldn't it be helpful if you had all of the information quit break will back right after this, just in Berkeley for going back there I met here
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I appreciate everything let him and the blaze does and, of course, folks, like you who are here who are curious, who want answers, who just want the truth And that's where I map I just said earlier: I just read that study there that John Hopkins University. There is really no difference in deaths. You would think there would be quite a bit of difference with covered. They said now, there's there is really no difference if, in fact, it was so on popular somebody made them. Take it down. therefore, we are, though, there much going on and I'm not sure where will be like. I said a month from now. but I can guarantee that I will continue to stick in this with you. We'll try to get answers and, of course, stick with glee,
and the blaze, because they're always searching for the truth, long as we continue to do that together. There still hope. There is still hope for our nation. There still hope for our people and as a an new to be father for the first time. My wife is too, six weeks along its now more important than ever to make sure This thing that we have enjoyed the fruits this idea of America and the freedom that we have not just here but through the world we enjoy land. That it endures not just for us, but for our kids and for generations to come. I met MR just in Barkley on Twitter, Facebook and all the places parlor every place you might want to look on line plus I got a good news letter just in
Arclight our com, just in Barclay, Ba Marsili, wide outcomes, less good news, Dr I'll see you there is the Glen Back programme. Now imagine this You make a list of the gifts you plan on buying for the holidays and someone randomly gives you the money to help you buy them. That's what honey is doing. That's right there helping pay for one million dollars worth of gifts this season, that's thoust! the prizes every week you know honey as the shopping tool that automatically searches for promo codes and then Adsum to your cart when you're shopping online, but there's also honeys drop list feature where you can all Add all the holiday gives you have your eye on certain stores and honey will watch it twenty four seven and let you know when the price drops autumn at.
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Transcript generated on 2020-11-29.