« The Glenn Beck Program

The Far Left vs. Israel | Guests: Alan Dershowitz & Stephen Moore | 5/18/21

2021-05-18 | 🔗

Glenn reads an article from attorney Alan Dershowitz explaining why the hard Left glorifies the Palestinians and hates Israel. Why in the world would Biden rescind Trump’s executive order protecting statues? Pat Gray stops by to discuss legal government theft, even from safe deposit boxes. Economic expert Stephen Moore gives an update on inflation, Biden’s child tax credit, and the universal basic income that’s being set up. Alan Dershowitz joins to discuss his viral article. The Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins shares an incredible poll that found conservatives are most likely to know the news. Glenn and Stu discuss Andrew Cuomo’s awful book deal and how much money was lost due to its failure.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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America, and no welcome to the programme well by narrow, cancelled. Yet a couple of other things, you kind of ask yourself she. Why would he do that? Also we're gonna talk a little bit about the inflation you're, all ready feeling in the marketplace. When you go food shopping. What does this mean? What is coming? We have that for you today. The capital police now are defending the fact that they said there officer was beaten and death with a fire. Extinguisher no didn't happen. That's not why that officer died. He died now we know of natural causes, but that's not stopping Nancy policy. Sancy policy wants a nine eleven style investigation on this attack on our democracy rights will we'll do that more on the vaccines and Israel in sixty seconds program. You know
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I have to say I am so sick and tired of hearing the bashing of Israel if we had somebody lobbying rockets into any of our cities any of our suburbs. While I can say this anymore, I would say we would we would stop it, but maybe we wouldn't we probably wouldn't now with and teeth we're doing, that we probably acknowledge our beautiful celebration of their freedom, What our dairyman rockets would red glare makes me want to sing. Well, definitely not seeing the national anthem, because there are, of course, as racist I don't know what we would do any more, but I hear people would be outraged, Somebody was lobbying rockets and bombs and killing their children. anywhere in Amerika, we would Respond but is
no no, no, no, no, no, no, the jewish. You know. There was a great article written by, Dershowitz the hill, Why does see why desired laugh glorify the Palestinians, why do they hate the Jews so much in a world which in which massive violations of human rights have tragically become the norm. Why is a hard left focused on one of the least compelling of these causes, namely the Palestinians, we're the concern for the Kurds for the Chechens. For their wiggers. For the Tibetans, there are no care Those demonstrations on their behalf no expression of concern by those squad. Incongruous, no United Nations resolutions, no recurring up ads in the New York Times. No, claims that the nations that oppress these groups have no right to exist on the mare
it's an demerits of their claims. The Palestinians have the weakest case. They ve been. Offered statehood and independence on numerous occasions in in thirty, eight in nineteen, forty eight nineteen sixty seven in two thousand in two thousand and one and two thousand eight Israel ended its occupation of the Gaza Strip in thousand five even now palestinian leaders refuse to sit down and negotiate a reasonable two state solution. As the it is really diplomats. Ebon once aptly put it The palestinian leadership never misses an opportunity to miss an opera unity. nor are history and morality The palestinian side the palestinian leadership, aligned itself with now see ISM and Hitler in the nineteen forties with age
didn't tyranny and Anti Semitism in the nineteen fifties and with international terrorism from them dean, sixties forward in in forty seven, the United Nations divided the land that the Romans called Palestine, the Jew. Kyle, bald Israel in two areas they divided through the United Nations and provided a sliver of LAN along the Mediterranean. Any non air both desert called the gave to the Jews who were a majority in that area and a much larger area to the Arabs, the Jews. glared statehood on their land. Instead of declaring statehood on the palestinian side, the Palestinians and surrounding arab nations declared war on the newly United Nations established Israel, Arabs lost and the Jews captured more land. As a result of word, there occurred
exchange of populations hundred if thousands of Arabs laughed or were forced out of Israel, an hundred thousands of Jews laughed or were forced out of arab countries and Arab Palestine again and night? sixty seven. The surrounding arab nations threatened destroy Israel, which preemptively attack in occupied the West Bank and Gaza, which it emerged. Neatly offered to return with territorial adjustments necessary for security. In extra, for peace and recognition? They were return that land The? U N Secretary Council issued resolution to four to which called for a return of captured territories in exchange for peace is real accepted, the arab Nations and Palestinians, however, issued three infamous knows no peace, no recognition and negotiation.
I want to point out here, the Kurds have never been offered independence or statehood, despite treaties, the promised it nor have the Tibetans or the wiggers or the Chechens, but the Palestinians have on multiple occasions, since nineteen thirty eight when their leader told appeal commission that the path Estonians don't want to state, they just don't want a jewish state. Palestinian people have suffered more from the ill advised decisions of their leaders, then, from the actions of Israel. to the present? Hamas commits a double war crime. Every time it fires a lethal rocket, as at an israeli citizens from up population, or area populated by its civilians who they use as human shields, Israel. responds proportionately in self defence, President Biden has emphasised the is
Real defence forces go to extraordinary leads to try to minimize civilian casualties among the Palestinians this spite Hamas as policies, using civilian buildings, hospitals, schools, mosques and high rise buildings to store fire and plan thereon. awful rockets and other devices, yet the hard law after blames Israel alone and many on the centre left create a moral equivalence between democratic Israel and terrorist Hamas. Why why does this happen? Ass, Alan Dershowitz, The answer is clear: can be summarised in one word: Jews. The enemy of the Kurds, the Tibetans, the Wiggers and the Chechens are not, unfortunately, for them. The Jews hence There is little concern for their plight if the person
If the enemy of the Palestinians were not the Jews there'd, be no concern for their plight is well. This was proof by the relative silence that greeted the massacre of Palestinians by Jordan during black September in nineteen. Seventy or the killings of Palestinian Authority leaders in Gaza during the Hamas takeover in. Thousand seven there's been. bluetooth, silence to about more than four thousand Palestinians, mostly civilians, killed by Syria. During that count, the current civil war? It's only when the Jews or their nation are perceived to be a pressing Palestinians that the have seems to care about them. The United States provides financial support for Israel. We also provide massive support for Jordan and Egypt. Either If the United States were to and support for Israel, the demonization of Israel by the hard left would not end.
The left singles out Palestinians, not because of the merits of their case, but because of the alleged demerits of Israel and the double stand universally applied to Jews. That, is the reality. John in former CIA director is much admitted this double standard when he complained in a tweet about alleged lack of empathy by Jews, I always found it difficult to fathom how a nation of people deeply scarred by a history, replete with prejudice religious persecution and unspeakable violence perpetrated against them would not be the epithet. Champions of those whose rights and freedoms are still abridged end quote, as a Frenchman rider for the Jerusalem Post aptly put. It quote in is telling he employed The Jews must have special empathy for others, while Non Jews have no special need to be empathy
Brennan has not held other countries to a higher standard based on the ethnic or religious origins of their citizens. In short, the as Jews engendered genocide. They have to according to a higher standard than those who perpetrated the genocide this benevolent double standard may sound kinder than the double stay imposed by the members of the squad and others, but it has the same effect. It demur, and that is real do less to protect its citizens from rockets and terrorism, then demanded from other countries. The same standard must be demanded of Israel, as is demanded of other countries defending their citizens, in particular the same standard must be ended, Palestinians and their leaders, as is demanded of other group, seeking the moral support of good people
support the legitimate rights of Palestinians to a peaceful state, not so much by of their history and actions, merit it more than others, but because it be good for peace in the region and for Israel, but I refuse- was to prioritize it over other more equally or compelling click cases just because Jews on the other side, Alan Dershowitz, I I think that is apt. Lastly, one hundred percent- true why, I do they have such a problem with Israel. will we wouldn't have a problem with Israel. If Israel just didn't exist, we wouldn't the problem of all these Jews juice. Just just so many Jews in all, I'm saying to them. the attitude that's the attitude of the left. somebody may embrace wholeheartedly and they don't seem to care about the facts on the ground and then you can go back and I,
I agree with Dershowitz and his analysis here. Would you know I can find things that I'm sure The Palestinians feel slightly. A lot of people feel like they got the raw deal in some of these arrangements. Going back thirty, forty fifty a hundred years like again, I don't agree with that analysis. Ok are, but my point is like who get like that's the past: it's like trying to say. Well, are you know Mexico actually owns California? Ok! Well, here we are weak in two thousand twenty one. We were existing in a circumstance where one country. It was not firing. One group was not firing at the other group talking about missiles raining down on their population, then out of nowhere Hamas started firing. Hundred thousands of missiles, their neighbours, so guess what like? have a right to respond to that, whether you think the Jews got the the the long end of the stick a long ago or not. We,
a situation that was really in a relatively stable and Hamas for the five men the nth time, an international terrorist group started firing missiles at at that real in their population centres at their civilians and just because they have, defences and knocked down the majority of them does not mean a thing and if you go and we try to rob a bank and you pull out a god- and you pointed at the teller- and it doesn't wine of work it out for you and you go to prison, thou, say: well you now he didn't get away with the money. So therefore less just let him go that's how this works I just have to. I have some umbrage I needed now. You first vote. Yes, yes, Madame Bird still started this little rant with It would be like if people claim that MAX The co still owns California Mexican
never owned California, Spain occupied makes it go so Spain actually owned California. but see the stew lies just continue by the way we have Alan Dershowitz on with us in about an hour from now stand by our limited about life. Lock, you don't wanna, be singing. I got my identity, stolen blues, here's what you need to do get lifelike today. Cyber criminals are everywhere and they're not playing around every time. Technology gets a little better. So do the methods cybercriminals use. Deception you from your identity, your cash, in your credibility, most of them is preventable. Most of that, these preventable, just by having a life on your side, lifelike helps detector
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still on Friday, the president, President Biden. Report old. The the trump negative order too. start the garden of american heroes now I don't think I've ever seen anything like this, the Lee they pray, didn't says: we want a garden of american heroes and we're gonna use all those you know toppled statues and we're gonna with them in Washington DC. And if you look, the hero list, its. a clear it's not! It has nothing to do with aids. It has nothing to do with left or right. I mean it's pretty much everywhere, pretty much
Everybody is in this thing if here, Sir she has been torn down. There's a list that union find it's like miss he it's too hundred two hundred and forty four different statues. now. Not only did he tear it down and say no we're not gonna build that He also lessened the punishment. we're tearing down federal statues and for them of me? I can't you're out. Why. I can't figure out why He would and the transporter dad was protecting statues in saying you look if you pull statue down or deface a federal statue, don't worry about it, whoo, who enacted a tunnel can you really think that its very really just really it's a big part
it clearly. I mean, I think, any time we know. Look there they, they don't want to admit that there's it is the one who is in strewing our cities, they don't want to act as if that's a real thing, they constantly say Anti was like about real and it's just an idea and the done a lot to down this road to try to make that into reality. When it's not reality, so I think This is sort of an extension of that idea. which they ve been doing even know that everything in the no for a while There's, no pretending anymore, that these guys Joe Biden is a massive radical. Do you hear about section, two, thirty Donald Trump before he left office, another decorative orders needs ordered, needs to be a commission to study the effects of section to thirty so you know. Is there a way to stop these big tech? Come
he's from regulating speech. ass for a study on it know Joe Biden, cancel bat revoke that order. You know, Again, I don't think there is a way to escape the fact that we have the radicals now running our country its. It me sporadic Obama, look like pussycat comparison, Joe Biden gone, full, fledged woke, full fledged left. He is a radical president that doesn't seem to have the same view of America that you do persons programme
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creation of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights, though, Documents are the founders patent. Greatest set of freedom blueprints in american history, because it says to people there's a chance, there's a chance ass, you can dream and work and create and build meaningful life build something that only you can see and build. There is at least a chance, you can do it as a free people. If and it's a big, if you know straight too far from the blueprints. The united states of Amerika was their genius invention, but we now the president of Majority in Congress, who are very interested In the original patent in the blueprints b, set on fire in the classic Prague active tradition, they know a better way forward and We'll just have to wait to see what that better. We is once we pass it.
president binds latest mine blowing attempt a funnel, fundamentally transform. America is his effort to take control of intellectual property rights. Of U S, companies making covert nineteen vaccines and release him to the world. There is poor. Tickle reasons why this is a terrible idea, but it is not the only violation of property rights. Joy, tomorrow night will own nothing and be happy there rate reset of american property. That's Wednesday nine p m. Only blaze, tv dot, com, ordinary tv, you tube fortuitous that that is your theme on the show tomorrow night. When that's that's all that's? What am I jihads right now is properly and of an early aft by the american government of american citizens. Property The civil asset forfeiture thing is out
rageous right now, the did you guys just hear about this FBI raid on. contents of a vault with safety, deposit boxes in it, the the they simply went we value the stores, safety deposit boxes and This one woman is trying to get some of her money back. She had a hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver coins, bunch of the heirlooms. A diamond necklace that she inherited from her late grandmother and engagement ring, she was gonna, have passed down to her daughter and They just put it in this safety deposit vault, where they heard that its there really good at keeping youth. valuable, safe well F B, I read it because they figured that some of it some of their safety deposit boxes contain drugs which they did.
But rather than just focusing on those, they took everything in the vault everybody's was just confiscated. just gone yeah. It's just gone now over a hundred thousand dollars worth of stuff seized. The FBI and now it's up to them to try to get their valuables back and so far they ve been. Successful it don't it they just I have even stuff I've heard so many of these stories over the last few years where people are found on the highway. They happen to have large amounts of cash with an energy, confiscated by law enforcement agent who pulled him over marriages, could take this because its suspicious that you have it. Well, it is not against the law to carry more than ten thousand dollars on your person. You can do that and not against the law to be suspicious either rights. There is no law against being suspicious and more
so the time in these civil asset forfeiture cases there never even charged for the crime. So it's not even alleged, they ve done anything wrong it just yet. We took her retook, your stuff cos. It's gotta stop. It has got to stop it ass. We wait until tomorrow we're getting a little into what's going to happen with property rights once p. You'll understand what forbearance means peace gonna be losing their their houses. They're gonna be losing their right to live in the apartment that they haven't paid rant on. And they're gonna lose their credit. they still. Oh, we know what could be for a house what how much you pay for your house, every single month. You haven't been paying for the last year year and a half you have to make all of them. Money back before You can even sell your home You still end up with really bad credit. What happens
Government just starts taken Ouses, yet just confiscating things, wait a minute? That's it It's so unconstitutional. It's weird love, silly to even mention it cause. I mean it's clear right, it's so obvious! I have foot. I've talked about for a long time that after toothache, in eight. They changed all the banking rules. and one of the one of the rules it was changed. Was the safe deposit boxes, Few go in and open a safety deposit box when ever the bank or the gun, and decide a federal. agent FBI or a department of Homeland Security officer has be there with you. While you open the box and if they deem anything suspicious, they can just take it. That's now,
Oh, that's now part of your ask your bank. hey. Does the Department of Homeland Security have the right to come in and witness me putting my safety deposit box. If they want yes, yes, they do the arts and crafts. What what's the way ask them them. For the paper work on it on the rules, ask them his approach, no. is law. Now. How am I supposed to protect my collection of rare jewels like how do you do? as in all seriousness, lino man assess that you worry asleep. That is the question that everybody has been heard, and I put my rare drool really like what I would have people do. If, if not being in this position, I wouldn't know but have things that other people want like what is there will, if you have, that used to be the same thing to do, would stick a menace say if you dont now right and it's not now. What do you do?
I would suggest that there are. Privately held safety deposit box places, I know of couple that their run by private industry. They are banks there just safety deposit boxes and her end. Like you know, a fortress and monitored all of the time, and you can guarantee that nobody's going into their at least, without a warrant. Others there's no laws that talk about being able to go into their that this is the thing that we got the government bailed banks out. They said that You are the lender of last resort. So if you have money and a bank collapses, if you Have money in their the bank is gonna. Take
all of your money and use it to pay off its loans or its Nino margin. That's or whatever. money, is does not belong to you any more and their counting on empty. I see to make everybody hole, so your tax dollars will go. Replace your money This is what happens when the government starts to get in bed answer to give the bank's money. to bail them out? There comes with consequence, Unfortunately, the consequences are for us, not the right right, somewhat: a related story. There were some good news from the Supreme Court sturdy on their new ruling. The community caretaking thing that the responsibility as that police have searching and abandoned vehicle for dangerous weapons that doesn't apply to a home
that was a nine nothing ruling so been briar and soda. My your and all the liberal judges were on board with this, but this involved a guy in Rhode Island who was really depressed and he life work at all, fighting at the dinner table and he wouldn't got a gun and put it on table and said shoot me and instead of doing that, she he left the house and went to hotel and then police and issue, she and police came back to the the house and conduct. Let him down. He was out on the porch when they when they arrived and they convinced him to go to a mental health hospital which he did he said. I will only do that, though, if you leave my guns alone and they agreed so we live laughed and as soon as he left police went into his house searched it. confiscated all of his guns, Don't get hold her and told her that he had said
He wanted. His guns taken, yeah he's they lie dire. They lie here so he took him to court and actually one which to me in this environment is pretty amazing in pretty good news that the Supreme Court at least had this kind of sense. What do you think Out of them taking this abortion bill fifteen weeks has to be the maximum words it in Mississippi Mississippi. and Mississippi, says you know. After fifteen weeks you can aboard the baby. Why are they ve picking this up? This is good news or badness back a little nervous about it, because Just don't have any confidence in this in court right now they ve made too many curly rulings, yeah
to really give me any confidence if they're gonna rule the right way. Here I feel like it. How I always feel walking into our new STAR Wars movie like a lot of excitement, but you know what you're saying at the end, Heredia like that sky, ass kind of like that, you ve, got great hope, the irate I just never appeared it offers man had ever where. As I take the view, I hear any of the Supreme Court, justice is going, you know and we're going in a deep throughout the chief justice discharge, our Annie. I let me tell you about our response to this half hour. It's hustler turf, hustler, one of the largest manufacturers of zero turn lawnmowers in the world. They now offer a military, discounted veterans and active duty troops. This is a third,
veneration american company that believes in the country believes in supporting our troops. We are headed towards Memorial Day and they want to make sure that they do something for the troops so they're giving money to the folds of honor for every lawnmower sold right now. Ok, Why should you look at a hustler turf because there are a hundred and nine inch deck he another blades, it can cut a football field In ten minutes they have a deck that it's your yard. If you They they have a brand new one where If you are, you know own three acres or less. You can cut the time, of you? Moving your lawn in half brand new model. I want you to check it out at hustler, turf, dot com Fine, I'm on the website and also find a store near you go test drive any of the others. Euro turn lawnmowers then go.
Strive hustler turf, there is no comparison. These are the best and will be the last lawnmower you ever by its huh turf dot com, that's hustler, turf, dot, com Welcome to the Glen Back Programme, don't forget to Morrow night we're gonna be taking on the end of proper rights in America under Joe Biden? That's tomorrow, night, nine p m. Only on blaze, TV, the Glen Back Wednesday night special reasons, when you crazy stories, eminently others a story of guy in Chicago who was who fixed people's cars and gave some one, one of his customers a ride in his car back to his place of business, in the process. The person who he was giving a ride had drugs on him. They'd not they took the them. Kanak car. With all of these tools in the back and held hostage for a giant fine for
months in two years, and I couldn't Who is job There are so many stories like this under the banner of civil ass. It forfeiture that some of these states have now I mean the Vienna when the american people care about stuff like this there like ok, this has got to stop this blatantly when, when you're, not even was of a crime and Europe. losing your stop. This has got to stop so some. States have actually passed pretty strong laws banning civil ass. It forfeiture well the stuff its wanting the revenue wanting this ability to be able to take people's property have now navigated away around the bands- and this thing called credible sharing What I would have great ter for today's aquaculture echoes stare. He so, basically what they do. Is they go through the process completely as they used to get all to the point where they're going to take the property. and at the last second
bring in the feds. and if they bring in the feds that it's not a state civil us forward it's a federal civic civil ass, it forfeiture, and the equitable sharing agreement the states get to keep eighty percent of the money anyway. So Basically, they ve just found a way to come. We ll go around the law to continue introduced a simple, so the equitable sharing is not take being from the rich and giving to the poor like Robin Hood, it's taking from anyone and giving to the government like the true Robin Hood story. Yes, that's ok Secondly, what it is- and this is this is this- is the sheriff of Nottingham this exactly what the sheriff of Nottingham was doing in there saving invading the law that the government has passed because they want this stuff. They want the power to do it. They want the result. The money at the
at the end of the day and its eye. Its shameful army was its ink credible- and I will say you know, Texas is known to be one of the worst states for this. It's not blue states, it's blue states and red states. They all want their hands in your stuff, is she like we ve, seen state. You know stories where people will like going to the you know the bag to deposit. You know a night's revenue at a restaurant. and get pulled over, and they just take it because you should Had this much cash on, you will you know. I work. I run a restaurant exit, the glee guy that ran that store in, I think Virginia, and it was just like a local- you know like local market, you know and the feds came in, took the cash out of his tail. and so we think some of this money is ill gotten goods and he's like now. I've got receipts or all of it right here took it never got a bag lost, is lost,
place. These are people that not only are not convicted of crimes, but not even charged with charged with they're, not even saying they did anything wrong, they're, just tearing it anyway. It's done remarkable thing that should not be happening on the United States of America. Are Alan Dershowitz and Stephen more in the next hour standby think about all the quarantine purchases you have made the late night pizza deliveries, thee many such went trio's, thee on trainer you'd go stood after two weeks then there is the biggest purchase of all insurance, a mess kings over spend on car and home insurance by billions. Every year, That money is money you could have. You know had on on more be no physical exercise with that goes trainer. Zebra can help you save all that money,
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two friends to experts, Stephen more on the economy and inflation and universal basic income that I think is coming to a household and mailbox near you, probably not your mail box, but someone near you also. Alan Dershowitz is article yesterday that was trending globally on why the left hates Israel. All this hour, we begin in a minute programme Jason wrote in, and he said you not. I heard about american financing on your programme Glenn, I figured I'd, give it a shot. We were looking. refinance our home and consolidate some revolving debt from the initial conversation it was the best mortgage process. I've ever had, and I've had a few Jamie who is from american financing guided me through
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in financing dot net american financing, Panama, less one, two: three: four: W W: W Dot: animal S, consumer access, dot, org so. The Bank of America came out a couple of weeks ago with their report, and they said The very least is headed for Transitory, hyper inflation. minor, but I am a thinker, and I've always heard that word. Hyperinflation was a bad thing,
Stephen more on to talk about this in so many other things in the economy, hello, Stephen, how are you, Sir glad dead and by the way, don't listen. The Bank of America midnight that, on your show, a couple months, you got the idea. You know if we kept up the thought this insane funding and same borrowing and say now, you know helicopter money, dumping hundred dollar bills that alligators, which essentially, what Biden announced yesterday that you know in place a very simple glad to stop that complicated replaced with too many dollars. thank you. You guys got so much money being printed right now. So much money being spent about the main and trillions of dollars How does anybody have been surprised that we have in place it so? tell me- or do you believe that this is temporary, because we just don't have the products on the shelves? Big, people aren't, you know getting. There are taking their job back to you, do by into that,
a simultaneous temporary, but some really want our money like we do have a bit, but there were so many problems that are comparable. And each other right. Now you just imagine then again my left eye for contact. I said this was gonna happen. If you're paying people you ve got couples now, including food stamps. Unemployment benefits three run all assistance, you don't we, hope you're gonna get in government benefits of over a hundred thousand dollars a year for not working. I mean I've met you and I believe in maybe not but come repay my people to say unemployed than to work. This is crazy enough. Your asked me a question whether wash you gotta get its act together. But I don't know if you're lucky, I need right now, as we speak by the still proposing four trillion dollars more spending. I mean and you to build your own room, because
all. We need to get the coming out of the way to get out of the way we got a derisory and big business is reopened stopped, but they can't Oh so tell me about the monthly child tax credit. This is a this a new way to give people money, government checks every month, three thousand dollars per child. And there They are keeping this money beginning in July July fifteenth. What does this mean? So, let's do them after three thousand FAO virtual, let's say you Three kids, that nine thousand dollars of free money cause you got. You got a couple on unemployment, current thirty! somewhere in the neighbourhood of fifteen hundred there's a month and benefits about right. There is to know about sixty thousand dollars a year. Let me get ten thousand dollars of food stamps. Let me get ten thousand dollars to free healthcare.
I want also to ensure talking about people, don't believe it when I say you can get out without knowledge of benefits, but you can look after children year for children, but the best way Children have a mother and father an arm and have a job in a cab. Omitted rather give people muddy, get people working. You know we had a gun. Now it's been fourteen or fifteen months that people have the market, we have it Why one million job opening today there are seven hundred and fifty thousand job. Today in manufacturing and construction, those good jobs, the union's jobs people. Back to work functions. Very topical government does not pay is paying them to do it and Joe Biden with asked button. question about you. I mean you have to make any sense there, because you never run a business about killing. Our small businesses want a restaurant in our stores, are construction cup Let me ask somebody about the construction of Europe and you ve got it. Workers know no big deal
they are not available right now and that's why I have applied shots. Have had during construction on my house and almost every day almost every day. Somebody said, I'm sorry, don't have. You know that workers here, I just couldn't get them. The plumber was saying I've been wanting to mentor somebody or ever Andy's, I can't get anyone who willing to do the work Let me make a good job. That's it. Yeah plumbers make good living the attraction. try to get an electrician Jaso area. I would think that we have constructed aroused is all the more noise in the background that the construction- and I gotta tell ya, you know the people we ve got it Seminary people coming to arouse who did a great job. I think I should Seven out of aid of a mammogram therefrom rush hour there from where our therefrom, Mexico, or I mean the emigration of island, weaving, keep with economy going without immigrant workers, so
I'm very frustrated, because we should we should just get back to normal. I think, if we would you stop all this funding and borrowing young I believe we could have an economy that would just be fly and high right. Now, really I mean with these businesses reopening and and the jobs are open. We got grub our economies, solid foundation anybody want. The vaccine can have it and yet were screw it up and better way, don't forget what what was the first act of about Joe Biden when he became browser. Do you remember. the border I thank, wasn't it the loud outweighs the second on the first was the pipeline. The Keystone pipeline. I didn't want the other three minor yeah now directly, how Fain as that, provided only really we have. The colonial public pipeline has been shut down by by fibre you know our criminals and now got I've been watching. You see, I can't get a drop of gas oil within ten miles where I live, Stephen,
and the government. I think there are headed towards you, be I I mean they're just making payments. Now to people and aren't going back to work, and this is what you know. Nancy Pelosi said was coming Oh for ports, poets in dreamers everywhere by you, should be able to make enough money. The government should be able just to pay. You that you could do What you you you'll follow your dreams, That's where we're headed, isn't it while I'm for people following their dreams, but most of the real is in people need to be realistic, and I want to be a pro quarterback. Did you know that guy the fact that you don't think that would happen allowed walls so loudly about what but look but wait. They are, they are currently paying. You pay people on a monthly basis and you're sending a check that check better
stop because people start to count on that check yeah I mean it's your ear, just training people to get you be Ai Weiwei. Really bad. What really worries me as well, as I mentioned fifteen months of people going on planet dummies, that's for fifteen months. People have not been in the workforce that that cause an after atrophy of your work. skills is the worst thing you can do is tell people that away. There is dignity, those purpose in your life. If you get up and work there's that you know there's no dignity and watching Netflix I'll bet, you're sitting on the couch and worse, You can download. Do people tell em to sit around and do not think you need this year, like everyone diversion you know that we all know that and the government is now but Burma's mama blame the member governments or just making a failure. Decisions I can make forty eight thousand hours ago. on the job, but Uncle SAM Gonna give me fifty five thousand hours. I don't do you read shadow stats by any chance?
familiar with that at least yeah, I'm all of it, but I'm not what what? What are you referring to? I'm referring to the way we calculate inflation has been changed a couple of times since the ninety eighties and If you use the old standard, we are up to about eleven percent inflation with the new standard were at four point two Is there a case to be made to the least glance at the old who I e that we used to be figuring, inflation inflation to be loved by fourteen percent Alec. My feeling is people, you don't have to tell people the inflation rate as they know it they know what they go to the grocery store. They go, they go to the gas pump. I mean people feel I tell you know these bogus government statistics. Ah, you know give us kind of a direction of things: You can't be asked people, then they know what's happening. My guy
oh, you know, went one by the day was elected. The gas price was two dollars and concepts ago, and today the gas prices three thousand fighter the gallop, they know that by the way you keep saying I'm going over his back, some people make over four thousand ninety five cent per gallon increase on the gas price, that's a catch people why? Yes, yes, What does help? How how bad you think this gets Stephen in what it? What should? What should people? What should people prepare for? I think that that I'm not a great You know, financial analysts, but I would say this I'd be very careful but sat right now, real careful on that same pull out, but I wouldn't put a whole lot of money into the marker right now. You're, the first rule of investing as by low itself high
I think you got a burial, overpriced, sat Martha right now and by the way, I'm not saying that weak, it's gonna crash, but I do think Glenn. I know what you're thinking has, I think, there's gonna be a collection than just has to be an especially to pay attention to this. Massive tax increase go pay attention to it. she would have trillion dollar infrastructure, but better, I love is less than two and a half million dollars infrastructure in the first aid, as regards present is killing infrastructure project, the Keystone pipelines that cost taxpayers nothing. By now I gotta watch Washington. You gotta watch what these people are doing. If they thought you know the seller from West Virginia the goes what you'd outside them inside with policy and the rest, and they continue to spend like this You're old stopped up on food sat up and gasoline, when I was a kid I'm not a great nation, can I borrow six may have trillion dollars and one year feminism thing. Well, you can't
two to stop inflation, you would normally raise interest rates, there's no way that the FED can raise the interest rates because the the government couldn't afford to pay the rates themselves out. That's the problem right! Yes, we ve been borrowing the living on borrowed time. We ve been borrowing at these bargain low interest rates and that's been a blocking for the country, but now, if the rates go up in every one percentage point increase in interest rates cos, process all a trillion dollars more in and that a meter were in a vicious cycle right now, so maybe the first thing that Washington should do you know who I am, and I don't have a hundred lady iq, but the first thing we should do it up spending money, I mean I'm crazy, abandon this running around the country. That was not spent another two and a half million dollars and borrowing and by the way, what happens when China starts to satisfying our balance, I think effectively have fed? Is the feds, the only buyer, of of our bonds? At this point,
Are you worried about is glad that, where you just described where we do you know about the Congress spent the money, the Treasury issues, bonds and then the money printing agency of the government buys the bombs. That's what Third World countries deal. I know how it is. I know it is. That's why you don't have faith and full faith in credit in the? U S, dollar people really catch on two? What's going on it'll be over? I think fast. Are you concerned about forbearance and that people don't really know what that meant. and when it catches up to people and They realize all I've gotta pay all of that money. Back and Michael it is destroyed, and I may get kicked out of my apartment that that's gonna, be a problem. Isn't it while people we ve, developed This attitude among Americans, because of your government policies of everyone Taking that you're gonna a bail out, so you know
he kept a around becomes, can pay for it. You can pay for your food, the government's gonna pay for you could take on large task of the government's going up. Your drive your debts. You can take out a hundred dollars. I was in student loans. The governments can be got up, gonna pay for you. I mean this is just a variant. Hideous depended culture, the last line of the peace that I had in the Wall Street Journal for four weeks ago, when I talked about were building at the tendency culture you know is that maybe this is the whole. maybe you don't want I think it is. I think it is and I dont have a? I don't have a hundred and why don't have iq of a hundred? I bet I can figure that out rights even his estate, that you think it's deliberate. You think these guys you're trying to make all absolutely and make people absolutely absolute. I yes, yes,. Even thank you very much for your time appreciated Liberia keep up the good work. Stephen,
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and this move where the? U S: Army is taking on climate change as a serious threat to national security. I think we are going to be a power. Full powerful army, you know we sure are a menace reminiscent of when we use the these NASA to encourage muzzle to realize their really good at math. That was really going where we had gone, how right one right, because the lad and I'm glad we're back to those days- and you know this is calmly land worse by the way, because we know if NASA socks it's you know, we can live with that honestly If my military sucks, that's really really bad yeah, I mean- if you're an astronaut, you know you can't live with NASA, sucking well register. I say as a navy in right. You know if we have, if we don't get any of our space projects to work all that. Well, it's a hit.
The negative, but we have a lot people even private sector, now doing a lot of the work that NASA used to do you now having the military he jump into this would not be. Would not be all you're doing all they are doing is quote addressing climate change threats. They say The climate change is a serious threat to U S national security interests and defence objectives. and so what they're doing in the latest report is to prepare for the challenges ahead, the army will continue to identify and implement steps to enhance readiness and capability in the face of climate related threats and will continue to be a strong steward of the resources offered. in the shared operational environment, the army has a lot to be proud of. Yet there is a lot of work to do tend to operate efficiently across.
Stream, weather and climate conditions. some snow tyres Jack. They they tend to conduct an in depth assessment of life clean climate change effects on the army's worldwide missions, they're gonna led the way and technology for development for tactical vehicles that balances increase capability with decrease. climate impacts, They're gonna be strategizing in planning to mitigate climate threats, with an emphasis placed on soldier resilience. Energy reform and mobility enhancements and procurement so- a little bit of everything, but we want to talk to Mother Earth first, and you know I can't wait until we have the fully electric tank think it's gonna be I hope so too. I this is dead. I want our military worried about. Is the weather right?
Mary, whether focused military is the way to go. Hey man drank! U verse you for saying that Stu, I was afraid you are going to fight me on it, but We have seen the light and I say in the back pack of every soldier, should be a big extension gourd in case one of those tanks lose our weakened, string them all together and plug it. In RE pursues programme, so I have a love hate relationship with food one hand. I love eating food. On the other hand, I hate communism, which deprives people of I don't know about you, but I struggle with the whole lose weight and be healthier thing mostly because it requires me to lay off the food, which I just mentioned. I love the Good NEWS. Is their built bars out four times when you're the weakest. It's not
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this- is the Glen Back programme. We're gonna have to reschedule Alan Dershowitz. Something is come off. We we wanted to you about what the word old might look like if we don't do anything about climate change, stew,. I can't believe this article, from CNBC his true, but they said what, by twenty fifty, what the world would look like if we do nothing now shirts, I'm sure it's not at all scare. For no reason the air is polluted. Making you cough, you have to check the air quality before going an opening, even a window. When you go outside your eyes, water, you have to we're a mask on bad. is a high tech mask if you can afford it Depending on where you live, the temperature is hot.
a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit. For more than a month every year, and public restrooms. You have to pay to use water, there's a medal toll living in a world that feels like a dangerous obstacle course. People flee he'll bottomless despair and resent previous generations for their lack of action. Worse that case scenarios, what light could really look like if no process blow no progress is made slowing the greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change. They say air pollution in emissions that cause climate change go hand in hand. So unless action is, Taken on climate change, little mean poor air quality, whether it gets is bad as people having to wear masks by twenty. Fifty is debatable, but it could be possible. People are wearing masks now,
and the same people who won't take off the masks are the same. People were all for global warming, so they're all sat there all set Do. Can I ask since when did we go from point: what is it point? One in climate change in in temperature rise over the next one hundred years. How much was it they said? We by twenty one hundred. We could be how much It's a couple degrees, a camera to the exact number of up my head, but yeah with warned about one degree in the past century or so: ok, nowadays, I could be another degree or two so why? Twenty fifty? It could be one degree if it's on the course of being too. How does that get a temperature to be his hot as a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit for more than a month every year,
I don't a year asking questions that are not answerable That is sir. You know that the well away we wait, and I just figured it out- and it says not just that you can be as hot as honoured forty degrees Fahrenheit for more than a month each year it says, depend hang where you live incredible. years can be as hot is honored. so in other words, if I live in Baghdad, where it is currently MA hundred and thirty nine, and for at least a month after the year it would be a hundred and forty yeah there's a lot of could be might be possible. Who knows what could happen, but there's so much so that in there this is all based, of course, on the worst case, scenarios that are incredibly unlikely to come. True, a lot of it. is based on our cp eight point: five, which is the most catastrophic estimate ever produced
in almost every global warming story, you ever read is based on it, because It gives you the phrases to numbers possible it is not shown to track to be accurate since it came out, but that doesn't sound bill from saying? Well, I could it could. What could be possible is always a great basis for an article. But when these things don't happen, you know no one goes back and says: well, we shouldn't have tried to scare people like that. The seams their only tactic to get people to buy into it and you ve seen what we will do in a crisis situation over the last year, if they really believe there's a crisis situation going on which I would argue goave. It was a crisis situation and that the nuts People handled it right, but people will fold. Allow their liberties to two in black, we s to government requests soviet global warming going as a
non stop century long, covert, level crisis and worse you get people to do anything you can justify anything which is why they like. So much Can we stop with your scare mongering because is another version of twenty fifty and version happens. If we see a fifty percent reduction in our greenhouse gases by twenty thirty another Fifty per cent by twenty forty another, fifty percent by twenty fifty well, Then the world will be quite different. cities worries Waggery City city streets will have more trees and fewer cars, and can travel via high speed electric railroads. Instead of fast com was known. Rising feed electric speed or electric railroads? That's how we're gonna get around to? Why need electric railroads railroads? Look, you might
like trains when you were a kid and they were funded play with their attack? terrible idea for the future of the country like why? Why well number one they go to only one designate need help. Please said to change where they got their nearest, the bigger problem. So your look. If you're population sides to move to a different location, you have a big. problem with it. We all Had these things and their amazing, there are like birds, they fly in the sky and do all of its ring on is that twenty five astor? No not in twenty fifty, not in twenty fifty, but I I need to cut this short because Ellen Dershowitz is back on the phone with us all. I want to take a quick break and then come back with Alan Dershowitz and will take up our electric railroad wrapped in just a minute, kids, kids believe that that's coming spring. In full swing, and there is no better time to freshen up your home than right now at blinds dot com because are giving up to thirty five percent off every thing. Sir
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Mister Allen. Dershowitz joins us now from the dervish show I'd Cassie Gillis, into Daily Welcome Alan. How are you, sir? Well, I'm doing great? Thank you so much on very upset about. What's going on in the Middle EAST and particularly upset about how some Democrats, but equally on the hard work. Creating a moral equivalence between Israel, democracy, the tracking itself to fetch terrorist organization that commits double war crimes by hiding behind civilians, then and firing rockets at israeli civilian targets. It's just shocking that day see and the squad and even moderates. Leftist democrats, boy everything on Israel and it just shows a form of bigotry,
I will tell you Ellen, I I had such hope under Donald Trump. We, you know we had the the core it's coming and, and things were really changing in the Middle EAST is, good to see that Saudi Arabia and the others are not participating and then the remaining fairly silent about this in a good way. I guess but boy government has become hostile apps. We'll be hostile. I wouldn't know, the government I would say to mixed picture, I would say many legislators in some people in sub cabinet positions, but so far more again President Biden have said the right things that is, Israel is the right of self defence from Us Eu terrorist Group you saw that some Congress people want to hold off, giving Israel military aid, including iron, dome the outrageous so I hope
open mind on the administration. I do not keep an open mind on the big. It's like air and- and You are aware and an end Bernie Sanders a jewish shelf leading figures, you you wrote a piece yesterday. Why does the hard left glorify the Palestinians and I think in nailed it explain the you know it's not that they go about it our cities, they don't give a damn about the Palestinians on four thousand Palestinians, including many children and women have been murdered side and the serious when ten thousands of Palestinians, children black September by came to say you didn't hear of people from the hardware. It's not the Palestinians it they're focused on it would choose that. Therefore, Kristen the Palestinians are so worried that their alleged a pressure is the look at the Kurds. Treated much worse than the thousand is much worse, never been offered state much worse, but their oppressors.
the Jews, their oppressors are the Syrians and uranium the Iraqis, the Turks, the world doesn't give a day. The world only cares when or about the Middle EAST. When Jews are alleged to be the oppressor, it's pure, simple, Anti, Semitism, etc. Semitism. What comes from hard work to earn jewish and its anti Semitism, one country and Jews on the hardware You can be a jewel in the sunlight if your quiet double standard to Israel, for every other country in the Middle EAST. That is the definition of anti Semitism, applying double standards to the nation state, most people that you wouldn't apply to any other country. Even so, it's not about Palestinians they are lucky. They were offered estate, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, eight one thousand nine hundred and forty eight one thousand nine hundred and sixty seven, two thousand two thousand and one two thousand and five two thousand and eight.
You missed an opportunity to. Why are we shedding crocodile tears? We should be in two years over the palestinian people, they have been my by their leaders, but there There's never miss an opportunity to miss this opportunity that could have had a steady they could have had independent turned it down because they don't want there to be a jewish state. More than they want to have their own state. Those are the words of their original leader. The grand mufti of crucial How do you do have you? process all of this, I'm having a very difficult time. because you know people on the right are being called Nazis, etc, etc by Let me just give you a few tweets. Hitler did the same time now for the world to stand up against Israel criminal actions. one of my favorite Hitler quotes of all time. Is you know the the one that he supposedly but never did say?
I would have killed the Jews all the Jews in the world, but I kept some to show the world why I killed them. Another one is bro I could brings. If I could bring somebody back to life, I bring Adolf Hitler DE finishes: work with you. I mean that all states on Twitter, but when President job tries to tweet into court of Israel he gets taken down I tell you what so terrible about that when you take the unprecedented trump because you see he's not telling the truth, then you're suggesting that the people whose tweets stay up are telling us so you're validating the programme will to each year. Dating its weaknesses. Israel, isn't the wheel country is just a colonial experiment. If you keep up certain things and take down others, the things you keep on twitter, you validate as true Oh that's the biggest, why of all the best that's why I've always the social media there updating dating is true anything. They don't take down because of it
It was true that would take it there, that's the worst part of it and that's what Now in the discussions about the Middle EAST, have you review come to any philosophical understanding of why this keeps happening to the Jews over and over and over again it's the hardest question in the world? no Jews have contributed so much to every country they ve been pardoned Jews. Have you no help develop, things help develop by so much medicines, time, with their larger? Why withdrew? My friend Dennis Prego wrote a book some years ago called war either drew's. Why are you picking winners, ah its soul Turning to plan the hardest thing to understand this I do like Bernie Sanders pick on the Jew, Why Jews? continue college campuses. If your jewish and you
a b and you have to be in it. As I understand you compared to the test enjoying the environmental club. Then you can join the feminist club men. You can join the programme up, You can join all the left wing organizations, but if you want to be a person who joins organizations intersection reality demands that you announce Israel in turn, ETA, Israel, pro Palestinian and nobody asks you to procured. Nobody asks you to be pro the Chechen nobody asks you to be pro Tibetans. Nobody asks you to be Ro Guard who work. Subject him much much much worse human rights violations, and I tell you, as somebody who has worked on human rights or sixty years I will not be cowed into prioritizing the palestinian claim, over the much more legitimate claims of others, never been offered statehood and who have not terrorism and who have not had complicity with nazis away. The Palestinians did during the night.
Forties when the head of the Palestinians went to Germany and and and conferred with Hitler about how to kill Jews and his picture. The picture the grand mufti, Hitler was in many palestinian houses. Show me that the Palestinians don't bear any responsibility for the holocaust. May do not all of them, not most of them but many of them and their leadership. They bear responded already to the Holocaust. They bear responsibility for terrorism. They bear responsibility for the spread of their share. Machismo around Europe and when you make a moral equivalence between is struggling democracy, trying hard to do good, no country in history in seventy three years has done or for humankind. Then Israel, in terms of technology science, literature how to fight against terrorism. World Silken Damson is only one reason could act and its call them What is more, we have to recognise,
Alan Dershowitz. Thank you so much I appreciate it. You can hear him on the dirt show. You can find that online where we get your podcast. The dirt show also the author of the book case against the new censorship. Alan Dershowitz through time fact, in just a minute,
hello, America, and welcome to the global programme our eye. They are trying to now say the fairness doctrine needs to be reinstituted because talk, radio, talk, radio listeners, we're just full ally's and we can't tell the difference between truth in fiction. That's what they say is any of that true you're, going to love the new pole, but is out and you'll, be the first to hear about it. Just in Haskins joins us in sixty seconds programme. First, let me tell you about gold line on May. Fourth, I told you about a great book, called the crisis prepared. This handbook Hopefully you were listening. If you weren't it's ok, because gold line was listening and the
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get started today? Do it now aids Six gold line call them eight six. Six gold lie. Tomorrow night Hornblende TV constitution says, government cannot take from US life, liberty or property, but big government just took one giant step towards eliminating that right. President Biden is in full support of suspending covered nineteen patterns, intellectual property privately owned by farmers, whose properties next Glenn exposes this alarming suspension of rice watch the great american reset of property. Tomorrow, night, nine pm eastern, at least to be dot com, Slash Glenn. just didn't Haskins is a good friend of the programme, he is the editorial director of the Heartland Institute, editor in chief of stopping socialism, dot com and co writer of the next book that is coming out in the great recent just an hour. You, sir,
doing so outline so yeah. Yeah. so this is going to have. This is not gonna go over well. For those who think that everybody who listens to talk. Radio is a moron you just did a pool and and wanted to find out. We know who knows the news who knows the the general topics in the news who knows about the police shootings in climate change? Who knows what you find so what we wanted to do was go beyond just looking at bias in the news media. We all know that MSNBC in Vienna, and then you know eighty pcbs. Maybe we all know that their left leaning outlets and that people who watch and probably have left weeding opinions, but what we wanted to know was wow What do they understand about the facts? Not opinions related to important news story.
And just how detached from Gouty? Are they because my suspicion was pretty darn detached what we right would be asked them a whole bunch of questions about media preferences, and then we asked them a bunch of questions up factual questions about things going on in the news we asked about the national debt, we asked them about police shootings, climate change by students. The proportion of the pot relation, that's uninsured and Doesn't have health coverage, Then we were able to compare these two things to see if there is a difference of very large, full likely voters, and why we found was overwhelmingly in ass majority of questions that we ask, the people who watch NBC, CBS ABC Cnn and MSNBC regularly, who identified it as their favorite network, we're far more likely to get these questions about facts wrong in some cases
wildly wrong compared to people who watch conservative media to television and especially people who, get most of their news from talk. Radio top radio was actually the audience that was most likely to get these questions right above all other kinds of category, but generally speaking, conservative media way outperformed these liberal outlets so tell me you did they weren't, where there are differences on climate change? Did they know the hot button issues for the laughed like You know who lacks insurance health care assurance, who you know how warm is the temperature going to be in twenty. Fifty I mean was any question where they excelled there were, there were two questions were they did better than conservatives on average and those questions were in some ways. I think it kind of a mistake.
one was how many white people are shot unarmed, why people are fatally shot by police they were more likely to get that right, but they were more likely to get the question about unarmed african American shot by Felicia by police, wrong and fill the gap is being wife black, they were way way off. I'd give people an idea of just what we're talking about here. Eighty one percent, of MSNBC viewers, seventy percent of CNN and more than Ninety percent of the views of ABC Cbs, an embassy there are at least fatal fifty fatal. these shootings of unarmed African Americans every that's at least all, the real number, which is about eighteen according to decompose database and then a significant proportion, dramatic we overestimated per fatal police shooting of unarmed
we can America. So one quarter of CNN viewers, for example, said there were at least five hundred unarmed African Americans killed four year by police at five thousand over the course of a decade compared to less than two hundred ok, so wooden sat doesn't make sense, though I mean you, wouldn't think that this kind of coverage would it is something that affected eighteen people. There are more than eighteen people that die in a swimming pool. Every year I mean it's, it's real really quite shocking. When you, actually, no the numbers, but if you don't know the numbers, I mean I wouldn't be surprised that people would say a thousand people who are killed, because an epidemic. It's it's app everywhere. Right, wouldn't you they got that no, that's exactly right
percent of sea and ends up in it think that there were interpreted american thrower, unarmed till I believe or sent Y. So. What this shows beyond any doubt is that coverage that these People are getting because when we asked conservative they were getting these questions right at a much much higher rate. So what it shows is that neither talk radio listeners, what it, what did they say for with which question for the for the number of unarmed black skilled by police officers church when look it up Broadway But you know that there is no doubt whatsoever. When we asked about any of these questions. They were farm I could hear on top radio, with sixty percent to sixty percent of up radio listeners got the correct answer, which was less than fifty
compared to see an end, it was twenty three percent MSNBC. Ninety said that that, if you an illustration of of just how detached from reality law. These people are and if not just on on police shooting? It's on them national debt. It's on it's it's on virtually every question that we asked when we asked about national! That, for example, we sixty nine percent of CBS viewers and sixty five is just an example. Sixty five percent of NBC viewers and sixty nine percent of CBS viewers, said that the national that was much lower than it actually was in about thirty percent. And thirty, two percent of CBS Beaver that the national that was five trillion dollars. Relax Oh, my gosh, MIKE I'm really just the nationals, every five billion dollar. Ninety ninety five.
five trillion dollars? How could it be five trillion dollars when they're talking about passing on Another four trillion dollar package. I mean exactly and even if on on on climate change, us about how of all MSNBC viewers, ABC Cbs, anything about her. put them. In fact, more than half of them said that they think about humanity will be humanity, all of humanity will either be extinct or nearly extinct within a hundred years, and a quarter of said that they'll be extinct within fifty years because of climate change. she'll. Seventy five way weight, so seventy five percent of MSNBC viewers think that with the next fifty two hundred years, we'll all be dead ass? Ever
half of the people who said within a hundred years said within fifty years, so it ok, ok, percent of all the viewers, if twenty five percent, that less than fifty racked so fifty percent of the alleged CNN fifty. So, what's the other fifty percent say most of the other. Fifty percent said that it will happen, but it will just take more than a hundred years We're dead either word either we will eventually gonna die from climate change. Was the omens all our citizens, believe? You really believe that work go the whole human race is gonna, go extinct, within a hundred years, That means that the majority of peace, watching these networks believe that their their grandchildren will I, from climate change, that's what it, but that's what it means. I mean hold a wee insane, but that's the message that we are getting from the press. So this isn't just about
opinions. We all know that the people were watching these nets you can't have liberal opinion this. Is them not having the help. How can you for a good opinion when you don't have even the basic information about these topics right and if you watching those networks, you are not getting even the basic facts right about any of these topics. We know that to be true, we absolutely no that to be true and our own lives? We ve all met somebody who is a liberal, and if you leave you the opportunity to talk to them about the news no, I don't know anything about that. They say that all the time I didn't I didn't You get that is the EU thinking that you're gonna get that from, and usually it's like the New York Times, even printed that they just don't they don't they're, not The pact is because, even
if their source does do the story, it does it once and then drilling down on everything else? Did you ask any ask any political questions, tromp or by nor anything about socialism? we did ask about bindings approval rating it will actually kind of. It was interesting, as you would expect. The conservative media outlets did not have a particular people who watch those out which do not have a particularly fond view of Joe Biden less than twenty percent approval. The board for those who, usually it was even less than that, but for CNN and It was actually much lower than I thought and a pcbs as well. The average the and envy were strongly strong, approve both for Biden words, fifty seven percent, which is not duper high, ABC with was forty five percent Phoebe
was forty, eight percent, if you add in somewhat approve those numbers, go up to the sub bees, so, depending on the network that you're looking at MSNBC was far away Biden network. Ninety percent approved and to some degree and seventy percent- had strong approval, but now it's not as much you would expect without any doubt at all I mean certainly the average Fox NEWS viewer, the average blazed you're something would much higher opinion of of Donald Trump. When you're looking at similar pulls up done in the past, then the liberal yours of these networks have of of abide in right now, so he's not do a very good start. Your big take away from this, I think, one of the biggest illegal ways beyond just the fact that people who were watching these networks are just does not get it
the truth, and so they shouldn't watched him. Is that what one of the most stunning things about this whole Paul? Is that a significant proportion of people who say that they watch these liberal outlets, don't believe the liberal out are liberal. They actually think that most the news that they're getting is either somewhat conservative or mostly conservative. That's more than easy. Even viewers and more than half of MSNBC viewers rejects, wrote back more than sixty percent said that they think that most of the news that they get is somewhat conservative. Sleeping surplus till they have no idea the canoe If you're watching is actually incredibly liberal news, they ve never met a conservative if they think that How how do they know that conservatives does
spies, CNN and all these other outlets and and think that they are full of nothing but leftist propaganda do they square that circle, I'm just not going all idea. A bizarre world were living in it really truly is, are just hang on just a SEC. I've got a couple of the questions kind of going on the great reset when we come back in one minute. We're in financing can nevertheless one two three four W W w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, Org How's, your financial householding up these days enjoying the transitory inflation that is totally temporary, mean absolutely definitely dope, worried about it. I mean you'd be great see if you worried about transitory for inflation What are you doing in response to the possibility? I mean
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so Adjusting you, you and I ve been working on a book on the great reset, and you know I've looked at it. Recently and they're doing the same thing they did with What was the what was this One thing that we all fought against recently: the values the Commonwealth they're doing the same kind of thing that they did with common core. First, they say it's not true Then they start to hedge around it. then they'll come out go ok, it is true, but we're not gonna. Do it and then they just change the name. There's a lot of things going on right now, where they are
their travelling down that road, but they are telling us now that there Do it anyway, for instance, Tennessee they moved to ban critical race theory, but the educators, our saying we're, gonna work, break the law or we're going to deny that c r t was ever in our schools. While happening to us, where people are willing to come out and say I don't care what the people say. doing it anyway right I think, the if you're gonna sum up sort of the essence of the great rate that movement really across the board, whether it up a teacher who supports this these kinds of ideas. Generally, you know Corporate leaders at big multinational banks and- and other thing is that there is this sensitive.
Really doesn't matter what people want, because they don't know what's good for them, and we the this sort of tat the crowd of society, the weakest in society? We know. What's that and we will guide these people, whether they like it or not, whether they want it or not, and we're just gonna go through regard within a new case, even regardless of what the law say and become. They know that frankly, the mob is on their side and began they know that the elite institution, not just of America of the entire world, are on their side and because they know at the White House is on their side and therefore The federal agencies are on their side. I think you're going come increasingly more boy than about these kinds of attempts, because the cannon the baby we know what's going on. You been talking about this now for almost a year. We know, What's happening, it's its impact, We are starting to learn about it all the time, so there
able to hide it. But what they're going to do is is exactly what you just said: they're going to say: yes, If you know what it is happening, but it's for the best and do it anyway, because we got to save the planet or we got a fix inequality or we gotta, stop racism or whatever it is, and always justify the means, and that's that's what this whole move is. The essence of this whole movement is that these people, control society better than you can manage your own life, isn't individual person which explains another story that is out today about how apple has been working with the chinese government, and they are censoring and or chinese citizens. giving all of that information over to China the end justify the means thanks. It's just that. I appreciate it You can. Of course you bet you can find all of this information on that latest survey at
Land Institute, easy editorial director there, the heartless institute. You can find it at heartland, DOT, Org Heartland, daughter, This is the one programme if you haven't join a MAC, yet there three reasons: why should head over to aim? Act out? U S, slash back and join right now, first and foremost is aim acts, advocacy for conservatives for our values and our principles aimed The association of a tour american citizens has participated in over a thousand personal meetings. We congressional leaders ensuring that your voice is heard on issues like freedom of speech? The second amendment, a religious freedom, a MAC, pushing against ultra liberal legislation. The I'm just trying to ram through Congress, and they make it easy for members to get involved, in fact, over
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a yo? Let me talk about Governor Cuomo for a second Zion, so it seems to be a problem, even less aim: a governor Cuomo he got five point one two million dollars for a book done only so fifty thousand guppies. What that It means that they are the bay about, dollars. A copy somethin like that. You know I'm saying so. What's what problem there for point: one million dollars. I ask for six point: nine. They me off boy, nine they negotiate down the five point, one. That's like foreign
five trillion dollars, difference so quiet in get anything. You know what I'm saying I was smoked been ripped off and by the way you say so, and she was too should know better than that. These are the people that printed they Hillary Clinton book, come on. You know what I'm saying see, there's no way, there's no way, five point. One too billion dollar nine zero million dollars million dollars safe. Forget sometimes you know, you think millions, not that much anymore. five point. One million dollars for his There is no way no way Let's, it's like Michelle Obama book theirs. there's no way you ever going to make that back? Remember his last book sword, like legitimately, like four thousand copies. It was,
No one was buying it. So you reassign Andrew Cuomo, and you give him five million dollars for a book that I looked I found copies. We can all laugh at it right, but for Andrew Cuomo, that is, a miracle a miracle. He sold fifty thousand copies of a book, but, as I did I'm not sure everybody bought that book, though I just you know it's just I I I have written a few books. Ok, I've written a few books the I will tell you that every boy gauge and in the world knows that the days of advances or bonuses being paid big boy honest. Those days are long gone before, people. You know it was an unheard of to get a five million dollar bonus. You know, A couple of book deal or something like that when you sign on back in the days People were selling five million books. You can make
that money easily when you're selling one to five million. Both the act. ridge, thriller now which are the best selling books. They sell like five thousand copies make an five five million dollars from five hundred, thousand copies you're. Just not nodded and not that you could share with anybody. I mean that the summit in Schuster they'll take at least half of everything just for production. What come on yeah I mean listen. This is all a new Europe. The new republic on this today the headline of the story? Why would anyone pay Andrew Cuomo four million dollars for a book now he's actually getting fired? we as we think viper one too Seven years ago, on the eve of being elected to a second term as Governor Andrew Como completed a rate of passage familiar to all presidential aspirants, publish a memoir or a memoir, all things possible,
overlong at more than five hundred and fifty pages, good God, Almighty cliche, written and hopelessly dull, which is to say standard issue, Pollack, political tome, Cuomo, paid more than seven hundred thousand dollars by Harbour Collins and the book had and not its initial print of two hundred thousand but food five months later it was for after it was published, its just over three thousand copies in hard cover and third teen audio books, Omega thirteen Total Body books in I mean, and they provide money launderers possession If our me, I I mean, think I would have bought an extra thirteen audio books? Just so I wouldn't be thirty minutes to say twenty six audio books yeah
twenty six hours a lot better than the thirteen. I made you a bad terrorism somewhat in his family bought one right. So let me it so let me, let me ask you this too sincerely money laundering yellow. there's this thing that goes on and I am sure you are very well aware of all in very nuanced sports stories that are tied to the answer, but there's no. You can't play college athletes right campaign. Neither their very their court and quote amateurs and so sometimes he's just really talented athletes lock in two jobs, like local car, washes where they make a hundred and seventy five dollars an hour. that's what we pay all of what we pay him. That's why we that's the going rate for him bright what he does.
The show up he's working. I haven't seen him once at the car wash, but do a razor blade and just happens to be a very wealthy alumni who owns that car wash, and it's just a bunch of keys Rehearsal Kuwait sitting at what are you talking about right, Irae leaving? No, I didn't he's a nice guy who I go to school. I say I used to go to that school. What are the right? I won't answer that question it is. attempting to say that its money laundering, because it looks like money laundering now I don't know exactly how that would work, but I will say this it's one thing to say: like ok, Andrew Cuomo released a book and it failed. We all very familiar with it. Storyline were familiar with anything and almost like. That's that's a failure, because that's what he's been eyes, a constant failure, that's life, but this is something that could not succeed
This is not something that just all they took a shot at Cuomo are there. I got bad, we twitched Hillary Clinton, both right and we all made fun of it- could succeeded right, she's, a major political, John, major public figure. She may have been elected president right. You of we barely lost a presidential election, so she's the sin of media motivated some of its money back, there's no July Mama. Why is it that these deals only happen too liberal politicians I mean think about They got back. That's how come it's liberal politicians they get these deals conservative, that's getting a deal like they won't you good. He won't even give a conservative a book deal its liberal politicians and get these astronomical. Joy and take signing bonuses in a world where the
are no signing bonuses anymore and they, all have a record of being dismal failures, Nobody on the board of directors at Simon and Schuster is gone. Why what's going on here, It seemed like a good business deal and it's not the first time it see seems to happen ever each time we sign a liberal politician what's happening here. Nobody is accountable for their money in the frame nobody's accountable for that money, too and come up with any other soon. Reason as to why this happened. He was very, he did go through us, a phase where the media adored, em and cons ITALY, praised him and said he was that my marriage has governor for a couple. He sold thirteen audio books, thirteen on our size that way to get two Emmi, because that you'd have. So what am I really to make it even close to work at a million books
you know and no one cells, and I mean that no one buttoned barely any rarely if this is not reduced of like an inner, the mid nineties, where he could rip off multi million dollar best sellers from pretty much anybody whose famous like this is: don't read Books anymore, not dimension Glenn. I will say this also occurred during a pandemic where that none of the stores were open. So, like any sales you might get a people walking around and walking into a bookstore didn't even occur, I will do it. It's a lie.
the single worst business move in american history that money? That is the absolute best reading of this, but I would send name worse than blockbuster. Refusing to purchase Netflix ass. Miss it is his is. I mean you're exactly well beyond new coke, we are, we are weighed down in the doldrums of businesses. Is it but that seat put seek out? That's what's so interesting about this block. Buster went out a business, so they paid for that. New Coke paid through the nose for that. Simon issues, judges and seem to be bothered by they just keep making these deals losing millions of dollars and no one questions. It look at me. Look at the whole boy. Industry and say that things are not going well. So I mean you can argue the right plenty of punishments for some of these bad deals, but
this one's political plan I mean I can still do you know of a place that new do. Do you think Apple somebody else you what I think we need! make Apple eight track tapes and he puts five million dollars and do it itself. Thirteen gnp that guy is even listen to Not even listen to let alone the next time, given ten million dollars right areas, the set on a hot, headed rock idea. A seven hundred thousand dollar bonus is a terrible move for entry to give to Andrew Cuomo and it failed so horribly you'd. Think the next book he'd get. zero dollar bonus right. That was the right number publish the book and then we'll split the prophecy right Absolute
best case scenario for Edric Homo EDA publishing his book. I think it is questionable when you talk about doing so. I voted five hundred copies, but ok, I mean someone had to read that audio book was Cuomo. Did he still sitting a studio. So we could sell thirteen books. I mean, I don't know but it is I'll bet. You I'll bet you that that the guy way through the audio books, maybe even for halfway through the first chapter. Just went la la la la la la that ain't, no buddies least need Gazeta, Lilla Chapter four. Because they do have. Love could put fresh and also read these books, the professional audio readers but emulating it, wouldn't it be just confusing for the person who say over and over again and then it'll make good leader back I'm so good.
just Ribbed submitted shoes or for five point. One: two million dollars learn how to do it by my book. Yeah we are focusing on the wrong part of the story by the way where we should we should. We should set ourselves Simon issues are making a dumb business move, I mean look, they signed Udo contracts there known for that. Well! Well, why bless me? You know you got here the ideology of a lot better than the global? What right me? I know you saw plenty of books but In all seriousness, people asked over and over again. Why would Andrew Court? Why not how but why would he high these numbers? The nursing homes we knew of eventually they were going to come out. There is no doubt about that. It was just a matter of time and we said over and over again this is coming. This is coming. This is coming eventually numbers came out and since then his career has cratered why did he lie about it. Why did he have multiple staffers going through
scientific reports deleting numbers. Why did he do that fight? point one two million dollars is why he did it here. literally wet through and took People's wives lied about them light their deaths, lied about why they died, lied about why his policies killed them to maintain five point, one two million dollars v. That's what happened there? why this is a really important story and Of course, the media is still sitting around waiting for the results of this sexual harassment, which is important, but is way more than enough to say. Not only did Simon Schuster signed a bad deal, this, borderline criminal activity. I dont know I'm not a legal expert in the state of New York, but how this is it? This isn't a crime, it certainly should be. It certainly should be your exactly right. Thank
Stu Hustler to one of the largest manufacturers of zero turn lawnmowers in the world. I'm sorry, it's relief factor. I want to talk about Lee factor. I ran out of relief factor this weekend holy cow. it's much worse, its much workers when you when you have pain, Try really factor, please just try it. You know, I haven't, stop taking it, because I've been out I don't know how long ran out. Late last week haven't gotten another pack yet and I M shots. in so much pain, and lives in Oklahoma. She used to suffer from pain in her shoulder so severe that literally for five years of her life. She had to sleep sitting in a chair with pillows stuff binder. Her shoulders would swell during the day hurt in the evening by night they just go numb. I mean
no way to live. She was starting to believe that that sis, the waste is gonna, live the rest of her life. then. She heard me talking on this programme about relief factor. She was sceptical for a long time and by a long time I mean two years. Two years come on Man two years. You didn't trust me on this Well, she eventually tried it. And guess who sleeps on her back now pain, free and and got her life back. You Two I got my life back you and to trust me when works, thou don't stop taking. It goes seal realise home gosh. Oh it was getting rid of all of that. I remember now. Release act or not a drug develop by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try to go on to order more order
the three week quick start now for one thousand, nine hundred and ninety five call eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four eight hundred five hundred and eighty three eighty four, its relieffactor dot com. do you know, there's been a lot of talk of doktor and not making any sense in, and you know being untrustworthy and there's also a lot of talk of ufos. Is there a chance that doctor found she is the first in the landing Party Maybe that's, obviously ridiculous is no no higher than an eighty percent chance, that's true hi should we leave, though airily the way the world would make sense. You'd be like that been aliens the whole time that would make it all comes together? I get it now, isn't it
thou hast. These things are just not stories Sixty minutes alien rings, yeah sixty minutes covered. This showed multiple videos of you efforts and they them. government is basically admitting. They have no idea what they are, I was talking to Jordan Petersen, a very smart guy, and I said what do you think is up with the? U S old thing and the panic coming out what what what is happening with that he's, like you, My foes. What are you talking about? Allow for the last two years the Pentagon's been ringing, every bell, we're being watched were being watched and nobody seems to care it's them. In a time of bizarre things, it's possibly the most bizarre that nobody seems to care about this, or I will see you tomorrow. Night plays tv and tomorrow back here on the radio programme,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.