« The Glenn Beck Program

'The End of The Beginning?' (Buck Sexton joins Glenn) - 3/13/18

2018-03-13 | 🔗
Hour 1 You're Fired Rex Tillerson...Mike Pompeo replaces...Names first woman to head the CIA ...British Prime Minister, Theresa May warns Russia over recent chemical attack...interesting language used?...'Unlawful use of force'...'weapons grade nerve agent' made only in Russia...Trump's personal assistant was escorted for unspecified security issue? ...Molested by the munchkins?   Hour 2  A serial bomber strikes again...not ruling out as a 'hate crime'..."we have to do something, packages are killing people" ...'The End of The Beginning'...'justify your existence'...Meet Frank Stephens? ...Buck Sexton joins to discuss Rex Tillerson's firing, Russia's chemical attack in the UK and North Korea...all the options on the table? ...The torch has been lit..."Thank you Glenn" for bringing The Down Syndrome topic to the forefront   Hour 3  Hillary Clinton embarrasses herself and America while in India...people are so tired of her racist rhetoric ...'Saved By a Miracle'...American Airlines customer service agent, Denise Miracle saves the day...rescues 2 teenage girls from human trafficking plot ...New Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo is expected to be much tougher on Russian? ...White women ruined it for Hillary?...it's everybody else's fault ...Pat 'John Kerry' Gray to the rescue? ...Glenn and Stu fight it out over M&M's?? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Love courage, courage, true Glenn Back President Trump is the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson replaced him. With CIA director MIKE Pompeyo this, this is a major change to the national security team and it is coming on the heels of the announcement that. We may be going to North Korea for talks. Trump apparently asked Friday for Tillerson to step aside and move on and cut short his trip to Africa Return to Washington, Pompeyo is going to replace him at the State Department and Gina Haspel she's. The decade deputy director of the CIA will succeed him at the CIA. She will be on the very first woman to run the spy agency. If she is confirmed,
the President said that it was important to make a change now, as he prepares for the talks with N Korea he said I want to thank Rex Tillerson for his service. A great deal has been accomplished over the last fourteen months and I wish him and family well. Next Tillerson on his behalf, said I am deeply grateful to President Trump for permitting me to serve as director of the central. No I'm sorry, that's pompeyo! Pompeyo said, I'm I'm deeply grateful for letting me serve as director of the Central intelligence agency and now for opportunity to serve as secretary of state that just broke this and it's coming at an interesting time, and I have a feeling this all came because Tillerson was like what
steel of Tillerson last week was saying we're not going to North Korea we're not going to North Korea, we're not going to North Korea and what an hour for Trump said we're going to. Well, not going to North Korea, but we're going to meet with Kim Jong Moon right before that Tillerson said we're a long way away from direct talks just that long way with sixty minutes. You know that's along the line. I base news, like my kids, think and ours along time. Are we there yet are we there yet so so the this regulation is is that this was the big falling out. This was the final straw. Teller sin was shocked by it. He said right after the statement last week that he had at Absolutely no idea the president didn't consult with anyone. It's not his. I mean he it's his prerogative. He doesn't have to consult with anybody. The own the problem with the N Korea thing and I'm willing to give it a whirl, but the only the only prob,
from a from a department of state. Would be that once you have the two big guys talk, there isn't anything else left. So if so, you try to hold that off as the last possible option when the deal is really getting close to push it over the top. You don't want to do that before you gigs. Instead, every other option is once they've met. Person, there's nowhere to go from there, except for missile start flying in the that's. The that's that's the theory is the theory is the theory. Yeah, and this is interesting, pompeyo moving into that slot. You know, first of all, pro stable guy, you know people it would be. This is not like it. There there's, not a controversy over all my GOSH Mike Pompeii, a like this guy's, the was the CIA director already former congressman. You know generally well respected. One of the in
six things about Pompeo is he's been one of the harshest voices about russian meddling in the, and he said that they absolutely were meddling in the elections. Now again, that does not mean russian Cook doesn't mean collusion within, doesn't mean being changed in that cover. The election has nothing to do with that, but he's been very harsh on Russia and what I have done in the past year or two. So that's kind of an interesting point, yes- and I said, is that the that he would hi, I think that's a real positive, especially for the deadline that we are waiting for in England. Don't know about it, yeah, probably because the news has been so focused on other crap, that you didn't hear. There's big developments between the UK in Russia and we'll talk about that as the morning progresses. It's Tuesday March 13th you're listening to the Glenn Beck program.
Do we have Theresa may's audio? He Here's what happened last week in case you in case I know in case you have a life Ann you're, not paying attention to news all the time and especially when you are paying to the news paying attention to the news if they happen not to be talking about some scandal. Was it last week there was last week there was a russian spy that was killed in the Uk I'll. This isn't the first time what was his name living Co. Remember him. That was when we were at CNN. I think and a huge list of these I mean I was reading this just the other day. The list of russian poisonings outside of Russia of various former enemies of the enemies in some way somewhere another I mean it's, it's K. Yeah and they've been doing this for a long time. So with the
just one like this, I think, was living co. He was a he He was booed and not a fan of his and he was in England and he was eating in a restaurant and they I believe that there with by the size of grain of salt enriched what was it uranium? It was, pull polonium, two hundred and twenty one, two hundred and twelve, something like that? You'll have to elect to look it up if you, if you really want to know, but it was it's very rare there's. Only two places already could have come from and that's deep in the vaults of the United States or deep in the vault of Russia, it's it's x, ordinarily dangerous and very, very rare.
It was used to send a message to the world. I can get you anywhere. Because it clearly came from Putin, so a killed him on English, soil and the English didn't do anything about it. They were just like you know it's a spy dead and you know spy versus spy. Whatever. So they just moved past it. This I, however, there was a chemical weapon released in England and it's put twenty two or twenty one people in the hospital. It's killed, two people so far there people that are in critical condition. This is a chemical weapon released in England by Russia. Not we told you this. Last week we speculate that it was Russia and we said, but will they'll never they're, never going to say that they're never going to come out with any of that does what are the options you gonna
war with Russia, because that remember chemical weapons used on your civilian population? I think that's a red line. So what are they going to do? We supposed? They would do nothing because you don't want to escalate things at this time with Russia that what Theresa may did? Here's a speech Yesterday in the House of Commons, listen to this speaker on Wednesday. We will consider in detail the response from the russian state should the be credible response. We will conclude that this action amounts to an unlawful use of force by the russian state against the United Kingdom, and I will come back to this house and set out to the full range of measures that we would take in response. Mr, because this attempted murder using a weapons grade nerve agent in a british town was not just a crime against the script. It wasn't
indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom put the lives of innocent civilians at risk and we will not tolerate such a brazen attempt to merge innocent civilians on our soil. Okay. So what she said before this was we now have identified the the agent and it's like v, but it only made in Russia, so the only purpose could have been Russia and most likely this came. Through in a diplomatic bag. I mean it's not something you're going to smuggle across the middle of the in through customs us We don't know how least they're not saying how it got into the country but they are saying that it is from Russia. Now she used to some some sting language here she said they had third six hours to respond and Wednesday and if they do
respond in a credible way on what were you doing? What were you thinking? How did this happen? Oh you guys didn't. Do it really tell me about that? If there's not a credit, the credible response from Russia by Wednesday, they the clear it unlawful use of force, the sounds kind of legalistic. She then goes back and she says this was weapons grade a weapons grade nerve agent and it was an act against the United Kingdom. Article five is something that all NATO countries have signed on to and it back on. One is an attack on all of us.
All that she is setting up article five against Russia and uniting NATO. Now there isn't a country that wants to take Russia on, but there isn't a country I think in Europe that isn't tired of Russia's meddling beak. As they are meddling in all of our affairs. They are meddling with all of our elections. They are meddling in by funneling money and all kinds of things into what they're called conservative movements, but over in England, conservative is not conservative. Conserve It is usually a national socialist organization. There are sixty six of these that are being funded and and advised and helped by the Russians. I I think there is a possibility that the NATO countries are going to say me yeah. Ok, what do you want? Ah, and Theresa, may she may kick out all of
spies. I mean, I think the least they would do is well, but apparently we all know who's got spies where which is bizarre, but we let their spies in our country and they let our spies and we just kind of like what spies. I don't know what you're talking about, but there possibility the the least offensive thing she do is say we're going to take your spies out the neck. That would probably be we're going to take your ambassador out and apply sanctions on you. If she invokes article five is she could say I like all NATO nations to kick their spies out or kick their ambassadors out if we moved as a block. That is that's a big big palsy move. But what is England going to do? I don't know, and
it's insane that they just continue to do this. Russia there's huge list all these poisonings and one of them come comes from the New York Times an article, they wrote in twenty sixteen, and it just goes through. All of these poisons that they've done. This is paragraph ten of the story, paragraph ten of the story other countries, notably Israel in the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context. No other major power employees murderous a systematically and ruthlessly is Russia does against those seen as betraying it's in, such a broad killings outside Russia, even given legal sanction by the nation's parliament in two thousand and six wait. Why killings outside Russia were even given legal sanction by the nation's parliament in two thousand and six, so the parliaments acknowledged at least there open about it at least like yeah we're going to kill people overseas. There are enemies, that's I mean
is legal in the russian government now they've never claimed they've used that law. Of course they deny every of these killings, though they these. We'll tend to die in ways that you can only trace it back to the to the russian lenses intent. I remember when, when that happened with living co- and it was polonium and and I had never heard of polonium before and it was explain to me by several experts- You would only use this. If you wanted everybody to know, and what he's doing you wouldn't, would you use a a nerve agent that is only made in Russia? Why would you do that? I mean you could use vx. I could have come from os. It could have come from Syria. Could you know, use vx pick, the one you got all those on the shelves. You pick the one that is only used in Russia. That tells
do that. You either have a rogue state. Somebody inside that is stealing things from a lockdown situation to make Russia look bad false flag or you are sending a message to the world. I don't care, I don't care about you're, not going to do anything anyway and that's usually the way it's taken yeah. I think that we follow the trail of bread. Bread comes here from from Vladimir Putin in his interview with Megyn Kelly was the Jews. We have not even considered that it was a Jew super sitting. There was there. What was the name of the guy that ran the the Deli
Slash Chemical nerve agent shop in Manhattan. He remember him good customer service, there, yeah yeah, yeah, great bagels, some locks, maybe a nerve agent or two alright, more bad news, the huge data breach with that made. Credit Bureau that happen river? It was two point: four million Americans were impacted. That brings I'd love. The number that brings the total number of Americans impacted to one hundred and forty nine point: nine million in wins all that it is only laugh. So we have a it's. Not a big deal How many of us even know? If your name is on that list, it is the largest breach in human history. Now the original number was one hundred and forty five point: five, but the
and the company came out and said you know why we misplaced a couple of other name. So now it's one four thousand one hundred and forty nine nine, the additional four million had their names and driver's license numbers stolen. So even information is out on you. It does that affect you. There are so many ways today, because we all connected to everything that it makes one weak link and they can have everything and destroy your life. They have your identity, new life, lock, identity theft, protection now adding the power of Norton Security to help you protect against the threats of your identity and your devices. So you easily see or fix these things now you're, not you're, not going to be able to really follow them because you have a life You don't know how to fix them. Yeah you fix that yeah, okay, yeah and I will fix the defibrillator on my car to if, who have a problem, they're going to fix it. Now, nobody
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the four, a dot m and until all of the news agencies were on that, and then the White House, at eight hundred and eighteen central, released another story, and it is about the president's personal assistant. Can you read this? Please yeah, so he is. He is his personal assistant. I've is kind of the last of the original group. I would hope Hicks leaving now Canada so that original close group President Trump's, a personal assistant, John Mcentee, was s it out of the White House on Monday to senior officials, administration officials said the cost. The firing was an unspecified security issue, so the third White House official, with knowledge of the situation, so that's not going to get any coverage, but I think it's in saying that it is released. It happened last night and it was released after the Rex Tillerson, so nobody looking there.
I don't know what he did. I have no idea what this the personal assistant to the President, who, by the way, have you ever John Mcentee. I have ma'am, apparently he's a trick: shot quarterback saves, which is what I, what if I'm the president, that's what I'm looking for. Dude, perfect man yeah that he's got a gig. I know I know so you know I. I have no idea why he was escorted, but for a personal assistant to be escorted on security issues is part significant yeah I mean. Could it be tied to the the whole country? That's been going on with the temper, prairie versus permanent security clearances. Maybe, but with her personal secretary there, personal assistant, that would be kind of a strange line to draw, I mean you can keep people the administration with an temporary security. Secure now read that again
sure I'd love to I had to somebody in for his jacket. Yes, There's something strange that the firing was an unspecified security issue: yeah yeah, you had to leave so fast that you, you didn't. You forgot your jacket at C, Mcentee was removed for the White House grounds without being allowed to collect his belongings. He left without his jacket, yeah something bad happened. There Glenn Beck Mercury, you're listening to the Glenn Beck program. So the news today is that Trump has fired.
Tillerson and per Rex Tillerson is now coming out and say the quote is I Don't know why I was fired. I never talked to the president. I sure Rex knows why he was fired and I'm I'm guessing that end the president. Just did a press conference a second ago as he's getting ready to go on a marine one and he sounded very presidential in it. He gave Rex in all kinds of for the you know, kudos and support and said you know. I I admire him. I think he did great job. We just had different views on things and specifically the the IRAN deal yeah saying that chillers and wanted to keep it in place. He wanted to blow it up and I think there's a good. I mean I'm the teller was terrible, but I think, there's after the pump pale, actually be better at that job wells pump pale. The thing I do like about Pompeii always is that is the he has been outspoken on Russia and Russia is a big big threat and the
and went on to say the he's going to speak to Theresa may this afternoon. He said they he said my understanding is. Is they believe that Russia was behind this chemical weapons attack on UK soil? He said and if that's what they tell me, I would take that finding, as fact he said, but I speak to her this afternoon, and if that is true, we will of course condemn Russia, for it, that's good. That's a very good way of looking at that. It will be interesting to see what the pushback is, because they keep promising and we do the. All the time every country. Does this all the time serious consequences if Xy Ursi and the next buyer Z happens and the serious consequences are. That you say again there will be serious consequences in the future will be, I mean You had a chemical weapons attack on your soil regardless, if it operating from another country that was targeted. I would think actually would make sure there were
serious consequences. I mean, can you imagine if twenty one american Red line right Red Limaco attack on your soil? I know at what I'm saying, though, is: can you imagine that happening on our soil yeah? I can but, and the President says it's a red line and then you do nothing things get worse. So Theresa may has to be really careful and the NATO country? We have to be really careful. Are you What are you prepared to do now? I didn't think they would say anything because I don't think anybody is prepared to actually go to war with Russia and I don't think that they want war with Russia. I don't think that's you know on the immediate horizon, but this is a step too words it depending on what they do. If it's a slap across the wrist, you know, then we go back to normal and he continues to kill people you on UK soil
we have Jason and Jason is our head of real security. He watch is this for us, and has been watching Russia now for the last five or six years with me. What do you think? What do What are the options here, Jason and then the Kremlin knows that is kind of infuriating, because I think that I mean just the did they use this nerve agent over? There was really equivalent of you Putin signing his signature to you know, put in the acronym lol, you know we've been cracking up because he knows that, where there's not a lot, we can do the mine things we could do like, so this is called the very low end, Theresa may and Boris Johnson. There, foreign minister could say okay? Fine we're going to react like we did with Litvinenko? Who was another spy that was that Russia took out on UK soil uh, they could do that and they just expelled the few Russian a bass are few russian diplomats and pretty much called it a day. It is very minor slap on the wrist big difference, and
this case, though, is that twenty one UK citizens were hospitalised got bigger blowout lot more collateral damage. It happen with Litvinenko case and the language that more thresa may is using and the sounds like you could make the case they are trying to set up article five. Now it it's a Lee is she's, calling it an illegal attack of any legal tack on on on UK soil. I don't know she said it's an unlawful use of force and weapons grade weapons grade nerve agent, which is an act against the okay. Those are exact words. This is a scary words, because you definitely could, and you know that there are coordinating reaching out to the NATO members I got. I would almost call them secretary state to listen former, so earlier State Tillerson said yesterday that ok, yeah. It was obvious that Russia did this Anna responses incoming. So you know they're talking to each other, so it must be
collective NATO thing at this point. The question is how far they gonna go now. The second option would be that they go a little bit more strict. They allow more hardcore, let's say the rest of NATO bands together and it's a collect, live action against Russia and they all decide to significantly downsize their diplomatic embassies and consulates all over it ever everywhere? They have an inside of a NATO country. The extreme end would be they just boot. The russian ambassador altogether and say find us another ambassador. That would be huge because it would be mutually assured, destruction 'cause. The Russians would do the exact same thing and we'd be at the lowest of low. I can't I don't think even during the cold war, when relations between NATO and Russia would have been that low that that that that that would get scary and let's That's only the the russian ambassador to the UK, or you saying the russian ambassadors to all NATO countries well
That is why I, that, with that I'm saying to all NATO country, okay, they do do an article five yeah. That would be how they respond, not militarily but more like a diplomatic article, five. Now, let me ask you this: how does this play into the hands of people that they are funding. You know with the world national the conservative movement, where they are funding people like golden DAWN and JA, Vixen Hungry and in France in all over these, these nationalist NEO Nazi kind of groups that of Russia. Now, how is this going
way? You know it it's it's, it really is all connected. You know the the more chaotic western Europe in the United States is the more that their job is basically just to make people doubt their governments yeah. The more that these people will say. Look look. This is you'll, probably hear this word a lot. Roosa phobia you'll probably hear that a lot and it'll be coming from those far right groups. You hell that from you'll hear that from the all right here, the United States risks will be so Bruce Phobia and you'll hear that all over the identitarian far right groups over in Europe, but they would scary part, is that they do a lot of these groups, especially not so much for the United States, thankfully, but see pack is starting to begin to change that But a lot of those groups in Europe have a strong foothold in mainstream government, so they're have they hold significant seats so bills. Using their influence to try and change things and are we seeing? Are we seeing actual funding going to any of these groups Jason or is it mainly advice, council and social media support? No funding and
never see funding. I mean that's just the way that you know that that's what they call what's what Russia called cutouts they've been doing the same thing since the Soviet Union. He was very, very difficult to actually attach so what you like, what, for instance, when they did find the funding that went to the front national far. The marine Le Pen group in France that, through a bank that is in us there is a see a cut out, and I random ties. It eventually led back to the Kremlin, but it's so like wishy washy. It provides easy plausible ability, dead, World National insert a movement which was a you know, a conglomeration of always far right groups in Europe. Again the perfect cut out, but again the people that started that were from the russian Rodina Party, who had their leader at the time is now the deputy vice premier, president or whatever, whatever they they use, is like nobody, Prime Minister, that's what was yeah. Who is right there on the plan, so you can eat all these people are connected, the all have their tentacles into the mainstream government.
It's just they're very, very good at concealing it yeah. Well, not concealing it, but sure you can't prove it. That's true and that's what makes this chemical web and so interesting is the you don't have to you: don't have to work hard to prove it. This is the only place that that chemical nerve agent was made is in the Soviet Union or Russia, the ultimate autograph, he autographed this and then the note not knew that we couldn't do about anything. I I would just really got another quick point, one. What is the been too so that the Brits figure this out and what three four days, what two it's been? It's been fourteen days, it's been two weeks since the attack on the military base on where our Marines got hospitalized. We still haven't been told. That later agent that we use that was used if there's any leads, why? Why are the is that much better at investigating than we are same type of thing. There's kill me was a nerve agent that attacked R. U S!
Fourteen days ago, they won't tell us a thing I just reached out to them again. This morning, to get confirmation, they won't tell us what's going on. False flag, interesting, thank you, Jason, keep following those stories for we have like statement from the State Department an odd day today, Glenn. This is attributable to the under secretary of for public diplomacy from the State Department, the Secreti Tillerson every intention of staying because of the critical progress made, a national security. He will miss his colleagues to the Department of State in the foreign ministers that he's worked with throughout the world. The secretary did not see to the president and is unaware of the reason is an on the record state from the State Department he's grateful for the opposite way. This is not a. This is a this is not a reporter calling somebody in the state department. This is an actual state
and from the season, and it's an official statement from the state. Yes on the record, what in the hell does that mean? This is not a like something leaked from someone who like right right right. This is an odd statement from the undersecretary of for PO, the pharmacy- if I may say it least, currently he is the undersecretary first, but well already. That may not be well. Let's check back in about an hour tell you think that means. I mean he's clearly saying that this I mean signaling, that this is not handled the way that does the other people. State Department are happy with, and obviously also saying that it was a surprise to Taylor said now: there's reporting all over the place that they had Trump said I have been talking about this for a while, which is widely reported, also that that truck had been the children have been asked to leave on Friday. However, this makes it seem like it was a much more of a surprise. You know
just so that I wish I trusted the state Department, but I don't know I own, they don't trust the state department at all and they may be. You know they may be afraid of the CI a director coming in. I I don't know we'll just take it for what it's worth. Nothing at this point, all right blinds dot com we are today. I want to thank them so much for their sponsorship of this program over the many many years, but blinds dot. Com is a sponsor of this program and I am proud to be a spokesperson for them because they are the best at what they do. You know the blinds the shades, the shutters, the drapes, everything that they do is top notch and their customer service is unparalleled. Blinds
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Glenn Beck Mercury. Land back. You talk about the real story that I even know what the real stories today there been three pretty big bombs dropped in my lap in the last thirty to forty five minutes, but your j e r r, Mostar Rex teller soon started our Russia's chemical attack. You only talk about anything real. What's what do you? What? What am I missing here still well, there's a new report, that's a posthumous memoir from her former husband Judy Garland may We've been sexually harassed by the munchkins on the wizard of OZ, said God, I can't they would make the. I don't think things strong enough. I don't think I'm strong enough to handle this silly.
They were drunks. They were draw said Judy Garland in the nineteen sixty seven interview with a tv talk, show host Jack Paar. They put put them all in one hotel. They got smashed every night and the police had to pick them up and butterfly nets. You won't talk. This is what I wish I would have led. This is the that led the hour with this, though I this is the latest step in the me too movement. Apparently the my skins from wizard of OZ, we're going after Judy Garland they're, saying I mean some of it, forty years old and they her turbo onset by quote pudding their hands under her dress, those dirty little bastards.
You know we will talk about this 'cause they ever wants to protect the munchkins. Everyone is driving tectum. They build this whole time. Every known all of Hollywood know who I'd like to talk to you today, I like to talk to that bastard that made the hobbit. That's. Why I'd like to talk to you there's a reason he lives in New Zealand. There are many rumors about the debauchery of the munchkins, really an act like you don, alright. I know I have a goal. You know I I heard the rumors, but he didn't want to believe nothing. You definitely don't want to believe this. They report at the time quote. They had sex orgies in the hotel. They had have police on every floor. This is insane. There are a lot of them who like to go out and have a few drinks, but nothing got out of hand said one of them skins when she was fifteen. What would you expect to get out of the munchkins? The munchkins are to defend other munchkins. That's what happens with munchkins. You know it's like the thin munchkin line.
Well, there's nobody knows going across it knows it but finally, you allowed this story to be told, but I've been trying to get this story on on the air, since one thousand nine hundred and thirty nine listen who is who, although it's a source on that well like news from the daily wire from the daily wire from daily wire. Well, Ben Shapiro, I mean he's got balls. He is not going to be silent. I guess yeah he's he's like damn I'm going to stand for the truth. It's got to be told. We apply his bravery in this matter to my God, oh by the way, also were a Rex Tillerson fired. Yeah and and the whole Russia thing was a scam but and also there chemical attack and yeah. Well, it's a different Russia thing, yeah and then a personal assistant president scored it out for a security issue yesterday, yeah so
silly that he wasn't allowed to take any of his stuff, including his jacket, and had to go back in and get it. But have you heard about the munchkins? Yes, you heard about heard about me too. Damn it me too Glenn Beck Mercury love, courage, truth, Glenn back a serial bomber is terrorizing the residents of Austin TX, three package bomb explosions, have killed two people and injured three others. The first package exploded march, second killing a thirty nine year old man, the second and third packages, both exploded yesterday, kill
a seventeen year old boy and wounding two women Boyd out to his front porch pick the package up, brought it into the kitchen with his mom. It blew up killing him, the second package exploded just a few hours later about five miles from the site of the first. This time it was a seventy five year old woman. She but outside picked up a package and it exploded on her porch. He survived, but she is in critical condition: police, don't no. If the victims are specif, we being targeted. Yet. However, that father of the man killed on March second is close friends with a grand father of the seventeen year old killed in the first explosion. Yesterday,
both men want a retired pastor. The other, a dentist or well known in the black community police are not ruling out this as a potential hate crime. The two victims have been black and one was hispanic awesome. This interim police chief the media that police see similarities among the three explosions they believe they are related police are warning residents, don't touch any support system vicious packages. How many times. Do you come home and there's packages on your doorstep? It you don't even know what it is. I mean you're getting so many Lee. We are because of Amazon. We get so many things from Emma. No, I don't know what the hell it is now it's soap. Oh, it's a bomb. So far, police have not released any information about the suspects or the motivation. They do not believe that at MAX are tied to the south by southwest music and media conference is going on now in Austin in investigators also, don't believe the pack
it was delivered by the Post office or other delivery services. They appear to have been left on people's doorsteps overnight. Our governor great governor of the great If Texas, Governor Greg Greg Abbott announced fifteen thousand dollars reward for any information leading to an arrest and we keep our fingers. Cross that we saw the last two yesterday the explosions are tragic, the FBI will catch the vicious murderer behind them and height of the other recent tragedy that is dominated the national conversation. It's apparent in this case that packages are just as dangerous. But you'll notice nobody's really covering this one. And nobody saying we have to do something: packages are killing people, it's not the package. It's
person behind the package, it's Tuesday March Thirteenth you're, listening to the Glenn Beck program. If you saw the movie the darkest hour with Winston Churchill about Winston Churchill, you didn't you realize how how much trouble England was in Nazis. I mean I have always known. It was bad. I didn't realize it was days before collapse and british people stood and they stood their ground and they they didn't act like the French who just kind of ran away, stood against all odds and in one thousand nine hundred and forty two things.
Thirty to really turn around and the routed Rommel's forces in North Africa drove the he's out of Egypt and it was a huge turning point. But it was nowhere even close to the the end the darkest day we're still ahead and winced Churchill stood in in front of leagues it at London's mansion House and he talked about rat or the route in. He broke the news to the british people and said this. That is not the end It is not even the beginning of the end, but it didn't perhaps the end of beginning the end of the beginning. I want to talk about the end.
Getting here. We have always found a way to to butcher each other. We've always found a way to devalue people. We talk about the sins of America, all the time African Americans and slave the Chinese, the Irish, if you're different it's, but it's not an american thing, It's a human thing. It happens all the time and the more the more we make it in. Two stories just to get each other elected or get somebody to lose, or, quite frankly, is Hillary Clinton did in India yesterday in a shameful way, calling Americans racist,
Sexist the more we the more we try to make this into a tool instead of a something that we should learn from. We're going to continue to slide down a hill. In nineteen, seventy three Supreme Court made the devaluation of human life a protected law. The beginning. Of the end of life, ROE versus Wade. Most people see the legalization of abortion. Is the ultimate end game, but it really isn't one side sees it a huge victory. The other side says it's a huge defeat, but it is really. It is only act. Two out of a three act play
act. One saw the rise of the genesis after the turn of the century. In those eugenicist were here in America we talked, we talked GER any after Germany taught us, they hot us about better living through science, and then we taught them about sterilization. We taught them about. Let's get rid, let's get rid of the undesirables. That is the real birth of planned parenthood in it was the west. It was George Bernard Shaw that was the who came up with the idea of the gas chamber of Humane Way to rid yourself of undesirables. The audio of
George Bernard Shaw, the beloved playwright he spoke, and I just I think we should line people up and ask them. Can you explain and justify yourself is caught in early number of people who might want to kill and not in any unclaimed, our personal spit, but it must be evident to all of you. You must all know half a dozen people, at least who are no you
in this world who are more trouble than they are worth, and I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board, just as he might come before the income tax commissioners and say every five years or every seven years, just put him there and say, sir or Madam now, will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you cut justify your existence, if you're not pulling your linked in the social bumps, if you're not produce mismatches, you consume, or perhaps a little more then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our societies further partners of keeping how is George Bernard Shaw, still a hero in this world.
I know at least half a dozen people that we ought to kill he's not joking. He serious it was this group of people that Margaret Sanger was with and MAR Sanger that saw sterilization and abortion as a way to chief a master race. Now, that's what the Nazis did but change the the word murder. Now in America to choice, I read an op ed in the Washington Post over the weekend, and it just won't leave me alone,
Margaret Sanger singer, her crusade and what she called quote: the rising stream of the unfit. Now who was unfit. Well many times that was meant as the African Americans, she was a horrible horrible racist. Seventy nine percent of planned parenthood, abortion clinics now or in black or hispanic communities. Thirty, six percent of all abortions in the US were performed on African Americans, and yet they only make up thirteen in percent of the population its worst, Hispanics, twenty one percent of all abortions are performed on Hispanics and they only make up seven percent of the population if good singer alive. Today she would cheer at this. But it wasn't just immigrants, it wasn't just people who weren't white
was also when I quote the feeble minded idiots and morons. Surely you know half a dozen feeble minded or idiots or morons. So in the Washington Post article over the weekend, one of the editors it may Did that people with down syndrome live happy and fulfilled lives, but Four paragraphs later she says most children with down syndrome have mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Down syndrome, is a life altering situation for entire family, its limit, the capacity for independent living and financial security? So, if can translate so one with down syndrome, is a burden on the wallet saw buddy, who is
assuming more than they can make her? Perhaps a little less in shocking justification for murder is the expense on the family and the government is cause to end the life. The breaking out all over the world. Last night, on television- I I showed you just are horrific television scene that is brand new, that came out from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and they were planning to a man with down syndrome. How much he cost society and he is comprehending, but I don't know if he's comprehending that they're talking about you should be liquidated, and he says I realize I was costing so much money. Then they ask the expert who uh,
else is a drain on society like him with I'm standing there. Well, the elderly. This is the same argument that is made by Ruth Marcus in the post. North Dakota, Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana in Utah have proposed legislation to stop down syndrome abortions, but Eagle groups are already gearing up to invoke ROE versus Wade and crush it and they'll be able to do it. But his life have any value. When life has no value. It's more than just the unborn that become expendable. And who are we going to wipe out next bye? They they're saying that they're going to they're going to queue
down syndrome, no you're not curing it you're just killing, all of them Hitler didn't. What's in curing Judaism, he was killed. In all of the Jews who should we go? Who's next on our list. How about those about those who were you know? We just talked about this just the other day that may be, Christians should start really taking something on, and maybe we should. We should go in and become foster parents all of us as Christians. We should all churches should start to really push being a foster parent, because there are all these kids in foster parent waiting for foster parents and aren't getting
So there in the group homes and if they grow up without a good foster parent there Destin for a life of crime. Why don't we just kill all of them? Frank Stevens? He has down syndrome. He lectures at universities. He spoken at the White House. And this is audio of him speaking in front of Congress about the value of his life, listen and members of the of the of the committee just so there there there is no confusion. Let me say that I am not a a research scientist how
no one knows more about life. What down syndrome, then, then I do whatever whatever you learn today, please remember this: I am a man with down syndrome and my life is worth living forget. The part of my life is worth living. What he uttered we're the same words that Martin Luther king uttered the same exact words that broke the back of slavery. I I am a man.
You know the Germans started executing those with down syndrome in one thousand, nine hundred and thirty nine Hitler made a case that it was compassionate and he executed the first baby that was born formed in nineteen, thirty nine and then they marched into Poland, and he used that as the time to exterminate all the undesirables. And so he did. He started to program. It was in the hospitals the people of Germany, the same people that voted for Adolf Hitler found it so offensive that they rose up in nineteen forty one and caused the guy men to claim at least that they would not do it anymore because they found it abhorrent. It least, the Nazis were trying their evil scheme to me. Come master race, we're just a boarding kids, because it's got
be hard. That's the thing! I didn't want that as a parent. I wanted something fun. I wanted something easier than that is going to be hard. I think if we let this stand, who he are on the road of doing even those who voted for Adolf Hitler, simply safe the home security company, that is Joe This great company, I've watched them, grow from ten employees now to the home security company. That is protecting over two million people and they've just released a brand new home security system. It's the all new, simply safe. The system has been Li Li rebuilt and redesign and they've added new safeguards to protect against power, outages down, Wi Fi, cut landlines bats hammer, as you name it. The all new simplisafe save to be practically invisible.
Is the remarkable part they have done. All of this work they spent a year as rebuilding this system and they've added so much, but you still get it at the same: fair and honest price. Twenty four slash, seven protection for fifteen dollars a month and there is no contract, it's small faster stronger than anything they've built before, but supply is limited, so visit simply back dot com now to order that's, please save back dot com, protect your home and your family at we safe back dot com, Glenn Beck, Mercury, Glenn back heard from you on this issue, I'm hoping that I'm not the only one kept awake by by this story,
the Washington Post in this. This growing disturbing trend in the New York Times even took offense to that now, something that is being called creating singletons and what that is, is killing the twin the perfectly healthy twin, because you don't want twins, and so you have twins go in and you have to choose which one do you want? Sophie's choice just like that is that great you have to choose which child dies in which one lives but you're you're, not killing them just creating a simpleton a simpleton. That's it just simpleton back in a second Glenn Beck, mercury
This is the Glenn Beck program, six and a good friend of ours and a guy who served as a ci, a officer and counterterrorism center at the Office of Iraq, analysis tour of Duty S, an intelligence offers officer in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also has a briefed senior US officials, including the president of the United States, and also served as New York Police Department, intelligence division working on more terrorism issues. We welcome Buck Sexton, who is way over qualified to be on this program. How are Glenn great to be with you? Thank you for having me you're welcome so, but I forgot to add one thing also now heard on over a hundred stations across the country in the buck. Sexton show, and you can hear him on the blaze radio network as well, and we're thrilled to have you I'm
this is. Can I just take down a couple of things that have broken a night it broke during the show, so I wasn't able to really my arms around all of this is Tillerson is leaving and it's kind of a crucial thing at this time we have two things happening possible meeting in North Korea with President also Theresa may said yesterday. Giving Russia thirty six hours to explain this. This of a nerve agent that is taken down twenty one people in the bouquet and if you don't have a good explanation, we're going to look at this as unlawful action against the UK tell me what tell me the first of all what it means to lose Rex Tillerson, I think that part of what the official explanation has been so far is true, and I think that part It is just personal. So I'll start with the part of that has to do with policies. I think that's what people in Soloqueue yeah! That's what people actually
care about right and we can dispense with the other one pretty quickly, but first off on North Korea. You need make sure that you've got somebody who is on board with the vision of the president has here for this negotiation, which is a huge risk. Lennon, there's no question that sitting down with Kim Jong on. Could have negative diplomatic applications, but I would just say that, up to this point, we've had multiple administrations. Try to stop the n, a nuclear missile program and they've all failed. They haven't even really done much to to pause it for any meeting full length of time, so something different has to be done and and a disruption to the continuum of north korean negotiation and failure has to occur, and so Trump is you, but I think it's a hail Mary or you think this is a strategic brilliance or whatever it may be. You need somebody on board, I don't think he believed the that Tillerson fit into that category on rush on Russia Glenn. I know people are pointing this out, because the timing, given that you just had what was
certainly russian reasoning russian agent poisoning a former russian intelligence officer and his daughter and free some areas come out. As you pointed out- and this is a major diplomatic and international kerfuffle but Pompeii so was no slouch on calling out Russia either. So I think that is less of a factor that it may seem at First Pompeyo was on the Sunday shows actually just forty eight hours ago, really in taking it to Russia. So I don't think that is what happened here and then just real quickly blend 'cause folks know about this, but yeah on a personal. Well. I think it really bothers trump that he heard that Chillerson his Secretary of State call them a moron and I think competent trumps world. That matters a whole lot. I think it does take about what they what they may yeah. I don't, I don't think anybody wants. You know an underling calling you, if you're in charge in the in the public, a a moron. I think that I think that was foolish of Tillerson
and and and not helpful at all Bucky. This is too hi. How are you, I hope, you're doing well, my friend in here for me you imagine this briefly and I I want to see if it is it fair to say that Pompeii is one of the harshest people on Russia in the administration is an interesting choice. Yeah, I'm sorry! I think it is very say that and that's that's a good thing. Yeah, that's been clear for a long time, MIKE Pompeyo is is, first and foremost a patriot. I can tell you the people that I know from inside and out. By the government, say he's the real kill and he really cares about what's going on and he cares about the country. First and foremost he's not a trumpist or trumper or Trump bot or any of that stuff. He takes his job with deadly That's what you should because of what he's been dealing with us: CI director and we'll be dealing with particularly going into these North Korea, nuclear Negotia. She's, a secretary of state. So yes, there's
question that if you were trying to do this for some reason to appease Russia, Pompeyo would be the worst choice that you could come up with from within the administration and, despite whatever Is there a lot of people who want these jobs? So it's not like you. Take the nearest the near name that he knows the pompeyo choice, I think, is a strong one. Trump gets along with. And they're aligned on policy, and that really matters, and we all want them to be aligned on North Korea. This is one where partisanship should We go by the wayside because do if they don't figure this thing out. I really worried. I mean the only two options become learning to live with the North Korea, with nukes that I can hit America and more and more nukes, second in America over time or Terry Strike, which is honestly pretty terrifying, so that is that was the main concern from Tillerson is you've got to expend every other option before you go to a sit down with the president in the United States. However, I think we,
Much done that over the years I mean I don't. I I'm willing to do this, but people have to understand that once that meeting is over, if nothing is solved, we either live with it or we go to war. I don't see third option glad. I think that that's why at this point it so tough speak you to look at what's being sad and you feel this whiplash, because originally it was Trump is the warmonger. His tweets are going to force a new. Your exchange with North Korea. This is terrible and now swallow what's with Trump doing all this crazy diplomacy, all of a sudden should have a just happened really quickly does seem to happen quickly. It quickly you mention this to. Is it because a lot of people, I think, look at this and say: hey look. We've had this multi day, the issue with North Korea, why not go and just talk to the guy and see what happens what is the negative of that? What happens if this doesn't go right
The negatives are honestly a little overstated and people keep saying and I've seen that the most common criticism is level against this other than by people who just have a form of trump management syndrome- and they think that you know Kim Jong on was part of the conspiracy with Russia or something I mean, there's crazy stuff, but from the realistic objection side, they're saying that this confer is a degree of legitimacy on a regime that deserves nothing of the sort. I completely agree with that. However, you a couple of different this year, we don't really have time on our side. You know because of the failures of the previous, which you really been pretty, can distant policies by a different administrations leading up to this, but only a few were a few presidents have had to deal with the possibility of a Nuclear North Korea, and that is you're. So far I mean the the outreach in the diplomatic efforts have failed, so that Trump would shift from a failed strategy. Doesn't really surprise me and sitting down
Kim Jong on and giving him more legitimacy. What what going to do then fire more missiles and advance his new program yeah, and it's already doing that yeah. I think, giving him credibility or you know a world stage know the nukes did that the nukes did we're only meeting with him because he has nuclear tipped missiles. I what gave him credibility to be on the world stage. Unfortunately, Let me just ask you real, quick. The president said today he's going to be he's flying out to California to look at the the wall, and he said Theresa may is going to be calling me this afternoon. What are they options on the table as you as you see it. Is there, though, her language that yesterday, I don't know if you saw a better language was, the was very legalistic in ways and almost sounded like a setup for article five. Do you do you? What do you think the options are
I set? The british Prime minister is going to have to the poisoning of two of two people. Yes, only ins on on british soil glam, I I think it bill. No twenty strong, twenty one, twenty one civilians I mean there are people in the hospital that are still in condition right. What did intentionally trying to get to and then the other yeah this is. I I think it? It's it's going to be very rhetorically strong, but look we we. We have limited options beyond economic and diplomatic, bread and diplomatic for Asians of of going after the Russians the spot. We already have sanctions in place. You could see the expulsion of diplomats. I think one, that's the most likely scenario, a re you know which, which is from from the diplomats world. That's you know that's when everyone gets get Huffy and upset. I mean that's a big deal, but really think thinking through it. Beyond that, I don't see a response that will be much more robust and I think the
options, new that and that's why the Russians I'm in Glen what they did was was reckless and open. It's not the first time. They've done this, I know so. I know no and it was, it was a chemical agent. You know it was a you know: it's a weapon of mass destruction. This is but the red line was over in Syria and they brought it into the country and they brought one that only is made in the former Soviet Union, so everybody knew exactly who did it? I I'm just wondering if, if she's going to be looking, for, you know a a you find NATO response that could go just beyond them. Kicking people out, but asking us to kick people out or or take some additional economic sanctions well, I don't think the Europeans and there's a whole other complicated discussion of why, including how Germany gets very cold in winter and needs a lot of natural gas which happens to come to it from Russia. I don't think it. There's going to be a response, that's as unified as we'd like it to be
on this one. You mention the nerve agent, the agent and they think it's normal Chaka it. So this is very clearly in this is the equivalent of leaving you know, WMD fingerprints in a innocence on an assassination attempt and it's it is terrible at it and it's showing how brazen the Russians are willing to be. But twenty, if you look at tool box that we have and what we've done in the past, we've already put sanctions on Russia to get them to stop what they're doing in Ukraine. We've already tried the diplomatic and economic approach, and the truth is we don't really have a will or a desire for a military approach of any kind, and the Russians know that and that's why they'll have agents, smeared, Novichok Chalk, which is more deadly than vx gas people say on some person in a park in brick. So. Let me ask you one last question is a former CIA agent: oh dead is the russian agent that I think screwed this up? I don't think it was. The intent to you know, put twenty one other people in the hospital is that guy
is that guy, let me know hiding some place and not long for the world. The message was from prudent that if you betray us we're going to get you- and I think that message is actually received- glad that you won't yeah yeah yeah, there's a long history of the Russians doing this, in fact, stretching all the way back to you know: We shouldn't tipped assassination with an umbrella, and I mean that was back in the KGB era. This is not new. The Russians want everyone to know that there is an extra territorial score. Settling I mean this is a global Russia operates of the mafia state, and it so even outside of its own borders. So the message is sent see that thing from folks who might either be? defector speak out against the russian regime betray Putin in the Kremlin, and I think that the sloppier and the more terrifying, the chemical, the better the messages from their perspective. So the fact that you're mentioning these additional casualties that just show
What the Russians are willing to do to send a message, and I don't think they have much in the way of regrets Klein at least not at the crown at the top reaches buck thanks, All right, you need somebody great at your office in your business. You need somebody who really gets it and can drop in and and really get to work. Well, there's a gray, We define them, and you need a better way than just posting your job online and praying for the right people to see it, and it is zip recruiter. They have on a smarter way to find the right job. Candidate, zipper crew, learns what you're looking for it identifies the people with the right experience, and then it goes out after posting your job on all one hundred different websites. It goes out and it looks for the people that are qualified then sends invitations to those people. That's why
percent of employers to post a job on Ziprecruiter get a quality candidate through the site in the first day. Yeah something happen today. I guess so was it for job MIKE Pompeii popped up, and then I got was like any latest everything yeah for the job. You just never know they. They highlight the strongest applicants, so you'll receive a great match and you never miss it find out today. What in particular, have been used by businesses of all sizes and apparently other. This is too. I didn't know that to do right now you can post your job on zip recruiter for free, just go to ziprecruiter dot com. Slash back, try it for freeziprecruiter dot com, slash back Glenn Beck, Mercury, Glenn Beck. Paul in Michigan, hello, Paul. The Glenn Beck program good morning,
How are you, sir? How can I help you? I'm I'm doing well long time listener man, I'm a huge fan of your show thanks, but I gotta stay after today, I'm even more of a fan hearing you touch on the subject of down syndrome. Gotta admit it. It kind of brought a tear to my eye this morning. You know to hear you talk about how there's people out there that are for Abortions with down syndrome, pregnancies and the other thing. I brought a tear to my eyes really this hearing that there's people in influential positions such as yourself that actually care enough to touch on the objects. On a thirty nine year old, father of a fifteen year old boy with down syndrome and uh people, just I don't think they have any. Clue. What are your capabilities? These kids, you don't have and. I really want to say call to say thank you for you know hitting on the subject this morning. It well
states with me. You're welcome Paul is it's shame that you feel like you have to call to say. Thank you. I mean it's it to me. It is, We are going down a very dangerous road to where we're saying now. People who clearly have quality of life clearly are functioning and and and are good and decent in society and the if I may say, is im just as the most gentle of lambs, that we are a society that is willing to say yeah, let's get rid of all of them. If we say that to to those with down syndrome, good heavens, who won't we say that about exactly God, bless you Paul. Thank you so much. Let me go to that in and do I have time that real, quick hello? Can you hear me? Yes, I've got about a minute, go ahead
okay, hi, I have a twenty six year old son with down syndrome, and he has this in dreams. He wants to go to college. He has to say, he's a part time job He wants want to live alone. He wants a family. He wants ambition. He has loved, has emotion all the things to me. He an added benefit you down syndrome, and I love it the day of his life for those few who that to me, or just totally this is for idiots thanks thanks that appreciate it. I honestly tell you I: this is kept me awake over the last few nights and I don't know how to help them it to some organizations. One of them you know, and justifiably so I guess they don't want to get political. I don't either want to help, and I don't know how to help. But
This torch has been licking the end of it has been lit and I am moving forward in any way. You have any suggestions on how I can help. Please let me know Glenn back mercury love, courage, truth, Glenn Beck, Hillary Clinton was in India yesterday and she was giving a talk and she she lamented that the United States voters are starting to white, are starting to pull away from the Democrats and she blame that on all kinds of things except she. She didn't perhaps blame it on the fact that many Americans in the center of the country are tired of being called racist and bigots gets and Xena in and everything else.
Here's what she said yesterday in India about the election, the map of the United States. There's all that red in the middle, where Trump one I win the code. I win. You know Illinois in Minnesota, places like that, but what the map doesn't show you is it. I one the places that represent two thirds of America's gross domestic product. So I want places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving for forward, an his whole campaign make America great again was looking backwards, you know you didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know getting jobs, you don't want it. You know see that indian American succeeding more than you are whatever your problem is I'm going to solve it. So it was a symptom, but it was also a cause because, having someone run for president
who voices those ideas who jacks, so much of the american story and our values was also the underlying cause as well. This is tragically sad. That we have somebody like Hillary Clinton, anybody who would say this left or right, two and a massive global audience to the biggest Free market outside of the United States is. Tragically, sad, that's not we are I, you know people who have a problem with black people, getting rights or women getting jobs. The reason why the Democrats are losing the the regular person in the center of the country is because you can
pin you to call us racist and sexist and underachievers and stupid. We're not we're not just because your voters live in LOS Angeles in Silicon Valley doesn't make them better than the people in the center of the country. We have different lifestyles, we have different educational backgrounds, we have different wants, but we all are human. We all have certain basic, inalienable rights. Those who are running for president those I want to serve his present in the United States and those who are serving as President United States. Please stop this. Please be president of every
citizen of the United States, it's Tuesday March you're, listening to the Glenn Beck program. Have you ever heard the phrase saved by going to take on an entirely different meaning to you. Ah, in a story that is not miraculous, it's just some doing the right thing: Sacramento customer service agent with American Airlines. Her name is Denise Miracle, who is in a Thursday Thursday afternoon. Two girls come to her counter they're going to check in on a flight.
And immediately she started to have a feeling: something's not right. Here, Denise is joining us now, hello, Denise! I am mister back. How are you I'm very good so glad to have you on? Thank you for telling this story and thank you for what you did. Can you tell us that, Thursday afternoon, these two kids come walk up and what do you see and what starts to happen like you said it is regular, Chris David, these two young girls come up then tell me that they want to check in for their flight an I set up. Oh ok, let me see your id and they kind of looked at each other and they said oh well. We don't have an id and I okay, I I said well what your school id, because school had just started in our area and most campuses here you can't even you can't be on campus without an id's ideas are pretty important. It allows them to know who
salons on campus yeah how these? How old are these? How old are these kids um? A young girl was fifteen. She just fifty and the other one was seventeen, ok and so look at each other, and then they said well, we don't have our mighty either and I just thought: oh well, ok, it's kind of weird Ann kind of looking around. You know for a parent. You know as a pair standing off to the side allowing them to check in, and I said well, how do I know it's you? How do I know this is your ticket, you know and one of the young girl she had her phone in her hand and she put her phone up and she said. Look you know this. Is my Facebook account Ann?
I thought to myself not us legal form of id, not real, valid right and the other younger girls. She grabbed her phone and said: oh, look, look I I have Instagram account and I just thought wow this is you know this sister that this isn't good. So I said you know where your mom and one of the girls said they know they know we're going. She knows we're going and I just thought: let's sorry what I asked yeah looking around like you know them all in the bathroom of a mom coming and you know she just parked the car and she's coming in and there's there's no one with these young girls and they have a bunch of little bags. Little tote bags book bags. They don't
don't have a proper carry on, they don't have a proper check bag and usually when young people are traveling you know, parents will bring him in and even if they're they're going you know. Maybe the parents going to stand up to the side and you know let them die on this many times and check in yeah as a parent, you stand off to side Freaking out yes, so you know that I've done it yeah, but you have to let them grow right. Third thing: well, I'm again, I'm kind of looking around there's no parent- and I just thought this kind of weird. So I said well hang on a minute and I enter that the back behind the ticket counter and I spoke to the supervisor- and I said yeah- I got two young girls out here. They've got no id, there's nobody with them and they're trying to check in I said just it just doesn't feel right something something's going on with these kids and my first
was maybe they're running away from home, I kind of thought they were running away, and so I talked to the supervisor and she said you know: there's there's not too much. You can do an ice you know I think I'm going to call the sheriff I'm just going to have somebody talk to them. So meanwhile I will I went out front and I was I was calling the communication center to see if they could send somebody over and another eight came by and said I guess somebody else to try to and then, while I was in the back and they said the it's not going anywhere, that ticket is purchase of a stolen credit card, and so I was like no. This is this is not good yeah there's, alarm bells going off, not good, not good. Not nothing of this is good. So I am, I called the sheriff, they call the cops and, I said hey. I got two girls here trying to get on a plane and no id there's
parent with them I said, and it's the ticket was purchased with excellent stolen credit card. I sick. Can you send somebody over here to talk to them and thank goodness they responded. An officer came over and there's a Starbucks kiosks right by our ticket counter. So the girls had stepped to the side and we're sitting over there. I could see that they were sitting there and the officer came over and started to speak to the and I what about you know my job I was people and doing my thing, but I could see them out of the corner of my eye and there is another, the server another officer and another officer, and I cannot allow some sounds going on you know and and later when the officer I mean like an hour later, the officer came over and at that point we found
additional information that these girls had not even met this guy, this this John, that had something out on the internet by their postings hash. This has take that and had befriended them on the internet with Facebook and Instagram, and the older girl apparently had facetime camera. She thought she was doing. You know her diligence seeing I was real and there was a person with a base. I was talking to her and this person bought them a ticket to go to New York and told and that you know he was going to pay them to do something. And they you know they're going to make some money and then they would come back home and go back to school and everything would be fine. You know in the officer told them you don't have to get home.
I have a one way ticket and he said at that point the girls kinda. It should come up a little bit and they said you know. Well, you know we would have done anything we didn't want to do, and the officer said you, you probably would have had a choice and he he told me later. He said those girls run a one way ticket to know where they were be gone. They were never coming back. Saved by Denise miracle. It's it's amazing you know when we just take the extra time and just go with our gut, and you know well, there's not much you can do, some people would have said yeah. I thought that much I can do and you the extra mile, thank you so much Denise and thanks for being willing to share it with us appreciate it.
Thank you for having me on it's an important message to get across stand. Like you said just about one x, your question: it was your mom who's with you Thank you, thank God. You did that and before you leave Denise, we could perform one more miracle. Get me executive, platinum, I'd appreciate it. Thanks to these in a good word, for you, God bless. I was hoping you let her respond to that does the most important Only still knows what I'm thinking right now and I'm and and I just can't tell you I
I didn't know exactly how that story ended. I thought it was a little bit differently than it it. It did, and I am telling you in the strongest terms possible. You have no idea the dangers of what is happening to our children online and you have no idea how close you are to losing your children to an event. Just like that, please, please, you don't get rid of all the phones and stuff in your house, for your children and your ipads and in your game systems and everything else get rid of them, but you won't do that. Please, please hold on to your children.
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flying into gold call. Eight hundred and sixty six gold line call them now. Eight hundred and sixty six gold line or goldline dot COM, Glenn Beck Mercury Glenn Beck, another there's another breaking story. Today I wow. I don't recall a day like this. I got in. We with the show and Tillerson was fired, though Tillerson was then he, the State Department, came out and said yeah he found out about it from Donald Trump's tweet and then the State Department responded also saying he was surprised by it, an official statement, an official statement which was really quite interesting. He found out about it through a tweet, yeah and then and then eighteen
minutes later, we find out that the personal aide to the president last night was escort from the White House Bice Secret service so rapidly that he couldn't take any of his stuff and one of secret service guys had to go back in to get his coat now the sea. Service guys go the guy. They were asked the personal aide to the president. They had to go get his coat, one of the first people who join the campaign with Trump. He was very close associate for a long time. People were saying he was the It's one of that really closest golf coach after hooks hope, Hicks left right, but he was a golf coach right right, I mean. Is there if you yeah? I don't I mean I know he was a big. They were described him as a trick shot quarterback! Isn't that a golf coach know quarter. Quarterback is nothing to do with golf club. I could think of quarterback. I thought it was more like a coach, you know. Actually, I don't know
shot, they would new age dick trick shots with. What are you doing? I throw the football offer the offer the rail this is that it all the all the news that's broken today that that let's just had okay right, okay, I'm sorry to make his website sorry to make this work. Okay. So anyway, so yeah he's a so he big close as it yes is, as you describe the leaves and for what no one knows why I initially made in the he's going to go. If they're saying, and maybe it's a security clearance issue, we know they've had some issues with that and my radar went up because it happened last night, but it was revealed eighteen minutes after they rip The big news and It looked to me like ain't gotta like throw this in quick, yeah right so now, so initially they were saying that he's going to work for the campaign. It's no big deal now they're saying he's under investigation for serious financial crimes. Oh that's not! so we don't know exactly what the details are on that, but I mean again that's not Trump's.
Also, that's just a it's just another moment of chaos, potentially that they have to deal with their. So there you go. By the way a lot of people are so how much time do we have said? Do you have a minute to play this pompeyo audio yeah? Let's play this quickly A lot of people are saying this: is you know what it's about? Russia is not going to you Pompeii. You know he was only going after toasting because of Russia. Heated water. Have you were a television was going to go after russian right and truck? Doesn't want anybody to go after Russia because tillers and set a negative thing about Russia yesterday in there trying to tie that in they put Pompeii one charge does sky sound like he's weak on Russia and Wikileaks. Listen seek to use
information. Individuals such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden seek to use that information to make a name for themselves as long as they make a splash. They care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage they caused to national security. Wikileaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service and is encouraged. It's fall first to find jobs at the CIA in order to obtain intelligence. It's time to call out Wikileaks for what it really is. A non state, hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia, in January this year our intelligence committee determine the russian military intelligence, the GR. You have used Wikileaks to release data of u DOT s victims that the GR. You have pain through cyber operations against the Democratic National Committee. And the report also found that Russia's primary propaganda outlet RT, has actively collaborated with wiki leaks. I massage in his
make common cause with dictators. Today I mean- That has not that's stronger language that I've heard from anybody, especially Taylor. She was criticized initially for not being tough on Russia. The idea that the left is not trying to turn this into an is trying to get out of the Russia. Investigation thing is nonsense. Pompeii was much tougher on Russia than Tillerson was, and I thought it was interesting that right off the hip as he was going onto Marine one today, he was asked about Theresa May and Theresa may said about the Russia, and he said if they come back this afternoon with me- and they say it is indeed Russia I'll take that at face value and there will be consequences and will be dealing with Russia too. So he's not going soft on Russia, Glenn back mercury.
Welcome to the program glad you're. Here we welcome Pat Gray, just kind of going over the news of the day. It's been kind of an active kind of yeah yeah. How exposed you feel, though, by the way it's I mean Sorry, just some desktop. Yesterday, 'cause, we, oh my gosh. We don't like black people getting rights How much have we complained about black people? right, but there are number one complaint for quite some time about women getting jobs. When did that start? I hate that and ob we we don't want to see in the in american people, succeed one of our top priority. So after six I feel like she's just looking right through us right now. She sees us directly in your soul is correct. He endorsed could only play. This is one of the and she's in this clip that you're in here she talks about how the demo
rats you know are losing white voters now play Lori white women voted Trump, please, Sarah! I should start by explain that Democrats. I'm back to my husband even before, but just in recent times going back to bill and and and at your house our candidates and then present Obama have been losing the white vote, including white women. We do not do well with white men and we don't do well with married white women and park. That is talk about a and identification with the Republican Party. A stop stop stop part of that is just as identification of the Republican Party. It gets worse from here. Let he ask you the real reason why you think just off the top of your head. Why do you think Democrats are doing worse and worse with white people. Please continue to have extreme policies.
That resemble the communist party? You know I think We have a problem with that. I don't know why. All Americans? Don't have a problem with that yeah, and so it's not only it's not only that just extremist. Let's, let's talk so White, married women, your take these extreme feminist positions that insult married. People an insult married women view assaulted. What you used to say was the cornerstone of our democracy, marriage. You are telling women that it's okay, just because you want to to have an abortion. That's that those that, just that, let alone you instantly are telling us how bad white people are, what we vote for you all to edit identity politics right.
Right away? They're pushing these the policies Pat's discussing is based so often on what color are What minority status? Do you have? What protected group are you in its only then, and you know so there almost not even addressing right and the only negatives. Are they ever addressing white when people in again like if they didn't like when feel like every single doubt helped you know, don't don't hurt us right purpose right and the time. The single us out to help is union and most Americans don't believe in unions anymore and here's a great example of what they do say when they discuss white people is what saying to the Indian America, the one so listen to the rest of this and a a of I'm going pressure this is our. This is why people don't folks vote the your husband, your boss. Oh my gosh, your son. Whoever
believes you should and stop stop. Why isn't that married white women? Don't vote well because they're too, to put they listen to date. They just tell what their son even says: yeah or their boss, or their bond. Whatever white male is around a big just follow those cute so weak. They are those cute little women. They just don't get it. How we always saying feminist thing to say, good have a that just sold insulting condescending, elitist, but there's more happened in my election is. I was on the way to winning white women until former to the FBI. The FBI, Jim Drop, dropped that ill ill advised letter on October. Twenty 28th and my numbers just went down because All- and I heard a lot of anecdotal evidence about this people written about it. All of a sudden, you know
women who were going to vote for me and frankly, standing up to the men in their lives in the men in their workplaces. All were be tell she's going to jail. You know you want to vote for her. You know it terrible. You can't vote for that. So it just. It's stop my momentum and it decrease my vote enough because I was I was stuck I do you how many different excuses we heard from her. I know the one after and I think she actually has gotten to a place to where she believes this. I think so too yeah and that's what you can't accept it the other way. She can't accept people just don't like her. Not even Democrats. Democrats, don't even like her. The vast majority, I think of them of Democrats are kind of disgusted by her. I think they find that you know she might be a weak woman, 'cause. She she, caved into bill. All those years I mean still is yet and still is an cheese
dropped and they know it and it's not white bosses? And it's not you know anybody, but her that's kept her from visiting Wisconsin Yes, I got. You ran a terrable campaign. Do you remember when she rode around in that Van and she was like we do. And she solving mysteries solving mystery she's like where am I uh? This is America. That's uh. I mean it will remember. She was driving around in that van for awhile and trying to be one with the people, and she was just so not not available she's not like she's, not like, She doesn't like you know, but I don't mean it like. I hate you know Wiscconsin she's just that's not her at all. Well, but not at all. I don't do guys have where she talks about the fact that she pretty much loads, the white people in mill that Middle America, and these are all the things she thinks about him. We don't like blue
people getting rights, yet we like women getting jobs, and we don't like to see in the american people succeeding more than we are. I I mean that's ludicrous preposterous, but that's what she thinks about us. She hates middle. I mean it is literally just a remix of her deplorables comment. It is right. It's Exactly how many times did she have to say it before it finally sinks in and we believe it she just hates average Americans. She is latest she's, a snob. If you don't told the line where, when it comes to especially aborting babies on demand, then she doesn't have any time for you you're beneath you're, beneath her to the point where she didn't even consider you. Not even human beings anymore. You know. The amazing thing is the the I want to say it's arrogance, but it is the stupidity. It's the self in
hosed stupidity that you have to live live under now she may have. You know she went to Yale so she's, not a stupid Woman she's in self imposed ignorance because more, at least with me, the more I learn the more I know I don't know jack the more. I read the more I learn the more I say I don't know I gotta look at that again. Let me talk to that person. Let me talk to this person. Generally speaking the people who are ruling us. They don't think that way, anymore, they're, not interested in your Opinion they don't really like you, you know, yeah they're, just like I've got there, showing it every day. Yeah I've got it all worked out me and my friends we know. What's going on, we had a cocktail party about it. The other night we wouldn't have. The problem with all the riff raff in this country. If we just didn't, have all the riff raff in this country, and
so we kind of we feel its way. It is yeah I think this is something that people feel all over the world and again that's why Donald Trump? Yes, yeah! That's! Why and that's why brexit? that's? Why you? So much of this is happening. You know they. You know you look at things like Java over in the hungry, which or or the golden DAWN Richard, which are not see parties. What's the language they're using their, I den define in saying you know, I'm proud to be hungarian. I'm proud of my my italian heritage and there's nothing wrong with that, and so they try to tell the people and there isn't right unless you take it to an extreme. Yes, there's a difference between being proud of your country and nationalism, and so nationalism is where it goes where it goes wrong and but there tapping into this thing that I think most people feel look. I don't have a problem. I don't have a prob with Canada or Mexico or anything else. I have you been to Mexico City. It is a world class city. It is great, it's a great
city. Okay, that's that's fine! I have no problem with that were Erica. I, like being America. I like being this we've homogenized, all the states except for Texas. The only way that it's not homogenized, as you go to california- and it's just so Oh damn weird, but you know what California celebrate your weirdness. If that's who you want to be your just open me into paying for it, which is pissing me off, but you want to be weird, be weird: I don't care, I'm tired everything being the gap and then tailor no matter where you go in the world. All our in Beijing good, let's go to the Mcdonalds. The k, F C grabs in jeans at the gap, and how do you get something in and Taylor I'm so pic of it? We, if there's something that makes us unique each of us and each of our countries- and you don't have to be a nationalist to tap into that, but these lead up at the top just think they know
they know, and they know who you are we're not those people yeah- and I think you know there's this week- desire by particularly Hillary, but we saw this out of John Kerry as well when he Lausd. What are you talking about come up with some excuse to explain to other elites why the Rubes order. The wrong way with John Kerry was like oh well, there were flyers and people were saying that uh the you had to vote on. But Wednesday I don't number of John Kerry Sound like that or make things like that he did he did he did he didn't sound like that? Go ahead come on come on It's because people thought that the vote on Wednesday. They were told Democrats vote on Wednesday, that's right and he made that excuse after the election the Clintons, making a career of it, she's going to place after place after place coming up with an excuse, and it's like you need to adopt the losing candidate you need to adopt.
You see Tom Brady Tom We lost the Superbowl by the way to the Philadelphia Eagles. I don't know if anyone caught that news was at their super bowl champions, but he in several interviews slightly mentioned that yeah. I think you will yeah because they're my favorite team in and their superbowl champions, and I got a hold almost a whole year to celebrate it. It is interviews afterwards. It's not all this call. All I mean a my defense. Socked I mean they did. Tom Brady was amazing. He absolutely could come to. The point is that my defense blew that game. I threw for five hundred yards and I've lost. He didn't. We didn't pond, never one time yeah and we lost the game, decide what the heck is wrong with the defense. He doesn't say that he says you know what we tried our best and it really hurts when it's over and because they were just played better than we did and they played better when they beat us and want to go out and get him next year. Yeah. That's that you can adopt nothing remotely close. Here's the here's, the bothersome part about this is you know. First, you're, saying this in the country and okay
you're just playing politics and you're, just dividing dividing dividing. I got it. I've we've lived it on both sides. We got it. Doing this in India. I I I'm so offended that she saying this. The union p don't know us I don't know what so you have somebody like Hillary Clinton coming over you're sitting. If somebody came over- and you know it was- you know, you know, Go Gandhi coming over here and he he lost the last election because he's the 15th cousin twice removed of the good Gandhi, he's on the bad guy on the side of the family and he comes or we know nothing about him except the name, and he says you know what the problem is. The problem is all these. Indians are racist, we wouldn't know yeah, you notice that never happens. You notice
when it comes to american bad mouth, the country they came from that never happened since we don't only happens the other way around. I know we've got to stop doing this. This is a new ten year thing and we've got to stop doing it. Pat gray will be solving all the world's problems, including that one on this episode of factory at least to to a person. Okay tomorrow in or is at today, that's a Friday Friday calls all over at at least available on the blaze, tv and radio. All right, you want your home sold the not home sold on time and for the most money without all sorts of excuses. Then I would like to recommend that you do what I would do. We go to real estate agents. I trust dot com, I sell my house, that's exactly who I'm going to we've found? one thousand agents all across the country. These people are fans of the show which is not just like.
Are you fan of the show it is? It tells us it's the beginning, hurdle of what are your prints bulls? You know. Do you really believe? How do you treat people what How do you? How do you run your business? So we I know that they share the same sensibilities. Then we put them through. Vetting process their hand picked for their? knowledge their skill and their track record that the families have already put real estate agents. I trust dot com to the test. The results have been remarkable if you want your whole sold or you want to buy a or you're selling another home for maybe a a parent or something realist agents, I trust dot com. They will get the job done right quickly, real state agents, I trust dot com, Glenn Beck, mercury. I am
you're totally wrong? I am totally right and we're going to have it out under. This is one of the worst things Glenn back having it out on tomorrow, show because obviously wrong. There came in with Eminem caramel other, so good. No! my favorite was not Eminem, so that's not an Eminem. Yes, it is different effect right here, no Eminem's have sold their soul to the devil. They come out with. All of these, these Obamas. Mission Eminems. Oh, I want Krispy one! I want that. I want the pretzel Eminem, that's not an Eminem, yet is that straight from the street the bowels of hell. So you don't like innovation, you don't you despise innovation, innovate, just call it something else. It's not Eminem! It is a it's a variety of Eminem. It's very similar package. Different flavor know they have peanut butter, Crispy, cookie, coffee, mint, dark chocolate, white, chocolate, Almond, Allman, red velvet peanut.
We have a coconut, pretzels candy company, this candy company, it's the horror of chocolate. Now they sleep with any ingredient. I don't like it do you think of when they hooked up with candy corns for candy corn White Chocolate, Eminem's, no. First of all White chocolate. I am racist, no white chocolate. Really, that is! Oh, my gosh, that's awful to poison poison, how 'bout Rumsfeld when he was at the Pentagon. I think started some sort of in its poison white chocolate. Now it's not yet is how 'bout raspberry- or I like all of these but they're not enter him milk, chocolate, they're, not they're, not Eminem Orange Chocolate, I don't know, that's not Eminem! That's a good flavor, but you have to buy one of those orange things that break into a slice. Then you get the over. That's not an Eminem
Glenn Beck! Mercury.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-13.