« The Glenn Beck Program

The Common Man’s Hero’s Journey | Guest: Bill Richmond | 2/2/21

2021-02-02 | 🔗

The last generation built the century of the common man, but the little guy can’t remain common. Glenn goes through the 12 steps to becoming a hero as conservatives look for a leader. Attorney Bill Richmond joins to discuss how he and BlazeTV's Steven Crowder are suing Facebook to try to end censorship. Happy Groundhog Day! Bill Murray’s version seems nice this year. Glenn and Stu discuss the controversy regarding Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and the double standard Democrats have. A snowstorm hit the east, and CNN was quick to blame climate change. The Bernie Sanders meme is apparently racist, sexist, and everything in between. Elon Musk wants to take citizens to Mars sooner than you may think. Will you be on board that ship?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There are two questions that people ask me all the time. What what what do we do would have let what I mean. What do we do? The number one? Second one: where is the leader? Where is the Washington areas, the Lincoln where's Winston Churchill? Where, where, where are they going to answer pulse of those questions for you today in clear and uncertain terms, both of those questions answered in the next fifty four minutes? We begin in sixty seconds being right, Being fiscally responsible is vitally important. If you have you know if you want to have some flexibility in a little comfort in life. Sometimes it's not enough on its own life is full of expenses, the ones we coming the ones we don't and the Good NEWS is there is a bridge. Do.
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I wanted to start with, in Erin Copeland Song is one of the great composers american music, in his autobiography. He wrote that conductor of the Symphony orchestra in Cincinnati Written to him and said he wanted us us, a song fanfare tat: he had done this in England right at the beginning of World WAR one and he asked all the English and Nepeian composers, to write. Fanfare, he said I want to do this with all the american composers and eighteen fanfares were written for this concept for the symphony. It's for the symphony, Orchestrion Cincinnati in nineteen. Forty two
only one you know, is this one you may not. No it by name, but you heard it a thousand times It was written by Aaron Copeland, inspired in part by of speech given by the vice president of the United States, Henry Wallace in nineteen forty two, and in speech, he said read the dawning. Of the century, the common man I want you to think about that in nineteen. Forty two, This was a century last century, the nineteen hundreds that began with science, we're gonna, funnel science and get rid of all the stuff that we have learned in the past. Eugenics is here: to tyrants and fascists in communists.
Who defeated those people? It's not the great generals, these great armies, it wasn't a superior war nation. It was the people, the people of Great Britain, taking their own boats out into the channel to rescue the stranded troops on Dunkirk when their Navy couldn't do it America was not a warring nation before entered the war. America didn't have a standing army, at the beginning our troops trained with broomsticks, because we didn't have enough guns. It was a little guy that made the difference on the front line or the assembly line It was your grandparents you're, going grandparents They were the ones that made the difference. They were the ones that built this century of the common man
if they're still alive you should Ask him about these days. Were the days came after those people did not think of themselves as heroes, but because heroes never do. I want to take you on a journey here for a second I'll. Tell you in a few minutes why this is so vitally important to you. In answering the question where's, the next a blink, and where do we go? What do we do now. Everyone else, will give you man, sir, that involves some new party or Donald. Poor, not Donald Trump or whatever, please
come on this journey with me. I want to tell you a story. Are arguments very, very important in you recognize it again. It's like fan therefore, the common man. You will recognise that you ve seen it a thousand times, but you No, the Ark I find it. It's twelve steps and its The hero work. Its Robin Hood in King, Arthur. It Simba. It actually. You can't talk about this arc without talking about the heroes journey. By Joseph Campbell, he wrote the hero with a thousand faces. If you re tat all you ve read it.
The heroes journey an outer journey and an inner journey, and the inner journey. What really changes its the growth and the psychological state of the hero, the inner journey. Is the foundation of the heroes, character. You have to understand the inner journey, Be able to find the hero. And heroes had been taken from us now, There are no heroes. There are no average man with whom we god. Marvel! telling us what heroes are. Those Mozart heroes- those are comic book, heroes.
See if recognise these the twelve stages of the character, hero, characters arc in every rose character. Ark the hero begins in their ordinary world. Cv recognizes from any movie this is their home, their community, gives the reader a baseline from which to judge their later growth. At this, Stage the hero is often ignorant of the outside world, but still feels a certain level of discontent, something about their ordinary world isn't right and this something will slowly push them to vent into the unknown in hopes of solving this problem. Now, here's the first step call to adventure. The call to adventure is pretty well known. Plot point with the heroes outer journey Here they are introduced to the conflict in pushed to engage with it. However, there is another side to this: the heroes your journey and in that
to the call to adventure marks the first time there asked to come face to face with the flaws of themselves and their world until now they. Ve lived a sheltered life, sheltered from the outside, even If only through their own Naivety Step two is refusing the call. The refusal of the call is the immediate follow up from the call to adventure here. Most heroes will refuse to believe the flaws they saw through the call, They'll be unwilling to answer the call at this stage and then they the mentor. To clear their mind, the hero will need to meet with a mentor figure. This could be it their character, a spiritual guide, even an aspect of the heroic heroes own mind However, it is. This stage helps pushed the hero to recognise reality by showing them another example of the conflict, both inner an outer that their being,
old, face. How do you remember STAR Wars, Joseph Campbell Matt, George Lucas, early on? And he said what are the great point one of the architects of these. Stories these great stories that we always remember so you will see this in star wars. Star wars is probably the best example of it, because of Campbell, actually show I not an old story. Our story our story arc. So you seen the first three, the call to adventure and be sheltered starting to sound he starting to sound like his father, yes to much of his father in him, that's I'm afraid of just one get off this all I want to. I would I want to go. I wanna go fly, but then, when he gets
The call to adventure when meets Obi WAN. He says I can. To that. I can't go if you have too much I have to do. He's forced into it. And then he goes to the fourth step: finding allies before the hero can set out on his journey. They need allies to support them these allies help the hero mentally prepare for the massive change thereabout to experience by giving a lasting connection to them community and their old self. This is the introduction of Chewbacca. And HANS Solo, what are they doing on the ship, thereby Funding and its people Two of his old world: he, stands that old world but he's being called in to the new world by having to
The helmet on and with the laser bought or whatever the hell. That thing was called. There's a reason. I'm telling you this story. After they find the allies they face. The first threshold. At the first threshold the hero begins his Out her journey setting off from his unity into the unknown world into their inner journey. The hero finally recognises the call and sets out hoping to find answers at this stage. Taro still believe their lives will return to normal. Let me say it again: most heroes still believe at this point that they can return to normal and it is often this belief that propels them forward, even though they still we'll find out soon that that's not true.
That's no moon, that's that point the first threshold That's no moon. Entering the unknown is Next turn the Euro is faced with threshold and stuff outside of his ordinary world. Now. He's not on a spaceship that he has imagined himself flying before now. He saw no he's on a moon? That's a space station. He's about to do things that he never thought he would, be doing joy minutes before.
This is the beginning of the journey that tells the hero character the truth about himself the truth about how the world works, the truth about his own community and he's like to be beaten down a lot time and time again, but it's that leading down. That shows him. His weakness. And forces them to grow. If there are to survive can no longer closed their eyes or remain naive, step six of the Heroes journey in sixty against each other rough greens, man. I love what this stuff is done to my dog. I just love it. He is so active. He is so healthy. He just
it completely act differently. Last night, I just got his food and He stood there as I put it in a bowl, and then I pulled out the rough greens and his tail started to wag. I mean here a wholesome what that is, and it's not the door food, it's what I put on top of the dog food he is so excited to eat now, which is complete widely different. Just completely different, I used to have to hand feed him or not, move if he was eating, don't move otherwise. He'll look but you and then you'll be disinterested in his food need, walk away. We couldn't get him to gain weight. He was not a healthy dog. He is like four years younger now, since we started feeding him rough greens get your jumpstart bag today for one thousand four hundred and ninety five start the process of getting your dog healthier and happier. You want to see your dog thrive again. Feed this. For a few months you I believe the difference go to
green dot com? Slash back! That's our! U F! F greens, dotcom, slash back ten SEC station. I need so the urals Journey is entering the unknown and the road of trials is, is the six step were half way home and portion of their journey is all about. Learning may have to come face to face with who they are so on o d try a road of trials. The hero is entered the unknown and will now To face the many new challenges and tests of the world here, they'll learn about themselves, they'll come face to face with the conflict. They were warned about in the call remember
when he hears the call from Obi WAN. He wants nothing to do with it he's in stood in hearing the story, but he doesn't want anything to do it now. He's in the Arbed, shoot and, He's got to face the call in But it is the hero it says, wait a minute. See three p, o c three b turn on the garbage shoots to our turn off all the garbage. Turnabout turn him off. Turning off here's a guy. That was just in it dust. On a nowhere planet, just what Two days before. In the inner journey, theirs thinking they are, who they are and they're going to return home. But slowly through these trials, they recognise that things were never is simple, as they seemed
Things in sight of them probably were not true the things that they had learned, the things that they thought have themselves. They begin to understand. There is so much more. Number seven is approaching the cave. Here the hero will approach a major show down the ordeal, as it's called in writing both in their outer and inner journey for their inner journey. In particular, the hero will need to face their old beliefs in new ways and be it and be tempted to abandon their quest. He is ready. In many traditional stories, is manifested as the hero meeting with a goddess or being tempted by an evil figure. If they Overcome this challenge will have passed the critical test of the heroes character, arc I've
to face. My father, eight, the deal, the hero will have to prove all that they ve learns thus far Lave overcome their temptation. They now have to show that through action, the conflict Our journey will reach a turning point and the psychological conflict of the inner journey will as well. The hero will need to make a choice here. Join me. Either embrace the role in healing the here of their wounds of their world. Healing of the wounds inside of themselves or abandon their quest as the role of the hero, join me now. The power. How does that? First episode in you remember I'll, give you a hint
number: nine, a reward. If the hero succeeds during the ordeal, though, receive a reward, this reward is key both to the conflict of their outer journey and the wounds their struggling to heal in their inner journey. The reward could be anything but it most, it must have both plot and character. Related aspects It should reveal the answer they set out to find after the first threshold. It ends with Luke getting a metal. It ends with HANS Solo, getting a metal. You remember. But that's not the end, story arc. That's number nine. There are twelve steps.
Why am I telling you this? I'm sure you have figured it out by now its crew? all that you understand not only the ark, but why I'm telling this to you and Do that after this bread, the programme this past year we saw a lot of cyber security attacks. There were data breaches, network, infiltration, bulk data theft and sailed identity theft ransom. Where outbreaks the large Shift of employees working remotely has coincided with an increase in attacks and arrest.
Studies suggest that remote workers have become the source of up to twenty percent of all the cyber security incidents that occurred through too May twenty. Do you have lifelong, yet I'm a crime and identity theft will affect your life every day we put our information, a risk on the internet and cyber crime. No, keep finding new ways to steal our identities. You'll miss certain identity threats, if you're just monitoring your credit, now no, we can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but lifelong, is there and they are worth. Twenty four seven, and if something does go wrong there there to help you fix it now.
You can join and save up to twenty five percent off your first year if you go to lifelong dot com and use the promo code back right now, eight hundred lifelike one eight hundred lifelong or lifelong dotcom, promo code back for twenty five percent off and had ever to blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn Promo Code is Glenn. You can save thirty percent off your membership to blaze, tv Where are we George Washington's, whereas the Abraham Lincoln How do we? What do we do now? What do we do now. Those are the questions I am asked over and over again, and I want to answer both of those things for you in the chair, Ten minutes now. I was telling you about Joseph Campbell and his book, the Heroes, journey
And the heroes Journey really is its critical that you understand how heroes are bill. In stories because stories, heroes are poor, Part of the language of our civilization, but all our heroes and this arc is being taken from us, Oh, I went through the first part of it. Then you can see it in star where a star wars, the call to adventure, the refusing of the call the meeting of the mentor finding the allies facing the threshold, that's no Moon entering the unknown, the road of trials approach the cave the deal the reward now at the beginning of episode, two or I should say episode five days, dart out the ice planet of hearth. If I'm not mistaken
and this is right before Luke- goes to dig up ah He's gotta look for a master teacher, now his home has been destroyed, so you can't really return home. His home now is with is group of friends. The returning home phase, the last three steps on this are all about going back and it's a reflection of the first story: Ark, the first five, steps, he repeats them and. At first they refuse to return home. They do want to return home and to give up their new life. What is you ve got to the data. No. No. I don't have time for this. You guys all in danger He's unwilling to give up his new life,
or sometimes unwilling to jeopardize their old life or sometimes unwilling to jeopardize their old life depending on the inner journey of the hero. This is the heroes darkest moments when unsure of what all of this has been for and if there really is any point to it all. To succeed, they, have to return home member. When Yoda is Scheme all these questions and he finally puts down his ball, Luke says I don't even know what I'm doing here. I cannot teach him no. He's got to go, find a teacher and that teacher, to get him home. Well, who is his home? He realizes in
and his home is his family, his other Vader. And princess Leia. Doesn't know it yet, but that's what's pulling him Levin is the resurrection. The hero crosses the return threshold returning to their community and use. All of his skills and knowledge to help heal their world and overcome the conflict of the story. This is. The climax he goes back. And what happens. He faces Vader against all odds in the end, the twelfth Step finally, the hero has returned. They resolve The stories conflict put their reward to work being their society prosper, they ve overcome the flaws of their old world and
of themselves, and they will help steer their community on a new and better path. Also comes with freedom for the Euro to live their own life at last, often with a foot in both outside and inside Their own community. The resolution is usually bitter sweet but Priam Faint. It's. What sets the hero apart. If you're going to write a hero story. That person that hero must not only. Grow into a better person, but also into a leader, is well. I dont think you're an idiot. I think you already know the point of this. But in case I haven't made myself clear yet started with a piece of music. I stop Did this our way
something that was written right before World war, two just right as we were going into war- and it was the fanfare of the common man because The vice president had just give it a speech is that this is the century of the common man, the common man Luke was a carbon kid, see the common man. Can remain calm and we are not here just to remain we were Hu, we allow ourselves to become We are here to be shaped and tested. We are here for the road of the Heroes journey I want to ask you starting in the ordinary world
have you heard the call to adventure. It's the conflict is inside of you and inside the world that you know you. Something is wrong in your world and you want to solve it. But you don't know how The call to adventure you pushed to engage with whatever that outer journey is and your faced at the same time with an inner journey. To come face to face with the flaws that are inside of you not just outside, but inside of you, if
only take the outer journey without the inner journey you don't have a hero story and when you hear that and most likely you don't want to face the outside world, but the inside world is even scarier at times it was for me at times. It still is that's when you refused the call. The first thing you do is like I acted stop me. I don't want to do that. That's too hard, or I don't want to look there or I don't want to become that. I don't want that and that's where you are a common man, a common man says: no, have you met your mentor yet? Is there someone in your life? Is there someone that is saying you can do this because cuz, if you don't have one yet let me say you
can do this. You were born to do this. There is a greater reality than the one you are living in right now, but you have to take the steps into the unknown, find your allies find the people that will support you on this journey, so you can to face the first threshold and return. As a hero. The answer is you. Who is the hero? You were is the next Lincoln you and it may not be the Lincoln that saves the nation. It me be the Lincoln.
That saves your family or your children. I have to tell you. I have I've had quite a few days here that have been relentless. My poor wife But we are going through construction, our house, which is never fun. We ve got it just like you know. And we will not have it, but the kids aren't in school. Kids are really struggling. Have faced great great depression, in our family with our children to have our children out of the four last friday- We couldn't go to the hospital when my daughter was having brain surgery. A call from my other daughter who was there is only A person could be selected to go, we end see, wanted her sister, so
He goes in and I get a call from my sister from her sister Anne had is just crying and she's trying to hold it back and it's like eight o clock at night and she's like ok or ate it. I don't want you guys to panic, ok, well, that's the thing to say if you dont want us to panic. Something was wrong with Mary about twelve hours of six hours after her surgery and it was so bad that she and Mary is not like this started. A her goodbyes to her sister as they were taking her out She was crying and saying how much she loved us, how much loved. Her sister and good bye. That's the call I got Friday night on top of
the other things that are just as big in our life that are happening right now that I can't talk to you about. But I guarantee you if I could you'd relate were, all going through these things. My wife was in bed last night came to bed. And there's always trouble when she sits up in bed and she sat there for I don't know how long she said I almost stopped at a bar to get a drink today, one of us drink, we haven't foot, Twenty one years I am for twenty five. She said I was so close. Pulling into a bar and just drinking.
I told her, I said I'm glad you didn't because of you, it didn't bring me I'd, be really pissed. We are facing our inner journeys. We are, We are facing our hero arc, there are problems on the outside and problems on the inside that we are having to face. I urge you. To not feel alone and not to feel conquered cause you're, not you were just Step three. Of your heroes journey, that's who you were born to be We will learn from not only the past
We will learn in our struggles and the times that we just think we can't go on and we rush hour selves off, and we stand back up again, our sponsor His patriot mobiles increasingly important patriotic american stand together, both in our ideology and in our businesses, the IMF, and way of life is under attack, and it has been for a long time and it is gonna get worse before it gets better, but that it's important, to consider something like switching to Patriot mobile for your cellphone carrier, page It mobile operates on the same cell towers as the other big mobile company, so you're getting the same great service, but it's a lot cheaper and supporting a company that not only doesn't donate to leftist causes, but in fact it does donate to. Causes like the first amendment and the second amendment and strengthening those Switching is really easy. You can bring your old phone or you get a new one
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has epilepsy, and now we found out of fuel go. My other daughter also has epilepsy. And suspend fun spent fun, So she is, but she went your brain surgery. She had a couple of really nasty tests and this was the first one they went in with a laser and cut off all the scar tissue off of her brain, because she had strokes at birth. Her brain is wired differently; normally they go in and they take like a third of your brain, which is like really well. You can do that, but because she uses all different parts of her brain. They can't do that. Really knowing that they're going to cause damage so there was no damage done, which was a big relief. She knew she was her. Brain was swelling from all of the surgery
and it was Reno significant. So I just I recommended the hard stuff I said I'll be back. The eight hundred and I don't know the doktor did, but the next day she was sitting on our back porch. And we were talking ass. She had brain surgery two days before what they can do now. Truly modern miracles, miracles, that in my lifetime. I have never seen anything like it and what's on, the horizon is even greater.
So there is a new article out. I don't love. You saw this. This new study that says conservative say that there is some sort of censorship go. Oh god. This is not true is. Is that row yeah? You know voted that study vikings, people, okay! Well, I'm sure they got down to the bottom of it. Somebody's actually doing something about it. Bill Richardson is joining us that Stephen crowd. Others lawyer filing lawsuit against Facebook, alleging a litany of censorship, related effective offences. We talk to him in sixty seconds, Richmond, Saint Richardson outlets. That is where the New Mexico, great Dinah, definitely not there not been registered sorry about that bill. Richmond is
joining us here, just as I personally day about our sponsored, this half hour They fear considering joining a senior group where you going most value, bang for your buck. Well me I suggest you look into a MAC. It stands for the association of mature american citizens and it's got over two million members, its growing every single day and aim at and provide you with just the discounts and the services that you need and want from a seniors group, but they all Oh, are extremely pro active in representing the kinds of american american values that you hold. They represent courage, faith and reason in these. Our trying times they stand for solvency in this of runaway debt, national security and sovereignty over unchecked borders. They believe in the sanctity of life They believe. In the second amendment, the first amendment there is power, in numbers. On a MAC they been pushed
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Stephen, his back, he was on hiatus must be nice in jobs, and I think that more the hard dealing with lots of stuff in one part of it. I'm getting everything gathered so yeah. I'm I'm wondering I'm wondering if you could represent me as well. Maybe what kind of things you need a bill. You tell about the law suit that you announced yesterday on the Stephen crowd or show absent the we we have announced our walls that will be finally will be seeing that in its public arches and errand, air to against Facebook egg, and it really centres around as something you I bet you talked about before the news and white matters about being pro business but antifraud. What we are saying is that these platforms must specifically Facebook need to just be honest with they are and to date they have not than they have lured, customers, content, creators and advertising.
Spenders whites even in his company and other shows like that on all sides of the political spectrum under the guise of being politically neutral. I unfortunately that not actually true. In the evidence bears out at that, the conduct at all levels of Facebook has run counter, That is always a consumer creator and advertiser as something has to be done and we're doing it. We were, we were there at the very beginning. I mean I remember talking about Facebook and Twitter. When no one was talking about them and in saying it oh, join us its new platform. You can, let me weep a lot of time and money into building facebook. Their cutting us off from the people who say they want to join with us. That's it Actually, the problem everyone knows like Facebook has never had the fact every as he sees fit.
Every Augusta call every promo they put out says the product is free because you're the plot, the direct it started from use, so they entice the customer and they entice the contact group. Facebook, desperate until it's? U Stephen its others on it to be able to bring their fans chew the platform to provide more information, but doing it. The guy's a false breaches of saying that you're going You run a new speed or trending topics solely algorithmic leave when you're not or say that you're, not using political radiation or both what were the intention to decide what gets in front of certain eyeballs? That's just being dishonest and that's what we're Talkin You know it's it's amazing. I don't know if you have the story from the insider of Facebook that said that be allowed. Was not trending at the very beginning and not so much push back that they changed the algorithm to make sure that be Alamos, trending that that that was
plead that whole movement would be was bogus. It was bogus. It wasn't trending at the beginning and that's what we're looking for that we're trying to finally get these companies specifically Facebook to admit is that this isn't a machine that doing something its people, behind the machine behind the algorithm you're making input who are changing lovers were adjusting dials to go after the flame at the weekend, when you hear stories like the look recently led statements of of Mark Zuckerberg say that they were lined with a lot of policies, executive orders at particular administration the end you pause about whose, during those dials they were not saying here. This is a big difference, will not saying that the government needs to come in run did not. Please don't wait right. You grant you're saying just be honest about the products and services the honest about how you're using asked the customer and the consequent look at me
I don't think this is unreasonable at all. We never know. The rules, we never know the rules, I've done odd CAS now for forty some years, forty five years, I think, and I know the rules. I know what I can and can't say. I know what I can promote, not promote. I know all those rules, because are consistent and clearly written down and so when it gets vague, maybe it's been vague why you said my career and forty, some years that's only when it became political honestly, its very clear why Facebook make it very very clear. So we know I can't create content for a group that constantly changing. Can anyone. No one can and in what's what's pretty These about this is that there are a number of votes against tat companies who simply want to provide an open audit, but given the
nature of the employees that they have mostly out of California, that the advertisers media companies at wheeled alive crush because again entire model is based office gather data, tailoring it advertisers and and selling that experience to the advertisers. There's a lot of pressure that comes to adjust those tiles and when there that grey area when you're sitting on the fence looking well. Does it go this way or that way one baby The decision, unfortunately, is pushing the styles pushing those decisions during those great consistently against a certain political life. Ology and it once again in a vicious. It's not just you know one topic other its whole gamut of issues that have become the enemy of the world and an that's how these dials are being decided from the it is also dangerously close to becoming too Thirdly, corrupted with the government, because it's a revolving door, you know that
go in and out from Facebook in Google and then to the administration they come, the Congress I mean there. This is This is a public private partnership in all in in every way, except of formalizing it. Slowly. The ubiquitous nature of of the media are being now lately dominated in terms of eyeballs and ears by just a handful, attacked a place as opposed to having been. Widely covered by a number of you know what radio, television or print, or even at it I'm online sources. Now this little domination as paraded a place where justice. The adjustment of the doubts by a slight them on the scale is going to have massive implications for business owners, whether its lot of broader and even show or other graders across the spectrum
The thing these arguments are not arguments dedicated to just one sided with the actual these affect all Americans were interested in dealing with a company or a fair level, and how at which we are talking to a bill. Richmond Stephen calls him. The half asian attorney and he is his filing suit. This week have filed a gap here. We are actually submitting the suit later this week. Facebook to push back on this, this fraud, that's going on let me you know they came out what was it today or yesterday, and they said they. They just really want bite and help to to regulate this. You ve CNN coming
And- and I don't care what anybody says. I think Brian Spelter and his little dirt Breton Dirt bag of me. No, I don't know back, you know who it is he Robin height, I'm not sure, but anyway, these two guys are leading the push to get people platforms from cable companies, That means you lose Fox NEWS. I do you can You answer to look to the the statement that Its freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach there. There is no without question being a pro business advocated and Stephen. I went back to work on this and I know this is an issue close charged or businesses of all sides. Books were at work. We build something being able to solve them hate. You can do business with the people that you want to. A certain level. That's that's very true. With these tech companies in the media companies have created,
their own desire to become as big as possible. Have put themselves in the category of utility of common carriers other essentials in the modern age, whereby you may not be able to guarantee the number of people that you're going to be having its about having a level playing field and really knowing the playing field is in Venezuela you know, I mean a lot about how to know you're gonna be on Twitter Jack Dorsey about it take a job. You gotta know what you're gonna get not that they should be able to do anything not saying that, but they should be more open about what they're doing, and we actually references, earlier that in why you stone report that came out just a day or two. No saying there is no intention to revise for small. You look at the data actually does show biased, but none the less their conclusions were the same. It said they smoke and beat tat need to have more clarity about
policies, so that consumers, advertisers and raiders had even government officials tax with regulating these businesses know exactly what's happening, but looking into that but is the last thing they want us to do. An organ applied, open. What are your chance? I mean you're going after Facebook, they clearly have an this amount of money and attorneys. No doubt No doubt we know that it's gonna be a long hard slog. We know that their throw a lot of defence, the most especially its foremost section thirty, in the way that it's been misinterpreted by some words were prepared to do at this is gonna, be a multi year fair without any doubt, they're gonna, be early battles wanted loss, but we're going to war trying to win the whole thing in an really if at all, Americans were entrusted infare dealing with big jack of it, though Richmond. Thank you very much. Thank you. My best Stephen
make sure you bet louder with crowd. Her is, is a website letter of crawler dot com? You can also find Stephen Crowded, on blaze, tv at blaze, tv dot, com he's back off hiatus in said some other things going on in his life. I swear we're all under attack right now in every way possible. Everyone, I know is attack in it Everybody, I know, at least in this business is under attack, show sounds really good at which there is a way to save. Like thirty Box office excursion, I mean you know just as is now only hey wait a minute. There is. I just remember a little known fact. If you use the promo code Glenn at Blaze, tv dotcom, you'll, save thirty percent, wow yeah sounds now. I'm definitely gonna scare me tat. If, if they were just people on the on the network that you would like right
like Stephen crowded, like Glenn back, like I don't know, students, America now Marguerite sure. Now now you erected for me you ve erected for me me by the way it's Groundhog day. I want to talk to you about that in Just a minute, literally one minute stand by my pillow our eye my pillow Michael Adele? You want to talk about a guy who has just been chased out of everywhere. It's Michael Window, and when you are going to bed I mean I have my own routine. You know I spend a few minutes applying my green mud masked my face, aid with Sweden, unripened banana peels. I wrap my hair up in a towel just a couple of cucumbers slices on my eyes and then I just get ready just get ready just a long. Winters nap, scrape scrape
No, don't do any those things I just sometimes don't even take off my t shirt. I just go right to bed and Emily sleep all the way through, and I didn't used to sleep all the way through because I was so uncomfortable my shoulders. My neck, everything else, but now I lay down on well, I M It might as well be made of cucumbers slices and unripened banana. None of that good. My pillow is what I use my pillow click on the new radio listener specials and check out the by one get one free offer on the geese dream sheets, Michael Andella Company, you want to support him Do it in a way where you're actually get something really good out of the deal as well: the geese dream sheets, my pillow dot com as deep discount another my pillow products and of the promo code Beck CALL, eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen eight hundred and nine
six, thirty one, seventeen promo code back, my pillow dotcom, ten second station idea, So have you ever felt, really I was in the right one wasn't no ten seconds is enough. Ok, one till now it's over a canker job, all of a radio hollow. Thank you. Gotta lotta you'll see my exhibit right in the men's. Rescuing the flushing guy nerds, you known in listening to some of the old bits, but smell is always great from the show Groundhog day. Do you feel like you're. The best is repeating itself and you getting up and it's the same day over and over again except it's not Quite this aids, worse than it will the day before I mean,
Take bill, Murray, I'd. Take that day. Over these days we are to take. This was constantly annoying knock newly worsening yeah, and you know quite honestly. In the end he had fun. He advised worked worked out and he got a hot girl at the. I don't think that's gonna work for any of us. I don't think that's the way. This story ends real for any of us. And we don't have Bill Murray along with us to make us laugh so, that's twenty twenty one for you. I hate Groundhog Day the, but we're supposed to learn something, and I dont know what it is supposed to learn. We haven't learned a yet cause it's getting worse and it keeps repeating itself so for the love of peat lands look into what is we're supposed to learn and fix it. Ok, how the capital police in the National Guard have put up razor wire to keep all over. Preschoolers from sliding on the snow there. The capital which I think is good,
little Billy might come in all like flooding and come home, and I, like a half my body is in the snow and no it's a razor wire fence, but did they don't want anybody frolicking in the snow? Now this is a long time tradition in wash and if you live, you you go to Capitol Hill, it is actually a hill Little Hill, but it is an actual hill and misled. You can't now because of the National Guard troops and the razor the razor wire that they have now erected around the capital. Now I'm not going to yes, I am I'm going to say it. It? Can you imagine if any Republican would have done this, what they would have been say they built a razor wire fence around our capital and they
God National Guard troops as their excite reserve executing executive order after executive order. After exact I don't know you, keep using the word fascist. I do not think it me What do you think it means I mean really we Still don't know why the National Guard is there. I mean it continuing threats like the keep reassuring the terrorists. They did. The national terrorist threat, wifi fascinating about. This is remember when this all happened. The big talking point that everyone was like an enlightening point was, can you imagine if it black people, who did this can you imagine what would happen since it was white people, the cops did nothing, but if it was black people, can you imagine what site that lets examine what they ve done when it was white people first, while they shot one of them and killed them. Multiple people die in the crowd. Then they erected a wall of the entire building, then they put
only two thousand National Guard troops in Dc and are keeping five thousand of there until MID March, at least that's what they did? What, White people that they are only putting them there until we flattened curve That's true! I like you, I don't know I left, so they did with with why people what have they done? I went black. Bull, nothing. I don't know. I got sought entire target cleaned out every single thing in the store that doesn't take three minutes, and there is no police to be found anyway? I saw a bunch of people. We're protesters walk up to a police, Precinct Minneapolis and the police the left, so they could burned to the ground. That's what happened. I remember a little place called chance as where they abandoned part of the city to give over to an autonomous zone for months I've seen this happen all over the country. I ask you left wing. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear and have you seen
Report on the homicide spike: does you in a time this. In again, that's polarize, that's what I do know now, not fat and there's a new study out for the government and because I have gone through the room like We are in a hundred and fifty percent in some of these cities what we did. They did some research on it to find out causes that covered hope it calls. It pursues the programme. Ok, all right. Let me tell you about timeshare termination team. Here's a lesson You have learned that not one a mark, you you're not going to get this lesson
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Get you out. Eight hundred and eighty eight to get you out the dated eight thousand four hundred and thirty eight eighty six. Eighty eight one hundred percent money back exit guarantee timeshare termination, team dot com. It all the updates on the lawsuit from Stephen prouder on his programme, butter with crowd or get a part of their place. Tv subscription go to police tv, dot, com, slashed, Glenda, provocateurs, Glenn and save thirty bucks, Well, look turtles is head out from the shell. What com He wants a everybody to know that that the new congressmen from Georgia. Is re, easy job. Poor crazy This is Marjorie Taylor, Green she's in knots, but not
I did he say that he said what she says is a cancer. While now, let me ask you something:. You go to a doctor and he tells you you have cancer and says, but we can live with it. Do you go see another doctor probably yeah. We at least get a second opinion sure, but we can wait. You're, not gonna, do anything it's a cancer. Oh my russian cancers will kill you. During gonna. Get no it's the same. Guy gets me it'll kill you dead its core or aisy bad. We can live with it. Can we stop me calling people cancers She might be on the lunatic friend. She believes some things that I don't believe I involve for Georgia
They also voted for Senator Warnock who believes in all kinds of crazy things that I dont believe I tried to alert the people of Georgia. The people of Georgia didn't seem to care. More, there were more people that thought hey. Communism's neat, and so Ward OX in the Senate. I don't No WAR Knox, not a cancer. But some of the ideas that he's expresses certainly is now. Do. I think we should ask a country, no, not even as a country do. I think our police, local parties should start target, people who they don't agree with, and so
we're gonna put them in a little box there and the time out corner for the next two years. Don't wanna know zip, zip it little girl, zip it. No the people of Georgia elected her. If they don't like her well then they should have voted and they can vote again. This is a representative republic, people higher the people they want to send for their community. And that's what that district decided. That person represents me just like the great state of Georgia Pick Senator Warnock. I mean I ain't always senior, and I was I'm I'm listening to this again I don't agree with a lot of stuff she's, a deep q person. I haven't, gone down the aisle, even I haven't even somebody's like rabbits and unlike
look conform with you, I'm not going down at all, because that is that is so clear, that it is a way to explain things that are unexplainable. And so clearly in my opinion, computer lately wrong oh she's gone down that rapid whole. She believes it. Ok all right, agree with that at all should not coming over to my house most likely for dinner, and you know definitely said some things that are way out there. She seems to now be saying that she doesn't really those things anymore, Jesse out of wild, but she's also said that Nancy's Nancy policy should be a year of action. I resolved sort of those that did she say for treason, forged guy, three leave. So it's ok, she's everybody said. Let me not everybody, but a lot of people in the mainstream media and a lot of people in Congress said that Donald Trump should
tried for treason, failure, and I said at the time- hey, let's throw the tea word around, because That's the only one in the constitution that has a specific penalty and its death So everything else you, my dear you get three to six. This one is he'll, get three to six bullets in the head, this one when you accused somebody of treason, its execution gay. So let's just because she named the punishment that is directly tied to trees and makes I guess so much work more worth, but everybody was saying that about Donald Trump on the left. I'm not Sk using it, I'm just telling you I said do it, then I'm saying don't do it now larger point. Here, though, I think it first of all it Georgia the picture of how they want yet that's
whether you don't get to remove them, because you don't like what they said on Facebook five years ago, we are resorting to like you. I think that this is what representatives are there, not the representatives of what see policy once it's what p the people of Georgia, want so that worries the. Nor is it the representative that Mitch Mcconnell wants it doesn't like sorry, and they can only critical. They all say their thing. You don't remove people, but the The way you remove Marjorie Taylor Green from Congress is to primary her two years. Dana! That's how you do it if you want to do it, but beyond that, like wits clear with the media is doing below is say all you want to talk about a yo because she's an idiot. You want her to defy the Democrats. Yes, Secondly, why I want to talk about a Yossi, because she's, an idiot and her she's, the one that blurted out all the things they say quietly behind the scenes That's why I like talking about Yossi because She is a very easy way for people to understand what the left trying to do and this
is what they are trying to do here is a well. This is that the the rights a yo see we're to talk about this person that No one had talked about and had had talked about it all. For the past I knew she was now just coming out of making a huge deal out of this one representative in Georgia, because we're trying to define the entire conservative movement based on this one percent said a lot of ass a little to do me a favor. Will you you remember the game red? Moreover, Red Rover send. No Marjorie Taylor, Green right over up. Ok, ok, no play that I'd. Go ahead, red rubber right. You know: you're gonna, Rudy, lined up red rum. Red Rover would whom you hear the Democrats Ambling Marjorie Taylor Green over Red Rover Red Rover G. Where do we start guys back seen, waters Nancy pull learning illustration that you believe I mean
go to this list. All dynamic, you're gonna do read. Rover Red Rover you'll be out of crazy people. Now, maybe four Maybe for right I can't even think of for right. Look! Maybe for you too, you you'd have more people who, like met with Fidel Castro, in the debtor over, but rather how many people come over Red Rover. Red Rover send anyone whose hung out with Louis Farrakhan all my guy and actually said that they supported those things. But now oh, no, I never said anything. I don't believe Egypt. We just listening to all types of our points of view, send those right over how many com it's easier to do these names. If I were to say Red Rover, Redcoat Rover send all your cue and non believers over you send what one or two problems from the house and then you say: send people who who meet with Red Rover Red Rover, send your people that claim that
Israel is South Africa. Parttime read over. I think we might Robert Wade rumour that frigate conference is given over one read: Rover Red Rover send every one who believes the end justifies the means and Solid Linsky believers right over now read Rover Red Rover. Send everybody who believes that the Soviets were probably right. I mean in oh it did it didn't work so well, but it just wasn't done properly, in the south union or in China, or or in Cuba, or an and people who happened to go to the Soviet Union on their honeymoon ryan those people override then you could get there's just not a contest, your does it mean that we embrace every crazy person who's on the right are beaten, but you know that but still a good. It needs to be said that these things, these equivalent theories, things like you, know, eight I ve was created by the government right eaten
the new senator from Georgia back to the guy who said that the guy who said that he praised years after the controversy said only was good, but the leak these these sermon, where he said a lot of these controversial things, was an excellent Simon yeah. He said that he be, he said that end he got elected, by the state of Georgia, Red Rover. Red rovers and everyone who thought nine. Eleven was an inside job and George Bush was part of it right over here now act. What at one point, two thirds of all Democrats So I mean you, we would play this game all dates. Silly, point of this. Is you want to play this game or we'll play this game, but it's on american game, because that's an elect representative, I don't want you to get rid of Rashid, had to leave in Washington my things district should. But it's not gonna happen, because her district represents her. She represents the
but living in that district, so unless she doing something illegal, Minnesota, and unless you're doing something illegal, you don't just take a yo, see out you'll, do it. She's, an elected representative Red Rover read over send anyone whose married there brother over that case, you do only get out of my sight, you're right, you're right. You know who I did judge thereby, but by the great, regarding the other you're gonna marry your brother anytime, since I think you're safe on that one? you're right, you're, right, real estate agents. I trust you ve ever move before. You know the process buying and selling houses a huge hassle, especially I'm each these men houses
and change for how long they had those two paid living rooms that nobody used in the stupid, dining room by the door that nobody else then I'd buy house now everybody you now, I don't want one went too far by living Albert better by ear hippies, I'm telling you stay hippy generation they have destroyed my life, it's a different theory anyway, I hired somebody real estate agents. I trust I come and you know it brought me and I, like ok, women drives. L is what do you think, and they said. Well, it's it stated unlike so he what do you have to do so we ve done it. Or in the throes of it right now, and I think I'm going to have a nervous, frickin breakdown, but the Good NEWS is the valued now the real estate agents are all beating a path towards organ Wednesday. When, when you put this up for sale in an hour like, I don't think we are okay, I
I think we are. We like it too much was really outdated anyway, real state agents, I trust dotcom. You need to buy or sell your house and you need to do it the right way. You need to have somebody really watching out for you getting the best. He'll on both sides buying and selling real estate agents. I trust dotcom will help you find the right real estate agent in your area. It's a free service to you real state agents. I trust dotcom tomorrow night, when Lindsey with Biden in office, its mission accomplished new administration, same old faces from two thousand and twenty eleven and lots of executive orders, identical celebrate Reset Glyn looks back at the jawdropping changes since await how bided will complete Obama's radical transformation of America tomorrow night nine pm Eastern only applies to be dot com, Slash Glenn,
So let me play some audio hear from you. Per Saki the the key, is silent. There is gents Saki, oh, like the European sucks, society per sucks. I gotta thank you for that, and so here she is Jen per She is the press secretary for jobs, here she is on the twitter ban. This may be hard to believe. We don't spend a lot of time. Talking about our thinking about President tramp here, former president tramp, I've had to be very clear. I think, the question is probably more appropriate fur republican members who are looking for ways to support a viper, this package and whether that gives them space, but I can't say we miss him on twitter.
I support the getting in trouble new sites. I think that's a decision made by twitter. We leave certainly spoke doing. He spoken to the need for social media platforms to continue to take steps to reduce hate speech. We don't have offered a lot and that the socks doesn't it sucks to be with you about. Another does not bode well for now that was no p in front of you. I know stepped in some words, which I will not spell out right now. That really kind of describe you because you like but Saki you have a secret crush on it. I don't know you talk which I choose. I do not understand. Do you understand when Sarah, no, she doesn't
You stand that either she just as I know what it is and I work she seems delightful. Let's Saki, husband or wife, however she's married to decide now go and I dont understand Stu, I don't get ices think she's. She seems in a load of gentler, Cadenza he's not the problem here, and we need to understand that. I did this on a dare. I please have added I don't know why. I don't know what you're referring to. But you are you know. Affairs do is so gent every time, but Saki comes on Patel evasion. She that's just he just stops everything. And he's us later. It is she Sarah back me up, yes, she's backing and she must have a person one hundred percent she's a lot Joe anything allows both prevention and what that means: Sap, ok, margin of error and repressive, plus or minus, which means it could be one hundred and three percent average
you just stopped and you're gazing up at the television. I don't even have to look up to see what you're looking at its psaki. This is. This is a bizarre theory that you have. I don't know, I don't know where it comes from. Think that look we note with its there is some partisanship that we all need to have in that's my every it today. It's not Jensen. Fault. None of this rise like these fall all the terrible things that happened. Never her fault, that's all! That's not a crush this by partisan, yeah, that's a crush, that's crush you we look is it. You have a weird thing for her. I don't know it's. It is weird, is weird bite or Osmond, it's weird I'm sure her husband would find it weird. As what my wife, what I do, what you refer, your life. We are you like really You know it's call your wife. Can I call your life now now than it does not actually say right, not available. Gb like she really neat that that's why she would she recognize that
what you're saying is false. I mean she's she's, a fine. Looking woman. Don't get me wrong, you know, but. To make it cross over to the island? Say: hey, hey, hey, I'm! I'm I'm trying to bring this country together here. While you are you're git, a room you're pursuing it, be a small room causing a lot of people going in after you for four that uniting it is now down that road. Try to bring the country together got here. You do more divisive. Actually I should be. I should be silence you should be silence. I've been saying that for a long time, I've been telling, Saki about it. She has- and I was just and I was answer, but she always looked knowingly the now she sending messages.
The associate Anne was talking about the great snow storm of twenty twenty one, but one that is buried the capital buried it in, like twenty some inches and that's a sign global warming is it not so fast chemo savvy? I don't think so. How can I say that? Because, when I was eighteen years old, I went on a job in our view, and they add thirty inches of snow, and I was trapped in that city for three days: work that must have been global cooling at the time. I will give you the update sixty seconds Glenn programme. My patriot supply, let's say
global warming hits and all of a sudden you have something unexpected like snow storms, right. Ok, got it you're like you're, like I didn't say, then it was ever gonna snow again. Does it never snows? Here they were, they do their also telling you is never going snow against snowed, be extinct because of global warming, exactly so now you're at home- and you got nothing you ve got you ve got duck sauce. That's all that you have left in your refrigerator whose for now clown, not me I've been prepared. With my patriot supply, urgency food emergence. Food. So not all zombies and government take overs. It's for things. Like I don't know a snow storm I urge you to check out patriot supply their foods, stays fresh for up to twenty five years and proper storage, so you're never gonna have to go country, Hungary or stand. You know in government food lines. You prepared, secure, a fall
week three months or even a one year, emergency food kit? They provide two thousand calories a day. It's fun and games until some snow man. She awry out with a carrot, knows I don't even know that means my patriot supply Dotcom, My patriots apply. Dotcom. Go there now my patriot supply dot com would add that when I was ten years old. Must have been nineteen. Eighty three, I think- and I went for an interview in Washington DC and my plane arrived like it wanted. In the morning and it was the last plain to land, because I don't remember what the even called it it was. Some big super storm, the end of the world Superstore, I think, is what they called. It then we're all die here: com,
the polar cap, gonna land on top of a capital should it known cap cabin sounds alike. And they had a ton of snow. I don't even know look it up with just two: And I ve already been doing math casually. You telling stories you're just butchering the details, so I have two tredick check you You talk about it to see if your actually telling the truth or my media monitoring centre. I, like a gather, John, the no you're right. There was a big. The major policy Blizzard of February ten may get Aladdin Blizzard, so they call it at least that's what the Washington Post the scullion February, tenth through twelve nineteen? Eighty three, a lot of snow Glenn Let us now how much because Irish by closing everything down. It was it was over two feet. I think it was like thirty edges or so
its northern Maryland German and we're Germantown of Frederick Maryland, both received thirty inches a snare western aloud and count County Virginia up to thirty eight inches the snow Braddock. Its western, Frederick, Marilyn relatively raised or point nine inches get warming. I dont know why that would prove global warming that that parliament is or is not checking out yet really thought for shirk. As this one proves global warming to the nuts is up in times Square in New York in eighteen. Eighty three, they were probably still embracing global cooling gather whereof we hadn't switch gear, were so yeah they were gonna die. This was that would fit. That narrative squeezing this wouldn't want to claim more moisture, and it is they that they keep coming back to the same three or four things. But again we ve seen then go to the well over and over again saying that global warming would eliminate snow people. The kids would of their entire life line about you that what they're not are about this or not
catastrophic climate change, because science is always right until science itself says that it was previously wrong exactly right in effect leave round here, Here is the ears the latest on the snow storm, other people say to this: does Look like global warming them out as climate change fit into this during which we just talk about is exactly what happened. Three, ten driest winners happening. Twenty years right, so we're not getting, is much winter, we're getting mild winters, but when the storms com, it's like you're pioneer for six, ten minutes or tinkle history up until the last four years: the innocent little records here they go back on
you said the man in Yellow rice are likewise every fifteen years we're getting him in modern weeks, immoral zone. We currently have no illusions about all that until our energy slaving the cold air. Coming now I am from the Arctic in I am you get all that bad atmosphere of energy which creates yet that energy is rising all tinkling there and its a stream? That's what's up that's what's happening? It's what's happening right. There that's what that was yet its fascinating the bid just keep going down this road. You know I don't they. They're so committed to it s, like anything that occurs, is always explained by global warming. We do these lists, lots and emergency italian, yeah, etc. Its cataclysmic emergency at all times and every single thing that occurs goes back to it's the same way. They talk about race every single incident goes by to racism like there is now a thing this is. There is now a thing that what
the Bernie Sanders Meme of him, mittens in a white privilege that shows white privilege and there's people Talking about this, as if its legitimate, every single think I shall white white privilege, because you you'll be grumpy in a company and I have very expensive mittens around latest ceremony. That's what white people do now wait a minute. The vice President United States was on stage, is not white our nose nature Stay yes, dancing, Baker dance. So you make me sick. We set the example yesterday worth Ben and Jerry's is now pissed off because apparently com, ups or I don't know a believer of any. This is true, but supposedly cops are arresting. Fining black people more often than white people when it comes to social distancing requirements, but like is
the reverse. If you didn't like black Peter, you would want to enforce, or you would want to enforce AK aging from twitter check from Twitter. Please answer this guy. Please, the love of peat is denying global climate change Jack from Twitter ups I didn't mean to still be on the ball, for an ethical levy. Let me let me such a straight here. Please jester ignoring knuckle dragging white Guy, Gina, Mccarthy,. The national climate adviser. You don't get that job just because you're in a certain group. The national climate eggs Advisor for President Biden said Now that climate change a Priori for this administration is also a racial justice issue.
She said that The issue exacerbates the challenges in the communities that have been left behind. It goes to the very same communities that pollution is held back in the quote cancer alley. Of Louisiana We should not move out of that street. I mean we need real estate agents. I trust dot com to remind you not to buy a house on cancer alley. Get what I used, they used a bolder. Really. I was an answer, alleys hog, but was not used for bad bowlers. That bothers me. Is it and Hepatitis Street. Sure what you know about my mom, not cancer Alley civil with IRAN Lazard as a place. You could go the court is
There is a really nice restaurant, just like a little boutique restaurant on cancer alley. Thou! Really. Really it's really sounds nice. If you just did it get out real fast, you know to mean, maybe you just have a little skin cancer right. You know, nothin, Syria up don't go twice, though, no repeat customers anyway. She says it goes back. The very same community climate justice is about equal rights. The poorest and most vulnerable commit communities. The ones that have not been invested in tend to feel the effects of climate crisis more than the affluent areas, for example, cancer rally. Home to chemical plants and dangerous air pollution as well as minority and poor communities. Well, Generally speaking, you find the nicest houses around the nuclear power plant. You know somebody Pat Pat, was
What was going on a train would be the first time up and down the Eastern Corridor They said have you noticed? I mean some of these cities are beautiful, but the train goes through the worst sanction have down. Yes, because people move away from the due to train right. That's. How does that Definitely what happens? People don't want to be there, which is why these train projects are such a disaster where they try to put these train Did I like what we gonna build high speed about light rail speed rail or to put build them, and where did they build them or not? that's going anywhere near them? So it goes to areas where people aren't, which is
Hurry gravy train over by the giant windmills that nobody there's lots of land there. Nobody wants to go there, but that over by escapees, avenue of evil man Let me tell you about all the commercial sponsor this hour. It's gold line gold lie is offering six percent promotional metals deliver directly to you with the qualifying retirement account purchase. Also gold special on grated liberty. Coins is back. I collect the liberal. Coins and it is a collection. It's not us storage of money. It's as this is a collect. I am a collector. These are collectible coins the grated liberty coins back one of my favorites certified by independent, grating agency for weight and purity and condition gold length.
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Never really been one for Mars. You know at this time of year now, really yes, who called too fill in the blank autobahn, but I'm feeling a little fat and bloated on this planet. And I'll be lighter, best way to lose fifty pounds. Take your scale bars, What I'm saying so that, and that is a fast way takes quite a bit of time to get there so sure that it would be a quick way. You know If you lose weight quickly, you put it right back on So I'm I'm gonna, take my time lose their loosen way. But anyway the the idea of going to Mars has always been. But then you're like you could die you'd be away from your family for a long time these It's probably are not coming back
I don't think so. I mean once you ve seen Mars is like the Grand Canyon yep scene it now what I mean Yeah, like the views cool. And what their near fertilizing potatoes with your own excrement. Yes and your life here, you know I've seen it and it's beautiful All it really always Euralia Bob and she lived there for a while you're like all of it is like this. All of it there's no place this there no King Kuhn on Mars, where you going hey undertake, vacation, where outside title thanks to the other red flat placed neither right and you're, not just gonna, go out just like I just you know what we're just going up where I can pitch in a tent, no you're, not no you're, not gonna be here in this little tiny air box and
regulations. I know at this point you have either had sex with all of them. And- or you now all of them, but Congrats As for the rest of your life, you're in this crap hole with one red dirt outside the union, at odd combination of being very adventurous and also very depressed by life on this planet them there. Are you not ordinary of it? Well, I M kind of adventure is not like a let's go to Mars this weekend, but like hail go to Paris this week? You know that I could do Mars is a little bit of a stretch right but but depressed on. What's this gonna gap- and I think you know good Skype
to the kids once in a while. I think you'll be ok check in the age airlines that you're, never gonna, see them again. You'll just only see them say how school go and egg, let's break it, turn it off and that's fine yeah, that's what's more parenting than they need Kids really need a lot about you know, pretty large as they need, but is much as they allow you to do at a certain point. You're not even need does hit that point at its at point to wear, I might have to choke you to death to get you to do it. And so that would be kind of bad because you'd be dead, and so you wouldn't learned the lesson, but on the other hand, you'd be dead, saw a documentary where the dad was always strangling the kid. The Simpsons and the kid has through all of all it. So you should be fine on that. Fine he's a great kid It turns out to be a girl. Great kid you had me
MRS someone was talking about the secession of of my conservative suggests a siege of whichever own country and used no I'm forces session. I want them to secede yeah right. Will What are you to send your kids to Mars? Woe That way you get to still gonna, like waffle house. We know twelve two fifteen times per week and then they also well- and I will carers much about the country. If I knew my kid in all my grandkids would all be on Mars right when you believe your children and children are the future, but the city you gotta be burned to the ground of organised ride, this baby out, happily others Vila, whatever you burn underground, yeah I'll move to another place unless it, then maybe I'll move there. Openness and more by the fires target and the items. I warn you that all the best thing about Minneapolis, you know sure it's cold,
but you have the warmth of the town burning down all around you, too kind of give that cosy kind of right, you know groundless. Camp fire kind of feeling exactly right. I mean it. I will say I was in Minnesota just three years ago now changed tat. It was really cold. I would assume that problems got away. His errand ripping like frigid to the point is: if I wondered, why would one shoes to build a civilization here, yeah like that, the fly there at the time of year. You like well, I've noticed they ve done here with the city. Is they ve connected The buildings like which I imagine a trail yeah like Europe, about what those hamster yeah is yeah and you are walking back and forth between the buildings. What they ve centrally done is converted the city into a mall Romeo
everywhere you yeah! Oh you just walk in his eyes, which is fine example of nine. Then you there are places lots of open room, unlike Texas, right where you could build a civilization in what you don't have to do such things. I thought that we don't know why they have been thought of Vida. I don't know, and they all say. Oh no, I've lived here. My whole life, ok are so you ve had a lot of time to think tat. He had a lot of time to think. That's! Not working is a point in your favour. The outlay. So you ve used all this time. Why are you here? All the summers are great. Yeah, but you were the summer's eighteen minutes this summer is car, comes and goes its riddled with mosquitos, and then you right back to fourteen feet. Us now how much time do you need to think this through? You spent
your life. Doing this, that's not a good idea now, at least that residents there seem to be able to take it like their tough enough to be able to take it. They ve been there for a long time. Why was there when there is leader lots of tourists and stuff there, and every one of them looks like Jack Nicholson for the shining like which is outside right? Look on the right in the acts are obviously like the frozen one of the very all work. These isn't that I know there's no facial expressions because he's literally frozen to death that- basically the spoiler alert on the shining. Sorry about that, but I mean this: is it doesn't work out for the Father and the data it actually yeah? I thought that book was gonna really turned into something good, yeah yeah. I was on his way to the lot of typing. Similar lines broke out at a great rate, but a guy. I think that that is that's almost walk into things right. Let people get born in a city that they don't like and they stay there their whole lives because that's where they were born right that happen to a bunch of cities in the north, the place they pot them up their thinking, like I don't know, is there a better place to live?
not sure if we don't have air conditioning yet so I want down there well, you should know we're going to come up with air conditioning because now the south- and now you have no excuse- it's been a long time as his leave at air conditioning and by the way for I hear this all the time. Well, I live there, because you know my father oaks there there now and we can't we do want to move away from my folks, your parents your parents, sought they had their whole life to figure it out and they were probably like a well. My folks are here: it's all right. You know for they die, we might move and then they just live there, and then they had children there and that you now and you're an adult and now you're saying the same thing they said get out of the city to be, to be fair? It is hard to sell your house, I'm gonna be a terrorist, so you re it in our countries. It again it just on the edge then beautiful orange glow in this guy. They they get from the fires at night. That's nice!
yeah, right back in just a second, with we'll try to come up with something that is meaningful This is the Glen Back Programme. So let's say that you're in Minnesota You buy a grill, an outdoor girl. Oh, you can use it that one afternoon, it's wonderful! Unless you have a erected, because rhetoric will let you do everything from the inside. You still have to go outside, for fraction of a second open it up and then just put the meat. Whenever you're going to close it and run back in, but you can start it, you can monitor it due to do everything from an app on your phone now If you know it probably clash with the igloo, If that's where you live, man, ok,
that's very modern, high tech you do have to plug it in where you put an outlet. Are they? six feet away, or they require to be six feet away in a neat igloo we have to plan that well, otherwise one would be for feed from another cause once you complete that certainly Butterby Varig anyway. Look, I don't know, what's up to code in your house. I just know that wrecked Tec is fantastic check them out, you're lookin, to buy something that really your food on. There's, nothing better than already see tee. Q not come and go to blaze. Tv dotcom, Slash, Glenn the provocative, Glenn thirty vocs after subscription to blaze TV now for a limited time. If you have MR in the programme, make sure you get it and downloaded on podcast, you didn't get it wherever you get your podcast or if you remember ablaze, tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn,
you can now listen to it at your leisure, but the first hour I answered to question and that are them frequently asked questions to me where is the next Lincoln where's. Next Washington and okay. What We do now and I laid it all out for you and gave you some and not an easy answer body, a pretty simple answer. You can hear that in our number one of today's podcast of global wherever you get your podcast workplace tv. I want back and take a serious look at what we are talking about with Elon Musk and his plans to get humans on Mars by twenty twenty six. Think of all of the things that we can do right now,. Think of all the things that are. I medicine. Is I mean just totally different.
My daughter had brain surgery this last week and just a couple of years ago they were cutting the full skullcap off you know, get their hands in their and now with just a little teeny hole stick lasers in there and they do all the work all around the brain. Just through this little hole. Any it's amazing- Elon, musk probes. Have you heard about the? What does he call those things they probes that he's putting in brains he's just put them in a monkey. And I said it's one happy monkey. He can now play video games just by using his brain. He just thinks about Video game and it turns on- and it starts doing what he's thinking that that mean
holy cow, so bizarre here we are sitting sitting are thinking about. You know we. We need a lesbian as a sheriff at higher a deal on Mars, and I don't care. Where is he friar using? We don't need a lesbian as a share of what you have one sure I don't really care, but it's not like a goal. For me. It's not like my town, it's gotta be the first to have a large pay, a sheriff. I don't really care of. She happens to dig chicks and she's a good sheriff. I'm cool! That's fine, totally goal! where we I mean look into how the the administration is having everything donor. Everything is being staffed. Like Seattle, First, this in the first that we address this difference like our right, like. Are you picking the best people a guy
it doesn't seem like you're picking the best people see that you're just picking people that that crossed you know these boxes off. Zog is IRAN Mouth. I always think he's Germany's like South African Mariah same Germany, South Africa, yeah you got it. You know what I'm saying not exactly. I don't really care where he's from I ought I choose him as a leader. I would disagree with a lot of his policies, but at least he's like the only guy, it doesn't seem totally corrupt with this crazy- let's make everybody do exactly what I say: kind of mentality you know he believes in global warming that face building is stupid. Spaceship to Mars. He believed the global warming. He also believes in the singularity these like one wherever I one, that's he's pushing so hard for twenty twenty five or twenty twenty six. But if you kid. What I mean we are so distracted right now we do,
even see the miracles in our own lives. I mean I, I I fortunate, I'm surrounded by a bunch of people who have said that cove. Has been the worst thing and the best thing that has happened to them in a long time. It's whore well because of X, Y and Z, but boy has it really made me X y see- and it's like that with everything but went when you are meant to learn something you're being straight steer being pushed it in the wall and you can either bitch incomplete. I'm sorry am I just I myself am, I doing remind me myself for my kids: you either com Correct you either face it and conquer it or you're going to repeat it. The rest of your life until you do here's a guy. Who is, I mean rubber the flood three years ago. That guy's crazy he's gonna be broke. Really
Spain and the world richest man in the world. Now, you'll, never be able to get those rockets opera round. He did and they land themselves. Isn't that, weird listen to what he said. Yesterday, He now has five and a half years to get is massive starship spacecraft off the ground. It has one hundred and sixty foot rocket. Still. Auto type stage going to its second altitude test soon it takes six months to get to Mars, but musk says we'll be operating. We'll have that down to as little as a month with its operating every two years to Mars. We'll be changing people in and out. Think about tat person, Would you do that? Yes, a two year flight for spanned, let's say a month or two on Mars check it out now take
six months to get to the planet exponent of every two years we use their during its six month. Flight spent couple months. There come back or the six month flight. You do not legislate safely the saying you're. Actually mean maybe a loophole order. This burly you take six months to get their here. You work for two years you take a flight back to there's later six months. That's three areas in your life. Let's that's me. Organ for two years on Mars. But listen say to visit, but just take take out what you're doing their four seconds a six month flight to go to Mars. You Are you taking that as a tourist? Yes, I would take a six monthly. You got there. I could go for two years, you're back, I'm back here even over two years of work together, and do that, oh yeah, oh my gosh, that's too much! really how annoying it would be. They got you mean its call for the first week you ve got five months and three weeks of flight
before you arrive renal years at a desolate? Nothing vigour, the amount of time you're like turn the iron off. I mean that would be a problem and that this would be typical, like if you didn't download the songs on spot of the dream is worrying and everything download iron. It's got the little cloud in the euro and you're like crap not Netflix. Didn't approve like this dreaming of your show on the rather when you, when you're on the flight they have to, like you, have to check and with the internet to make sure it is a licensed copy. Tell you now that the ones I have internet on that thing, the problems you have internet on he said: colony. Now this, where I don't want to go, he says the first colony will be a tiny dangerous frontier like environment.
Well, I mean that would make sense, though, that build yeah, sure yeah, I'm not going on that flight. Not no less is harder for me nope. I dont want to even go visit little House on the prairie right. The tv sat right, let alone actually do that now, no like what I want. No here's! What I'm picturing six flight to four seasons. Right You have all the amenities, great food, all that stuff yet the Mars views which are nice you're, there for a few weeks six month, flight back, you do that, I'm not that software, for that would be too short. I be like. I just kind of hills ever got here: you'd have hello, hello. You have to be on Mars to justify to six month flights either you have to Therefore, a year, you have to be there for a year and it's nice, to get all four seasons every day like every. What is it thirty six hours or twenty one hour's, it's very hot. During the day and then very cold. At night
so you get summer and winter every day. I also know by the way, would need the flight to be on like You know that the empire ship from the beginning of star wars like it needs have like a gym. Authorities that but a pool we want a court in case right. I've gotta use not know, but a case think you know what I'm gonna work out. Gonna go walk around the machines and think maybe I get on that. What? How does that one worker and then So I do I'm with you on that they would have it. We have seen as flowed after that so listen to what it has to be done ah a first have to let me see if I have this the first, the first people into space, the first step for them to get to Mars? is, they have to send a bunch of people to the moon. Now, listen to this
you, gotta make a starship fly to orbit and back repeatedly, so that's they're doing now. They have to start getting that rocket, so it could go up and down up and down into orbit and use it. He said you need a fully and rapidly reusable rocket. It needs to be like aircraft where the cost of light is really just the fuel UK just be thrown rockets away. You also need an orbital refueling where you send a ship to orbit and then send another to transfer propellant. Said he also have to have large, fully reusable rocket with orbital refueling and high efficiency, low cost propellant that's not happening, I mean just close the exile pipeline. So that's that's gonna Jack, the price of fuel up for you to go to Mars, but think of that so he saying that you have to have a rocket that you oh take off, and then you
orbit as another rocket comes up, puts more fuel into yours. Then you to the moon, then, land. There are you whatever and they come up and they give you more fuel a lot more fuel. So you can go to Mars. Whose given you fuel to come back I mean that's the trick. There's railways varied flight. We're gonna have to use a little more fuel than we thought to get there. No, no! No! I we turn around now Eli, oh, I don't put a pass Elon musk to book a bunch of people to flout Mars and then, when they get there tell them you by the way, there's no flight back. Sorry, put it tat. I think those people little if you're in that first the army or you're fine with you- know mom pot, kettle kind of thing you're over there and I'm coming back anyway. Yeah here, you're, probably like yeah, I'm fine, probably I'm dying of hope We die here right in Ottawa and go back but probably The kind of person you have
They wouldn't mind coming back, but may I soon. It will be all leftists that will go on these flights because they're the ones that are always saying like you know, we paved Paradise and we put up a parking lot and then like they'll, be no parking lots there. You'll just have paradise, see how much you like it. How awesome it is when all you have is a bunch of wretched, die, subs bunch of them and just give him a space suit and a little bit of oxygen and say, go play outside now reliant just close the hatch and when they like we're up there, oh yeah. Oh you want to come into the little paved place where there's a where there's a grocery store era, the nerves ass they out there now there's no chain stores out there, there's no urban sprawl for you to worry about it. It's kind of a food desert and a bit of an air desert, but well We talk about relief factor,
Margaret lives in Pennsylvania. She was in pretty serious mine for a number of years. She suffered from pain in her feet. It was so bad. She could barely walk at all along. The time she found herself finding ways to avoid walking the pain was so bad when she about relief factor. She was sceptical, should visit, had tried everything and nothing really at work but you didn't have anything to lose. She wanted a walk again, so she gave it a try. Well, sir, an old story. After a few weeks of taking relief factor, her pain began to go away, These days, Margarets Walkin again walkin like a champ, pain, free thanks to relieve factor, no more, it got her life back using relief factor. So could you to say try seventy percent of the people who try go on order more. It You'll know within the first three weeks of its really gonna, do anything for you, it's relief, factor not a drug developed by doctors. Seventy percent of the people who try really factor go on to buy more because it worked for them.
Try the three week quick, start trial pack for only nineteen. Ninety five, that's relief factor, dot, com relief, factor, dot com or call aid. Five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief dot com. This is the Glinda programme. We're just talking This sum this do id controversy over the Nazi dressed monkey, that's. A garage dissolve not suggest monkey after my horse. Obviously under that is there to somebody in this in this circus, dressed a monkey up as a nazi and then its trainer came out. Arrest is a soviet. You known the soviet military uniform and had the Nazi monkey on the leash now believe it or not. This is a controversy, because people are saying that the the monkey- shouldn't have been wearing, not your glorifying, your
horrifying the Nazis by making him a monkey on a leash held by the this clear. This is a russian circus in Russia and its clear, they lost how many people did they lose in the battle with Germany in World WAR to the total in world war to Russia of Soviet Union at the time lost. Sixteen point: eight million we lost six hundred thousand bucks of those most of those were on the russian front, with the Germans, they they they lost sixteen million people of fifteen percent of the entire population of the country patchwork, crazy, yeah, I'm like there. If you ve, got a lot of dress a monkey up as a nazi and care him on a leash. If you're gonna do people who don't like Nazis ranked number one is probably Jews yet ever to was Russians like they did. Georgians really like. We have a lot of problems in this world, but Russians not being Anti nazi enough is that from now on is somebody looking for a problem. Yes, you know their online. I mean what are you
kid for money: Nazi, where I mean that the Russians are not too pro ninety eight, I act like Nazis Ahmad, but they do not lay your actual nazi yeah yeah. They had a little bit of a kerfuffle back today. You may remember sixteen million lesser lives in that little skirmish, but who had not the This percentage of occupation and lost in the war that the? U S so sixteen twenty million in Russia, which is what fifteen percent their population Ukraine Before I mean it was all a japanese where people made the Germans ten per cent, Belarus over won T five percent of their population. If I know the lingo big coming they have for you know you just think the number of people Raw China, twenty million. During the conflict, China, there were so a lot of people meant they do have a lot of people cover lighten
that's a lot of really lie lingua big coming. They have for you know you just think there was promised but you ve called afore. I mean it was capital where people made the Germans look like rookies, rightfully so. Obviously, people focus on the Holocaust him for that. For that brutality and what the Nazis did, but the chinese japanese thing was really ugly to values really bad other chapters are mean we don't we never studied. You never heard about the Japanese in world. But they were brutally vicious. I mean they make really they. Mangled experiments. They did like you know like your take. Your kids to the pediatrician just bad monstrous stuff monstrous up on both sides, Germany in japan-
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.