« The Glenn Beck Program

The Closing of Our Hearts | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & Mark Levin | 5/31/19

2019-05-31 | 🔗
Hour 1 Handing over our burdens to God. The art of empathy ...Disney threatens to boycott Georgia but partners with China, which puts Muslims in internment camps. OK with killing their future audience ...To Boycott or Not to Boycott  Hour 2 Bill O'Reilly is back and ready to sail away. Once again 'Due process' is under siege. Bill talks about his recent call from President Trump. "Robert Muller hates me" The 5 Godzilla movies before. Technological elites in bed with government Hour 3 FBI tapes allege MLK watched rape, says the democratic socialist author. Tapes to be released by 2027. Release them now before we have the ability to deep fake them. Just a movement to destroy the 'individual' ...'Unfreedom of the Press' with 'The Great One' Mark Levin joins Glenn

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, hello. Welcome to Friday. We're so glad that you have joined us today and I I want to start with a a very personal story that I think, if you're a parent you can relate to, if you, the teenager, you can me too, if you had any trouble in your life, you can eight two, but we are losing the ability eight to one another, because not standing up in talking about those common things that we all share. We begin their next. This is the Glenn Beck
all right! It's in one minute stand by there's a recent Gallup survey shows Americans worry more about burglary than almost any other crime. It doesn't even decide come to mind to you yeah I mean you certainly worried about your stuff yeah. I guess I guess losing at a minimum. I guess when you, you know, take steps about it less yeah I mean, and maybe it's because we live in in Nice- neighborhoods, and a lot of people can't afford to live in a nice neighborhood in crime. It seems to be growing even though it's not. There is a way for you to take away. All of that, for you there's no reason to live in that fear. My most criminals who are trying to break into a house. I think it's. Eighty percent of them say if they see a burglar alarm and it is engaged they turn around and go to the next house. That's the biggest thing that you can do now. Burglar alarms can be really expensive and there you know you x come
name of the little booties in their wiring, your house, and you can't you chew your arm off to get the salesman out of your house and then you're locked into a long term contract. No, it simply safe. Please save only one in five homes have home security and I think that's because these companies don't make it easy, but simply save. Does you can let yourself in less than an hour, you know ever have to sign a long term contract. You never wait for your installation window and four forty seven monitoring is only fourteen dollars and ninety nine cents. This is the evil and they've got a great deal going on right now. If you go to simply back dot com, you'll get a free security camera. When you order that's one hundred dollars value eyes on your home, twenty four slash, seven and video evidence of somebody tries to get in. You're free security camera at simply back dot com that simply safe back
I want to talk to you two things that I think you can relate to. They were. They were the hardest days of my life. The first one happened in nineteen. Eighty eight and I've had just like you have a lot of things happened in your life that you would consider and you put in a hard bucket, but the day my daughter, was born Mary in nineteen, eighty eight and they said she never walk. She never talk. She never feed herself. She wouldn't understand speech. He be vegetable, I twenty years old. I had no idea what to do. The second day was a my son was born hard because it was the greatest day of my life, but he is adopted and we no. If his adopted mother,
who fell in love with him, was going to give him up to us now, my son is a teenager and my two kids, I love all my kids and the greatest things of my life truly the greatest things of my life, but are the hardest things I've ever done. I've worked hard in my life. I have I've tried to noodle things through, but it comes to raising my son and get through the teenage years. I am grasping at straws and I feel almost everyday I'm about to lose him. My daughter is now in her 30s. She prays for the day when she crosses over to the other side and her DISA. These are removed because she knows
that her life will be easier. She right now is go through testing she's been going through thing for about a year one of the tests. One was the thousand dollars. What she is proposing in the end will probably be about a million dollars, so she can just stop. Having seizures, I pray I pray for new medical technology. I can't wait for the future. I pray every night for my son on my knees. I I beg the law
for help. I'm not alone, and neither are you I know just like you. You have these struggles with your kids. Then you have to go to work then, to pay your mortgage. Then have to worry about your car payment or if your car has broken down. How am I going to afford this? I know that you You are no different than me that whatever the struggle is, there are times in your life that you look up in your like Lord. I can't do anymore. I need help. Please. But through all of that, it's the
greatest joy of my life. I wouldn't trade a single day with my daughter. I would trade a single day with my son. I wouldn't take away the pain things of my own life, because they've created they've, given me a chance to feel empathy, it's given a chance to be a better man. It's good give me a chance to know what real love is. Only you're down on your knees. Going Lord give it to me. Give it to me. I give my life in exchange for their
only when you get there Are you really living? Do you really know what love is? Do you know what it's worth living for? Not just what's worth dying, for the reason why the reason why we are so unhinged and so screwed up in our society is because we're trying to everybody's pain, away. If it wasn't, for my literal pain of the last ten years, no, if I'd really know who my wife is, I
if I know how much she really truly loved me. I wouldn't be the same man, pain and struggle. It's what makes us. An animal doesn't understand, pain, it's why we put them down, don't understand pain, don't let them suffer because that's all it is is suffering. There is no learning. There is no growing through that pain. How many people do you know that you find are giants, that they are in massive pain, they're having massive problem problems, and yet
you wouldn't know it. If you didn't know them, you wouldn't know it. They somehow or another, have had reached out of the mud and the muck and the pain in and the struggle of life, and they have all themselves out and they are almost superhuman. I don't know. But you, but that's who I want to be come to me like a child. Comes a point in your life, Where you realize you don't know anything and if you don't get there, you're an egomaniac and
probably a danger, but older you get the more. You realize what a fool I am. Come to me like a child. It means to constantly ask why to constantly look at things. And find the beauty in it and focus on the difference, but to folk. This is so cool. And the more we think we know the S, we truly do the more we fill our head. It seems.
The more we close down, it's extraordinarily important counterpart, the heart, the or we concentrate on the heart. The more we close down, it seems the extraordinarily important counterpart of its of the head law. If is always a constant battle between head and heart, only when they're in line. That we survive. I know Alice Cammarata Morales and comma vaguely little bit we work together for a little bit. We've talked on the phone a couple of times, friends, we just know each other. He said something on CNN the other day that I just could not believe and it
closing of the heart. States are talking now about abortion and. And she was talking to a governor of one of these states. That said, you know you can't, kill a child. Based on race, you can't kill it well, based on disability or sex. This seems to be one of those things that we used to find self evident. If you can kill a child based on something, society doesn't want, their would be no homosexuals. If we could have found out in the womb that you are a homosexual years ago, it would have killed all the homosexuals who did there would a black person alive today.
In a lot of places, they'd still be doing it. Disney is talking about not doing business because of the abortion law, but they'll do business with Saudi Arabia. They'll do with China that is locking up Muslims a in people that have clip putting I'm in the concentration camps, sterilizing them sterilizing them. I want you to listen to it. Ellison said on CNN Indiana had tried to block when from getting abortions if it were based on a disability, and I'm just curious about that one. Why? If you want a family who have to have a child with a severe disability,.
Well, the issue that the General Assembly Faced was not with regard to the question you pose the question of the rights and consider mission of the unborn child instead of discriminatory. Why would you do this? It was so compassionate. Why would you why? Why would you let a child with disability? When I heard this, what I was up on vacation I've been I've been painting memes, I call them ten hour, memes, fine memes. I know you can make them on the computer in about ten seconds, but I've been spending hours making them in my airtime time using old propaganda, and so I saw the abortion debate and I found two flyers that I was going to paint sometime future. And I found them last week and they're both from Germany and the first one is children with disabilities.
It says translated sterilization, not a punishment but liberation. What parents like to wish their children such a horrible wish? Who wants to be guilty of this? That's exactly what Allison was saying. I to be guilty of this. Who wants to put the child with the parent through this? Well there, a follow up and it's this it's one german worker holding up two people, one an old guy in one that looks like a monkey. You also carry the burden. Someone with disease will cost the average
boss that the average fifty thousand right before he reaches sixty years. We're going to find out that those with disabilities are the ones who are far greater than we are. We are going to, but some point realize, but we are actually talking about. First, they came for the black child, but I wasn't black, so I didn't say anything then I came for the down syndrome child, but I looked through my eyes and I he thought, how could I leave parent a child like this, so I looked at them through the eyes of fear and I said nothing. I compare
to my in perfect and garish life to their simple, never being able to get married, maybe or buy their first house or have their first car or drink their college years away and party like I did and thought I I wouldn't want it that for my life, simple life, so I said nothing when they aim for me, because I had cancer. I was too old. I was no anger, really have any use for society. There was no one left to stand for me. Alright, it's father's day, and let me talk to you a little bit about Omaha Steaks Father's day.
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That's where you'll find this give your father the the time, your father the time and have a cookout with your dad on Father's day, Omaha steaks dot com, it make sure you use the promo code back in the search bar, it omahasteaks dot com. You know, I know the economy is so important. I know that immigration what's happening. Our border is so important. If we don't get this life thing right, we're not going to make it because we're entering a time now where the Nazis greatest dreams are being realized week. Week, pick a child and make sure that they're all area in there, blue eyed or they're, all brown eyed or there
green eyed. There's not a single white person born there's a Jew born there's, not a black, born there's. So there's no more men. We we're going to genetically change men, remember the tape, six of societies change and, if you don't believe me, go to art museum and look at the look at the paintings of the big fat naked women. What taste english racism is a human trait. What we believe is true is most times not. If we don't get this one right. Our children and our grandchildren are going to pay a very, very, very high price.
I would ask that you would stay and for life. I would ask that you would help your neighbors and your friends see the path that we're going down. The things that they're saying now are the things that the Nazi said in propaganda. People are now just saying it right from their heart because they have closed the connection between their heart and their head works. Both ways both must open you're. Listening back all right, I want to talk to you little bit about car shield. You know, I said to you Lego that it's really difficult. I know what you go through. I know when that check engine light goes off, you're like what you've got to be kidding me. I know, but you know most, people cannot for afford a five hundred dollars hit when they go
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Join blaze tv at place, he dot com, slash gland, get all the best conservative content and ten percent off. If you use the promo code, the. Welcome to the program glad to hear Pat Gray is with us from Pat Gray unleashed podcast you can get on Itunes or or wherever Ipad. How are you I'm doing good? You want to talk today about Georgia, the abortion bill in Georgia. How do you feel about that in a system going to keep producing there? Well, I think if it becomes law, it'll be very difficult producer. Rather doubt we will one is, is I don't? I think many People who work for us will not want to work there and deals will have to he there
is in that regard, right now were people watching it very carefully. Yeah stop! So I don't have a. I don't actually have a problem with Bob Eiger saying this. I wish he had a spine, but he is he's giving in to the wishes of all the creatives- and you know well you're gonna, but he had to do the same thing if there, which was yeah we don't want to, we want to perform in New York because their abortion law is so extreme. They can killed a baby. That's just have to be born if a company had the most of their employees saying that I don't think it would. You think that cared for cave to that yeah, I'd like to most of their employees, were for saying that they would like a wood chick fillet if they that you know what we want to go to New York, because we don't want to have abortion like the abortion law, I mean they would get destroyed. Media for that stand. Absalom courses or but chick fillet would do it. They would they would do it
I think it's bad to have principles it's interesting and if that their principles are, we know we really really just a door killing children. Bob Uyghurs principle is I got to make money to make move is Emma going to make money. Probably all end certainly doesn't give a crap about the true for people who are working in Georgia on these movies, who probably are all on their side of the argument when it comes to abortion, but they're doing business with China, yeah they're doing business with China ha yeah yeah. It's not interesting to help. Ocracy is doing this. I think it is remarkable what we're going through and that's why we started to show the way we did. Is we we how to take a stand in the way to fight this? Yes, we are used to stand. That's my point. Yeah. We have to take a stand and the way fight, it is to say: okay Disney, bye right. You know
yeah, but all of us have to do that to not just georgia- and I feel all of Us Governor brand Campus is telling him that he's saying: yeah, okay, Scea yeah, I mean it's it's it's really the the Iphone thing go with, here for a second. I have this conversation with my wife all the time I like, but the Iphone him, but the Iphone down put it down. Put it down, put it down. Crackhead crackhead. And should be like. I am doing all of these things. I got a that. You, okay, well, you know what go without it for we Are you kidding me? You know what honey you sure did it ten years ago and we were fine. That's what George and all these other places need to say. Oh Hollywood! Won't produce are movie there movies. Here. Let's see, Georgia was doing pretty fine without them. We don't have to worry about it. You will find other things and then, if, if we putting life,
but hi and making a stupid movie wow or going to a stupid movie. If we start hitting Disney in the pocket book like I'm, not I'm not going to your Disney world, I'm not Disney Disneyland, I'm not going to your Disney movies, but star wars, you're not going to marvel you're not going to you're not going to, and that's the only thing that would make a statement to Bob Eiger into Disney. Okay, if you you can play that game too, and on the other side, cut to lose their effectiveness, when you don't give them credibility to power, it might put it like yeah North Carolina, tried to stand up against you when the bathroom law thing was going on last year. And they were like worse work. We pass this law, it's important in all this, then at the NBA was like yeah we're going to have our all star game there. Like ok, forget it uh we didn't care, it would stop style. I'm sorry! It's like alright, let's not going to work right, like you have to
Make a decision like that, and you know the consequences. What you're saying is I'm putting this at a higher priority than that Georgia saying I'm putting life at a higher priority than than Disney Disney is saying I'm putting abortion a higher priority than the workers in the state. Then actually my previous commitments and the the business influence and they can make that choice. As a company they can. They can say: oh you know what we just did we just heart killing babies, You just love it in those heartbeats and do that all they want and if that's their principle, then you know what their principles is and you can that decision, whether you feel like that really does when you want to play with it's staying that we raise our children on Disney and yet did he is not standing for the younger children. I mean it's, it's really truly remarkable with that. Being that being said, boy cots
s, destruction and that's not that's not how to fight or win. Now I am always torn on boycott. I am right now yeah, I'm really torn on boric boycotts, because I mean Martin Luther King said you know. If we don't boycott, we don't hit him in the pocket book. It's not going to make a difference and he was right. However, what is boycotts will work, there's creative destruction and what I mean by that is the it's easy for people to boycott on the left, because I can say: hi, I'm not going to watch Fox news. Well, they're, fine, not watching Fox NEWS, because they have six other things that they like more when we say I'm going to boycott Disney. What do you replacing that hole with you? Well, I'm going boy this really. Are you going to boycott Google
boycott Facebook you're going to boycott what apple what are you replacing it with? I mean there's no way pack could boycott Facebook. Too much of this life, part of his life, social media for power. But what I'm saying is the average person they want to boycott Facebook, but it's already such a big part of their life and there's nothing that it's on the other side. That is just as good, and so has to happen is you have to have creative destruction and there we have to start Well, for instance, we have to go and support some really crappy christian movies. To get to some good christian movies. You know I mean, and we've done that and we've done that yeah and use yet they're getting good and your and it's away from the studio system. That's a really good example right. It's worked in that. In that case you have to you have to leave the blaze out of this. You have to go and subscribe to
Shapiro or Bill O'Reilly or ever the blaze she's you have to describe, because we are in the creative destruction process your going to replace these mainstream media overnight. It's just not going to happen it to start from the grassroots roots, then build and it will get better and better and better. In ten years from now, things will be different, but you can't boycott without the other option. That is just as good, if not better. That's why it works for the right for the left and why it doesn't work for the right. I am not going shopping at target or Walmart or or or or K March or any other. I'm really worried about body stops. You are not going to go to target ever again. Okay. How long did that last, because
you like target you like these places and there's nothing just as good on the other side, because they've got all those all my groceries at home Depot now exactly right, that's what it's like! It's like the company we have so I'm going to go grocery shopping for milk in bread, cookies at home depot right. I've got, I never buying anything again on Amazon, really yeah, it's not going to happen. So what is it we have, though? We don't, since we don't do boycotts and don't really even believe in him. Although you and I are torn on that a little bit, what do you do to make it? to the Disney's in the Netflix is of the world. That you know what I am so proud of my daughter Hannah because is, she has become this greenie and not because of global warming, but because-
She believes that we waste too much okay and she never lectured me- I mean I joke with her all the time she comes over and I'll, be like Steiner Reform it's so wonderful and it is yeah. It is, and she know she throws it back in my face, but it's never she's, not trying to convince anyone. What she's is to the conclusion is, I don't think these big movements actually do anything. I think actually living it and showing it's not that hard will change things for in since the What's that, all you know the it miracle burger or possible burger impossible, burger, that's going to change. No, so much is it's actually good create destruction, but people like
we had to eat those crappy burgers for a long time, just ten years at one thousand and fifteen years, yeah. That's it that's all it wasn't that bad yeah they finally came out with a good one. So right. Well, I think it's almost a point in this goes back to the Obama era, early Obama era- in that it's a thought of difference between. Salvation in collective salvation right like in liking, you I think that we always think of ourselves as individuals, and you have to do what you believe is right and, like you know, there's a lot that I believe that you know I'm not gonna sit here and evangelize for because they don't know, one cares right. Like you, I mean I'll. Tell you if you ask me, but I mean there's a level of I'm doing. What I want to do and believe is right, because I believe it's right now, because I'm trying to influence other people or make shoot Ryan societal change, that's right and it is yeah. I think that's, I think, that's a good place to land. I mean I know you
can only do if you can get obsessed with the stuff, because if you tried it, we just joked about it like you can't buy something on Amazon. Imagine trying to actually implement a strategy that you boycotted every company that you disagreed with. We all know it's on do about. I'm not I mean yeah, you wanna have what kind of like it if it makes you feel like you're doing something. That's fine, but I mean like it's impossible like it. You never watch another television show. You would know you never like another movie. You would not be able to go the lecture out electricity company you're doing business with this probably doing things that violate your interest rate, your what you can do anything we do anything when doing right and like it it it would have a cell phone. You would have like the picture, mobile labs. We we talk about all the time you wouldn't. Unless it speaks to mobile, you would not have self enforcing there's, not a patriot mobile in every category, religious and you know what right the patriot, mobile ideas, here's a great destruction, creative destruction. There, people are like our okay. Well, I don't know I've never heard of you know where they
they base this off of something that was started in California, that for a long time, same exact thing. That was like we're going to give some of our profits to these crazy progressive groups, and is crazy, I know, and so it it it struggled for a long time then took off and now is actually influencing elections for the progressives so these guys got together and went. Why can't we do that? Well, just through their growth stage now the in the same way. You just have to live it. You have to say you know what I'm willing to I'm willing to get the same service, I'm to get all of the exact same coverage and everything else and going to put up with the switching over because
tired of that's all, you have to bid up all you have to put up with and that's a hard sell for people. It is, but it's the only way to really easy. I know and a lot of these companies have done the same thing, but it's hard to find him, then you just eat a lot of times you don't know about, but when you find them, you need to use them if they really do do the same service or better you that the way you make an impact you got to support the the pioneers that are doing the creative destruction, because without the cream destruction without the new ones coming up, you're left with nothing you're left with nothing except a losing boycott, because everybody's, like I'm, never got it and they're doing it. The very next day, because it's they like it, they, if you believe in the free market, then you got to support the free market. He got find those those
entrepreneurs that are doing it and then just quietly use them. Hi My daughter has talked me into a lot of things, not by saying a word just by going you to be kidding me really this you, God cheaper and like this or it does this or really, and it doesn't have any of these bad effects. Wow. Okay, I'm in the It's a really good thing. So energy, one solar energy, starts to come down in price, we'll all be solar energy nuts is it works and it's reliable exactly right, yeah, that's the only we don't hate the environment, it just doesn't work. We don't have christian movies, they just have sucked for so long, but once they start to be good and they are there.
Absolutely there pat thank you lived with unplanned and breakthrough by the way, yeah yeah, that's a proven theory. Thank you. So much really well, Pat Gray unleashed get wherever you get your podcasts all right. I wanna talk about american financing. Can financing is a is a group that the only mortgage company that I have ever endorsed or will ever endorse, and I said no to them for a long time in the build up to the crash of eight, because I thought all mortgage companies did exactly the same stuff they don't. This is a family owned and operated business that now does business in all fifty states. They they not only survived they thrive during the eight downturn down turn their people didn't lose their houses, and things like that, generally speaking, because they jamming them into these loans. They shouldn't have gotten a
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it's a struggle that I think a lot of us go through. You know why do you buy Nike because you wanted drug join that tribe? It says something about you. What does even mean. You know it says something about you, your actions, now what you say, but what you do and how you live your life and I think that's a growing trend of what people want to be. The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment- yes- and it is been- it's been too long since I've talked to my friend Mister Bill O'Reilly, who joins us with view at a thousand feet behind, but the news of the week has even meant in one in it. This is the glue program. You know I want to tell you about our sponsor. You know let us bring bill in on this, because our
sponsor is cruise through history bill. How are you I'm getting ready for my cruise and I'm learning how to swim right and doing all kinds of great stuff? You actually are excited to go to the to Croatia right my son is fixated on. Croatia. Don't ask me why he's got their soccer jersey and the the kid is all irish, but he like for some reason, the Balkans Balkan, so we're going to dump him brother Dubrovnik in it. Strange. My son is into to Scotland and he's at least Jerseys- and I mean it's crazy anyway- now wearing the kilt killed. All right He would if I hit. One key would uh so anyway we're doing this big cruise next spring and the reason why I invited bill an rabbi, Lapin and also David Barton, because we're all history minded and
we're going to Venice, we're going to Croatia, which you're going to have to help me on the history of that it's just beautiful place to go also Athens and Greece. So you're going to be able to talk about what a republic is, what what the difference between a Republican, a democracy. What happened in the dark is it who brought us out of the dark ages and what our religion means. When we get to Israel, it's going to be an amazing cruise and bill's going to be there. I'm going to be there do is going to be everything we're using him as a life raft. Then thanks. I would be eating the italian food for everyone yeah. No, I will be there to come sail away, dot com to learn more come sail away, dot com, it's all inclusive, airfare, hotels, the the crew. Everything is all inclusive check. It out now come sail away. Dot com, the vip passes, are almost all gone so
check it out now. We'd love to have you next spring. Join us in the Mediterranean to learn history and just see beautiful things come a dot com. Alright right, Mister Bill, O'Reilly, I'm here! Yes, sounds great. I haven't talked to you in quite a while. It's good sounds like you're just to just brimming with things to say I've been back. Nobody knows where you went. Would you like to know? I really want, but I had a good time and I'll be relaxed and didn't frighten anyone know I didn't threaten anybody. Ok, so so bill tell me: what's the most important story of the week, the most important story of the week is that due process in America once again under siege- and this affects every single person and I'm trying to be the poor. Your guide here to spread the word that
somehow and I really don't exist- I can't really explain it other than blame it on the media. You know we don't respect the presumption of in it's anymore, so I was talking to at the highest levels of government. I was talking to a federal judge. While I was on vacation and he said. But we judges need to start coming out and hammering our own. He said I am seeing things now come across. My bench he said The constitution, the law, nothing. Nothing has gone into this decision, except what that judge felt was the right thing and he said we're developing a country that is is being ruled by feelings alone and the live law is completely going out the window and I think that's what it is is we're we do. We all we care about how people feel and what I feel what feels right, yeah. Well, I think
it is dual do problem. You got, you've got the activist judges and everybody knows that that any kind of an abortion question world challenge. You know, there's four people on the Supreme Court that are going to rule in favor of abortion, no matter what it is and that's wrong. Of course the! So you don't really know you really don't know. All you know, Clarence Thomas, I think, would be the most reliable against. Yes, anything, abortion, but others. You don't really know right, but what I'm talking about is the molar or he sits there. He comes out, he sits there and this is all about all parties all explain at the moment, but the I comes out. He goes, you know, I'm a prosecutor, that's what I hard to do investigated two years, alleged crime and I really don't have any evidence
and I wrote a report from a five hundred page. That says I don't really have any evidence. I mean there were occurrences. That thing happened but nothing. I can say what a criminal referral as George starred it with Bill Clinton eleven times, but I don't have anything so could you say goodnight everyone. Thank you I'll, see you down the road. No, then he has appeared pivot and say bar. My investigators can say president drop, didn't, do anything wrong right. That is so outrageous, not his job. That's the job of CNN, that's their job, alright, not maulers job and what all it did. Was he denied a fellow American who happens to be the president due process? Well, he can't clumped it. He cloaked it. It was really fascinating. He clue
did in the reason why I didn't say that he was guilty of a crime is because there's no due process for him, so I care about due process and in because I couldn't bring up a criminal charge. I'm I'm gonna say he committed these crimes because then there was nowhere to go with it. So, but that's all that's false. I mean at you saw the star report. And yes, they have clarified what can and can't happen to a sitting president, but you can still refer you can refer. Then, when Donald Trump leaves office, then he asked the answer well not only that, if only we all know by the way. We all know that if he said that there was a crime committed, then we know the process is then turn it to Congress and he'll be impeached, so
the question is or convene a grand jury correct. The problem here is: why did we do this? If the, answer was well. I can't tell you if a crime was committed or not wasn't the answer he just made it up. Just made it up all that gay, however, all right so then let's get the real reason. He did this, so he just want preacher right. Robert Muller, with everybody agree with that. Still are you still awake here and we you agree greatly, but yes, I would motor is a swamp creature. That means he makes his living in the Washington DC bureaucracy and always has okay, so he issues reported said basically exonerates Donald Trump to swap wants to kill all right, and so all his warm friends. They don't like that. So
sudden, all the cocktail parties in the barbecues and the country club I'll meet you will have a drink, will have a little dinner at all stops and he's got to get back. And that's why he did what he did now. We hang on hang on hang on your crazy O'Reilly this that and the other thing on this, the primary motivator for the roll elite in America, socializing being accepted at the highest levels being seen in the salons that that is everything to them so I was never invited anywhere. Never so we had to throw that in that were jealous. So what, so bill. Let me ask you, let me ask you what it's about. Let me ask you this. I think you're, absolutely right. In fact, I know you're right on this. Thank you
and I know how intoxicating that is, when you are, when you're offered the opportunity to be part of the cool kid table, we all know this from high school. It's enormously hard, not to turn your back on that one weirdo friend that you had that you actually really like, but is really unpopular when the popular kids want. I try to include you in their club the mean girl syndrome exactly and you know it. It gets to the point where this infects and that's the politicians judges actually news people on television, all my they live for that invitation and effect infects them. So that can't be fair anymore. They have to tilt over to the cool kids.
That's what this smaller thing was all about. Now. Do we have time for to tell you about the phone call I got from President Trump. The night Muller gave his address. Yes, let take one minute break and then we'll come back with that bill. O'reilly, I'm not stupid. I mean, let's take a break, and you know I mean sixty seconds is not wait for that interested in this one. Let me tell you about to chair x, chair sitting next year now Stu sitting in the next year. It's great office chair, it's a comfortable office chair that you'll see upright in a you'll. Have the right support for your lumbar you'll have the arms exactly the right hi. Everything about this chair is fantastic, but as an office chair, I'm telling you- and I am- this- is not hyperbole- you've gone to movie theaters before that, have the big recliners and if you have any yet, if you haven't been there, you need to move to a city that has them. We had the big
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break for ten seconds station id. This is the Glenn Beck program Bill O'Reilly. You got a phone call from Donald Trump yeah, because I'm wrapping up the United States of Trump my book, my history book on him that'll be on number the, and I did you get one more interview with the president, particular after the mall thing, the report and all of that, so you know he's not real thrilled about this book anyway. Donald Trump is not because it
it was way back in and traces his whole life and then explains how we did this amazing thing and how we sit in the White House and who we really is and how he feels about his country really. Okay, so he doesn't know how he knows me a long time, and he knows I'm going to tell the truth, but he all right- and it was nice of them to do it, because I badgering is pr people gonna. Look. I need to get our final interview with them to wrap this book and he three about one thousand and fifteen at night eastern time, your while bill you still up, I said: I'm like you, I'm a vampire, never sleep um, so I talked to him and the molar thing comes right up because that's what I wanted him, I my basic question: the President wires issue. You gone through this for three years being
it into by the media and investigated, and this that and the other thing has opinion of America changed. Now, I'm going give you the answer, because I'm I have it in the book going to tell you that he wailed on mauler. He said that Miller is hey. Use of that word use mother! Hates me! Why would it? Why? Would he you and- and President Trump said, because when I fired Comey or called me and asked for Comey's job as head of the fbi- and I said no, but it goes on back further. The president told me that he was in one of my golf clubs on the Potomac River, going to move out of the neighborhood and wanted his deposit back, and I give it to him, because if I did that, I have to give it to everybody, How much was it goes. Fifteen thousand dollars- and I said it called you and you took about
yeah I talked to him man. It was a quote. Speed conversation and any student, Muller H means always hated me and and that's now, Are he did what he did today? Okay, so let me let me ask you this question here that let me play devil's advocate: okay, the president as a pattern of saying somebody called me for a job. Somebody called me for help and it's not always true. Okay, what do you want me to do put about a lie? Detector? Well, I just wonder what he said to me right, I. What I want to know is true or not. Is it that's I don't know how can you check it? But the fact is see he would lock. Let's put it this way. I've known thirty years he's never told me a falsehood directly to me
is that I mean that's all I can tell you bill my incorrect in believing that this is somewhat big. Breaking news might like this. It was this known before this phone call like I did. I had never heard the story that he asked for the FBI. Job would on billoreilly dot com, which is the premier website. Political website I'm a member right now I am sorry I did. I did do that, I'm a member. Moreover, I want to give you an back. You know some good stuff for your audience and I, I believe, they're interested, not all right. So bill what happens, What happens now I mean you were you were here for the impeachment of you know of of Lincoln's successor. And you went through. You went through Watergate and and with Clinton what the
what? What? What we? What is Congress going to do now start their own hearings? I don't think so, but I could be wrong. I hate saying that could be wrong, but I don't think so why because the independent voters, if you look at the polling yeah, most Americans do not want this dog and pony impeachment show big upon what we know now, which is you don't really have anything and the said it will never convict. So why put the country through this when we have getting problems that need to be solved and you're not robbing them you're, not even trying to solve them? So that's they want Congress to solve problems, okay to put country in a more prosperous position, and you don't do that when your drumming up impeachment stuff, so
the only people are going to prosper from that are eight cable tv news. That's all, and did the Democrats really are fearful that if they do this in Voters will turn on the party though Lou is the house still lose that they'll never get this back and then Trump will be re so overall, I said this a day that um molar came out and I said, don't fear impeachment hearings, because I think that works against and in fact, if the it he starts to go down, I think that actually would strengthen the president if they were impeachment hearings, because I remember bill before the blue dress came out and I thought that Bill Clinton absolutely did all of those things and was lying.
There was this moment when he said I did not have sex with her, not one time, and I tell anybody to lie and I got to get back work for the american people. There was part in me that said wow I mean this is I mean we do have other priorities and I he's overly wait. Wait wait but I think the economy which is gone so well if economy was going and having problems and they were focused on impeachment. I think that it actually could turn around, because Trump would be saying. This is nonsense. You've known it's nonsense and thing that we have to work on hey. They got me so tied down on this each stuff. I can't do the things I need to do. I think it actually would really really hurt them. Yeah I mean that's the fear of dancing people a democratic party. The other thing is that the cable news
who's ratings this week have not been strong, which is surprising. I in general they are deteriorating. The cable news networks are losing viewers and substantially. I figured well this week. You know with all of the stuff going on it. You know they're going to really go through. You know, go up because smaller and everything like that will racial matters is getting hammered this week, not doing well actually they're all getting killed. Last. I have these numbers right in front of me. I'm reading them, one cable news- show, did more than a half million twenty five to fifty four viewers, not not one. That's. That means the folks of had enough enough, although do twenty yeah, the two entities
that Americans are walking away from right now are the russian collusion, Mahler and Godzilla enough Godzilla, alright, I'm almost. I will take you on and you down for that, how many months, have to wax San Francisco. Never enough. There are never enough. The god I mean look. I grew up making fun of Godzilla. I used to watch them for fun. On Saturday Robert sure I have loved to have been the guy, the rubber suit they've, all he's been horrible, but the last one and this one look tremendous you're
not going to see Godzilla this week. Are you not? You were buying Matthew Broderick was running away from a lizard? No, no! No! That's! Not the Matthew! Broderick! That's to the one before this one right, Cranston keep tracking him back yeah! Well, you need to bill. O'reilly, get your priorities right more with Bill O'Reilly in just a second you're. Listening the land back all right father's day is right around the corner and yeah. I don't know about you, but I just wanna experiences with my kids. I don't need to tie. I don't need anything. I just wanna experiences with my kids. He it's a great experience that lasts more than just a day. It's a twenty three in me: health and ancestry. Kit, it's on sale! Now you get fifty dollars off now for June 17th. You will not only help dad watch his. You know watch as health,
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This is the Glenn Beck Program, hello, America, it's Friday, yeah Bill O'Reilly on bill. Let's, let's go to Louisiana where the governor of Louisiana has just signed a major abortion bill. He's a Democrat. I want to talk to little bit about the abortion bills that are being passed and how the how Hollywood is saying we won't do business enjoy juror any other for these states. Your thoughts. Well, it's uh difficult situation in the sense that this is a very personal decision and I don't believe it's framed properly by the press, so that Americans understand that it really is a life and death situation. You never hear that and that's
I flame, so you're going be terminating a fetus, I'm going to be able to have life and that's what abortion is and that's why the vast Party of american doctors will not perform the operation okay, then you have extenuating circumstances where violence is use on women and you have Katic Strophic held homes, and you had babies that are going to be born in in a way that would make it almost impossible for them to live in a in a natural way. So I believe that good people, conscience and and people who really standard life is the most precious thing on this. I human life sit down and write bills that are human
italian, but at the same time protect innocent life. I think it can be done, but it's been so politicizing so drawn into the hateful realm by the reproductive rights in a few or pro life or anti women, and all of this horrible horrible discourse that it's depressing now. The United States is is one country, but it's a it's a bunch of different areas. So in the south it's a much more servant of social spectrum than it is in LOS Angeles. Everybody knows that I resent Disney and Comcast and all these people injecting themselves into this debate on an economic basis, because this is what is happening boycott you. If we don't like your political position rather trying to bring people together, why can't Disney hold a forum for the
SH minds in the country to discuss the situation? Come up with rational ways to deal with it? Why can't the Disney Corporation? Do that? Why would the Disney Corporation do that? I mean I don't want corporate I'd thing and I don't want to I'm tired he's, not a issue on you, Glenn Beck. It's a think tank. Do you want another think tank from the people of Disney? I want a good movie for dinner. I would like to have discussions all right among people of goodwill to come up with a framework where we can deal with the subject of abortion in a way that protects life. Here's what here's! Here's here's the framework, here's framework that there is, that is a baby at some point. That is a baby and we might disagree on when that's a baby or not, but I would
disagree on it the way, because I believe that that I can send you a is present on conception, okay and that that's a fact. So it is life right. Okay, all right, so I happen to agree with you I have been in instead of you know, of of of a guy who said yes with the exceptions of rape and incest, because I don't want to, but I'm not comfort all with that anymore and growing more and more uncomfortable with that everyday murder is murder. It doesn't matter how it happened, and it's my compassion. That is always left that door kind of open, but I don't think that that's right. However, I think there I think there are people with good intent and honestly thinking about it can say all right, well, the heartbeat or intel until it's viable, which I don't buy into it all. But there are still good people
and the way to deal with this is to continue to have conversation and continue to good research. And, let's not condemn those people of good conscience, but you Antin. Could you can't do that anymore? Because you're? I have a hearing reality when people say well, that's not even a baby until mom decides to baby. It's not a baby. That's just rude is that you're, a science denier, you're absolute science denier and I and have a conversation with you, because you're not being honest at all you're, not looking for lifted out of the emotion and you have to put into the sign community. This all happened because of the Gov Virginia Mario Club, Andrew Cuomo, the Governor New York, Hillary Clinton. All of these high high level, democratic politicians who basically said to the nation, you know what
Christian should be on the and at any time, for any reason, what part of by most Americans that horrified, most Americans, so you can use abortion- is birth control now is how would you can do you can practice eugenics as Spring Court Justice Thomas pointed out this out what you can do, so the backlash against those people I just mentioned is what add to the heart, beat laws and what led to you changing your opinion. I believe all right is. We can't have a society just throws human life away and worships at the altar of reproductive rights. You said a judge, just society, here's the problem, you said: well, we have to bring it back into science. We do. However,
I just re read Eisenhowers, farewell speech and you know everybody knows it because he said you know the vast industrial military industrial complex, but he said there's two things that we have to watch out for the second hang in building scientific research in and discovery in respect as we should. We also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a into technological elite. What he was talking about, where these universities were going to start getting lots of money for research and so they're going to start to do the things that the government wants they're going to start to have their own kind of elite, and we could find ourselves in trouble because the same elites who are working with the military industrial complex the same, nothing is happening over in education and science,
that's really where we are but and is leaning heavily toward the pro life position. So you're, saying: okay, well, you're, saying scientific you're, saying scientific fact right! Okay, so there's you didn't know about human dna! Now we know yes. Now we have ultrasound. Now we have all of these things at all of them lean toward this is a person, okay, you and you can't cavalierly decapitate a person, even if it's not born yet. So all the science goes in that direction. Yes, all right, so I'm not worried about any of that. What I'm is out is that Eric in young people, in particular, don't understand what the hell is going on here because
easy to rationalize behavior, that's destructive, you see it every day and the rationale they given is: it's not a human being. The mothers right. Human rights and constitutional right to do whatever she wants with it. Do how many people believe that, but it and it's never chat It's not challenged by anybody, in the national television media. I you any newspaper that challenges that do you. You know one newspaper, the challenges that point of view and a few other. If you're in the entertainment industry, you don't work, so I want Disney Comcast to start to discuss this matter on a life death basis. That's where you start now.
Would they do it now? They never do it in a million years Tiger would never do it because he is a politically correct guy who just finger up to the wind and says well. This is what most of the Hollywood community believe. So I'm going to believe it too, and that's why threatening Georgia? So it's really add that to we've come to this place in this country, where economic terra is used to promote bad policy. If what do you think should abortion on demand, as and now in New York state for any reason at any time, is good public policy, humane policy? If anybody believes that founding fathers would have sanctioned that they're not just stupid, they're crazy.
Well, anybody who thought Martin, Luther King or Gandhi or Lincoln, or any of the great heroes and thinkers of the past would have agreed with that they're crazy of the people who would have agreed with that where people like Mangal and Gurgles and Hitler Salim. This is never in public school. I know it's never presented so you have the you know: people millions of Americans going belice we along buying into this mantra of his rights. As my body, I can do what I want. You know what it's not about you doing what you want. It's are you understanding what you're doing Bill O'Reilly from Bill, O'Reilly, dot com and the author of some new Trump book? I've heard about you can, yes, you could probably pre ordered a couple plugs jeez going. Yes, I was it coming up if you buy
HI killing the ss, which deals right with what back, and I were talking about. Okay, the abortion issue of you, I going with this ss at billoreilly, dot com get killing Reagan Free, and I want everybody think about this. This cruise, been to all these places is Cruz a put together. I've been to all these places, and it is an all get. A more experienced also makes a great father's day and or Christmas gift make a good father's day birthday Christmas and mother's day, and you can surprise dad not only with the gift, but he has to pay for it all bill thanks so much Bill O'Reilly from billoreilly dot com have a great weekend, cruise through history. What we were just talking about where, if we put together this cruise they've, asked me to do this for a very long time, and they said you can design it anyway, one I'm like okay, all right how how to go,
the places that I want to see. I want to go to the places I've promised my family. We would go and they then the places that have real, meaning that when I'm going with my family, you know taking them and I'm going to look. This is what happened. That's what this building is all about, and that's why we get this in our culture now and so that's what we're doing and you can hear you could go and just be like Where do I get the ice cream and we're give me some spaghetti? That's the stew, tour rice as a student or or you can go with people like bill, and I and you'll get a different view of what you're about to see it with the day. Look all the history stuff and then I'll show you mine, that's exactly right! Exactly right, David Martin will be their rabbi lap and will be there I'll be there still will be their bill. O Reilly, it's cruise through history before it sells out, get your cabin secured, find out. All
the information at come sail away. Dot com go there now come sail away, dot, com. We have something genuinely horrific to tell you about Martin Luther King, that came out in the last few days and there's a lot of there's a lot of stuff behind this, but first get to. It was said and who said it David. Oh, who is a Pulitzer Prize Winning biographer of Martin Luther King, so very credible source. He has got hold of a memo describing a tape, so the exists, but it is not been heard. It is supposedly not going to be released in the archives until two thousand and twenty seven. However, the memo that describes what's in the tapes that has been in by this guy, who is completely credible when it comes to Martin Luther King and he's a big lefty. He is a big lefty, but I mean he wrote like yeah. The Loser Bryce Winning Book on Martin Luther King, yes, so the memo accompany the tape alleges that Martin
king looked on and laughed as a pastor of Baltimore's Cornerstone Baptist Church raped a woman in the hotel room again. This is suppose deadly on tape. The FBI documents say that king had a conversation in which she quote discuss which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts The report goes on when the women one of the women protested that she did not approve the Baptist Minister immediately immediately and forcibly raped. Her Guerra wrote that the FBI agents did not. Vina during the alleged rape. So the FBI agents are there as well. They had bugged the room on up with on the lamps in the room at the same hotel. The same evening, s hotel in the following evening sees me king. It dozen other individuals participated in a sex orgy, one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act. King and several of the men discussed how she was. She was going to be
tossed and initiated in this respect. King told her to perform such an act would help your soul again. This is all supposedly on tape. Now there is I think the you need to put next to it in that the FBI was looking for negative information on Martin Luther king at this time, and perhaps is we do not is, is described. These conversations in some way that is an accurate or is misleading, though No, I mean these are quotes the unless the tape tape has been erased. I think you could say all right. Well, they were lying. However, you know it's important to take that supposedly exists and will be released in two twenty seven. So now here is here is the year the questions. First of all, is there a tape? Is this coming from a credible source? It is coming from a credible source. We, you know, the FBI was taping. What
would the motivation of the source be to release this? Well, he is the king biographer. He is the guy who is recognized around the world as being the guy that had has captured Martin Luther king in the the best way he has positive about Martin Luther king he's not doing a hatchet job on him, never has so what would his motivation be? We want to get to that when we come back 'cause, it is telling entertainment And in late there is a conversation we started a few minutes ago about an audio tape that supposedly is in existence. That has Martin Luther King watching a rape of a woman and laughing about it in game
in an orgy and saying horrible horrible things. This is true. This completely changes. Martin Luther king, I mean how do you have a statue of king now? The question is where this information come from and why coming out now the answer is I one of the most important answers that you can find today and I'll give it to you in one minute. This is the clip back program, all real estate agents. I trust dot com, your biggest investment is your home. Don't give it to somebody who doesn't know what they're doing buying or selling a home is very complicated. It is difficult to navigate, we add real estate agents, I trust dot com. We choose the agents that have a long, long track record of great over the
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can you buy or sell a new home or your existing home? It's real estate agents, I trust dot com, state agents. I trust dot com, alright, so into this Martin Luther King conversation that we were having with Stu. There is a. There is a few prize winning author. He is it's not a hack, he is not from the right. He is, is no reason to put this out, or so you would think he would have no reason to put this out about Martin Luther king. If it weren't true, he is the the guy who is the expert on Martin Luther king. He is
embraced by everybody on the left and everybody who's a king fan. This is the ultimate biography of Martin Luther B wrote in the 80s. Now he just come out with a document that says that the government has a tape. It is not been released, but it has been heard. Well, it has there's a memo describing it written by the FBI right that he has. The FBI has heard it yes and they trance they transcriber in summarized it correct, and he has that memo. So it hasn't been heard by anybody today that we know of this is just a memo that is showing what tapes they have on Martin Luther king. We know that J Edgar Hoover was making tapes of Martin Luther King Dee. N Johnson word were spying on king, because Hoover thought that he was a communist and also thought he was very low of moral character.
Now these things have always been denied well moral character. One there's been evidence of right. I it you know in in the story talks about how they thought he had ten to twelve mistresses throughout his life, and I think now the numbers more like forty or forty five slot. Okay, the keep you busy now. The question that you should ask is because we don't no, if this stayed until this tape is released in twenty twenty seven, and I would urge for history's sake, that that is released if it exists or any other tapes are released long before two thousand and twenty seven in fact, in the next eighteen year to eighteen months to two years, because digital audio fakes are not good yet by the twenty seven, you will not believe your eyes and you will not believe your ears so any
audio tape after to after really twenty twenty twenty twenty two you're not going to believe it won't make any impact so. If you want to know if this is true, that tape and any other tapes like it for anything, should be released now, because we don't have the technology to fake them, yet. Why would this guy do this? Sky is a celebrated leftist? This puts him in the outs and you could say well. He just wants to tell the truth. Okay, maybe so, maybe so, when did he get this memo? Who leave this memo to him and who is he now? We know that he's been a a a lefty, but what does that mean. In his own words, he is a what did he call
over a quintessential Bernie Sanders Donor and he said he is also a democratic socialist and has been at times and Susie Astic Participator Endemic. I socialism, okay, this the author. This is the author that is released this information. I would you release this information. Why would you reduce release this information now? Well, what is democratic socialism. Democratic socialism it to come true at the several things have to happen, but one you must destroy anyone who talks about the individual Demi Eric Socialist. It is not about the individual, it is about the collective. What is the hardest thing for a socialist to get around or any of these
people who are talking about social justice? Now the way interpreted today, the biggest obstacle. They have is Martin king because is still for individual salvation content of character. Can't judge me by the con of my character, not the color of my skin, and I see a day when blacks and whites can play together. Okay,. That's his message: well, that's a very can with the message quite frankly today, especially yes is his message of America. Live up to your founding documents. All men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain rights That is not a democratic socialist message, nor is it helpful to those who are democratic socialists. You must destroy that, but you have
destroyed in such a spectacular way and think of it. If this is true, that tape was released and he watched and laughed as a rape was going on as it was going on. If he was saying these horrible horrible things to a woman in an orgy is a guy. We have a Martin Luther King Day, for is a guy. We have statues for boulevards named after that, really bad guy. If you're going to pull down statues of people from one thousand, eight hundred you've got pull down a guy from nineteen sixty cuz one thousand nine hundred and sixty was not about that either. At least that's not what we were told he was about, and I'm you can find many civil rights activists that did not participate in rapes right. So you could have a holiday still some civil rights activist, but can you have a heart? for a guy who watched a rape on tape and laughed and laughed about it. It I don't know if you can
Can you have statues for that person? I don't even know him, even though you can still say what he said was good. You cannot hold him up to be. You can hold his words up, but you cannot hold him up to be that guy. Okay, the What they have to do is destroy him and his words and that's the problem. They don't just destroy Thomas Jefferson. They destroy his words because he was such a bad person. All of his words are disqualified from positive point your listen to this quote from the authors of the new information quote, poses so fundamental: a challenge to his story, his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible. I mean he is. That is a I mean that is like the I a this is true and again we don't have hundred.
Know that it is, though it was in FBI documents and there's, apparently, a tape set showing that he actually did this. If it. If it's clear on tape, we can the American will by and say, allow that to go on you, Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday and what they do work. What does that do to african Americans? I mean because you think, build the bill. Cosby thing was jarring: right, like here's, a guy who's, a popular sitcom host in the 80s and our or like a really, popular singer in the the king of pop. He had his issues. This guy's like the guy, when it comes to civil rights in the United States of America and and I would say a rape is a violation of civil rights going to go out and say it. I think it is us. It's going be difficult to hold if that tape exists, and it is as as described in this story and multiple others. It's almost,
Comprehensible, you have a holiday for that person, I mean so here's the the. So that is the story. That's the story. But here's the real story behind that. Why now who leaked that? How did it get to him when, Did it get to him? Why is he an honest broker, or is he a democratic socialist? Who is a strong activist who understands you've got to destroy him is as part of a movement of destroying all of our heroes and turning everything upside down and inside out. I think it is, I think it is think about losing Martin Luther king. African Americans have had all of their heroes taken away. All of their here have been taken away now,.
Martin Luther king is destroyed, not not marginalized destroyed. How does that leave the african American looking at history is or anyone is anyone they can look up to in american history or that white guy won't destroy right? Yes, here's a white guy bringing out all this information would probably white, F B, I agents and and everything else I mean there. It's gonna be hard not to listen to that and not good. This is not right. I just don't know how you ignore it. You know, I I don't know how you look at a story like this. If it's true You can't just ignore it. You came all media. Has the media pretty much as yeah I mean there's definitely been coverage of it, but it hasn't been. It hasn't been stories you would think I mean. Certainly if this story came about some conservative religious figure,
that just came out about Billy, Graham right, there were tapes on Billy. Graham can you can you imagine be doing to Billy, Graham and- and I think they just don't know what to do with it. Do people like Jim Baker for having an affair they destroyed the guy, but remember, remember the he's coming from the left, not the Democrats from the democratic socialist, this coming from a guy who says I'm in with the Bernie Sanders crew. Who did we introduce you to last night? Bernie Sanders grew what pic or are you starting to see about who Bernie Sanders surrounds himself with you have to watch that episode? If you didn't see it last night, you want to understand this Martin Luther King thing and see how it might fit in you. Look at this guys credentials what he says about how a big supporter is a Bernie Sanders and you then drop in this piece and all of a sudden, you start to understand exactly
what's happening in our society by the way. If this is true, there had to be other civil rights activists that knew about this. At the time there had to be a people, press members, what happened to them you've been like to. If this is true America, it has been lied to from everyone on the democratic left, everyone on the democratic left and all the media, because people had to know about this stuff, he had forty mistresses, they knew about it mean we didn't know he was yes, some sketchy parts of it sure, but I mean that you do the line. She's he's doing orgy, multiple prostitutes in hotels all over the country of hard to imagine. That was not more all right. Let me tell you about a father's day by the way Mark Levin is coming up in in just a second father's day, there's a great father's day gift package from Omaha steaks that you can get right. Now, it's a two hundred and thirty five dollars value. You can
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the search bar. It will take you to this page with this special on it father's day, there's their steak fix package, five thousand nine hundred and ninety nine omahasteaks dot com in the which make sure you type in the word back 10S station. I so I this weekend, I'm going to introduce you to somebody. You may not know she is somebody who is traditionally been thought of of being on the left. She is somebody that was she was a writer for Playboy. I personally think she is. She is a female Hemingway of our day. She, her writing, is unbelief available, it's dangerous, it is but
talkative, but it is full of some real universal truths. Well, she is, She is shocking herself because she's realizing I'm not one of those people. I have not it wait, I'm I'm not a socialist. I don't think I'm even I mean I I want to call myself liberal, but I think I'm a classic liberal in that kind of sounds like I'm, a conservative and she is being shunned. She a rising star, she's, being shunned and she's starting her whole life over and she is so honest and raw and funny. She is truly one of my favorite people now didn't know how we would get along at all, and this is what she had to say about is coming out of going wait. I guess maybe I mean I don't want to say I'm a conservative, but I believe these things listen to this. We be great be great because we defer
opinions and we would push back and meet is kind of hopefully somewhere in the middle, and it was the swing and now it just feels like no one is listening to each other and it seems to be increasing as we approach twenty my hope for people as that they sander and the urge to retreat into a tribe, because it's it's scary and it's not natural, it's so terrifying when you're out there just alone in the middle, the B. Nuance- god forbid, you get battered by everyone, and so, I feel really alone yeah, there's nobody isolated people who will read you and will support but they won't share, not share it. I've. Had people reach out to me and say I love that article. I could never share and So then it is that isolating you know being in LA think. Without twitter I would have gone crazy,
because I felt so ideologically isolated. I thought I was losing my mind when I started pushing a little bit and feeling, and so much of it is insidious. That is what I always say about censorship. You know people when they say they'll, push back and say well, they're, not knocking on your door and they're, not walking for ST. Yet it's in the mind self censorship and such censorship starts here. It starts when you start being quiet. And putting your head down and not way. She's phenomenal and very very funny. You been a fan of hers for a while images to yeah yeah she's she's great now you know she she took like there's very few people I feel like that, can cut through this world because there's you know when it comes to specially online stuff, because so many people are just like. I say the same twelve things every day and I will see, I mean think about the people that you know ninety percent of them that are in the media right now. You can just
key cutter. You know what their opinion is going to be on every topic, and so I I have really found my interested in people that I don't necessarily know or bring up points that I hadn't heard or think about things in a different way. One of the things that I liked about Her- and these are the best- this is such a great series. Once a week, every Saturday I put out an interview with somebody and they last about ninety minutes, they're fascinating and the best people are like it. She she was. There is the longest pause from a guest I've ever had, and it wasn't that she was. She was censoring herself. She was I about something for the first time and trying to describe well. This is how I feel and trying to find the the word. So it's really raw there's no packaging and it's authentic
and that's why she's cutting through and she's becoming this she's becoming a much bigger star I'll, just not with manes, either side she and she, the raw thing, is perfect with her, because she, you know she withdrew major struggles with alcohol and drugs and all sorts of crazy, lighter life raising, and she rape she'd admit that you should start a lives on the edge of things you know like I, you knows she's, not always not. Every day she wakes up and everything's perfect, like that. One is no she's like a person where she struggles with a lot of the stuff, and it gives you the sense she just out there admitting it she's like I don't know how else to do this. I'm going to blurt it all out and see what happens and that's it. It makes for really interesting conversation really great conversation. You're going to end up loving her british saying british good is the podcast guest this week you can get it at apple or wherever you listen to podcasts,
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and good could about five. In the afternoon I stopped and- I've been painting in my family keeps walking in and out of the room and as I pull my ear buds off, they're all laughing at me, and I said what they said we I have really enjoyed you today dad- and I said, okay, how have we haven't even talk to each other? They said all day long we've been listening to go haha. Yes, yes! Finally, yes whoa! Oh, I didn't know that wow. It was also me commenting on your book the entire day, really really well written, really well written and a lot of great information. So congratulations on your number status. The name of the book is on freedom of the press. Mark tell me tell the audience why this is not just a why this is
book. That is, that transfer transcends today's politics, so you're very kind. Now you painting staining sorry painting the wall. No, I'm painting paintings yeah, really yeah. I play a column ten hour memes, but the I'll, send you some stuff. I would love to see them yeah thanks. First of all, you're very kind, and I very much appreciate it the question was, I think why did I write this book? Well, look! The and it transcends. Politics is because it's about the constitution and the constitution transcends politics, the constitution's about our rights in our liberties and- and so you know, Glen. I read a lot about the constitution in american history and philosophy, and I said you know what one area I don't know a lot about. Is the history of the press and they're in our face they're in our living room. There in our bedrooms, they are berating us they are probably
and I zing to us they wrapping themselves in the first moment. I think I need to get to the bottom of this. So I did what I always do. I said to my wife I'll see in about sixteen months so You have no idea what she said to me one day when we meet she'll tell you. So that means no on weekends and that's what I do you know some people play golf whatever. This is what I do so I dug in the history of the media. It's not a history that some some of necessary necessary with perspective. We have the Patriot press before the revolution before the revolution. With the printers you know, moving the printing press is being chased by the British and they were really unique and the original patriots, because they are the ones who push the ideas of the enlightenment. They are the ones who push the ideas of Aristotle and sister in law right and they were spreading them among the colonists, and you know, Obama talks about fundamental transformation.
I didn't want to fundamentally transform society or human nature to fundamentally transform government. They were living under attorney tyranny. They wanted representation, they didn't like big taxes, they didn't like be pushed around by government. They believed in right all these things that you and I and our audiences believe in, and so they pushed a revolution and the word got out. You know they're about three dozen newspapers that sit. There were several hundred pamphlets and pamphleteers word we get out slowly in this information would be a published, an people would discuss it, they discuss it in their pubs at home and so forth. Frankly, much like we do on talk radio. This is really make format, because there's really no other national format where this occurs, but they would do it at a local level and so just to jump. You had the revolution and soon after the revolution at the party press. This is the part of the book that I found really fascinating, because
you point out the people knew when you got the democratic ledger. You knew what it was that it was an organ for it was that interview coming at you, and so you could read the Democrat. You could read a Republican and you'd lunch them yourselves. They weren't masquerading as as fair, are imbalanced now, in fact, in some case, publishers and editors were on the payroll of the Post office or something like that. Depending on the administration, it was a very rough period for the press, but they're very honest about who they were. As you point out, you have papers today. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette Arizona Republic was the Arizona Republic, and so they were, they were full throated about candidates, parties causes they supported, and then you move through, and I passed the yellow journalism period as it's not that interesting and then you move
through to the early part of the last century, the progressive movement of which you're well familiar. The progressive movement was ubiquitous. They they really. It is a poison that spread in all aspects of our society and John. He is, you know, one of the intellectuals behind that movement e focus specifically on schooling and the media, and just so the audience understands. The purpose here as typical was to have a relative handful of people determine what news is digested analyze. It interpret it and then bourbon up for the rest of us. You really, you really captured the progressive disease really well and explaining it. You know it's funny. I it's attacked in the Washington Post yesterday and I love these guys. Could they prove the point of the book and I take my time going through their attack on me, which is usually personal, and I don't really care, but they do exist.
When I say in the book, they are exactly, as I say, look because they are who they are and and and so you have people Lippman another saying at the time that people are too busy or they're too stupid. So we'll figure this stuff out this this one on for awhile in any set up to a few decades ago, we're on top of that. They added social activism, they call themselves public, press or community press and they really bought into you know a lynskey tactics in these other tactics of the hard left, it's being pushed in journalism school lot of these guys having on a journalism school. They come out of the Democrat Party come out of an administration or this is their mindset regard, and so today, what we're getting on tv is a one party press rather than a two party press that is pushing the progressive agenda and social active, That's why there's not a dime's worth of difference between most of the media in the Democrat Party today there just isn't. There honestly got
not in in the first chapter. I I show you the surveys, I sure the research I showed the professors. I show you some of the reports. What they're saying there's not there's very little diversity in newsrooms today, there's very little diversity in reporting. Today, you can predict what they're going to say. The real. The only debate on the left in the media today really is: do we come out say that we are like a lot of them are doing that. Yes, we're liberals were progressives and thank God for us. Thank God. We know what the news is for the would have been a civil rights movement or or you know climate change issue, so they they really believe they are the truth, tellers and then the other side like the New York Times they saying. Well, you know we don't want all of our people on musically, CNN and MSNBC, because they have a different view, which is yes all those things that we really don't want to admit it. As for the paper of record, you know- and they said they're they're not they're, just the they live in the circles
that allow them to believe that they are the fair and balanced one that they are the one out. Just we are the paper of record. They live in those circles and they don't they don't care to me. In fact, I think they despise most of the people that live in the center of the country or have different points of view, and so it's just a self fulfilling label for them. You are exactly right. Most of them live in the same areas. Generally, you know when they're forty fifty mile radius of Washington or New York, most of them even the new, so called left wing reporters live mostly blue. Hillary Clinton counties studies have been done on this. They self identifies either crab or liberal in large numbers. The last survey showed about four percent identifying as conservatives it's much like universities for faculty higher faculties, so they pick the same bicycle ideology. The people share and take them
the same Ivy League schools, it's it's it's a lot of that is the same, but the New York Times. I focused on a particular because this is held up as the gold standard in the gold standard isn't worth crap and I go back and do the history of the New York Times during the Holocaust and the history, the New York Times when style wiping out the Ukrainians and when you look at this, our where my family was Here- Michael, yes, yes, yes! Finally, yes and you know what going on, if you read that happy will never view the New York Times the same again, a the New York Times, a night from some of the greatest scholars on this subject during the Holocaust, the New York Times did everything it could to bury the Holocaust. In the back pages of the newspaper, the New York Times did this for several reasons: number one FDR wanted to tamp down the focus on the Holocaust. The New York Times like that they are like the new deal,
gender number, two, I'm jewish. It was owned by a jewish family. They didn't want the New York Times to be viewed mostly as a niche jewish newspaper, so they felt that they, they really shouldn't focus on the Holocaust. The owner, the publisher, sulzberger, was sort of a secular Jew and he didn't the jewish organizations in New York lobbying him for a jewish state and that kind of turned them off and all that was poured into the pages or poured into the mindset of the New York Times. So, while the European Jews are being wiped out whole pounds, the Jews are missing, it's being reported in in in european newspapers, and I with this as they would. None of it, and it wasn't until one thousand nine hundred and forty four with the vast majority. I can people were informed at the extent of the extermination of the Jews.
During the holiday- and I and I ask yourself this: is there any other business that could survive? Having done that can be called the paper of record, no, it is a disgrace and and they they can't. They come up with these weasel worded. So called apologies about it. You look ten years earlier. They had a guy Walter Duranty. Who was there their correspondent for twelve years? Moscow. He was in Stalin's back pocket and Stalin decides that these Can you cranium presence will not peasants will not buckle to my commune ideology so, rather than shooting in one of the time he decides to wipe out the entire population. If he can, he cuts off the Ukraine from all communication, all transportation, all food and water, these poor people are cannibalizing each other souls and eats and talks about the cranium, Trying to get into the gulag to try to get some food at that late at night. They could hear them at the gates. Couple of british people
is going for the Manchester Guardian. They see it. They reported Mr Durante on the Payroll of New York Times. So that's not happening. You know, they're having a harvest issue, they're, just working out the stuff and as far as under you know, that'll. Let that old, saying sometimes you got to break a few eggs that comes from him. He wrote that in an article for the New York Times, he trash the british journalists who are reporting what was taking place. The executives at the New York Times had that now, and you know he got a Pulitzer Prize and they still haven't given back to pillage prize for that. I bet this is what I point out. So when you see the New York Times with Hamas, a shooting missiles in the TEL Aviv Somehow the New York Times is defending Hamas and trashing is nothing new, nothing, no, and when they run these these holocaust, like cartoons they got by our editors. You know a lot of gotten by your editor. As a matter of fact, I want the people to know that the new
mark Levin, is the author of the number one New York Times, bestseller on freedom of the press on the press. He had stiff competition, went up against Howard Stern and gave Howard Stern only a one week number one status mark just took it. It is so well worth the read it is it it's not a political hatchet job and not just about Donald Trump or whatever. This is truly an standing of the press and where what's happened, where we've been and where we need to go, really important book and you'll learn a lot and it's really well written a must for everybody. So Bookshelf Mark Levin. Thank you! So much and God bless him. God bless you. Thank you mark Levin. By the way you can see him on blaze, TV, every single night. If you would like to subscribe, you can
Right now at blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn use the promo code is a Glenn use, a promo code. You'll, get you'll, save ten percent. That's uh! These tv dot com, slash, Glan, Mark, live and I'm proud to be a co worker of his all. Right. Simply safe, most home break ins happen in the middle of the day, because burglars don't want to be caught and they don't want to be seen. You know by you and they just they're hoping you're at work. They also hope that you have a f, let's security, that you didn't turn on or you have no security system at all. If they come to a house that has a security system and they can see that it's on, they turn go to the next house. That's ninety percent of them. These spur of the moment, things generally and uh. The average burglar takes about two thousand bucks and violates your house, and you just feel weird after it and everything else.
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Well, it's Friday, I suggest that we cancel all Mondays and have four day work weeks. Every week, at least during the summer I mean who's with me, Joe Scarborough. We want to leave you with a laugh joke. Those Scarborough said this about Nancy Pelosi and Trump. One is on with facts that impeachment inquiry do then I I You think you could actually actually move a lot of Americans. I will say, though, Nancy Policy has to be calculating. Abraham Lincoln was calculating and saving the union early in the war he had said if. Country has to be half slave, have free. If that saves the union, then I'm
or that, if saving the union is required by letting all go free than I am for that, he was very calculating and he moved to the position when he thought the american people were ready to move towards the emancipation of slaves, so nothing I called Nancy Pelow see here. I will say, though there are times, though, to not calculate, then I would say when you have a president who is abused power more than any other president, not only in our lifetime. I just can't think of any historical presidents powers.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-24.