« The Glenn Beck Program

Stop the Virus in its Tracks? | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein | 3/30/20

2020-03-30 | 🔗

President Trump extends social distancing guidelines to April 30, and Dr. Fauci estimates 100,000 to 200,000 U.S. deaths. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s not doing well against Trump in the polls. Dr. Robert Epstein’s new Medium article details an idea to halt the virus: Develop a way to test everyone! Rep. Thomas Massie explains why he believes the stimulus bill is a “wealth transfer” that Congress didn’t want to answer for. Meanwhile, why is everyone so obsessed with “Tiger King”? Today’s coronavirus update: New York’s 911 system is overwhelmed, state travel restrictions have started, and the virus has hit Mexico. And days after the FDIC said banks are safe, the Senate and Treasury are looking to keep it that way.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, America, its Monday and I pact programme. We have got about thirty minutes of entertainment jam packed into a three hour. Show you don't want to miss a second. It begins in one minute I'd programme dinner was going so well you're, both social distancing to the appropriate six feet. The lights were dim De Martin Dean, Martin silky voice course floating across the restaurant when the waiter brought food any more mask. Of course, just like they do in Paris, then First thing happened: just as he set down your Chilean Sea Bass and her chicken parmesan, you felt the sneeze well up and then sprayed parabolic jet of deftly droplets of magnificent, so sweet to edge is good job good job, so embarrassing. Mail, not as embarrassing, has of course have to talk to your doktor about eighty with Roman you get a free online evaluation and ongoing care all from the comfort and
privacy of your home. Don't have to be no face to face meetings with anybody which is basically our entire life anyway. Right now of Roman was built for this moment: actual work with you to find the best treatment plan met. If medication is appropriate, they will shift to you with four. To day shipping. The process is simple: indiscreet gotta, get roman dot com, slash back If we do not my visit to connect with a doctor and take care of it, gotta get round dot com slashed back at a free online visited today, shipping, its get roman dot com, slash back for free visas get started, get Roman d come slash back ah Monday time to get up. Stop cleaning out your closets in your garage and actually do some work. Keep America running. Thank you to all the people who are actually going out to work today, thanks to the drivers, the truck drivers, especially all of
people that are working to keep America moving today. The day that President Tromp was opposed to re, evaluate and say well, where stop at now cause. You know he will listen, a doctor's peace crazy instead last night he came out, and he said it looks like we're. Gonna do until the end of April the main main doktor fashi. She has said that it looks like we might have between one hundred and two hundred thousand Americans dead before this is finished and said and done. We have total confirmed cases in the? U s now, one hundred and forty three thousand and five hundred people have died. I wonder what it was that we see what is atmosphere around your house. Do and people around you
no, no one ceramic land, because you're not allowed to see people. So I rail perspective as to how anyone else is reacting to it, but it does seem to be one of those things where there was a I find the the the whole conversation around to be fascinating in that there is people on the right who or Canada Well, we need to get this thing open and maybe a more sceptical side of the worst case estimates, but of course it is the president who's driving this response- and I think being very, very careful, and I think, taking it appropriately seriously. So rate on this here really doing a great job. I keep coming back to the same thing, which is kind of seems like he's handling it really well, you know, I understand just how hard elicited the media. He sounds like Satan himself as like won't wait, a minute
he said, I would love to have an open by April Butler Right, the Easter. But then he assess the details at the end of the exact time frame he promised and then has made a new recommendation, which seems to be appropriate, given the circumstances keep saying you know in a couple weeks at the peak of of of the death toll, they believe so, if It's true, I mean it be, does seem the like the right thing to do right now as much as it sucks and I do I stand by the idea that eventually the american people have to go back to work. The president agrees with that, but you know so, am I alone in a yes, I want to go back to work. I want to be able to get out of the house, and I do things. Really really creepy. If you get in your car and drive around You just look places it's just creepy an
doing counter somebody else when you're out, at least we know where I live, we you know you, you start to have that moment of liking, go up and shake hands, and then I don't know You ve done this, but when you're talking to somebody, you find that you are and they are constantly backing away from each other s. Have you noticed your total in his soul? Weird, it's so weird, and it'll, be weird to eventually go back to, you know shaking hands and end and not having that that distance you're the one another, I find this to be one of the most fascinating things about this going on, which is some of these things never come back like I herpes talking about. Maybe the idea of shaking hands was never a good good concept in the first place and we should just go. Other direction. What's this is how cleared up? Well, you know done
trumpets. Donald Trump is pushing for that saying that we should never shake hands again, but he doesn't know he d I used to know you can have a notorious german folk germ of all, then he is like a notorious gerbil before the policing our stance right about. Now, though, doesn't it yeah yeah does before you meet him, you know you're usually told he doesn't like to shake hands he d done alone. I mean he will shake hands if you put your hand out toward him, but- He does not like it. That's not like ours about this too, and that, like as of a month ago. It would seem- generally speaking completely em. Possible in this country for to order a fully made cocktail from a bar and have it Livered to my house that didn't like something that would happen. However, all over the country right now that is, the state of affairs you order of dinner at a place still will deliver the cocktails with it. I may say so, deliver the cocktail is well fully made cocktails.
Come to your house and you can actually like again this one. Those weird sort of regulations at exit has existed for a long time that alcohol has all the strange sort of regulation around it in state after state is very strange. Sometimes its state stores certain times you can't buy things blah blah blah blah but like that is, like you wouldn't know That's a libertarian dream right, like the liver, turns weren't winning any arguments before this, but so much of of are daily life has switch. It's been amazing to see how many things they attacked on the virtually alcohol they're, just like yeah. You know what people need to drink right now, so yeah. I have to tell you if I was. If I was drinking. Oh, my gosh, if you're I Odin Tony and I were sitting and we were talking yesterday, we were making two things we have to do in people. We have to pay for everything else and we started talking about outcome Alex that are trapped in their house.
I mean you, we didn't if you're an alcoholic god bless you if you're trying to stop because you're doing Ali you to use your stuck there at the house, just thinking, which is the worst case scenario. How many people are in an abusive relationship that now Oh he's home, just let's just be sexist he's home and You know nothing is going well at all and now the financial pressure I mean that the the human toll of staying home as a nation is really really because already toddy and I are like really really I mean here at each others were not at each other's throats, but more maybe at each other shoulders you had there are times when you just like I gotta go, take a walk. I just have to take a walk. A special.
The whole family there imagine in an abusive relationship how bad things are well calls important right now he buried. I don't it's not so has been a real deal with your problems at enough. That's well established enough for people, but now it's now it's a very good way to deal with your problems up until the point it deal with problems for like maybe three months that way like if you were like, if you're sure, you're not going to be an alcoholic by June. You know drinking, now just drink all the time. This is interesting advice. I haven't heard this from your power to save us. I made my press conference later today, yet DE. I would not listen to this advice. Now. Has an experienced alcoholic, don't listen to this advice. I think to its an interesting thing in that, like how long have we trumpeted The benefits of home schooling, your kids, what a great health comes out of that I think a fantastic
way of going about things for the right person now everyone, including the people who I don't, know, choose it are now kind of forced to do it the time you in association with a full time job, and I M really gets I made it- is millions and millions of people are dropping out of what they chose into something else, I really do believe that the home schooling is a fantastic thing for the right families, and I think it takes a special person to do it right but like pretty much everyone just forced into it, and a lot of people. Look at it, so I won't know I'd say I suck at it I suck at it. I suck at it. Tanya is much better than I am, and she did for a very very long time. I couldn't do it, you could do
my wife has not not a family like you're gonna, be soon get over it. You're gonna be stupid and uninformed for the rest of your life. What my wife has begun this thing, I think it's a smart thought which is look work at least Texas. You got school, unlike what may right I guess it's eleven June like what Not just call it right now. Call it right now start this summer, vacation early witches jump into it. Call it a year and then come back a few weeks earlier can catch up with whatever their enemies here like trying to get the teeth of the GPA, to actually to good job teaching a curriculum. It's one thing to keep em sharp and make sure the reading and do X y inside, but to ask them to do every little assignment and everything. I can't imagine this is working out well across American. I don't I don't. I don't imagine that I mean in Texas. We got rid of the star testing, you know, that's the loan start testing, so you don't have to do any of that. So these kids are skating.
In many ways they don't have to worry about standardized testicles, like yeah pretty sure they know it, knowing where to go, make, can you imagine go being to going to school, this being your senior year in high school, just over Europe, the graduation. Nothing is just over yeah you, don't you We would be weird yeah now that is really too you know you'd miss out on your senior prom. Maybe you miss out on all those youngsters the end of the year that our big cultural workers of your childhood right and you I mean you ve gone to school. All those twelve years in my case may fifteen or sixteen years, and then you you finally get to graduation in high school and- and it is just over- is just over its. I just think it. It's. What is this going to be remember like by our children
I've been our children, you remember those summers where something happened, or you know school with a big snow storm, our kids, You're, going to remember this. This corona virus. I remember when the world was completely shot down and there was no food and toilet paper in my mouth, when dad were were creating themselves in the house and we had to talk to each other for a while. Thank God there was this thing called the intern. Netflix, because we could escape. That's actually, out there, because that means there looking back at it and we didn't turn into the walking dead like that. This is actually because, as you know, I I have to tell you with a kid with, with If there wasn't internet Netflix, if this would have happened. Fifteen years ago, the death rate of accident
told children. Fourth falling into Walser. You know, and adults falling accidentally out of office. There roof would through the roof cause you you. What would you do MIKE? it would kill themselves if they were here without any technology, because all be doing is cleaning your garage. There's an there's only so many garages in closets that you have you no limit. Everett If anybody else is doing this, but we're taking this because we found out I remember coming home one day three years ago, in just being like, I gotta put that away and putting it on a shelf in the garage. Still sitting there waiting for you to come around to it. All these things that makes life will that life is just too busy catch up on.
Or clean and all of those out clean and all of those that's the biggest radicalism. More second biggest tragedy. Perhaps of this is that guy's can avoid doing there to do list anymore. Right right. You have no excuse, it's right, you're, just at home, and now you have to like. Do you have to clean that thing? You have to fix that thing, gift of paint. That thing is, I mean it's not the biggest tragedy, but it's it's, there isn't I mean the depths. Might yeah wrote me right, but But having to finish here to do list is up there. I agree with this do more in just a second Wanna talked about gold line. If you think that world is stable, you're crazy- we are now in probably the most important week or two now, perhaps in our trees, economic history right now.
This is the weak where mortgages are do. This is the way where utilities are due, this is the weak where all of those things that you had to do last month when you had a job, you have to do them now, and people are starting to say what am I gonna pay. First, what am I to do and them mortgages their voice? very concerned about the bank's right. Now and I know there goes save the banks, but what about everybody else and the thing that they're doing to save everything is just printing unlimited cash. This is this is unprecedented. There is nothing like the great depression. This is. This is off the chart No one has a clue as to What the results will be of this? May I highly suggest that if you do have some money, but you do put into gold. Now, please consider, though, the word old is
The world is on edge or in is king right now if you know anything about history, once they really start printing money like this Currency is eventually going to go away because it will have to act. As the world resets. What do you have pleased Gold line now. Gold line, still connected to a consistent supply of gold, because the world is running out of gold right now. Companies are having to sell with a mere promise of eventual delivery on gold- gold line, has it and they are, he'll delivering precious metals on time, investing old, now call eight six six gold line, eight six six gold line. There is a gold rush going on.
Old line has gold available right now for immediate delivery, gold line, dot com, eight six, six gold line, ten, second stationary, Sarah we're gonna need. Our we're gonna need earth are comrade update securing just a second we tell you one thing that I thought was really really cool: Texas Road House, excess roadhouse. The ceo has foregone his salary and bonus, to be able to pay the frontline restaurant employees so he's taking bizarre and in daddy's passing that onto his employees, so they can keep the employees paid. Yes, another evil capitalist in, The news, my goodness, reds it's time for a comrade, update
Yes, the evil capitalist system is coming undone and it is showing its true colours. From the australian Strategic Policy Institute has revealed that eighty three capitalist corporations have been proper they need from slave labour and it gets comrades. There is even a bigger victim than those poor slave workers communist allies in China. Been unfairly caught up in this sad said, tail domains in peace. Of course, the People's Republic of China have been rounding up political dissidents and and providing them with re education training. This is extra schooling, sort camp sort of atmosphere use your kids to camp. That's all the ebony or the Chinese are doing these
political troublemakers, most of whom are religious extremists, who claim they don't want to be a part of the Chinese Communist Party? The but chinese I've been rounding up and in these camps these troublemakers are turned into new men and women who aren't selfishly thinking of their religion or their own. Grounds. Instead, the wonders of the collective they begin to wonder, how wonderful this wondering is the wonderful, collective and the car, This China survey shows that once these pathetic dissidents have entered
one of these camps, they ve never been happier in one report. One hundred percent of troublemakers surveyed said they are thankful, our chinese comrades rescue them from their sad, useless and pathetic lives, and one hundred percent of these reform workers also said they wish they couldn't stay longer in those re education camps where the calf area food is rated best in human history. Is there is there nothing that capitalism cannot corrupt comrades, he s you might be thinking. Should we be more upset at China for having slave labour in the first place now, No, these are we look, there's always gonna be need for concentration camps. I mean re education, educational, vocational centres, there are always gonna be. How else are we supposed to teach those who who just won't want to do their own? Fair share to love their country more than themselves and their children
course. These capitalist corporations saying there Current of all of this is, if they didn't know, the chinese government was secretly paying people around the country to put these former troublemakers to work. Well! I say enough is enough problem solved as soon as we get rid of capitalism and one final note we're closing the Socialists uptake comrade I need you to warn your family in your friends and your fellow revolutionaries about Glinda acts new book now in these times of trouble. Capitalism solving so called corona virus. That's not happen: it'll be our comrades in Cuba that solve it, but
index new book, arguing with socialist, is published on April. Seventh, it's dangerous literature and teach people they history of socialism. He could answer. There are millions. The big does so and provides answers to every one of our most important arguments. Comrades, don't let this book spread. Make sure you don't go to Amazon, dot com or any place else to get a copy. Now arguing, with socialists, available everywhere here listening gland? Thank you a dog at a new lease of life. It's an interesting thing to watch. My dog has really I mean I I I love dog and and Juno does not have a real relationship. Let's say with food, doesn't generally eat, he loves it now. Absolutely
loves it and it's not the dog food. It's what we put on the dog food, the food that you normally will serve. Your dog is dead food. It's been cooked, it's been sterilize, so there's nothing live in. It will just like you need live things in your food. They need live things in their food and they're, not getting it. So we using something called rough greens are. You F, F. Greens, rough greens, with Udo the fur This time he ate it, he gobbled his food. It was, remarkable he runs now to the dish and I've seen a huge difference in him. Huge me is much more act If he's happier, I've never seen his tail wag more he's clean. He's bright and he's running all the time he's the way our german shepherd should be. I you to go to rough greens, dot com, slash back, are you ever greens, dot com, slash back
good place to eat at calm and used for Macau Glenn and get the biggest savings ever on tv, its thirty bucks off right now from authorities. Glenn welcome to the Glen by programme, were so glad that you have shown up in TAT great from pack re unleashed, which you listen to on podcast at any time. Well, bad! How are you you may also is alive or it before they show I'm good unshod, arrayed perforate, perfect nearly burnt in every way and everywhere, you're practically ass, Mary Poppins sort of almost a year. So there's some good news here for the President, Washington, Post, ABC News: Bull survey, The national support among registered voters in head to head of vat- President Biden.
Had a seven point lead in February that has now gone down to two points: putting trumpet by basically at a statistical tie, but when you actually look at whose excited forty three percent of voters said they would trust by more to handle the corona virus with forty- seven percent saying that it would trust Donald Trump more to manage the crisis. The economic front, this is where he's gonna crush. Fifty two set of registered voters say they would prefer Trump to manage the economy. Forty two percent say bite, nor do a better job and I love this note from the wash it imposed the poles margin of error and three point: five, meaning the corona virus answer is closer than it seems beating further as well right. Yes, just twenty eight percent abiden supporters are very enthusiastic about him as a candidate, whereas forty six percent are somewhat enthusiastic. Fifty five percent of those who support Trump say they are very enthusiastic thirty to say they are somewhat enthusiastic and
It's really what wins elections any it's fun denoted Bernie. Voters to that the Bernie voters that have said if it burning not the nominee their voting for Trump, like fifteen percent of it. It's a pretty high percentage. If that turns out to be true that its election for sure what What? But what do you make of the Fox NEWS polls that show by? over trumpets swing counties by twenty five points. That's what really, That's it that's all. It's amazing. The guy has checked out for the most part whose whose voting for him to that extent than in the past, this entire time have should Biden with a lead over Trump in almost every pole, the other half again that the latter that's doesn't mean I'm. When it's a primary, it's one size getting all the attention. You don't you haven't seen any there, isn't any
back and forth right Trump hasn't said lots of critical things. Even debates were binds fallen on his face. It's pretty typical that the way would play out. That being said, we are now in a, I guess, a general election, though everyone see think Andrew Cuomo going be the nominee for some reason it out of nowhere is bizarre. Cookie is I think I just don't I just don't. And you can run Joe biden- I just don't think it's going to happen. I just I don't think he's gonna make it that long. The interest is not he's not good out he's terrible puts. Kosovo is horrible. What has this land? You he's pretty disasters given news conferences every day and they immediately John he's reverse its own decisions. Ten times each year, he's he's peace plan limited, put its positions that have led to the largest crisis in the entire corrective virus saga in the United States has not been able to reverse it, he's been sitting here, complaining the entire time to no avail. This is
a disaster for him in by the way, as late as what March seventeenth, he was telling people that if the Panic was unwarranted. Was two weeks ago do. We know how this guy, like that, it shows how little confidence they haven't bite and they would even put you gonna, get away you're, not going to get that anywhere else. You're, not gonna, get that from mainstream media. They'll, never report on that. I mean look at not Bloomberg, but the Plaza De Palacio. Just what was just going to the gym last week and very like I'm gonna call the gym tonight, but I'm gonna go get a last worked out in he's now saying to the press who is who is after him and he's like look. What are you? What are you? We don't need to talk. The past we need to focus on a few jerk me he's. He is getting slammed the leap all results now of of of Cuomo.
Are really he's like showing like eighty seven percent approval rating in the state of New York, butchers, weird because almost half the cases in the United States come from New York alone at an that's. We part that could be rallying around the executive in charge. It happens all the time and war you know at the end of the day you look at the war and you judge it right, but during the war usual Lee. There's a rally around the executive in that's the one worry you'd think about with tramp in his numbers as well, which they look really good, uncrown a virus right now. The question is that just over a year and the economy, the cautious is just one of those things are people or rallying behind him, because he's kind of the face of this and in charge and in we need we really want him ceases to succeed so badly. That could be a case with, with with Cuomo and remember, George Bush, forty one. He was really popular like six months before and that turned come.
Completely around by the time the election I mean it doesn't really matter what you're doing right now, what the pull say right now, it can completely change I have a feeling if we are, though, in a depression, different than just the economy going soft and people losing jobs. I think when you look at who you're gonna have rebuild the country. I think Americans will go to Donald Trump, because the average American does look at him as a guy who's built an empire It knows how to get things done and I think that's if watching his press conferences. That's what you're getting from him right now. Is this this. This look like while heat I mean He knows what he's doing here and he's listening to the experts and he's getting things done, and I think that GO a long way if the, if the
economy is in really bad shape. I think he'd actually do well. So what are you guys think is the mechanism and which Cuomo replaces bite, and how does that work he's way ahead in the delegates, obviously promos on any of the ballots. So what are you what I have done so at an reading up on this right? I e Think of the convention, I think if they you know at the head of the convention, just gets up, and goes I mean how nice Secondly, by all the guys clause, rice, the guys come on, come on guys guys, I mean look at him, not a chance. Not again. I guess there could be only a part of me thinks that there is a path to get, the core, more or someone else to be the nominee, if they say, look covered Nineteen to serious, we can hold the recipes primaries. No one's got the delegates, it's just gonna, be contested convention big.
If you run these actual elections, whether you want him to or not most likely bite is going to wind up being the nominee cuz he's going to get above the delegates needed. He doesn't need to perform well to get there at this point You know, you think he's probably would get there if if these things are actually held, I guess if you can't solve them, though, in what is an ax? Does it next week next Tuesday and, finally, I think they're all they're. All but there's one there are cancelled, most of them are moved or case I'm going to have. Some of them have been like mail in only situations that converted to mail in only, but I don't think there's any while it may be one that still scheduled to run as normal approach. There's no way I mean next week in the week after the these two weeks are the peak. Now you know the neck, fifteen days yet this is when it does all supposed to peak and theirs. No way. Next week you like care, you know what I'm gonna go out with Paul vote vote not had not yet familiar conference.
Our vote for Joe Biden know where we talk about that like I go out and walked through a wall of fire to vote for this candidate denied. That's not I didn't while fires. One thing you know a petition, We get lucky. I wouldn T walk out for either with a match, there's a match on the ground. It's not even on fire. I go out there and on an agenda and nowhere in no way Belgrade. Thank you very much. Let me tell you about relief factor. Relief factor is for anybody who is really struggling if you just have pain that you just can't take any more about rightness. Skateboard, never did
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your lesson in Glenn back, hey? This is really kind of good news. I reported on what was it Thursday of last week that it looked like cheese. Kate Factory may be going out of business postage costs no that's when this became real. This became real for me got this inclined his long time. Lister fan. I heard you mention my employer today during the broadcast. I wanted you to know. I'm the director of the talent acquisition for the cheese cake factory. Oh, what a job I'm now very proud to work for this company in this unprecedented time when the whole restaurant industry is in peril. The cheesecake
owner founder and the president of our company have done some wonderful things to show the forty five thousand staff members that we care about them. We're paying benefits through the end of may so. They're gonna keep everybody on insurance. We have relief funds for staff to apply for grants. Seated by two million dollars of our founders, own money, I have to my team into a placement agency every day our team talks to staff members who have been followed and helps him and a temporary jobs, so they can have income until such time weaken. Welcome them back into our Cheesecake factory dining rooms. York whence about neighbour helping neighbor was spot on. I just want you to know America's favorite restaurant is doing our part Wendy Director of talents election engagement, Cheesecake Factory, Wendy. Thank you so much for that. We, you know it's. We are we're about to hit. This is the worst week. I think we have faced yet
The economy, we're gonna, see new unemployment numbers coming this Thursday Friday. They're, probably going to be worse than last week and This is the first week where we have the flip over a month and People are now having to pay their mortgage, their utility bills places like the cheese. Factory said we just can't pay them get on these all these restaurants in their huge. They can't do all of these huge restaurants and even mom and pop restaurants. That are closed. How are they gonna meet their mortgage payment? and so they are all in negotiations with the banks to try to figure out. How can we meet this mortgage? it's gonna, be it's gonna, be tough. It's gonna be tough and it's gonna be tough on all of us, because we all have to do that We all have to pay our credit cards and utility bills and everything else that's coming the first of the month and that's why
The real face of this is- and we just all have to just all have to work together. We just have to find a way to work together yeah I mean it is a really tough when you're, seeing all these reports of people who were at work and you were not having any government assistance, they were maybe not well but had put a little bit of money away and thought they were relatively well pair for most things that could happen, you know especially a like restaurant. You know if you're waitress at a wet restaurant, even able even working there for a long time, you D Do you know you have a view. We were putting money away and then that you know the bottom falls out. You're thinking yourself wealth, my restaurant closes, I'm experience I'll go get another job at another. Restaurant will. What? If there HU, the restaurants, that's something. Can anyone could prepare for this? is why this is so unprecedented. This is why anybody says, while we made through the great depression within three weeks,
did- and we will make it through this too, but we do know exactly how it's gonna look like. On the other side, I can come back to the same thing, which is not like a great depression is like a nation wide hurricane said, nationwide Katrina right where everything gets now tough line all at the same time in theirs appear it, where you need to squat, unquote, rebuild Before, though economy starts coming back, it's a much better way of thinking about it. Of course, that's what this bill supposed to try to help right. You know if you have a job, and you lose. It is supposed to be better as far as unemployment goes. If you have, job at a small company, those small companies are supposed to be able to get money to pay all the salaries that are involved. If you work big company. Those was to get really am basically zero interest loans to be able to pay their thereof their employees there. They ve tried to cover this. But again you know a government, MRS all sorts of things.
They all screw these things up and be obviously paying a massive price here at the end of this, with money, printing and all these other. We know issues we're gonna have to deal with after this thing goes by we have no idea what the ramifications are and we have some we have. No idea, except this unity, I think you're right saying this is more like a hurricane, then the depression with exception. Of all of our houses are gonna, be better organised at the end. This centre, like aren't gonna, keep throw it just cleaned everybody's closet and sick and organised everything in the garage while we're yeah music. When you have em nijio, you hit your head again and all the cartoons Yos come back and get all your memory back like if your house's really messy a hurricane comes through, and then it's clean like that actually right, exec the rascals exactly right right, but our thoughts and prayers are with you. If you are are struggling. I want you to know that mercury one is out with team Rubicon right now. We are both
on the ground in Greensborough, North Carolina we're leaving the support with team are of the healthcare workers at the cone health Greensborough, where volunteers are taking on logistic support in the hospitals. Warehouse in Cargo were on the ground, working with catholic charities to help package food orders Fairfield California, we are on the ground with from our out west territory assisting in the. U S: Department of Health and Human services, it Travis AIR Force Base near Fairfield provider. Logistic support inside and outside the quarantine areas in ok, Florida The gray shirts with mercury and team Rubicon are serving as drivers helping emergency management. Vital deliveries of food and supplies to homebound residents
You can help us keep these going. If you have an extra five bucks, please consider helping out. They are all needed in this, and if you can donate five bucks, please go to mercury. One dot, org, slash, donate and make a donation. Now you're lesson can Glenn Back
So what should we be doing right now for the Corrado virus? How do we save both people and the economy? Actually, a friend has a really great idea. He posted on medium, and it has gotten the attention of those in power in Washington, and we want you to be one of the first to hear about it. How to stop the virus dead in its tracks right now, it can be done. We go there in one minute. That programme are. I want to talk to you sincerely about re financing and maybe getting a consolidation loan for your mortgage right now. This week is the beginning of the real trouble for the economy, because Everybody is looking at their cheque book now and saying. Ok, how do I pay the mortgage? How do I pay you too? de bills. If you lost your job and as we saw job
the ones it could get through last last week, three points five million Americans who may Ed, solid credit they lost their jobs. Now. America and America's business owners are looking in saying how do I afford the restaurant? How do I feel- The building I mean and I don't have any customers coming in please Please consider refinancing. If you are in the situation right now, where you can refinance please refinance consolidate all of your loans, get those high interest, credit cards off of your plate and put them under your mortgage at this low rate right now historic loves, I dont think they're gonna have to go to new. It interest rates to go any lower, call eight hundred and nine six hundred and twenty four forty eight hundred nine hundred and six two thousand four hundred and forty its american financing. Net. That's me: reckon financing dot net cold
now to be the best ten minutes, you spend a day the most Sponsible thing you can do aid huh. Nine zero, six. Twenty four forty take ten minutes and talk to them bout refinancing your mortgage, consolidation loaded with american financing dot net american financing animal US one, two, three, four w w you got animal less consumer access, dot, org. are there are some really good news? I think it's Bosh has come out this weekend and said that they have developed a virus of tasks that actually confirm. In two and a half hours whether or not somebody has the virus or not and it is but it's ready to be mass produced and shipped all over the world and we ve got to test more people
got to be able to figure out if people have antibodies. So they can go back to work. We have to be able to see if somebody's in a carrier, so they d, go to work were try to now balance as we ve hit the doubling rate last Wednesday in New York. Now deaths are doubling every every day and that number is going up quickly have to be able to figure out how to save lives and save the economy. Well, I gotta know tee in from a friend of mine, now Doktor Robert Epstein and he is the guy who you know was editor in chief of psychology. Today, senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral research technology, yadda, yadda control editor for scientific American, mind bridge centre for behavioral studies at Massachusetts. He's the guy's been working on Vive the high tech stealing of elections. He
bid for Hillary Clinton but saw what tech did answer this this is absurd. Seen how many numbers they changed in favour of. Hillary Clinton he's been working on that? Well, On Friday he published an article how to stop the virus now, and I called him right away and said this is repeatedly. Is this possible so he's on now to give the answer: is it possible Haydock area? Well, you nervous like everyone else here. Yes, I have a certain optimism that point about what can be done. That's true, okay, so so tell us for so long. Start with the university in where was it a town in ITALY, the elite Italian town of I think it's vow veto. That's right! That's by and by they live the article of mine was published last Wednesday night for our neighbours,
Well, then, in both medium and the epic times which evade newspaper their president, like the lights on I'm hoping that I'll help to actually get this plan into motion in the city vow which have about three thousand three hundred people? That's where there was the first death colonel virus in ITALY, so that meant something special to be telling also researchers at the University of Padua, in ITALY, which has been around since the one twelve twenty to believe it or not, they went into this little town and they tested everyone, foe, chattering, avenue. Pass tat everyone, because that's what they did. They tested everyone, and the horizontal done that before, but because I guess it, everyone lay new who
the virus and who was an inner crystalline people carrying virus were eight, that's how the virus spread so pathways for dangerous, and they give read out the people who carrying that Irish from the people who were What happened instantly instantly transmission stopped and the paranoia stop in town. Because, right now everyone looks at everyone think by famine virus, but now most of the people in the town did not have it and they were free and if we did that in our country, nation why we have the capability to do it if we tested, Everyone what would happen the carriers with self isolate. We would help them a little bit, but most of them cell type, late anyway. If you get the blue and Nora
three hundred and thirty. Three million people right now who have been basic imprisoned bedrooms. We would be set free meal, restaurant theatres, the stadium could start. Funds immediately would be the end of the crisis and by the way, because this virus- killed off by our immune system, those people horse. Isolating. Some of them would gets, of course, you're them would die with a lot of them. We need treatment, but the point within three or four weeks the virus would be dead. It would have no hope it would disappear ok. So you said this is the part of the article that really intrigued me. Could we the test three hundred twenty nine million men, women and children in the? U S sounds like a tall order, but it's not much difference than taking the Sensus, and
bodily fluid is needed a small amount of nasal mucus? Yes, not, but because the economies of scale, the per unit costs of three hundred million tests would likely be less than a dime, but even if taking administrative costs and the usual governor efficient inefficiencies into account. The total costs. Of each test would turn out to be twenty dollars. That's point five billion dollar price tag, would still be six hundred million dollars less than we'd be spending this year alone on the senses so you're saying that this is not a big number and big numbers, don't seem to scare us anymore anyway, but it can be doubt, do we have do? We have of this kind of test available, could be produced quickly enough. The answer to that is almost in other words, if, if President Tropical
but I'm hoping will happen, I'm in touch with people who know him, I'm a touch of the people at the White House and touch of people in a pencil, colonel virus team at present tram. The power that he has to say. Do it. Furthermore, we would end up with literally in a matter of days, a couple weeks at the most we win with a kind of Oliver I throw away the device like those throw a pregnancy Tass, lead, be distributed literally by them by the millions very rapidly witches at home just to shove it up our nose and wait a few as a mere you, gotta plus I mean you're. Carrying get a minus sign means are not carrying and yes back could be developed and mass produced. Practically overnight it President used his powers to say, make it so
oh and by the way that would also make present in triumph. A great hero would not only be saving our country saving com life saving our economy more. I do think ahead. A couple weeks it would certainly be a very short time before the little far devices will be, strip worldwide and literally our president would be sailing, humanity, world world economy. So it would be that is almost worth an x prize kind of thing as well. I mean for president to say, look we're going to offer. You know five hundred million dollars or a billion dollars whatever it is to the company can come up with this accurately the quickest. You know if you do by this date, it's worth extra. Of dollars of being able to have everybody. Do it not only just because of what you know
I would assume the government would pay for all of these things and send them all out so they're gonna be making money throughout the globe, but also that added incentive, and it would really also highlight the capitalist system over every other system. I think this A genius idea and I hope the President looks at it, because this is exactly the kind of stuff he likes he says he life and they say that the article which people can access at how to stop the virus that car that'll. Take you write to the article on the Epic Times I am opposed to the epic times, thinks that this was brilliantly but what we have to do that you and me, and your listeners we have very, very rapidly give this idea traction, in the media on twitter we have together. Perhaps we have to get this too
Although the twitter leaders, who have made millions and millions of followers we gotta get this trash, and then those people who are ready to talk to the present. They will talk to the president. And as if all he has to do with, say, make it sound like after the card and STAR Trek and it'll happen. You know you mention tat. Now that can be analyzed in two and a half hours. One budgets approved in the communities and thirty men set our own at the age of approved the task that can be analysed and sixteen minutes so the point, All you have to do is say: ok, now get in a little bit like that we can mass produce, a people can use at home. Turn away and we're doing Literally, we would kill the virus answer the economy simultaneously. Again. I think our president would be what good would go down in history as a great Europe are so
I'm gonna tweet this out, we're posting into Glenn, backed dot com were treating it I'll facebook. It just share it with all of your friends and make sure you share it a two hour with the president as well, make sure you attach the present trump to all of the tweets and everything else you're sending out Robert. I want talk to you about, because you are a behavioral cycle. Psychiatrist or psychologist, and I want to ask you about what is happening right now. What did the effects of this long term? I've been think about the people who are at home, who you know maybe aryan bad marriages or their at home and their there really getting hit hard and the suicide rate and everything else. What what are the things we? it would be looking out for, and how can we help? People are down the thing I
flew to Boston, to visit my ninety four it for your mom, because I personally am afraid because everyone, the fray, I flew back to the California. I am with no one on the plains, for my flights are cancelled. The problem is everyone looking at everyone thinking, may have the virus, so we're talking about mass paranoia we're talking that everyone afraid of everyone, and that, of course, we have how'd. You know that people do not stop at home and then a crystal Lothar like the loss of income loss of businesses. No. This is devastating cycle, equally for humanity, which why we have to stop with these bandy these halfway measures that are very, very expensive. We just gonna, stop that and just solve the pro
This is not every problem has a simple, straightforward solution: the AIDS epidemic I talk about it, my article, which is still at how this happened- virus dot com, the AIDS virus, could now be fought in any simple. Even to this day there is no bad thing so because you know it kills. The immune system itself is so you can't just quarantine, people and wait for you know that the immune system today Helen Keller, viruses because the virus kill you mean to them for this particular virus. Ok, most will have very mild symptoms. Our own immune system killed it within ten to fourteen days, so all we have to do Sissy is identify who carrying it, who thought at men
those of us who are not carrying it. We are set free, we re obeying our economy, and this is due I listened very very doable. If we don't do it, we can t knew what we're doing now and that doubling rate continues. I just published Another new article is called the doubling problem. It really is scary, important. I'd rather not people focus on the solution by other doubling problem is arrested at it worldwide. The number of cases and the number of deaths is doubling every six in the United States overall right out every two or three days in some areas. In the U S, every day when that have doubled, continues. The effects are devastated. Every aspect of our lives,
some people for the rest of their lives and acquire some people in fact will take the third Reich, because it looks very I thank you very much for your solution. I'd love to have you back, maybe tomorrow and the next day, to talk some more about this and and also what you see and how people can help each other Doktor Robert Epstein end the with the website. You need to go to his. How to stop the virus? Dotcom share this as fast as you can as much as you can people to share this: how to stop? the virus dot com. I think it's a brilliant solution, the kind the president would love Can save not only people and lives but also of the globe, economy at the same time. Thank you so much. Doc. I appreciated thank you You know, there's never been a better time to stock up on all the high stakes than this. If you are looking for a great stake, Omaha
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What's going on now in their stock up sale at Omaha Stakes, dot, com type in back in the search. Bar and that will you be able to shop, you get all those discounts, its back in the search bar at Omaha Stakes, dotcom, tense, station. I d So here some more good news. The french government has now officially sanctioned chloric win the drug that is used to fight malaria and other things lupus forces. Patients infected with the corona virus, a covert nineteen, the fur the government has officially sanctioned prescriptions of chloric win to treat certain corona virus patients. This, according to France, twenty four they this on Saturday this ensured
continued treatment of patients who have been treated for several years for chronic conditions with his drug, but also allows the temporary authorization to allow. Sir in patients with Corrado virus to benefit from this. This therapeutic route is a five day recovery time, which is sick. You considerably faster than the usual fourteen days and for we can go up to twenty eight days if they recover at all, but with Chloric Win it shows. Seventy eight out of eighty patients treated with chloric win, were covered within five days. That's remarkable now France has just done this on set on Sunday the de issued an emergency authorization for hydrochloric, Hydroxyl, Chloric, win and Eric win though they now said that two doctors are able to prescribe this now for kind of colonel virus patient
the national stockpile is B, is to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen, an adult patients with Covin, eighteen as appropriate. Sand jaws donated thirty million doses of the Hydroxyl Chloric when to the stockpile bear as donated a million doses of chloric win. So they are making more. I know six million doses are coming from Israel to be. Able to add that to our national stockpile as well. This is really really good news, really good news and would have never happened, never happened. If I If it wasn't for Donald Trump opening up, federal regulations, and just saying forget it which is do what's right and if we think there's a chance. It works. Let's give it a shot, I think is lately tremendous aright coming
Friday Thomas Massey decided stand up because, all the essential workers all around the country, showed up to do their essential job except those in Congress. And he said we are voting on two trillion dollars and this is a mess and none of you are willing to show up to vote for it. Well, it wasn't really popular will to him coming up here. Let's go back so data breaches can happen to anybody from high profile tech moguls all the way down to mom and pop shops and an individual's just like you Buddy is completely safe and especially with quarantine. Now are yours: visit your house safe, because some- people are working at home. They are targeting people. Who own businesses and are doing all of their businesses from home
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one thing for sure socialism is not. The answer to the problems we are facing. Arguing with socialist makes those points for you go back to new book out April. Seven, congressmen. Thomas Massey is banning Congress. Now, since two thousand twelve, I think he's he's one of my favorites. He stands up for what is right, he faced in impossible decision. I think last week, last week. The Congress wanted to pass this. This spending bill of two trillion dollars largest spending package in a man, can history and wanted to do just as a just as you know, the contest camera ever see? What are they, whether they call those votes? well, you don't have to even unanimous consent it will nobody was even there nobody was even their search.
But Thomas Massey got into his car on Thursday and started driving towards the capital, because he thought that everybody needed to be there if essential workers swimming. This would be essential. Out of your job, would knit Congress and he wanted to be there. And he said we ve got to have everybody vote on this this. This is huge and its full waste and everything else well, no good deed unpunished. That's not popular on either side. Thomas Massey is here to join us and and tell us what was thinking of what he's thinking now high Thomas area. Are you doing Glenn? Look It was about Congress trying to avoid accountability for the largest wealth transfer from the middle class. The moneyed class in the history of mankind Even the Romania offers good and pulled it off, and I won't like you said they wanted to do by unanimous consent. Now they fertile dead. We don't need to be there and I
it had. No, the constitution says otherwise to do legislative business at least half of you need to be there. Then they said we can't make it on time. I said, going people to stay home. Of course, they're not gonna get here on time, if you're telling them to stay home and by the way, my Can't you wasn't to delay this bill, that's why? I shared my books, energy, with the leadership days before so they could, everybody there in time, but it was still going Ruby to stay home. Then I said this is the business the rich when here it's not safe for them. Ninety six senators made it to work that on Tuesday I can tell you, we should have been able to get at least fifty percent of our members there, especially when these congressmen are down the truck drivers, keep drive and threw down the farmers, keep forming their down a grocer baggers, bring it out to our car forest. Please write ebbed these cod
You're her making a hundred seventy four thousand dollars a year and get their healthcare paid for by the taxpayer said. We don't they go to work, but the tree came now don't ride egg. When I ask further or did, though, and before that discussions with Kevin, Mccarthy and Nancy Policy and that's what it became. We remain every boy he said we don't want to be, or to because there are some members who are here and we don't want them to have political, follow for not being here The murder and Why you didn't come to Congress it, but the real What he was given. The current the people as they were, trying to protect their incumbent from power. Mary challengers. Didn't want him to go on the record into here's, where I called. About a year with Czech made on Friday. They said we won't happen of members, their deposit and you'll delay away at a day will win. As for the recorded vote, they were the recorded vote at which
I demanded a quorum call at that point. Date people in the room they put him up in the gallery. They maintain social distancing. I dont know how people were there. They said there was a corn. Ok if there was it for they were violating the constitution. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt and later was a corn. Why didn't they take them? then it would have passed. That's when I called their bluff on it. Vague. When you call a quorum, don't you have to count, they said counted. It took him like one second, the guy in the speakers chair, he turned his head from left to right. He said a quorum is here and I dirty war, named. As with the parliamentarian, he said, if not debatable, he can't you can't appeal it did. The speakers gout is absolute.
So then he in he says if there is a quorum, he has the right to say we are not voting on it that correct- and this is the first I've been in Congress. Gland Dave ever denied a request for a recorded vote, the first time ever on the biggest bill ever unless If there had been a Manhattan, try project where we said well, we're gonna work Make ventilators like we'd, never made him before we're going to come up with me. De Janeiro body TAT, which is required and we're going again, every American, but you can get it right whether your grocery bagger or up petitioners celebrity because at the end, where we get out of this, but it wasn't that bill of deficit. Transfer data around your listeners to do the math trillion dollars with leaders rebellion. Families in the United States at sixty thousand dollars per family and their operating.
Under dollar jacket. The twelve hundred dollar jack is achieved in the trap. You're saying that each of us paid sixty thousand dollars and rolling, twelve hundred dollar check what's gonna happen and there's some other stuff in this building, not even unravel get that when people find out what's going when the bed starts boy in the stock market. In the end the Congress get lucky, you wanna talk about insider trading. What is it with somebody who knows when the interest rate you're gonna move can can take. Visions in the stock market that bad enough, What does it mean when somebody who can move interest rates? Can take positions in the stock market mom and dad back home we're trying to invest, make smart decisions in therefore, one k or maybe they're, investing directly in the stock market. How did you Eritrea,
a kind of insider trading going on so Thomas guph. You took a beating from Donald Trump you're up for re election. You had to know this was not going to be popular and not popular with him or anybody else what's the fall out there and then what do you? What are you went what's happening? Well, did I know people say I did it for political advantage. Look My real I know it and it will have the added. I ve got big big dark money after me. Now I've got three times from the president after me. Do you think that helps me in an election? It does not help me but two reasons I did this glad. I dont want people to think I went down and let myself on fire just for just below
I didn't have a plan number one people can have hope. At least one person bullfight, but when Everybody in Congress hide from accountability police- all about said that number one number two strategically think about this: If we had all the date all and let Nancy the path is bill with only heard in this. In the speakers cheer and one person on the floor, Europe for this fourth bill, which if you listen to the democratic debate, even with internet people, hostage takers She says the third bill with just a down payment and now they're going to come out with a fourth bill, and we would paved the way for her to just put their gabble down with nobody. There in everybody would have thought was normal to stay home, but now her democratic members are going to say really nasty. You're gonna it is because mass he's gonna drag our asses absorb guess they don T wait go to into the chair.
But again we don't want to do it. We want to stay home so It makes it harder for policy to get her agenda across and I would argue it strengthened Donald rob had in the next negotiations to know that needs Those who can't run the tables with nobody there so, Much did they run the tables. I mean how much how much of this stuff in there is coming from Nancy Policy and Chuck tumor well had their ilk most of its coming the moneyed class. Of course there to. They're getting the things they want. There's the there's the taste of socialism here and it's a taste of thing. A preview of coming attractions, but really bad part about this. Is there the there? thanks to the shareholders and a big bankers, not the mom and pop banks, but the big banks, they're saying we're gonna make you all you can be just fine and where we're going we're going to socialize the risk that you ve, taken they privately,
the gains in they socialized the risks and at the big problem, because it's it's mom, dad who are holding the bag on this one. With the inflation is coming they're going if any money for retirement, they don't even have to open your safe to take it out, they're going to devalue the dollar. Thomas, a message for the White House or the president at all any kind of men? I know you don't I've got. I mean, I know you're, on the side of the President Ma times. You are on the side of the president. My message is this: Donald Trump was misled by them glass who, They only had insider trading. I believe there were boys and girls and market
decisions taken for that build depends on Friday and that's why they were so panicked when one voice stood up, they were mad at me, but I did it, in a professional way. I told me: that I was going to ask for the vote and ultimately it wasn't even delayed for one minute, so I would say President looked back, all the came, this is, I made Congress gone to work it out in his hand, going forward- and I know of- kicked the Hornets nest. He's gonna come against me in this election law. Be it I hope not. I would remind you When he said he was going to come after Mark meadows when Mark voted against the Republic and Healthcare bill and now marxist cheapest no, not applying for chief of staff. I didn't mean it, but morality with idle com is messy dot com. I kick. The hornets narrative anyway still believes in America, if able
We should show up to work if you're congressmen, please support me. There's Thomas Massey dot com. I'm gonna take a beating in this election. Thomas thank you so much. I appreciate it I am always I always, Like the underdog. I always liked the underdog and especially one with principles. I personally wish you would have done this, but because I would have liked him to be there for a very long time, and I think this is gonna hurt him, but not if people rally around and help him. Representative, Thomas Massey, Thank you tell us. So if you're selling a house right now, you need the best real estate agent in your area. When I say the best here's how we qualify that somebody you as the best track record of selling somebody who's been doing it for a very long period of time summit.
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real estate agents, I trust dotcom alot of people is country would be delighted to pay more in taxes. Finding yourself speechless listening the progressive arguments arm yourself with the facts arguing with socialists, a new book from Glyn Back Priolo now on Amazon is dental in that programme. This is the Glenn Beck program. So I just a friend just emailed me and said I plan to go, see this on Facebook, it's the London Philharmonic playing, and so I just listening to the London Philharmonic and here's the thing there, All playing from separate locations, that's only a quartet, it's not the whole big deal.
That's pretty remarkable for different locations playing in sync: from the London Philharmonic, I guess you can find that their facebook page, I I have to tell you, after going through the news every day I just I just wanna watch Tiger king. That's all I want to do chest. Want to watch Tiger king, yet it seems to be the same choice the nation is making at this time. Yeah everybody is talking about Tiger king, Everybody in my own family is talking about Tiger King Antonia, and I you have actually been doing stuff, we're like what. Talking about, and my kids like TAT, you have to watch I mean the thirty year old, all the way down to Cheyenne all rolling dad. It's it's a toothless marvel. Really, I think I think people are watching it because it makes you feel so much better about yourself yeah there apparently
giant disasters the sir, this group of people and it's one thing to go viral and be this like crazy success story. Netflix, that's already a really good place to be in, but when this time, when everybody's at home Everybody's watching way more tv than is possibly healthy, Can you imagine how I mean the numbers on the show right out there and reactions it's incredible, and I you know, I don't know that all that much, but I do want to watch it, though, because everybody is saying how great it is You started watching it last night and to say Tiger King himself is eccentric, I is really an understatement is really another through some of the sum of the people. Probably locked away in Bellevue are eccentric, This is not its opinion,
it's crazy as they were talking about how there are more big cats in captain, pity in private zoos in people's back yards in the United States than there are big cats in the way. Old over the entire planet. Why should you be really surprised? How many people, how many big cats are around you right now. I know I know that's like a cat lady on steroids. That should be. You should after register. You know to me within a hybrid, have you put it in the back yard? You tried offence and, if possible, that says, is a narrow Glenn. This is America you're talking about when you how I know, I know that you put in backyard. You try to fence it in, if possible, this country, so that this is America. An American doesn't have big cats in the wild.
A bunch of coyotes you'd be like failing got a bunch. Coyotes are get it weird put you ve got an african tiger in the back yard. I think we should know well that through its maybe it's just me, spy cultures penetrated even you as it is as though there is a real problem. We have solved the big cat culture, corona virus, update and what's happening in New York next you're, lessening tat, Glenn back.
All the news you need to know about corona virus in about ten minutes. We're gonna do that in one minute standby off the ground. That programmes are a girl virus update coming up in just a second. Firstly, we tabled rough greens. This is something that I put on my dogs food, that he absolutely loves it's from Vitus markets. Are you F, F, Greens, dotcom, slash back. I want you to try. It fourteen days see if you don't see a huge difference in your dog. I know I have with you know, he's always did to eat. He lay the steed. He runs for the bowl. Now he has physically changed and. And it is the rough greens that has done it. I sent this to the the vat because this brought it home one day and started feeling my my wife's plenty of Piedmont AM. I can't really good for the water in the I've gotta get this stood up. Vat writer ok got into the vat. The vat said this
really good. You should feed this to your dog or cable or I so We continue to feed rough greens to our dog and he is remarkably different remarkably different. To describe. You will see it yourself within fourteen days within two weeks it started, but until the changes happen every day since the greens. Are you F, F, Greens, dotcom slash back, it has all of the live nutrients. Your dog needs every day to remain healthy. Rough group dot com. Slash back tried for fourteen ninety five try the fourteen day job. Start and see. If you see a difference in your dog, as I have, Una rough greens, dot com, slash back our daily stats, total confirmed cases worldwide, seven hundred and thirty five thousand. This is up from five hundred and twenty four thousand on Friday,
We are now hit only hitting piddling, hitting the doubling of numbers here in the United States, total confer Deaths worldwide Friday, it was twenty four today, its thirty four thousand, eight hundred and four, the case has confirmed recovered one hundred and fifty five. That's also significantly up one hundred and twenty five since Friday, five gates, five percent of active cases worldwide, are considered serious need. Hospitalization eleven percent in the U S of confirmed cases, require hospitalization roughly on par with ITALY, who is at twelve percent, hospitalization the? U S now has a hundred and forty two thousand confirmed cases. Two hundred I'm sorry, two thousand four hundred and eighty nine deaths. So you know Friday, the confer cases were eighty five thousand today That number is one hundred and forty two thousand confirmed cases Friday. We had
Thirteen hundred DES today we have Twenty four hundred, in the: U S tooth twenty thousand two hundred and twenty citizens are officially hospitalized with covered nineteen, another six thousand four hundred and two with presumptive positive cases, waiting for test results, and I dates of American. Now leads the world in total, confirmed cases with forty five thousand more cases than ITALY. Though ITALY leads the world in deaths with ten thirty. In seven hundred and ninety nine officially dead. As of today, Let's look at some of the other news. Hey we get to do this through April Thirtieth Trump Administration, no matter what the media said about Donald Trump. Donald Trump was not going to Ex, was not going to say everybody back to work tomorrow. He wasn't, when you do that he would said last week is I'd like to have everybody backed by Easter, but that's our goal
let's see and I'll look at the numbers. Well, he looked at the numbers and think so we need these extreme restrictions until April thirtieth announced last night in nineteen epidemic in New York continues. The nine one one system has been overwhelmed officially. The emergency system receiving now over seven thousand calls a day more than any other time since nine, eleven so some had broken three records in as the last few days early eighty seven hundred calls on Thursday many the calls from people with high fevers and flew like symptoms. It's a war zone said The paramedics there's no way we can respond to this mini emergency calls they have now stop. Suspended sepia,
are an artificial respiration. Friday, more than two hundred sixty emergency technicians from the New York Fire Department tested positive for recovered nineteen. There are seven hundred and fifty Nypd officers have also tested positive. More than percent of New York Police force is currently off line now due to infection or quarantine. Due to this suspected infection. My daughter came to me and said for the first time I'm glad we moved out of New York dad. I can see why you said we should get out of there. Yeah one paramedic, chose not to be named estimated over twenty percent of the nine eleven calls. No one calls were going on answered twenty percent, no units responding. Yet another seen out of our Hollywood movie that we ve only seen in movies. Field hospital being set up it yesterday in central park. Meanwhile,
people were still gathering in the park. The: U S, state by state travel restrictions and warnings have now gone into effect. Cdc issues, stark travel, warnings to New York, New Jersey in Connecticut residents, Jeanne residents not to travel out of their homes, states in case, unless it's in case of an emergency Florida has restricted travel from New York, Louisiana Mississippi amid the outbreak forcing travellers to either turn around or so. To a mandatory fourteen day, quarantine floor, as governor has indefinitely closed. Although the vacation rentals any out of state travellers notifying existing renters to finish your stay and go home, Quarantine, for fines and and out of state travellers. This is crazy, New York in Rhode Island, both restrict travel from New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, including those with, vacation or summer homes in the state boats.
Its are using the National Guard troops to endure it to enforce the travel restrictions and requiring Fourteen day quarantines on any out of state travellers, Hawaii has now arrested to and issued warnings to more than seventy tourist violet did shelter in place warnings. Can you imagine being stuck in a hotel someplace what that must be, like Nevada, reportedly considering closing the borders to California, according to the LOS Angeles times. What the last time you heard that about heard about that in history, stew so crazy does Nevada, closing its quarter of a border with California, yeah I'm in this than it does not have all mere really just doesn't it's not one of those things that happens that the same thing was being talked about with Rhode Island as their basically trying to call to people who are coming in to Rhode Island from other states, initially starting with New York, but now supposedly to the entire country anew. Punishment for my kids,
If they were a little younger, it be a little more effective music up you don't take care of the stuff you gonna watch another episode of the stand with me tonight or is living men only God freaking out yet freak about no dad obey. We watched instead really happening. I was amazed that that the like number one and number two movies on Netflix was outbreak and contagion as like. You guys are in the middle of that one. Why are you watching it right now about. I know. So we are, we we had a bunch of games. One of them is called pandemic and I realize why games are more popular. I I didn't want to figure out how he of worked. You take before the games. Generally, his poor games, we about a bunch of board games and you know last last Monday we had you know, what's his name Rabin O on who is a visa, he's a game master
and until we said you don't give us the best board games, we got em all throughout all alone, has lain yeah rules? There are like, then schools I like open up an Xbox live, by the third gay? My son said you just want to play an unlikely could be I just want to learn it. I want to learn you guys, learn figure out how to play it, thou watch and then I'll jump in, but I'm not interested. I think it's the stream guy thing you know it, when it comes to like building bikes in over Christmas and everything else, you the handlebars are usually missing on the bikes that I went by and be like. I didn't mother was for peace, missing. I don't know what happened to that peace. I don't like reading directions, but when, comes to board games to. Have fun red directions to have fun, I'm out If it really is us because it's in the Ets
how much usually on those games, especially like the good the court on better the game, is the harder it is to get to learn in the how many different rules there are and changes of the rules and an innocent. Specific circumstances we have to know exactly which thing to do and what order. So, alright, like this is supposed to be fun. It my doing my taxes. What what? What? What are you doing here? I know and it's like and is the others. One game, like you know and you'll have to take the the ice. Crystals You should have twelve ice crystals on them like ice crystals. What the hell are the ice crystal you mean the little white plastic pieces in column, little white plastic pieces and from here on out, you can call him I just spent all his time. Looking at the pieces gone, I dont know what is this well. This is the turbo engine of that? No, it's, not it's a little black peace, just call it a little black Bates.
Anyway, just one week after the mexican government claimed that poor people are immune, looks like the EP Chemicals of aid is evident now in Mexico, Mexico, love this Mexico. Response was late, wrong, slow and men. People are going to die courting today, Carlos Del Rio and infectious disease specialist in Memory University in Atlanta, Georgia, there's no reason to believe the virus here should behave differently among this population cases. A growing in Mexico exponentially. I'm telling you as a matter of national security. We need to close our borders Close the borders especially lots people coming over as they have done absolutely nothing they had. They were doing soccer matches way after, like our NBA seasons, working was was cancelled. That did the the press. It has been walking around down there doing meetin greets. You know it is a complete disaster. They done nothing and glad they
they done with the Trump and his response. They ve been critical, the entire way, despite the fact that he did the first international flight quarantine in fifty years. Happily early in the middle of all this from China Annie we ve got over like they done a lot of stuff here we obviously cohesive, did the all of the flight changes in Europe is well and they bitched about that. I was stunning when he did that he was the first and they been trashing him the entire time now there tracking him, because he was talking about a potential quarantine of New York which drew Cuomo, thought wasn't neighbourly, which apparently is what were worried about right now being if, if you mean, if your neighbourly enough, which thanks our concept of what we're doing right now is not neighbourly alone if anyone's notice that, but you know what the what what the title was for the way circle responded, mid march from the New York Times. They even thrashing Trump the entire time at every little step, everything he hasn't done, an obvious and folks enough, the Mexico response was it was this met, weak,
for calm May, suppose, restrained response to the corona of there they are showing restrain, they were, they were showing tromp every single thing he does is evil and races, but they were too showing restart. In not doing anything. You haven't giant fifty thousand person soccer matches after Nothing else on earth had been cancelled and joy last week they actually came out. A governor of one of the states came out said rich People this is a rich people- disease, poor people can't get it like. Corona iris is checking your bank account or something what restrained ridiculous watch restrain their showing their by alive, telling you I'm telling you we are going to be in it. It will happen in California. That's already gonna have a problem. We should be Setting up these portable hospitals up at the border with be doing something right now. I dont want to be taken care of people, but it's going
happen. You're gonna have a humanitarian crisis on the board the left is gonna, be screaming about it and it's be Donald, trumps fault, he should move move on this to protect our border right now, if we had a fence, we wouldn't have this problem, but no I have a fence or there's something else. It came out of the? U n that I went ahead and will do that in one minute These data, the global gold market, is, is really fascinating right now there was a story out last week that I couldn't Stan people were buying gold and it was it was more expensive. To I can remember it was weird and I wrote somebody I said: what does this mean and
said, while we're running out a golden, I'm like were what were run. At a gold you mean we're running out of gold K. So there only a finite amount of gold on the on the earth and the place that our mining gold are now stopping, and solar running out of gold right now. If you try to buy gold anywhere really you're gonna find that it'll be weeks and weeks and weeks before you get delivery. Answer we had a promise, hey, I can pay, her promise and maybe I'll give you gold when it comes in ok we'll goldmine actually has gold until they are one of the old Places they are, they are still connected to a consistent supply of gold. There still levering that and other precious metals on time. So if you are looking to invest in gold when the only places that you can get it right now I mean physically get. It is gold line. They will physically get it too.
And ship it right away because they have it gold line dot com, call them now, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line or gold dot com, second station idea, I told you this would happen on Friday. Just happen a little sooner than I thought, the, U N global food supply panel warns of pending food shortages, action is measures by national governments during the corona virus could provokes food shortages around the world. Now we probably will not have a real problem with but you are going to see some items in America disappear. The word it can happen. Is government restrict the flow of food. All measures against free trade will be counter productive. Now is not the time to place restrictions or pudding.
In place trade barriers. Now the time is to protect the flow of food around the world. Now, the The issue is that people are afraid, that they're not gonna get shipments of food, so their shit they're holding on to their shipments. Some countries have just put trade barriers up and said. Are you Russia? Did this we're not shipping any of our wheat out to Europe set etc? May I suggest that we are going to have shortages for different reasons. I think we're gonna have a hard time with our planting and we may have a hard time with the wood early seasons of picking in and harvesting that crop mean think about the farmers that may get this here in the next couple three weeks and then be down wherein the begin of the planting and growing season
This is already happening in France, they're asking the unemployed to go and actually work in the fields, and it is going to be a severe in some countries. I don't think it will be severe here, but I we're gonna, see short of shelves of raw? produce and shortages of some things coming, not just this summer, but also next year, I would highly recommend you put in a garden consider one of the project see you're doing while you're at home. If you have the room is to start building in planning a garden and getting seeds. I would get seeds now for, there is a run on seeds. You will see that those things will disappear quickly
Now, there's a new report out shows the estimates. The? U S economic impact at a trillion dollars of GDP per month. Per month, trillion dollar they say will exceed that, though The economic losses in just the private sector did not calculate the impact of government funded bailouts or spending and future MC losses due to hire debt payments the estimated losses in the oil and gas sector exceed fifty percent for twenty twenty you know: do you know how much oil is still the any idea what oil is like twenty bucks a barrel now yeah no dipped below twenty. One point which I mean I saw a gas station was in Oklahoma. Selling gas for ninety nine cents, a gallon I never thought. I would see that again, never thought I would say that again, yeah,
the, but twenty bucks went away twenty bucks There are thinking that, because we don't have enough room, where oil. Now all Like our reserves, we bought up all this oil and we're filling our reserves that they think if Saudi Arabia and Russia don't stop this soon, there's gonna be such a girl. A glut of oil. They may actually have to start paying people to store it. So the price of a barrel of oil will be below zero because they're not stopping production, and they just pumping out and there's no place to store it. Every everybody storage. Is there it's awful. That's right. See as wilder yet I know a lot of investing money in Malta, oil to which there are getting killed on this, including a lot of big banks and such ia.
There's something else that we remember we said was that on Friday we played that after I see thing- and I said that did make me feel better than we do that still Sarah led the idea. I see a lot of money in the bank. Everything's gonna, be fine. Don't worry about it, look, look, I know I have Russian they accept, but if this is on the up and up just between you and me, your money totally safe and banks, a totally keep it in banks. I was just telling Boris in the Bush and the other day, banks banks, safest place, pinks what the epp- and here we are told, fine, you keep your money there, no use to you, give it to us and so we did this after I see things that was had this woman with his russian access. Basically saying that it's all fight, maybe thing is good, turns out not the case. Will
sure that with you, when we come off when we come back again in just a minute, oh and also the governments now using your cellphone information to track you at its an emergency back in a minute, is that lament programme. When I talk to you a little bit about getting out of the pain of that, you might be in right now, there's enough the worry about was enough? Go on. I want you to want you to live here. S life? I you to get out of pain. I know that sounds like you know you probably like. If I were you two years ago, like a hawk yeah I'd like that back, shut up have you tried, relief factor, I'd ask
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we are living in this programme in any time condemning legged, as it is a way to get confused and to have fear about what you're doing with your money in your account cynically, especially as you're looking developed at the volatility whom not enlargement into financial squeezing. This is what I would like you to take away from this money is safe and makes the lash pursuing is pulling your money out of the banks. Now thinking that greater security for someplace else, you dont want to be walking around the large sums of cash and you wanna be warning cashing your mattress. It didn't resell next armies and I will write this nor the body has lost the many of their ensure deposits, since nineteen you'd be very brilliant, Wendy, FDA Seamless created. So if you're unhappy about having a money in a safe place, we keep it in an empty. I see ensure name, please keep within bags. Everything use five refugees. Fine, don't worry, we ve got it all for you review. If
I see it rolled depositary, something we're together. We got lots of money, we ve got it. We ve got four letters in our name. You don't think we have billions of dollars just two. Make sure you can get your money now. Just s after at video is released and we marked it last week. The the Senate and the Treasury. According to a new report, working on separate planes to prevent the banks from becoming unstable amid the covert nineteen pandemic and black, these range from limiting withdrawals from foreign investors and savers, as well as covering extra liquidity to banks to cover? U S customer withdrawals up to ten thousand dollars, so have you I more than ten thousand dollars of Euro Mummy. Tough luck for you, but
this figure will cover the ten thousand dollars that you want to give. What and move to stand behind banking indiscreet industry underscores aggressive efforts under way by officials to prepare or the worst They remind you, the bay Our him very good shape right now, but people are a king. No reason to panic. Everything is o K. I love, and there were she just gives up, ought to try to convince people adjust straight out she's issues like the here's all the reasons- and this is how you communicated argument you give all the reasons- and you hoped the person is convinced she gets here- With your reasons, you says This is what I want you to take away from this. Leave your money in the bank. Ok, just leave! Everything is, if I tell you exactly what I'm going for here. This is what I hope you away. You walk away from this thing. Everything's gonna be fine. Our aid. Are we good? Thank you. Right, look
me. I look buttoned up. I've got the flag by behind these she'll do this is if the sea shore, One point: seven trillion dollars deposited view as banks, we don't Amy of head seething, devolving it's all! Fine, it's all fine good! Is there lay a levy present a not well thought out theory here for you glutton, because this is a they do on a national radio placing just spitballs. Here for a second. I was thinking about that this weekend, We all sort of use this shorthand of what's happening right now, as we are destroying the economy or we ve shut down the economy. Or this pandemic- and obviously it's very interesting to me. It's nothing of the sort, this out and exciting, abrupt again that do eats.
Wonderful, so rosy, popping up my ass soon ass, my thought was one It would be the number percentage wise that we ve quorum quote shut down the economy right now, right like because I think we think of the waitress who no longer has a restaurant work at an hers. She's gone from a hundred per cent of our income to zero percent in a matter of days but like when you think of, really the economy as a whole lot more than that right, like a lot of businesses, are still open. Obviously, everything that depends on online, which was a much larger part. Our economy is still open, pretty much everybody that I can at least think of that I know is working at home. They Vanessa lost their jobs. Maybe they would down the road, but they haven't yet listen, tossed her white collar, I'm trying to be dropped but even for you know, I've. Never. I've met
I've been around call minor since late. I have like I have, and I think you know, because you are you're a man of the people, but it was like a blue collar jobs for a second, like you know, can least around here. I don't know if this is the case everywhere in America, but like construction jobs continue, they continue keep doing. Obviously job, not all Coronado man more than more than ever, you know landscaping in, and those types of jobs where you're outside are all continuing to happen. Obviously Pierre or seal shining like crazy, they're, just buying stuff online. It's going to stores guy. And people on Wall Street there still jumping out of windows, and I still happening There- still trading exaggerated from home there no longer going to the era before the stockings right, but you didn't have to see that they gotta put gas in their cars to drive to some place high enough to jump on out of saying. Yes, we have been run a digital media business, obviously that still chugging ends at some ways looking at
at its. It could be a great time for many of those who possesses aside. It mean that it's a good thing for the economy, but if you were to say what person and to judge of the economy have we down your deal, not ninety right. Instead, I am my gut tells me it's more like you mean you eat and counting the people that are still working at home, yeah I like it, I mean they leave. The company is still. I will say that there has been about thirty percent of people that are shut down. I'll bet you that's what it's been that you that that, if it's not that they may not have lost their job right, but it's, got down and there's no money coming in in writing. Maybe they're getting paid for a while but they're not doing anything there just going home. Yet right, like did they may still be getting paid, but that obviously has an end date to it. If, if the place stays out of operation
but just follow me and its use very far off into horrifying. Very far, he ain't even see it that date, these sue away, far away. You can't even see it and even as he says it doesn't even exists. Even then, the money in your bag is completely safe and among the oil, no problem so problem. I was thinking the same thing about thirty, maybe thirty, five percent, which is obviously I mean it. You just don't even survive that its incredibly to be massive downturn, but first time of term situation here for a second, you have a situation where the federal government- Is coming in and paying back sickly, all some small amid size employees could you can get in this vast generalization, but you can get money from the government to pay your employees? It's a loan unless you use it for something else. If you use it for something else is unknown to you. If you pay your employees, a wine to be forgiven, so essentially it's a giveaway right
the federal government saying if you're small business, we will pay your employees, are they don't get fired for this time. That's what was in this bill and other areas, this building was a unemployment going up, obviously and in supposedly making it easier to obtain and then, in addition that you have the twelve hundred dollar checks that are coming to individuals and for large companies, be sickly, no interest loans that are Indeed, so in fear right the any of the employees are going, get paid, which is now going to be for some companies that are actually still in business and doing business, going to lose the expense line of many of their employees still be getting revenue into their companies and you're gonna have a situation where the federal and this is not an eternal thing. They can't do this forever, but for the short period of time is gonna be dumping, so much money in we know with bad long term, consequences both restocking but short term. Here it possible that the
number when we think of shutting down in economy. It's not what it is in our head right now, It's only a certain amount of time we can deal with this, but the entire economy doesn't go away. That's that's it you're, exactly right and that's why the FED in the present, everything else has been saying don't worry, unlimited amounts of money. They ve said this, don't worry a limited amounts of money will do whatever it takes. So that's. What is that? exactly what they're trying to have people feel. The reason why we still feel nervous is because I know, you did last time with the money and the people like us never saw that money in this Can thing is we also know that really downside of what this means do pay that kind of money out is going to mean some real detrimental things in the future. How far out I dont know it would
frankly, I think that's what they're trying to say yeah. I think so. I think the big issue here is that people are it going to do business even if they could do business in this environment like if you're an online business right now, you could totally we know manage your entire accompany without much of an issue. So many people work at home anyway, however, people hesitant to do anything because they don't know when this ends if we all knew like ferocious certain this ended on June. First, even it will be a lot easier and I think the the economy would be hurt not nearly as damaged as it was that is now because people are so freaked out that they'll never see. The end of this is this: going into next year, when we saw at one thousand nine hundred and eighteen Glen, first, a way for this and it came back even harder. The second time and killed way more people, and so people are terrified. There's just no end in sight to this thing
at some point there is a vaccine. If one of these treatments turn it proves to be as good as their hoping. This one is in France. If what six comes through people start seeing the end of this tunnel. We be it a situation where this does come roaring back in a very short period of time. I think the American, the american worker will, if it if this is over, you know, may June. I the american worker is gonna. Come roaring, roaring back! That's all bring all industry back. You know, God bless the crews lines, but it's gonna bring. People, Roar, back- and I think we come back on line quickly, and we we do it. It's that the that's! What you're describing is the secret to Alfred Hitchcock, its the bloody stabbing to death, it's really not what costs! whose panic in people in full and fear, is what's behind that next door. What's around that corner
the whole way in a movie is only frightening because you know, or you think you know something bad is in the room at the end of the hallway, and you can't see it and you're not sure if it's there, but it's much worse the anticipation and that's what people our feeling, I think, is just that This is this: is a giant Alfred, Hitchcock Movie? Where You are thinking I dont know if the good guys we In the end, I have no idea how this ends. You ve ever seen this one happen and the only time you ever have is in movies, and it never ends well, but once it operated start rolling you get up out of, walk out of the theatre and stuff, I got living your life again, and I mean you don't know who is actually right owing, but even if it does get to a place where we don't see the obviously worst case scenarios that some people have projected and it does actually seem to have an end date, the American,
people who are resilient and if this amount Amelia, this Regina, looked expenditures are gonna, come back and we're gonna be talking about them for decades to come with. The nonsense they packed into this thing. It's gonna have a lot of negative effects. However, the effort being to get people paid through a couple of months. Their lives are completely destroyed if does work, and it is only a couple of months you may wine of seeing something of this rage back to to action and in a positive way, Thank you very much art break and give you some final thoughts here in just the same so you're home here in the middle of a quarantine, and you know we belong to people. Directing nine months from now ten months for now, maybe scene it'll corona, baby boom out. That's gonna happen it certainly been talked about quite a bit.
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Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.