« The Glenn Beck Program

Safety or Freedom | Guests: Donald Trump Jr. & Sharyl Attkisson | 9/30/20

2020-09-30 | 🔗

Last night’s debate revealed to Americans what this election is about: Do we want to be safe or free? Glenn gives his thoughts on what worked, what failed, and how Chris Wallace didn’t help. BlazeTV’s Steven Crowder joins after his debate livestream with his thoughts and a preview of his upcoming rally in Michigan to hold Gov. Whitmer accountable for her terrible handling of the coronavirus. Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson reviews the debate and news that Obama was briefed in 2016 about Hillary Clinton possibly planning to tie Trump to Russia. Donald Trump Jr. argues what Biden got away with at the debate. Bob Woodson describes how the 1619 Project is in retreat and a fundraiser to help the incredible Piney Woods School.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. When there always are anything happening today and even going on, I think we should talk about holy cow. Let's get right to it. the debate, what it means what's coming next in sixty seconds, is a glimpse. Program Maggie lives on a horse ranch in the ozarks. Her great joy in life is always been horseback. Writing, but recently she had to cut back more and more. Eventually, she had a separating altogether because of her back pain He now lives in a place surrounded by happiness in which he was not allowed to partake. Nuts and she tried- could make the pain go away, and least enough for her to go back doing things that she loved Maggie
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actor. Dotcom call them now at eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four. Yet there three week, quick start pack for ninety ninety nine, its relief factor dotcom tonight on blends. You ve, he showed you their contempt for democracy. The left is done with regular Eu S presidential election. He uncovered their playbook steps revolution. I showed you last lives. Vassal society screen activists, multi less fondest when looks to the future and exposes the force in areas. Democrats have planned for November civil war, less election, I wore Dame Tonight- nine Pm Eastern, at least to be dot com. Slash tonight is a show that you do not want to miss while the rest of the media is going in another direction. While everybody else is talking to you about the election, I'm talking to you about what is coming as part of this election is so critically important. Tonight is part three of the civil war series that we have done.
tonight I show you the future everything else. Talk about what happened last night I'll show you the future tonight end. It is critical for your family that you watch it. Please the world is about to change, truly believe last night, it was. It was spooky here at the studios. It was scary. We had a bunch executives from the studio that we were there were here, and I was talking to them in talking to them about what do you think comes next and for the first time I actually saw. People realize we're in deep trouble, and not just the country, The country is possum. The over. If this elect and goes to the left. But our voice will be snuffed out quickly. What Donald. Trump is out of the way. You're gonna lose talk. Radio. You will Our voices
believe on election day, you're going to start having us censored I'll prove to you on today's programme and on tonight program. You'll see why they must silence us these join us at the blame. Stevie tonight You'll be able to watch that its also on Youtube, but please, watch it join us. We need your support, join us Blaze, tv dotcom, use the programme, promo Code, Glenn Debates and you'll get to twenty percent off now I told you yesterday that if things went well enough for the Biden campaign to where they just they felt, Ok, wasn't good, but Laura. we're good enough that they would. Hard to say this was so undignified. There is no way no way. We should ever do this again. Joe Biden will not make us Marcus out of this election and they,
never do another debate, well listen to what they were saying last night, so very simple question: after what went down this evening, do you Joe Biden- should participate in a second or third, too should. The next two debates go on as scheduled. I wouldn't be surprised by the way, if this is the last president debate there, Michel other debates. Are we really going to repeat this are going to have another two of these? I think we have to hear from the presidential Commission on debates tomorrow. What we we can't do to more of these. Why are we bothering with a discussion of the rules of format of time limits of moderators at all? when we have just seen why is going to happen. Do you notice that most of those voices worthy anchors
didn't come from. They weren't asking Khumalo Harris. So what the future hold what's next well, I don't think the vice president should do another debate. No, the core student from Jake Tapir was should even do another debate after this. See it's, it's amazing, how they phrase questions, and we we learned this last night from Chris Wallace Chris Wallace, we you're useless you're, absolutely useless, can please stop saying, we have any one anyone. Mainstream media that actually is fair and balanced. Can we say that I'm sorry, but every journalist at Fox NEWS. comes from the same tree, come from the tree they come. The barrel, but has been Picton rotted.
There the same things Chris Wallace didn't do any, but he did better than Anderson Cooper, but his Anderson Cooper a journalist is it is a journalist. Is I am Questions were all phrased as an attack as from from biting his point of view. There who was. It was remarkable. Absolutely remarkable to me. Now. The president didn't do himself any favours by the way Don Junior is gonna be on with us. Today, Blackinton is going to be on with us today, Stephen Crowder is beyond with us today. We have to have a lot of people who eager to talk about what happened last night Isn't it didn't do himself any favours? he tried to dominate early and in
At the beginning, I thought okay, this is good, but maybe he's just doin a body blow body blow body blow to wear the guy out, but he didn't give Joe Biden enough air to hang himself There were so many errors with Joe Biden. No one is talking about them. No, Is talking about the absolute untruth the lies that Joe Biden said last night and it was a surreal moment because I dont think I mean walked away from that debate. Lay thinking everybody else I didn't like it. I didn't learn anything It wasn't satisfying and big was satisfying for either side? so it did nothing Absolutely nothing. No one change their mind. Last night now the one thing that I did think was good? was I thought, Donald Trump
when he wasn't interrupting, was actually more presidential than I've seen him actually had the facts on some other that when he started talking about covered in the vaccine, he nailed that he nailed that. when he was talking about? You know the EC the economy and Joe Biden wanting to shut down the economy, This was another really important thing. There was a critical moment, and I dont know if anybody else noticed it, but this The choice, America, Donald, Trump said they want. People were The economy open, they want to go back to work, they want their life back and Joe Biden said they want to be safe. Will That is the question but we're all facing today. Do you, to be safe. Another word
you're, never gonna, hear anybody say anything that hurt your feelings, your ever gonna you're, never gonna, see anybody that disagrees with you. You will be able to shut down anybody, agrees with you. you're, never really going to be allowed to build your own business and risk because We ve got a bail out the other people who are up at the top then, are too big to fail that do oak. Of crazy risks, but there we are protect them. Not you. Do you wanna be safe, or do you want to be free that is the choice marxist promises. You safety everywhere he's gonna be equal. Nobody's gonna, saving that offend you, Everything's gonna be great you're. All everybody has a house. Everybody has an apartment. Everyone, is equally miserable.
And everyone is equally miserable- because no one is allowed. to be them No one is allowed to be themselves. get to choose what you do. we remember that the goal of Bill Gates Common CORE, to be able to fast track your child by the sea. in grade to know whether or not really smart enough to do this organ of fast track him over here. and we'll just train him to be this. That's what The Chinese do yes, but they win all those metals cause of the ellipse yeah they take their children away from the parents and they put him in a special school. So they're really good at that, because, The state is the parent, you know the community just like be lambs, plan to drawing the nuclear family and replace
with a village. Well, that's that's your choice. America, that's your choice! Last night, I got on my knees with my kids. We went to bed and my prayer was please dear Lord, please Please don't give us what we deserve. Please please hear us. Last night. Last night was the clear: first signal to me that we're in a civil war. Why Donald Trump just can't say, of course, although he did, although he did but it wasn't good enough. Wasn't good enough: it's never good enough how Chris Wallace, bringing up the
The age old lie. Of Charlottesville Now I just want you to listen to this. I want you to listen, Donald from said very clearly that he disavowed the KKK but there were some very good people there on both sides. They only focus on the very same, a very good people on both sides. That's like If I said to you these only riots, and there was no protest or out there that was actually genuine. Have I ever said that have I ever now said that no. as the left said, that there is violence. No they're doing the exact opposite of what old trump did, I'm sorry, they're doing exactly what Donald trumpeted except the press accepts it from them. There are good people there. These are
good? Yes, there's some bad people in the UK, ass dismissive? Yes, there's some bad people that are gonna have, but the vast majority are peaceful protestors, He didn't even go that far. in the people that were radicals. He condemned the white supremacist. He can and the people wanted violence on the other side, but then he said, but there is good people on both sides. That is exactly the same as saying There is violence with antiphon and if any white supremacist comes down and starts tingling with Antiphon, there. just as bad as antiphon, but there are good people on both sides? There are people that say I want bad cop to go to jail black lives matter, not ink. Just black lives matter. There were good
four would say that believe it and I stand with them, and they are also good people, the job Want white supremacist either. And the major the vast majority of people stand together on that. This is a bogus question, a bogus question to make Donald Trump yet again into a racist and for forgive Chris Wallace. If he would have said, will you denounce Donald Trump, of course, of course, of course, but to leave the bought out I said, but was real. He deny and will he disavowed the violence from Antigua.
While the ok. Yes, of course, I do. Oh, yes, of course, of course that wasn't good enough then Chris Wallace did not follow that up with now. Mr Vice President Kay you tell me, will you so while the violence on the right with Tita. how do you ask one side that question and not the other side? one answer: Bias I want to show you a Cheryl Atkinson today. I want to show you some some bias that you need to know about, because it is getting much worse, and they are shutting the door on voices like us. They'll claim very quickly Then we are nothing but this information to you tonight. while I still have the opportunity
tonight, I'm going to do a special on what is coming next. In their own words, What you ve seen so far is a warm up when used seeing the questions last night. What the press is saying today, you're gonna, Reading the news entirely different entire we differently the real moment. to reshape the United States constitution. The free market and ended the country as a whole. Does matter if they win or lose. It begins on a action week. I am, not going to talk to you about conspiracy, I'm going to take you line by line in their own documents to show you the future that they, planned for you this is about as much watch as it gets.
And then next week I want to show you how to start to begin to prepare do not be a part of the chaos, if, not ablaze subscriber I I know times are tough. We're gonna put this up, Youtube? If you can't afford to join us, but if you can afford Like seven box a month I mean you can afford the seven box use them. I'm a code, Glenn debate to get twenty dollars off your subscription, its play, the place tv its blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn Promo Code, Glenn Debates. There would now. Sorry, so I'm a little demanding when it comes to earphones, mainly because I've been wearing headphone. Since I was thirteen years old, doing radio and have
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I'm cause. I think it's something you are going to want to know, especially if you re living in Michigan Stew last night thoughts. It was cluster from beginning to end I mean I, I dont know how anyone could have taken anything out of it. They just a minute, talked over each other, the entire time Chris Wallace was all over the word we ask, I guess I expected of Wallace who did have a cow. Full of good question the aid to bite and though it was so limited, he obviously was siding with Biden. All the questions came from the perspective of Biden we know it would be. He was taking risks its ability for the attacks against tromp, and then he would say we know that the present argument is or Republicans argument is when he was going out when he was talking to bite and so on. positioned in a way that but made it difficult look. I think I had a strategy last night, which was to come out and try to rattle bided, try to get it
of his game: try to get him to explode with anger, which he tell he tends to do. Biden seemed relatively prepared for that, though he had. His moments and he tried to just get himself through an hour and a half, and he probably did that end of the day. You know, like Trump still has many opportunities here in the next few weeks to up to be able to move this thing. I dont know that last night did much of anything for anybody know now. Look at the poles are all showing the vine won by a you know, a landslide, that's what they always show for the most part we went over that yesterday I had a dove Donald Trump didn't win. A single debate Last I buried the closest came was sixteen points lifestyle, so I mean that's what these things always show, but again here
asked all three debates last time according to the polls and on opening ones noticed, it tends to be president of the United States. Everyday tends to be intense debate and what he wakes up. He seems to be the general right. I would accept it, but now, of course it was a peaceful transition of power. Shopping online. Super easy. If you dont know about things like being a promo code and coupons and discounts you getting deep discounts on the things that you buy and not having to pay full price. If you think that's awesome, It takes a lot of time and effort. You got to look those uber, promo codes off. You got to remember: I'm blah blah to get them in that used to be the case, but not anymore. ever since honey came along. Honey is an app that finds all of the best deals all of the coupons, the promo code. So when you are in check out you, click on honey and you'll, see your price at check out just start going down. It's amazing you'll save you a but load a money
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This is the Glen Back Programme. Last night, Stephen Crowd or just broke all kinds of internet record son. You tube did a great great coverage of the presidential debate very different than your standard debate. as he was dressed the fighter, and I always love to see the scratch shots up your shorts, their Stephen, it's great as part of coverage Well, there's a there's a heroine until they were regulation aside that living shore Ellwood, I didn't realize they don't get Hippocrates. Do the interview seated. I do not think Scott Eames, Merrick and Thyme Rachel S night, Stephen telling your reaction to the debate thought there were. There are really no winners, and indeed there is no moderator, so
it's kind of the summary here's what I would say on the issues and the substantive issues have been asked Can you name any any specifics from Buying so we'll go to the personnel in the shouting matching own kind of two guys with their walkers. You know inhuman, coming with the folding share the economy. Outside of raising the corporate taxes to twenty percent anything else. What about violence and riots in the cities. You anything Stay out of the way about Cove it aside from down from being racist, anything anything specific. The only thing I can really remembers him saying that he didn't support that new deal before use the rest of his time, defending it and importers website does praise the green new deal which, by the way, is a five page bill that takes over the entire economy and all of your rights. So if you're any doubt as to who is pulling the strings with Joe Biden as to who the puppeteer it's. It's that the heresies, the EO sees squads of the world and he was really veering to the social justice left outside of that, I don't think I don't think. So
did a great job in giving Joe enough rope to hang himself as anything right right, needs leave him alone with his thoughts. You can't find them. Yes, I got it. Any someplace Steve last night, we were watching it and we were talking and I dont think people really understand and I'm gonna live share, I can say on next orange we're gonna talk about what the press is doing also, what social media is doing and preparing people for, the unbeknown to them of the silencing of voices once this election happens. If you do the with the mainstream media. You're going to be silenced, real. Do you think it is if this election goes awry? her voice, my voice just I'm going to be able to get out of I don't know, if we won't be, they won't ban people
like us and that's the thing peeped short of what the media people so what'd you tell about Rachel Matter, listen come on when you, when you haven't in open lesbian with the Princeton number three boys hair cut out there talking about how Donald Trump is Satan. Thus I don't really have a honey gripe with her. She is who she is. My issues at the lies by omission is by people trying to act objective, and so my problem with social media is facing not going to bed, we want all voices and then they changed the rules. They do things behind the scenes there. I met your reach something alleged you I was you know that I was fact checked early on in the covert pandemic, because we had friends at origin main who had made masks and at this point the city see was saying: don't wear, masks, it's actually worse for you and I went on areas that hey listen. The truth is, if you look at the science in these countries, if you happen to be sick yourself, are you feel the sniffles and you're working in close proximity with someone else's before the lock down? They may not be a bad idea to use. One of these cloths met, cloth, mascot. Suddenly, ninety five mask it will prevent you from
from breathing in any actual respiratory droplets, Ernie aerosols? But if you feel sick- and we were fact checked because at that point- the most too bad, for you can have these very important ones and control. I know the same thing happened with us. I said if it doesn't work, then why are all the people in the hospital wearing them, if they don't where, of course, of course, they work to some degree. We're problem there. Glenn is you're looking to medical perfection, professionals who are actually serve patients, as opposed to the experts like forty who haven't served a patient or taken care of anyone for for decades, You have something coming up on Friday that I cannot. I can't wait for you are taking your show and you're going to hold a Michigan rally on this, depths of the state capital and you're demanding what
Well, we're going to have asked and we're going to have a call to action for people undergoing have thousands of signs that michiganders can put near yard limited. Let me gonna tell you with this comes from unfair Michigan has borne Detroit. I lived there for years. We only recently moved away from fishing and we still have a home. There are small Homa Cottage that we go to Ivan ninety seven year old, Grandma Michigan. I have every family members and a good friends who are nurses who of course have been laid off refer load in Michigan and if I am to see one more God awful sign that says. Thank you, Governor Whittemore, for keeping a safe. Let me be really clear: the only leg the governor Whittemore has to stand down in Michigan is that she locked everything down irreparably destroyed the Michigan economy to keep people safe. She, actually enacted policy that is directly led to the death of most vulnerable citizens in Michigan, that's the sick and the elderly, and she, refused to give an account to give Italian to be transparent about what kind of result
Sir policies have created. What do you mean she? We have them and from what? What do you mean? She's refuse to give account the actual she gave an account. That's a thirty four per and of all deaths come from nursing homes, that's in clubs that comes from less than a tenth of the actual homes that are licensed in Michigan, and we have some numbers that we're we're waiting to verify. Glinda, don't speak out of turn. We should have them by Friday or not, because the governor is that you didn't have to respond to requests for information to which are legally entitled, because it's a pandemic local out convenient is that, but that there are some numbers here. Startling. You use the thing to it's going to be lancing. I should be clear prolific when we plugging it right October. Second, on this day, capital steps at noon. If you want to protect old people, If you- and we all do this using republicans- wanna protect most vulnerable among us. We want to protect the sick you What do the exact opposite What Michigan has done? What do I mean? by that? Let's say you everything down, is any safer for an eighty year old tune
from now on. They come up now its exact same situation. You don't quarantine healthy here, quarantine, the sick and instead in Michigan, they quarantine the healthy by governors, order by the way and Republicans presented a bill to stop this and she vetoed it. But let's go to the first of the Governor Quarantine, the healthy, the entire state, while sending not people back into nursing homes right who are sick. I went to the hospital got covered twenty year olds, thirty year old, who had covered? in two nursing homes and adult foster homes for the aged. Yet you did that video that job, like the gentleman beating up the eighty five year old, who eventually ended up killing himself, that's because the guy had covered so they sent a paranoid schizophrenia who, by the way his own dad's, it had no business being in a nursing home and governor what mercy. Well, you know what we have failsafe in place. It'll stop these p both from getting into into nursing homes and cross contaminating you couldn't stop a cripple,
making from beating up grandpa, keep in mind and these nursing homes the collapse. has been on the rise by like fifty two percent, because old Ladys get around slowly literally, but figuratively, very quickly. This is a problem if they can't control that. How are you gonna stop people who go in there with coal, but it's the only state that I know of it has done it and they have not get actual account of what the death total is. not even close to thirty four percent. What their designing honest about! What they're saying is: one thousand nine hundred forty seven nursing home residents and twenty staff members died of covert nineteen, those for one third of all virus deaths in Michigan. what's that? Sorry, I sound evil because I'm thinking of Governor Whittemore, it's not even close Glenn. It's not even close that number he's from four hundred and forty two nursing homes. There are over four. thousand currently active. Oh my gosh, I thought Glenn. I thought that now there
to be clear: that's not even the worst part there, comparing it to Indiana two Illinois to others. Instead of comparable rights right, you go. Ok, some around thirty percent those numbers- thirty, percent thirty, two thirty three, depending on a state of all deaths in these other states, come from nursing homes. system living facilities, homes for the aged and adult foster homes. Governor went more is including that thirty four percent total Michigan second from four hundred and forty two arms and there are many many thousands you would have assume. There was not a single death in any of the others and we're going to have some more official numbers on Friday, but it is, when I was looking into this glimpse. I was Saint first of my home state. It should be the best state in the union, its beautiful, the natural resources voted a most beautiful national park, several years running, sleeping burdens, and it has been brought to its knees by Hon Whittemore, so that when I start looking into these numbers that I want you to these numbers, I thought I must be wrong
This is really deeply evil, and then I had to say why Why would she do this like? What is the reason to send twenty zero sturdy urals, non nursing, home patients into those homes with Co. But well here's the thing: let's look back What did anyone say before this pandemic? Learn? What do we have to do we had to protect. We had a flat in the curve right. Instead, they flatland grandpa. They said what flatten the curve? You know what they did. They said. Look, look, look, look, look, look. Our hospitals are overburdened here in Michigan Tall, so many old folks are so governor. What more can God and claim that she flattened the curve, because twenty five per keep in mind Glenn twenty five percent above all the cement and given month from nursing homes and assisted living facilities. So at that point in time they can say which was the most important right. This was the most important point in our multi pronged approach to fight go with was flattened occur while they did flattened.
The majority of record lay offs and fur allows for nurses, and instead we have a debt. We sent these sick. people to nursing homes like up. Saw. I do No, how you justify it outside of objects, and now she wants to launch an investigation into President Trump for not doing enough with golden ok, Governor Whittemore, you first and you didn't. do enough, you did too much you an active policy that directly led to the death of american citizens and anyway, if we're going to find common ground. find common ground. The truth, you should have the far right far left in every centrist and between right now say: hey, you know what we not agree on the policy going forward, even if I agree with a full lockdown or I think we should reopen our economy, we They are entitled to knowing how many people actually died as a result of these policies. You are not interested in that you are not interested in the truth and we are going to have signs that you can put up right next to those thank you Whittemore for Keeping us safe and I'm very happy with them. I want to hold this little rotarian that could account of
what are they sign backyard? What are the sign say? can I get? You know what it is. Our answer with Whittemore I'll give you a hint it's in Michigan and it has to do with it. Ok, this rallies gonna be noon on Friday October. Second, at the mission to Michigan State Capital in lancing, I mean I want to put one of the signs in my yard and I live in Texas girl. If you are anywhere near lancing go and see and and be with Stephen prouder too. Pulled this as he said, Arthur. a terrier wanna be hold her feet to the fire. This is, if the hills what you're saying If you have the numbers- and they are much much worse This is I mean this is I mean this is this is just slaughtering people it slaughtering people for Poland for political reasons,
have been addressing the experts. The expert said we can hear these people in his arms judge jury again, they said. No, we can't Then you shall these deaths in these, so that here that guy getting beaten up, they couldn't prevent a young known criminally insane person from beating up an old man. How do you think they're gonna quarantine piano in the same building which they had no interest in deal out of Stephen? Thank you! So much you'll, be there Levin. I am eastern time handing out signs live streaming. The rally on Youtube, Dotcom, Slash, Stephen Crowd are also blaze. Tv dotcom hand, Stevens Facebook page that is noon. Eastern on Friday, the Michigan State Capital in lancing. Oh, my gosh Cheryl Atkinson is coming up in just a little while Don Junior is coming on in just a few minutes. To tell you about rough greens, rough greens, my dog last night met me outside at the door with his ball, like come up? I thought it was midnight com. I gladly
he is a different dog. He used to be a really really picky eater. He wouldn t is food. A wooden gain weight was lane around all the time and I honestly thought that that's the way he was because he was seven and I've got eyes gave us the puppies out of him. No, he just like he was when he was three anvil. Evil. The difference that I've seen my dog make the transition in the last six months, your dog reference, not a food. It's a supplement, you put it on top of the food, whatever your feeding him and see the difference in your dog. I want you to. Of greens, dot com, slash back rough greens, dot com, slash back, get a trial pack. Fourteen days does make sure that he'll eat they make sure elite. It are dogs, love it If we didn't put it on day, I think there would be they would join Antigua and- would be surrounding our homes. Its eight three three Glenn thirty, three rough greens are you F, F greens, dot com, slash back, see
difference in your dog. Now rough greens, dot com, slash back is that Glinda programme Another really frustrating thing about last night and the debate was you didn't get any real answers? I mean they were and really talk about the things that the average person is afraid of- I thought Donald Trump did. I thought. When Joe Biden Arisen said very effective when he looked into the camera and said you know how many de chairs or at your table there, This is not a mock the deaths of covered, but there are two hundred thousand people have died, many of them. Grandparents and nobody wants the loser grandparent, but it's It's not nineteen. Eighteen for the love of peat And he said he looked at how many people it right, I get it and people are concerned about that
but how many more people have Empty chair at their table because somebody has to take a second job if they can find one the people at that table are struggling to meet. you'd make ends meet so they can put something on that table. That's what Donald Trump was. Talking about last night. I thought effectively when he was talking about cove. It opened the economy that up hills to more people, then I'm gonna, keep you say from a virus. Unless you are a zombie Democrat You have a handle on it if you're a zombie Democrat, you think that its It's horrible needs its nineteen, eighteen or worse if you're, a zombie Republican, even you thinking that there's nothing mostly all are in the middle body percent are saying this is
thing I don't know shut down the economy. But what can we do? You know? Why can we protect the people who are most vulnerable on open our economy up because the key or is looking worse than the disease. That's what people are saying that as in the message from the Biden Camp. That was the message from Donald Trump and that I think, is what people are interested in what happening to my job and by children's future. hey, everybody- knows pay pal, but Did you know that they were teaming up with honey, to save you money
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entertainment and enlightenment when that programme last night I don't know what I would have done. If I were Chris Wallace Other, then I don't know ass different questions, but the thing was completely out of control completely out of control, and I'm watching him and I dont again, I dont know what I would have done, because it requires are ready to work together and nobody seemed interested in working together on that last night. But I was listening to the questions of the way they were phrased and I thought is there not and honest journalist out there? Is there not why? Why was the news about grammar and Clinton and struck call me knowing
knowing that the Russian said that Hillary Clinton was screwing with the election for Donald Trump they were doing a set up on Donald Trump. They knew that in in in June or July of twenty. Sixteen. Then, in September the Intel from Russia to the FBI to you. Ve got to investigate this. They knew about it, they even brief the president on it all of em new, but I guess they just new Hilary would never do something like that, so they never investigated how a story like that not least warrant. One question because nobody is being honest, there is one honest journalists that I know her name is Cheryl Atkinson. She joins us now to talk about the presidential debate and, of course, the conspiracy George Soros is the Glen
program. I'd sure, like is images, is just the best will get to her in sixty seconds. First, let me tell you about simply safe peace of mind. Is wait worth its weight in gold? If you thought that was chaos last night. That's what we're already living through an you know you. If you're It was believed that you can play Kate the People on the left and the chaos will go away. You're out of your mind, you do know what they would have done if, if Joe Biden was actually asked to disavow Anti fa and heed- Did you know what kind of chaos there would be today anyway, chaos is coming our way. Criminals. Crime is going up. You heard that stat as well. Why? Because, there's no consequence on anything quite honestly, the police, rightfully so our quitting. so. What are you gonna? Do you have to defend yourself? You have to
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tonight on Gwen tv. He showed you their contempt for democracy. The left is done with regular. U S presidential election, he uncovered their playbook steps revolution. I showed you last lives matter all society screen activists who s Father now looks to the future and exposes the force in areas. Democrats have planned for November civil war, less election. I wore date tonight nine pm Eastern, at least to be dotcom slush, no matter what you hear from anyone that is not a conspiracy theory. This is proven. I'm reading their own documents in their own words tonight at nine This is essential for you to understand tonight, I'll show you the future, what it going to look like in about a month from now tonight, not it
Blaze, tv, dotcom slashed and use the promo code, Glenn Debates, annual, save twenty percent, sure you watch tonight. It's part three of our series on civil war? Cheerily Pakistan is with US investigative reporter host of full measure. Author of slanted and it's available now for pre order, slanted how the news media taught us to love censorship, and journalism weight that the truth I share. How are you I'm great Glenn: how are you we better if you could be a lot better did, you tell me first of all because I've we have some real meat ticket in with you, but I'd like to hear your review of the presidential debate. It was pretty much as expected. I don't know how you avoid that unless you're gonna cut microphones when one or the other is talking, I just don't see how you control the sort of debate that format kind of us.
Spected, I wrote in the hell last week that dump leave the media. Cliff said, portrayed Biden as if he were a before confused old man enable them for two sentences together, because I've been watching his appearances as well as Donald Trump like I did in two thousand sixteen for the candidates. An trump acted very much like he did in twenty sixteen the debate, so I don't think that was any surprise room God, did, we learn a lot that we expect to learn a lot at work. Fines changed. I don't think so. I don't either and I I don't think there's gonna be another debate. I think that it was- oh chaotic and everybody hated it so much, and we didn't learn anything that I think it puts Biden in a situation where he can say I it was a disgrace. It's a beneath the office of President, I'm not doing it again and I think I think he could get away with. That you have. He does not want to if he felt like he, you know eke out an ok per
form and say: let's leave it at that. If he's having any difficulties, we don't know about, and I could absolutely see that happening again- going back a microphone. The debate I would like to see, but you'd have to cut the other person's microphone. I'd like have them each ask each other to questions at a time with you know The second question a one minute answer a thirty second reply, just talking to each other, but obviously that require require some level of cooperation rather than knocking over one another is shared: they tell me tell me what this election means to him for instance, last night I there was this moment. Where Donald Trump was talking about covert any said people want the country to be open again. They want to go on with their lives, they want to go back to work and do their business, and Joe Biden just said they want to be safe and I thought that is really the choice here, a big government that,
we'll make everything everybody's problems go away and keep you safe or I want to be free to do what I want to do What what is the real choice or what? What does it mean? The selection, Thank you ride. I have long argued that people's response to corona virus tracks largely along the lines of their personality. More than anything else, there are people who are optimists and pest. miss and hyper contrary acts and people who don't worry and people who party in the face of disaster. I mean there's just all kinds of reactions to stress and responses and I think that more than anything kind of dictates how we view how what's going on but we're for the reasons of On a virus and the violence in cities experiencing maybe the biggest cultural, social change going on in our country and while in my lifetime, my ie, eight, I'm fifty nine years old. This means that what direction
is gonna go. I think we have two very different. You know ideas of how that goes, one in terms of education, I dont think public. education ever goes back at exactly what it was. I you know after the corona virus response come into the workplace. Obviously with commute and so on, but also the move from the cities to other places because of the violence in that year. The problems there, happening in the ways that cities, certainly are being run? So what correction, is all that take. I think Biden takes a than one very specific direction as a leader, and I think Trump takes it in another, and I used to say that myself, while the president doesn't make all that much difference is there to forty eight years. The persistent bureaucracy runs show by and large, not not a whole lot changes, but I dont think that's the case. and I think Tron his mixed a lot of that up and and that's that's what's it say when we look at
the news of the hill Clinton last I first, while before I get to that one, the things it was there was asked not answered in we're came back to was: will you pack the courts that really important question that affects everything it was ass, but it wasn't answered me out of it. I think I think that was I think the meaning of that is well. I took it to mean he would, but I guess it could mean the opposite and fairness, and he just wouldn't want to say because their elements who want the court and if he doesn't want to, maybe he doesn't want to say so a front he doesn't want to say who he would put on the court he doesn't want to release his list. I think those things if Donald Trump, doing the same. You know avoidance and those particular questions. History would be called out in too much stronger degree and pressed on. You know one thing I was researching this morning with how many times trump
condemned white supremacy and racism, because I find the article. I wish to say that there was an article I ran across in the past year to researching my book. Slanted show. You'd, probably ethical. Like forty five times he had explicitly, you know unknown. Terms condemned, things and yet followed up by news reports. The next day thing. Why does tromp refused to condemn what room right- and you know I was- I was surprised chris- was ass in the way he did fair enough to bring it up. If you want too, because media matters with success has successfully Pard Donald Trump with that reputation since their effort in twenty sixteen to do so, but Chris was, I think, if I were the question I would have said you have many times condemned white supremacy in racism, and yet there continue to be called for you to do so. Will you do so here tonight, now how many times has done because, if you, if you google it news article from
normally reputable news organisations continually and says he doesn't or he hasn't, and it's just you know facts the incorrect, so how about the non Chris Wireless isn't asking over and over? You know the thing, since by another? He did ask him about. You did touch upon there may for violence with Biden touched on. but it wouldn't want a better question of Ben. You know you have disavow The white supremacist, the clan in last week you exist issued an executive order that now the clan, a terrorist group organization, but Also. You also said Antigua was a terrorist organisation, so Will you denounce the clan here? It was that your another example of you denouncing the clan, and Mr Biden, will you now denounce Antigua and the clan as well? Maybe fair, that's a good question. I prefer question,
and again I was looking back. I see as bad as far back as two thousand and one tromp was being interviewed by Matt Lauer on NBC about his decision not to seek the. form party nomination for president adding another was gone on back in two thousand Lauer asked why and tromp answered well, you ve got David Duke who just joined it, a big of a racist, a problem I mean this is not exactly the people you want. Your party, I mean he's, he's been unequal The call about that when many times, when it's been rays and then the press, the very next time after this campaign started with, will say once again Why won't you denounce you know white supremacist or David, do or whatnot we'll talk to Cheryl in just a minute about what was released yesterday. The documents that were released that look really damning, I'd like to get her opinion on this and really almost a footnote to the mainstream media, but I think this
a lot of where we're headed. If we don't clean this up Gonna talk about that and also conspiracy theories, but especially the ones about George Soros. American In. Writing. Nl Us one. Eight do three, four, but he w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, Org moorish Heroin sixty seconds, if you're looking to save money, if you're a homeowner than you need to get mortgage consultants over it, american financing a call today the interest rate you're paying on that house. If it's enough or per cent range, even in the is you're paying too much. I know it sounds crazy, but you may be paying much more than you do. Even if you're in the three percent Range Morgan rates of the lowest they ve been in years and smart people are taking advantage of that to save hundreds, even as much as a thousand dollars a month the line is long and getting longer, and You don't know how long these rates are going to last hopping. Outlined the sooner you do, the sooner you're gonna get to the front, and imagine
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these plans. this is before they launch the investigation into the Trump campaign. It looks like this was a giant set up at. One point Central intelligence agency, director job Brennan personally briefed Barack Obama and other top. U S national security officials Russia had us Hillary Clinton and she had approved a plan on July, twenty six too, to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by russian security services according two Brennan's hand written notes. This what does this story tell you Cheryl? What kind of final punctuation on what we ve seen come out over the last three and a half years, and I would say when I first heard some early reporting and leaks and theories about all of this? It sounded so far fetched that this would actually be a plan hatched and paid for by them
cracks in the Clinton campaign. But when you fill in the blanks, it's all there, it's pretty clear and it is pretty obvious, but as often as is the case, drip. Drip of information has come out so slowly and been reported so piecemeal that people are acting like or not. Very surprised, are shocked kind of like what we already knew, that there has been no giant wow you know moment on the part of the people reporting the news at large that say is really one of the most incredible and biggest stories of our time ice, This is possibly the biggest story of my lifetime? When it comes to corruption in the government and, if its not corrected, we have no chance of being a country of by and for the people well and has not been done.
Practice, we still have an FBI director who has given false testimony repeated. The Congress claiming their falsely claiming there been no seven. Oh to surveillance, abuses which I've outlined in great detail all the documented cases, let alone We don't know about, we have in my losses for the spying on me, the Department of Justice still differ the guilty ages, even with a whistle blower admitting to being part of a campaign instead of a LE jiving and taking care of business Theo J is defending the guilty It's not looking at the forensic, so there the lap had happened changing again what I call the persistent bureaucracy that runs this country, and this is why two thousand sixteen, I believe happened, because when these signals were put out and when Edward Snowden revealed what was happening within the intelligence, agency and when Michael Plan was gonna, go in and take care of business. Since none of happen. It allowed these abuses to continue and may well until and unless it's cleaned up
Do you think that the meat, I'm seems frustrated that this stuff is, it isn't you know coming out in and being cleaned. but he's really kind of in church. isn't he I mean Do you believe anybody is serious about really getting the leadership and cleaning these things out of our government. I you have to imagine what it would be like to know the thing if you believe you now and to want it, and the things you want to change as president with maybe a couple of people in your circle that feel the same. will you do and that you can trust the pretty much nobody else who either in that way or or they have some sort of conflict of interest or tie, or they are there for a real to keep me from doing certain things and he was kind It's very early on through this operation against him Part of what I believe is the goal that he has to stay away from
sound department of justice and, like every other president, that he's not supposed to give them guidance and leadership on certain topics which is not true, but they scared him. From his own justice department, lest he be accused of interfering with it in some inappropriate way. That's kept him marginalized to some degree Jeff, actions, I'm told by numerous sources whispered in his own office when he met with some people. of Congress because he didn't trust the people in his own office who could be listening to him about certain things and he was utterly frozen and able to do the things that he stated he wanted to. If you can imagine this monster, that's been built up. That is the bureaucracy for so many decades. You can, you know attack a layer or too, but you don't know how deep it goes or how many people are on which side in the end It becomes very hard to accomplish in four years. Is a slave and eight? Is it safe to say
you didn't believe in a deep state and twenty sixteen ok, but if you don't believe in a deep state. Now you are not paying any attention at all. think that's true, and I was one of those who fought The notion might have been somewhat exaggerated, not to know what I know now. I had people tell me things I didn't report, but about meetings that took place, but I couldn't verify with people in Department of Justice and other agencies actually having com cause too to conspire in ways that sounded clean unbelievable at the time that I I have no reason to think didn't happen because he sources have proven correct on so many other things. So, yes, I do I even had a guy tell me Glenn. He says this was about two years but he was emailing me about something else, and he said there is a deep state and I and tell you there is because I was part of it and he worked at a high level and the state carbon under heavy Clinton
an Barack Obama, and I just thought that with interesting, that he admitted at a new that arm to describe the role that he felt he played in a world of conspiracy theories. How do we now separate conspiracy facts from Spirits, see theories, and we do that and we start with George Soros Cheryl Hack coming up in just a minute. this is the Glen Back Programme, Gary lives in California, and if that pain is in bad enough, he sixty two and been living with severe pain for several years. He tried all the usual stuff to get rid of it, but after a while, just gave up, I can tell you from personal experience, if there's anything worse than being in pain, that you're determined to beat is being in pain and then just gone Ike at there's nothing. I can do
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make sure to check out blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn? If you use the code, Glenn Debates and save twenty bucks off sufficient ablaze tv, This is the Glenn Beck program tonight. The fundamental transformation part three of our series on what is being planned by the radicals in American. When I say radicals, I mean really by many of the Democrats, I'm going to take you through this. the real movement that has got to begin about a month. Everything else has been a warm up, and it's not conspiracy, theory, I'm gonna, take you line by line from their own documents in their own words and show you the future they had planned to show is critical. it's a must watch is about as much what must watches you can get it'll, be it
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Encouraging the Washington Oregon in California to secede. Well, I don't think that's gonna have and I think some people would welcome that if it did by the way, but I do think well, you know: Annie Davis got on Twitter the other day and said this is a matter for the current. I guess couldn't confidant, ran and said something like New York, how foreign year we oughta GIS, we're gonna leave and a lot of people tweeted back like please be my guess. How soon can you get up now, but I guy agree that dead. You know I heard him again and twenty sixteen something that Some of my contacts on the right or saying was that the left accused ass, they mean the right of doing everything. They did- and I just thought I kind of chuckled, like oh, that's kind of a funny saying but
you really think of it is literally true until now you look at their refusal to accept the outcome. Of the election was there, you know, accused doing in twenty sixteen analogous twenty twenty and then I get killed one think about Ukraine accusing tromp of interfering with Ukraine when they knew some months before this is probably gonna come up Europe because Biden and his family had been involved, and which was exactly what they accuse trumpet only verily their deeds were done amended in an acknowledged versus the sort of accusations. generic accusations that turned out to be true against tromp, although he was impeach for it and yeah. I just go back to this. Friend who said that and I'm like you're caught your Conor right, you're proving right so when they say something a lot of times it makes
We now think ok, what have they done, that they may be trying to deflect from or what are we gonna learn that they did do when I was in covering the tides foundation back in two thousand eight and George Soros. That's what I told my team they will of diagnose whatever they accuse us of their doing. Because you recognize disease and people of because of you. You know I mean you're, like I they're, probably doing this because that's the way you behave and they can help themselves. They always self diagnose this what's happening. what is actually happening on their side. Usually the and the New York Times we see if I can find this came out today or is this was yesterday about, did information in the twenty twenty presidential election and they say election misinformation, the the big- category of election misinformation.
is the mail in ballots that there gonna, be a problem with a mailing ballots and the other one is George Soros. The investor and democratic donor. There, Sir much misinformation about him. We continue. get flagged all the time when I, when I things like George Soros is investing in a dish attorneys and he is trying to change things by change. In the system from within at the local and the state level. That's all proven. How is that a conspiracy theory agreed because if you don't do again the way you have it sounds crazy. It found far fetched and I thought so too. You know at one time before I looked at some of the details and most people don't have time to look into it, and they can't believe that stuff. You know the stuff can be connected or how it's connected.
The mail and a better balance, and I wrote about this at length and slanted. How can the media fact check in advance the future? You have people fact checking as Fall Donald Trump prediction that there would be fraud with the mail and balanced random like how do you How do you false back check something that has occurred here, but you have no idea what what's gonna happen ripe and then If you follow the money, You find out that you know the fact. Checks Let's say in the case of Google, doing a fact check Where are you now taking down information in their own by alphabet, which is one of the biggest contributors to Joe Biden campaign? When you look at, employees by company and they were the biggest contributor to Bernie Sanders, an Hillary Clinton, I believe, an or one of the biggest and twenty sixteen, and then you
looking at all the fact checks and this again found conspiratorial till I looked into it for an article. I wrote for real, clear investigations, so manufacturers, and particularly the board at the supposedly independent board at Facebook connections. Soares groups. Slowly and I started getting chilled when I learned to flag up. Maybe a couple of these people will have links to Soros one more economically further, worth organization and I think, all, but one or two out of Now more than a dozen had worked with these groups here, rounded and funded are paid for got. Money is just so much money there are. The odds are that, if you're looking at any kind of advocacy on the progressive side, it's been touched by money from for our group and what is what it? What is your opinion on source? Why does he do the people say to me all the time he's a capitalist the rich guy. Why would he want to destroy capitalism? The free market system? Why would you want to do these things?
I dont know I can only assume- and I just so now that he's a real believer in these causes, but it seemed like the way he finds a lot of them who giving away scorch and he's doing something. That's not benefiting himself. Naturally in a direct sense, so he must believe in it, but it does tend to be disruptive in terms of a chaotic sort of throwing caps. the MAX trying to increase confrontation, the types of groups and the cause, but he came out of the way that he takes them on my objection. not so much with him, because what he's doing appears to be perfectly legal, but it's so successful in a sneaking, Way of giving the media. I blame us to report things a certain way and not scratch beyond the star. I ve been to pretend that things- and we are, you- know, mature opinion, because somebody says it is or because they wanted to thank, we all should feel a certain way. The media is not doing a good job at sorting through these high so that we can at least
give information in a neutral stance and with contacts and not just pick up. A narrative tat are being pushed out by good money interests in these second and third hand, ways that people are completely unaware of Go back to the story in the New York Times and ask you what it means The storing the New York Times is about how misinformation false misleading information about this election has got to be curbed, and I'm gonna give you the Lee leading categories meant This is from the New York Times mentions of absentee voting or ballot, such as the false idea that it is, an unreliable way to vote. That their first information is is that even close to true that it's not not an unlawful, reliable way to vote when you're, throwing away somewhere up as much as thirty percent
and of the ballot. Certainly, they're, not in a position to state as if the fact that they somehow disproven are established that its you're not an unreliable wait about her that they're saying it's quaintly, reliable. They can't. This is my problem with the fact check. That's not really a fact check. That's an opinion prediction that the claim that they're making but their presenting it as if it were founded fact. And then I look at the big picture. How many things have the New York Times been wrong about? You can go look at my media mistakes in the era of Trump and How many times there on the list for completely false information reporting, whether by accident or on it doesn't matter, but then they want to be. Arbiters right this information for the twenty. one a ballot issue number two say: misinformation mentions of voter fraud such as mentions of misleading stories about cream, conduct in involving mail in ballots,
Well, you know in the criminal conduct in there has been I've been tracking, similar stories that again This is a new notion of fact, checking baby idea that you shouldn't and this is very orwellian- that we should be censoring facts off the top even when true, because we don't want people to conclude a strange thing about the fact they hear Festus crazy, that's just not a fax or fax and you're not supposed to shape and curb them or claim that their somehow legitimate, if their true, just because you don't like the outcome or what people might conclude from them, but that's quite the trend. So the the book, the comes out around Christmas time, horror thanksgiving, The sub headline is how the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism. We real trouble Cheryl if we can get the max out? And if the public square Facebook, Google everything else shots people
you or discredits people like you or even me. If we can't have, opinions and and different look at different facts that are not being reported, and we have. The documents were over we're over at my is concerned, and I agree that even in I've had p it of mine that are completely hundred percent factually supported no opinion, no conjecture in it. On my part, both sides represented fared controversial. Flag is fake on Facebook by turns out people that are conflicted if you, if you can even find out who's doing their fact, checks are people connected to the story, and I I worry. As I say slanted in in the distant not too distant future, like my child, will harking back to her kids that there was a time when you get all kinds of unfettered information on the internet because, where we a time where you can't and you won't be able to search and come up with
true information about topics you care about, because someone will have decided off the top. You know in the beginning when you're, saying, don't wear masks, that's all you would have been able to because Google made a partnership with the World Health Organization, direct, your searches, the who and who was wrong minor own admission, if you know today want to take their word for it, so bear deciding to direct you, these third parties, corporate and political interests, to information they want you to see in their keeping you away from what may be true information. They don't want you to see. Think about that is very frightening is there is their free speech? If, if your voice my voice, others are relegated to our own websites. And we cannot advertise or put anything out into the public square. Do we We have free speech in America. It's a good question,
and I I'm kind of redefining censorship. People say we are talking about censorship, There are social media companies and it's the new and I am arguing there so inextricably tied now to go. for example, when Adam ship and call Facebook and say take down the story on vaccines safety, because whoever Assuming pays, him are down aids to him, doesn't like it and then Facebook does it. I think that you know that becomes government censorship just then to a whole new definition, and I think that's what we're thing and if it This isn't dial back. There may be some people who thickly happy to have their news curator than their information forded through, but obvious they're, not thinking down the road of Well Sundays, not gonna, be the people you want to do it, who are doing it in a just think about the consequences? One you open the door. The slippery slope to allowing people to tell you what you ought to see and thank versus you being able to decide for yourself if you'd like to
Cheryl, thank you. So much always great doctor. You appreciated thanks That's Cheryl access in the name of her book, it's out for a pre order will ever on to talk about a book something, but it's called slanted you could order it now she is she is somebody has to be Sixty minutes I mean, is an actual journalist whose telling the truth that's great. However, on rhetoric you know The heat here in Texas stops me from going outside it made me, use the wreck, tech, the grill that I have with. smart grids, acknowledging and the app on my phone or my socks, and we have a firm, but we can we can cook from inside. We never have to go outside in thy, The blazing heat in about a month Two it'll start be cool in Texas
and I love grilling outside. I love it when there is just a nip in the air and you can grow, I grill, even in the winter, but used to have to stand out in the snow and do it you don't have You anymore, you can control the whole thing with a smart, green technology with a wreck tech grill, its sleek, it's beautiful, it is made with heavy stainless steel. It is it's really built to last, unlike any other girl I've ever seen. I want to do your homework go and look for the best grill. You can find them go and look at wreck tech, dot, com and compare You will see it's in a category all by itself because they cannot cut out the middle man, so they can put more money into the actual grill. Its wrecked tech are easy. Q, Dotcom, that's wreck tech, dot com go visit, it now look at their grills and compare them here Fine rhetoric, it sturdy, it's smart, its dinner time
This is the Olympic Programme hits the global programme. Welcome. We Don Junior coming up in just a second stuff. I would just off there talking. The talking about the debate now I went last night is just chaos, absolute chaos and unfortunately that's all the media is talking about. Now. Is the chaos and they are not correcting the massive lies of Joe Biden. I am so frustrated that they did not force him to answer the question about packing the coordinating ending the filibuster. That's your talking about you don't want to answer it, it's a debate. Will it no? No! No. I know you have an answer to this. No, no. He
he didn't want. I answer because whatever his answer is that'll be controversial, what wouldn't be controversial if he said no we're not gonna change it? we're not gonna pack, the court. It would be with people like Anti fire right at the answer right immediately. They answer as he is going to do it if he feels that he can, and that is what the answer is but waited. when did we get to the point where the presidential candidates just don't have to answer questions during debates? If you're looking to buy or sell a house. real estate agents. I trust dot com is a great place to find the right real estate. Agent is we ve done is food. We have gone out. We ve looked at the best practices of real estate agents because there is a real difference. You know my son I saw trying to be aroused day does a part time. Yet that's not a good real estate agent. You
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what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and in my men ran back programme. I dont want to waste a second order spent all were gone. Trump. Junior he's on in sixty seconds is the Glen Back Programme, all right. If you want a great shave, shave secret, I dont know why it's a secret shouldn't be a secret. I guess it's a secret because you'd all they ve been over the Gillette's of the world who, by the way, was an evil progressive, but that's a different story. here, Gillette's of the world decided to build queue of all your cash eaten need shave seek
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ten percent of use a promo code back. It shave secret dot com tonight on blind. You ve. He showed you their contempt for democracy. The left is done with regular. U S presidential election, he uncovered their playbook steps revolution. I showed you last lies vassal society screen activists who s fast now looks to the future and exposes the force in areas. Democrats have planned for November, civil war less and less to make war dig tonight. Nine pm Eastern, at least to be Dotcom Slush Donald Trump Junior, joins us now to give us his thought of the year. The debate last night in Don I I don't know why. You're a father won't answer for the eight hundred and forty seventh time. Why you know what, how bad the k K K is, I mean he the issue in executive order last week saying
that they were a terrorist group. But why are you holding clan rallies in the White House? You can't make it up any. I would anybody he answered this question twice. I don't you like they were in thought that they were talking about, gave us identity. We try to figure out what the heck even talking about Dubai doesn't have to denounce deeper. He can pretend it tonight It's an idea, Glenn. It's an idea that magically burned down half the cities in this country that are alluding in writing, but are literally killing people. It is an idea like this is the devil standard by which we go against a doll. Drunken literally call the KKK a terrorist organisations. Donald Trump can actually do things too. If the african american community, like prison, reform, opportunities zones, Joe Biden gets to talk about it for fifty years. not do anything had all His presidential candidate essentially call him a racist during debates, be friends what the biggest segregationist in the world. Push for a crime bills that destroyed so many in the african american community, but
Donald Trump I mean this is sort of the elite. Emphatically that that Chris Wallace wouldn't push. on a question tat Joe Biden to denounce Antipater, I mean they waited six both to denounce anti far below Talks about it and that's the problem. That's why doubled rights need to be out there needs to be that aggressive not the tone we'd. All love wait. We get that. We waited, but when you're up against sort of onslaught. Say it to me. When we last spoke, I talked about it a little bit but like it actually very personal to me, because these ass closing it to spend three trying to throw me in jail? They traded that I was colluding with Russia in doing it. But now we hear that huh Byron is actually that gathers treasury wires that confirm that a hundred into money from a known as those of Vladimir Putin Airport in The woman in Russia you'll become the wealthiest woman in Russia without association to a lot of important, and they won't talk about it. Is it the dream? Go imperative
it had done it. This was what We're looking this is right here. This is everything that they ever thing that they accused you, your family, your father of they themselves have done Hillary Clinton. The news came out yesterday that Hilary, women. Call me Bremmer, who else was involves beater struck? They all knew struggle in pay, Mackay EM. They all knew they all lied about it, but ones that actually didn't lie about it. Before going restore went on tv for two years after their sworn congressional testimony think exactly the opposite began they can get away with it and that's the problem. So when people I use very aggressive, as he has to be looked at the hypocrisy that detail what I mean: thereby less valley tie a director I have learnt a mere Putin on Russia and you don't think they would use that over Craig had Hunter like you don't that we need a leverage over Joe Biden later on in life. Your same with China
no one's ever heard of motorbikes and you ve never been investigated everyday. Those things, the chinese government. You gave him a billion dollars because they thought gotta. Be really good: come on man, and I guess it's insane dreams about talk about. It you're, using the abiding come on man come on man. That's it answer for everything. So he wasn't. most on any policy. He didn't have to articulate in able to say he doesn't support the green new deal, even though its own web age, and he gets the best of all world men Christmas, you let them speak retirement but the problem with that Europe will drop interrupted. You can't let the guide Alai, they just things just demonstrably boss he'd denied that Hunter Biden got those payments. It all above board. He didn't. I bet he had the thing that even videotape essentially bribing Ukraine with aid. I mean You know why, after laughter, why permitted and my father is not supposed to get involved, is not supposed to interrupt and then
It's done well, sir. You already had your chance to answer that question. I well I'm not supposed to retort too. it'll, never ending lies, and that's been the story of this presidency. The media has chosen to be removed. Getting arm over the Democrat Party. Chris walls is no different. Every would always from thought like, as anyone really believe Chris, while the conservative it can be improved. No, I thought I saw last night and I thought this was the choice in front of America. They were talking Cove id and Biden was talking about masks in safety and your dad talking about opening the country up, trusting people with with the to make the right decision and open things up and at one point, you're dead said people want their life back, they want to re, be able to live their life and by immediately. After said, they want to be safe and I thought That's really the argument here, a big government.
keeps you say from everything, except for them and freedom. That's what what what what she's going when your business goes out now wait when you lose your job because eagerly the company that employs you can't stay in business because of an art social Mandate- that's ridiculous! You seen Florida. Conservative states have treated differently; they have less than the New York which went and much more extreme lockdown while destroying businesses, but the real problem is the left. Care if they destroy your business. You, maybe dependent on big government that a win for them in the long run, Savior Independent of yours, successful. If you don't need me government, like the let all the weight of an offer, you all that much so that's part of the problem. This notion that you look well it we're gonna go you say what the outer no end quote and keep York save any destroy the economy. Florida republican governor has it old, population, a larger population, a fraction of the death rate, and he didn't
for the economy, when they talk about the economic numbers in the rebound their Glenn. This currently doing: pretty good. They rebounded like never before they thought about that, but about New York. California, Michigan Pennsylvania, major state. They are not even back into the economy it and it's already doing well, because Donald Trump built a fundamentally great economy before are there these guys would want to shut down forever it's ridiculous and by the way they don't even talk about the notion of when you, is your job when you lose your home, because you can't go to your job when you entered and a divorce. When you start drinking heavily and taking drugs and the suicide rate that ensues they don't. Huh but then I was never ending, shut down policy for nothing. Would what we do much more damage than anything covered with due weight. I will tell you Father answered that question. I thought perfectly perfectly stop with this fake. You know eyes or somebody at your table. It do, you know, is missing a chair whatever the earliest and your father, put compassion in its right.
will place. Yes, we care about those people, but what everyone else whose life has been destroyed. Lenny Let me ask you about accepting the the election in my and I think most Americans live. The peaceful transfer power your father pointed out. There wasn't a peaceful transfer of power for the first time under Obama. They were attacking and plotting against him, and now we have the evidence, but we want trance, we want a peaceful and I will accept what the people vote for as long as it's not dirty and It actually heard people say I'm under percent. I've heard people say: hey Nixon walked away, even though he knew it was dirty in Chicago well and what your point is Dirty, it's gotta stop and I I worked on this at this point. I will to accept something: that's dirty in law.
the american people want to choose that. Then God help us all, but I agree with your honor Brazil. Amid all we want is a fair election, but you see, what's going on, you saw what was going on in Pennsylvania, the magical ballots. All of us are disappearing into try to inflate the issue of absentee voting in states. It has been doing it for years. a new brand new system in a state that has never done it, where they're gonna send out three hundred and sixty billion ballads every American in the world? I hope that someone's honest. The Democrats are now pushing to make sure that Signature does not have to match so diseases there on the ballot Beverly have to match the registered voter, whose apparently voting that what I mean like you, give me one possible reason why this yet you wouldn't have to match now, unless you are planning on shooting, of course, now we want free fair elections, but that's not what the Democrats wanted, that what they are doing in the problem is that many of these states, the republic and sort of role over to their ass, a nine rules that will allow them to create it.
System in which they cheat look at just one got on the last couple days with wood, James, a cave and when he broke with project very tough on stuff in Minnesota Mars, destroy you hear that have video tabled people buying balanced, but the New York Times reported today that that was a set up that that didn't show anything. Illegal acts, We are times today one of the guys think I'll tell you the valleys withdrew under dollar than you can feel about you all that the thought of it that nets, like name people, only saying that hair salon set her up. Yes, what? If you re about to get up your number three in line for the nuclear, goes at your set up by your air flood. Today we should rethink. Your position, seems ridiculous, but that's the problem. The Democrats can say that and if I go out to set up a wonderful everyone, who's the wine everyone buys the sound bites. Like I said, I, if I'd had built a fraction of what
Joe Biden did I'd, be sitting in jail. Right now, call you a phone feeding quarter from Riker and your father. Would your father would be impeached your father, in Vienna Brasilia a hundred per cent in Prague and rightfully so badly. Each and removed from office. I was raging in money from foreign governments with money, tides of child trafficking and prostitution rings. I mean, this is real and your binding it all stage about now hasn't Irving wire from the? U S, Treasury, Joe but again, Criswell doesn't say that no either Why should you down people in media are talking about. Is that zero now of them from the lying about me, but three and a half years running all sorts of wild conspiracy theories. She added we're doing it. Every day I was dinner, echoes what right I was a real estate guy before we get into politics. It's what I did. I looked at it deal. I took a meeting with someone who I admit that a deal with in the past. That's what Do it's called maintaining relationships sum of aid take a meeting. Would make sure you do it Hunter
he's taking money from a pool associate three five million for what services. What exactly is it a hunter, does and knows about Russia What is it that he knew about energy in the Ukraine? To get you to a hundred grand a month fees for no show job in a business. He doesn't know anything about any language, he doesn't speak. Please could I want some of these jobs good and I get the feeling you had these job. I've actually pay vaguely Let me I think America, Erica feels like we're going to war with each other. And there's just this impasse and is because we're not talking about real things like real corruption and run he'll fairness were we being told that America is a racist nation, white people, were born bad and they ll always be bad all this stuff. That is just absolutely. Anti Christian Anti Christ in a way and just struck directive. Lies they
the we're going down this path tonight, I'm doing a special on their war game. I'm I'm reading their words there own words where they are talking about secession as well of the options. If you're that the label is, if it's a clue, here, Trump victory. What do we do and it's a whole war, game of chaos that they're going to cause after election night mean very That seems to be their plan. I mean you know that they don't have a girl gave their not knocking on doors there not trying to be out there are their stepping up. Legal teams to channel this later on, but there should be no surprises. They ve been doing it the nano from for four years. They have and accept that the results of the twenty sixth he likes you get thus becoming more and more clear again. Now that we know it's the other side doing it but suddenly there's no interest. in that knowledge, but it doesn't surprise who had all the reality is this. Like it didn't talk him
native YO about results, Joe Biden than Forty seven years, I can't name a single I was living in other than shipping jobs to China is a really good at that destroying them. The middle class and getting his family rich, but those are good for America, Donald Trump Dewitt, but like his attitude or not, he has resolve we get things done why we have peace in the Middle EAST another thing, not even brought out in the Middle EAST, another they know normally when brought. I think it is positive about ending the endless wars, because a couple I want to end up on the board of Raytheon in a couple years. Have you no one else your kids, to die in Afghanistan for another thirty breaking ears, like that's their plan, I've been in the room with my father is like ok, guys tell us why we're still their police will search. Located. On the President's got a big deal. I tell me well. Well. You know the thing it's asinine, they want to be on the Board of Railway until they can stay in the war. So you could
missiles and that's how you get your board seating, your retirement package. That's what it is. she has got to take on the military industrial, a! U establishment. The establishment from both sides, that is all part that. You ve, never ending game when our own generals can't articulate why we're in wars for twenty five years that problematic and Donald Trump of the earth- God actually push back and get them things don't. Why is Donald Trump, the first guy funding the task forces prevent human trafficking. the child sex trade, the Democrats, in almost paper of at this point when I'm looking at, what's going on with Tutsis and all this nonsense, there are literally normalizing pedophilia Glenn suddenly new or on the other side of it. I came out here Is it really strongly now? I usually do less, I'm pretty much all on an issue issue that I take up and I think didn't want even in twenty Twond, even with the device of this, you know it This is an issue every american and agree on turns out. I was wrong right returned wrote. I had blue checkmark, twitter, liberal, twitter, train
cancel me for being anti pedophilia. Now they're fine, with empty which is not anti by at all. It's just far right as there are other actual by any. There are literally taking, Every page of the fascist playbook from authorities? running with the image, but by calling themselves and if I guess people are dumb, after believe it on the media will run with it as though that's the gospel too, but but anything about it at cancelled by blue Checkmark twitter for being an type edifying. And in the left, is normalizing no one's ass, Susan Rice, why she's on the board of Networks and what her opinion on it is on this? I know what her qualified It is presumably none other than you, Obama like you so it, but that's the pay off offer. Your mom, no one's asking Obama was getting a hundred million dollars from networks. If he's ok with this, This is normal type behaviour, that's what we're up against and That's why I appreciate again. I know that it does not work people. The right. You had issues with it in the past, but I think you sort of
your stay and now that the noise Walkin Donald Trump Basis every day. What sort why why he has to fight here: it is the only conservative actually fighting that way up in government. You know those guys like there are loud and vocal, but you that it's actually decisionmaker most of our guys. The second have any sort of adversity up. They took tail and run a roll over indict, mostly because the other side would like you to admit that the way we fight done Adam, I hate to cut you off, but I have to we have network responsibilities. Thank you for being on. I understand by the way thank your father for everything he's doing on these, crimes against children it He is remarkable on that. Nobody is talking about it here done remarkable God's work, that and thank him for that? William I'll. Do that? I appreciate and make sure everyone and everyone else, but you can get understands that to get at such a big issue at yachts. Actually, private thing, I get the most applause with YA went when I'm on the road and again so
people governed, and I just sort of wonder why no one in government, why did above or by any other problems, time and no one will address it until Donald Trump. Thank you very much. We getting divinely gutless! Thank you. So much junior gold line. Let me tell you: seventy four percent of hotels organism, a more workers without another congressional stimulus, steel. That's not a healthy economic picture, while this, world is laying off what does it? Thirty thousand people at their parks? This is. This is not good is especially if we are entering a a worldwide Donald Trump is not the president May I recommend you call gold line right now, line, is giving you a special offer free silver with every Emma sixty two five dollar liberty coin order. This a great way pick up some silver along with your gold. I think gold is gonna, get so high right now, I think of Goldman Sachs. That said yesterday, now
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about. What's happened in the past. What happened last night tonight at nine p m only on blaze, tv dot, com and PLUTO. I will show you what's come in the future my words, not anything I strung together, I'm going to use their words. There or games what they on, the left and the Democrats are plotting and planning the disk. reduction of America and the constitution. The final chapter of the fundamental transformation don't miss it tonight at nine p M the global programme left corporations leg. Verizon have empowered radicals to terror country apart by funding their efforts most recently sending ten million dollars to AL sharpen and others like him. If that's what you, That's what you believe in great than to with Verizon give them your money
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I don't miss the special tonight cuz, I'm talking about it today. You don't want to miss it tonight. It's nine p, DOT M Eastern Eye Place tv dot com glen this is the Glenda programme. What what are you most concerned about? What are the things that will solve this. Last night we watched a debate, nothing's monotonous off their nothing. Nothing no minds were changed. What is it then? We are really when we feel we're losing our country. People on both sides, When they, if we feel like we're in this, what will solve that. What will solve that is agreeing on principles?
Principles are universal they're, not white european principles or black african principle. There universal principles: life de the pursuit of happiness but all men are created equal all of those things, those are prince those american principles that sometimes we fall down on. But right now, there's a movement through sixteen nineteen project to get rid of all that it. Our schools, through critical race theory, pets Marxism Betty to change, who we are fundamentally if we lose that we lose and I have to tell you who had saying this for a while I'll, do anything changed, maybe maybe some people have taken their children and taught their children and raise their children in the right way. Hopefully, No I've tried, I dont know if I've succeeded, but I've tried the culture.
But how do you do it when the school is teaching poison. If you feel like you, can't make an impact, I want you do know today, you can make a huge impact. Not only could you send a huge message today, but that message will ripple down regeneration. there is a school is legendary in the black community. It's the pinewood school, the piney wood. Cool was started as a christian school back and I are even I don't even know- nineteen o eight, I think, and its one of only for historically african american boarding schools in the United States and it believes The students Even those with limited financial means can do extraordinary things consistent with the opportunities that they, available to them the pinewood schooled not teaching black,
Students you'll never get anywhere there too you can you can look at the opportunities in front of you. This school has is legendary in the black community. As I said, and now there too up on funding, and we cannot lose a school like this. Woodson, who is I've had on the programme before he won the Bradley Prize, the President's office as Citizens award the Social onto procure ship award from the Manhattan Institute, this guy has been on the front lines for ever acts we doing things not on the news he's busy doing things that really worked any Up the pinewood school to me about double or even three months ago, and today they're doing a virtual fund raising event and its day. Only
and they have five hundred thousand dollars in matching funds. Their goal is to raise a million dollars. There are five hundred thousand, so every dollar You give is matched dollar for dollar What's in, joins me now from the woods and centre where he is fighting with the seventeen seventy six project and so many things bob why? Why is this school, so important Let us not enough when you defending the virtues and and principles of the country is not enough to keep it at a level of academic or abstraction is important for people. Two for us to stand up and stand with institute. Sean's Anne and people who are at surely having these values. They are. This is principles in action. They are demonstrating to the country that the values of Liberty ah have consequences
improving the lives of people in desperate situations and sir we're just delighted. Not in other words, if you want to convince people validity of a principle. Do a Jesus did when a service from John the Baptist came. and said, are you don't wanna? Do we seek another pull out is rather may our white paper also. But when we have a conference, no hee hee tools and their presents and said: go tell them what you saw. That's why the Woodson Center in one thousand, seven hundred and seventy six unite its stand. A whip and m in with the Piney Woods School because it is important for us, for Americans are understand that the founding principle, but this country have the consequence of it. Moving the quality of life for everyone I'm glad I want to thank your listeners course. The last time we haven't outpouring of support,
because they are using the black community in a legacy of of slavery and discrimination as a bludgeon against this country. So we feel is important for them. I jurors, to push back a guess. It should also be led by lacks that's cry. We assembled, a group of scholars and active this. We publish essays and we ve been the frontline of issuing alternative curriculum and glad. I want to report to you some success as a consequent up as a consequence of our essays. We just released about a week ago our first series of up curriculum, and there were three thousand downloads and just five days, while as compared to four thousand, five hundred of sixteen nineteen over the course of an entire year,
fantastic, it is and listen to this current. Those into this in one thousand six hundred and nineteen and black lives matter. The New York Times deleted the claim. The one thousand six hundred and nineteen is a nation of truth, nation truly founding the New York Times editor. Say is removing the false items there were challenged by historians without issue a correction call Hannah Jones claimed on Twitter that sixteen night He does not argue that sixteen ninety was our true boundaries. We know this nation March is founded on seventeen. Seventy six shows is deleted. It and black, alas, are removed a whole section where they talk about it. Integration of the western Sahara aren't we treat their own retreat and an answer. We are just delighted and we're going
the issue may curriculum over the next three months, but is it and so we this ass, a bit of a ground fight It isn't just how aerial combat. How can people get the curriculum Cosette? That is something that you told me in the summer you wanted to do you needed the funds? This audience responded now I'm so glad tat. I love it when you hear from people and they can report here's what happened. It's great news how can you can go on our website? Seventeen? Seventy six, you bites dot com You can see you can download the curriculum. and more is com where we are really. But thank God, for your listener. Support The only way we were able to do this gun sooner bless. You take your leadership, so Bob tell me the pinewood school. You can go to pinewood school, twenty, twenty fundraiser dot, Org
tell me why this audience is critical to that. and why piny words, is so important because if you're talking about principles, and virtues of the nation. You must support people whose foundation of what their teaching children, we must make people who are standing for those principles, successful you get more, what you reward less of what you punish. If we want America, You understand and appreciate the frown. values, then we must and by those people who are pushing against the odds and are teaching children that they are not victims. America should never be defined by his birth defect of suede, but by the promise, and- and so it is, if you believe, in the principles and support
The people who would whose lives and actions embody those principles, and this is about Jesus Jesus healed as they go. Tell him what you saw if people want to know the american I use valid, as are they helpful. The people look These graduate ninety eight ninety six percent of all pinewood students come from the worst background, all go to college. Mandatory chapel, mandatory work that's not a free ride. They are required to work in the farm whenever they are construct, even the bricks on the property. Over the years were made by the students while its an end so they oughta beyond the front page of every that's the best way defend our nation is just a poor. Evidence of the people unity about founding principles are listener, other other things:
We're doing like that. I want you to today go to Pinewoods School twenty two. T fundraiser dot Org Piny. school. Twenty, twenty fundraiser dot org this today and today only if they have a five hundred thousand dollar matching group. You ve gone to dip and organizations and and companies and said hey. If we can raise this money, we you will you match. Alan for dollar, they said yes, it's happening too, I will tell you that there will be no one more surprising would school if this audience is raising the bulk of the money, because our perceptions and then there's reality- and this is a way to show reality- you want to actually make a lasting change. We have to make it in the next generation. This is one way to do it piny what school twin, Twenty fundraiser dot org Bob is always good to talk to you, sir.
Thank you for your leadership by gonna. Do you such a thing? And so are you gutless? Thank you So if one fact erode is getting older, some are really getting old, as we noticed last night. But when you get older You know you might want to ask to be able to sit down every thirty minutes because of the aches and pains will there it's normal in life, as you get older, most of the pain is caused from inflammation especially in the joints and if you're going through it, it can take a toll on your whole life. I want you to be able to get your life back. Do the things that you want to do I had all but given a painting now That's really what I want to do with my life. I mean I'd love to just be able to dedicate my life and just really learn how to paint and paint
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a video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove it with the hair of mass mail in ballots. The illegal ballot harvesting operation could of seven hundred thousand ballots that change the election in in Texas here investigators of former FBI agent, former police officer, claim that binds Texas political Director Dallas Jones and his courts, have been hoarding mail in absentee ballots in ordering operatives to fill them out for people and Harris County illegally, including dead. People homeless, people, a nursing home residence for the presidential election law enforcement agencies are investigating, but nothing will be done until well. After the election, the former FBI agent said Alice Jones was appointed as buttons campaign that political director,
just last August we have the affidavits one of em. I'm curly evolved investigation, Riva related to a wide ranging fraudulent ballot, harvesting scheme and Harris County intended rigged the elections and in Houston Harris County area. The scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale, on interviews, reviews of documents and other information we identified three individuals, including a state senator and the Harris County. Commissioner, woe were working with Jones on the ballot, harvesting, operation, DIS, thirteen Stew, Texas, state Senator Boris MILES, I mean you, have the name bore all don't you have to be bad? Yes, borders, lids and led me to the Boers. Isn't I've worked the miles the boat, the Boers could give it? Mister Jones, political consultant, Gerald Womack and Precinct one Harris County. Commissioner, Rodney Ellis. Why,
the companies of these individuals using as a front for this operation, is eighty canvassing, although there are others that have been identified that we are currently investigating. I have in mind She videotaped interviews of witness attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people coming thousands of absentee ballads blah blah blah blah blah. This is what just because we don't have mass mail and voting in Texas for group were one of the only states in the union in which you need an excuse to get an absentee ballot. So I need. Seventy thousand votes, obviously like that is a massive deal. If, if, if that's going on, they say they have the evidence we get, we are checking. We will check that out. Let let's, let's check that out tomorrow, maybe even call the attorney general. What do you think about the arguments that are made by Republicans largely that time? about mail in the ballot fraud. All the time does. couple of things. One then maybe biggest thing It does. Is it
Films, Republicans that its unreliable devote that way. So therefore they don't want to vote that way so, namely go to the polls, but the reason why you try as a campaign to lock in mail in ballots, is because guarantee you got it right, like people, don't have an appointment of the last at your minute or get sick or whatever else, and at that happens to your voters. They don't show up at all, so they do so. Republican campaigns all across the country are encouraging their voters, please vote by mail and then The president and many others are saying if you by male can be fraudulent and not come. I will tell you the the average is about twenty percent to thirty percent of mail in ballots thrown out every single time. Every single time because of fraud or something's? Not right am I just everything's so about twenty percent. If you want your vote to count, go, and vote in appalling place? Early voting or
you know or voting on the day but go and vote in appalling place. You'll know it counts there if you can't, for some reason, do it for an absentee valid
Transcript generated on 2020-10-12.