« The Glenn Beck Program

Record Border Crisis — The Left Still Blames Trump | 3/15/21

2021-03-15 | 🔗

Pat and Stu cover for Glenn. The border crisis is getting worse, but Nancy Pelosi is blaming Trump and climate change. A year after COVID started, Pat and Stu discuss how wrong the MSM predictions ended up being. A CNN guest blasted CNN's Cuomo brothers “love-a-thon." Chris Harrison won’t be hosting the upcoming season of "The Bachelorette," as cancel culture takes another victim. Is Meghan Markle gearing up for a presidential run? A man claimed he was victim of racial profiling by the police, but evidence claims otherwise. The Derek Chauvin trial is under way — will Minneapolis survive even if he is convicted? Comedian Sarah Silverman doesn't want to be associated with Democrats. The dictionary has added more woke words.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ok about real estate agents. I trust dot com as real estate agent. You can either be good or you can suck you neither do a good job or a bad job, but I want to know who is who, unless you have something like real estate agents. I trust dot com. It looks like values for homes, Well, you never know you can ever predicted. I guess, but you know if you want to take advantage of these great interest rates. If you want to go, and purchase, a new home or sell yours. You need to have an agent that you could actually trust one that was designed to make sure that you're not just pick like out of a hat play you're, just looking at it in advertisements on a bench the way the should work, reels agents, I trust I can make sure it does not work that way. Glenn design this company- he showed up that day it in short today, but it showed up that day to design real estate agents. I trust I can give
information at real estate agents. I trust our camp. The name says it all real estate agents. I trust that count entertainment. The gun programme, today we ban stupor Glenn who's, not feeling well, I guess is back
my backers, I can't come in one of those deals with one of those interracial marriage. There's no way I can do any back problem spat. Have you ever had a bank issued before matter fact yeah? How and where are you now? I'm sitting here in this chair work that during my second show today our ready sand of better here well, you're saying our aid: where did it about the border situation going on everything's fine at the border, in what he's in fine is, of course, Donald Rumsfeld and climate change. We'll get into that in about sixty seconds, program? Yoda Bank really loves a nice high percentage of mortgage. Oh yeah,
who played the long game, and they know that over the life of that mortgage, you're gonna, we give them way more than the cost of that actual house and the loan itself. It sucks it's just the way the business has always worked unless, of course, for a times the past year when everything got thrown into chaos because of the covert pandemic mortgage refer and its rates have dipped from the mid force all the way in some cases down into the twos and fiscally responsible p, while such as yourself movement, taking advantage of that for a while. I'm almost forever, though, if your homeowner, give american financing a call to day, there's no hassle, no up front fees, no pressure, none I can vote for this, because I got a mortgage from american financing in the tooth this is real. Does the real world thing this is happening there merged sultans will do a review of your mortgage and see if there's a way to get you to save hundreds of dollars, maybe thousands by financing enrolling some of your existing debt into it. You won't have to restart your loan, either call American
enhancing eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty, eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty or go to American, dancing dot net american financing, animal us one, two: three: four: W W W that animal S, consumer access, dot, Org I adore everything's, fine, the porter, I guess yeah yeah. it's it's not a not a human rights crisis, any more, is it it's just stay. It's like a border challenge the border challenge now yet now, would you is it an literal concentration camp wouldn't know good gully, no, not largest, These are just migrant facilities that happened to me. Jim Pack too
way more than capacity. That's all, as I was looking into some of this today and there now saying there at three hundred per cent of capacity, not facilities at seven hundred twenty nine percent. Yet capacity lets the high certain facilities as high a seven hundred twenty nine research capacity, which Is it there's an important detail to think about here? Is that its three hundred or seven hundred percent of pre covered capacity. So right, not not social, distancing. Everyone, six feet apart, that that's going on at all their Jim hacking, the normal capacity, multiplying it by three four five, six: seven, and then german them all in there together to potentially pass covert to each other and then release them into our society. Now, what fascinating about this is this: is not a concern. Apparently, all
of all the you can't get together at a school or a church, a concert or a movie theater in so many places, and yet This is somehow acceptable and not a cordon quote literal concentration camp. I love this. A spin by the thesis ABC News, as are talking about this point, bloom and they themselves that it was over three hundred percent pre covert capacity, so their economic in this issue, and then they go into two talk about what is actually happening with the virus in these facilities. Listen coming of Christ the border, their not being kept in any way with social distancing rules. We don't know how much covered their spreading since you ve been here on average. What is the percent positive of people coming across from the more about a hundred and from those at least thirty are, and that seems to have proper game
that old, you no dog was so let I you know my group's are bringing a disease and other terrible things way ass the border to dine. That's why we had to shut the now wait. A minute you're, Jem, packing illegal immigrants the facilities at up to seven hundred and some odd percent capacity. There people say that there, by twenty six percent positivity rate. and this is reinforcing a dog whistle about migrants bringing about its east over the border own dogma. Solana dog was you know what we might have migrants bringing disease over the border on you just said: twenty six percent of them. At least in this group the one you picked as an example. Twenty six percent positivity Inco for covert. Remember two central, Erica, has basically done nothing more. Mr Corona Virus, this entire time limited letting it
Many in many aspects run wild in certain places and we ve seen positive, rate to Mexico lean. Your country north of twenty six percent up to fifty percent, sometimes they're, not even bothering to test a lot of times and in Vienna Mexico and they ve had all sorts. Of issues down there, and then you gonna open up the border as we are coming to the end of our own culture, situation and let these guys cross border because I think they felt bad because double troubles mean our. I think that, basically the justification for it yeah I Nancy policy was asked about. This is amazing, what she says, because none of this is her fall, none of this is on the Democrats. Fault none of its nines fault, it's all on Donald Trump, and she explains whose to blame here. Let's
the situation of the border. We see a huge surgeon, migrates crossing the border right since January, the number of children in custody higher than it was. Then it's two thousand nineteen PETE during the Trump administration on your colleague run a classical bar of Texas called the conditions. They are unacceptable as they are on Friday. Is she rioting exert do what must be done? Well, I'm sorry I didn't you said Veronica Escobar, we're gonna get scribbler. Our colleague from representing, Paso and yes, it is actually the facts. Are these? There are more children about six, seven hundred children unaccompanied children coming over the border? The this is a humanitarian challenge. Us college illustration has inherited a broken system, the border I mailed to day in the children's interests absolutely said. The president, please, a temporary measure has sent FEMA to the border
in order to help have facilitated the children going from one, and to our issued into where they are cared for as they are, its furred into family homes or homes that are safe for them to be. I saw this again is a transition for what would be for towards right. Of course, we have to also look to Central America and Mexico. In the rest, the corruption violent. All of that so bad. My most recent trip to northern judges, nor did I will be allowed to work. You saw the issue of climate change minds. Climate should keep a were, leaving the drought make couldn't far ass. One not just into other ways survives, so there are many things that go into this. The fact is, we have to deal with it order and many other people, some of the people coming. There are seeking asylum.
and I always like to quote our friends- you almost Jellicoe movement at one of our romp hearings we had we had the majority of representative said to us. The United States who'd you resettlement programme. The Crown jewel of american humanitarianism. We have certain this love. Somebody must be drafted in such a way that I can't take it anymore. Please stop her. I don't know who said that cool, but what a brilliant quote it was that that's the crown jewels, the crown jewel being that were the only country in the world that is allowed, allows just anybody who wants to come across our borders to come across our borders at the crown jewels, but of a man The current policy apparently is apparently just come on it, and we won't worry about who you are what you're doing here. We often ask anything of you will just give you whatever you need. I think is important to note the smooth presentation
information there from Nancy Policy area. That was just a brilliant just? I was a deep dive and she has the hit her hand on the facts, at all times, I'm here they're calling in Mexico, the calling bite in the migrant president, because correctly, so they are sensing. Then there are new incentives about of the trip You America, which is your being invited and you're, offered amnesty your offered amnesty they're gonna! Let you off you better get here before they pass that thing. You make sure your ear! You get him beyond. the the sort of doktor. Lights are going to set it, because if you can, if you'd come too late, media, maybe Maybe you don't get it so come right now and of course this is what people in coyotes are telling the migrants but they're doing it Currently women. This is real there is a real sense
of of chain. when it comes to the messaging towards central America, and that its now hey come on it's time. Its party time come even that we're in the middle the pandemic just come come now. We're going to, let you in that the good the controversy will be about whether your treated too poorly or not, that will be the controversy. Not whether it was to be here is whether the treatment is good enough. and the treatment is obviously great. Now that Biden is in control how it is yeah. There's at the one facility, the in Donna Texas. There were more than eighteen hundred people, children being held at this facility, seven hundred and twenty nine percent, as we mention of it, capacity during the pandemic, the facility open last month, it's been operating over its pandemic capacity for weeks some of the boys said that conditions were so overcrowded that that they have to take turns sleeping on the floor,
They all said. They were in the shower more and more told they can't adding that several minors were only permitted to shower once in seven days a fact check on that, because teenagers never want a shower, and I think that is come on. Let's be honest about it, one of them shared that he could only see the sun when he showered, because you can see the sun through the window, You said many, many other children didn't have access outside activities and were visibly emotionally emotional. They were hysterically crying wanting talk to their families not being allowed to well. This is thing is the brilliance and and the the wonderful sweetness of the Bite administration, which Wench I was doing this pat. He had people cross border and because he was charging the parents, he would have to separate them because they were being charged in This is totally different. This the
migrants get to be separated from the parents before they cross the border, which is much more humane bees if you'd like me, to send your kid across a river by themselves, much better than the old Trump way, which is they would come together but be separated later right, where they separate before they cross the border, brilliant, which is perfectly you may in every way and a great a girl of family. Yes, this is the way you do it right. Unbelievable that they are trying to claim nothing other than complete catastrophe here, Well, that's what it is, its complete catastrophe and they're all and the T shirts president, by Please let us in I making those tee shirts forum, whose footing the bill for all this stuff who's paying for this something
is is going on in the background to that? We should probably be aware of because this is a concerted effort to send people specifically up here right now, and I dont know if there's governments behind it I don't I don't off it's just the coyotes or what's going on here, but it needs to stop and they needed. They need to be told like resident, Tromp told them you're not go. To be allowed in more up in sixty a better time to get out of your time share than today, not exactly true better time would have been like five minutes after you bought it The point is, until they invented time machine it and go back to that point right before you purchased the timeshare and punch yourself in the face. There's no time like the play for getting out of it or timeshare termination team comes in. If you ve been convinced long time ago that you were never go, get out of that time share. It's not true,
you can get out of it time termination team has one hundred percent money back guarantee, and a legal acts it called shared termination team to day to get the process started, dokey, putting it off stuck with another year of a time share. You won't use you'll get twenty percent off when you terminate your timeshare so be it to tell them that Glenn back then? The Glen Back programme sent you why eight hundred and eighty eight get you out at one thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight four hundred and thirty, eight eight thousand six hundred and eighty eight or visit them online at timeshare termination team, dot com have peace of mind, timeshare termination team to one hundred percent money back exit guarantee learn more online at timeshare termination team, dotcom, ten, second stationary spanish, stupor Glenn Undeclared work programme today, It's pretty amazing that the
This administration gets away with this. The exact same thing that happened under Trump with each with the child. And the separation for their families and putting I'm into facilities Exact situation from then is happening now. It's actually the same thing and this time there just calling it something different? and so it's perfectly fine for this administration to do this? How can they possibly get away with this with the media and most of the media is complicit and being ok with it. There are some whore starting to realise. While this is like a very similar to what was happening before and maybe it really is a difficult situation to deal with in an Mickey, be president, puts trying to deal with it in the best way, past bull, and maybe we created among fairly at that time, I don't know
everybody's it if that's actually occurred to anybody, but I think that there are starting to see the hypocrisy here, at least that it definitely has not occurred anyway, that is not enough, but I do think that net that that's the truth, that's the real problem, it's not necessarily to say that, like bite, should have been nailing this perfectly from the beginning. It is a difficult situation. Deal were really difficult. The criticism fairly to bite and can be in the change of incentives here, which is inviting yeah this sort of behaviour. on the other hand, what what was inviting the behaviour with Trump it was that they were afraid. He was going to crack down even more so they wanted to get him before the deadline. Business, the whole another situation they would get in because they think they're getting free stuff into free pass, but the issue is how they treated trump, and that was ridiculous, then That was really the problem. Here I mean the way there reading bite- and now you could argue, is ok. Well, there are recognising its a serious, a difficult situation and their applying
giving some note to the crisis. but not treating him like their literal concentration camps, that's probably how they should have been doing it the whole time they just shake in the standard completely for Donald Trump and now want to act. As they never did it will Donald Trump to them was Adolf Hitler, personified Joe Biden is just a guy who's dealing with a humanitarian challenges shout and saw its. I would add its Pelosi humanitarian challenge, yeah, it's not even a crisis is just a challenge. Now the media is calling it a crisis, It is absolutely is the problem. Is its crisis Joe Biden created it's not that there has never been a crisis before there's been a crisis of every single president. I think, as far as I can remember, my life has dealt with some sort of border crisis it's been exactly the same brand or style, but they have in facing every single president, then my lifetime.
Then, I can remember, there's always been an issue here which, of course, is why we ve been arguing for decades that you need take care of the problem in a real way once and for all, you can't just disappear. decide. Well we're gonna, expand the migrant facilities of the border and expect us to take care of the problem. Addressing at all. I think this somewhat new aspect to this is the unaccompanied children, yeah yeah, is passed there weren't a lot of kids shown up that weren't, accompanied by adults. Now there are, there's, a bunch of teenagers and even prescience at are shown up at the border by themselves. Either they ve been led, thereby Coyotes My human smugglers, or their parents have been stop somewhere along the way, and they said for the kids to keep going, and so what would the Biden in Midstream administration is realising? Now? Is it's tough to reunite them with
parents, when you don't know where they are right, and you don't know who they are. It's it's it's hard to you. What you gonna do just released them back into Mexico with no. We know authority figure, no right like that. Difficult to do as well, and, of course this is a strategy right, as you point out pat over well, namely we're talking about teenagers. Here we say they emeralds ago children get separated erudite on six year old. There. There are few of those very very carefully when its teenage, it's mostly fifteen year olds, like nude teenage type years and Yes, I understand that there, under the legal age when it comes to eighteen and that they can't vote, took place eighteen or Nancy Pelosi lets them, but it is a situation where they are they are in a in a world. In the United States, where we're going to do what what are you going to do they're going to put them in these facilities were they. Jake S
and there are to hang around there for a while and eventually probably somebody who's already here in the family comes and claims them and they wine of coming into adjure into our country, there are twenty six percent positivity rate for cove it, and you have the an aside from all the disease aspects of this during a pandemic. You you to make sure that the person You're. Releasing them, too, is somebody who's, not nefarious, whose somebody who doesn't have bad motives in that's, really tough, it could be six track. Traffickers they can be just about anybody. You don't know have to be really careful about who they really seem to know that taking into consideration during the Trump Administration, Nope zero AAA seventy seven, be easy K. It is. Patents do for Glenn on a glimpse.
This is the blunder programme. So, let's face it in a moment. Your lawn kind of a pain in the bud yet a right writing lawnmower you just out there in the heat, for what seems like ours is driving around and increasingly smaller circles until you get to the end, and then you ve got to do the all the other corners and that your mower can't reach by the time, your dad. You just sort of dragging yourself into the house. You gonna lie down and pray that death takes you before, then, and we have to know about it. We have to be that way. Hustler turf, when making zero turn industrial lawnmowers for decades and now making them for you, these things are awesome. Their food ass, their super maneuverable undergoing your mowing time in half wrote, hustlers turf, zero turned mowers are incredible, they can they make you enjoy more in the lawn again stand up against it. Competition unified. There are simply much much much better.
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You know it's hard to believe that every prediction wasn't exactly accurate, but apparently they weren't all accurate, really yeah yeah, two point: two million deaths hasn't turned out to be accurate. For one thing, that's your, although two point: two to be fair. The two point two million deaths was if we did nothing yet she's, ok, literally impossible situations like at some point, someone's got when there's too one five million people dead. So someone staying home from work. So there is the thirdly no world in which that that was up. It's a pointless prediction. Will yes, that gender I'm close to coming true but some of the predictions like Andrew Kuemmel, who I Thank you ve heard of him. I have you not no I've heard Andrew Cuomo was awful.
calm. I've heard that you have already that's the main thing. I voted yes about him, apparently based on some epidemiologists dreamy, illogical curve. At the time he said in forty five days, the state could have up to a head Android, ten thousand beds, that people need compare, our current capacity of fifty fifty three thousand. He also thirty, seven thousand, I see you units would be necessary and ventilators and they only had three thousand ventilators at the time so I really did happen well, hospitalizations in the state didn't quite reach a hundred and ten thousand. They were at nineteen. Thirty just under nineteen thousand.
a hundred and nineteen one hundred and nineteen nineteen thousand got all somewhat less than a hundred and ten. I don't think there is a bigger area in which these predictions mist and Cuomo was probably the most guilty of this that we so valleys were widespread. When it comes to hospitalizations ventilation there they were way way off a big portion of that where the problem was the cdc. Who giving these recommendations. Stu, how many, but in a hospital bed and ventilators, and all these other thing uneasy socio it's here that would be so seated with each death than they were so wrong on it. Now the death numbers Their predictions were nearly is bad. I mean some of them two point: two million, as you mentioned, was in a kind of that, but in in that same, same that say that was from the London one night, the Imperial College of London. I believe it was two point, two million and they the numbers you know if we do
Mitigation efforts could be over a quarter of a million which obviously, that turned out to be true. There's a guy in the New York Times they had. They highlighted that made it was in March, and he said four hundred and eighty thousand deaths, but that could be conservative and we're what I've sixty or something now where's on something like yeah, so here in the cellar slowed way down, though fortunately yeah, thank God, we're now get down to work from where was were doubt back to our summer. Peak numbers and its yoke. being way down. Member deafens lag of a few weeks from from actual cases, so with that ran, numbers are going to continue to come down over the next few weeks, so the ugly Thirty, seven thousand, I see you units Cuomo, they need they. They actually had fifty two hundred and twenty five thirteen percent of the forecast. Thirteen percent
same thing will happen. Remember this is his justification right for the nursing homes situate. Yes, here to get so many people, they come into the icy used when have to clear those out. We gotta send these people back to that too nursing homes and everything, we find yeah end remember the big hospital ship. He demanded that Trump move into the New York Harbor, which the president accommodated in at the time limit. giant hospital ship, which I think had six Six thousand the barbarians available. Thousands here they used five. These five thousand five were able just five thousand no five, just five hundred five point: zero: five people, five, smoke ever use your hospital ship and tell me five, just five people, one two three four five, which one ball, which was the best use dial up those five. Can you point out what we say No, no! I don't. I don't mean hammer and your colleagues, I have not the type of person I know you're not to make something
The EU now never make a mountain out of a molehill now, and this is, we know that this is I making a mountain out of a mountain, has what I'm doing buttoned up Brooklyn Nursing Home, which had been out lots of death row. to that end and specifically requested and said: hey. We ve got these people coming back from hospitals still have covert. I know your directive says we have to take them, but hey, do you mind? Can we in them over to the completely empty ship which is like few miles away, and why would you say no to that right and Linda what it was for they rejected it, they rejected it, and so these went back to it doesn't make any sense at him. He'll people nursing home, do we know I mean, is or is there a thought or explained that at all cause I've we heard the explanation. If there is one, but now We want them at the nursing home infecting older people. What we want there there there
stated. Ek explanation is that they were expecting this wave of people to show up and they wanted to have room for them when they did it again terrible justification, because this was playing at all over the country. At the time we had seen that these numbers were a little lower and I can understand if you huh, they weave you have come up with another. put another way to deal with it now than it does. Not justify sending them back to the nursing homes with the most vulnerable people, not facilities that wrote to Cuomo and said specifically, we do now have the ability to treat these patients. We do not have the ability to separate them. Many of these nursing We do not have private rooms, so they were setting them back into rooms with other people that warrant infected might think of how bad this is not to mention you had all of the the issues with you know they didn't have. The appropriate p p not a facility. That's that's that
designed to deal with a pandemic this now how to you right. It's a hospital so like, if you could say theoretically right if this wave of new people patients came in and they felt like these people were on the right end of covert those still still teach. Maybe you know had they had to get him out of there if they had weighed for that and push the backs of nursing homes. You at least say: ok, well, they got overwhelmed and they have them nothing. They could do now, my only a person who writes of freaking book about leadership wouldn't use that excuse right. Someone who's in the middle of the corona virus pandemic. Writing a freaking book about leadership in the time of a pandemic wouldn't say all were over well, what are we gonna do and how? Well he handled the whole thing, and that's it once the book the book and again in this is he was while he was correct. In that he was a leader. A leader in these these policies that killed thousands of seniors?
it led. In that way he was. He was unique. Lee bad and the United States of America for governor, but you can at least just if the policy, if he waited until the wave came, he preemptively emptied the empty, beds and put them back into nursing homes and the death toll is is gigantic, including rejecting told we reasonable requests for nursing to say, hey, we ve been reading but these this giant ship pay you dollar Javert Center, but you prepare for covert of patients there's no one in it. What do you say? Maybe we put the pace, is there instead of their around the ones here that aren't contained? is no reason not to nobody. Not only did just they wouldn't do it, and we should point on this book number one they a report that came in about these nursing home deaths and a, and we now know that his top AIDS went in there. An edited
the actual number of nursing home deaths out of the report. That is now a question in our that is known, that they went in there and added it out, obviously, for politics that Eddie happened four days before his first public comments about his book for days, so it's incredibly clear to me pet that this is what's going on he was, he knew his book thing was coming. He knew we wanted to passion and make millions of dollars, and so he lied and and added this report so that we wouldn't know how bad job he did and in addition, that we should note on the book. I saw that the other day that he had sold. I looked at the center I had to read like two or three times, because the first time, I'd like to heat, really only sell four hundred books in a week. Cuz, that's what it was. it was this one. I looked at it while four hundred bucks, that's it an entire week,
and then they re read the sentence in no, it was four hundred books. in an entire month plus it was like a bumble a month and a week gotta, be cases like you know why, for every selling nationwide, like ease five or ten books today is the pace. that is a break neck. Bright pays Maria really right there. Think of a vast of so he caught. The book has been near. Had this big lodge at the beginning and by thinking something like forty five thousand copies since, since the Gale journalists and when he was in the acute praise period of his governorship and he got a seven. Figure they say load amid seven figure bonus on this there's no ways can earn that out. I mean this own away, miserable failure. Both companies keep complaining about people not buy books or maybe not to give up seven figure advances to these dulcea they can't drink.
Not do anything is far sales Strangely, though, on the He Cuomo front there Somebody who actually noticed a little something about the Cuomo brothers. Both of the awful Cuomo Brothers Chris and Andrew Eric Wimple of the Washington, post was on CNN over the weekend, and actually commented on sea and ends Loveth on between the two of em. Listen. What, I would be remiss brine. If I didn't mention CNN, own huge media story here with Chris Cuomo, the anchor the nine o clock our who covered drew Cuomo and had all these wonderful Loveth on interviews with more than ten of them and they suspended the conflict of interests, rule for Chris Cuomo for those interviews yet The sudden days enforced it again now that Andrew Cuomo is in the midst of an historic scheme,
and all in the always stay. How so I think that is a major black I foresee a year Thank you for noticing. That's I mean one of those rare instances of some journalistic integrity worries actually calling out CNN on CNN you never see. That would it Brian cell. To respond to that. You know, I didn't hear the response. I didn't either. I I'm curious cut it right there, because it is one of those things that is so obvious in such Is such a blatant disregard for any journalistic integrity. The idiot yeah the sea and in the lava thoughts he talked about here, did over ten of those interview over ten of them. First of all, they were always always from the beginning. Horror there was never any listen dear about him? They were always horrible piracy, but they headaches six year ban in place for Chris Cuomo to interview request for six years and they withdrew.
The ban during the most important story- all of our lifetimes and then there like. Well, let me know if arguably certainly in CNN lifetime, and then they they take it off one Cuomo it's not about even the sexual harassment stuff which he deserves questions on, but like it's, so the same story, it's a nursing home. They it was happening at the time they were doing the interviews guidance another like all. Well now we re instituted the ban and of these. I have not heard extensive coverage about Cuomo and the disregard of that of of those standards they have about Cuomo and nursing on thing. They talked about that and see an innocent Work has talked about the D sexual harassment stuff? They ve talked about it, but they have not put that side by side with how they dealt. We're dealing with its coverage at the time which is the important part when it comes to CNN you, through journalism, completely out of the window, because you saw
The Cuomo brothers were funny together and because you wanted to go Andrew Cuomo, a pass which he received for eight months and now find on the other, we know, media sources largely more like the New York Times, and certainly the near posts have been on the salt time, but the time and the Times Union and in some of these other papers have finally started to pick up on the sub recently, but Emily, given the boy pass. glad to somebody called about turbulent seventy, Heaven be easy. Gay its patents do for Glenn on the glimpse. Oh. If you were the type of person who has apple your pads or some other headphones, it can move sticking your ear. They hang out or the fall out a lot of times. They had the little like nano. looks at your wearing earrings because they cannot come down below your ear. You're gonna lie of re cons. Why would you want to do that? Why would you want, though, those if you ve never tried Re Cunt probably the reason, because if you try Rick on you're, not gonna, go back rake
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Small great news on the Corbett Brent there. You are now saying that social distancing doesn't need to be six feet. You see this you're my movie live in the paper today. Coming how many feet shall it be three three forty three sufficient say no, I is no difference between six feet and three feet. No difference, no difference. I think I remember hearing that Europe was using three feet at the beginning. Really yet, and then they were probably warned off of that, and now it's back to that to sixty nine other bacteria, three
sigh. I will say this there's a lot of things I want to get rid of from all discovered dear. I really dont need it to speak that closely to other people. I know I know it's. I guarantee that I will get rid of this social justice. I why don't we make fun of the close talker thing when Seinfeld was on yes, like I'm, I'm fine moving back and caught talking with people lit a little distance. I does it need to be. I never see another human being again, but I wouldn't mind standing a little bit away from everybody. I went to a wedding reception this weekend, somebody's house where you what you did why we will reach a wedding reception. He asked you bastard, not one single person was wearing a mouth, oh my gosh, and no one was socially just how very seem pretty normal, like everybody was decided to normal. The thing is you know this. They at the idea of lockdown has like maintain its not been like that in a lot of southern states for a very long time, Joe Biden like by
November twenty twenty seven. You might be able to see your children again worry eyebrows, any doing oranges making out with strangers on right. Now I don't know where you get his ARBA. That's why we are clear we are many times a dead. You scroll through your phone facebook for at least ten solid minutes. If you are being honest, probably not zero, probably everyone. That's fine, no judgment, of course everything's fine in our society, but American fight Probably a better call for you to make you're, paying a four percent or more on your mortgage. You can go to. America it's and beat that probably I know I did mortgage in the tubes, two percent. Why because american financing knows how to get you the best deal possible, planets
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then you ve got another Glinda program you got about back today, hopefully be returning to morrow. Meantime looks like Chris. Harrison will be coming back to the bachelor at least not this year. Bachelor, add, I think, is: is there that coming upon another season and he's not gonna be part of it into battle over until about that? Come up? Sixty seconds programme like you who is probably, if you like me at all on and you're, probably the healthiest person, you know everything about nutrition, you your base, equally running at one hundred percent, full optimization as a human being, you know about it between a healthy and unhealthy food, but your dog does it. His body, though, does Your dog needs healthy food when you're feeding him dry, cable food, for instance. His body is telling him that everything is eating is just dead because cable food
to be sterilised for long shelf life the everybody knows that its missing out on key things that it needs of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, antioxidants, all the same stuff. You need to healthier and happier as a human being, and it is a dog to and in a lot of is. This is how it was with. I have my dog: have two dogs piper miles and miles is a modern and fifteen years old. Born in the eighteen hundreds, so guesses, even older than that now you really need to give your dog the best, your dog deserves that aimed a doctor at its black decided to take this problematic created a product called rough greens. It's not a dog food. It's a supplement that you sprinkled on top of the dog food in your dog. Will frickin love it miles loved it for a moment one and and now he moves around. Like he's only like eighty five years old, it's incredible the progress that gets me get a free bag of rough greens right now for your dog to try out all you pay shipping go too rough. Greens are you F, F Greens
Tom Slash back rough greens, dotcom, slash back or call eight three, three Glenn thirty, its eight three three g and an thirty three call today green, stuck up, slash back about still Glenn on the glimmering. Seventy seven be easy Kay. This Chris Harrison situation it is amazing to me it's I I don't watch the bachelor or the bachelor, Ed and he's the host of it has been since the late thirty's. I think here, if you are you like me, will you watch because you're uncomfortable with the gendering of the bat or bachelor at you. Don't like the fact that they are like these. Gender roles are traditional and I don't like that.
like they nuns was actually. While I don't watch, I will not watched so that now that I won't just The fact that their named bachelor or bachelor rat makes me uncomfortable is offensive defensive. Why can't a bachelor be a bachelor it? Thank you. That's what I've all along all along since the thirties, and yes, you ve had that you had I don't like the bachelor because they call them the bachelor and, unlike the bachelor at because they call him the bachelor and bumper sticker on your model, t sit back in the early early thirties, yeah Seventy years before the bachelor event, the Huron. This way I was on Chris Harrison. is so apologetic over his role, this unbelief bull scandal that took place now, what I guess it was a bachelor, Ed right, the went away. This is somebody who
on the show contests and one of the contestants for the affection of a bachelor Zat. What I believe so, we see the bachelor at anyway went to an anti Bellum party He doesn't eighteen, which is you dress up like us, Belle right now? I did not know these. Things were a thing I didn't know if she doesn't eighteen, I did know twenty twenty one, but apparently they were a trendy thing to do a few years ago and lasting Abraham. Happily do right. So now, like basically a burning across on your frontline, like I fix example, ITALY, it equivalent that I didn't know you dress up at his southern bell. Outfit and you have is centrally endorsed you? in Europe Clansmen is. That is why this happening. Yes, said. No to the point of now, we are at the idea that one of the biggest country bans and the World Lady Anti Bellum is now a lady
You could tell us what the dollar good word as like. What have we done? Abbreviate, the old word about gyp, nobody old or talk or lady, a leaden they found they had actually taken that name from another artist who then suit them. But now the point. Is it's completely ridiculous? This is a totally new standard. It was not in fact, at the time she was at this party. No one was set, yet it was not a it. Was there your virtual thing at the time- and he defended here so we kind of defended her. He said come on, it's like the woke police. He added all after her on this. He did it really defend or what he said basically was look she deserves a little grace. We haven't even her. from her yet amiss. I would like to at least here what she has to say. I don't know what you have to say. I don't know the story of this, but I think looking at this with twenty twenty one eyeballs instead of twenty or twenty eighteen eyeballs, and then I could be different, and that was the worst.
you could possibly say yeah, I guess, and at the time and give a little grace, is not exactly unknown standard been some books written about it long ago. That mentioned may be highly race, for others is a good thing to do yet so long book to I'm surprised it was the best seller, though best selling book and you should go back and really read some of the, as is its it's fantastic lots of really interesting stories as flies. There's, it's uh, it's crazy, but this I have to say is this that that the doctor Seuss thing went on where would last week in the week before right, where the Doktor Seuss books go, go away even Glenn way we need. We said this on the airline went, they know said something about the doktor suits thing and how it's like we're going down this road of fascism and peep, John Oliver piled on him and said how dummy was, as they always tend, to do, as we noted on the air by the way
after Seuss is not the best example of cancel culture. Their family right were the ones that stop printing these books. What we were putting on his. How now everyone follow suit and is now pulling the the old books off of sites like Ebay and Amazon, and we thought that was problematic among other things, but like it's, not the best exam, of cancelled culture. There wasn't a widespread outrage about about Doktor suits and these drawings. It wasn't like em There wasn't a twitter campaign. And they did it on their own and they should not be forced to print books. There's no conservative would say: yes, we should force them to read the books. They don't want to force as a company will be terrible idea, The Chris Harrison thing might be, The single best example of cancelled culture that I can think of this, a guy who didn't do the thing in question. He was not even defending the person who, was in trouble for doing the thing? That was not a problem when it was done only ritual
actively, is it a problem, and in addition to that all he said was we should hear what she has to say about this and, also. We should be no offer her a little grace on a mistake she made a made at may have made by the way as college student in a sorority right, here's, the cloud. A little grace a little understanding a little. passion then he said. How is that a problem? Then he said it's unbelievably alarming. The people were just telling tearing this girl's life apart. Is it a good luck in twenty eighteen, or is it not a good look in twenty twenty one because there's a big difference web? I guess you could say that even she China would add him after the idle, and this is why I can't stand her Matera, but also by the way I should point out. I ended this not being able to stand him either because they You might with these ridiculous over the top. Apologies right for this nonsense and she
was even worse, because you have this, this guy she and taxi his career to the spread of her eggs, Hidell jeez covered in shops. Although the the cancelling culture bandwagon eying, it's not a good look ever because she celebrating the old south. She responded about herself of herself. If I went to that party, what would I rep ray? did that party wall I don't I don't know. Then why'd you go to the party S story I mean. Are you? Are you really is? If you knew it was a rate? Do then really that's what you're telling me now than what? Why did you go. And when she gets the pass here, somehow she is a good one that thing and he loses his job and he loses job now. His apology was so irritating. I of turning on all of them after reading it, he right. He goes to my our nation family. I will all his own a mistake when I make one so I am here to extend sincere apology. I had this incredible platform.
speak about love, and yesterday I took a stance on topics which I should have been better informed. While I do not speak Rachel Kirk Caudill. My in since were simply to ask for grace and offering an opportunity to speak on our own behalf. What I now realise is, I M, done no harm and cause tar, my wrongly speaking in a manner that perpetrates racism, Lord Utah. in about when you're asking for grace you're, not perpetrating ices and now you're, sorry now, and for that I am so totally sorry. I also apologise to my friend, Rachel Linsey guesses, interviewing for listening to her better on a topic she has first and first and understanding of really was she of victim of Anti Bellum party as well as that, is that what happened? and humbly thank the members of flirtation who have reached out to me to hold me accountable, I promise to do better now. Look the guy's trying to do and is multi million dollar job. That's it
there's no way a human being actually feels this way about the situation. None of us know the people accusing them of this care, and it's done the harm to anyone. No one asked for Greece for sorority girl at a party whose, on the bachelor rent from three years three years ago, is not of an Should that harms someone that is not What does no one zero people on earth or harmed by his statement? None of them were Rick. Actually there aren't order. We harbour because she dressed up as a southern bell back nobody's knew about, but no one even knew about up it. People, people like what we expose them and now that's on inland and then she has to poligized for the harm will no one knew the party existed, whose causing the harm repeal exposing her are calling the hot causing harm. But of course the truth is no harm happened. It's a toad.
Lie in every way. So we can all get rage clicks. I guess we're supposed to pose this up and ruin both of these people's lives for no friggin reason. It may be. The single best example I think it is talking about biblical principles of forgiveness and grace and applying them to idiotic, more erotic, bachelor contested, who probably has the iq of a pair the fruit and they're just is no redemption anymore. There's, just no absolutely z. well forgiveness and no redemption. You can't even consider it anymore. I and II, skies really need We'll did anything wrong. As far as I can tell, one dressed up in its southern belled outfit from eight, the eighteen hundreds, the others, yeah. Maybe that's not a big deal. You would I dressed up as a vampire. I am not advocating these sucking of blood from next the victims that is now
you do what you dress up- costume, no dressed up as Freddy Krueger is advocating entering people's dreams to carve them up would raise our fingers. That's not what you Will you are not the believe, Mama costume that you wearing this is complete insanity, and we just it just rolls on, and we these are things like, because they can find Doktor Seuss, which is still disturbing, but not perfect example of cancer culture. There all do speeches about that, one, the also all cats. Ultra doesn't even exist. Look at this doctor, so's family cancel the books or what about this one? This guy, as far as I know, not a conservative UK you're free to not hate him he's just being destroyed for no reason, no reason,
just just as weird cancel culture, blood lust for no reason at all. There's no reason to believe he has any of these are if any racist feelings, there's no reason to believe he's even for low taxes. You are free to like him and here it is, we ve got to destroy the guy anyway, it's incredible incredible until this year I am Well, maybe last year, I'd never see even like it, and now we see it all that all the time we sit every every stick in a week. Yet I did this thing at last year on us: do does America my show in place today, which was called cancel culture olympics, and I was like I wish do one of these like once a year, maybe or maybe even twice a year. I could do it every single day for sure, but with with all these, people. It happens every day, Tripoli, do some be easy. Came more. Patents do for Glenn on the globe that programme So what he's running on your cell phone bill every month? Is it more than you like it to be? More importantly, genoa,
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seven to Patriot ten seconds, stay maybe This is a fascinating story and illegal alien, whose charge with murdering for Americans is looking to evade the death penalty by classifying himself as in actually disabled should be fascinated. Want Wilbur Ernest Stall, Martinez Guzman Twenty year old illegal aliens from El Salvador was charged with murdering fifty six year old Connie Coon's Four year old, Sophia Rincon eighty one year old, Gerald David and is eighty year old, wife sharing In January, twenty nineteen, when prosecutor said he was attempting to steal money from his victims to buy more meth. Fungi
now. His attorney seek to classify him intellect the disabled, so he can evade the death penalty attorney. Have appealed their case to Nevadas Supreme Court, claiming that need more time to gather evidence that their client is in fact intellect truly disabled, the vat has break or wants to hear more directly from the lawyers on both sides. on how much more time public defender should have to try to prove he's intellectually disabled and can't be executed if convicted of these killings? Deputy defender John Reese, petty set in Most recent Supreme court filings. The motion hasn't been filed yet because they ve been unable to gather unnecessary and evidence, goose minds native El Salvador due largely to covet nineteen travel restrictions? I guess there's a lot of evidence in El Salvador, the guys in electrically disabled, a clear he'll psychologist, concluded in an evaluation.
Spend sealed in district court that Martinez, goose men's general, intellectual and cognitive test. Scores fell well below the levels needed to satisfy key elements of Nevadas exit version exemption previously and about a judge, said his attorneys had until April twenty to prove he's intellectually disabled. They clean They need more time to travel to El Salvador and gather evidence to prove their case. I wonder how prove it. Someone is intellectually disabled have some prominent people in this country that I think might be intellectually disabled, and that does seem to bother anybody. So may I The figures that screams to be in the story is to just open up the borders immediately. I think if you just, enough the borders, let everyone who wants to come in, come in at maybe build slides,
to make it easier. If you were to make like a giant escalator fun slides that people could slide right across four the mexican side of the border into the can side of the border and they make give them immediate voting rights as they get off the slide. I think that would work out really well and that's where I'm pushing for As they slide from Mexico into the United States as soon as they cross the border theirs gay scanning machine just scans them into the voting system. Yes, so that their immediately voters. Anything like I like that saying that any good if they want to they, can change their vote, but I think we should just give him a default democratic vote and I did station start there, because those the people fighting for freedom, those the p fighting for these wonderful policies so give them an automatic democratic vote, and then you know if they want to come in, they can opt out of that vote for potentially republican or maybe Independent slide should also slide them all the way to San Francisco. right Past Texas
over the adjoining states. the way to San Francisco. I think that's leaves them there. It's funny. That least cities don't seem to want that. Now what anyone borders open, but they don't necessarily what the people crossing them, people who arrive in their city. They do the strange, and they say you know they say pad. They say what we couldn't afford it. What we and I thought they were adding so much to our kind. I meant they helped our economy yeah. What do you mean? There's a phone to our economy understand why you wouldn't be able to afford it. It is a very strange thing. It's almost as if there's some intellectual limitations there, almost almost you could give intellectual limitations. Amalgam Megan Markel is considering apparently running for President Oh, I don't think would go really well, but this this feels, like is yours
earlier today is feels like this is going to happen. If it's just me- and I like in this weird soap opera were living through, it does feel like she's going to just become president. I dont know how to cut this. Just would be. Does I can- and I kept thinking like you know- maybe Megan Markel is like our last step in the revolutionary war, where we destroy the british crown all right. You know many years later, but it could be opposite it could be their retaking. Only if we had a prince as the first man the first dude in our rights. It could be that this could be an extension of the revolutionary that was our early on the back to Britain, all. These really pro british policies keep getting asked. I arouse ugly will watch and new Megan watching exactly what would happen and she'd be elected, will keep an eye on that
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surely say America's it's true also listen, pursues, show pretty much every time you could see that live a pm Eastern humbly tv, and it says Who does America? You also subscribe to that podcast? Where we get your podcast would, of course appreciate that so we scream about cancel culture. and incredible nonsense. Even more frequently army, in police Arlington Washington police were called to a bus. Stop near a middle school after report of a young black men brandishing a hand gun that man to man level rat later. He was stopped and frisked by police for no reason other than being black? I hate when that happens, but are in Washington police say, their investigation showed it was actually lever et, who called and reported himself police
was apparently he done this multiple times. He was nine to elicit a beating at the hands of police so that he could turn apparently recorded and create a sort of George Floyd situation is bizarre. That is bizarre though it is consistent with our society as a whole, where victimization is prioritize over all other things. Yes, if you can prove that victim, you win the day right. That's how people survive, and this in this world I mean look, we just, but Megan Markel who kicked came out and like a book yeah. I don't know what happened behind the scenes thereof. Would I be shocked, for royal family did bad things no, but her life Has it exactly been the story of oppression
good. I want a similar one, seventh of the nine seasons on suits where she made a lot of money at a high profile show for USA, where she was great and then she went from that she had to leave her high profile tv job because she had to be named a princess. Lit up. That's exactly how those terms work, but she is now here she is she's the rights S right well, but she had to leave Buckingham Palace or wherever they lived in England. I dont really pay attention to veto there. I'd they ve got him in different places. They can live there, but then they they came to the United States and they had to slum it in a fourteen and a half million dollar mansion, in LOS Angeles, so
and then those only in a fourteen point- five million dollar mansion right now these and these two people who have unlimited earning capacity for the rest of our lives and our maintaining forty million are mentioned, then got interviewed by a billionaire on tv to talk about how oppressed they all were yeah. It's like I e, not badly treated, they were by the royal family and as dumb as all of that is right. What's really, I think at this sense, of it is the same thing that causes this guy, to call the cops on himself to hope he gets beat for a viral video like he'd is its this idea that in stead of achieving things your Best outcome in life is to be a victim that everyone agrees is victim, so you can be praised and everyone will feel bad for you. That's not healthy, like you can think of a society like that's, not how America was built
it was by victimhood, nor exactly opposite a year. We complained about the British quite a bit you now, but what we did about it was create their best, obligation in the history of humanity right We constant We pushed through incredible strife to get there as a country and now it's like oh gosh, like the ultimate achievement, is to get like the bachelor host fired because you were somehow oppressed by a party. Some sorority girl went to three years ago, that is now you didn't even know about it. You didn't know about until it was reported and that some cultural achievement, will obviously it's it's not I know it's hard to know whether, like any of this is real like it does feel like its changing the fabric of our society. Where p are just so focused constantly on victimhood that they are Annette,
to achieve things for themselves of any merit. We ve vilified. Merit in many ways and I'm not surprised to see people do and, as you know, we see this all the time tat with people who were like you know, I waited on it. Cable, and then I went to get the receipt receded. It said I don't approve of your lifestyle with these things were like that. I dont like lesbians, and you appear to be a lesbian, had I'm writing it out my credit card receipt with my name on it, and one really has a role. Just don't do it don't do that and in almost make every their faith their hopes every diagnosed every time and the media false for every time I say false for it, but it's not true what they do. Is they promote it without care of whether its true when they say well what this is what she report? It works for boring what she said and then, when the thing falls, Are we later and they issue correction? It gets retweeted like four times and they all that web traffic and they got all the retreat and they got all the attention for the story, but I mean it
all of those stories pat come back and is just nothing, it's a giant nothing because people even if they feel that way, don't act that way no lights, They really don't like gay people, they don't right at the credit card to receive. You know little, it's an odd thing to do to torment people who have your credit card number, isn't it It's a really bad practice. Yeah though so I dont slowly, it seems like most people are like. Ok, I just want my pancakes. That's people react to the world, know goes around, writing nasty must listen. Receipts are like it's was a thing where they like. You know it's the receipt or it's a complaint to a manager like really somebody
plain to your manager because they like, I feel that she's a lesbian there and you should be aware that by appetizers did not taste is delicious as they should have. So I'm just I'm offend that I was served by someone who seems to me to be a member of the eligibility at you. You I too plus society and really upset my real coming back here again now I will not, and that is because I have a conservative and I will not accept different people. The other day I was, I was waded out by an african American. Now what is going on in our society? People? Don't do things like that as a rule they are of no horse. Is it possible, of course, of course anything is possible, but you have rightly unless you have to take these things with just a rain of scam
system and say look! This is just not how normal people like this is. Like I was going got off on this thing that we're getting from every corner of the media and every corner of society right now this, but there's it apparently pad a huge push. Of Asian Americans being brutalized by people? Fight, it's all over the place, because Tromp was calling virus ia, and that means that, like the you know: there's all sorts of violence at every big corporation Mcdowell adjusted one Nike did one banning Jerry's. You know the name company they have come out. Hbo Netflix Disney the lady and made a statement. They said you. I just want you to guys to know. We are not racist against Asian Americans. That is what you sure sure we made MILAN but tell the tone that. What and yes we made it like down the street from a concentration camp, but
don't notice that we swear were really upset about this asian american violence, and it just forget everything else: just the sniff test here, guy you're telling me that. There is a large amount of people who are sitting back totally fine, just like I also Donald Trump was like you know what it's called the the wolf on virus or the China virus. Somebody been repeated by every major media source for months. Gonna go to China glowing over and over again all did that four months. But then, when Donald Trump said it, it activated this group of people across the country, these white supremacist, whose you know what it is because the chinese communist government covered up the origins and the beginnings of of corona virus. I am now going to take that information and
for a person who looks asian could be from another country. My looks asian alone Chinese to me the racist and I'm going to go, find that person and beat them up, even though there is a much better chance, the reason there here is because they were fleeing the charities. Come communist government, then the matter agreeing with the chinese government concert communist government and I'm going to go, beat them for that The mental gymnastics unnecessary. To make that rational thought to someone is so inexplicable. I have never in my life many person who could have that thought process go from beginning to fruition, like oh another car. The virus came from another country have been some issues with the government there that did that that covered it up at the beginning. Therefore, beat up an american citizen who have, as you walking on the street and looks sort of like their residence, so area Dick and ridiculous of a concept. So looked into the details on it and all
information comes from this group, largely all that from stop a p I hate Now you know, of course, what a p eyes while eyes: Larry doesn't everybody the yeah, but if you wanted to illusion american practising in, but that's right, agent of mayor did ride Asian American Pacific Island or a civic. I leave the group I get grouped together for some reason. I cannot bear on organizations to stop their hate ahead. They together and Pacific Island, or as a political or do they say, an agreement, is an alliance. So they are, they came up with this self reporting website RO over a San Francisco college professor. Started this answer. You can write a big high. I was walking down the street and someone called me a racist slur because I've asian- and I assume it's about you- know. the covert or whatever, and Europe.
and then they just say we got another report like that. Is that the essence of it you look at the staff nationwide. First of all, almost always attacks are happening. A big cities in New York Had twenty eight attacks against Asian Americans in those in twenty This is a city that Donald Trump lost by fifty points. Guy, Oakland is another area. Where there's been some attacks. Donald Trump Eighty two to sixteen in Oakland so this is not exactly the weak, the magua hot spot. You might think it would be for incredible racist violence and, of course, this place out with the data it. The Oakland police, said none of the attacks. None of them have any evidence. They had anything to do with racism, Dunham zero evidence of this. There is one I think the new euro but they're, like it's a nine fold increase in asian american violence. Are I mean that's really bad ripened ended it look. Any attack on is obviously bet, but it went.
Three to twenty eight in a year now, twenty eight attacks granted twenty eight too many a hundred percent on board for that. But It was a very saddened million people. I don't think I know knowing what we're finding out is out of many times. As you might expect, the make up of the city happens to be highly african American, so many of these attacks happened to be african Americans now. Could still be racist attacks by unlooked Americans at least I think Reference Americans. We can be racist, we ve been told for very long time, they're not able to do such things right, but it could be that as well bottom line here, though, is that you know this has been this narrative. Has been adopted, as fashion has, and when we find out from the FBI in eighteen months that the act will. Total was up like six percent for the year or down four percent for the year, one's going to notice no one's going to talk about it and it's gotta, it gotta be pushed back.
Just doesn't make any sense that this would be happening at super high levels. Any increases bad right, but for the first two months, twenty twenty one. There were zero, but zero. Now, It was an escalating problem. Why would we got two months in New York City with zero attacks. It's what It makes no sense, and nobody because everyone, terrified they dont wannabe Chris, Harrison to death. Bring. No one knows anything about it. If it is really happening, it is a big problem, but can we acknowledge like a left wing professors website that is so reporting should not be driving a national movement because it may not be super accurate, maybe aha, AAA seven seven be easy. Let me tell you about lifelike life.
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Texas snuff. Are you keep saying all these southern? cities which would be we're considering that members are all better in the south and they are it's, not even New York City, what you might think with Andrew Cuomo in charge. You might think Now it is up Mexico city. so over six thousand deaths per million, which is way like art countries. They, like, I think, sixteen hundred per millions overtook them for free times as many as our while our country, in Mexico, city and, of course, these people from those from Mexico or coming across the border and other regions that are passing through Mexico needs are really hard hit spots that did very little to stop covered very little to test for it. Now we're like I'll just let him answer. You have a problem with these people. Looking for a better life here, AIDS
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entertainment decline back on jury, select, you go on nearly Derek Chauvelin trial. Is the person being charged with murder in the George ploy death? Also serious Silverman apparently doesn't want to be a democratic Europe. Get into those things about sixty seconds here programme How much time do you spend grilling every week I mean if you're the northeast right now. Probably zero minutes right, you too cold! Well, that's do not worry about that
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He a cue Dakar, its rhetoric, dot, com Patents do for Glenarm Alembic Programme throughout his back or something over the weekend. So hopefully he'll be back tomorrow. This week of the trial, former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Shovin, kicked off this morning with arguments over these stunning news Friday of the won T seven million dollar settlement for George George Floyd's family over his death, going through apparently recall seven of the jurors. I guess and talk to him about how they feel about that settlement because the settlement, sort of admit
wrong doing on the part of the city hide it does right aims. I get your paying twenty seven million dollars for what, if, if chauvinist do turned to be it owed to be innocent. Somehow what did you for right, and I think the answer horses, clear, which is they paid for their city, not to burn down. now I dont know I mean I think by a my eye. Not being a criminal justice expert by my eye. What happened? There was absolutely not lawful. That being said, if it were, like. Why would you why, would you settle and have the settlement come out publicly before the trial trial, when you're selecting jurors some make any sense to make any sense to me at all is certain it's not giving in no Kelvin his it's? It's so helping him.
Maintain his constitutionally guaranteed rights innocent until proven guilty right oh he's charge was second degree, murder and manslaughter ah The judge allowed prosecutors to reinstate third degree. Murder charge last week so it will be in putting to sea. I mean why it's going to happen if he has found innocent. Does that enter into the juries decision at all. It would seem like these are people. It would be hard not to wouldn't it to conceal what's going to happen, if you find this guy not guilty It will just be a strange idea to pay some. On twenty seven million dollars for nothing right. If you wish if you believe there is no wrong doing you, dont pay twenty seven million dollars, typically DNA quickly and if you're
We need to pay twenty seven million dollars. You dont do it, while their selecting jurors, like I usually like situation, remember the OJ think back in the day they had the trial trial. You know where he were, you know if it doesn't fit, you must quit yet again it gets off and then afterward they had the civil trial, right where you are going to find out how much money OJ was gonna pay for this crime. In our bit acquitted of rain and was it seems like the rational order of events like to pay, out a settlement before you have. The verdict seems completely nuts to me. You have to be able to in the middle of selecting jurors again, I think I can't do this without prejudicing the jury. I don't think I don't think so either and I don't see how anyway- and I don't know- maybe maybe they're- just not coordinated at all, but You'D- think that, like this would be the type of thing that would be obvious that this but the time to settle oil. You could pay
afterward, you might say well, look. There was still wrongful, even though he got off like that. Maybe that makes sense. I don't know you know, again, he has it, he isn't going and half he's going to be convicted of this, I think, Minnesota is like they're going to figure out a way here because if he is not convicted, though this is not. This is not correct, Do you know this is not the way justice works, but you're telling me there not somebody in Minneapolis gone guys, if Dude is not convicted. We are going to have a pile of rubble for a city that is Zactly what they're all thinking there they know it They believe it when it just happened before. There is any trial and there any chance to hold someone responsible. The city was to the ground now, if he, if this I just walks out of there. Can you imagine
you will be able to, it will be nighttime and you will look in the distance from hundreds of miles away and see a glow and probably a lot closer that because probably a lot of other cities while the same thing happen. That's what happened last time You know, I mean look, it's just is just reality and I think in others a thing that the NFL does a lot and that I've noticed where the controversial big ticket like news item and they that will come out with this like very long aggressive suspension. Another of fourteen games and they appeal at. It goes down to four, and I swear the Unifil just say like: let's just come out, we will act like me, will come out really tough on the stuff, really long suspension. if we go under appeal, it gets cut and have then it gets caught and fine If we come out with eight to love, a penalty will look like we're, not controlling this issue and don't care about you know when cheating or whatever say: what's your patriots, casinos, always the patriots, but if
you know it's usually a patriot related issue, but not just like ok well so now, when from fourteen games to three and what? But we try to our best and look. I got overturned and appeal. Were we going to do you know when I think that is There is a temptation by a lot of he's municipal governments to say, look charge him with everything like who cares, make it didn't hurt with one person I get. This is The right instinct is against everything in our country since four, but there is argument. I think that these people have and they say, look just charge him. At least we're coming out hard and if he gets off it gets off. We can control that go after yeah well an egg, and they are a second degree murder. Manslaughter charges, so that must mean more than one, and now they re reinstated a they reinstated of third degree, murdered charge and right, so they ordered the just, throw everything at him to see what sticks and their hopes.
Then we'll stick yeah they want where's degree murders, like I dont think you can argue. He like that he planted grief. No, he planted not probably not Who knows the weighted been a lot of these jurisdictions? Have different corks how these things get applied. I don't know what the right degree of murder would be, but he's probably going to get convicted of one of the decrease and look at I I don't know a single person who thought I think, the police officer acting completely properly there. I certainly didn't think that when this happened it looked like he It was definitely guilty of wrong. Doing I mean there's no reason for you to have your knee on his neck for eight minutes. Right I mean I Think any of us thought that was appropriate, but the key nurse report. Afterwards. That said that he added here a fatal dose of fur done all in his system
and then you realize I mean certainly they're gonna that's going to come out in the trial, and so would he died anyway. I don't know we will never know that, but I think The jury will consider that, once the evidence is presented that I think the coroner's report will probably play a big part in this, but aren't they think you can exonerate Derek open of his responsibility in this way. It's to tell right they, even if when it does seem to be the case that there were drugs in the system and then get him in it, but that its tough, because it's like they did the interact. Can push this over the edge. You noted wasn't missed such a stressful event that I pushed over the edge, even though it didn't let you know what crush his windpipe or something you know there is a difficult and medical experts will go back and forth on that. I'm sure on the stance during the trial and look the uncomfortable truth of the wonderful system. We all praise here in America, this
idea of innocent until proven guilty the uncomfortable truth. That is all of this. matters even if you think He did was wrong even if George Floyd You know, you might think, is a complete saint in the greatest sky of all time. It doesn't matter none of that matters if, if the man Cole situation comes out in a way that he might be the here. Fired right. He still gonna have repercussions he would likely will have. We will likely be convicted of murder, but it's possible. that he would be convicted of a lesser charge, and if that happens, still cities will be burned to the ground over it. And you know people people love this idea. As you know, we are innocent until proven guilty when it's someone, they like who is benefiting from that and when someone who they dont like It has benefited from it. They all hate this idea and why Well, that is, wearily part of our system. A person
that we dont like whose innocent does not get does not get thrown in prison. That's not the weights post work. What is part of our system is to sit here in glorify people who burn down cities because of the result that The type of thing that happens all the time in the media, but is it not Usable he's voters to tear down a statue, because you don't I the guy said three hundred years ago, it's nice usable to go burned out a city because you don't like the result of a trial. It is now excusable to create sorts of violence and to kill people, because dozens of p, died in the summer and those rights that was not just a it was not just a property damage situation. Dozens of people died, I would also add onto it. It's also not acceptable, even if you think that you really don't like the results of an election to go to the capital and overwhelming not ok, but that's it. Only thing our media seems to understand occurred in the last year. It
The only event. There is a lot of other things that, by the way by scope, were much much worse, much much worse, Yes, the symbolism of the capital thing was was incredibly notable, there's lots of all sorts of problems, and I want defend it for a second, but We, the tearing up of many of our major cities and causing hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of damage, distress economies strewing lifelong family businesses of minorities. Throughout these cities it cannot be over how bad that is who is? It was a Dick Durban that said something like you can compare You can compare the summer riots too. The January sixth riot insurrection, because It was a huge disservice to the police officers who died,
yeah, that's the ones who died over the summer in the riots. Those because there was several there were several who died during that time period. Whereas, yes, an officer died, but it wasn't apparently at that. ends of the mob on January Sixth, so, we have taken this and twisted it so badly that it looks like January Sixth was the worst thing that ever happened and that this summer of rioting was just fine, It may take every death associated in. Even when you have a completely peaceful rally. Many times, there's people who have medical events, and they die the every medical event associated with that. They are counting to the Capitol Hill Death Toll and you write like some of these death they looked with violence and I feel at some level it's just pointless to try to say anything here, because it is
taken as this defence of the capital which is now doing. I think it was really bad. I called it in the moment a national disgrace, but like I teach people at least died during the George Floyd. It's in there was associated with that's a huge number and we saw people beat to a whole year by crowds. Video over and over and over again and city after city fell fully some of them survive, so the numbers not even higher? none of this is excusable on either side. But it's it's amazing to see- and you see it too, with with George Floyd thing. Now we're back to saying cops are bad again like when the cap help thing was going on, the police were good, and we couldn't believe how that how disrespectful those people were. They were buried. I've already with blue eyes matter flags over and over again at this time we go
I can force the left all the time. Elsie was saying like the capital for the police. came to my office and I wasn't sure if they were gonna hurt me or not. That was the way they were talking about it till we got to the patron hearing and then everyone risk The police, more than anything in the world for two weeks, and now again there all evil again and then just beating up minorities for no reason can you at least to pick a lane pickets. Not even a lane, a direction on the highway, be nice would be really everybody else, because the media allows them to have it. Both ways single time AAA seven Some be easy K. More patents do for glint. Coming up all right now, if you are in your house, just mind your own business as usual, and then you finally find out that something is off.
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patriots supply dot com. My patriot supply dot com ten second station? I looks like sir. A silver silberman is is done with the democratic party. Is that possible? she, has posted in Instagram video from her podcast, where, talks about how annoyed she is with their own party, as it admitted Democrat its pricing, Silberman spoke about how absolute necessity, absolutist solute of the already is a off tour. That she doesn't want to be affiliated with any party at this point in speaking of Democrat Party. She said it's oh effing elite. Is you know for something called progressive and allows for zero progress? Should
Hold it righteousness porn. and said I really. I don't think I want to be associated with the party anymore. That's pretty interesting she's, interesting she's, not certain? she's, not leaving the party because of conservative reasons, like I really know: low taxes, a machine borderline. Probably a yo see democratic, socialist level when it comes to policy, though, want in a separate her from the room that crowd, though, if she's a comedian who makes her living on saying offensive things and she doesn't like this. Will cancellation stuff? You know, so yes to vex effects are like NATO has affected her. She lost a job because of Yet she did on Sarah Silverman Show where she wore black face now the skin is of itself is mocking people
who are racists like at the point of the skin is to say that racism is wrong. Give it that matter. Does a man you ve been in black face, then that's the meme that cancels everything Incredible em. It's not that long ago that every edgy left wing comedian did things like this to prove the point of how Riddick, as racism was Yankees very standard thing that happened again. You may not like it, but happened a lot some of em did it just for comedic purposes: Leg Hill Jimmy Jimmy Do not do it do to disprove how bad bad racism was ready to look like Carro Maloney? Yes, because he so he could say about a black athlete is dumb set out by the way. Did Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Fallon did black face his was it in person we of the rock? Yes, it was it it wasn't day. It was in a surly, a mockery of Chris Rock, but not to do it, but Jimmy Kimmel lay you said was mocking coral. He was trying to make car a black use, a million I do, but in black face making a black man look stupid. That was his point. Uganda.
His point was he can't talk this black man can't talk right. This back this black man oils not boil good. Absolutely. That was really his pointers. No doubt about that was it. It was any larger, large old, larger point? It wasn't any big, Vito philosophical, deep dive into the mind of a racist in those jobs, him marking a black person for not being able to talk correctly. What you would think would pretty bad and that you would have some issues with that, but he's had none yet he valued on. It eventually rose to the point where the can he went on vacation, he apologized like a tweet, and then it was it. right now only find say they were followed him and I think, legitimately fell does not deserve A the same to criticism like that, I'm in- and he really
it really. It was just an ode. He does a really good Chris Rock impersonation, and they really does Saturday live dressed him up ass, Chris Rock- and I don't have you know this gb fell its white. So it's difficult for him to Likewise, work without make up they did it, and I don't think they would do it today, but they did it that was what sort of you could argue in innocuous use You can argue that would Kimmel nodded. Only Kimmel was no you just mocking. Am that's not the same, no was not the same and he has not had to pay a price. For that now. Look, I think, Should we cancelling people, especially comedians for jokes, that they make? I think it's a dumb practice, but if, if staters were applied equally we're living by their rules, now persons programme So am I the only person whose worried by the fact that the word trillion has sorted passed into common conversation, the financial world, like
Robert we mean, a one Obama came into office, they pass these seven hundred and eighty seven billion dollar stimulus and one of the big goals of the programme was to keep it under a trillion cause there's no way something that it was a trillion dollars could pass that was passed. one point: nine trillion dollar programme, and no one, even as noticing it. If you a stimulus check, it'll, probably help you, for I guess a few weeks, but about four a billion dollars of the system is package, went to direct checks, the rest of it while the government was turning it into dust. Who knows what they're doing with that very little went to actual covered the dollar is in serious trouble long term. It's time to plan for your future. Think about retirement submission Do we really need to start planning about now right away?
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Charles and actually commented on the fact that their doing maternity air for air force. Pilots, a guess like. Are they going to fight when their pregnant and do they need maternity where he was just kind of commenting on what the focus is. for the. U S: military ends, compare that too to China, and what their military is doing. He said what wild China's military becomes more masculine as its assembled, the world's largest Navy, our military, as Jim Biden says, needs to become more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore, since men and women no longer exist bottom line, is it's out of control and the Pentagon is going along with it again. This is a mercury of the: U S military and core mission, is waning wars, so apparently the
marine expeditionary force in? For me? in group took some offence to and they publicly blasted Karlsson, they wrote it looks like in today's armed forces. Tucker Karlsson, and then they posted a picture of a female marine carrying another Marine and They posted get right before you get left Boomer. is Tucker Karlsson. Baby boomers I don't think he's even a baby boomers from that generation. Other CIS shorthand for old person, outdated views. Now I guess, so I dont know why? The? U S military is engaging in nonsense. Shouldn't being leave it to log in Vienna and act. nearly ten crews is taking on the challenge, he
He said under Biden. The military is launching political attacks to intimidate Tucker Carlsson and other civilians, who criticise their policy decisions, officials in uniform are being used for the campaign. I've demanded a meeting with the common. dont of the: U S and see the United States Marine Corps to put a stop to it. If we can do that, because yeah the U S military, should not be attacking private citizens and they have come now after the curious lead and her apologizing and saying basically we should be doing this stuff on social media, which is appropriate hours. Of course, Obviously they said we are human and that What was intended to support our female war fighters? We could do better, will collectively taken me view, are procedures and get back in the fight. Our focus is to train fight and win, which course again should be again. Dont know why these accounts even exist. Why would you
Have anybody certainly with a snark? for the? U S, military in any capacity. Why would I didn't want to announce a recruiting drive on your social media accounts. Fine you know you want on you. You would you want to have a place where you, tweet each public statement made with a link fine, are you, think you need a higher wise asses to fire back a cable news bonuses for less as the military. That's probably about idea like everyone seems to be theirs. brands that have done this pretty well at stake. M has done. This pretty well what they like kind, just be wisest everybody or Wendy's. I think, is another one year that kind of they'll get in the middle of these things and tweet funny things and was all gosh. This is what you should do with social media and then and then five hundred companies do at horribly air and you it at some point pay. tell me when you got a new value meal price.
You could tell me when you, when you got a free, you know you want to tell me you got spicy nuggets are back on the menu for a week and tell me about it now talk about he's got some new. Way of wrapping tortilla in cheese around meet beef. I always wanted all about. I want to know about it, but I don't really need you to be there Marcie Entertainment source on Twitter. No, I can at least understand it from a brand perspective I dont data from the? U S military, we do not need to pursue a solitary. We do not want it, The! U S, military needs a really sign that the Euro military is announcing, essentially has ideological enemies in the country. That's really not a good thing, not supposed to be the way it works. Now, glad to see that tat grew stepped up and apparently be for even gets a meeting with the commandant they ve already apologized, for so that must have had I'm sort of effect on thin ice
senators have away, but hunting that there is. There is a bit of a power way, especially if you know you made a mistake. You know like that of a wave of of something that out so dictionary dot com tweeted out. We added six hundred new words to Dictionary D. Come about that six hundred six hundred YAP not didn't used to like without had three new work. Yes Now it's six hundred soldiers we think that shows up. I guess in our Macular they just sad and make a word out of it. Yes, no longer a big announced when it's just like, if someone said it three or four times I twitter, it's just an actual word now dazzling apples of I do by park. You know: my party ass by something person of color by rival by indigenous and people of color,
because a blackened indigenous get their own, letting is our own, but in all the other people of color, just people of color are combined. So that's like stop a p. I hate wide asian american right. It pacific Islanders, have to shared organization. Instead of I don't know, it's wrong sets are mine. What's wrong with you, she asked every organisation should be together and apart you Yes, that should not be german together by Pox that doesn't it I mean already black organizations right, w seem right. There's already indigenous organizations and then let specify the people color, because there is also organism she's for Hispanics. And whose left the agents are left and they have their own group you have to wonder why, like they didn't get like transgendered people and like Unitarian adds an you could name it Tupac.
Would have been much better, that's cool yeah, I would even call doesn't idea, people would think to populist is alive to say it's us, it would be strange organization and transgender people unitarian people of color coming to get back. That's what they would be odd. It would be worth it worth it worth it. Do you not a spontaneous spawn come spawned gun now answered content to do like our new advertisement. Videos shortening other words. They are niner, worse, deep, fake, yeah yeah sure a fake digital manipulated. Video or audio file typically fee during a person's likeness and or voice in a situation that did not actually occur so deep. Since to me, I think that's a good one and one day in Vienna.
finish: Israel. I am not going to try to explain fits of phonetic, spelling Sending the african american vernacular English very current of fixing to fixing to unfinished do that Finnite finish up the show and so there now is putting like Miss pronunciations in the dictionary say: yes, Sir What finish in there, I think you have to have trainer China is used. the time I've. Never I don't know I've seen nearly as much as of seem trying trainer I'm not trying to do that. You will get its way, That's your saying! I'm not trying to do that. I s right and because people misspell it intentionally on line that becomes a word now, that's bad! It's one! to conclude, I think a lot of this is a little bit of our accepting of all cultures thing we're like if someone if some group says,
A word in an incorrect way intentionally. We just assume that now it should be a word yet, like you know like if rattled at all, as all says, she's black, that Actually white shirt, king says he's black and actually what we're supposed to respect that- and you say: ok Yes he's black. Even though, is not black They here, like you know, if a group decides to pronounce a word in a way that it is not its accurate. We just say: okay. Well, that's! Ok, there that's culture, and therefore we should change the english language to form to it gets even worse strange. It gets even worse. Because this is just a miss pronunciation of a word that has now become a word unto itself so possibly are you kidding me? It's not it's an adverb, meaning me as may be assumed, imagined or supposed y know. What isn't now suppose it Lee is, but supposedly is just like
stir a six year old, saying supposedly wrong? Yes, that's what it is in a bunch of people not realising they had it wrong. Their whole lives right, son, Does that mean why wouldn't you do fight if it's really a different word? Why wouldn't you define, supposedly as just supposedly, the only word your name to explain it is the word there trying to say exactly exactly is that is ass, an that's ass about yeah. Just that's, then, is in big in big, an e m I Gigi in em, big enough from a show like was there I just simpsons episode or something I don't know. it's too make or become bigger. You in again, something a in origin of big it old have once the definition in begin now. I dont see definition or an origin, no
It was a first heard, a word first heard on the Simpsons and ninety ninety six in big. In yes, nineteen ninety say yes, it is the motto of the Simpsons Fictional town of Springfield, at which reads mobile spirit in begins. The Wallace Man, the show that their trial is. Now that man's word in the english language soaks week more deserves to be allowed. As I keep arguing for the country, we really does give up. We really should just give up, and just read meant we had. It was all the american experiment, so some experiments fail and this one did sorry. Yes, two hundred Gulden run forty five years. Eu dried. We had a good, we had a good right, yeah real already. Just we just gotta call it a day. You know it just not working any more but shut up. It's what else! Pops up Sometimes you feel that way- and this is one of them triple eight. Seventy,
and be easy. My gosh, this unbelievable, really factory. I need really factor right now, because I can't deal with the nonsense that is going on our country, Paul, isn't Minnesota he's up like a play. A software league and he was out, but there was younger Forgot I got sixties now, it's behind to becoming to her knees every single time. His knee problems are in all over the place path, good, and you know what that to happen. Eventually, The point where it wasn't even funded play anymore because he could barely run the basis tried a few things. nothing really worked for him or for very long, so he Africa thought was the aging process decided he'd, probably just retire, not not play any more than it sucks. That's gonna crappy moment for a guy,
ever read around the corner was a time he heard Glenn talking about relief factor decided to give it a try it put about twenty bucks, but Most will give it a shot to try to fix something like this. I guess he's playing softball again. Paul is really factor is a drug, but it was developed by doctors. Seventy percent of the people who try relief factor go on to buy more because it works, for them is even more for you will get you back on the field. Try to three we quickly about the trial. Pack is only one thousand nine hundred and ninety five go to relieffactor dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four factor dot com or eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four. It spends due for Glenn. I was gonna back situation today. Hopefully he'll be back tomorrow, Tripoli two seven be easy. K doesn't plus.
Believes they world they will overtake Netflix in subscribers, like twenty twenty four, that's only three years from now, and they had quite head start flicks has its two hundred. and three million right now to uttered three million subscribers worldwide. Disney has thing just passed a hundred million mark and to me I'm not dead in love with Disney plus does not seem to be a lot honours, not a lot of content, except if you have kids and they like this the old movies classic movies. There's plenty of that, but I'm saying as far as new content Milk Antonia, there's two things right: there's men, Delorean and wandered and for you there's only one thing: is you don't like one division? I don't care about on air about Marvel STAR, but that Serbia, that I love of star wars and I'll watch pretty much anything added to it, but
Mental or it is ok. I didn't think it was like unbelievable, like I got into a sort of the indices in one am that's I've yadda picks up at the end of season one, and I think it's much better in season two. Ok, so now I mean the problem with mandatory was there were like you know, there's this big reveal except I'd, seen baby Yoda, unlike forty seven million pages on the internet already, so I'm not a big reveal to me. Do you know about that reveal in seconds. Now I don't know you don't know anything about it, but it ain't. I don't. I also think it's a little bit of a scam right because I happen to be a Disney plus subscriber when I signed up and paid for and then, like Madam no how some company I do business with gave me like a ten year extension to allow yeah. I got like always free months and years to it. So now I'm gonna end twenty twenty nine I'll still be a subscriber, but I have I would have paid for a very long time. Since I don't see anything, I gave away a lot of subscriptions to that date.
started we're Netflix, eight other, given you the trial, but everyone signing up from the beginning. Feel MAX is the same way, I'm an HBO subscriber on my cable system, and so I get HBO Max I am sure I count as one of their subscribers, but it's not like. I went out and likes you. I was a girl. I gotta have each Bio MAX it just kind of if you have b o you get HBO Max Tiger automatically, and although I have it and you didn't pay for it, it backs reform. Now I was just what I meant was already in each be a subscriber paying for each be of so it was. I was loop, minnow lumped in which I've seen a lot of good things at each be a maxim way, more content that I've, liked at HBO. Max then did plus or for sure, and until it disappointed us much of anything. It is that right you got a lot of all shows what I strove. Yes, it's true now there are supposedly get a pump fifteen billion into
content that'll changed the cattle she had, they should be able to come up with a couple of J should be able to will see if they are but yeah. The dutch change things now. Each feel MAX is getting all these first run movies. Now that these they debut in the theater and on HBO Max at the same time, that's a big huge, so we'll max might be worthwhile. Some, it seems like everyone's is complaining about the movies that they release, that aren't that good, like you know the one, no wonder woman thing all demand that with Colombia.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.