« The Glenn Beck Program

'Reconnect and Celebrate' - 5/1/18

2018-05-01 | 🔗
Hour 1  Dear New York Times, Love Karl Marx?...Karl Marx is making a big comeback!...suicidal Seattle and the socialist creep?...taxes are killing the West Coast...politics on broken promises ...Netanyahu calls out Iran's nuclear progression...urges US to abandon deal...Obama sold Iran deal as 'exclusively peaceful'… untrue… ‘we were duped’ by the Obama administration ...Saudi Crown Prince: 'Shut up' or make peace   Hour 2 Faithful Catholic frustration?...Michael Matt, Editor at 'The Remnant Newspaper', joins to discuss the problems with Pope Francis and the Catholic Church today...Pope Francis = John Lennon?...always seems to side with the political left...undermining American interests with George Soros and Russia?...lots of deceit is coming out of the Vatican ...Fun with Fact Checking? ...'Rights and Responsibilities', presented by Mercury Museum...MercuryOne.org/museum2018 ...NRA says no guns at it's own convention, but why?    Hour 3 Reconnecting our nation…learning from Oklahoma fires and neighbors coming together...There is much to be thankful for and celebrate when it comes to this country ...The Exorcist (1973) director William Friedkin joins Glenn to discuss his new documentary film, 'The Devil and Father Amorth'...witnessed terrifying real-life exorcisms ...the political toxicity of Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy? ...Rapper calls for gang attack on Kanye… ‘stay out of California’   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand courage shrink back here in New York Times it's me Karl Marx. Thank you. So much for article wishing the happy birthday, I have to say one hundred Thirty, five years I've been boy lying here in the bowels of hell, solar linsky. Since his regards I cannot accept accolades. You have provided wild. Your piece is fairly well it does. Contain weird tensions and the fat boy approach
especially considering the death toll of my called philosophy has agreed roughly one hundred fifty million It's actually far more than that. Believe me, I've! up to now and stolen those guys are crazy. Let's talk about title happy birthday, Karl Marx, you were right. I find the inclusion of your exclamation mark a bit. Much no, I mean what happened to old New York Times, which was respectful your urged from early days of pending press fostered impressive career. I saw we ve denizens of L, absolutely adored the divisive tactics and on the back elite ism you develop over years.
Lucifer himself loves wreathing hateful trump articles on the couch. Of all the money he's help do make an all. But let's talk about author, MR, Jason worker. He's an English born associate professor of philosophy at University of South Korea. First, he's done? Wonderful work, keeping my work relevant with his expertise in power. Marxism all the time. I spent worrying that capitalism had room did for me. Will not me I actually loved capitalism privately because It's what allowed me to have a lifelong freeloader about ideas like have have nots can't believe you collectively believed this stuff. I didn't
like Mr Bakers, alternative history, novel marks returns, which pretends to watch my process during composition of those capital, my screen against, capitalism, slightly more subtle than the Communist manifesto boy. I had great loss with those two last out of how many cigars and bottles of expensive wine and, while writing those good times they don't come back most important, I would like to thank you New York Times for sole shamelessly selling your soul on my behalf, and I only hope, you have a long term plan, because I until you personally a whole communists thing does. The end well sincerely, coral more
it's Tuesday May. First, this is the Glen Back Programme, nice job on the scribbling. Their stewards figures realised by hand this really tired. When I write you should write that you should hold that up. If you're watching on the blaze tv you can see these scribbles in and that makes much sense is most of got growth markedly right, but yes does thank so much New York Times. But what do you little bit more bloodshed, That's really thereby went away. Happy birthday, Karl Marx, you were right from the near times. Ah, great up,
it's crazy. It is absolutely great or why the last part of that, by the way it's behind the pay wall, if you were to read it out now exactly about work. So here's what so. Here's what's really interesting is Karl Marx is making a big combat canal living in this safe way. That's a Restoring the Pacific Northwest and I think a lot of the West safe a safe way warns. Seattle, new employment tax could turn neighborhoods into actual food. Deserts now Do you remember they report? We did on food deserts when, Uncle Bob said ear living in a food desert yeah did a whole series of called deserted and which we would vested communities that have absolutely no access to food, which was interest because all of the places we looked at had multiple, not just one but multiple grocery stores,
You have it. I didn't have a place. You can get a salad thou. Yes, they did really huge protest at Hartman, really yeah thousands and thousands of options for fresh foods immeasurable. Well, apparently, those who care about food deserts no longer care about food deserts, because Karl Marx he's right new. Employment tax, which has been proposed by the Seattle City Council, will charge roughly five hundred dollars per please based in the city of would only apply to the cities largest companies. You know the ones that provide all of the jobs. Many some are complaining to the press, some with good reason about how the tax would discourage employment and ultimately damage the city's economy. What could pass legal wrong that acts is only going to apply to businesses earning twenty million dollars in revenue within The city limits a group that includes five one hundred and eighty five companies,
five hundred and eighty five companies businesses would be required to. Can you just get out your calculator here? Stew, businesses would be required to pay twenty six cents per man our camp? for every employee that works within the city limits, excluding vacation, pay and sick time. So let's make that twenty six times, forty forty hours times. What fifty weeks? Fifty two x vacation so that should be of five hundred and how much is twenty, five hundred and twenty dollars? Ok, now, let's just say, Amazon see elsewhere, but one of Seattle, if not biggest employers. You know in the in the top five they they only have pretty five thousand employees in Seattle Kay the Times
five thousand ok, yeah, that's gonna, be a look. There's a happy tax there, that's the tax that Amazon has to pay every single year, for employing people in Seattle, three million twenty three, four million dollars, so they can afford it because, remember this only applies to businesses, earning twenty million dollars in revenue. That's out profit, that's revenue, so that means that's they sell all their stuff. They to make at least twenty million dollars. Then you get that tax. That's amazing, because thing. You know about taxation when you tax something you get less of it, that's what you ve done.
With the point of another man, not only, for example, of ice tax like cigarettes, alcohol may know. Why do you taxes thing? You hang us that, because you want more people to smoke now, that's the opera what you do In theory, you tax it so less people will small go we more difficult to afford it. So then, why? Why are we taxing marriage so high? Because we have we that marriage tax I've heard of here is a wait a minute, We give you a break. For marriage. Just theoretic trying to encourage, and at least that wasn't a shot at one point method, but here is employment, so you're. Now taxing people extra for hiring, more people which again like would make more sense, for example, to give aid a small rays to an employee to take on double the work right there to hire and extra person put those people you
lower you want to eat. For example. Great argument for automation great argument, Dr Wooden, I replace up a worker with a robot when there The charge me an extra five hundred hours. I getting that five hundred dollars, gonna pay the employee anyway, that's extra and put it or throw Wow, I will tell you: Europe is ahead of us on their side There are already there already. They already have a robots are people to tax and stuff. They they already have done that. So, if Europe they somebody with a robot. You have to pay the you have to pay the tax on that, and that is one of their goals, that common, and I will tell you that you'd still pay it, because it's cheaper to have a. Robot, then it is to have a human being Seattle is. Seattle is suicidal. Everything on the West Coast is just suicidal from they grow marks was all
to the to the canadian border, it's just on fire. This is that it's the it's Karl Marx was right. You know it will it's everywhere useful idiots, Genova works new book called suicide of the west. It's an exam! what he meant media like anybody at all, but it is kind of what he meant: How do you? How do you stay open for business? I will give his alone fox con. Just built that are is just rubber. You can ground on that new power. And up in whereas it was concerned, and that because why, because as Scott Walker gave them like a three billion dollar tax break. That's why the rain Wisconsin, not because they love the cheese there there because of the tax break. You want to try, people. Why is why is Boeing
is there not running corporate headquarters out of Seattle anymore down, because everybody else gave them tax breaks? What do you think they d a word just so special we're just cells, she'll they're just gonna keep their just gonna keep building. Now they won't there going to find places there. Our nice places to live and work. Ask them to death. What do you think? What are you Texas is growing and everywhere else is shrinking. It's true, I mean remember the the New York plan that They were running for wild enough, it's still going on, but it was like movies, This is to New York to pay taxes for like a ears with what you just have. A sensible tax rate due to lower people there, you have to give them zero for a long time. Instead,
Why not just make your business environment rational, but this is the problem I mean it. You know I mean they all know it. When it comes down to it, they all know it when it comes down No, they really want solar panel. You know they really want electric cars and what do they do? They throw Texan, said at them. They all know if they want more of something you take the taxes. A pen of punishments away yet in play is like Seattle. These we'll go down these roads. They know what the effect is. Everyone knows what the effect is. If you what are they doing with a sort of tax? Their raising soda tax, of course, is to make money, but it's also in theory to get people to drink, less soda right there. Trying to punish that behaviour and what you're doing in Seattle. In so many places around the country is trying to punish the IMF we are for hiring people, it's insane, but again, and they spend so much money. They go. They promised so many things to their to their left wing. Voters
and what they need to pay for and the cycle continues. I mean how are they gonna? How if, without this time, How are they gonna buy, although those tense that those forty five five thousand employees are gonna have to live in it. I know what it's like mother's day: moms are the absolute greatest Even so the crappy ones are pretty good. Interesting, mother's day cell there you know, I mean I mean I mean to say you know I mean I had a I had it mom, but, as I get older unkind of Lincoln die.
I mean, you know it really really turns meet you at turns around. On my on my mom on whether she actually loved me is rice pudding, I love rice, pudding, I never had rice putting before I never had. I am rice and raisins we grew up rice and raises my mom would make instant rice and then she poor look on it and she but some cinnamon on it and she throw some reasons and there you go where I said to my my wife, Tanya, I said hey. If you ever had, raise she's like no, and, I said, as she said. How do you make it? I said you know you: put it in you to stir with the milk mill. She said. That's rice, pudding and I said no at something differ as she said. No, you just cook it longer and, like my mom, she was like air he's worth a treat not all that time I mean that's just wait,
effort for him anyway. I'd still guide, still love her and and in she's worth celebrating mother this day is right around the corner: it's not this Sunday, it's the next Sunday and one eight hundred flowers, dot com will you get ahead of the mother's day, rush one eight hundred flowers, dotcom they're, giving the exclusive thirty four thirty offer that thirty assorted tulips for thirty dollars, with bright, beautiful, yellow orange and pink blossoms. There are sorted Philips guaranteed to make mom smile assorted, tulips, perfect way to surprise all of the moms in your life, your wife, your aunt, your sister, your grandmother, even though they are not my mother, I dont know how geyser roped into this you're, not a for all that dad's in your life. Now you mark has destroyed our country any
thirty assorted tulips were thirty dollars and it's an amazing offer. It expires today. So pick your deliver Dave? One eight hundred flowers will handle the rest, don't put it off? Do it now order the third? He stunning us stunning, assorted tulips for only thirty two one eight hundred flowers, dot com, one eight hundred flowers, dotcom click on the radio icon and enter the promo code back thirty. Four thirty ends today one aid, flowers, dot, com, promo code, back back mercury, gland back so yesterday I mean the office and working on the mercury, one museum that is going to open
here in the studios for just three days June: fifteenth, that's a Friday June fifteen through Sunday June seventeenth and this year it's about the rights and responsibilities, and yesterday, like you know, we need a key a we need, a rack We need you know the gallows or something like that cause. I want to start it with tyrants, kings and blood baths. What the world was like before people recognize men had certain inalienable rights and saw him all day yesterday, like what do I get a getting a Anita rack Wherewith where we gonna find out but he was a rack haze. Anybody have a key eighteen. We can borrow. I mean a real one day with him. It gets you through prison. He answered my really is so yesterday afternoon, Suzanne from
Mercury won rights, and she said: there's this guy Glenn he's here. As one of the largest collections of you know, torture devices from the medieval times from from Spain from the inquisition and from England from the witches and everything else like this the Abigail team, risibles bizarre thing ever that out of the blue, this guy rights, this aim day I'm like you know what we need to get a deity, we, we need some torture devices. Mrs say about you, I don't know like the idea that people are just like I've got an extra guillotine. Let me call Glenn, I know well, he's have to put this whole thing together, now. I guess he's looking for a place to how's it or something and end Ripley, believe it or not is is into it, and I'm not. I mean, I think, he's a more serious individually. Doesn't you knows that like hey
you look a bit residence Gore, Girls Jane, I you know the more serious that's what happens at Ripley say I'd like so I'm going so you're lying in wages, and we just saw the outcome Well, I've got a lot of people to sound like that. When they walked yeah yeah yeah they do they do. Why believe me boy believe it or not. I believe so, So if I dont know, if we can borrow his tortures, But if you happen to have a deity- and I mean a real one and will mean a magic eighteen or when the EU is built I don't know who collects these things but We needed for the opening of arm of our museum this year for this year is gonna, be really spectacular, really spectacular,
dear soliciting, forgetting I I am but real, authentic ones. Of course. Yes, of course, I want to show difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution, with the deity and They also want to show, because we just we just purchase something we The letter to Benjamin Franklin from TAT Spain, you would love this after hearing. It's you know his his treatise on on God. Franklin export ITALY's acknowledge, no, I believe in God. That's not what I'm saying. I'm trying to get the French to understand the guy at the guard history all upside down? We have the original letter you'll see that in the Mercury Museum, Mercury, one dot, Org Slash museum wanting eighteen;
is the glamour programme. We have an amazing programme for you today. He Matt. He is the editor of the remnant newspaper this a catholic newspaper. He is a guy who I wanted to talk to because there's a cup things going on with a pope that concern me and concern honestly. Many Catholics that I know for since the Pope is, is, is playing footsie with the Chinese and is destroying the underground church, which is essential? or Catholicism, or for Christianity, to make it that the catholic Church, the underground church, is Really important in China,
he's, dismantling it and he's also the cosy up with Russia there's a couple of other. Things he last weekend, he came out and said: hey, let's get rid of all of our weapons. It is an interesting it's gonna, be an interesting conversation. Also William Freed can bill freed can is the guy who directed the exorcist. He now says I, should have done that differently because I you didn't know much about it here it's gone out with a a real life exorcist. And and has gone through several exorcisms- he's, got a new movie out and he says the real thing is absolutely terrifying.
We have him on the devil and father a it released, I think on Friday. I have not seen it yet, but I've seen several interviews with him and its sole hits kind. Tsar. So we have that coming up today as well. Let spend a few minutes talking out: Benjamin Netanyahu and what he did Last night, eight p m Islam time where he gave a speech to the country in the world he started in Hebrew, and then he said Hebrew, I'm gonna, say the rest of this in English for the rest of the world. He made quite a presentation and I don't know exactly what this means. Jason betrayal is The sea is our lead researcher, and also military affairs and foreign affairs welcomes the program like you so I'm reading stories last night on this and its?
three after story after story with her, lines like Benjamin Netanyahu gives a bizarre presentation saying a ran is cheating on the nuclear deal Israel, is stomping on IRAN and it could bring one of the worst wars. The Middle EAST has ever seen. Nowhere in here is a story that is actually talking about what he said and how Dangerous ran really, is I read ever shares. The culpability in any of this was so amazing. To me, always Israel's fault, and I, like hell it's hilarious, as they call us a bizarre presentation and how he switched from Hebrew into English. While the reason is because people in israel- but they are ready, know this information and they ve been screaming at us in the west, all of Europe, all of United States to say, look, you're being Mysell, you're being duped, so they know that they had which had in English, because that we have been duped. We were duped by Ben
Oh the Obama administration. They were doing this, for you know two years trying to get this thing through and they weren't telling us the truth that the entire reason for this. Now all the pro nuke deal people are saying this morning that look hey. You know yeah. This is all true. We knew this information. All this information was already out there what's wrong is the Iranians at the same time are saying no, this is bull. This is all like false will note. This is the all of this stuff project, the which Netanyahu was talking about yesterday was the project. The military project too develop weapons grade nuclear weapons and their weapons, nuclear weapons, so you know he described a weapon that he could They now have right. That is a missile that the it is tipped with enough fire power that it is three or four four times the size of the Hiroshima bomb Correct, But here he isn't stated they actually have it here.
That they have the schematics and everything basically done. All the research on the basis of the actual plans and schematics are sitting there and they really lengths to preserve the knowledge to when they were supposed to destroy it. And so? And so we now we're getting into information that we didn't know. So we knew all of that information already about product Ahmad that stuff, even though nobody in the west reported on it, neither in Europe or the United States. No one report on that. But the information that we didn't know was then, this all this all these schematics always plans and everything were being held in secret, specifically to re release at a tie art to initiate at a time of their choosing- that's Huge and that a lot of people are not talking about that. Basically, that was one of the reasons why that new, who in his really did not like this deal, because it was like a ten year- deal There was no guarantees that it was going to be re up at the end of it. It was basely kicking the canned down the road, but if that is
that is their plan then literally were within. I think we're about may be seven years to go or such like that they can instantly start creating those those missiles, those nuclear Tipp missiles that Europe is talking about instantly. They start producing them now. At the same time, what is happening, what the other thing we did not address in the deal was the The aggressiveness of uranium regime right now they have moved the way in Syria. On Sunday there was another attack. We are high, kinetic Israeli on Iranians conflict with they ve been going on for weeks. Nothing there's been over a hundred of those attacks in the past few months. You'd, never hear about them. On Sunday, like I said over, twenty Israelis were killed and israeli F fifteen strike inside western Syria. Western Syria, not eastern, like organ closer and closer to the Golan Heights, they who was killed. Twenty over twenty Iranians silver over. You think you said Israelis the idea, but yeah, that's that
let's cut a big deal, we think that would philomathic little but a news. You get the Golan Heights, it's it's over four, it's it's! therefore galilean in all of that part that that Chris genes in oh, no envisage tend in o hold wholly it. That's all gone when you're up above, if ve ever stood on the clear for the Golan Heights, you look I went into I care over the city, but there's no way to defend it. I mean they accept. Superior air power, but there's no way to defend it. They can shoot thinking Oh, they can bomb they can they do anything to you, the Golan Heights strategically or extraordinarily important. It so quickly Go to look at both. I ran North Korea in a somewhat alight I ran pretty much did all the legwork like like they revealed yesterday that everything is done. This combating are done. They can start building these weapons, so it was very beneficial for them to enter into the J C p away and actually, ok, fine will hang back a little bit
give us some more money. Let us initiate right stage too and start moving into Syria and taking over the entire Middle EAST, getting ready for like a full on attack or an invasion that Israel, North Korea the same. They very done, their legwork late. They ve done everything they ve gone about. Six clear test missile tests. They ve got a nuclear programme and act or physical nukes on stand by rate ago, so it behooves them benefits them to actually, want to an agreement now and get exe, I'm relief it they did. This big, Zack seem scenario. I would argue that israel- maybe I mean I ran- is a little bit further into that, because they got a programme ready to initiate and start once they ve got land. Korea has already got the nukes now they're looking for comic relief and then they can hang back for a little bit and then do whatever they want to do later. A very similar in all revolves around a failed nuclear deal, both both situations once from the Clinton's one from the Obama's. When people are not connecting is the that the press refuses to look at the twelfth mom and
and perhaps we should be ringing this bell every single day or the hens in the first eleven. I know they may not unkindly into our twelve, but This is something that, they have to understand that the amount of time, because that is all all that the Iranians are talking about with their people and its what they're using to whip up the palestinians- and this is a- I think, something I think something around the seventieth of Israel is coming. I you know, may Fourteenth Donald Trump is supposed to be. There were open our embassy, I think that's a very, very dangerous time. But I could be wrong they're expecting a hundred thousand protesters just on the border it it could be. Really truly a nightmare scenario and they believe if, when the world is wash with blood thee,
mom of time we'll come back, and then he will rule the world they believe that stuff and no one will pay attention. You no good thing is done. Tromp. Was there with me and to TED crews in our leafy arena and me stuffed most of the candidates You know for president when deal was signed, trying to get Congress to stand up and not take that deal, don't allow this. To be done so I'll tromp, was clear on this deal back then. I think he's bill clear on this deal. I would like to know: where did the didn't get the money from here center. We sent over palette of what one point. Eight one point: four billion dollars in cash. The precedent doesn't have a cheque book Congress has a cheque book. Where did he get that money ever heard. Anybody ask that question where's, that money from.
Some slush fund? Because if the present as the slush fund. Why doesn't about from just use that slush fund to build a wall. Oh I remain because the president's not supposed to have US slush fund weird that money come from and they wanted it in cash for a reason, so good fun. Terrorists all around the world. We go if their money, and that now is blood money too. Really a dangerous situation, how How much was this a We know psychological operation for thee. Iranians, for four Netanyahu to come out and say: yes, we took in a base. P, a railroad car full of documents and we, muddled about underneath your noses in one of your most top secret places? That's gotta! That's not sit well, not at all. I ran
basically forming their heavily infiltrated by them aside is really porn. Intelligence heavily infiltrated, but I would not want to be in the area an intelligent, her any kind of security apparatus, probably in the next few months, because it probably doing a heavy heavy purge mother, missing part about this budget. We bring this up a lot of the information that Netanyahu talked about. Was own at some level. There are some additional details to it, but we can and knew what was going on there a little bit interesting to me about, though, is well It was in the eye a documents. Much of it. It's not presented to the american people as if this was real. The is from the White House website talking about the historic deal that will prevent IRAN from wiring a nuclear weapon. This is the way they do. They phrase this here the answer to a few quest. You might have on how we will make sure that Iraq, nuclear programme remains exclusively peaceful,
remains exclusively peaceful. The I e documents out why it was absolutely not exclusively peaceful and tell they sold it all? The Obama browse the Ben roads of the world, all sold it to the american people as this was ever happening, but this old This is your conspiratorial mines right. This deal look it with me. You know I hate to bring up the Soros. Possibly peaceful. The documents blatantly show that the net both documents back all of that up in spades, and they that is, that is the biggest you ve lied over and over again, and they admitted later lying and manipulating journalists to get this vision of the Iranian Nuclear deal out to the piano have to ask yourself why I mean look it with, you know I hate to bring up the Soros connection here and the cast sons, dean connection, but but look who was
You know our ambassador at the, U N, and what were they trying to do? They want to to destabilize Libya. They lead been gauzy happen. They were ship arms from Ben gauzy to wear Syria to syrian rebels. That's why our ambassador was killed there They were shipping weapons to Syria. That became ISIS. That is equalized Syria, at the same time they do this crooked deal with around which strengthens ran and allows them now to go Cross Iraq in Syria with russian backing down stabilize with the Palestinians. This is all all coming back on Samantha Power and brought Obama all of this all of this,
The interesting points do that you make that it was always about their enrichment of uranium stuff like that, but it was always a weapons and weapons programme always for weapons and that's what some of these documents reveal they re much Jason? Keep an eye on this for us if we were by the way, really interesting and big news, and it makes sense, let me give you boat from the saudi Crown Crown prince in quoting in the last several decades. The palestinian leadership is missed one opportunity after another and rejected all the peace proposals. It was given it's about time too I was simians, take the proposals and agreed to come to a negotiation table or shut up and stop complaining. End quote that was right. Sure he said Israel has a right to exist things are changing in the Middle EAST are big NEWS: last week simply safe. One, the editors Choice award from Cnet magazine, PC magazine and the wire cutter. These are
three problem the most respected product testers out, therefore the hi tech world and they put simply safe through a battery of test and they compared to all the other home security products and employee, safe one. Every time Please safe bastard, security system hands down. So what is well, it is a safe. It is a a system that you own There are no contracts, the prices unbelievably reasonable. You dont know Anybody in too you know figure out how to count the number. Doors and windows in oh, where do I But the motion sensor cause you're smart enough to do that. You own it You install it literally depending on the size of your house from twenty minutes. Ten minutes of your own apartment too. I don't know half hour. Forty five minutes, if you live in a big house, also great for business, simply safe, take time.
Percent off now, please safe back dotcom. Simply, safe back dot com. Glenn Back mercury. Glenn back, I am oh fascinated by the next two hours of this programme. We have a practising catholic is the editor of a remnant magazine which the Catholic magazine, who has some pretty deep and profound questions about the Hope and aware. The pope is heading, and what he actually believes. Then the director of the exorcist,
coming in our number two who says I got it wrong. It's worse. I've seen it first tack, mercury, courage shrink back back, so I have been looking for someone that is willing to go on record and and teach me what the heck is happening in the world of Catholicism. What is happening with this pope and How is he? What is he doing? What is he doing? Who is you know, there's been some speculation from the very beginning that he might
be a little hostile towards capitalism mandate, the western way of of doing things. I think that his proven to be pretty accurate. He is recently has been said- to deny the existence of of hell, which is kind of big in the catholic doctrine, He came out this weekend, then As you know, let's get rid of all weapons and then we can all live in peace. I am also concerned, because I have heard that he is we'd becoming cosy with with Putin and Russia mortar. Urban is that he has become the. Us with China in is actually, as I understand it, undermining the underground church because there's two churches the church that the government approves and then the the,
underground bishops and they are the ones that are doing all the heavy lifting and getting Christians to safety who are actually making a difference. It's my understanding that he is taking that apart. So we ve been looking around and me go is the editor of the remnant newspapers, the oldest catholic news? paper inv in the country, and he has some of the same questions is so as a practising catholic. We thought he would be good to answer some of these. These questions come to the wasn't the programme Michael. Thank you very much, my pleasure, bigger short solar, first of all, tell me a little bit about yourself. So we know that you know that you're, not just an Anti Catholic, got a guy all right. Absolutely I'm a I'm a traditional minded, the truce and minded Catholic, which means I really support and accept all the teachings of the church. You know I'm a father,
Having children we back the type when who never this man is on Sunday and all the rest, so what's happening in the church. Right now is extremely distressing not only to us but to a lot of people, Catholics and we're trying to make us make hesitate about everything, So so I don't even know where to begin with this, but I know that you have you reported on the conclave and you say that this Pope's election, was even suspect. Well, yes, it's it's rifts maybe the wrong word. If you see it's incredibly unprecedented, so the way things happened, the way Pope Benedict, you know abdicated very suddenly right, mid stride when he had so much that He was planning on doing and still working on, including an unfinished encyclical and so forth. To suddenly abdicate under those circumstances, was just very bizarre, not only for cap expert for everyone organs watching for historians will fall.
Over the years it was very strange and the haste with which Jorge or a with was was The fact that many of those kind of thing what what what where this come from, what happened? Who is this guy? I'm sorry, but is really important? you know for all of us were topics which I think is a lot of ignorance out there about you know what does this mean? Is it possible for a catholic Pope to not be the greatest guides and not be a saint to fall to make mistakes, and I think that's where a lot of noise Catholics. They have a misunderstanding or what we mean by the unerring sea or the people infallibility. Another world is possible when, as you know, to have a terrible up to oppose a sinner, we ve had terrible ports in the past so what's happening now. Francis is very perplexing, but of course it doesn't shake our faith in the catholic church itself.
Which is still there a divine institution and practices on his own here? In many things he he's got about of out there, opinions which are not protected, which are not in errand, and I was a faithful Catholic. It breaks my heart to say this, but he's doing very a very upsetting a thing right now by siding with the with the political left in by really kind of taking it to faithful Catholic He is it's interesting to me, because I see him more and more. Every day I mean, with these he's hanging out with really disturbing people Nepal Erlich. George Soros he seems to agree with and its he's most becoming in some ways. The Anti John Paul No, absolutely. As you mentioned, this is tweet over the weekend where he says we should ban all weapons in order to be a net. That's right out, You know John Lennon, let's give peace a chance. Imagine there's no! I haven't. No help a lot of things?
You seem almost hippy ask coming from adequacy. Eighty two years old. How much of this is coming right his mind. How much of this part of the sort of Gregg Bird, which is an opera stay operative? Who is really doing a lot of a lot of pr for the Vatican right now? How much of that is coming from the official? Vatican, pr machine, I don't know, but it is very scandalous and a lot of people Catholic suggest are perplexed by this pull Francis once everyone to get rid of weapons should start with the swiss guard. Should we be armed with guard, then this is so much sort of fuzzy liberal tweets and whatever that is good, but he's throwing out there right now they don't seem to be grounded. Well thought out I want to ask you, because this is brought up to me by a staunch Catholic, whose Glenn you and the reason why we were having you on today's. We started a search because eight, I didn't know this, and I want to understand this. Staunch Catholic came up to me
and said: do you realize what the Pope is doing in China and explained to me- and I can access I believe. That's true! Is it true that the hope is, is undermining through his actions of closing up with the new dictator in China that he, undermining the underground church. Well, you know this is difficult enough. The situation in China is very, very, very top for anybody to say when, with any certainty what's going on there? So I guess I would refer to an expert I think most people would accept, and that is cardinal Joseph then who's, the former bishop of Hong Kong and he recently accuse the Vatican going off a church in China. So it's another one of those things where what is going on. Why Clarity on this So many years, faithful, catholic timing, faithful to Dogma in China, but also faithful to the Vatican.
Holding the torch? If you will deepen being persecuted, they ve been martyred, they ve gone underground in the sudden the Vatican comes out with programmes is at the helm this has all been irregular. Eyes were gonna. We're gonna have relations with the Chinese Patriotic Association, which is a communist sort of pseudo catholic church. Well, maybe there's some sort of an alliance of some sort of negotiations that are going on that could justify this. Whether you and I know we don't see it yet, but that the very strange thing about pull France's and the Vatican at the moment is that they don't take the time to explain these things. So it's just another massive scandal like it was when he said, supposedly, allegedly that held doesn't exist. Only all they had to do was have poor Francis come out and just reassert that he believes hell does exist, but nothing they didn't come on explained that they came on so that it was an unfaithful transcription. That's what that hit the news that the press
The press, but never to be reaffirmed. The doctrine of Hell in France is believes it. So this sort of squishy uncertainty failure to be quite clear that has not just us between capital across the world really concerned. Right now But from what I understand that his actions, just in China alone, are our actually star to shut down the underground rail road. If you will and and and he's the churches, calling everybody in from underground and saying: hey just come to the official. You know Catholic, communist party church? Is that true well, but that certainly also. We are getting again it's difficult to verify these things, but that seems to be what's happening. Another are several priests and chinese bishops I would say yes, it was about time that we do this.
On the other hand, be sake of the cardinal, then you feel that this is a massive betrayal and I think, if you look at the sore the philosophy behind this, Besides this new idea, glance and a lot of Catholics are very concerned the doctrine and dogma for the thing really doesn't matter that much because we are talking about the God of mercy and everything his merciful. Now God would never sent me the hell even sell this. No one would ever. That's what he's much more interested. It seems. Unity and setting up sort of a tenuous unity with all these various groups and over. The things that actually do form obstacles, certainly doctrinal problems and is doing this. In China is doing the same. Protestant and other groups were non Catholics who certainly goes fairly or a Those conversation that are honest, there's a lot of the sea coming over. Right now, I'm sorry to say,
tell me about his relationship with Putin and Russia, because it's that is I mean it anybody who knew no noses thing about the mirror, Fatima, that's that was really all about was the dangers of Russia, specially you're in this time period and he deems to be getting into bed with Russia and and and Putin again it's interesting. It would bring Fatima, because that's that's lot of. This is happening right now was predicted in those very famous apparitions is a public miracle and so forth. Back in the early nineteenth and early twentieth century, they talked about a great crisis in the church and wars and so forth in the world, as we see therefore, the situation with Russia right now is different is difficult to quite see what he's doing. I think that I think that France is big concern is keeping this
sort of European Union and maybe not his onto conspiratorial but forbidden the nascent. Because of this so called new world order, and it is very interesting Keeping that alive and viable, which is again very surprising, to Paypal, Catholics, but he's fishes his position with Let me see the one clear majority means What is needed is doing Russia or it's more of a case. He wants to placate Russia so that Russia will play games, played a game with George Soros World without borders. European Union in a game plan again difficult to say, but the unprecedented from appalled, to hear some of the things that were hearing Putin is absolutely do I mean he is here. Spending money to stop the European Union, he, is stirring up unrest all throughout Europe. Does not want a strong, United Europe by any stretch of the imagination. So right, where would the
you don't understand I think maybe I'm stumbling into what yours you're feeling every day as a catholic planets. It's it's again. It is heartbreaking. As a faithful Catholic, I love the gap. A church, I believe, is the true to her to Jesus Christ, but this is heartbreaking view you dont, get clarity. We ve never had a pope like this one. If you look back Bad pulse urban centres have been enormous types: there's Benda, Borgia pulp sore used to scandal, but this is something entirely different interests but, during the run up to the last election Bernie Sanders, then came in these guys just com going along with Jeffrey Sachs than the rest or look as you mentioned in the Vatican, you know what well, whatever you think, you're Trump well practices the world of trumpets, not a Christian and he's a wall built weary, the problem, so he was willing to get involved. Politics, but very supportive of the left and it was just as a Paypal Catholic again it left a stun war is happening.
In the Vatican. For anybody who doesn't know who Jeffrey Sachs is or part Paul, Ehrlich explain. I that's disturbing. Do you well that these are the things of the sustainable development guides us early The book called the population bomb which have basically been completely discredited. The time he had written at using years ago, but guess who rehabilitated it and him the author so. The Vatican invite these men to the two together various conferences and, of course, they sort of cover things up. I say they're. Not here. These men are not here to talk about doctrine they're here to talk about science or whatever, but we see through that, so the rehabilitation people like Jeff her like like Paul but they're, giving entry to a guy like I go Jeffrey Sachs, It is very disturbing because, as you know, the catholic church is very strong on the issues of abortion and support. Even contraception is a controversial thing that things still the characters teaches again many of these gentlemen, mature referring to art
talking by using those means to control population. So how in the world, can the Vatican, without? scandal, invite these people to come. It has honoured guests and speak about these things without putting themselves your job. Would you put himself in OZ? I should say with milk billions of faithful Catholics, it just doesn't work. My mad to the editor of the remnant newspaper. Thank you so much for the young, the conversation and and honestly thanks to catholic all around the world. You guys have held the torch of anti. Abortion or pro life. While I thought The rest of us have fallen down on the job. It is mainly the Catholics that have that have kept this alive and especially with Charlie Guard Elsie Evans last week. What the what the Catholics have done.
On life is, is nothing short of of miraculous and and thank you and all of the Catholics that are doing that. Well thanks for saying that one and I think that you guys a Catholic, I think that people most people would agree that if the Kapital does. Late lay down a sort of you on the cultural on the moral questions, not just Catholics, but the entire world supper for that, because, in a sense always has been so the light on the hill or it has held the bar Even if you don't agree with the church with a moral feeling of a church, it does hold the bar high, which benefits all in society. So I think there are a lot of non Catholics to novel we're looking at what happened in the Vatican and the growing fearful, because it does seem like the catholic churches. Bearing all this. Is it the human element of the catholic church preparing to surrender on these very important issues to us all and so again, we're very concerned, and we hope that your people will share their concerns with the put the folk in the Vatican, another catholic outlets, because I think there is still time to turn this round. But at this point for Frances, I'm sorry,
say, is causing great concern for all of us. Thanks a lot, my own region, What's that is rendered loose newspaper for Michael that he's the editor of the run? A newspaper paper get em on twitter at remnant, nukes Have you ever wanted to refine ain't your mortgage? But you didn't want to start a thirty year loan again american financing and help when refinancing, to eliminate mortgage insurance, lower your rate or consolidate your high interest at Doha, worry about resetting your alone because, with a mere can financing they work for you and they offer three arria nine, thirteen or eighteen year year, any time that you really need because again they're gonna design it it's a custom loan for you you choose the term based on your budget and they're gonna find the most competitive interest rate out there. It's your morgue.
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kind of up a bit we're day. They just happen to all fall on the same day, but we have been freed cannon at the top of next hour, he's the guy who directed the exorcist and he's made a new documentary. And it's it's a it's a little terrifying. He him. He met father Gabriel a moth he's known as the enough exorcist and he got he got permission, two is lousy, took it seriously and didn't try to make it and do some ip thing to follow him with cameras and went in and film exorcisms and its chain TIM now: here's the guy who did the french connection in the exorcist in the Brinks job and rules of engagement, he's now direct
Opera is all around the world, but he did this any said. I would have made the exorcist differently. I would have cut all the special effects. You know the the turning of her head, the vomiting of peace soup. He said I would taken all that out. He said because it much more frightening. What's real. And he went to doctors and he showed brain scans. You know they did brain scans these people and they end the doctors. These neurologist are like. I have no idea what that is. Theirs nothing. We can do to stop that. We have no idea what it is and it's it's bizarre really strange ya and one of the classic horror films of all time. Obviously the exorcist scared the hell out of me and he also had nothing to do with the exorcist to the heritage, which is known as one of the worst movies of all ties, all that give or even more credibility, but he's never even seen it you never seen any of the exorcist sequels, at least as of of which yeah,
I don't think so. I the same thing with airplane other classic movie actual documentary. I but airplane airplanes the sequel, which is the name of the movie another thing: it's the sequencing, the the movies called airplane to the sequel, but was never actually viewed by the people who made airplane because the current they'd didn't want it to be ruined, which is interesting as they really are plain to. The sequel is just the same movies. Airplane K. I don't know what you're even tall centrist space shuttle instead of an airplane which makes no sense of Unity Hall airplane to. Why is it not a space shower? None of it makes it. Thank you, so anyway, he's gonna be joining us about a half hour. He said I was scared, seriously scared. I was two feet away from them and it was terrifying, talk to him coming up in about a half an hour Glenn back,
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you're looking to buy go to real estate agents. I trust dotcom you'll be introduced to the best agent in your town. Let these agents earn your business get moving with real estate agents. I trust dot com this is the Glen back Programme- are you know, I'm tired of your constant scepticism? I'm I'm tired of Eighty four, I really go. I'm glad we live in a time of Google, but it rex too many stories erects to me. Does a river does ruin storytelling because I used are telling a story that people are googling in front of you, yeah and you're like. Can you wait until I'm done with a story in it? We get the happy moment. We figure and lie, or just don't get ahead of me or Answer story, you know, say yeah, but did you know no? That's coming from Google?
I have mine in my head. Don't know you, in fill it in? You can correct it at a later moment soon, as I finish with a story, but a minute. I start talking about a story stews like it just looks at me and I just in his head? I already here: that's I can I can hear it. They just the way he's look his eyes say a lot of times. I do find the need to fact check here. Yes, that's services, this in one of them I will say I think you're right. Do you think I'm right? What but I will say I was not one of the times. I needed a fact check you, but I do very much. I dont know that I do it. It is one of those that you here and you immediately. You say this to anyone and you look at them oh you're telling them this today, you look at them and you will hear in their eyes gave so we
we're just talking about mountain ranges. I dont know how we got on the subject that we are talking about. Mountain ranges and a steward said. I love you know summer and Mountains Halleck mountains in the summer of particular. And I said you have to go to get like Jackson Hole. And see and hang out of the grand teutons, because their unbelievable and I said little known fact- do you know what that why why they're called the grand t tons? And he said no, and I say it was a french guy who discovered them or named them, and us doesnt. Those look like you know, big t t t tons arrests and so there it's, it's actually known. You know it in a kinder, more gentler radio way as big breasts, grand teutons big breast, the acid.
Does seem that this story, because it there stay there known as serious as the three breasts, but the girl, Antietam on in seventeen seventy feet, known as the big big rest, although detailed tee tat on yeah tea time, if you can solve, Oh some place, there are french people that are like no, they do not call the modern raise that as they do not it as their fall, but in their language it says the big ears bunch of beers whom zia the answer. I mean it's only really effective when you're using the right word, but we can't use itself when you're using the right word there. You can hear the phrase view that these the giant practical, Jonah phrase. If they really is thawed, that's it do you know what he
they look like a I've got my said that the sound so much better or does the grand Chee tongs, but when you say it it real could just take from it. Exactly what is it now see the Grand T tonnes this I'm so beautiful! Now. Translated into English it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous, say it in your car. Just look up at the sky and Pritchard. Go hey! Look at those big and imagine and then really kids this weekend we go into the big now and then just realized that that's actually their aim
The people are just that. That's actually what we're saying to french people to come over here and they visit they just hang out by that. The bottom of Russia and the other forever like they have no idea, is or hidden, moreover, on American. They have absolutely no idea that current data, a strange like us, well that's what I mean to that's. What I'm into the way the Mercury Museum is coming and I want you to get your tickets now thrive. Aid resources are sort of knowledge are going to be dropping on people at the museum. You know who Peters Ankara's Peter Zanger them. Of course I do yeah you know, you'll get on that guy in the seventeen thirty Sea had a newspaper and he started to he starts. Criticise, the king and so he was taken in front of the court,
they were going to they're gonna, put him in jail for the things that he said and its beak as of Peter Zanger that we have free speech, and we have the lay out of free speech because he went in front of court is defense was did I get it wrong, they're like you, can't call the king what you can't say those things it is like me. I think I and as long as it's the truth, did I get it wrong and the judge, We had to rule in his favour. As long as it's true, you can say that life is a first in the world. Gay. So he's he's really. The father of the first amendment end with the whole of the whole muse This summer is about rights, and sponsor abilities and when he don't take our bill of rights seriously. We get in
all kinds of trouble- and it's gonna be a great great experience again, it panes June, fifteenth it's Friday through Sunday June seventeenth here at the morgue, we studios in Irving. So come on down the Texas, bring your family, get your tickets! Now mercury, one dot, org, Slash, museum, twenty eighteen! That's mercury! one dot, Org, Slash museum. Twenty eight team- I have a phone number here- they don't want me to give out of. Are they step People use the phone to tax Jeff I I don't I don't. That must be a mistake. Its has your tickets. Are, they gives a phone number I allow you can actually calling it tickets impressive. I guess I mean You know what it is. History, museum- So why not do it? The old timey way call in talk to somebody yet night, seven to four nine, nine, forty, seven forty seven bats crazy
Did that any more nine? Seven to forty nine forty, seven, forty seven of its to understand these old, timely devices Glenn. There actually funny made out in schools now the Association of School and college leaders? have come up with a new plan because it there's Probably the students are having problems in classrooms, They are trying to figure out like what time it is get out, and it's hard it's hard to do, because what happening is there's these circular devices on the walls and Regular devices were doomed doomed do not have numbers on them in order like if you we have a digital clock in here it says nine hundred and forty whatever it says. Four thousand two hundred and forty three there are seven thirty, eight thirty nine! It tells you the seconds. It tells you the minutes. It tells you the hour
Barely these these devices they ve installed. These classrooms are circular circular and they have hands on numbers. Little sticks that point at the numbers. They have no idea and no one in the school can figure out what the heck they mean. This is a legitimate quotes. The generation aren't as good at as at reading the traditional clock face as older generations. The current generation aren't as good that is says again. Yesterday association article in college leaders, Carthage leaders generation art is good rain hands and of a clock. Vague no good name, no time donor and minister, there used to seeing a digital representation of time on their full or, as this is not a safe space in their lives to that nearly everything they ve got again and got a weird word for anyone in education. It is nearly everything they ve got is digital, so young
There are two things I gotta who is who is as mayor LE every dying day: God damned air Digital. It's so youngsters are just exposed time being given digitally everywhere. Give this to me, I This is a laser quotes. Forty, Current generation aren't is good reason that traditional. What is is this like a cowboy school apparent generation? I always get red clocks that but if they are used to seeing a digital representation time on their phone on their computer, nearly everything they got is digital, so youngsters So you know this is this: is a guy who's been around for a while, because nobody uses the word youngsters unless there, what aid even so youngsters just exposed time being given digitally everywhere. You dont want them to put their,
hand up and ask how much time is left. No, you don't we want them to be able to look at the face on the wall and go. Oh I've got well minutes left you used to learn these before kindergarten yeah. It seems to be kind of a basic thing that you'd learn and apparently that's too difficult now, because they came you're a how many minutes they they have until they get to run out of the classroom and do something else. Embarrassing. How many how many minutes left before? before I'm responsible to me my own way through this scary scary were not enough for you apparently not enough. Sponsor this half hour is gold mine. I just listen to this term
government has made the decision to repatriate all of its gold reserves, currently housed in the Federal Reserve System they were storing two hundred and twenty tonnes, valued at twenty five billion dollars in the? U S which it repossessed on April nineteenth, okay, so Turkey just took all of its gold out of the Federal Reserve system Ok, that's good. Venezuela took their money out. The Neverland, the Netherlands also retrieved a hundred and twenty two point. Five tonnes of gold, Germany at home three hundred metric Tonnes- Austin! Austria. Belgium, have also reviewed and are taking these that are taking similar messages. I took up this image rush tonnes as well. It hey, I pulled it all out. I just didn't thrust it anymore. You know when you have seventy five may still. I left a hundred tonnes in there, but I took out seven. Can I tell you something I have literally, I have a hundred thousand tonnes of balls.
Would I took an all rally, yeah, I thought and a hundred thousand HANS of balls. Would that lot over? That's that's a whole balsam forests, and that was in on this at the FED, ass. All the well yeah. Well, if that the that the federal balsam would reserve ok, just in case we ever currency ever becomes those airplanes with rubber bands could have in time it could it could and I'm gonna, be sitting pretty, but that's a different story. The markets are volatile. People arrive patriotism their gold. This could be why, because there's no faith in credit. Or no no faith in the full faith in credit of the United States government and our currency, because we're headed for war, I dont know but the world is starting to call their gold back. That's a really big deal now,
One thing that survives wars survives: inflation is gold don't want you to wake up like you did on that day in two thousand eight and you haven't hedged your bed and put some things. You know away in different ways, so in case the dollar collapses or- or we just go to war whatever you have something I Aren't you now to call gold line and find out about their other? I raise find out about gold in you know in bull Yon or in the bullion. That's coming for the Canadian reserved for American find out the best way for you to hold. Gold as an insurance policy. Will you look into it please Has no country has ever printed as much money as we have eight six six gold lying one, eight six six! gold line there waiting to help you through this. Do you Homework,
Read all the important risk information and find out of gold or silver is right. For you, eight six, six gold lie or gold line, dot com, back mercury Glenn back one with you know, The inner ray is and I want you to put, I want you to push back the tweets of chest. Morons on the inner ray? It's it's amazing. The Thee parkland AG advocates are pushing you. This this narrative that and our ray is banning guns at their convention, because my pencil coming when we use gimme some,
tweets way way way way way. You're telling me to make the VP safe there aren't any weapons around, but when it comes to the children they want guns everywhere. Can someone explain this to because the cells like the energy wants to protect people. Welcome cell guns, not kid! Oh I'm glad you asked me. Yes, we can explain it to you. Are they Billy putting the VP at risk if they think I'm no guns zone is gonna work. On so many levels, as is a lightning according to the inner ray? We shall want everyone to have the weapons when we're in public, but when. Are put on when they put on a convention. The weapons are concerned, giving everyone was a gun away due to enhance safety. Am I missing something? Yet? Yes, you are I'm so glad they keep asking these questions at the end effect. Here is: what's your here's, what you're missing title team of the United States Code, section three thousand and fifty six and one thousand seven hundred and fifty two the seeker service do the attendance of the vice president. I'd states, the? U S: secret service will be
sponsible for events, security at the end, our ray, I lay leadership forum as a result, firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind, we'll be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance. So it's there. Secret service doing this, not the plenary, you don't have a choice when the sea Fritz Service, says no guns. They come in with all of the guns. There are the only ones in the room with guns and they're, not there, protect you there there to protect one person? So it's not the uno. So If you see this make sure you stop. This lie back title eighteen, United Stew, its code, section thirty, fifty six and seventeen fifty two just tell people get an education. Figure out yourself. What in those sections is
telling the secret service what to do- and this Great service is telling the and our ray what to do a minute Glenn back, mercury. Love courage, shrink back, for you feel about us as a country right now. Are we doing It's really hard to be positive, if even glance at the news for just a few seconds every day, but the news is
it's full of lies and ATO mean lies about one politician or other. I mean it's not who we are. There is a lot to be thankful and to celebrate about in this country. We don't spend near enough time talking about the good things and from time to time, may I He just be a reminder that still know how to love and help one another there wildfires that raged across the western part of Oklahoma last month. It was devastating Devastated cattle grazing glance. It scorched an area. The size of Chicago in New York City combined The surviving cattle are struggling. I'll, because the most urgent need is food. Well, thank goodness further cattle version of FEMA.
Washington D C government to the rescue. No actually know. The heroes are Total strangers there from stay, as far away as Michigan in Montana and strangers had been hauling truckload after truckload after truckload of emergency, hey western Oklahoma? Now it's all been organised just right, word of Mouth VIII, a Facebook and the old technology barely worth mentioning people just talking to each other, The donated hey has been pouring in regular people, not the government from one of the hardest hit towns in the state boiled down. You know the isa, the goods merit and hey. We wait. On the government. And we waited on the government and if we would continued to wait on the government, we wouldn't have any hey, tiny town of
Volunteers working twelve hours shifts distributing the dough Hey at the towns rodeo grounds without the urgency hey. The ranchers would have been forced to sell their already decimated herds. Two brothers who raise cattle near the Kansas Oklahoma border drove true tractor trailers. With fifty Sixty four bales of hay to the ranch of a man. They ve never even met they understand what the man is going through because their families land burned last year in the hay donated by strangers saved their herd. Now, the man's hundred cows will be able to survive as well. The is why When we left the farms we chain fundamentally. Getting to know your neighbour is is more than just getting No, your neighbor really is and you're almost forced to do it in a farming.
Town, because you know if that farmer is suffering from drought or from fires or whatever? It is your turn. He's coming, even just been there, and so do you. They help them because they're gonna help you. One of the brother said they thinking get any worse But when these loads of hey come in it, It gives you hope. As a nation. I think we need to reconnect with the idea that, when the chips are down is wrong, Reagan put it government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem and Ultimately, America is going to be ok because of people just like you, people like the ones that brothers that are driving tractor trailer full of hay to strangers. People who still know how and strive to do the right thing.
When it comes to serving people, we don't wait for the government aid. We don't wait for permission. You just see something that needs to be done and America gets up and gets busy helping it's Tuesday may first, this is the Glen Back programme. There is a new movie. That is, that is that's a documentary. It was made by the director of the exorcist. I want to play the trailer here. Listen at the time I directed to film the exorcist I had never seen the real thing, but I may first two thousand sixteen Father Gabriela Mort, the Vatican exorcist in I didn't mean to witness an actual Excuse me. I had no idea what to X.
The more you open yourself, the thing about this stuff, and these are feeling about this stuff room you allow for the supernatural our. If a guy understand it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's a dimension of this world of you strange and beyond our capacity to control- and I don't really know so. Something is happening today is clear, but maybe she puts into its religious context in which she grew up because they believe, obviously they know what's wrong with her she's possessed by the death. I think is a very dangerous gauge and close to know my fire was never here. This is not fiction
different from all the movie. I was there to film. The movie is called the devil and father a moth, and he is the Vatican's exorcist. He died shortly after this was filmed and the guy. Who filmed. It was the director of many movies that you know the french connection to live and die in the Brinks job. Twelve angry man, rules of engagement he's. Doing operas all over the world. He is probably best for his direction of the exorcist bill. Freakin is with hello bill how you good Glenn Good morning though I have to tell you first of all, your movie. The exorcist is one of the only movies that I too have never finished. I've tried to
twice. It still freaks me out, mainly because sister with sixteen. I was about nine and she went to see it and then she slept in the bunk up above me because you You scared asleep in her own room, and she told me the story every night and she free to me out for like a month. So terrified, Movie and thank you for that, go ahead, while Glenn, you know I would not have shown it to a nine year old neural net. No, he said what she'll let anyone under fifteen or sixteen year while she stuck out of the house and she saw it as a sixteen year old, and then she told me about it, I'm so so Oh, what intrigues me about this? Is you who have made the quintessential- I guess you know, move. Beyond Pistache possession and in the interviews that I have seen and end the stuff that I've read, you say I wouldn't make the exorcist that way: it's it's even
or terrifying when you see it in person, the way really is well. Let me clarify that The exorcist is a work of fiction, the exorcist movie I couldn't that made it any other way, because there was a best selling book. An apple erratic came out before I made them film it had all these incidents and events that were written by bill Bloody, who had also never seen an exorcism the Clap catholic Church keeps a close lid on it. They say nothing about it. They don't. Even a legit. They acknowledge that possession exists and that there is exorcism and that's it. I couldn't make the film any Thirdly, yes, because people were aware of the incidents in the book and wanted to see them sure. But now, now that you have seen one? are you a first? Are you convinced that it is
that is real Glenn. Many things of which I am not convinced, but am curious extra We curious. I both look. I have to tell you, I believe that none of us know anything really about the eternal truth? We belief systems and get us through life, but we don't know after life we don't know affairs, I have an oral, we don't know if there is a god, we can believe and very often emotion. Trumps belief and but the greatest thinkers in the world and believe me. I have read many of the great works that they ve written. Have no idea that they have there is beliefs which is wonderful. I'm talking about rope from Saint Augustine to Stephen hawking right,
none of us know anything about the eternal truth. So so many of us are comforted by this belief system right So when you first will tell me who father a moth was at some point to the amount of sorry he was the vatican exorcist for thirty one years he had performed thousands of two systems and he had healed or, as he puts it, liberated many people who believe they were possessed. So I've been to see doctors, psychiatrists, brain surgeons could get no satisfaction so why? If the Vatican was keeping this kind of under wraps, how did you get access to one through father? Might he had written six or seven books about his work that way? I don't know sixty seventy printings now in many languages, and he wrote almost a page about my film, the exorcist
they came out or long after it came out. He said that though the special effects were over the top. He thought that the film did help people to understand work. So when I made an inquiry, if I could meet him, while I was in ITALY for something else entirely, he agreed to meet with me. So tell me about it. First, before we get into the experience was like view took These patients and I've you took them too. Neuroscientist in and bring a one person one one person right. Ok and and said, ok, explain this. I thought they were deep bunk it. I took it to three. The leading Neuro scientists in the country. They
oh said to a person that they had no idea what this was, they had no idea what to do about. This is. Although everything originates in the brain everything, this was not a problem of brain surgery, there was nothing. They could remove. It wasn't epilepsy, it wasn't a lesion in the temporal lobe and there was nothing they could do as a brain surgeon, and these two of these men had done over five thousand brain surgeries, each I then took it to three of the leading psychiatrist in the country at Columbia, university expected that they would be it or tell me in some scientific terminology what this was to my amazement, they said that they now recognise possession it.
The socio of identity disorder, demonic possession. If someone comes in and says I think I'm possessed, they don't say: no, you you're not possess dear we're. Gonna give you some therapy, and some medication and you'll be fine. They very often will bring in an exorcist. Now it is a religious based disease and of course, it's catholic. You know the Jews and Muslims. Other faiths have have other such diseases and they have other people who attempt to rid people of them, but in in psychiatry they now treated as demonic possession. I could be a placebo. I hastened to say that they do that, possibly thinking it's a policy, a placebo. So? I'm gonna take a break and when we come back bill freed can who is the director?
the devil and father Import and, and director of the exercise is gonna. Tell us what it was like to walk in what was happening to them shouldn't and what was what was going on, but the outcome was in just a second I love this quote. Fema is not a first responder end quote by the way that comes from Vienna. Fema Fema is not a first responders. That means you are the first responders thing goes wrong. You have to be the first response.
It is our responsibility to prepare, so we're ready to act, no matter what kind of crisis that you might face. We were just talking about the farmers that have lost the hay from a wildfire people were losing their houses because of wildfire. I'm with when we had the hurricanes here in Texas, how many people had to go, find a place to live, but then had worry about. How am I going to feed my family? What did that cost? With my patriots apply? They have the perfect food kit that millions of Americans have chosen to prepare for disasters, including hurricanes and earthquakes and fires, and everything else. It's really the easy to store it's easy to grab and go this week there popular or weak. Emergency food supply is back for only ninety nine dollars. That's a low price for security for your family, in a chip free and discreetly to your door. So take action and we from the first responders at eight,
two hundred seventy one. Sixty three eight hundred two hundred but he one sixty three or go online at prepare with Glenn Dotcom. That's prepare. We Glenn dot com, and back mercury. Land back blue documentary called the devil and Father a Mort. It is a real life exorcism that has been documented now by the the door. Thereof, the exorcist and he's joining us now built Freed can bill can? Can you tell us? I mean it's hard in four minutes, but can you tell us what happened?
What it was like well, the subject was a forty six year old italian woman. She was an act. She is an architect, but she couldn't work because she was having these fits and personality changes and was in great pain,
and what I filmed was Whizzer. Ninth exorcism. She had won a month for the preceding eight months and they were not successful, which is often the case I mean it could go on for years as psychiatry does and when she appeared in the room. I thought she was totally normal. The atmosphere in the room was very strange and very tense, and, and she came in and seemed a were, I wondered what the heck she was doing there. She seem totally normal to me and then the exorcism began and she began a complete alteration of personality. It took five guys to hold her down. She was able to speak and respond in Latin, which he,
never studied. She had a voice that similar to the one that, in my film the exorcist she had never seen the exorcist nor had her family. They were in the room, they were aware of it, but it never seen it, and this behaviour was just shocking to me and and disturbing and gradually it morphed into empathy for her, because she was in great pain and suffering during the day. You're, so what brought that on? What did we don't know? Glenn no, but I mean I mean what did did did Father import call that out or yes,
what the roman ritual of exorcism is, is the call by the priest to Jesus to perform the exorcism they. They don't believe that they're doing at themselves that the very few priests were ever able to perform one. They believe they're calling on the power of Christ and which now very few priests bishops cardinals are even pulps, have ever performed an exorcism John Paul. The second was an exercise in Poland, helium three cases, the Father import, one of whom father a more liberated, the other two he was still treating at the time of his death, while very very few people I have ever seen
what even perform an exorcism I'm talking about very devoted priests, it it's not the average pied of of of the roman ritual. I would imagine that you'd have to be a pretty strong person to be able to face it all the time. Well, the archbishop of LOS Angeles. Why interviewed for this document? We said he do it, and I think that was the most shocking thing I had heard. I should, but you you believe you have the power of Christ. He said yes, I do you, you are of a very hot. You can't get a lot higher than archbishop in there. He said. Yes, that's true, he said, but I don't have the degree of faith that Father a more it had to be able to perform an exorcism. He says that out in in the documentary when he built a you hope to get. The message is that the people take from this. We have thirty seconds. I don't try to send messages. Glenn,
I just tried to share with audiences the things that interest me, the things that I question the things that I'm curious about and what I am able to film them I want to share Well, that's it, but I don't have a message for career here to answer William Freed, can bill Freakin, the new movie is out, it is called, the Devil and father a more. It is a documentary, it's it's not fiction and its available everywhere. Glenn back. Mercury your last name to the command that programme it's been a fascinating show today
we had the in our number two we have day. I guess too, as a who runs the oldest American Catholic newspaper, talking about both France sent I just wanted to know. What's he doing in China, because Pope Francis alive People are saying that he's getting Vive the underground church older, imprisoned, and shutting down, and the sky tends to agree with But what is the Pope doing in Russia with Putin becoming friends? What is it doing with the doctrine he seen. To be. You know, very anti western. You know capitalism, it was an interest in your case like you should listen to that interview at the top of our two so second hour of the podcast and they would just head William Freakin on who is the? Ah. You know the young
Director of the exorcist. I was scary movie. I still can't. I still can't finish and his watch. The yards airy now. Thank you believe in that right. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's too real yeah! That's that some of you would never see so he just made the movies wherever he made. The french connection. I mean he was big. In the day he made that movie and you old enough to remember there were people were throwing up in the movie theatres and they were claiming they were possessed. Cows, crazy, yeah, crazy it was a move, can you name another can name another movie that have that kind of impact, not without kind now I mean I know it's a bad afterward. I can't think of one. Because there were a lot of reports and- and I don't know who is mostly hype- you know it might have been- some high could have been bud, there is a lot of reports of people being possessed after watching the movie,
and I don't know I just didn't wanna. Any chance of ours is a terrifying movie. Anyway, he's he's just made another one, and this is just a documentary of an actual exorcism and You know he's like I don't know what to believe, but it was so, from the natural exorcism. The with these, the with the panel sources the guy's been doing it he's the only one that the Vatican allows to do it. And he has only one guy in the world who does a for the further for the catholic Church and If you do, I mean you should talk to its very pretty intense, did reinventing filmed it. He filmed it said Hoddan, yes, he said I wondered when she came in what you know what your problem is: she's an architect and he said she came in. She said down and she's been going through these sessions. With this with his prey,
and everybody was in around and praying and stuff and He'S- it's in calls the Spirit out, and he said it was shocking. He said I was two feet from her and I was absolutely terrified We hope that as a director of the exorcist, yes, he said I wouldn't make the exercise it. He believe in this stuff before now any believes in and out yeah, really, I'm not sure what to believe he, even after seeing that he'd still he's. Yours only know what it is. He said, nobody knows what it is and said you know he said You know he wrote an article about how Jesus did this, how these is drove devils out of people and so it sounds to me that he is a spiritual man who tend to believe this but he is not willing to these downward. To endorse it. He took it to the took this person to cycle
interest at Columbia University. They had no idea how they did. A brain scan of this person, while there in the fit and can see the brain lighting up and the birth. The brain surgeons were like. I had no idea, there's nothing, we I don't know what that is while but her pretty amazing airy stuff is his scary. Scare is scary, the rest of the news seem like. Ok, You ve been alarming. There's a warrant house corresponds to deal with some bad jokes, but I'm not possess devil levels, not a living inside of you. So I think it does put things does. Does you know nobody in my house is going on now, God you're. So I think that's good. It is good that the research
to the White House. Correspondence dinner has been interesting to be. How long have we said it shut this stupid thing down, yet stop do with it. And that's one of the things I really respect about Trump, as he doesn't bother with this nonsense two years and are always like no thank you, I'm not going to do it, which is what should have done it's what they all should have done, but they they don't ends. Though, every year there is a big tits who about it- and I don't know it, I dont know. If, during the time of Reagan, if necessary, to shut it down. I mean it darling, I wasn't is nasty. I don't. I don't like the idea of the press, nobbing with Congress and the people are supposed to be watching. You know that's enough, it's like the prisoners are, like we're gonna have a picnic and get to know the guards yeah now piano, Utes Jonathan Burge,
if you set it on the air here, but it's in his book an anecdote that he talks about this dad and when people talk about how money, is the is the way that you'd wind someone over like the thing that corrupts most and he No, it's not money, it's friendship. If some If someone calls you up and says, hey my under achieving son, the job needs a real screw up, but can I pay? ten thousand dollars to give him a job in a somewhat you didn't know. Course say no immediately. But if someone, Europe, who is a friend of yours and said Mama under achieving Katie's cover screw up any really needs a job, really two heads up now, for you, no money, you're, much more likely to say yes to a narrow that's the problem. The biggest problem with the White House correspond to or an Hatch TED Kennedy that friendship How much did that principles? I grew up our country. All. I think, a lot thy. I think a tonne What is it that you guys are failing to see? Listen to them
free, was good the moderate in eighteen. Ninety three, eighty forty three sewing first got here and in a forty three wanting first guardian, he ran against TED Kennedys policies and called him out by name as he was running for office, then their best but and the work and on policy together out of that work, mean we all want a guess. To get along and into work together, but you don't want Work together on progressive issues, you're just gonna make it. Now. I don't know the horrors compromise yourself right out of your principle. I don't have a problem with the people in Congress. Making relationship and becoming friends as long as your principles are aligned principles, not policy. Your principles, airline right Think or in hatches principles were aligned at the beginning with with TED Kennedy. Not at all I mean in any way, shape or form might problem is the press. Is supposed to be adversarial
and their literally sleeping together they are literally in bed with each other. Would that's no? No. I mean do. You have a relationship with a politician. Can you read that thing you are reading to me from the New York Times today. Listen to this, so it was so we talking about Benjamin Netanyahu and how the press we do. You know they are not talking about you know a ran in the same way. The years all this stuff, like odds old news adds, is Benjamin Netanyahu? No, no, it's not. What is it that you guys are failing to see? Listen to this, as has been roads, the aid to a bomb on the guy who did the messaging for the IRAN deal talking about the messaging of the Iranian openly on the record to the New York Times? Listen to this all these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus. Now they don't. They call us to explain to them what's happening in Moscow, Cairo most of the outlook.
Reporting on world events from Washington, the average reporter we talked to his twenty seven years old in their only reporting consists of being on political campaigns. That's a sea change. They literally no nothing in this environment. Roads has become adept at Ventura ventriloquist bill to say many people at once, NED Price Roads assisted gave me a primary how it's done. We have come Audrey's all reach out to a couple people when one a name- and the rapporteur says, like a name now say, hey look at some of these spitting this narrative. This is a sign of american weakness. He continued but in fact, is a sign of strength. I said all given some color and the next thing I know lots of these guys on the dot com publishing space and they have huge twitter followers and will be putting this message out on their own goes on to say something from the club. We are talking about Glenn, Did you did it, but what asked whether the prospect of this is something that scarce him. He admitted that it does. I mean I
prefer a sober, reasoned public debate, after which members of Congress reflect and take a vote, but that's impossible, and he talks also about how he created, but ECHO Chamber which again this is the Obama. A guy who was in charge of spin The uranium deal hey. Let's lilies roads were among Capitol Hill work for reports from last year Legion of arms control. Experts began popping up a thing takes on social media and they became key sources for hundreds of often clueless reporters. We He created an echo chamber. He admitted when I asked him out the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal the IRAN deal. They were so things that validated what we were given them to say? We know that happened interesting to hear it
from their own mile that, on the record on the record, ready in the New York Times here, and they and you wonder, what's why you would be against the the White House Press Corps because this, you're being manipulated, you boobs, how do you not see it and they end. They don't see it. I mean they, don't they just they crossed. They really wanted to believe in Iraq, Obama so much they. They went through the whole, all their schooling, everything they had been given in their entire career. Was how people like Morocco, by are the right ones and Conservatives are wrong and Now? This is what they get. There are twenty seven years old. They come out with than another, just like oh yeah, what they're telling us the truth and look at these evil: conservative conspiracy, people saying the opposite, and now with earnestly they hate trumped. So much in that it's just the opposite with him. There for anything they can to drag him down, and-
and heard is heard, is public opinion You know what I have to tell you his trade war. You know he's backed off again yeah Lee how tariff he may be. Brilliant of a global negotiator. My as I have ever seen him. I may be well I don't know, I guess he's back in our history, no because it appears it appears that per head. Perhaps he saying we're doing this, we're doing this just to you negotiate all of the and always starts with super tough talk, North Korea's the same way, he was super tough on north. Real and we felt like we were on the precipice of war with North Korea for a while now look what happened then he kind of steps back in let's things fall into place and in the case of North Korea and maybe in the of the trade war that
It is yours, morality that worked. It remains to be seen and probably won't be understood fully for another ten years, but there is a possibility that He is the guy that we have looking for that would just say, I'm not doing that, I'm just so my own game and and I'll show you how to negotiate and talk tough. It may help. So I hope so too. I observed either that or we're on our way to Munich Armageddon. How do thanks bat by the way say: prayers for bad tomorrow is going in under the knife.
Get me failure couple weeks ago in going back in for another surgery tomorrow. So please keep him in your prayers and something bad happened at any time. You don't want to miss Pollyanna leashed, and this may be his last show ever and maybe and wants the last sentence. He's gonna say I told you not to find dont know, but he's been thinking about it for his whole life. You shouldn't MRS Otto. I wouldn't miss out on the blaze radio network, the blaze dot com. You want your home sold on time and for the most amount of money You got the real estate agent for you. Re the state agents, I trust, dot com? Lots of real estate agents have good ideas, but bottom I bottom line. Is they can't get the job done wrong? real estate agents. I trust dot com find the grid, this real estate agent in your town, over a thousand agents all over America who are just like you, their fans, go, they sell, they share your sensibilities, they ve all been vetted by I team first, their principles, but then
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we can't leave the show without Wrapper DAS Dillinger, who of course, we all know was part of snoop dogs group in the nineties. He has. He is posted a video and social media calling for the crypts to take care of, Conway National alert. All cribs updegraff burn you use, it is gdp. Script ring. I show you how we come together. See you in concert did not ever see you around the Lbc. You been, I never see you around California stay in Calabasas. You hear me cuz, we got alert were gone, yea no speaker, crib, God will equip. God knows I really don't
sorry, but I really don't not aware of what you say but is in callow basis in California he's I dont know I better not see you in California. Stay out of California. Stay in. La basis which this, I believe, still in California, yes, and now it is not the only see. However, what is the l b c long beach? California, in which our the crypts live. Apparently in long bs. So let's see that the drive It's gonna be about an hour Ok I'll be see two Calabaca so's heat, what he sailed in traffic,
while yet, through our twenty eight with trembling hand out aid which are having nobody mean, I mean even the groups are like that's too from that's too have already too would prefer. If you stayed about an hour twenty eight aware as I was when I reply laws, can you move a little closer, just move a little closer gazettes we too far out there. So I want to leave you with that done. Our shadow of our daily shouting, crimps, ailing Glenn Back mercury.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-08.