« The Glenn Beck Program

Police Officers Speak Out | Guests: Andy Ngo & Joe Gamaldi | 6/10/20

2020-06-10 | 🔗

Glenn hears from police officers across the country as the movement to vilify them grows. Glenn reads a poem from an officer, anonymous for fear of losing his job, about just how ugly the real work of police officers is. The officer joins to ask who will fight for them. America is saying “I can’t breathe” as Marxists kneel on her neck. The president of a New York police union asks for officers to stop being treated like “animals.” Joe Gamaldi, national VP of the Fraternal Order of Police, argues that all cops shouldn’t be lumped in with the few bad ones. Journalist Andy Ngo details how Seattle anarchists took over a part of the city and declared autonomy from America. Colin Kaepernick is SO oppressed and also sucks at football.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, America and welcome to the programme. Today. We talking to the police officers, and I want to hear from police officers if you I just want to know a few things. How you still going to work, how do you and your family? I got imagine if your police officer coming home and your wife for your husband is saying. Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? I gotta believe every time you're on a call. You think yourself. Why am I putting myself in danger for this? You are necessary. You are needed, unless we're gonna one lease? The community policing aspect of fat man, I don't see any other way than have you on the on the job. I want to hear from you how you're feeling
you're going through what are your co workers doing and most of all how you're still on the job we begin with your phone calls aided eight. Seventy seven Bc K in one minute is a green. Program. Right. I want to talk to you about knowing your lawn. Some people are you no glass, half full types and some are glass, half empty types. I drink, it all and say is not have bad type myself. June. Is here, and that means, when you're out mowing your lawn, it's pretty much every week now and the glass have, Empty types might look at this as a negative, say thing and say you always were she's right, doing, others would look at it say I need to get a great writing lawnmower. During the month of June, you can instantly save a hundred dollars on any after residential mower and three.
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Make sure you use a promo code back tonight, wounding odorous led fires during another night of violet violence. The riots was this all part of a bigger plan. Glenn exposes the dangerous groups used to carry it all out whose pulling the strings and how it can result in the destruction of America, insurrection, USA, tonight, nine pm eastern police to be dot com. Slash Glenn tonight is a very important episode that every American should be watching check it out to night only on blaze, tv. You could also follow it on our Youtube page Blaze, tv, you too, big thing: you for being a member of blaze TV. We need you now more than ever. I want to show
with you before we go to the phones, a letter that I got in and we're gonna talk to the police officer anonymously here in just a few minutes. I'm looking for you to call in if you're a police officer. I want to hear from you what you're thinking. What is, what are the other people in the department thinking? How Let's go in for ya, But first let me start with this: a frost the police officer, and this into me, who's a fight for US policy. It's in policing have gone hand in hand for most of its existence, but enough is enough. I'm sick sick and tired of emotions. Controlling the narrative in policing or All data and facts have consistently debunked the idea of both systematic police misconduct and so systematic racism, however,
the black lives matter? Movement in social left has created fear in truth speakers by calling people such things as racist, homophobic, Zena Phobic, when ever they, disagree pains me to watch because they making millions of dollars by holding down the very communities they claim to protect. Politicians have been allowing this to happen for too long it's time now, for somebody, justice stand up and simply say no, you're wrong. We will Absolutely nothing. You request, because we are doing things. The best we can evil is ugly. An adult molesting a nine year old child and then forcing them to masturbate on camera is ugly repeated as violence calls were significant, others are beating, strangling and killing. Victims are ugly, a mother.
Stabbing her eleven year old child. Eighty times is ugly, a father being murdered in front of his wife and daughters because he refused to let the suspect rape is children in front of him. Is ugly police Our people breaking into a house in the middle of the night in shooting the homeowner, is ugly being wrong. Did gunpoint is ugly a shooting victim who was holding their infant child while they were shot, is ugly homicides or ugly. Listen, a victim's. Tell the details of how they were raped is ugly business owners being too scared to go outside of their business because of drug dealers and other violence in high crime areas is ugly. When most people see evil and how ugly it is. I choose to recorded on their cell phones in hopes of going viral on social media, but police officers choose to confront that evil and evil is ugly, that naturally makes police work ugly, dead, adults
dead children are ugly, arrest these who had been, who have puke or deficit Did or urinate it on themselves is ugly: standing with family members and telling them not to retaliate when they just found other child was raped, is ugly applying for state a trauma. Victims is ugly. Police work is ugly. But do you know it's worse than the ugliness of policing the being raped as a child, the truck being robbed, burglarize, not feeling safe. In your own home, the trauma of being shot the trauma, of going to work I'm being a victim to all types of evil in society, by the ugliness of the streets, commute De policing is off often thought of. As pretty reading with children having amnesty days for those without standing charges, coffee with a cop but he'll community policing is agreed.
Simply fighting the evil that lurks in our society and praise on the weak ray? all community policing is getting drug dealers trigger pullers robbers, burglars, rapists, largeness and all other types of evil off the streets Fortunately, real community policing is happening less and less because our departments nation wide or throwing their officers under the bus at the request. Of delusional citizens, All is ugly. That means fighting evil is ugly. Those who commit The evil acts like those listed above our in arrogantly evil, evil people know that they will be punished and they don't walk to a police officer and turned themselves in risk, distance leads to use of force. Use of force is ugly. Nickel fighting in the middle of the street is ugly yeah.
Teasing someone is ugly, o c spray is ugly canine bite or ugly chasing armed robbery. Suspects on foot is ugly vehicle pursuits or ugly being shot. Add is ugly having objects thrown at. You is ugly having people yell at you, while you're trying to focus on them and the immediate threat is ugly. Knowing you might have to sacrifice your safety by not used In force for the safety of the innocent bystanders is ugly God. Bid using deadly forces ugly. Despite the ugliness of the evil, their fighting A police officer has a duty. Two viciously and aggressively hunt down the evil in their neighborhood, because evil is ugly. Police officers volunteer to fight evil. Because no one else will.
Police officers are constantly thinking through each action. They take as a situation rapidly unfolds right in front of them. Police officers, o adieu too many people when make these rapid decisions. Citys and others are others off other officers, their safety there d meant policies the jurisdiction, the statutes, the suspect constitutional violations do ugliness of the situation combined with a split second decision, making the supper in court of the United States is ruled of the use of force? Situations in question will be based on a reasonable officers action with the information that was available at the time, not a reasonable civilians action with twenty slash. Twenty hindsight police work is ugly and if you don't do the job you're not trained in the ugliness of it
case law regarding it. You'll, never understand the decisions being made on the ground. Fact: officers use force significantly less than they should. Simply because they fear the repercussions of public perception, and the many self proclaimed social media warriors. It is way beyond time for police departments nationwide to quit catering to those who are not trained in the ugliness of policing and defend their officers. Wake up. Your heroes? Are not the people who are posting lies to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our on CNN, Actual heroes are very literally being killed in the streets. Fighting evil, Very few people are even aware that ninety seven police officers have been killed in the line of duty from January, one two thousand and twenty to June. Seventh, two thousand and twenty.
Ninety seven. What was it for police shootings of Black Americans nine. Three point: five million interactions with Americans: three point five million. Ninety seven police officers have been killed. Nine blacks have been by police officers. Ninety seven to nine! sports. It would be especially with social justice sports. It would be the other side that would be calling for mercy.
The only thing uglier than policing is twenty and twenty. Twenty is the blind emotionally charged support of the domestic terrorist group. Black lives matter by millions of citizens and celebrities in businesses and politicians. The only injustice in modern society is the lack of a leader willing to stand up and speak the verifiable truth. Police are good. Will be that leader. With urgency police officers, nationwide talk to the author of that in just a minute. Also, I want to talk to you of your police officer. I have my personal declaration, coming up in about an hour from now. If Europe officer. I want you to hear it. If you're a citizen, you need to hear it: foams,
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what's happening with the people you work with and what it feels like to be a police officer. What's not being said that needs to be said, died. I think, there's a lot, that's not being when there are people here? Are they come to work every day they they come in to do their job, to do good, bye, Community there are working individuals, they are part of it. Kennedy- that not only are they police officers in their communities, Gunnar coaches, here they're mentors here. They raised thousands and thousands of dollars for different charities, indifferent causes in our immunity and all that forgotten because of the acts of somebody out, in Minneapolis, which I don't think you'll find a police officer nation wide? There would not say that was Venus there. That was her, renders there was murder and be justly charges as such, but for everybody across the nation
Linda the ninety nine point and ninety nine percent of police officers that common and try to do the right thing that want to do the right thing and got into this. This, for the right wheat reason can be villain eyes by the main street media and by politicians, and I gotta to tell you Glenn one of our governor here of New York state is one of the biggest ones villain icing us right now it disheartening in its tracks, data. All the good men and women there, where the badge unworthy uniform every day came in Thanks for your call, thanks for your service, let me go to Josh in Texas on line five Josh and tell me why you're still doing your job you know I do it because of the people. Listen to you, and how are you talked about the fact that not everybody can do this is the absolute
true in my career, I've seen the absolute worst evil that people are capable of, and I'm still able to. Because they support supported my family? My love, my friend arm I can get up every morning, went about late last night that a couple hours sleep, I'm back. This morning shaken a martyr such. Why what is sure what is your family say they're, watching everything at home, while you're at work and their seeing what's going on What did they say? every time I leave the house. It's besides, I'm come home. You know they are give them all the details, what they know about you. You know people there. I didn't say that
I forget in the big cases, when it's scary for them, They know that I personally pushed to train myself because our unfortunate budgets, don't, while the amount of training that an officer actually needs to be good job the master of all professions, or at least now of all professions, because you go for a car. Here too a cop to shoulder the cry on to life intervention in they make snapping figure. Josh is there any? Have you heard anybody saying we should just I'll walk desire, I would be the first one that would be saying that really we Should just walk there's a part of me that says: oh Minneapolis wants to do that good! Go ahead,
no you were abandoned taxes. There's no talk of that bad because that's not the majority of people are saying that If you look at the news that old lady, whose only grocery store was burned down and was very upset. I trying on her in our view, because she had no we're out together grocery. That's not the person have bang. I dont want belief, anymore it's the people that turn around and went out to take advantage of the situation and loot not peacefully protest, but loot and right that it. That are saying, and why is it that say that? Because I believe that accountability Josh. Thank you very much. Let me go to Dan in New Jersey, hello, Dan I'd like to tell you that and how you that's very good. You just retired, that is correct,
I did twenty five years in north meagrely. That's quite a prison sentence? Yes, it was the great I could I left and that was in July. Two thousand nineteen saw him almost a year out. What are you hearing for the guys who are still in detail If you have your timely there's, there's no place like home. There's they don't want you to do real police work. They want you to be a baby sitter. They want you to respond to Mcdonald, because somebody called prospectus. Is a bit nuggets or because somebody's not wearing a mask or because he looked at me wrong and we have to go respond to these
Meanwhile. Meanwhile, you have people who are being shot nor kid. Shooting the other night, all in one night Sunday night at the hearings, you ever hear anything about that on the news you dont. Then I am against any network break, but I have to thank you for your service. Thank you for your phone call. In LOS Angeles, I believe it's LOS Angeles. Killings have gone up two hundred and fifty percent just in the last few weeks? hello, Zimbabwe paying attention that. Why are we seeing this? Why is no one saying anything coming up at a second, the guy who wrote that Poland glanced back probably going up
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Why are you still doing your job? God bless you, and so far we haven't heard anybody. There was angry but one The police officers who I think vented spleen. The police officer that wrote the opening monologue today? Who will fight for us He wants to come on the air, but he is afraid of retaliation and losing his job. He is a police officer and a major city in U S and we got to him now, are you with me yesterday morning. How are you hang on just a second. Sarah do we need his voice. Disguised is was that the deal with him or is he fine? It is all it is disguised or lots of good skies. Okay. So here's here's what I want to know from you you wrote a very, very passionate
log or or you call it a poem, but its is just how ugly least, work is and how frustrated you are how Much of the police in community, feels the same way. And his hat, and I will not work Are you a majority of the isn. T really feel that way. You not on It comes from a position of anger. I think it is forbidden Frustration is everywhere. You look people artist, strong police and talking ITALY about police and they haven't been one police later or politicians stand And say you are absolutely wrong: police officers are overwhelmingly good and they do good work. I think the first thing always yesterday that with the New York, I think, F P. President finally speak out equipment of senior officers. The first person I've seen speak that way since it all started.
Hold on just a second. We have that audio and it is worth hearing listen. This is this is ahead of the F O p up in New York. He why to a microphone, and he just go, listen. We have it Three hundred and seventy five million interactions with a pub every year three hundred and seventy five million interactions but well mainly positive responses. Overwhelmingly positive responses, but I read the papers all week. We all read in the papers that in the black community, mothers are worried about their children, getting home from school without being killed, by a cop. What, world we live in, but does it happen it does not happen.
I am not direction born. They are not in it killed someone we did we all restrain, and you know what and there's all the cops here, because you know what but he's tried the shameless, though, legislators, the press every he's trying to shame us it being a barrister about our profession. Well, you know what this: is it stained by somebody Minneapolis? got a shy nodded at soda bears sole. Do theirs. Stop treating us like animals and thoughts at start, treating with some respect. That's what we today to say we ve been left out the conversation we ve been by disgusting, it's disgusting
trying to make us a barrel of our profession? Three hundred seventy five million interaction- oh well, mingling, overwhelmingly positive, When we talk about all the police officers that were killed in the last week in the United States of america- and there were a number of them, are legislators abandoned thus the prices Bill of buying us well, you know what I am not going to take you to be proud to be a cop until a day I retire and that's all I will tell you that I saw this yesterday and it's what why what motivated me to write my monologue that is coming up in in just a few minutes, Ah, do you feel abandoned by your city by your mayor, said council only absolutely so here we have,
Oh, I pity, contract. I don't think it's a secret that allow people love to watch the show I personally don't enjoy being around the countless. However theres many people to do. Literally, they warn of the riots here in our city the very next morning, the mayor said: absolutely ok, your commands will cancel our contract will do this will do that and so they they pulled it off immediately. That would be immediate response is okay, we agree with you. Are police officers are doing something wrong. It's what it implies at least in, and how she who is going to stand up for us and them? have been literally no one in our city whose, like that In saying no you're right, it is not true. What do you think happens to these cities like Seattle, Seattle, the police officers and the police? abandoned a precinct? That is a that. That's
right in the heart of Seattle a very important place up? I think it's on Capitol Hill Andy. It's they just laughed and now antiphon black lives matter is put up roadblocks and their policing. This whole district, Happens to Minneapolis or Seattle when they lose the cops This is something that we have talked about amongst ourselves in its blows my mind that is happening, the only valid export I can think of is perhaps they are just completely overwhelmed. So if you think it my city, for example, we have A little under a hundred officers and there's a population of four one hundred thousand at some point: Eugene, can't manage. The mass, though, is that what happened. I completely understand that you can only do so much. However, it To my mind that you would abandon a building had those discussions, much equipment in there
Others nonlethal rallies history, whether its evidence for crimes could be well. Apparently, they went a pair They ve been taking it out for about a week and in Seattle case you'd have a city council that is helpful. You don't have a mayor that is helpful. I mean they are really alone. Yeah, I'm doing I don't understand Idea is to do that. The only excuse I can think of is that charges completely overwhelmed by the number. People who are expecting to come to the police station, because you know they get intelligence, not aid, they monitor these facebook groups and they might sure, what's happening in how many people are expecting the crowds, and so, if that's what being a girl I pay a week for now is three thousand: people are incumbent on the police station and we only have two hundred officers to protect it. It's it's
in their. Why is it's not worth the officers lives just to protect the building, though I think that the taxpayer, I think the citizen should be because what a waste of money that's the one other conversation. Thank you very much for emailing this letter to me. I know you emailed it to a lot of people, your be including your mayor in your city, Annie. Bonds from anybody else. So I proceed one responsive As you know, the two was the mayor the chief, but at each in all the major so pretty much entire leadership, the department, I receive one response and they were well to posted on dot com. I don't know you're familiar but but here we, but that's, that's the only response. Received in it. We just like a good word, but can no longer pretty much. The only thing we can do, I would assume so yeah that was appreciated.
Other than that, absolutely nothing, no one's talked about it. No one's mentioned it so well. I'm glad you send it to me and we could share it with the american people today. Thank you so much. I appreciate. Let me go to John in New York. John Euro Police Academy, US instructor. Yes, I m good morning when they can protect you. My call you Why I'm Bulgarians You can't that people are saying that our police officers aren't drink. They don't know about you, forest misapplication of force, implicit bias, well. We have curriculum that are already there. We on a date procedural justice block. We run their dated. Fifty the hours of use of force where we discuss the cases you rode up before God versus Carter? Then
Missus Gardner. We talk about reasonable objective this. What border they wanted to do? There are good bad at all of us. Ninety nine point, nine percent of all the cops rather do their job, serve the public and go. Oh, that's right! He's my recruits everyday honour, your badge on oath so John. What do you think happens to this cop in Minnesota? Was he a bad guy that other cop should have Reno? Read it out. Was he just busy Ben there. So long he's was just callous. What what do you think? What do I know you didn't know him but
one of the things that people say as a wider good cops rat, these bad cops out, and you know that good looking at one part of a situation, the act itself was heinous. Do the officers bear responsibility that they didn't you see the little intervene when there was a crime being committed. I mean I don't know that there are two kinds of tactics programme large show them whether those can stops before stops. I don't know, I don't know the totality of the circumstances, so I don't wanna know given on educating comment. There was wrong there. I don't know I don't know the whole factual situation. Whether every officer bears responsibility to correct The crime, whether it's been perpetrated by us by an amount glad about another officer or it
number two. That's that our own say I forced the largest, because all you civilians, I see a criminal act, good speed them by another officer ice. I should bear responsibility that I had to get all the format, John thank you for your phone call thanks for everything that you do every you think it's gonna be as these academy instructor thing. It's gonna be you think you get a lot of new recruits coming in now, I think this is going to verify it already. Altruism, as profession, I believe, still there and I believe they would work give, my colleagues that are out there. Every other police officer gonna on right. Now We have only Debbie restrained. We are and how much we actually love our publicly serve will bring it back.
And people will see the order. That is that it is the owner of being alone force and also in this country, thanks Shun presented. Double Oh by the way Patel behold cause we. They get me Cuomo. What is it a Cuomo sucks Andrew Cuomo is awful T shirts, mugs and masks by the way, if you happen to be in a close quarters that every police officer in New York should have one, although I wanna see that that risk our low but you just with all those masks on any any new Yorker thousand today, should just get one for free, yeah, so. If your New York copy get, one Make sure you point out. The union react New Yorker, Barack Obama. Stakes almost takes right now, his father's day, package's they're ready to order there ready ship, and
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Lee patterned after the marxist kurdish rebellion in northern Syria. Seriously its body mop with an active top down, we're going to show you how its working and what they actually want. It is not what you're, seeing elsewhere black lives matter who are they the anti far who are they and then this ram, revolutionary abolitionist movement who are they. What happened in Seattle with the police? Abandoning a precinct is eggs. Actually work. Are a wants and you need to know who you are fighting you need to know. What's really going on for all of your friends, say all black lives matter. Isn't that bad?
I will introduce them to you in their own words,. It is time for America to hear and accept the truth, you Must be a guardian of the truth, We will help you tonight, educators. Of. If you are a member, we can't you enough for your membership to blaze, tv dotcom? We need you now more than ever blaze tv dot com, you can watch us. There is sign up a blaze, tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn used a promo code. Glenn uterine saves money by signing up for a year. We want to see you tonight if you're, not a member tonight, you can watch this one on our blaze. You tube channel starts at nine p m insurrection is on us, don't miss at a glance back proudly, hey everybody knows pay pal, but did you know that they were teaming up with honey to save you, money, honey,
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment when their programme. So last night I was, I was going over. The news in preparing today Show- and I came across a spokesperson for the F O p in New York and he said, stop treating us like animals and his plea was so spot on I knew I had to say something in response today, so police officers, hear me
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Honey is found. People love birth savings people just like you over to billion dollars, That's why they have over a hundred thousand five star reviews on the Google Chrome store, I'm getting honey is literally passing up. Free money. Honey is free to use they dont track you it is the people who pay for it are the people who, like home depot who are getting your business? Honey is free, it is stalls and just seconds just it honey. Now, by going to join honey, dot com, slash back, that's join honey, dot, com, slash back, do it You know I I don't know what community policing is. I mean I did watch. Bad man, maybe that's what it is and when we find Bruce Wayne me be weakened, turn Minneapolis over to him, but
police officers all across the country and indeed the world I want you to hear the sound of my voice. You are good. You are necessary, you who are needed In many and most cases you represent the best of us, you re, back to situations that none of us want to be in Europe. Act in situations with further most part the integrity and patience that none of us have. I I've seen you stand and protect people that I know you despise, and you will fight and die for them and their rights- and I thank you for that. We're doing a job that no one else will you do a job that most of us could never Do it All cops are evil
then. So are we as people because cops come from US white and black and down and yellow they are just a representation of all mankind and I'm Not going to play a role a second longer in this shameful lie about our cops. Are save lives. They keep us safe, they protect us. They serve us is the history of some cops and some stations in some departments, bad in the past, no, not just bad but abhorrent, but let's just today on what can do today and what's happening today without dismissing the pain of the past John.
Like there are bad doctors and teachers and mechanics. There are some bad cops, but the vast majority of them are good. Many of them are great. Now Ask you this! Can the same thing be said both for the for the. In percentages of the people that protesting because I've heard organizer say a those people who are alluding are not part of what we're trying to do really shouldn't we just lump all of those who are protesting peacefully. Those who are burning our cities down to the ground. You say you want cops to read out the bad guys, as do I, Why don't you led the way by pointing out the names and the organisations that are behind all the evil that we see in our streets today? Why you do it. Or the number of cops who are bad verses, good different
from those numbers in the media I would contain. Yes, I There are far more percentage, wise good cops than there are good journalists. The lies that our journalists are currently telling to day right now, we'll be responsible for thousands of deaths, misery. Global hunger, joblessness and the end they be responsible for enslaving, a good portion of the world, Your journalists today, how many good ones are there, because I It seemed to find him, but I can find out but load a good cops current we, the freedom of all mankind, has a member of the Marxist MA but kneeling on its neck and a man. Ok is saying I can't breathe.
Can you actually stayed with a straight face that the percentage of clean verses dirty good, verse bad among political ruling class is anywhere close to the percentage of good cops virtues? Bad? Are politicians, they lie, they cheat. They steal law kid. What has happened in Congress in the last four years he's, politicians have stolen, our children's future threw out of control spending and debt and lies. They increasingly make the world a more dangerous place through their incompetent and double dealing and self serving actions, and they do it daily. I didn't I'm news for you. I would trust, would trust a cop. Take care of my kids first Sixty days over.
A politician taking my kids for sixty minutes. She's. The one you're running sniffing everybody's hair. B o m enter far be because of the lies in the agenda of those same politicians and media most. Can have no idea who these people are until special tonight make sure you watch it. We take cliff mask off of these people and show you whose involved and what their real plan is because Miracles are good and decent and do want to live in two together in peace and do want a good police force and don't want black people to feel any different than they feel when they call a cab. Because of that so many Americans have just Signed up to support be a lamb and
think of. Many of those Americans mean well, but they are lambs being led to the slaughter. And those of us who know too many others are silent because we're afraid afraid of what I'm only afraid a one thing when I get to the end of my life, I have failed because I pay in a tunnel consequence. So why are you silent? Why are you sitting down? Are you afraid? Are you ignorant. If you are now it now and educate yourself because, if you re or remain in Self inflicted ignorance. Your part of the problem. It's time for America to say enough is enough. It is time to grow up America. It's time,
to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions, not the actions of others, not the actions of those in a distant past, but for your own actions, yeah responsibility response. Mobility, ability for our nation, our rights and our future. Otherwise, there all gonna be lost. I will I personally have to listen to and reconciled with anyone who is honest, that wants honest understanding. I know first hand how race relations of the past have scarred many of my friends stories from some of my black friends that, if have told me that have shocked me to the core, but Unless my memory fails me all of those are from people who grew up in the fifties in the sixtys, it said,
different world You know how they found peace in an end. Success they peace and success through Forgiveness, forgiveness is real ray, damn option. Is Power beyond Man and beyond man's understanding. I dont know how it works, I'm glad. God is provided it for us. But in today's world are being led into the slaughter house where there is no forgiveness, even though you weren't involved, you and your kind, are guilty today and will always be guilty. Let me let me let me say this, and I want you to understand this. I am Just- is responsible for the horrors of Jim Crow Laws and the racist in the clan and
Ready cops as lacks are for the DC sniper. Who, in their right mind would blame the DC sniper on every african American. No one. So why, my blame for the clan. I have nothing to do with them. I despise them. And I will not bow down and a power. A guy's. For my part, I have no part in any of it. Like blacks, had no part in the d c sniper you had thing to do with it. Neither did I now lets you on the things that we can do and can help each other with today. I will not need down and kiss the feet of the mob. There is no king for me, but God,
The marxist mob and be a lamb wants you to believe and and force you to state that all cops and all white people are guilty. Whither good or bad weather, their white or black or brown cops are, guilty if you wear blue your bad wolf It is a lie, and I proudly and loudly proclaim it. It's a lie and it's a poison. And we must stand up It's that lie and all other anti american Anti Freedom, Anti Constitution anti individual collective abominations. As I wrote this last night, I knew. Naw man, man,
going to cause trouble you're gonna get in trouble. For that. I accept that I dont want that. I'm just speaking what I know to be true. And I refuse to go over the cliff with the rest of humanity into some Alice in Wonderland, fantasy. I will not condemn and in your profession in time, your group or race. You were born for these days. I born for these days? You are here for a reason. You do have enough power, you Do have the strength your act, of courage of just stating the fact that you know it's true, will
inspire others to stand and heed the promptings and the pleadings of the celestial spheres. I believe in the individual. I believe in redemption. I believe in the worst person. Can be healed. Can change can be part of the solution. I will stand against those who make mistakes, but I will call them mistakes they may to pay a heavy price. For that mistake. But I will stand with them, change their life. Stand with anyone, cop or protester. As long as they're not bear bringing violence, destruction and fear to others blackened can should never fear being stopped by a cop, never wrong, but
cop should also never be afraid of walking the streets. If we cannot listen to one another, and see people again as people, not the groups they belong to. We're gonna just take race relations, but we will a man's very essence back hundreds of years, I will play it against any any one group ideology that blindly condemns and forces others to go along, that is fascism and in the 20th century our country fought against fascist in Europe. Today so called antiphon hides behind this fight against fascism. When they're really fighting for communism in Marxism, yeah they fought against fascism in the nineteen thirty's, but what they leave out is they were fighting for communism. They were, socialist one, national socialism, Antiphon global worldwide socialist today, they fight against the admitted flawed western system for the
failed, totalitarian marxist idea. Nazi he's an communists are evil. We used to know this, it's time to say it again. This is who you're aligning with when you stand with these groups, read the be alarmed website Soros and others have pumped millions of dollars into be a lamb. Now our local government and corporations are doing the same. Listen to me. We all have a responsibility to treat each other as we wish to be treated. We all to call out evil and do all in our power to help other people, and we fail miserably at those things? Many of us failed miserably every day but we must now stand as Christ as asked us to stand in his pattern with love and humility and forgiveness. Marnoo can change the world. Gandhi did the same, so did Lincoln and every other individual or movement that use the gospel of peace as its model.
Racism- sexism greed, murder hatred, they ve all been a problem with man. Since man began because its every man's problem there is, collective progression. It's up to each of us as individuals to grow and to get better there's no such thing as collective salvation. There is no such thing as marxist social justice. There is only man's justice which is flawed and we have to work hard every day to help repair and clean it up. And then there is God's justice, it is perfect and it is it turns out. There is no other justice and to say otherwise is an affront to God and while we're on the front to God to presume that we should all be color blind. Quite frankly is also insulting. You know it and think about this. Did God make us different because it didn't matter if your black God made you that way for a reason, and that no man can change that or should try to him
Jus Special indifferently made me special indifferent. All of us are people, don't similar work of God, they're flawed, not you And if your white, there is no stain or sin that has been passed on to you from past generations, there's no collective sin committed by others that you're responsible for your responsible for your actions today and those alone are you're, bringing growth in peace in the world, by your words and actions or your twisting the truth to divide and destroy, which is it. Today I will fulfil my responsibility to call out evil. As I see it and too far. The true mission of B. A Lamb is outlined on their own website, and Deming all those who wear a badge is evil and it will lead to deep misery and death. I stand today with those who, after nine eleven and quite frankly, every major disaster we thank and gravel and marvel at their heroism there
bad guys and caught should be the first to want to rid themselves of those cops. But with that being said, I don't know who, how someone who does what they do every day for our nation A nation that now treats them is killers, thugs and animals. I dont you show up, but I thank you for it. Cops are good, and they need our support now more than ever summer, bad, just as are some mechanics and some protesters, those People should be found in prosecuted under a system of just an equal loss to arms. Men and women in Blue. I salute you and stand by your side today That man theme is appropriate Let me tell you about relief factor
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We have the vice president, the national, fraternal order of police. Officer Joe column, all Gollop Aldi he's on with us in just a few minutes. I I I don't know, our police officers are showing for work. I don't know talk to him about that in so much more coming off. Also our special tonight, whose, behind these protest, what are they really around? Nine o clock blaze, TV, american financing, animal ass- one eight do through three four W W w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, org mortgage it's a bit historic clothes for over five weeks now, homeowners,
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Did I Glenn Special insurrection USA check on all the details of what was going on across the country, blaze, tv dot, com, slashed Glen or on you too in Seattle last I they abandon precinct a major precinct in Seattle the third district is now being run by the mob, its being run by Antiphon and black lives matter. They of barricaded the district They now have arm checkpoints and it's a happy happy place in Seattle. We are, I think, We ve gone insane. I think we have gone insane and not enough fuller talking to the police and listening to their side of things, and I know what I do
how their site is different. They were against the guy. You know the police officer in Minneapolis just as much as everyone else was, Joe Grimaldi is with us. He is of the vice presidents of the national, fraternal order of police and present in the Houston Police officers union welcome, show how area Thanks for having me man, you bet. So too. So, let's, Let's go over some of the things that are that are happening. First of all, What is the attitude of the average cop on the street today? I've talked to several of them today and they all seem like you know. This is my duty and I'm going to continue to do it, but if it were me, I don't know how I would show up for work. I wouldn't be treated like this by not by the people alone, but by the officials in our cities- Tell you right now they are frustrated and their tired most
I've been on twelve hours, she has no days off. We haven't seen our families, I'm sure that are on the front line that it and it's our younger generation of officers. Believe me, I would like to give them some generational ribbing, but they have been on believable. I have never been more power. To be a police officer last fifteen years, and I am right now they sit on that stood on that protests line. With people screaming the worst things you can possibly imagine at them. They ve had bricks thorn at them. Bottles thrown at them see anything that you can think Gov, and you know what they were doing on that front line Glenn they were protecting those people's rights to protest them too bad mouth them. That's the kind of horror and determination and police officers have that's how much we care about our
unity and, as we sit here, we talk well, you know Joe, don't hold all those protesters responsible for the small group of writers who assaulted police officers and burned down buildings and destroyed our neighborhoods. Yes, ok, that's a completely reasonable position. Perhaps don't hold the actions of that small horrible group rioters for all the protesters. Turn that highly tune magnifying glass right back on law enforcement do not hold the eight hundred thousand hard working men and women alone. Enforcement or just trying to make a difference in their community communities. They loved by the way for the actions of one hundred and eighty and in Minneapolis, and I think that reasonable people can agree on that. So what does it mean? You know I've. I've talked to people who are saying now they're just saying that they just want some. Community policing and they d fund the police a little bit that I want to take the whole thing away.
That is a lie, and you can read it for yourself on websites like black lives matter. That's not what they're looking for they are. Looking for what's happening, I think in in Minneapolis tell me What defending the police department really is. Well, let me tell you right now: first, at all funding and dismantling police departments is not only dangerous. Its saying and how many reasonable person thinks. This is a policy solution and by the way they ve been be funding police departments for years in our major cities, every single. Your city shore, police officers. They don't have enough to handle their call volume you're seeing cry. I'm already going up in all our major cities, I think you just saw allay has found that they have doubled their murder rate and, like one week from the week prior right here in Houston, our murders are up forty, eight percent. There sing Similar trend in New York, because we don't have the police officers and place the handle it, but what's interesting,
is when you really drill bout on policy with them and say you know, I don't wanna hear platitudes and I don't want to hear all we're going to go to a community century policing. I want to know if someone's Dixon Gun in someone's face tomorrow after you dismantle does who is coming and they will have an answer and in fact they had a Minneapolis Council woman on the news of the day. Who said what did you expect a police officer to come out when your house's being burglarize in someone's robbing you? Well? That's just your privilege. Excuse me that that's a privilege that every American has in this country to call the police when something bad happened to you. But what s really going on here is this is it
are your strategy. They are pushing the Overton Window further to the left so that they can say hey. We wanted this man. Oh we want to take away. Even only sixteen percent of the population even supports that in a recent poll, but what they can do is if they push that so radical. It starts to become just a little bit acceptable in people's minds and then no settled for now. For now for just be funding the police and putting more money into social programmes, while police officers continue to fall behind, we can't keep up with the call them that are on the board. Right now our response times already through the roof. Well, I think they have pushed the Overton window. I mean black lives matter now is is mainstream. This matter is fine. There's no problem there shocked six cops in Dallas. What are you talking? about their main stream, they're, not mainstream, read their own website on what they
actually want there, not mainstreaming yet you're, seeing them now in schools, you're, seeing them now just community say I'm with black lives matter you seeing all to be, I would say, celebrities and media, but we already know that therewith black lives matter, but they ve mainstreamed them. This is a dangerous marxist group in and you know what it's become a pop our hashtag on Twitter right, you know, did before the police are right and all the Hollywood elites are jumping on and all the you know that politicians that want to jump on the bandwagon, but guess who's communities. These hurts the most are low income communities are black and brown community are gonna, be impacted by this, because you know folks with Means R, r, r neighborhoods more money like? Let's say that our council member who, although she is calling to define the police, she still has a private police force that is coming out to her house to make sure
these things, but where there is violence in our community there is gonna beat that's. The communities are gonna, be impact by all the the police being limited on their resources or dismantling the police. Now, who are they gonna call when they need help? Is a social worker going to come out when their rob at gunpoint or when their spouses beaten them within an inch of their life? The truth is, if you really get out there and you speak to the business owners and the hard working law abiding people in our community, they want more police officers. They don't want less. So what are you take on Seattle, where they gave up a precinct last night and Gordon one What do you make of that? This is complete anarchy and there's really nobody, and it was the same as when the mayor in Minneapolis decided to pull. Police. Our Zan allowed them to burn a police station. You start giving protesters or I'm sorry start giving riders and you start giving anarchist an inch they're going to pig
mile and completely erodes the rule of law and our country and at some point somebody is going to need to stand up and say no. This is not acceptable. Does it not who we are ass, a society but, as you said, as some These views become more more mainstreamed are going to see more things like the right here in Houston thing: just drop charges on over six hundred people who broke the law during the protests here, and what kind of message is that sending to future the test is go ahead and do what you want, because there's no consequences for your actions, and it also exposes a deeper concern that we have across this country of active is the aid and activists judges who are all too happy to keep this revolving door going and be light on people and Morgan also. The consequences this is- and I think of it, it's no coincidence that George Soros has been funding all of those Attorney attorney general's and insight
AIDS man, all of all of the prosecutors, for their reelection. He is too and the most radical and put the man and those are the ones that are releasing most of the. People in saying I'm, I'm gonna drop all charges I mean in, Louis. The prosecutor dropped all of the charges that they were there was a former cop Killed there and they just dropped all of it in in any looting, Morine, rioting, Is this? Why we're seeing two hundred and fifty percent increase in L a of violent crime. Yes, actually May we have an active, is the aid that was funded by George Charles right here and Harris carry for Houston and seen our murder rate up forty eight percent aggravated assaults are up twenty three percent. We have violent crime up in double digit, but but here's my favorite- and this is what really gets me- is that they are being a light on violent gun, toting
I so that, while we having national discussion going on about gun, was we're not even enforcing it, We have now they want to take them from the law abiding approach, while they're asking to deepen the police by the way, but we're not even holding people accountable when we are catching violent, felons imposition with a gun. She is currently giving probation like candy to those caught in possession of firearms when they're already convicted Phelan, and I'm just when is someone gonna point out the hypocrisy and all of that. So let me ask you one more question: when we were when we were going through this covert nine nonsense. We cops. Some of them didn't seem to care. Others really were hurt by doing their job. They were going after people who are protesting and just wanted to go back to work and some of them weren't enforcing it. Some of it with some of them were. The problem
in our country is, we are not protect. And defending the constitution of the United States. If we would just do that, All these problems will go. What would go away if we just started respecting the constitution. Did he did. Did the police officers at all recognize that mainly the lot of the people that really support police officers and always have too little betrayed by some police officers during cove. It I mean, I think, that's a fair assessment for some place Listen, the overwhelming majority of votes in this country. They love support, respect police officers and one of them. Things we did right here in Houston, is when are elected? County judge decided that she would put in a draconian mask water with a criminal penalty. I immediately put A letter to our officer, saying you have discretion, discretion, discretion,
We were not going to allow her to erode the trust that we have built that we ve taken decades to build with our community and stop hard working law. Abiding people that we're just out for a walk in and here is your child eleven years old? Why doesn't he have a mask on or why are you opening your business? Without people with mass on we weren't gonna be put in a position. We were too hard to get where we are, but I think it's become commonplace for four other politicians to blame police officers for all the ills of society. We know. Violence is what we need to stop and our communities in order to reduce police involve shootings in order to reduce the use of force incidents and what causes violence in our communities. Bed, schools, lack of opportunities, no job opportunities. And it people started really look Anna and emitting their own failures of hey. We're, have failed school in our inner cities. There's not enough opportunities for folks. Maybe we can actually start making
difference in their lives, but it's much easier for politicians. Did you say it's all the cops fault there all races there, the cause of all your problems, Children Aldi he's vice President national, fraternal or of police. It's good to have you and please pass on my thanks to all those who wear blue, what they're putting up with now. I I don't think I could, but God bless you them. Thank you, so much will do thank you so much ram me on the web, you know back in my day we're we're deletion. Rivers rages women. We like it we would prevent in cyber criminals who are getting through our devices. We turned darn things off, we'd love to set warm up. You know, therefore, a wow. We read the newspapers radio in
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subscription at Norton Dotcom, slashed back, that's Norton, dot com, slash back, save up to fifty percent tonight, wounding voters, split fires during another night of violet violence. The riots was this all part of a bigger plan. Glenn exposes the dangerous groups used to carried all out whose pulling the strings and how it can result in the destruction of America, insurrection, USA, tonight, nine pm eastern place to be dot com, Slash Glenn, Glinda Programme, this is the Glen Back programme from the standing rock ranch tomorrow? We're gonna be making a pretty big announcement that I,
I hope that you will join us, for I think it's my know. It is very very much tonight at five o clock. However, we are going to be doing I'm sorry at night. Clock tonight, we're going to be showing you, the ins. Correction and who is responsible and end and what they really want. What this is really all about cause it's, about Floyd George he's being George Floyd. He is being used and that's all there is to it and all of this would be over. If it were, and for the media, the media would just do it. Job. Tell Amerika the truth of what's happening. With this, would all be over and I'll be over, but
About a year I needed this show today and the wonder do tonight, because I'm just glad the police are out there fighting again. You know fighting back and in defending themselves and interactive kneeling in front of a correct crowds and protests. It's it's about me, he sure people actually know the fact that these people are good people that they're keeping a safe and there's been so much pressure on them to join us in our old and act as if this is a problem that spread across all these officers. It's not fair, some fat people just like every other profession, but it's important that they are standing up fighting back and I'm glad I think, of the feeling of tyres. Turning a little then I think so too Andy, no, a journalist with Shust GOTS Leon. Your imagination joins us. Next,
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What you're about to here is the fusion you and in my men, when their programme America and welcomed the Glen Back Programme. Well, age be always come out and they have said that they are getting rid of gone with the wind. Thank goodness right right what you mean frankly, my dear you don't give a damn. Oh you sure that's one of the best and the worst things ever happened of Latin America. Yes had him again. He was the first black American to win an Oscar for her role in that, but sheep I mean forget about that, forget about
They're gone with the wind is just so dangerous in our culture right now. It's just makes we want to. We makes me want to hold a some sort of a drive in movie theater, where we can. We can all social distance and watch song of the south yet have to pirate it from the Disney vaults, but oh? I ve done it before. We are going to spend a few minutes with one of the best journalists in America, because he is actually willing to risk his life and go and tell us the real story it is ports need that you listen to Andy know next in one minute is the Glen program. So car she'll dad car shield is, is the
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yes, that's where we are in America and a guy who is gotten hid in the head too many times and still keeps going back for more, for some reason is Andy, no editor at large at the post millennial and you can find him at post V posts, millennial, dotcom com, Andy, how area I gladly for me on a gun, sure so it's start in Seattle, Andy, last night, Police abandoned, I think it's a third precinct, that's up on Capitol Hill, isn't it and and they have taken six blocks back for the people and they have black lives matter and Antiphon have put road locks up, and they are patrolling those six blocks, tell me what,
going on. So while most of the violent protests have now under control in most parts of the EU, as it still going quite strongly Pacific Northwest witches relative stronghold, FILA, Anne and cheaper in two days ago, this centre. Part her, but the Capitol Hill areas, the our hope, has been He pie by a hundred files dreamer and police. I've been engaging with then daily in terms of using crowd control for a number of days now and therewithal. This backlash from politics
and accusing police force on things like some stranger Paul and a decision was made for police and pull back completely Literally, they actually abandon the EAST precinct in Seattle by warming up the window, taking out all sensitive and dangerous items I bought it up and laughed and they follow. Exchanges are clean three and now I thought a barricade around this six block square. Claiming the calling it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Clout Tibet four, namely naming down her. Go when it says you are now leaving the USA and its really annoying,
Alan describing it it sounds really really in a way right. It's people may cost playing an almost like relieved childhood building now more, There are people on board if you look at it, the social media accounts from various anti per group calling on comrade become an actor secure here, There is a very precisely explosive situation. When, and it said he official finally to your response. Because I have always been situation as I learned to evolve into a serious health and public safety crisis, because there are still people who lived in blocked and our businesses there were now that he's in there What I wanted to ask you,
What about the citizens? What about the businesses in those blocks? Are I mean? Are they just left now to fend for themselves in? What's happening to them. They are less dependent, potent This reminds me of what happened in twenty. One anti fine, other politics extreme. That sees the neighborhood in top with Portman nearby authority for Five weeks, Le Maire and look- and those are City Council allowed this to happen. In the end, I did so for the work to be done, the job that time those who live there were absolutely characterized by the occupying little occupying force and we I hold police to respond with a literally life tat matter for shorter, that you're not going to get any help It seemed like because politicians think what these exchange
by doing a righteous, allowing them not free legion envy violence, but to occupy territory. Ok, So this is black lives matter. That's the ones who have taken the Capitol Hill right. They are the cause of black lies man, They write her all over. I will call bees, anarchists com really the merit of her yes, nebulous group of people, but if you look at the accounts that are promoting a new look at the the graffiti that they messaging message in the city? It's the anti ideology, the that being a path. And what is that Andy for people who don't know and and I'd like you to explain black lives matter? I mean it. Change their website and soften the language.
If you are reading with a critical eye, you know exactly what they're saying and it's it's terrifying. It Explain who these groups are and what they want has always in stock? one day, the last time, twenty six entertain when they had become central in media cycle. They had already put out their listed, the man and very clear based on what they desire as well? The worldview openly espoused by its three co found, their market organisation NATO The call for the establishment of police abolish mental capture led them. It's a communist movement, in the vein, I would say it has much to do with the other,
Black Revolutionary, far left extremes of the succeeding Sundays which it I lay chant black panthers crack in figure it like a thought which occurred, The reason why the mark That Europe as a whole and Society Allah, the answer- now, like is coming at Saudi all day in something common were black line, the matter that they want to see the destruction of the. U S, Capitola them. So for now they thought how cross pollination with one another, because they see one Therefore, a comrade, I think, alternately if they were to succeed in
gaining more power you going to see more of these arrests appear because black, like matter, are not necessarily calling for anarchy, lay lot they're, not against hierarchy from what I can tell they just want themselves up. The power aware as a claim to a non hierarchical world, both groups ah advocating for certain happy utopia, which, in order to exert a word, the United States would have to cease to exist This is the same kind of thing that happened in Paris in eighteen. Sixty eight is the Paris sixty eight riots. Where they are putting up their own little compounds and an communes, and that, what they really want! It's it's really a balkanization
of the United States, and I mean you know: the insurrection lie remedies fighting against it, but that's what this is. These are people that want to break away from the United States of America and want destroy the United States of America. I don't think you could be any more clear Andy do have you heard of the revolutionary abolitionist movement, but that's why The latter is part of its people who say that, via their advocacy for abolishing presence is asked lead, abolishing slavery, a way of looking at
and how they are able to sort of mainstream their message in then enough. People on the left that prison operate eventually as slavery, institutions for against black Americans, too today the we're doing a special tonight at nine o clock, I'm going through all these groups in what they want and, as we begin to look into the revolutionary abolitionist movement, as you say that penal that's, a lot of water Belem comes from and its actually a marxist kurdish revolution? northern Syria that they are basing this plan off of when you see these groups and our politicians and attorney General BAR says that he's looking for the connections and the funders right now, they're, not going after the small guys at this point. They want to understand the whole system,
how many names do you think that we know as citizens are going to go under and being trouble when all is exposed here, while I think millions of people have been arrested. As far as I know, they haven't really been a deep dog investigation into what they actually believe. All the various groups in that way They may be linked to the United States for amendment though attack, give why protection for people to have the extremists police and why not, in contrast to, for example, in some western european countries, where involvement with certain organizations is actually proscribed, completely banned. I I think
I can put a number out because it's what these anonymous her membership is almost it can be nearly impossible to determine for sure, there's somebody that football. In one of the organisations. I mean I the problematic as video that came our last week about road safety on two February I opening it heard. They were actually about what're. You wanna be for more this organisation and demonstrate level organization and radical everything that happened. On a local level, may be seen what he's doing fine? naturally I know there are international lying there. Call me and in northern Nigeria called garage over that many amplify another. The far left extremists have gone too.
Get weapons reining in day you come back to us in Europe and America and they tried to replicate that's revolutionary Economists, low and model in various american settings Andy, I don't know why you do what you do, but I'm glad you do it and I urge you to stay safe. Andy is with the post, millennial, dotcom posts, millennial, dot. Commies is the editor large there and has following these guys for a very long time, and and knows who they are, he's writing a book. That's coming out next year about. Their game plan and couldn't come out at a better time. We needed as soon as we can- and I thank you so much God bless. Thank you
is tonight special where we are gonna, be telling you the truth that the media just won't. We will show you who these groups are. We will show you their websites, their own words. Where the funding looks like it's coming from and so what you need to be aware of this, this kind of show. If all Amerika was this from mainstream media, all of this would be over. It, be over quickly they're, not showing it. We are blaze tv tonight, if you're a subscriber, just watch it live at nine tonight we can't thank you enough for being a subscriber you. We need you more than ever. If things, don't go well in the next election. I dont know how welcome our voices are going to be anywhere. We need need your support and we need to be able to come locate one on one with no one in between us.
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because of the covered nineteen scare. We had to cancel our gettysburg restoring the covenant event which just killed me and I didn't know what to do. We we lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on that and because, had to pay for everything in advance to get things going and hand with all The deposits and everything else we just lost our shirt on it, and I know how important this is. And I ve been thinking in racking, my brain on. How are we gonna do this and how are we gonna pay for it? And get it out Its efforts at I have an announcement to make on tomorrow. Tomorrow's broadcast that you do not want to miss stu Does this mean it's Wednesday? Do the
Weeks feel like a hundred years every single week, endless endless, meaning that I say The couple of people on of journalists going back and forth with someone who's complaining about the riots in their like the riots I mean, we haven't seen that happening in a while wool, This weekend there was stuff still going on all over the country in a while. Today it was what two weeks ago was the absolute worst of it. I'd have to say that if I was, you know, owning a business and one of these areas. I dont know that. I feel all that comfortable, yet, especially when, talking about getting rid of the police departments at major cities. Gosh I have to tell you: did you? Did you actually listen to thee? the Alderman and the Chicago Mayor a conversation that apparently got out of control its now on tape. It's now been released. You have you listen to how it is I opening apps
lovely eye opening when all these politicians think that nobody is listening to them gotta go over that tomorrow, because it's it's incredible, Glenn Back Programme, rough greens. It is not a dog food. It's a supplement that you put on your dogs, food in its jam, packed with vitamins and minerals and nanny accidents and a major oils and probiotics and all those things my life is always talking about that. I should have, and I don't really care anyway. My dog who know is the healthiest. I have ever seen him. We ve had several people up at the ranch and he just become this ranch. Dog worries is gonna, hang out and people come up in there and they all say the same thing. He's enormous, like yeah, he and he's about up fifteen pounds now because of rough greens, and it's not fat its.
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Capper Nick may get act on the field and I think we ve all been yearning for that. We ve all been saying man, his career was cut short because he was controversial, not because he sucked in his job and you know the league gave him an opportunity, but he decided to make a big fuss out of it and a big photo up in so he didn't show up for when the NFL said will look at you, and consider you, but man he's been. He is so rest you know. Who is our wind? Can you imagine what it's like when Nike
is the only peace, the only major sponsor you can get Nike and Nike they'll stand it I'll? Put you through all of this. When you are you, ve got pay. All cops. Are pigs, socks on they'll stand right through with the author than I am returned, I, U oppression. Oh my gosh, I mean I'd, be I wish I was so oppressed that I could have multi million dollar Nike contract. Unfortunately, reload icon it are you a little sick and I don't mean the protesters in the average people? I am so sick of these celebrities. Talking about how oppress they are. Try Being a conservative gang, try being a conservative yeah, it's the people. I've noticed the same thing with a covert situation people who are all you guys we're all in this together, stay indoors for the next ten years. Those people to be in houses that are ten thousand square feet plus
and I have also noticed the people who want to be are all about disbanding the police department seemed have their own private security fences, living engaged communities behind giant walls. I dont know why that so common, but it does seem to be the pattern. Can you imagine getting rid of getting rid of the police? How It will make the rich and the poor even further. Apart from each other. It is a rich will, the writ you D have nice neighborhoods, they will fund a police department and they'll have a private police department and the people who are rich will have private sector. Parity and then you won't and you won't. And What will that be like? And what would this be? What you want to know? Mexico look at Mexico, That's that's the way they ve they ve done. Police are just bought off now. There is no real effective, police force and you ve got
community lovers setter. All did all they also sell drugs, but they are helping out to police those streets dia and there it look there's a very it could be worse. It makes go because they actually do have a police force. That is corruption, enforcing the laws that too opposite way to people they ve been Minos, prove paid them off and such I mean eel their liberty. Marion arguments they ve been making for a very long time that you could you don't necessarily have to have a government police for she could go and on jointly way way working. I agree. I agree with that, but has not words argument now. That's the point we're talking. We allow it like that that world what we were talking about this mitya generally at this point in american culture, a mythical world where you'd have no police departments that is combined with very widespread. Second amendment freedoms that at all every other owns their own weapon right
These are all things that are totally against what the left is pushing. So what you're saying is only southern that you may have seen this tweak onward viral, which someone saying things from vocs, basically saying like what are we going? do we have police departments, night classes. The community programmes, No drug. You know like Joe, reinforcement, rehab centres as your way someone's breaking at my door gonna? You want me to go to a night class for that, like I dont understand its second. Now all the burglar, the burglar would be going right, night, glasses and that's. The funny thing is that there are a lot of these programmes that exist by the way which we already spent money on by the way and what you'll find when you talked of police officers about it is yeah there. Programmes that will, for example, help you deal with the mentally unhealthy people who are aggressive and sleep unhealthy.
And not anymore, commit a lot of crimes right. They kill people. Those things happen. What you need with those programmes are cops coming we the people from the programmes, because a lot of times that people from the programs get assaulted when they show up so the cup still, no doubt- and I know when they have somebody from child protective services, and somebody call nine one one and says help. My daddy is beating my mom almost to death. When somebody comes from child protective services that guy's going to stop and say, wait a minute wait, there's a program for me. I could go to program right, yeah, yeah and got Canada makes to be so over here. Is You need to know what will then. This is the actual tweet. Will we replace the police with social workers This staffed crisis staff training. De escalation. Women shelters councillors and parenthood therapists
safe injection sites, rehab community outreach, night classes and affordable health care, so that should help you when one has got a gun to your head. You know what I'm gonna plan will go back in time of bringing a plant Hannah. You don't live to kill me. Do tat, Why cant? Why do you always twist? All crime goes away when everybody has those things really that He has essentially the pitch right. Yes, that is legitimately what they're saying could we avoiding the real issue and go back to calling capper Nick. No, yes, deafened, Collins Cabernet has finally somebody in his corner. Our sharp in yesterday act shockingly add to George Floyd's funeral, which if I invite
if, when I die, please invite AL sharpen to come and make it about something completely unrelated to me, and about hatred and division and make sure The details, if you well, you don't have to tell Mattel Financial anyway. Here he is e at the dead, the George flurried Memorial service out. Opt in talking about George Floyd or not,. Paul nice to see some people change their mind, headed in every area.
Said yeah. Maybe we was wrong football prayers. Maybe they did have the right to peaceful protests. Didn't say what don't apologize. Give carbon capture mega job some empty apology. Take my livelihood talents and vanity is China when the whole world is much in the all of a sudden. You go and do a phrase time talking about you. Sorry, that's brilliant, You know that I don't have anyone knows this, but current masses so where to go on capital tests had roderick down to set up a Try out for him. To go up. One person try out and invited all the teams to it this
something that has never been done for any other player, and you know what happened. He didn't even bother to show up to it. That's what happened The guy is his his. He is not a good quarterback. He had already lost his job to Blake Borders before he started kneeling career completion percentage would place him thirtieth in the league right now thirtieth if he was actually the league, what she's, not because he sucks and has nothing to do every there are dozens of teams that would love to embraces social justice, nonsense to put them on their squads the pot. The problem with all of this is he's a terrible terrible football player. He sucks, in every way at football in the things that he does or thing you're, seeing every team and the league embrace their all falling over themselves to release statements about how right calling Kaepernick is about about race. Even though he's not write about it he's completely wrong about it. But there
falling over themselves too. To worship at the altar of calling captured x, I d as and dozens of players who did what he did are still in league he's not in the league because he sucks period well. Where are the football teams that no winning isn't all that mattered right but doing the right thing, and having social justice warriors on the field are just in poor are just as important as having so called football players on the field yeah. I guess that's they that's his only chance right. That is at some point a team it's really bad is going to look at situation and probably would have last year. If you showed up to try out and say you know what look at the I've four going to get from this we're gonna, be but to get all this positive press,
you bring a man and people will cheer us and we'll get fawning media attention from everybody and that'll be true for a while until calling Capron it tells you the reason why you're not playing him anymore. It's not the nine interceptions. He threw last week it because you don't like lacking and you'll be on the same situation really be defending how racist you are, because you don't like that. This black quarterback is on your team and all keep doing is thrown into the other team, and that's that's too. Much for you, Euro care more about your team winning games, then race and you'll be dealing with that nonsense and AL sharpen will be somewhere else. Saying the same thing about you, that's why the the It is so infuriating that they keep going down this road If you had a corner by beginning labour, stupid game, you wouldn't have an issue. Malcolm Jenkins. Did the same thing is calling Kapital. He took a new, he put his fist up in the air he also The play ball year after year after year, just signed a multi million dollar contract with another team. Why? Why,
Why did the Eric agreed a guy on Capron IX team Play year after year after year in the league we he did. The exact same thing is: call incorporate it because calling catalytic sucks at football period that really sucks football he sucks at analysis to, but he such worse at football, so we can get in ITALY. That's what's happening here I ask you sorry exhort tempted to do what you did with binding, Yesterday, and so what you are saying is that Joe Biden sucks it. We know that two colleague cavern EC sucks at football, but what I want to ask you is: do you really think that there are teams now that Would hire carbon capture Nick bill? It's just too. I think it's possible honestly, especially if they are. You know there are there's. Probably Emily. Nfl is a relatively conservative culture for money
Certainly when it comes to entertainment, all sports are right there all to the right of of the Hollywood. And so there are plenty of owners who are big left wing donors. There are plenty of coaches that are very sympathetic to these causes, and not be surprised at all to see a team. Sign up for that purpose because, at this point there be no I'm mean like played for palm five years. There's no Real reason, then? No one would think that it was a smart choices to sign this guy to a contract and is also why he didn't show up for this. Try out. He know he can't compete at this level anymore and he could barely compete at it when he was in his prime. So I mean this is all just nonsense and its AL shocked and looking for attention like you, always does, Roderick Adele and should learn this lesson Glenn and then Be done. Ranting. These apologies mean nothing. They don't
you go and you fall to this to this nonsense. It doesn't, get you anywhere, they just more every activist. Just once more, no matter what the causes folding to this Dove gets you nowhere think what stew was trying to say is called a cabinet I'm not I'm not clear. Maybe he can explain that when we get back from the break this fathers day. The very last thing you want to see when you pop up in the freezer before preparing to fire up the grail is an empty rack. Where all the meat oughta be fun, this day is a man's day. Needs to meet their rights. Do nope there is another, the better than a good stake in right now, alma stakes is offering access to their. I mean world class stakes
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you to all of these fathers day, specials your listening to Glenn back, What will you come up with some collectors items for you gone with. The wind is soon going to be a collectors item HBO just bandit from its library, saying that its racist blah blah blah, even though it starts Hattie Mcdaniel, it became the first african American to ever win an academy award. But it's just too dangerous for people to see any has announced the cancellation of live p b. That's over US capture gaps, really, let us be of cops. The show cops after thirty. Two seasons know how four cops now. May I suggest cops you're, looking for a home will run you. Blaze TV There was an auction block that
it is in Fredericksburg, Virginia you been there for a long time. It's where people were actually auctioned off and sold I think in incredibly important piece of history. If we don't know the bad things in our history, we can quickly repeat them our glorifying That is saying this: how horrible this is Fredericksburg. We will gladly take that for our museum. The mercury museum- please do not get rich that led to dare to be seen in context also. Columbus statue was taken down by rioters end and vandals and antiphon members, there lot of collectors item, including if you have legos for your kids grow, all the legos, because
legos, is decided. Now, no more cops can have any gobs, no cops for legos what due to their movie. Are they gonna added all the cops out of their moviemakers thing. I think cops played a role in in the leg. Maybe we living a crazy times. Don't go over the cliff with the rest of humanity. You know what's right, you know what's wrong, do you know who you are just Be a leader just lead the way. Christ would have us lead and we will make it through a specific programme.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-16.