« The Glenn Beck Program

'Pivot Point America'? - 9/28/18

2018-09-28 | 🔗
Hour 1  "Who Won?"...Kavanaugh vs. 2018 Democrats ?... there will be ramifications for all of this...don't know who won, but the American people lost?...the FBI does not deliver the truth here, they sort it out?...Ford's testimony did not connect, she seemed medicated?...was she under the influence of any medications?...what does yesterday have to say about us?...'righteous indignation'...condemning a man off into the sunset?...Shame on the Democrats!...'Americans are fair'?...when we get it wrong, we fix it   Hour 2 When the left attacks?...in elevators and hallways...Due Process no more?...Lindsey Graham spoke for most of America yesterday? ...Bill O'Reilly puts things together on the Kavanaugh hearings?...she's being used and manipulated, but things don't stack up, fact less?..."was there anything heard that disqualified Kavanaugh'?...America is on a cliff and it's about to go over...angry backlash is coming...'anger overrides everything else'...expecting more attacks on Kavanaugh, but 'he will be confirmed'?   Hour 3 Stop the witch hunts...kangaroo courts or mob justice?...everyday we change America? ...America's 'Proxy Wars'' with bestselling author, Arthur Brooks...in need of a 'politics cleanse'?...'culture of contempt' with each other?...there's profit in hate...getting rich to hate our neighbors...there's no long term award for bad behavior?...70% of Americas believe we are being held hostage on hate?...a 'new moral movement' is needed in this country ...President Trump couldn't look more presidential then he does now?...'he's a fighter' 

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